Evaluation & Research Department October 2003

E&R Report No. 02.30


Overview: Wake County Public Schools graduated 5,406 seniors in 2001-02, and 89% intended to continue their education after graduation.

Near the end of each school year, high school seniors complete a Graduating Seniors Intention Survey that serves multiple purposes: it reveals the immediate intentions of each graduating senior; it specifies a select college to receive final transcripts; and it provides a forwarding address for possible follow-up surveys. Using these surveys, guidance counselors and principals complete a composite report of the postgraduate intentions of all students receiving diplomas at any time during the current school year. The required report summarizes intentions by ethnicity and gender. The Evaluation and Research Department (E&R) then compiles the individual school reports and transmits them to the Department of Public Instruction. This report is a brief summary of the information for graduates in the 2001-02 school year.

The survey asks students to indicate whether they plan to:

• enroll in four-year institutions (broken down by public or private) and whether or not their intended college is in or out of North Carolina; • enroll in two-year community, technical, or junior colleges (broken down by public or private) and whether or not their intended college is in or out of North Carolina; • enroll in trade, business, or nursing schools; • enlist in military service; • seek employment; • do something other than the items listed above.

For summary purposes, all four-year institutions are combined, and all two-year institutions are combined in this report. Attachments contain a summary of Wake County Public School System (WCPSS) graduate intentions for 2001-02, detailed tables showing all postgraduate categories for all schools, Graduate Intentions Over a Four-Year Period by School, and a sample of the Graduating Seniors Intention Survey

A total of 5,406 students graduated from 15 high schools and one alternative school during the 2001-02 school year. This constitutes a 4.92% increase from last year.

Author Wanda Wildman Chuck Dulaney

E&R Report No. 02.30

Of the total number of graduating students in WCPSS, 49% were males and 51% were females. The following figure shows the distribution of males and females in the prescribed postgraduate categories. More females than males planned to attend four-year colleges, and more females than males intended to continue with some form of schooling. About 6% of females and 11% of males intended to enter the military or get a full-time job. Results by gender are nearly the same as for 2000-01 graduates.

Figure 1: Graduate Intentions by Gender in 2001-02

Males Females Totals

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

Attend 4-year college 1523 57.9% 1878 67.7% 3401 62.9% Attend 2-year college 685 26.0% 627 22.6% 1312 24.3% Trade/business school 51 1.9% 35 1.3% 86 1.6% Go into the military 112 4.3% 28 1.0% 140 2.6% Get a full-time job 177 6.7% 134 4.8% 311 5.8% Other 83 3.2% 73 2.6% 156 2.9% Totals 2631 2775 5406

The next table illustrates the breakdown by subgroups designated in federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation. By ethnicity, the group with the highest percentage of students planning to attend a four-year college was Asian at 78.2%; Hispanic/Latino graduates had the lowest percentage at 44.1%. American Indian and Black graduates had the highest percentage of students planning to get a full-time job (10%) while Asian graduates had the lowest percentage at 1.3%.

Figure 2: Graduate Intentions by NCLB Grouping in 2001-02 (Percent of Students)

American Hispanic/ Multi- Asian Black White FRL LEP Indian Latino Racial N=234 N=1101 N=3840 N=348 N=111 N=10 N=152 N=69 Attend 4-year college 50.0% 78.2% 52.6% 66.0% 44.1% 49.3% 36.2% 26.1% Attend 2-year college 40.0% 17.1% 27.5% 23.2% 34.2% 33.3% 35.9% 54.1% Trade/business school 0 0.4% 3.0% 1.2% 2.6% 1.4% 2.3% 0 Go into the military 0 0.9% 3.9% 2.3% 3.3% 2.9% 4.6% 1.8% Get a full-time job 10.0% 1.3% 10.0% 4.6% 9.9% 7.2% 12.4% 8.1% Other 0 2.1% 3.0% 2.7% 5.9% 5.8% 8.6% 9.9%

Note: The numbers for Free or Reduced-price Lunch (FRL) and Limited English Proficiency (LEP) categories were taken from individual Graduating Seniors Intention Survey forms, not from reports submitted by schools.

