ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT IN FORM-V (Under Rule-14, Environmental protection Rules, 1986)


FOR CLUSTER NO. – 6 (GROUP OF MINES) Eastern Coalfields Limited

Prepared at Regional Institute – I Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Ltd. (A Subsidiary of Coal Ltd.) G. T. Road (West End) - 713 304

CMPDI ISO 9001:2008 Company

Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)


Environmental statement for the financial year ending 31st March, 2016

Cluster No. – 6

FOR THE YEAR: 2015-16





Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)


INTRODUCTION 1.1 GENESIS: The Gazette Notification vide G.S.R No. 329 (E) dated 13th March, 1992 and subsequently renamed to ‘Environmental Statement’ vide Ministry of Environment & Forests (MOEF), Govt. of India gazette notification No. G.S.R No. 386 (E) Dtd. 22nd April’93 reads as follows. “Every person carrying on an industry, operation or process requiring consent under section 25 of the Water Act, 1974 or under section 21 of the Air Act, 1981 or both or authorisation under the Hazardous Waste Rules, 1989 issued under the Environmental Protection Act, 1986 shall submit an Environmental Audit Report for the year ending 31st March in Form V to the concerned State Pollution Control Board on or before the 30th day of September every year.” In compliance with the above and in fulfillment of condition laid out in the Environment Clearance granted by MoEF&CC, the work of Environmental Statement for Cluster No. 6 was entrusted to CMPDI by GM (Environment), Eastern Coalfields Limited.


Prior to 2014 – 15, a large number of taken over mines from pre – nationalization period, mostly underground mines, in the old coalfields of Raniganj and Jharia did not have environmental clearance from the MoEF&CC and were operating on the basis of “Consents’ received from the respective PCBs. It was felt that if these mines could be brought under the ambit of EC, several measures for environmental protection and pollution control could be put in place. However, the work of obtaining EC for such mines, individually, would have taken a lot of time. To circumvent the problem, it was mooted that since the environmental problems being faced were of regional nature and not confined to individual mines alone, cluster/groups of such mines could be identified for preparing cluster-wise integrated EIA & EMPs, addressing such environmental concerns comprehensively and ensuring effective co-ordination of environmental control measures within each cluster. 13 such clusters were identified in the Raniganj Coalfield of ECL and EC has been obtained on the cluster approach for 12 such clusters. Cluster of Mines No. 6 is one of the clusters for which EC has been granted vide letter no. J- 11015/385/2010-IA-II.(M) dated 16th January, 2015 for a combined peak capacity of 2.25 MTY and within a ML area of 4775 Ha. Cluster No. 6 is located in the western part of Raniganj Coalfield between latitudes 230 38” to 230 43” and longitudes 860 48’’ to 860 58’’ in the Burdwan district of . The mines within the cluster are situated towards west of Asansol Township and IISCO, Burnpur. Eastern Railway grand chord line and G.T. Road run along the cluster boundary on the north east side. Damodar River forms the boundary of the cluster on the south- west. The mines are administratively under Sodepur Area of ECL. Location of cluster – 6 is shown in plate no. – 1.


Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)

The composition of the cluster is tabulated as under: Sl Name of the Mine Lease Normative Peak Mine No. Area Production Production Life (Ha) Capacity Capacity (Years) (MTY) (MTY) 1 Dhemomain UG 1623 0.155 0.21 > 50 2 Sodepur UG 808 0.12 0.15 > 10 Sodepur OC Patch (10 Ha) 0.12 0.15 2 3 Narsamuda UG 265 0.148 0.19 > 10 4 Patmohana UG 544 0.12 0.12 > 40 Patmohana OC Patch (7.5 0.10 0.10 1 Ha) 5 Chinakuri-I UG 414 0.06 0.08 > 50 6 Chinakuri-III UG 216 0.15 0.20 > 25 Chinakuri-III OC Patch (7.2) 0.10 0.10 1 7 Bejdih UG 242 0.04 0.10 > 20 8 Methani UG 348 0.10 0.20 > 20 1 Methani OC Patch (10.5 Ha) 0.12 0.15 1 /2 9 Sheetalpur UG 315 0.12 0.50 > 30 Total 4775.0 1.453 2.25 1. Dhemomain UG At Dhemomain incline one, bord & pillar development district is being run with 2 nos. of SDL. Fallen coal from old working is being loaded by U/G loaders. One depillaring dist is about to be started. At Dhemomain Pit, one bord & pillar development district is running with manual loading.

2. Sodepur UG & OC At present depillaring operation is going on in Hatnal seam (R-III). Out of the three working panels stowing is being done in two panels. Shovel-dumper combination will be used for the proposed OC patch.

3. Narsamuda UG The mine is being worked by Bord & Pillar method with manual loading. Two no. depillaring panels are running; one with caving method and another with limited span method. One Development section is also running.

4. Patmohana UG & OC At present only one depillaring district at West side is being run with caving method. Shovel- dumper combination will be used for the proposed OC patch.

5. Chinakuri – I UG One development district is running with CCM. In another panel depillaring is being done by Longwall retreating method with hydraulic stowing. Average depth of the mine is 600m.

6. Chinakuri – III UG & OC At present, Barachak seam is being worked in this mine. Previous depillaring has been done by caving method but at present working goaf pillar method is being followed in one district.


Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)

Another depillaring district is being worked with hydraulic sand stowing. One development section in the east of Main dip section is being worked with SDL. Shovel-dumper combination will be used for the proposed OC patch.

7. Bejdih UG The peak capacity of the mine will be 0.10 MTY which may be achieved occasionally by better utilization of resources and favourable geo-mining condition. Seam Thickne Outlet Grade Method of Mechanisatio ss (m) Work n with no. of SDL/LHD 1. Sripur (R-VI) 1.70 Incline 1 & 2 “C” Development Manual 2. Raghunath purbati 1.60 Pit No. 1 “C” Exhausted Nil (R-VA) & Baradhemo (R-V) Comb.)

8. Methani UG & OC The peak capacity of the mine will be 0.20 MTY which may be achieved occasionally by better utilization of resources and favourable geo-mining condition. The normative target production of the OCP patch with a life of 1 & ½ years will be 0.12 MTY. However, the peak capacity of the OCP patch will be 0.15 MTY which may be achieved occasionally by better utilization of resources and favourable geo-mining condition. Seam Thickne Outlet Grade Method of Mechanisation with ss (m) Work no. of SDL/LHDLW set/CM 1. B.D.Seam 2.79 Pit.1 “B” Dep. with Manual ( R-V) L.S. Method Shovel-dumper combination will be used for the proposed OC patch.

9. Sheetalpur UG This mine is presently closed.


CMPDI has been engaged to carry out routine Environmental monitoring of the clusters. The monitoring is carried out every fortnight by collecting 24 – hour samples for ambient air at 8 all - weather stations, 3 pre-monsoon stations and 1 post-monsoon station (based on local meteorology) and compared with NAAQS, 2009 for quality. Samples of mine water are also collected and analysed every fortnight and compared with the MoEF Schedule – VI for discharge of effluents into land / streams. A complete analysis of the mine discharge samples which includes heavy metals and salts is carried out once every year during December. Noise level is recorded at 9 locations. Groundwater level in the cluster area is monitored by taking measurements at 8 earmarked dugwells in the months of January, May, August and November every year. Samples of groundwater from these wells, which are also utilized by the local population for drinking and other domestic purposes, are analysed once in a year during May and compared with the IS 10500: 2012 standards for drinking water quality. For the year 2015 – 16, the monitoring could be started only from the second fortnight of May, 2015 owing to certain delays in fixation of monitoring stations subsequent to the grant of EC.


Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)

Location of the monitoring stations of air, noise & water are shown in Plate- II. The environmental monitoring results for 21 fortnights ending 31st March, 2016 are appended as Annexures – I, II, III & IV. The environmental monitoring results for the year 2015-16 are summarized below:

AMBIENT AIR QUALITY 3 The PM10 concentration was found in the range of 57.1 to 242.6 µg/m and exceeded the NAAQS, 2009 on 38 occasions while it is in limit as per GSR 742 (E) dated 25.09.2000. The 3 PM2.5 concentration was found in the range of 10.2 to 136.3 µg/m and exceeded the 3 NAAQS, 2009 on 26 occasions. The SO2 concentration remained below 10.0 µg/m and NOX concentration was in the range of 8.2 to 23.4 µg/m3 and was thus quite well within NAAQS, 2009. ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS: (I) Environmental standard for Raniganj Coalfield vide MOEF, Govt. of India, Gazette Notification No.GSR 742 (E) dated 25.09.2000 for 24 hourly samples at 500 meters from dust generating point: Station Pollutant Concentration (µg/m3) Category TSPM PM10 SO2 NOx Industrial 700.0 300.0 120.0 120.0 Residential 200.0 100.0 80.0 80.0

Limits for noise (Leq) dB(A) Station Day Time Night Time Category (6am-10pm) (10pm-6am) Industrial 75.0 70.0 Residential 55.0 45.0

(II) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), 2009 for residential, industrial and rural areas for 24 hourly samples:

Pollutant PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NOX Concentration (µg/m3) 100.0 60.0 80.0 80.0

Limits for noise Day Time (6am-9pm) Night Time (9pm-6am) (Leq) dB(A) 55.0 45.0

WATER UTILISATION, QUALITY & GROUNDWATER LEVEL Ground water percolates into working area from the surrounding aquifers which have been exposed due to opencast mining. The mine is dewatered regularly to maintain dry working conditions. This mine discharge water is partly utilized for dust suppression by sprinkling at coal faces and on haul roads and the remainder is discharged onto adjoining cultivable lands for irrigation purposes. Part-B of the Environmental Statement proforma contains the detailed break-up of water consumption. The analysis results for the mine discharge water reveal that most of the parameters are within permissible limits prescribed by MoEF&CC as General Standards Schedule – VI for


Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)

Class-‘A’ effluent (Effluent discharged into inland surface water) and IS 10500 for groundwater standards. In order to assess the impact of mining on the groundwater level, a network of 8 dugwells has been identified for monitoring of groundwater level in the months of January, May, August and November every year. Samples from these wells are collected and analysed during May every year and compared with IS 10500 standards for drinking water. Mine water and ground water analysis results are given in Annexure-III. Well water level results are given in Annexure – IV.

NOISE LEVEL The day time noise level was found in the range of 54 to 71.4 dB(A). The noise level recorded is within the permissible limits prescribed by MoEF&CC.


Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)

CHAPTER - II ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT FORM– V Environmental statement for the financial year ending March, 2016


SL. NO. HEADING PARTICULARS (I) NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE PROJECT i Dhemomain UG Agent, Dhemomain UG, Dist. – Burdwan, W.B. ii Sodepur UG & OC Agent, Sodepur UG, Dist. – Burdwan, W.B. iii Narsamuda UG Agent, Narsamuda UG, Dist. – Burdwan, W.B. iv Patmohana UG & OC Agent, Patmohana UG, Dist. – Burdwan, W.B. v Chinakuri – I UG Agent, Chinakuri I & III UG, Dist. – Burdwan, W.B. vi Chinakuri – III UG & OC vii Bejdih UG Agent, Bejdih UG, Dist. – Burdwan, W.B. viii Methani UG & OC Agent, Methani UG, Dist. – Burdwan, W.B. ix Sheetalpur UG Agent, Sheetalpur UG, Dist. – Burdwan, W.B. (II) INDUSTRY CATEGORY All mines in the cluster falls in red category (III) PRODUCTION CAPACITY 2.25 MTY (IV) YEAR OF ESTABLISHMENT All the UG mines in the cluster are taken over mines from pre- nationalization period. OC patches are yet to start production. (V) DATE OF THE LAST The Environment Statement is being submitted for the first ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT time for the financial year 2015 – 16 after the grant of EC on SUBMITTED 16th January, 2015.

