
Hawaii Department Legislature Disciplinary Report Reporting Year: 2020

Reference Disciplinary Ref. No. with Summary/Findings No. Notified Action Same Officer Officer was detected to have an odor of an alcoholic beverage Held in 19-20 10 days abeyance on his breath while on duty. No due to suspension separation from service. 19-21 Officer violated report writing procedures. (Officer Clive 6 days No F Okino) suspension Suspension Officer violated report writing procedures. (Officer Clive 19-22 No merged with F 19-21 Okino) 19-21 Officer violated report writing procedures. (Officer Clive 6 days 19-23 No F 19-21 Okino) suspension Suspension Officer violated report writing procedures. (Officer Clive 19-24 No merged with F 19-21 Okino) 19-23 Officer violated report writing procedures. (Officer Clive 6 days 19-25 No F 19-21 Okino) suspension Suspension Officer violated report writing procedures. (Officer Clive 19-26 No merged with F 19-21 Okino) 19-25 Officer violated report writing procedures. (Officer Clive 6 days 19-27 No F 19-21 Okino) suspension Suspension Officer violated report writing procedures. (Officer Clive 19-28 No merged with F 19-21 Okino) 19-27 Officer violated report writing procedures. (Officer Clive 6 days 19-29 No F 19-21 Okino) suspension Suspension Officer violated report writing procedures. (Officer Clive 19-30 No merged with F 19-21 Okino) 19-29 Officer violated report writing procedures. (Officer Clive 6 days 19-31 No F 19-21 Okino) suspension Officer violated report writing procedures. (Officer Clive Suspension 19-32 No F 19-21 Okino) merged with

Hawaii Police Department Legislature Disciplinary Report Reporting Year: 2020 19-31 19-33 Officer’s unfavorable comments towards a co-worker violated 10 days No A the department’s standard of conduct general orders. suspension 19-34 Officer’s unfavorable comments towards a co-worker violated 10 days No A 19-33 the department’s good order and discipline standards. suspension 19-35 While off duty officer got into an altercation with an ex- 10 days Yes A girlfriend violating the department’s standard of conduct. suspension During an altercation with an ex-girlfriend officer 19-36 Yes Discharged A 19-35 reached/entered her vehicle without permission. During an altercation with an ex-girlfriend officer reached into 19-37 Yes Discharged A 19-35 her vehicle and struck her on the forehead. 19-38 Officer violated the department’s report writing procedures. 10 days No F (Sergeant Matthew Kaaihue) suspension Officer failed to follow the department’s procedures. 2 days 19-39 No F 19-38 (Sergeant Matthew Kaaihue) suspension Officer failed to follow the department’s evidence procedures. 2 days 19-40 No F 19-38 (Sergeant Matthew Kaaihue) suspension Officer failed to follow the department’s evidence procedures. 2 days 19-41 No F 19-38 (Sergeant Matthew Kaaihue) suspension Officer failed to follow the department’s evidence procedures. 2 days 19-42 No F 19-38 (Sergeant Matthew Kaaihue) suspension Officer failed to follow the department’s evidence procedures. 2 days 19-43 No F 19-38 (Sergeant Matthew Kaaihue) suspension Officer failed to follow the department’s evidence procedures. 2 days 19-44 No F 19-38 (Sergeant Matthew Kaaihue) suspension Officer failed to follow the department’s evidence procedures. 2 days 19-45 No F 19-38 (Sergeant Matthew Kaaihue) suspension Officer failed to follow the department’s evidence procedures. 2 days 19-46 No F 19-38 (Sergeant Matthew Kaaihue) suspension Officer failed to follow the department’s evidence procedures. 2 days 19-47 No F 19-38 (Sergeant Matthew Kaaihue) suspension Officer failed to follow the department’s evidence procedures. 2 days 19-48 No F 19-38 (Sergeant Matthew Kaaihue) suspension Officer failed to follow the department’s evidence procedures. 2 days 19-49 No F 19-38 (Sergeant Matthew Kaaihue) suspension

Hawaii Police Department Legislature Disciplinary Report Reporting Year: 2020 Officer violated the department’s report writing procedures. 1 day 19-50 No F 19-38 (Sergeant Matthew Kaaihue) suspension Officer failed to follow the department’s evidence procedures. 2 days 19-51 No F 19-38 (Sergeant Matthew Kaaihue) suspension Officer violated the department’s report writing procedures. 2 days 19-52 No F 19-38 (Sergeant Matthew Kaaihue) suspension Officer violated the department’s report writing procedures. 1 day 19-53 No F 19-38 (Sergeant Matthew Kaaihue) suspension Officer violated the department’s report writing procedures. 1 day 19-54 No F 19-38 (Sergeant Matthew Kaaihue) suspension Officer violated the department’s report writing procedures. 1 day 19-55 No F 19-38 (Sergeant Matthew Kaaihue) suspension 20-01 Officer failed to meet the parameters for the use of deadly 15 days No P force before discharging his firearm. suspension Officer violated the department’s firearms by 15 days 20-02 No P 20-01 discharging his firearm. suspension 20-03 Officer failed to meet the parameters for the use of deadly 15 days No P force before discharging his firearm. suspension Officer violated the department’s firearms policy by 15 days 20-04 No P 20-03 discharging his firearm. suspension 20-05 Officers conduct while off-duty brought himself and the 20 days No P department into disrepute. suspension Having no legitimate reason and while off duty, officer drew 20 days 20-06 No P 20-05 and displayed his firearm at a private gathering. suspension While off duty officer violated the department’s firearms 20-07 policy by drawing and displaying his firearm for no legitimate No Discharge P 20-05 reason. While off duty officer’s conduct brought himself and the 20-08 No Discharge P 20-05 department into disrepute. While off duty at a private gathering, officer drew and 20-09 No Discharge P 20-05 displayed his firearm in front of non-police personnel. 20-10 Officer failed to meet the parameters for the use of deadly 15 days No P force before discharging his firearm. suspension Officer violated the department’s firearms policy by 15 days 20-11 No P 20-10 discharging his firearm. suspension

Hawaii Police Department Legislature Disciplinary Report Reporting Year: 2020

F = Final P = Grievance Pending A = Arbitration

Suspended Discharged Standard of Conduct Malicious Use of Physical Force Mistreatment of Prisoners Use of Drugs and Narcotics Cowardice