Symbolic Execution of Multithreaded Programs from Arbitrary Program Contexts

Tom Bergan Dan Grossman Luis Ceze University of Washington, Department of Computer Science & Engineering {tbergan,djg,luisceze}

Abstract 1. Introduction We describe an algorithm to perform symbolic execution of Symbolic execution is a technique for sys- a multithreaded program starting from an arbitrary program tematically exploring all feasible execution paths. The idea context. We argue that this can enable more efficient sym- is to execute programs with symbolic rather than concrete in- bolic exploration of deep code paths in multithreaded pro- puts and use an SMT (SAT Modulo Theory) solver to prune grams by allowing the symbolic engine to jump directly to infeasible paths. On branches with more than one feasible program contexts of interest. resolution, the symbolic state is forked and all feasible res- The key challenge is modeling the initial context with rea- olutions are explored. The key advantage of this approach sonable precision—an overly approximate model leads to is precision—unlike other techniques, such as abstract inter- exploration of many infeasible paths during symbolic exe- pretation, symbolic execution is generally free of false pos- cution, while a very precise model would be so expensive itives because its semantics are fully precise up to the limits to compute that computing it would defeat the purpose of of the underlying SMT solver, and recent advances in SMT jumping directly to the initial context in the first place. We solving have made symbolic execution faster and more prac- propose a context-specific dataflow analysis that approxi- tical [19, 33]. mates the initial context cheaply, but precisely enough to Symbolic execution has been used to find bugs and gen- avoid some common causes of infeasible-path explosion. erate high-coverage test cases with great success [10, 13, This model is necessarily approximate—it may leave por- 22, 23, 39]. Unfortunately, building scalable symbolic ex- tions of the memory state unconstrained, leaving our sym- ecution engines is difficult because of path explosion: the bolic execution unable to answer simple questions such as number of feasible execution paths is generally exponential “which thread holds lock A?”. For such cases, we describe in the length of an execution. Path explosion is even worse a novel algorithm for evaluating symbolic synchronization when symbolic execution is applied to multithreaded pro- during symbolic execution. Our symbolic execution seman- grams [9, 27], which suffer from an explosion of possible tics are sound and complete up to the limits of the underlying thread interleavings in addition to the explosion of single- SMT solver. We describe initial experiments on an imple- threaded paths. Prior work has dealt with path explosion mentation in Cloud9. using summarization [20, 24, 36], path merging [25, 28], search heuristics [8, 10, 31, 34], and partial order reduc- Categories and Subject Descriptors D.1.3 [Programming tions [18]. Languages]: Concurrent Programming; D.2.5 [Software Our goal is scalable symbolic execution of multithreaded Engineering]: Testing and Debugging—Symbolic Execu- programs written in the C language and its derivatives. Our tion approach is to limit path explosion by symbolically execut- ing relatively small fragments of a program in isolation— Keywords static analysis; symbolic execution; multithread- this reduces path length, which in turn reduces the potential ing for path explosion. Rather than exploring ways that program fragments might be selected, this paper focuses on a more basic question: how do we symbolically execute a fragment Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or of a multithreaded program in isolation, soundly and effi- classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed ciently? Prior work has largely assumed that symbolic ex- for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must ecution will begin at one of a few natural starting points, be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s). Copyright is held by the such as program entry (for whole-program testing) or a func- author/owner(s). OOPSLA ’14, October 20–24, 2014, Portland, OR, USA. tion call (for single-threaded ). We do not make Copyright is held by the owner/author(s). such an assumption—we allow program fragments to be- ACM 978-1-4503-2585-1/14/10. gin anywhere—so our main challenge is to perform sym- 1 global int X,Y execute concurrently with lines 11 and 12 of Bar? To answer 2 global struct Node { Lock lock, int data } nodes[] this we must first answer a different question: does thread 3 4 Thread 1 Thread 2 t2 hold any locks at the beginning of the program context 5 void RunA() { void RunB() { (i.e., at line 11)? Here we examine the locksets embedded in 6 i = ... k = ... 7 Foo(&nodes[i]) Bar(&nodes[k]) our initial state and learn that t2 holds lock b->lock. Next, 8 }} we ask another question: does a==b? Suppose our dataflow 9 void Foo(Node *a) { void Bar(Node *b) { analysis determines that i==k at line 6, and that Foo and Bar 10 for (x in 1..X) { lock(b->lock) are called from RunA and RunB only. In this case, we know 11 ⇒ lock(a->lock) ⇒ for (y in 1..Y) 12 ...... that a==b, which means that line 11 of Foo cannot execute concurrently with line 11 of Bar. Figure 1. A simple multithreaded program that illustrates Symbolic Execution Semantics. The input to sym- the challenges of beginning symbolic execution at an arbi- bolic execution is an abstract initial state constructed by trary program context. Especially notable are challenges that our dataflow analysis. The output is a set of pairs (path, C), arise from explicit synchronization and from C-like pointers. where path is a path of execution and C is a path constraint: if C is satisfied on an initial state, it must be possible for bolic execution of multithreaded programs from arbitrary execution to follow the corresponding path from that initial program contexts. state, as long as context switches are made in the appro- 1.1 Problem Statement and Solution Overview priate places. To support multithreaded programs, we make each path a serialized (sequentially consistent) trace of a Specifically, we address the following problem: given an ini- multithreaded execution. tial program context, which we define to be a set of threads Our symbolic execution begins from an initial state that and their program counters, how do we efficiently perform is necessarily approximate, leaving us unable to precisely symbolic execution starting from that context while soundly answer simple questions such as “which object does pointer accounting for all possible concrete initial states? We solve X refer to?” in all cases. For example, suppose our dataflow this problem in two parts. First, we use a context-specific analysis cannot prove that i==k at line 6. In this case, we dataflow analysis to construct an over-approximation of the must investigate two paths during symbolic execution: one initial state for the given program context. Second, we inte- in which a==b, and another in which a!=b. For this reason, grate that analysis with a novel symbolic execution semantics the set of paths explored by our symbolic execution may be that can execute forward from an abstract initial state, even a superset of the set of paths that are actually feasible. when precise information about pointers and synchroniza- We attempt to avoid infeasible paths using two ap- tion is not available. proaches: first, a novel algorithm for evaluating symbolic Constructing an Initial State. The most precise strategy synchronization (§4.2-4.3), and second, an algorithm for is to symbolically execute all paths from program entry evaluating symbolic pointers that incorporates ideas from to the initial context, and then use path merging [25] to prior work [12, 15] (§3.2)). construct an initial state. This is not scalable—it suffers Dealing with Data Races. A key question for any analy- from exactly the sort of path explosion problems we are sis of multithreaded programs is how to deal with data races. trying to avoid. Instead, we must approximate the initial Our symbolic semantics treat data races as runtime errors state. The least precise approximation is to leave the initial that halt execution. Our dataflow analysis assumes race free- state completely unconstrained, for example by assigning a dom and ignores data races entirely—we believe this is the fresh symbolic variable to every memory location. This is only practical approach in the dataflow setting, particularly too conservative—it covers many memory states that never for C programs, where a conservative analysis is technically occur during any actual execution—and as a result, symbolic required to assume the possibility of “undefined behavior” execution would investigate many infeasible paths. when it cannot prove that the program is race free [6] (and Our solution represents a middle ground between the proving race freedom is incredibly difficult). above two extremes: we use a context-specific dataflow anal- Soundness and Completeness. Our symbolic semantics ysis to construct a sound over-approximation of the initial are sound and complete up to the limits of the underlying state. We use an over-approximation to ensure that all feasi- SMT solver. By sound, we mean that if our symbolic execu- ble concrete initial states are included. Our analysis includes tion outputs a pair (path, C), then, from every concrete ini- constraints on the initial memory state as well as constraints tial state that satisfies constraint C, concrete execution must on synchronization, such as locksets, that together help sym- follow path as long as context switches are made just as in bolic execution avoid infeasible paths. path. By complete, we mean that symbolic execution out- To illustrate, suppose we are asked to begin symbolic puts a set of pairs (path, C) sufficient to cover all possible execution from the program context marked by arrows in concrete initial states that may arise during any valid execu- Figure 1. This context includes two threads, each of which tion of the program. However, our analysis is incomplete in is about to execute line 11. Can lines 11 and 12 of Foo practice: first, SMT solvers are incomplete in practice, and 1.3 Contributions and Outline second, the set of feasible paths can be too large to enumer- We propose a framework for solving the basic problem— ate in practice. symbolic execution from arbitrary multithreaded contexts. In particular, we make two primary contributions:

• We propose a way to integrate dataflow analysis with 1.2 Applications symbolic execution (§2.3, §3.3, §4.4). In particular, our Our techniques have a variety of promising applications: dataflow analysis computes a cheap summary that is used as the starting point for symbolic execution. Deciding Focused Testing of Program Fragments. We can test which dataflow analysis to use is a hard problem, as hun- an important parallel loop in the context of a larger pro- dreds have been proposed and the best choice is likely gram. Classic symbolic execution techniques require execut- application-dependent. We combine reaching definitions, ing deep code paths from program entry to reach the loop in which summarize the state of memory, with locksets and the first place, where these deep paths may include complex barrier matching, which summarize the state of synchro- initialization code or prior parallel phases. Our techniques nization. enable testing the loop directly, using a fast and scalable dataflow analysis to summarize the initial deep paths. • We propose a novel algorithm for evaluating symbolic Testing Libraries. We would ideally test a concurrent synchronization (§4.2–§4.3). While prior work has largely library over all inputs and calling contexts, but as this is often focused on path explosion due to branches, we focus on infeasible, we instead might want to prioritize the specific path explosion due to synchronization, which is often contexts a library is called from by a specific program. One symbolic in our context. such prioritization strategy is to enumerate all pairs of calls into the library that may run concurrently, then treat each Outline. We start with a simple, single-threaded impera- pair as a program context that can be symbolically executed tive language that has no pointers (§2). We then add pointers using our techniques. Then do the same for every triple of (§3) and threads (§4). At each step, we explain how we over- concurrent calls, every quadruple, and so on. come the challenges introduced by each additional language feature. We then state soundness and completeness theorems Piecewise Program Testing. Rather than testing a whole (§5), discuss our implementation (§6) and empirical evalua- program with one long symbolic execution, we can break the tion (§7), and end with related work (§8). program into adjacent fragments and test each fragment in isolation. Such a piecewise testing scheme might enumerate fragments dynamically by queuing the next fragments found 2. A Simple Imperative Language to be reachable from the current fragment. Fragments might Figure 2 gives the syntax of Simp, a simple imperative lan- end at loop backedges, for loops with input-dependent itera- guage that we use as a starting point. A program in this lan- tion counts, producing a set of fragments that are each short guage contains a set of functions, including a distinguished and largely acyclic. The key advantage is that we can explore main function for program entry. The language includes fragments in parallel, as they are enumerated, enabling us to function calls, conditional branching, mutable local vari- more quickly reach a variety of deep paths in the program’s ables, and a set of standard arithmetic and boolean expres- execution. The trade-off is a potential loss of precision, as sions (only partially shown). We separate side-effect-free ex- our dataflow analysis may make conservative assumptions pressions from statements. This simple language does not when constructing each fragment’s initial abstract state. include pointers, dynamic memory allocation, or threads— Execution Reconstruction. We can record an execu- those language features will be added in §3 and §4. tion with periodic lightweight checkpoints that include call The concrete semantics follow the standard pattern for stacks and little else. Then, on a crash, we can symbolically imperative, lexically-scoped, call-by-value languages. We execute from a checkpoint onwards to reconstruct the bug. omit the detailed rules for brevity. We use r to refer to local Variants of this approach include bbr [12] and RES [42]. variables (or “registers”). The metavariables x and y do not However, bbr does not work for multithreaded programs, appear in the actual concrete language—instead, x and y and both systems have less powerful support for pointers are used to name symbolic constants that represent unknown than does our semantics. values during symbolic execution, as described below. Input-Covering Schedules. We have used our sym- Challenges. Although this language is simple, it reveals bolic execution techniques as part of an algorithm for find- two ways in which symbolic execution from arbitrary con- ing input-covering schedules. This algorithm, which we de- texts can be imprecise. Specifically, we use this language scribe in prior work [2], partitions execution into adjacent to demonstrate imprecision due to unknown calling contexts fragments and uses symbolic execution to analyze each frag- (§2.2) and unknown values of local variables (§2.3). We also ment in isolation. In §7, we evaluate our symbolic execution use this language to present basic frameworks that we will techniques in the context of this algorithm. reuse in the rest of this paper. r ∈ Var (local variables) Y : Stack of (Var → Expr) (local variables) x, y ∈ SymbolicConst (symbolic constants) CallCtx : Stack of StmtLabel (calling context) f ∈ FName (function names) path : List of StmtLabel (execution trace) i ∈ Z (integers) C : Expr (path constraint) v ∈ Value ::= f | i Figure 3. Symbolic state for Simp. e ∈ Expr ::= v | r | x | e ∧ e | e ∨ e | e < e | ... Symbolic Execution. At a high level, symbolic execu- γ ∈ StmtLabel ∗ tion is straightforward. We begin from the initial state, Sinit. s ∈ Stmt ::= r ← e(e ) We execute one statement at a time using step, which is de- | br e, γt, γf fined below. At branches, we use an SMT solver to deter- | return e mine which branch edges are feasible and we fork as neces- Func ::= func f(r∗){ (γ : s;)∗ } sary. We repeatedly execute step on non-terminated states until all states have terminated or until a user-defined re- ∗ Figure 2. Syntax of Simp. Asterisks ( ) denote repetition. source budget has been exceeded. We define step as follows, and we also make use of an auxiliary function eval to eval- 2.1 Symbolic Semantics Overview uate side-effect-free expressions: We now describe an algorithm to perform symbolic execu- • step :(State × Stmt) → Set of State tion of Simp programs. Our algorithm operates over sym- Evaluates a single statement under an initial state and bolic states that contain the following domains (also illus- produces a set of states, as we may fork execution at con- trated in Figure 3): trol flow statements to separately evaluate each feasible branch. The type of each State is given by Figure 3. • Y, which is a stack of local variable bindings. A new • eval : ((Var → Expr) × Expr) → Expr stack frame is pushed by each function call and popped Given eval(Y, e), we evaluate expression e under binding by the matching return. Variables are bound to either Y, where Y represents a single stack frame. We expect function arguments (for formal parameters) or the result that Y has a binding for every local variable referenced r ← f() of a statement (as in ). by e. Note that eval returns an Expr rather than a Value, • CallCtx, which names the current calling context, where as we cannot completely reduce expressions that contain the youngest stack label is the thread’s current program symbolic constants. counter and older labels are return addresses. Our algorithm’s final result is a set of States from which • path, which records an execution trace. we can extract (path, C) pairs that represent our final output. • C, an expression that records the current path constraint. For each such pair, C is an expression that constrains the initial