2 E&R Report No. 02.30

Figure 3 compares WCPSS graduating students to all graduating students in North Carolina for the last two years for which data is available. WCPSS had a higher percentage of both White and Black students planning to attend four-year institutions. While 66% of White students in WCPSS planned to attend four-year colleges in 2001-02, only 44% of all North Carolina White students had those aspirations, a 22-point difference. About 53% of Black graduates in WCPSS planned to attend four-year colleges, compared to 46% of all North Carolina Black graduates.

Figure 3: Comparison of Graduate Intentions for WCPSS and North Carolina (Percent of Graduates)

Attend four-year Attend two-year Get a full-time job WCPSS college college 2000-01 2001-02 2000-01 2001-02 2000-01 2001-02 American Indian 80% 50% 10% 40% - 10% Asian 74% 78% 19% 17% 3% 1% Black 54% 53% 26% 28% 8% 10% White 65% 66% 24% 23% 5% 5% Hispanic/Latino 40% 44% 37% 34% 14% 10% Multi-racial 63% 49% 32% 33% 5% 7% Total 63% 63% 24% 24% 5% 6%

Attend four-year Attend two-year Get a full-time job North Carolina college college 2000-01 2001-02 2000-01 2001-02 2000-01 2001-02 American Indian 31% 40% 28% 31% 20% 15% Black 45% 46% 28% 25% 9% 12% White 49% 44% 34% 33% 10% 12% Other* 42% 39% 32% 32% 12% 12% Total 48% 48% 32% 33% 10% 9%

* North Carolina Statistical Profiles group Asian, Hispanic/Latino, and Multi-racial graduates together as “Other.”

Note: Percentages do not add to 100 because this figure does not show other intentions. See Attachment 1 or Figure 2 for more detail.

3 E&R Report No. 02.30

Figure 4 shows a breakdown of graduating seniors by ethnicity for each WCPSS high school. The 2001-02 graduating class size of the comprehensive high schools ranged from 180 students at Wakefield (first year of graduating seniors) to 496 students at Enloe. The average graduating class from a WCPSS high school in 2001-02 was 357 students. (Note: Longview and Phillips are alternative schools with specialized programs and do not offer a comprehensive curriculum.)

Figure 4: Ethnic Breakdown for High Schools in 2001-02 (Number of Students) All Graduating Students American Hispanic/ Multi- Indian Asian Black White Latino Racial Total Apex 1 10 41 362 29 5 448 Athens - 27 44 277 17 1 366 Broughton 1 21 65 265 7 2 361 Cary - 38 37 231 16 11 333 East Wake 2 2 89 192 11 1 297 Enloe - 41 154 287 6 8 496 Fuquay-Varina - 1 55 235 4 - 295 Garner - 2 104 249 9 8 372 Green Hope - 25 19 268 10 2 324 Leesville 1 20 59 351 9 4 444 Longview ------0 Millbrook - 22 106 252 19 11 410 Phillips - 1 30 20 2 2 55 Sanderson 1 6 79 236 6 6 334 SE Raleigh 3 10 154 285 2 1 455 Wake Forest - 3 40 187 4 2 236 Wakefield 1 5 25 143 1 5 180 Totals 10 234 1101 3840 152 69 5406 Percent 0% 3% 13% 47% 2% 1% 100%

A closer look is given to the graduate intentions of seniors by school in Figure 5. The percentage of graduating students at a comprehensive high school planning to attend four-year colleges ranged from 39% to 78%. The percentage of graduating students planning to further their educational pursuits through four-year colleges, two-year colleges, or trade/business schools ranged from 78% to 96%.

The school with the largest senior class – Enloe—with 496 graduating students—also had the highest percentage of students (78%) planning to attend four-year institutions.

