-*, . > •••••»..b.n ..V,-, • -.^..^^ ... ,.•.„?-. ,.,,-.. ,„i ^t~^—*e- •• •• - ^^",M...hiUiirtjf.SjMX^'L^^i^»i^^.MT7^..r^r.I I.^IT-II'^ i.. j^n..™.. i.^—— <•••• —w—- • •—n—- •'— •—>—•—**-—* • ••-"•••• n • • •—•• i • • — •—• •••*•• *•• M.>.»H»—w.r.^>fi :'StB3sras ~^->'%l people Read the HERALD otUshed Every Tuesday ,"Itiatice to all; ,?V|1 and Friday JNfoon. - malice tarwardnan*.* ! and SUMMIT RECORD THIRTY-NINTH YEAR. NO. 44 SUMMIT; N. J., FRIDAY AFTERNOON. FEBRUARY 10, 1928 $3.50 PER

!W5H *£SSi [ikenbiirg Again -LIM'OUra BIRTHDAY IS 'Seeking To Save "N SUMMIT r Schedule For Income Tax Deputy Collectors ASKKMItri'MAN HEpORts <»\ SKNATi: U1LI. Mh*Jl drawing Force of Business Interests in Building Inspector i Business - houses in Summit To. aastst Federal Income Taxpayers in fili'it; tlu ir 1!>27 In­ i will he open very generally all Nature's Wonders j Senate mil No. f. I. by Mr day Monday, Lincoln's Birthday, , _. come Tax Returns aa promptly as possible, John It. Itoaers. tol- Abolli knnwir :— Shown at Annnal lector-tor-the Fifth-New Jersey- District. h#s -nrran-Rcdr:i rrhcdTile »< lh' "Andnl»».:-' [Salary Raised and Offi­ -The banks-will be closed all day/ TrSlHttttlit ;'Poh' Trap "Hill." pa-.scd Ui for assignment of Internal Revenue Deputy Colloctors for the The Summit Post Office will ' Conservation .Si'iiiste Mondi:\ jiiuht. For tlie cial Reappointed—New period February :15th to_ March 15th. inclusive. • - v ' iNew Policies For Association's Work in 1928 Ao-' give owe -mail -delivery anil- League Takes Action on ^ilifojrniailou-ul-the JI^IH t-ili.»rtts.. stamp windows will be operi. The Deputy Collectors will not.-only assispih inaking out the Sewer Ordinances Intro of Summit-ai-.wt-ll un fhjfou^hou: noanced by President Holmes—"Credit" Subject Of' until 12 o'clock, noon. The Free , Great Stone Face, Cum Tcturns, but will take tlie necessary affidavits, without uun­ I'lilon C'uiiity. wnn-huic writlt-n charge. duced—Adopt Licenses Public Library wiirbe open only • i berland Falls, Etc. thi-ir rt'pri^i-mativi^ in ih.- i^-^- Principal Address of Evening—Good Dinner, Jolly • (-— from 9 to 12330. The HERALD Taxpayer.^ are urged to tnke advantage of this arriingemfiit," i^lalmv otl\«i( atiiig tfit- pi. ,.;;i;>,4> office will be open all-day.fT by riling their .returns as early aa juiMslblc^. —_, ot the^tiill,— A-»M-ml»Iy«t,iTi -ftifi- and Entertaining Program [Seek Wallace Road Paving The schedule for Summit aiid nearby towns follow;-.: . lulvi.trs tlw Hi-:itAl,I» that h.- , * _~. Petitions To fe Signed ==s=^^t-—. hiO.Uive of an ovvr-grow'iug and powerful force, one hundred and • Town >* Place" Dates full dates inclusive) -viil \ot»- Inr th-> liili wii-t'ii it Xhc Common Council reappoint­ c 1 City iiii'ii rrprt".f>itiiig the mercan'lle intvrests of Summit, attended j A meeting, .of the Summit Con- Summit City Hall March 12'to .March ITi I'lituiji up in flu' lliiun - and ih,.t ed George O. Faikenburg last Tues- Chatham Town Halt he c\pi-c:h-tl;at ihi« bill will h<- Hie annual Jumtmct of iln. Summit .Ruslness Men's Association Wed- ; solvation League7~Bomewltat more March ft to March 7 1 div evening to the office~6f build­ Dr. Johnson Talks Mudlson Madison Truf t Co. cunt'ifd iinti law. ,— _, », - . .. jh'i-Kely attended than usual, was March Kto Manh m sn-s«l:»> i-\^-iiiug at the <";moe Itrtiok Country Club. T|it?re was a sprlnk- ing inspector- v_The appointment -Millhuin— -4^os^-Offlee — -t\-tr.—^mrttTn-Ttr-rr 1 h P4,puar-n Re£cnt to devote the mcr-tings to construct­ vear, but suggested the likelihood] from spoliation tne Franconla v. ive ^talks along business lines. Notch and Great Stone Face, the Valuations ihii it would be made eventually. 1 A •.Kt#«*4I««« :~ AJ.. • 'To do this will require a chalngs magnificent Cumberland Falls or Productions, Makes His The appointment was made the j Arbitration IS Advancing In the body's by-laws, a change "Niagara of the South" in Ten­ sanv evening that 'the Council' — __• • — "Modern Trends myography" Topic. , .Jg^* }** -u STP^S which will be decided on_"at..the nessee, "and the grove" of giant adL.pU(i 'tlic ordinance fixing the! Moral law is no respecter of next meeting, in all probability. trees in tha l Yoscmite National silao of the office at $1,500.. For- numbers, and nations as well as The new step will mean also ainoro Park. It was pointed out that the cierly it. had been $1,200. The ap- individuals arc under the obliga­ organized interest in civic proh- lumbermen who propose to destroy ' at Fortnightly Literature Department ^^^J ^g^ poiutnK nt could not— be \ made, tion of this law to-live up to their lems. Mr. Holmes said that two ll'imntiiiiieii explained, until after the wonderful forests of Franconia contracts. Dr. Willis Fletcher A meeting ,«f tlw Liteniry De- modern biographers,, the lecuircr___a-j, i meetings a year, at least, would' bf (lio ordinance was passed, since it Notch are willing to sell the en­ part ment of n*" \aluatlons 'of taxable "~ ! devoted to a discussion of civic »MS impossible to change the Johnson told the Y's Men's Club tire property, to be preserved as a the FortnigiTtly Club mentioned tins work ot Km 11 laid-" -tlit.-e mo: e tii was held on Wednesday afternoon ratable*, in 1'iiiuii County lor l!»L*N is I layhouse has problems. To these meetings rh« ksalary during the. incumbency of last Tuesday evening. park and wonderland, for $400,000, wig in his "Bismarck." Iaidwlg, he, '•*•• «re.l it sjciial success at the Kent Place School. Before f i:i_',!il 1,1-S, an iiicrcasv of $:;i.'.tr.:.v n the three- Mayor and a representative of tho an officer. Nations as well as'persons must and to give until March 1st for the said, had the ability Ho r-atch a' the program began. Miss I. F. writing biography, and the CHUHC-S OtiS over. I he rotables for J'.C7. Play bill Thvy are piVsen^ing this Common Council will lie invited. Licenses Appointments, live up to'their agreements, must raising and payment of that sum. Herrmann, who presided, called of the- great interest in modern Summit's- total is f J,">,:;;n,r»-n;. au-aimf v.t ,-k. One always juitlcipates with: Join in JoJUlj Ordinances concern themselves with the main­ The Legislature of New Hampshire unanimously voted $200,000, and upon Miss Welles for some im­ biography were lucidly discuh.sed. SL'L'.lMM.Mtf for l'..^7. an increase of <".\'^';,7OO for i!»^s\ ui hy itiis group or seutinned play-,'«»°P »«? segregated, the counter ties if international peace is to the executors ^f the will of the importance marked the Tuesday The Fortnightly Club, Miss past, said Mr. de Vane, were as a c-r«, knowing that they will be en-'was cloJste*ed- and saicsmaCBhlp obtain. Several parties to a con­ late "J. J. Storrow contributed Cnnip'ihitioii of the county figures evening session which continued $100,000 more. It is hoped to raise Welles, stated, had been asked by rule friends of the subject, often was made possible- at the offi-e of If'rtainizig. amusing or tilled wilhjwa" "shushed" from *1he early tract will see that It Is ruirilled by to be occupied with the business or the remaining $100,000 by popular the principal of Washington chosen by him to write his life. the County Board of Taxation this •prippfn^_hU|iAin interest, according. Htagcs of the dinner. The crowd all In respect to all; nations that renewing licenses, making ap­ subscriptions, every dollar given School, Summit, to undertake the Suchan author; in several fat vol­ week-with the Jiiing_of the tax du­ to tho treatment required by the didn't care to talk or hear shop are parties to treaties must like- pointments and completing «ld being supposed to represent one collection of old magazines" snit- umes, duly feet forth"the virtues of plicates of the assessors of the,content v.«-.tt •; vi i 7'"> While the Playhouse never lacks could" be seen "again who was bald .ruail to a point 200 feet east of Ilo- Wisner for a struggling school in Mill-nl- 1 -ward step-being - taken in treaty- the noblest cataracts in the world, politicians." i ••..!.: r.i-L-1 l.'.T^ .. f-or an lii«er«>Mi»d audience, nq' and who wasn't. The jollity in the bart Hn'ime at a coat of $950. t Camden, *S. C. Ki'tiiluorlti 1.'I-;I.ITI making toward actual peace, injure in danger of destruction for " Far different the modern biog­ l.iiiit.-fi duubl ;i v, ry great deal of the in- early hours hinged on the details Th? second provided for a simi­ the treaty which the ..United States ! industrial purposes, for which Professor de Vane from Yale raphy! Interest in biography, said .Mounl.iinsi, ter^f felt last Wednesday night of the six-course dinner whoso lar sewer under liellevue avenue signed with France last Monday, i *hey are really not needed at all,wa s then introduced, and spoke to the speaker is now due to tour N.-n 1T..V. l.'-- was im-iiii; to the fact that a new piece de resistance was tenderloin ,\, v 1'ri.i. from the existing sewer at the in­ domestic affairs, tlie Monroe Doc- since the gigantic rapids below the i a deeply interested audience on the causes: science—^that is psycho­ bit^l <'(.-lvbnty lias come to light, steak and mushrooms'. The bus.!-, ter.-ection of the right-of-way subject of--"Modern Trends in i'l.iiiil l. lit "'•\^,V. trine and disputes with a third! 'aH.«. extending for miles, would logy,' democracy, native curiosity. H.iliv.iv ami niiide In.* debut as a play- ness men hadn't paid their five dol­ rtihwuRm k h(V.iinir the vland rinsn o•/»f «th ™i„e Cano. e»ne ! ptu"ty wu-tb^-t>r+»gf-iim7 prttvedi- SnappT^Kntertatnnrent and chorus girls, celebrities and biograplties of persons ' of all S-..I. h IM..II-, ;_'i ceisrlii'-avely, that its author, Walter to. south, at a cost of $A600. Both arbitration, he Said. ready (6 purchase the falls as part Sprni (.•f'u-lil Then; too-, -Mf- Hallan had provld-. 1 p a B ad ! prize fighters. the result of JJ*' Th" ?"^ „ - ,^i-"/5^ "! This means that ^ joker S»"f ' -a ~-*—Nationa« l »-'Park,- ••if -sufficien -•--t classes. Yon have business men Simioiit I-. FausU not only knowsJliow io the democracy. England emerged ed for the entertainment to inter­ third, ordinance Intro- popular interest to that effect is whole attitude in a nut shell. He l'fiir.!i write a play, but a good one, and dared fiv,-,i th*. .„!„.„ , ,. .clauses which in former treaties from Vlctorlanlsm about 1910. As w\Vi.-ttiu . luUI ;t-» sperse the dinner, a happy move fixed the salary of the, excluded from arbitration such manifested. searched for the concepts. -Of a| *-" " - - -•"<•-'"• ^ ^ has that pifi. wi rare btit'so indis- which kept, mirth rampant. Evatt- df-|imy nty treasurer at. $3Q0 a one writer puts It, "Th* plays "of r all-inclusive, categories as "sub­ The.giant trees of the Yosemlte charwftter. ..nd used the methods j Tot it* *» "-* zu l"^ tt" ' "•c"'i •• innpaMf in t,he real story-teller; of Davles. the*Ysr»aHte raoPologlM and . >eur and that of the clerk of po- Shaw Bhow it,, so do the cooks." jects that invoff% national. honor," are in danger of being turned over that employ intuition; and then j 0ne -of" tm. outVlandinB features stlrrinc and holding the interest of singer, and Mlsa "jBIaffr" Harnlfirlf, llrt: court-at $160 a year. _, Human relationships have and "subjects In which the sign­ by* the National Park Service to sougtit me evidence. Ludwig. _haa • of tJl0 his awlieiicc. and creating, with soprano, accompanied by Don filar* ^ An application for'licenses, for change*, developing writers with ers are vitally Interested," are the Bureau of Forestry, to be trad compilation is that the city little intriguing human incidents,' cotte, all secured through the Nar !•> taxis, made by Norman M far different methods. And I »• now being avoiden^and ,] arlrfJ^bvJUoJumb^^^ the; aStrachy' senses heart,_Oof ironyf moder, bunt Amerlacks- . omoniif Lin(ki ,]oi...taxaI*le^aVuxi^"^li^-*-„ now btnnrts" second '.« U?^ nun-J Uonai ^oa^a»tln/&rr«ViT^rd-t4H?- Jl,ik htiiw, - the-Council -referrjjdrto lftt a orfrittol? is being Wght"for specific ^r other landr to be added tTthe^^, SrJZl £< *°*nj**r T** T^" I?m*™&:iers—(ramalie l Hratl-- 8 J Wn»w»ospit t posesCli*. 1—. ^L Mwrk-but-^e«l-,1ftf--Itlg-rrt>rTr~——-M taUtf.-This man-lustend ; ford la.-not-ot—ba-mj>^red—l>y—b ta^t.— be f4H- -1!»»'S. Fs, app'roxf- ^H a ^t'^-^iaye»rcr>st"e'iHl6"To^'ftTas {-George Jules as Bolotot, we're the of inscribing mere deeds, _ held paints the mind and spirit of his; neli s lllcrea-M'. Swk Wallace Boad7Paving Trealy Prophecy -wt Others . It was voted unanimously", by. the mutely *:t.20».o*K>, while_ Plain field a. tlirilliag^limax and unusual de-; entertainers. ' - ".-"' —•> forth the motive inspiring them \t .•Kubjecf.'and does,"it with ior<^.> and. _ .The Cnuncll referred to_commlt- In-the Treaty between the iriittad r^0?86"'*' len^Ifagne io_ approve shows but *l,;HM.».oot").~ niirai'inent. The characters chosen i. Milton B. Wright, song leader. 'II iv.'s a request by the Combined is this factor that makes his books brevity'. "" , States and France, Dr. Johnson and recommend tne making of All the municlpalitie.-t KIMIW in- •»>' Mr. Faust to unfold the plot and! also played a nuriiber of life «»lo# Cap.::.il Corporation for Hie im- -o absorblntr. In speaking or In closing,, Mr. de Vane pointed ' also saw the prophecy of similar contributions to the fund for aav- i>r.-ases*oii the 1925 list. Crawford interpret a theme of exceptional and sung "Roamin* in the Gloamin"* pruvrnieiil of Wallace road, and a Strachy's. "Life ot Queen Victoria" out the relationship of the novel. iD.P,ILthfi_ _Franconia lorggtg^^JiL ^..i^ .« . g'^wt-Htia. .Mil*,-. •-^.ut^M^^bea-wty "l.gmlJja»:iitJ.jttr.g-.YArIftd and. t» A»»I with. v.vWr» ..ite^.tB^ wt.^^g. ixcailcJi—mixh—and botwwon—othe-r rhir-BpgaWr-TqtttrruBuil^Uica ' that and ' the1' 'biography. There is «,: ^mw^r~W~' "CuIhele JL'ommdiiwealth" recommend the signing of peti­ jrt,;i«r0,0flp. Koselle $2.0'Ui.b«U, atir.-ntlve in type--just delightful, I hearty" hand. Mr. Davies enter- nations. Ills emphasis, again, aad we- can seem to see Strachy be­ a l-ajid Company 'for the placing of tions and the writing of Indivi­ danger, he said of the biography' c uUured everyday ftdk one loves to tafocd the crowd with his musical again, however, was" on the fact hind the Queen, mimicking and Spriuglield $1,400,1)00, Ciiiou lowu- Jiydiant.i on Itoosc-velt-road. - - - dual letters- to" members of Con­ turning Into a novel, and vh-<-v<»rsn 1 thai treaties to effect"their pur- 1 ship a galnot $;;,ooo,o»tfnnrl \Ve;st- mt-.t and know, and the selection! impersonations, his famous south- Tho appointment of Patrolman slightly ; exaKgerating her char­ The two are uniting on a stream- ,pose must be regarded by th«ir gress, asking intervention In »_be- lield f:S,:t00.b^ ^d-. ^VT^^T^^L t^xTn"' i}**^^* j™*!™^ ^ »r«^ -' «w John SchroderrrJr.^. to" the nte >ai,Ce ful lmcnt trea£ ' *- ^ ^j"--^ S. Malh*wsont_ ^.-the thiion drcs on "Stevenson and Modem J®*1 *b* SV °^f 1"^^^« dfiVf,°P ^rmer dreditTnlraager of Bamher- Ji^iUiiid Ladder Company.. 1. . Kent Place Alumnae faxp^er^ league f -wm-i«t»i» „»,!,„ ,,„„,,„ , ,. „iCounty Park Commission, wasva ^.Jl^touiicil filed an invitation Ca r "Konialitii'bun.' ivltli the light Joiic-TTof^huinor which ger s. sat at the speakers tabl^ trinll L i^if™ I . ,> ' «» » interested attendant-the - ,IWMU r VlV4jt - --!;>-aTtonu the' 13fh annual coriven- ,e lh "ZPTbn Hurtoh. who wt'K—inrro-" ' *' " " ;i-F>»ater. ^Felter[(,vt;r^-inrhich Mr. Holme« presided^""'_ f^iJ ',? J^lil * ™V" r"rmeetihB.-and gave" an~acc-oum^ot tap t/iv iiivtm/vi» r 1< f0 the aVO asii# Meifffer* d need - iry-"" - K rne^t - kiiciMji l*;^'V*/L *i4.-wy d^liglrtfal;—vn~ the^snotfBe^Fot^wl^g^lIiBr L_ I'u'i ot the New Jersey! state ^/!J °rt '^ r; :?;i Plans lormost efficiently promos Benefitfomorrow H J i m-rxnident of-tbe-Ath'' [ Reservation, just—over - the hill * MQClWnpicture of a stone age•! new meinbers^Fom'^flfeMffi^t invk)lahle,-r-nnlTeTreal"- _ peace—but i froril ^{^^1 > '. . -jnTrrffn• ,„„^~,-? - ...-.^ . „_.. imaaiHiiit Amerii-an BuTra^-W^nHnn^Hmd, hard-wurklug Scotch ahotijh "•^"SI-UTT To each, member.. tribe of primitive pygipyuji«>ple [perty-owners of -Summit-have, been J t twith no pr«vislon; for maintajnlnxJ ^«« ^ selitelSce and held it. with a hunlor- H.IIK' "Just—four ai -fqtjr tttir~llviuy-n^F^TL ml the eirfoiieu Jn the laMigue membership, outs charm not unlike -j*t , , T-^T^EL "".^^^l^hanse - of observations and ll u r iUp<1 Overlook B. & UtestiL w, bin wenty years, he said wjth-| cri/ins the vandal- mountain fastnesses of t;hje_fah r in-; Additional members are sending in till bin last. Th rouKb Dr. Burton's lJ« !J^ J|lJ41 * - Nothing in the smooth and well-proportioned, * opluJons conC and akijlful intierpre.' worlTeould IM> fmuiier flian the'largo amoftirt-of-work done Iflr# out any deelaration of war, to be >Uh(1 4^ ractlonraTnountlng" almost terior of Dutch, New Guiiiea; a j their signed enrollment cams na Good Earnings surest bltterl>-nevertheless. [^ ext«rminaTIoir. of the fringed tribe neverbefore-^ialted by white i and the" npre^ltcted HiMDibefshlp of t.-itiott ^fcvff^wrm rV-Hred- his-- lor- .a.rt iotis nf Theudore-K^nytm after .ffl^tefty- Way-with- the, aid of*hfc* men. whose-babes in arms smoke, j 1,000 and upwards seems reason- turod. courageous*, joyous existencr- DolibnJ Hie perfH-t butler, po-r-1 committee made up Of—Q, Harry, Mnd«-*mt-me Treaties jgenttaiu. trailing arbutus-ground - -rrhfn-* =of- $12.868&~ »- shares la™jf6rce in 1927 were huitoiT.--to^flubstituXei;J»K -Ui'aUoii ({,nrubs, in this part of New Jersey; slbrie knives, prospective brides \ Papers «f tneorporatSoiFTiTc being rw Mired for fllln w h ht who loved him. wai re-buried hteb er*-:it- Bia«y-T>r the really clever j Irving C. Brown, former credit flotcrt.,in the fourth annual report for—war—in a treaty," wa*in thcTu vas voted to hold another meet- have their fingers chopped oft with!J? « E » * ' S«T«- t r of Stat at on a cliff above the sea with the Iim* «»f the play are brought, out by-; manager of Bamberger's, and the of the Overlook BuildlhTglfe Loan treaty ot commerce whicBN John; j„R 0f the League at an early date, stone axe*-to show they are"«niar-! * Jf « Trenton and the 1 or anizatt(}n wlI music of. bis own words a j. "'Be^n Ids character, who finds the yoinigj^rinilpai. speaker of the evening, Association just issued this week Jay negotiated with Gteat Btitain, to.be determined.by the chair. rtenr and the groom-to-be is ahot| K l be, mude per.ma- Idulcin.** ^Prtn uUxis friend the composer. Jlm r he first of tli» business talk» «d containing a statement of con- in 1794, for which he was manyj — * at with arrows by male relatives! "entr- < . ** ;( ave t JhuonHjjs of_December_ 21«t, 1927. times "damped" and Jumged*. in A 0 n ; In discussing Stevenson n* a Foster. Jr- fresh from-graduatUiu 1 which the association proposes for of_the bride to l'roye his fitneaa; 1 ?l - K_. the incorporators are: j romanticist.-Prof. Burton sitiAr?J&*~-a,3 r>Ti?rnr^i—in an Amerlfan unl-"tliiFTear. He-talked on -"credit-'*-* ,-TRe report sToawa that /1.273" "elfish by "his fellbjw-coohtrymen ,Jamea where dogs never bark and thc "^ art or the young sou is;,*.*,!! remlnlscenc-js from his lOBfT' I |oe bnlk of them In the first issue. when the United States and Great; as well ar s many other sensa ColeH, A. S.'AHu-hell, Koger Jones, °Irt at lhe i it is a wholesome thing to turn taken by a new recruit to the ranks, n January. Earnings In 192? were Britain clashed in the war of J.812. j tional details brought back by theJno . E. -Dolaji, Robert H. Ijvnowles, Annual Dance j backward once- and acuin. esperi- of the PlayhoastNycteratis— Kettner IIL. suggested round-table dfacsi- P« cent, a fraction of a ,p*er. cent Since that time the Unt'ted I Stirling New Guinea expedition Justin M. Uffinger. Coyn iSjlmage, ... . ------— T, ,. T1T ,,. . ,. .. ., I ally to an-author who reminds us i ;ailetMi»cli. whoseYelectiou for the -„ s of delinquent accounts, -«•» *'' °^r the earnings of the preceding States, Dr. Johnson said, has made j s n will be outlined and shown by Dr. Bobt. \V. Chasteiicy. K IX t rans-: , romUi,.-c ii, undying. Whin an role proted to be a fortunate one. Ported members to aet an examph*-', J'ear. " some, fifty-five treaties with 40 na-| Th> Fire , Watdene will hold M. W. Stirling, leader of the «-1 toun. Samuel W. Lowenberg * rank [ author tjke su,w^on ^uuih* *»^ - Ha.YiHi.-buT recently embarked upon |, always pay ingpersona.1 aceotttttf, _^1 -"-T,fte Hssociatlorr toaned $e4;3«7J5 tions; practically-all the Important hhei? annual "daVe In the Masonic : v pedition fn- hts-lecture !n~-»tu>T«ohey. %n»;T. Wisner, ^nf-. ^p"has is~ oh the. joy of" living""atni hln own career, this" young engineer recommended personal budgeting:. J"^ "n, bonds and mortgagea last year, powers in the world. The adjec- Tuesday, evening. Febru- HaH fln Summit High School on Saturday.! >Ah executive committee Will be t,K,,.e |s ;( r».n W3 active. colll|)arj8on With the filth or today, rlrn humor which ripples through , . ed. woman, with her. wWnts;'M|'3™ d«t year were - $86,563.19^ The c< rn peace designed to obtain between i ]lhau, entcrUInmen£ which the The Stirling party which^num- •^orK- - "*"* j it is a joy to return to Stevenson." the play is well stressed, by him,^insistencies and excuses, fa '"'-il assets were $124,719.8"2. the signers. Some of- these havej ,r,8, orche^,a provided-at that . , „ t .*....,_ :f.».= ".v.„v..,- y „™ -t .™. b^red more than 400 people spent) After fonimenting briefly on two and up-to-the-miunta slang elicits 'wane of credit mm. His talk ) ofixers and' directors in 1928 br n i ; - , uiim upirui'-iiiiuiiw munf. v..ion naiie oi creun. i been QKf - .P"t until the; tlmfi__ jxhi± \**Ki _the-^5Kard£na_ a year in the New Guinea, jungles : :«*_th» Bame w=iJ|Tr >fo ch»n«ea; soTemnHyoTtreati^TrtakCT-hAiielj^^ engaggd^a similar orchestra It was inferna4lonal 4n--*coi>i. : mi novice, whose first appearance has col,ni8, the basis ot credit *ere niaae ia tae eiect|0E. The of- to national conscience by nations, of Kirls known af the Harmony Ing in co Operation wjfh the Dutch lie Morgan. Prof. Burton save .a liwn so successful it is to be honed methods %...- «UminaUag:;>i 'Jcer.s are as follows: Br. Johnson felt that ,enduring | GJrls. Orchestra. 4 ~nov,e!ly cos- G«rvernmerit and the Indian Com­ o-tnprebensive survey of Steven- it lamsiy the forcruiawr of many accounts. itobort J. Murphy, president: H. peace cannot be {turned, group who b,ave woti their mittee for Scientific Research, sou HA a roaster bf three literary To Meet Orange^ . < It* toJtooMe la-Ftftiw*-^ ''afialjL.Holms>.,. -vhai-preatfent^- .and . was the, largest... expedition-ta t e J< g ^epahwlty^ oyer --radio station . r-w-T • _ 1 -— ^ if* ' ftyn^thof' -stonv ^ - W7*»*T- 'AlVnV''de gelding, aOearTFagly. n!.k'f.rt Leach.-treaaarer; Robert P, I»oetry. He'cboee thre* outstand-- - Mayor George D- Cornlah Bf Fortnightly Club Notes WGCP of Newark, and have proven penetrate the jungle wilds of New- fs the ptersonincaliou of the dainty, »«-i»amson, secretary; and Ea~ The Summit Y. >M. C.-A.-junior, me characteristics of Stevenson- of the importance of Ihe i their ability to rank with the besjt Guinea. < 4 ytloraW* >oung--English girl, and *ar? O. Pringlc, counsel. The swfmrainp: aggregation is to travel^cotinxsU; good cheer .and kindness, and looked forward to (teeing^ of jazz brands. The Wardens are Besides the interesting facts intffer«Jt« her; part .with wonderful urec.^rs are as follows: terms «x- to Orange twmorrow aftanoon to^whlehTIhe illustrated delightfully by grow. With Summit, on, tfce.^ STipVftHorr one of the fire companies in the city relative to these strange unknown case, greatly enhanced by the : Wna? in 1928, Robert J. Murphy, pygmies living In a stone ag<3 cul- engage the junior natators of the! ihe narrating of Incident* and by •or (he great metropolitan The Study ' Group of the Fort- which is at the call of the alarm cliarm of a beautiful speaking Jcjrnas L. .Smith. H. Donald Jhey„take. this. tare a large collection of more than Mayor Cornish expressed hda' ^l£tely^ a year, he aatd, «od swimmers. 3H-19. - mc,rt> c rf : ^""ofc frtid Robert P. WBliamson; nephron's subject 'for,-4hla -month Museum of the, Smithsonian Insti* modern—writer;—a. n d ab;o thai nww ?*™ -tS oM.^gJgr« doubling of populate!* ltt-W - -pany—like—this has during the 1 tair ,K "ms expiring; in 1930 "{re-elected will be 'Early American Sculp- year^j- tution, under .whose auspices the Included anion)? those expectj^dlo Stevenson the cssaybit will outiuf «•"* * '"^' *orseffhati the bite. Kormar Mayor JVinWin «ta mis year>. Benjamin V. White, T, tnre." expedition was made. • represent the local Association are;Stevenson the novelist. As prUif T(K> Kinch cannot be told without -.|d Mbmi j^ggj, ^^ -••< a. Lau , wOllam 8. PpaU Edward George Wootten*, Harol— ---*"•d Christen- - !0r this Prof. Burton read to» J . _„„itJ»io. #h.. aittrv «f Ilia MMW*.,Kerna. . Mr'?.'. ^TK«i%s^ , •*"?_r««rittf-r• ] er ,tha*aIway*^hMc^Df-Un-l^y-l}uwJilch-±hesr ^ ^ ^ ~, u- Pringle and Albert l^achr cll room at 3S3SprlngfleW avenue. Fish and Game Devotees' tian-to-be-h«14. ttext--»fonday^eve- J^U-MaarlceyfilegeL John. Mu3nXooliauyl«a. -. 34-.-«A»I« i tawlr- mm^^a^c-\ '-*$Msf -s^K^s*-:'-?.^ ~~m... :^thk« im^-Mt, mm&$$0&$ £ ii« »Hrj x^-^fe; TBTiPKmt martq?3WSiinnirr RECORD, g^mr••£* IKeatioa *W tieoj-ge K, Bca ,.- . ; Mrs. George C- Warren, or Sum- George fiobiusontBea; *|^JWU«-! nut avenue, is on a Mediterranean trip. burgb and.K«w Yjfk, dSed'*t hft In tlree-i^ Bail winter residence, fbe MarUon, a' Wesr-SUi street, ifew ¥«rk, this! Mrs. John,L, Ouryec. of Summit (Continued from Page One) wee*, after a long illness.•* The! — „. b avenue. Is at Lake- placid for a erYj s brief vimt. • . .,_ _v^. ,. ""wiS? u, «f *•«»•**«•. j played and sung by Waller Faust.' .&leaaiug_j_ T a^reque»t-vWior to SunirottT first' voice r •The Bettings for "A 'Locked! Mxa, 4tobcrts, ,of tile ©ecclrVftod.; %>-»"»»e»t at the Blackburn and far: Door riiana«dnien|ais at Sea

