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UNG VOTES! 2018  

(Courtesy of the PSSA and the SGA) FREE for YOU! Student Voter’s Guide To the November 6th General Election

Political Science Student Association President – Meredith Shea Faculty Advisor – Dr. Carl Cavalli Voters Guide co-ordinators – Patrick Price, Austin Stacy

Supporting Organization: The American Democracy Project Table of Contents

Candidates for Governor ...... 1 Candidates for Lieutenant Governor ...... 3 Candidates for Secretary of State ...... 3 Candidates for Attorney General ...... 4 Candidates for Contested U.S. House Districts ...... 5 Candidates for Contested State House Districts ...... 14 Candidates for Contested State Senate Districts ...... 15 U.S. Congressional District Map for ...... 16 State House District Map for Georgia ...... 17 State Senate District Map for Georgia ...... 18

This voter’s guide is designed to assist University of North Georgia students in the November 6th general election (and December 4th runoff elections, if needed). The guide contains information on candidates for state and federal offices. This non-partisan guide is a unique benefit to UNG students as the questions reprinted here were gathered from our students. In the spring of 2018, the PSSA surveyed UNG students regarding the issues about which they are most concerned. This guide presents candidate information for the three top issues. We’ve done our best to provide as much information as possible given both space limitations and information availability. We apologize for any errors or omissions. Every effort was made to accurately represent candidate positions. Print versions of this guide and other primary information material were produced by UNG Print Services using funding from the SGA. The PSSA thanks both for their efforts. We are also very grateful for the ongoing support of the UNG American Democracy Project.

An important note about REGISTRATION: If you were not registered by October 9th, you may not vote in this election. However, you may always register for future elections. You can register online here: https://registertovote.sos.ga.gov/ You may also register online, and receive text/email notifications about election dates specifically tailored for UNG students (including early voting and absentee ballots) here: https://northgeorgia.turbovote.org/ To check your registration status, or for ballot and polling place information, see: https://www.mvp.sos.ga.gov/MVP/mvp.do

NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all information is from candidate web sites. Editing for space was unavoidable, but every effort was made to preserve the candidates’ intent. Writ-in candidates are not included.

See our Facebook page (and like us!) for updated election information: https://www.facebook.com/UNGPSSA

Legend: (R) = Republican, (D) = Democrat, (L) = Libertarian, (I) = Independent, * = Incumbent Candidates for Governor Brian Kemp (R) – Secretary of State of Georgia, http://www.kempforgovernor.com/ • Gun Control/Gun Rights: Respect the 2nd Amendment… (May 2018); Rated A+ by the NRA, indicating a pro-gun rights voting record. (Nov 2011) (ontheissues.org) • Immigration: Sanctuary cities are dangerous, unlawful, and defy our Georgia values. As governor, our state will respect the rule of law and put the well-being of Georgians - not illegal immigrants - first. Like Texas Governor Greg Abbott, I will fight radical, left-wing organizations and activists who are more concerned with advancing their agenda than keeping citizens and communities safe. Our borders are broken and America’s immigration system is in complete disarray. Fundamental reform is long overdue but all we get is lip service and empty promises from career politicians in Congress. To put hardworking Georgians – not illegal immigrants - first, we must: 1. Build a border wall to keep drug cartels, criminals, and terrorists from entering the country illegally; 2. Deport criminal illegal immigrants from our jails and from sanctuary cities; 3. Fix America’s legal immigration system by passing The RAISE ACT and reform the H-2A visa program to provide a labor force for Georgia farmers. 4. Defund sanctuary cities, end DACA, cut off taxpayer-funded benefits like free healthcare for illegal immigrants, and plug special interest loopholes that favor those who are here illegally • The Economy/Job Development: “I’ve been a small business owner for 30 years,” he said. “I’ve been working with working Georgians every day, and that includes today. I think that’s one of the values that I’ve had — I’ve never lost touch with what’s going on in the real world.” (gainesvilletimes.com) The Athens conservative launched an economic platform focused on recruiting and building small business. As governor, I will work to make Georgia #1 for small business. Through • regulatory reform, • targeted economic development, and • enhanced connectivity, we can ensure that businesses on Main Street can compete, grow, and thrive. “[T]he secretary of state wants to “take a chainsaw” to state government and its regulatory system. Kemp’s platform includes a cap to state spending, refunds for taxpayers and the reduction of Georgia’s bureaucratic corps…. On regulations generally, Kemp said he’s a fan of Trump’s requirement that for every new regulation at the federal level, two existing regulations have to be cut.” (gainesvilletimes.com)

Stacey Abrams (D) – Former State Representative, https://staceyabrams.com/ • Gun Control/Gun Rights: Stacey Abrams is the only Democratic candidate for governor with a proven track record of voting against legislation that would put guns in the wrong hands, including opposing SB 350 in 2012, and opposing 2017’s NRA omnibus bill, HR 292. Keep Guns Out of the Wrong Hands: Support Survivors of Domestic Violence, Require Universal Background Checks, Allow Families to Petition for Extreme Risk Protection Orders. Fix Our Broken Gun Laws: Immediate Repeal of 2012’s SB 350 and 2017’s HB 280 Support Violence Prevention Efforts, Including Hospital Interventions, Community • Immigration: Voted NAY on prohibiting state funding for sanctuary campuses (February 2017) Voted NAY on prohibiting undocumented immigrants from serving on local governing bodies (February 2016) Voted NAY on Immigration Enforcement Act (April 2011) Voted NAY on citizenship status verification of government assistance recipients (April 2009) Voted NAY on requiring proof of citizenship for voter registration (April 2009) Voted NAY on English only requirement for driver’s license examination (March 2009) Voted NAY on vehicle seizures for unlicensed drivers (April 2008) Voted NAY on increasing penalties for driving without a license (March 2008) Voted NAY on vehicle seizures for undocumented immigrant traffic violations (February 2008) Voted NAY on English as the official language of Georgia (February 2008) (votesmart.org) • The Economy/Job Development: We must build a Georgia where no one has to work more than one full-time job to make ends meet. A fair economy means investing in diverse businesses, fighting for equality in the workplace, lifting

