Localization and Non-Renormalization in Chern-Simons Theory Arxiv:1805.11076V2

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Localization and Non-Renormalization in Chern-Simons Theory Arxiv:1805.11076V2 Localization and Non-Renormalization in Chern-Simons Theory Yale Fan Department of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA Abstract We revisit and clarify some aspects of perturbative renormalization in pure Chern- Simons theory by means of a localization principle associated with an underlying su- persymmetry. This perspective allows the otherwise perturbative one-loop shifts to be interpreted as nonperturbative consequences of a non-renormalization theorem, while providing a unified understanding of their origin (particularly in the case of Wilson lines). We illustrate this approach explicitly for SU(2) Chern-Simons theory in flat space, on Seifert manifolds, and on a solid torus. arXiv:1805.11076v2 [hep-th] 10 Jan 2019 Contents 1 Introduction 2 2 N = 0 Chern-Simons Theory 7 2.1 Perturbation Theory . 8 2.2 Beyond Perturbation Theory . 10 3 Wilson Loops and Coadjoint Orbits 11 3.1 The Orbit Method . 11 3.2 Wilson/'t Hooft Loops in Chern-Simons Theory . 13 4 Wilson Loops in N = 2 Chern-Simons Theory 14 4.1 Shift from Line Dynamics . 15 4.1.1 N = 2 Coadjoint Orbit . 15 4.1.2 Effective Action . 18 4.2 Shift from Canonical Quantization . 19 4.2.1 Bosonic System . 20 4.2.2 Supersymmetric System . 21 4.3 Shift from 1D Supersymmetric Index . 21 4.3.1 Localization in 1D . 24 4.3.2 Finite Temperature . 25 4.3.3 Background Gauge Field . 26 5 Coupling to the Bulk 29 5.1 Linearly Realized SUSY on the Line . 29 5.2 Nonlinearly Realized SUSY on the Line . 30 5.3 Nonlinearly Realized SUSY in the Sigma Model . 32 6 Localization in 3D 34 6.1 Overview . 34 6.2 Supergravity Background . 35 6.3 Localizing \Seifert" Loops . 38 6.3.1 Example: S3 ............................... 41 3 6.3.2 Example: Sb ............................... 46 6.3.3 Non-Example: (Squashed) Lens Spaces . 49 6.3.4 Non-Example: 3D Supersymmetric Index . 52 6.4 Localization on Solid Torus . 53 7 Matching N = 0 and N = 2 Line Operators 57 7.1 (Non-)Renormalization . 58 7.2 3D Point of View . 58 7.3 A Quasi-2D Point of View . 60 8 Discussion 62 1 A Conventions 63 A.1 Gauge Transformations . 63 A.2 Quantum Mechanics . 63 A.3 1D N =2..................................... 64 A.4 3D N =2..................................... 66 A.4.1 Lorentzian . 67 A.4.2 Euclidean . 68 B Gauging SUSY NLSMs 72 B.1 K¨ahlerPotential . 72 B.2 Higher-Derivative Terms . 74 C Details on the N = 2 Coadjoint Orbit 75 1 C.1 CP Sigma Model . 75 C.2 Effective Action . 77 C.3 Canonical Quantization . 78 C.3.1 Bosonic System . 78 C.3.2 Supersymmetric System . 79 D Quantization of Chern-Simons Theory 82 D.1 Generalities . 82 D.2 Boundary Conditions . 83 D.3 Real Polarization . 84 D.3.1 Σ = D2 .................................. 84 D.3.2 Σ = T 2 ................................... 86 D.4 Holomorphic Polarization . 87 D.4.1 Coherent States . 87 D.4.2 Σ = T 2 Redux . 89 E Surgery versus Localization 90 1 Introduction The goal of this paper is to argue that certain properties of three-dimensional Chern-Simons theory can be understood in a unified way by regarding the theory as an effective description of an N = 2 supersymmetric completion. To an optimist, such a viewpoint might represent a particular instance of a more general program of using supersymmetry to elucidate aspects of quantum field theories without manifest supersymmetry. The application of supersymmetry to topological field theories is far from new. For in- stance, both the topological invariance and semiclassical exactness of observables in Witten- type (cohomological) TQFTs have long been recognized as consequences of a fermionic BRST symmetry [1]. After a suitable topological twist, gauge-fixed Chern-Simons theory itself fur- nishes an example of a Witten-type TQFT [2]. The BRST supersymmetry is a restatement 2 of the underlying general covariance of the theory: the subtraction of ghost degrees of free- dom guarantees the absence of excited states. By contrast, our approach relies on a further auxiliary supersymmetry. The relevant fermions obey the spin-statistics theorem. At finite Yang-Mills coupling, they result in an infinite tower of states with equal numbers of bosonic and fermionic degrees of freedom, which make no net contribution to supersymmetric observ- ables. However, they have the additional effect of shifting the number of vacuum states. We will argue that this shift, combined with the localization principle afforded by the auxiliary fermionic symmetry, provides a natural framework in which to understand some features of correlation functions in bosonic Chern-Simons theory that are obscure from the point of view of perturbation theory. It has long been understood that induced Chern-Simons terms are one-loop exact because higher-order corrections (via an expansion in ~ ∼ 1=k) cannot, in general, respect the quan- tization condition on the level [3, 