Are we , or are we users? The role of natural processing in human-centric news recommenders that nudge users to diverse content Myrthe Reuver1∗ Nicolas Mattis 1∗ Marijn Sax2∗ Suzan Verberne3 Nava Tintarev5 Natali Helberger2 Judith Moeller2 Sanne Vrijenhoek2 Antske Fokkens1,4 Wouter van Atteveldt1 * The first three authors contributed equally, and are shared first authors. 1 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 2University of Amsterdam 3Leiden University 4Eindhoven University of Technology 5Maastricht University {myrthe.reuver,n.m.mattis}, [email protected]

Abstract We focus on one case in this paper: news recom- mender systems (NRS) such as news aggregators, In this position paper, we present a research online newspapers, or news widgets. We believe agenda and ideas for facilitating exposure to Natural Language Processing (NLP) should have diverse viewpoints in news recommendation. a more prominent role in the development of NRS. Recommending news from diverse viewpoints These systems are an interesting case because the is important to prevent potential filter bubble role of the media has historically always been un- effects in news consumption, and stimulate a healthy democratic debate. To account for the derstood as essential to democratic societies and complexity that is inherent to as citi- democratic debate (Karppinen, 2013). Our cen- zens in a democracy, we anticipate (among oth- tral argument is that the users of NRS are not just ers) individual-level differences in acceptance collections of data points, but are democratic citi- of diversity. We connect this idea to techniques zens, who perform more social roles than that of in Natural Language Processing, where distri- a consumer. We propose a research agenda to put butional language models would allow us to the user as a human being at the centre of NLP place different users and news articles in a mul- tidimensional space based on semantic con- and Computer Science research into recommender tent, where diversity is operationalized as dis- systems. tance and variance. In this way, we can model For a functioning democracy, we want users to individual “latitudes of diversity” for different come into contact with opinions, debates, or ideas users, and thus personalize viewpoint diversity they disagree with or even dislike. This implies that in support of a healthy public debate. In ad- simply optimizing a news recommender system for dition, we identify technical, ethical and con- user preference, as is common now, is not enough. ceptual issues related to our presented ideas. Our investigation describes how NLP can play The public value of diversity, in terms of a diver- a central role in diversifying news recommen- sity of issues and opinions, is essential (Helberger, dations. 2015, 2019). There already is work on the question of how opinion, sentiment, and argument diversity 1 Introduction for news recommendation should be understood and captured by (evaluation) metrics (Vrijenhoek Recommender systems are very present in our on- et al., 2021), or NLP tasks (Reuver et al., 2021). line experience. Services recommend movies in In this paper, we want to develop a different addi- movie streaming platforms, possible purchases in tional perspective. We propose that a turn to the online shops, and news articles on news sites. Peo- user – i.e., democratic citizens reading news recom- ple increasingly live their lives through digital envi- mended by NRS – is needed. This paper explores ronments that recommend some items over others. challenges and opportunities for facilitating this Recommender systems thus have a significant influ- with the help of NLP. ence on the lived experiences of people. Precisely More specifically, we propose the notion of in- because we can expect recommender systems to dividual latitutes of diversity which can help make perform ever more (important) functions in the near the diversity of news recommendations more mean- future, it is essential to incorporate the people they ingful by taking the user-as-a-human-being into ac- end up influencing in our thinking about recom- count. Although the promotion of news diversity is mender systems. desirable from societal perspective, not every user


Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on NLP for Positive Impact, pages 47–59 Bangkok, Thailand (online), August 5, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational has a similar acceptance of diversity. Simply maxi- els of democracy to explain how different types mizing the diversity of news recommendations can of diversity are important to democracy. The gen- therefore have serious backfire effects (Helberger eral idea found in this literature is that depending et al., 2018; Taber and Lodge, 2006). on one’s conception of democracy, different kinds We combine perspectives from of news diversity can be important (Bozdag and science, NLP, and ethics to develop this contribu- van den Hoven, 2015; Dahlberg, 2011; Helberger, tion. Building on theories from communication 2019; Stromb¨ ack¨ , 2005). Examples of such models science, we explore how the notion of latitude of are the deliberative model of democracy (Haber- diversity can help facilitate engagement with di- mas, 2006), which emphasizes democracy requires verse content. Work in the NLP field is used to a rational