1 families out of poverty, and ensuring access to affordable healthcare. Fairness is the backbone of an economy that eliminates poverty and fosters prosperity for every family. • Georgia’s Advanced Energy Jobs Plan is the first in a series of economic revitalization proposals to deliver 25,000-45,000 long term, high wage jobs in Georgia – from construction, coding, sales, and installation to manufacturing and beyond. Georgia must have a bold and comprehensive economic vision to (1) ensure no person has to work more than one full-time job to make ends meet and (2) catalyze the creation of good-paying jobs in all 159 counties, at all skill levels. We must leverage our natural resources and assets, working together across sectors, to build an economy for every worker. Let’s imagine more for our state and create an economy that leads the nation in advanced energy jobs and local innovation. • Investment in Community Businesses: Small businesses employ more Georgians, and they can be started anywhere. As Governor, Stacey Abrams will direct more of our economic development dollars to our hometown businesses: the barbershop that wants to expand, the nurse who wants to launch a home healthcare company, the entrepreneur who can’t get venture capital in rural Georgia. Funds will be targeted to reach low-income communities and rural counties, and we will help Georgia businesses expand by offering access to capital. • Workplace Equality: We must demand that our workplaces never discriminate based on a person’s race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, disability, or immigration status. As Governor, Stacey Abrams will promote policies to ensure pay equity and expand paid sick leave. Georgia should require a living wage in every county. Furthermore, the right to form a union and collectively bargain for fair wages and employment conditions is fundamental to workplace fairness… As Governor, Stacey Abrams will continue to support a Georgia civil rights bill to protect the LGBTQ+ community, as well as immigrants, people of color, and people of faith, from discrimination in housing, public accommodation, and the workplace; create a body dedicated to enforcing these laws; and put in place protections to all relevant sections of Georgia law. Stacey Abrams supports passage of hate crime legislation to protect LGBTQ+ Georgians and other communities facing discrimination. • Lift Families Out of Poverty: Moving from poverty to prosperity must be the mission of our next governor. Economic mobility improves neighborhoods and schools and decreases reliance on welfare programs and incarceration rates. As Minority Leader, Stacey defeated Republican tax plans to increase sales taxes on working families, and she opposed legislation to restore taxes on groceries. As Governor Abrams would…tackle poverty among our working families by establishing a state Earned Income Tax Credit, bridging transition from welfare to work without immediately eliminating benefits, and expanding access to childcare tax credits and subsidies. She will also continue her fight to protect workers from misclassification as independent contractors and abusive on-call scheduling, providing families with predictable workweeks and predictable paychecks. • Access to Affordable Healthcare: Access to affordable healthcare is a right, and guaranteeing quality services improves families, communities and the workplace… When elected governor, Stacey will work to expand Medicaid and provide coverage for 500,000 Georgians, create 56,000 jobs, stabilize our rural counties and explore pathways to universal coverage in our state. She will support reproductive freedom and access to treatment for women, regardless of ability to pay. Also, across our state, more than half of our counties lack access to OB/GYNs or pediatricians. Stacey will leverage state and federal programs to incentivize more doctors and medical personnel to locate in under- served areas, and she will work with practitioners to reduce our maternal and infant mortality rates and increase access to care. • Innovation and Green Jobs: Growing Georgia’s economy means we must diversify our jobs and support innovation across sectors. With the right policies, Georgia can lead the Southeast in advanced energy jobs. As Governor, Stacey will work with public and private partners to create new jobs in infrastructure, clean energy, biotech and agritech, as well as expand broadband to connect our communities to the Internet. We can train our students in growing fields like energy engineering, sustainability science and build an energy innovation ecosystem across the state.

Ted Metz (L) – former Insurance and Financial Professional, http://www.tedmetz.com • Gun Control/Gun Rights: The only legitimate use of force is in defense of individual rights—life, liberty, and justly acquired property—against aggression. This right inheres in the individual, who may agree to be aided by any other individual or group. We affirm the individual right recognized by the Second Amendment to keep and bear arms, and oppose the prosecution of individuals for exercising their rights of self-defense. Private property owners should be free to establish their own conditions regarding the presence of personal defense weapons on their own property. We oppose all laws at any level of government restricting, registering, or monitoring the ownership, manufacture, or transfer of firearms or ammunition.

2 • Immigration: IMMIGRATION KEEPS AMERICA STRONG. Here is a challenge: Show us where in the Constitution where it grants the Federal Government the Authority to regulate immigration. • The Economy/Job Development: SUPPORT ALL BUSINESSES FROM MAIN STREET TO WALL STREET. • Get Governments out of the way of growth • Implement 1 year non-tax grace period for businesses • Cooperate and develop Economic Mentoring teams • Get High Speed Internet to all of Georgia in 2 years • Market Georgia Products everywhere worldwide! • Encourage Generational Partnerships

Candidates for Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan (R) – Former State Representative, http://teamduncan.org/ • Gun Control/Gun Rights: Geoff Duncan was rated 93% by National Rifle Association (Candidate Positions on Gun Rights) (2016) Voted YES on authorizing concealed carry on college campuses (March 2017) Voted YES on authorizing individuals to carry weapons in previously prohibited locations (Feb 2014) Voted YES on amending provisions relating to concealed weapons permits (March 2013) (from votesmart.org) • Immigration: I’ll support President Trump and make sure Georgia never becomes a sanctuary for illegal immigrants. • The Economy/Job Development: Ignite a powerful economy by empowering job creators instead of politicians. A serial entrepreneur, Geoff previously took a business from his living room to a full-scale operation in a 10,000 square foot facility. He knows what it takes to run a business and meet a payroll, and he knows that bigger government is not the answer.

Sarah Riggs Amico (D) - Executive Chair of Jack Cooper, https://sarahforgeorgia.com/ • Gun Control/Gun Rights: “She’s in favor of stricter gun control laws…and points to a recent AJC poll indicating the majority of Georgians agree with her.” (cobbcountycourier.com, May 14, 2018) • Immigration: Jesus didn’t die on a cross so we could rip small children from sobbing mothers at the border... Here’s what the Bible DOES say about welcoming immigrants:…“When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself…” (Leviticus 19:33-34) (twitter, June 14, 2018) • The Economy/Job Development: I remember in grade school, my parents took us to a park and my dad explained that he had lost his job. My folks had three little kids, a mortgage, and a couple hundred dollars in the bank. That moment had a huge impact on me, and it built inside me tremendous empathy for the struggle and the dignity of work. As a business owner, we’ve grown our company from 120 employees to over 3,000. We pay for healthcare, plus a great salary. Guided by my faith, I put my own money into Jack Cooper to save jobs during difficult times. What I see too often is politicians will come to us with the false choice between growth and prosperity. I’ve proven that we can do both–and Georgia can do the same.

