13-Smith.qxd 02-10-2002 19:59 Pagina 257 CHAPTER 13 Groundwater collective management systems: the United States experience Z.A. Smith Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA
[email protected] ABSTRACT: Groundwater management in the USA is diverse and decentralized making generaliza- tions sometimes difficult. In many areas groundwater is managed well under permit systems that pre- vent wasteful overuse and allow planned development. In other areas individuals are free to pump water with few restrictions and sometimes with wasteful consequences. This chapter provides an overview of collective groundwater management systems used in the USA by summarizing the types of systems in place and the advantages and disadvantages of each system. It concludes with an exam- ination of what can be learned from the groundwater management experience in the USA and sug- gestions for the development of future groundwater management systems. 1 INTRODUCTION others very little groundwater is used (Table 1 gives a state-by-state breakdown of groundwater The rules governing groundwater use in much of use). the USA and the world bring to mind the state- ment in Plato’s Republic “I declare justice is 1.2 Role of the national government nothing but the advantage of the stronger”. Is this how things should be? In much of the USA To examine in a comprehensive manner the and the rest of the world this is how it is. In this experience of managing groundwater in the chapter we will examine the experience of the USA is a daunting task. The first thing that one USA in the collective cooperation and manage- must understand is that there is no national ment of groundwater resources.