1 YOD1/TRAF6 association balances p62-dependent IL-1 signaling to NF-κB


3 Gisela Schimmack1, Kenji Schorpp2, Kerstin Kutzner1, Torben Gehring1, Jara Kerstin Brenke2,

4 Kamyar Hadian2, and Daniel Krappmann1*


6 1 Research Unit Cellular Signal Integration, Institute of Molecular Toxicology and Pharmacology,

7 Helmholtz Zentrum München - German Research Center for Environmental Health, Ingolstaedter

8 Landstrasse 1, 85764 Neuherberg, Germany

9 2 Assay Development and Screening Platform, Institute of Molecular Toxicology and Pharmacology,

10 Helmholtz Zentrum München - German Research Center for Environmental Health, Ingolstaedter

11 Landstrasse 1, 85764 Neuherberg, Germany




15 * Corresponding Author:

16 Phone: +49 (0)89 3187 3461

17 FAX: +49 (0)89 3187 3449

18 [email protected]




21 The ubiquitin ligase TRAF6 is a key regulator of canonical IκB kinase (IKK)/NF-κB signaling in

22 response to interleukin-1 (IL-1) stimulation. Here, we identified the deubiquitinating enzyme YOD1

23 (OTUD2) as a novel interactor of TRAF6 in human cells. YOD1 binds to the C-terminal TRAF

24 homology domain of TRAF6 that also serves as the interaction surface for the adaptor

25 p62/Sequestosome-1, which is required for IL-1 signaling to NF-κB. We show that YOD1 competes

26 with p62 for TRAF6 association and abolishes the sequestration of TRAF6 to cytosolic p62 aggregates

27 by a non-catalytic mechanism. YOD1 associates with TRAF6 in unstimulated cells but is released

28 upon IL-1β stimulation, thereby facilitating TRAF6 auto-ubiquitination as well as NEMO/IKKγ

29 substrate ubiquitination. Further, IL-1 triggered IKK/NF-κB signaling and induction of target is

30 decreased by YOD1 overexpression and augmented after YOD1 depletion. Hence, our data define that

31 YOD1 antagonizes TRAF6/p62-dependent IL-1 signaling to NF-κB.




34 The inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 (IL-1) activates canonical IκB kinase (IKK)/NF-κB signaling

35 upon binding to the IL-1 receptor (IL-1R). IL-1 induces recruitment of MYD88 and IRAK to

36 the IL-1R to form the Myddosome (Cohen, 2014). In turn, IRAK1, 2 and 3 interact with the E3 ligase

37 TNF-receptor associated factor 6 (TRAF6), which is an essential component to initiate IL-1R

38 downstream signaling (Ye et al., 2002, Cao et al., 1996). TRAF6 bridges the Myddosome to TAK1

39 that acts as an IKKβ upstream kinase on the route to NF-κB (Lomaga et al., 1999, Wang et al., 2001,

40 Sato et al., 2005).

41 TRAF6 belongs to the TRAF family of proteins that share a C-terminal TRAF region, consisting of

42 coiled-coil and MATH (Meprin and TRAF homology) domains, which are needed for oligomerization

43 and adaptor function (Ha et al., 2009). The N-terminal RING and Zinc Finger1 (Z1) domain confers

44 ubiquitin ligase activity. In response to IL-1 stimulation, TRAF6 in conjunction with the E2 enzyme

45 UBC13/UEV1A catalyzes the attachment of lysine (K)63-linked ubiquitin chains to substrate proteins,

46 including TRAF6 itself, IRAK1, TAK1 and the non-catalytic IKK complex component NEMO/IKKγ

47 (Deng et al., 2000, Conze et al., 2008, Fan et al., 2010, Yamazaki et al., 2009). Reconstitution

48 experiments reveal that TRAF6 E3 ligase activity is critical for activation of NF-κB signaling in

49 response to IL-1 (Lamothe et al., 2007, Walsh et al., 2008). Since TRAF6 overexpression alone is

50 sufficient to strongly activate NF-κB (Cao et al., 1996), its activity needs to be tightly controlled by

51 positive and negative regulators.

52 The atypical PKC-interacting p62 (also called Sequestosome-1; SQSTM-1) is essential for

53 TRAF6-dependent canonical NF-κB signaling and activation in response to IL-1 stimulation (Sanz et

54 al., 2000). p62 has also been implicated in other TRAF6-dependent signaling pathways emanating

55 from CD40, RANK or NGF (Wooten et al., 2005, Duran et al., 2004, Seibold and Ehrenschwender,

56 2015). TRAF6 is recruited to p62 aggresomes and p62 promotes TRAF6 E3 ligase activity to enhance

57 auto- and substrate ubiquitination (Sanz et al., 2000, Zotti et al., 2014, Wooten et al., 2005). However,

58 p62 also recruits the deubiquitinating enzyme (DUB) CYLD (Cylindromatosis) that acts as negative

59 regulator of NF-κB signaling (Jin et al., 2008, Wooten et al., 2008). CYLD cleaves K63-linked


60 ubiquitin chains conjugated to TRAF6 and its substrates (Yoshida et al., 2005, Reiley et al., 2007),

61 revealing that it counteracts signaling by a catalytic mechanism. Besides CYLD, the ubiquitin editing

62 enzyme A20 counterbalances TRAF6 activity. After pro-longed IL-1 stimulation A20 binds to TRAF6

63 to prevent TRAF6/UBC13 interaction by a process independent of its DUB activity (Shembade et al.,

64 2010).

65 Here, we report on the identification of the OTU (ovarian tumor) DUB family member YOD1

66 (homolog of yeast OTU1; OTUD2, DUBA8) as a new interactor of TRAF6. Originally, the yeast

67 homolog OTU1 was shown to act as a cofactor of the hexameric AAA-ATPase Cdc48/p97 for protein

68 processing (Rumpf and Jentsch, 2006). In mammalian cells, YOD1 facilitates protein quality control

69 by Valosin-containing protein (VCP)/p97 at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) through the ER-

70 associated protein degradation (ERAD) pathway (Claessen et al., 2010, Ernst et al., 2009). We find

71 that YOD1 directly associates with TRAF6 and competes with p62 for TRAF6 binding and activation.

72 YOD1 is released from TRAF6 upon IL-1 stimulation and YOD1 depletion enhances canonical NF-

73 κB activation. These results define YOD1 as novel negative regulator of TRAF6/p62-triggered IL-1

74 signaling.



77 YOD1 associates with the C-terminal MATH domain of TRAF6

78 To identify regulators of TRAF6, we searched for interaction partners by yeast-two-hybrid (Y2H). We

79 discovered a novel interaction of YOD1 with full length TRAF6, but not with a fragment comprising

80 the catalytic RING-Zinc Finger1 (Z1) domain (Figure 1A; Figure 1 – Figure Supplement 1A).

81 Originally, mammalian YOD1 and its yeast homolog OTU1 were identified as co-factor of the AAA-

82 ATPase p97/Cdc48 (Rumpf and Jentsch, 2006, Ernst et al., 2009), which was also confirmed in the

83 Y2H (Figure 1A). Besides the binding to YOD1, TRAF6 self-associated and bound to the E2 enzyme

84 UBC13 and the ubiquitin editing enzyme A20, but not to p97 (Figure 1 – Figure Supplement 1B).

85 To obtain data on the selectivity of YOD1/TRAF6 interaction, we checked binding of YOD1 to a


86 panel of E3 ligases as well as other proteins involved in regulatory ubiquitination by Y2H (Figure 1 –

87 Figure Supplement 1C). Despite some weak interaction with cIAP2 and SHARPIN, within this panel

88 YOD1 was quite selectively binding to p97 and TRAF6. Protein expression was determined by

89 Western Blotting and functionality of some proteins in yeast was confirmed by verifying known

90 interactions of selected constructs (Figure 1 – Figure Supplement 1D and E). Of note, even though

91 expression of some E3 ligases was barely detectable, the interaction with known partners (e.g. HOIP

92 with OTULIN or cIAP1/2 with UBC13) was readily detectable in the growth assay. To confirm that

93 TRAF6 and YOD1 are directly associating and to narrow down the YOD1 binding site on TRAF6, we

94 expressed and purified recombinant YOD1 and TRAF6 proteins and performed pull-down (PD)

95 experiments (Figure 1B and Figure 1 – Figure Supplement 2A). Clearly, YOD1 was binding to the

96 C-terminal MATH (346 -504) but not to the N-terminal RING-Z1 (50-159) domain of TRAF6. In

97 addition, we confirmed binding of recombinant YOD1 to p97 by GST-PD (Figure 1 – Figure

98 Supplement 2B). In a triple PD experiment we neither found that YOD1-p97 association was

99 prevented by TRAF6 nor that p97 did influence interaction of YOD1 to the TRAF6 MATH domain,

100 revealing that both proteins can bind to YOD1 independently (Figure 1 – Figure Supplement 2C).

101 To investigate whether YOD1 and TRAF6 also interact in cells, we co-expressed full length FLAG-

102 YOD1 and HA-TRAF6 in HEK293 cells. Co-immunoprecipitations (IP) using anti-HA or anti-FLAG

103 antibodies confirmed the interaction of TRAF6 and YOD1 (Figure 1C-E). Congruent with the Y2H

104 and PD results, YOD1 bound to the C-terminal MATH domain, but not to the N-terminal RING-Z1-

105 Z4 region of TRAF6 (Figure 1D). On the side of YOD1, the N-terminal UBX domain was essential to

106 mediate TRAF6 interaction (Figure 1E, scheme Figure 1F). Sequence comparison indicated the

107 existence of a putative TRAF6 interaction motif (TIM) for MATH interactors within the UBX domain

108 (PXEXXAr/Ac) (Ye et al., 2002) (Figure 1 – Figure Supplement 3A). However, neither exchange of

109 the conserved glutamic acid to alanine (YOD1 E96A) nor even more profound mutations of the

110 putative TRAF6 binding motif abolished YOD1 association (Figure 1E and Figure 1 – Figure

111 Supplement 3B), indicating that binding of TRAF6 MATH to YOD1 UBX domain is not mediated

112 through a typical TIM. To assess the selectivity of YOD1/TRAF6 interaction, we compared


113 association of YOD1 to TRAF2 and TRAF6 in HEK293 cells (Figure 1G). We did not detect YOD1-

114 TRAF2 binding, indicating a selectivity of YOD1 for association with TRAF6.

115 Next, we performed IPs of endogenous TRAF6 and YOD1 in HEK293, HeLa and U2OS cell lines as

116 well as in primary human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) (Figure 1H-K). Indeed, in all cell

117 lines and primary HUVEC YOD1 was specifically co-precipitating with endogenous TRAF6, as

118 validated by either TRAF6 or YOD1 IP. Further, specificity of TRAF6/YOD1 interaction was

119 confirmed by the decreased co-precipitation of YOD1 in TRAF6 knock-down HeLa cells (Figure 1 –

120 Figure Supplement 3C). We compared the expression levels of TRAF6 and YOD1 in different cell

121 lines (HeLa, HEK293, U2OS and PC3 cells) and tested, if there was a correlation between expression

122 and association (Figure 1 – Figure Supplement 3D). TRAF6/YOD1 binding was visible in all cells

123 and there was a tendency that more TRAF6/YOD1 association was observed in cells that expressed

124 more TRAF6 (U2OS and HEK293). Since YOD1 has been described as a cellular co-factor of p97, we

125 checked for YOD1/TRAF6 interaction in p97 knock-down HEK293 cells and found that binding of

126 YOD1 to TRAF6 was not significantly altered upon p97 depletion (Figure 1 – Figure Supplement

127 3E). Thus, cellular and in vitro binding studies identify the deubiquitinating enzyme YOD1 as a direct

128 interaction partner of the E3 ligase TRAF6.


130 YOD1 co-localizes with TRAF6 in cytosolic speckles and competes with p62 for TRAF6

131 association

132 To gain insights into the role of YOD1/TRAF6 interaction, we determined the cellular localization of

133 both proteins upon overexpression in U2OS and HeLa cells by confocal fluorescence microscopy.

134 Whereas RFP-TRAF6 was distributed in small dots in the cytoplasm but not in the nucleus, GFP-

135 YOD1 and catalytically inactive GFP-YOD1 C160S were evenly dispersed in the cytoplasm and

136 nucleus with some accumulations in or around the nucleus (Figure 2A and Figure 2 – Figure

137 Supplement 1A). Upon co-expression, GFP-YOD1 and RFP-TRAF6 were to a large extent co-

138 localizing to cytosolic speckles, indicating that the proteins interact inside the cell and can form larger

139 clusters (Figure 2B and Figure 2 – Figure Supplement 1B and C). To confirm co-localization, we 6

140 plotted fluorescence intensities (FI) of RFP-TRAF6 and GFP-YOD1 through spot containing sections

141 and show that the peaks of highest RFP and GFP FI overlap (Figure 2B and Figure 2 – Figure

142 Supplement 1C). For a quantitative analysis of co-localization we performed automated image

143 analysis of ~200 cells and determined the FI of RFP-TRAF6 and GFP-YOD1 in the GFP and RFP

144 clusters, respectively (Figure 2 – Figure Supplement 1D). Compared to the background, the RFP-

145 TRAF6 signal was enriched in GFP-YOD1 spots and vice versa the GFP-YOD1 signal was enhanced

146 in RFP-TRAF6 spots, clearly suggesting co-localization of TRAF6 and YOD1 in the clusters.

