| HOLDOUTS 22| helme

THE HOCKEY NEWS OOK AROUNDTHENHL players were leftintheleague.Here’s arundown ofthoseplayers, andwhy they choseto show theirflow. 30 percentof NHLers didn’tTen wear helmet. a years later,though, you and hands howon both count could many helmetless waiver.a signed they if out about opt season, 1978-79 could contractbeforeprothe then first During playerhis signed who helmets mandatory four decadesAnyago. player who entered after theleague June1,1979 had toany but wearhelmet, a helmets 30years ago. Seeingahelmetlessplayer in 1989 wasas seeing asunusualavisorless player today. The NHL made

JULY 22,2019 today,and you playersnotice that will visorswithout are fewand far between. Suchwas thecasewith 1988-89, LOS ANGELES KINGS LOSANGELES 1988-89, Professional League. prolast player to notwear one when, at52, he skated two games in2008-09 in theEastern He maya helmet. without bethe10th-to-last NHLer tohe butbecamethe notwear a helmet, little Jofa helmetfor oneseason.” to signwaivers, I tried to do anything,they but justwouldn’tallow it,” hesaid. “So, I wore a when heplayedin theGermanyMannheim with Leagueduringthe1989-90tried season. “I don’t like anything onmy head.” I hats. wear don’t I me. to annoying It’s helmet. a wearing when confined feel I comfort. the then,” he said. liked“I the way Ilookedmore but thananything ahelmet, without elseitwas opted to protect hisheadandwore ahelmet. pilot, airline commercial a as employed also now was who Secord, time, This 1996. to from1994 Wolves Chicago IHL’s the then and 1994 in Cheetahs Chicago International’s Hockey Roller with later,yearsfirst few a hockey pro to returned but 1990 in 32 at reer.retired He tough asnails,andfor thelongesttimeinhiscareer, herefused to putahelmeton.” was a fighter,” said Troy Murray, Secord’s teammate in Chicago for six also seasons. “Secord was He as times. other two amassed 2,093minutes. was “I surprisedSecordthat mark didn’twear because he helmet a 40- the hit and 1982-83 in goals 54 scored He helmet. LAST NHL GAME: APRIL 24, 1989 VS. 24, 1989 FLAMES APRIL GAME: LAST NHL LAST NHL GAME: MAY 10, 1990 AT MAY GAME: 1990 OILERS EDMONTON 10, LAST NHL BLACKHAWKS CHICAGO 1989-90, Afterward, Duguay returned to North Americaandplayed invarious minor –all leagues Duguay wentheadgear withoutduring his 12 years in theNHL,he but wasn’t so lucky Ron Duguay’s decision to not wear a helmetwasn’t justto be stylish. “I had the big hair back According to hockeyfights.com, Secord dropped the gloves 171 times during his NHL ca- NHL his during times 171 gloves the dropped Secord hockeyfights.com, to According SecordAl waspower a forward whohis entire battled 12-year NHL career a without ron al t SECORD DUGUAY to gowithoutabucket several preferred flow over protection. These are thefinal10men headgear was thenorm,andeven after itwas mademandatory, a helmet, butfor theNHL’s first six-plus decades,playing without Nowadays, it’s unimaginablefor aplayer to take to theice without BY SALBARRY


