District Convention October 8 th and 9th

Dear Lions,

I am excited to announce our upcoming District Convention on Octo- ber 8 th and 9 th in . I warmheartedly invite you and your fellow Lions to attend. Your registration form and Agenda are attached above as a word or PDF documents.

Our District recently completed the first annual Walk with the Blind event sponsored by the Lions and Harmon’s grocery stores, I personally want to thank Karen Barton and her Multi Club Committee for a job well done and Bob Harmon for his outstanding support; this is Harmon’s elev- enth straight year of supporting our efforts. It is our wish and Karen’s dream, that this event will con- tinue grow to be one of the best fund raisers in our District to benefit the blind.

Another great Lion, Tim Tate, has been working hard on the program content for our District Con- vention. Tim has an exceptional line up of speakers, guests and activities for our upcoming District Convention . It is our goal to have this be the best convention you have ever attended. Guest speak- ers include but not limited to

International Director Jerry Smith Dr Lynn Johnson, author of Enjoy Life Book The ’s father Fran Peek, father of the late Kim Peek, whose life was the model for the movie starring and Tom Cruise And much more, see attached Convention Agenda

It is the hope of Convention Chair, VDG Bruce Hyde and myself, your District Governor that we provide for you a great experience and an opportunity to rejuvenated your desire to serve. Please par- ticipate in a big way by inviting others to join you in this unprecedented convention.

Your Lion friend, Lion Carl District Governor 28U

"Lucky to Serve , we serve our families, we serve our neighbors and churches, we serve our club members and we serve the great state of Utah and Lions International. Thank you ."

(preliminary agenda) UTAH LIONS DISTRICT 28U CONVENTION September 8 & 9 2010 Hampton Inn at the International Center 307 North Admiral Byrd Rd Salt Lake City

FRIDAY 4:00 to 5:45 Registration -Hampton Inn Lobby

6:00 to 9:00 Social & Mixer -Webster Center - 8950 W 2700 S, Magna, UT

SATURDAY 7:30-9:00 Registration –Hampton Inn Lobby

7:30 Past District Governors Breakfast -Hampton Inn Meeting Room

8:00-8:55 Socializing with Attendees -Hampton Breakfast Room & Lobby

9:00 Opening Plenary District Session /Pledge/Prayer/Introductions by District Governor, Carl Page 9:15 District Governor, Carl Page International Themes from President Sid Scruggs Constitution & By Laws issues for future consideration Report on International Conventions 2009-2010 Convention in Sidney 2010-2011 Convention in Seattle, Noreen Mason, On To Seattle Chairperson 2015-2016 Convention bid for Salt Lake City Lucky to Serve Awards Program New DISTRICT AWARDS program 9:40 Global Membership Team Presentations, Tim Tate District Coordinator Review of Convention Agenda (changes & objectives) Taking Lions to the next Level Workshops 9:50 Presentation of Convention Rules 9:55 Nominations for 2011 District 28U Convention 10:10 Nominations for 2011-2012 District 28U Elected Offices 10:35 Nominations for 2 year Foundation Trusties 10:45 Utah Lions Foundation Presentations 11:00 Adjourn for Club to Club Networking 12:30 District Luncheon /Pledge/Prayer/Introductions by 1 st Vice District Governor, Bruce Hyde 12:40 Dinner Served 1:05 Special Presentation/John Moran Eye Center/Utah Lions Eye Bank 1:10 Visiting International Director, Jerry Smith, Question & Answer Session 1:25 Fran Peek, father of Kim Peek-A gifted savant from Utah, whose life was model for the movie Rainman, played by Dustin Hoffman, also starring Tom Cruise 2:00 Pledge & Adjourn

2:05-2:20 Voting open -Hampton Inn Breakfast Room

2:30 Afternoon Plenary District Session by Global Membership Team Coordinator, Tim Tate The Effects of Blindness: 2:35 Linda Collins-recently blinded 2:55 Dr Angela Longboat-injured during service for the CIA in Kuwait 3:15 John Moran Eye Center-The Latest Breaking Eye Research 3:35 Introductions of Special guests for the Breakout sessions to schedule eyesight projects & speakers Emily Wallace-Friends for Sight- Eye Screening Utah Division of Services for the Blind Everett Bacon-Utah Blind Students Association & National Federation for the Blind of Utah Leslie Gertch-National Council of the Blind of Utah Tony Jepson-Utah Foundation for the Blind 3:50 Drawings & Tail Twisting 4:00 Adjourn for Breakout Session-in same room

4:30 Utah Lions Foundation Meeting

6:00 Receiving Line-Formal or Semi Formal dress

6:30 District Governor’s Banquet /Pledge/Prayer/Introductions by District Governor, Carl Page 6:40 Meal Served/Piano music 6:55 District Governor Presentations 7:00 Voting Results presented 7:05 Dr Lynn Johnson, author of the Enjoy Life Book -detailed research on the benefits of being positive 7:30 Visiting International Director, Jerry Smith-Presentations & Address 7:55 District Governor, Carl Page-Closing Remarks 8:00 Lions Pledge & Adjourn

I received a call from Stephanie at the Southtown lenscrafters. She is having a special for World Sight Day. Any person in need of an eye exam and/or glasses can get them free untill Oct 14th, afterwards just pay for the exam. Stephanie just needs to be called from a charita- ble organization like Lions so the person's name can be put on a list, then the person calls Stephanie to make the appointment. Her cell phone # is 801-897-0114 and Lenscrafters is 801-572-2890. Next April there will also be a big give away as well.

Stephanie Rasmussen Draper Lions Club Newsletter Publication Information The District 28-U newsletter is published monthly. All Clubs wishing to pub- lish information in the newsletter are encouraged to send information to Lion Jim Knight at [email protected], or by mail to 3789 South 800 West Riverdale, UT. 84405. Please let us know what's going on in your club so we can share it in our District newsletters.


District 28U “We Serve” Jim Knight 3789 S. 800 W Riverdale, Utah 84405