147 Interaction of TRAF6 and YOD1 did not rely on YOD1 catalytic activity, because like YOD1 WT, the

148 DUB mutant YOD1 C160S was co-localizing (Figure 2B and Figure 2 – Figure Supplement 1C)

149 and co-precipitating with TRAF6 (Figure 2C).

150 The staining and localization of the YOD1/TRAF6 speckles displayed similarities to cytoplasmic

151 aggregates termed sequestosomes that have been described for the TRAF6 interactor

152 p62/Sequestosome-1 (Sanz et al., 2000, Seibenhener et al., 2004, Wang et al., 2006). As expected, we

153 observed similar aggregates when Crimson-p62 was expressed in U2OS cells (Figure 3A) and TRAF6

154 was recruited to the punctuated p62 sequestosomes in U2OS cells as evident from plotted FI of CFP-

155 p62 and RFP-TRAF6 spots as well as co-clustering of FI as measured by automated image analysis

156 (Figure 3B and Figure 3 – Figure Supplement 1A). In contrast, GFP-YOD1 was not co-localizing

157 with Crimson-p62 aggregates. However, it appeared that p62 staining was slightly more diffuse in

158 YOD1 expressing cells, hinting at an indirect effect of YOD1 on the formation of p62 sequestosomes

159 (Figure 3B 3B and Figure 3 – Figure Supplement 1B). We confirmed by co-IP that p62 binds to

160 FLAG-TRAF6, but not to FLAG-YOD1 in HEK293 cells (Figure 3 – Figure Supplement 1C).

161 The MATH domain of TRAF6 serves as interaction and oligomerization platform and thus it is

162 critically involved in regulating TRAF6 functions in NF-κB signaling (Ye et al., 2002, Walsh et al.,

163 2015). By directly comparing the binding of YOD1 and p62 to TRAF6 in HEK293 cells we could

164 confirm that both proteins are associating with the C-terminal MATH domain (Figure 3C). Therefore,

165 we investigated whether YOD1 and p62 are binding simultaneously to TRAF6 and potentially forming

166 a tripartite complex or if binding of the two MATH domain interactors is mutually exclusive and


167 possibly even competitive. Indeed, co-IP experiments using MYC-TRAF6 together with Crimson-p62

168 and GFP-YOD1 revealed that YOD1 was able to inhibit the association of TRAF6 and p62, while p62

169 did not alter the binding of YOD1 to TRAF6 (Figure 3D and E). Inhibition of p62/TRAF6 binding

170 was independent of YOD1 catalytic activity, suggesting that YOD1 and p62 are competing for an

171 association with TRAF6 independent of YOD1 DUB activity. Since p62/TRAF6 as well as

172 YOD1/TRAF6 form cytosolic aggregates, we carefully analyzed their localization by confocal

173 microscopy when all three proteins (RFP-TRAF6, Crimson-p62 and GFP-YOD1) were co-expressed

174 in U2OS and HeLa cells (Figure 3F and Figure 3 – Figure Supplement 2A and B). Even though all

175 three proteins were found in cytoplasmic speckles, the merged images especially at a higher

176 magnification indicated that while YOD1 and TRAF6 were co-localizing within clusters as seen in the

177 absence of Crimson-p62 (see Figure 2B), p62 in contrast was in the vicinity, but largely excluded

178 from YOD1/TRAF6 aggregates. The same distribution was seen when catalytically inactive YOD1

179 C160S was expressed in U2OS cells (Figure 3F and Figure 3 – Figure Supplement 2B). In line, the

180 plotted FI showed co-localization of RFP-TRAF6 and GFP-YOD1 but not Crimson-p62 peaks in all

181 analysis. Also, automated image analysis of FI in a larger number of cells indicates a stronger

182 enrichment of RFP-TRAF6 signal in GFP-YOD1 spots compared to Crimson-p62 spots and no co-

183 localization beyond background of Crimson-p62 in RFP-TRAF6 or GFP-YOD1 clusters (Figure 3 –

184 Figure Supplement 2C). Thus, co-IP and co-localization studies suggest that YOD1, p62 and TRAF6

185 are not found in a trimeric complex, but that YOD1 and p62 compete for TRAF6 association and that

186 YOD1 can interfere with the recruitment of TRAF6 to p62 sequestosomes by a non-catalytic

187 mechanism.


189 YOD1 antagonizes IL-1β induced IKK/NF-κB signaling

190 Since TRAF6 and p62 are acting in concert to promote IL-1R induced NF-κB activation (Sanz et al.,

191 2000, Zotti et al., 2014), we wanted to determine the influence of YOD1 on NF-κB activation after IL-

192 1β stimulation. By lentiviral transduction we generated HeLa cells that inducibly overexpress YOD1

193 WT or YOD1 C160S (Figure 4A). We used a doxycycline (DOX)-inducible expression system and


194 generated a HeLa cell population that stably expresses the transcriptional repressor tTR-KRAB

195 together with dsRed (Wiznerowicz and Trono, 2003) (Figure 4 – Figure Supplement 1A). Under

196 DOX/tTR-KRAB control, we then co-expressed YOD1 and GFP using the co-translational processing

197 site T2A. Sorting by FACS yielded homogenous populations of GFP expressing cells after DOX

198 treatment (Figure 4 – Figure Supplement 1B), correlating with YOD1 overexpression in the infected

199 cells (Figure 4B). We consistently found that expression of catalytically inactive YOD1 C160S was

200 substantially lower than YOD1 WT, potentially indicating toxic effects of high overexpression of the

201 mutant (Figure 4B). To address if overexpression of YOD1 impacts on NF-κB activation, we

202 measured by quantitative (q)RT-PCR the expression of the well-defined NF-κB target genes

203 NFKBIA/IκBα , TNFAIP3/A20 and TNFA in response to IL-1β in the absence or presence of

204 overexpressed YOD1 (minus or plus DOX, respectively) (Figure 4C). While DOX treatment alone

205 did not significantly alter expression of these genes in HeLa parental cells (Figure 4 – Figure

206 Supplement 1C) expression of YOD1 WT or C160S caused a significant decline in NF-κB target

207 induction after IL-1β stimulation, indicating that YOD1 can antagonize IL-1R triggered NF-κB

208 signaling independent of its catalytic activity.

209 To validate our finding about a negative regulatory role of YOD1 for IL-1R signaling to NF-κB, we

210 knocked-down endogenous YOD1. Again, we used a lentiviral transduction system to generate cells

211 that stably integrate the YOD1 shRNA and GFP marker gene, whose expression is under control of

212 tTR-KRAB/DOX (Figure 4D). After lentiviral transduction of HeLa cells, DOX treatment led to

213 strong and homogenous GFP expression, which correlated with a decrease in YOD1 protein

214 expression upon increasing DOX concentrations (Figure 4E – Figure Supplement 1D). Again, we

215 analyzed expression of NF-κB target genes upon IL-1β stimulation in YOD1 expressing (minus DOX)

216 or depleted (plus DOX) HeLa cells (Figure 4F). In line with a negative regulatory function of YOD1

217 for IL-1β signaling to NF-κB, reduction of YOD1 resulted in enhanced NF-κB target ,

218 which was especially evident at early stimulation time points. Taken together, overexpression and

219 knock-down experiments suggest that YOD1 counteracts a rapid induction of NF-κB target genes in

220 response to IL-1β stimulation.


221 To investigate if YOD1 is also controlling IL-1β responses in cells that mediate innate and

222 inflammatory responses, we performed lentiviral shRNA transduction in murine immortalized bone

223 marrow derived (iBMDM). Upon puromycin selection of shTRAF6- or shYOD1-

224 transduced iBMDM, knock-down was verified by Western Blotting (Figure 4G). We monitored NF-

225 κB signaling and activation (IκBα phosphorylation and degradation and NF-κB DNA binding) as well

226 as target gene expression in TRAF6 or YOD1 knock-down iBMDM (Figure 4G and H). As expected,

227 decreased TRAF6 expression severely reduced NF-κB activation and target gene expression upon IL-

228 1β stimulation. In contrast, diminished expression of YOD1 augmented IκBα

229 phosphorylation/degradation as well as NF-κB DNA binding and enhanced the expression of

230 TNFAIP3/A20 and NFKBIA/IκBα, revealing that YOD1 counteracts IL-1β triggered NF-κB

231 signaling in iBMDM.To determine the role of YOD1 in IL-1R induced signaling more precisely, we

232 generated YOD1-deficient HeLa cells using CRISPR/Cas9 technology. For this, exon 4 of the YOD1

233 gene, which encodes almost the entire open reading frame, was deleted by transfection of flanking

234 single guide RNAs together with Cas9 (Figure 5 – Figure Supplement 1A). After clonal selection

235 loss of YOD1 was analyzed by PCR of genomic DNA and Western Blotting (Figure 5A). The

236 approach yielded two independent HeLa cell clones (#6 and #33) that carry the expected genomic

237 deletion as verified by sequencing. Despite a faint residual PCR fragment at the size of YOD1 WT, no

238 WT DNA could be detected by sequencing and the Western Blot demonstrates loss of YOD1 protein

239 (Figure 5A). However, single cell clones from HeLa cells independent of the YOD1 status displayed a

240 great heterogeneity with respect to cell proliferation, gene induction, NF-κB signaling etc. Therefore,

241 we directly compared the effects within the individual YOD1 KO clones after lentiviral reconstitution,

242 because due to the high transduction efficiency clonal selection was not required. Cells were sorted by

243 FACS to obtain homogenous population of GFP positive cells (Figure 5B) and expression of YOD1

244 was verified by Western Blot (Figure 5C). As observed earlier (Figure 4B), expression of YOD1

245 C160S was much weaker and therefore we focused the functional analyses on YOD1 WT

246 reconstituted cells (Figure 5 – Figure Supplement 1B). Co-IP revealed binding of reconstituted

247 YOD1 to TRAF6 in unstimulated cells and the interaction was reduced after IL-1β stimulation (Figure

248 5D and Figure 5 – Figure Supplement 1C). On the level of NF-κB target gene expression we could 10

249 verify the negative regulatory influence of YOD1 on gene induction as previously seen upon YOD1

250 overexpression or knock-down in HeLa cells (Figure 5E). Next, we examined direct effects on

251 canonical NF-κB signaling in YOD1 KO clones in the absence (mock) or the presence of YOD1

252 (Figure 5F and Figure 5 – Figure Supplement 1D). As expected for a putative negative regulator

253 that controls TRAF6-dependent upstream signaling, activation of NF-κB DNA binding in response to

254 IL-1β stimulation was reduced in YOD1 expressing HeLa cells. In line, phosphorylation and

255 degradation of the NF-κB inhibitor IκBα was reduced in YOD1 expressing cells (Figure 5F and

256 Figure 5 – Figure Supplement 1D). Thus, reconstitution of two independent KO cell clones provided

257 clear evidence that YOD1 counteracts NF-κB signaling upon IL-1β stimulation.

258 To directly compare the effects of the new negative IL-1 signaling regulator YOD1 with the positive

259 regulators TRAF6 and p62 (Sanz et al., 2000, Zotti et al., 2014), we utilized siRNA based knock-down

260 in HeLa cells. All three siRNAs yielded an efficient knock-down of their respective target on protein

261 level (Figure 6A). Whereas knock-down of TRAF6 or p62 severely impaired IL-1β triggered NF-κB

262 activation as evident by EMSA, depletion of YOD1 enhanced NF-κB activation (Figure 6A).

263 Congruently, induction of NF-κB target genes NFKBIA/IκBα and TNFAIP3/A20 was decreased by

264 TRAF6 or p62 knock-down and increased by YOD1 knock-down (Figure 6B and Figure 6 – Figure

265 Supplement 1A). Downregulation of TRAF6 or p62 prevented IκBα degradation and YOD1

266 depletion enhanced IκBα removal upon IL-1β stimulation, demonstrating that all proteins affect NF-

267 κB signaling (Figure 6C). Since TRAF6 acts upstream of IKK on the route to NF-κB, we verified that

268 YOD1 also controls IKK activation by showing that YOD1 reduction coincides with increased IKK T-

269 loop phosphorylation after IL-1β treatment (Figure 6D). Of note, while IKK/NF-κB activation was

270 significantly enhanced in the absence of YOD1, we found no effect of YOD1 knock-down on the

271 activation of the MAPKs JNK, p38 and ERK (Figure 6E). TRAF6 is involved in NF-κB activation in

272 response to IL-1R stimulation, but dispensable for TNFR triggered NF-κB activation (Lomaga et al.,

273 1999, Cao et al., 1996). Since we did not observe an interaction between YOD1 and TRAF2, which is

274 involved in TNFR signaling (Hsu et al., 1996, Tada et al., 2001), we directly compared the effect of

275 YOD1 knock-down on NF-κB activation in response to either IL-1β or TNFα stimulation (Figure


276 6F). While both stimuli induced NF-κB activation as evident by IκBα degradation and NF-κB DNA

277 binding, YOD1 depletion led to strongly augmented NF-κB signaling and activation after IL-1R1

278 engagement, while TNFα-induced NF-κB signaling was unaffected by altered YOD1 amounts.

