ELIZABETH A. BRABEC Curriculum Vitae


1992 Juris Doctor, UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, Baltimore, Maryland

1984 Master of Landscape , UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH, Guelph, Canada. Thesis: Community and Design with Amerindian People - A Culturally Sensitive Approach

1981 Bachelor of Science with honors, UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH, Guelph, Canada.


1999 American Society of Landscape Architects, National Planning Merit Award, Beaufort County Comprehensive Plan, Beaufort County, South Carolina.

1992 American Society of Landscape Architects, National Communications Merit Award, Landscape Water Conservation Manuals for Anne Arundel County, Maryland, Department of Utilities.

1988 American Society of Landscape Architects, National Planning Merit Award, Dealing with Change in the Connecticut River Valley: A Design Manual for Conservation and Development.

1988 Year's Best Award, National Trust for Historic Preservation, Dealing with Change in the Connecticut River Valley.

1988 American Planning Association, New England Chapter Award, Dealing with Change in the Connecticut River Valley.


Landscape Architect, Rhode Island Attorney admitted to the Bar in Maryland (inactive status)


Clients in Florida (development impacts to historic viewshed); Virginia (historic district and visual quality impacts); Colorado (valuation of casualty loss of trees); New York (anti-big box development zoning).

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2007 to present Professor and Department Head, Department of and , University of Massachusetts Amherst.

2004 to 2007 Professor and Department Head, Department of Landscape Architecture and , Utah State University

1997 to 2004 Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan

1996 Adjunct Lecturer, School of , University of Maryland, 1996- 97. Courses taught: Urban Form and Environmental Quality, Graduate level course, Spring, 1997; and : Environmental Policy into the 21st Century, curriculum of in-house EPA Graduate Program

1993-1995 Maryland Forest Conservation Act Course, Introduction to the Forest Conservation Act and The Economic Implications of the Forest Conservation Act, a series of lectures around the state as part of a repeating 6 week long state certification course.

1988-89 Lecturer, USDA Continuing Education Program, Washington, D.C. Woody Plants (four semester course).

1988-89 Lecturer, George Washington University, School of Landscape Design, Woody Plants (four semester course) and Planting Design I and II.

1988-89 Lecturer, Prince George’s Community College, Maryland, Woody Plants.


2002-04 Principal, Johnson Hill - Land Ethics Studio, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

1986-02 President, Land Ethics, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan. President and founder of Land Ethics, Inc., a landscape architectural and land planning firm focused on conservation strategies for the land and its resources. Originally located in Washington, D.C, relocated to Ann Arbor in 1997.

1984-86 Pioneer Valley Planning Commission, West Springfield, Massachusetts. Historic Preservation and Community Development Planner.

Elizabeth Brabec CV - 2 - 1982 Essex Region Conservation Authority, Essex, Ontario, Canada. Project landscape designer charged with designing a master plan for a mixed use waterfront park.

1981 of Saskatoon, Parks and Recreation Department, Saskatoon, Canada. Designer for the Parks Department, detailing planting plans and construction documents.



Elizabeth Brabec. (Manuscript in development). Landscape of Power, Landscape of Slavery: Plantations of the South Carolina Low Country.

Elizabeth Brabec, Land Ethics, Inc., and Harry Dodson, Dodson Associates. 1993. Linking the Past to the Future: A Landscape Conservation Strategy for Waterford, Virginia, Washington, D.C.: National Park Service and the Waterford Foundation.

Yaro, R, Arendt, R., Dodson, H., Brabec, E. 1988. Dealing with Change in the Connecticut River Valley: A Design Manual for Conservation and Development. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Land Institute.

Book Chapters

Pittnerova, B., Sklenicka, P., Molnarova, K., Brabec, E., Kumble, P., Pixova, K., Salek, M. 2009. Remnants of medieval field patterns - driving forces behind their disappearance, the role of hedgerows, principles of conservation. In: Vorel, I., Kupka, J. (eds.), Aktualni otazky ochrany krajinneho razu. Centrum pro krajinu, Praha, Czech Republic, pp 42- 48.

Brabec, Elizabeth & Geoffrey McD. Lewis. 2002. “Defining the Pattern of the Sustainable Urban Region,” C. A. Brebbia, J. F. Martin-Duque and L. C. Wadhwa, eds. The Sustainable City II. Southampton, England: WIT Press.