debate in society of different opinions suggest how NRS can capture viewpoint diversity and ideas, and the agonistic model (Mouffe, 2005), in news articles and connect to individual users’ which emphasizes the importance of facilitating latitudes of diversity. Lastly, we incorporate ethical civil but ongoing clashes between different politi- reflections on the value and need of diversity, as cal beliefs, ideologies, and emotions. well as on some of the risks of designing (data- Regardless of the specific democratic theory one intensive) personalized recommendation engines. supports in the news diversity context, nearly all In our paper, these different fields and perspec- strands of democratic theory emphasize the impor- tives all contribute to answer one central question: tance of promoting viewpoint diversity in this con- How do we nudge citizens towards actual engage- text. For example, for both the deliberative democ- ment with diverse viewpoints in news recommender racy and agonistic democracy models, “encourag- systems with NLP techniques, while treating the ing encounters between conflicting ideas seems to user as a complex human and democratic citizen? be a shared goal” (Karppinen, 2013). Both require To answer this question, our paper is organized citizens of a democracy to have a diverse news diet as follows. Section2 introduces why viewpoint di- in order to be informed about a diversity of view- versity in the news context is important for democ- points, because this can help citizens to understand racy, how NLP is connected, and why focusing on (and sometimes even empathize) with (the view- maximizing viewpoint diverse recommendations points of) other citizens. Diverse viewpoints can is not enough. Section3 presents our ideas and also provide them with information to help them discusses the current technical and conceptual chal- think and deliberate critically about issues that mat- lenges relevant for building a more user-centric ter to them or society in general. Serving citizens news recommender. Section4 explores some im- with a diverse set of viewpoints can also help in- portant ethical questions that should be considered vigorate productive clashes of political opinion or before implementing our ideas. Lastly, we restate ideology. our argument in Section5. With ‘viewpoint’, these theoretical models usu- ally mean different arguments, claims, or ideas 2 Background about the same publicly debated topics. Exam- ples of such topics are vaccines and immigration. We first provide some background literature for As viewpoint diversity is an (almost) universally our idea for diverse news recommendation. Sec- shared goal among different democratic theories, tion 2.1 addresses why viewpoint news diversity is we do not choose or support one specific model of important from a democratic perspective. In Sec- democracy in particular. tion 2.2, we introduce how viewpoint diversity is connected to NLP. We then discuss nudging theory and how it can inform news recommender design 2.2 The connection with NLP in Section 2.3. Lastly, we explain how our con- The focus on viewpoint diversity has as a central cept of “latitude of diversity” can help make news task the detection of viewpoints in news articles. recommenders more user-centric in Section 2.4. In the NLP field, the detection of different claims (Levy et al., 2014), arguments (Stab and Gurevych, 2.1 Why (viewpoint) diversity matters in the 2017), and stances (Mohammad et al., 2016) are news context established tasks that are related. Work on such The literature on the importance of news diversity tasks is often on topics publicly debated in a po- for a democratic society describes various mod- litical context, such as vaccinations, abortion, and

48 immigration. This makes them potentially useful interested in diverse viewpoints (Kim and Pasek, for operationalization of the viewpoint . 2020; Tintarev, 2017). We argue that considering Large-scale pre-trained language models (Devlin individual users’ latitudes of diversity increases et al., 2019) are a recent development in NLP, and the likelihood that a given user engages with di- could be used to detect viewpoints. Reimers et al. verse recommendations and potentially prevents (2019) use such methods for the NLP task claim de- unwanted side effects. tection. In this work such language models are also If individual latitudes of diversity are not con- used to cluster similar claims and arguments, giv- sidered, users who are not interested in or open ing the opportunity to also detect dissimilar claims towards diverse viewpoints might simply not select or arguments. See section 3.1.2 for more concrete diverse recommendations. Moreover, recommend- and detailed ideas we have on the operationaliza- ing news that are too diverse can backfire (Hel- tion of viewpoints with NLP. berger et al., 2018). Motivated reasoning literature 2.3 Nudging suggests that people evaluate counter-attitudinal information more critically than attitude-congruent Besides the detection of viewpoints, we also seek information (Taber and Lodge, 2006). Under some to incorporate nudge-like personalization features. circumstances, this might go as far as that exposure The key insight from the nudging literature (Thaler to counter-attitudinal information causes people to and Sunstein, 2008) is that environments can be de- actively counter-argue, resulting in even stronger signed in a manner that takes heuristics and biases attitudes and increased political polarisation (Bail into account to steer behavior of the users of these et al., 2018; Nyhan and Reifler, 2010). Moreover, environments. Such nudges could also be aimed the exposure to diverse viewpoints has also been at the individual person. The most famous exam- linked to decreased political participation (Kim and ple is the ‘cafeteria example’, where the healthy Kwak(2017), but also see Matthes et al.