279 Absence or mutation of p62 has been shown to impede CD40- or RANK-induced signaling to NF-κB

280 via TRAF6 in murine macrophages or osteoclasts, respectively (Duran et al., 2004, Seibold and

281 Ehrenschwender, 2015). Thus, to determine a putative role of YOD1 in other TRAF6/p62-dependent

282 pathways, we knocked-down TRAF6, p62 or YOD1 in CD40 expressing 293 or PC3 cells prior to

283 stimulation with CD40-L or RANKL, respectively (Figure 6 – Figure Supplement 1B and C). As

284 expected, TRAF6 knock-down led to diminished IκBα degradation and NF-κB activation after CD40

285 or RANK stimulation. However, despite an efficient downregulation, p62 knock-down did not

286 significantly affect NF-κB activation in response to both stimuli. Indeed, the previous studies already

287 indicated that the role of p62 for CD40 and RANK signaling is relying on the cell type and the timing

288 of stimulation (see Discussion) (Duran et al., 2004, Seibold and Ehrenschwender, 2015). In contrast to

289 its negative regulatory role for IL-1 signaling, YOD1 downregulation impaired IκBα degradation and

290 NF-κB activation upon CD40 or RANK stimulation in these cellular systems. Thus, the results

291 indicate that YOD1 is not counteracting NF-κB signaling in general, but its negative function is

292 restricted to the TRAF6/p62-dependent IL-1 pathway. In fact, in the case of CD40 and RANK

293 signalingYOD1 even promotes NF-κB activation.


295 YOD1 counteracts TRAF6/p62-triggered ubiquitination in response to IL-1

296 To elucidate the mechanism how YOD1 counterbalances TRAF6- and p62-dependent IL-1 signaling,

297 we determined the effect on ubiquitination events catalyzed by TRAF6. TRAF6 is an E3 ligase which

298 in conjunction with the E2 enzyme UBC13/UEV1A transfers K63-linked ubiquitin chains onto its

299 substrates (Deng et al., 2000, Yin et al., 2009). Also TRAF6 itself is ubiquitinated by an autocatalytic

300 mechanism (Lamothe et al., 2007, Wang et al., 2010). By MYC-TRAF6 and GFP-YOD1

301 overexpression in HEK293, we analyzed if YOD1 as deubiquitinating enzyme was able to remove


302 ubiquitin chains conjugated to TRAF6 (Figure 7A). Under denaturing conditions (1% SDS) and after

303 MYC-IP, TRAF6 ubiquitination is readily detectable and YOD1 expression did not interfere with

304 TRAF6 poly-ubiquitination, which is in line with its previously reported inability to cleave K63-linked

305 ubiquitin chains (Mevissen et al., 2013) (Figure 7 – Figure Supplement 1A). Binding of p62 has

306 been shown to enhance TRAF6 auto-ubiquitination (Wooten et al., 2005) and as expected, TRAF6

307 ubiquitination was strongly increased in the presence of p62 (Figure 7A). Noticeably, co-expression

308 of YOD1 abrogated this enhancement. Also, catalytically inactive YOD1 C160S impaired the boost of

309 TRAF6 auto-ubiquitination by p62, even though the inhibition was not quite as severe as with YOD1

310 WT. To validate that YOD1 does not directly cleave off ubiquitin chains from TRAF6 we incubated

311 the p62-boosted TRAF6 ubiquitination with a panel of purified DUBs (Figure 7 – Figure

312 Supplement 1B). As expected, the non-selective DUB USP2 eradicated all TRAF6 ubiquitin

313 modifications. The severe reduction of K63-linked and overall ubiquitination by the K63-specific

314 DUB AMSH indicates predominant K63 ubiquitination of TRAF6. In contrast, neither recombinant

315 YOD1 (K11, K27, K29 and K33 selectivity) nor Cezanne (K11 selectivity) were cleaving TRAF6

316 ubiquitin chains. Therefore, the data show that p62-induced attachment of K63-linked ubiquitin chains

317 to TRAF6 is counterbalanced by YOD1 primarily by a non-catalytic mechanism that involves

318 competition with p62 for TRAF6 association (compare Figure 3E and F).

319 To demonstrate that YOD1 also counteracts TRAF6 E3 ligase activity upon IL-1β stimulation, we first

320 determined inducible TRAF6 ubiquitination in YOD1 KO cells upon reintroduction of YOD1. TRAF6

321 was ubiquitinated upon IL-1β treatment in mock transduced YOD1 KO HeLa cell clones, but TRAF6

322 ubiquitination was diminished upon re-expression of YOD1 (Figure 7B and Figure 7 – Figure

323 Supplement 1C). In fact, IL-1-induced TRAF6 ubiquitination correlates with a decreased binding of

324 YOD1 to TRAF6 after IL-1 stimulation (see Figure 5 D and Figure 5 – Figure Supplement 1C), and

325 we asked whether reduced binding is also visible at the level of endogenous proteins in HeLa cells and

326 primary HUVEC cells (Figure 7C and D). As noted earlier, YOD1 was co-precipitating with TRAF6

327 in unstimulated cells and the interaction was lost within the first 15-20 min of IL-1β stimulation,

328 revealing that TRAF6 is released from YOD1. To test whether endogenous p62 and YOD1 exert

329 opposing functions in the regulation of TRAF6 ubiquitination in response to IL-1β, we knocked-down 13

330 both proteins by siRNA and determined TRAF6 auto-ubiquitination (Figure 7E). Whereas p62

331 depletion completely abolished stimulus-dependent TRAF6 ubiquitination, down-regulation of YOD1

332 had an opposite effect, leading to increased ubiquitination after IL-1β treatment. Again, to obtain data

333 on the type of ubiquitin chains that TRAF6 is decorated with, we precipitated TRAF6 from IL-

334 1β stimulated HeLa cells and incubated it with a panel of DUBs (Figure 7 – Figure Supplement 1D).

335 As already seen with TRAF6 overexpression (Figure 7 – Figure Supplement 1B), the promiscuous

336 DUB USP2 and the K63 selective DUBs AMSH or, to a minor extent, TRABID cleaved TRAF6-

337 attached ubiquitin chains. However, none of the other DUBs including YOD1 was able to remove

338 TRAF6 ubiquitin chains, strongly suggesting that TRAF6 is primarily modified with K63-linked

339 ubiquitin chains and that YOD1 is counteracting TRAF6 auto-ubiquitination by a non-catalytic

340 mechanism. Ubiquitination of the IKK regulatory subunit NEMO is an important step in stimulus-

341 dependent IKK activation and it was shown that NEMO ubiquitination induced by TRAF6 expression

342 or IL-1β stimulation requires p62 (Zotti et al., 2014). Also in HeLa cells ubiquitination of NEMO after

343 IL-1β treatment was abolished in TRAF6 or p62 knock-down cells and YOD1 depletion had the

344 opposite effect by enhancing stimulus-dependent NEMO ubiquitination (Figure 7F). Thus, YOD1

345 counteracts IL-1 signaling to NF-κB by functioning as a negative regulator of TRAF6/p62-mediated

346 ubiquitination events.



349 The E3 ligase TRAF6 is involved in signaling in response to several NF-κB inducers (Walsh et al.,

350 2015). Binding of the adapter p62/SQSTM1 enhances TRAF6 E3 ligase activity to promote NF-κB

351 signaling upon IL-1 stimulation (Sanz et al., 2000, Wooten et al., 2005, Duran et al., 2004, Seibold and

352 Ehrenschwender, 2015, Cao et al., 1996) Here, we identified the deubiquitinating enzyme YOD1 as a

353 new regulator of TRAF6/p62-dependent IL-1R signaling to NF-κB. YOD1 is an OTU domain DUB

354 that can hydrolyze K11, K27, K29 and K33 ubiquitin linkages (Mevissen et al., 2013). Structure-

355 function analyses showed a high preference of the YOD1 OTU for K11- and K33-linked ubiquitin

356 (Flierman et al., 2016) and as expected, we do not detect cleavage of K63-linked ubiquitin chains 14

357 generated by TRAF6. A number of findings suggest that YOD1 controls TRAF6/p62-dependent IL-1

358 signaling predominantly by a non-catalytic mechanism: YOD1 as well as catalytically inactive YOD1

359 (i) compete with p62 for TRAF6 binding, (ii) abolish the formation of cellular p62/TRAF6 aggregates,

360 (iii) prevent enhancement of TRAF6 ubiquitination by p62 and (iv) inhibit IL-1-induced NF-κB

361 activation upon overexpression. Since we see a slightly stronger reduction of p62-enhanced TRAF6

362 ubiquitination using YOD1 WT compared to catalytically inactive YOD1 C160S, it remains possible

363 that YOD1 DUB activity can contribute to the negative regulation. Of note, in conjunction with the E2

364 enzyme UBC13/UEV1A TRAF6 catalyzes attachment of K63-linked chains (Deng et al., 2000, Wang

365 et al., 2001), but TRAF6 and UBCH5A may build chains of different topology, including YOD1-

366 sensitive K11-linked ubiquitin chains (Windheim et al., 2008, Bosanac et al., 2011). Further, K11-

367 linked ubiquitin chains have been shown to be able to recruit NEMO and activate the IKK complex

368 (Dynek et al., 2010), but relevant K11-modified substrates in the IL-1 pathway have not yet been

369 defined. Using linkage specific OTU DUBs, we do not see formation of K11 ubiquitin chains on

370 TRAF6, but YOD1 DUB activity may also control TRAF6 ubiquitination indirectly, e.g. by changing

371 overall ubiquitin attachment. Nevertheless, we provide evidence that YOD1 acts in a non-catalytic

372 competitive manner to counteract TRAF6 activation by p62.

373 Besides YOD1, the DUBs CYLD and A20 have been shown to control TRAF6 activity. Importantly,

374 all three DUBs are interfering with TRAF6 activity via distinct mechanisms and are thus controlling

375 different steps of an NF-κB response. As we described here for YOD1, CYLD is acting on

376 TRAF6/p62 complexes, but - in contrast to YOD1 - CYLD is not preventing the formation of

377 TRAF6/p62 aggregates, but is recruited to TRAF6 by p62 (Jin et al., 2008, Wooten et al., 2008). Upon

378 recruitment, CYLD is hydrolyzing K63-linked ubiquitin chains generated by active TRAF6 (Wooten

379 et al., 2008, Yoshida et al., 2005, Jin et al., 2008). Similar to YOD1, A20 is not able to efficiently

380 cleave K63 ubiquitin linkages and DUB activity is not required for impeding TRAF6 activity

381 (Mevissen et al., 2013, Shembade et al., 2010). However, whereas YOD1 binds to TRAF6 in resting

382 cells affecting C-terminal substrate binding, A20 is associating with TRAF6 only upon prolonged IL-1

383 stimulation to counteract binding of the E2 enzyme UBC13 to the RING-Z1 of TRAF6 (Shembade et

384 al., 2010). Thus, CYLD and A20 act as negative feedback regulators that terminate post-inductive 15

385 TRAF6 activity by a catalytic or non-catalytic mechanism, respectively. The YOD1/TRAF6

386 association in uninduced cells and the dissociation upon IL-1 stimulation indicate that YOD1 is acting

387 in an earlier phase of the IL-1 response to counteract the accessibility of p62. In line, we show that

388 early NF-κB signaling and gene induction is increased upon YOD1 depletion. Since p62 exerts a dual

389 role by first activating TRAF6 and later recruiting CYLD (Sanz et al., 2000, Jin et al., 2008), CYLD

390 may at least partially impede enhanced signaling upon loss of YOD1 during an IL-1 response. Thus,

391 our data together with the published data on CYLD and A20 reveal that the DUBs may act in a

392 concerted manner at different steps of the pathway and that an interdependency of these negative

393 regulators can potentially act as a fail-safe mechanism that can compensate for the loss of one another.

394 YOD1 depletion had no significant influence on IL-1-induced MAPK activation, even though TRAF6

395 is controlling p38 and JNK activation upon IL-1R engagement (Lamothe et al., 2008, Ortis et al.,

396 2012). However, despite its role in NF-κB signaling, p62 is not substantially involved in the activation

397 of JNK by TRAF6 (Sanz et al., 2000, Feng and Longmore, 2005). Thus, normal JNK signaling in

398 YOD1 knock-down cells further supports the notion that YOD1 is selectively acting on p62/TRAF6

399 complexes. Hence, TRAF6 activation of MAPK and NF-κB signaling seems to involve different

400 subsets of TRAF6 interactors.

