“The Osborn Files” the History of the Family of Charlotte Osborn Potter, Her Children, and Her Ancestry
“The Osborn Files” The History of the family of Charlotte Osborn Potter, Her children, and her ancestry Written and complied by Steven G. Mecham Text only is given below THE CHARLOTTE OSBORN POTTER FAMILY The children of Charlotte Osborn Potter at the time of her death remembered their mother as a kind and indulgent mother and the instrument in the hands of God of their conversion to the Gospel of Christ (1). Her story and the lives are her children are intertwined and hence this record contains an accounting of their lives. Charlotte Osborn, was born April 14, 1795 in Pawlet, Rutland County, Vermont, the eldest daughter of Justus Osborn and Susannah Dickerman(2). She was found living with her family in Pawlet, Vermont in 1800 (3), but the family moved to Pomfret Township, Niagara County, New York between 1809 or 1810 (4). She moved with her family from Chautauqua County, New York westward to Erie County, Pennsylvania, settling in Fairview Township some time between 1815 and 1816. She along with her father attended the first Methodist class held in his log cabin in Erie County, Pennsylvania in 1817(5). She met and married David Potter Jr. in Erie County, Pennsylvania in 1817 (6). They settled in then, Troy Township, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, which later became Avon Township, Erie County, Pennsylvania (7). In 1820, the area was still more or less frontier, so settlements and counties were in flux Their first child, Benjamin Potter was born in 1818 (8), a daughter, Esther Potter, was born in 1819 (9). Neither child lived to adulthood.
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