DR. DOMINIQUE AUBERT DOB 10th August 1978 - 31 years French Lecturer Université de Strasbourg Observatoire Astronomique
[email protected] http://astro.u-strasbg.fr/~aubert CURRENT SITUATION Lecturer at the University of Strasbourg, member of the Astronomical Observatory since September 2006. TOPICS RESEARCH • Formation of large structures in the Universe, Cosmology • Epoch of Reionization, galaxies, galactic dynamics, gravitational lenses • Numerical simulations, high performance computing, hardware acceleration of scientific computing on graphics cards (Graphics Processing Units - GPUs) CAREER • October 2005 - September 2006: Post-Doc CNRS, Service d'Astrophysique, CEA, Saclay, France. • April 2005 - October 2005: Max-Planck Institut fur Astrophysik, Garching, Germany, visitor. • April 2004-October 2004: Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge, UK, Marie Curie visitorship. • October 2001-April 2005: PhD thesis "Measurement and implications of dark matter flows at the surface of the virial sphere", University Paris XI and Astronomical Observatory of Strasbourg. REFEERED PUBLICATIONS • Reionisation powered by GPUs I : the structure of the ultra-violet background, Aubert D. & Teyssier R., April 2010, submitted to ApJ, available on request, arXiv:1004.2503 • The dusty, albeit ultraviolet bright infancy of galaxies. Devriendt, J.; Rimes, C.; Pichon, C.; Teyssier, R.; Le Borgne, D.; Aubert, D.; Audit, E.; Colombi, S.; Courty, S; Dubois, Y.; Prunet, S.; Rasera, Y.; Slyz, A.; Tweed, D., Submitted to MNRAS, arXiv:0912.0376 • Galactic kinematics with modified Newtonian dynamics. Bienaymé, O.; Famaey, B.; Wu, X.; Zhao, H. S.; Aubert, D. A&A, April 2009, in press. • A particle-mesh integrator for galactic dynamics powered by GPGPUs. Aubert, D., Amini, M. & David, R. Accepted contribution to ICCS 2009. • Full-Sky Weak Lensing Simulation with 70 Billion Particles.