4] (see [5] for a diagrammatic proof in the abelian case, and [6, 7] for a modern perspective). One manifestation of this fact is that quantum observables in pure Chern-Simons theory with simple gauge group G and level k > 0, possibly involving Wilson loops in irreducible representations of G labeled by highest weights λ, are naturally viewed as functions not of the \bare" parameters (suitably defined), but of k ! k + h; λ ! λ + ρ (1.1) where h is the dual Coxeter number and ρ is the Weyl vector of G. For example, when G = SU(2), the shifts read k ! k + 2 and j ! j + 1=2, and the latter appears at the level of representation theory in the SU(2) Weyl character j X sin[(j + 1=2)θ] χ (θ) = eimθ = ; (1.2) j sin(θ=2) m=−j which (up to a j-independent prefactor) takes the form of a sum over m = ±(j + 1=2), as familiar from equivariant localization formulas. These shifts can be thought of as quantum corrections. While λ, unlike k, does not appear in the bulk Lagrangian, the associated shift similarly lends itself to a Lagrangian point of view via an auxiliary system attached to the Wilson line, obtained by quantizing the coadjoint orbit of λ. It is likewise well-known that correlation functions in pure N = 2 and N = 0 Chern- Simons coincide up to a shift of the above form:1 in the Chern-Simons action for an N = 2 vector multiplet at level k + h, all superpartners of the gauge field (real scalars σ; D and a gaugino λ { not to be confused with the weight λ of the previous paragraph) are auxiliary, and performing the Gaussian path integral over these fields leads to an effective N = 0 Chern-Simons action at level k. In practice, this can be understood for sufficiently large k by regulating the N = 2 theory with an irrelevant Yang-Mills term (so that the path 1The 3D Lorentzian spin group SL(2; R) has Majorana representations, while the Euclidean version SU(2) does not; hence the minimal amount of SUSY in three Euclidean dimensions is that associated with a single two-component complex spinor, and Euclidean supersymmetric partition functions can only be calculated for N ≥ 2. 3D N ≥ 2 theories are precisely those whose holomorphy properties allow them to be constrained by non-renormalization theorems [8]. 3 integral converges absolutely), which introduces a scale that masses up all fields, and then integrating out the gaugino in the Wilsonian sense. However, to make a merely perturbative analogy between N = 0 and N = 2 Chern- Simons theory is slightly misleading. While the renormalized parameters in (1.1) are one-loop exact, general observables in the N = 0 theory are not, reflecting the fact that Chern-Simons theory is conventionally formulated as a Schwarz-type rather than a Witten-type TQFT. The real power of supersymmetry lies in its ability to explain how the shifts (1.1) persist nonperturbatively in a wide class of observables. Enhancing both the 3D Chern-Simons action and the 1D coadjoint orbit action for Wilson loops with N = 2 supersymmetry gives one access to a localization argument that ensures that correlation functions depend only on the bare couplings appearing in the respective actions. This is a sort of non-renormalization principle. These two supersymmetrizations are not independent, as there exists a precise map between fields in the bulk and fields on the line. The supersymmetric, coupled 3D- 1D path integral can be evaluated exactly, and after adjusting for parity anomalies2 from integrating out the auxiliary fermions (in 3D and in 1D), we immediately deduce the exact result in the corresponding bosonic theory, including the famous shifts. In this way, a one- loop supersymmetric localization computation reproduces an all-loop result in the bosonic theory. This line of reasoning leads to a conceptually simpler explanation for (1.1) than that originally obtained from anomalies in the coherent state functional integral [9]. The non-renormalization of the level in N ≥ 2 Chern-Simons theory is often acknowl- edged in the localization literature (such as when performing supersymmetric tests of non- supersymmetric dualities [10, 11]), but the non-renormalization of the weight(s) is seldom mentioned. This omission may make the latter point seem pedantic, but it is in fact essential for a consistent mapping of line operators between the bosonic theory and its N = 2 cousin. Making the above statements precise requires fixing unambiguous physical definitions of the \bare" parameters k and λ { for example, via the coefficient of the two-point function in the associated 2D current algebra and canonical quantization of the coadjoint orbit theory, respectively.3 Having done so, the shifts in k and λ arise in a unified fashion from jointly supersymmetrizing the 3D bulk theory and the 1D coadjoint orbit theory, giving rise to three equivalent descriptions of the same theory: 2We are abusing terminology here: by this, we simply mean the trading of a parity-violating fermion mass for a parity-violating Chern-Simons term.
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