Planning Statement

Holme Farm, East Grimstead, , , SP5 3RT

Prepared For Mr P. Firth

8807 July 2018





Planning Statement Holme Farm, East Grimstead, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP5 3RT


1.1 This planning statement is submitted in support of the application for a pond at Holme Farm, East Grimstead, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP5 3RT.

1.2 The pond will be located at Holme Farm, which is located within the village of East Grimstead. East Grimstead is a small village approximately 8km east of Salisbury. Much of the village is focused around Grimstead Road which is the main road through the village. East Grimstead does not have a settlement boundary and has a rural character.

1.3 The site is located approximately 500m east of Bentley Wood which is designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).

1.4 The pond is approximately 14m x 10m, with a maximum depth of 1.2m. The pond will have a natural form, with 1 metre planting beds around the edge. The pond is modest in size and will be left to develop naturally, hopefully becoming a thriving ecosystem. Ponds, man-made or otherwise can have the potential to support a wide range of wildlife, benefiting the wider area.

1.5 There is no relevant planning history to consider as part of this application.

Planning Statement 1 Holme Farm, East Grimstead, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP5 3RT


2.1 Section 70 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires that planning applications should be determined in accordance with the development plan unless other material considerations indicate otherwise. The main development plan documents of relevance include the Wiltshire Core Strategy (adopted January 2015) and saved policies from the old District Local Plans. The main material consideration is the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) which sets out the Government’s up to date strategy and guidance for plan making and decision taking.

2.2 The Core Strategy does not contain any policies specifically relating to the creation of ponds. There is a more generic policy, Core Policy 50, which relates more widely to biodiversity and geodiversity. This policy covers a number of topics including protection, biodiversity enhancement, and local sites. It states that ‘all development should seek opportunities to enhance biodiversity’. At present the area where the pond is going to be located is mowed grass, which holds far less biodiversity value than a pond. The proposed pond will be an improvement on the biodiversity currently on site and for the wider area. The pond will be planted with pond plants to help support a successful ecosystem and allowed to naturally develop. The nearest other pond in East Grimstead is approximately 200m north, by introducing another pond into the local area it could help to improve the wider biodiversity. There are a large number of biodiversity benefits associated with the creation of a pond. The creation of the pond will only result in a small loss of grassed agricultural land, not likely to have any wider negative impacts.

2.3 Core Policy 51 sets out the development should protect, conserve and where possible enhance landscape character and must not have a harmful impact upon landscape character. In this case the character of the landscape is dominated by the countryside setting, and the pond will not change this. The location of the pond is outside residential land and will remain as such. The pond will have a minimal visual impact, with no associated paraphernalia and a natural setting. The pond will become a feature of landscape, with it responding well to its countryside setting.

2.4 The pond will be located approximately 500m from Bentley Wood, which is nationally designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). This means that any development needs to be considered if it will have any adverse effect on the SSSI. In this case the creation

Planning Statement 2 Holme Farm, East Grimstead, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP5 3RT

of a small pond 500m away is not going to have any adverse impact. The pond will have biodiversity benefits from the area, none of which will negatively impact on Bentley Wood.

2.5 The NPPF is clear in its support for conserving and enhancing the natural environment, with it recognised that the planning system should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by, ‘minimising the impact on biodiversity and providing net gains in biodiversity…, and recognising the wider benefits of ecosystem services’. Paragraph 118 sets out that when determining planning application, local planning authorities should aim to conserve and enhance biodiversity by applying a set of principles, including ‘development proposals where the primary objective is to conserve or enhance biodiversity should be permitted’. In this case, the primary objective of the pond is to create a wildlife feature, which means the development should be permitted. The pond will be managed by the occupiers at Holme Farm to ensure it remains a suitable habitat and is maintain in an acceptable standard.

2.6 There is a Right of Way, footpath GM1, which passes through Holme Farm and which needs to be considered as part of the application. Below is a screengrab taken from the Wiltshire Planning Explorer showing footpath GM1 in the context of Holme Farm.

2.7 The map shows the footpath entering Holme Farm through the main gate entrance to the property. It then travels south towards the western edge of the field boundary at Holme Farm. At this point it is worth pointing out that there are likely to be some slight inaccuracies in the exact plotting of the footpath, the map above shows the footpath crossing the boundary away

Planning Statement 3 Holme Farm, East Grimstead, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP5 3RT

from the corner of the of the western boundary, when in fact the footpath gate is right in the corner of the field. The proposed pond will not affect or use of this footpath or prevent people using it in any way. The proposed pond will be location east of the footpath and will not interfere with the footpaths usage.

2.8 Whilst not part of this application it is worth knowing that the applicant has been working with to move the course of the footpath so that it runs along the western boundary of Holme Farm. An application to do this has been submitted to council, with a visit from a council officer taking place in April 2018. In the meantime, the applicant is creating a permissive footpath with the assistance of the council. This does not affect this application but is an indication as to the applicant’s intention to responsibly manage the footpath.

2.9 Consideration has gone into the position and effect of the pond on the footpath. Our conclusion is that the pond will not have any adverse impact on the right of way. If anything, it might enhance the experience of the users of the footpath with a pond along the route.

Planning Statement 4 Holme Farm, East Grimstead, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP5 3RT


3.1 The application comprises the creation of a pond at Holme Far, East Grimstead. The pond will be located within the land at Holme Farm and will have no other associated uses. The pond will be a modest size to response to the setting of the wider Holme Farm, approximately 14m x 10m. Planting will take place around the edge of the pond and the pond will be left to develop naturally. No additional fencing or obtrusive landscaping is proposed as part of this application. The pond will blend into the landscape and create a welcomed ecosystem where there is currently only mowed grass.

3.2 National policy supports the provision and enhancement of the natural environment wherever possible. It clearly states that development which have the primary objective of conserving or enhancing biodiversity should be permitted. The creation of a pond will create an environment which can support a range of flora and fauna. The pond will serve no other purpose and therefore should be permitted.

3.3 The local policy is much the same as the national policy, emphasising the importance of protecting and enhancing biodiversity. Local policy supports development which enhance biodiversity. The creation of a pond will no doubt bring with it biodiversity enhancements.

3.4 The presence of the nearby footpath GM1 does not preclude this application. This planning statement has set out that whilst the footpath needs to be considered in this application, it does not have any adverse impacts. Similarly, the nearby SSSI, is a consideration in the application but the creation of a pond will not impact this.

3.5 On the basis of the above the application should be viewed favourably by the council and approved without delay.

Planning Statement 5 Holme Farm, East Grimstead, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP5 3RT