220 West 2nd Street, Ramona, SD 57054

Phone: (605) 482-8244 Fax: (605) 482-8282

“Providing students the opportunities and facilities to become productive citizens and lifelong learners.” ______

The 2019-2020 school year is off to a successful start here at the Oldham-Ramona School District. The staff and students have settled into the routine of their school day and there continues to be all kinds of activity going on throughout the building.

INFINITE CAMPUS MESSENGER: We will again be using Infinite Campus Messenger for weather related announcements. If you find that you have not been notified during an announcement, please contact Kim Hyland at the school to make sure you are added to the list. Community members that are involved with the school district may also be included on the notification list. Infinite Campus Messenger is also used to remind parents of low lunch balances and we have some teachers that use the messenger system to keep parents updated on class related areas such as missing assignments.

BE AWARE OF SCHOOL BUS STOPS: With our busses out on the road once again for the school year, I feel it is imperative to remind everyone of the importance of following all laws associated with school busses stopping with their lights on. Our bus drivers have an extremely important task of making sure our students get both to school and back home safely. This job is much easier if everyone is able to follow the law and the bus drivers can worry about the kids and not the vehicles that are around them.

32-32-6. Duty of motorists to slow or stop in obedience to amber or red signal--Exceptions--Violation as misdemeanor. The operator of a motor vehicle on a highway that has less than two lanes of travel in each direction or a private road approaching a school bus that has its amber warning lights flashing shall reduce the speed of the vehicle not to exceed fifteen miles per hour and proceed past the school bus with caution. The operator of a motor vehicle approaching a school bus that has its red signal lights flashing shall make a complete stop. The stopped vehicle shall be at least fifteen feet from the school bus and shall remain stopped until the flashing red signal lights are extinguished. A lane that is designated solely for the purpose of turning is not considered a lane of travel for purposes of this section. The operator of a motor vehicle on a highway providing two or more lanes of travel in each direction does not need to reduce the speed of the vehicle when approaching a school bus that is traveling in the opposite direction if the school bus has its amber warning lights flashing. The operator of a motor vehicle on a highway providing two or more lanes of travel in each direction does not need to stop when approaching a school bus that is traveling in the opposite direction even though the school bus is stopped and has its red signal lights flashing. The operator of a motor vehicle on a highway providing two or more lanes of travel in each direction approaching a school bus that is traveling in the same direction and has its amber warning lights flashing shall reduce the speed of the vehicle not to exceed fifteen miles per hour and proceed past the school bus with caution. The operator of a motor vehicle on a highway providing two or more lanes of travel in each direction shall make a complete stop when approaching a school bus traveling in the same direction if the school bus is stopped and its red signal lights are flashing. A violation of this section is a Class 2 misdemeanor.

Every Kid, Every Day,

Michael Fischer, Superintendent

Welcome back to our returning families and a special welcome to those joining us for the first time! We are excited to have students back in the building. With the new year, comes new questions, policies, structural changes, and faces. I encourage everyone to visit the school, attend activities, and contact me if you have any questions. The school’s phone number is (605)482-8244 and my e-mail is [email protected]. If you are planning on visiting your student or volunteering, please check into the office and get a visitors pass from Ms. Hyland. For the safety of our students, staff, and other visitors, we need to know who is in the building.

Please check out the topics below as sources for additional information regarding the school and its activities:  Campus Portal – This is an important tool for checking your student’s progress, attendance, schedule, and check and or add to their lunch accounts. The link is located in the top left corner of the school’s webpage. If you are experiencing problems, cannot access it, or need to be setup, please contact the school. Infinite Campus also has an app for parents and students on the App Store.  R-School – The R-School calendar is linked to the words “ORR RAIDERS ATHLETIC CALENDAR” on the homepage of the school’s website. This calendar is almost entirely for 7-12 athletic events. This will be the most up-to-date athletic calendar.  Announcements – Ms. Hyland puts together announcements that cover the days’ activities as well as activities in the future. These announcements show up on the Campus Portal, but can also be e-mailed to you. If you would like to be on the announcements list, please contact Ms. Hyland.  Calendars/Handbooks – All of the most current calendars and handbooks are posted on the school’s website. If you have question about something dealing with the calendar or something in one of the handbooks, please contact me.