LAFLEUR: DENIS BRODEUR/NHLI VIA GETTY IMAGES; SNEPSTS: GRAIG ABEL/GETTY IMAGES; GREG SMYTH: in my lastfew years, when visorsstarted appearing,thatthesticks started comingup.” it wasBut ano-noto carry your stickup.Andifyou did, you hadto answer Inoticed the call. fisticuffs. of lot a with roughleague a was “It high,”64. nowup sticksSnepsts, their said ried increased theheadcountby one,untilheretired for afinaltime,at39,in1991. return Lafleur’s 1980s, the of end the by dwindled players helmetless of number the While to notwear ahelmet,” hesaidin1983. tive seasons of50 or more goalsand100 or morestarted points.“I playing wellas Idecided increase ofvisors,made hockey less safe. first startedI “When the NHL, innobodyreally car couldn’t hearthatwell, soIdecidedto take itoff.” with theBlues.“Thatkindof scared me,” he said. tried “I acoupleof differentI helmets,but sustaining afaciallaceration andagain after hitting his head against the boards in agame Louis, sansheadgear.visor and forhelmet He didsporta few a games the Canucks with after comfortable andwasn’t blinkingasmuch.” was WhenIgotto the NHL, I found alot. blinking when that Ididn’t Ifeltwear more ahelmet, Snepsts said. “It didn’t fit me that much, it was sliding up and down. My parents noticed that I playedI “When junior, they assignedthesamePatterson (brand) helmetsto thewhole team,” first three years in the NHL? In his fourth season, he ditched his helmet, then had six consecu mon sight inthe1970s.did But you know‘Le Demonwore thatBlond’ ahelmetduringhis mate DougWilson. Speakingofwhom… wanted to play in the 1994 All-Star Game without a helmet but was talked out of it by former team- tentative, keeping theirsticks down. Iplayed thenputitbackon.” 10games withoutahelmet, get hitintheheador with ahigh stickor anything. If anything, players might havemore beenabit didn’tI fights.don’tinjury. of anyI recall(head) couple ago. a time had long wasI a “It Smythsaid. how he remembered it:“There wasn’tincident or one particularanything changed my that mind,” out helmets,” Smyth told THNin2016,“soitwas somethingIjustwanted to try.” Smyth, adefenseman for the Flames,gavegrew “I itashot. upwatchingLeafs theMaple play with terward. Duringthose two years, anyone who wanted to playa helmetcoulddo withoutso. Greg 1992 NOVEMBER IN SOMETIME AHELMET: WITHOUT GAME LAST NHL CALGARY FLAMES 1992-93, NORTHSTARS AT 28, 1991 MINNESOTA APRIL GAME: LAST NHL BLUES ST.1990-91, LOUIS CANADIENS VS. 1991 MARCH31, GAME: LAST NHL NORDIQUES QUEBEC 1990-91, Lafleur retired at 33 early in 1984-85 but made a comeback in 1988 with the Rangers. the with 1988 in comeback a made but 1984-85 in early 33 at retired Lafleur Later season, that Brettplayed Hull in the1993 All-Star Jeremya helmet. Gamewithout Roenick is here but helmet, a without playedSmyth games many how of accounts conflicting are There af- it reinstated but 1993-94 and 1992-93 for rule helmet mandatory the repealed NHL The Like many Snepstsfeelsmandatory ofhisthat peers on thislist, helmets, followed by the For 17seasons, Snepstspatrolledfor theblueline theVancouver,Detroit Minnesota, andSt. toable Being seebetter was reason enough for Harold Snepststohelmet. a gowithout Guy Lafleur streaking down the right wing with his blonde hair flowing behind was a com- greg guy harold LAFLEUR SMYTH SNEPSTS - - - JULY 22,2019

THE HOCKEY NEWS | 23| | HOLDOUTS 22| helme

THE HOCKEY NEWS OOK AROUNDTHENHL players were leftintheleague.Here’s arundown ofthoseplayers, andwhy they choseto show theirflow. 30 percentof NHLers didn’tTen wear helmet. a years later,though, you and hands howon both count could many helmetless waiver.a signed they if out about opt season, 1978-79 could contractbeforeprothe then first During playerhis signed who helmets mandatory four decadesAnyago. player who entered after theleague June1,1979 had toany but wearhelmet, a helmets 30years ago. Seeingahelmetlessplayer in 1989 wasas seeing asunusualavisorless player today. The NHL made

