Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 150 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 2004 No. 76 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. The Sergeant at Arms will notify ab- Kaptur Moran (KS) Ryun (KS) Rabbi Joui Hessel, Washington He- sent Members. Keller Moran (VA) Sa´ nchez, Linda Kelly Murphy T. brew Congregation, Washington, DC, The vote was taken by electronic de- Kennedy (RI) Musgrave Sanchez, Loretta offered the following prayer: vice, and there were—yeas 346, nays 47, Kildee Myrick Sanders God of all people, we thank You for answered ‘‘present’’ 1, not voting 39, as Kilpatrick Nadler Saxton all that is good in our world. We ac- follows: Kind Napolitano Schiff knowledge Your sovereignty and ever- King (IA) Neal (MA) Schrock [Roll No. 223] King (NY) Nethercutt lasting presence in our lives. Bless us Scott (GA) YEAS—346 Kirk Neugebauer Scott (VA) as we commit ourselves to continuing Kleczka Ney Sensenbrenner Your work of creation. For our com- Abercrombie Cardoza Forbes Kline Northup Serrano mitment to social justice and peace is Ackerman Carson (IN) Frank (MA) Knollenberg Norwood Sessions Aderholt Carter Franks (AZ) Kolbe Nunes Shadegg our task, and You our guide. Akin Case Frelinghuysen LaHood Nussle Shaw Allow our Nation’s leaders and its Alexander Castle Frost Langevin Oberstar Shays citizens the opportunity to work to- Allen Chabot Gallegly Lantos Obey Andrews Chandler Garrett (NJ) Sherman gether in an effort to create a world Larson (CT) Ortiz Baca Chocola Gephardt Sherwood Latham Osborne filled with righteousness and peace. Bachus Clay Gibbons Shimkus LaTourette Ose Bless our magnificent country, that it Baker Clyburn Gilchrest Shuster Leach Owens may always be a stronghold of peace Ballenger Coble Gillmor Simmons Barrett (SC) Cole Gingrey Lee Oxley Simpson and its advocate among the Nations. Barton (TX) Collins Gonzalez Levin Pallone Skelton May satisfaction reign within its bor- Bass Cox Goode Lewis (CA) Pascrell Smith (NJ) ders, health and happiness within our Beauprez Cramer Goodlatte Lewis (GA) Paul Smith (TX) Lewis (KY) Payne homes. Strengthen our relationships Becerra Crenshaw Gordon Smith (WA) Bereuter Crowley Goss Linder Pearce Snyder among the inhabitants of all lands, so Berkley Cubin Granger Lipinski Pelosi Solis that we may work together for peace. Berman Culberson Green (WI) Lofgren Pence Souder Blessed are You, God, who grants us Berry Cunningham Greenwood Lowey Peterson (PA) Spratt Biggert Davis (AL) Gutierrez Lucas (KY) Petri Stark life, sustains us and enables us to work Bilirakis Davis (CA) Hall Lucas (OK) Pickering Stearns for a better tomorrow. Amen. Bishop (GA) Davis (FL) Harman Majette Pitts Stenholm Bishop (NY) Davis (IL) Harris f Maloney Platts Sullivan Bishop (UT) Davis (TN) Hastings (WA) Manzullo Pombo Sweeney THE JOURNAL Blackburn Davis, Jo Ann Hayes Markey Pomeroy Tanner Blumenauer Davis, Tom Hayworth Marshall Porter The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- Tauscher Blunt Deal (GA) Hensarling Matheson Portman Taylor (NC) ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- Boehner DeLauro Hill Matsui Price (NC) Terry ceedings and announces to the House Bonilla DeLay Hinojosa McCarthy (MO) Pryce (OH) Tiahrt Bonner Diaz-Balart, L. Hobson McCarthy (NY) Putnam his approval thereof. Bono Diaz-Balart, M. Hoeffel Tiberi McCollum Quinn Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Boozman Dicks Hoekstra Tierney McCotter Radanovich nal stands approved. Boswell Dingell Holden Toomey McCrery Rahall Boucher Doggett Holt Mr. MCNULTY. Mr. Speaker, pursu- McGovern Rangel Towns Boyd Dooley (CA) Honda ant to clause 1, rule I, I demand a vote McHugh Regula Turner (OH) Bradley (NH) Doolittle Hostettler on agreeing to the Speaker’s approval McInnis Rehberg Turner (TX) Brady (TX) Doyle Houghton Upton of the Journal. Brown (OH) Dreier Hoyer McIntyre Renzi McKeon Reyes Van Hollen The SPEAKER. The question is on Brown (SC) Duncan Hyde Vitter Brown, Corrine Dunn Inslee Meehan Reynolds the Speaker’s approval of the Journal. Walden (OR) Brown-Waite, Edwards Isakson Meek (FL) Rodriguez Walsh The question was taken; and the Ginny Ehlers Israel Meeks (NY) Rogers (AL) Speaker announced that the ayes ap- Burgess Emanuel Issa Menendez Rogers (KY) Wamp peared to have it. Burns Eshoo Jackson (IL) Mica Rogers (MI) Watson Michaud Ros-Lehtinen Watt Mr. MCNULTY. Mr. Speaker, I object Burr Etheridge Jackson-Lee Buyer Evans (TX) Millender- Ross Waxman to the vote on the ground that a Calvert Everett Jenkins McDonald Rothman Whitfield quorum is not present and make the Camp Farr John Miller (FL) Roybal-Allard Wilson (NM) point of order that a quorum is not Cannon Fattah Johnson (CT) Miller (MI) Royce Wilson (SC) Cantor Feeney Johnson (IL) Miller (NC) Ruppersberger Wolf present. Capito Ferguson Jones (NC) Miller, Gary Rush Woolsey The SPEAKER. Evidently a quorum Capps Flake Jones (OH) Mollohan Ryan (OH) Wynn is not present. Cardin Foley Kanjorski Moore Ryan (WI) Young (FL) b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H3721 . VerDate May 21 2004 00:20 Jun 04, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03JN7.000 H03PT1 H3722 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 3, 2004 NAYS—47 Attachment. and faithfully discharge the duties of Baird Hooley (OR) Sabo the office on which you are about to Baldwin Hulshof Sandlin SECRETARY OF STATE, enter. So help you God. Bell Johnson, E. B. Schakowsky Pierre, SD, June 2, 2004. The SPEAKER. Congratulations. You Cooper Kennedy (MN) Strickland Hon. JEFF TRANDAHL, are a Member of the House of Rep- Costello Kucinich Stupak Clerk, House of Representatives, resentatives. DeFazio Lampson Taylor (MS) The Capitol, Washington, DC. English Larsen (WA) Thompson (CA) DEAR MR. TRANDAHL: This is to advise you f Filner LoBiondo Thompson (MS) Ford McDermott that the unofficial results of the Special Udall (CO) b 1030 Graves McNulty Election held on June 1, 2004 for Representa- Udall (NM) Green (TX) Miller, George tive in Congress from the At-Large Congres- INTRODUCTION OF REPRESENTA- Visclosky Gutknecht Olver sional District of South Dakota show that TIVE STEPHANIE HERSETH Hart Otter Waters Weller Stephanie Herseth received 132,236 votes or (Ms. PELOSI asked and was given Hastings (FL) Pastor 50.6% of the total number of votes cast for Hefley Peterson (MN) Wicker permission to address the House for 1 Hinchey Ramstad Wu that office. It would appear from these unofficial re- minute and to revise and extend her re- ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’—1 sults that Stephanie Herseth was elected as marks.) Tancredo Representative in Congress from the At- Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, as Mem- Large Congressional District of South Da- bers know, it is the custom of the NOT VOTING—39 kota. House when a new Member is sworn in Ballance Deutsch Murtha To the best of my knowledge and belief at after a special election, the senior Bartlett (MD) Emerson Rohrabacher this time, there is no contest to this elec- Member from that Member’s State has Boehlert Engel Slaughter tion. Brady (PA) Fossella Smith (MI) the privilege of introducing the new Burton (IN) Gerlach Tauzin As soon as the official state canvass has Member to the House. Since South Da- Capuano Grijalva Thomas been conducted on June 8, an official certifi- kota only has one Member of Congress, cation of election will be prepared for trans- Carson (OK) Herger Thornberry that is not possible today; and so I Conyers Hunter Vela´ zquez mittal as required by law. Crane Istook Weiner Sincerely, have that privilege. Cummings Jefferson Weldon (FL) CHRIS NELSON. But I do want to acknowledge the es- DeGette Johnson, Sam Weldon (PA) cort committee to the gentlewoman Delahunt Kingston Wexler from South Dakota (Ms. HERSETH), and DeMint Lynch Young (AK) SOUTH DAKOTA CENTRAL ELECTION REPORTING SYSTEM STATE TOTALS—JUNE 1, 2004 that does have a nice ring to it, and ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE [Statewide: Precincts reported: 798; precincts to report: 798] what a distinguished escort committee The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. it is, indeed: our former colleague, the BIGGERT) (during the vote). Members Name Party Votes Pct. Democratic leader in the United States are reminded there are 2 minutes re- Dem. Presidential: Senate, TOM DASCHLE, and another maining in this vote. Howard Dean ........................................... D 4,837 .06 former colleague from the House of John Kerry ................................................ D 69,454 .82 Representatives, the distinguished Sen- b 1028 Dennis Kucinich ...................................... D 2,043 .02 Lyndon Larouche ..................................... D 2,942 .03 ator from South Dakota, Tim Johnson. Uncommitted delegates .......................... D 5,104 .06 Mr. RUPPERSBERGER changed his U.S. House: Mr. Speaker, the gentlewoman from vote from ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ Larry Diedrich .......................................... R 129,292 .49 South Dakota (Ms. HERSETH) will bring So the Journal was approved. Stephanie Herseth ................................... D 132,236 .51 to this House of Representatives the The result of the vote was announced f values of the heartland of America and as above recorded. a voice for her generation. She comes PROVIDING FOR SWEARING IN OF f from a very distinguished political MS. STEPHANIE HERSETH, OF family in South Dakota. Her grand- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE SOUTH DAKOTA, AS A MEMBER father was Governor; her parents were The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman OF THE HOUSE public servants, very respected in from Georgia (Mr. LINDER) come for- Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I ask South Dakota. She comes here, though, ward and lead the House in the Pledge unanimous consent that the gentle- to make her own mark and to make of Allegiance. woman from South Dakota (Ms.
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