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Université De Bretagne Occidentale Institut Universitaire Européen De La Université de Bretagne Occidentale Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer Mémoire d’Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches Spécialité Océanologie Biologique Les communautés benthiques de substrats meubles de la Manche et de la baie sud de la mer du Nord : description, fonctionnement et état écologique Présenté par Nicolas Desroy Annexe : Sélection de publications scientifiques Sélection de publications scientifiques (classées par ordre alphabétique chronologique, les contributions des étudiants apparaissent en bleu) 1. Desroy N . & Retière C., 2001. Long-term changes in muddy fine sand community of the Rance basin: role of recruitment. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 81: 553-564. 2. Desroy N ., Warembourg C. , Dewarumez J.M. & Dauvin J.C., 2003. Macrobenthic resources of the shallow soft-bottom sediments in the Eastern English Channel and Southern North Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science 60: 120-131. 3. Desroy N . & Denis L., 2004. Influence of spring phytodetritus sedimentation on the spatio- temporal variability of intertidal macrozoobenthos in the Eastern English Channel. Marine Ecology Progress Series 270: 41-53. 4. Dauvin J.C., Desroy N. , Janson A.L. , Vallet C. & Duhamel S., 2006. Recent changes in estuarine benthic and suprabenthic communities resulting from the development of harbour infrastructure. Marine Pollution Bulletin 53: 80-90. 5. Dauvin J.C., Ruellet T., Desroy N. & Janson A.L. , 2007. The ecological quality status of the bay and the estuary of Seine: use of biotic indices. Marine Pollution Bulletin 55: 241-257. 6. Desroy N. , Janson A.L. , Denis L., Charrier G., Lesourd S. & Dauvin J.C., 2007. The intra- annual variability of soft-bottom macrobenthos abundance patterns in the North Channel of the Seine estuary. Hydrobiologia 188: 173-188. 7. Arbach Leloup F. , Desroy N. , Le Mao P., Pauly D. & Le Pape O., 2008. Interactions between a natural food web, shellfish farming and exotic species: the case of the Bay of Mont Saint Michel (France). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 76: 111-120. 8. Blanchet H., Lavesque N., Ruellet T., Dauvin J.C., Sauriau P.G., Desroy N. , Desclaux C., Leconte M., Bachelet G., Janson A.L., Bessineton C., Duhamel S., Jourde J., Mayot S., Simon S., De Montaudouin X., 2008. Use of Biotic Indices in semi-enclosed coastal ecosystems and transitional waters habitats - Implications for the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive. Ecological indicators 8: 360-372. 9. Desroy N. , Dubois S.F., Fournier J., Ricquiers L. , Le Mao P., Gerla D., Rougerie M. & Legendre A., 2011. The conservation status of Sabellaria alveolata (L.) (Polychaeta : Sabellaridae) reefs in the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel. Aquatic conservation: Marine and freshwater ecosystems 21: 462-471. 10. Godet L., Fournier J., Jaffré M. & Desroy N. , 2011. Influence of spatio-temporal dynamic and fragmentation of worm-reefs on benthic macrofauna. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 92(3): 472-479. 11. Kostecki C. , Rochette S., Girardin R., Blanchard M., Desroy N . & Le Pape O., 2011. Reduction of flatfish habitats as the consequence of the proliferation of an invasive mollusc. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 92: 154-160. 12. Kröncke I., Reiss H, Eggleton J.D., Aldridge J., Bergman M.J.N., Cochrane S., Craeymeersch J.A., Degraer S., Desroy N. , Dewarumez J.M., Duineveld G.C.A., Essink K., Hillewaert H., Lavaleye M.S.S., Moll A., Nehring S., Newell R., Oug E., Pohlmann T., Rachor E., Robertson M., Rumohr H., Schratzberger M., Smith R., Vanden Berghe E., van Dalfsen J., van Hoey G., Vincx M., Willems W. & Rees H.L., 2011. Changes in North Sea macrofauna communities and species distribution between 1986 and 2000. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 94: 1-15. 13. Kostecki C. , Roussel J.M., Desroy N. , Roussel G., Lanshere J., Le Bris H., Le Pape O., 2012. Trophic ecology of juvenile flatfish in a coastal nursery ground: disentangling the influence of primary production and freshwater organic matter subsidies. Marine Ecology Progress Series 449: 221-232. 14. Foveau A. , Desroy N. , Dauvin J.C. & Dewarumez J.M., 2013. Distribution pattern of benthic diversity in the eastern English Channel. Marine Ecology Progress Series 479: 115- 126. 