Peacetime Military Schools and Services (according to Army Organisation Act of 13 October 1939, which was still valid in 28 October 1940) compiled by Nikolaos Stamatopoulos [email protected]

A. Military Schools: (all under command of the General Staff)

Higher War School, Thessaloniki Military School of Evelpides (=Cadets), Athens Officer School for Military Services, Athens

Infantry Reserve Officers School, Syros Island Infantry Reserve Officers School, Corfu Island Artillery Reserve Officers School, Thessaloniki

Gymnastics School, Athens Infantry Application School, Thessaloniki Artillery Application School, Thiva Cavalry Application School (incl. Reserve Officers School), Larisa Engineers Application School (incl. Reserve Officers School), Athens Automobile Application School (incl. Reserve Officers School), Athens

B. Services:

I. Artillery: (Hellenic Artillery commanded service troops also, including chemical warfare troops, so these units are under command of Army Corps Artillery Commands)

Corps Artillery Command Service Unit Location of Service Unit A Chemical Warfare Center, Athens War materiel comitee Athens B War materiel comitee Larisa C War materiel comitee Thessaloniki D War materiel comitee Drama

II. Engineers: (Hellenic Engineers commanded service troops also, so these units are under command of Army Corps Engineer Commands)

Corps Engineer Command Service Unit Location of Service Unit A Athens Garrison Equipment Athens Store C Thessaloniki Garrison Thessaloniki Equipment Store Under command of the Thessaloniki Fortress Command were the following: A,B,C,D,E Fortress Construction Directions (locations varying according to the progress of the construction work), Fortress Materiel General Store (In Thessaloniki) and Fortress Materiel Stores A,B,C,D,E and ST (locations varying according to the progress of the construction work), (ST is number 6 in ancient Greek numercial system).

III. Automobile Service: (Motor Transport Service, Automobile Group are MT units (ca Btln strength) as cadres for wartime MT units)

Army Corps Service Unit Location of Service Unit A A Automobile Group Athens A Automobile Depot Athens B B Automobile Group Tyrnavos B Automobile Depot Larisa C C Automobile Group Thessaloniki C Automobile Depot Thessaloniki D D Automobile Group Kavalla D Automobile Depot Kavalla E E Automobile Company

IV. Medical Service :

IV a Medical Units: Army Corps Area Unit Location of Unit A Nurse Company A Athens Medical Store A Athens Military Apothecary Store Athens Athens Garrison Pharmacy Athens Athens Garrison Dental Office Athens B Nurse Company B Larisa C Nurse Company C Thessaloniki Medical Store C Thessaloniki Thessaloniki Garrison Pharmacy Thessaloniki Thessaloniki Garrison Dental Office Thessaloniki D Nurse Company D Drama E Nurse Company E Alexandroupolis Note: Nurse companies are composed of male nurses only to provide nursing personnel for frontline medical units in wartime.

IV b Military Hospitals:

Army Corps Area Hospital Location of Hospital A General Military Hospital A Athens 2nd Military Hospital Athens 3rd Military Hospital Athens Military Hospital Patrai Military Hospital Navplion Military Hospital Chalkis Military Hospital Corinth B General Military Hospital B Larissa Military Hospital Kozani Military Hospital Trikala C General Military Hospital C Thessaloniki Military Hospital Thessaloniki Military Hospital Kilkis Military Hospital Serrai Military Hospital Sidirokastron Military Hospital Verroia Military Hospital Florina D General Military Hospital D Drama Military Hospital Eleutheroupolis Military Hospital Kavalla Military Hospital Xanthi E General Military Hospital E Alexandroupolis Military Hospital Military Hospital Mytilini, Lesvos Island VIII Division Area Military Hospital Military Hospital Kerkyra, Corfu Island V Division Area Military Hospital Chania, Crete

V. « General Purpose Services » : Included “Bases”, which were all-Services command authorities to control the supply and storage of supplies in harbours. They were the equivalent of railheads in areas were the flow of supplies from the Interior to the rim of the Theater of Operations were to be executed by sea and not by rail. There were two “Bases”, Base in VIII Division area, to support all troops in in Peace and Wartime, as there as no railway line to Epirus and Alexandroupolis Base in E Corps area, to support all troops in Thrace, because it was expected that in Case of Bulgarian invasion the railway line east of Nestos would be easily cut off.

VI. Vetenary Service:

Army Corps Area Vetenary Unit Location of Vetenary Unit A Vetenary Hospital Athens Vetenary Store Athens C Vetenary Hospital Thessaloniki Vetenary Store Thessaloniki D Vetenary Hospital Eleutheroupolis

VII. Military Bands:

Army Corps Band Location of Band A Military Band A Athens B Military Band B Larisa C Military Band C Thessaloniki D Military Band D Kavalla E Military Band E Alexandroupolis

VIII. Commisary Service:

Army Corps Area Unit Location of Unit A Athens Garrison Commisary Dep. Athens Army Materiel General Store Piraeus Army Materiel Store Athens Military Bakery Athens B Army Materiel Store Larisa C Thessaloniki Garrison Commisary Dep. Thessaloniki Army Materiel General Store Thessaloniki Military Bakery Thessaloniki D Army Materiel Store Drama VIII Division Military Bakery Ioannina

IX. Military Justice:

Army Corps Area Unit Location of Unit A Revision Court Athens (under Gen Staff) Military Court Athens Military Court Patrai Military Jail Athens Military Jail Patras B Military Court Larisa Military Jail Larisa C Military Court Thessaloniki Military Jail Thessaloniki D Military Court Kavalla Military Jail Kavalla E Military Court Alexandroupolis Military Jail Alexandroupolis VIII Division Military Court Ioannina Military Jail Ioannina

X. Audit Service: In each Army Corps and in the Thessaloniki Fortress Command there was an Audit Direction.

C. Corrections on existing TOEs and OOBs:

I. Cavalry Division TOE: in note 1 add “probably” regarding 4x4 vehicles of the light company, as this is only a hypothesis. II. Air Force: The table is now generally correct regarding operational alocation of commands, there are only two corrections to be made. First, delete Army Cooperation Command as a separate command, as there was no such command, the Obsarvation Squadrons were individually placed under the command of various Major Formation Air Force Commands (these were to be created on mobilization and were created in reality during the partial mobilization before 28 October 1940) . Second, the General Staff of the Air Force did not exist as an operational command authority, only as an administration command authority. So, it was my mistake that you should entirelly delete it as part of the peacetime OOB. Put it under the Ministry of Air Force and leave the rest of the hierarchical organisation as it is. Furthermore you could add a note for 24th Fighter Sqdn, regarding the fact that after 30 Oct 1940 it was placed under Fighter Command III. E Army Corps : Note on E Art Rgt could better be “probably of mixed armament, both heavy artillery and AA”

I hope this are my last corrections on the paecetime OOB, so that we can go on to Mobilized OOBs, which may be even more complicated!