symbolic state, Sinit, such that when C is satisfied, Constructing an Initial State. Recall from §1.1 that our program execution must follow the corresponding path. job is to perform symbolic execution from an arbitrary pro- SMT Solver Interface. Our symbolic semantics relies gram context that is specified by a set of program counters, on an SMT solver that we query using the following in- one for each thread. As Simp is single-threaded, the initial terface. The function isSat(C, e), shown below, determines program context for Simp programs contains just one pro- if boolean expression e is satisfiable under the constraints gram counter, γ0. given by expression C, where C is a conjunction of assump- Given γ0, where γ0 is a statement in function f0, we tions. In addition to isSat, we use mayBeTrue and mustBe- must construct an initial symbolic state, Sinit, from which True as syntactic sugar, as defined below. we can begin symbolic execution. A simple approach is: isSat(C, e) = true iff e is satisfiable under C path = empty; C = true; CallCtx = {γ }; and init init init 0 mayBeTrue(C, e) = isSat(C, e) Y = {{r → x | ∀r ∈ f }}. Y contains one stack init i i i 0 init mustBeTrue(C, e) = ¬mayBeTrue(C, ¬e) frame that maps each ri ∈ f0 to a distinct symbolic constant xi. We describe a more precise approach in §2.3. If a query isSat(C, e) cannot be solved, then our symbolic Correspondence of Concrete and Symbolic States. execution becomes incomplete. In this case, we concretize Note that we use symbolic constants, such as xi, above, to enough subexpressions of e so the query becomes solvable represent unknown parts of a symbolic state. This allows and we can make forward progress (similarly to Pasareanu each symbolic state to represent a set of concrete states. et al. [35]). Specifically, the set of concrete states represented by Sinit can be found by enumerating the total set of assignments of 2.2 Dealing with an Underspecified CallCtx symbolic constants xi to values vi—each such assignment Recall that the initial program context is simply a single corresponds to a concrete state in which xi = vi. program counter, γ0. If γ0 is not a statement in the main function, then the initial state Sinit does not have a complete the definition (r1, x+5) to express that r1 and r2 are func- call stack. How do we reconstruct a complete call stack? tions of the same value. We could start with a single stack frame and then lazily Must-Reach vs. May-Reach. Must-reach definitions expand older frames, forking as necessary to explore all provide a sound over-approximation of Yinit, as any vari- paths through the static call graph. However, we consider able not included in the must-reach set may have any initial this overkill for our anticipated applications (recall §1.2), value. More precision could be achieved through may-reach and instead opt to exit the program when the initial stack definitions; however, this would result in a symbolic state frame returns. Our rationale is that, for each application with many large disjunctions that are expensive to solve in listed in §1.2, either the program fragment of interest will current SMT solvers [25, 28]. be lexically scoped, in which case we never return from the initial stack frames anyway, or complete call stacks will 3. Adding Pointers be provided, which we can use directly (e.g., we expect Figure 4 shows the syntax of SimpHeaps, which adds point- that complete call stacks will be available during execution ers and dynamic memory allocation to Simp. As a conven- reconstruction, as in bbr [12]). tion, we use p to range over expressions that should evaluate to pointers. Memory Interface. We represent pointers as pairs 2.3 Initializing Local Variables with Reaching ptr(l, i), where l is the base address of a heap object and Definitions i is a non-negative integer offset into that object. Pointers The simple approach for constructing S , as described may also be null. Pointer arithmetic is supported with the init (p, e) above, is imprecise. Specifically, the simple approach as- ptradd expression, which is evaluated as follows in the concrete language: signs each local variable a unique symbolic constant, xi, effectively assuming that each local variable can start with eval(Y, p) = ptr(l, i) eval(Y, e) = i0 any initial value. This is often not the case. For example, eval(Y, ptradd(p, e)) = ptr(l, i + i0) consider thread t1 in Figure 1. In this example, assuming that RunA is the only caller of Foo, the value of local vari- The heap is a mapping from locations to objects, and able a is known precisely. Even when the initial value of a each object includes a sequence of fields. Our notion of a variable cannot be determined precisely, we can often define field encompasses the common notions of array elements its initial value as a symbolic function over other variables. and structure fields. To simplify the semantics, we assume Our approach is to initialize Yinit using an interproce- that each field has a uniform size that is big enough to store dural dataflow analysis that computes reaching definitions any value. Following that assumption, we define i to be the for all local variables. We use a standard iterative dataflow offset of the (i+1)th field (making 0 the offset of the first analysis framework with function summaries for scalabil- field), and we define the size of an object to be its number of ity, and we make the framework context-specific as follows: fields. Our implementation (§6) relaxes this assumption to First, we combine a static call graph with each function’s support variable-sized fields at byte-granular offsets. Heap control-flow graph to produce an interprocedural control- objects are allocated with malloc, which returns ptr(l, 0) flow graph, CFG. Then, we run a forwards dataflow analysis with a fresh location l, and they are deallocated with free. over CFG that starts from main and summarizes all interpro- Memory Errors. Out-of-bounds memory accesses, cedural paths between program entry and the initial program uninitialized memory reads, and other memory errors have counter, γ0. undefined behavior in C [26]. We treat these as runtime er- Our dataflow analysis computes assignments that must- rors in our semantics to simplify the notions of soundness reach the initial program context. Specifically, we compute and completeness of symbolic execution. The details of dy- a set of pairs Rlocal = {(ri, ei)}, where each ri is a local namic detectors for these errors are orthogonal to this paper variable in Yinit such that the assignment ri ← ei must-reach and are not discussed in detail. the initial program context. That is, ri’s value at the initial Challenges. In the concrete language, load and store program context must match expression ei. We compute statements always operate on values of the form ptr(l, i). Rlocal using standard flow functions for reaching definitions, The symbolic semantics must consider three additional kinds then assign each ei to ri in Yinit. Some variables may not of pointer expressions: ptr(l, e), in which the offset e is have a must-reach assignment—these variables, rk, do not symbolic; and x and ptradd(x, e), in which the heap lo- appear in Rlocal, and they are assigned a unique symbolic cation is symbolic as well. constant xk in Yinit, as before. 3.1 Prior Work As we compute Rlocal, each assignment r ← e generates a must-reach definition (r, eval(Rlocal, e)) on its outgoing A natural approach is to represent the symbolic heap as a dataflow edge. Note that we use eval to reduce expressions. single mapping from addresses to values, then use the theory Thus, given r1 ← r2+5, where (r2, x) ∈ Rlocal, we generate of arrays [19] to reason about reads and writes over this l ∈ Loc (heap locations) fork execution in the absence of memory errors, and we elide those error-checking details from this paper.) v ∈ Value ::= ... | null | ptr(l, i) Accessing Concrete Locations. We first consider ac- e, p ∈ Expr ::= ... | ptr(l, e) | ptradd(p, e) cessing pointers of the form ptr(l, e). In this case, l uniquely s ∈ Stmt ::= ... | r ← load p | store p, e names the heap object being accessed, so we simply con- | r ← malloc(e) | free(p) struct an expression in the theory of arrays [19] to load from or store to offset e of that object’s fields array. Figure 4. Syntax additions for SimpHeaps. Accessing Symbolic Locations. Now we consider ac- cessing pointers of the form x and ptradd(x, e). This case H : Loc → {fields : (Expr → Expr)} is more challenging since the pointer x may refer to an un- A : List of {x : SymbolicConst, primary : Loc, n : PtrNode} known object. Following bbr [12], we assign each symbolic pointer x a unique primary object in the heap, then use alias- Figure 5. Symbolic state additions for SimpHeaps, includ- ing constraints to allow multiple pointers to refer to the same ing a heap (H) and a list of aliasable objects (A). object. This effectively encodes multiple concrete memory graphs into a single symbolic heap. We allocate the primary mapping. This approach is common in work on program object for x lazily, the first time x is accessed. In this way, we verifiers [7, 11]. lazily expand the symbolic heap and are able to efficiently In contrast, some systems use a separate