401 The TRAF6/p62 signaling axis was shown to also mediate NF-κB activation in response to other

402 inducers, including CD40, RANK or NGF stimulation (Wooten et al., 2005, Duran et al., 2004,

403 Seibold and Ehrenschwender, 2015). Quite unexpectedly, we did not observe enhanced NF-κB

404 signaling after YOD1 knock-down upon CD40 or RANK stimulation in 293 or PC3 cells. In contrast,

405 NF-κB activation was even impaired upon decreased YOD1 expression. However, in this cellular

406 context p62 knock-down did not significantly influence CD40 and RANK signaling. Previously,

407 Seibold et al reported that CD40-induced NF-κB signaling was weakend in macrophages from p62-

408 mutant mice, but unaffected in a human kidney tumor cell line after p62 knock-down (Seibold and

409 Ehrenschwender, 2015). Further, p62 was shown to be dispensable for immediate early NF-κB

410 signaling in response to RANK and it only controlled a second wave of NF-κB activity in osteoclasts

411 after several days of stimulation (Duran et al., 2004). Apparently, the results reveal a stimulation, cell-


412 type and context-dependent role of p62 for different TRAF6-dependent signaling pathways, which

413 may explain why YOD1 is not acting as a general negative regulator in all these setting. However,

414 why and how YOD1 promotes canonical NF-κB signaling and activation in the context of p62-

415 independent CD40 or RANK stimulation is currently unclear and we can only speculate. Of note, ,

416 YOD1 was originally identified as a co-factor of p97 in the regulation of protein quality control and

417 the ERAD pathway (Rumpf and Jentsch, 2006, Ernst et al., 2009). YOD1/TRAF6 binding is

418 apparently independent of p97, suggesting that YOD1 affects NF-κB signaling in response to IL-1

419 independent of this multifunctional AAA-ATPase. However, p97 was shown to positively regulate

420 canonical NF-κB signaling by facilitating proteasomal IκBα degradation (Li et al., 2014, Schweitzer

421 et al., 2016). Potentially, YOD1 could also function as a p97 co-factor for IκBα degradation to support

422 canonical NF-κB signaling, but it is unclear why this would affect signaling in response to some

423 inducers (e.g. CD40) while others are unaffected (e.g. IL-1 and TNF). Future studies will need to

424 address if a putative positive action of YOD1 is relying on TRAF6 and/or p97 and in how far this

425 regulatory events are cell-type and context dependent.

426 (Wang et al., 2015)Clearly, YOD1 deficiency alone is not sufficient to induce TRAF6 ubiquitination

427 or IKK/NF-κB signaling in the absence of any stimulation. However, changes in TRAF6 expression

428 and TRAF6 oligomerization can activate downstream signaling (Cao et al., 1996, Baud et al., 1999).

429 The C-terminal MATH of TRAF6 is an oligomerization and interaction domain (Arch et al., 1998, Ha

430 et al., 2009) and stimulus-dependent recruitment of many adaptors including p62 is mediated by a

431 consensus TRAF6 interaction motif (TIM) (Ye et al., 2002, Linares et al., 2013). The putative TIM of

432 YOD1 is not required for binding to the TRAF6 MATH domain, indicating a different binding mode

433 of YOD1 in un-induced cells. Nevertheless, YOD1 specifically binds to TRAF6 and not to TRAF2,

434 and consequently YOD1 counteracts TRAF6-dependent NF-κB signaling from the IL-1R and not the

435 TNFR. Since YOD1/TRAF6 interaction takes place in unstimulated cells, TRAF6 oligomerization is

436 apparently not required, indicating that monomeric TRAF6 has a preference for binding to YOD1 over

437 p62. Whether this is due to higher affinity or localization inside the cell needs to be elaborated, but the

438 data suggest that YOD1 raises the threshold for TRAF6/p62 signaling to occur. Upon IL-1 stimulation,


439 TRAF6 oligomerization may induce YOD1 dissociation, but also other processes like post-

440 translational modification (e.g. TRAF6 ubiquitination) may play a role. The C-terminal MATH

441 domain of TRAF6 associates with TIMs in various adaptors to regulate signaling in different settings.

442 These adapters include MALT1 and Caspase8 in activated T cells (Sun et al., 2004, Oeckinghaus et

443 al., 2007, Bidere et al., 2006), TIFA after IL-1 stimulation (Takatsuna et al., 2003, Ea et al., 2004) or

444 TRIP6 in lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) stimulated cells (Lin et al., 2016). The existence of the large

445 number of adapters that enhance TRAF6 activity and signaling underscores the necessity for tight

446 control and it will be interesting to analyze if YOD1 is influencing the recruitment of other C-terminal

447 TRAF6 interaction partners to control NF-κB signaling in different settings.

448 We find that upon co-expression, YOD1 and TRAF6 are localizing to cytoplasmic aggregates that are

449 distinct to p62/TRAF6 aggregates, the so-called sequestosomes. TRAF6 recruitment to p62

450 sequestosomes is enhanced upon IL-1β stimulation (Sanz et al., 2000, Wang et al., 2010).

451 Sequestosomes are hotspots for signal transduction activity and in addition they can contribute to

452 proteasomal degradation by co-localizing with the proteasome (Seibenhener et al., 2004). For NF-κB

453 signaling, these two functions have been proposed to occur in a sequential process related to the

454 progression of stimulation (Wang et al., 2010). Hence, freshly formed sequestosomes constitute a

455 microenvironment for signaling to boost NF-κB activation (Seibenhener et al., 2004, Sanz et al.,

456 2000). In the course of prolonged stimulation, sequestosomes mature into proteasome-organizing

457 centers and NF-κB signaling is terminated (Wang et al., 2010). Our data indicate that YOD1 is able to

458 counteract TRAF6 recruitment to sequestosomes and NF-κB signaling. Future analyses must elucidate

459 the exact order of events and how multiple positive and negative regulators contribute to faithful

460 initiation, maintenance and termination of sequestosome-mediated IL-1 signaling to NF-κB.



463 Antibodies, siRNAs, shRNA and DNA constructs


464 The following antibodies were used: HA (clone 12CA5 (IP) and 3F1 (WB), obtained from E.

465 Kremmer), IKKα (RRID: AB_396452 (IP)), NEMO (RRID:AB_398832), p62 (RRID:AB_398152

466 (WB)) (all BD Biosciences); ERK1/2 (RRID:AB_2141135, Calbiochem); p65 (RRID:AB_632037),

467 Gal4-TA AD (RRID:AB_669111), IKKα/β (RRID:AB_675667 (WB)), MYC (RRID:AB_627268),

468 NEMO (RRID:AB_2124846), TRAF6 (RRID:AB_793346 (IP)), p38 (RRID:AB_632138), p97

469 (RRID:AB_1568840), Ubiquitin (RRID:AB_628423) (all Santa Cruz Biotechnology); p-ERK1/2

470 (RRID:AB_331646), GAPDH-HRP (RRID:AB_1642205), IκBα (RRID:AB_10693636), p-IκBα

471 (RRID:AB_10693636), p-IKKα/β (RRID:AB_331624), JNK1/2 (RRID:AB_2250373), p-JNK1/2

472 (RRID:AB_2307321), p-p38 (RRID:AB_331641), p97 (RRID:AB_2214632) (all Cell Signaling); p62

473 (RRID:AB_945626 (IP and WB)), TRAF6 (RRID:AB_778572 (WB)) (all Abcam); FLAG-M2

474 (RRID:AB_259529), GST (RRID:AB_259845), IgG rabbit (RRID:AB_1163661) YOD1

475 (RRID:AB_10600994 (WB) and RRID:AB_10599854 (IP or WB)) (all Sigma-Aldrich); Ubiquitin

476 K63 (RRID:AB_1587580, Millipore); StrepTag II (RRID:AB_513133), HIS-Probe HRP (Thermo

477 Scientific). The following siRNAs were used: siRNA pGL2 luciferase control, siYOD1:


479 GGAAATGGGTCCACCAGGA (all Eurogentec); ON-TARGETplus non-targeting pool and ON-

480 TARGETplus SMARTpool si-p97 (GE Dharmacon). shRNA sequence human shYOD1:


482 shTRAF6: ATCAACTGTTTCCCGACAATT; cDNAs were cloned into the following backbones:

483 pcDNA3.1(+), pEF4HIS-C (Invitrogen), pGEX4T1 (GE Healthcare), pET28b+ (Novagen), pASK IBA

484 3+ (IBA Lifesciences), pFRED143 (Ludwig et al., 1999); pMD2.G, psPAX2, pLVTHM, pLV-

485 tTRKRAB-red (Wiznerowicz and Trono, 2003), VSV-G, pLKO.1 (all obtained from Addgene);

486 pSpCas9(BB)-2A-GFP (Ran et al., 2013) (PX458; Addgene); pGAD-C1 and pGBD-C1 (James et al.,

487 1996).


489 Cell culture, transfection and stimulation


490 HeLa (RRID: CVCL_0030), HEK-293 (RRID: CVCL_0045) and PC3 cells (RRID: CVCL_0035)

491 were purchased from the DSMZ. U2OS cells (RRID: CVCL_0042) were purchased from ATCC

492 (RRID: ATCC-HTB-96). 293-CD40 cells (RRID: CVCL_9832) were a gift from Steve Ley and L929

493 (RRID: CVCL_0462) a gift of Andrea Oeckinghaus. Stocks from purchased and obtained cell lines

494 were frozen after maximum of three passages and re-thawed every four to six weeks. Negative

495 mycoplasma status of all cell lines was verified on a regular basis using a PCR testkit (A3744,

496 Applichem) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Cells were grown in RPMI (PC3) or DMEM

497 (all others) medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS) and 100 U/ml

498 penicillin/streptomycin. 293 CD40 cells were grown and verified by Geneticin selection (Coope et al.,

499 2002). Pools of primary HUVEC were purchased from Thermo Fisher Scientific and grown in

500 Medium 200 supplemented with low serum growth supplement (Thermo Fisher Scientific).

501 Experiments using HUVEC were carried out after a maximum of six passages. Murine BMDMs

502 immortalized using J2 viurs (iBMDM) (Gandino and Varesio, 1990) were a gift of Andrea

503 Oeckinghaus and grown in DMEM medium supplemented with 10% FCS and conditioned medium

504 (10-30% L929 cell supernatant).

505 HEK293 cells were transfected using standard calcium phosphate precipitation protocols. U2OS and

506 HeLa cells were transfected using Lipofectamine LTX and 3000 according to the manufacturer´s

507 protocol (Thermo Fisher Scientific). For RNA interference, HEK293, 293 CD40 and HeLa cells were

508 transfected with 100 nM siRNA and Atufect transfection reagent (1,0 µg/ml) (Silence Therapeutics)

509 and analyzed after 72 h. HeLa and HUVE cells were stimulated with human IL-1β (R&D systems) in

510 concentrations ranging from 0,5 ng/ml (qRT-PCR and EMSA) to 5 ng/ml (endogenous co-IPs) or with

511 human TNFα (Biomol; 5 ng/ml). 293-CD40 were stimulated with 0,25 µg/ml CD40 ligand (Source

512 Bioscience). For stimulation with recombinant RANK-L (R&D systems, 150 ng/ml), PC3 cells were

513 serum starved overnight. iBMDM were stimulated with murine IL-1ß (PeproTech; 2 ng/ml).


515 Lentiviral transduction


516 For inducible YOD1 expression or shRNA knock-down, HeLa cells were double-infected with

517 lentiviruses to generate a DOX-inducible expression system based on tTR-KRAB hybrid protein

518 (Wiznerowicz and Trono, 2003). Cells were first infected with pLV-tTRKRAB-red vector (IRES

519 exchanged for T2A) and afterwards with pLVTHM-based transfer vectors encoding YOD1 WT,

520 YOD1 C160S or shYOD1 sequence, respectively, plus GFP as marker. For constitutive YOD1

521 expression, a single infection round with the transfer vector encoding YOD1 WT or empty transfer

522 vector (mock) was conducted. Lentivirus production and transduction was essentially performed as

523 described previously (Hadian et al., 2011), using pMD2.G and psPAX2 as envelope and packaging

524 plasmids. Virus was applied to HeLa cells for about 18 h. To induce protein or shRNA expression,

525 cells were treated with 0,05 µg/ml DOX (Roth) for 72 h. Transduction efficiency was analyzed by

526 flow cytometry with an Attune Acoustic Focusing Cytometer System (Thermo Scientific) on the basis

527 of GFP or dsRed expression. qRT-PCR and Western Blotting were performed to determine mRNA

528 and protein expression, respectively. If necessary, positively transduced cells were sorted by FACS to

529 yield culture with more than 90% transduced cells.

530 For shRNA knock-down in murine iBMDM, cells were infected with lentiviral pLKO.1 vectors

531 encoding shRNA constructs (shYOD1 and shTRAF6) or empty vector pLKO.1 (shMock), using VSV-

532 G and psPAX2 as envelope and packaging plasmids. Virus was applied for about 30 h and

533 successfully transduced cells were selected by puromycin treatment (3 µg/ml). qRT-PCR and Western

534 Blotting were performed to determine mRNA and protein expression, respectively.


536 Recombinant protein expression, purification and GST pull-down

537 Recombinant proteins were expressed in E.coli BL21 RIPL codon plus (Agilent Technologies) and

538 purified by affinity chromatography using an ÄKTA protein purification system (GE Healthcare).