4 E&R Report No. 02.30

Leesville Road had the highest percentage of seniors (96% - up four points from last year) planning to continue their education, either through four-year colleges, two-year colleges, or trade/business schools. Other schools with more than 90% of graduates planning to continue their education include Athens Drive, Apex, and Enloe.

Fuquay-Varina had the highest percentage of seniors (6%) planning to enter the military. East Wake had the highest percentage of seniors (10%) planning to seek employment. Schools that had the highest percentage of students with intentions other than college or trade school were Garner (22%), East Wake (19%), Fuquay-Varina (18%), and Cary (14%).

Figure 5: Graduate Intentions by School in 2001-02 (Percent of Students)

Total Other school Military Employment Employment Trade/Business Two-year college

Four-year college

Apex 61% 30% 2% 2% 5% 0% 100% Athens 66% 26% 2% 1% 2% 4% 100% Broughton 77% 12% 1% 3% 4% 3% 100% Cary 54% 31% 2% 2% 8% 4% 100% East Wake 45% 34% 1% 6% 10% 3% 100% Enloe 78% 14% 1% 2% 3% 2% 100% Fuquay-Varina 48% 33% 1% 5% 11% 2% 100% Garner 39% 38% 1% 4% 15% 2% 100% Green Hope 71% 19% 1% 0% 5% 4% 100% Leesville 76% 19% 1% 1% 1% 2% 100% Millbrook 62% 23% 1% 2% 4% 6% 100% Phillips 5% 5% 38% 0% 51% 0% 100% Sanderson 65% 24% 1% 1% 5% 4% 100% SE Raleigh 72% 17% 1% 4% 4% 3% 100% Wake Forest 61% 28% 2% 5% 3% 2% 100% Wakefield 58% 32% 2% 2% 2% 4% 100%

Percent 59% 24% 4% 3% 8% 3% 100% Total Students 3401 1312 86 140 311 156 5406

5 E&R Report No. 02.30

Figure 6 shows that there has been little change in graduate intentions over time. There has been a slight gradual decrease in students planning to attend four-year colleges (64% in 1999- 2000, 63% in 2000-01, and 62% in 2001-02), and a slight increase in students planning to attend two-year colleges (22% in 1999-2000, 24% in 2000-01, and 25% in 2001-02).

Figure 6: Distribution of Graduate Intentions Over Time (Percent of Students)







98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02 Other 3% 3% 4% 3% Employment 7% 7% 5% 6%

Military 3% 2% 3% 3%

Trade/Business School 1% 2% 1% 1% Two-year college 22% 22% 24% 24% Four-year college 64% 64% 63% 63%

While the districtwide percentage of graduates planning to attend four-year colleges has remained relatively stable during the past four years, five schools show larger changes. Garner has decreased fifteen percentage points (from 54% down to 39%), Cary has decreased eleven percentage points (from 65% down to 54%), and East Wake has dropped four points (from 49% to 45%). Leesville Road has increased five points (from 71% to 76%) and Broughton has increased four points (from 73% to 77%). Attachment 3 provides more detailed information on high school graduate intentions by school over a four-year period.

Districtwide percentages of graduates planning to seek employment have also remained relatively stable: 7% in 1998-99 and 1999-2000 decreasing to 5% in 2000-01 and 2001-02. Changes in the percentages of graduates planning to seek employment are more significant for three high schools. Southeast Raleigh dropped eleven points (from 15% down to a current 4%) and Athens Drive dropped eight points (from 10% down to 2%). However the percentages increased eight percentage points for Garner, from 7% in 1998-99 up to 15% in 2001-02.