Brabec, Elizabeth A. 1994. “Economics of Open Space,” in Arendt, Randall, Elizabeth Brabec, Harry Dodson, Christine Reid and Robert Yaro, Rural by Design. Chicago: American Planning Association.

Brabec, Elizabeth A. 1993. “Trees Make Sense,” in Duerksen, Christopher, Tree Conservation Ordinances. Chicago: Planning Advisory Service, American Planning Association.

Elizabeth Brabec CV - 3 - Published Court Briefs

Ferster, Andrea, Elizabeth A. Brabec, Glenn P. Sugamelli, and Daniel L. Rabinowitz. 1993. Brief on the Bicycle-Pedestrian Pathway Dedication by the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, the League of American Bicyclists, the Bicycle Federation of Oregon, National Wildlife Federation, and the American Society of Landscape Architects as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondent. Florence Dolan v. City of Tigard, in the Supreme Court of the United States, No. 93-518, October Term, 1993.

Refereed Journal Articles

Hamin, Elisabeth and Elizabeth Brabec. (in review). Local Climate Change Planning: Adaptation, Mitigation, Conflict and Confluence. Journal of the American Planning Association.

Hamin, Elisabeth, Elizabeth Brabec, Nicole Gurran, Nedim Kemer, and Craig Nicolson. (in review). Planning for Climate Change: Local Governments and the Built Environment. Journal of Planning Literature.

Sklenicka, Petr, Kristina Molnarova, Elizabeth Brabec, Peter Kumble, Blanka Pittnerova, Katerina Pixova, and Miroslav Salek. 2009. Remnants of medieval field patterns in the Czech Republic: Analysis of driving forces behind their disappearance with special attention to the role of hedgerows. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 129(4): 465- 473.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 2009. Imperviousness and Land Use Policy: Toward an effective approach to watershed planning. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 14 (4): 425-433.

Brabec, Elizabeth and Sharon Richardson. 2007. A Clash of Cultures: The Landscape of the Sea Island Gullah, Landscape Journal 26(1): 151-167.

Lewis, Geoff and Elizabeth Brabec. 2005. Regional Sustainability Assessment: Development of Resource Efficiency Measurement Methods. Landscape and 72 (4): 281- 296.

Lewis, Geoffrey McD., and Elizabeth Brabec. 2005. Development of regional measurement methods: the context for quantifying influence and impact. Landscape Review 10 (1 & 2): 44-48.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 2004. Meridian Hill Park: Was Neoclassical Design Incompatible with Public Park Use? Critiques of Built Works in Landscape Architecture.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 2002. Meridian Hill Park: The Making of an American Neoclassical Design Tradition. Journal of the New England Garden History Society 10: 11-19.

Elizabeth Brabec CV - 4 - Brabec, Elizabeth and Stacey Schulte. 2002. Impervious Surfaces and Water Quality: A Review of Current Literature and its Implications for Watershed Planning. Journal of Planning Literature 16(4) 499-514.

Brabec, Elizabeth and Chip Smith. 2002. “Agricultural land fragmentation: The spatial effects of three land protection strategies in the Eastern United States.” Landscape and Urban Planning 58(2-4): 255-268.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 2001. An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of in the Town of Southampton, New York. Urban Ecosystems 5(1): 27-47.

Refereed Conference Proceedings

Peter Kumble and Elizabeth Brabec. 2005. Land Planning and Development Mitigation for Protecting Water Quality in the Great Lakes System: An Evaluation of U.S. Approaches. Emerging Issues Along Urban/Rural Interfaces: Linking Science and Society, Atlanta, Georgia, March 13-15, 2005.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 2004. Landscape Change: the influence of external cultural forces. Multiple Landscapes: merging past and present in , International Workshop on Sustainable Land-Use Planning, Wageningen, Netherlands, June 7-9, 2004

Brabec, Elizabeth. 2003. Slave Landscapes of the Carolina Low Country: What the Documents Reveal. Selected Papers from the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina, September 24-27, 2003.

Richards, Paul L. and Elizabeth Brabec. 2003. Changes in Connected and Unconnected Imperviousness in the Upper River Rouge Watershed Since 1951: A case study of the effects of development on hydrology. Crossing Interdisciplinary Boundaries in the Urban and Regional Context, 2003 Rackham Distinguished Faculty and Student Symposium, Taubman College of Architecture and Regional Planning, University of Michigan, March 21, 2003. http://www.tcaup.umich.edu/acadpgm/urp/utepsymposium/Publication/richards.pdf

Brabec, Elizabeth A. 2002. Landscape of the Gullah on St. Helena Island: A Clash of Cultures. Proceedings of the 2002 American Society of Landscape Architects Annual Meeting, San Jose, California, October 19-21, 2002.

