arXiv:1407.5325v4 [math.LO] 20 Aug 2018 osm oino qiaec,acascleapebigtefollowing: the operator being of example Theorem classical collection a a equivalence, classify of to notion is some dime to infinite space an Hilbert on operators complex of separable theory the in problem fundamental A Introduction 1 aknagba Schatten algebra, Calkin prtr naHletsaea bv,tefloigaeequi are following the above, as space Hilbert a on operators (i) 2010 e od n phrases and words Key oe qiaec eain ntesaeof space the in relations equivalence Borel K opc operator compact T hs qiaec eain otesaeo rjcinoper projection of restrict space the the for to fini shown relations also modulo equivalence are for these operators results compact The equi action. modulo orbit and group the cou Polish to by any reducible classifiable of not not lation is be first to the shown while structures, are two latter the bulence, prtr naHletsae npriua ouofiieran finite modulo particular Schatten in space, Hilbert a on operators . ahmtc ujc Classification Subject Mathematics and ecnie aiu oin feuvlnei h pc fbo of space the in equivalence of notions various consider We Wy–o emn [vN]) Neumann (Weyl–von S p cas n ouocmat sn jrhster ftur- of theory Hjorth’s Using compact. modulo and -class, are -al [email protected] E-mail: ntrl qiaetmdl compact modulo equivalent unitarily eateto Mathematics of Department p one operators bounded cas rjcinoperators. projection -class, taa Y S,14853 USA, NY, Ithaca, K oe qiaec eain,truec,cmatoperators, compact turbulence, relations, equivalence Borel : etme 7 2016 17, September n ntr operator unitary a and onl University Cornell inB Smythe B. Iian Abstract 1 rmr 31,4B0 eodr 46A45. Secondary 47B10, 03E15, Primary : . For T and U uhthat such S one self-adjoint bounded .. hr sa is there i.e., , aec re- valence ators. valent: ,modulo k, TU UT erank te osof ions ntable unded ∗ nsional − up s S = Borel equivalence relations in (H) 2 B

(ii) T and S have the same essential spectrum. That is, bounded self-adjoint operators are completely classified up to unitary equivalence modulo compact by their essential spectra. The modern theory of Borel equivalence relations affords us a general framework for such results. Given a space X of objects, and an equiva- lence relation E on X, completely classifying the elements of X up to E- equivalence amounts to finding another space Y with equivalence relation F , and specifying a map f : X Y such that → xEy f(x)F f(y), ⇔ for all x, y X. The spaces and equivalence relations should be “reasonably definable”,∈ in the sense that the former are Polish (or standard Borel) and the latter Borel. Enforcing that the classifying map f is Borel captures that idea that f is “computing” an invariant for the objects in X. Such a map is called a Borel reduction of E to F , and its existence or non-existence allows us to compare the complexity of such equivalence relations. The “simplest” Borel equivalence relations are those given by equality on Polish spaces, and are said to be smooth. Recasting the motivating problem in this setting requires specifying a Polish or Borel structure on the collection of operators of interest, verifying that the notion of equivalence is Borel, and reducing the equivalence relation to another, preferably well-understood, equivalence relation. In the setting of the Weyl–von Neumann theorem above, we have:

Theorem (Ando–Matsuzawa [AM]). The map T σess(T ) is a Borel func- 7→ tion from the space of bounded self-adjoint operators to the Effros Borel space of closed subsets of R. In particular, unitary equivalence modulo compact of bounded self-adjoint operators is smooth. In contrast, many natural equivalence relations on classes of operators are not smooth. In fact, they exhibit a very strong form of non-classifiability; they cannot be reduced to the isomorphism relation on any class of count- able algebraic or relational structures, e.g., groups, rings, graphs, etc. Such equivalence relations are said to be not classifiable by countable structures. The method used to exhibit this property is Hjorth’s theory of turbulence [H]. Relevant examples are given by: Theorem (Kechris–Sofronidis [KS]). Unitary equivalence of self-adjoint (or unitary) operators is not classifiable by countable structures. Theorem (Ando–Matsuzawa [AM]). Unitary equivalence modulo compact of unbounded self-adjoint operators is not classifiable by countable struc- tures. In this article, we present non-classification results for collections of op- erators, focusing on equivalence relations induced by ideals of compact op- erators. The paper is arranged as follows: Borel equivalence relations in (H) 3 B

In 2, we review the relevant theory of bounded operators and Borel equivalence§ relations. In 3, we describe Borel and Polish structures on collections of operators, and§ in 4, establish the first of our results: § Theorem 1.1. 1. Equivalence modulo finite rank operators (on (H) and (H)) is a Borel equivalence relation that is not Borel reducibleB K to the orbit equivalence relation of any Polish group action.

