Bush Tours Bay Area
20—MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday, Oct. 20. 1989 MISCELLANEOUS TAG I TAG TAG TAG I CARS I CARS CAMPERS/ I FOR SALE SALES SALES SALES SALES I FOR SALE FOR SALE [^ T R A ILE R S COVENTRY - Moving! GREAT for Christmas, 2 NOTICE. Connecticut Gen MANCHESTER-53 Ham MANCHESTER - Satur CHEVROLET. 1984 Cava- OLDSMOBILE 1974 Cu 1980 Midas Motor home. 20" Dirt Bikes, excel Furniture, toys, books, eral Statute 23-65 prohibits lin Street, Saturday, day and Sunday, 9am - ller Wagon, good con tlass. Runs good. 24K, air, needs minor lent condition $45. Coll lots of miscellaneous the posting of advertise October 21,9-5, Rain or ?. Rain or shine. 39 dition. Many extras Needs exhaust work. repair, must sell. 649- 643-0727 o tte r 5. Items. October 21 - 22. ments by any person, firm or shine. Eldrldge Street.______ $2,500. 643-2108. $325. 649-4914, before 9977. Rain date October 28 corporation on a telegraph, SLIDING gloss door and MULTI-FAMILY tag AUCTION-DesIgn com OLDSMOBILE 1981, Cu 1pm. -29. 59 Fleldstone Lane, telephone, electric light or When you have some- screen 6 toot. $100. Col power pole or to a tree, sale. Corner of East munity offering tlass Supreme. 2 door, Coventry. Route 44 to new tires, high miles. thlng to sell, find a cash 643-0727 o tter 5._______ Northtleld Road, first shrub, rock, or any other Field and North Field new_sed office furni natural oblect without a w rit 649-9977. buyer the easy w ay... with CO FFEE table $30. 2 end right on Fleldstone.
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