JULY 22,2019 today,and you playersnotice that will visorswithout are fewand far between. Suchwas thecasewith Professional League. prolast player to notwear one when, at52, he skated two games in2008-09 in theEastern He maya helmet. without bethe10th-to-last NHLer tohe butbecamethe notwear a helmet, little Jofa helmetfor oneseason.” to signwaivers, I tried to do anything,they but justwouldn’tallow it,” hesaid. “So, I wore a when heplayedin theGermanyMannheim with Leagueduringthe1989-90tried season. “I don’t like anything onmy head.” I hats. wear don’t I me. to annoying It’s helmet. a wearing when confined feel I comfort. the then,” he said. liked“I the way Ilookedmore but thananything ahelmet, without elseitwas KINGS LOSANGELES 1988-89, opted to protect hisheadandwore ahelmet. pilot, airline commercial a as employed also now was who Secord, time, This 1996. to from1994 Wolves Chicago IHL’s the then and 1994 in Cheetahs Chicago International’s Hockey Roller with later,yearsfirst few a hockey pro to returned but 1990 in 32 at reer.retired He tough asnails,andfor thelongesttimeinhiscareer, herefused to putahelmeton.” was a fighter,” said Troy Murray, Secord’s teammate in Chicago for six also seasons. “Secord was He as times. other two amassed 2,093minutes.penalty was “I surprisedSecordthat mark didn’twear because he helmet a 40-goal the hit and 1982-83 in goals 54 scored He helmet. LAST NHL GAME: APRIL 24, 1989 VS.CALGARY 24, 1989 FLAMES APRIL GAME: LAST NHL LAST NHL GAME: MAY 10, 1990 AT MAY GAME: 1990 OILERS EDMONTON 10, LAST NHL BLACKHAWKS CHICAGO 1989-90, Afterward, Duguay returned to North Americaandplayed invarious minor –all leagues Duguay wentheadgear withoutduring his 12 years in theNHL,he but wasn’t so lucky Ron Duguay’s decision to not wear a helmetwasn’t justto be stylish. “I had the big hair back According to hockeyfights.com, Secord dropped the gloves 171 times during his NHL ca- NHL his during times 171 gloves the dropped Secord hockeyfights.com, to According SecordAl waspower a forward whohis entire battled 12-year NHL career a without ron al t SECORD DUGUAY to gowithoutabucket several preferred flow over protection. These are thefinal10men headgear was thenorm,andeven after itwas mademandatory, a helmet, butfor theNHL’s first six-plus decades,playing without Nowadays, it’s unimaginablefor aplayer to take to theice without BY SALBARRY