2. Equivalence modulo compact operators (on (H) and (H)≤1)) is a Borel equivalence relation that is not classifiableB by countB able struc- tures.

3. Equivalence modulo Schatten p-class (on (H), (H)≤1, and (H)) is B B K a Borel equivalence relation that is not classifiable by countable struc- tures.

As a consequence of Theorem 1.1(a), we show:

Corollary 1.2. The space of all finite rank operators on H is not Polishable in either the norm or strong .

In 5, we restrict our attention to the projection operators (H), con- sidering§ the restrictions of modulo finite rank and modulo compact.P The latter provides an alternate view of the projections in the Calkin algebra. We improve upon Theorem 1.1 parts (a) and (c), showing:

Theorem 1.3. 1. Equivalence modulo finite rank on (H) is not Borel reducible to the orbit equivalence relation of any PolishP group action.

2. Equivalence modulo compact on (H) is not classifiable by countable structures. P

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Bounded operators on Hilbert spaces Throughout, we fix an infinite dimensional separable complex H, with inner product , . Let (H) denotes the set of all bounded oper- h· ·i B ators on H, with . A standard reference for the theory of (H) is [P]. k·k BThe strong operator topology is the topology induced by the family of seminorms T T v for v H, while the is induced by the family7→ of k seminormsk ∈T Tv,w for v,w H. ∗ 7→ |h i| ∈ We denote by T the (Hermitian) adjoint of an operator T (H). An operator T (H) is self-adjoint if T = T ∗, and positive if Tv,v∈ B 0 for all v H. To∈ B each operator T (H), there is a unique positiveh i operator ≥ ∈ 2 ∈ B T satisfying T = T ∗T . | | | | Borel equivalence relations in (H) 4 B

An operator P (H) is a projection if P 2 = P ∗ = P . Equivalently, P is the orthogonal projection∈ B onto a closed subspace (namely, ran(P )) of H. Every projection is positive with P = 1 whenever P = 0. We denote the k k 6 set of projections by (H). An operator T P(H) is compact if the image of the closed unit ball of ∈ B H under T has compact closure. The set of compact operators is denoted by (H). T is finite rank if rank(T ) = dim(ran(T )) < , and the set of finiteK rank operators is denoted by (H). It is well-known∞ that an operator Bf on H is compact if and only if it is a norm limit of finite rank operators. The following characterizes which diagonal operators are compact:

Proposition 2.1 (3.3.5 in [P]). If T (H) is diagonal with respect to an orthonormal basis e : n N , say T∈ v B= ∞ λ v, e e for all v H, { n ∈ } n=0 nh ni n ∈ then T is compact if and only if limn→∞ λn =0. P It is easy to check that (H) is a norm-closed, self-adjoint ideal in (H), and the corresponding quotientK (H)/ (H) is called the Calkin algebraB . For 1 p < , the SchattenB p-classK p(H) is the set of all opera- ≤ ∞ B tors T (H) such that for some orthonormal basis (en) of H, one has ∞ T∈p Be , e < (this quantity is independent of the choice of basis). n=0h| | n ni ∞ Each p(H) is a self-adjoint ideal in (H), which fails to be norm-closed, P B p B and f (H) ( (H) ( (H). TheB followingB facts willK be relevant in the sequel. We caution that the adjoint operation T T ∗ is not strongly continuous, and multiplication is not jointly strongly7→ continuous on all of (H). For these facts, and the B following lemma, see 4.6 in [P]. § Lemma 2.2. 1. The adjoint operation is weakly continuous on (H). B 2. Multiplication of operators is strongly continuous when restricted to B (H) (H), where B is any norm bounded subset of (H). × B → B B

Lemma 2.3. 1. The closed unit ball (H)≤1 is strongly closed and com- B pletely metrizable in (H). B 2. The set of all self-adjoint operators (H) is strongly closed in (H). B sa B 3. The set of positive operators is strongly closed in (H). B

