Ross Watson Hearing Begins in Nanaimo
À ♦ ♦ ♦ WEATHER FORECAST A WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT For 34 houjs ending 5, Saturday : n Caâltol—"Qh. Doctor." os Dominion "The Thundering Herd.” Vfrtof^a and WflnU,—Moderate te Playhouse—"King iHKlo." freeh southerly and weeterly wind», trn- «’olfseum—"A Slap Most Llve." entity fair and nuid. followed by rain. * Volumbia—"Oh. You Tony." -- .BiU. VOL. 66 NO. 62 VICTORIA, B.C., FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1925 -18 PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS ROSS WATSON HEARING BEGINS IN NANAIMO RECEIVED CANADA’S FACES COURT CANADA’S DECLARATION ON NOTE TO LEAGUE; MANY SETTLERS WILL COME ACTION IN FRANCE; DUNCAN BUTCHER, WITNESS WORLD COURT IS CAUSE OF SIRE. DRUMMOND TO CANADA SOON FROM U.S. ALFRED MAGINOT AT NANAIMO BANK ROBBERY Vancouver, March 13.—“-We expect a greater number of settlers to come in from theTnited States this year than in any v MUCH GENEVA DISCUSSION previous year,’’ declared Dr. W. J. Black, director of coloniza HEARING. IDENTIFIES WATSON tion and development for the Canadian National Railways, who This Country Willing, With Certain Reservations, to left for Victoria to-day to confer with members of the British Consider Extension of Compulsory Jurisdiction of Columbia Government on colonization and co-operation between Says Seattle Ex-Detective Accused of Sharing in Coal the provincial administration and the railway company. City Crime Bought Meat December 12 in His Store Permanent Court; Problems of Security and "There a real revival of interest in Canada throughout the Disarmament Sent Over to Next Assembly. central part of the United States,” Dr. Black stated. ‘‘I have in Cowichan Town; Great Interest in Preliminary jqst had a conference with our United States representatives at Trial Indicated by Crowd in Courtroom.
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