I. "* <4b> ' '—^—""" * i | the Playhouse fs fortunate hi hay- Walter^ A. Van ^ostroaC t>f©182 , SME... P .nache , l Swal„. p„ - «jrie^d, .last'*"P discovered-, new. material; .for- wo»d_streei. i spent the week-end Want at the-aots«> of her daugh>1 the Georse N. Lends, who deafgu&I at Allentewn. Pa,, :with. (rlcnda. corner ^^l£ ^y)m ai -*he aml cxcc«tcd the*, have shown Miss Ireao itofcue Will spend too t att€mpt week-e^ with-Lieut, and Mrs! V. years of age and was believed" to > al°"K Ilnc °f aratt,.aUc Produc- V. McKeirnvi^pT Wcatbiirj-.'L„ I. ffiJiS3T?-aSr^WT'' lion ir^can do . ??*** _ b„„~ie th„ e.._.' oldest .nativ e**" residen« W"W^t . ofl. - ...-•.»? " i..-i... I trip to Florida. He vfsited through J her of ;thc whole states the Central Presbyterian I The most amusing grand little '•' * ; Church. Her husband was the late O people of all times there's a valuable lesMn in one of Lincoln r ! opera. "The Policeman's Serenade," .' Job Swain, £>r. Surviving are three by A. P. .Herbert and Alfred Rey­ outstanding characteristics—PATIENCE F T ,?£ -^^ »• r^!«r, orjdau^te^ Mrs. E. q. Doyle, of nolds, with which this evening of \ ...... j 145 Summit avenue, returned Wed-! Summit; Mrs. William Wyckoff, of w dramatic richness opened, could Lincoln won out because he had patience backed by oen*. incsday from Atlantic Gity. where I Plalnfield; and Mrs. Fred Van they spent several days. ' "T—* " "' •* have been, just nothing or some- lence and ted by fore*ght. rYe never tooted upon JiJoZZZ Wert of Chatham; and two sons. thiiiK awfully funny, depending meat as rfeftar These qualities are pwt as essential tn advanctoff Job fawaln. of Summit; and David Mr. and„Mr3. ArB. Kolyer. of Oak upon the merjt of tho performers. me nfe progTam of th? Humblest and most obscure as in numbering Swain, of Short Hills.- 0r t 0 usands of Rldf;e avenue, left on Wednesday NeetllesB to say. In the hands of ^V , «* ' subscribers in set-vice and to-do so at (1,P 1 1 the ambitions of die eminent and prominent for a month's stay at_ the Haven (leojCKe Lange, policeman of the cost consistent witb cf, d'?CSl Service for Ucti-te^^p^^g^S meat of the business.S" nWunaSB- _?»«««e «xercised in algwly.«ccumuiannK the • first hundred - Hotel, Winter JjaveirrFla. Americanization Classes most- pompous, kind, Elinor. Deming,! need for the dollars, or the -first thousand,- prov« 4 valuable aid when latcv kltclie.ii maid de luxe,- Kenneth uew service.. This Aceortlin „ , „ . A ™ew 1<>™ °t telephone scrvico tT'lfi»ti0" I« esult is «^.dependenu„uit upm ­ Mrs. George Sagan and her son BU tended •pphed to greater problems infinan.iat (woirresa. To €Iose Next Tuesday Cranstoun, the sadly sentimental treating as local messages many' °.n th* extent^of URO of the servie*. Eupene. of 90 Tulip street left on L u l milkman, and that consummate ' "? V nearly coimuuiuuea uim Handling benefit to subsei-lber/^r^S5 who . Tuesday_tojspend a week jn Atlan The ff certain 5-cent toll I more than oSonT .'- '»»!« classes character _artlst, Lee Bingham, the now carry a 5-cent toll charge ^will calls as loo siness ;int >> ch hav k b there was not a mo- be.lntroduced-In Summit March 1st crating econom ...... ^ , 1!,1 1 I l onomiea, in connection I which 2\M ™ i ~ »" te u- c' _ - j "I7* *M*nool during the last fall ment when the audience was not oy ine wew jersey iicil leieptlone are jirst outside tho' ™- with the service,, and^ we have ad­ SPnt ,. .",„ 1 an<1 *tater will conclude their aes- locking wlth^'errlnient. The'set- Company for fubscrlbors who mayjuste d the rates so as to pass the^e local calling urea. The ,.,•- 1 CmZCHS TRUST COMPANY Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall GU-j ^'oa Tuesday evening, Febrnary-H»ng by Jack Rose, was simplicity prefer it to the-present local area •savlngs-to subscribers who take the !ncreasing.,olut«ooft I^O^M,?' which a 5-cent toll ifl \.^rt": «r Oh S U M M IT, N £ W J € fi S€ YJ lan, of the Beechwood; who-are\lia\ r,le classes r(ir the colored "self, one- wall, two fine black cats , service. The latter service will be service. .- ^_ u : a ,e ontinuedlAvlUi0ut dicates-the need for. a nP v fo^., r spending some . time in Florida, »t «>nts will continue until about *»°b lamp post, an intriguingi* change "introduction of the.^orvtce Is an­ Uf will go to Kuba before returning,'March 15*1>- An Iqterestlng pro- kitchen door, and shining seronely! The "tnv service wiit be furnished other step towards adjustment of service bringing nei,hboWn mnnities into mm. to bummlt. „, ._ ^ j gram- will bfl_given by-^he-^ rf-^^"v^^Ili—a-^plendid-irig—roandl0-^-n - ^'Uvjdiiai line moasureo Jie telephone company's plan of op­ tin me calling area. extended -loral „ ~— — i '-anizatlon students in the Lincoln • moo»- ! a s and win crcatc » sreatly en- eration to conform with changed H Va t9D f 2I S cn larged local calling area which will Summit subscribers now ni«r*iT « ° . i ° Ashland ! f «oI auditorium Tuesday evening ' To complete the evening's enjoy- conditions in the metropolitan sec­ nave estCr ay , r Peters ocl include the 5-cent toll poinLs most tion of Northern New Jersey. By Summit ;ind Short Hill- bir^' v^ Ji, ? {°. - ! '?* °c»*. The program is M-ment.came_tiio comedy, "The Trav- local calling area. Use w their ourg, Va., where he will spend a ' 'ollowai — — — IOIUTS," ' frequently called by Summit sub­ this and other action we hope To «"s of the' by Booth Tarkington. new service will }m\t, week with his daughter.. Miss'" ' Class: Nothing should be said of this ter- scribers. The method of calling improve present high standards of Bcrnlce Houston. these 5-ccnt toll points will be tho , . (Continued on Page &C -Me*» v.JJ"V"vlr^ly'fil,iny one-act ^rce to spoil "'if Ainrrh-:in frt-crt WaV|P(hauSilhfl dclieht of alWlencea that7re same as- at present. i The Sew .Salute to lii'p Flag 1 The Elite Delicatessen Co. Miss Florence L. Flaacke andi to According to a statement from c. r^tfr^KarirrtTi'i-d: come, but that the entire cast 1 her mother, Mrs. Henryy F K II. Smith, loci'.I manager, I he new "Service with a smile" is our motto. Take your time In select­ -1 w y salute M .V ,,, lr "^»h .Bfiger i could not have h^n Untt,r ,u^n Flaacke, of 168 Beechwood lh l no service will provide, a more cxtens-i ing from our choice stock of table delicacies. We want you to had as a guest on Thursday road,... , ^rA ; lr HaroidTSSd^ ; f P»^°™«» their parts with moS be sntisficd whether you buy five cents' worth or five dollars' s lr ire' for;-.i 01 local -eoniniuuicadon' It. W. A. English.._of Jersey cit^ Mrsy , ilemarlu.: I'lv^-niation «,f Cenifi- P U> h«mor or really good comedy worth. . .. sui>t. J. n. DouBaii i acting, must be said of them both with actual eaviugs or no a«ided' Why a New Dress? Pn-Dvntatiitn or Awards and Fiae« .. i collectively and Individually. The Mrs. Carroll P. Ttiat Faded Dress May Be DYED Ominc to tin* grrnl demand f«»r our special White „ ' „ „ ilrs. V.". 11. Mount, ren. T> A T? pIay ,s a frolIc tTom fi con hill, who Is Aldcn s'jinford rst to last, and I Hose 2.H». jars ot* .Strawberry Prcxencs mid. ileftiritio; to Bassett, of Bea-jTh<' .Musi. ;ii s,iw The Season's LATEST SHADE. home in Camden^- S.' 'IN AmerJcn. Worth . . those participating In it. made their' —aatbiV all-<»f otirTiPftJiincrs, ne~~huv«' onlerert 10 more at her winter j Jln\iip- 1'icnirr 1 there at luncheon audience almost envious of the cases ami nil! cunliinio Hie- wale ptVwr each. Also IVarb 3"wceindr«"terta1ne« j J ^• ^lh7Tlarn,«nk-a riub ^STou Wiir Be Amazed- Mrs. thoroughly good time they seemed At Our I'rtscnes at the same price. - William E ddiford, of The Daughters of, the American to be having every minute. The SUCCESS. [Sew York, who is1 Visliiu g ' Miss Revolution will present awards and JI,earte-t This afternoon: Girls' Practice Iiapnrfrd tiermati Mnsttird jn fiuic) jars, dian. Vcruor S. Henry, as La Sera.'ri!"J I high record of attendance. Mrs. • Wharlon'"aSIlaj!S ";'°; UrouP" "«' at MoUUt HI r resent e the obsequious courier "•»—- . • ^ 4-15 as ^lioiniim- Imp. (.'ernian Kalonil and Senolai, $0.> Mr. and Mrs. A. H. DeWUt, who! 2W*„ * °P t« lal,go pva M r f r Summit Cleaners Corn Ik ;I> A R Given, the chauffeur. Theodore Sill[.K '' ' ^ " specials freeeatlysold their hbme in Sum- 1 - ', ^^n students will re- 115 Morris Avrnnc »m.—^ ^m*, « . *^ iNobrIN Frankfurters, nc#i> packtrl in (ins -Mo per tin. mit and c lx n dal8 who, as Roberts, the wealthy Ariv-1 \-' * * • ' Phone 2107 * moved to \ CConnecticuto . I * ? ^ for having attended 60 1 Xt we k t: A Summit, N f r the Ct erica.,, .make, an atlml-ahlo nn". '„. >° . Mt£m uiuui!!»»Pi J I wiwilnl holiioidd aa Tr.« our new ut\U fresh Vegetable .Salad. were among the passengers"saving'rcpge . "essiouB. while 14 will re-.r: for Portugal and Italy on nitiasi admirable pater j Valentine Tea, Masonic Hall, from ItOASTS AND HOME MADE SALADS of all kinds, Presidente Wilson .01" the Consu (iity (7) courage. Loulite; iuK P(-hool momb Clam Oipwdor and Fj.'ih ('iikos Milch Line this week. ham rs home for the' made fresh every Friday.— ! Seven, nationalities _ German ' .V'":' : he fluttery, hlgh-vdlcc-d.iweefc-c-Hd will klihdl y let mc know Fresh SinnkMMYhiiV- Finh 1 oe%eu, nationalities — German, ncrt-ous Mrs. Roberts, their daugh-'a L l I as soon as possible - ~~ „ , , < l«*rj-. yVcilnej,day uud Frhlav. E. G. Keiner, of HI Beckm , Swedish, Italian, Danish, Armenian, ,<,,• Je.saie. who as portrayed by' Smi^TShmUm and Smokod Mrrrlnir^ " terrace, an {Slavic anUltd: Japanese, are represent- R^clle Sill, is one of the most do-' J. A. T. sustained a broken arm'-" **• eurunmant of annroyi- n .> .. • . •-- •"• rm;ed in the enrollment nt nnn^i -o— Agene, fur !Mlfrai!., ¥in9W HnHk w"ioIe >vi(tnt when his 1, Ltr lvc yo,m crs; !,s horse fell on SoIUU hel^^ '•& studentT in °LTmeri- •'l^l" ,? f'? « ? ' Second- Pari of Letter from Belly -Tuesday. The accident.occurred in ouhl wl8 'canization elates *— r -•• i >.° • 5, " to meet, Mrs. SI1 Heard, Versailles, France Xew Providence. Mr. Keiner's left The colored classes have au «,- n 1 .typc, °.f trwder K,vnu '« products. fore-arm was broken. He 0 1 Ur3t8 >f I wantv tou lltell youu of one of the was rolment of ~arOu3aZio^£H»4!/LQ.1If i„ •I ?^.. ;- ,! ' . ^storie•V-n-lll.s3 iIHn M>IUtryinKg * -** ' "1 OilC OI taken to Overlook Hospital: ! 81 t ua l l0n , and Grut Uoi, kno s r ,ost l!, 359 Springfield Av Their sessions will run untitill MareMni^h ' , , ... . , J ~ '° ° ^ * t*?»««ibR happealnffs cf ane to Telephone 1912-J [15th to give tht-m G4 sessious Th" ^'^ ""^ to-do-them to the dls-'Uist year. One clear cool evening ' "*->red classes have been heM three i^.^^J^^'^ Mil-V- J«?n B.. mother and p nt M»„ », ^-—,--».«..•« «uiut; I 3 weekly while the American!- ii ^""C". dlias J. (ampbell 1 rp^d oat of Paris ln'|-,„v UMI,. M c D ! U1 «L l ^ney. ^r Hughe* ^"«n classes have-rarunn foufourr XeHtlmesHiv^ " the^Pln^h7^~VV."M.'.T*—>«»=-4-:iroen.-^- ^^^-foi-u^V^fliui^^jHro-no n -- ououtt ""Lo"v;arl irV- •V.F-iT lir e V —- Pmec, on Tuesday evcnlnr . t*; la week. Ulnes b. ^ ^ '..Playhous. * "^' e raiillacastineg mmmi*com:m*.- «:p--™illf - ,„...... 0 ' .• lo*,.ii(n.c llourget Pigmy Land Tt-e. ut four other characters, who ! 1]'" A haudl'ii 1 «>l car:; •ar-Tnxnnn— ^-^^^^a»}^^jy«a^ii=.^»CecUia •Kern, of ass- » TI»« .rw— ; group oCpoopU-" wt'tt!~\\u streeC"-^ Matthew WrStMing Portable -ll^ar-lcs H. Beek. Miss Anna Bane, | a...;cB, to call them absolutely ner-'S 1 li ^ al oil s •{«o r aHons vv- Mr. and Mi^r II. IL Gates and Mrs. Eleanor F. Bonnell. Mrs-Anna- f r ht'tKefr parts and makeltips-'J "d'-iiic .Xr m (toll of their cc •laughter Miss— pFanccpt lUroe and Mrs. W. Rae_ Cran>,.._ _ Lmigl. Ma*ra,-S.lv5tore and thc^ftmTrhV^HTT-llou^wh,^ M!^ of Electrio Stoves Gates, .of 145 Summit avenue, win leave a suit.lnvblying JilOand the par- ' I? the Doorway,. tuken - by Joe; France's pbUcemcn — for Texas this week, Mrsw,i , r< eKe ar Kai were holding tiea are Frank.rank._C, Camberlanamberlango-and™ and 'H •' ; ' K . '« *fecn. ErmuU_ n ln<>s -KWfjj'r iw one waj allowed Electiic Heaters Gates and her daughter lert yes­ Frank Papio. Justice of the Peace ' * and Lawrence Mills. Tlu to so terday for Baltimore where they ! thi3 Summit High School DO. Stablly win preside. Cburt J S!^.'" ?5. ^."* ^' sketch-by"n' ar:^ ™l£t^^ *"*> ™ "»e land- ,'will spend a couple of days. Mr. Skidmore illustrated the poinTthat Cld D tUe <:mH f00m at "What 7 Parlor Stoves I Gates will leave Summit tomorrow Gity HalI - ihi<4 young woman, recently,a trav- . IliarvMoils nL:»ii^-rj.aiaj»J:-J •and will join them we exclaiiui'd eiitiiusiaci;eal-" »..u »JH jam them. The three,' prnr„conr eicr hers'elL and--'o«(i«-'wea^wrrrrn'"ly " changed our jainds.'liow- Full Line of Fireplace Goods will leave Saturday by-motor fori „.V°. -. ~ William. Clyde dc rich se'nse of humor, docs _not go ever, later oh •the south. They.wiil mak, A alop j Vane, -of- Yale, who addressed the about with her .eyes shut when she| At last r^k_ Birmingham to visit h i 5 n i t c r Literature l>epartmeii ' ' t :of ~ i'hc" I"orfi*1f"-exiK'rtentrrir-mrr^rTno'p-over jlEo's'olt" "aveiwltke_- »HJirrifisairpeanre (l--aSH- i daughter. Mrs. W. A. Red3. and Fortnightly meltci Saturday EeBfTlthrf Club 1 T>ii.l,nr4-.--^-'Jli«»l«-uHllCT.IaVT.mr^.„.„„T. |-|r,Ta.i.-,f,|f -"SSSiUrtt^^-V™ *?"^' i 111^^ 5rr7"t;ate« „aa a- huai- ^odr«T3rol«ralimTJ v r narr.l3~pTinr^ »^rrr«*ei^ iv%&Mm %MruiT»TEE",iigfaci^tv^,,,?i .?,?•'• .. T,. ».. '..•.:!??'" *' " ""' nciic'rtiic Mi J another daughter. Mrs. A. t A -Ticl:ct3T$I.25~" Fire Place Brooms, Etc. rtrPOrbes. Jr.. there. Tho family ex 'Tn"e"Bro wni ncs «' <'oldeT, pect to remain ia the oom of the*^n, , , - c drifted out, ab south for ri ac L P_ttt two. months; Wednesdawt- to. show v/e cr££LJntll.04ir -I J«w .when thn Anrntnni.u^ i« ...,...». 4 -fc..„— ------.*omobilc_4a- which