Kumble, Peter, Elizabeth Brabec, Chip Smith and Stacie Printon. 2002. Protecting Water Quality Through Regional Planning: A Watershed Approach for Local Government. Diane Scheu (ed), 2002 Annual Meeting Proceedings, Washington, D.C.: American Society of Landscape Architects, 165-169.

Elizabeth Brabec CV - 5 - Lewis, Geoffrey McD. and Elizabeth Brabec. 2002. Defining the pattern of the sustainable urban region - development of regional measurement methods. ISOMUL 2002 Conference Proceedings, Bellingham, Washington, June 19-23, 2002.

Brabec, Elizabeth and Chip Smith. 2000. Rural Landscapes: Assessing the Effectiveness of Various Land Protection Strategies. Gateway to Discovery: 2000 ASLA Annual Meeting Proceedings, Diane Scheu (ed.). pp. 142-147.

Goltry, Stephen Wesley, Mark Ackelson and Elizabeth Brabec. 2000. Landscape Architecture and Its Role in Land Trusts. Gateway to Discovery: 2000 ASLA Annual Meeting Proceedings, Diane Scheu (ed.). pp. 128-133.

Brabec, Elizabeth and Charles F. Smith. 2000. Can We Protect Agricultural Land and the Scenic Rural Landscape? The spatial effects of three land protection strategies in the Eastern United States.” Conference Proceedings for the Third International Workshop on Sustainable Land Use Planning: Fragmentation and Land Use Planning: Analysis and Beyond, Wageningen, The Netherlands, June 19-21, 2000. 12 pp.

Brabec, Elizabeth, Stacey Schulte and Paul Richards. 2000. Fragmentation, Impervious Surfaces and Water Quality: quantifying the effects of density and spatial arrangement. Conference Proceedings for the Third International Conference on Sustainable Land Use Planning: Fragmentation and Land Use Planning: Analysis and Beyond, Wageningen, The Netherlands, June 19-21, 2000. 11 pp.

Non-Refereed Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings

Brabec, Elizabeth. 2001. Open Space in the Metropolitan Fringe: An assessment of various land protection tools and programs in urbanizing areas of the US. Conference proceedings for the European Union conference on Sprawl, September 19 - 21, 2001 St. Peter’s Abbey, Ghent, Belgium. 10 pp.

Ferster, Andrea, and Elizabeth Brabec. 1994. Planning for Trails and Greenways after Dolan v. City of Tigard, published in Pro Bike News, Bicycle Federation of America 14:8.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1993. Tomorrow’s Parks and Open Spaces: Preservation Strategy for Waterford Village, CRM Thematic Issue, National Park Service 16:4.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1993. On the Value of Trees and Open Space, Planning Commissioners Journal, No. 11, p. 16.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1988. “Town Character: Towards a Useable Definition,” Landscape Preservation Seminar Proceedings, Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts, March 25-26, 1988.

Elizabeth Brabec CV - 6 - Brabec, Elizabeth. 1988. “Townscape Planning in Hadley, Massachusetts: A Case Study,” Planning for the Changing Rural Landscape of New England: Blending Theory and Practice, Durham, NH: New England Center.

Other Unrefereed Publications

Brabec, Elizabeth. 2007. Book Review: Skinny Streets & Green Neighborhoods: Design for Environment and Community by Cynthia Girling and Ronald Kellett. Landscape Architecture 6/2007: 112.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 2007. Book Review: Earth Repair: A Transatlantic History of Environmental Regulation, by Marcus Hall. Landscape Architecture 5/2006: 141.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 2007. Book Review: Wilderness by Design: Landscape Architecture and the National Park Service, by Ethan Carr. Landscape Journal 20(1): 106-107.

Book Review: Breaking Ground: Examining the Vision and Practice of Historic Landscape Restoration: Proceedings of the Eleventh Conference on Restoring Southern Gardens and Landscapes. Journal of the New England Garden History Society, 8: 63-64.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1992. Trees Make Sense, Scenic America Technical Information Series, Washington, D.C.: Scenic America 1(1).

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1992. On the Value of Open Space, Scenic America Technical Information Series, Washington, D.C.: Scenic America 1(2).