(2019)). food options are placed in an easier to reach spot Thus, more diversity is not always better. than the unhealthy options. As a result, more peo- ple choose the healthier options without making A (drastically simplified) example may help to the unhealthy options completely unavailable. The show the potential relevance of latitudes of diver- same approach can be connected to the idea of a sity. Imagine a close-minded extremist and a very “healthy media diet”, where “healthy” is connected moderate open-minded person. The extremist is not to a healthy democracy and public debate. at all open to most of the news stories that do not Nudging has previously been incorporated in rec- closely resemble their own worldview; such stories ommender systems. A 2021 systematic review by fall far outside their latitude of diversity. Presenting Jesse and Jannach(2021) reveals that of 87 nudg- them with very moderate news stories may enrage ing mechanisms identified in the literature, only a them and turn them off from the news source(s) small subset was previously investigated in the con- in question and engaging in the public debate. So, text of recommender systems. These include using given their latitude of diversity, it makes sense to visuals to increase item salience, item re-ranking, focus on recommendations that are slightly less ex- and setting defaults. For news recommendation tremist than the one they would choose themselves, specifically, Gena et al.(2019) found that nudges but that are still close enough to what they would based on giving users the idea certain items were accept so that there is at least a possibility that popular were not effective, while negative fram- they would interact with the recommendations. It ing (nudging users to consume certain news items would not make much sense to recommend overly because of limited availability) was. The authors diverse content to the extremist that they would argue that future work should address which types never engage with to begin with. For the moderate of nudges are ethically acceptable in the area of and open-minded person, the far wider latitude of persuasive technologies. diversity means that much more diverse content can be recommended to them without there being a 2.4 Latitudes of diversity serious risk that they doesn’t want to engage with We define latitude of diversity as an individual the recommended content because it is too fringe user’s acceptance of diversity. Research shows that for them. (groups of) individual users can differ considerably Some methods and interventions that aim to di- in the extent to which they are open towards and versify news consumption already exist (Bozdag

49 and van den Hoven, 2015). However, they do not ular challenge to the news domain is the cold start take individual latitudes of diversity into account. problem (news items are added every day, and the Moreover, news consumption choices do not exist newest do not yet have user interaction data useful in a vacuum, but depend on the nature and con- for a recommendation algorithm). A related issue tent of the information environment (Powell et al., specific for viewpoint-diverse recommendation is 2020), as well as various characteristics of the user the constant appearance of new topics and notable and the situation in which they make a selection entities in the news, and thus also new perspectives (Meijer and Kormelink, 2020; Tintarev, 2017). As and viewpoints on these entities and topics that of now, news recommendation often fails to capture need to be detected. We address these issues in these individual and situational differences in news the following sections when they come up in our selection. Understanding and modelling users’ in- pipeline. dividual latitude of diversity is one step towards 3.1.1 Identifying current issues or topics in alleviating this issue. the news 3 Ideas and challenges for user-centric Before we can identify what different perspectives diverse recommendation or viewpoints are debated in the news, we need to automatically identify (contentious) political de- Earlier solutions to diversity in NRS have focused bates in large collections of news texts. Such de- on author or metadata-based diversity (Lu et al., bates are for instance ones on immigration, or vacci- 2020), or on optimizing for diversity without con- nation. Commonly, only one or a handful recurring sidering user interest and susceptibility (Vrijenhoek contentious debates are discussed in current work et al., 2021). We take the next step towards sup- on arguments and debates in the news. Some such port of democratic values in NRS: putting the user topics used as case-studies are the benefits and dan- central, and especially the individual’s latitude of gers of vaccination (Morante et al., 2020) and the diversity. We aim to optimize not for user prefer- ethics of abortion (Draws et al., 2021). ence, but for the user’s diversity range required to One option for identifying topics is a rule-based participate in a functioning democracy. This is a method with pre-defined lists or gazetteers of more nuanced and long-term goal than the short- known contentious, newsworthy topics, for in- term one of user preference. In order to answer our stance websites listing (political) debates topics, research question, we will discuss the different ele- as done by Draws et al.