LAFLEUR: DENIS BRODEUR/NHLI VIA GETTY IMAGES; SNEPSTS: GRAIG ABEL/GETTY IMAGES; GREG SMYTH: CALGARY FLAMES in my lastfew years, when visorsstarted appearing,thatthesticks started comingup.” it wasBut ano-noto carry your stickup.Andifyou did, you hadto answer Inoticed the call. fisticuffs. of lot a with roughleague a was “It high,”64. nowup sticksSnepsts, their said ried increase ofvisors,made hockey less safe. first startedI “When the NHL, innobodyreally car couldn’t hearthatwell, soIdecidedto take itoff.” with theBlues.“Thatkindof scared me,” he said. tried “I acoupleof differentI helmets,but sustaining afaciallaceration andagain after hitting his head against the boards in agame Louis, sansheadgear.visor and forhelmet He didsporta few a games the Canucks with after comfortable andwasn’t blinkingasmuch.” was WhenIgotto the NHL, I found alot. blinking when that Ididn’t Ifeltwear more ahelmet, Snepsts said. “It didn’t fit me that much, it was sliding up and down. My parents noticed that I playedI “When junior, they assignedthesamePatterson (brand) helmetsto thewhole team,” increased theheadcountby one,untilheretired for afinaltime,at39,in1991. return Lafleur’s 1980s, the of end the by dwindled players helmetless of number the While to notwear ahelmet,” hesaidin1983. tive seasons of50 or more goalsand100 or morestarted points.“I playing wellas Idecided first three years in the NHL? In his fourth season, he ditched his helmet, then had six consecu mon sight inthe1970s.did But you know‘Le Demonwore thatBlond’ ahelmetduringhis mate DougWilson. Speakingofwhom… wanted to play in the 1994 All-Star Game without a helmet but was talked out of it by former team- tentative, keeping theirsticks down. Iplayed thenputitbackon.” 10games withoutahelmet, get hitintheheador with ahigh stickor anything. If anything, players might havemore beenabit didn’tI fights.don’tinjury. of anyI recall(head) couple ago. a time had long wasI a “It Smythsaid. how he remembered it:“There wasn’tincident or one particularanything changed my that mind,” out helmets,” Smyth told THNin2016,“soitwas somethingIjustwanted to try.” Smyth, adefenseman for the Flames,gavegrew “I itashot. upwatchingLeafs theMaple play with terward. Duringthose two years, anyone who wanted to playa helmetcoulddo withoutso. Greg 1992 NOVEMBER IN SOMETIME AHELMET: WITHOUT GAME LAST NHL CALGARY FLAMES 1992-93, NORTHSTARS AT 28, 1991 MINNESOTA APRIL GAME: LAST NHL BLUES ST.1990-91, LOUIS CANADIENS VS.MONTREAL 1991 MARCH31, GAME: LAST NHL NORDIQUES QUEBEC 1990-91, Later season, that Brettplayed Hull in the1993 All-Star Jeremya helmet. Gamewithout Roenick is here but helmet, a without playedSmyth games many how of accounts conflicting are There af- it reinstated but 1993-94 and 1992-93 for rule helmet mandatory the repealed NHL The Like many Snepstsfeelsmandatory ofhisthat peers on thislist, helmets, followed by the For 17seasons, Snepstspatrolledfor theblueline theVancouver,Detroit Minnesota, andSt. toable Being seebetter was reason enough for Harold Snepststohelmet. a gowithout Rangers. the with 1988 in comeback a made but 1984-85 in early 33 at retired Lafleur Guy Lafleur streaking down the right wing with his blonde hair flowing behind was a com- greg guy harold LAFLEUR SMYTH SNEPSTS - - - JULY 22,2019

THE HOCKEY NEWS | 23| | 24 |


JULY 22,2019 wearing ahelmetissomethingthoseguys decidedthey wanted to do.” guys likephysicalbecause it’sa Wilson game,” Murray dangerousa said.“It’s game,not but of Wilson’smost But career washeadgear.without spent He retired 35. “You at had to respect facemasktimes a when recovering frominjury, an he evenand helmet. season ina full a spent nose, a fractured skulland aconcussion. From timeto time, he’d wear ahelmetandsome his 16-year NHL career. Whileplaying inChicago, Wilson sustainedabroken jaw, abroken line, withoutahelmet.” Blackhawkson the from 1982 to 1991. “Hewasreala just presence there back ontheblue of dodgingNHLpucks without ahelmet. he played slightly longerthanWilsonorLangway. other outandbeknown asthe lastguy around withoutahat.” Carlyle said in 1990. “I mean,it’snotamacho thing…it’s notlike we’re tryingtoall beat each “Ithinkit’sjustacasewhereelse on this list. we gotintoall ahabitandit’stoo late to change,” games inhis 17-year NHL career. That’smore games playinga helmetthananyone without helmets inpractice, so,what’s thedifference inagame?” there are 100 pucks on the ice, than ingames. Ninety-nine percent of theguys never wore without alid.“Iwasn’t afraid of getting hurt,” he said. “I saw more injuries in practices, where it backon.” tothe stitches hit open,” them back andcut tookI he said.“So, offmyand never helmet put going was it helmet, a wore I if knew I and night, next the game a “Wehad stitches. needed son, Langway was hit from behind and went face-first into the boards. His eyelid was cut and because ofaninjury. Whileplaying agame for the MontrealCanadiens inhis fourth pro sea - LAST NHL GAME: FEBRUARY 21, 1993 VS.ST. BLUES 21,1993 LOUIS FEBRUARY GAME: LAST NHL CAPITALS WASHINGTON 1992-93, JETS AT 1993 14, WINNIPEG FEBRUARY GAME: LAST NHL SHARKS SAN JOSE 1992-93, LAST NHL GAME: MARCH 6, 1993 AT MARCH6,1993 TORONTO GAME: LEAFS MAPLE LAST NHL JETS WINNIPEG 1992-93, Rod Langway entered the NHL wearingactually ahelmetbut stopped wearing one Playing defense without ahelmetcouldsometimes be dangerous, asWilsonfound outin curlyhead ofbig, full Wilson hada “Doug hair,”said Troy Murray, who playedWilson with If youthe 13 countseasons Carlylestood NHL threeon anbench asacoach,that’s decades Carlyle,now 63, wasn’t guythe last a hat,” “without he was but it, as heput third-to-last, as Defenseman RandyCarlyle played helmet-free for 1,055regular69 playoffseason and Langway, now 62, played the rest of his 15-year career, mostnotably withtheCapitals, rod doug randy LANGWAY WILSON CARLYLE - -