PART – B WATER AND RAW MATERIAL CONSUMPTION (I) WATER CONSUMPTION (Cu.m/day) 1. Dhemomain UG 2014-15 2015-16 A. MINING i Dust suppression Nil Nil ii Fire fighting iii Others (service building etc.) B. COOLING (in radiators of trucks/HEMM) C. DOMESTIC i Colony 620 620 ii Community Supply for domestic purposes 87 87 TOTAL 707 707

2. Sodepur UG & OC 2014-15 2015-16 A. MINING i Dust suppression Nil Nil ii Fire fighting iii Others (service building etc.)


Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)

B. COOLING (in radiators of trucks/HEMM) C. DOMESTIC i Colony 386 386 TOTAL 386 386

3. Narsamuda UG 2014-15 2015-16 A. MINING i Dust suppression Nil Nil ii Fire fighting iii Others (service building etc.) B. COOLING (in radiators of trucks/HEMM) C. DOMESTIC i Colony 46 46 ii Community Supply for domestic purposes 180 180 TOTAL 226 226

4. Patmohana UG & OC 2014-15 2015-16 A. MINING i Dust suppression Nil Nil ii Fire fighting iii Others (service building etc.) B. COOLING (in radiators of trucks/HEMM) C. DOMESTIC i Colony 189 189 ii Community Supply for domestic purposes 88 88 TOTAL 277 277

5. Chinakuri – I UG 2014-15 2015-16 A. MINING i Dust suppression Nil Nil ii Fire fighting iii Others (service building etc.) B. COOLING (in radiators of trucks/HEMM) C. DOMESTIC i Colony 969 969 ii Community Supply for domestic purposes 119 122 TOTAL 1088 1091


Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)

6. Chinakuri – III UG & OC 2014-15 2015-16 A. MINING i Dust suppression Nil Nil ii Fire fighting iii Others (service building etc.) B. COOLING (in radiators of trucks/HEMM) C. DOMESTIC i Colony 388 387 ii Community Supply for domestic purposes 104 104 TOTAL 492 491

7. Bejdih UG 2014-15 2015-16 A. MINING i Dust suppression Nil Nil ii Fire fighting iii Others (service building etc.) B. COOLING (in radiators of trucks/HEMM) C. DOMESTIC i Colony 35 35 ii Community Supply for domestic purposes 48 48 TOTAL 83 83

8. Methani UG & OC 2014-15 2015-16 A. MINING i Dust suppression Nil Nil ii Fire fighting iii Others (service building etc.) B. COOLING (in radiators of trucks/HEMM) C. DOMESTIC i Colony 144 144 ii Community Supply for domestic purposes 22 22 TOTAL 166 166

9. Sheetalpur UG – It is a closed mine 2014-15 2015-16 A. MINING Nil Nil i Dust suppression ii Fire fighting iii Others (service building etc.) B. COOLING (in radiators of trucks/HEMM) C. DOMESTIC i Colony TOTAL Nil Nil


Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)

(II) RAW MATERIAL CONSUMPTION : 1. Dhemomain UG Name of raw Name of Consumption of raw material material products (per unit of product output) During previous During current financial year financial year (2014-15) (2015-16) 1. Explosive Coal 0.444 kg/te 0.452 kg/te 2. Diesel 0.002 l/te 0.002 l/te 3. Lubricants 0.002 l/te 0.002 l/te

2. Sodepur UG & OC Name of raw Name of Consumption of raw material material products (per unit of product output) During previous During current financial year financial year (2014-15) (2015-16) 1. Explosive Coal 0.227 kg/te 0.355 kg/te 2. Diesel* 60 litres 60 litres 3. Lubricants* 40 litres 40 litres *consumption for the whole year is given

3. Narsamuda UG Name of raw Name of Consumption of raw material material products (per unit of product output) During previous During current financial year financial year (2014-15) (2015-16) 1. Explosive Coal 0.490 kg/te 0.541 kg/te 2. Diesel 0.002 l/te 0.002 l/te 3. Lubricants* 40 litres 40 litres *consumption for the whole year is given

4. Patmohana UG & OC Name of raw Name of Consumption of raw material material products (per unit of product output) During previous During current financial year financial year (2014-15) (2015-16) 1. Explosive Coal 0.286 kg/te 0.190 kg/te 2. Diesel 0.003 l/te 0.003 l/te 3. Lubricants* 70 litres 65 litres *consumption for the whole year is given


Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)

5. Chinakuri – I UG Name of raw Name of Consumption of raw material material products (per unit of product output) During previous During current financial year financial year (2014-15) (2015-16) 1. Explosive Coal Nil Nil 2. Diesel 0.028 l/te - 3. Lubricants - -

6. Chinakuri – III UG & OC Name of raw Name of Consumption of raw material material products (per unit of product output) During previous During current financial year financial year (2014-15) (2015-16) 1. Explosive Coal 0.230 kg/te 0.216 kg/te 2. Diesel Nil Nil 3. Lubricants Nil Nil

7. Bejdih UG Name of raw Name of Consumption of raw material material products (per unit of product output) During previous During current financial year financial year (2014-15) (2015-16) 1. Explosive Coal 0.453 kg/te 0.539 kg/te 2. Diesel* 50 litres 50 litres 3. Lubricants* 45 litres 40 litres *consumption for the whole year is given

8. Methani UG & OC Name of raw Name of Consumption of raw material material products (per unit of product output) During previous During current financial year financial year (2014-15) (2015-16) 1. Explosive Coal 0.588 kg/te 0.558 kg/te 2. Diesel* 50 litres 50 litres 3. Lubricants* 30 litres 40 litres *consumption for the whole year is given

9. Sheetalpur UG – It is a closed mine Name of raw Name of Consumption of raw material material products (per unit of product output) During previous During current financial year financial year (2014-15) (2015-16) 1. Explosive Coal Nil Nil 2. Diesel 3. Lubricants


Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)


Pollutio Quantity of pollution generated Percentage variation from prescribed standards with n reasons WATER Mine water discharge Analysis results The analysis results reveal that most of the parameters are are given in Annexure-II. below permissible limits prescribed by MOEF as General Standards for class ‘A’ effluent (Effluent discharged into inland surface water.) AIR The main air pollutant is suspended Ambient air quality results show that the values of SO2 and PM10 and PM2.5. The air quality results NOx are within the prescribed standards barring few times at are appended as Annexure-I. few sampling stations. The concentration level of PM10 has exceeded limits on 38 occasions and that of PM2.5 has exceeded limits on 26 occasions as per NAAQS, 2009.

PART – D HAZARDOUS WASTE (As specified under Hazardous Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1989) 1. Dhemomain UG Hazardous waste Total quantity During Previous During current Disposal financial year financial year method (2014-15) (2015-16) A) From process i)Used oil litres litres ii)Lead-Acid Batteries** a. Automobile batteries Nos Nil b. Cap-lamp batteries Nos Nos iii) Used Cotton waste Kg Kg iv) Metal Scrap Kg Kg

2. Sodepur UG & OC Hazardous waste Total quantity During During Disposal Previous current method financial year financial year (2014-15) (2015-16) A) From process i)Used oil litres litres ii)Lead-Acid Batteries** a. Automobile batteries Nos Nil b. Cap-lamp batteries Nos Nos iii) Used Cotton waste Kg Kg iv) Metal Scrap Kg Kg


Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)

3. Narsamuda UG Hazardous waste Total quantity During Previous During current Disposal financial year financial year method (2014-15) (2015-16) A) From process i)Used oil litres litres ii)Lead-Acid Batteries** a. Automobile batteries Nos Nil b. Cap-lamp batteries Nos Nos iii) Used Cotton waste Kg Kg iv) Metal Scrap Kg Kg

4. Patmohana UG & OC Hazardous waste Total quantity During Previous During current Disposal financial year financial year method (2014-15) (2015-16) A) From process i)Used oil litres litres ii)Lead-Acid Batteries** a. Automobile batteries Nos Nil b. Cap-lamp batteries Nos Nos iii) Used Cotton waste Kg 2Kg iv) Metal Scrap Kg Kg

5. Chinakuri – I UG Hazardous waste Total quantity During Previous During current Disposal financial year financial year method (2014-15) (2015-16) A) From process i)Used oil litres litres ii)Lead-Acid Batteries** a. Automobile batteries Nos Nil b. Cap-lamp batteries Nos Nos iii) Used Cotton waste Kg Nil iv) Metal Scrap Kg Kg

6. Chinakuri – III UG & OC Hazardous waste Total quantity During Previous During current Disposal financial year financial year method (2014-15) (2015-16) A) From process i)Used oil litres litres ii)Lead-Acid Batteries** a. Automobile batteries Nos Nil b. Cap-lamp batteries Nos Nos iii) Used Cotton waste Kg Kg iv) Metal Scrap Kg Kg


Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)

7. Bejdih UG Hazardous waste Total quantity During Previous During current Disposal financial year financial year method (2014-15) (2015-16) A) From process i)Used oil litres litres ii)Lead-Acid Batteries** a. Automobile batteries Nos Nil b. Cap-lamp batteries Nos Nos iii) Used Cotton waste Kg Kg iv) Metal Scrap Kg Kg

8. Methani UG & OC Hazardous waste Total quantity During Previous During current Disposal financial year financial year method (2014-15) (2015-16) A) From process i)Used oil litres litres ii)Lead-Acid Batteries** a. Automobile batteries Nos Nil b. Cap-lamp batteries Nos Nos iii) Used Cotton waste Kg Kg iv) Metal Scrap Kg Kg

9. Sheetalpur UG Hazardous waste Total quantity During Previous During current Disposal financial year financial year method (2014-15) (2015-16) A) From process i)Used oil ii)Lead-Acid Batteries** a. Automobile batteries Nil Nil b. Cap-lamp batteries iii) Used Cotton waste iv) Metal Scrap Approximate values may be given where actual values are not available. **It has been dealt in Part – F. Note: a) The detail of used oil is to be given to concerned Pollution Control Board in Form-13 as per time mentioned in HW (M & H), Amendment Rules, 2003. b) The detail of disposal of Lead Acid batteries is to be given to concerned State Pollution Control Board in Form-VIII as per time mentioned in Batteries (M&H) Rules, 2001.


Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)

PART – E SOLID WASTE Particulars Name of Mine Total quantity (In Million Cu.m) During previous During current financial year financial year (2014-15) (2015-16) Sodepur OC Patmohana OC a) From process (Mining) Chinakuri – III OC Methani OC Sodepur OC b) From pollution control Patmohana OC OC patches are yet to start production facilities Chinakuri – III OC Methani OC Sodepur OC c) Quantity recycled or Patmohana OC reutilized back filled Chinakuri – III OC Methani OC


Hazardous waste generated is given in the table PART-D which has been deposited at area store disposal stock yard. **During financial year 2015 – 16, total no. of CAD lamp batteries replaced were 1297 for the entire Sodepur area as compared to 2000 batteries during 2014 – 15. Cap lamp batteries are received from HQ Central Stores and stored in Area Store. From Area Store they are supplied to unit cap lamp room as per allocation by technical HOD of Area. At unit cap lamp room they are stored in racks with cap lamp number. **During financial year 2015 – 16, total no. of HEMM / automobile batteries replaced were nil for the entire Sodepur area as compared to 4 during 2014 – 15. HEMM batteries are stored in Area stores. Metal scraps are declared and report is sent to HQ. The scraps are then auctioned and sold through HQ.

PART – G IMPACT OF POLLUTION CONTROL MEASURES ON CONSERVATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSEQUENTLY ON COST OF PRODUCTION. In order to carry out mining in an eco-friendly manner following pollution control measures have been implemented. 1.0 AIR POLLUTION CONTROL MEASURES:  Surfacing of all service roads/permanent roads by asphalt.  The un-metalled roads is kept free of ruts, potholes, etc.


Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)

 Regular maintenance of HEMM engines to limit emission of harmful exhaust fumes.  Physical removal of dust from the roads.  Greenbelts around quarry, industrial sites, service building area besides avenue plantation along roads.  Plantation have been done on 2 Ha for entire Sodepur area during 2015 – 16 with local species like Mango, Guava, Jam, Lemon and Jackfruit etc. having survival rate of around 60%.

2.0 WATER POLLUTION CONTROL MEASURES: (for Mine/CHP/Workshop/Colony discharge water)  There is no treatment facility for domestic effluent water in the mines of cluster – 6.  There is no workshop in the mines.  1 no. of sedimentation tank is available for entire Sodepur area.  1 no. of slow sand filter is present in Dhemomain UG having capacity of 9504 m3/day.  1 no. of slow sand filter is present in Patmohana UG having capacity of 7200 m3/day.

3.0 NOISE POLLUTION CONTROL MEASURES:  Regular maintenance of machines and other equipment at Bunker and workshop including mine fan.  Providing green belt around core activity area, along road side in colony and in other vacant space.  All HEMM & light vehicles are provided with silencers.  Noise monitoring is being carried out regularly.

4.0 LAND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT:  OC patches have yet to start production and as such there was no OB generation during 2015 – 16.

PART – H ADDITIONAL INVESTMENT PROPOSAL FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION INCLUDING ABATEMENT OF POLLUTION. The following are the additional investment proposals for environmental protection:  The Environmental monitoring of the project will be continued fortnightly as per the guidelines of Ministry of Environment and Forest (MOEF).  The Environmental Statement report will be submitted for each financial year ending 31st March.  Necessary Consent for discharge may be taken from Competent Authority. PART – I


The Environmental Monitoring is carried out fortnightly for the project by CMPDI, RI-I as per the guideline of Ministry of Environment and Forest (MOEF) and based on the result thereof; colliery takes necessary action if needed.


Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)

Annexure – I AMBIENT AIR QUALITY Station No Station Name Month Fortnight Date of Sampling PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NOx 6A1 In Chhottadhemo May Second 25-May-15 84.7 24.6 <10.0 10.7 6A1 village near June First 10-Jun-15 80.4 20.6 <10.0 12.2 6A1 railway line June Second 25-Jun-15 74.3 17.7 <10.0 10.7 6A1 July First 03-Jul-15 76.5 19.9 <10.0 12.8 6A1 July Second 23-Jul-15 69.2 15.3 <10.0 10.6 6A1 August First 10-Aug-15 67.3 14.2 <10.0 10.8 6A1 August Second 21-Aug-15 65.2 13.6 <10.0 9.6 6A1 September First 07-Sep-15 59.4 10.8 <10.0 9.0 6A1 September Second 23-Sep-15 61.6 11.6 <10.0 10.2 6A1 October First 12-Oct-15 62.5 12.4 <10.0 10.6 6A1 October Second 28-Oct-15 63.4 13.2 <10.0 10.8 6A1 November First 04-Nov-15 64.6 14.6 <10.0 11.4 6A1 November Second 27-Nov-15 68.6 17.4 <10.0 14.8 6A1 December First 04-Dec-15 72.4 22.6 <10.0 15.3 6A1 December Second 28-Dec-15 71.6 23.4 <10.0 15.8 6A1 January First 07-Jan-16 73.2 23.5 <10.0 15.4 6A1 January Second 21-Jan-16 73.0 22.4 <10.0 15.2 6A1 February First 02-Feb-16 118.5 53.6 <10.0 16.8 6A1 February Second 29-Feb-16 121.2 55.7 <10.0 16.6 6A1 March First 02-Mar-16 120.3 56.4 <10.0 16.6 6A1 March Second 31-Mar-16 121.4 57.9 <10.0 17.2 6A10 In Marichkota May Second 27-May-15 76.3 19.7 <10.0 8.2 6A10 Village June First 15-Jun-15 74.1 18.4 <10.0 9.5 6A10 June Second 29-Jun-15 69.2 17.4 <10.0 10.8 6A10 July First 14-Jul-15 67.2 23.8 <10.0 9.5 6A10 July Second 23-Jul-15 64.9 15.1 <10.0 11.0 6A10 August First 06-Aug-15 63.8 14.9 <10.0 11.6 6A10 August Second 25-Aug-15 60.5 13.2 <10.0 10.2 6A10 September First 04-Sep-15 57.1 10.2 <10.0 9.4 6A10 September Second 29-Sep-15 58.4 11.6 <10.0 10.2 6A11 Chinakuri pit no.1 January First 11-Jan-16 96.4 34.5 <10.0 20.6 6A11 & 2 near railway January Second 27-Jan-16 95.3 35.1 <10.0 18.6 6A11 siding February First 06-Feb-16 200.2 102.6 <10.0 18.4 6A11 February Second 19-Feb-16 196.1 100.2 <10.0 19.2 6A11 March First 07-Mar-16 204.8 101.6 <10.0 18.8 6A11 March Second 26-Mar-16 202.1 100.5 <10.0 18.9 6A12 Chinakuri pit no.3 January First 12-Jan-16 198.5 103.4 <10.0 19.0 6A12 near railway January Second 27-Jan-16 216.4 105.2 <10.0 22.6 6A12 siding February First 12-Feb-16 238.9 136.3 <10.0 22.4 6A12 February Second 20-Feb-16 236.5 132.6 <10.0 22.2 6A12 March First 08-Mar-16 240.5 130.3 <10.0 23.4 6A12 March Second 26-Mar-16 242.6 134.5 <10.0 23.2 6A2 In Chinakuri May Second 26-May-15 94.3 26.3 <10.0 12.1 6A2 Village June First 05-Jun-15 89.9 22.9 <10.0 14.8 6A2 June Second 24-Jun-15 82.8 21.4 <10.0 12.9 6A2 July First 06-Jul-15 80.2 20.5 <10.0 14.0 6A2 July Second 24-Jul-15 74.6 16.8 <10.0 12.6 6A2 August First 10-Aug-15 71.4 15.5 <10.0 12.2 6A2 August Second 26-Aug-15 69.6 15.0 <10.0 11.9 6A2 September First 09-Sep-15 63.8 13.4 <10.0 11.5 6A2 September Second 23-Sep-15 64.6 14.2 <10.0 12.0 6A2 October First 13-Oct-15 65.2 14.0 <10.0 12.8 6A2 October Second 28-Oct-15 66.1 14.6 <10.0 13.2


Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)

Station No Station Name Month Fortnight Date of Sampling PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NOx 6A2 November First 04-Nov-15 65.4 15.2 <10.0 13.8 6A2 November Second 19-Nov-15 67.2 16.5 <10.0 14.6 6A2 December First 08-Dec-15 70.8 19.4 <10.0 14.2 6A2 December Second 21-Dec-15 72.4 18.5 <10.0 14.0 6A2 January First 07-Jan-16 71.6 20.3 <10.0 14.4 6A2 January Second 21-Jan-16 72.8 21.6 <10.0 14.8 6A2 February First 01-Feb-16 136.3 70.4 <10.0 16.0 6A2 February Second 18-Feb-16 134.8 71.2 <10.0 16.2 6A2 March First 07-Mar-16 135.8 71.4 <10.0 17.0 6A2 March Second 22-Mar-16 134.8 71.6 <10.0 17.1 6A3 In Mithani Village May Second 26-May-15 82.2 22.1 <10.0 14.6 6A3 June First 05-Jun-15 86.3 20.2 <10.0 16.5 6A3 June Second 24-Jun-15 80.2 22.3 <10.0 14.7 6A3 July First 06-Jul-15 82.6 22.7 <10.0 16.4 6A3 July Second 24-Jul-15 73.1 16.2 <10.0 14.0 6A3 August First 11-Aug-15 69.2 15.4 <10.0 13.8 6A3 August Second 27-Aug-15 67.3 14.2 <10.0 13.0 6A3 September First 09-Sep-15 62.0 13.1 <10.0 11.0 6A3 September Second 23-Sep-15 62.8 13.6 <10.0 11.5 6A3 October First 13-Oct-15 61.8 13.2 <10.0 11.8 6A3 October Second 28-Oct-15 62.4 13.0 <10.0 11.4 6A3 November First 04-Nov-15 63.1 13.6 <10.0 12.2 6A3 November Second 27-Nov-15 69.4 14.4 <10.0 15.6 6A3 December First 10-Dec-15 73.9 18.6 <10.0 15.2 6A3 December Second 22-Dec-15 73.6 19.2 <10.0 14.8 6A3 January First 15-Jan-16 74.2 20.4 <10.0 15.2 6A3 January Second 27-Jan-16 75.2 22.3 <10.0 15.9 6A3 February First 06-Feb-16 128.5 63.7 <10.0 16.4 6A3 February Second 19-Feb-16 128.9 64.5 <10.0 16.6 6A3 March First 02-Mar-16 130.4 65.0 <10.0 16.9 6A3 March Second 22-Mar-16 131.2 66.3 <10.0 16.8 6A4 In Shanrmara May Second 26-May-15 84.9 20.4 <10.0 16.8 6A4 Village June First 05-Jun-15 90.7 26.8 <10.0 14.8 6A4 June Second 24-Jun-15 84.3 24.5 <10.0 12.2 6A4 July First 08-Jul-15 86.2 24.3 <10.0 10.8 6A4 July Second 27-Jul-15 75.2 17.0 <10.0 13.2 6A4 August First 11-Aug-15 71.6 16.2 <10.0 14.4 6A4 August Second 26-Aug-15 68.0 16.3 <10.0 13.4 6A4 September First 10-Sep-15 64.2 13.4 <10.0 12.2 6A4 September Second 22-Sep-15 66.8 14.2 <10.0 12.8 6A4 October First 12-Oct-15 64.7 13.6 <10.0 13.2 6A4 October Second 30-Oct-15 63.4 12.8 <10.0 12.6 6A4 November First 05-Nov-15 64.2 13.4 <10.0 13.8 6A4 November Second 26-Nov-15 67.8 15.8 <10.0 14.8 6A4 December First 09-Dec-15 71.8 18.8 <10.0 14.4 6A4 December Second 30-Dec-15 71.0 17.6 <10.0 14.6 6A4 January First 13-Jan-16 72.0 19.8 <10.0 14.8 6A4 January Second 27-Jan-16 73.1 20.2 <10.0 14.6 6A4 February First 09-Feb-16 116.3 54.8 <10.0 15.5 6A4 February Second 19-Feb-16 118.4 55.8 <10.0 15.6 6A4 March First 02-Mar-16 117.8 56.2 <10.0 16.0 6A4 March Second 22-Mar-16 118.3 58.9 <10.0 16.2 6A5 In Barachak May Second 27-May-15 80.2 24.6 <10.0 12.4 6A5 Village June First 03-Jun-15 76.3 22.9 <10.0 10.1 6A5 June Second 18-Jun-15 70.8 19.2 <10.0 12.8


Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)