Brabec, Elizabeth and Kevin Kirby. 1992. The Value of Nature and Scenery, Scenic America Technical Information Series, Washington, D.C.: Scenic America 1(3).

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1993. Does Preservation Pay?, Scenic America Technical Information Series, Washington, D.C.: Scenic America 1(4).

Brabec, Elizabeth and Kevin Kirby. 1993. Aesthetics and Commercial Districts, Scenic America Technical Information Series, Washington, D.C.: Scenic America 1(6).


Brabec, Elizabeth and Peter Kumble. 2005. Land Planning and Growth Management for Protecting Water Quality in the Great Lakes System: An Evaluation of US Approaches. Windsor: International Joint Commission.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 2004. Urban Land Use Issues in the Great Lakes Basin: White paper on the importance of the regional land pattern on watershed-wide water quality. Windsor: International Joint Commission.

Elizabeth Brabec CV - 7 - Transport Studies Unit, Oxford University; David Simmonds Consulting; and Consulting. 2002. The Effect of Urban Quality Improvements on Business Performance: A Literature Review, Expert Panel and Modelling Study. New Horizons Programme, Department for Transport, England (Member of 10 person expert panel and literature review author).

Land Ethics, Inc.(Elizabeth Brabec, senior author). 2002. Cultural Landscape Report: Phase 1 John Ball Park, Grand Rapids, Michigan. City of Grand Rapids, Michigan, November 19, 2002.

Land Ethics Inc. (Elizabeth Brabec, senior author and managing partner). 2001. Open Space Plan for the Town of Davidson Final Draft Plan, Town of Davidson, North Carolina, January 2001.

Tellus Institute and Land Ethics, Inc. (Elizabeth Brabec, contributing author). 1999. Barriers to Land Conservation in Michigan, Michigan Great Lakes Protection Fund, December, 1999.

Land Ethics, Inc., and Abeles Phillips, Preiss and Shapiro (Elizabeth Brabec principal author). 1999. Supermarket Site Analysis for the Town of East Hampton, NY, Town of East Hampton, NY, July 30, 1999.

Architrave, P.C. Architects and Land Ethics, Inc. (Elizabeth Brabec and Peter Kumble, principal authors). 1999. Meridian Hill Park Cultural Landscape Report, National Park Service, National Capital Region, 1999.

Elizabeth Brabec (principal author and editor). 1998. Southampton Tomorrow, Comprehensive Plan Update, Department of Land Management, Town of Southampton, NY, February, 1998.

Elizabeth Brabec (principal author and editor). 1997. Beaufort County Comprehensive Plan, Beaufort County, South Carolina, December, 1997.

John Milner Architects, Land Ethics, Inc., and J. Richard Rivoire. (Elizabeth Brabec, principal author) 1996. Thomas Stone Cultural Landscape Report, National Park Service, Mid Atlantic Region.

Land Ethics, Inc. 1996. (Elizabeth Brabec, contributing author) Community Vision Plan, Jonesborough, Tennessee.

Abeles, Phillips, Preiss and Shapiro and Land Ethics, Inc. (Elizabeth Brabec, co-author) 1996. East Hampton Super Store Study, Town of East Hampton, New York.

The Center for Watershed Protection and Land Ethics, Inc. (Elizabeth Brabec, principal author) 1996. Blueprint to Protect Coastal Water Quality: A Guide to Successful Growth Management on the Coastal Region of North Carolina, New Bern, NC: Neuse River Council of Governments and the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management.

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Land Ethics, Inc.(Elizabeth Brabec co-author) 1995. Preserving Mount Vernon’s Historic View: A New Strategy for Development, Washington, D.C.: The Trust for Public Land.

Land Ethics, Inc. (Elizabeth Brabec principal author) 1995. Upper Eastern Shore Resource Inventory and Protection Report Wye River, MD: Eastern Shore Land Conservancy.

Land Ethics, Inc. (Elizabeth Brabec principal author) 1995. Living With The River: A Development Management Study for the Severn River Watershed to the Year 2020, Annapolis, MD: The Severn River Commission.

Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, Land Ethics, Inc., West Virginia Rails-to-Trails Council and West Virginia University. (Elizabeth Brabec principal author) 1994. Abandoned Rail Corridor Assessment, West Virginia Division of Tourism and Parks, State of West Virginia.

Land Ethics, Inc. and Dodson Associates (Elizabeth Brabec co-author). 1994. Design Alternatives and Economic Comparisons for Two Sites on the Rappahannock River, Richmond, VA: Chesapeake Bay Foundation.