MARSH: B BENNETT/GETTY IMAGES; MACTVAISH: IAN TOMLINSON /ALLSPORT until itgotstraightened out.” the legality of the grandfather clause,” he said. “I actually sat out the first day of training camp 1992, and theteam initially wanted himto “Theowner wearthe timequestioned at helmet. a Marsh said.“So,Itook thehelmetoff,becausethen game was alotsafer.” time that “During frame, Iwas never hit withso manyseason. dirty shots, elbows, high sticks, hits from behind, etc.,”the of balance the for helmet a wore and – goal a scored Hextall I didn’t wear ahelmet.” I wanted to belikeStanley, Allan BobbyTim Horton, Baun, any defensemanfrom era. that So, damn thingoff’,”the Marshhousehold, hesaid.“Inwe grew upwatchingLeafs, theMaple and myself,the ‘taketold I then but Flames, Atlanta the with games of couple firstmy for helmet being shotfrom, andsoon.” you always have to beaware ofwhat’s goingon,who elsewas ontheice,wherewas thepuck times, ithad but no relevance to if I had a helmeton,” Marsh said. you’re“When on theice, to-lastNHL player to play“You a helmet. without hit intheface get here andtherevarious at LLAST NHL GAME: APRIL 14, 1993 VS. VS.BOSTON BRUINS 1993 14, APRIL GAME: LLAST NHL OTTAWA1992-93, SENATORS needs ahaircut!’ That was thebestline.Thewhole team was laughing.” the ice for warmup.off AsI’mgettingtheice, a fan yells to me‘Hey MacTavish! Your helmet did zing himpretty goodonetimewhen hewas playing for Edmonton.on in Minnesota, “I’m he retired38 atin1997. Players didn’tchirp himfor oftheoldguard,being thelast a fan but wore Jofa helmets–that’snomore protective thanwhat Iwas notwearing.” one,”neverhe said.“I hadany injuries wherewouldhelmet a have helpedme.Theguys who overheating. Iwasn’t butyou usedto it, quickly getusedto it.” head,”rememberhe said.“I the bench,throwingon being during agameup wasbecause I ing one for 1988-89, though he isn’t sure why. “You release alotof body heatthrough your and then I decided, ah f--- it, I’mnotgoingto wearand thenIdecided,ahf---it, one.” protectivechanged hismindon Oilersand the headgear.practiced“I one, without time the all MacTavishBoston, fivein After seasons one. wear to joined continued and college playingin he brokeWhen the Bruinsin1979, inwithMacTavish was used to wearingfromhelmet a many but a helmet, without forgetactually‘MacT’ that worethe startofhis oneatNHL career. LAST NHL GAME: APRIL 20, 1997 VS. WINGS VS.DETROITRED 20, 1997 APRIL GAME: LAST NHL 1996-97, BLUES ST. LOUIS Marsh was 34 and starting his final NHL season when he was traded to the Senators in Senators the to traded was he when season NHL final his starting and 34 was Marsh Nine seasons later, Marshwas concussed on Dec.8,1987 – thesamenight goaltender Ron Marsh did wear ahelmetfew timesduringhis 15 yearsactually “I in theleague. wore a Brad Marshwas knownspecialist duringhiscareershot-blocking as a andwas thesecond- By 1993-94, MacTavish, then 35, was the only player in the league without a helmet until helmet a without league the playerin only the wasMacTavish, 35, 1993-94, then By MacTavishAfter that, ditched the brain bucket for good. was“It more comfortable without MacTavish played three seasons for switchedthe Oilers a helmetbut without toback wear Every hockey triviaknowsbuff CraigMacTavish wasplayerlast the toskate intheNHL craig brad MARSH MACTAVISH - JULY 22,2019