Candidates for Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) – State Representative, http://bradforgeorgia.com/ • Gun Control/Gun Rights: Received a 93% rating from the National Rifle Association (Candidate Positions on Gun Rights) (2016) Voted YES on authorizing concealed carry on college campuses (March 2017) Voted YES on authorizing concealed carry at postsecondary education institutions (February 2016) • Immigration: Voted YES on prohibiting state funding for sanctuary campuses (February 2017) Voted YES on prohibiting undocumented immigrants from serving on local governing bodies (February 2016) SPONSORED the bill on prohibiting undocumented immigrants serving on local governing bodies (January 2016)

3 • The Economy/Job Development: Raffensperger [wants] to bring consistency and common sense to business licensing. He said that professions such as engineering and nursing should be licensed, but that he would like to look at some other professions and see if they really need to be. “At the end of the day you want people to get out there and start making money,” he said. “They have a passion. We want them to start putting food on the table, providing for themselves and their families.” “As a business owner I would like to bring that perspective to make sure Georgia is a great place to find a job, a great place to build a business.” (tiftongazette.com, May 10, 2018)

John Barrow (D) – Former US Representative, http://www.barrowforgeorgia.com/ • Gun Control/Gun Rights: Co-sponsored loosening restrictions on interstate gun purchase (October 2011) Co-sponsored allowing veterans to register unlicensed guns acquired abroad (January 2011) Voted YES on a national cross-state standard for concealed carry (January 2009) Co-sponsored banning gun registration and trigger lock law in Washington DC (May 2007) Voted Yes on prohibiting product misuse lawsuits on gun manufactures (October 2005) (ontheissues.org) • Immigration: Voted YES on preventing executive overreach on Immigration Act of 2014 (December 2014) Voted YES on prohibiting certain actions with respect to deferred action for aliens not lawfully present in the United States, and for other purposes (August 2014) Voted YES on repealing certain green card limitations (November 2011) Voted NAY on the DREAM Act (December 2010) Voted YES on undocumented immigrants’ ineligibility for certain financial assistance (May 2008) Voted YES on Secure Fence Act of 2006 (September 2006) Voted YES on the Border Security Bill (December 2005) Voted YES on the Real ID Act of 2005 (votesmart.org) • The Economy/Job Development: Voted NO on allowing compensatory time off for working overtime. (Apr 2013) Voted NO on prioritizing spending in case debt limit is reached. (May 2013) Voted NO on terminating the Home Affordable mortgage Program. (Mar 2011) Voted YES on $192B additional anti-recession stimulus spending. (Jul 2009) Voted YES on modifying bankruptcy rules to avoid mortgage foreclosures. (Mar 2009) Voted YES on additional $825 billion for economic recovery package. (Jan 2009) Voted YES on monitoring TARP funds to ensure more mortgage relief. (Jan 2009) Voted YES on $15B bailout for GM and Chrysler. (Dec 2008) Voted YES on extending unemployment benefits from 39 weeks to 59 weeks. (Oct 2008) Voted YES on $60B stimulus package for jobs, infrastructure, & energy. (Sep 2008) Voted YES on overriding presidential veto of Farm Bill. (Jun 2008) Voted YES on restricting employer interference in union organizing. (Mar 2007) Voted YES on increasing minimum wage to $7.25. (Jan 2007) (ontheissues.org)

Smythe Duval (L) – Medical IT Director, https://www.duvalforga.net/ • Gun Control/Gun Rights: (no information available) • Immigration: (no information available) • The Economy/Job Development: (no information available)

Candidates for Attorney General Chris Carr (R)* – Attorney General of Georgia, http://carr2018.com/ • Gun Control/Gun Rights:

4 “The Second Amendment gives law-abiding citizens the right not only to keep, but also to bear, arms,” Carr said. “We will continue to stand up and fight attempts to restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens.” (albanyherald.com) • Immigration: “The issue of immigration is properly handled by Congress, that truly is a federal issue as it relates to the Constitution,” said Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr, during the question-and-answer portion of his keynote address at a DeKalb County Chamber of Commerce luncheon on Thursday. “Now I would hope that Congress would find a way, particularly when the issue of DACA students come up … I hope that Congress would come up with a reasonable way to deal with folks who, through no choice of their own, have come to the United States and have not run afoul of the law and have gone to college or gone to technical college or gone to the military and have been productive and good members of society,” said Carr. (SaportaReport.com, Sept. 28, 2017) • The Economy/Job Development: Chris is a firm believer in the power of the private sector and understands that a consistent, predictable and reliable legal environment is crucial for the values of capitalism and pro-growth policies to flourish. Companies choose Georgia for many reasons, and one big reason is that our state and local governments are seen as partners to the business community, rather than adversaries. While Chris continues his efforts to bolster the economic success Georgia has seen over the past five years, Chris is committed to protecting consumers from criminals who engage in illegal and harmful practices – including cyber crime – and will ensure they face consequences for their actions.

Charlie Bailey (D) – Senior Assistant D.A., Fulton County, https://charlieforgeorgia.com • Gun Control/Gun Rights: Charlie Bailey was rated 21% by National Rifle Association (votesmart.org) • Immigration: (no information available) • The Economy/Job Development: He will take his courtroom experience to the Attorney General’s office to stop deceptive business practices and will stand up to corporations that conduct fraudulent operations or break the law. Specifically, when elected, Charlie will bring a suit against every pharmaceutical company that deceptively marketed deadly opioids into our state. He will recover hundreds of millions of dollars that belong to the taxpayers. Charlie will show that being a good lawyer means using the law to help everyday citizens, especially seniors.

Contested Nominations for U.S. House of Representatives Districts: NOTE: Due to space considerations, only contested districts in the north Georgia region have detailed candidate issue information.

Candidates for District 1 Earl “Buddy” Carter (R)* -- US Representative, http://buddycarterforcongress.com/ Lisa Ring (D) -- Former Corrections Officer, https://www.lisaringforcongress.com/

Candidates for District 2 Herman West Jr. (R) – Pastor, https://hermanwest4congress.com/ Sanford Bishop Jr. (D)* -- State Representative, https://sanfordbishop.com/

Candidates for District 3 Chuck Enderlin (D) – Pilot, Veteran, https://chuckenderlin.com/ Drew Ferguson (R)* – US Representative, https://fergusonforgeorgia.com/

Candidates for District 4 Hank Johnson (D)* – US Representative, https://hankforcongress.com/ Joe Profit (R) – Owner, Gourmet Profit Inc., Retired NFL, https://joeprofitforcongress.com/