4. The set of projections (H) is strongly closed in (H)≤1. P B

Proof. For (a), (H)≤1 is closed by an application of the uniform bounded- ness principle, andB completely metrizable by 4.6.2 in [P]. By Lemma 2.2(a), (H)sa is weakly, thus strongly, closed, showing (b). Part (c) follows from Bthe fact that the maps T Tv,v , for v H, are strongly continuous. For 7→ h 2 i ∈ ∗ (d), let = T (H)≤1 : T = T , and = T (H)≤1 : T = T . By I { ∈ B } S { ∈ B } Lemma 2.2, and are strongly closed in (H)≤1, and (H)= . I S B P S ∩ I Borel equivalence relations in (H) 5 B 2.2 Borel equivalence relations A Polish space is a separable and completely metrizable topological space, while a standard Borel space is a set X together with a σ-algebra of Borel sets coming from some Polish topology on X. An equivalence relation E on X is Borel if (x, y) X2 : xEy is a Borel subset of X2. Given equiv- alence relations{ E and∈ F on Polish} (or standard Borel) spaces X and Y , respectively, a map f : X Y is a Borel reduction of E to F if f is Borel → measurable, and xEy f(x)F f(y) ⇔ for all x, y X. Equivalently, f is a Borel map which descends to a well- defined injection∈ X/E Y/F . In this case, we say that E is Borel reducible → to F , and write E F . If f is injective, we say that f is a Borel embedding ≤B of E into F , and write E B F . If E B F and F B E, we write E B F , and say that E and F are⊑Borel bireducible≤ . Intuitively,≤ E F means≡ that ≤B classifying elements of Y up to F is at least as complicated as classifying elements of X up to E, as any classification of the former yields one for the latter. E F means that they are of equal complexity. ≡B Example 2.4. If X is a Polish space, we denote by ∆(X) the equality relation on X. ∆(X) is a closed, and thus Borel, subset of X2. Example 2.5. Identifying 2 = 0, 1 , with the discrete topology, the Borel { } N equivalence relation E0 is defined on 2 by

(x ) E0(y ) m n m(x = y ). n n n n ⇔ ∃ ∀ ≥ n n N Example 2.6. The Borel equivalence relation E1 is defined on R by

(x ) E1(y ) m n m(x = y ). n n n n ⇔ ∃ ∀ ≥ n n

A Borel equivalence relation E on a Polish space X is smooth if E B ∆(Y ) for some Polish space Y . Smooth equivalence relations are exactly≤ those which admit complete classification by real numbers. It is well-known that E0 is not smooth (cf. 6.1 in [G]). A Polish group G is a topological§ group which has a Polish topology. If X is a Polish space, and G acts continuously on X, i.e., the map G X X given by (g, x) g x is continuous, then we say that X is a Polish×G-space→ , 7→ · and denote by EG (or sometimes E/G) the orbit equivalence relation x E y g G(g x = y). G ⇔ ∃ ∈ · A group with a given Borel structure (e.g., a Borel subgroup of a Pol- ish group) is Polishable if it can be endowed with a Polish group topology having the same Borel structure. It is easy to check that the orbit equiva- lence relation induced by the translation action of a Polishable (or Borel) subgroup of a Polish group is Borel. The following shows that E1 is an obstruction to classification by orbits of Polish group actions. Borel equivalence relations in (H) 6 B

Theorem 2.7 (Kechris–Louveau [KL]). Let G be a Polish group, and X a X Polish G-space. Then, E1 E . 6≤B G The isomorphism relation on the class of countable structures of a first- order theory, e.g., groups, rings, graphs, etc, can be represented as the orbit equivalence relation of a Polish G-space (cf. Ch. 11 of [G]). If an equivalence relation is Borel reducible to such a relation, we say that it is classifiable by countable structures. Hjorth [H] isolated a dynamical property of Pol- ish G-spaces, called turbulence, which implies that the corresponding orbit equivalence relation resists such classification.

Theorem 2.8 (Hjorth [H]). Let X be a Polish G-space. If the action of G is turbulent, then EG is not classifiable by countable structures. For our purposes, it suffices to consider examples of these actions, and we omit a detailed discussion of turbulence (see [G], [H], [Ke]).

Lemma 2.9 (Proposition 3.25 in [H], and p. 35 in [Ke]). 1. The transla- N tion action of c0 on R is turbulent.

p N 2. For 1 p< , the translation actions of ℓ on R and c0 are turbu- lent. ≤ ∞ N N p p In particular, the orbit equivalence relations R /c0, R /ℓ , and c0/ℓ are not classifiable by countable structures.

