UBS–ETF SLI Swiss Leader Index®

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UBS–ETF SLI Swiss Leader Index® under normal conditions, shall not exceed a spread of 2% (1% above and below the intraday net asset value). The companies selected by the custodian bank as market makers for trading of units are listed on the Internet at The following companies have concluded market maker contracts: UBS Investment Bank, Timber Hill (Europe) The custodian bank may nominate further companies as market makers at any time. Updates will appear in the prospectus and on the Internet and notifica- tion will also be sent to the Swiss Federal Banking Commission. Clearing will be carried out via SIX SIS AG “SIS”. 1.3 Investment objective and investment policy of the fund UBS–ETF SLI Swiss UBS-ETF SLI Swiss Leader Index® aims to replicate the price and return perform- ance of the Swiss Leader Index® (“SLI®”) gross of fees. This investment fund invests primarily in equities issued by companies that Leader Index® are either included in the SLI Swiss Leader Index®, or are not in the SLI Swiss Leader Index®, but for which notification of their inclusion in this index has Investment fund under Swiss law been given, and other investments permitted under the fund contract. (Category Other Funds for Traditional Investments) UBS-ETF SLI Swiss Leader Index® is not supported, pledged, sold or advertised by SIX Swiss Exchange and SIX Swiss Exchange does not Prospectus with integrated fund contract May 2011 assume any warranty of any kind (either express or implied) for the results that may be achieved through use of the SLI® (the “Index”) and/ or for the level of the Index at a particular time or on a particular date. SIX Swiss Exchange is not liable (whether by reason of negligence or any other conduct) for any errors which may appear in the Index and SIX Swiss Exchange is in no way responsible for alerting clients to such errors. The SLI® is a free-float, capital-weighted, non-dividend-adjusted index. The SLI contains the 30 largest, most liquid stocks on the Swiss equity market (domestic stocks) replicated by the SPI® family. For the performance and price indices of the SLI®, the standardisation level was pegged at 1,000 points at Part I Prospectus 31 December 1999. The SLI® was launched on 2 July 2007. The index weighting of an individual stock is limited by means of a 9/4.5 cap- ping model. This means that the index weighting of each of the four largest This prospectus, together with the fund contract which forms an integral part capitalisation stocks is capped at a maximum of 9%. The index weighting of all thereof, the simplified prospectus and the latest annual or semi-annual report (if lower-ranked shares is – if necessary – capped at 4.5%. The cap is calculated published after the latest annual report), serves as the basis for all subscriptions of using a capping factor, which as a rule remains constant for three months. units of this fund. To ensure a high level of liquidity, a special admission and exclusion procedure Only the information contained in the prospectus, the simplified prospectus or the based on the criteria of free-float market capitalisation and liquidity (cumu- fund contract shall be deemed to be valid. lated order book sales) is used. The index-basket adjustments arising from this procedure are, as a rule, made once per year. 1 Information about the investment fund The changes to the index-basket composition are made once a year after prior notice of at least two months on the third Friday in September after close of 1.1 General information on the fund trading. The number of equities and free-float figures are adjusted on two UBS-ETF SLI Swiss Leader Index® is an investment fund governed by Swiss adjustment dates a year (on the third Friday in March and in September after law established under the “Other funds for traditional investments” category close of trading). of the Swiss Collective Investment Schemes Act (CISA) of 23 June 2006. The The capping factors are adjusted on a quarterly basis (the third Friday in March, fund contract was drawn up by UBS Fund Management (Switzerland) AG as June, September and December after close of trading). The capping factors fund management company and presented to the then Swiss Federal Banking are calculated five trading days before the respective adjustment date. Commission (SFBC) with the approval of UBS AG in its capacity as custodian For the March and September reviews, the calculation is based on the actual bank. The fund contract was approved by the Swiss Federal Banking Com- new number of shares and free-float figures. The four shares to be capped at mission for the first time in 2007. 9% are determined during the September review and they remain valid for The fund is based upon a collective investment contract (fund contract) under all adjustment dates during this period. which the fund management company is obliged to provide investors with In the event of major market changes as a result of capital events such as a stake in the fund in proportion to the fund units acquired by them and to mergers or new listings, the Executive Committee of SIX can decide at the manage this fund at its discretion and in its own name in accordance with request of the Index Commission that a security should be admitted to the the provisions of the law and the fund contract. The custodian bank is party SLI® outside the accepted period as long as it clearly fulfils the criteria. For the to the contract in accordance with the tasks conferred upon it by law and the same reasons, a security can also be excluded if the requirements for remaining fund contract. in the SLI® are no longer met. The fund is not subdivided into unit classes. The main risks of the fund are that the return and value of the units are subject In accordance with § 3, prov. 6 of the fund contract, the fund management to changes arising from fluctuations in the returns and value of the shares held company may manage part or all of the assets of various funds collectively in the SLI®. (pooling). As at 18 May 2011, the six largest companies by market capitalisation were 1.2 Listing of the fund on SIX Swiss Exchange weighted as follows in the SLI Swiss Leader Index®. The fund’s units are listed on SIX Swiss Exchange (SIX). The SIX Admission Roche Holding AG 10.16% Board approved the application for listing. The trading of fund units via SIX Novartis AG 9.56% began on 14 September 2007 and is carried out exclusively in Swiss francs Nestlé SA 9.48% (CHF). UBS AG 8.46% This prospectus serves as listing prospectus for the listing of fund units on SIX. ABB Ltd 4.86% The fund management company is responsible for the information contained Cie Financiere Richemont SA 4.69% in this prospectus. To the best of the fund management company’s knowledge To manage fund assets efficiently, the fund management company may use and belief, the information in this prospectus is correct and no significant derivatives. Even under extraordinary market circumstances, the use of these circumstances have been omitted. instruments may not alter the fund’s investment goals or lead to a change in its Units are listed on SIX in order to enable investors to buy and sell units on a investment profile. Due to the projected use of derivatives, this fund qualifies liquid, regulated secondary market, i.e. on the stock exchange, in addition to as a “simple securities fund”. Commitment approach I (simplified procedure) being able to subscribe and redeem units directly from the fund management shall be used for the measurement of risk. company and its distributors. Details regarding the purchase of units in the Only basic forms of derivatives, i.e. swaps and forward transactions (futures primary and secondary markets are given in section 5.2. and forwards), may be used as described in detail in the fund contract (cf. The net asset value was equivalent to around one-tenth of the value of the § 12), provided their underlying securities are permissible investments in ac- SLI Swiss Leader Index® on the date of the listing. cordance with the investment policy. The derivatives can be traded on a stock exchange or another regulated market open to the public or concluded as Market makers over-the-counter (OTC) transactions. Besides market risk, derivatives are also The market makers’ task is to ensure that there is a market for trading units subject to counterparty risk, i.e. the risk that the contracting party is unable of the fund and, within this context, to enter bid and ask rates for the fund’s to meet its obligations and causes a financial loss as a result. units in the SIX trading system. Even under extraordinary market circumstances, the use of these instruments The SFBC requires the custodian bank to ensure that the difference (“spread”) may not result in the fund’s assets being leveraged, nor may it be tantamount between the indicative net asset value per unit (calculated on the basis of the to a short sale. net asset value per unit and adjusted to take account of changes due to trad- Detailed information on the fund’s investment policy and its restrictions, as ing activity in the prices of the stocks included in the SLI Swiss Leader Index well as the permitted investment techniques and instruments (in particular [“intraday net asset value”]) and the price at which investors buy and sell units derivative financial instruments and their scope) are contained in the fund via SIX is kept at an appropriately low level.
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