Station No Station Name Month Fortnight Date of Sampling PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NOx 6A5 July First 03-Jul-15 68.4 17.8 <10.0 14.3 6A5 July Second 28-Jul-15 66.0 15.8 <10.0 13.0 6A5 August First 12-Aug-15 64.8 14.6 <10.0 13.2 6A5 August Second 27-Aug-15 62.4 14.1 <10.0 12.0 6A5 September First 08-Sep-15 58.7 12.8 <10.0 11.4 6A5 September Second 28-Sep-15 60.6 13.4 <10.0 11.2 6A5 October First 12-Oct-15 61.4 13.0 <10.0 11.4 6A5 October Second 30-Oct-15 62.5 13.6 <10.0 11.2 6A5 November First 05-Nov-15 61.9 13.0 <10.0 13.4 6A5 November Second 20-Nov-15 64.6 14.6 <10.0 13.4 6A5 December First 10-Dec-15 70.2 17.9 <10.0 13.6 6A5 December Second 23-Dec-15 70.6 17.4 <10.0 14.0 6A5 January First 14-Jan-16 71.3 19.6 <10.0 14.2 6A5 January Second 28-Jan-16 70.3 19.2 <10.0 14.4 6A5 February First 15-Feb-16 128.4 60.3 <10.0 15.0 6A5 February Second 26-Feb-16 129.6 61.4 <10.0 15.2 6A5 March First 14-Mar-16 126.8 60.4 <10.0 16.2 6A5 March Second 26-Mar-16 127.2 60.1 <10.0 16.0 6A6 In Parbelia village October First 13-Oct-15 65.8 13.9 <10.0 13.2 6A6 October Second 29-Oct-15 66.4 14.2 <10.0 13.8 6A6 November First 11-Nov-15 65.8 14.0 <10.0 13.4 6A6 November Second 26-Nov-15 66.9 16.3 <10.0 15.6 6A6 December First 09-Dec-15 74.3 20.8 <10.0 14.4 6A6 December Second 29-Dec-15 73.4 21.6 <10.0 14.8 6A6 January First 12-Jan-16 86.8 26.9 <10.0 15.5 6A6 January Second 29-Jan-16 87.8 27.4 <10.0 16.8 6A6 February First 05-Feb-16 216.6 106.5 <10.0 17.4 6A6 February Second 20-Feb-16 209.8 106.5 <10.0 17.6 6A6 March First 09-Mar-16 208.5 104.8 <10.0 17.8 6A6 March Second 25-Mar-16 206.3 101.5 <10.0 17.9 6A7 In Suryanagar October First 15-Oct-15 64.6 13.2 <10.0 12.6 6A7 villaage October Second 29-Oct-15 64.2 13.6 <10.0 12.8 6A7 November First 11-Nov-15 64.0 13.1 <10.0 12.2 6A7 November Second 30-Nov-15 65.7 15.4 <10.0 13.8 6A7 December First 07-Dec-15 70.0 18.6 <10.0 13.6 6A7 December Second 22-Dec-15 70.3 18.4 <10.0 14.2 6A7 January First 14-Jan-16 70.8 19.2 <10.0 14.0 6A7 January Second 28-Jan-16 70.3 19.0 <10.0 14.2 6A7 February First 09-Feb-16 112.4 50.2 <10.0 15.2 6A7 February Second 27-Feb-16 113.4 51.6 <10.0 15.4 6A7 March First 08-Mar-16 116.5 54.6 <10.0 16.2 6A7 March Second 31-Mar-16 115.4 53.2 <10.0 16.0 6A8 In Kurargaria May Second 27-May-15 84.3 26.8 <10.0 16.1 6A8 Village June First 03-Jun-15 80.7 21.3 <10.0 18.5 6A8 June Second 18-Jun-15 78.2 18.7 <10.0 16.7 6A8 July First 03-Jul-15 74.6 19.2 <10.0 17.1 6A8 July Second 28-Jul-15 69.3 16.4 <10.0 15.2 6A8 August First 10-Aug-15 66.2 15.8 <10.0 14.8 6A8 August Second 26-Aug-15 63.9 15.2 <10.0 14.4 6A8 September First 08-Sep-15 59.5 13.6 <10.0 10.8 6A8 September Second 28-Sep-15 61.2 13.2 <10.0 11.2 6A9 In Sitarampur May Second 27-May-15 78.1 20.1 <10.0 10.4 6A9 Village June First 03-Jun-15 74.7 19.5 <10.0 12.2 6A9 June Second 18-Jun-15 70.4 16.3 <10.0 12.3 6A9 July First 03-Jul-15 68.1 21.4 <10.0 14.8


Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)

Station No Station Name Month Fortnight Date of Sampling PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NOx 6A9 July Second 24-Jul-15 65.5 15.2 <10.0 13.4 6A9 August First 10-Aug-15 64.9 14.5 <10.0 13.0 6A9 August Second 25-Aug-15 61.8 13.0 <10.0 11.2 6A9 September First 07-Sep-15 58.0 11.6 <10.0 10.6 6A9 September Second 29-Sep-15 59.8 12.8 <10.0 10.4

HEAVY METAL ANALYSIS IN AIR Station Station Month Fortni Date of Arsenic Cadmi Chro Mercury Nickel Lead No Name ght Sampling um mium 6A1 In September First 07-Sep-15 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 <0.001 <0.10 0.04 6A1 Chhottadhemo March First 02-Mar-16 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 <0.001 <0.10 <0.005 village near railway line 6A10 In Marichkota September First 04-Sep-15 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 <0.001 <0.10 0.03 Village 6A11 Chinakuri pit March First 07-Mar-16 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 <0.001 <0.10 <0.005 no.1 & 2 near railway siding 6A12 Chinakuri pit March First 08-Mar-16 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 <0.001 <0.10 <0.005 no.3 near railway siding 6A2 In Chinakuri September First 09-Sep-15 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 <0.001 <0.10 0.04 Village 6A2 March First 07-Mar-16 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 <0.001 <0.10 <0.005 6A3 In Mithani September First 09-Sep-15 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 <0.001 <0.10 0.06 Village 6A3 March First 02-Mar-16 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 <0.001 <0.10 <0.005 6A4 In Shanrmara September First 10-Sep-15 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 <0.001 <0.10 0.04 Village 6A4 March First 02-Mar-16 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 <0.001 <0.10 <0.005 6A5 In Barachak September First 08-Sep-15 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 <0.001 <0.10 0.07 Village 6A5 March First 14-Mar-16 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 <0.001 <0.10 <0.005 6A6 In Parbelia March First 09-Mar-16 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 <0.001 <0.10 <0.005 village 6A7 In Suryanagar March First 08-Mar-16 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 <0.001 <0.10 <0.005 villaage 6A8 In Kurargaria September First 08-Sep-15 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 <0.001 <0.10 0.07 Village 6A9 In Sitarampur September First 07-Sep-15 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 <0.001 <0.10 0.04 Village


Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)

Annexure – II NOISE LEVEL Station Station Name Month Fortnight Date of Noise Level No Sampling dB(A) 6N1 Pit-top Dhemomain UG June Second 25-Jun-15 58.3 6N1 Pit-top Dhemomain UG July First 03-Jul-15 57.9 6N1 Pit-top Dhemomain UG June First 03-Jun-15 62.2 6N1 Pit-top Dhemomain UG September Second 28-Sep-15 64.1 6N1 Pit-top Dhemomain UG August First 10-Aug-15 69.1 6N1 Pit-top Dhemomain UG August Second 21-Aug-15 62.7 6N1 Pit-top Dhemomain UG September First 10-Sep-15 62.4 6N1 Pit-top Dhemomain UG October First 12-Oct-15 67.1 6N1 Pit-top Dhemomain UG October Second 28-Oct-15 69.9 6N1 Pit-top Dhemomain UG November First 04-Nov-15 68.3 6N1 Pit-top Dhemomain UG November Second 27-Nov-15 71.0 6N1 Pit-top Dhemomain UG December First 14-Dec-15 66 6N1 Pit-top Dhemomain UG December Second 18-Dec-15 60 6N1 Pit-top Dhemomain UG January First 04-Jan-16 64 6N1 Pit-top Dhemomain UG January Second 27-Jan-16 64 6N1 Pit-top Dhemomain UG February First 02-Feb-16 69 6N1 Pit-top Dhemomain UG February Second 29-Feb-16 59 6N1 Pit-top Dhemomain UG March First 02-Mar-16 63 6N1 Pit-top Dhemomain UG March Second 31-Mar-16 67 6N2 Pit-top Sodepur UG June Second 24-Jun-15 62.1 6N2 Pit-top Sodepur UG July First 03-Jul-15 58.4 6N2 Pit-top Sodepur UG June First 03-Jun-15 59.2 6N2 Pit-top Sodepur UG September Second 28-Sep-15 66.0 6N2 Pit-top Sodepur UG August First 10-Aug-15 70.2 6N2 Pit-top Sodepur UG August Second 21-Aug-15 67.3 6N2 Pit-top Sodepur UG September First 10-Sep-15 64.7 6N2 Pit-top Sodepur UG October First 13-Oct-15 68.4 6N2 Pit-top Sodepur UG October Second 28-Oct-15 70.5 6N2 Pit-top Sodepur UG November First 04-Nov-15 70.9 6N2 Pit-top Sodepur UG November Second 27-Nov-15 70.3 6N2 Pit-top Sodepur UG December First 14-Dec-15 63 6N2 Pit-top Sodepur UG December Second 18-Dec-15 63 6N2 Pit-top Sodepur UG January First 04-Jan-16 69 6N2 Pit-top Sodepur UG January Second 27-Jan-16 62 6N2 Pit-top Sodepur UG February First 02-Feb-16 68 6N2 Pit-top Sodepur UG February Second 29-Feb-16 54 6N2 Pit-top Sodepur UG March First 02-Mar-16 66 6N2 Pit-top Sodepur UG March Second 31-Mar-16 64 6N3 Pit-top Narsamuda UG June Second 18-Jun-15 61.4 6N3 Pit-top Narsamuda UG July First 06-Jul-15 58.7 6N3 Pit-top Narsamuda UG June First 15-Jun-15 59.8 6N3 Pit-top Narsamuda UG September Second 29-Sep-15 63.8 6N3 Pit-top Narsamuda UG August First 10-Aug-15 67.0 6N3 Pit-top Narsamuda UG August Second 21-Aug-15 64.5 6N3 Pit-top Narsamuda UG September First 10-Sep-15 68.2 6N3 Pit-top Narsamuda UG October First 13-Oct-15 65.0 6N3 Pit-top Narsamuda UG October Second 28-Oct-15 67.2 6N3 Pit-top Narsamuda UG November First 04-Nov-15 66.7 6N3 Pit-top Narsamuda UG November Second 27-Nov-15 68.5 6N3 Pit-top Narsamuda UG December First 14-Dec-15 64 6N3 Pit-top Narsamuda UG December Second 21-Dec-15 67


Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)