6 Attachment 1 WCPSS Graduate Intentions for 2001-02

Public Senior Private Senior Community Tech. Private Trade, Business, Total Institutions Institutions Colleges Junior Colleges Nursing Schools Employ- Military Other Diploma ment Recipients Out Out Out Out Out In NC In NC In NC In NC In NC of NC of NC of NC of NC of NC

Comprehensive High Schools Apex 205173616126421538232 448 Athens 1848321787223513913366 Broughton 1843241223841230101311361 Cary 12893311905522372513333 East Wake 1017243962404018299 297 Enloe 275363044623515012149 496 Fuquay-Varina 1039255894502114326 295 Garner 11152271380401316569 372 Green Hope 169143216562113111513324 Leesville 2551839248023141557 444 Millbrook 191163513855604291826410 Sanderson 17010316697402051614334 SE Raleigh 2541837206944030181612455 Wake Forest/Roles 971027957450311184 236 Wakefield 8391034926012348 180

Alternative Schools Phillips 201030002100280 55 Longview 0000000000000 0

All Schools 2512 218 455 216 1194 50 57 11 68 18 140 311 156 5406 Attachment 2 Disaggregated Summary of Graduate Intentions for 2001-02

4-Year Colleges American Hispanic/ Multi- Indian Asian Black White Latino Racial Male Female Totals Apex - 6 18 224 23 3 113 161 274 Athens - 23 19 193 5 1 100 141 241 Broughton - 13 37 226 1 2 136 143 279 Cary - 28 19 128 5 1 67 114 181 East Wake 1 1 41 89 3 - 53 82 135 Enloe - 41 89 243 5 7 160 225 385 Fuquay-Varina - 1 24 115 2 - 62 80 142 Garner - 2 38 101 - 4 58 87 145 Green Hope - 20 12 192 6 1 117 114 231 Leesville - 18 41 268 6 3 162 174 336 Longview ------0 Millbrook - 10 60 173 7 5 124 131 255 Phillips --21--123 Sanderson 1 5 35 172 1 3 102 115 217 SE Raleigh 3 10 108 206 2 - 156 173 329 Wake Forest - 2 22 117 1 1 57 86 143 Wakefield - 3 14 85 - 3 55 50 105 Totals 5 183 579 2533 67 34 1523 1878 3401 3401 3401

2-Year Colleges American Hispanic/ Multi- Indian Asian Black White Latino Racial Male Female Totals Apex 1 4 13 108 5 2 72 61 133 Athens - 4 21 60 9 - 46 48 94 Broughton - 6 16 22 1 - 32 13 45 Cary - 1013658 6 6240 102 East Wake 1 1 27 68 5 - 49 53 102 Enloe - - 44 26 1 - 34 37 71 Fuquay-Varina - - 19 78 1 - 39 59 98 Garner - - 34 99 7 2 75 67 142 Green Hope - 3 25311 3129 60 Leesville 1 2 13 66 3 1 55 31 86 Longview ------0 Millbrook - 6 27 52 6 5 41 55 96 Phillips - 111- - 3 - 3 Sanderson - 1 30 43 4 2 41 39 80 SE Raleigh - - 24 52 - 1 45 32 77 Wake Forest - - 11 53 1 1 29 37 66 Wakefield 12844-2312657 Totals 4 40 303 890 52 23 685 627 1312 1312 1312 Trade, Business, Nursing Schools American Hispanic/ Multi- Indian Asian Black White Latino Racial Male Female Totals Apex --26--358 Athens --24--246 Broughton --21---33 Cary --23--325 East Wake --13--4- 4 Enloe --41--5- 5 Fuquay-Varina --21--123 Garner --22--224 Green Hope ---4--404 Leesville --23--235 Longview ------0 Millbrook - 123- - 2 4 6 Phillips - -9921 165 21 Sanderson --11---22 SE Raleigh --21--213 Wake Forest ---31-314 Wakefield ---21-213 Totals 0 1 33 47 4 1 51 35 86 86 86