(2021) and Roy and Gold- ments in this problem separately in the following wasser(2020), and using these lists either for fur- subsections. ther manual annotation of a training set used to train a classifying machine model, or us- 3.1 Representation and processing of news ing heuristics and rules to identify these topics in articles news articles. Another option is manual annotation The representation of news articles for a viewpoint- of (journalistic) topics already being distinguished diverse and user-centric recommendation has sev- in the (online) news room by editors or journal- eral sub-problems. In good NLP fashion, we break ists, as used by Lu et al.(2020), who use features the diverse recommendation pipeline up into sev- such as website sections (e.g.“sports”, “politics” or eral sub-tasks, which also helps us to think about more fine-grained: “U.S. elections”) and journalis- the problem(s) and solutions related to these. tic tags (e.g. “opinion”) to represent news articles We identify four separate steps in our pipeline. for a diverse recommender. First, identifying the different current issues (or One challenge here is the above-mentioned ap- topics) in the news. Second, identifying different pearance of new topics in the news. One potentially viewpoints on these current issues expressed in the useful technique for this is zero- or one-shot learn- media content. Third, measuring diversity com- ing. In such an approach, the model learns to gen- putationally. And lastly, measuring and providing eralize from one or several example topic how to different latitudes of diversity to different users. identify all kinds of different topics (or, in the next In the following sections, we will discuss these step, viewpoints) not encountered in the training different sub-tasks of the problem of how to rep- data. This option has been explored for topic and resent content of a news recommender system in stance detection in Allaway and McKeown(2020). order to create a diverse recommender. One partic- Current state of the art text classification relies

50 on vector space representations of texts. Tradi- stances often related to a particular opinion on a tional vector space models and neural language contentious issue (e.g. is the text pro, against, or models such as Doc2vec (Le and Mikolov, 2014), neutral towards immigration?). This is inherently the Universal Sentence Encoder (Cer et al., 2018), related to the idea of debates in society between and sentence-BERT (Reimers and Gurevych, 2019) different viewpoints on these contentious topics, semantically represent documents (sentences) in implicitly or explicitly expressed in news articles. a multi-dimensional space. We argue that vector Both unsupervised and supervised methods are space representations could also be useful when used for identifying viewpoints. The most com- considering different users with different latitudes monly used unsupervised approach is Topic Mod- of diversity for different topics or viewpoints. It elling, as used by Draws et al.(2021) and Mulder means modelling not only articles in a vector space, et al.(2021) to not only identify different topics, but also users. but also different perspectives and (sub)topics. An 3.1.2 Automatically identifying different unsupervised approach is useful for a cold-start viewpoints problem, but also potentially poses validation is- sues (do we know what the model is measuring? We define a viewpoint as a public argument or Is it actually measuring a coherent topic or view- claim in a public debate on an issue. For instance, point?). Most relevant NLP tasks (stance detec- concerning the topic of immigration a citizen can tion, claim detection) are thereby addressed with have different viewpoints, claims, and ideas. supervised methods. This means the models are Most of the current work on politically related trained at detecting viewpoints by examples in their debates in news articles exclusively uses English- training data, which are often manually annotated. language data, specifically: news articles news out- Thus there is by definition a finite set of different lets based in the United States. The U.S. politi- viewpoints that the model can detect (the annotated cal context and also publicly debated issues make ones). perspectives and viewpoints easily translatable to identifying two opposing broad political groups, Useful datasets for training models for detect- and this is often what happens in such papers: left- ing viewpoints consist of textdata on topics that wing (i.e. the Democratic party) and right-wing are in public debate and the news, also annotated (the Republican party) viewpoints are detected and for the opinion on these topics that is expressed extracted, as in Roy