Station Station Name Month Fortnight Date of Noise Level No Sampling dB(A) 6N3 Pit-top Narsamuda UG January First 04-Jan-16 65 6N3 Pit-top Narsamuda UG January Second 27-Jan-16 63 6N3 Pit-top Narsamuda UG February First 06-Feb-16 57 6N3 Pit-top Narsamuda UG February Second 29-Feb-16 62 6N3 Pit-top Narsamuda UG March First 02-Mar-16 62 6N3 Pit-top Narsamuda UG March Second 31-Mar-16 70 6N4 Pit-top Patmohana UG June Second 29-Jun-15 58.3 6N4 Pit-top Patmohana UG July First 06-Jul-15 62.5 6N4 Pit-top Patmohana UG June First 10-Jun-15 59.2 6N4 Pit-top Patmohana UG September Second 28-Sep-15 67.5 6N4 Pit-top Patmohana UG August First 11-Aug-15 69.8 6N4 Pit-top Patmohana UG August Second 26-Aug-15 66.2 6N4 Pit-top Patmohana UG September First 07-Sep-15 59.8 6N4 Pit-top Patmohana UG October First 15-Oct-15 68.1 6N4 Pit-top Patmohana UG October Second 30-Oct-15 69.4 6N4 Pit-top Patmohana UG November First 04-Nov-15 64.4 6N4 Pit-top Patmohana UG November Second 27-Nov-15 66.7 6N4 Pit-top Patmohana UG December First 14-Dec-15 70 6N4 Pit-top Patmohana UG December Second 21-Dec-15 68 6N4 Pit-top Patmohana UG January First 04-Jan-16 63 6N4 Pit-top Patmohana UG January Second 27-Jan-16 69 6N4 Pit-top Patmohana UG February First 06-Feb-16 69 6N4 Pit-top Patmohana UG February Second 19-Feb-16 64 6N4 Pit-top Patmohana UG March First 07-Mar-16 67 6N4 Pit-top Patmohana UG March Second 31-Mar-16 54 6N5 Pit-top Chinakuri I UG June Second 24-Jun-15 59.7 6N5 Pit-top Chinakuri I UG July First 14-Jul-15 61.3 6N5 Pit-top Chinakuri I UG June First 03-Jun-15 54.8 6N5 Pit-top Chinakuri I UG September Second 29-Sep-15 70.7 6N5 Pit-top Chinakuri I UG August First 11-Aug-15 63.7 6N5 Pit-top Chinakuri I UG August Second 26-Aug-15 61.8 6N5 Pit-top Chinakuri I UG September First 07-Sep-15 67.1 6N5 Pit-top Chinakuri I UG October First 12-Oct-15 69.8 6N5 Pit-top Chinakuri I UG October Second 30-Oct-15 68.7 6N5 Pit-top Chinakuri I UG November First 05-Nov-15 69.2 6N5 Pit-top Chinakuri I UG November Second 20-Nov-15 68.1 6N5 Pit-top Chinakuri I UG December First 14-Dec-15 70 6N5 Pit-top Chinakuri I UG December Second 21-Dec-15 62 6N5 Pit-top Chinakuri I UG January First 04-Jan-16 61 6N5 Pit-top Chinakuri I UG January Second 27-Jan-16 64 6N5 Pit-top Chinakuri I UG February First 09-Feb-16 64 6N5 Pit-top Chinakuri I UG February Second 19-Feb-16 70 6N5 Pit-top Chinakuri I UG March First 07-Mar-16 62 6N5 Pit-top Chinakuri I UG March Second 26-Mar-16 59 6N6 Pit-top Chinakuri III UG June Second 18-Jun-15 59.8 6N6 Pit-top Chinakuri III UG July First 06-Jul-15 69.4 6N6 Pit-top Chinakuri III UG June First 03-Jun-15 62.1 6N6 Pit-top Chinakuri III UG September Second 29-Sep-15 71.4 6N6 Pit-top Chinakuri III UG August First 12-Aug-15 68.9 6N6 Pit-top Chinakuri III UG August Second 26-Aug-15 67.0 6N6 Pit-top Chinakuri III UG September First 07-Sep-15 70.3 6N6 Pit-top Chinakuri III UG October First 12-Oct-15 70.5 6N6 Pit-top Chinakuri III UG October Second 29-Oct-15 71.4 6N6 Pit-top Chinakuri III UG November First 05-Nov-15 70.6


Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)

Station Station Name Month Fortnight Date of Noise Level No Sampling dB(A) 6N6 Pit-top Chinakuri III UG November Second 20-Nov-15 69.9 6N6 Pit-top Chinakuri III UG December First 14-Dec-15 64 6N6 Pit-top Chinakuri III UG December Second 21-Dec-15 64 6N6 Pit-top Chinakuri III UG January First 04-Jan-16 66 6N6 Pit-top Chinakuri III UG January Second 27-Jan-16 60 6N6 Pit-top Chinakuri III UG February First 09-Feb-16 70 6N6 Pit-top Chinakuri III UG February Second 19-Feb-16 66 6N6 Pit-top Chinakuri III UG March First 07-Mar-16 59 6N6 Pit-top Chinakuri III UG March Second 26-Mar-16 62 6N7 Pit-top Bejdih UG June Second 18-Jun-15 60.1 6N7 Pit-top Bejdih UG July First 08-Jul-15 59.4 6N7 Pit-top Bejdih UG June First 10-Jun-15 58.7 6N7 Pit-top Bejdih UG September Second 28-Sep-15 63.9 6N7 Pit-top Bejdih UG August First 12-Aug-15 64.5 6N7 Pit-top Bejdih UG August Second 25-Aug-15 64.3 6N7 Pit-top Bejdih UG September First 08-Sep-15 65.7 6N7 Pit-top Bejdih UG October First 15-Oct-15 71.2 6N7 Pit-top Bejdih UG October Second 29-Oct-15 70.8 6N7 Pit-top Bejdih UG November First 05-Nov-15 68.3 6N7 Pit-top Bejdih UG November Second 20-Nov-15 67.5 6N7 Pit-top Bejdih UG December First 15-Dec-15 63 6N7 Pit-top Bejdih UG December Second 23-Dec-15 65 6N7 Pit-top Bejdih UG January First 05-Jan-16 67 6N7 Pit-top Bejdih UG January Second 28-Jan-16 61 6N7 Pit-top Bejdih UG February First 15-Feb-16 62 6N7 Pit-top Bejdih UG February Second 19-Feb-16 58 6N7 Pit-top Bejdih UG March First 14-Mar-16 54 6N7 Pit-top Bejdih UG March Second 26-Mar-16 70 6N8 Pit-top Methani UG June Second 24-Jun-15 64.2 6N8 Pit-top Methani UG July First 08-Jul-15 60.5 6N8 Pit-top Methani UG June First 10-Jun-15 62.7 6N8 Pit-top Methani UG September Second 29-Sep-15 68.2 6N8 Pit-top Methani UG August First 06-Aug-15 70.5 6N8 Pit-top Methani UG August Second 25-Aug-15 69.4 6N8 Pit-top Methani UG September First 08-Sep-15 68.3 6N8 Pit-top Methani UG October First 12-Oct-15 64.7 6N8 Pit-top Methani UG October Second 29-Oct-15 67.6 6N8 Pit-top Methani UG November First 05-Nov-15 68.7 6N8 Pit-top Methani UG November Second 26-Nov-15 68.7 6N8 Pit-top Methani UG December First 15-Dec-15 65 6N8 Pit-top Methani UG December Second 23-Dec-15 66 6N8 Pit-top Methani UG January First 05-Jan-16 69 6N8 Pit-top Methani UG January Second 28-Jan-16 65 6N8 Pit-top Methani UG February First 15-Feb-16 56 6N8 Pit-top Methani UG February Second 27-Feb-16 59 6N8 Pit-top Methani UG March First 14-Mar-16 58 6N8 Pit-top Methani UG March Second 25-Mar-16 68 6N9 Pit-top Sheetalpur UG June Second 29-Jun-15 59.8 6N9 Pit-top Sheetalpur UG July First 14-Jul-15 61.3 6N9 Pit-top Sheetalpur UG June First 05-Jun-15 62.9 6N9 Pit-top Sheetalpur UG September Second 29-Sep-15 69.5 6N9 Pit-top Sheetalpur UG August First 06-Aug-15 67.5 6N9 Pit-top Sheetalpur UG August Second 25-Aug-15 68.6 6N9 Pit-top Sheetalpur UG September First 08-Sep-15 60.7


Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)

Station Station Name Month Fortnight Date of Noise Level No Sampling dB(A) 6N9 Pit-top Sheetalpur UG October First 13-Oct-15 68.0 6N9 Pit-top Sheetalpur UG October Second 29-Oct-15 69.2 6N9 Pit-top Sheetalpur UG November First 05-Nov-15 69.5 6N9 Pit-top Sheetalpur UG November Second 26-Nov-15 71.1 6N9 Pit-top Sheetalpur UG December First 15-Dec-15 67 6N9 Pit-top Sheetalpur UG December Second 23-Dec-15 69 6N9 Pit-top Sheetalpur UG January First 05-Jan-16 70 6N9 Pit-top Sheetalpur UG January Second 28-Jan-16 66 6N9 Pit-top Sheetalpur UG February First 12-Feb-16 54 6N9 Pit-top Sheetalpur UG February Second 27-Feb-16 64 6N9 Pit-top Sheetalpur UG March First 14-Mar-16 57 6N9 Pit-top Sheetalpur UG March Second 22-Mar-16 69


Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)

Annexure – III Effluent Water Quality for 5 parameters Station Station Name Month Fortnight Date of pH TSS TDS O&G COD No Sampling 6MW1 Dhemomain UG May Second 16-May-15 7.49 32 1033 <2.0 16 6MW1 Dhemomain UG June Second 24-Jun-15 7.92 <25.0 1084 <2.0 16 6MW1 Dhemomain UG July First 03-Jul-15 8.09 26 1076 <2.0 16 6MW1 Dhemomain UG August First 10-Aug-15 8.20 28 1078 <2.0 20 6MW1 Dhemomain UG July Second 24-Jul-15 8.24 <25.0 1044 <2.0 08 6MW1 Dhemomain UG August Second 21-Aug-15 8.16 32 1092 <2.0 20 6MW1 Dhemomain UG September First 07-Sep-15 8.14 <25.0 1041 <2.0 28 6MW1 Dhemomain UG June First 12-Jun-15 8.38 26 1063 <2.0 16 6MW1 Dhemomain UG September Second 23-Sep-15 8.09 8 524 <2.0 08 6MW1 Dhemomain UG October First 12-Oct-15 7.87 12 420 <2.0 20 6MW1 Dhemomain UG October Second 28-Oct-15 8.14 9 476 <2.0 16 6MW1 Dhemomain UG November First 06-Nov-15 7.84 8 492 <2.0 12 6MW1 Dhemomain UG November Second 19-Nov-15 7.86 5 484 <2.0 08 6MW1 Dhemomain UG December Second 22-Dec-15 7.86 8 445 <2.0 16 6MW1 Dhemomain UG January First 15-Jan-16 7.91 10 439 <2.0 32 6MW1 Dhemomain UG January Second 21-Jan-16 7.93 10 448 <2.0 32 6MW1 Dhemomain UG February First 02-Feb-16 7.50 7 842 <2.0 24 6MW1 Dhemomain UG February Second 18-Feb-16 7.44 16 855 <2.0 28 6MW1 Dhemomain UG March First 02-Mar-16 7.79 20 850 <2.0 20 6MW1 Dhemomain UG March Second 25-Mar-16 7.79 7 850 <2.0 16 6MW10 Sheetalpur UG May Second 16-May-15 7.71 40 386 <2.0 44 6MW10 Sheetalpur UG June Second 24-Jun-15 7.88 32 372 <2.0 28 6MW10 Sheetalpur UG July First 03-Jul-15 7.92 28 378 <2.0 36 6MW10 Sheetalpur UG August First 11-Aug-15 8.18 28 382 <2.0 30 6MW10 Sheetalpur UG July Second 27-Jul-15 8.22 <25.0 360 <2.0 16 6MW10 Sheetalpur UG August Second 26-Aug-15 8.22 32 411 <2.0 32 6MW10 Sheetalpur UG September First 10-Sep-15 8.26 <25.0 402 <2.0 34 6MW10 Sheetalpur UG June First 10-Jun-15 7.79 36 377 <2.0 48 6MW10 Sheetalpur UG September Second 28-Sep-15 8.24 8 412 <2.0 20 6MW10 Sheetalpur UG October First 13-Oct-15 7.84 12 484 <2.0 28 6MW10 Sheetalpur UG October Second 29-Oct-15 8.12 12 490 <2.0 32 6MW10 Sheetalpur UG November First 11-Nov-15 7.62 16 506 <2.0 28 6MW10 Sheetalpur UG November Second 26-Nov-15 8.12 9 538 <2.0 24 6MW10 Sheetalpur UG December Second 28-Dec-15 7.90 7 499 <2.0 16 6MW10 Sheetalpur UG January First 14-Jan-16 7.93 14 498 <2.0 32 6MW10 Sheetalpur UG January Second 27-Jan-16 7.77 10 501 <2.0 32 6MW10 Sheetalpur UG February First 12-Feb-16 7.97 20 498 <2.0 32 6MW10 Sheetalpur UG February Second 20-Feb-16 7.90 8 498 <2.0 28 6MW10 Sheetalpur UG March First 09-Mar-16 8.11 8 527 <2.0 24 6MW10 Sheetalpur UG March Second 31-Mar-16 8.09 12 479 <2.0 20 6MW2 Sodepur UG May Second 16-May-15 8.20 30 497 <2.0 24 6MW2 Sodepur UG June Second 24-Jun-15 7.82 26 502 <2.0 24 6MW2 Sodepur UG July First 03-Jul-15 8.16 28 512 <2.0 16 6MW2 Sodepur UG August First 10-Aug-15 8.52 26 495 <2.0 20 6MW2 Sodepur UG July Second 24-Jul-15 8.64 <25.0 488 <2.0 16 6MW2 Sodepur UG August Second 21-Aug-15 8.49 28 507 <2.0 20 6MW2 Sodepur UG September First 07-Sep-15 8.52 <25.0 502 <2.0 24 6MW2 Sodepur UG June First 12-Jun-15 8.27 28 496 <2.0 16 6MW2 Sodepur UG September Second 23-Sep-15 8.12 6 478 <2.0 08 6MW2 Sodepur UG October First 12-Oct-15 8.26 8 448 <2.0 16 6MW2 Sodepur UG October Second 28-Oct-15 7.94 5 512 <2.0 08


Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)

Station Station Name Month Fortnight Date of pH TSS TDS O&G COD No Sampling 6MW2 Sodepur UG November First 06-Nov-15 7.96 7 490 <2.0 40 6MW2 Sodepur UG November Second 19-Nov-15 7.88 14 476 <2.0 32 6MW2 Sodepur UG December Second 22-Dec-15 7.87 7 459 <2.0 32 6MW2 Sodepur UG January First 15-Jan-16 7.82 7 469 <2.0 24 6MW2 Sodepur UG January Second 21-Jan-16 8.78 7 475 <2.0 08 6MW2 Sodepur UG February First 02-Feb-16 8.73 6 546 <2.0 16 6MW2 Sodepur UG February Second 18-Feb-16 8.51 8 571 <2.0 32 6MW2 Sodepur UG March First 02-Mar-16 8.45 9 570 <2.0 36 6MW2 Sodepur UG March Second 26-Mar-16 8.56 12 556 <2.0 24 6MW3 Narsamuda UG May Second 16-May-15 8.03 28 480 <2.0 24 6MW3 Narsamuda UG June Second 24-Jun-15 7.64 <25.0 448 <2.0 20 6MW3 Narsamuda UG July First 03-Jul-15 8.17 26 452 <2.0 24 6MW3 Narsamuda UG August First 11-Aug-15 8.15 <25.0 436 <2.0 16 6MW3 Narsamuda UG July Second 24-Jul-15 8.11 <25.0 440 <2.0 16 6MW3 Narsamuda UG August Second 21-Aug-15 8.08 26 455 <2.0 14 6MW3 Narsamuda UG September First 07-Sep-15 8.12 26 451 <2.0 16 6MW3 Narsamuda UG June First 11-Jun-15 8.16 26 439 <2.0 24 6MW3 Narsamuda UG September Second 23-Sep-15 7.98 10 424 <2.0 16 6MW3 Narsamuda UG October First 12-Oct-15 8.32 9 490 <2.0 24 6MW3 Narsamuda UG October Second 28-Oct-15 8.35 8 536 <2.0 12 6MW3 Narsamuda UG November First 11-Nov-15 7.84 6 528 <2.0 16 6MW3 Narsamuda UG November Second 20-Nov-15 7.64 8 472 <2.0 12 6MW3 Narsamuda UG December Second 23-Dec-15 7.56 10 508 <2.0 24 6MW3 Narsamuda UG January First 13-Jan-16 7.59 9 517 <2.0 16 6MW3 Narsamuda UG January Second 21-Jan-16 7.69 10 523 <2.0 16 6MW3 Narsamuda UG February First 06-Feb-16 8.19 12 493 <2.0 32 6MW3 Narsamuda UG February Second 18-Feb-16 8.41 7 463 <2.0 24 6MW3 Narsamuda UG March First 02-Mar-16 8.01 8 509 <2.0 24 6MW3 Narsamuda UG March Second 26-Mar-16 8.31 14 513 <2.0 32 6MW4 Patmohana UG May Second 16-May-15 7.57 <25.0 558 <2.0 16 6MW4 Patmohana UG June Second 24-Jun-15 7.91 28 578 <2.0 24 6MW4 Patmohana UG July First 03-Jul-15 8.12 <25.0 566 <2.0 16 6MW4 Patmohana UG August First 10-Aug-15 8.28 <25.0 544 <2.0 30 6MW4 Patmohana UG July Second 23-Jul-15 8.20 <25.0 565 <2.0 24 6MW4 Patmohana UG August Second 26-Aug-15 8.21 <25.0 556 <2.0 32 6MW4 Patmohana UG September First 07-Sep-15 8.26 28 564 <2.0 38 6MW4 Patmohana UG June First 12-Jun-15 8.02 30 586 <2.0 24 6MW4 Patmohana UG September Second 23-Sep-15 8.16 7 498 <2.0 12 6MW4 Patmohana UG October First 12-Oct-15 8.46 10 482 <2.0 16 6MW4 Patmohana UG October Second 28-Oct-15 7.98 8 486 <2.0 16 6MW4 Patmohana UG November First 11-Nov-15 8.16 5 494 <2.0 20 6MW4 Patmohana UG November Second 20-Nov-15 7.78 8 468 <2.0 16 6MW4 Patmohana UG December Second 23-Dec-15 7.70 14 511 <2.0 48 6MW4 Patmohana UG January First 13-Jan-16 7.65 13 520 <2.0 24 6MW4 Patmohana UG January Second 21-Jan-16 7.63 12 521 <2.0 32 6MW4 Patmohana UG February First 09-Feb-16 8.17 14 717 <2.0 40 6MW4 Patmohana UG February Second 18-Feb-16 8.02 6 699 <2.0 32 6MW4 Patmohana UG March First 07-Mar-16 8.17 7 743 <2.0 32 6MW4 Patmohana UG March Second 26-Mar-16 8.26 16 729 <2.0 28 6MW5 Chinakuri I UG May Second 16-May-15 8.10 26 185 <2.0 16 6MW5 Chinakuri I UG June Second 24-Jun-15 7.93 30 192 <2.0 24 6MW5 Chinakuri I UG July First 03-Jul-15 8.17 26 184 <2.0 24 6MW5 Chinakuri I UG August First 12-Aug-15 8.09 <25.0 181 <2.0 30 6MW5 Chinakuri I UG July Second 24-Jul-15 8.24 <25.0 188 <2.0 24


Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)

Station Station Name Month Fortnight Date of pH TSS TDS O&G COD No Sampling 6MW5 Chinakuri I UG August Second 00-Jan-00 8.13 <25.0 197 <2.0 32 6MW5 Chinakuri I UG September First 07-Sep-15 8.10 30 230 <2.0 38 6MW5 Chinakuri I UG June First 11-Jun-15 8.15 32 190 <2.0 32 6MW5 Chinakuri I UG September Second 22-Sep-15 8.12 8 312 <2.0 16 6MW5 Chinakuri I UG October First 12-Oct-15 7.68 6 524 <2.0 12 6MW5 Chinakuri I UG October Second 29-Oct-15 8.52 7 528 <2.0 20 6MW5 Chinakuri I UG November First 05-Nov-15 7.92 7 484 <2.0 28 6MW5 Chinakuri I UG November Second 21-Nov-15 7.72 12 472 <2.0 24 6MW5 Chinakuri I UG December Second 23-Dec-15 7.52 12 549 <2.0 16 6MW5 Chinakuri I UG January First 12-Jan-16 7.55 16 541 <2.0 32 6MW5 Chinakuri I UG January Second 21-Jan-16 7.59 14 557 <2.0 40 6MW5 Chinakuri I UG February First 09-Feb-16 8.15 16 829 <2.0 48 6MW5 Chinakuri I UG February Second 19-Feb-16 8.29 10 824 <2.0 56 6MW5 Chinakuri I UG March First 07-Mar-16 8.32 6 835 <2.0 48 6MW5 Chinakuri I UG March Second 26-Mar-16 8.00 13 849 <2.0 48 6MW6 Chinakuri III UG May Second 16-May-15 8.44 <25.0 627 <2.0 8 6MW6 Chinakuri III UG June Second 24-Jun-15 7.86 24 640 <2.0 16 6MW6 Chinakuri III UG July First 03-Jul-15 8.24 <25.0 636 <2.0 16 6MW6 Chinakuri III UG August First 11-Aug-15 8.70 <25.0 627 <2.0 40 6MW6 Chinakuri III UG July Second 24-Jul-15 8.46 <25.0 633 <2.0 24 6MW6 Chinakuri III UG August Second 26-Aug-15 8.85 <25.0 633 <2.0 44 6MW6 Chinakuri III UG September First 10-Sep-15 8.80 32 647 <2.0 40 6MW6 Chinakuri III UG June First 11-Jun-15 8.52 28 627 <2.0 16 6MW6 Chinakuri III UG September Second 22-Sep-15 8.38 9 436 <2.0 16 6MW6 Chinakuri III UG October First 13-Oct-15 7.48 7 428 <2.0 16 6MW6 Chinakuri III UG October Second 29-Oct-15 8.68 6 482 <2.0 16 6MW6 Chinakuri III UG November First 05-Nov-15 7.78 8 482 <2.0 24 6MW6 Chinakuri III UG November Second 21-Nov-15 8.36 8 522 <2.0 16 6MW6 Chinakuri III UG December Second 23-Dec-15 8.31 16 424 <2.0 24 6MW6 Chinakuri III UG January First 12-Jan-16 8.28 17 438 <2.0 24 6MW6 Chinakuri III UG January Second 27-Jan-16 8.36 5 442 <2.0 40 6MW6 Chinakuri III UG February First 09-Feb-16 8.30 18 643 <2.0 48 6MW6 Chinakuri III UG February Second 20-Feb-16 8.53 11 672 <2.0 48 6MW6 Chinakuri III UG March First 07-Mar-16 8.60 12 659 <2.0 48 6MW6 Chinakuri III UG March Second 22-Mar-16 8.65 14 659 <2.0 40 6MW7 Mauthdihi UG May Second 27-May-15 7.52 30 475 <2.0 32 6MW7 Mauthdihi UG June Second 24-Jun-15 7.87 <25.0 456 <2.0 16 6MW7 Mauthdihi UG July First 03-Jul-15 7.95 <25.0 460 <2.0 16 6MW7 Mauthdihi UG August First 11-Aug-15 8.16 <25.0 443 <2.0 32 6MW7 Mauthdihi UG July Second 23-Jul-15 8.10 <25.0 450 <2.0 16 6MW7 Mauthdihi UG August Second 21-Aug-15 7.80 <25.0 456 <2.0 38 6MW7 Mauthdihi UG September First 10-Sep-15 7.96 28 462 <2.0 36 6MW7 Mauthdihi UG June First 12-Jun-15 7.80 26 446 <2.0 24 6MW7 Mauthdihi UG September Second 22-Sep-15 8.07 10 452 <2.0 24 6MW7 Mauthdihi UG October First 13-Oct-15 7.75 8 438 <2.0 20 6MW7 Mauthdihi UG October Second 29-Oct-15 8.64 5 478 <2.0 16 6MW7 Mauthdihi UG November First 12-Nov-15 7.84 10 476 <2.0 28 6MW7 Mauthdihi UG November Second 21-Nov-15 8.32 10 508 <2.0 20 6MW7 Mauthdihi UG December Second 23-Dec-15 8.40 8 524 <2.0 16 6MW7 Mauthdihi UG January First 11-Jan-16 8.41 14 528 <2.0 32 6MW7 Mauthdihi UG January Second 27-Jan-16 8.49 13 540 <2.0 32 6MW7 Mauthdihi UG February First 09-Feb-16 8.82 20 580 <2.0 32 6MW7 Mauthdihi UG February Second 20-Feb-16 7.82 12 539 <2.0 36 6MW7 Mauthdihi UG March First 14-Mar-16 8.82 14 581 <2.0 36


Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)