N N p N We consider the restrictions of R /c0 and R /ℓ to the subset [0, 1] , N N p and denote them by [0, 1] /c0, and [0, 1] /ℓ , respectively. It is evident that N N these are Borel equivalence relations, and that [0, 1] /c0 B R /c0, and [0, 1]N/ℓp RN/ℓp, via the inclusion maps. Moreover: ⊑ ⊑B N N Lemma 2.10 (Lemma 6.2.2 in [Ka], see also [O]). 1. R /c0 [0, 1] /c0. ≡B N p N p 2. For 1 p< , R /ℓ B [0, 1] /ℓ . ≤ ∞ N ≡ N p In particular, [0, 1] /c0 and [0, 1] /ℓ are not classifiable by countable structures.1

3 Topology and Borel structure on (H) B In order to study Borel equivalence relations on (H) or its subsets, we must endow them with a Polish or standard BorelB structure. The norm topology on (H) (or (H)) is not Polish as it contains discrete subsets of ℵ0 B P size 2 : given an orthonormal basis en : n N , consider the family of projections P onto span e : n x ,{ for x ∈N.} Instead, we focus on the x { n ∈ } ⊆ strong operator topology.

1Recent work by Hartz and Lupini [HL] has developed a general theory of turbulent Polish groupoids in which this can be seen more directly. Borel equivalence relations in (H) 7 B

Lemma 3.1. 1. (H)≤1 and (H) are Polish in the strong operator topology. B P

2. (H) is a standard Borel space with respect to the Borel structure B generated by the strong operator topology.

Proof. (a) follows from Lemma 2.3 parts (a) and (d), and the fact that the strong operator topology is separable. For (b), note that a countable union of standard Borel spaces is standard Borel, and (H)= n (H)≤1. B n≥1 B All references to Borel subsets of (or functions on) S(H) will be with B respect to this Borel structure, which coincides with that of the weak oper- ator topology (as closed convex sets in (H) are weakly closed if and only if they are strongly closed, Corollary 4.6.5B in [P]). We caution that (H) is B not Polish in the strong operator topology (it is not metrizable, see E 4.6.4 in [P]), nor is it even Polishable as a group with this Borel structure (this follows from Lemma 9.3.3 in [G]). The equivalence relations we study below arise from the ideals f (H), (H) and p(H) for 1 p < , and thus we will need to show thatB the K B ≤ ∞ corresponding ideal is Borel in the relevant topology.

Lemma 3.2. For each n N, the set ≤n = T (H) : rank(T ) n is strongly closed in (H). ∈ F { ∈ B ≤ } B Proof. 2 Suppose that T (H) is such that rank(T ) > n. There are ∈ B vectors v0,...,v H such that T v0,...,Tv are linearly independent, or n ∈ n equivalently, their Gram determinant det( T vi, T vj i,j) is nonzero. Since the Gram determinant is continuous, there ish a stronglyi open neighborhood of T in (H) such that for all S in that neighborhood, the Gram determinant B det( Sv , Sv ) is also nonzero, and so rank(S) > n. Thus, the complement h i jii,j of ≤ is strongly open. F n Proposition 3.3. (H) is an F set, and (H) is an F set, in the strong Bf σ K σδ operator topology on (H). B Proof. The claim for (H) is an immediate consequence of Lemma 3.2. The Bf proof for the claim regarding (H) is essentially that of the more general Theorem 3.1 in [Ed]. Let T K∞ be a norm-dense sequence in ( ), and { k}k=1 K H let B = ( )≤1. Then, B H ∞ ∞ ∞ 1 1 ( )= ( )+ B T + B ( ), K H K H n ⊇ k n ⊇K H n=1 n=1 =1 \   \ k[   where the first equality is the result of (H) being norm-closed in (H). Since B is strongly closed, this shows thatK ( ) is F . B K H σδ 2We thank the anonymous referee for a much shortened proof of this fact. Borel equivalence relations in (H) 8 B

Lemma 3.4 (cf. p. 48 of [Er]). If f : R R is a bounded Borel function, then the map (H) (H) given by→T f(T ) is Borel. B sa → B sa 7→

Proof. Let (pn)n be a sequence of real polynomials converging to f point- wise, which are uniformly bounded on compact sets. It follows by basic spectral theory that, for T (H) , p (T ) converges to f(T ) weakly. ∈ B sa n Thus, the map in questions is a pointwise (weak) limit of Borel functions, by Lemma 2.2, and hence Borel.

Lemma 3.5. (H) and p(H), for 1 p< , are Polish spaces. In fact, K B ≤ ∞ they are separable Banach spaces when considered with the operator norm and p-norm, respectively.