THE HOCKEY NEWS | 25| | 24 |


JULY 22,2019 helmets inpractice, so,what’s thedifference inagame?” there are 100 pucks on the ice, than ingames. Ninety-nine percent of theguys never wore without alid.“Iwasn’t afraid of getting hurt,” he said. “I saw more injuries in practices, where it backon.” tothe stitches hit open,” them back andcut tookI he said.“So, offmyand never helmet put going was it helmet, a wore I if knew I and night, next the game a “Wehad stitches. needed son, Langway was hit from behind and went face-first into the boards. His eyelid was cut and because ofaninjury. Whileplaying agame for the MontrealCanadiens inhis fourth pro sea - on the Blackhawkson the from 1982 to 1991. “Hewasreala just presence there back ontheblue of dodgingNHLpucks without ahelmet. he played slightly longerthanWilsonorLangway. other outandbeknown asthe lastguy around withoutahat.” Carlyle said in 1990. “I mean,it’snotamacho thing…it’s notlike we’re tryingtoall beat each “Ithinkit’sjustacasewhereelse on this list. we gotintoall ahabitandit’stoo late to change,” games inhis 17-year NHL career. That’smore games playinga helmetthananyone without wearing ahelmetissomethingthoseguys decidedthey wanted to do.” guys likephysicalbecause it’sa Wilson game,” Murray dangerousa said.“It’s game,not but of Wilson’smost But career washeadgear.without spent He retired 35. “You at had to respect facemasktimes a when recovering frominjury, an he evenand helmet. season ina full a spent nose, a fractured skulland aconcussion. From timeto time, he’d wear ahelmetandsome his 16-year NHL career. Whileplaying inChicago, Wilson sustainedabroken jaw, abroken line, withoutahelmet.” LAST NHL GAME: FEBRUARY 21, 1993 VS.ST. BLUES 21,1993 LOUIS FEBRUARY GAME: LAST NHL CAPITALS WASHINGTON 1992-93, JETS AT 1993 14, WINNIPEG FEBRUARY GAME: LAST NHL SHARKS SAN JOSE 1992-93, LAST NHL GAME: MARCH 6, 1993 AT MARCH6,1993 TORONTO GAME: LEAFS MAPLE LAST NHL JETS WINNIPEG 1992-93, Langway, now 62, played the rest of his 15-year career, mostnotably withtheCapitals, Rod Langway entered the NHL wearingactually ahelmetbut stopped wearing one curlyhead ofbig, full Wilson hada “Doug hair,”said Troy Murray, who playedWilson with If youthe 13 countseasons Carlylestood NHL threeon anbench asacoach,that’s decades Carlyle,now 63, wasn’t guythe last a hat,” “without he was but it, as heput third-to-last, as Defenseman RandyCarlyle played helmet-free for 1,055regular69 playoffseason and Playing defense without ahelmetcouldsometimes be dangerous, asWilsonfound outin rod randy doug LANGWAY WILSON CARLYLE - -