Land Ethics, Inc. (Elizabeth Brabec sole author) 1993. Waterford Walking Trails Plan, Waterford, VA: Waterford Foundation.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1990. Save Water, Save Maintenance, Save Money: A Guide to Planning and Designing Water-Conserving Landscapes, Volume 1 and 2, Annapolis, MD: Anne Arundel County, Maryland, Department of Utilities, 1989-1990.

Scarfo Brabec Design (Elizabeth Brabec co-author). 1987. Turners Falls Historic Landscape Report, Turners Falls, MA: Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management, Heritage State Park.

J. Simon, R.R. Forster, T. Alcoze, and E. Brabec. 1984. A Culturally Sensitive Approach to Planning and Design with Native Canadians, Ottawa: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.


International - Invited

Brabec, Elizabeth. 2001. “Open Space in the Metropolitan Fringe: An assessment of various land protection tools and programs in urbanizing areas of the US.” The European Union conference on Sprawl, September 19 - 21, 2001 St. Peter’s Abbey, Ghent, Belgium. 10 pp.

Elizabeth Brabec CV - 9 - International - Refereed

Molnarova, Kristina, Peter Kumble, Petr Sklenicka, Elizabeth Brabec, Blanka Pittnerova, Katerina Pixova, Miroslav Salek. 2007. Remnants of Medieval Field Patterns in the Czech Republic: Driving Forces Behind their disappearance and principles of conservation. 13th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM), Park City, Utah, June 17-21, 2007.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 2005. “Cultural Interaction and its Effects on Landscape Change.” Mapping Spaces: Memory, Place, Identity Conference, Institute of British and American Culture and Literature, University of Silesia, Ustron, Poland, September 15-17, 2005.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 2004. “Landscape Change: the influence of external cultural forces.” Multiple Landscape: merging past and present in landscape planning, International Workshop on Sustainable Land-Use Planning, Wageningen, Netherlands, June 7-9, 2004.

Brabec, Elizabeth & Geoffrey McD. Lewis. 2002. “Defining the pattern of the sustainable urban region,” The Sustainable City, Segovia, Spain, July 3-5, 2002.

Lewis, Geoffrey McD. and Elizabeth Brabec. 2002. “Defining the pattern of the sustainable urban region - development of regional measurement methods.” ISOMUL, Bellingham, Washington, June 19-23, 2002.

Brabec, Elizabeth and Stacey Schulte. 2000 “Fragmentation, Impervious Surfaces and Water Quality: quantifying the effects of density and spatial arrangement.” Third International Conference on Sustainable Land Use Planning, Fragmentation and Land Use Planning: Analysis and Beyond, Wageningen, The Netherlands, June 19-21, 2000.

Brabec, Elizabeth and Charles F. Smith. “Can We Protect Agricultural Land and the Scenic Rural Landscape? The spatial effects of three land protection strategies in the Eastern United States.” Third International Conference on Sustainable Land Use Planning, “Fragmentation and Land Use Planning: Analysis and Beyond,” Wageningen, The Netherlands, June 19-21, 2000.

National - Refereed

Brabec, Elizabeth. 2009. “An Evaluation of Open Space Quality in Suburban Residential Communities: A comparison of neotraditional, cluster, and conventional developments.” Reinvesting in America: The New Metropolitan Planning Agenda, the 50th Anniversary Conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Crystal City, Virginia, October 1-4, 2009.

Brabec, Elizabeth, Kristina Molnarova, Petr Sklenicka, Peter Kumble, Blanka Pittnerova, Katerina Pixova, Miroslav Salek. 2009. “Remnants of medieval field patterns: spatio-

Elizabeth Brabec CV - 10 - temporal changes and conservation principles.” Teaching + Learning Landscape, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Annual Conference, University of Arizona, Tucson, January 17, 2009.

Brabec, Elizabeth and Sarah Rigard. 2009. “An evaluation of open space quality in suburban residential communities: A comparison of neotraditional, cluster and conventional developments.” Teaching + Learning Landscape, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Annual Conference, University of Arizona, Tucson, January 17, 2009.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 2007. “An Evaluation of Open Space Quality in a Neotraditional Community: A case study of Kentlands.” Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Annual Conference: Negotiating Landscapes, State College, Pennsylvania, August 15-19, 2007.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 2006. “Public Park sin a Multi-Cultural World: A case study of Meridian Hill Park in Washington, DC.” Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, June 14-17, 2006.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 2005. “Public Parks in a Multi-Cultural World: A case study of Meridian Hill Park in Washington, DC.” Association of Collegiate Schools in Planning, Kansas City, Missouri, October 27-30, 2005.