array for each encode heaps with unboundedly many objects. x x l memory object. The authors of KLEE observed that symbolic Stores to update ’s primary object, x, and also con- executors often send many small queries to the SMT solver, ditionally update all other objects that x may-alias. For ex- e.g., to resolve branches, and these small queries can be re- ample, suppose pointers x and y may point to the same ob- solved efficiently using caching [10]. This contrasts with ject. To write value v to pointer x, we first update lx by program verifiers, which summarize each program with a writing v to address ptr(lx, xoff), and we then update ly single large expression that is sent to an SMT solver just by writing the expression (x = ptr(ly, xoff)) ? v : eold to ad- (l , e) e l once. KLEE’s key insight is that, by assigning each memory dress ptr y , where old is the previous value in y (this object its own array, symbolic memory expressions will nat- makes the update conditional) and xoff is a symbolic offset urally avoid mentioning irrelevant parts of the heap, making that will be described shortly. Loads of x access ptr(lx, xoff) caching more effective. directly—since stores update all aliases, it is unnecessary for Unfortunately, KLEE cannot efficiently resolve pointers loads to access aliases as well. with symbolic heap locations (it instead focuses on cases Figure 6 shows the detailed semantics for accessing sym- where only the offset is symbolic, as in ptr(l, x)). We de- bolic pointers of the form ptradd(x, eoff) (we treat x as sire a semantics that assigns each object its own symbolic ptradd(x, 0)). array, to maintain the caching effectiveness of KLEE, but in Restricting Aliasing with a Points-To Analysis. Recall a way that enables efficient resolution of symbolic locations. that symbolic constants like x represent values that originate Our approach is a fusion of approaches from bbr [12] and in our initial program context. That is, if x is a valid pointer, Dillig et al. [15]: both approaches use conditional aliasing then x must point to some object that was allocated before expressions to encode multiple concrete heap graphs into our initial program context. In the worst case, the set of a single symbolic state. However, bbr cannot reason about possible aliases includes all primary objects that have been symbolic offsets (like ptradd(x, y)) or memory allocations previously allocated for other symbolic pointers. This list of of a symbolic size, and the approach from Dillig et al. is not objects is recorded in A (Figure 5) and kept up-to-date by path-sensitive (so it must deal with approximation at control- addPrimary. flow merge points) and it does not exploit the full power of In practice, we can narrow the set of aliases using a static the theory of arrays. Our fused approach overcomes these points-to analysis, as in [15]. On the first access to x, we add limitations, as summarized in the following subsection. the record {x, lx, nx} to A, where nx is the representative node for x in the static points-to graph. The set of objects 3.2 Symbolic Semantics that x may-alias is found by enumerating all {y, ly, ny} ∈ A for which n and n may point-to the same object according We now extend our symbolic execution algorithm for Sim- y x to the static points-to graph—this search is performed by pHeaps. As shown in Figure 5, we add two fields to the sym- lookupAliases. Note that, in practice, the search for aliases bolic state: a heap, H, which maps concrete locations to dy- can be implemented efficiently by exploiting the structure of namically allocated heap objects, and a list A, which tracks the underlying points-to graph. aliasing information that is used to resolve symbolic point- We use a field-sensitive points-to analysis so we can ad- ers. Key rules for the semantics described in this section are ditionally constrain the offset being accessed. For each sym- ==mem⇒ step given in Figure 6. The relation is used by to evalu- bolic pointer x, we query the points-to analysis to compute ate memory statements. (Note that memory operations never Symbolic heap interface, including conditional put:

(l, {fields}) ∈ H read(fields, eoff) = eold eval = econd ? e : eold 0 0 0 (l, {fields}) ∈ H read(fields, eoff) = e write(fields, eoff, eval) = fields H = H[l 7→ {fields }] 0 heapGet(H, ptr(l, eoff)) = e heapPut(H, ptr(l, eoff), econd, e) = H

H; Y; C; A; Stmt ==mem⇒ H0; Y0; C0; A0

Load/store of a concrete location: 0 eval(Y, p) = ptr(l, eoff) eval(Y, p) = ptr(l, eoff) eval(Y, e) = e 0 0 heapGet(H, ptr(l, eoff)) = e heapPut(H, ptr(l, eoff), true, e ) = H mem mem H; Y; C; A; r ← load p ==⇒ H; Y[r 7→ e]; C; A H; Y; C; A; store p, e ==⇒ H0; Y; C; A

Load/store of a symbolic location:

0 eval(Y, p) = ptradd(x, eoff) eval(Y, e) = e 0 0 0 addPrimary(H, C, A, x) = (H , C , A , ptr(lx, xoff)) 0 lookupAliases(A , x) = {l1...ln} 0 0 00 heapPut(H , ptr(lx, xoff + eoff),true, e ) = H0 00 0 00 eval(Y, p) = ptradd(x, eoff) heapPut(H0 , ptr(l1, xoff + eoff),(x = ptr(l1, xoff)),e ) = H1 0 0 0 addPrimary(H, C, A, x) = (H , C , A , ptr(lx, xoff)) ··· 0 00 0 00 heapGet(H , ptr(lx, xoff + eoff)) = e heapPut(Hn−1,ptr(ln, xoff + eoff),(x = ptr(ln, xoff)),e ) = Hn mem 0 0 0 mem 00 0 0 H; Y; C; A; r ← load p ==⇒ H ; Y[r 7→ e]; C ; A H; Y; C; A; store p, e ==⇒ Hn; Y; C ; A

Allocate and free: l = fresh loc H0 = H[l 7→ {λi.undef}] true mem 0 mem H; Y; C; A; r ← malloc(esize) ==⇒ H ; Y[r 7→ ptr(l, 0)]; C; A H; Y; C; A; free(p) ==⇒ H; Y; C; A

Figure 6. Representative rules from the symbolic heap semantics. In these rules, Y refers to the current stack frame (namely, the youngest stack frame in Y), and read(A, eoff) and write(A, eoff, eval) are standard constructors from the theory of arrays (e.g., see [19]).

a range of possible offsets for x, and then construct a fresh where fieldsy is the current fields array of object ly, which symbolic constant xoff that is constrained to that range. (This is the primary object for y, and where fresh is a symbolic is the same xoff used above in the discussion of loads and array that maps each field fresh(i) to a fresh symbolic stores.) For example, if x is known to point at a specific field, constant—this represents the unknown initial values of lx then xoff is fixed to that field. If a range of offsets cannot be in the case that x and y do not alias. In general x may have soundly determined, xoff is left unconstrained. more than one alias, in which case we initialize the fields Heap Invariants. On the first access of symbolic pointer of lx similarly to the above, but we use a chain of condition- x, addPrimary allocates a primary object at lx, appends the als that compares x with all possible aliases. record {x, lx, nx} to A, and enforces a heap invariant that Memory Allocation. Semantics for malloc(esize) are we describe now. shown in Figure 6. Since each object has its own sym- Suppose the first access of x is a load, and suppose that bolic fields array, we naturally support allocations of un- x may-alias some other symbolic pointer y. For soundness, bounded symbolic size. we must ensure that every load of x satisfies the following Memory Error Checkers. Since this paper elides mem- invariant: x = y =⇒ load(x) = load(y). Making matters ory error-checking details, we treat free(p) as a no-op in more complicated is the fact that we may have performed Figure 6. stores on y before our first access of x—we must ensure that Briefly, to detect memory errors, we might add size and these stores are visible through x as well. Our approach is to isLive attributes to each object in H. On malloc(e), we define the initial fields of lx as follows: would set size = e and isLive = true. On free(p), we would conditionally free all objects that p may-alias by con- Initial fields of l x (1) ditionally setting isLive = false in all aliases, much in ≡ (x = ptr(ly, xoff)) ? fieldsy : fresh the same way that store(p, e) conditionally writes e to The second column shows the symbolic state after execut- all aliases of p. Error checkers such as out-of-bounds and ing the store instruction. As we have not yet seen symbolic use-after-free would then ensure that, for each access at pointer x, we construct a new primary heap object, lx, and ptr(l, eoff), 0 ≤ eoff < H(l).size and H(l).isLive = true. then add corresponding entries to both the heap (H) and the Compound Symbolic Pointer Expressions. Figure 6 aliasable objects list (A). shows rules for load and store statements where the pointer The third column shows the results of executing two p evaluates to an expression of the form ptr(l, e), x, or versions of the load instruction. In the first version, our static ptradd(x, e), but the result of eval(Y, p) can also have the points-to analysis determines that rx and ry never alias, so form read(fields, eoff). This form appears when a pointer is we can simply add a new primary object ly to the heap. We read from the heap, since all heap accesses use the theory of use a fresh symbolic constant (y0) to represent the unknown arrays. initial contents at location ly. The difficulty is that there may be multiple possible val- In the second version, our points-to analysis concludes 0 0 ues at eoff. For example, if fields is write(write( , 1, x), eoff, x ), that