Jamie C. Winternitz

Department of Population Phone: +420 777 870 604 Institute of Vertebrate Biology Email: [email protected] Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Website: https://sites.google.com/site/winternitzresearchsite/home 675 02 Studenec 122 Czech Republic


Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Botany, ASCR, Brno, Czech Republic 2013 - 2015

Doctorate of Philosophy in , , Athens, GA Advisor: Sonia M. Altizer 2006 - 2012

Junior Year Abroad in Biological Sciences, Lancaster University, UK 2004

Bachelor of Science in Ecology, Evolution, & Behavior, Honors, University of California, Los Angeles, CA Advisor: Daniel T. Blumstein 2005


Instructor January to May 2013 Biological Sciences, University of Georgia, GA Dr. Mark Farmer ([email protected]), Chair of Biological Sciences • Instructor for basic biology laboratory skills course, responsible for coordinating labs, supplies, and curriculum. • Taught technical skills, DNA extraction, use of restriction enzymes, PCR and ELISAs to undergraduate Biology majors. • Created assignments, grading rubrics, and a lab manual to further student understanding of course objectives.

Research Technician June 2012 to May 2013 Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia, GA Dr. Daniel G. Streicker ([email protected]) • Managed genetics laboratory space, supplies, and equipment. • Performed DNA extraction, PCR, and sequencing for mammalian tissue and blood samples. • Analyzed microsatellite data for population genetic studies on vampire bats.

Head Teaching Assistant June to August 2012 Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia, GA Dr. Scott Connelly ([email protected]) • Lead organizer for lab course, responsible for coordinating labs, field trips, supplies, and curriculum. • Taught ecology, conservation, and population/community concepts to undergraduate Ecology majors. • Led field trips and in-class discussions on ecological themes. • Created assignments and grading rubrics to further student understanding of course objectives.

Lead Teaching Assistant September to May 2010 - 2012 Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia, GA Dr. J Vaun McArthur ([email protected]) • Lead organizer for course TAs, responsible for coordinating labs, field trips, supplies, and curriculum. • Taught ecology, conservation, and population/community concepts to undergraduate Ecology majors and non-majors. • Led field trips and in-class discussions on ecological themes. • Created assignments and grading rubrics to further student understanding of course objectives.

EcoReach Outreach Coordinator August 2007 - 2012 Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia, GA Dr. Scott Connelly ([email protected]) • Head coordinator of Ecoreach, an outreach program that teaches ecology to community grade school children and their families. Participated at dozens of local schools and community events, interacting with over 500 students. • Organized a webpage and list-serve to recruit volunteers for outreach opportunities. Responsible for materials and training of volunteers for outreach programs.

Research Assistant March 2008 Monarch Disease Ecology Project, Chinqua and Pelon, Mexico Dr. Sonia Altizer ([email protected]) • Assisted with field research on the ecological factors affecting prevalence of an infectious protozoan parasite on Monarch over-wintering populations. • In charge of netting monarchs, recording morphological characters, and digitally scanning hundreds of wings for morphometric and color analysis. • Analyzed data using SPSS for significant relationships between infection status and wing morphology.

Trail Crew Worker January to April 2006 Student Conservation Association, Florida National Scenic Trail, FL Bob Woods ([email protected]), Project Manager, Florida National Scenic Trail • Worked on a team of five trail crew members to create new and maintain existing trail in northern Florida. Experienced living in remote areas in primitive conditions for 10+ days. Experienced with backpacking. • Regularly carried >50lbs of equipment and material to build boardwalks in remote areas. Experienced using hand tools and construction equipment.

Research Assistant October 2005 Bodega Marine Laboratory, University of California, Davis Ted Stankowich ([email protected]) • Assisted graduate student with his dissertation research on the evolution of predator recognition in mule deer. • Responsible for locating deer, setting up video cameras, and recording the behavior of deer presented predator stimuli. This work led to a dissertation chapter.

Field Researcher June to September 2005 - 2007 Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, CO Dr. Daniel Blumstein ([email protected]) • Field researcher for the long-term study of yellow-bellied marmot behavior and ecology. • Duties included working as a team for trapping, marking, collecting blood and fecal samples, and observing the behavior of marmots. • Individually responsible for play-back experiments that tested hypotheses on the adaptive responses of marmots to specific stimuli and behavioral studies exploring male motivation for alarm calling. This led to publications in Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology and Animal Behavior.

Research Assistant January to April 2005 Department of Ecology, Evolution, & Behavior, UCLA, CA Dr. Greg Grether ([email protected]) • Assisted with the experimental investigation of sexual selection and food resource abundance in a lab population of guppies. • Duties included high attention to detail while distributing controlled quantities of food to 500 tanks twice a day, checking all tanks for live young, and maintaining high living standards for the fish.