and Goldwasser(2020). How- in the text unit (sentence, paragraph, or article). ever, not every political climate has such a polar- This is the case for the sentential argument min- ized and two-party political system, so such an ing corpus (Stab et al., 2018), which consists of approach might not fit every language or context. English sentences on eight controversial topics, Nuanced concept from political science such as such as abortion and minimum wage, annotated framing and agenda setting have also been anal- for stance in three classes: pro, con, and neutral to- ysed with NLP beyond the U.S context, e.g., in wards the topic. There are also established datasets Russian news media (Field et al., 2018). that are more fine-grained, such as the MPQA Cor- There are several related NLP tasks and solu- pus (Deng and Wiebe, 2015): English news texts tions to identifying different viewpoints on (polit- annotated for negative or positive sentiment to- ically contentious) issues in news texts. Names wards targets (such as events or persons), but also for such tasks are stance detection (Hanselowski more fine-grained annotation of opinions, beliefs, et al., 2018), argument mining (Stab and Gurevych, and judgements. Some datasets focus on stances, 2017), and perspective detection (Morante et al., claims, or arguments on one topic, such as climate 2020; van Son et al., 2016). All these tasks fo- change (Luo et al., 2020; Varini et al., 2020) or cus on capturing an opinion on issues, events, or vaccination (Morante et al., 2020). entities, which make them useful for identifying Detecting new stances on new topics that are viewpoints for a recommender system that supports not in the training data could provide a challenge democratic values such as deliberation. In Reuver for supervised models. Like with new topic iden- et al.(2021), several of these aformentioned NLP tification discussed above, few-shot learning has tasks and their usefulness for this goal are discussed recently been used for complex -related in detail. For instance, a ‘stance’ can be useful for NLP tasks such as topic and stance detection and operationalizing the idea of a ‘viewpoint’, since summarization, and allows language models to gen-

51 eralize beyond their training data (Allaway and requires NLP models to automatically measure McKeown, 2020; Schick and Schutze¨ , 2020). whether the chosen texts contain more or less ac- Do note that all mentioned NLP tasks and tivating content than in the pool of available texts. datasets would operationalize the idea of a view- NLP offers methods to measure sentiment and ac- point differently (e.g. either as an argument, claim, tivation in text, though whether such models cor- stance, or sentiment on a topic). Different tasks rectly and reliably operationalize such social sci- also often use different types of text: social media ence has recently been questioned (van texts, online discussion boards, or news articles Atteveldt et al., 2021). (see for a discussion Reuver et al.(2021)), and The metrics from Vrijenhoek et al.(2021) that even within these tasks there are many completely measure “representation” and “alternative voices” different approaches in method and annotation. Se- in news texts require measuring different view- lecting one of these frameworks, datasets, or tasks points and ideas, of especially marginalized groups. requires careful reflection on what aspect(s) of a We run into the same challenges outlined above: viewpoint is central to a certain recommender, con- the appearance of new topics, viewpoints, and opin- text, or even specific debate, and how NLP can best ion groups in news media. We need to further support this idea. scrutinise the use and implementation of these eval- uation metrics connected to models of democracy. 3.1.3 Defining, capturing, and evaluating Especially so, since consistent and nuanced eval- diversity uation metrics would help further advance recent After identifying topics and viewpoints in news news recommendation attempts that combine pub- texts, the next challenge for our approach becomes lic and journalistic values like diversity with user measuring, capturing and evaluating for a diversity preferences. of these viewpoints or ideas. This is needed for As highlighted above, an approach based on vec- supporting a healthy democratic debate. tor space models could aid diversification, and do There is no shortage of work in recommender so in a way that can ensure individual users are not systems on different metrics related to diversity, alienated by suggestions too different from their from “unexpectedness” and “serendipity” to “cov- own preferences. Such a vector space approach can erage” (Zhou et al., 2010). These metrics assess the do this because the idea of “distance” in a vector score of recommendation sets, and can be used to space. This means we can calculate relative dis- optimize and assess certain recommender systems tance between articles, viewpoints, and topics, and on their performance beyond simply click accuracy. the optimal distance for individual users. Vector However, none of these beyond-accuracy metrics space models allow the use of similarity metrics are informed by theories or models of democracy, such as cosine similarity to find (dis)similar content. and implicitly or explicitly still aim for user