rx and ry may alias. Now, when constructing the new then we cannot evaluate this address without first resolving object ly, we must ensure the following heap invariant: x = the symbolic pointers x and x0. Further, the values writ- y =⇒ load(y) = 5. We do this by conditionally initializ- ten by write can contain conditional expressions due to the ing ly to the current value of lx when x = y (recall Equation conditional store performed by heapPut. So, in general, the (1)). Hence, in this case, the final value of rz will be a con- fields array might include a chain of calls as in the following: ditional expression, as shown in Figure 7. write(write( , 1, x), e0 , e00 ? x0 : x00). off 3.3 Initializing the Heap with Reaching Definitions Our approach is to walk the call chain of writes to build guarded expressions that summarize the possible values at The initial symbolic state (Sinit) actually contains an empty offset eoff. If the value stored by a write is a conditional heap that is expanded lazily, as described above. As the heap expression, we also walk that conditional expression tree graph expands, newly uncovered objects are initially uncon- while computing the guarded expressions. This gives each strained, as represented by the fresh symbolic array allocated guarded expression the form egrd → p, where each p has the for each primary object (recall Equation (1), above). This form x, ptradd(x, e), or ptr(l, e). In the above example, approach can be imprecise for the same reasons discussed 0 00 0 § we build guarded expressions (eoff = eoff ∧ e ) → x , and in 2.3. We improve precision using reaching definitions, as 0 00 00 0 follows. (eoff = eoff ∧ ¬e ) → x , and (eoff 6= eoff ∧ eoff = 1) → x, and so on down the call chain. We extend the reaching definition analysis from §2.3 to We then execute the memory operation on this set of also compute a set of heap writes that must-reach the initial guarded expressions. For stores, we evaluate each guarded program context. Specifically, we compute a set of pairs expression independently: given egrd → p, we evaluate p us- Rheap = {(pi, ei)}, where the heap location referenced by ing the rules in Figure 6, but we include egrd in the condition pi must have a value matching ei in the initial state. We use passed to heapPut. For loads, we use the rules in Figure 6 to standard flow functions to compute Rheap and we use a static map each pair egrd → p to a pair egrd → e, where e is the points-to analysis to reason about aliasing. value loaded from pointer p. We then collect each egrd → e Then, we modify addPrimary to exploit Rheap. Specifi- into a conditional expression tree that represents the final cally, when adding a primary object lx for symbolic pointer value of the load. Continuing the above example, if the val- x, we append the following invariant to the current path con- ues at x, x0, and x00 are v, v0, and v00, respectively, then a straint, C: load of the above example address would return the follow- 0 00 0 00 ing conditional expression tree: (eoff = eoff)?(e ? v : v ): ^ read(fresh, xoff + eoff) = eval (eoff = 1 ? x : ). Function Pointers. At indirect calls, we first use a sound (ptradd(x,eoff),eval)∈Rheap static points-to analysis to enumerate a set of functions F Above, we enumerate all pairs (p, eval) ∈ Rheap where that might be called, then we use isSat to prune functions p has the form ptradd(x, eoff) or x (which we treat like from F that cannot be called given the current path con- ptradd(x, 0)). For each such pair, we emit the constraint straint, and finally we fork for each of the remaining pos- fresh(xoff+eoff) = eval, where fresh is the initial symbolic sibilities. array for lx as shown in Equation (1). Example. Figure 7 demonstrates our heap semantics on a simple program fragment that is shown in the left column. 4. Adding Threads and Synchronization For this example, we use an initial symbolic state in which Figure 8 gives syntax for SimpThreads, which adds shared- local variables r , r , and r are assigned fresh symbolic x y z memory multithreading and synchronization to SimpHeaps. constants x, y, and z, respectively. Threads. SimpThreads supports cooperative thread schedul- ing with yield(), which nondeterministically selects an- Program fragment: After the store: After the load (if x cannot alias y): store rx, 5 H = {lx 7→ {5}} H = {lx 7→ {5}, ly 7→ {y0}} rz ← load ry A = {(x, lx, nx)} A = {(x, lx, nx), (y, ly, ny)} Initial symbolic heap and stack: Y = {rx 7→ x, ry 7→ y, rz 7→ z} Y = {rx 7→ x, ry 7→ y, rz 7→ y0} H = {} After the load (if x may alias y): A = {} H = {lx 7→ {5}, ly 7→ {(x = y ? 5 : y0)}} Y = {rx 7→ x, ry 7→ y, rz 7→ z} A = {(x, lx, nx), (y, ly, ny)} Y = {rx 7→ x, ry 7→ y, rz 7→ (x = y ? 5 : y0)}

Figure 7. Example of our heap semantics on a simple program fragment. The local variables rx and ry are pointers to integers, while rz is an integer. Bolded expressions denote updates at each step of execution.

other thread to run. Cooperative scheduling with yield is s ∈ Stmt ::= ... | threadCreate(ef, earg) | yield() sufficient to model any data race free program. As with other | wait(p) | notifyOne(p) | notifyAll(p) memory errors (recall §3), data races have undefined be- synchronization annotations havior in C [6, 26] and are runtime errors in SimpThreads. | acquire(p) | release(p) Hence, cooperative scheduling is a valid model as we can | barrierInit(p, e) | barrierArrive(p) assume that all SimpThreads programs are either data race free or will halt before the first race. Figure 8. New statements for SimpThreads. New threads are created by threadCreate(ef, earg). This spawns a new thread that executes the function call ef(earg), pthread mutex lock(mutex *m) { and the new thread will run until e returns. As SimpThreads while (load ptradd(m, itaken)) // while (m->taken) f wait(ptradd(m, i )); // wait(&m->taken) uses cooperative scheduling, the new thread is not scheduled taken store ptradd(m, itaken) 1; // m->taken = 1 until another thread yields control. acquire(m); // acquire(m) Synchronization. We build higher-level synchroniza- } pthread mutex unlock(mutex *m) { tion objects such as barriers, condition variables, and queued store ptradd(m, itaken) 0; // m->taken = 0 locks using two primitive parts: cooperative scheduling with release(m); // release(m) yield, which provides simple atomicity guarantees, and notifyOne(ptradd(m, itaken)); // notify(&m->taken) FIFO wait queues, which provide simple notify/wait op- yield(); // yield() } erations that are common across a variety of synchroniza- tion patterns. Wait queues support three operations: wait, to Figure 9. Pseudocode demonstrating how pthreads’ mu- yield control and move the current thread onto a wait queue; texes might be implemented in SimpThreads. notifyOne, to wake the thread on the head of a wait queue; and notifyAll, to wake all threads on a wait queue. Challenges. The primary new challenge introduced by We use these building blocks to implement standard SimpThreads is the need to reason about symbolic synchro- threading and synchronization libraries such as POSIX nization objects. Our approach includes a semantics for sym- threads (pthreads). To aid our symbolic semantics, we bolic wait queues (§4.2) and a collection of synchronization- assume synchronization libraries have been instrumented specific invariants (§4.3) that exploit facts learned from our with the annotation functions listed in Figure 8. Anno- context-specific dataflow analysis (§4.4). tation functions are no-ops that do not actually perform synchronization—they merely provide higher-level infor- 4.1 Symbolic Semantics mation that we will exploit, as described later (§4.3, §4.4). We now extend our symbolic execution algorithm to support The example in Figure 9 demonstrates how to annotate an SimpThreads. As illustrated in Figure 10, we modify Y and implementation of pthreads’ mutexes. We have written the CallCtx to include one call stack per thread, and we modify example in a pseudocode that uses memory operations re- path to record a multithreaded trace. We add the following sembling those in SimpThreads. domains to the symbolic state: Note that wait queues are named by pointers. There is an • Curr implicit wait queue associated with every memory address— T , which is the id of the thread that is currently exe- no initialization is necessary. For example, Figure 9 uses cuting. the implicit wait queue associated with &m->taken. The • TE, which is the set of enabled threads, i.e., the set of futex() system call in Linux uses a similar design. The threads not blocked on synchronization. This includes reason for naming wait queues by an address rather than an TCurr. integer id will become clear in §4.3. • WQ, which is a list that represents a global order of all waiting threads. Each entry of the list is a pair (p, t) sig- Y : ThreadId → Stack of (Var → Expr) (local variables) and so on, until the nth fork, in which we notify tn. In the CallCtx : ThreadId → Stack of StmtLabel (calling contexts) final fork, no threads are notified. Only a subset of these path : List of (ThreadId, StmtLabel) (execution trace) forks may be feasible, so we use isSat to prune forked paths TCurr : ThreadId (current thread) that have an infeasible