Research Assistant June to September 2002 - 2004 Surface Water Resources, Inc. Sacramento, CA Paul Bratovich (916) 563-6560, CEO • Shadowed at an environmental consulting agency interested in water issues in California. • Researched and fact-checked proposals. • Made frequent trips to the CA Fish and Wildlife Department to locate and identify pertinent data for research proposals. • Interpreted permit requirements and composed time-lines for the office. • Researched and presented on EPA requirements for native salmonids to the company.


Genetics of disease resistance in natural populations Sexual selection and parasite-mediated natural selection Interaction between animal behavior, life history traits and infectious disease risk Demographic impact on selection dynamics Integration and advancement of women in science DISSERTATION RESEARCH

Mechanisms of Selection and MHC Diversity in the Montane Vole and other Wild Mammals July 2007 to October 2012, Odum School of Ecology,UGA, Research advisor: Sonia M. Altizer I investigated how host population dynamics and parasite-mediated selection affect the immunogenic variation in a rodent species that undergoes repeated population cycles. I focused on the Major Histocompatibility Complex, vitally important for immune defense in vertebrates, and renowned for its great genetic diversity, thought to be maintained by coevolution with parasites and possibly mate choice. I predicted that if parasite-mediated selection is stronger than the force of random genetic drift, then signatures of balancing selection would be present at the MHC, using wild montane voles (Microtus montanus) as a relevant system. I tested for evidence of historic and contemporary balancing selection, using a combination of observational field studies and genetic analyses. Using 454 pyrosequencing, I characterized the MHC class II DRB locus for the first time in a North American Arvicolinae, and I found weak evidence of balancing selection and strong evidence of purifying selection. I put these results into context using phylogenetically controlled comparative methods to examine variation at the MHC across five orders of mammals, and to test for the relative forces of parasite-mediated selection and sexual selection in maintaining interspecies variation. I found evidence that both parasite- mediated and sexual selection could be playing a role preserving MHC diversity. This research contributes to advancing knowledge of evolutionary forces that shape host immunogenetic variation, with great relevance to conservation genetics in light of pathogen threats to wildlife populations.


1. Blumstein, D.T., Cooley, L., Winternitz, J, Daniel, J.C. 2008. Do yellow-bellied marmots respond to predator vocalizations? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 62(3): 457-468.

2. Blumstein, D.T., Richardson, D.T., Cooley, L., Winternitz, J., Daniel, J.C. 2008. The structure, meaning, and function of yellow-bellied marmot pup screams. Animal Behavior, 76: 1055-1064.

3. Winternitz, J.C., Yabsley, M.J., Altizer, S.M. 2012. Parasite infection and host dynamics in a naturally fluctuating rodent population. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 90:1149-1160.

4. Winternitz, J.C., Wares, J.P. Duplication and population dynamics shape historic patterns of selection and genetic variation at the MHC in rodents. Ecology and Evolution, 3(6):1552-1568.

5. Winternitz, J.C., Minchey, S.G., Garamszegi, L.Z., Huang, S., Stephens, P.R. and Altizer, S. Sexual selection explains more functional variation in mammalian immune genes than parasitism. Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences, 280(1769): 20131605.

OTHER PUBLICATIONS: 6. Han, B.A., Rushmore, J., Fritzsche, A., Satterfield, D., Winternitz, J. 2012. Preempting Pandemics. Science, 337: 647-648. Book Review.


1. Winternitz, J.C., Wares, J.P., Altizer, S. Wild voles maintain high neutral and MHC diversity independently of parasitism. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, in review.


1. Winternitz, J.C., Yabsley, M.J. New Eimeria species found in the montane vole (Microtus montanus). To be submitted to Journal of Parasitology.



Institute of Bioinformatics Next Generation Sequence Analysis Symposium Poster Award 2013 Solitary Glove Award $500 2012 Odum School of Ecology Small Grants $465 2011 Association for Women in Science Educational Award $500 2010 Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory Snyder Memorial Fund $750 2010 National Geographic Young Explorers Grant $4,727 2010 Odum School of Ecology Small Grants $1,500 2009 Center for Tropical and Emerging Global Diseases T32 Training grant, NIH $20,772 2009 Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases Travel Grant, $500 CSU 2008 Dean Lindholm Memorial Award $500 2008 Robert A. Sheldon Memorial Award $250 2008 Lewis and Clark Exploration Fund $1,400 2007 Animal Behavior Society Student Research Grant $1,000 2007 Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases Travel Grant, $500 Cornell 2007 21 month UGA Graduate School Assistantship $34,900 2006 Americorp Service Scholarship $1,000 2006 UCLA College Honors 2001-2005 Dean's List 2001-2005