539 Purified proteins were taken up in storage buffer (PBS for YOD1 and p97; 20 mM Tris (pH 8), 20 mM

540 NaCl, 1% Glycine, 0,5% Mannitol for HIS-TRAF6; 20 mM Tris (pH 8), 20 mM NaCl, 100 µM ZnCl2,

541 1 mM DTT for Strep-TRAF6). For GST-PDs, Glutathione Sepharose 4B beads (GE Healthcare) were

542 saturated with GST or GST-YOD1 for 1 h at 4°C (assay buffer: PBS, 5% Glycerole, protease inhibitor

543 cocktail (Roche) or 20 mM Tris (pH 8), 20 mM NaCl, 1% Glycine, 0,5% Mannitol, protease inhibitor 21

544 cocktail), followed by extensive washing. Subsequently, the candidate interacting protein was

545 incubated with the bead-bound GST-protein in assay buffer complemented with 0,5 % Triton X100 for

546 2 h at 4°C. Again, beads were washed extensively. PDs were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and Coomassie

547 Staining or Western Blotting.


549 Yeast-two-hybrid

550 Competent S. cerevisiae were prepared using a standard protocol (Knop et al., 1999). Proteins of

551 interest were fused to GAL4 transcription factor activation domain (AD) or binding domain (BD)

552 using pGAD-C1 and pGBD-C1 vectors, respectively. AD and BD plasmids contained LEU and TRP

553 as markers, respectively. Expression constructs were transformed in PJ69-7A cells and spotted on -

554 LEU-TRP selection media (+HIS) to monitor successful co-transformation and on -HIS-LEU-TRP

555 selection media (-HIS) to monitor protein-protein interaction.


557 Generation of YOD1-deficient HeLa cells by CRISPR/Cas9

558 Two sgRNAs targeting regions flanking exon 4 (5’- AGCATAAACTGGGGTTACTA -3’ and 5’-

559 TTAGGGTTACCATAGCTTAT -3’) were cloned into px458-GFP vector containing Cas9 and GFP.

560 HeLa cells were lipofected with sgRNA expressing plasmids. GFP positive cells were sorted by FACS

561 and clonal cell lines were isolated by serial dilution. After expansion, cell clones were genotyped

562 using PCR with intronic primers (see Appendix) flanking both sides of exon 4. PCR products were

563 verified by sequencing. YOD1 protein expression was analyzed by Western Blot.


565 Immunoprecipitation, Western Blot, Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay

566 Co-immunoprecipitations (IP) and Western Blotting were done as described (Schimmack et al., 2014,

567 Meininger et al., 2016). For anti-TRAF6 IPs in HeLa cells, a CHAPS containing lysis buffer was used

568 (40 mM HEPES (pH 7,4), 120 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 0,3% CHAPS, 0,5 M NaF, 1 M DTT, 1 M β-


569 Glycerophosphate, 200 mM sodium vanadate, protease inhibitors). For electrophoretic mobility shift

570 assay (EMSA), cells were lysed in whole cell lysis high salt buffer (20 mM HEPES (pH 7,9), 350 mM

571 NaCl, 20% Glycerol, 1 mM MgCl2, 0,5 mM EDTA, 0,1 mM EGTA, 1% NP-40, 0,5 M NaF, 1 M

572 DTT, 1 M ß-Glycerophosphate, 200 mM sodium vanadate, protease inhibitor cocktail (Roche)). Equal

573 amounts of extract were subjected to NF-κB and Oct-1 EMSA as described previously (Meininger et

574 al., 2016).

575 Quantification of Western Blots was conducted using LabImage 1D Software (Kapelan Bio-Imaging).

576 To quantify protein amounts after co-IP, YOD1 and p62 normalization to amounts in the lysates and to

577 co-precipitated TRAF6 was performed to adjust for differences in transfection and precipitation

578 efficiencies.


580 Detection of cellular ubiquitination

581 To analyze cellular protein ubiquitination, cells were lyzed in co-IP buffer (150 mM NaCl, 25 mM

582 HEPES (pH 7,5), 0,2% NP-40, 1 mM Glycerol, 0,5 M NaF, 1 M DTT, 1 M β-glycerophosphate, 200

583 mM sodium vanadate, protease inhibitor cocktail (Roche)) supplemented with 1% SDS. After repeated

584 passing through a 26G-syringe, lysates were boiled at 95°C, cooled down on ice and centrifuged. For

585 subsequent IP, supernatant was taken and SDS was diluted with co-IP buffer to a final SDS

586 concentration of 0,1%. IP was carried out as described above.


588 In vitro YOD1 cleavage and UbiCrest assays

589 To monitor enzymatic activity of recombinant GST-YOD1, 100 ng of the DUB was incubated with

590 250 ng recombinant tetra-ubiquitin chains in DUB buffer (50 mM Tris (pH 7,5)/0,03% BSA/5 mM

591 DTT) at 37°C. Samples were taken at the indicated time points. Samples for time point zero were

592 taken before adding the DUB. Cleavage efficiency was analyzed by Western Blotting. To analyze

593 chain composition of TRAF6 poly-ubiquitination, over-expressed (HEK293 cells) or endogenous

594 (HeLa cells) TRAF6 was precipitated by IP. Chain restriction analysis was performed using the


595 UbiCREST Kit (Boston Biochem) (Hospenthal et al., 2015) according to the manufacturer’s protocol.

596 Samples were analyzed by Western Blotting and by Silver Staining of SDS-PAGE using Pierce Silver

597 Stain Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific).


599 Confocal fluorescence microscopy, Plot Profiling and automated analyses of FI co-clustering

600 For intracellular protein localization studies, spinning disk confocal fluorescence microscopy was

601 conducted in 96well plate format (View Plate Glass and Cell Carrier) using an Operetta high-content

602 imaging system (all PerkinElmer). Cells were settled on poly-D-lysine coated plates and transfected as

603 described above using Lipofectamine. Approximately 24 h post transfection, cells were fixed in 2%

604 PFA and cell nuclei were stained with Hoechst33342 (Life Technologies). Images were taken with a

605 60x objective and analyzed with Columbus Software (PerkinElmer). To quantify fluorescence

606 intensities we performed plot profile analysis. Raw data of all channels were imported to ImageJ

607 (RRID:SCR_003070) software. Pictures of single channels were re-merged and analyzed along the

608 straight line indicated in the Figure with the ‘Plot Multicolor 4.3’ Plugin.

609 Multiparametric image analysis was performed using the Columbus Software 2.5 (PerkinElmer). To

610 identify cells, nuclei were detected via the Hoechst signal. In cells transfected with GFP-YOD1 the

611 complete cell was detected via basal GFP-signal. Background was determined as overall mean signal

612 of the respective fluorescence in transfected cells. Each Crimson-/CFP-p62-, GFP-YOD1- or RFP-

613 TRAF6 spot was automatically detected by the software as a small region within the corresponding

614 image by having a higher intensity than its surrounding area. For quantitative analyses we determined

615 the Crimson-/CFP-, GFP- and RFP-signal in the corresponding spots or control areas.


617 Quantitative Real-Time PCR

618 Equal amounts of RNA (InviTrap Spin Universal RNA Mini Kit, 1060100200, Stratec) were

619 transcribed into cDNA using Verso cDNA synthesis Kit (AB1453B, Thermo Fisher Scientific).

620 Quantitative real-time (qRT) PCR was performed using KAPA SYBR FAST qPCR Master Mix


621 (KAPA Biosystems) and standard LightCycler protocol on a Roche LightCycler 480. RNA-

622 Polymerase II (RPII), and Hydroxymethylbilane synthase (HMBS) and 18S rRNA served as internal

623 standard. For primer sequences see Appendix.


625 Data analysis

626 Each experiment shown in the paper represents at least two to three biological replicates with similar

627 results. Statistical significance was determined by Student’s t-test using GraphPad Prism5 software

628 (RRID:SCR_002798) and sample size is mentioned for those experiments in the respective figure

629 legend. Data are depicted as mean ± SEM.



632 We thank Katrin Demski and Simon Widmann for excellent technical assistance. We thank Elisabeth

633 Kremmer for gifting anti-HA antibodies, Steve Ley for providing CD40 293 cells and Andrea

634 Oeckinghaus for providing iBMDM and helping with the lentiviral transduction protocol. The

635 following vectors were kindly provided: PX458 by Feng Zhang (Addgene #48138); pMD2.G,

636 psPAX2, pLVTHM, pLV-tTRKRAB-red (all Didier Trono; Addgene # 12259, 12260, 12247, 12250).

637 Atufect lipofection reagent was a kind gift from Silence Therapeutics, Berlin.






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832 PCR Primer

833 Human qPCR Primers


835 Murine qPCR primers


837 Intronic primers for genomic PCR




840 Figure 1. YOD1 interacts with the C-terminal MATH domain of TRAF6 (A) YOD1 interacts with full 841 length TRAF6 and p97 in a yeast two hybrid assay. Activating domain (AD) and binding domain (BD) 842 fusion constructs were co-transformed as indicated and growth was monitored on -LEU-TRP control 843 (+HIS) and HIS-, LEU- and TRP- plates (-HIS). (B) The MATH domain of TRAF6 is sufficient for 844 interaction with YOD1 in vitro. GST-PD were performed with recombinant GST-YOD1 or GST and C- 845 terminal HIS-TRAF6 MATH (346-504) and analyzed by Western Blotting. Asterisk indicates GST-YOD1 846 truncation product. (C) YOD1 and TRAF6 interact in cells. HEK293 cells were co-transfected with 847 FLAG-YOD1 and HA-TRAF6 or HA-control vector and co-IP was carried out using anti-FLAG antibodies 848 and analyzed by Western Blot. Asterisk depicts IgGs. (D) YOD1 binds to the C-terminus of TRAF6. 849 YOD1 was co-expressed with TRAF6 deletion or control constructs as indicated. Experiment was 850 performed as in (C) using anti-HA antibodies for co-IP. Asterisk depicts IgGs. (E) TRAF6 binds to the 851 UBX domain of YOD1. HA-TRAF6 was co-expressed with FLAG-YOD1, FLAG-YOD1 ΔUBX (130-348) or 852 FLAG-YOD1 E96A. Experiment was performed as in (C). (F) Schematic summary of the domains 853 required for YOD1/TRAF6 interaction as determined by co-IPs and PDs (compare also Fig. 3C). (G) 854 YOD1 does not bind to TRAF2. After transfection of GFP-YOD1 and Flag-TRAF2 or Flag-TRAF6 the 855 experiment was performed as in C. (H - K) Endogenous interaction of YOD1 and TRAF6. HEK293 (H), 856 HeLa (I), U2OS (J) or HUVEC (K) cells were subjected to TRAF6 (H and K) or YOD1 (I and J) IP as 857 indicated. IgG IP was used as control. Co-precipitation of YOD1 or TRAF6 was analyzed by Western 858 Blotting.

859 The following Figure Supplements are available for Figure 1:

860 Figure Supplement 1: TRAF6/YOD1 interaction in yeast

861 Figure Supplement 2: TRAF6/YOD1 interaction is not influenced by p97 in vitro

862 Figure Supplement 3: Analysis of YOD1/TRAF6 binding in cells


864 Figure 1 – Figure Supplement 1. TRAF6/YOD1 interaction in yeast (A) AD-YOD1 fusion protein is 865 interacting with BD-TRAF6 and vice versa. YOD1, TRAF6 and mock constructs were co-transformed 866 into the yeast strain PJ69-7A as indicated. AD and BD empty vector were used as control (mock). Co- 867 transformation was confirmed by plating cells on LEU- and TRP- deficient agar plates (+HIS). 868 Interaction of candidate proteins was assessed by plating cells on HIS-, LEU- and TRP- deficient agar 869 plates (-HIS). (B) TRAF6 binds to UBC13, YOD1 and A20 in yeast. Further, TRAF6 and A20 are 870 oligomerizing with themselves and p97 is interacting with YOD1. Experiment was performed as in (A). 871 (C) Specificity test for YOD1 binding in Y2H. A panel of E3 ligases and proteins associated with the 872 ubiquitin system was tested for YOD1 interaction in yeast. TRAF6 and p97 interaction were 873 confirmed and some weaker potential interaction with cIAP2 and SHARPIN was observed. No other 874 interaction was seen. Yeast was co-transformed with BD-YOD1 and the indicated AD constructs. 875 Experiment was performed as in (A). (D) Yeast expression of AD-constructs used in (C) was verified by 876 Western Blot using anti-AD antibody. (E) Functionality of some selected AD fusion proteins was 877 determined by co-transformation of known interaction partners and interaction was assessed by 878 growth on LEU- and TRP- deficient control plates (+HIS) or HIS-, LEU- and TRP- deficient plates (-HIS) 879 as depicted.