Military American Hispanic/ Multi- Indian Asian Black White Latino Racial Male Female Totals Apex ---8--8- 8 Athens --12--213 Broughton - 1522- 7 3 10 Cary - - -511 7 - 7 East Wake --6111-13518 Enloe --75--9312 Fuquay-Varina ---14--13114 Garner --78-115116 Green Hope ---1--1- 1 Leesville --14--235 Longview ------0 Millbrook - -441- 6 3 9 Phillips ------0 Sanderson --23--415 SE Raleigh --414--14418 Wake Forest - 155- - 8 3 11 Wakefield --12--3- 3 Totals 0 2 43 88 5 2 112 28 140 140 140 Employment American Hispanic/ Multi- Indian Asian Black White Latino Racial Male Female Totals Apex --8141-15823 Athens ---72-729 Broughton 1 1182- 8 5 13 Cary --1212118725 East Wake - - 13 15 1 - 15 14 29 Enloe --76-110414 Fuquay-Varina - - 10 21 1 - 18 14 32 Garner - - 19 34 2 1 38 18 56 Green Hope --2112-7815 Leesville --23--415 Longview ------0 Millbrook - 27711 117 18 Phillips - - 18 9 - 1 - 28 28 Sanderson --79--11516 SE Raleigh --124--9716 Wake Forest - -161- 5 3 8 Wakefield --22--134 Totals 1 3 110 177 15 5 177 134 311 311 311

Other American Hispanic/ Multi- Indian Asian Black White Latino Racial Male Female Totals Apex ---2--112 Athens --1111-8513 Broughton - -461- 5 6 11 Cary --29-29413 East Wake - -1611 3 6 9 Enloe --36--549 Fuquay-Varina ---6--336 Garner --45--459 Green Hope - 2371- 7 6 13 Leesville ---7--437 Longview ------0 Millbrook -36134-101626 Phillips ------0 Sanderson - -4811 122 14 SE Raleigh --48--6612 Wake Forest --13--224 Wakefield ---8--448 Totals 0 5 33 105 9 4 83 73 156 All Graduating Seniors American Hispanic/ Multi- Indian Asian Black White Latino Racial Male Female Total Apex 1 10 41 362 29 5 212 236 448 Athens - 27 44 277 17 1 165 201 366 Broughton 1 21 65 265 7 2 188 173 361 Cary - 38 37 231 16 11 166 167 333 East Wake 2 2 89 192 11 1 137 160 297 Enloe - 41 154 287 6 8 223 273 496 Fuquay-Varina - 1 55 235 4 - 136 159 295 Garner - 2 104 249 9 8 192 180 372 Green Hope - 25 19 268 10 2 167 157 324 Leesville 1 20 59 351 9 4 229 215 444 Longview ------0 Millbrook - 22 106 252 19 11 194 216 410 Phillips - 1 30 20 2 2 20 35 55 Sanderson 1 6 79 236 6 6 170 164 334 SE Raleigh 3 10 154 285 2 1 232 223 455 Wake Forest - 3 40 187 4 2 104 132 236 Wakefield 1 5 25 143 1 5 96 84 180

Totals 10 234 1101 3840 152 69 2631 2775 5406 Percent 0% 4% 20% 71% 3% 1% 49% 51% Other school Military Employment 4-year college 2-year college Trade/Business

Apex 61% 30% 2% 2% 5% 0% 100% Athens 66% 26% 2% 1% 2% 4% 100% Broughton 77% 12% 1% 3% 4% 3% 100% Cary 54% 31% 2% 2% 8% 4% 100% East Wake 45% 34% 1% 6% 10% 3% 100% Enloe 78% 14% 1% 2% 3% 2% 100% Fuquay-Varina 48% 33% 1% 5% 11% 2% 100% Garner 39% 38% 1% 4% 15% 2% 100% Green Hope 71% 19% 1% 0% 5% 4% 100% Leesville 76% 19% 1% 1% 1% 2% 100% Millbrook 62% 23% 1% 2% 4% 6% 100% Phillips 5% 5% 38% 0% 51% 0% 100% Sanderson 65% 24% 1% 1% 5% 4% 100% SE Raleigh 72% 17% 1% 4% 4% 3% 100% Wake Forest 61% 28% 2% 5% 3% 2% 100% Wakefield 58% 32% 2% 2% 2% 4% 100% Percent 59% 24% 4% 3% 8% 3% 100% Total Students 3401 1312 86 140 311 156 5406 Attachment 3 Graduate Intentions Over a 4-Year Period by School