Brabec, Elizabeth and Peter Kumble. 2005. “Land Planning and Development Mitigation for Protecting Water Quality in the Great Lakes System.” Association of Collegiate Schools in Planning, Kansas City, Missouri, October 27-30, 2005.

Brabec, Elizabeth and Peter Kumble. 2005. “Urban Development In the Great Lakes Basin: What Is the Federal Role In Regional Land Use Planning Related To Water Quality?” Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, Athens, Georgia, September 21-24, 2005.

Brabec, Elizabeth and Peter Kumble. 2004. “Land Planning and Development Mitigation for Protecting Water Quality in the Great Lakes System: An Evaluation of U.S. Approaches.” Emerging Issues Along Urban/Rural Interfaces: Linking Science and Society, Atlanta, Georgia, March 13-15, 2005.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 2004. “Growth Management: The concepts of Land and Community among the Gullah.” Association of Collegiate Schools in Planning, Portland, Oregon, October 21-24, 2004.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 2003. Slave Landscape and Life in Low Country Plantations: Myth and Reality. American Society of Landscape Architects, New Orleans, October 30 - November 2, 2003.

Elizabeth Brabec CV - 11 - Brabec, Elizabeth. 2003. “Slave Landscapes of the Carolina Lowcountry.” Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, September 24-27, 2003.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 2002. “Landscape of the Gullah on St. Helena Island: A Clash of Cultures.” 2002 Annual Meeting American Society of Landscape Architects, October 19, 2002.

Kumble, Peter, Elizabeth Brabec, and Stuart Echols. 2002. “Protecting Water Quality Through Regional Planning: A Watershed Approach for Local Government.” 2002 Annual Meeting American Society of Landscape Architects, October 19, 2002.

Brabec, Elizabeth and Chip Smith. 2000. “Rural Landscapes: Assessing the Effectiveness of Various Land Protection Strategies.” Gateway to Discovery: 2000 ASLA Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MI, October 2000.

Goltry, Stephen Wesley, Mark Ackelson and Elizabeth Brabec. 2000. “Landscape Architecture and Its Role in Land Trusts.” Gateway to Discovery: 2000 ASLA Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MI, October 2000.

Richards, Paul L., Elizabeth A. Brabec and Stacey L. Schulte. 2000. “Effects of Imperviousness on Water Budgets in Two Michigan Watersheds.” American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting, May 30 - June 3, 2000, Washington, D.C.

Richardson, Sharon and Elizabeth Brabec. 2000. The Sea Islands of South Carolina: The Issue of Gullah Culture in Land Protection.” Land Conservation Summit 2000: Advancing the Debate in the New Millennium, July 28 and 29, University of Minnesota.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1995. “What is Good for Nature is Often Good for History Too! A Review of Protection Mechanisms for Natural and Cultural Landscapes.” Paper presented to Balancing Nature and Culture in Historic Landscapes, a conference sponsored by the National Association for Olmsted Parks and the National Park Service, Asheville, North Carolina, April 22, 1995.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1992. “Small Town Historic Preservation.” Panelist at the American Planning Association National Conference, May, 1992.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1990. “Does Beauty Pay?” American Society of Landscape Architects Annual Meeting, October, 1990.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1990. “Measuring the Economic Impacts of Preservation: A Practical Methodology,” a panelist at the National Trust for Historic Preservation, 44th National Preservation Conference, October, 1990.

Elizabeth Brabec CV - 12 - Brabec, Elizabeth. 1989. “Sprawl Busters: Changing the Face of New Development,” American Society of Landscape Architects Annual Conference, November, 1989.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1989. “Preserving Town Character: Two Case Studies,” American Society of Landscape Architects Historic Preservation Symposium, November, 1989.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1987. “Protecting the Landscape Character of Rural Towns,” American Society of Landscape Architects Annual Meeting, October, 1987.