Parents sometimes ask me how they can help their student(s) have a successful school year. The good news is that the tips are simple. The bad news is that for these to be effective, they have to be done consistently, correctly, and sometimes without the appreciation of your student. Take a look at the tips below and consider how implementation of these tips look at your house. In the famous words of Red Green, “Remember I’m pullin’ for ya – we’re all in this together.” 1. Get involved 7. Promote independence and responsibility 2. Communicate with your student and the school 8. Keep your student’s schedule manageable and help 3. Be consistent and have a routine them find a balance between work and play 4. Limit screen time and increase sleep 9. Praise hard work 5. Be your student’s advocate 10. Create a positive learning environment at home 6. Advocate for your student, but don’t make excuses 11. Speak positively to your student about education for them 12. Enjoy the school year with your child

The ORR Raider athletic season is in full swing. However, it is not too late to join an athletic team. Athletic activities provide students with many education opportunities and lessons to prepare them to be better students, teammates, and citizens. Reminder – participating in these activities is a privilege. This privilege can be protected by staying eligible and following school and state rules. Parents can help their student-athlete by regularly checking their grades and help hold them accountable. Our teams feed off the positive feedback and the atmosphere that is created at events. We need to keep a positive experience for all and avoid cheering against other teams, individual athletes, officials, and coaches. Sportsmanship does not only apply to those wearing a Raider jersey. Lastly, I would ask that parents keep an eye on your children at games to keep everyone safe. If students do not want to sit with their parents, please sit in the student section and cheer loudly. We wish all Raiders a great season!

Go Raiders!

Mr. Andrew Johnson

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 *Cross Country *SCHOOL *VB @ Canistota *Varsity VB @ Salem 4:15 pm PICTURE DAY! JH 5:15 pm Tourney at *VB @ Colman- JV 6:15 pm *FB vs. Canistota / Flandreau Egan; JH 5:00 V to follow Freeman @ Rutland 9:00 am pm;JV 6:30 pm; 7:00 pm. V to follow PARENT’S NIGHT for FB, Cheer, XC!

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 *Clever Clovers *School Board *Cross Country *Cross Country @ Friday School / *JH DVC FB 4-H Meeting Meeting 7:00 pm @ Garretson DeSmet 4:00 pm Teacher Work Day Tourney @ 4:00 pm 3:00 pm *FB vs. E/LB @ Estelline 9:00 am *VB vs. E-H @ MP Room Elkton JH 4:30 pm *VB vs. FA/M Hendricks; JH Varsity 7:00 pm @ Marion 4:30 pm; JV 6:00 JV 2:oo pm pm; V to follow V to follow 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 *Cross Country *VB vs. DeSmet Friday School / *VB vs. SC/@ @ Arlington @ Rutland Teacher Work Day @ Rutland 4:00 pm JH 5:00 pm *FB @ Colman-Egan JH 1:00 pm *VB vs. Iroquois JV 6:00 pm JH 4:30 pm JV and V to @ Rutland V to follow follow JV 6:00 pm PARENT’S V to follow NIGHT!

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 *FB @ *VB vs. *Cross Country *VB vs. Arlington *Teacher Work Day *Cross Country Castlewood Flandreau @ Dell Rapids @ Ramona & Friday School @ Castlewood 2:00 pm 9:00 am JH 4:00 pm Indian School JH 5:00 pm *Football vs. A/LP @ Arlington *October Newsletter JV 6:00 pm JV 6:00 pm items due to JH 5:00 pm V to follow V to follow [email protected] Varsity 7:00 pm

29 30 October 1 October 2 October 3 October 4 October 5 Homecoming *OR *Cross Country *DVC Oral Interp *JH VB Week! Coronation @ Colman @ Arlington Tourney @ 1:00 pm * Rutland @ Oldham *VB vs. DRSM *Parade @ Elkton Coronation @ Ramona Ramona 1:45 pm; 9:00 am 7:00 pm 7:00 pm JH 4:30 pm Pep Rally to JV at 6:00 pm follow at OR V to follow School *Football vs. A/LP @ Arlington JH 5:00 pm Varsity 7:00 pm

Athletic and other schedules can be found on the ‘R School’ calendar which can be accessed by going to the school’s web page at https://oldhamramona.k12.sd.us/ and clicking on the ‘ORR Raiders Athletic Calendar’ link. Make sure to check back often as schedules are subject to change. You can also have notifications sent to you by clicking on the ‘Notify Me’ link on the bottom right side of the calendar page. Go Raiders! 3


Breakfast and lunch will be served every day school is in session. Breakfast is served at 7:50 am. If there is a late start, breakfast will not be served. Breakfast and lunch menus can be found in newsletters or posted at the school. Forms for free and reduced breakfasts and lunches will be sent with registration papers or are available in the office. It is very important these be filled out and turned in BEFORE school starts. If you need help filling them out, please call the office. We urge anyone who believes they may be eligible for free or reduced meals to apply. The applications are kept confidential. The school benefits with each approved free and reduced application. If you need the Special Diet Prescription for Meals form, please contact the office. This form needs to be completed and returned to school if a student is unable to eat certain foods.