881 Figure 1 – Figure Supplement 2. TRAF6/YOD1 interaction is not influenced by p97 (A) YOD1 is a 882 direct interactor of the TRAF6 C-terminus in vitro. GST-PDs were performed with recombinant GST- 883 YOD1 or GST to test for interaction with N-terminal Strep-TRAF6 RZF1 (50-159) and C-terminal HIS- 884 TRAF6 CC-MATH (310-522). Co-precipitation of interacting proteins was analyzed by Western Blot. 885 (B) Direct interaction of p97 and YOD1 in vitro. GST-PDs were performed with recombinant GST- 886 YOD1 and GST to test for interaction with HIS-p97. Co-precipitation was analyzed by colloidal 887 Coomassie staining of SDS-PAGE. (C) YOD1/TRAF6 interaction is unaffected by YOD1/p97 interaction. 888 GST-PDs were performed with constant amounts of recombinant GST-YOD1 and GST, respectively, 889 and HIS-TRAF6 310-522. Where indicated, HIS-p97 was added in rising amounts. Co-precipitation of 890 interacting proteins was analyzed by Western Blot. Asterisk in (A) and (C) indicates GST-YOD1 891 truncation product.


893 Figure 1 – Figure Supplement 3. Analysis of YOD1/TRAF6 binding in cells (A) One potential TRAF6 894 interaction motif (TIM) is found in the YOD1 UBX domain. Sequence alignment of YOD1 homologs of 895 different species reveals the existence of a conserved potential TIM in the UBX domain of YOD1. Ar = 896 aromatic, Ac = acidic amino acid, UBX = ubiquitin regulatory X, Z = Zinc Finger (B) TRAF6 binding to 897 YOD1 does not rely on a typical TRAF6 consensus motif in the UBX domain of YOD1. HEK293 cells 898 were co-transfected with HA-TRAF6 and the indicated FLAG-YOD1 constructs with mutations in the 899 putative binding domain. Co-IP was carried out using anti-HA antibodies and analyzed by Western 900 Blot. (C) HeLa cells were transfected with siRNA against TRAF6 (siTRAF6) or control siRNA (siControl) 901 and co-IP was carried out as using anti-TRAF6 antibodies. (D) Comparison of TRAF6 and YOD1 902 expression and binding in PC3, U2OS, HeLa and HEK293 cells. Protein amounts were adjusted prior to 903 TRAF6-IP. Protein expression in lysates and YOD1 binding after IP was analyzed by Western Blotting. 904 (E) Endogenous YOD1/TRAF6 interaction is independent of p97. HEK293 cells were transfected with 905 siRNA against p97 (sip97) or siControl and after cell lysis, anti-TRAF6 IP was performed and analyzed 906 by Western Blot.


908 Figure 2. YOD1 co-localizes with TRAF6 in cytosolic speckles (A) Diffuse localization of TRAF6 and 909 YOD1 upon individual expression. RFP-TRAF6, GFP-YOD1 or GFP-YOD1 C160S were overexpressed in 910 U2OS cells and localization was analyzed by confocal fluorescence microscopy. (B) YOD1 and TRAF6 911 co-localize in cytosolic speckles upon co-expression. The co-localization is independent of YOD1 912 catalytic activity. GFP-YOD1 (WT or C160S) and RFP-TRAF6 were co-transfected in U2OS cells and 913 localization was analyzed as in (A). Enlargement of boxed area is shown next to Merge. Plot Profile 914 analysis was conducted to quantify fluorescence intensities and to monitor co-localization along the 915 white line. (C) TRAF6 interacts with YOD1 independent of its catalytic activity. HEK293 cells were co- 916 transfected with HA-TRAF6, GFP-YOD1 WT and GFP-YOD1 C160S constructs as indicated. Co-IP was 917 carried out using anti-HA antibodies and analyzed by Western Blot. Merged pictures include nuclear 918 staining with Hoechst 33342. Scale bars depict 10 µM (A and B).

919 The following Figure Supplement is available for Figure 2:

920 Figure Supplement 1: YOD1/TRAF6 co-localization


922 Figure 2 – Figure Supplement 1. YOD1/TRAF6 co-localization (A) YOD1 localizes diffusely in 923 cytoplasm and nucleus of HeLa cells. GFP-YOD1 was transfected in HeLa cells and localization was 924 analyzed by confocal fluorescence microscopy following fixation. (B) YOD1 and TRAF6 co-localize 32

925 upon overexpression in HeLa cells. GFP-YOD1 and Crimson-TRAF6 were co-transfected in HeLa cells 926 and localization was analyzed as in (A). (C) Example pictures of YOD1 WT (left panel) and C160S (right 927 panel) recruitment to TRAF6 (corresponding to Figure 2B). GFP-YOD1 WT or C160S was expressed 928 together with RFP-TRAF6 in U2OS cells and localization was analyzed by confocal fluorescence 929 microscopy. Only merged images with enlargement of boxed area are shown. Plot Profile analysis 930 was conducted along the white line. Nuclear stainings were performed with Hoechst 33342. Scale 931 bars depict 10 µM. (D) Quantitative measurement of TRAF6-YOD1 co-localization. Co-clustering of 932 fluorescence intensities (FI) was determined by automated fluorescence imaging in >200 co- 933 transfected U2OS cells. For determining RFP or GFP fluorescence background, cells were defined by 934 GFP staining and FI was measured in the whole cell area. RFP signal was enriched in RFP-TRAF6 as 935 well as GFP-YOD1 spots (left) and vice versa GFP signal was enriched in GFP-YOD1 as well as RFP- 936 TRAF6 dots (right), demonstrating co-localization of RFP-TRAF6 and GFP-YOD1. Data depict the mean 937 and standard deviation (SD) of measured mean FI.


939 Figure 3. YOD1 competes with p62 for binding to TRAF6 and recruitment to sequestosomes (A) p62 940 localizes to sequestosomes. Crimson-p62 was transfected in U2OS cells and localization was analyzed 941 by confocal fluorescence microscopy. (B) TRAF6, but not YOD1, is recruited to p62-containing 942 aggregates. RFP-TRAF6 and CFP-p62 or GFP-YOD1 and Crimson-p62 were co-transfected in U2OS 943 cells and localization was analyzed as in (A). Enlargement of boxed area is shown next to Merge. Plot 944 Profile analysis was conducted to quantify fluorescence intensities and monitor co-localization along 945 the white line. (C) YOD1 and p62 bind to the C-terminal MATH domain of TRAF6. HEK293 cells were 946 co-transfected with the indicated constructs. Co-IP was carried out using anti-HA antibodies and 947 analyzed by Western Blot. (D and E) YOD1 impedes p62/TRAF6 interaction. (D) HEK293 cells were co- 948 transfected with GFP-YOD1 WT, GFP-YOD1 C160S, Crimson-p62 and MYC-TRAF6 constructs as 949 indicated. co-IP was carried out using anti-MYC antibodies and analyzed by Western Blot. (E) For 950 quantification of Fig. 3D and two additional experiments, amounts of YOD1 or p62 bound to TRAF6 in 951 double transfected cells were set to 1. Changes in binding upon co-expression of all three proteins 952 were measured using LabImage 1D software. Data depict the mean and standard error of the mean 953 (SEM) of three independent experiments. Significance for the decrease p62 and YOD1 versus control 954 was evaluated using Student’s t-test (**: p < 0,01; ns = not significant). (F) YOD1 WT and C160S 955 diminish recruitment of TRAF6 to p62 aggregates. GFP-YOD1 WT or C160S, respectively, RFP-TRAF6 956 and Crimson-p62 were co-expressed in U2OS cells and localization was analyzed as in (A). 957 Enlargement of boxed area is shown below Merge. Plot Profile analysis was conducted along the 958 white line. Merged pictures include nuclear staining with Hoechst 33342. Scale bars depict 10 µM (A, 959 B and F).

960 The following Figure Supplements are available for Figure 3:

961 Figure Supplement 1: TRAF6, but not YOD1, is interacting with p62

962 Figure Supplement 2: YOD1/p62 competition for TRAF6 binding


964 Figure 3 – Figure Supplement 1. TRAF6, but not YOD1, is interacting with p62 (A) Quantitative 965 measurement of TRAF6-p62 co-localization. Co-clustering of FI was determined by automated 966 fluorescence imaging in >150 co-transfected U2OS cells. For determining RFP or CFP fluorescence 967 background, nuclei were defined by the Hoechst33342 staining and FI was measured around this 968 area. The CFP signal is enriched in RFP-TRAF6 as well as CFP-p62 spots (left) and vice versa RFP signal 969 is enriched in CFP-p62 as well as RFP-TRAF6 dots (right), showing co-localization of RFP-TRAF6 and 33

970 CFP-p62. Data depict the mean and standard deviation (SD) of measured mean FI. (B) Example 971 pictures showing that YOD1 and p62 are not specifically co-localizing (corresponding to Fig. 3B). GFP- 972 YOD1 WT was expressed together with Crimson-p62 in U2OS cells and localization was analyzed by 973 confocal fluorescence microscopy. Only merged images with enlargement of boxed area are shown. 974 Plot Profile analysis was conducted along the white line. Nuclear stainings were performed with 975 Hoechst 33342. Scale bars depict 10 µM. (C) p62 interacts with TRAF6, but not with YOD1. HEK293 976 cells were transfected as indicated and co-IP was carried out using anti-FLAG antibodies. Asterisk 977 indicates migration of IgGs.


979 Figure 3 – Figure Supplement 2. YOD1/p62 competition for TRAF6 binding

980 (A) YOD1 competes with p62 for TRAF6 co-localization in HeLa cells. GFP-YOD1, RFP-TRAF6 and 981 Crimson-p62 were co-expressed in HeLa cells and localization was analyzed by confocal fluorescence 982 microscopy. Enlargement of boxed area is shown next to Merge. Merge pictures show nuclear 983 staining using Hoechst 33342. Scale bar depicts 10 µM. (B) Example pictures of YOD1 WT (left panel) 984 and C160S (right panel) recruitment to TRAF6 and prevention of TRAF6/p62 aggregates 985 (corresponding to Figure 3F). GFP-YOD1 WT or C160S (right) were expressed together with RFP- 986 TRAF6 and Crimson-p62 in U2OS cells and localization was analyzed by confocal fluorescence 987 microscopy. Only merged images with enlargement of boxed area are shown. Plot Profile analysis 988 was conducted along the white line. Nuclear stainings were performed with Hoechst 33342. Scale 989 bars depict 10 µM. (C) Quantitative analyses of TRAF6/YOD1 and TRAF6/p62 co-localization in triple 990 transfected U2OS cells. Co-clustering of FI was determined by automated fluorescence imaging in 991 >100 triple transfected U2OS cells (PerkinElmer Imaging). For determining RFP or Crimson 992 fluorescence background, cells were defined by GFP staining and FI was measured in this area. The 993 RFP signal is enriched in RFP-TRAF6 as well as GFP-YOD1 and to a lesser extent in Crimson-p62 spots 994 (left). Crimson-p62 is enriched neither in RFP-TRAF6 nor in GFP-YOD1 spots compared to background 995 levels. Data depict the mean and standard deviation (SD) of measured mean FI.


997 Figure 4. YOD1 is a negative regulator of IL-1β-induced NF-κB signaling (A) Schematic 998 representation of YOD1 overexpression constructs. YOD1 WT or C160S and GFP were co-expressed 999 using T2A site under the control of EF1α promoter, which in turn is DOX/tTR-KRAB-controlled. (B) 1000 YOD1 WT and YOD1 C160S are overexpressed upon doxycycline (DOX) treatment of lentivirally 1001 transduced HeLa cells. Transduced cells were grown in DOX containing medium for 72 h and after cell 1002 lysis subjected to Western Blotting. (C) YOD1 WT (upper panel) or C160S (lower panel) 1003 overexpression diminishes NF-κB target gene expression. Infected HeLa cells were treated with DOX 1004 for 72 h and stimulated with IL-1β for 60 min. Expression of indicated transcripts were analyzed by 1005 qRT-PCR. Bars show mean and standard error of the mean (SEM) of five independent experiments. 1006 (D) Schematic representation of YOD1 shRNA construct. GFP and shYOD1 were expressed under 1007 control of EF1α and H1 promoter, respectively. Both promoters are DOX/tTR-KRAB-controlled. (E) 1008 YOD1 protein levels are equally reduced in shYOD1 cells. Cells were treated for 72 h with 0,05 – 0,5 1009 µg/ml DOX as indicated and YOD1 knock-down was analyzed by Western Blot. (F) YOD1 knock-down 1010 results in enhanced NF-κB target gene expression. shYOD1-infected HeLa cells were treated with DOX 1011 for 72 h and stimulated with IL-1β for the indicated time points. RNA was isolated and transcripts 1012 were analyzed by qRT-PCR as indicated. Bars show mean and SEM of four independent experiments. 1013 (G) TRAF6 and YOD1 exert opposing effects on NF-κB signaling and activation in iBMDM. iBMDM 1014 transduced with control shMock, shTRAF6 or shYOD1 were stimulated with IL-1β as indicated. NF-κB 1015 and Oct-1 (control) DNA binding was assessed by EMSA (n.s. = non-specific band). IκBα 34

1016 phosphorylation, degradation and knock-down efficiencies were analyzed by Western Blotting. (H) 1017 YOD1 knock-down promotes, while TRAF6 depletion impairs NF-κB target gene expression in iBMDM. 1018 iBMDM transduced as in (G) were stimulated with IL-1β for 45 min. Transcript levels were analyzed 1019 by qRT-PCR as indicated. Bars show mean and SEM of seven independent experiments. Significance 1020 was evaluated using Student’s t-test (*: p < 0,05; **: p < 0,01; ***: p < 0,001; ns = not significant).