National - Invited

Brabec, Elizabeth. 2009. Residential Land Planning and Development Approaches to Land and Farm Conservation. Residential Development and the Working Landscape: Collide, Contain, Coexist or Coalesce, Inaugural Symposium of the Baldwin Center for Preservation Development, Charlottesville, Virginia, October 15 - 16, 2009.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1997. “Open Space and Habitat Conservation: Why are they essential elements of ?” Partners for Smart Growth Conference, sponsored by the Urban Land Institute and the USEPA, Baltimore, MD, December 2, 1997.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1997. “The Economics of Open Space,” Watersheds ‘97, sponsored by U. S. EPA and the Sierra Club, Anchorage, Alaska, October 27, 1997.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1996. “Developing for the Future: Realizing ,” Watershed ‘96 Technical Conference, U.S. EPA, Baltimore, Maryland, June 10, 1996.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1988. Development Roundtable panelist, Urban Land Institute and the Conservation Foundation, November, 1988.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1988. “Town Character: What is it and why should it be preserved?” Landscape Preservation Seminar and Roundtable, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, March, 1988.

Regional - Invited

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1999. “The Economics of Open Space,” Long Island Sound Watershed Alliance Citizen’s Summit, Stamford, CT, April 10, 1999.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1998. “Planning Tools for Landscape Preservation,” State Historic Preservation Fall Workshop, Lansing, Michigan, September 25, 1998.

Elizabeth Brabec CV - 13 - Brabec, Elizabeth. 1998. “The Economics of Open Space Protection,” NOAA Sustainable Coastal Communities Workshop, Traverse City, Michigan, September 16, 1998.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1997. “Exploring the Benefits of Open Space,” Cape Fear Tomorrow, Wilmington, North Carolina, October 30, 1997.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1997. “Sustainable Communities in Dialogue,” Opportunities in Sustainable Development: Strategies for the Chesapeake Basin, College Park, Maryland, March 22, 1997.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1996. “Communities for the Next Millennium: Finding Development Alternatives and Methods of Protecting Community Character and Resources,” Keynote speaker, Winona County Common Visions Project, Pathway to the Future Conference, Winona, Minnesota, November 15, 1996.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1996. “Applying Ecological Knowledge to Land Use Decision Making,” USDA Forest Service, Chesapeake Bay Forestry Program, Ramapo College, Mahwah, New Jersey, June 14, 1996.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1996. New Frontiers in Open Space Planning, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, James Madison University, Virginia, April 13, 1996.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1996. “The Economics of Open Space and The Benefits of Trees in Urban Areas,” Pennsylvania Recreation and Park Society, State College, Pennsylvania, March 12, 1996.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1995. “The Economics of Land Conservation,” Maryland Land Trust Alliance, Easton, Maryland, November 17-18, 1995.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1995. “The Economic Benefits and Costs of Natural Resources, Community Lands and Open Spaces,” Conservation Trust for North Carolina, Asheville, North Carolina, March 24, 1995.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1994. “Community Economic Benefits from Land Conservation,” North Carolina Coastal Land Trust, Pine Knoll Shores, North Carolina, November 10, 1994.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1994. “Design for Sustainability,” Expo '94, Charleston, West Virginia, March 24, 1994.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1993. “How can creative rural planning approaches be used when rural villages are designated for growth?” Maryland Land Trust Alliance Conference, November 5, 1993.

Elizabeth Brabec CV - 14 - Brabec, Elizabeth. 1993. “Maintaining Small Town Character” and “The Economics of Aesthetics,” New York State Chapter Conference of the American Society of Landscape Architects, Buffalo, September, 1993.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1992. “Economic Incentives for Urban Forestry,” Georgia Urban Forestry Conference, Columbus, Georgia, September 11, 1992.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1991. “Conservation and Development: Can We Achieve Both?” Maryland's Local Government Coastal Zone Planners' Workshop, Annapolis, Maryland, April 17, 1991.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1991. “What is Rural Preservation: Selling it at the Local Level,” Preservation Alliance of Virginia Spring Preservation Workshop, Leesburg, Virginia, April 5, 1991.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1991. “Design and The Town Planner.” Vermont Design Institute, Vermont Council on the Arts, faculty member and introductory lecture, Grafton, Vermont, March 8 and 9, 1991.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1990. “Valuing Conservation and Aesthetics,” The Land Use Forum, Washington, D.C., September, 1990.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1989. Panelist on the rural landscape, State Design Arts Conference, Washington, D.C., November, 1989.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1987. “Town Character Planning in Hadley, Massachusetts,” Planning for the Changing Rural Landscape of New England: Blending Theory and Practice - Conference, November, 1987.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1987. Consultant team member, US/UK Countryside Stewardship Exchange, sponsored by the National Park Service, North Atlantic Region, and the Atlantic Center for the Environment, June, 1987.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1986. “Preserving Rural Neighborhoods,” Massachusetts Preservation Conference, panelist, Boston University, May, 1986.