5 Candidates for District 5 John R. Lewis (D)* – US Representative, http://johnlewisforcongress.com/ (unopposed)

Candidates for District 6 Karen Handel (R)* -- US Representative, https://karenhandel.com/ • Gun Control/Gun Rights: Karen is a strong supporter of individual citizens' right to keep and bear arms. She was born into a family of sportsmen and first fired a gun when she was eight years old. Karen opposes the re-imposition of the so-called "assault weapons ban," which essentially seeks to ban rifles used for hunting and sport shooting as well as handguns used recreationally or for legitimate self-defense. Karen understands that actual assault weapons are already banned by the 1968 Gun Control Act and that new bans are an attempt to deceive voters into believing that automatic weapons are currently legal. She supports the right of law abiding citizens to carry a concealed weapon and believes that obtaining a carry permit should not be made so onerous as to become a de facto ban on such permits. (karenhandel.com, 2010) • Immigration: True national security means securing our borders. The current immigration system is broken, and we MUST fix it. We need to build a wall along our southern border, demand immigration laws be enforced, improve the reliability of temporary visa programs, and create a viable guest worker program. While I understand and appreciate that we are a nation of immigrants, and believe we should be welcoming of those wish to migrate to our great country, we are also a nation of laws, and our laws must be respected. • The Economy/Job Development: Onerous, punitive regulations, costly red tape, and a complex tax structure with rates that are too high are limiting business expansion and job growth. And, wages have not yet fully recovered with many continuing to earn less than they did prior to the so-called Great Recession and still others who have given up on finding work altogether. As a former business executive and CEO of the North Fulton Chamber of Commerce, I know first hand how to create jobs and enact aggressive economic development policies. I believe that the only way we can grow our economy at a more robust pace is through lower taxes and fewer regulations. As a member of Congress, I will fight for a fairer simpler tax structure with lower rates for families and businesses. I will also work aggressively to achieve passage of legislation to implement a complete, rolling audit of all regulations -- agency by agency -- along with a 10 year sunset rule for regulations.

Lucy McBath (D) – Former Flight Attendant, Activist, https://lucyforcongress.com/about/ • Gun Control/Gun Rights: Lucy’s son, Jordan Davis, was shot and killed at a gas station in Jacksonville, Florida in 2012. The bullet that killed her son also tore a hole in her heart. While her family will never be the same, and she grieves for Jordan every day, his death gave her a new purpose: advocating for gun safety. As the Faith and Outreach Leader for Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, a member of the Everytown Survivor Network and as a Mother of the Movement, the advocacy work she does every day on behalf of gun violence prevention is one of the most important issues to women and their families. As a Member of Congress, she will advocate for background checks for all firearm purchases, raising the minimum age to purchase a gun to 21 years of age, work to defeat conceal carry reciprocity measures and work to keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers and other criminals. • Immigration: • “I know firsthand what it is like to have part of your family ripped away from you. That is why I refuse to turn my back on DACA recipients and will co-sponsor a clean DREAM Act in one of my first actions in Congress. I will also make comprehensive immigration reform a top priority, working with Democrats and Republicans alike to enact a solution to this contentious issue.” • Opponent of President Trump’s travel ban • The Economy/Job Development: “I favor focusing on the middle class and working families. In addition to making middle class tax cuts permanent, I want to increase the minimum wage and making the federal earned income tax credit more generous. Growing up, I was taught that if you are able and willing to put in hard work in America, you should be able to earn a living wage. No one in Cobb, DeKalb, or Fulton Counties can comfortably live on $7.25 an hour. When it comes to trade, I strongly disagree with the Trump Administration applying seemingly-random tariffs on imported goods. I fear that these tariffs will eventually lead to a trade war

6 which will undoubtedly hurt Georgia families and businesses. Georgia’s exports have increased by 50% over the past decade, and we cannot afford these senseless policies if Metro Atlanta wants to compete well into the 21st century.” McBath also Supports free trade agreements

Candidates for District 7 Carolyn Bourdeaux (D) – Professor at GSU, http://carolyn4congress.com/ • Gun Control/Gun Rights: We have lost our way as a country with respect to gun policy and it must stop now. As a mother, I keenly feel the grief of parents who have lost their children – all our children from Parkland to Orlando, from Sandy Hook to Las Vegas - and responses such as “arming our teachers” or in any way inviting more guns into our schools is sickening. We must ban bump stocks, restrict civilian access to military style assault weapons, restrict access to high capacity magazines, and make sure we have universal, comprehensive background checks, closing the gun show loophole. I honor the students from Parkland who are driving this country to action. Our youth have such potential power, and we need to support them in their mission for change. Our children deserve to live in a world where their biggest worry is studying for a math test, not whether they'll live through the week or watch classmates and teachers die in front of them. I grew up with guns. My father owned a gun. My grandmother shot squirrels off her bird-feeder from her upstairs porch with a bb gun. My grandfather passed on to my uncle a wonderful historic gun collection, and many members of my family are hunters. But we were taught from an early age that guns are weapons and owning a gun is a serious responsibility – it’s time that our country recognize this as well. • Immigration: We know that our diverse future and global enterprise depends on talented people from all over the world joining our community. We need a system that recognizes the value of immigrants, while protecting all workers with fair labor practices. We are long overdue for comprehensive immigration reform that recognizes the realities of our communities and labor markets. The security of our border and our country is best served when we focus enforcement resources on criminals who mean us harm. And we urgently need a path to citizenship for the Dreamers, who came here as children and are invaluable members of our communities. • The Economy/Job Development: Our economy here in Georgia’s 7th district should reflect our increasingly diverse and international population. To move our economy in the right direction, we need to put people first by investing in education, apprenticeships and job training programs, ensuring that health insurance is reasonably priced while providing access to quality care, giving our small businesses the tools they need to thrive, providing better public transit options, investing in our infrastructure, and ensuring a living wage.

Rob Woodall (R)* -- US Representative, http://robwoodall.com/ • Gun Control/Gun Rights: Our Founding Fathers had it right, and I am committed to protecting our Constitutional Second Amendment freedom from an overbearing Federal government. • Immigration: As a nation of laws, illegal immigration must be stopped. The laws are already on the books, we must begin enforcing them. • The Economy/Job Development: Small businesses create most of the jobs in America, we need to cut the red tape that now entangles them.

Candidates for District 8 Austin Scott (R)* -- US Representative, http://scottforga.com/ (unopposed)

Candidates for District 9 Josh McCall (D) – Teacher, https://mccallforall.com/ • Gun Control/Gun Rights: “Ninety-something percent of the American population believe that we need to have universal background checks. The opposition is very loud, but they’re the minority, and I thought tonight was the chance for the majority of Americans to stand up, and show up, to say, ‘We’ve got to do something about all the deaths taking place.’

