-*, . > •••••»..b.n ..V,-, • -.^..^^ ... ,.•.„?-. ,.,,-.. ,„i ^t~^—*e- •• •• - ^^",M...hiUiirtjf.SjMX^'L^^i^»i^^.MT7^..r^r.I I.^IT-II'^ i.. j^n..™.. i.^—— <•••• —w—- • •—n—- •'— •—>—•—**-—* • ••-"•••• n • • •—•• i • • — •—• •••*•• *•• M.>.»H»—w.r.^>fi :'StB3sras ~^->'%l people Read the HERALD otUshed Every Tuesday ,"Itiatice to all; ,?V|1 and Friday JNfoon. - malice tarward nan*.*! and SUMMIT RECORD THIRTY-NINTH YEAR. NO. 44 SUMMIT; N. J., FRIDAY AFTERNOON. FEBRUARY 10, 1928 $3.50 PER !W5H *£SSi [ikenbiirg Again -LIM'OUra BIRTHDAY IS 'Seeking To Save "N SUMMIT r Schedule For Income Tax Deputy Collectors ASKKMItri'MAN HEpORts <»\ SKNATi: U1LI. Mh*Jl drawing Force of Business Interests in Building Inspector i Business - houses in Summit To. aastst Federal Income Taxpayers in fili'it; tlu ir 1!>27 In­ i will he open very generally all Nature's Wonders j Senate mil No. f. I. by Mr day Monday, Lincoln's Birthday, , _. come Tax Returns aa promptly as possible, John It. Itoaers. tol- Abolli knnwir :— Shown at Annnal lector-tor-the Fifth-New Jersey- District. h#s -nrran-Rcdr:i rrhcdTile »< lh' "Andnl»».:-' [Salary Raised and Offi­ -The banks-will be closed all day/ TrSlHttttlit ;'Poh' Trap "Hill." pa-.scd Ui for assignment of Internal Revenue Deputy Colloctors for the The Summit Post Office will ' Conservation .Si'iiiste Mondi:\ jiiuht. For tlie cial Reappointed—New period February :15th to_ March 15th. inclusive. • - v ' iNew Policies For Association's Work in 1928 Ao-' give owe -mail -delivery anil- League Takes Action on ^ilifojrniailou-ul-the JI^IH t-ili.»rtts.. stamp windows will be operi. The Deputy Collectors will not.-only assispih inaking out the Sewer Ordinances Intro of Summit-ai-.wt-ll un fhjfou^hou: noanced by President Holmes—"Credit" Subject Of' until 12 o'clock, noon. The Free , Great Stone Face, Cum Tcturns, but will take tlie necessary affidavits, without uun­ I'lilon C'uiiity. wnn-huic writlt-n charge. duced—Adopt Licenses Public Library wiirbe open only • i berland Falls, Etc. thi-ir rt'pri^i-mativi^ in ih.- i^-^- Principal Address of Evening—Good Dinner, Jolly • (-— from 9 to 12330. The HERALD Taxpayer.^ are urged to tnke advantage of this arriingemfiit," i^lalmv otl\«i( atiiig tfit- pi. ,.;;i;>,4> office will be open all-day.fT by riling their .returns as early aa juiMslblc^. —_, ot the^tiill,— A-»M-ml»Iy«t,iTi -ftifi- and Entertaining Program [Seek Wallace Road Paving The schedule for Summit aiid nearby towns follow;-.: . lulvi.trs tlw Hi-:itAl,I» that h.- , * _~. Petitions To fe Signed ==s=^^t-—. hiO.Uive of an ovvr-grow'iug and powerful force, one hundred and • Town >* Place" Dates full dates inclusive) -viil \ot»- Inr th-> liili wii-t'ii it Xhc Common Council reappoint­ c 1 City iiii'ii rrprt".f>itiiig the mercan'lle intvrests of Summit, attended j A meeting, .of the Summit Con- Summit City Hall March 12'to .March ITi I'lituiji up in flu' lliiun - and ih,.t ed George O. Faikenburg last Tues- Chatham Town Halt he c\pi-c:h-tl;at ihi« bill will h<- Hie annual Jumtmct of iln. Summit .Ruslness Men's Association Wed- ; solvation League7~Bomewltat more March ft to March 7 1 div evening to the office~6f build­ Dr. Johnson Talks Mudlson Madison Truf t Co. cunt'ifd iinti law. ,— _, », - . .. jh'i-Kely attended than usual, was March Kto Manh m sn-s«l:»> i-\^-iiiug at the <";moe Itrtiok Country Club. T|it?re was a sprlnk- ing inspector- v_The appointment -Millhuin— -4^os^-Offlee — -t\-tr.—^mrttTn-Ttr-rr 1 h<na l "fiir^iiT i.^sYiniuU'Vs.'TiuTTTr tad ha-ii hold up since the first of I A V C Man C^ I fifll! ~a ttie~Tunibr High-School Elizabeth i'ost Office 'i greater number were local biiaineas men- IV 1 J ITIWII J VlUII building on Monday evening. In Fob. 15to .M:trch 10 the year. It was rumored that the Tbis bantiurr^nltlated a new |the absence of the President, Mr. HOURS: tuiinoU intended to merge this of policy in the Association, whoa« r ~~~ -4 Webb,- and the— SeeTeitfry, Mr. Weekdays .:........ .:.. 8:15-a.-in,-to" fice with, the city engineering de­ "S p.m: Tax Valuations trend has been slowly toward"bet­ Bruce, the chair was occupied by Saturdays 8:45 u. m. to 12 noon Playhouse Scores ter business organization. This partment ~and to appoint, a tnll- Discusses Treaties Among Dr. Willis Fletcher Johnson, and Saturday, .March loth 8flti a. in. to 5 p.in. policy as outlined by President H- tinw'uuildlnB Inspector .loathe of­ Nations and Particular* W. L. Noll served as secretary pro' March U'th and,'13th 8:15 n. in. to 1) p. in. Donald Holmes proposes to relegate fice. The latest unofficial report, ly New United States* tern. March -14th . .. 