University - Invited

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1998. “The Economics of Preserving Open Space,” University of Kentucky, Department of Landscape Architecture, April, 1998.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1997. “Does Beauty Pay?” University of Guelph, School of Landscape Architecture, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, January, 1997.

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Brabec, Elizabeth. 1995. “Case Studies in Community Planning to Combat Sprawling Development,” University of Maryland, March, 1995.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1995. “As Form Follows Flow: Techniques for Watershed Management,” faculty member of a two-day student charrette, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, March, 1995.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1995. “Environmental Planning and Design,” University of Guelph, School of Landscape Architecture, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, November 7, 1995.

Local - Invited

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1998. “Open Space Planning Workshop,” The Conservation Fund, Germantown, Wisconsin, February 10.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1996. “The Economic Implications of Greenways and Open Space,” Lancaster Inter-Municipal Committee, Annual Dinner Meeting, Keynote Speaker, Lancaster, PA, April.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1995. “Greenways,” Conestoga Greenway Forum, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, June.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1995. “Creative Planning for Tourism and Open Space Development,” Ocoee Valley Alliance, Ocoee, Tennessee, May.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1995. “Protecting Community Character and its Economic Implications,” Futurescapes, East Tennessee Design Center, Knoxville, Tennessee, May.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1995. “The Economic Value of Open Space,” Greenspace Alliance, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, February.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1994. “Economics of Aesthetics,” Community Appearance Alliance of Northern Virginia, October 20.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1993. “Business and Environment: Coexisting Through Good Design,” Blue Ridge Community College, 11th Annual Horticulture Symposium, March.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1992. “The Economics of Aesthetics,” Community Appearance Alliance Conference, Vienna, Virginia, September 24.

Elizabeth Brabec CV - 16 - Brabec, Elizabeth. 1992. East Tennessee Design Center and Tennessee Valley Authority, Futurescapes Workshop, Knoxville, Tennessee, May 18 and 19.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1991. “Development in the Historic Landscape,” Preservation of Historic Winchester Foundation, Winchester, Virginia, June 15.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1991. “Greenways: Public Access to Open Spaces Design and Planning,” Waterford Foundation, Waterford, Virginia, May 1.

Brabec, Elizabeth. 1990. “Guiding Related Lands Development: Is "Compatible Development" an Oxymoron?” MAR/NCR Civil War Parks Superintendents' Meeting, July.


Peer reviewer for Landscape Journal, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, Landscape and Urban Planning, Journal of the American Planning Association, Society and Natural Resources, Applied Environmental Education and Communication, Journal of Planning Literature, Michigan Academy of Arts and Letters, University of Virginia Press and Wiley Press.

Research track chair for History, Theory and Culture, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, 2008-current.

National Endowment for the Arts, proposal review panel member, 2005.

National Science Foundation, proposal review panel member, 2004.

Washtenaw County, Michigan, Purchase of Development Rights Revision Committee, 2003.

National Public Radio, Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Land Use Advisory Group, 2002-2003.

Board Member, Cultural Landscape Foundation, 1998 to 2002.

American Society of Landscape Architects Liveable Communities Task Force member, 1999 to 2000.

Editorial Advisory Board, Landscape Architecture Magazine, 1996 to 1998.

Issues Management Committee, American Society of Landscape Architects, 1996.

LA Forum participant, Of Grids and Green Fields, organized and published by Landscape Architecture Magazine, February, 1996.

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National Awards Juror, American Society of Landscape Architects, 1995.

Delegate to the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training Symposium, American Society of Landscape Architects, April 11 to 14, 1994.

Editorial Selection Committee, American Society of Landscape Architects, 1994.

State Awards Juror, Maryland Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects, 1994.

Board Member, Center for Watershed Protection, 1993-1998.

Participant in Regionalism Forum, Landscape Architecture Magazine, December, 1993 (published in April, 1994 edition of the magazine).

Chair of the Historic Landscape Open Committee, American Society of Landscape Architects, 1992-93.

Editor of Land and History, newsletter of the Historic Preservation Open Committee, American Society of Landscape Architects, 1989-91.

Chair, Historical Commissions Committee of Historic Massachusetts, Inc., 1986-1987.

Juror for the 1986 Massachusetts "Governor's Design Awards."

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