7 (http://accesswdun.com/article/2018/3/642441/gun-control-discussion-shows-wide-variety-of-opinions) • Immigration: "If I'm going to believe in the principal of loving my neighbor, I cannot threaten that neighbor with a breakup of his family, confiscation of his property and deportation of his family to a different country, and tell him that I love him. I believe that we're talking at the wrong side of the pyramid here. The people on the bottom, the immigrants and workers...they're the ones who believe they're affected by immigration, and they are. But who was the one making decisions about immigration? Well, actually, if you look at why immigrants are coming in, it's because people are giving them jobs. It's not fair for a worker born here in America with all these workers' rights to have to compete with somebody who's going to be scared for their job. They will do anything that the boss tells them to do.The fastest way we could fix immigration is to fix employment. We have got to hold employers accountable for hiring people who are undocumented." • The Economy/Job Development: Every American deserves gainful employment at a decent wage. For those who can’t find a job in the private sector, we should employ the CCC to offer conservation jobs in areas that need civic engagement the most. Jobs could include tutoring, childcare for the working poor, senior care, flood control, reforestation, or urban renewal projects. This is Republicanism at its finest – investing energy and resources into the good of our nation.

Doug Collins (R)*-- US Representative, http://www.collinsleads.com/ • Gun Control/Gun Rights: Throughout my time as an elected official in Congress I have been a witness to the Obama Administration proving time and time again that it does not value the Second Amendment. As a member of the United States Military stationed overseas, I have carried a firearm in defense of our national security. Here at home, I carry a firearm for self-defense and when I'm hunting with my boys. In Congress, I've worked hard to be a faithful defender of and advocate for Georgians’ firearm freedoms. I sponsored H.R. 2277, which would scrap the “sporting purpose” regulation in gun sales, successfully led the fight to stop the the ATF’s planned ban on common ammunition, and fought to oppose Obama’s unconstitutional executive actions. I will continue to explore options to protect our Second Amendment rights and stop the President from by-passing Congress and undermining our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, and I am proud to have received a 100% rating and endorsement from the National Rifle Association for the work I've already done. I believe our Founding Fathers got it right the first time. The constitutional right to bear arms is a core principle of this nation. I have and will continue to oppose any federal legislation or regulation that inhibits or attacks this freedom. • Immigration: Immigration is a federal issue that requires a federal solution. We must secure the border by enforcing the laws that are already on the books in order to solve our illegal immigration problem while not allowing amnesty for those already here. This enforcement work should be done while we also seek to attract the best and brightest minds in the world to learn and work in the United States. I support legislation that would give a green card to any legal foreign student who graduates college with an engineering, math, or science degree. Such a program would provide an incentive to keep jobs at home instead of sending them to competitors overseas. I also oppose the Obama administration's open-door policy for refugees coming from ISIS-controlled regions. • The Economy/Job Development: With a national unemployment rate of 5 percent and a national debt of over 19 Trillion dollars, one thing is for sure: our economy is in trouble. Heavier taxes and regulations are not the solution. What the federal government needs to do is stop wastefully spending taxpayer dollars. Plain and simple, we cannot afford to spend money that we do not have. I believe that in order to get our fiscal house in order, we must do the following: • Pass a responsible, balanced budget that promotes job growth and discourages taxation • Negotiate sound trade deals to create more opportunity and high-paying jobs for Americans • Create a business environment that promotes entrepreneurialism and ingenuity • Slash regulations being imposed by the EPA, IRS, and other federal agencies To accomplish the above goals, House Republicans have passed dozens of bills aimed at empowering small business owners, cutting back regulatory burdens, encouraging entrepreneurship, increasing competitiveness for American manufacturers, and paying down America's unsustainable debt burden.

8 As your congressman, I promise to continue fighting to advance policies that address the root of the problems facing our economy, promote innovation and investment, and help local job creators without raising taxes on working Americans and small businesses.

Candidates for District 10 Jody Hice (R)*-- US Representative, http://www.jodyhice.com/ • Gun Control/Gun Rights: I am a member of the National Rifle Association, Gun Owners of America, National Association for Gun Rights, and Georgia Carry. I am a hunter. I have a Georgia Weapons Carry License, and I'm a staunch defender of the Second Amendment. You can be assured then, that as a member of Congress I am vigilant in defending the right to keep and bear arms because it is foundational to all other Constitutional rights and to our American liberty. Human rights do not derive, as many erroneously believe, from government. Rather, our rights are conferred upon us by God. It's the responsibility of government to acknowledge those rights and protect them. The Founders adopted the Second Amendment, so that the American people would have the means to defend themselves from government should it become a threat to liberty. You can count on me to stand steadfastly resolute concerning the right to keep and bear arms. • Immigration: We should welcome all who legally enter our nation. Our tradition is that we are a nation of immigrants, but we must not allow the pressure of illegal immigrants and their political supporters to subvert the rule of law. We must secure our borders and do so now. We must protect American sovereignty from any movement to merge us into a North American Union. We should not provide economic benefits to illegal aliens. We should deport illegal aliens who commit felonies. We should withhold federal funds from any city or state that declares itself a sanctuary for illegal aliens. We should fine businesses that knowingly hire illegal aliens. If there are no jobs - they will self deport. We should end birthright citizenship for babies born illegally in the United States. As your congressman, I have worked hard to provide the necessary leadership to address the problem of illegal aliens and to oppose amnesty to those who illegally enter our nation. I support the building of a wall along our southern border • The Economy/Job Development: Proposes proposing a balanced budget amendment to the US Constitution. (Jan 2017) Opposes stimulus spending. (Sep 2014) Restore fiscal sanity: less spending & less debt. (May 2014) Economic stimulus package cost $278,000 per job created. (Jan 2012) (ontheissues.org)

Tabitha Johnson-Green (D) – Nurse https://www.johnsongreenforcongress.com/ • Gun Control/Gun Rights: It is the right of every law abiding citizen to keep and bear arms. However, gun ownership is a massive responsibility and steps should be taken to ensure the safety of our communities. Gun safety is of paramount importance in our schools; students must have an environment that is conducive to learning and not conducive to the stress of gun violence. There are many measures geared toward this goal already in place, but we must address the faulty mechanisms that often render them unenforceable. We need to create a nation-wide database that is interconnected from state-to-state. Someone convicted of an offence that prevents them from purchasing a firearm in one state should not be able to simply purchase one in a neighboring state or at a gun show. The Tennessee Waffle House shooting may have been prevented if the state of Tennessee would have known that the shooter’s gun license had been revoked by the state of Illinois. Throughout the United States, cities and states with strong gun laws have managed to cut gun violence significantly without infringing on Second Amendment rights. Common sense gun control can save lives and make communities and schools safer, by banning assault weapons, high-capacity magazines, and bump stocks.The Federal Assault Weapons Ban, which had a clear impact on the toll of mass shootings, should be reinstated, strengthened, and made permanent. Convicted domestic abusers and stalkers should be required to surrender their firearms. One in five gun owners obtained their most recent gun without a background check. Those barred from buying guns often gravitate towards a “private sale”, which is another dangerous loophole in the background check system. I support mandatory background checks on all firearm purchases or transfers, whether from a gun shop, internet, gun show or private sale. The ban on studying gun violence should be ended immediately. Gun ownership is a serious responsibility, and gun owners should be held