*«l«»JU-I»-'ifergJi C.ct.»- (be faii ol P^i^^^^^^^t^^!_witlL.j|_car; ^-•^•^^taSt-;. arivai'i—by" Chariwr-jL - ^ 48 Club m--thT Beechwood^^^Hotel. •GarUcKT-of Baltiwroi--road. Wed-' Tuesday-ar~12.45. Thrermacga nesday after-ioon. The accident occurred- at- -tffe oerny —of Hjtr, —_J\Uractivc —The \\ omen's Christian.- Temper­ Boulevard_aiid Morrlsavenue. Mrs ^ .her,ourg . . Ambassador Her-! ance. Uni&a—will- heid-~frs' regular Kane wa.^.ircated dt Overiook T'";!!: J^ytth*^way-here:— W>-~ meeting" on Thursday, February Hospital and (hen m'urneSmT . AccojJnmodations,, . 4™fVi>^-Mi^=- ,;„,-.; 16th, at 3 o'clock at'the'Y. W. C; A. Members are' urged to be. present. Exeeptioial Table- ' fmbw "• ••---"•'' Ghicagp, .Milwaukee & — j Unityj Club -of-Summit held last y enlne S ^ „r ' ^-Mayor °rtve ai w fB Merrill gave an interesting ta k re!., ltu, Siimmin X. J. _ _'^ » « raa-toro- l,li„aiy nut: == ! : ! L~I\.". -_" ~:"-_. "" _. " "'" "' ." --T c^*" ^ »e 3lfffli"nj.^-v.-fth- ihh- - vVhr»' r- —I — . n-a-cd n»ob. You m?vcr woul'-'tr».r-d •r i : have known there v;n* a poll'**"-' — i man We wish to ca^l the attention of holders ol both An executive nicetimr «r th» In all Franr?. We sturtibled. fon, "Mais <:'er.t dansrereu^r. Jean* Certificates of Deposit for Bonds and Stock | sftveamed ^ mother. "Pas *^r tie use of this aun*rb j. tri """BU near hj^ Jreiglit it pays^te have ait cari't^ heat our milk. ' heater '^.'Bvjr/OIncreases: Rv«™, •"-M - ™P ,trembling vofce; iatWJi-T 0 r re m prt extra good job of packing; Tea women have eurolled iu the d "I ="« KTaSdTeciLmeads^t 'Si** !?^' ? *•«» tears T sw« ; fathered ahqut the^liia. hnuta^l- ^^^jLhoieJome,^^eessaTy—^^^ •^^^;| W*-hW4t-|^iniy ^£hone^ JMMOl^speaking cla«» ToT-irolne^ "wEeft* ever, needed. PStnJtgTwoS' ^E" the second sesalon of whichHP* lood.- ot hire aye another, glimpse I - Summit T^ look afterTlTtliTdetaiis7 - S5« or *5^ the bottte.- l r-t?uTrirAvra_te„ r>» the "'315— j fiit it oat with their hands "We^vVill gladly have ^[JF repre- st^^?SBs^ j sfamncir- -ft n,tt wit-h• thofr f.-i»f J NttntatiVe~ca1lr Fsnally hi mpany Rogers' Pharmacy caiue to a window Jutt. 1 for a moment BUPIIHTIP^T INCORPOttATED while tt» Am-- ban-Bonr klsnml him "nn A r -» *.. * the fi>rc-i head. Thea h<» was . whtiVkert off to I The Summit Express Co. hL£?*t££Z •» StowMt will *«»!«r tor Lorn, Sherrx'a' fo^p^Cgr--*:^>,-^w ^^^A>™.'^?f ^y^BWi- ->• 3-- c •-;^f^^Sg^*g'AM'- -'v '• • •'-? ?^??\^',•-.•;.' . ; •, '«ST' frihS^ " *Mjr ^,B«i- 66V76 Railroad A ;t Summir, N. J.