8:15 a.m. to 1<» p.m. - In County Gain jn Three Play Bill the details of the organization** liowcver, said that-the Council was The attention^ol^the meeting was March 15th ,- 8:45 a.m. to 12 midnight work to an executive comhilttee and KOL ready l» make the change this France Document chiefly given to "the efforts to save j Feature^Report^TTjat Faust> P4,puar-n Re£cnt to devote the mcr-tings to construct­ vear, but suggested the likelihood] from spoliation tne Franconla v. ive ^talks along business lines. Notch and Great Stone Face, the Valuations ihii it would be made eventually. 1 A •.Kt#«*4I««« :~ AJ.. • 'To do this will require a chalngs magnificent Cumberland Falls or Productions, Makes His The appointment was made the j Arbitration IS Advancing In the body's by-laws, a change "Niagara of the South" in Ten­ sanv evening that 'the Council' — __• • — "Modern Trends myography" Topic. , .Jg^* }** -u STP^S which will be decided on_"at..the nessee, "and the grove" of giant adL.pU(i 'tlic ordinance fixing the! Moral law is no respecter of next meeting, in all probability. trees in tha l Yoscmite National silao of the office at $1,500.. For- numbers, and nations as well as The new step will mean also ainoro Park. It was pointed out that the cierly it. had been $1,200. The ap- individuals arc under the obliga­ organized interest in civic proh- lumbermen who propose to destroy ' at Fortnightly Literature Department ^^^J ^g^ poiutnK nt could not— be \ made, tion of this law to-live up to their lems. Mr. Holmes said that two ll'imntiiiiieii explained, until after the wonderful forests of Franconia contracts. Dr. Willis Fletcher A meeting ,«f tlw Liteniry De- modern biographers,, the lecuircr___a-j, i meetings a year, at least, would' bf (lio ordinance was passed, since it Notch are willing to sell the en­ part ment of n*" \aluatlons 'of taxable "~ ! devoted to a discussion of civic »MS impossible to change the Johnson told the Y's Men's Club tire property, to be preserved as a the FortnigiTtly Club mentioned tins work ot Km 11 laid-" -tlit.-e mo: e tii was held on Wednesday afternoon ratable*, in 1'iiiuii County lor l!»L*N is I layhouse has problems. To these meetings rh« ksalary during the. incumbency of last Tuesday evening. park and wonderland, for $400,000, wig in his "Bismarck." Iaidwlg, he, '•*•• «re.l it sjciial success at the Kent Place School. Before f i:i_',!il 1,1-S, an iiicrcasv of $:;i.'.tr.:.v n the three- Mayor and a representative of tho an officer. Nations as well as'persons must and to give until March 1st for the said, had the ability Ho r-atch a' the program began. Miss I. F. writing biography, and the CHUHC-S OtiS over. I he rotables for J'.C7. Play bill Thvy are piVsen^ing this Common Council will lie invited. Licenses Appointments, live up to'their agreements, must raising and payment of that sum. Herrmann, who presided, called of the- great interest in modern Summit's- total is f J,">,:;;n,r»-n;. au-aimf v.t ,-k. One always juitlcipates with: Join in JoJUlj Ordinances concern themselves with the main­ The Legislature of New Hampshire unanimously voted $200,000, and upon Miss Welles for some im­ biography were lucidly discuh.sed. SL'L'.lMM.Mtf for l'..^7. an increase of <".\'^<Tnt ...-, tl»e productions present-. By mutual business consent tho tenance and fulfillment of trea­ w Very little action* of any great portant announcements. The biographical writers of the $:J.<I,>';,7OO for i!»^s\ ui hy itiis group or seutinned play-,'«»°P »«? segregated, the counter ties if international peace is to the executors ^f the will of the importance marked the Tuesday The Fortnightly Club, Miss past, said Mr. de Vane, were as a c-r«, knowing that they will be en-'was cloJste*ed- and saicsmaCBhlp obtain. Several parties to a con­ late "J. J. Storrow contributed Cnnip'ihitioii of the county figures evening session which continued $100,000 more. It is hoped to raise Welles, stated, had been asked by rule friends of the subject, often was made possible- at the offi-e of If'rtainizig. amusing or tilled wilhjwa" "shushed" from *1he early tract will see that It Is ruirilled by to be occupied with the business or the remaining $100,000 by popular the principal of Washington chosen by him to write his life. the County Board of Taxation this •prippfn^_hU|iAin interest, according. Htagcs of the dinner. The crowd all In respect to all; nations that renewing licenses, making ap­ subscriptions, every dollar given School, Summit, to undertake the Suchan author; in several fat vol­ week-with the Jiiing_of the tax du­ to tho treatment required by the didn't care to talk or hear shop are parties to treaties must like- pointments and completing «ld being supposed to represent one collection of old magazines" snit- umes, duly feet forth"the virtues of plicates of the assessors of the,content <if the plays, and thin week's, until later, in a twinkling after lusiHf-'ss.
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