1021 The following Figure Supplement is available for Figure 4:

1022 Figure Supplement 1: Lentiviral transduction and DOX control treatment of HeLa cells


1024 Figure 4 – Figure Supplement 1. Lentiviral transduction and DOX control treatment of HeLa cells (A) 1025 HeLa cells are efficiently transduced with tTR-KRAB-dsRed constructs. After the first infection with 1026 tTR-KRAB-T2A-dsRed, cells were analyzed for dsRed expression by FACS. (B) YOD1-T2A-GFP 1027 transduction in HeLa cells. Following tTR-KRAB-T2A-dsRed infection, cells were transduced with YOD1 1028 (WT or C160S)-T2A-GFP containing vectors. Cells were analyzed by FACS and sorted for GFP 1029 expression. GFP expression was induced by treatment with DOX for 72 h. (C) DOX treatment does not 1030 affect NF-κB target gene expression in HeLa parental cells. HeLa cells were treated with DOX for 72 h 1031 and stimulated with IL-1β for 60 min. Expression of indicated transcripts was analyzed by qRT-PCR. 1032 Bars show mean and standard error of the mean (SEM) of four independent experiments. (D) HeLa 1033 cells are efficiently transduced with shYOD1. tTR-KRAB-T2A-dsRed expressing cells were transduced 1034 with shYOD1-T2A-GFP containing lentivirus. Cells show almost no leakiness (-DOX, left panel). 1035 shYOD1 and GFP expression is efficiently induced by DOX-treatment for 72 h (right panel).


1037 Figure 5. Reconstitution of YOD1-deficient HeLa cells impairs IL-1β-induced NF-κB signaling (A) 1038 Validation of YOD1 KO HeLa cell clones. YOD1 genomic DNA and protein levels in parental HeLa cells 1039 and in cell clones generated by CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing were checked by PCR and Western Blot. (B) 1040 YOD1 deficient HeLa clones #6 and #33 are efficiently transduced with empty vector (mock) and 1041 YOD1 WT. Cells were transduced and homogenous populations of GFP expressing cells were sorted 1042 by FACS. FACS of GFP expression after sorting is shown. (C) Reconstitution of YOD1-deficient cell 1043 clones #6 and #33 with YOD1 WT. YOD1-deficient HeLa cells were transduced with YOD1 WT or mock 1044 constructs and YOD1 expression was analyzed by Western Blot. (D) YOD1/TRAF6 interaction in 1045 reconstituted YOD1-deficient HeLa clone #33 is decreasing upon IL-1R1 engagement. Cells were 1046 stimulated with IL-1β for the indicated time points. Anti-TRAF6 IPs were conducted and interaction of 1047 YOD1 was analyzed by Western Blot. Quantification of YOD1 bound to TRAF6 is shown. Numbers 1048 indicate the fold change after IL-1β stimulation (unstimulated set to 1). (E) Reconstitution of YOD1- 1049 deficient HeLa clone #33 with YOD1 WT diminishes NF-κB target gene expression. Cells were 1050 stimulated with IL-1β for 40 min. RNA was isolated and transcripts were analyzed by qRT-PCR as 1051 indicated. Bars show mean and SEM of seven independent experiments. Significance was evaluated 1052 using Student’s t-test (*: p < 0,05; **: p < 0,01; ***: p < 0,001; ns = not significant). (F) YOD1 re- 1053 expression in YOD1-deficient HeLa clone #33 diminishes NF-κB activation and IκBα phosphorylation 1054 and degradation. Cells were stimulated with IL-1β for the indicated time points and NF-κB DNA 1055 binding was assessed by EMSA (n.s. = non-specific band). Oct-1 EMSA served as loading control. IκBα 1056 phosphorylation and degradation was analyzed by Western Blot.

1057 The following Figure Supplement is available for Figure 5:

1058 Figure Supplement 1: Generation, reconstitution and analyses of YOD1-deficient HeLa cells



1060 Figure 5 – Figure Supplement 1. Generation, reconstitution and analyses of YOD1-deficient HeLa 1061 cells (A) Schematic representation of the Cas9/sgRNA-targeting sites in the YOD1 gene. sgRNA- 1062 targeted sequences are underlined and the protospacer-adjacent motif (PAM) is labeled in red. 1063 Induced double-strand breaks (DSB) are marked. Ex = Exon. (B) Expression of YOD1 WT and YOD1 1064 C160S after reconstitution of YOD1 deficient HeLa clones #6 and #33. YOD1 expression was analyzed 1065 by Western Blotting. (C) YOD1-TRAF6 interaction in reconstituted YOD1-deficient cell clone #6 is 1066 partially lost upon IL-1R1 engagement. Cells were stimulated with IL-1β for the indicated time points. 1067 Anti-TRAF6 co-IPs were conducted and co-precipitation of YOD1 was analyzed by Western Blot. 1068 Quantification of YOD1 bound to TRAF6 is shown. Numbers indicate the fold change after IL-1β 1069 stimulation (unstimulated set to 1). (D) Reconstitution of YOD1-deficient cell clone #6 with YOD1 WT 1070 diminishes IκBα degradation and NF-κB activation. Cells were stimulated with IL-1β for the indicated 1071 time points and NF-κB DNA binding was assessed by EMSA (n.s. = non-specific band). Oct-1 EMSA 1072 served as loading control. IκBα phosphorylation and degradation was analyzed by Western Blot.


1074 Figure 6. YOD1 and TRAF6/p62 exert opposing effects on IL-1β-induced NF-κB activation (A) YOD1 1075 knock-down promotes while TRAF6 and p62 knock-down impair NF-κB activation. HeLa cells were 1076 transfected with control siRNA or siRNA targeting YOD1, TRAF6 or p62 and stimulated with IL-1β as 1077 indicated. NF-κB and Oct-1 (control) DNA binding was assessed by EMSA (n.s. = non-specific band). 1078 Knock-down efficiency was confirmed by Western Blotting. (B) YOD1 knock-down promotes, while 1079 TRAF6 depletion impairs NF-κB target gene expression. HeLa cells were transfected with siRNA as 1080 indicated and subsequently stimulated with IL-1β for 60 min. Transcript levels were analyzed by qRT- 1081 PCR as indicated. Bars show mean and SEM of four to five independent experiments. Significance 1082 was evaluated using Student’s t-test (**: p < 0,01; ***: p < 0,001). (C) IκBα degradation is enhanced 1083 after YOD1 knock-down, but inhibited after TRAF6 or p62 knock-down. HeLa cells were transfected 1084 with siRNAs and stimulated with IL-1β as indicated. IκBα degradation was analyzed by Western Blot. 1085 (D) YOD1 is a negative regulator of IKK T-loop phosphorylation upon IL-1R engagement. HeLa cells 1086 were transfected with siControl or siYOD1 and stimulated with IL-1β as indicated. Anti-IKKα-IP was 1087 carried out to precipitate IKKα and IKKβ, and IKKα/β phosphorylation was analyzed by Western Blot. 1088 (E) YOD1 knock-down does not affect MAPK activation. HeLa cells were transfected with siRNA as in 1089 (D) and stimulated with IL-1β for the indicated time points. After cell lysis, MAPK activation was 1090 determined by Western Blotting using phospho-specific antibodies. (F) YOD1 specifically regulates IL- 1091 1β-, but not TNFα-induced NF-κB signaling. HeLa cells were transfected with siRNA as in (D) and 1092 stimulated with IL-1β or TNFα as indicated. NF-κB and Oct-1 (control) DNA binding was assessed by 1093 EMSA (n.s. = non-specific band). IκBα degradation and knock-down efficiency was confirmed by 1094 Western Blot.

1095 The following Figure Supplement is available for Figure 6:

1096 Figure Supplement 1: Functional impact of TRAF6, p62 and YOD1 on CD40 and RANK stimulation


1098 Figure 6 – Figure Supplement 1. Functional impact of TRAF6, p62 and YOD1 on CD40 and RANK 1099 stimulation (A) p62 is required for NF-κB target gene induction upon IL-1β stimulation. HeLa cells 1100 were transfected with siRNA against p62 and stimulated with IL-1β for 60 min. Transcript levels were 1101 analyzed by qRT-PCR as indicated. Bars show means and SEM of seven independent experiments. 1102 Significance was evaluated using Student’s t-test (*: p < 0,05; **: p < 0,01). (B) YOD1, but not p62, is 1103 required for TRAF6-dependent CD40 stimulation in CD40 expressing 293 cells. CD40 293 cells were 36

1104 transfected with control siRNA or siRNA targeting YOD1, TRAF6 or p62 and stimulated with CD40 1105 ligand as indicated. NF-κB and Oct-1 (control) DNA binding was assessed by EMSA (n.s. = non-specific 1106 band). IκBα degradation and knock-down efficiency was confirmed by Western Blotting. (C) YOD1, 1107 but not p62, is required for TRAF6-dependent RANK stimulation in PC3 cells. PC3 cells were 1108 transfected with siRNA and after over-night serum starvation stimulated with RANK-L for the 1109 indicated time points. Extracts were analyzed as in (B).


1111 Figure 7. YOD1 counteracts TRAF6/p62-triggered ubiquitination (A) YOD1 prevents augmented 1112 TRAF6 ubiquitination upon p62 binding. MYC-TRAF6, Crimson-p62, GFP-YOD1 WT and GFP-YOD1 1113 C160S were co-transfected in HEK293 cells as indicated. After cell lysis under denaturing conditions 1114 (1% SDS), anti-MYC IP was conducted. TRAF6 ubiquitination was analyzed by Western Blot. (B) 1115 Reconstitution of YOD1-deficient HeLa cells diminishes TRAF6 ubiquitination. Mock or YOD1 1116 reconstituted HeLa clone#33 was stimulated with IL-1β for 8 min and TRAF6 ubiquitination was 1117 analyzed as in (A), using anti-TRAF6 antibodies for IP. (C) Endogenous YOD1/TRAF6 interaction is lost 1118 upon IL-1β stimulation. HeLa cells were stimulated with IL-1β for the indicated time points and co-IPs 1119 were conducted using anti-TRAF6 or IgG antibodies. Co-IP of YOD1 was analyzed by Western Blot. (D) 1120 YOD1 knock-down promotes while p62 depletion inhibits IL-1-induced TRAF6 ubiquitination. HeLa 1121 cells were transfected with siRNAs and stimulated with IL-1β as indicated. TRAF6 ubiquitination was 1122 analyzed as in (B). (E) YOD1 knock-down promotes while TRAF6 and p62 knock-down impede NEMO 1123 ubiquitination. Experiment was essentially conducted as in (D), using anti-NEMO antibodies for IP.

1124 The following Figure Supplement is available for Figure 7:

1125 Figure Supplement 1: TRAF6 poly-ubiquitination mainly consists of YOD1-resistant K63 linkages


1127 Figure 7 – Figure Supplement 1. TRAF6 poly-ubiquitination mainly consists of YOD1-resistant K63 1128 linkages (A) YOD1 readily cleaves K11-, but not Met1-, K48- and K63-linked ubiquitin chains. 1129 Recombinant GST-YOD1 was incubated with the respective tetra-ubiquitin chains and after the 1130 indicated time points, the reaction was stopped and samples were analyzed by Western Blotting. (B) 1131 TRAF6 poly-ubiquitination upon co-expression with p62 mainly consist of K63 linkages. MYC-TRAF6 1132 and Crimson-p62 were co-transfected in HEK293 cells. After anti-MYC-IP, sample was split and 1133 incubated with the recombinant DUBs USP2, AMSH, YOD1 and Cezanne as indicated. Chain 1134 restriction was analyzed by Western Blotting, while presence of DUBs was confirmed by Coomassie- 1135 staining of SDS-PAGE. (C) Re-introduction of YOD1 in YOD1-deficient HeLa cell clone #6 diminishes 1136 TRAF6 ubiquitination. Cells were stimulated with IL-1β for 8 min and after cell lysis under denaturing 1137 conditions (1% SDS), anti-TRAF6 IP was conducted and TRAF6 ubiquitination was analyzed by 1138 Western Blot. (D) Ubiquitin chains conjugated to TRAF6 upon IL-1β stimulation constitute K63- 1139 linkages. HeLa cells were stimulated as in (C) and endogenous TRAF6 was precipitated by IP. After 1140 extensive washing, sample was split to incubate with the indicated DUBs. Chain restriction was 1141 analyzed by Western Blotting.