path constraint. In particular, if there TE : Set of ThreadId (enabled threads) exists an i where pi=p must be true on the current path, WQ : List of (Expr, ThreadId) (global wait queue) then all forks from (i+1) onwards are infeasible and will be L+ : ThreadId → Set of Expr (acquired locksets) discarded. Further, as in §3, we increase precision by using Bcnts : Expr → Set of Expr (barrier arrival cnts) a static points-to analysis to determine when it cannot be Figure 10. Symbolic state for SimpThreads, with modifica- true that pi=p. These semantics are simple but reveal a key tions to SimpHeaps bolded, above the line, and additions design decision: by folding all concrete wait queues into a shown below. single global queue, WQ, we naturally allow each wait queue to be named by symbolic addresses. nifying that thread t is blocked on the wait queue named notifyAll(p). Any subset of threads in WQ may be noti- by address p. The initial WQ can either be empty (all fied. We first compute the powerset of WQ, P(WQ), and then threads enabled) or non-empty (some threads blocked, as fork execution once for each set S ∈ P(WQ). Specifically, described in §4.2). on the path that is forked for set S, we notify all threads in S + and apply the following path constraint: • L , which describes a set of locks that may be held by ( each thread and is derived from acquire and release ^ pi = p if (pi, ti) ∈ S annotations. pi 6= p otherwise (pi,ti)∈WQ • Bcnts, which describes a set of possible arrival counts for This forks execution 2|WQ| ways, though we expect that isSat each barrier and is derived from barrierInit annota- and a points-to analysis will prune many of these in practice. tions. Initial Contexts with a Nonempty WQ. Suppose we L+ and Bcnts are both over-approximations. They are ini- want to analyze an initial program context in which some tialized as described in §4.4 and they are used by invariants subset of threads begin in a waiting state, but we do not know described in §4.3. the order in which the threads began waiting. One approach Symbolic Execution. Our first action during symbolic is to fork for each permutation of the wait order, but this is inefficient. Instead, our approach is to add timestamp coun- execution is to invoke step(Sinit, yield()), where yield forks execution once for each possible TCurr ∈ TE. This gives ters. First, we tag each waiting thread with a timestamp de- each thread a chance to run first. Note that context switches rived from a global counter that is incremented on every call (updates to TCurr) occur only either explicitly through yield, to wait, so that thread t1 precedes thread t2 in WQ if and or implicitly when the current thread exits or is disabled only if t1’s timestamp is less than t2’s timestamp. through wait. Note also that execution has deadlocked when Then, we set up the program context so that each waiting TE is empty and WQ is non-empty. thread begins with the call to wait it is waiting in. Before be- ginning normal symbolic execution, we execute these wait 4.2 Symbolic Wait Queues calls in any order, using the semantics for wait described above, but with one adjustment: we give each waiting thread We now give symbolic semantics for the three FIFO wait t a symbolic timestamp, represented by the symbol x , and queue operations, wait, notifyOne, and notifyAll. When i i we bound each x < 0 so these waits occur before other a thread t calls wait(p), we remove t from TE and append i calls to wait during normal execution. We say that x < x the pair (p, t) to WQ. When t is notified, we remove it from i k is true in the concrete initial state when t and t are waiting WQ and add it to TE. Which threads are notified is answered i k on the same queue and t precedes t on that queue. as follows: i k Next, we update the semantics of notifyOne. If there are notifyOne(p). Any thread in WQ with a matching queue n threads in WQ and w of those threads are initial waiters, address may be notified. Let (p , t ) be the first pair in WQ 1 1 meaning they have symbolic timestamps, then notifyOne and let (p , t ) be the last pair. We walk this ordered list and n n uses the following sequence of path constraints, where fork execution up to |WQ| + 1 times. The possible execution 1 ≤ i ≤ w: forks are given by the following list of path constraints: ! ^ (1) p1 = p (i) pi = p ∧ (pk = p) ⇒ (xi < xk) (2) p1 6= p ∧ p2 = p 1≤k≤w,k6=i ... (w+1) p1 6= p ∧ p2 6= p ∧ ... ∧ pw 6= p ∧ pw+1 = p (n) p1 6= p ∧ p2 6= p ∧ ... ∧ pn = p ... (n+1) p1 6= p ∧ p2 6= p ∧ ... ∧ pn 6= p (n) p1 6= p ∧ p2 6= p ∧ ... ∧ pn = p (n+1) p1 6= p ∧ p2 6= p ∧ ... ∧ pn 6= p In the first fork, we notify t1, in the second, we notify t2, The first w constraints handle the cases where an initial Barriers. A pthreads barrier can be modeled by two waiter is notified. We can notify initial waiter ti if it has a fields, expected and arrived, and a wait queue, where matching queue address, pi=p, and it precedes all other ini- arrived is the number of threads that have arrived at the tial waiters tk with a matching address. The cases for w+1 barrier, the barrier triggers when arrived=expected, and and above are as before. the wait queue is used to release threads when the barrier triggers. 4.3 Synchronization Invariants Suppose a program has N threads spin in a loop, where The semantics described above are sound, but approxima- each loop iteration includes a barrier with expected=N. tions in the initial state can cause symbolic execution to ex- Now suppose we analyze the program from an initial con- plore infeasible paths. In an attempt to avoid infeasible paths, text where the barrier is unconstrained. When the first we augment the path constraint with higher-level program thread arrives at the barrier, execution forks at the condition invariants. Specifically, we propose a particularly high-value arrived=expected. In the true branch we set arrived=0 set of synchronization invariants. We focus on synchroniza- and notify the queue, and in the false branch we increment tion invariants here since the novelty of our work is symbolic arrived and wait. This repeats for the other threads, and exploration of multithreaded programs with symbolic syn- an execution tree unfolds in which we explore O(2N) paths chronization. More generally, high-level invariants always through a code fragment that has exactly one feasible path. help reduce explosion of infeasible paths and we could eas- We compute invariants for both of these fields. Bounds ily integrate programmer-specified invariants. for arrived can be determined by examining WQ: the num- We cannot apply synchronization invariants without first ber of threads that have arrived at a barrier is exactly the identifying synchronization objects. Ideally we would lo- number of threads that are waiting on the barrier’s wait cate such objects by scanning the heap, but our core lan- queue. Let q be the wait queue address used by the barrier guage is untyped, so we cannot soundly determine the type and let C be the current path constraint. We compute con- of an object by looking at it. (This conservatively models servative lower- and upper-bounds for arrived. The lower- our target language, C, where potentially unsafe type casts bound L is the number of pairs (p, t) ∈ WQ for which are prevalent.) Instead, we apply invariants when synchro- mustBeTrue(C, p=q), and the upper-bound H is the number nization functions are called. For example, we instrument of pairs for which mayBeTrue(C, p=q). Given these bounds, the implementation of pthread mutex lock(m) to apply the invariant is L ≤ arrived ≤ H. invariants to m as the first step before locking the mutex. The A barrier’s expected count is specified during barrier rest of this section describes the invariants we have found initialization, i.e., when pthread barrier init is called. most useful. Each symbolic state contains a Bcnts that maps barrier point- Locks. As illustrated in Figure 9, locks can be modeled ers p to a set of expressions that describes the set of possible by an object with a taken field that is non-zero when the expected counts for all barriers pointed-to by p. So, we can lock is held and zero when the lock is released. Suppose use Bcnts directly to construct an invariant for expected: a thread attempts to acquire a lock whose taken field is ! symbolic: execution must fork into two paths, one in which ^ _ 0 taken=0, so the lock can be acquired, and another in which (p = p) ⇒ (expected = e) taken6=0, so the thread must wait. One of these paths may p0∈Bcnts e∈Bcnts(p0) be infeasible, as illustrated by Figure 1, so we need to further cnts constrain lock objects to avoid such infeasible paths. B is computed for the initial state (see §4.4) and does not We use locksets to constrain the taken field of a lock change during symbolic execution—when evaluating a call object. Given a symbolic state with locksets L+ and a pointer to pthread barrier init during symbolic execution, we cnts p to some lock object, the lock’s taken field can be non-zero write to the barrier’s expected field directly, making B only when there exists a thread T and an expression e, where irrelevant for this case. e ∈ L+(T ), such that e = p. This invariant is expressed by Other Types of Synchronization. The