Proof. It suffices to verify separability, which follows from the fact that each of the spaces considered contains (H) as a dense subset. Bf Proposition 3.6. For each 1 p < , p(H) is a Polishable subspace ≤ ∞ B of (H) in the norm topology, and a Borel subset of (H) in the strong operatorK topology. B

Proof. Fix 1 p< . By Lemma 3.5, p(H) is a separable Banach space under the p-norm.≤ To∞ prove that it isB Polishable in (H), it suffices to verify that the Borel structures in both topologies coincide.K This follows p from the fact that T T p for T (H), showing that the inclusion map p(H) (Hk) isk≤k a continuousk injection.∈ B ForB the second→K claim, the map T (T ∗T )p/2 = T p is Borel by Lemmas 7→ | | 2.2 and 3.4, and if en : n N is a fixed orthonormal basis for H, then T p(H) if and only{ if there∈ is an} M, such that for all N, N T pe , e <∈ B n=0h| | n ni M. Thus, p(H) is Borel. B P 4 Equivalence relations in (H) B As per Lemmas 3.1 and 3.5, (H) will be considered as a standard Borel B space with the Borel structure induced by the strong operator topology, (H)≤1 a Polish space with the strong operator topology, and (H) a Polish B K space with the norm topology. We will consider the equivalence relations on (H), and their restrictions to (H)≤1 and (H), induced by the ideals B (H), (H) and p(H) for 1 Bp< , denotedK (and named) as follows: Bf K B ≤ ∞ T S T S (H) (modulo finite rank) ≡f ⇔ − ∈ Bf T ess S T S (H)(modulo compact or essential equivalence) ≡ ⇔ − ∈K T S T S p(H) (modulo p-class), for 1 p< . ≡p ⇔ − ∈ B ≤ ∞

Fix an orthonormal basis en : n N for H for the remainder of this ∞{ ∈ } section. Consider the map ℓ (H) given by α Tα, where Tαv = ∞ → B 7→ α v, e e , for α =(α ) ℓ∞ and v H. n=0 nh ni n n n ∈ ∈ P Borel equivalence relations in (H) 9 B

Lemma 4.1. 1. The map α T is an isometric embedding ℓ∞ 7→ α → (H), with respect to the usual norms on these spaces, and maps c0 intoB (H). K N N 2. The map α Tα is continuous [0, 1] (H), when [0, 1] is en- dowed with the7→ product topology, and (→H) Bwith the strong operator B topology. Its range is contained within (H)≤1. B Proof. (a) This map is the well-known isometric embedding of ℓ∞ as diag- onal multiplication operators on H (see 4.7.6 in [P]). That it maps c0 into (H) is a restatement of Proposition 2.1. K (b) Fix α [0, 1]N and let U = T (H): (T T )v < ǫ , a ∈ { ∈ B k − α k } subbasic open neighborhood of Tα in the strong operator topology, where v = ∞ a e and ǫ> 0. Pick m such that ∞ a 2 < ǫ2/2, and let n=0 n n n=m+1 | n| P m P V = β [0, 1]N : β α 2 a 2 < ǫ2/2 . ∈ | n − n| | n| ( n=0 ) X V is an open neighborhood of α in [0, 1]N. If β V , then ∈ m ∞ (T T )v 2 = β α 2 a 2 + β α 2 a 2 < ǫ2, k β − α k | n − n| | n| | n − n| | n| n=0 n=m+1 X X showing that T U. It follows that the map is continuous. β ∈ We can now complete the proof of Theorem 1.1. Proof of Theorem 1.1. By Propositions 3.3 and 3.6, each of the equivalence relations under consideration is Borel in the relevant spaces. We will use restrictions of the map α Tα to different domains, which are continuous injections in all relevant cases7→ by Lemma 4.1. ∞ 1 (a) Let X = n=0[0, n+1 ], and consider the equivalence relation E: Q αEβ m n m(α = β ) ⇔ ∃ ∀ ≥ n n for α, β X. This can be identified (up to Borel brieducibility) with E1. We use the∈ restriction of the map α T to X. By Lemma 4.1(a), it maps 7→ α into (H). Moreover, T T is of finite rank if and only if αE1β. Thus, K α − β E1 B f on (H) or (H), and the result follows by Theorem 2.7. ⊑ ≡ K B N (b) We use the map the restriction of the map α Tα to [0, 1] , which 7→ N maps into (H)≤1 by Lemma 4.1(b). Suppose that α, β [0, 1] , then B ∞ ∈ (Tα Tβ)v = n=0(αn βn) v, en en, for v H. By Proposition 2.1, − − h i ∈ N Tα Tβ is compact if and only if α β c0, showing [0, 1] /c0 B ess on − P − ∈ ⊑ ≡ (H)≤1 or (H). The result follows by Lemma 2.10(a). B B N (c) We again use the restriction of α Tα to [0, 1] . Fix 1 p < . N → ≤ p ∞ Suppose that α, β [0, 1] . For x H, we have that Tβ Tα x = ∞ β α p x, e∈e , and so, ∞ ∈ T T pe , e = | ∞ −β | α p. n=0 | n − n| h ni n n=0h| α − β| n ni n=0 | n − n| P P P Borel equivalence relations in (H) 10 B