Trade/ Total of Further Total of Non- Number of 4-year 2-year business/ Educational Pursuits Employ- Educational Pursuits Year Military Other Graduates colleges colleges nursing ment # of % of # of % of schools Students Students Students Students 2001-2002 448 61.16% 29.69% 1.79% 415 92.63% 1.79% 5.13% 0.44% 33 7.37% 2000-2001 498 59.24% 30.12% 0.60% 448 89.96% 2.61% 6.43% 1.00% 50 10.04% 1999-2000 510 66.67% 26.47% 0.59% 478 93.73% 1.18% 4.12% 0.98% 32 6.27% 1998-1999 446 67.94% 21.52% 0.90% 403 90.36% 0.90% 6.28% 2.47% 43 9.64%


Trade/ Total of Further Total of Non- Number of 4-year 2-year business/ Educational Pursuits Employ- Educational Pursuits Year Military Other Graduates colleges colleges nursing ment # of % of # of % of schools Students Students Students Students 2001-2002 366 65.85% 25.68% 1.64% 341 93.17% 0.82% 2.46% 3.55% 25 6.83% 2000-2001 327 66.97% 24.16% 0.61% 300 91.74% 1.83% 3.98% 2.45% 27 8.26% 1999-2000 369 89.43% 21.68% 0.81% 342 92.68% 1.90% 2.17% 3.25% 27 7.32% 1998-1999 354 67.51% 18.36% 0.85% 307 86.72% 1.41% 9.89% 1.98% 47 13.28%

School: Broughton High School

Trade/ Total of Further Total of Non- 4-year Number of 2-year business/ Educational Pursuits Employ- Educational Pursuits Year colleges Military Other Graduates colleges nursing ment % # of % of # of % of schools Students Students Students Students 2001-2002 361 77.29% 12.47% 83.00% 327 90.58% 2.77% 3.60% 3.05% 34 9.42% 2000-2001 320 71.88% 17.19% 1.25% 289 90.31% 1.88% 3.75% 4.06% 31 9.69% 1999-2000 353 73.09% 14.16% 0.85% 311 88.10% 2.83% 6.23% 2.83% 42 11.90% 1998-1999 293 73.04% 17.41% 0.68% 267 91.13% 2.05% 4.10% 2.73% 26 8.87% School:

Trade/ Total of Further Total of Non- Number of 4-year 2-year business/ Educational Pursuits Employ- Educational Pursuits Year Military Other Graduates colleges colleges nursing ment # of % of # of % of schools Students Students Students Students 2001-2002 333 54.35% 30.63% 1.50% 288 86.49% 2.10% 7.51% 3.90% 45 13.51% 2000-2001 476 60.50% 28.57% 0.63% 427 89.71% 2.52% 3.15% 4.62% 49 10.29% 1999-2000 437 62.93% 24.94% 0.69% 387 88.56% 1.60% 6.86% 2.97% 50 11.44% 1998-1999 401 64.59% 25.19% 0.75% 363 90.52% 2.99% 4.49% 2.00% 38 9.48%


Trade/ Total of Further Total of Non- Number of 4-year 2-year business/ Educational Pursuits Employ- Educational Pursuits Year Military Other Graduates colleges colleges nursing ment # of % of # of % of schools Students Students Students Students 2001-2002 297 45.45% 34.34% 1.35% 241 81.14% 6.06% 9.76% 3.03% 56 18.86% 2000-2001 282 47.52% 31.56% 1.77% 228 80.85% 4.61% 9.93% 4.61% 54 19.15% 1999-2000 261 48.66% 29.89% 2.30% 211 80.84% 3.83% 13.41% 1.92% 50 19.16% 1998-1999 267 49.06% 28.09% 0.75% 208 77.90% 7.12% 9.74% 5.24% 59 22.10%