15. Rabaut M., Audfroid Calderon M. , Van de Moortel J., van Dalfsen J., Vincx M., Degraer, S. & Desroy N. , sous presse . The role of structuring benthos for juvenile flatfish. Journal of Sea Research . J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U. K. >2001), 81,3772/1^12 Printed in the United Kingdom Long-term changes in muddy ¢ne sand community of the Rance basin: role of recruitment Nicolas Desroy*O and Christian Retie© re* *Station Marine, Muse¨ um National d'Histoire Naturelle, 17, avenue George-V, BP 70134, 35801 Dinard, France. E-mail: Christian.Retiere@wanadoo.fr. OCorresponding author, present address: Station Marine de Wimereux, Universite¨ de Lille I, CNRS UPRES A ELICO, BP 80, 28 avenue Foch, 62930 Wimereux, France. E-mail: Nicolas.Desroy@univ-lille1.fr Dynamics of the Abra alba muddy ¢ne sand community of the Rance basin >western English Channel), initially sampled in one station by Retie© re at the beginning of the 1970s after the tidal power station built at the mouth of the estuary went into service, was reassessed from1995 to 1997. Results showed a more`mature' community in 1995^1997 with an increase in the number of species. After a short period, in spring 1995, during which the structure of the community was comparable to those described in 1972^1973, the assem- blage was characterized by a great inter-annual structural stability. Densities of dominant species seem to £uctuate around a mean value comparable to the carrying capacity of the biota for these species.The recruit- ment of the dominant species with a long life span appears low compared to the densities of adults but seems su¤cient to assure the replacement of individuals. Our results suggest that the pattern of massive recruitment followed by high mortality rates could not be the general rule and that a pattern of moderate recruitment followed by low post-settlement mortality of recruits should be more frequent. INTRODUCTION As underlined by Dauvin >1993), such perturbations to natural communities represent an opportunity for The Rance basin, on the northern coast of Brittany, is observing the dynamics of a system. The present the only site where a full-scale evaluation of the ecolo- article aims to compare the recent dynamics of this gical impact of a tidal power station, after 30 y of system with that described between 1972 and 1973 and operation, has been conducted >Desroy, 1998). The attempts to determine how this system functions in damming of the estuary, during a 3-y construction phase response to a physical regime largely controlled by was particularly disruptive to the environment >Retie© re, humans. The approach consists of the long-term 1989, 1994). The estuary was e¡ectively isolated from the comparison of data sets, and can be regarded as inter- open sea for three years between 1963 and 1966, with the mediary to the two methods currently used to measure exception of small amplitude discharges >1m) at 2-w temporal changes in macrobenthic communities intervals, for £ushing purposes >Rouvillois, 1967). >Gremare, 1998): >i) long-term series data, which During this period, the conversion from an estuary with assess the temporal changes in macrofaunal composition a large tidal range into a constant-level basin virtually based on regular sampling; and >ii) the long-term eradicated the marine fauna and £ora; only several comparison of punctual data which compares the species of highly euryoecius invertebrates and ¢sh species composition of macrobenthos at selected sites after a £ourished >Retie© re, 1989, 1994). After the tidal power long interval. Although this approach allows a quick station was put into service in 1966, an increasingly identi¢cation of faunal changes, it provides little diverse fauna became gradually established as determined information on the dynamics of change or on the from sampling of soft-bottom communities in 1971 underlying causes >Pearson et al., 1985; Reise & >Retie© re, 1989), 1976 and 1995 >Desroy, 1998). Among Schubert, 1987). Given that temporal scales of the four major subtidal benthic communities described variability of benthic communities range from weeks to in 1971 >Retie© re, 1989), a facies within the Abra alba^ years, di¡erent sampling strategies were used. From Corbula gibba muddy ¢ne sediment community, the monthly sampling of macrozoobenthos from 1995 to Melinna palmata facies, was already dominant. To better 1997, two comparisons were made: >i) inter-annual understand the functioning of this assemblage, Retie© re variations of the speci¢c richness, abundance, diversity/ >1979) carried out a quantitative study in 1972^1973 of regularity indices and structure of the community were the dynamics of the community at one station. This compared to data acquired in 1972^1973; and series was continued from 1974 to 1982 by Clavier et al. >ii) changes in abundances of the four dominant >1983) for the four dominant species. The monitoring of species were compared to data collected between 1972 these principal infaunal components of the M. palmata and 1982. Conjointly, the recruitment of dominant facies indicated that despite a rapid stabilization of species was examined in 1996 from spring until physical conditions once the power station went into autumn in 1996 to assess how short-term variability in operation in 1966, it took ten years to establish
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