prefer- This allows us to compute the distance between a ence rather than a larger-scale societal goal. user representation (based on history or personae) An exception are the metrics in Vrijenhoek et al. and news articles, and find similar or dissimilar (2021), who explicitly connect different diversity viewpoints or opinions, such as in Reimers et al. metrics for the evaluation and optimization of news (2019). It also means an optimal distance for in- recommender systems to goals and ideas in demo- dividual users could be found, where “maximally cratic models. Metrics from this study can be used distant viewpoints” could be interpreted as “(a di- to measure or optimize for different aspects related verse set of) different viewpoints”. to diversity and different models of democracy. These metrics concern the representation of minor- 3.1.4 Measuring different latitudes of ity voices, whether the recommendations activate diversity users to take action, and the degree of fragmenta- In our case, there is also the challenge of connect- tion (difference) between different users in news ing our technical implementation for news items to recommender systems. Implementing these met- the individual user’s latitude of diversity, which is rics requires NLP methods. For instance, the “Acti- again linked to our goal of supporting public diver- vation” metric can be operationalized in terms of sity values and democratic debate. This aspect also articles’ emotional valence and , because has related challenges, such as the difficulty of tech- emotional content is more likely to elicit concrete nically identifying which news articles fall into the actions from readers (Vrijenhoek et al., 2021). This narrow latitude of diversity people are susceptible

52 to in (news)texts. complicates the matter, is that while news consump- The envisioned algorithm will recommend arti- tion is often measured in terms of clicks and ex- cles within the user’s latitude of diversity, with this posure time, in reality it includes various other latitude’s width changing with user’s comfort, con- reading practices (e.g. checking and scanning) that text, as well as interest (clickability). The model are harder to capture (Meijer and Kormelink, 2020; would optimize for the articles at the edges of this Costera Meijer and Groot Kormelink, 2015). latitude (a maximally diverse set of viewpoint that An alternative strategy could be to use algo- is still within the user’s latitude of diversity). rithmic recommender personae, which are ”pre- An added bonus of such an approach is the ex- configured and anthropomorphized types of rec- plainability to users. Users will perhaps be able ommendation algorithms” (p. 4) that users can to see their specific place in the multidimensional choose from to explicitly express their preferred news landscape, or adjust the values of their lati- recommendation logic in a certain situation and tude, though this might be counter-productive for for specific goals. (Harambam et al., 2018). This our goal of promoting engagement with viewpoints would grant users more control over the recom- the user likes less. mendation algorithm (Harambam et al., 2018), and allow for meaningful user modelling in the absence 3.2 The User of personalised user profiles. However, there is a In terms of user modelling, determining users’ indi- natural tension between granting users control over vidual latitudes of diversity requires understanding the type of content that they want to consume, and not only what counts as diverse information to a nudging them towards specific news selections (see given user, but also if and to what extent that user is also section4). open to engaging with diverse news recommenda- 3.2.2 Individual-level differences tions at a given point in time (see also Section 2.4). This introduces three interrelated challenges which To maximise the likelihood of engagement with di- we address in this section. verse news, methods taking into account individual latitudes of diversity should determine which con- 3.2.1 Data availability for user profiles tent is acceptable for a given reader at a given point In section 3.1, we outlined several promising ap- in time. Thereby, situations where introducing too proaches for how NLP techniques can help rep- much diversity limits user satisfaction (Bryanov resent news articles and their level of diversity. et al., 2020) could be prevented. However, linking article representations to individ- In addition to the extent to which they value ual users also requires modelling these users’ past diverse viewpoints, users also differ in how they consumption and situational information needs. process them. Especially when it comes to politi- In many cases, this may necessitate the creation cal content, selective exposure research shows that and maintenance of personalised user profiles that attitudes affect information processing in various capture users’ reading histories as well as pref- biased ways (Stroud, 2017). For example, Hart erences of style, sources and content. However, et al.