Ms ¥?£&£ •; j -Vi-tn JJs^^^^t^ii^Tb -^V^-^i^^B^ HEKAI.D ^S^S^ §tT KECOBO, SUMMIT, N„ J. . m *.,« ' « rwT-ir> T H«"»II« i» «i a ii , ,,, «• m*»y-» i 4. • cr to Springfield. The disposal ? tMmmmg&HRM&mias TT'JitntJFili fec-*«aWteh«i at Wood- fttE or Sn ••» ^ ' « *p. $m " _.._ vu f. T.°r. H-M* . . ; laying plana for the -organization bool,.Civic SUM! Church Activities—Persona! • Tin* Wrj;ntn*j Christen TfMprr-> of a troop of Girl i>couis. She m- •*• .1- Mention *.-_ a:v-o Union will !»:«•>[ th:-. after-' 1 tends to have as many girls as pos­ noon at i\:y> o'rtenk in ih-.- insure sible from Berkeley HeiRhts, Cnhm .-—*i "V^ •i— ^...... [ l ( room Of tfce Melhoafei Church. Mrs. , Village. UHtettc mid other small Frank ftli!ie.r Liie prentiU-:,t. will {*» Keetiona..ia the_vtclhlty. 1 I nrRAU> is on Fnlc everj ftiid Kdward C Townley =• ppt iiri'tl in charge af.d *ir<:i»; to have j»i| The interior decorations being ; made to th« Community Hout-e by b„"v ajul FK1DAY by B before the toiumituo end a^ked nntriher.s ;iHCE:d_£:: t!:e >,rurt 1>--J»_ jtheCommuniiy Association have.' '"' J Tannenbaitnt. newg- that_Ui4.i-tw.ta! which-haa hcroto^-JlT^Ji—Wlil^hr. .dl^'tis/icn.-i—on -the We'll Deliver - \ been completed? Every one on see­ jlorria avenyo. Spfing- foro been paid by th.> Volunteer Sprmy Institute which v.ill te held iu Sprin-fleht, ing the completed' work has ex- Fire ItepitMnn m, lor I'shr; turt if preKst'd their admiration. The the MnHcipal luiicHn;/ :n firc- -o- 1 \ 'thp Hrt>me»V jfialt- Lailhtai .-AtMti 14*r^-—ift^'^efurfrfsh-iitT?-" Cupid's Jlessage . headtmarteis. ho reunited in th- the kitchen. They are laying new "he mm'iul-^lnit.'ii of tli»j Snrin:;- tin tire. In consideration of th" i linoleum on the floor, buying a 11(1- meei"1 t in^s of th p. .Township if.'*, i,u(\ ;^ in.il i lie eheiiiiCul annnr^t iii I !'-'.\; "sweetly" youVe thinking of her can- \>ill l.? iiold ou Wedncsdav t-%«rning ; new- kitchen cabinet and a variety -v2 KoI.ESt.iry V2a*, in ^h? Mun:-i«i j of kitchen utenjtlls.. WheiT"1hey Ejripal buiWing, the J!>28 bu-Ogct, oswl with siw-ic.-s-in runt i emote , are through 4hey" expect to have as best; be told with a box of our. liosEd. was put tiii-ouf;h. no > factions of the township and that biiiidn-^ i-i :'o:ii;ia:a.avcTi"". Th.Tf v. iH io.snJo (ii-acos by out-of-M*a • complete-a ,kitcheji_ as any home r Dii.ieiDrs (BANDIES. ilt-tH. -Mush-j^iH »,<. furnij»i»rc__siii;oU_ j at the Community House, ^'•:<«-l€d-bUiinort. Tu-ket-; vru sell-] plans can be undertaken without worry. I Kcv. Peter Lacey will speak on sid for buses of the, line, fioni S2>:tn^ijt.:d ::vcmiu to aiTTr"RoDerr--n.—Tradr ivemie to tl'.e 1 the subject. "The Minority Re- Efeys Colegrove, Inc. ]li]} Ttov. ii'IiiiirHiie'at the Kahvay rivi";r. \^ , • 14-., "^Ii'in'm-rs of the department rn- j_port." at the Sunday- ninrniu? 310 SPRINGFIELD AVE [instructed to communicate with i o;. ^ u *4 |il^"TT3^i7lfT^3i7r*ar a1t ""* he t:t"e lio^rjc r-irei'\irt« #t 11 o'clock in the Union 'PHONE 2200~ llVion County Shade Tree Coni- j .Spniififieid Seliool Klecii-n on Monday e\ ontn.u-. The To>n- Village M. K. Church, Kerkelcy 1 Vioii and if the' con-citt of tho j I'he annual t-t/hooi clcdliin i;i ;" .~!>ip Counnittrf .-.n. T:-p- Union Coiintv Gets Berkeley Heights exptnsp- - U^i^n-.-KnbrusTi-y ! U!i. Tli,' pii:. c. ^chilliiip and L. M iit s-alaty—»E- Miss-Haz<"I l.chci *-mi:ji::o I?distant to the tux Collei'tor 'wilj . l be open lor voting Iio:.i u ere "in .tre e '"i""*'imnilioi!^ «•• ^ 'i i " ri-.'ul.-r mer-tin;j of ti ... f-;rJ. hold tlieir reRuInr i;ionthly meet­ , „„•.- l.'0«rd of I.dlK-ation aru'iu he «. e d"part::.(r.t \\ ill he he'd «.;i Wed- ing at the OonninuiHy House thi.s -»' :l ,u '• " . . !ed hailt1.- W't'oks, tnwnshlp at-Tv ;_,-_ ; ,, , . IKMLIJ ( .eni.i-. Washington's Birthday evening at s o'clock. After the 4«J i I'.O .teriiis o_ Li-.vis I,. - -o- — regular busjncps _ meotlng there uas intu-iictwl to draw UP.; *^V.^r'--3v0-,i ,''V,"r •" *""1* 3r..~wi:r wl% o fs-prV^Ideni of (he S«'«Ill \t'MS Dinner of State Society .licatlon a new f.rdinanee,^ - -«* '" 1'^,-Ideni .> .o.:,,i. vyill he. a jjiieial hour during which DON'T FORGET t»i.' salaries of members of •. rMvi'i ]J. R.ii.t, e.ivl \Y:Il'ur_ A J_-llly of tll<_- hoy i.eO'.;t --• M"M A. 11. Curiui. will .sneak on "China ; li-!Hle:-_ < -ire. Mei':'»-v ^'siii 1: To BelieMin Elizabeth J H>ii'e foi'C-c- us toUows: r&ei. ! ;•"«••"-<-KJ»ire M«-.r..-,pf!.Hiih . n.l laid toni^M at the IHi and the Chines..- I eoi»U»." Mr. Cur- •ni'- elliecrs of 1st elas, <;•• >iin. ."'>'•..: ::r<: ;;efh!r;; i-c-e!.Llvi!i. h.i "ly .iiniKr, tl e ;.u.si>ie«. of tt-t This Year tin has travels extensively in the | Mr. .^L'lindei dei-ilin.s t-'; .-:. r, 1,-PI'-: i)l 2nd claKs, J-10 i ^\'eek; - rii..a» Coum il. The loea fri>m. far east and J;nowa whereof he n vveclc. |other tet:M o.i aitonnt uf jir> speaks. cUiK-einen, $o5 1 Fire Wardens Annual ;Of bii'-.iti'.";. !. .fohn J'oi'fV.TiT sV ilr. V.'cfkii was also instructed < in L ih.-r s.-.wnii.«.stor, «i.n*iiii Day. aoinniit Comnntiec Active Tomorrow evening at the , same ,'n\ liinie. isa « andidaie in Mr. raw up un ordinnnrc for pnh- -.Viill nrtend_au*l will t:-kf j-art in "~" - ' hour the ilerkoley players "will 'laadc:'-: r-lat'e. Kiii (overins the proposed 1,t-h e folloiwn^ i-w-nts:* fine; ;.i;il:ir.^, \VJ ir-l lit-.- Kiaiii. of A22 Ilill- give the mystery drama "Contents I The-fi*Llo'.'. iii;; apiiroprli'lion-- or ',1 iju'iKit .iir.ir and garbage di±>- h;. liieiiiiii. llliil "ynd .'tee!; Munal- L chairman -Unknown" at the " Community jll.r :•< i:oo! jeiir I'L'^injii!:---,. J ,il\ lit." o:u:», Orange. i-< l.;i i:«T. tip.i? reiay. l;;if>i tle^Tj; an.l -,-opt Uou.se. There will irbo he a dance . I'l-tj'..ar:; lo he vo'-cd on: T,e'm; np£-irs and f , cTay «iir.acr coai^iii.ci* of ihe Xew- ii up ;liortly. ipocifieatioii.) on u i>r:'- aid iii mo;i^lrj.r:on. Persons who have been present at , piaeeniihi:-. ?;:! Mil; l)uihh"p--i. •r.-=t> S:i. I -ty. S. A. K. to be held ilit iuii'1; of the disiu».;;i1 und a:.k An oltiJi'is' ttairriiv cni;r.-' i^ the rehearsals say tlia' "Contents' ' .arfiin:; a;i£i-n,i ni: Mill" •-.'li'iol lii 1 im!.:. h. in:; h- id ;:t the l^coud Fie.>l>- at t.;- jtt-w J .0!'»- Tl injde. North , in '. v1.,''.":!'; manual train,.I.-. Unknown" ft 1)310 of the llerkeley ,i,i'i> Cnskill. Lewis'Macartnoy t'-i.^ii Cliui'cli.. liiorvl :=trcof and Kr««a.i .•.-«-;. Ell7ahe:h. Players host efforts, " • Caldwell pl.-n-^, JClizn bJtli. t'.i ,iu"!i Kin." were apjiniutcd to . c;ft>v,-!i of thap,'(,-r.s m UIJIJII The Marie J'Udtl Kennels "of this MASONIC HALL A. JM ,{•<:;, an a^ser.sinent commission T-ie5dij- ektftiri'; ani coji;jir;fs 01 .)( iK'.;.y., inflmTried lhe committee town will exhibit during iht? three- ;i-.cs^ ensts of too eurhln-i on Uojird ti.' l!i:i!th Ketiori ii.Mit I'.tn.or .-v.-hion.:, two Satiirday 10 1- •ftl : 11* «n;i:n•;• ni - riizalu'lh. day exhibition of the Westniinsti-r .[ id T; .uenuc to tlie owneis •r i:u iin;' 1 1 th ;.rtcyn'u>!i iiiko, and a weck-t nd S;ic':'i,.-' will ):•< hide tipa. W'illiam ' Kennel Club «if New York to- take -H - - r itiKItiil-" |in>pt*1-tf«*3— ~- - - Uo:-rd !Ci V.T. hrld -jii'f-iUMi, - Sroctxii4*-it^r—l>aj, t;n;;.-e ^iiKh+41- •of Mi*ld4T-;ntr^- Va.r- lor-j place next—(Tfrt, Se\i raT of their H-oi"i!i".i^no*i ftnnnoscd . I'OI-I i -,1 ant.v, ar''- Ve:i!fer_MI. ±* rvi- f: - will have 11L iho sliow will be liTTo'i. v.,", arji'.ointed to ar ••e:v. tin • -1! o'.', ;i!-; ca: 1 - ot 1 (v'lla- (;,l.-i The i.irl t=i_out-% held fl>i,-ir re--:u- Jjdgt.- J.f»;a:i / VanOriilale of j Champion Miilkil'f Trouble. Merry- 8.30 p. m. l!« t»f i.a-.lnw of (Minion avuuue. <;i .fis .: (inrur' tlu niorith of .!,io- hr ivictiirs; Wedn.vday evening in \V*r.-Ii;tis;r«E will'he a 4,-TH-S!. Judge . field. Wildfire and others. —.Jn\ of Di; Henry J'. liens- i:r;y: '•'> diplitl-i •ia. ". clii.-k.-ii |-x. i;,e J.iMi'! CahKveli Reboot v. i;i> Va.iOr.,: i|, i.s, d;;v.;or :.'t-iieral of Mrs. ClarencL* Perlins. of Klk- j-, iu\>a.iiuii- rJodit'al-Inspector, 3 v, hornu::: '•on: !:'. 2 i.ie:>..dr< The:-' c,sprain Hflcn (lanand-jt in -i, •(•:>. s; A. It. Mrs. ton. Md., has returned to her home i F.'i T iW a \eai'. '.. • i'.' 1; <•(•.' 11: . hi.'til ";i''.ii I i;i;ir- "i he' i;.eii::i', \\;_, -i.<-n over Vat.Ot. \*\.-/x »!.>.^vill alio anew!, after her visit to Mr. and Mrs. 1 1 liil-i.no Wet>.it' i v.'iin iii'jtructnrl ri;.- - i 1 tl" low i h:n. 'J 1-. loihiv. -. tl.ii.ly To !•?•(" i'",'l«; for :*••_» -. ;'ir of t'n- t-hil Harmony Girls Orchestra ia,-i".. 1]'.) . ordlp.piire wftefehy IM : a:., o'.'in o| ii|On,_ \. as 1 et .-: . 1 0 I i. |r' filiiiii -.wll lif .^-i\'-;i ;•!. an \~ii :'ji-a'i iti'^ olntion governor 'geiipr.'sl. in c:ii i1. C-2.11UL'i -M-l. 14.' l.'l'. t '. l.I.'i he towii.sliip v. ln-re dm i::-i 11 r i'e I'-!-•, oatfjj •."I* 1:-;, • 'lih 1 1 j-.' ::• Cansoti iM'ju'w, nephew of :."d- ;~ttr n.iilillit'ti- b.ll^il;:,-- p\';i;«i '/" • i\- are sold must lie li- ,Ji«' ir i. nli-n.f-i.-" •W IjOiil', n. Chatmcey Ih]>i'w ^tnd president of Tickets $1.1 [! »I,ll '! T'M;., ordinance - w ill co\ er <-4'ii: es y.'.ri, pli:ii)hin iti.-l'.i-ctioi^ Indd. f\:end the_ g:-ivly_tg« the Kmpire Staie Society, S. A. joad stands, re.slau- 'VU.o - Scow, -ii-H-* : pi'., km :• toi':iL OL *7 l. Jc-Sir'3Jeri'iidL^-' :""f^'PT'a1 SlTTvVr - imag>in;ui; . NOTE-—'Early-returns are requested from those who 1 \.1>! "pool rooms and 11U '1 1:7- .prinT-hial la:.- ir.er-s ot i.eld la-^t Sunday r.i;-iit in the. .'U-ih- Vft-nii!. f-..r:n riy of Easi Orange,' P'"e.«h!ent of N>w York Chapter.' : "'. v.iu'le beverages of any kind boa id v.. .-. Ihi' i* i«-is-: ion on the i:;M^t t'lmret: p^ovtovt d(i iw irrfcrt.-t /;»-<--:d-n; of^Ail Atn-'rii-au Cahlf.s, and Mrs. ririrl»e

'.rT-Tffg 3S02

ri A n n i v e r s a r y --T


E^»I , „jiictai^^Pjoricerj ^Tte close of I92?1 also %roagfat to ajn end a qt^rteicTa^ntu^Wsatisfacrafy scrviMjo the pcopie jjf Sumirit and, vicinity in ''w-to-the-mlnute^^tailorin* -fay-aig-cgtIblisfaiBe&t»—^«t-due-to-tk^HBhftsttwai—ihopprng- season--we-pos^— poned our sale until the present time for the_ccnve3iience of those whose holi- -^day-CTpenses-wouM-prohiMt^hem from tafc*ng=Btl vantage-ofea^ate^t-tbafrtirtCF Chrercdsfcts As Low as $30*00 1 . - • u_i. '• ' - E^ery Garment Tsulorad to Your Individual Measure 1 This Said Will Co^uauiMrJtheTdonitt of Feb^ary

s .• •;- £ V 26 Beechwood Road Established 1902 Telephone ld69— Siminl^^fr^r

. u mmmmm 1 1 .J" mi' W'.—'flf? f^immmm *MM


t-jri/y *'-»«_.. uKS>s r-V*'J^* -Si jjtM^>it*; ~?* f^vtss^ivis^aii :^.^ \*J*Zj& ^saamsm