Trade/ Total of Further Total of Non- Number of 4-year 2-year business/ Educational Pursuits Employ- Educational Pursuits Year Military Other Graduates colleges colleges nursing ment # of % of # of % of schools Students Students Students Students 2001-2002 496 77.62% 14.31% 1.01% 461 92.94% 2.42% 2.82% 1.81% 35 7.06% 2000-2001 501 78.64% 11.38% 0.60% 454 90.62% 1.20% 1.60% 6.59% 47 9.38% 1999-2000 481 76.51% 13.10% 0.00% 431 89.60% 2.91% 3.95% 3.53% 50 10.40% 1998-1999 466 76.39% 12.23% 1.72% 421 90.34% 1.93% 3.43% 4.29% 45 9.66% School: Fuquay-Varina High School

Trade/ Total of Further Total of Non- Number of 4-year 2-year business/ Educational Pursuits Employ- Educational Pursuits Year Military Other Graduates colleges colleges nursing ment # of % of # of % of schools Students Students Students Students 2001-2002 295 48.14% 33.22% 1.02% 243 82.37% 4.75% 10.85% 2.03% 52 17.63% 2000-2001 301 50.83% 34.88% 1.00% 261 86.71% 3.32% 8.64% 1.33% 40 13.29% 1999-2000 304 47.70% 20.07% 11.18% 240 78.95% 2.96% 7.89% 10.20% 64 21.05% 1998-1999 240 52.08% 29.17% 0.83% 197 82.08% 4.17% 8.75% 5.00% 43 17.92%

School: Garner High School

Trade/ Total of Further Total of Non- Number of 4-year 2-year business/ Educational Pursuits Employ- Educational Pursuits Year Military Other Graduates colleges colleges nursing ment # of % of # of % of schools Students Students Students Students 2001-2002 372 38.98% 38.17% 1.08% 291 78.23% 4.30% 15.05% 2.42% 81 21.77% 2000-2001 390 44.62% 42.56% 2.31% 349 89.49% 4.10% 6.41% 0.00% 41 10.51% 1999-2000 348 50.86% 32.18% 1.72% 295 84.77% 3.45% 8.91% 2.87% 53 15.23% 1998-1999 363 44.08% 37.74% 1.10% 301 82.92% 6.61% 6.89% 3.58% 62 17.08%

School: Green Hope High School

Trade/ Total of Further Total of Non- Number of 4-year 2-year business/ Educational Pursuits Employ- Educational Pursuits Year Military Other Graduates colleges colleges nursing ment # of % of # of % of schools Students Students Students Students 2001-2002 324 71.30% 18.52% 1.23% 295 91.05% 31.00% 4.63% 4.01% 29 8.95% School: Leesville Road High School

Trade/ Total of Further Total of Non- Number of 4-year 2-year business/ Educational Pursuits Employ- Educational Pursuits Year Military Other Graduates colleges colleges nursing ment # of % of # of % of schools Students Students Students Students 2001-2002 444 75.68% 19.37% 1.13% 427 96.17% 1.13% 1.13% 1.58% 17 3.83% 2000-2001 456 74.12% 17.32% 0.66% 420 92.11% 1.54% 3.07% 3.29% 36 7.89% 1999-2000 440 74.77% 15.91% 0.91% 403 91.59% 1.59% 4.55% 2.27% 37 8.41% 1998-1999 392 71.17% 20.41% 0.51% 361 92.09% 2.04% 2.81% 3.06% 31 7.91%