The cost of breakfast, lunch, extra milk/juice, lunch seconds is as follows: Students Adult Reduced Breakfast .30 NA Full Breakfast 1.35 2.25 Reduced Lunch ..40 NA Full Lunch 2.75 3.75 Salad Bar NA 2.25 Extra Milk/Juice .30 .30 Lunch Seconds .75 .75

Infinite Campus is the food service software the school uses. On Infinite Campus, parents are allowed to view account balances, make payments, set notifications, and view items purchased. Parents can access the food service account from school’s website, under the ‘Campus Portal’ section on the left side. This ‘Campus Portal’ or Parent Portal section of Infinite Campus is also used to look at grades and outstanding assignments. If you do not have ‘Campus’ or Parent Portal login information, please contact Kim at 482-8244 to get set up. All meals are to be pre-paid. Payments for meals need to be received either online or by the school before school starts or on the first day of school. Please budget and pay each month for the approximate meals your children will need (or you may choose to pay for a few months at a time or the entire year). Notices will be sent via email when your balance is running low. Payment can be made online or by check or cash at the school. Payment must be received before your balance is negative. Thank you! Delinquent Lunch Bills-The Oldham-Ramona School District’s Food Service Department is a self- operating program. In order to maintain financial stability and equality of all food service accounts, negative student food service accounts are not acceptable. Parents/guardians are expected to keep their child’s account balance in the positive at all times. However, when a student’s account is in arrears by $20, notification will be sent to the parent/guardian. If the parent/guardian does not make payment to the school, the school will provide milk or juice for breakfast and a peanut butter or cheese sandwich and milk for lunch. Payment for these items will be charged to the student’s account. Negative balances will be carried over to the following school year. These negative balances must be taken care of prior to the start of the school year as part of the school registration process. Parents/guardians with negative balances will be asked to send a lunch from home until negative balances have been taken care of or a payment schedule has been arranged and begun. If there are any questions, please call the office at 482-8244. PAYMENTS Please write a separate check for each item and also write what the item is on the memo line: Computer * Library * Milk * Music * Preschool Transportation * School Lunch. Thanks for your help! SCHOOL NOTES * School starts at 8:15am and dismisses at 3:21pm. Students should not come to school until 7:50 am, which is when breakfast is served, unless arrangements have been made with their teacher. We will be on a 4-day-week schedule. Most of the time, this will mean school is not in session on Fridays. But, if there is no school on a Monday, school will be in session that following Friday. Please pay close attention to the calendar in each monthly newsletter.

* In order to better serve each student and their family, we are asking that if your child is not going to be in school or running late please call and let us know by 8:30 am. The telephone number is 605-482-8244.

* The speed limit is 15 mph in the school zone and 20 mph on all residential streets. Please keep in mind that we have students as young as 5 who may be walking or riding their bikes to school and we want everyone to arrive and leave safely!

* Homecoming Week is Sept.30-Oct. 4! OR Coronation will be on Tuesday, Oct. 1, at 7:00 pm in Oldham, with the parade, pep rally, and football game in Ramona on Friday, Oct. 4!

* School pictures will be on Wednesday, September 4, and retakes will be on Monday, October 7. Picture packets have been sent home and must be returned on picture day or you can order online.

* All immunization records are required to be provided to the school by parents no later than September 5. Please see the flyers below for more information on what shots are required for Kindergarten and 6th grade students. Any transfer student coming into the OR School District must also have Tdap and meningococcal immunizations. To find out what immunizations your student/s need, check with your doctor or call the Lake County Community Health Office at 605-256-5309. Vaccinations can also be completed by your doctor or the Lake County Health Nurse, so make an appointment today!


