_ 04.06. JJuly.uly. 22011011 _PAGE 04 DO OPPOSITES REALLY ATTRACT? _PAGE 06 ACCOUNTING FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROFIT AND LOSS _PAGE 08 A NEW LUXURY STATUS QUO? TWITTERTWITTER.COM/RACONTEURMEDIA.COM/RACONTEURMEDIA RACONTEUR 0CLIPBOARDRACONTEURPAGENUMBER 01 SUSTAINABLE LUXURY Distributed in CONTRIBUTORS SIMON BROOKE DAX LOVEGROVE MIKE SCOTT Published in Specialist writer on the luxury sector Head of business & industry at Specialist writer in sustainability, association with and men’s styling, Simon contributes WWF-UK, Dax works with major business, family wealth and environ- to national and international companies within key sectors, ment issues, Mike contributes to na- publications, including The Sunday including oil and gas, power, finance, tional newspapers, including the Fi- Publisher Editor Design Times and The Wall Street Journal. food and drink, transport, media, nancial Times, The Daily Telegraph and Nadine Namer Peter Archer The Surgery He is also a regular contributor to ICT and retail, to apply systems- The Guardian, and is a regular contrib- Raconteur supplements. thinking around sustainability. utor to Raconteur reports. COVer image: © THE SURGERY \ theDesignsurgery.CO.UK ANTHONY KLEANTHOUS FELICIA JACKSON JOSH SIMS Your feedback is valued by us. The information contained in this Co-author of Deeper Luxury: Quali- Author and freelance journalist spe- Freelance writer and editor of View- Please send in your opinions to publication has been obtained from ty and Style When the World Matters cialising in economic, technology, pol- point magazine, Josh’s latest book is
[email protected] sources the proprietors believe to be and Let Them Eat Cake: Satisfying the icy and social issues surrounding the Icons of Men’s Style.