9 liable for failing to secure their guns, when the gun is involved in a crime or accident. Improving gun safety and enacting common sense legislation can help prevent the tragic loss of more innocent lives. • Immigration: The current administration has launched an all-out war against immigrants and refugees. From calling for religious discrimination against Muslims, to denying claims of asylum to those fleeing gang violence and domestic abuse, to separating and incarcerating children and families seeking refuge in our country, our treatment of migrants isn’t just inhumane, it’s illegal. If we want to end illegal immigration, we should make legal immigration easier, not harder. We need to reform our immigration laws to expedite the process of getting a green card or applying for citizenship. Migrants are an important part of our history, our culture, our economy, and our community. • The Economy/Job Development: “In order for our state, our community, our world to move forward, we need to put in fresh, new, creative ideas. We need to shake up the status quo … so no more politics as usual,” Johnson-Green said. “Also, I believe my lifestyle is representative of the people of this district and the struggle of everyday citizen.” (redandblack.com, April 2018)

Candidates for District 11 Barry Loudermilk (R)* -- US Representative, http://loudermilkforcongress.com/ • Gun Control/Gun Rights: As are most Americans, Barry has been horrified by the acts of evil perpetrated recently, especially on our children at school. He has been the victim of gun violence, and experienced firsthand the trauma of being shot at with a semi- automatic rifle. Barry has been through the horror of witnessing friends and colleagues struggling for their lives after being shot. Barry has also been through the terror of being shot at without the ability to protect himself or others, because of restrictive laws that prohibited him from having a weapon to defend himself. As an elected representative of the people, Barry has taken an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States; and the right to purchase and own a firearm is clearly specified as a right afforded to citizens of the United States. Barry takes his oath of office very seriously and, while we must address the issue of violence in this nation, we have to focus on the actual source of the violence which, in every case, is the perpetrator of the crime, not the weapon they choose. The safety and security of the people of this country is a core responsibility of our government, which, Barry believes, includes protecting every citizen’s right to protect themselves and their family. Barry remains a strong supporter of the Second Amendment, and opposes measures to restrict the rights of law abiding citizens to purchase and carry firearms. However, Barry believes there are measures we can take to stop these perpetrators before they can carry out their acts of violence. Recent tragedies have highlighted gaps in our system that must be addressed, such as ensuring that our law enforcement appropriately responds to leads of individuals who have made threats or may be prone to carry out acts of violence. • Immigration: Barry has consistently advocated that, before we can tackle the larger issue of illegal immigration, we first have to secure America’s borders and ports of entry. Serving on the House Homeland Security Committee, Barry traveled to our southern border to see first-hand how drug cartels, and human traffickers are exploiting our porous and open borders. Our vast borders are a hotbed of criminal activity and pose a real threat to our national security. That’s why Barry helped write legislation that will provide for more physical barriers along our borders, and increase the number of border patrol agents – to stop criminal activities and stop illegal crossing. However, to effectively control illegal immigration, we must also end counterproductive policies such as catch and release which impairs our law enforcement from effectively stopping and deporting those who enter our nation illegally. Once we have secured our border, we must reform our immigration laws by ending chain migration, stopping visa lotteries, and ensure those who are here on temporary visas return to their home countries when their visas expire. • The Economy/Job Development: Barry believes that the strength of America’s economy is with Main Street, not Wall Street. As a small business owner for over 20 years, Barry knows firsthand the impact high taxes and over regulation has on starting and growing a business. That’s why Barry has worked with the administration to not only cut taxes

10 on our small businesses, but to roll back duplicative, irrelevant and overly burdensome regulations. In just the past year, Congress and the administration have eliminated 22 regulations for every 1 new regulation. In 2017, Congress passed the largest tax cut for America in a generation, and Americans across the country are seeing the positive effects. Since passing this legislation, the economy has grown faster than was predicted and the job market has exceeded our available workforce. For the first time in a very long time, Americans are more optimistic about their financial situation. People are happier and more optimistic about their future, and they once again can believe the best days of America are ahead of us. When Congress was negotiating the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Barry fought tirelessly to ensure tax cuts extended to Georgia’s individuals, families and businesses. Barry strongly advocated for cutting taxes for all Americans, especially those in low and middle incomes. He also worked to ensure young families with children, and those just starting out in the workforce, received tax cuts and higher deductions to help them succeed.

Flynn Broady Jr. (D) – Attorney, retired military, https://flynnbroady.com/ • Gun Control/Gun Rights: (no information available) • Immigration: First, I would promote an increase of measures to protect all our borders, not just the southern border, by use of humane border patrol enforcement. A wall would violate private property rights, dehumanize people on both sides, and harm the natural environment. Simultaneously, I would redouble enforcement of laws that penalize employers who hire undocumented workers, and those workers would be terminated. No undocumented person would be allowed to work without a green card or other legal process. Then I would work to establish a pathway to legal residence and/or citizenship for those already in the country. They would not be allowed to work until they had obtained documentation. Any law-abiding person found in the country would have an opportunity to go through the process. INS would be required to provide sufficient resources for timely processing. Anyone convicted of a significant felony or violent crime, or found outside the allowable process period would immediately be deported. I believe that most undocumented immigrants want to become documented and would follow this process if they knew and understood it. • The Economy/Job Development: One of Broady’s top goals as a candidate is raising wages, especially among poorer residents. His theory is that those on the lower end of the income spectrum will spend any additional money they receive, whereas the well-off would likely use an income boost to save more or buy additional stock, providing less stimulus to the economy. He supports a minimum wage increase but hasn’t picked a target number, saying it should vary depending on the cost of living in a given region. (cobbcountycourier.com, July 2018)

Candidates for District 12 Francys Johnson (D) – Lawyer and Pastor, http://francysjohnson.org/ Rick Allen (R)* -- US Representative, https://www.rickwallen.com/

Candidates for District 13 David Callahan (R) – Driver, Enterprise Leasing, http://friendsofdavidcallahan.us/ David Scott (D)* -- US Representative, https://www.facebook.com/ElectDavidScott/

Candidates for District 14 Steven Lamar Foster (D) – Physician, https://www.facebook.com/SteveFoster4Congress/ • Gun Control/Gun Rights: "Universal criminal background checks and prohibitions against certain criminal offenders possessing guns are just a couple of examples of restrictions that already exist in many states. In addition, I would support those who are seeking to re-impose gun purchase prohibitions on persons who are severely mentally ill." (ballotready.com) • Immigration: "I will work with leadership to make our immigration laws more reflective of our country’s interests and ethical values, which must include protecting our DACA and DREAMers with definite path to citizenship." (ballotready.com) • The Economy/Job Development:

11 "Focusing on our failing and vulnerable infrastructures will also stimulate job growth and economic vitality. I will work to find ways to partner with states and utilities to secure, develop and improve these all important support systems." (ballotready.com)

Tom Graves (R)*-- US Representative, http://www.gravesforcongress.org/ • Gun Control/Gun Rights: • National cross-state standard for concealed carry. (Jan 2009) • Loosen restrictions on interstate gun purchases. (Oct 2011) • Allow veterans to register unlicensed guns acquired abroad. (May 2011) • Interstate transportation of firearms is federally prote. (Jan 2015) (ontheissues.org) • Immigration: • End Birthright Citizenship; no more anchor babies. (Apr 2009) • No birthright citizenship unless one parent is an American. (Feb 2013) (ontheissues.org) • The Economy/Job Development: • Voted YES on prioritizing spending in case debt limit is reached. (May 2013) • Voted YES on terminating the Home Affordable mortgage Program. (Mar 2011) • Balanced Budget Amendment with 3/5 vote to override. (Jan 2009) • Demand a Balanced Budget amendment. (Jul 2010) • Limit federal spending growth to per-capita inflation rate. (Jul 2010) • Member of House Committee on Appropriations. (Mar 2011) • Proposing a balanced budget amendment to the US Constitution. (Jan 2011) • Supports the Cut-Cap-and-Balance Pledge. (Jan 2012) • Disapprove of increasing the debt limit. (Jan 2012) • Audit the Federal Reserve & its actions on mortgage loans. (Oct 2013) (ontheissues.org)

12 Contested State House Districts: Dist. 5 Brian Rosser (D) www.rosserforcongress.com John Meadows* (R) [email protected] Dist. 7 * (R) www.voteralston.com Rick Day (D) [email protected] Dist. 11 * (R) [email protected] Lee Shiver (D) www.shiverforthestatehouse2018.com/ Dist. 13 *(R) [email protected] John Burnette II (D) www.twitter.com/jrb238 Dist. 17 (R) www.martinmomtahan.gop/ Ralph Meers (D) www.ralphmmeers.com/ Dist. 18 * (R) www.kevincooke.org Pat Rhudy (D) [email protected] Dist. 19 Joseph Gullett* (R) [email protected] Alison Feliciano (D) [email protected] Dist. 20 * (R) www.caldwellforhouse.com Lillian Burnaman (D) POB1893 Woodstock 30188 Dist. 21 Scot Turner* (R) [email protected] Melanie Whitfield (D) [email protected] Dist. 22 Charles Ravenscraft (D) No contact information * (R) www.cantrellforhouse.com Dist. 23 Adam Wynn (D) [email protected] * (R) www.mandiforhouse.com Dist. 25 Anita H. Tucker (D) [email protected] * (R) www.jonesfor.us Dist. 30 Alana Watkins (D) [email protected] Emory W. Dunahoo Jr.* (R) www.emorydunahoo.com Dist. 34 Matt Southwell (D) www.votesouthwell.com * (R) www.bertreeves.com Dist. 35 Salvatore Castellana (D) www.castellanaforgeorgia.com * (R) www.edsetzler.com Dist. 36 Jen Slipakoff (D) www.electjenslipakoff.com (R) www.ginnyforgeorgia.com Dist. 37 Mary Williams (D) www.maryfrancesforhd37.com * (R) www.samteasley.com Dist. 39 * (D) www.electericathomas.com J. Morrow (R) [email protected] Dist. 40 (D) www.allenforgeorgia.com Matt Bentley (R) www.votemattbentley.com Dist. 41 Michael Smith* (D) www.votemichaelsmith.com Deanna Harris (R) www.votemattbentley.com Dist. 43 Luisa Wakeman (D) www.electluisa.com * (R) www.sharoncooper.org Dist. 44 Chinita Allen (D) www.electchinita.com Don L. Parsons* (R) www.donparsons.org Dist. 45 Essence Johnson (D) www.essencejohnson.com * (R) www.mattdollar.com Dist. 46 John Carson* (R) www.votejohncarson.com Karin Sanford (D) www.karin4ga.com Dist. 47 Andrea Nugent (D) www.electandreanugent.com Jan Jones* (R) www.janjonesforgeorgia.com Dist. 48 * (R) www.bettyprice4ga.com Mary Robicheaux (D) www.electmaryrobichaux.com Dist. 49 Charles E. Martin* (D) www.martinforga.com Krishan A. Bralley (D) [email protected] Dist. 50 (D) www.angelikaforgeorgia.com Kelly Stewart (R) www.electkellystewart.com Dist. 51 Alex B. Kaufman (R) www.votealexkaufman.com Josh McClaurin (D) www.joshforgeorgia.com Dist. 52 Deborah Silcox* (R) [email protected] (D) www.sheaforgeorgia.com Dist. 54 Beth Beskin* (R) www.bethbeskin.com (D) www.betsyforgeorgia.com Dist. 71 David Stover* (R) www.stoverforhouse.com Tom Thomason (D) [email protected] Dist. 79 Ken Wright (R) [email protected] Michael S. Wilensky (D) www.wilenskyforga.com Dist. 80 Matthew Wilson (D) www.matthewforgeorgia.com Meagan Hanson* (R) www.hansonforhouse.com Dist. 81 Ellen Diehl (R) www.ellendiehl.com * (D) www.votescottholcomb.com Dist. 90 * (D) [email protected] Takosha Swan (R) www.takoshaswan.info Dist. 95 (D) www.mooreforga.com Scott Hilton* (R) www.votescotthilton.com Dist. 97 Aisha Yaqoob (D) www.voteaisha.com (R) www.bonnierichforstatehouse.com Dist. 101 * (D) www.samforgeorgia.com Valerie Clark (R) www.valerieforgahouse.com Dist. 104 Andrea Stephenson (D) www.andreaforgeorgia.com * (R) www.chuckforhouse.com Dist. 105 Donna McLeod (D) www.electdonnamcleod.com Donna Sheldon (R) [email protected] Dist. 107 Janet Mihoci (R) www.janetmihoci.com (D) www.shellyforgeorgia.com Dist. 108 Clay Cox* (R) www.voteclaycox.com (D) www.jasmineclarkforgeorgia.com Dist. 109 * (R) www.votedale.com Regina Lewis-Ward (D) www.reginalewisward.com Dist. 111 El-Mahdi Holly (D) www.elforstaterep.com Geoff Cauble* (R) www.caubleforga.com Dist. 117 Deborah Gonzalez* (D) www.votedeborahgonzalez.com (R) www.houstongaines.com Dist. 119 Jonathan Wallace* (D) www.walacefor119.com (R) www.votemarcuswiedower.com Dist. 123 * (R) [email protected] Scott Richard (D) www.votescottrichard.com Dist. 131 Chris Benton (D) www.christopherbenton.com Ken Pullin (R) www.pullinforgeorgia.com Dist. 132 Bob Trammell Jr.* (D) www.bobtrammell.com Leonard Gomez (R) No contact information Dist. 138 Bardin Hooks (D) www.hooksforhouse.com (R) www.mikecheokas.icloud.com Dist. 144 (R) [email protected] Jessica Walden (D) www.jessicaforgeorgia.com Dist. 147 Fenika Miller (D) [email protected] * (R) www.voteheath.com Dist. 148 Joshua Deriso (D) [email protected] Noel Williams Jr. (R) [email protected] Dist. 151 * (R) No Contact Information Joyce Barlow (D) [email protected]