gmen ay In Last 'fAhmte\C^E^yi *,v,r •J,. /•—r Mem'stown Club Out of Lackawanna hfcSSOCMTHWr ftlTIFTTET FACES CRUCIAL COflfTESV And Now Andy Leagne-Other Baseball Rumblings The local Y? M. C. A. quintet RaihMiijgThru McNamara faces a crucial contest tn the tussle'with the. Orange Associa­ _-__ JlaiKig^fo^ From Morristawi K-l? Many Plans Discussed Proceeding League Council tion Ave/ Ifflled\ J6 bo staged PijEks pity Loop It*'- ; ^4 Sport Lanes . Session Next Week—Madison To Remain In—Mor­ toinflrrow- eve"nlhg jh the spa­ After Early Season Drubbing Given bjrSummit iwJ cious Orange *'Y" gym, .Orange — WithiHerb Dotten Star Team ristown Showed Improvement and Locals Were! yv ristown To Join Inter-County Loop Is now leading., (n thetyuest for When David Hanlon first picked the district league title and the an ail-*tar*Clty Twilight League —Score 52-4% _.. - - -#— |j right that goes with It of repre- team he started something. Sev­ * er AKBB IWTTEX ' • sentlng the district in the state 1 Here's one for the book. boys. '--';• Tilings "have been popping—and how!—in Lackawanna Jjeague c|r- -cJmmpiooshipjtourney. By win- MOttr: NEATH ATJHEMOMAI, FIELII eral teams hlVe been picked by the ning tomorrow ' night Orange fans and some of these have ap­ Sefreral" weeks ago the Summit "Y" fire trounced H ,., ch»durin& the weeknow drawing-to-a-close; , - ""' -;~r- Mrs. J, H. Gross, a member of the City Recreation Commission, is peared In these columns. And now will clinch 'the sectional title. thrashed, call tt- what you will, the Morrhrtown Aagociatton M* 1 The. Morristown Colonials, for two years members of .the Phoebe However, should Summit -win-- authority for the statement that permanent stands will'not be erected we hear Trom Andy McfCamara, Know circuit, have announced tbeir withdrawal from that loop to enter the >fWo teams would be dead­ on Soldiers" Memorial Field for use this- summer, manager of the Klwanis team last latter'a small, .box-like cohrt. The score of that engagement Zlf the Inter-County wheel. _ locked for the honors and a White it is the- intention of the Commission to have permanent season, and vice-president of the Last nlghVqnthe Maple street court the two teams met in th7»! Rumblings from Madison to the effect that the Colonels would fol­ play-off would be necessary. stands constructed sometime in the future at Memorial Field, it Is not league. engagement,and the locals were mighty lucky, take It from .„ Earlier In the season, at a time the Commission's plan to do this in the 'immediate inture, Mrs. Gross Here's what Andy has to say: " low salt were heard but these have been quieted and Jt is now almost when the local Association Jhey emerged on the long end of a 52-48 count, as they did. A informs us. "One of the managers and vi'ce- certain that the Flower City team will once attain be settnin the league. capers were decidedly off color. Two 6et of ~^~ ~ Away Off form ^„t)„„ „v.„ „„ ^„., „„ „„.„,„ * Portable bleachers, each capable of seating 500. are now prealdent of the Twilight League Heports were abroad that the w §d y the .The Hill City team was awav „». the Orange tossers _ subdued- -— £ -^ C«awnlaaion and-they -alons^lth -another net of~Ifke~size speaks. Oranges would discontinue to be them, 55-39, on the local court. still to be obtained will be placed on the field this summer/ thus swell­ That ia one of the chief reasons »3 Big Five to Meet ing the seating capacity to 1,600. This. officials' hclievo, will take care . "As for the league itself it cre­ Fountain Baptist It barely escaped with the d*eJ$ represented in the Lackawanna o ated a lot of fun _for. baseball _fana. League—but these rumors: too, of the crowds expected to see Lackawanna League anJ|e&gue. be made by the Summit Big Fivf as» weather permits. score seventeen points on. ^l will have a uniformed team, with Defeated by Presbyterians ge Koache tares *rti*o», performers tomorrow night at St. ~o goals from the Joul mark and fl« Elks' colors. It is only natural for i- PLEXT-lh'OF "JfASTKK MJMUXG" BX Mot'TK from the floor, was away off, min "We left the Laeka^anajUasuc »Teresa's Hail folIowinjUtheir^lsarf me to believe that the Elks will be in Sunday School JVIn %$or Railway lng repeatedly from beneath thj because we felt it was getting away j puin,inK showing of last Saturday the best team.' I do not propose ,d ea it m udM to,L With the baseball season still months away, signs en. route League—-All Souls Now rim. And the ether me'mbera_of th *"*" P? . - ?** * ?- WhT^KinHanne powerful rVankli* announcing my line-up until later. Summit High Quintet to the. diamond cseason indicate' that the Lackawanna League -loeal team, with the exception —thai is. to foster amateur, base- Separates, of Montclair. The Pal­ f I would like to pick my All-Star managers will be Torccd to do plenty of "master hiindlng' if they on Top - -'.--~— Earl Oblson were "off." £». ball in the- towns represented in ace Crescent*, of 3-crsey City,'said* team of-t927. Drops Another Close expect to keep up in the thick of things and .at the same" time played a whale of a game, bre?k)n the circuit," Vincent D. Roaehe, to be one of the strongest aggrega­ "I will start out with Brat ;base. adhere to .the /recently, adopted plan of limiting the number of up-things asHs-hls habit on th president of the Morristown club. tions in Hudson County, is- to be Game Here by a 24*23 Of course-each testn" always has a First Baptist Lassies Win out-of-town players each loop outfit may-use. defense and sinking six field go substitute: Betts, Y. M. C. A.; 'Sf^^^S^S^'^ !tTe^Ut"acUonTthe Morris' avenue Take the problem that confronts Harry Dorwart, pilot of moat of them on long heaves court: A Score Hoesley. Business Menr ^SecondJ. The Fountain Baptists , slipped -SSS^?J»£»hl tai^Sv ' Prrttataary game, show- the Summit Red Sox*, for an example. ' "Red"' Philhower played the f«J ««d hook np with the inter-County , jnR lhc m ^ ReH^es awl dan- base—Broome, Klwanis; . Falben- from the ranks of the undefeated Summit Is to be permitted the iise of three imported play­ ture role for the Morristown combiJ dn burg, American'Legion. Shortstop Girls*' Sunday School League ^ the Inter-County League h>j K, wilt round out the program. Some Good Shooting ers. And last season the Hill City nine carried six regulars nation. The red-thatched MorriJ r —Brydon, Y. M. C. A^ Ralph Coffey, teams Tuesday- afternoon, . when -«at players only are used and no bailing from without the confines of the city! • town forward caged ten Held goals! K. of C. Third baae—Reynolds, Am­ nipped "26-22 by the Central Pres­ team" is allowed to pay out any A one-handed shot from the cor­ They were "Batch" Meslar, catcher; Jennie Jacobs..pitcher t the greater portion of which wej Look For Close Game in erican L*egion; Duffy, Klftsanis; Mil­ . «W«ey for players." "And," pointed ner .of the court-by Drake in the and utility fielder; AI Crawford, first baseman; Al Kice.^jM- byterians. At a result the AHmad e on extremely long shots, anf f'elder; Frank Miachinra; third baseman; Freddie Save, iarield- ton Wright, Elfes. RlgnJt, field- out Mr. Koache, "the Morristown Souls' ..Unitarians now lead the. three fouls, thus accounting fo Sr. Boys'S. S. League final minute of play enabled his er. and W'aliy Shaw, outfielder. At least half of these will be Casey, Klwanis; Booth, Elks) Con-, league; belpg the only undefeated twenty-three of his team's total o{| Athletic Club; Inc., was organised team, the Rahway High School dropped, probably more, In fact possibly all six. v ter field—Baum, V- M.<^C. A.; Indications are that the Senior sextet in the loop. * forty-eight points. .1 to promote amateur s,po*rt and thin Quintet, to nose out the Summit Determining just who to drop and who to tale on in the Voug'ht, Business Men. Left field— UDon_-the-i|ionJjlBrfl....o£^J>oria.. •^Morristown took the lead early ia| can be done to a greater extent in Boys" Sunday School League en­ High School five Tuesday after­ event that four or more listed on the 1927 roster ar^ cast loose Cole. Y.-Mr-Or-A'.* Van Tronic,"Am­ 'Singleton fell the bulk of the task the game, held it right up untfl| the Inter-County than la the Lacka­ gagement between the Senior Hoys' noon on the local court, the tally is just part of the problem. The other part is discovering three erican Legion. Pilcher=™Hanlon, K. of keeping theYFountaln^Baptists about "three minutes remained toJ wanna League," local players to fill in thq gaps that.follow the dropjijig of three of C-; Milligan, Klwanis; Parcells, Club and the Xew Providence Pros- sending the Rahway combination from falling before the Presby­ played. At the end of the Jri The firs-t inkling ofMorristown's out-of-town players. Elks. Catcher—Hendrlch, Kiwanjs; l«i»tlrato "wTOMraw"w^ Church Ave, to be staged] into the le~ad~at £4-23 where it Te­ terians, She did\ well—exception­ quarter Summit trailed by 14-5. aj| Morse, Y. M. C. A. I must add If rn meeting of the Inter-County J tomorrow night in the Y. M. C, A. maihed during the last tew sec- ally well—but could not turn the midway.mark by 30»22-and stl Broome had not been injured he tnognls, held Monday njght at'gym. will be a hotly contested one. onds of play. back the PresbyterianB. Slngle- the end of the third session byl Mendham. at. w,hlch time Mr. i their first meeting of the season "The contest was featured by would have led the batting list for handed she tallied. twjenly=two-L41-35.— n A Sid Terris Of The Ice Ihe—League Roaehe. accompanied by Jack Mc* 11|„> p„T,tnr Boys won out, nipping some at times good shooting, es­ points, ,-alL.-of the- points -collected The Scores"; DoaneM. captain of the MorrTstown the New Providence Presbyterians pecially from the _fpul. llne-.-hy.-tlw I must also say" that" every team by her team. Summit iwm. filed a formal request for a. needs umpires and Fire Chief Syd­ F. Pill by aVne"-l>6int margin in the last Summit boys, who snowed a re­ Martha Kelaey and ' Katherine franchise. The action" of 'Roaehe markable Improvement over past ney Cole and Frank J. Cushlng Merrill, .both Summit High-School Va'h Keyes, f. .. 7 minute .of play. Baum, f...... 3 a and McDonnell In seeking an Inter- performances, dropping in seven would be on the diamond with the players, excelled Tor the winners, Rawson, c. - . U : County league ..franchise without The Senior Roys lost their-uude- out of eight chances from the pen- AH Stars." the former accounting for sixteen OhliKtti, g (t u first receiving the right to do sofeatc d status last Saturday when; alty mark. Rahway was not as ac- points and the.latter"ten. Merrill, g. 0 was okayed by members of the The line-ups: trouhced decisively by the" Central, curate, sinking but tw Totals . Morristown club at a sgecial^mcet- Central Pr*8j Fntnitalu Baptist 21 Vi T iinejibyuiriana,—who—bjr—-winning! seven tries. .Muirlstim n ns held T«st«raay afTerno61inri the Kained Holiday Track Meet If. Kelt*? r>. Singleton Pal iliL^'t^.J^tilifi-^iUU-Uie. -^4t"-vttaa-..Sttn*mU'-s--aeeiirae3r-fix)in forward <;. office of Mrr-Reecher—— — "XoriT•TO=iT.-Tf Summi. .t. boys oi— l th^ e top rung ihe fouJ ,Hne that kept the 8Core K. Jlerrlll .,,. E. Merrill JoncH, -f. ., t A- O. Baicom. president, of theo f the league ladder. The Senior somewhat close during, the first' • forward Phllhowpr. f. .._ — 10 Lackawanna League, said last night "Boys' Club combination by.downing half, for it^was not until^t minute Planned For Feb. 22 D. Taylor M. Cooper Carpenter, c. i that he bad not received word of the New Providence quintet tomor­ before tho^ first half—terminated ,, center Porry, g. 1 Morristowu's withdrawal from that Brown, g. .,.._ « row night will shove into undis­ that Summit registered from the Plans are being formulated for E. Ebbols A. Johnson dab's officials. It is believed that side center Strub*-!, e. .,__".„ o puted possession of first place. floor, all of its points up to that the first annual Sunday School Ath­ E. White w. Cato Weateott, g. ... 1 SFt2E2?3^ YlMfJSaS* Vhenn by losing It they will slip time having been made from the letic Association indoor, track and guard Croy, c. 1 *<** ;n*e«tinr ?f >he Lackawanna ,to« second {daceblace. foul mark. At_ haJflJiue Ihe-seore R.-Hallhffah U Anderson Totals 21 6 League eouncll to be held, next field championship meet to be held "Score by periods: f A - change - iir- position " of the" ".stood" at 11-8 in Railway's favor. - guard LI .TjM*day^nJKbt^ibj^OjatMtn FisF in the Y. M. C. A. gym on the after­ Field Stoats—1>. Singleton., nine 2- Morristown .._ 11 tf sensational and-some snappy paMl Rasp City teath will continue in the closer score.- Alice~Healy ahd" e meeting-of the of f icials qf A. Hejj-l-y-^.-—. ivt. Korbeiy ano>-of course, Drake and_oyejrj_wiU__competer-and in two T :-BnsnnUgh - MiirriKtoii n "her"rt»" that league Monday night at whlc^i ml All Sj«»ut.s" Unitarian.... because of his deciding field junior divisions, in one, of which forward one of the" managers said a member Kouiitaln ItnptiFit .75U C. C'owperthwalt . Cloodworth Williamson. 1 1!. of the Madison team had uprv.ni/R- I 1'renliytt-riitn .6157 were the stars for Rahway. Korbo- competition will be limited to boys forward Keyed, f. : :i priMeneil him quesUonlng whetheri^,.,tUfitls? t xf.nvriat .««T ly registered four field goal's and weighing Dp pounds and under and V. Cowperthwalt R Relnhart OKeefe, f. .. « one goal from the foul line. Har­ the - other In which boys of" 9C tenter <;ea«*one, c. -. 1 .11 Hwilaon could break into the N«-w r'rmv. Prtisliytorlan .:ir.:t ..-..-.2 .0 ( pounds and nvwr-W-jri rnrnpotn, L,. Bernar'd* Jj,, Rclnhart Gahnoiijjgs^- league. No action was taken by the ' <*»*ivary Episcopal . old Christensen played__besi_for- Htde center -FatThu, g. ... •r-.«-l L itrU,udlHt -« ttu*;'f; .ysriLddaah^.potato race, standing Referre—Mm. Gladys Dndabury Dorr, c, f. .. 0 Ogden .^lemorlnl vs. AH Souls' "OU" - K--»y, e. broad Jump-and relay, while for Scorer—M. Fiel Trlolo, s- - 0 A **» lackawanha League JsaTJolfiht. p|ok.-lisr>, »- • am^«C*We"ao-not fittend to with- -tarlnnrlSJQ p. iter—" ' "_ boys of 96 pounds or m6re in the Prcw, f. 1 l>rnk<*. p. . Sammy made his professional de ,.,..Enderiin^ --_*. I) « «rair trota thV-ieasae- What we JHKKlOB TTOYN Kwltrk, jr. "same division the 55 and jlfryard. 101 —ft • -ti %.,«» thiukuu; of doing is having all Orr, g.j f. dashes,- gtandiag aTrd^TuhnlngTtlglir tttrTand^erhBld-htjB^end iv I*rov. ,I'xe»byt«riAn—J- - 2 BuiHniir ZCTl-^.. 2 ' .T?*?* J***" Smith continued. UakiaLju^nUjrlal---^.., =.•=!-- 2 •.5«» LOP, f. " . _-__ JHarJisbn High Downs feated yictorJi.awio*---the world'? -^.-~= ^Kmartomomw^- - •Christeiiwii, f. that -yeitir,— Maroons had uo~ltitea",j X-" ™Bft^3t£g' H this season iwith local Oakrw. Memorial x&' Kouiiiaij$--l{a'pU<#, I^jirtRr, <-. . ., T~"i»tew:: weJielie^^w ^asifetherfora^M^ SSrSiver-agahar-s_uffereS d any reaTserl- WS»7~go_at the iinie. tWs season] raflJnSr^a^S^ToTTcFPittBburg.' y---&fe^-«ffl>aTFeehBia N •• w _i±fHrhIenCff %rf1l^r^'** Zih ' Rahway _ B berame known several of" the "aer"— "attheTFlower 'City, -when hecagei igo haringAhad what was (left, of j eventually- Sam wound up in the ^fftie wanagtrs have been busy, OnM - Memorial J2«.._.Nrw X*rovldt»n«. Summit ,.,., . 1 , x_ .-11 'JYir»byfi-flaii" 12. - , neferee—Stlne. PlaTnfleld. fth/E* ounmtBeo«rax&s-Btoi Htrt*iteD"«wi? seven field, goals and- six penally he bones therein, removed by a star spangled T*niforrn=~ of th« j leaning their respective plans for o- goals, thus accounting for all twen­ urgeon. Americans,', vertaln to become one * 1 ewr^mlratton. . " •s* jr^u>K noYH— l ty points acq»ired~by~hts_team and Appreciating the drawing -powerof the most poptilar-phiyei*-^-] As It now sUnds, the Ijickawan- American Legion Sammy Rothschild, jof NY. Americans, isenablin g It to down the East Ruth- f a Jewish star in ticw York Clty.^a^itftyn w^p.rfv^^ehEKiOithiy.J •a League, which finished the 1927 -W: •ti: TFVf: *'alvi»ry Eplatonal .. . «i 1000 "Twb^Man PSn Tourney ^j^L4^^or4--High—School quiiitetr 20-17. lie-AmerTcana attempted to buyljiever failft. to-draw crowds to the .j aeanra with twelve, teams, is com-I*apif«t 1 .730 — Ontstandiiig Jewish I^^pSfir The Flower City team, • due to Rothschild's release from.MontrealIgate.-^Gojeyrlght, 1928, All RighW ' V>|M)| of ten due to the withdraw- •Junior Tioys' ('tub "2 .500 ^pag^^ffortfj^^Jarjggl^ed_iUlVllie4JlHrlD«_lhe^gdaspa a year- agOi^but Fijuntafn" Bu pt l«t -,...... Z - 2 .5ein^ New "Pfovi^ ^m^m ItrewHter-Hnnvllte :.. c-J' ggf^Statfbaro. Madison.^ MillbuVn. 0«ke» Mi'ntorlal Upon the Baseball Field "The senreirr" i » .i*o I <"aiH»i---VVrlKtitHehacffer-lleynold, s Kait Betherford m M' • • • :• ^. wtngfield. Union, the Oranges, Xew.I'rov. l^rcsbyterlan .«W JaKamTai-jatJl itamr* Tomorrow Lllley-F. Hplnnutr G F. Pts. wrmrtagtaa and Maplewood in addi- Rent-Van Tronk - „. y "LANK*; LEONARD- bury, October 16th, 1901), ahd early Cassetla, f 2 MvmortaJ | o W -M^to-S^WQlf- . ' •- -^15 "**" -K» v«H- Episcopal, j rif Bpntrlck-Kohn" Up in Sudbury, , in the} developed into a star In the two Hossonlopi*, f. o 4 RldRft. t 0 0 Y' ^HOne manager last .night declared J«nl- ... 0 heart of the nickel and' copper | sports of his home town. Ho he- Junior Boyi' Club y«. New Providence Va^Tronk^'" Daihlemer,' c. 0 0 ffi ttmmU to he in favor or reorgSn- i **re*byterian,.2;15 p. m. country. . they have time for only v gan bis hockey career as a junior Hands, g 0 2 Baptist v*. Methodist, 3:15 p. m. two sports, baseball and hockey„ L'w-WMt «rf the league with but six with the -of theErKKnouch , a. a 4 & SB* *»Witlg franchise?. He pro- t«l*t ti»tar)l«y'i Hmiktts with' the^latter, as is to be expect­ 0 0 Hart 1 Ontario Hockey, Association, later Gillies, g. h' BBS'*** Summit. Millburn. New CaJvary Episcopal 24, Oakts Memorial ed being by far the more popular starred as an intermediate,. played Mulligan, f..... l 5 $-%'*g***m;, ^prta«*feW Madlwh of the two. Old Jack Frost starts f Central PreHbyterian 12, Junior Boya' for two. years with McGill Univer­ Totals *...... _.. 7 3 17 J,., jMtf Chatham be retained, the other her Clpb 11. bearing down In late October and sity an'd then quit college to enter ''" ''' - JHadtkoa ., - BaptUt '5«, New Provident-*} Preaby- doesn't let up on the pressure un­ the fur business with. Ills brother ., I*. Ft*. /, >*mm another niaiiager proposed terian If. til the middle of April, with the back home, playing squalor hockey 1 —20- &> Marx l mi a onairtsKfTT ::..- ...;.;... o 0 0 tJi *&i?$ t&.% ' * ** gtouited into, a *- result that-white -the-Sn-dbury kttls thereafter with" the Wolves chase a tew.'.long flies in the short Meyer, t . 0- -;• 0 It was while thus akatlng as an Ma tone, c © 0 - 0 summer, months, chasing a puck -~ „^«* rijtwidettce. MiilP tlsta are the only odes who threaten amateur that Summy^«arned bis Fowler, e 0 » 0 Clothes mm**t^2-*/,.- JW^««, Springfield, around the Ice comes more natural Liggett, g. _ 0 0 0 the undefeated league-leaders, the and a hockey stick gets by far" a reputation as a bair^phmyer during •rv. If. .. ^ « -.0 0 *b»dtao^ C5utth*m aiw Union. .He Calvar.y • .._fipiscopallans.. and the the summer months, «8a)d. had. he HollingBworthrr.-.::.™_ 0 0 0 to this stand by au- bigger play than Methodists have a penchant for. Slugger. a Louisville!cared to pass up his simon-pure Totals ^...„ 7 « 20 $i28.oouP ^tthttt next Tuesday night, pulling off upsetting -things—and .«»••« ^ ««L ,. « • I status he would undoubtedly have "to~]S58#-. offSchils convene. they mlgmTdefeat ihe Baptists and Red and Shorty Green, Alex;made good as a short stop on the leave the episcopalians free to. OT^kates again. -That accident did y&Bt «ea» *w at thatntliae alMcKinnol famoun ans d. Nationa Charleyl (fLanglois,^professiona Hockey l diamond He was^'pre*-' r cake-walk the rest of the -way to .„.,-.. . ,l*y him up for a year; but fortu- I of the circuit for 192s will teagne figure.«, s begax-„*.^.._n thei, r "career^ s sented,wit h aL beautlfal .gold watch the season's end and the champion- 1 tm~_JSUidh^^-*l»ke^-imd-~iSaTOiHy' ball '^sagne7 In^htttW^for five suited and in 1924 when Cecil walk- , ' , Rothschild, the Jewish star of the yehrs, played brllliantlj for twoHart , woo -was organizing the Elgunn Bros. Tofficirrow The Episcopalians are to take on , ia another seasons with the Royal Canadians Montreal _Maroon,s,~offered him a ,l£::-><£^tmoMrtt*- *h«-<^B<*«i.a cent avenue., which is being held be used for the expanded activi­ hehool at tho Anderson Galleries, 489 ties the board has undertaken, re­ Lincoln's tlrrtyHtiurg A44r*m* cently. . __- just West of City Line Park avenue-at 69th street. New- «" .-• . . . ^ . . tl>>tiry lttchardson York, hs causing wide spread in­ Two new clinic rooms are to be •>on»-^-l,4rtco)n'*Kiif><>k« , » j>ians for a new business bulld­ terest-not only among her many jntllt^ana the present laboratory •• • • ... .'.".•„. Marshall Nloluila og in New Providence, just .over personal friends but in art. circles *oom wHl-be-romodeled. The work IMs-m-m ruiituhi. Sly ( tmtaln'. • J- - generally. began this week and Is expected to . - '. .'_"__ ..William-Slolwrt ti,e Sumftiit boundary line have Although the present exhibition require about two weeks for com­ _(a) Lincjitu been made. The building will con- is Miss Coles* first, examples of her pletion. With the additions com­ U»> (ii>U1 Siivi- «>ur T^imV * • '-taln four stores. One of the ten­ work have several times .appeared pleted the board will have five — UOVM (.'li'.fr tfvm ry—Tli^T.1_uj>' Trunk ., ,_..._._.. ...I o:her-a.Jneat;-.market, It .is. under­ among, them the J926 Salon du 1room tonalq> tnrspneo ita' t«„H„UI''s being' takemun' frot"itm~ • . KIIKIII»-»II Smith. AlV.i T.\lldcr«u«'! stood. The building will be locat­ Pritemps -and the International theroom' 61s dio citr yit shal .activities,l Counci. l Thchambee addl-r Quotation* from Lincoln .^ - ! ed on Springfield avenue just Water C61or Exhibition' in the part of which Is now used for Boy noj-Hiftiil KlHH^ni'iit'iitrt-liuUM'Vs across the street from the Now Georges Petit Gallery. Paris. Scout headquarters. SiiiKliiK~~AincrSubscribe toWr thithes l^oautllul..Schoopap«r. l providence station. In tho present showing of fif­ "" Bfschoff- & FerbttBh • Corporation teen oil paintings and seventy H. S; Teachers Defeat are the owners. The lot for the water colors are listed the follow­ store building Is 1>art of the prop­ ing: Chava, Anenome3, Parisian Kiwanis at Volley Ball erty formerly belonging to Harry Courts, Fleurs Exotlques, Interior, n Coggeshall. which David Fei- La Suit, Cruclta, Portrait of a Condit's Sculptor. Circular Composition. The pedagogues gave the follow­ bush and Mr. Bischoft purchased-a" ers of Mr. Kiwanls's club a lesson year.or so ago,_on Division avenue. Jane, A Seine Phantasy, Louisa. Le Marche—Cqncamau, Portrait In volleyball yesterday afternoon Real Estate The lot where the new building when the High School faculty team will - be built—la -Juat w«st «f the Composition,. Portrait. _of "S.S."* Monastery— G4to—Sorrento, * view an d the K~twants-team "faced "the corner of Division and Springfield net in the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium. ayenucs. but' the stores* will front from , Monastery — Salzburg, Bulletin Chumps de Mars—Paris, Forest­ Not exactly roughshod was the on" Springfield avenue. way .the teachers rode over HOUSES One story in height, the build­ er's Cottage—Salzburg, Wisteria Arbor—Sorrento, Salzburg,' Spring their -- Tivals, for the Scores ing will contain two 15-foot and were close—15-12, and 15-13, both For Sale two 12-foot stores. It is BO plan­ •—Paris. Street in Villeclose—Con- $10,"e%y frame Iiouxe, 6 brick and will be about 56 feet in the scores went, laying up store rooms, sun parlor. Hie linth, frontage by 50 feet In depth. It is Paris Street.. Carmen, Mary .Stuart. Ion Roadway—Scotland, "lona .against the tlmo when the report I . Ifliatorj first floor, *-car ga- • expected that' it will be finished Colon" lona—Scotland, Scottish cards are due to come out again.! rage. In both games the Kivanians $2*IMH>—Wonderful \nlne. »pv? brick and stucco, Kugllsh threatened their rivals' lead, but I architecture, \ master Iwd- threatB were'nothing to call the rooms, 2 file liuths with police about. - shoncr on ^nd floor. 3Iaf