Station Station Name Month Fortnight Date of pH TSS TDS O&G COD No Sampling 6MW7 Mauthdihi UG March Second 22-Mar-16 8.75 12 594 <2.0 32 6MW8 Bejdih UG May Second 16-May-15 7.59 34 487 <2.0 32 6MW8 Bejdih UG June Second 24-Jun-15 7.94 <25.0 494 <2.0 32 6MW8 Bejdih UG July First 03-Jul-15 7.84 28 501 <2.0 24 6MW8 Bejdih UG August First 10-Aug-15 8.52 <25.0 524 <2.0 40 6MW8 Bejdih UG July Second 27-Jul-15 8.68 26 510 <2.0 32 6MW8 Bejdih UG August Second 21-Aug-15 8.19 26 531 <2.0 36 6MW8 Bejdih UG September First 10-Sep-15 8.22 26 530 <2.0 36 6MW8 Bejdih UG June First 12-Jun-15 7.59 30 487 <2.0 24 6MW8 Bejdih UG September Second 28-Sep-15 8.43 8 478 <2.0 16 6MW8 Bejdih UG October First 13-Oct-15 7.69 9 478 <2.0 24 6MW8 Bejdih UG October Second 29-Oct-15 8.72 6 464 <2.0 12 6MW8 Bejdih UG November First 12-Nov-15 7.82 12 472 <2.0 12 6MW8 Bejdih UG November Second 19-Nov-15 8.28 12 506 <2.0 24 6MW8 Bejdih UG December Second 28-Dec-15 8.24 10 478 <2.0 16 6MW8 Bejdih UG January First 14-Jan-16 8.22 11 478 <2.0 16 6MW8 Bejdih UG January Second 27-Jan-16 8.19 10 520 <2.0 16 6MW8 Bejdih UG February First 09-Feb-16 7.49 16 519 <2.0 24 6MW8 Bejdih UG February Second 20-Feb-16 7.75 8 478 <2.0 28 6MW8 Bejdih UG March First 14-Mar-16 7.90 16 548 <2.0 28 6MW8 Bejdih UG March Second 22-Mar-16 7.60 16 539 <2.0 24 6MW9 Methani UG May Second 16-May-15 7.71 36 477 <2.0 40 6MW9 Methani UG June Second 24-Jun-15 7.95 30 466 <2.0 24 6MW9 Methani UG July First 03-Jul-15 7.74 32 472 <2.0 28 6MW9 Methani UG August First 10-Aug-15 7.76 26 464 <2.0 34 6MW9 Methani UG July Second 27-Jul-15 7.88 <25.0 447 <2.0 24 6MW9 Methani UG August Second 25-Aug-15 8.45 30 480 <2.0 30 6MW9 Methani UG September First 08-Sep-15 8.56 <25.0 477 <2.0 28 6MW9 Methani UG June First 11-Jun-15 7.67 34 459 <2.0 40 6MW9 Methani UG September Second 28-Sep-15 7.98 7 454 <2.0 24 6MW9 Methani UG October First 13-Oct-15 7.98 10 498 <2.0 32 6MW9 Methani UG October Second 29-Oct-15 8.35 10 452 <2.0 20 6MW9 Methani UG November First 12-Nov-15 7.68 14 468 <2.0 40 6MW9 Methani UG November Second 26-Nov-15 8.24 14 504 <2.0 32 6MW9 Methani UG December Second 30-Dec-15 8.12 9 515 <2.0 24 6MW9 Methani UG January First 14-Jan-16 8.09 9 511 <2.0 24 6MW9 Methani UG January Second 27-Jan-16 8.02 8 515 <2.0 16 6MW9 Methani UG February First 09-Feb-16 7.62 14 637 <2.0 40 6MW9 Methani UG February Second 20-Feb-16 7.61 6 605 <2.0 32 6MW9 Methani UG March First 14-Mar-16 7.61 9 656 <2.0 36 6MW9 Methani UG March Second 31-Mar-16 7.67 18 649 <2.0 32

Effluent Water Quality Standards (MoEF Schedule – VI Standards) Parameters pH TSS TDS Oil & Grease COD Limit 5.5-9.0 100 Not Specified 10 250


Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)

Annexure – III Effluent Water Quality for full parameters (29 parameters) Cluster 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Effluen Station No 6MW1 6MW2 6MW3 6MW4 6MW5 6MW6 6MW7 6MW8 6MW9 6MW10 t Water Station Name Dhemo Sodepur Narsamu Patmoha Chinakur Chinakur Mauthdi Bejdih UG Methani Sheetalpur (MOEF main UG UG da UG na UG i I UG i III UG hi UG UG UG Schedu Month Decemb Decemb Decemb Decemb Decemb Decemb Decemb December December December le-VI er er er er er er er Standa Fortnight First First First First First First First First First First rd) Date of 08-Dec- 08-Dec- 09-Dec- 09-Dec- 10-Dec- 10-Dec- 10-Dec- 09-Dec-15 09-Dec- 10-Dec-15 Sampling 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Colour 4 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 Unobject ionable Odour Unobject Unobject Unobject Unobject Unobject Unobject Unobject Unobjectio Unobjecti Unobjection Unobject ionable ionable ionable ionable ionable ionable ionable nable onable able ionable TSS 5 8 9 12 8 9 10 12 6 5 100.0 pH 8.20 8.11 8.0 7.95 8.03 8.10 8.07 8.11 7.97 8.05 5.5-9.0 Temperature(D 21.9 21.8 21.9 22.0 21.3 21.6 21.9 22.02 22.05 21.7 Shall not eg C) exceed 50C above the receivin g water temp Oil & Grease <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 10.0 Total Residual <0.02 <0.02 0.03 0.04 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.03 1.0 Chlorine Ammonical 0.72 0.45 0.68 0.56 0.48 0.58 0.62 0.48 0.56 0.52 50.0 Nitrogen Total Kjeldahi 1.26 1.24 1.47 1.52 1.62 1.58 1.72 1.58 1.69 1.38 100.0 Nitrogen Free Amonia <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 5.0 BOD 3 3 3 2 4 3 3 4 3 3 30.0 COD 08 24 32 40 08 08 16 32 32 24 250.0 Arsenic <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.2 Lead <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.1 Hexavalent 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.1 Chromium Total Chromium 0.06 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.06 2.0 Copper 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 3.0 Zinc 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.06 5.0 Selenium <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.05 Nickel <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 3.0 Fluoride 0.39 0.46 0.54 0.30 0.59 0.32 0.51 0.43 0.35 0.67 2.0 Dissolved 1.62 1.79 1.45 1.58 1.72 1.64 1.78 1.58 1.62 1.46 5.0 Phosphate Sulphide 0.008 0.009 0.007 0.006 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009 0.007 0.006 2.0 Phenolics <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 1.0 Manganese 0.22 0.22 0.24 0.20 0.26 0.24 0.22 0.22 0.20 0.22 2.0 Iron 0.13 0.11 0.14 0.10 0.12 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.14 0.14 3.0 Nitrate Nitrogen 3.8 2.9 2.8 2.6 3.2 3.4 2.9 2.7 3.8 3.4 10.0 Cadmium <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.003 Total Dissolved 439 449 496 493 537 432 524 469 521 490 Not Solids Specifie d


Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)

Annexure – III GROUNDWATER QUALITY Cluster No 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Station No 6GW1 6GW2 6GW3 6GW4 6GW5 6GW6 6GW7 6GW8 Station Name Dugwell Dugwell Dugwell Dugwell Dugwell Dugwell Dugwell Dugwell atchhotta near at upper near at Kartick near at at Marich dhemo Chinakuri Dhawra Mazumde Banerjee Sodepur D.G.M.S Kota Indian village village Mithani r house in village office village Drinking near colliery Industries Parbelia health near Staff near Water Kamala in village centre recreation durgama Standar Sarmara club, ndir d village Sitaramp (IS- ur 10500) Month May'15 May'15 May'15 May'15 May'15 May'15 May'15 May'15 Fortnight Second Second Second Second Second Second Second Second Date of 14-May- 14-May- 15-May- 15-May- 15-May- 14-May- 13-May- 14-May- sampling 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Colour,Hazen 4 5 3 4 3 4 3 4 5 unit Max Odour Unobjecti Unobjecti Unobjecti Unobjecti Unobjecti Unobjecti Unobjecti Unobjecti Unobjecti onable onable onable onable onable onable onable onable onable Taste Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Turbidity,NTU 3.6 4.0 3.6 4.1 2.8 2.7 3.4 4.0 5 Max pH 7.83 7.25 7.65 7.36 7.62 7.84 7.36 7.44 6.5-8.5 Total 296 448 500 524 136 292 336 164 300.0 Hardness Iron <0.06 <0.06 <0.06 <0.06 <0.06 <0.06 <0.06 <0.06 0.30 Chlorides 52 137 19 14 31 65 47 62 250.0 Res Free <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.20 chlorine Dissolved 428 710 102.2 83.2 245 354 241 184 500.0 Solids Calcium 65.6 104 110.4 129.6 32 92.8 91.2 88 75.0 Copper <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 0.05 Manganese <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.10 Sulphate 48 56 58 62 64 69 71 84 200.0 Nitrate 3.99 4.43 3.10 2.66 1.77 8.86 4.43 3.10 45.0 Fluoride 0.64 0.48 0.46 0.38 0.52 0.64 0.48 0.42 1.0 Selenium <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.05 Arsenic <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.05 Lead <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.05 Zinc <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 5.00 Hex <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.05 Chromium Boron <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 1.00 Coliforms Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil (MPN) Phenolics <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.001 Alkalinity 260 136 228 208 248 288 164 188 200.0


Environmental Statement (Form-V) 2015-16 for Cluster No. 6 (Group of Mines in Raniganj Coalfield)

Annexure – IV Groundwater Level Station Station Name Month Fortnight Date of Ground No Sampling Water Level BGL (mtr) 6GWL1 Dugwell atchhotta dhemo village near Kamala May Second 14-May-15 11.00 6GWL1 Dugwell atchhotta dhemo village near Kamala November Second 28-Nov-15 3.55 6GWL1 Dugwell atchhotta dhemo village near Kamala January Second 28-Jan-16 4.55 6GWL1 Dugwell atchhotta dhemo village near Kamala August Second 26-Aug-15 3.10 6GWL2 Dugwell near Chinakuri village May Second 14-May-15 6.10 6GWL2 Dugwell near Chinakuri village November First 12-Nov-15 5.05 6GWL2 Dugwell near Chinakuri village January Second 20-Jan-16 5.20 6GWL2 Dugwell near Chinakuri village August Second 24-Aug-15 4.10 6GWL3 Dugwell at upper Dhawra Mithani colliery May Second 15-May-15 8.50 6GWL3 Dugwell at upper Dhawra Mithani colliery November Second 19-Nov-15 4.20 6GWL3 Dugwell at upper Dhawra Mithani colliery January Second 29-Jan-16 6.00 6GWL3 Dugwell at upper Dhawra Mithani colliery August Second 22-Aug-15 1.70 6GWL4 Dugwell near Mazumder Industries in Sarmara May Second 15-May-15 6.20 village 6GWL4 Dugwell near Mazumder Industries in Sarmara November Second 28-Nov-15 3.80 village 6GWL4 Dugwell near Mazumder Industries in Sarmara January Second 29-Jan-16 5.70 village 6GWL4 Dugwell near Mazumder Industries in Sarmara August Second 26-Aug-15 0.10 village 6GWL5 Dugwell at Kartick Banerjee house in Parbelia May Second 15-May-15 4.20 village 6GWL5 Dugwell at Kartick Banerjee house in Parbelia November Second 28-Nov-15 2.90 village 6GWL5 Dugwell at Kartick Banerjee house in Parbelia January Second 22-Jan-16 2.90 village 6GWL5 Dugwell at Kartick Banerjee house in Parbelia August Second 26-Aug-15 1.05 village 6GWL6 Dugwell near Sodepur village health centre May Second 15-May-15 6.80 6GWL6 Dugwell near Sodepur village health centre November Second 28-Nov-15 4.95 6GWL6 Dugwell near Sodepur village health centre January Second 28-Jan-16 5.70 6GWL6 Dugwell near Sodepur village health centre August Second 25-Aug-15 0.95 6GWL7 Dugwell at D.G.M.S office near Staff recreation May Second 15-May-15 22.00 club, Sitarampur 6GWL7 Dugwell at D.G.M.S office near Staff recreation November Second 27-Nov-15 18.25 club, Sitarampur 6GWL7 Dugwell at D.G.M.S office near Staff recreation January Second 19-Jan-16 21.60 club, Sitarampur 6GWL7 Dugwell at D.G.M.S office near Staff recreation August Second 22-Aug-15 10.50 club, Sitarampur 6GWL8 Dugwell at Marich Kota village near durgamandir May Second 15-May-15 0.55 6GWL8 Dugwell at Marich Kota village near durgamandir November Second 27-Nov-15 0.55 6GWL8 Dugwell at Marich Kota village near durgamandir January Second 19-Jan-16 0.55 6GWL8 Dugwell at Marich Kota village near durgamandir August First 14-Aug-15 0.40