(2009) show that people exhibit a moderate since most news consumption takes place anony- preference for information whose views align with mously (Raza and Ding, 2020), session-based, and their own across a of contexts. In contrast, stretches across various mediums and platforms counter-attitudinal information is often evaluated (Bruns, 2019), meaningful information for creating more critically (Taber and Lodge, 2006). Therefore, user profiles is often not available in the NRS do- NRS users with strongly-held attitudes are likely to main. Thus, a first challenge in user modelling is exhibit confirmation bias in their news selections. filling in those blanks. Moreover, selective exposure indicates potential One way to achieve this are collaborative filter- backfire effects when users are exposed to dissimi- ing approaches where missing data is estimated lar opinion. This includes not only decreased user based on other users with a (seemingly) similar satisfaction, but also increased attitude polarisation reading behaviour. However, this approach is lim- (Bail et al., 2018; Helberger and Wojcieszak, 2018; ited by both the quality and quantity of user data Nyhan and Reifler, 2010; Taber and Lodge, 2006). available. It also leaves little room to capture users’ In sum, news recommenders that aim to con- situational reading goals, which might vary con- tribute to pro-social democratic outcomes and miti- siderably between reading sessions. What further gate potential backfire effects need to accommodate

53 individual-level differences (see also (Rieger et al., better. In practice, this requires collecting (more) 2020)). Modelling users’ latitude of diversity is user data and building profiles. By doing so, NRS therefore an important objective of diverse NRS. providers strengthen their position of power in re- To this end, news recommenders could learn from lation to their users. This power can, of course, past user behaviour either implicitly, or through ex- be used to only try to build better, more diverse plicit feedback options that allow users to express NRS. But with this promise of user empowerment when they consider an article to be too far out of also comes an inevitable risk of user manipulation. their comfort zone. What remains open however, There is a growing literature which addresses the is to what extent NRS could also deliberately facil- manipulative potential of data-driven digital envi- itate drift, whereby individual users become more ronments which try to nudge users towards certain open towards diverse viewpoints over time. ends or outcomes (Yeung, 2017; Lanzing, 2019; Susser et al., 2018, 2019; Sax, 2021). When digital 3.2.3 Situational differences environments use user data to learn about (patterns A further complication for user modelling stems of behavior of) their users and run experiments from the fact that many news selection predictors which, through feedback loops, can inform subtle are highly situational. Whereas attitudes and diver- (personalized) tweaks to the digital environment, sity values can be considered comparatively stable, one is dealing with a subtle but important line be- news consumption is also shaped by a variety of tween user empowerment and user manipulation. It additional situational factors (Hasebrink and Popp, is important to ask whose interests are being served 2006; Raza and Ding, 2020). For example, qualita- by nudging strategies. tive research shows that individual news-selections This question is as relevant as ever in the (online) are guided by different goals that can range from news sector. The commercialization of the news general surveillance to more specific goals such as has been discussed elaborately for decades (e.g. gaining new perspectives or acquiring fodder for (McManus, 2009; Baldasty, 1992; Girija, 2019) conversation (Meijer and Kormelink, 2020). and will remain important as private platforms such Research into context-aware recommendation as Google and Facebook try (and succeed) to cap- might help to better capture such differences. As ture the news industry. In such a commercialized of now, context-aware news recommendation is news context, one cannot simply assume that (an largely limited to location, time of day, or device increased) collection of user data and user profiling used (Asikin and Worndl¨ , 2014; De Pessemier tools for purposes of personalized nudging strate- et al., 2016; Lommatzsch et al., 2017), but there gies will only be used to benefit the news consumer. have also been efforts to capture more complex The very same data and profiling tools that can constructs such as emotions (Mizgajski and Morzy, be used for increasing exposure to news diversity 2019). Further work into this direction could help can, at the very same time, can also be misused better capture users’ situational information needs. in pursuit of commercial or political ends, without If users employ them continuously – a notion that the knowledge of the user and/or their ability to (Harambam et al., 2019) call into question – the object. The difficult line between empowerment aforementioned personae might also be a promising and manipulation is underlined by the challenges way to tap into those situational differences. news organization face in navigating the digital 4 Ethical considerations news economy. As a study by Bodo´(2018) makes clear, different actors within one and the same news 4.1 Ethics of Nudging towards Diverse News organization have to engage in a difficult process Consumption of mutual sense-making and negotiation to decide Thus far we have explored how the user as a hu- how a NRS should be implemented and what the man being can be put more at the center of news NRS should aim to optimize. recommender systems by developing the idea of The second potential risk is to reduce the news latitudes of diversity, which builds on NLP research readers’ autonomy. In general, it is important to and methods. However, this proposed research di- note that Thaler and Sunstein’s suggestion that rection also comes with potential risks. nudging is a policy and design principle without First, our proposed approach implies that the any serious drawbacks has been met with a wide providers of NRS must get to know their users range of criticisms. Many authors point out that

