June Newsletter 2017

Message from Ms Davis

Ms Bailey spent two days in the Federation schools just before half term. She enjoyed meeting with many of you. Ms Bailey met with Mr Horsley, Mrs Ward and myself throughout the two days and we made lots of plans to ensure a smooth transition to September. It was a pleasure to work with such an enthusiastic and experienced school leader: I have every confidence that I can hand over the Windmill Federation into safe and caring hands.

Ms Bailey will be in school again on Monday morning and will be in the playground at 8.45am to greet any parents who would like to meet with her.

West Walton Area Children’s Centre

There are some changes to the Children’s Centre which we want to share with you. From the 1 st July 2017, Primary School will no longer be the lead partner, this role will transfer to Nursery and Children’s Centre. Mrs Moore, who is currently our Children’s Centre Manager, is leaving on 16 June 2017 and is taking up a new post. Marsha Jones, currently Children’s Centre Manager at Emneth, will be the new Children’s Centre Manager across the two centres, starting from next week. Please be assured that ALL GROUPS will continue as usual at West Walton and in the village halls with the same group leaders as before, so the changes should not make any difference to you or your children. We can assure you that our staff will continue to offer a good standard of care and service to you and your community. If you have any queries regarding this please contact Marsha Jones at Emneth on 01945 582401 or at West Walton on 01945 588389.

Move Up Days -Thursday 13 th and Friday 14 th July

Most Year 6 children will be visiting Marshland High School for these two days, and the children in other year groups will all move up to their September classes. Parents are invited to meet new teachers for a few minutes after school if you would like:

Years 1 and 2 at 3.00pm on Thursday, Years 3, 5 and 6 at 3.15pm on Thursday and Year 4 at 3.15pm on Friday.

West Walton C P School, School Road, West Walton, PE14 7HA Tel: 01945 583620 E Mail: head@westwalton..sch.uk Website: www.westwaltonprimary.com

Celebrating Our Success

Stars of the Week 24th - 28th April:- Rosie Fensom Cindy Zhang, Alex Clare, Alex Buggey, Thomas Snape, Jack Gibbs & Alanna Beckett Yr 5 2nd - 5th May:-Rosie Walker, Lexi Goult, Davina Barber, Harry Blyth, Harry Painter, Mazie-Lee waters, Christina Birch, Braedon Follen, Archie Grange-Hall, Jamie Terry, Harley Little, Ruby-Ann Jolly, & Freddie Nobbs all Yr 4 8th – 12th May;- Arthur Buckler, Ellie Cavill, Maddie Byron, Megan Slack, Tru Barton & Owen McHugh Yr 3, William Bates, Evie Doughty, Phebe Goose, William Hanslip, Anderson MacCormick, Emmie Parker, Isabella Perks, Olivia Reynolds, & Sonny Sandberg. Yr 6 15th - 19th May:- Georgia Rolston-Earl Yr 2, Tristan Welby, Aidan Brock, Evie Lane, Olivia Reynolds, Phebe Goose, Anderson Maccormick Yr 6 6th - 9th June: Romeo Brinton, Sydney Louise Chaplin, & Lexi Clark Yr R

Behaviour Cup Extra Effort Cup 24th - 28th April:- Rosie Fensom Yr 5 24th - 28th April:- Harry Bright Yr 5 2nd - 5th May:- Braedon Follen Yr 4 2nd - 5th May:- Harley Little Yr 4 8th - 12th May:- SATs Week 8th - 12th May:- SATs Week 15th - 19th May:- Simona Bislyte Yr 3 15th - 19th May:- Bailey Marshall Yr 2 22nd - 26th May:- Poppy Taylor Yr 2 22nd - 26th May:- Tallulah Jones Yr 3 6th - 9th June:- JJ Green Yr R 6th - 9th June:- Faye Norman yr R

Attendance Cup Friend of the Week 17th - 21st April:- Class 4 24th - 28th April:- Lola Harrison 24th - 28th April:- Class 4 & Harry Blyth Yr 4 2nd - 5th May:- Class 6 2nd - 5th May:- Rebekah Hale & Courtney 8th - 12th May:- Class 5 Veal Yr 5 15th - 19th May:- Class 6 15th - 19th May:- Jack Gibbs Yr 5 22th - 26th May:- Class 1 5th - 9th June:- Lucy Welby Yr 5 5th - 9th June :- Class 2

June 2017 Page 2 Diary dates for the term June 2017 W/c 19th Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment residency Whole School Tues 20th OAE Concert at the Corn Exchange Yr 2—6 Fri 30th Summer Activity Day at KS1 all schools July 2017 Thurs 6th, 9.30am Summer Concert in the church Yr R—6 Fri 7th KS2 Summer Activity Day at West Walton KS2 all schools Thurs 13th & Fri 14th Move up days Whole school Weds 19th, 6pm Year 6 Leavers’ Performance Details to follow Fri 21st Last day of term Whole School Summer holidays 24th July—5th Sept 2017 Weds 6th September First day of term Yr 1—6

Orchestra of the Age of the Enlightenment

We have an exciting opportunity to be working with a world renowned orchestra this summer. We are delighted that rural Norfolk is included in their busy schedule. The children have already met the players and have enjoyed some sessions working on some fantastic music around the theme of Musical Landscapes.

Many of you will recognise that this is our third year working with the orchestra, and have received further information about the concert in the Corn Exchange on Tuesday 20 th June. In addition, please note this date – Wednesday 21 st June at 3.15pm All parents and children are invited to a special Forest School session, to build dens with members of the orchestra! You will need to remember to bring wellies if you want to join in. This promises to be great fun with mud, trees, logs, water – and musical instruments! Do come and join us! The gate will be kept open until 4.30pm. We are really pleased that the School Association will be supporting this event by selling refreshments.

Classes for September

Please note that while most classes remain the same there are one or two changes. See the separate information sheet going out with this newsletter.

Summer As the warm weather has arrived please ensure that your child has sun cream applied before school and comes to school with a full water bottle and a hat. Many thanks

June 2017 Page 3 Maths Stay and Share Sessions

Thank you to all our parents who have joined us for our interactive Maths mornings this term. In lessons this year, we have worked hard on our “reasoning” skills in maths, explaining how we arrived at our answer, and explaining why we think the answer is correct. We hope you enjoyed the challenges and were impressed by the children’s ideas!

Year 6 Meeting for Marshland High School

Friday 23 th June - 3:15pm Meeting for parents and Year 6 pupils who are going to MHS in September. Mr Kennedy (Deputy Head) of MSH will meet with Year 6 children during the afternoon. At 3.15pm he will then be available to answer any queries or concerns for Parents and Carers.

Friday 30 th June KS1 Federation Summer Activity Day

All pupils from Year 1 to Year 2 will be taking part in fun activities throughout the day at Wal- pole Highway School. Full PE kits and a packed lunch will be required. Children will travel to and from the school by coach. There will be a letter in the next few days for you to complete regarding lunches.

Friday 7 th July: KS2 Federation Summer Activity Day

All pupils from Year 3 to Year 6 will be taking part in fun activities throughout the day at West Walton Primary School. Full PE kits and a packed lunch will be required

School Uniform Logo

Any new uniform purchased from September will have the new logo which you may have already seen on staff uniforms. Children can continue to wear existing uniforms, this only affects purchases of new uniforms. School colours remain the same. Tesco and Price & Buckland online sites are closed at the moment but will be ready to run in a couple of weeks with the new logo.

June 2017 Page 4