Regular Gate Fee: Double Header Gate Fee: Adult $5.00 (no special senior citizen gate ticket) $6.00 Student $3.00 $4.00

Season Pass: Adult $40.00 In-District Senior Citizen FREE (age 62 & older) Student $15.00 Family $90.00 (immediate family only who live in household or are college students)

Passes are valid for all home sports events (VB, FB, GB, BB) which are played at Oldham, Ramona, or Rutland EXCEPT FOR DVC or DISTRICT PLAY-OFFS. These passes are also NOT VALID for school plays or other non-sporting events. To purchase a season pass, please stop in the office or send a check to school with your child. You may also buy season passes at the gate when attending an athletic event. The revenue generated from the sale of season passes stays wherever the season pass is purchased (money from passes purchased at Oldham-Ramona will go into Oldham-Ramona’s general fund; money from passes purchased at Rutland will go into Rutland’s general fund). ORR SPORTS EVENTS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE THROUGHOUT THE SCHOOL YEAR FOR VARIOUS REASONS. PLEASE LOOK FOR ANY CHANGES TO BE PUBLISHED IN EITHER SCHOOL NEWSLETTER, IN DAILY SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENTS, MADISON DAILY LEADER OR ANNOUNCED ON KJAM. YOU MAY ALSO CALL EITHER SCHOOL OFFICE AT 586-4352 OR 482-8244 WITH ANY QUESTIONS.

I would like to purchase season passes for the following people: ______


VOLUNTEERS You can make a significant contribution to the Oldham-Ramona education team by volunteering some of your time. Your involvement is needed to provide a personal touch for the education of our students. Choose your day, time, and particular area of interest: work in the classroom with students, extend the staff’s time by making games and materials, or work at home on a variety of projects to enhance the existing program. Won’t you plan to share a hobby or skill with interested students? We need your valuable time and knowledge. An hour a week would be greatly appreciated. Your prompt response will help us know that you are willing to help us. Thank you for helping us to help children. I’d like to help: _____ in the classroom _____ as a Room Parent _____ in the library _____ type or do other clerical tasks _____ make simple games or materials at home _____ tutor one-to-one _____ read or listen to children _____ chaperone field trips _____ drive students for field trips _____ coaching elementary basketball _____ with special events (class parties, cooking, etc.) _____ substitute teaching

Various aspects of the curriculum often need some special input. I can offer assistance in these interest areas: ___ cooking ___ printing ___ leathercraft ___ music ___ sewing/stitchery ___ social sciences ___ drama ___ science ___ carpentry ___ painting ___ gardening ___ foreign language ___ travel ___ arts/crafts ___ photography ___ other ______

I could give an explanation, demonstration, or display of my hobby (stamps, needlework, etc.), interest, or vocation. Please describe: ______

The best days and times for me to help are: ______

______I’m willing to give of my time. Please put me where I’m needed.

Name: ______Phone: ______

INCLEMENT WEATHER GUIDE When inclement weather makes it necessary that school be called off, the following radio and TV stations are asked to make the announcement. MADISON Radio BROOKINGS Radio TV Stations KJAM 1390 AM KKQQ 102.3 FM KELO KJAM 103.1 FM KDBX 107.1 FM KSFY KJJQ 910 AM KDLT 1430 AM KBRK 93.7 FM Messages will also be posted on Facebook. In addition, the school has implemented a telephone broadcast service which will deliver a pre-recorded message from a school administrator. When school has to be called off during a school day, KJAM will be notified first. If a determination can be made during the evening hours, the announcement will go out on radio and TV. Parents are urged to listen to KJAM between 6:00 am and 6:30 am for any weather-related announcements. Please do not call the school to ask if school is called off. This ties up phone lines and prevents the school from dealing with emergency calls. School patrons are asked to communicate with their bus driver concerning poor road conditions. The decision to call of school or dismiss early is based on radio weather reports and actual road and weather conditions. If school needs to be called off while in session, radio and TV stations will be notified if possible approximately one hour ahead of the dismissal. This will allow parents to react and make arrangements for children getting home early. PLEASE PLAN AHEAD. Parents, especially those with younger children, who may not be home if an early dismissal occurs are encouraged to make arrangements ahead of time. Please inform the bus driver, the school office, and the student of your plans. WHENEVER THERE IS A LATE START, THERE WILL BE NO BREAKFAST and NO PRESCHOOL. ------Oldham-Ramona School will be utilizing the ‘Messenger with Voice’ application of Infinite Campus for emergency phone calls. The sign up portion was included in student registration forms. If a member of the community needs to be added to the list, please contact Kim in the office at 605-482-8244. ------IMPORTANT BUSSING INFORMATION

Our most important goal is getting your student(s) to school safely. To correctly apply the safety measures on a bus, students need to be seated on their bottom and facing forward once they are the on bus. During the first week of September, Mr. Tony Fischer and Mr. Johnson will be taking each class through additional safety measures. Students also have to make sure they are not distracting the driver. To help insure this happens, each driver has established rules to follow on their bus. If these rules are not followed, the actions below will be taken.