Thus, α β ℓp if and only if T T p(H), showing [0, 1]N/ℓp − ∈ α − β ∈ B ⊑B ≡p on (H)≤1 or (H). Similarly, for the restriction to (H), we use the re- B B p K striction of the map α T to c0, and obtain c0/ℓ on (H). The 7→ α ⊑B ≡p K results follow as in (b), using Lemma 2.10(b) in the [0, 1]N/ℓp case, and p Lemma 2.9(a) in c0/ℓ case. Proof of Corollary 1.2. If (H) was Polishable in either topology, then its Bf translation action on (H) would be a Polish group action, contrary to Theorem 1.1(a). K

5 Equivalence relations in (H) P Recall that (H) is the set of projections in (H), a Polish space in the strong operatorP topology by Lemma 3.1. Fix anB orthonormal basis e : n { n ∈ N for H throughout this section. For each x N, let P be the projection } ⊆ x onto the subspace span en : n x . Then, for v H, Pxv = n∈x v, en en. The map x P is called{ the∈ diagonal} embedding∈ (with respecth toi this 7→ x basis), and is the restriction to 2N of the map α T from P4. 7→ α § 5.1 Equivalence modulo finite rank There are two natural ways to define equivalence modulo finite rank or finite dimension on (H). One could simply restrict f to (H), or one could say that P PQ if there exist finite dimensional≡ subspacesP U and V of H ≡fd such that ran(P ) ran(Q)+ U and ran(Q) ran(P )+ V . In fact, these notions coincide. We⊆ will use the fact that if⊆V is a closed subspace of H and F a finite dimensional subspace of H, then V + F is closed (E 2.1.4 in [P]).

Proposition 5.1. Let P, Q (H). The following are equivalent: ∈ P (i) P Q. ≡fd (ii) There exist finite dimensional subspaces W ran(P )⊥ and Y ran(Q)⊥ such that ran(P )+ W = ran(Q)+ Y .⊆ ⊆

(iii) P Q. ≡f

Proof. (i) (ii): Let U and V witness P fd Q as in the definition. Let W and Y ⇒be the images of U and V under≡ orthogonal projections onto ran(P )⊥ and to ran(Q)⊥, respectively. Then, ran(P )+U = ran(P )+W and ran(Q)+ V = ran(Q)+ Y . (ii) (iii): For W and Y as in (ii), let R be the projection onto W and R′ the projection⇒ onto Y . Since W is orthogonal to ran(P ), P +R is the projection onto ran(P )+ W . Likewise Q + R′ is the projection onto ran(Q)+ Y . Thus, P + R = Q + R′, and so P Q = R′ R, a finite rank operator. − − Borel equivalence relations in (H) 11 B

(iii) (i): Suppose that P Q = A where A (A). Then, ⇒ − ∈ Bf ran(P ) = ran(Q + A) ran(Q) + ran(A) = ran(Q) + ran(A), ⊆ and likewise,

ran(Q) = ran(P A) ran(P )+ ran(A) = ran(P ) + ran(A). − ⊆ Since ran(A) is finite-dimensional, it follows that P Q. ≡fd Consequently, we will use f for this (Borel, by Proposition 3.3) equiv- alence relation on (H). It≡ is easy to see that the diagonal embedding P witnesses the non-smoothness of on (H). ≡f P To show that f restricted to (H) is of higher complexity, we define a N ≡ P new map [0, 1] (H) given by α Pα as follows: For each α =(αn)n N → P 7→ ∈ [0, 1] , let P be the projection onto span e2 + α e2 +1 : n N . α { n n n ∈ } Lemma 5.2. The map [0, 1]N (H) given by α P is a continuous → P 7→ α injection.

