Submission re: The planning, construction and management of the Western Airport project Please find below the terms of reference with indication of points I have addressed. Due to time restraints I have not been able to address some of the terms of reference although I consider all terms of reference very valid.

a. probity planning and management, risk assessment frameworks and management; Not addressed in my submission.

b. land acquisition and related leases, including transactions related to the Leppington Triangle;

It is hard to know if land acquisition and related leases have been properly managed and executed as there has been a transparency issue. Certainly the transactions related to the acquisition of the Leppington Triangle have not been transparent to the Public and does not display proper use of Public funds. This is a very serious matter where almost $30 million dollars of taxpayers’ money can be spent without scrutiny by an appropriate body and seemingly without consequence to the parties who have authorised and/or been complicit in this transaction. There should be consequences to this outrageous waste of tax payers’ money. This enquiry MUST show how this transaction was decided and who is responsible and recommend consequences. The Public deserve full disclosure.

So what could the Public have gained with the difference between the $30 million paid and the approximate ‘real’ value of the ‘Leppington Triangle’?

Here is a ‘real life’ example:

In 2018 after many years of community lobbying the NSW Government finally purchased the Fernhill Estate in Mulgoa NSW. A superb property, 412 hectares, in a sought after area on the Critically Endangered Cumberland Plain Woodland at the foot of the World Heritage Greater Blue Mountains Area. The NSW Government are developing a plan for the management of the estate for the benefit of the Public.

Purchase price paid by the NSW Government for Fernhill Estate Approximately $27.25 million. Close to the excess amount paid for the ‘Leppington Triangle’!

‘The NSW Government has entered into a contract to purchase the central precinct of the historic Fernhill Estate at Mulgoa to enhance quality green open space for the people of Western Sydney to enjoy for future generations.’ Fernhill-Estate-for-open-space

The purchase of the Leppington Triangle is a scandalous, wasteful, questionable action totally lacking in transparency. I urge the enquiry to push for the establishment of a group/committee totally independent of both State and Federal Government and who they are accountable to, to prevent the ‘Leppington Triangle’ type of financial negligence/recklessness happening again.

c. the role and performance of WSA Co Limited; Not addressed in my submission.

d. site preparation, including the realignment of the Northern Road; Not addressed in my submission.

e. environment and heritage management; Not addressed in my submission.

f. community engagement; Community engagement has been lacking and crucial facts not presented as they have not been decided or if they have the Public have not been told. Where are the flight paths to go? This information has not been provided yet infrastructure and housing developments are being planned and development. Build your dream home now only to be informed later that it is under the flight path of a ‘no curfew’ airport!

g. transport links and supporting infrastructure; Not addressed in my submission.

h. training and employment; and i. Not addressed in my submission.

i. any related matters.

Below is a list of matters relating to the Western and largely not considered adequately in the information provided to the Public of the impacts and cumulative impacts of the Western Sydney Airport. People in the surrounding areas will be directly adversely affected and the people of the Sydney Basin will be impacted by many of these matters:

 Health Hazards – Air pollution. Western Sydney lies in a low level basin that traps air pollution. A second airport in Sydney will trap more hazardous particles that cause respiratory and heart disease. Asthma levels will increase. The noise pollution from the airport will lead to higher rates of heart disease, hypertension and anxiety. The EIS admits that extra deaths will certainly occur.  Noise Pollution: Up to 70 decibels every day, 24 hours a day, every day of the year, will dramatically impact on the health and lifestyle of communities living in the Blue Mountains and Western Sydney. Many residents near the yet to be proposed flight paths will experience sleep interruption and sleep deprivation which will affect their quality of life and health. It is also well documented that lack of sound sleep can lead to increases in domestic violence.  Threat to World Heritage site status: World Heritage status could be lost if low- level planes fly over the Blue Mountains. The Blue Mountains National Park only became a World Heritage Site in 2000 after the Howard Government abandoned plans for this airport. The failed sought to avoid any consultation with UNESCO when it made the Airport announcement.  Polluting Sydney’s water supply: Flight paths, as outlined in the EIS, will fly over the Blue Mountains and aircraft by-product will land in the catchment for 80% of Sydney’s drinking water.  Hazardous jet fuel transport: Sydney Airport is close to jet fuel supplies. Badgerys Creek is not. There is no funding for a dedicated pipeline or rail link to supply jet fuel to the proposed airport outlined in the EIS. This could mean between 30,000 and 100,000 extra fuel tanker journeys per year across Western Sydney.  Added factor for increased and more severe bushfires. Jet fuel when ‘dumped’ does not dissipate and disappear. Boeing states that even though fuel is vaporized, ‘it is still suspended in the atmosphere. And the fuel will eventually reach the ground’.

I fully support the submission of Residents Against Western Sydney Airport (RAWSA). I do not believe a second airport should have been placed it the Sydney Basin due to the very valid and well documented reasons of the negative impacts on all people living in the Sydney Basin. As we are all aware the development and population within the Sydney Basin is increasing rapidly and will continue to do so as forecasted by planners. As a local resident I am disgusted that the people of Western Sydney have been treated like second class citizens and had a ‘no curfew’ airport dumped on our doorstep. Rightfully Sydney Airport has a curfew to protect the rights and quality of life of people nearby and under flight paths yet people in the West are being denied the same right. The committee should, as a matter of natural justice for Western Sydney citizens, request that the ‘no curfew’ status be re-examined, consider all negative impacts and a curfew similar to Sydney Airport be implemented.

Sandra Newham