1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense Formal warning from the bus driver Loss of bus privileges for eight days Loss of bus privileges for the remainder of the semester

Another one of our goals is to keep bus routes as timely as possible. To do this, we need assistance from everyone that rides the bus. First, please make sure that your student(s) are ready to get on the bus when it pulls up. Second, if your child is going to be absent from school, make sure the bus driver knows and you also call the school office. Third, if your student misses their stop, please bring them to school. Fourth, pay extra attention while around a school bus and be sure to follow the traffic laws. Remember that a bus with flashing yellow lights means slow down to 15 mph and expect it to stop. Flashing red lights means stop.

Finally, there should be no parking or dropping off your student(s) in front of the school where busses load and unload. This needs to be left open for busses to quickly load and unload students. All parents should park across the street and drop off their student(s) there. If you are not walking your student in, please remind them to look both ways and cross the street carefully. Oldham-Ramona School Board Members, Faculty, & Staff 2019-2020 STAFF NAME POSITION Carol Allgaier 7-12 Special Education Marie Anderson Co-head Track Coach Morgan Anderson After School Program Coordinator Robert Bergstrom Technology Coordinator / Business / Computers Kyle Broghammer Junior High FB Coach Jes Carson JH Boys BB Brady Clark 6th Grade / Head FB Coach / Asst. Track Coach / Head Strength Coach Deanne DeRungs Preschool / JH Lang Arts & Geography Logan DeRungs Head BB Coach / Asst. FB Coach Maren Fischer English Michael Fischer Superintendent Tony Fischer Industrial Arts / PE / Bus Driver Danny Frisby Griffin Head Cross Country Coach / Head Girls Basketball Coach Jeannie Henrichs Paraprofessional Carol Halverson Head Cook Jason Hanson Co-Head Track / Rutland Athletic Director Rebecca Hanson Kindergarten Deann Hildebrandt E-Mentor / Assistant Cook / Bus Driver Chris Hoek Custodian / Bus Driver Kim Hyland Administrative Assistant Lon Ihler Social Studies / Physical Education Cassi Johnson Business Manager Andrew Johnson Principal / Athletic Director Jane Kattke Elementary Lead Teacher / 3rd Grade Dean Koster Science / Drivers Ed Carli Lager 1st Grade / Asst. Volleyball Coach Nikki Larsen 4th Grade Amber Malisch Cheer Coach LaDonna Marlette Guidance Counselor Amber Misar Band / Music Beth Misar Paraprofessional Sue Pederson Colony High School E-Mentor / Paraprofessional Cassie Schneider Paraprofessional / Preschool Driver Kelly Sullivan Pre-6 Special Education Shelby Thompson 2nd Grade / Asst. Volleyball Coach Chad Trigg Colony K-3 Kaylee Stratton 7-12 Math / Head Volleyball Coach Emily Graber 5th Grade Shane Waikel Custodian (Oldham) Travis Wicks Colony 4-8 Zach Wicks Custodian

Oldham-Ramona School District 39-5

Home of the Raiders 220 W. 2nd St. Ramona, SD 57054

OR School has the following positions open Making Oldham-Ramona for the 2019-20 School Term: Excellent is a group of parents, EXTRA-CURRICULAR OPENINGS teachers and community *Concession Stand/Pop Machine Supervisor members working to promote *Play Director and support Oldham-Ramona *Assistant Play Director school and the communities. *Assistant Girls Basketball Coach–ORR Coop *Assistant Boys Basketball Coach–ORR Coop The MORE Group is currently taking donations for new playground equipment! You can support us by *Co-Head Golf Coach–ORR Coop purchasing Scrip Cards – which are our main fundraiser. You buy the card for the cost of the card and the If interested, call Michael Fischer, Supt., company donates money to our group! It doesn’t cost at 605-482-8244 or email you anything extra! Ask us how you can donate through [email protected]. Amazon, too! We are also searching for new members to join this great group! Check us out on Facebook at All position close when filled. EOE. Making Oldham Ramona Excellent (M.O.R.E.) for more information!

AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM NEWSLETTER INFO The OR ASP (After School Program) is in full swing The newsletters and other items can be found on the school website: and available for students in grades K-6. Come once a https://oldhamramona.k12.sd.us/. month, once a week, or every day! Morgan Anderson, As part of an effort to reduce costs, we would appreciate residents the new ASP coordinator, is a DSU student pursuing a being able to access the newsletter via the website or have the degree in Special Education/Early Education. Call the newsletter emailed directly to you! Just call Kim at 605-482-8244 to school for more information and to get your student get on the list! If you need the newsletter to be delivered via the regular registered at 605-482-8244. mail, please call the office and ask to be put on that list. Thanks!