54 nudging strategies can in fact fail to respect the do not consist of careful consideration of the exact autonomy of citizens (Bovens, 2009; Yeung, 2012; contents and purposes of datasets (Paullada et al., Saghai, 2013; Engelen and Nys, 2020). If we un- 2020), further complicating how to ensure distri- derstand autonomy as the capacity to critically de- butional language models trained on large datasets liberate about one’s own intentions, preferences, contain diverse and representative language. values, and available options in order to make deci- For diverse news recommendation, these data sions one can consider one’s own (Sax, 2021), our biases are important to consider. When detecting nudging-inspired proposal raises questions. We do, contentious topics and viewpoints in political de- after all, suggest to try to subtly steer news readers’ bates, such biases potentially leading to models behaviors based on what is important from a soci- only detecting certain viewpoints are especially un- etal perspective. Are we not thereby limiting the welcome. We do not purport to solve these issues, autonomy of the news reader? One important con- but we do want to highlight them. sideration is not only whether choice is influenced, but also, equally important, how choice is influ- 5 Conclusion enced. For example, when a news organization is In this paper, we presented an important objective transparent about its attempt and/or used strategies for societal impact of NLP: (viewpoint) diversity in to nudge news readers, those news readers can in- news recommendation to support a healthy demo- corporate this information in their decision-making cratic debate. Going further than previous work, on whether – and if so: how – to use the news we connect diversity in news recommendation to platform. Being respectful of the news readers’ au- democratic theory and to findings in communica- tonomy can thus co-exist with attempts to shape tion science on individual user differences in ac- behavior for public values (Susser et al., 2019). ceptance of diversity. We conclude that to foster a Still, nudging strategies usually aren’t either fully healthy democratic public debate, we should detect transparent or completely opaque in digital envi- viewpoints, but also detect individual latitudes of ronments, so questions concerning the autonomy diversity. NLP can play a pivotal role in these tasks: of news readers will remain. vector space models would allow us to place differ- Lastly, there might be viewpoints that should not ent users (or user representations) and news articles be recommended at all, because they are, for in- in a multidimensional space, where diversity is op- stance, explicitly anti-democratic or incite hate and erationalized as distance and variance. Thereby, we violence. Determining which viewpoints should could personalize different users’ latitudes of di- be excluded from recommendations, or receive a versity, and accordingly deliver diverse recommen- flag and/or warning for users, is challenging and dations that support a healthy public debate while requires a separate analysis. For now, we just want still keeping the user satisfied. However, we also to flag that the existence of this difficult challenge. point out several technical, conceptual, and ethical problems that show this objective needs more than 4.2 Ethical issues with language models the “plug and play” of NLP solutions, but rather requires further research and careful reflection. An additional consideration concerns the methods and data used to facilitate this recommendation. Acknowledgments The role of NLP, and vector space models, in this problem is not necessarily a “plug-and-play” ap- This research is funded through Open Competi- proach where we can take an already pre-trained tion Digitalization Humanities and Social Science model and simply plug it into our recommendation grant nr 406.D1.19.073 awarded by the Nether- pipeline. Pre-trained language models can intro- lands Organization of Scientific Research (NWO). duce bias, hate speech, and language not represen- We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers tative of real-life language use in the model by its whose detailed comments helped improve the paper. training data based on a large, but in terms of diver- All opinions and remaining errors are our own. sity very limited set of internet texts (Bender et al., 2021). Diversity for news recommendation is there- fore not only important for the recommendation output, but also for the texts in the language model input. Additionally, data practices of NLP currently

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