School: Millbrook High School

Trade/ Total of Further Total of Non- Number of 4-year 2-year business/ Educational Pursuits Employ- Educational Pursuits Year Military Other Graduates colleges colleges nursing ment # of % of # of % of schools Students Students Students Students 2001-2002 410 62.20% 23.41% 1.46% 357 87.07% 2.20% 4.39% 6.34% 53 12.93% 2000-2001 356 60.96% 26.69% 0.84% 315 88.48% 1.40% 6.74% 3.37% 41 11.52% 1999-2000 372 66.13% 23.66% 1.34% 339 91.13% 2.42% 5.11% 1.34% 33 8.87% 1998-1999 374 62.83% 21.66% 1.60% 322 86.10% 2.67% 9.63% 1.60% 52 13.90%

School: Phillips (Mary E.Phillips) High School

Trade/ Total of Further Total of Non- Number of 4-year 2-year business/ Educational Pursuits Employ- Educational Pursuits Year Military Other Graduates colleges colleges nursing ment # of % of # of % of schools Students Students Students Students 2001-2002 55 5.45% 5.45% 38.18% 27 49.09% 0.00% 50.91% 0.00% 28 50.91% 2000-2001 73 23.29% 32.88% 1.37% 42 57.53% 5.48% 36.99% 0.00% 31 42.47% 1999-2000 82 6.10% 17.07% 4.88% 23 28.05% 0.00% 71.95% 0.00% 59 71.95% 1998-1999 62 8.06% 17.74% 11.29% 23 37.10% 8.06% 54.84% 0.00% 39 62.90% School: Sanderson High School

Trade/ Total of Further Total of Non- Number of 4-year 2-year business/ Educational Pursuits Employ- Educational Pursuits Year Military Other Graduates colleges colleges nursing ment # of % of # of % of schools Students Students Students Students 2001-2002 334 64.97% 23.95% 60.00% 299 89.52% 1.50% 4.79% 4.19% 35 10.48% 2000-2001 321 70.09% 20.25% 0.31% 291 90.65% 2.18% 3.43% 3.74% 30 9.35% 1999-2000 332 71.99% 20.78% 0.60% 310 93.37% 1.81% 2.41% 2.41% 22 6.63% 1998-1999 358 68.44% 20.39% 1.40% 323 90.22% 3.35% 3.35% 3.07% 35 9.78%

School: Southeast Raleigh High School

Trade/ Total of Further Total of Non- Number of 4-year 2-year business/ Educational Pursuits Employ- Educational Pursuits Year Military Other Graduates colleges colleges nursing ment # of % of # of % of schools Students Students Students Students 2001-2002 455 72.31% 16.92% 66.00% 409 89.89% 3.96% 3.52% 2.64% 46 10.11% 2000-2001 518 69.69% 16.41% 0.58% 449 86.68% 4.44% 5.02% 3.86% 69 13.32% 1999-2000 219 54.79% 24.20% 1.37% 176 80.37% 3.20% 9.59% 6.85% 43 19.63% 1998-1999 131 64.12% 12.98% 3.05% 105 80.15% 1.53% 15.27% 3.05% 26 19.85%

School: Wake Forest-

Trade/ Total of Further Total of Non- Number of 4-year 2-year business/ Educational Pursuits Employ- Educational Pursuits Year Military Other Graduates colleges colleges nursing ment # of % of # of % of schools Students Students Students Students 2001-2002 236 60.59% 27.97% 1.69% 213 90.25% 4.66% 3.39% 1.69% 23 9.75% 2000-2001 320 59.06% 22.50% 0.63% 263 82.19% 3.75% 5.00% 9.06% 57 17.81% 1999-2000 289 61.59% 27.68% 1.73% 263 91.00% 3.46% 2.77% 2.77% 26 9.00% 1998-1999 289 61.25% 26.30% 1.38% 257 88.93% 2.77% 6.57% 1.73% 32 11.07% School: Wakefield High School

Trade/ Total of Further Total of Non- Number of 4-year 2-year business/ Educational Pursuits Employ- Educational Pursuits Year Military Other Graduates colleges colleges nursing ment # of % of # of % of schools Students Students Students Students 2001-2002 180 58.33% 31.67% 1.67% 165 91.67% 1.67% 2.22% 4.44% 15 8.33%