EcoReach Coordinator for community school outreach 2007-2012 Ecology Graduate Student Representative 2009-2010 Chair of UGA's Graduate Student Symposium 2009 Interdisciplinary Joint Lab Discussion Coordinator 2007-2008 Chair of UGA’s Graduate Student Retreat 2007 Committee Member for Grad Student Symposium 2006-2008 Student Government, UCLA- Student Representative 2002-2005


1. Sexual selection explains more functional variation in mammalian immune genes than parasitism. Congress for the European Society of Evolutionary Biology, Lisbon, Portugal August 2013. Oral Contribution. 2. Sexual selection explains more functional variation in mammalian immune genes than parasitism. Institute of Bioinformatics Next Generation Sequence Analysis Symposium, University of Georgia, Athens, GA April 2013. Poster Contribution. 3. Parasite infection and host dynamics in a naturally fluctuating rodent population. UGA Student Chapter Wildlife Disease Association Conference, University of Georgia, Athens, GA November 2011. Poster Contribution. 4. Parasite dynamics in a naturally fluctuating rodent population. Graduate Student Symposium, University of Georgia, Athens, GA January 2011. Oral Contribution.

5. Wavelet analysis of montane vole population cycles. Graduate Student Symposium, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, January 2010. Oral Contribution.

6. Parasites and mate choice: what maintains MHC allelic diversity in cyclic populations? Southeastern Population, Ecology and Evolutionary Genetics, Dahlonega, GA, October 2009. Oral Contribution.

7. Parasite and MHC-mediated mate preferences in montane voles (Microtus montanus). Animal Behavior Society, Pirenópolus, Brazil, June 2009. Poster Contribution.

8. Parasites, sexual selection, and MHC. Population Biology of Infectious Diseases Course, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, March 2009. Invited Lecture.

9. What maintains MHC polymorphism in cyclic montane voles? Vole Meeting, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, February 2009. Poster Contribution.

10. Foraging decisions, parasitism, and predation risk. Graduate Student Symposium, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, January 2009. Oral Contribution.

11. Selection dynamics and MHC variability in cyclic montane voles. Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease Conference, Colorado State, Fort Collins, CO, June 2008. Poster Contribution.

12. How do parasite-driven and sexual selection contribute to immunity in cyclic montane voles? Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, Gothic, Colorado, July 2008. Oral Contribution.

13. Selection pressure and immunity in cyclic montane voles. Graduate Student Symposium, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, January 2008. Oral Contribution.

14. Do yellow-bellied marmots respond to predator vocalizations? Graduate Student Symposium, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, January 2007. Oral Contribution.

15. A comparison of Critical Habitat, Essential Fish Habitat, and Evolutionary Significant Units of the Chinook salmon in California. Surface Water Resources, Inc., Sacramento, California, September 2004. Invited Oral Contribution.


University of Massachusetts, Amherst 2012 AnthroTree Workshop: phylogenetically controlled comparative analysis

University of Georgia 2008 Microsatellite development and DNA lab techniques

Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease Meeting, Colorado State University 2008 Evolution Workshop

Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease Meeting, 2007 Modeling Infectious Diseases Workshop

Student Conservation Association 2006 Leave No Trace Certified

SKILLS Computer: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat Professional, EndNote, SPSS, MicroChecker, Fstat, Genepop, Arlequin, GeneMarker, MEGA, GENEIOUS, SESAME, Datamonkey, R.

Laboratory: Microsatellite development, DNA isolation and extraction, Next Generation Sequencing (454 Sequencing), cloning, PCR, fecal parasite examination, insect and rodent dissection, mate choice experimental design.

Field Biology: Backcountry wilderness experience; wildlife sampling in remote areas; rodent trapping grid designs, small and medium-sized mammal mark-recapture, drawing blood samples from animals, tissue and fecal sampling, GIS, behavioral observation, playback studies, butterfly field sampling, mist-netting and bird banding.

RELEVANT COURSEWORK Environmental Biotechnology; Topics in Modern Ecology; Population Ecology; TA Training for Graduate Students; Modeling Population Ecology; Species Invasions; Wildlife Diseases; Ecology and Biodiversity; Evolution and Behavior; Ecology and Behavior; Nature in the Renaissance; Molecular Biology; Environmental Physiology; Ethics of Biology in Society; Molecular Biology and Evolution; Field Behavioral Ecology; Field Tropical Ecology; Evolution and Ecology of Infectious Diseases; Estimation of Parameters of Fish and Wildlife Populations, Molecular Epidemiology.


European Society for Evolutionary Biology 2012 - present

Sigma Xi 2007 - present

Sigma Delta Epsilon Graduate Women in Science 2007 - present

UGA Ecology Graduate Student Organization 2006 - present

Animal Behavior Society 2006 - present