A * Philadelphia Small l»rj.Picked * * Cottage, Italian Houses—Sorrento; Studio Garden—Paris, From" tho Stu^Sriap/ Back Window ^ Oxford. Italian Back YardB—Florence, Babylon- 4:4c Roasting Chickens 44c Park ..Row, Metropolis,-. Olive ~* "' fc& (3t© 3*4 lbs. aierapre) \&> - Groves—Sorrento, _ Reflets dans

TOP AN l> ••BOTHUf ^^nr^R"'*?!^!^ ."."sgsjrtcaU-^MQf c 1 =SDrP Loing. Casatlano, House STYLE SHOP Boatsr-OTr^rhe Seine, Clotheslines ess Chuck Roast Round Roast —Sorrento, Market -Women—Gon- - *P.£, &S' COATS , carneau. Aft Students.— Luxem- "Bourgi - carrousel—dratlcs,' 'La 3TJ^SPRlNOF|EU> AVfe^ Tasso Rouge.^FIres=Oranse--Tree-. Sorrento, and Verbotcn. Long Island DUCKS " JohyuQM^^JD^jLuXi lb. ~lb. ElectS

Rental. -'T-f lb. •M 19c"i In this machine high brush -f'speed" takes the place of awkward weight. -A big 8- ItEGULAB inch brush driven by a powerful Universal motor drives the wax into the FRESH HAMS very pores" of the floor" and brings up a brilliant lustre "CLOVEI^LOOM* instantly on hardwood, linoleum and other floors. c Pure Creamery

Butter 'JCr * Ot m • - *• M ¥ (In One Pounl Prints)

See our i^dows for^atuf^y Night 13pedate^5 to 8^j

Oof. Summit Ave. TeWphonev230 Company - , and Bank St. .- Summit, N. JT "Largest Retailers of Meats in AmerJBtt^ ^ 376 Springfield Ave. ) jrel^lllZ Summit, N. J. Tires •• Gas-Oils » Auto Supplies 312 Morris Ave., Summit, IClE mm B, Wattpafier •• Paints ~ Varnishes 9 Ashwood Ave. Phone 1695 , 1 ^Jks. I

—^"T^rrrT^^j^^^'te^^s^^S^^ .-.•., ,^,,J ^^^^-..^.j r.ivi„\.*..*:.ri • , SSJ'o'>> ' tV-it '•"i£'Air&&i M." - * If J 3t*a& flpsog