invariant de- the following constraint, where ei ranges over all locks held scribed above for a barrier’s arrived field is more generally by all threads: stated as an invariant on the size of a given wait queue, mak- ! ing it applicable to other data structures that use wait queues, ^ (taken = 0) ⇔ ei 6= p such as condition variables and queued locks. + ei∈L (∗) Why Wait Queues are Named by Address. For stan- Our dataflow analysis computes L+ for the initial sym- dard synchronization objects such as barriers, condition vari- bolic state (§4.4). We keep L+ up-to-date during symbolic ables, and queued locks, different objects do not share the execution using the acquire and release annotations: on same wait queue. For example, notifying the queue of lock acquire(p) we add p to L+(TCurr), and on release(p) we L should not notify threads waiting at any other lock. By us- remove e from L+(TCurr) where e must-equal p on the cur- ing the address of L to name L’s wait queue, we state this rent path. invariant implicitly. For contrast, suppose we instead named wait queues by Merging Thread-Local Analyses. Note that each of the an integer id. We would be forced to add a queueId field to above three analyses is purely thread-local—we must merge each lock, then state the following invariant: ∀p1, p2 :(p1 = these analyses into a summarized initial program state. p2) ⇔ (id1 = id2), where p1 and p2 range over the set of For reaching definitions, the local variable definitions pointers to locks, and where id1 and id2 are the queueId (Rlocal) are trivially separate for each thread, so they can fields in p1 and p2, respectively. Stating this as an axiom be applied directly to the thread-local stacks as described in would require enumerating the complete set of pointers to §2.3. For the heap definitions, each thread-local analysis pro- T locks, which can be extremely inefficient. duces a set of definitions Rheap, and all of these definitions must be merged. As it turns out, we can simply union all T 4.4 Approximating the Initial State of Synchronization Rheap into a single summarized Rheap. This follows from the We update the context-specific dataflow framework intro- following observations: first, our dataflow analysis ignores duced in §2.3 to support multiple threads. Specifically, we data races (recall the discussion in §1.1), and second, our use of interference-free regions guarantees that no location apply the dataflow framework as described in §2.3 to each T 1 T 2 thread, separately, and then combine the per-thread results p will be defined in both Rheap and Rheap unless T 1 = T 2 or to produce a multithreaded analysis. We perform the follow- there is a data race on p (see [16] for a proof). ing analyses for SimpThreads: For locksets, each thread-local analysis for thread T com- putes L+(T ), and each of these are trivially merged into L+. Reaching Definitions. We update the reaching defini- Similarly, we construct a summarized barrier expected ar- tions analysis described in §3.3 to support multiple threads. rivals (Bcnts) by taking the union of all Bcnts that were com- Importantly, since we analyze each thread in isolation, we T puted by thread-local analyses. must reason about cross-thread interference. Our approach Barrier Matching. A large class of data-parallel algo- is to label memory locations in Rheap as either conflict-free or shared. A location is conflict-free if it is provably thread- rithms use barriers to execute threads in lock-step. For ex- local (via an escape analysis) or if all writes to the location ample, a program might execute the following loop in N dif- must-occur before the first call to threadCreate—the sec- ferent threads, where each iteration happens in lock-step: ond case captures a common idiom where the main thread initializes global data that is kept read-only during parallel for (i=0; i < Z; ++i) { barrierArrive(b); ... } execution. Shared locations may have conflicts—we reason about these conflicts using interference-free regions [16].1 + Locksets. We use a lockset analysis to compute L (T ), Suppose we are given an initial program context in which the set of locks that may be held at thread T ’s initial pro- each thread begins inside this loop. In this case, since the gram counter. Our analysis uses relative locksets as in RE- + loop runs in lock-step, we know that all threads must start LAY [40]: each function summary includes two sets, Lf and from the same dynamic loop iteration, so we can add a − + Lf , where Lf is the set of locks that function f may acquire constraint that equates the loop induction variable, i, across − without releasing, and Lf is the set of locks that f always all threads. This constraint is included in the initial path releases without first acquiring. constraint, Sinit.C. The key difference between our implementation and RE- This is the barrier matching problem: given two threads, LAY’s is that we compute may-be-held sets while RELAY must they pass the same sequence of barriers from pro- computes must-be-held sets. This reflects differing motiva- gram entry up to the initial context? Solutions have been tions: as a static race detector, RELAY wants to know which proposed—we adapt the algorithm from Zhang and Duester- locks must be held to determine if accesses are properly wald [43], which builds barrier expressions to describe guarded, but we want to know which locks may be held to the possible sequence of barriers each thread might pass determine when two lock() calls may need to be serialized through. Two threads are barrier-synchronized if their bar- (as motivated by Figure 1). Hence, our L+ and L− are may- rier expressions are compatible. acquire and must-release, while those used by RELAY are Zhang and Duesterwald’s algorithm does not support our must-acquire and may-release. use case directly because it cannot reason about loops with Barrier Expected Arrivals. To compute Bcnts, we sim- input-dependent trip counts. So, we extend that algorithm ply enumerate all calls to barrierInit(p, e) that might be by computing a symbolic trip count for each loop node performed on some path from program entry up to the initial in a barrier expression. Two loops match if their symbolic context, and for each such call, we add e to the set Bcnts(p). trips counts must be equal. We compute trip counts using a This can be viewed as may-reach analysis applied to each standard algorithm, but we discard trip counts that depend barrier’s expected field. on shared memory locations (recall the definition of shared, from above). To determine if the trip count can be kept, we 1 A formal description of the full reaching definitions analysis is given in compute a backwards slice of the trip count expression and the first author’s Ph.D. thesis [1]. ensure that slice does not depend on any shared locations. 5. Soundness and Completeness a is the base address by exploiting LLVM’s simple type sys- Our symbolic execution algorithm is sound, and it is com- tem to learn which terms are used as pointers. plete except when the SMT solver uses concretization to The precise semantics of integer-to-pointer conversions make progress through an unsolvable query (recall §2.1). We in C are implementation-defined (§ of [26]). Our im- make this claim only for programs with a correctly imple- plementation does not support programs that use integer mented pthreads library; otherwise, the invariants from §4.3 arithmetic to jump between two separately-allocated objects, would be incorrect. Our theorem relies on a notion of corre- such as via the classic “XOR” trick for doubly-linked lists. spondence between concrete and symbolic states—because Such programs are not amenable to garbage collection for the heap is expanded lazily in the symbolic semantics, this analogous reasons [5], even though such programs are sup- notion relies on partial equivalence and is somewhat techni- ported by some C implementations. cal. We give the full concrete semantics, a full definition of correspondence, and a proof of the theorem in an expanded 7. Evaluation version of this paper [3]. Our proof applies to our symbolic We ran our experiments on an 8-core 2.4GHz Intel Xeon semantics only—it implicitly assumes that the initial sym- E5462 with 10GB of RAM. Although our testbed is multi- bolic state is a correct over-approximation for the given pro- core, Cloud9 is not designed to exploit multiple cores. We gram context. ran one experiment at a time to minimize memory pres- Definition 1 (Correspondence of concrete and symbolic sure and other system effects that could add experimental states). We say that symbolic state SS models concrete state noise. We selected applications from standard multithreaded SK under constraint C if there exists an assignment Σ that suites [4, 41] to cover a range of parallelism assigns all symbolic constants in SS to values such that (a) styles, including fork-join parallelism, barrier-synchronized Σ is a valid assignment under the constraint C, and (b) the parallelism, task parallelism, and pipeline parallelism. application of Σ to SS produces a state that is partially- Evaluation: Infeasible Paths. Recall (§1.1) that our ap- equivalent to SK (as defined in the expanded version of this proach lies