N Proof. First we show that α Pα is injective. Let α, β [0, 1] with α = β, so α = β for some k. In order7→ to show that P = P ∈, it suffices to show6 k 6 k α 6 β that P (e2 + β e2 +1) = e2 + β e2 +1 = P (e2 + β e2 +1). Note that α k k k 6 k k k β k k k

1+ αkβk Pα(e2k + βke2k+1)= 2 (e2k + αke2k+1). 1+ αk

By linear independence of e2k and e2k+1, the right hand side of the displayed equation is equal to the input on the left hand side if and only if αk = βk. Thus, Pα = Pβ. To see6 that the map is continuous,3 for each n N and α [0, 1]N, let ∈ ∈ Pn,α be the projection of H onto span e2n + αne2n+1 . It is clear that for each n, the map [0, 1]N (H) given{ by α P is} strongly continuous, → P 7→ n,α and Pα = n∈N Pn,α. To see that α Pα is strongly continuous, let αk α N 7→ → in [0, 1] , and v be a unit vector. By density and the fact that Pn,α 1 for all nLand α, it suffices to consider v in the (algebraic) directk sumk ≤ span e2 , e2 +1 , in which case (P P )v 0 follows from the n { n n } k αk − α k → strong continuity of each of the factors Pn,α. L N 1 For α [0, 1] , the vectors 2 (e2n + αne2n+1), n N, form an or- ∈ √1+αn ∈ thonormal basis for ran(Pα). Thus, we can write,

∞ a2n + a2n+1αn P v = (e2 + α e2 +1), α 1+ α2 n n n n=0 n X 3We thank the anonymous referee for a much shortened proof of this fact. Borel equivalence relations in (H) 12 B and ∞ a2n + a2n+1αn a2n + a2n+1βn (P P )v = e2 α − β 1+ α2 − 1+ β2 n n=0  n n  X∞ 2 2 a2nαn + a2n+1αn a2nβn + a2n+1βn + e2 +1, 1+ α2 − 1+ β2 n n=0 n n X   for α, β [0, 1]N and v = ∞ a e H. ∈ n=0 n n ∈ Since we must consider the difference Pα Pβ several times in what P − follows, it will be useful to have it in a canonical form. Denote by T0, T1, T2 and T3 the diagonal operators ∞ 1 1 T0v = a2 e2 , 1+ α2 − 1+ β2 n n n=0  n n  X∞ αn βn T1v = a2 +1e2 +1, 1+ α2 − 1+ β2 n n n=0  n n  X∞ αn βn T2v = a2 e2 , 1+ α2 − 1+ β2 n n n=0  n n  X∞ 2 2 αn βn T3v = a2 +1e2 +1, 1+ α2 − 1+ β2 n n n=0 n n X   and by S0 and S1 the operators ∞ ∞

S0v = a2n+1e2n and S1v = a2ne2n+1, n=0 n=0 X X ∞ for v = n=0 anen. Each of the aforementioned operators is bounded, and by collecting terms, one can show that P (5.1) P P = T0 + S0T1 + S1T2 + T3. α − β We can now prove Theorem 1.3(a). 4 Proof of Theorem 1.3(a). By Lemma 5.2, the map α Pα is a contin- N 7→ uous injection. Represent E1 on [0, 1] by αE1β m n m(αn = βn). N ⇔ ∃ ∀ ≥ As above, for α, β [0, 1] , we have the representation P P = T0 + ∈ α − β S0T1 + S1T2 + T3. Clearly, if αE1β, then all but finitely many of the co- 1 1 αn βn efficients (which are independent of v) 2 2 , 2 2 and 1+αn 1+βn 1+αn 1+βn 2 2 − − αn βn h i h i 2 2 will be 0, showing that Pα Pβ has finite rank. 1+αn − 1+βn − h Conversely,i suppose that Pα Pβ has finite rank. It follows that the − operator T = T0 + S0T1, given by ∞ ∞ 1 1 αn βn T v = a2 e2 + a2 +1e2 1+ α2 − 1+ β2 n n 1+ α2 − 1+ β2 n n n=0 n n n=0 n n X   X   4The author is indebted to Ilijas Farah for suggesting this result and ideas of its proof. Borel equivalence relations in (H) 13 B

∞ ∞ for v = n=0 anen, is of finite rank. Using vectors of the form n=0 a2ne2n ∞ and a2n+1e2n+1 it is easy to see that in order for T to be finite rank, nP=0 P 1 1 αn βn all but finitely many of the terms 2 2 , and 2 2 are 0. P 1+αn 1+βn 1+αn 1+βn 1 1 − − Since αn 0 and βn 0, 2 h 2 = 0 if andi onlyh if αn = βni. Thus, ≥ ≥ 1+αn − 1+βn αE1β, and so E1 on (H). The result follows by Theorem 2.7. ⊑B ≡f P 5.2 Essential equivalence

The last equivalence relation we wish to study is the restriction of ess to (H). The quotient of (H) by this relation can be identified with≡ the set Pof projections in CalkinP algebra (H)/ (H), by Proposition 3.1 in [W]. B K We note that, although a projection is compact if and only if it is of finite rank, this is not true of the difference of two projections. In particular, ess does not coincide with on (H). However, as before, the diagonal ≡ ≡f P embedding witnesses the non-smoothness of ess. To prove Theorem 1.3(b), we will again use≡ the map α P used to 7→ α prove Theorem 1.3(a).