MARSH: B BENNETT/GETTY IMAGES; MACTVAISH: IAN TOMLINSON /ALLSPORT until itgotstraightened out.” the legality of the grandfather clause,” he said. “I actually sat out the first day of training camp 1992, and theteam initially wanted himto “Theowner wearthe timequestioned at helmet. a Marsh said.“So,Itook thehelmetoff,becausethen game was alotsafer.” time that “During frame, Iwas never hit withso manyseason. dirty shots, elbows, high sticks, hits from behind, etc.,”the of balance the for helmet a wore and – goal a scored Hextall I didn’t wear ahelmet.” I wanted to belikeStanley, Allan BobbyTim Horton, Baun, any defensemanfrom era. that So, damn thingoff’,”the Marshhousehold, hesaid.“Inwe grew upwatchingLeafs, theMaple and myself,the ‘taketold I then but Flames, Atlanta the with games of couple firstmy for helmet being shotfrom, andsoon.” you always have to beaware ofwhat’s goingon,who elsewas ontheice,wherewas thepuck times, ithad but no relevance to if I had a helmeton,” Marsh said. you’re“When on theice, to-lastNHL player to play“You a helmet. without hit intheface get here andtherevarious at LLAST NHL GAME: APRIL 14, 1993 VS. BOSTON BRUINS VS.BOSTON BRUINS 1993 14, APRIL GAME: LLAST NHL OTTAWA1992-93, SENATORS needs ahaircut!’ That was thebestline.Thewhole team was laughing.” the ice for warmup.off AsI’mgettingtheice, a fan yells to me‘Hey MacTavish! Your helmet did zing himpretty goodonetimewhen hewas playing for Edmonton.on in Minnesota, “I’m he retired38 atin1997. Players didn’tchirp himfor oftheoldguard,being thelast a fan but wore Jofa helmets–that’snomore protective thanwhat Iwas notwearing.” one,”neverhe said.“I hadany injuries wherewouldhelmet a have helpedme.Theguys who overheating. Iwasn’t butyou usedto it, quickly getusedto it.” head,”rememberhe said.“I the bench,throwingon being during agameup wasbecause I ing one for 1988-89, though he isn’t sure why. “You release alotof body heatthrough your and then I decided, ah f--- it, I’mnotgoingto wearand thenIdecided,ahf---it, one.” protectivechanged hismindon Oilersand the headgear.practiced“I one, without time the all MacTavishBoston, fivein After seasons one. wear to joined continued and college playingin he brokeWhen the Bruinsin1979, inwithMacTavish was used to wearingfromhelmet a many but a helmet, without forgetactually‘MacT’ that worethe startofhis oneatNHL career. LAST NHL GAME: APRIL 20, 1997 VS. DETROIT RED WINGS WINGS VS.DETROITRED 20, 1997 APRIL GAME: LAST NHL 1996-97, BLUES ST. LOUIS Marsh was 34 and starting his final NHL season when he was traded to the Senators in Senators the to traded was he when season NHL final his starting and 34 was Marsh Nine seasons later, Marshwas concussed on Dec.8,1987 – thesamenight goaltender Ron Marsh did wear ahelmetfew timesduringhis 15 yearsactually “I in theleague. wore a Brad Marshwas knownspecialist duringhiscareershot-blocking as a andwas thesecond- By 1993-94, MacTavish, then 35, was the only player in the league without a helmet until helmet a without league the playerin only the wasMacTavish, 35, 1993-94, then By MacTavishAfter that, ditched the brain bucket for good. was“It more comfortable without MacTavish played three seasons for switchedthe Oilers a helmetbut without toback wear Every hockey triviaknowsbuff CraigMacTavish wasplayerlast the toskate intheNHL craig brad MARSH MACTAVISH - JULY 22,2019