on a spectrum between a na¨ıve approach, which paper). approximates the initial state very conservatively by leav- Theorem 1 (Soundness and completeness of symbolic exe- ing all memory locations unconstrained, and a fully precise cution). Consider an initial program context, an initial con- approach, which constructs a perfectly precise initial state using an intractably expensive analysis. crete state SK for that context, and an initial symbolic state We first compare the na¨ıve approach with our approach: SS: how many fewer infeasible paths do we explore? We answer If symbolic execution from S outputs a pair – Soundness: S this question for a given program context C by exhaustively (p, C), then for all S such that S models S under C, K S K enumerating all paths reachable from C up to a bounded concrete execution from S must follow path p as long K depth. Any path that is enumerated by the na¨ıve approach, as context switches happen exactly as specified by path p. but not by our approach, must be an infeasible path that – Completeness: If concrete execution from SK follows our approach has avoided. We use a bounded depth to make path p, then for all SS such that SS models SK under exhaustive exploration feasible. SS.C, symbolic execution from SS will either (a) output Table 1 summarizes our results. Each row summarizes a pair (p, C), for some C, or (b) encounter a query that experiments for a unique program context. For each bench- the SMT solver cannot solve. mark application, we manually selected one or two program contexts in which at least two threads begin execution from 6. Implementation the middle of a core loop. Column 2 shows the number of We implemented the above algorithms on top of the Cloud9 [9] threads used in each initial context, and Column 3 shows the symbolic execution engine, which is in turn based on KLEE [10]. maximum number of conditional branches executed on each Cloud9 symbolically executes C programs that use pthreads path during bounded-depth exploration. and are compiled to LLVM [30] bitcode (Cloud9 operates Columns 4 and 7 show the number of paths explored by directly on LLVM bitcode). Where a points-to analysis is our fully optimized approach (Full) and the na¨ıve approach, needed, we use DSA [29]. respectively. To further characterize our approach, we also The C language allows casts between pointers and inte- ran our approach with optimizations disabled: -RD disables gers. This is not modeled in our semantics but is partially reaching definitions (§2.3, §3.3, §4.4) and -SI disables syn- supported by our implementation. Our approach is to repre- chronization invariants (§4.3, §4.4). Our approach explores sent each pointer expression p like any other integer expres- significantly fewer infeasible paths compared to the na¨ıve sion. Then, at each memory access, we analyze p to extract approach, and a comparison across Columns 4–7 shows that (base, offset) components. For example, our implementation each optimization is essential. represents int *p = &a[x*3] as p = a + 4 · (x · 3), and to It is difficult to compare our approach with the fully pre- access p we transform it to ptr(a, 12 · x). We determine that cise approach, as the fully precise approach is intractable. Program Context Num Paths Avg IPS Exec Time in isSat inf. thr br Full -RD -SI N WP Full -RD -SI N WP Full -RD -SI N pths blackscholes 4 20 763 1087 765 1087 927 176 1171 178 1206 75% 93% 65% 93% 65% – dedup-1 5 10 103 122 863 971 4731 72 49 67 64 3% 30% 62% 36% 51% – dedup-2 5 12 458 550 1811 1904 4692 45 26 39 32 5% 35% 64% 30% 59% – lu-1 4 22 681 1026 1133 1864 3997 93 170 64 107 2% 55% 16% 75% 57% 625 lu-2 4 18 554 1400 1290 4680 3860 80 136 105 162 32% 57% 23% 56% 26% 380 pfscan 3 18 246 246 3785 3785 6250 5368 5650 5254 5503 17% 28% 25% 15% 13% – streamcluster 3 11 60 617 229 1004 5382 161 59 7 19 15% 9% 35% 74% 31% 48 Table 1. Results for manually-selected program contexts. Full is our fully optimized approach, and N is the na¨ıve approach.

For lu and streamcluster, we have manually inspected Evaluation: Input-Covering Schedules. We evaluate the paths explored by our approach (Column 4) and es- how well our techniques support an algorithm for finding timated, through our best understanding of the code, how input-covering schedules [2]. The algorithm partitions ex- many of those paths are infeasible (Column 18). Sources of ecution into epochs of bounded length and uses symbolic infeasible paths include the following: Both programs assign execution to enumerate a set of input-covering schedules each thread a unique id parameter (e.g., by incrementing a for each epoch. The beginning of each epoch is defined by global counter), but we are unable prove that these ids are a multithreaded program context with fully specified call unique across threads. We suspect that a similar situation stacks, so our techniques are directly applicable. causes infeasible paths in other applications, but we have not We ran the algorithm (from [2]) on the programs shown quantified this precisely. Further, they performs calls of the in the table below, using our approach at various optimiza- form pthread join(t[i])—we are unable to prove that tion levels, along with the na¨ıve approach. We report the each t[i] is a valid thread id, so we must fork for (infeasi- number of schedules enumerated by that algorithm and the ble) error cases. algorithm’s total runtime. Similarly to the infeasible paths Evaluation: Performance. Columns 8–12 show the av- evaluation above, if a schedule is enumerated with the na¨ıve erage number of LLVM instructions executed per second approach, but not our approach, then it must be an infeasi- (IPS), and Columns 13–17 show the percentage of total exe- ble schedule. The results show, again, that our techniques are cution time devoted to isSat. The two metrics are correlated, essential: the na¨ıve approach suffers from slower algorithm as slower isSat times lead to lower IPS. Full uses more pre- runtimes and more infeasible schedules. cise constraints than the na¨ıve approach, but this does not Program NumSchedules / RunningTime necessarily lead to higher IPS for Full. Namely, precise and thr Full -RD -SI N simple constraints such as x = 5 lead to high IPS, but pre- cise and complex constraints can lead to low IPS—the latter fft 2 2/ 9s 2/12s 2/ 10s 2/ 11s effect has been observed previously [25, 28]. lu 4 3/ 6s 23/14s 1550/396s 1976/202s To further understand the overheads of our approach, we pfscan 2 455/24s 455/28s 2245/ 78s 2273/ 80s symbolically executed multiple whole program paths that each begin at program entry and pass through the initial con- 8. Related Work text (WP in Columns 8 and 13). Although Full can be an We have discussed related work throughout the paper. We order-of-magnitude slower than WP, many paths explored by stress that prior approaches to path explosion, such as sum- WP visit 100s of branches before reaching the initial context, marization [20, 24, 36], heuristics [8, 31, 34], path merg- suggesting that exhaustive summarization of all paths from ing [25, 28], and partial order reductions [14, 18], are com- program entry is infeasible—approximating the initial con- pletely orthogonal to our symbolic execution semantics and text is necessary. Further profiling shows that much of our could be profitably incorporated along with our ideas. We overhead comes from resolving symbolic pointers: LLVM’s believe our integration of dataflow analysis with symbolic load and store instructions typically comprised 15% to execution is novel, and §7 shows that our choice of analysis 50% of total execution time in Full, but < 5% in WP. represents an essential sweet spot in our context. However, Lastly, we tried disabling our use of a points-to analysis we do not claim that our dataflow analysis is powerful in to restrict aliasing (§3.2, §4.2). With this optimization dis- a novel way. We refer to Rinard for a thorough survey of abled, each symbolic pointer was assigned 100s of aliases, dataflow analysis of multithreaded programs [37]. leading to large heap-update expressions and poor solver The recently proposed idea of micro execution [21] has performance—so slow that on most benchmarks, throughput a similar goal to our work—“virtual” execution (which in- decreased to well under 5 IPS. Hence, we consider this opti- cludes symbolic execution) from arbitrary program contexts— mization so vital that we left it enabled in all experiments. but the MicroX system does not reason as precisely about the symbolic heap, and most importantly, it does not con- sider the effect of the surrounding program context (making References it equivalent to the na¨ıve approach we compare with in §7). [1] T. Bergan. Avoiding State-Space Explosion in Multithreaded Some additional prior work (not yet discussed) has inves- Programs with Input-Covering Schedules and Symbolic Exe- tigated symbolic pointers. Otter [32] appears to use a similar cution. PhD thesis, Computer Science Dept., University of conditional-aliasing approach with lazy initialization, but its Washington, Seattle, WA, March 2014. approach is not explained formally. SAGE [17] soundly han- [2] T. Bergan, L. Ceze, and D. Grossman. 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