13 Dist. 152 * (R) [email protected] Marucs Batten (D) [email protected] Dist. 153 Camia W. Hopson (D) No Contact Information Tracy Taylor (R) No Contact Information Dist. 161 Adam Bridges (D) No Contact Information * (R) No Contact Information Dist. 164 Alicia Scott (D) [email protected] Ron Stephens* (R) [email protected] Dist. 167 Cedric Z. King (D) [email protected] Jeff Jones* (R) www.votejeffjones.com Dist. 173 Darlene Taylor* (R) www.darleneforgeorgia.com Twitty Titus (D) www.twittytitus.com Dist. 175 John Lahood* (R) www.lahoodforgeorgia.com Treva Gear (D) www.treavagrear.com Dist. 178 Greg Odriscoll (D) No Contact Information (R) No Contact Information Dist. 179 * (R) [email protected] Julie Jordan (R) www.juliejordanforgeorgia.com

Contested State Senate Districts: Dist. 1 Ben Watson* (R) [email protected] Sandra Workman (D) www.workman4senate.com Dist. 3 Jerrold Dagen (D) [email protected] William T. Ligon Jr.* (R) www.senatorligon.com Dist. 6 Jen Jordan* (D) www.jen4ga.com Leah Aldridge (R) [email protected] Dist. 9 Cheryle R. Moses (D) [email protected] P.K. Martin IV* (R) www.voteforpk.com Dist. 14 B. Thompson* (R) [email protected] Rachel A. Kinsley (D) [email protected] Dist. 16 Bill Lightle (D) [email protected] Marty Harbin* (R) www.votemartyharbin.com Dist. 17 Brian Strickland* (R) No Contact Information Phyllis D. Hatcher (D) www.phyllishatcher.com Dist. 21 Brandon Beach* (R) www.beachforsenate.com Nicole B. Nash (D) www.nashforgeorgia.com Dist. 27 Greg Dolezal (R) www.dolezalforsenate.com Steve Smith (D) www.stevesmithforsenate.com Dist. 29 Randy Robertson (R) www.robertsonforgeorgia.com Valerie Haskins (D) www.valeriehaskins.com Dist. 32 Christine Triebsch (D) www.christineforga.com Kay Kirkpatrick* (R) www.kayforsenate.com Dist. 34 Tommy Smith (R) [email protected] Valencia Seay* (D) www.seayforsenate.org Dist. 37 Andy Clark (D) www.clarkforgeorgia.us Lindsey Tippons* (R) www.tipponsforsenate.com Dist. 38 Horancia Tate* (D) www.horacenatate.com Travis Klavohn (R) www.travisforgeorgia.com Dist. 40 Fran Millar* (R) www.senatorfranmillar.com Sally Harrell (D) www.sallyharrell.org Dist. 45 Jana Rogers (D) [email protected] Renee Unterman* (R) No contact information Dist. 46 Bill Cowsert* (R) www.billcowsert.com Marisue Hilliard (D) www.hilliard46.com Dist. 47 Dawn Johnson (D) www.electdawn.org Frank Ginn* (R) www.frankginn.com Dist. 48 Matt Reeves (R) www.votemattreeves.com Zahra Karinsak (D) www.votezahra.com

Absentee Ballot Information http://sos.ga.gov/index.php/Elections/absentee_voting_in_georgia

Absentee Ballot Form http://sos.ga.gov/admin/files/Absentee_Ballot_Application_2018.pdf

Key Election Dates http://sos.ga.gov/index.php/elections/2018_elections_and_voter_registration_calendar


For larger and more readable maps, see: State: http://www.legis.ga.gov/Joint/reapportionment/Documents/congprop2.pdf Atlanta Metro: http://www.legis.ga.gov/Joint/reapportionment/Documents/congprop2- metro.pdf


For larger and more readable maps, see: State: http://www.legis.ga.gov/Joint/reapportionment/Documents/hseprop1.pdf Atlanta Metro: http://www.legis.ga.gov/Joint/reapportionment/Documents/hseprop1-met.pdf


For larger and more readable maps, see: State: http://www.legis.ga.gov/Joint/reapportionment/Documents/senprop1.pdf Atlanta Metro: http://www.legis.ga.gov/Joint/reapportionment/Documents/senprop1-met.pdf

17 THE POLITICAL SCIENCE STUDENT ASSOCIATION was founded in February 1994 by students majoring in Political Science for the purpose of:  providing an organized forum for undergraduate students majoring in political science at North Georgia College and State University to discuss their mutual interests and concerns;  providing an official structure to represent and advocate the interests of said students; and  conducting activities and sponsor programs which promote the spirit of scholarship in political science and which provide opportunities for social activity. Membership in the PSSA is open to majors and non-majors alike. Any student interested in promoting political awareness and activity is welcome to join.

For information, contact Prof. Carl Cavalli in the POLS/INTL Department ([email protected])

Find Us On Facebook: @UNGPSSA https://www.facebook.com/UNGPSSA/

Supporting organization:

THE AMERICAN DEMOCRACY PROJECT For Civic Engagement is a national, multi-campus initiative that seeks to foster informed civic engagement in the United States. The project seeks to create a greater intellectual understanding and commitment to participate in the civic life of the United States. Focused on undergraduates at public colleges and universities, the American Democracy Project has created a collaborative network of 166 public colleges and universities, representing more than 1.5 million students that are member institutions of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU). The three-year project, sponsored by AASCU in collaboration with The New York Times, will provide opportunities for participating campuses to engage in activities and projects designed to increase the number of undergraduate students are committed to meaningful civic actions.

For information, see: https://ung.edu/american-democracy-project/index.php

Advance voting: 10/15 to 11/2 Election Day is Tuesday, November 6th

Remember to VOTE