Outline of Cluster no. 6 shown on the map of Asansol Subdivision

Location Map : Plate – 1 ƒ

Predominant Wind Direction AIR QUALITY MONITORING STATIONS during October - March (Post - Monsoon) Name of Station Kusumkanali Station Code Type of Station Benagari Kansanko Dharaspur Chhotkara Chayanpur Amdanga 6A1 Permanent Air Station In Chhotodhemo Village near rly. line Manhara Alladih Jemariget Paharpur Kaladabar Keshurdih Kijo Dhanudih Harishdih Achhra Dabar 6A2 Permanent Air Station In Chinakuri Village Pachurlo Alipur Shirishbero Khayerbandh Barabal Nandal Hadlo Jemari 6A3 Permanent Air Station In Mithani Village Inc. Ramdih PF Bonjemehari Radhaballabpur Amdiha Basudebpur Mohonpur O.C.P. PF Running Itapara Permanent Air Station (Running) 6A4 In Shanrmara Village Gagna Khayerbad Pahargora Mahanpur Baradanga Haldar Colony Mahespur Muktarchandi Mahatadih Sidabari Shrirampur Lahat Shyamdih Permanent Air Station Tiltoriya Benjimari Parbatpur Natundih 6A5 In Barachak Village Kalyaneswari Banbirdih Alkusha Balkunda Purandih Nekrajuria Dendua Bakardangal Dhundabad Sadhna Palasban Barakar River Amtala Maithan Colony Baliapur Kesharkural Phulberia Puchra 6A6 Post monsoon Air Station In Parbelia Village Gopalpur Debipur Patol Shrirampur Beldanga PF Kadhhito Beliyad Digari Lalganj Duburdih Post monsoon Air Station Raniganja 6A7 In Suryanagar Village TO DHANBAD Damagaria Kelejora Damagaria Sabanpur Rajpura ColonyKalimati Barajor Chanptaria Churuinala Alladih Raghunath Chak Madhai Chak Baradanga Pre monsoon Air Station Chakarbathan Barira Maniddanga Katanidangal 6A8 In Kurargaria Village Lalbazar Khudka Thekedanga Janardansayer Rebatijubati Paradih Shitadhura Satyanarayan Colony Mahishmura Ashanboni Gopalbad Bandarchua To Dhanbad Ramnagar E.Rly.Main line Victoria Lachmanpur Baradanga Paniphala In Sitarampur Village To Salanpur Jhapradhura 6A9 Pre monsoon Air Station ƒ Balaram Chak Taldanga Karrabdih Madantanr ƒ 1 Lalbazar Tentuljhora Baraboni Domohani Chhatabar Gopinathpur Patharkhad Ethora Napara Dudhapani Manberia Barira Taradanga Pre monsoon Air Station In Marichkota Village Garphalbari Azadnagar 6A10 Kumardubi Jaldanga Kewra Angaria Nuni E.Rly.Ikra branch Chinchuria Charanpur N Gusainpara Kendua Naktikanyapur Melekola RS Panchmahali Syaldanga RS Shyamsunderpur Eastern Railway Mucchadanga Taltore Barakar Chalbalpur Sitakanyapur Chinchuria Chirkunda Faridpur NOISE SAMPLING STATIONS Baraban NH-2 Sitadanga Kethardih Dahibari Jhukundar Grand Chord 6A10 Madanpur Bhanora Jhiladanga Jogira Begunia Marichkota Kumardiha Guliardih Sudi Layekdanga Kalikapur 6GWL8 Jambad Name of Station (Workplace) Dumarkanda KOLKATA E.R. Ikra Branch Shibpur Station Code Lakhdih Kultora Sarakdih Monoharbahal 6A9 Panchgachia Jayramdanga Sankhari Dedi Nonia Khal 6GWL7 Raghunathbati Chunga Santarkuli Ledaharia Ramchandra Dangal Sitarampur Bengagoriya Bansarakdih Majiyara Patharchur 6N1 Dhemomain UG 6A8 Baropukuria Eastern Rly. Chanch Br. Boldih Kurargaria Palashdiha Patlabar Chanch Ramjibanpur E. Railway Majiara Nutangaon Shipur Kumardiha Sitarampur Haripur Kaithi Nandi Sodepur UG Dhadka Jamsol 6N2 Sanolapur Patlabari Luchibad Niamatpur Lachipur Main Line Colony Belachak Ganyutia 6GWL6 Saragdih Bagrasola Punta Khal RS Jasaidi Pariharpur Jamuria Hormadanga Hijalgora Chak Tulsi Talberiya Beldanga Burungdanga Narayanchak Shitaldhawra 6GWL1 6A5 Mahujuri Gomaria Harbala Sodepur 6N3 Narsamuda UG 6MW7 Hakmanbag Barachak Shitala 6MW1 Phatepur Kalla Khalrui Hatinal Sanctoria Aldih PF Sonabad Dhadka Damodarpur Chhottadhemo Chapa Dhawra 6N1 Baradhemo Satpukhuria Kankhaya 6N2 6N4 Patmohana UG Bhalka 6MW2 Gopalpur Bijaynagar 6A1 Radhanagar Jagatdih G.T.ROAD Baijantipur Rakta 6GWL3 RS 6A3 6MW3 Sekpur RaghunathpurBijra Sialdanga Narsamuda E.Rly.Toposi-Baraboni Chord Ikra 6N5 6N7 6N8 Mithani Bonbishnupur Sripur Chinakuri I UG Banda Bejdih 6N3 DAMODAR RIVER Asanboni Dipopara Akhalpur Dishergarh 6N9 6MW9 Bartoria Kastabad Shitalpur 6MW8 6GWL2 Ranisar Nischantapur Patra 6MW10 6N6 Chinakuri III UG 6N6 Mondalpur 6A4 Murgachori 6A2 6MW6 Pathmohona 6N4 6GWL4 Ghatkul 6 Keshabganj Chinakuri 6MW4 Ushagram 6MW5 Bara Dighari Santa Narsingbandh Kendulia Ikra 6N7 Bejdih UG Deliya Debidanga RS ASANSOL Radhanagar6N5 Aluthia Ningha Banali Shanrmara Harayanpur Parbelia Bidyanandapur Ismail Joba Tantlai Kalyasota S.E. RailwayMain Line Bhurkundabari Bhagabatidih 6GWL5 Burnpur Kurtidanga Shivdanga 6N8 Barsiodih 6A6 Chaprad Methani UG Rahamatnagar Mohisila Colony Mahishnadih Saltore karanbera Kumradanga Junut Chanda Joba ƒ Gusaidanga Ranipur Pathardih TO KOLKATA ƒ 1 Nunia Khal Saldanga Mithapur Sheetalpur UG Dubeswari Mankeswar S.E. Railway 6A7 Danga Mohosila RS 6N9 Jamuidanga Sanctoria Coal Branch Kalipahari Nadiha Purushottampur Berala Suryanagar Bandangal Mohisila Palnudih Gopalpur Hirakhun Shyambandh Saora Bogra Khedadanga Benipur Bathanba Bhaladiha Dharampur Hirapur Bijpur Nathundih Petuasalani Mallackpara Ratibati Bahardardih Kuilapur Nabaghanti Satgram Chalmara Rangapara Chapui Barathol Jamdobe Ghusick MINE/ EFFLUENT WATER STATIONS Chakaltabari Bhamaria Asanboni Lalpur Kashinathpur Katagoria Jaykaynagar Puapur Pothiara Damodar Damra Nimdanga Baruipara Ranisayer Manpura Main Line Talkunri Jamari Deolia Bangram S.E.Gurgurpara Railway Chalbalpur Mine/Effluent Water Station Alkusha Jorpara Station Code Baghmara Paharpur Jamdob Aradanga Kumardiha Heddih Sultandih NH-2 Bakulia Baradanga Tiltoriya Nimcha Banra Dhangajore Belebathan Jirdanga Shyamdihi Kiradih EASTERN RAILWAY Main Dhemomain UG S.E. Railway Chaurashi Br. Chaurashi Railway S.E. Kalajhoria Narandhaura 6MW1 Sanuri Ashtadanga Bartoria Bagalgaria Santalgaon Line (Electrified) Paharibera Madandihi Apisgram Searsol Dhanua Chourashi upadihi Chelad Goaldih 6MW2 Sodepur UG Dumdumi Parbatpur Saonthalmotha Panchkot(Panchet) Hill Baliara Babladanga Bindidih Amritnagar 6MW3 Inganpur Anandpur Jagannathdih Kesharkund East Nimcha Narsamuda UG

Panchet Tirat Rangdih Chandurdih Nunia Khal Damoda Radhamadhabpur 6MW4 Patmohana UG Permanent Air Station RESERVED FOREST Harabhanga Chhaterkonali Kukbrakuri Bakulia Bhaskaeriakusum Jodadih Anandapur Chandbad Madandih Sayepara 6MW5 Gopalganj Beljhupa Chinakuri I UG Makura Bagjata Eriyakusum Pre - monsoon Poradiha Madhubanpur 6MW6 Chinakuri III UG

Dhuluri Ektira Kalakandi Jashpur Post - monsoon Dighit 6MW7 Mouthdih UG Batka RS Beliapur Predominant Wind Direction Gangpur Shirpurnama Muradi during April - September 6MW8 Bejdih UG Manpur ƒ Ituri (Pre - Monsoon & Monsoon Period) 6MW9 Methani UG Dhanasdih GROUND WATER LEVEL Dandahit Kachcha Road 6MW10 Sheetalpurr UG Tilur DANDAHIT PF Binadpur Station Code Location of Dug Well Bhaluka Road (ECL/NH) Lediam 6GWL1 Dugwell Atchhotta dhemo village near Kamala Water Bodies 6GWL2 Dugwell near Chinakuri village (River, Nala, Dam) 6GWL3 Dugwell at Upper Dhawrah Mithani Colly. Protected Forest 6GWL4 Dugwell near Mazumdar Industries in Sarnmara village 2 KMS Reserved Forest PLATE NO 10 6GWL5 Dugwell at Kartik Banerjee house in Parbelia village JOB NO SAND EASTERN COALFIELDS LIMITED 111255 6GWL6 Dugwell near Sodepur village health centre EIA & EMP FOR CLUSTER NO. 6 6GWL7 Dugwell at D.G.M.S. office near staff recreation club, Sitarampur Built Up Buffer & Core Zone 6GWL8 Dugwell at Marichkota village near Durgamandir OF CLUSTER NO. 6

River/Nalah 1 OF 1 ƒ ƒ ƒ CMPDI ƒ ISOƒ 9001 Company R I E N V X X X X 1 2 0 ƒ