FLAG-YOD1 A B C D Input GST-PD HA-TRAF6 WT + FLAG-YOD1 HA-TRAF6 + AD GST + + 50-245 HA-TRAF6 + mock GST-YOD1 + + HA-TRAF6 + HIS-TRAF6 HA-Vector + 287-501 + + + + TRAF6 346-504 HA-Vector + 40 FLAG HIS-TRAF6 TRAF6 HA-IP 70 * 346-504 HA FLAG 50-159 40 70 p97 GST-YOD1 40 FLAG Lysates +HIS -HIS 70 HA-IP HA HA * GST 25 E F HA-TRAF6 WT Lysates FLAG 40 FLAG-YOD1 WT + FLAG-YOD1 130-348 + TRAF6 G GFP-YOD1 FLAG-YOD1 E96A + aa |50 159| 245| |287 |350 499| RINGZ1 Z2 Z3 Z4 CC MATH 522 FLAG-TRAF2 + 70 HA FLAG-TRAF6 + 55 70 YOD1 FLAG-IP YOD1 FLAG FLAG-IP 70 FLAG UBX OTU Z 348 25 70 |50 128| |149 274| |318 Lysates HA 70 YOD1

Lysates 70 H I J K FLAG HEK293 cells HeLa cells U2OS cells HUVEC cells

40 40 YOD1 70 TRAF6 70 TRAF6 YOD1 IP IP 40 IP 70 IP 70 40 YOD1 YOD1 TRAF6 TRAF6 70 70 TRAF6 40 YOD1 TRAF6 40 YOD1 40 Lysates 40 Lysates YOD1 Lysates 70 TRAF6 Lysates YOD1 70 40 40 TRAF6 40 GAPDH GAPDH GAPDH

Figure 1 A C RFP-TRAF6 HA-TRAF6 + + GFP-YOD1 C160S + + GFP-YOD1 WT + +


YOD1 Lysates 55

70 HA GFP-YOD1 C160S




Figure 2 A Crimson-p62

RFP-TRAF6 Crimson/CFP-p62 B GFP-YOD1 RFP-TRAF6 CFP-p62 Merge

GFP-YOD1 Crimson-p62 Merge


C F HA-TRAF6 356-501 + + GFP-YOD1 WT GFP-YOD1 C160S HA-TRAF6 310-522 + +

HA-TRAF6 287-501 + + Crimson-p62 + + + + + GFP-YOD1 + + + + + RFP-TRAF6 RFP-TRAF6 55 YOD1

p62 70 HA-IP 25 HA 15 Crimson-p62 Crimson-p62

55 YOD1

70 p62 Lysates Merge Merge 25 HA 15

D E MYC-TRAF6 + + + + Crimson-p62 + + + + GFP-YOD1 C160S + GFP-YOD1 WT + + + ns ns p62


TRAF6 **

p62 TRAF6 TRAF6 YOD1 YOD1 C/S YOD1 p62 p62 Lysates GFP-YOD1 TRAF6 RFP-TRAF6 Crimson-p62 GAPDH

Figure 3 A YOD1 overexpression B HeLa WT C160S cells + + DOX T2A UBX OTU Z GFP 40 YOD1 EF1α 40 C160S GAPDH

C HeLa cells HeLa cells YOD1 WT YOD1 C160S ** * * ns * * NFKBIA/IkBa TNFAIP3/A20 TNFA

+ + + DOX + + + DOX + + + + + + IL-1β + + + + + + IL-1β D E HeLa shYOD1 YOD1 knock-down cells - 0,05 0,1 0,25 0,5 DOX (µg/ml) 40 YOD1 GFP shYOD1 40 EF1α H1 GAPDH

F HeLa cells NFKBIA/IkBa TNFAIP3/A20 TNFA *** ** * * * ns

w/o DOX DOX relative relative mRNA levels

-- 45 180 -- 45 180 -- 45 180 IL-1b (min) G H

iBMDM iBMDM shTRAF6 shMock shYOD1 TNFAIP3/A20 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 IL-1β (min) *** * NF-κB

EMSA n.s. relative relative mRNA levels Oct-1 -- + IL-1b

35 p-IkBa NFKBIA/IkBa ** IkBa 35 **


40 YOD1 relative relative mRNA levels 70 p65 -- + IL-1b

Figure 4 A B YOD1 KO #6 YOD1 KO #33 C clones WT #10 #6 #33

#6 #33 Genomic WT mock WT mock WT PCR count count KO 40 YOD1 Cell Cell 40 70 p65 YOD1

WB 40 GAPDH GFP GFP untransduced mock YOD1 D E F YOD1 KO #33 YOD1 KO #33 YOD1 KO #33 mock YOD1 NFKBIA/ TNFAIP3/ TNFA - 10 20 - 10 20 IL-1β (min) mock YOD1 IkBa A20 - - 5 20 IL-1β (min) ** ** ** NF-κB 40 YOD1 TRAF6-IP 1 0.75 0.33 Fold Change 70 TRAF6 EMSA n.s.

40 YOD1 Oct-1 70 Lysates TRAF6

40 35 GAPDH mock WT mock WT mock WT p-IκBα

IL-1b 35 IκBα WB 40 GAPDH

70 p65

Figure 5 A sip62 siControl siYOD1 siTRAF6 B 0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10 IL-1β (min) NFKBIA/IkBa TNFAIP3/A20 *** NF-κB ** *** **

EMSA n.s. relative relative mRNA levels Oct-1

-- 60 -- 60 IL-1b (min) 70 TRAF6 D 70 siControl siYOD1 p62 0 7 12 25 0 7 12 25 IL-1β (min) WB 40 100 YOD1 p-IKKa/b IKKα-IP 100 40 IKKα/β GAPDH

40 C YOD1 siTRAF6 siControl siYOD1 sip62 Lysates 100 IKKα/β 0 12 0 7 12 0 7 12 0 7 12 IL-1β (min)

35 IκBα F TNFα IL-1β 40 GAPDH siControl siYOD1 siControl siYOD1 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 (min) E siControl siYOD1

0 7 12 25 0 7 12 25 IL-1β (min)

55 NF-κB P-JNK1/2

40 55 EMSA n.s. JNK1/2 40

35 P-p38 Oct-1 35 p38 35 IκBα 40 P-ERK 40 WB YOD1 40 ERK 40 40 YOD1 GAPDH

Figure 6 HeLa cells A MYC-TRAF6 B C IgG TRAF6 Crimson-p62 + + + YOD1 KO #33 0 0 3 7 10 15 IL-1β (min) GFP-YOD1 WT + + mock YOD1 40 GFP-YOD1 C160S + - + - + IL-1β YOD1 IP 70 TRAF6 130 170 40 130 YOD1 Ubiquitin Ubiquitin 100 Lysates 70 MYC-IP TRAF6-IP TRAF6 70 40 70 GAPDH

70 70 TRAF6 TRAF6 D HUVEC cells IgG TRAF6

170 0 0 5 20 IL-1β (min) 40 130 YOD1 IP Ubiquitin Ubiquitin 70 100 TRAF6

40 70 YOD1 70 Lysates Lysates 70 Lysates TRAF6 70 70 TRAF6 40 TRAF6 GAPDH

100 40 YOD1 p62 sip62 siControl siYOD1 40 E GAPDH 0 7 10 0 7 10 0 7 10 IL-1β (min) YOD1 55 130

Ubiquitin TRAF6-IP 70

F siTRAF6 siControl siYOD1 sip62 70 0 12 0 7 12 0 7 12 0 7 12 IL-1β (min) TRAF6

130 130


NEMO-IP 70 50 Ubiquitin


Lysates 70 TRAF6

70 40 p62 Lysates YOD1 40 YOD1 70 p62 70 TRAF6

35 IκBα

Figure 7 A B BD AD

mock mock + HIS TRAF6 A20 + HIS p97 mock - HIS TRAF6 TRAF6 UBC13



- HIS p97 C TRAF6


+ HIS BD-YOD1 + AD-geneX




- HIS - HIS - HIS HIS - + HIS Figure 1 – Figure Supplement 1 Input GST-PD

A B GST + + Input GST-PD GST-YOD1 + + GST + + + HIS-p97 + + + GST-YOD1 + + + 130 HIS-TRAF6 310-522 + + + Strep-TRAF6 50-159 + + + HIS-p97

70 HIS-TRAF6 310-522 GST-YOD1

Strep-TRAF6 50-159



C Input GST-PD GST + + GST-YOD1 + + + + HIS-TRAF6 310-522 + + + + + HIS-p97 +





Figure 1 – Figure Supplement 2 A B

90 – LVGYPPECLDLSNG – 103 H. sapiens HA-TRAF6 + + 85 – LVGYPPECLDLSDR – 98 M. musculus HA-TRAF6 + + 90 – LVGYPPECLDLSNG – 103 B. taurus FLAG 40 FLAG 90 - LVGYPPECLDLSEG – 103 S. scrofa HA-IP 40 HA-IP 70 70 PXEXXAr/Ac TIM consensus HA HA

FLAG FLAG 40 Lysates 40 Lysates 70 HA 70 HA |50 128| |149 274| |318 YOD1 UBX OTU Z 348

C D E HeLa cells HEK 293 cells

40 YOD1

TRAF6-IP 70 TRAF6 40 YOD1 40 YOD1 TRAF6-IP 70 TRAF6-IP 70 TRAF6 70 TRAF6 TRAF6 40 100 YOD1 40 p97 YOD1 Lysates 70 Lysates 40 TRAF6 70 YOD1 p65 Lysates 40 GAPDH 70 40 TRAF6 GAPDH 40 GAPDH

Figure 1 – Figure Supplement 3 A B GFP-YOD1 Crimson-TRAF6 Merge GFP-YOD1




Figure 2 – Figure Supplement 1 A C Crimson-p62 FLAG-YOD1 + FLAG-TRAF6 +

p62 70


55* FLAG

p62 70

Lysates 70



Figure 3 – Figure Supplement 1 A

GFP-YOD1 RFP-TRAF6 Crimson-p62 Merge

B RFP-TRAF6, GFP-YOD1 WT, Crimson-p62 RFP-TRAF6, GFP-YOD1 C160S, Crimson-p62

GFP-YOD1 RFP-TRAF6 Crimson-p62


Figure 3 – Figure Supplement 2 A B YOD1 WT YOD1 C160S count count count Cell Cell Cell


untransduced tTR-KRAB/dsRed w/o DOX + DOX w/o DOX + DOX


+ + + DOX + + + + + + IL-1β

D count count Cell Cell


untransduced shYOD1 shYOD1 shYOD1 w/o DOX w/o DOX + DOX

Figure 4 – Figure Supplement 1 A B


40 YOD1 Ex2 Ex3 Ex4 YOD1 Gene Ex1 70 p62 DSB DSB 70 TRAF6


YOD1 KO #6 C D mock YOD1 YOD1 KO #6 - 10 20 - 10 20 IL-1β (min) mock YOD1 - - 5 20 IL-1b (min) NF-κB YOD1 40 1 0.58 0.59 Fold Change TRAF6-IP EMSA n.s. 70 TRAF6

40 YOD1 Oct-1

70 Lysates TRAF6 35 p-IκBα 40 GAPDH 35 IκBα WB 40 GAPDH

70 p65

Figure 5 – Figure Supplement 1 A

* **

B CD40 293 cells C PC3 cells

siTRAF6 siControl siYOD1 sip62

0 15 30 0 15 30 0 15 30 0 15 30 CD40-L (min) 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 RANKL (min)


EMSA EMSA n.s. n.s.

Oct-1 Oct-1

35 IκBα IκBα 35 70 TRAF6 70 TRAF6

70 WB p62 WB 70 p62

40 40 YOD1 YOD1


Figure 6 – Figure Supplement 1 A B MYC-TRAF6 C YOD1 KO #6 Met1 K11 K48 K63 Crimson-p62 mock YOD1

0 5 30 0 5 30 0 5 30 0 5 30 (min) ) - + - + IL-1β tetra K33

25 , tri K29

, 170 di K27 130

, Ubiquitin 15 Ubiquitin

K11 100 TRAF6-IP

70 - AMSH AMSH (K63) Cezanne (K11) mono USP2 (all) YOD1 (

70 170 TRAF6 YOD1 130 Ubiquitin 100

70 170

D 130 HeLa + IL-1b 170 Ubiquitin MYC-IP

) 130 100 ) K33 K63-Ubiquitin , 100 70 K63 ,

K29 Lysates ) , 70 K33 ) , K11 K27 70 ) , , K11

K29 TRAF6 K6 (Met1) 70 K63


40 YOD1 TRABID ( - AMSH ( OTULIN Cezanne ( USP2 (all) OTUB1 (K48) YOD1 OTUD3 ( 55 40 GAPDH 40 Coomassie/ 170 DUBs 130 35 Ubiquitin TRAF6-IP 100


70 TRAF6

100 70


40 Coomassie/ DUBs



Figure 7 – Figure Supplement 1