^igagyji of human _.beftt£8,?Hoektas: Grad*- IT* sm ' there are some divine *pgrks otfHBn * «ra«e »A '4^ ~W%VKd^g^ and ftte jfrtgr.l Vtolet, Bttn.-^Mr ami The following ] hope, Oiartotie -Claafc-f t rge-W. Mc Mte^arton^cfirsHSIm wiffTcad; Grath and Mr audi Hr-4,- Joseph. S. ldfe-J 111' WAi;dl MEJTTioif Afoulton The Epworth L^ue. choir will fur­ Holy Communion at g ovff,.. nish- appropriate murfe Evening Church _ACBOO1 -at- 945. . "- *'»' Salter street, isHan." gradual, so is * the | Tk^Junior High boyis 1 have ___._. . • , . _,-. -ri Th•* ue mjtrthird a meeting of)thof thee EpwortEpworthh In'Man', s Gold.": by the rertor at \\. spiritual growth of men. and wom-lleain of James ^,M-*.» ^ J* ! 'twnJ^d from a weekend • »»Jvo re-.,th« petft Jui-rduring February 6th (League Winter Institute will be !-d"'clockr . "Choral esewsmut av<\ -,a cu. VVe are told that Jesii OkUd1 l fectoooltp Kaston. Pa., where Ih is spoke, wore Victorious over motor trln tolSth. iheld at, Chatham MB. Church on Q ] to his disciples 5Alr and M S J h p n el]icy visited; %he- Springfield BarrebalBatreball Chibiw«a—-»'-Club Wed^da„T s"t mneV win heut.ui.ii^ !l . Thedu^V^^ (o .hear ft •n "as they, were able [Junior tlighTeam of KliSSfta - ' ° " * * *y held Itffe* at II o'clock. ,S«rr CMy Quartet and other Mr, hut when be talked 'tot Friday" £«n^™J^?li? * *»«.. BOBSwa s hostess at lunch- a meeting on Tuesday..night mStlT^t fi^ 1 m m The" sccr« |ea» and an with Nicodemu*. a-^udiouVih-eo : STif^* ' ' rrangementB for a smoker tolS-!!W«fi-f^A™r lne V .t h «**>«*•a . Claw J. Thfl .^ffl^. 11 s.regular minhrfer. ReV. Jubilee' sfagers win J„t \>fc eon followed by bridK&at her borne ' bl'beid "a?e i^T of .'tto "n^Sf ™ 1 .Ttt w £"°« 'J " "thirty ^„! •lub WIHVX. ^-- $iriK».,-B.D. spirituals. Mis* Violet' * ° logian, he plunped immediately in- The yesterday. Covers were laid for! diucussed. ' ^w raonw *^re "te^rt'creaUon period, led by 51 nisht on March 15th at'n!" Iudrt'-' Johnfeoijr is • jo hoys are playing lihe Gar- 38 1 Ah -^>--_ • •= ' president ot the B the intricate doctrine of re- wWod Junior Hlsb'team at fiir^^i.* * ^ j flrady. of Springfielde ' P. U. A -M,,nd Mr, G. Arnold Vv>i8htJ-""-srH7TV t, ' ' ar meeting pf fhe h Ht_W» Cathaii,, - The parabl e " of lhti f UJ,M IIjew, rs ol Scverna avenue hwv^^eenU cn-H —— . t4*P»eM*8 Jbpiscopal «„„,, 1 , ' nmatara ar—o- Rrcovili""--»c- Lyonrca^ln^'vi^to-- " - - * ;iBvnaTionr ' ^VKaTionss Toforr a bridgbridge tto bbe"givee Rivenn ItertaTnloirthe' lau7r'a^uoth^ \rrT "Rev: Thomas B l -.ri-i,, ^JlSljIfcra Lutheran Charch, ht hoi :e l oua ' (Protestant) •' Masses Sunday niornln-. ... - I*i,or- M«1 i« also encouraging. -Th« J Blind*. _ mm_ Wwi? L»»oSi: ** 7 L * -^ toin avem.e on j^wd. of 'Nocwalk. Coiin. * , L ! ? ifceld in the parish house, on growth .ot Christianity has verl-1Ditxel and atOC< 1V afU; rjioon. Februar£.l3th,- Mlllbum. N J. f«d H o'clock. s3lt l >i^ '- .« William CJwathr!^ " The Nfiignbors'--FSortafghtly Cluh • Jttu J~ arhnuTT^ w»«, Jesus «atd. waa like a grain j Junior HIKII girls i ±~^Zn~t~'Z' »3^ E l^a»«an, -Mrs. Clifford Willi's iAl"rasave. a farewell party to Jfr; and ' |.ti M Mohr, of Bryant 8. B. Hiluy will preach or mustard-seed, which Waa very,and the Senior class 11. Edward wor&iHfiiln, thc_Finsk Bap- venue, on Saturday- evening; There i Wesson small but from_which comparative-!ham JUsh. School were 20 _ guests imrsent, Mr.""and ' rch on "The Law of K«dlgi- r C ntaUs,H gn w lt we 1(j (% Henry KadcKffe) ii,i«? *. i. ' - con-i Chatham on Wednesday stTeiZsaZ ; nch(on Kive>i by Mrs. E.^^ B Wycl: Airs. Mohr will leave about March i Svelopment." The ordinance j .3sfde1 r the consistent growth of »T»o local girls* team K as foliowif-" •off- orHahway Monday" • , ,0,to lh 1st-for their farm at ButzvilleJ Baptism will be administered! •ChZitl *™ * « «»»l»ki 'ofjCertnide Boyce, center; ™"°I*11 M«. Jahies Filter entertained at Warren County. whCre llr> MohV service. I TUi; KI>GIH».U Or COD J (Christ, we can take heart and be^crfcou, side center; Marion Town- jloniThcon at-brr home in Short Hills will conduct a poultry business A Good Place to ^t BP tniie enconraKed. AlthouKh its founder ''ey'nnd Charlotte Clark for wards: ;^" yc>:ta;iday._ GueBtH_A¥er&j-lJicy were presented with a ma- Henry r/ Lambdin -will J 1 1 InternalJi|S« I Sunday School les. was executed aa a criminal and lui * "" Jakofecn and EIiKabeth~lVd' '*«>» Summit, New Vork and; hosany end table and also many; Sunday eveuin in__tb«- ,e ll Luncheon 50c~ 75 K -tRfii-Tolorr FFelrfuart y 15, las* early bejiijiuhuia, were~m the hands ; >*-euante; K\ Erdle^-. captaia • 7*rIn*fWd.. „. ,. . - ,„ „ ' " "" - j j ""orous gifts' pertaining- to farm • c W Episcopal Church oni iof twelve comparatively 01 u „. (Joldcn-Text: "Tliy klnRdoni • • tll- r -MI«H i ora- < hennella entertained ' ' ' «nd much merriment was equipped Galileans, as tar as thc Dinner 90c- $1.00 - SL10 1 Jmdfff Fiw* 80 l>Hvcn jjUjfe PS11 Alpha Sorority bn Tuesday j[caused when the guest of honor c*- *}!! TSf»or special IilT«rc8t >' ' come: Thy will be done, as in world judges ,capwcity, it ' SO0M j ^ \Utff, Scouts a'nd'younK people. ! Heaver, ho on earth."—Mat- Biftw until the powerful Roman .'result'of road tfce torrftspoa( tng v irsea Plain Home Cooking ,' 1 hew G:I0. 1 I'»nii>ir« and flucceediiiR kiiiRs .JreTlval »?rvice will be held on I (lrsN«n. Text—.Hark 4 20-34) jthrouRhoiit the centuries io follow c ark hav« .rented the vehicle inspectors «r^ ,„^_-.J*»1 «- *' ' avenue. Newark. Mohr house. Our Ice Cream Service Way .at the WaJbu.-' Chapel I In his energetic campaign pre­ ! were glad to ally themselves were arraigned with ;hf fore Judge K. T. Spinning TneB- • J. Mwr Morrison left Wedne«- Mies Ituth JS. Zion church, with I he f'ol-, paratory to the coming of JCHUS, it: Ewing, a member of : turv SPECIAL CHICKEN DINNER taklnR4part: 11 a. m , Mrs. John lhc fbipilHt urged Ilia h car- Jackson; J p: m , Mr- U;- grew from 1 _w.i to _riip-eutT.-th4it-^4he kingdom EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT Johnson, and at S p. m., Mr.-i of God Is' tit hand." A during the large por-1 Increased to ovnr 500 liaS7>iTor. tii)ii. of (he recorded n,,,ona of CMS ! , Words of , Woes not thia growth 11I„J -| " *»»c« to thedrirc. , I^.Kd ward D.Frost has returned'""urda y evening. ~Th e occasion cele- Christ himself was spoken in an t oia IJalt application of the parablillustrate e the1j Arrests were made for .--r»eedins:. ^ more where he .attendercuirneda ! grated l»er" fourteenth" blrthdav Rev. Rockwell s. Brunk, miuist'-r effort to make' more rvnl and brings seed' o"f " '""'inthe nn° mirrors—,—•", cuttin'-•"•""*g. in,»u,. swlngiuR li-.**"' u':'n,ul convention Ganios nniHtard j cense plates. and dancing . were enjoyed. the Central ^rcbbyteriau 4:hurch, closer ru men and women the I "Dit.vid 1Se I>la t ii ML ! Anions Cofe^rove,Tine. MvlmrHtoiM. «i l',1?J , fI ' rccklea.5 drivlbs. and' ' -* Su-annc Chandler, of Green- those present were .Misses preach at the morning t,crvicn ,tb kingdom *jf God. •—'' :miHsionarv , !mf°resolved ffiff i ''^ ^ ^_M^^ration card,*..^ch V.lla.e was^a weekend St Margaret Smalley, Eleanor Binkerd, 310 SPRINGFIELD AVE .It o'clocl:. His sermon topic Gertrude It is not difficult to apply the '< "••"'" Boycc. Marion Townley, HI he", "Kirst Things First At jwnrdi I^SiiVJl^"^^^ I ."?« -;S=i*-1«— !«ln^^o^,faSeT- ^^i Margaret of Jesus if we begin bv, ., , . , ~^t., Richards, Elizabeth Erd- wening i:er*ice be will A dance and card Party will be! M«" Alexander J Pantcne preach i realUiim that the kingdom of God »» nation «o the Kingdom 0 1: J and ; Jey, Madelyn Saiitora, Charlotte 1 ,f of • held on Februar-—y a>r4 at thei'S " '^'» ^n rtopntes for a " or tiich one of us in the'"" - anything I have will ad- d y s a l c of ler ar few Mary ia( v ,a< Chateau BaJtusroi for Tlie Iwnefit ? " ', ^ "S™? ' P i Clark, ' Elizabeth Hop.er, liidlvjduttl liitniau heart. That i»'1V ' * mi'^est of that King- UT ;,nJ Ml RolM>rt n F nta, and Ray- ,0,n ph U h( lvcn r of St James Catholic Church. The ' '*' «r Blake, Edith Jakobsen the home in which the principles •'. ; " ^ ' * <> kepi," as Shon ausoa, Rinze, Wah'er ana Barbara Stu-h, M.D., by committee in charge co-mf=;*«>„ ,,,, : „r-_ ro«uj4 niiiii»'lsa nvenii6 while ™ „^ ^mon„ d DItzcl*,,! , Ber t TV"— *«*^**. ot divine ti nth Jiihi an opportunity! ^^n* «r giving it. I Bhall Mrs. A Trjhz, Mr;:. J. rf < c r P on her4 ijC JA TwlBossl , Enos Farsell, •I* wilr spi-.ifc at Oakeii Memorial to develop IIIHI. when tile life „f' mo<«f. Promote thf ^lory of Jiim to t Lyon. Winfield reb thjii Sunday morniinr in an W. 'Drew, Mrs. I/, v GaUaudeL any man «r woman is controlled' ,m J owe aI1 n,v hop™, both of|N, Alcntc, Mrs. M. WalterCarnegie. Mrs. Tllr"**. —Js J^ " m< and r Extremely Low Prices rvanf, compfehendln^ and elo- bv ;;nch mutlvcs, the kingdom of I, " «'c "lty." U every hnmam Skellay, Airs. F. Buckfaolz. Mr?. C Air. and Mrs. William R. Richard­ " The history 'class of the ninih fttt world traveler', who has jii.st flod b(jfH)twi-*a reality to that per- ,K'inK rt>U thAt wa>'< tfae prayer we ' Brmmer, .Mrs. <•. Smith. Mrs. J. Ton- son and (hildrcn. of Severna ave- grade enjoyed a trip to NeV York son. lli-ul irUnitm in not in the oh- ""^f,da',y' &A iu our golden text,! klm;, Airs. B. WoodV. Smith., Alissc s A. Tan- sue. .^jM-nt the week-end with Air last Saturday. They, visited the ed from -h se.:uuu i,;nK. a;Ay w uhI soon servdneeuf rllual or^tixlernul oro-' " bwoui* a reain*. I«»;khL«;v , onder. ; fessi(i:is bjit exj^Hjs_Ju..Lhii-_lmtitan Re- Brooklyn.- Statue of Liberty. The members era—Af«^*—I-KTinrarrtT—rr^ Tieiirt ifreshment committee: Airs. 1 M. Will Johnson, of Washington ave- of the class are KJIUi—Iakobsen, as an lioiiourcd nif.i Tip kitiMom of Cod DrBurrht Talks To Mente, Mrs. C. Go^Ie, Mrs. S. Ragt. Elizabeth Gunn, Mary Blake, Alar- Week-End Specials' and C.;;i3." Mi-," Sui.ii as c priv;U-g(tJ to Bit-iei- ti»- i:;- cies of \\i'- A{..i:»lKi:n:'d;i:; For Fridu^and Satufdiy ? life, aii'lhj. i h.^.iv.ti\ fjf.-; flSOft-Iftli??' lit iJic' inati^erji i FRESH JERSEY PORK rusiems of bath Ar:sjj ^rad Jkr- ~* _Fre§Ji Hams, lb. •**^^rt folk. Her p»r->o;u>l • \p- /^MCJ ., (', 23c^ s been thrilling.' hr/ lf;-turci= J Fresh Shoulders, lb. hnman. r.rre;:;ap. iv-onerfal. i I6c brings a:i apxnuliji^ m*-.-*i^- t the Mohamnr.-daa nemau to Small Pork Loins, for too t-ajy, choreas Jesus win i . 'hooEhtii he gave Building fermits KSord i Harry C 25c tromauho.f.i of America. never out , Mr. and Airs. Robert Grayson and 1 Stewart, _ Mrs. J. .11. h m, ,btr of Schuster, ^targe Pork Loins, lb. .. JWIKII Such, tiioufth !,);•-• j_.i ajimad*. - it ;,c>. Il<; might have cited thes •\m long be remembered bv • n.T| r ? Pewits issued bv daughter, Caroline, of Bensonhurst, Airs. Edward JaecRels, 22c J.hs-cUiiLoi ihn rich , •• -«: Older high school h„y.; L. 1.. v.ere Sunday-guests Airs. C. fi Quinzel. Airs. Jolm Kin^ liaeriean. l»,is .-y«ipn!if!ii-;,l|v young rnle.vKThe-Tunior-IlPrcTub ™joyed a .RVJjdjniJnAcector-JiV-Uliam B. Den' Mr Mr«. Fresh SausageJIeat, lb. r*3»lM-d the narivc p.»iiu_jol„ ii»-«,:.. who v»as ailvise'd to ive u J yed a and AI rs. Fred Pierson, Mt^TIORp-L,. ti ,, , « >» his *m)eritS,l ^, te as"ToII6V^ 1'ark. "Mi-sT T^farry Ross, Airs. FreslrPoit Chops, lb. "J Hr"*i«~ni«•*""«•?!aibii'-ri t<» >iim» v ih( S M.-Ci r-«rl)', recently emphasized " -',!,. .- Alaiiou Phillips will spend Thomas ..^. ..27c |:ktior;n a;p., :s /.( native 10 y a:, a Schramm, Hankins,Alisses Louis. Mrse . Albert. liff. (ho increasing COHI to - nu-n" and -vTTr^ ?"', - ""wceaatm pro the wcfk-i'ud ;.i:d holiday at the md Kliza- woiiM-tt w,lm worhhipped God over • (.rnor i„ ,-iub Jack McXuIta Oray:<,:| home. hcth Smith, SMOKED PROViSIOffS Preyhjlerbiu AciiUifo ! Y the' price imjd a generation ago. valuation Airs. Robert D. Tmit. of Bryant Palriotii- r.ervi'/s-are being lp-ld as .eceotly been elevated to theamounting : to , Mrs. Joseph A. Tonkin was liost- : Totl-iy, men and women must give IZ6.25V. Total fees e?."- to a bridge party at her home avenue, is recovering from a slight rSvvift Premium Smoked Hams, lb. presidency. W]lk.h ha,, , ^ received, $60. 23c Mm young pe'.jsle'.w mceti-u;^ on "up many IIKMV attractive allnre- :n Short liill.s avenue on Tuesday illness. m mdav eveiijne M th- PrcfbytU'ian vacant by Richard Ilea bor, •„ Morris Supreme Hams, lb. isieiiis and dfiiy themselves in ore ——o- afternoon. Valentine decorations Mrs. J. W. Dannefelsei 23c Urt'h. Tile Hi:-,h School League **Th Wisliinp Slone-" • were . of'Sev- ' •>f I lie pleXlKlircs of life if they 11 Presented ti;,fcd." Tbe guests included ema arunue, is able to be nbout af- Cali Hams, Jb. 111 have ftii- tluir hjieaVcr l\wl . would dcvclufi iheir Lake Mr*. (6c spiritual life on B. Harry Vox. Airs. George ter a slight attack of gr P. : ity, of t?iiminii. fcouoiiilNt and to Hi, riilb'j,r jjovver-;. s, from the hifi, ^o.;, ,!:^: AJcGra'h, Mrn. lionald Leach, Airs. ••••ivtr itay Scliool The Wishing Stone,' 'Mrs. Patrick H. Gunn of Colonial! Strip Bacon (half or"whole),Jb. 25c president of Uui. Moody Invei.t- Jesus song In to Increase the t'corge, X. .Y. date musicamusK'al! comedy, will be ffiven cicrvice, wh'o addn at erl00lt I)iUJ in v. ill ti]id''t'S;:iit' iMIi I phases of the more purimseful '« stolen. (•ompriciiitomTri'V: ^ i J » « ^slsrted the hostess in Henry Beyers, Mm, Ale*, M. Fergu­ Brisket Corned Beef, lb. »be« C. Richardson, on fu lion., properly Hi- Tt,e ,ay 13c prepared ihorny ground.' moted. » work are pro-! » wav.asa iiiVeetedietedd bbvy /hW'-l.-"^1"™.^?**.*°"!*°?'' ?™^ *crC *on l,^y MrMrss. A. E son, enjoyed a theater party at the India, will be the speaker jind the BIOJUL JftMcUThwrter.-Nctrirkr oil ph"a_sizi-s receptive. go^l-soil.-em^J - Harold f hiIsTciiHeu -H _j xew y„ , ^ ~IIM^: of:^:» ^B«I Mrs. Quick.. on Porterhouse Steak, Jb. TT ^39c Will HE^Il of hc>r"i'Xperfcu<-i'd in n rrauk rk and <>a | ^.ednesday. The xlub h;wi man nit- iK-ccsKtiy for each! Jcckel We T M, unclicon •Work there. Thin wivic- b«- 1 ld w appointed l,y. the i hc prlri'cipals in the &*. .trv,. ' p -Thomas Hankins gave a at the Dolly Madison. „, ! i«»an to endeavor to I Senior f'lub brW Sirloin Steak, lb. ur 39c ,.«t ip,-Bi., and is preceded hv l»lac& lum-eit or herself Htudy and deYelop^"*- R«bert^ P. Skilli^ i„tZ', '*»** se at her home in Sal- Miss Mary Mason will IrWnd IVayer t^irrle in m!!!cUflll r the p __'•_ -mcftlns at proper capacltv to 0..S1 Hi -5' ^«m.v for Summit jTady*— ; Mr." Skilllngr reading S ^ 1? T* ,°^ Tuesday "evening week-end-at Philadelphia. 35c ...the parish house I'cceli'o etceirral . JIM, preparatory-to a service to -Mrs. Hildi ^?rhoHsc Roast, ih. "'ZZZZZZ lruth as it .shall Hilda Harvey. Yet G7>; ^ So * ?' ?'»""£ *UHI Council, g! Miss Alice Belg will be IfttoSudan t'niud ?,IJSH come his o-her r ,».o held later in the year. '! Kathleen N enter- ..inn and i.s •way. It Is w<;lJ"t o notice that luisj w_i , M^'arthy. See; JohntonlS ree lablcs ^'er<> l~tained over the holiday _>v«ek-end GENUINE SPRING LAMB — wi!Lbe_broj!gJiS-Jii- U*^ f n end s - in^ftrnjTk lynT~ —— — «44en- _P^nimo__j_j^_llillutwy _(._(,m„ij|w„tii eratj mll; SPlinCPIiriii tit ihDse_isaembJcuLaJ-iIiia i mid- .. H. ,L- Peterson, of We-.tfield ^Legs of Lamb, lb. -„.—.-- II... varynic dogrees ^l^p|wrtltlrity J M HIM-HfcUl -tr has • 35c .6*1 •sice on Weay_._have had-to -tCoutljHied store in Morris ' ~ Shoulders of Lamb, lb; - -- bvTi l>aws*j:i."or"Loiid')ii, s»( - erniule Them to produce" effective' chorus avenue and in 23s 1 [compose- > d . of several groups* ht oarrymg all kinds of firfl, dams of *h»: br.-Ti' i of this work. icMiici. for, while the seed thit! '•'oops were preT'rtT°T.i „me lH 1 £.n"<"»»• !AIra- Howacd Crowell Mr- block and the former Fiomer build­ Shoulder Lamb Chops,* ib.\[SZ~.ZZZZ'"Z.\ rsg near to *a*^r oi thi^ wi.rk. '•c-i_dderuldy 1t, Its r-^rn.'Xo ma, f The „„....,,.. their scout ,'andc r .„tiross, .Mr s Fdwar, ,„..de „C $™<±-> £JS_ft TSJSTtSing •will open around AtarOh 1st ath " MILK-FED POULTRY ~ „ , to th:ir hf«irf: dar- >>r woman splrituallv ran expect '" • and wei'eTTcy. _\iiss i|rta 1)flIon including a scrap iron Ktore, sec­ Jo,l,rd b in •the toie taai l>r, "rj:ri ;<,,.„,,; to receive tV grcatMi' harvent" >" "1 scouts in the; Kneen. M. M. Brady Misa Ubi) Mteir-dosephine Brill had as her ond hand furniture store and «" »'» t^« n?.g. Alexander iguesTs a cut ^sMGUed Roasting Chic!cens,Tlb.a^,,Tb:39c ' « secr^ttry oiTifc-a-.-rkau" P^ss.i)!,' trom the eternal _niri. ..#'«aliu •'he girl scout -Gross, RattKom KandWt—TTH »-i----t ---•over " the•—-.- week-end«««H-eii. , Miss rate drug store. mb. _M7._Bawj.0a wjii t«-:j ,r ir(^h- j 'awa iit'l -to imusie v; f of the seed oreBpng; - tJrant "TlioTnas. NSLiri^^f^ ....^^"^ . I-& - L—. Preyer ^^~—-o—— Fresh=KiIledLBtoilers, 2>/2 lb. aveM lb. 35c Tlr> grow-! >'"ill»nr Selander. acL ^r J*wdtd-iaiTa„.-t.mi-nt "liiji h\ *.. !>"ja!»Lc encouraging who was scout- Daisy Buid. Phoebe Brf™* .- ^^5 flvJd of service " *''»'iMly ii iwt year, gave U-hishoTm,. -Oljve f 1^^ fJI'" ';'*'*--At***»ter E.Fers„son vlth Fresh^ledFryingChickens* 3 lb. ave^lb." 35c < powtT -of -^ti ' _._i- .'.T'Pha3__Ne_.______he unystic _;ii. fciiorL-ta|k_e_i sront ^™rirayIn«rwiSle7-miTy-i«^ and Helen „ « plans to Flrsr-I»n'Rbjh»rinii History Week TO for- e "Rev +resh*KiHedJFncassee Chickeas, lb. r: - 2r© —IJ^tJi'cousne^H to work rt Terry. - Charm Ririsr L" ^!! S^ l^ w«^etnnnt|r"B*f tnothcr. DT- G. A*.'Liggett, pastor, > _ heart. Seed St , *'^^ and/tlrla of the of Sund "•".irTrnrthspHrrgs UP ofroiiMh himure! IJoerrleii. Aun lVrS^AlkS^^^^ ^^fU H^laad. morning servic*. a_t IJt ^Heeling Mo«d^' IStghl caith and uo woubl h ' t'ou?t^M> ".at thev o'clock Fresh Creamery Butter, lb, ; "ZZZZZ 53c uriu 'u a kl e.: in__rpu**iduce wouui iK'come better . . .— Obristiafl.laidbu*Mr-mifli-- PJ'ocess such £ men md Randall, Marxl^Mason, F4o f»X JJitLsecd " _>vomen. —He. ompluisiacd entertain -at jJM- at,7JJ0 .p.. Rh-.=2ftpioH*M«iTvi Ittwih -Tl « dependent -ttru- fact for I TTfc that ibt. results ot scout work- mav Krdioy, Betty Treat" and-- UB*+V »i"" ."," -»-"*«• «^ ^*in. '^ |«wlnK_a Life Partner." Pro.-^ ii*tory Week will b^ ol,- tlu ivin- nuallties of'„,__ . . - 31; -1 ^*uuiAjo_ll/i'ptha t'-bmyjj. 1C Cj3rpth_U:i,.|r, '..;„ rt !? -iH;ltotoEy7.ffi!C^c ai nff ve| r MiaMnE IT^rdTey. " -j« show that'TvlilttiiTbe Ui-art arrnv-t^^ ^ ~ ' ' Utinta_of - •^^ililiihi^nul- _-i jg JBiag - ^uhL. i^^dfe^SStf!^ jMrtor^-SmT.":" r„ ^^rnrxr- Jfr: Selander Intro-{Ruth ^.L ^ 1^^ ., . — -I 11 o'clock.' at .diiceinin. new apd Edna Towa- opp«s;te\y . y^v A. «*sen—;le>. Boll n Sea haw-- — -" "~ •™*-*m- tPworth League meeting at 7 ^tvilie-Day, who h«-Bald would make ic.n. t^ 1 A 4 rAes. AditHnc JPJ|-2C9-PA-RIC AV_E. ..- SUNDAJ, ^BRTJTOKY 12, 15323 ' " a very capable ^Ch^^^m^^^^f^^^. T<^- ?** ^- in tbe - ^Rhone-147^— -SUMMIT, N. J. ^rwajk expert to spebd tb« italt -5T"" " Rev. John S. Bui ton *he pastor, (and Flo Edna add+ensi a - tyith and ' mora"Wm^Mkll ^ on?Dorothy MaJeT^SE?Sm?,^v^'T ^"^ «™- ^«3 moral rnliniiNcourage, , *...two„ .n K x» .. J _,-?l'*" «•!§-» AUlitft. -\*frti t.rnib..t JI . «-. . !" ^repair,. iJo«» Bridge Clnb at tbeir.boiiie in Seyl TTF SUMMIT ! The ^m^Lca^elSr"'^:^ ! S],?^^^P^S^tSSi T4ie-mem- K*nt Matty Boulevard ; tfllwr ; Jr." j^e*™ «^VnSw3SrS?bred tb: F«Tt-", ™Air. and J«r" - *"* MM H, Harry MLSRV L7 L'AMBDIX' 1 lie the yoiinru^t ehlld___tcndr M«s. Henry Beyers, Mini. tor j Jr. <). 1. A. M. Dance i'i the'Mr. and-Mi i Ikittle iliii Council. No. ion. will Wtiraliip at ]Ja . m. and at __ p. m. -i- JKiv, e, , 'a .danc. e n"xt Friday evcniti"- «». .Al-ihe^wifef-fiCTviw the Pastor will Bpeafc on ni the Municipal buildingL SPECIAL ra«. latiol oi Union County with "Tlii: Making,of Lincoln"- Captain Robert Lo. cr. of Kiiza- I;< lb, will -present tn exhibit drill National Biscuit Go's Biscuits ^•*«"b« otthe-.Bfc^coiitB and Youii People berm«»thv dan v. Tell Your Valentine \ • • •-«-.- FOUR VARIETIES I ---• School Notes Message with Flowers t 'Ibc honor ioil . of iheJ nines Each Packed ma Sealed fin at the Spcciafeice j A. uld.iv.tll _ a nd Raymond ; schools for the Chlahoiin Tbhelp you tell it, with a nice gesture. mqnth of Januarv - - of ~ , ' ' " VaB follow-.: Grade lA-wSSffi we have on hand a large" supply of -(W. Mqwry; Grade lB-<5race* Car- : 49c per tin michael Jean Smith, Beatrice Valentine Novelties. In cut flowers we iCHRBtlAN SCIErSCE Lwmg; Grade t-Beairtre Biakely .V*i«|ni« »t. Marie, C«roline Har­ h«™—Boses,Carmtion$. Violets.Sweet Marie Biscuits -^AfrromrootMiscuils mon; Grade 2-AYcnd.il T0lHnT i*?Jft&SSi!S .KSWifss!t^Ht CburtlTTjf-t^brtsL* s": sScTenTM *~«>iT femrUnqmhsand in PoTs — Azatea^r J>reo Sandwjc&^^TritonlSandwicJt ' : feynwrarKihiisairtrea.- G& V~ •8»rvW£ are held at S8 Ruthven Place every Sunday Hyacinths, Primroses, Tutips^:]^ I 5»ins at U o^ioek • Margaret Anderson. Rwby Selander ssttbjeet of the LUS^OJI Sermon this * Etsaheto Hinz. Grade j-SoVnlnv -—- Kg-PBtmai, -•—.• MM jf^**W. J«net Scboonmaker, Dor^ •%! j hy ¥w«: Grade 4-Robert Kob- KIT SOUL j.Jcr.- -Martin —Faxib; - --»iviv.~»j- !S£bmWt; Orrt«^«cJSJBS SSSiS^^ ^"'^SKl^TeHing at iv, o'clock. rMjcrryn; .SUfver rielwriier Helen j 383^^Spring£^ja |Uun|eavy;„Grado -i&—Ann ' Avenue ' Ruth Baunefyser"g**J«";. - 3ait«*. -CISJS ] Grade 5—Harold-Harold-TT . KrdlevKrdley. .i^H da Ekmst ,_,•,. . , ?eHiice lifeya'turo. !f>,tiahant Rlehard- n ~ -^«^fphones MitcheU 062170*22; 0623" Sronr ItSt^lffiZ : [?ffM"U|-in«k« use ef tbe reading JA- Ruth Hins. Dorothy « w ^''^i^iij%WMKsKi»«r?lccii.' ;



-Reaching out into the greaHndefinite^-its skilled hands con- of mechanisms ihougirthey were—crude—unrertain—who'would { staritly striving to reach a Higher Standard of Perfection! Such have thought they were to be the fore-runners of that great is the colossal Spirit of Progress in the Automobile Industry,^ Progress which today gives us motor cars of majestic type? • Truly, a silent giant—backed by science, machinery, brains and &* f brawn—working night and day to achieve wnnrf— --- — - V And still, with the dawn of anotherfAntnmt%hl\c year, th at S ^dreamedposstblelr ------—-~—^ =• Spirit ^i~Progress^r^^ changes for the better possible, yet the geniuses of the great motor r To iully appreciate its accomplishments, cniSfittmV^d back industry continue to dazzle pur eyes with new creations—gars of to the early "nineties'* when Elwood Haynes, Frank Duryea and oiew beauty, more power, more luxurious fittings and greater rid- jutting out "horseless carriages," Clumsy.bits ing comfort! - •- . - _ --• — --,- - •

