BRIEFING PAPER Number 5855, 20 January 2017 Parliament's role in By Arabella Lang ratifying treaties Contents: 1. The Government makes treaties 2. Parliament makes any implementing legislation 3. Parliament can object to ratification 4. No requirement for a debate or vote 5. Role of devolved executives and legislatures 6. Different rules for specific types of treaty 7. More parliamentary scrutiny of treaties? | |
[email protected] | @commonslibrary 2 Parliament's role in ratifying treaties Contents Summary 3 1. The Government makes treaties 5 2. Parliament makes any implementing legislation 7 3. Parliament can object to ratification 8 3.1 Introduction 8 3.2 The Government must lay treaties before Parliament 8 3.3 The Commons can block ratification 9 3.4 Limits of the 2010 Act 9 4. No requirement for a debate or vote 10 5. Role of devolved executives and legislatures 12 6. Different rules for specific types of treaty 13 6.1 Exceptional cases 13 6.2 Memorandums of Understanding 13 6.3 EU Treaties 13 Treaties that amend the EU Treaties 13 EU external agreements 14 6.4 Double taxation agreements 14 7. More parliamentary scrutiny of treaties? 16 7.1 Introduction 16 7.2 Other countries 16 7.3 More debates and votes? 16 Affirmative resolution procedure 16 Other formal requirements for a debate 17 7.4 Before signature? 17 No formal role for Parliament before signature 17 Proposals 18 Cover page image copyright Click & browse to copyright info for stock image 3 Commons Library Briefing, 20 January 2017 Summary The Government makes treaties, but Parliament has a role Although the UK Government is responsible for negotiating, signing and ratifying international treaties, Parliament has a statutory role in ratifying them, and can also be involved in other ways.