Proof of Theorem 1.3(b). We claim that the map α Pα is a reduction N 7→ of [0, 1] /c0 to ess, from which the result will follow by Lemma 2.10. Let N ≡ α, β [0, 1] , and suppose that α β c0. We will use the representation of P ∈ P in equation (5.1). By Proposition− ∈ 2.1, and the inequalities α − β 1 1 β2 α2 = n − n β α β + α , 1+ α2 − 1+ β2 (1 + α2 )(1 + β2) ≤| n − n|| n n| n n n n α β α + α β2 β α2 β n n = n n n − n − n n 1+ α2 − 1+ β2 (1 + α2 )(1 + β 2) n n n n

αn βn + αn βn αn βn , ≤| − | | || − || | α2 β2 α2 β2 n n = n − n β α β + α , 1+ α2 − 1+ β2 (1 + α2 )(1 + β2) ≤| n − n|| n n| n n n n

we have that T0, T1, T2 and T3 are compact. Since the compact operators form an ideal, S0T1 and S1T2 are also compact, and thus so is P P . α − β Conversely, suppose that Pα Pβ is compact. We will use that if an operator is compact, then it is weak–norm− continuous on the closed unit ball of H (3.3.3 in [P]). Since the sequence em converges weakly to 0 as m , it follows that (Pα Pβ)e2m and (Pα Pβ)e2m+1 converge in norm to→∞ 0. Observe that − −

1 1 αm βm (Pα Pβ)e2m = 2 2 e2m + 2 2 e2m+1, − 1+ αm − 1+ βm 1+ αm − 1+ βm    2 2  αm βm αm βm (P P )e2 +1 = e2 + e2 +1, α − β m 1+ α2 − 1+ β2 m 1+ α2 − 1+ β2 m  m m   m m  Borel equivalence relations in (H) 14 B and so the coefficients on the right hand side of these identities converge to 0 as m . Using the inequalities →∞ 1 1 β2 α2 1 = m − m α β α + β , 1+ α2 − 1+ β2 (1 + α2 )(1 + β2 ) ≥ 4| m − m|| m m| m m m m α β α + α β2 β α2 β m m = m m m − m − m m 1+ α2 − 1+ β2 (1 + α2 )(1 + β2 ) m m m m 1 α β 1 α β , ≥ 4| m − m|| − m m| the quantities on the right must also converge to 0. For any m, since α , β [0, 1], we have that m m ∈ α β α + β + α β 1 α β α β , | m − m|| m m| | m − m|| − m m|≥| m − m| and so α β converges to 0, as claimed. m − m 6 Further questions

We have seen in the proof of Theorem 1.1 that the equivalence relations N N p [0, 1] /c0 and [0, 1] /ℓ are Borel reducible to ess and for 1 p < , ≡ ≡p ≤ ∞ respectively. We may think of ess and p as non-commutative analogues N N p ≡ ≡ of R /c0 and R /ℓ , and ask whether they are of the same complexity:

Question. Are the equivalence relations ess and p on (H) (or (H)) N N p ≡ ≡ B P Borel reducible to R /c0 and R /ℓ for 1 p< , respectively? ≤ ∞ The Weyl–von Neumann theorem and the work of Ando–Matsuzawa [AM] show that unitary equivalence modulo compact on bounded self- adjoint operators is smooth. The refinement of this given by unitary equiv- alence modulo Schatten p-class has also been studied; see [CP]. We ask:

Question. What is the Borel complexity of unitary equivalence modulo Schatten p-class? Is it smooth? Is it classifiable by countable structures?

Acknowledgements The author would like to thank Clinton Conley, Ilijas Farah, Justin Moore, Camil Muscalu, Melanie Stam and Nik Weaver for helpful conversations and correspondences which contributed to this work, and the anonymous referee for many helpful comments which vastly improved the presentation these results. The author was partially supported by NSERC grant PGSD2- 453779-2014 and NSF grant DMS-1262019. Borel equivalence relations in (H) 15 B References

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