• ^^

! £ BnoiBT,:0'. • '•.I •'.':" "-."' ••••*' ~ .,*' ' ".__:;;J.. : ..THE SUMMIT HERALD AND SUMMIT RECOR] PTO>AY,FEB =*?. «•=» _. ; ^mwnhtre- may, be had at all times tion was necessary iu order \ojpro-: settling the botm«iary dbtp«te *Jtli | ABSoclatlpn held thiH~veveaTog in look 'Hospital. Summit, suffering T. 2H. C A. S0T£S |t&e-c&UBi» must rc-c-; ,.u, but this doea not prov^-Batisffcetoryr tect tile UorougiPs claim" for taxes the City of Summit reported that! the ' local school auditorium will frcBi-a.-Uxolceii leg, Mrs, Hunt was several persona living in this sec- in "tee?" large „8tm. parlor Wedneel- (Continued from Pnee Seven* ira tat siile-s aiid ,. .... '^T^'H! against ine Barney tract bordering they had spoken to City Supervisor J j*. the paramount release -Service B*ise« will ic 4ir.j,la.-,.j ,„ ,, th,-jr 1 Ave, New Providencet*o n testifying to their inability to on the Passaic river. The Public ;Bro*M£jof jJuromit, wbp had b©ea;jror Ladies" with Adolphe Menjou ™ w,«. ~~*~ ™~ yjSf^JKi^SLSrt.'i-iW *Mtor building 0^:^^«,"" - , "U- T]p. otit&in water at all times. The citi­ Service wishes to purchase a small jtoo bBftr at the time to arrange for! ,al,,„„ , M, fefe "^'CllfS. ft zens In apposition claim tljat the K the principal part. ..1^^ ra*^the man1.i^£jr^y plants thS^e room|ti2!*!!?^_ con- ^ 5«!5«-«*. G««w--^ ' * . •** *JU «.ai ?5#t ttie Borough Council meeting; portion of this but th**•e- "^^l"—'-*—'- "*"***»^ - "» *««"» —~«—» *- -•-. ia*.ine children The Boya' Cabinet Ms within the.ClniistiBas-^^a^oi:, w •f .llltll >•-' pt T»e»day oi^bt at Borough Hall neater company does not keep the land is sufficient tank full and that all that la jfeeded borough's claim for^Xlo £e1£d^u*1^^ 1 -)wWs Council instructed the township la to force the water company to H$$|n)£y, John- L. Hughes, to draw council decided to make no move iqilH^en •»«•*..._.., ,. .terfamment in celebration of u«_ "T ''\L"\£&Vh>. Methodll^^^JS^^J^L^^^^^^^^^La'nploj*. keep tola tank full and if a pump the matter, thus automatically re-1 , A complaint waa registered Hordtnance calling for ta©; i» really »eedcd*»triat one could be leasing thef*- tmirt nn -thfB-^m^t-^eveiftl-eftUtru^ dmi trnefcs jgj tfldewalka aJoafiLJiBiin£^Jto. ' ' WgiK".to the. New ..Providence j stream of 35(» pounds pre^Kura.^ ed* that Mr, Doyle, who Is develop-I tabi avenae The complaint was ""14 th". at Lincoln School. ,. (Rogers, jplng pong,_ A tournaateitt;-Oeviifios STP-*ii7;v4'"'t^ i, ^"."h,w ftMrvgnip line and along Spring-| Ths eounrll in answer to these I ing a tract of land Just w-eat of Pivl 'turned over to the road^®inmltlee Tomorrow two of' the basketball Inlon 4«iiatj Gets S.A.iL B*n,,aet Iln chess will be inducted-in the taicmiiae ««::,'and G,e *!„?* T teams-,of the Presbyterian Church noar tvtXlr,i to bose Jn £$0$$ avenue east from the Four! claims stated that Mr. Davids in- 'sion avenue,, called \J esr* Summit for investisatian, tContinlied ffbm PaeeTThreei ^^^^ ^ *•« «*««*!*] a prir„ ,, * *' «r Gardens,-wJshed^to have two.lights i will travej. to Summit to engaec in' fiBfjamm on lh« south r.ide of tbetap«cted the tank'on four separate - - - < lsar inHtalled ; on the road running **T:al-^alu^igqpinu3e^th^ These chairipi- hEBt j»!iauia sjt-n ijp xii M ,. i '» " Strfet to UvlngBton street, with a '.occasions and found that the water through this "development. The' wtaw biys are scheduled to play the flbnarl' soeiety, and Mrs. .-Ames - ona hold their crowns unchallenged board by Saini-day »v <,••'>'.'• i11' chrase to the effect that the "cost'• "depth charts indicated a full tank council decided to grunt air, Doyle's t a# rNipiV fhnvmAt*wt* Junior Boys' Club^bf Summit ,at Joseph S. FrciluRhuysen and Kev. until March.1st, after which, date vwt " " - " " °l tllis ^*fll tmdistributed a» follows: 75 each lime and that the .fire com- __, „___ __^ , Ffank A. "Stealth, past chaplain gen­ pit c«nt. to the landowners and 25 pa»y in .oTder to prove to the coun-^reguqhtTrom hi, mbu TTt signeonly d afteletter rreceivin stating i\ the* senior i*em will face the eral, will lje' among .the guests. |»r «ent. to the borough. ;cil that the pressure was inade- tha" t fie" did not regard Buch-^o£Ti.I^2!£^"!?^ TegularJ.iDu:pe,ii»g will" follow the dinner. e lL e ljK Huntington's Orchestra will play. si^ne motion as it was first pre-> quate held a demonstration in Mur- on-the part of the council as mean- • n„ani^a „* tt,' K •-."^35.^ ^" lC •oat•teatehd sidonllee do ffo Springfielr sidewalkd s avenuon the^xae ] Pactioy Hilnl somhad eshow timen thagoe . tanwhek nt oi nbeijn g that the Borough had accepted j""? „4^ ,L , J »?t. .h ^S?. ^„ Mteaion- Scarry Flag Council-, -No. 158, A reception to guests and na- &e Qaartmut Tom £&xfUu-&:?* «m, all the way to the Summit; overflowing and were able to prove' the road on which tire lights were jari S*L^iw„y Society„ ofnJi. the JVNe w Providence . o. r. A. M. Is planning to'give tional officers will follow the din­ Jr MIWToaK '- ItSMt, besides that west-of the,oen-• theIr contention HO clearly that1 placed. , • •' . t-resiijterw. . n, cntircn„ At t*1® MtBg at thed pos befort office ethe oftey narrived bad to,; codeciden Id-purehase-d to ordera thnewe Firtrucke Chie. Mayof tor pendinjthe land-ownerg almost s talthougo the properth the com-1y injl* -• ^. audience was well toStarr increasey FIB- Eit s Councipresenl t Ismember in the- transportation,is Benj. C. Miner, of r Aftewalkr , ain greathet deastreel to f arounditciiBKiod othen inr : /:ClarK IIIk K stateapecificatioiid that sth reade peoply «o ethe oyf j{question parry bad. wateThe rcommitte in both estreet promises exd- I; sCh^-i.*l»l**- VTh itrKh* cas- t wa- s ."Viwas follow*h mfn^; r ' ^h:pmiddJe_ot_. The acounci very l determinehas divided d drivintoe 10 Irving place, • - which the Keuer&l opink»n seemed., Murray HHl-jiaiLnald their share;to take the matter up with the wa-'j F«thtr i,t Kr,i.K- - Atald ,Ion, r [-;mUn Davkis '!»«> ivamsr-fttMP tlre~Wlmiers will Richard Hartshorne, of East 'Pans (Copies mm. EXCLUSIVELY to be to make hoifte BM^-IJ, Jitid \ at tjiv.e.s for years wil h n?o«t of the (ter company and try to get satis-i «*' " ? , ,,0 t r ,;irl . i^tTAia i^jj«tM-r. "Ji" the guests of the losing learn at Orange, State president, will be that the one stretch or %al#'i|rom ; benefit £oing to New Providence;factory uc-Lion _for_ the Property^;—j',;-»-«»""••«>• l ' * ' " " i-i 'tT, ¥*** a dinner and theater party. toastmaster. Favbrs will be 'in ns- tbe center west to tlfc .'boundary; proper and that now they wanted j owner's. Mr FOR US AND SOW EXCLUSIVELY BY US .VtiilHtcr . Iiui> Kauffman: " s- Charlotte. A. Hunt, of tional colors and decorations in line was ull that was necessary at,soutpthini; he would do his best .to The house and.grounds commit­ lirldr'M ^.taicJ: ruiten i;-,rj«m. ti.-iz.-i • Springfield, avjeauc. Ja in-the-Qvor-^ butt and Mae;- colors of ttie's. ATlt.' present. Mayor Clark declared j see that they got it if it were po&- tee reported that the heating plant hlrascU strongly in favor of a walk ijoibhc.- .^ - — — In-Borough HaTl was "in Hti-v*-tiK Thor-ia*. I». -iSistTOf-tho center on. tTie^ottflTslile," After the council meeting ad- corulition and that there Was^a^ MJUIM. Jm-h Thotrare- ! tarfj"~r;in3rir- «f the Btreet. maintaining that the jjoui-ned. several perrn'mH continued hoHer-fn''thV^c'no6Tnb"un"dlriK npt t h»«r herough hnd a policeman 1n front of ithn heaKt'd dinciwuion. pnd Police ui use that,could remedy the con-i''"V '~ I ri'»R <,f*^r'r»». ir»w Paw*^ f tbe school while -the children "were ! Chief Wallace Parr en s hud finally dition now eirtntlno- • 1*v.» „nmm,t Mary l**-..I»rri.. l^.u liaj,teis»-n. .CtUher goins or eomimg.to school, to roparate one couple who, were uniotee nwa nos authorizew existingd , toin instale commit-l the | <;(Iiu«iyt nmn», vnndt-rh'^f,Iti-rlwrl SthHdv-nwin a-kwu*. ArthuNt-ht-ir. Ocean Service DeJLuxe bat that be was little protection to fcettinc; u> the point when; mere new boiler and make__a_few "p™- Vnnila-rtimif- — fUibrrr*—, &FiI?&I^ni:i l!~. the children as _thinjiii_sUMid_,nifiwJ .would-be 4utile-. Kjrrjr-i-ltaiJBefi in the pipf'ng. for cKIlSrtn livlnfi on the south Mdt:! — 1 'j he bdliding and planning com , Weekly failings to Europe from New York, Boston, Montreal IVliK'tlt flfUJlvJ-. .S,t-;4' Aei^tri'MI. or. SprinKfield avenue crowed the , Mfl||v'TODIC'S Sit NeW mil tee reported that Mr. Weber. | Gfiirrt'l'A Ay«-r*>. IP-.ntri.-K. pam*-,. and Quebec to all principal Kuropean ports. Ships and rates F wm> is street without protection near I jT JT ...7 *• • developing the old Genung ! J;tr.i(f !»' it-irco. K« niwtli Tlw»tu:>i^' to suit every purse and plan. where they lived, whereas If a side-; F|*0V. COUflCIl /VleCIinff ! estate, hao not filed any maps or I Milrii-I li-iWrtiit, ibh-io ftckKi.turi. Ar­ thur Utt'uLtpi'ii.^Iikliri*-! <\lf«wi, AIIM walk was-put down alon« this | _ _ (plans of his work with the com- I ('an., Htiinify fcjjKiL^lltxaxUi Ktin-„-r. ,,n,ttct T, MEDITERRANEAN CRUISES f tretch of road the children could j Ihly meetin" of *- 'e committee was advised •Nnrii-y- Ilnmri'iMiMl. ArrtRir Nevliii. walk aloris the south side of the:,, T. , ., .. w ll ob( r a Itob'Tt KlitU. MaufiJilJiiJie rii*J.t;u Popular S. S. Adriatic Feb. 25th, and the new S. S. LntirenUe j "was fteldt:iu las'rt.-ii.jit ^'J , f, °.infor^ m^ Ihr-'. «mr,.|«« linstruc «f llito ! M.-lvfll»«"ivuicf • Nh-hols. Teflrfy tfcaidKH, street until opposite the school and | '.'-<' HoroiiKh ( ouncll M p Mar. fith. 46 days duration. Hates from JGitfJ up. Iieturn then cross the street under tlieiT,!c;:" eveninK at Boroii:ig«h l-Iall.1,1.™ii.', " ' " the council of his; Stuni.-y_ tmai.:y. auwy li^tn^ K ))!ll;s IlriH-*> i"CicIi(*is. Jit-vr-ny Sif-phrBs. home- from a North European port, arranged if desired. gnldance »nd protection of the or- j In spite of the downpour there were [ TJ,0 advisability of purchasing fleer on duty at this point. Thls;quite a ntim)>er of citizens attend-|"stop" standards for the principal MEXICO ANBHWEST INDIES C«mw the.council-in favor of the-tag. The inrctliiK WatJ eallcil to I corners was discussed and the com- WsJfc_east of the ronter.-hut taking .order with Courieiiiimn Kelehe«-Tn:itter asked to (ret prices on tbe-je New Providence Boro The only cruise visiting: Mexico City, jltinornTy: Havana, Into consideration the_ run way for.'bach, vvlio in making-an-auto trip1 to prtsent at the next meetin" -" -"Vera Cr^z_forJUexiCf>-City, Panama-<:«nai, _Jjuninica, and Nas- jr«^lmrrnms"-uloiig_ the road, nt'to Klnrirla. and Willla»ii:on,_abKcnl-4-*he ttrvm-budget tuid wupe allot-T The funeral of William P.^Ba -"—~T!Sif."T23 days duration. Rates from $275._ W-Summfteml, It was deemed best-j-One" »f the first letters read was. mcfft ordinance both passed their ! nett. Of Springfield amne. was at present to run only as far a.s .front a larj,e company u*kinK the third and final reading, by „unani-i-hebL 4Mst.~THie4.dftv --afternoon at CALIFORNIA LIvtasKton street. 1 he KmaH^ec^nvji^rJfi^^ — " , ! 2.30 from the Home of Mr. and Mrs ! Semi-monthly -service on the largest. Jasteflt—rntcrroaslal" | M^nmt^l^TQBriirrrc^w-vs.iMnrc ngainst the distribution of. An ordinance passod the first J. Herbert Bebotu in Clinton ave- - aft» left until after the completion, house oisans and advertising cir- and .--econd reading -providiag-tbat 'HUP, Lackawa:tna Part. The serv- liners,, including the S.'"iCralifi»rJiiii—Iu.rges£-steamer ever r r S nS ul r - ^1^-1- °- - - ...i'^n—TT |f V ^ -l**^"»oncit, nlrlioiiKh not^tEe~FiorouKh ' relent .th«. public • ice-w«s-r^niftretnf-Dirp.ev, WfflEm built under the American flaK. Thurp WHS no opposition to _lhe I l.aekeil.bj^in-owHHitncp_ ¥ ,______^ ..i iss uff*iinHtaBalnKTulgliti s to AVoodland avenue in the ! S. Coevmau, pastor of the Xew Ywnr booking t'njiy be jidvuniageousl^ anrnnp-d Uirongh l«3rfnrof-Tidt?waIl;H west^of the ecu- Uiie indwerlminaie throwinV. of cir- | buildinir development known as ; Providence 21. _E. Church and tar. The.council having the recent j culars on porchen or lawns to be-: Woodland Manor, of the Laurel ', burial "was in -tfifc family ploi in tragedy caused by the absence of Summit Travel Bureau sidewalks, in mind In the opinion th . C, Di piovanni, Managet"'———- - an absolute nece 21 XAP1.E STltGKT * Yhmu* Snmmif JCH HI MMIT, X. J. r*et.ion of the road >Aaag-tbo4ine.i deser be presented at the next meeting ; Hoon IH» lflpsiiir: in installment nay-icll Vlll decide what fiirt'be7acti'on ' ot U»« council tor a first readliiR. iments on tliifir pianoK. Tlie matter i to take In the matter. i jwas passed on to the luw commit-| The Mayor, spoke H>n-rtrc—2ronlng • Hew Providence to I tee to decide whether iiuch an or-;omwtion, being'heartily in favor of jdlnnncc would be advisable. jit and after some diHCiisslon be_ap- Buy New Fire Truck Another „ietter_jto the council pointed a commfttee compoted of _„~_~— jcnmpIaJncd of the practice_of^aonie committretiien'Muller. Rcicheiibach At the regu]i<_r_nioriihly nicotinj: lWTt,»° tn Ix'rMons usiiis Central,und-Brnith-te-make themselves nc-~ : The Four Essentials of the Honuigh Council last Tues- *vejiuc; xw a place to dump their quainted with the zoning laws now rllh day evening _ t Boroux„r h Hall„ , und "li-li such us old bed springs,, before - the State legislature at In the face of much .bitter critiriKin ; UB™ ltlirlii nt> f *'cursur«-. e part of a FrrmTii. fai:tion rtf; ^'"iHgEdov^rjo-th. j PjiUff ..Lhi-Uuictiofi* tbi.vimi.il. h.^aii^taafiS^ the eiHitPTiw- ftrj-rrnr- tin. ,.,„„•. n - l"H-lme>nt-w?FH»—mMiMClliilli i tb'~ar-;'Jii, e counctlmen all seeiu._in-favosceiu._in-favor l l H lia 011 UKU1 !, unsnintouijly ordered Ems— C^hief ' ' ' * J' *' - * is a.s a dump ,of reslrictina stores to the im-} ^irMeat Market Fred Wied to draw up specif lea- "'^., ««'"»»' ! mediate vicinity .of-the Four Cor-I OipH fojraoi£w_4ir.e trutk Uiat «^eJ-~-h£*:-4*c*a*os for the-operatfort of ners. The same committee was or- T»unrll_piicht .advortise for bid*.!i,,,st!a *'*n' i;sM«'d-to the parties jdered to draw up ah ordinance not •Sft demonstrations. The new truck i "ow holding the; present licenses. U«HOWIIIK it property owner to build Jg to replace the one now In uwv] VAtter-ihe collector'^ report -was-; within a" certain number of feet of .„, that being declared inadequate by !r,,ad and tU* Unance committee re-1 the property line, the actual -dis- w iE Meat Market at which you trade .must ^;rlthe whole BorouKh Council. tnelud-; i »"«4« B« activities, the Boroufch j tnnce to be set by the- committee log Mayor Clark and also Fire Chh-r ! ""orrtcy. John L. Huehesranvised I after invaatlgatlon. -. meet your standard of quality- "Nothing but Wled. TMe fire inick now in -UKC j,,!0 <"««»«'«I that he believed no ac- i The committee in charge of T baa no puiiiji. the fire dcpsirtnient.! -•••._•:;. _Jt_j: ., ^„_ - __,„. ,_ _^ . ' r- jhflying iipvn the water pressure to ™ " ." "~ ^ ~ the besrT^l-heHnien who serve you must be capable and ..Make a sufficient stream of water' - to ewioKtiixb a Tire. This, hbw> i courteous; aJSte to suggest attractive cuts and prepare your 'ever, it has failed to do in several ; Jfwent cases on the hTgb.ground in orders as youwant them. The prices must meet your bud­ Alnrray Hill and in at least one case hJ!jW> Long JUli^Mte^etmld -hsvy-beerf •' get; they must compare favorably with others; " *~ .Vptimped from streams or wells if; SLisflMB truck had been equlppwl Twitli \ '" ;», pump, ^ x „ . Tne water joropiin^lte^irayidedJ $-7%. taniTIn Iviurray Hill Inordcr that -Yow -will 'find that the A&P Markets meet these requite- o»mt&. AndV in additjon, they offer you the tfouvenience of completing all of your household purchases m j?ne place. Come ha. and aelect your Groceries*^Vegetables artAMeats.

! !»P*s, 'WI"ftliW»l> As***" «llb*Tt a SoHhflii •^o^imd^mm^mm^oc^^^WETB^ r&! " - - Overs t'omiiaaj -' "TME MIKADO" Loin of Pork .Turn, and Thurs. Even ; ^•i.-Mnt """• " ^-' ""; :'

i Wt*d. ami Rat. Eves. Sirloin Steak 52c4b. Frankfurters 28c lb. 'Pirates of Penzance 'Slat*. W»Wl Llltd i-ttit,. iVi' tu f2,00 Fourteenth Chopped Beef 28c lb J Shoulder psr*en jp*b, 2^h«rHWU»t«witrintttn Pork Chops 29clb. Beef Liver 29c lb. Violets -SpringFlowers Sausage Meat 32c lb. Calves liver. 73c lb. or Dude Bacon 29c lb.