

by Donald H. Webster and Wilfried Zibell

Illustrated by Thelma . Webster


Alaska Rural School Project Department of Education University of College, Alaska @1970 Summer Institute of Linguistics, Inc. Box 1028 Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 3,000 copies

Library of Congress Catalog Card . 76-632478 FORWARD

Of the making of books there is no end, said the great King Solomon of old. the making of a dictionary there is no end, is the feeling one gets when sets out on such a project. This work is by no means exhaustive. It is but a beginning.

The Eskimo is admired the over for his ability to live comfortably on the very edge of human habitat. His language reflects this genius. This dictionary is sent forth with the hope that something of this genius is displayed, both to the Eskimo (and particularly the young people who are loosing their cultural heritage), and to interested non-Eskimo.

Unlike most dictionaries, this is compiled according to subject matter. By doing, the authors feel that language features (such as how words relate to each other) can be displayed better. Also, new literates will find this system easier to follow and more interesting.

These words have been gathered over a period of ten years and drawn from various Eskimo living in the villages of North and Northwest Alaska. To these many Eskimo friends our debt of thanks is due. They truly deserve the credit, while assume the responsibility of any errors.

iii ox rx:l :;:;; ~ Z rx:l ~ ...:l -+-' ...:l o ...... Q)-+-' ..... () :> oj Q) -.' ...... '0 oj 0 ..... :;:;; oj '0 ...... ~ rn ... ::.::: oj Q) sr: ..... :> rx:l ~ ..... ~ ..c::~ :r: -+-' :: o: ... ..a ...... o 0 ...:l z::.::: o ~~ z Z::.::: rx:l ---- IMPORTANT NOTES TO THE READER

1. When looking for a -word (in the Eskimo section), think of what it might be linked with, ( .g. "think" - -mental activity; "spoon"--food, eating; "~-hunting etc.), then look at the index to see the subject categories. If the word is not suitable for simple categorizing, it may be in the section entitled "Other Words", such as "gift", "ouch! 'f etc.

2. Since this dictionary is a compilation of the Kobuk River dialect and North Alaska dialect, many entries consist of two or more words. Such sets of words may vary on the basis of pro- nunciation or meaning. This dialect division is indicated thus: () after a word or meaning indicates use in the North Slope villages (K) after a word or meaning indicates use in the Kobuk River villages. A word entry which is not followed by a letter means that the word is used in both dialects. Some words have a more restrict- ed use, being commonly used only in certain villages. Where such restrictions are known, they are noted thus: (a) after a word indicates it is used in Anaktuvuk Pass (b)" "" "" " " "Barrow (d)" "" "" " "" Deering/Buckland (no) " "" """"" Noatak () " "" "" " " "Kivalina (p)" "" "" " " "Point Hope (q)" "" "" " " "Kotzebue (s)" "" "" " " "Selawik (sh) " "" "" " " "Shishmaref (w)" ,.,,, """" 11 Wainwright () 11 "" 11 11 " " "Unalakleet

3. Information is also available from the way words are placed on the page, from their endings, and from their English glosses. Look at the following sample entry. aatchui ruk (K), aitchui ruk (N) 1 gives 1 aatchugaa , aitchugaa 2 gives it 2 aatchuun, aitchuun 3 gift 3

First, we know how the word is said in the Kobuk River dialect (K) and how it is pronounced in the ~orth Alaska dialect (N). v Second, we know that all of these words are related because the' last two sets are set to the right of the main word. These words are related semantically. Some insets display categorical relationship.

Third, verbs are indicated by the ending" -uk" on the Eskimo word and" -s" on the English gloss. Look at the words marked 1. (Some English glosses need a helping verb as "is happy").

Fourth, verbs are also indicated by the ending" -aa" on the Eskimo word and -generally "it" in the English gloss. Look at the words marked 2.

Other words are nouns. Look at the words marked 3. (Some entries are conjunctions and interjections, but these are clearly displayed).

(Eskimo does not distinguish gender in the third person, there- fore "aatchuiruk" may mean either "he gives", "she give s'", or "it givea". Similarly, "aatchugaa" may mean "he/she/it" ~ives "it/he/she". This is why no subject pronoun is listed with' -uk" verbs; and "it" has arbitrarily been chosen to signal" -aa" verbs. Infrequently, meaning demands that it be replaced by "him" or "her" as in "kunikkaa- -kisses her". Both Intransitive verb forms (-uk) and Transitive verb forms (-aa) have been included because a student of Eskimo must know both forms and there is no simple rule for deriving the one from the other.)

4. SECTION II is a list of Eskimo Post Bases. Post Bases are added to bases to modify meaning. Their function is similar to that of English adverbs, adjectives, auxiliary verbs, tenses, etc.

5. SECTION III is an index of English words that equate to the Eskimo entries of Parts I & II.

vi CONTENTS Eskimo Writing Key ix SECTION 1. PEOPLE

1.1 Persons and Titles . 1 1.2 Relatives . 3 1.3 Body Parts . 6 Head . 6 Body . 8 Organs . 11 SkeletaL . 12 1.4 Body Actions . 15 1.5 Life Processes . 17 1.6 Sickness and Debilities . 19 1.7 Medical, Healing . 22 1.8 Mental Activities . 23 GeneraL . 23 Love vs Hate . 25 Attitude . 26 Nervous Reaction . 27 Confident vs FearfuL .. 28 Reasonable vs Unreasonable . 29 Good vs Bad . 30 1.9 , Ornamentation .. 33 1.10 Dwellings . 36 Types . 36 Parts . 37 Contents . 38 1.11 Religion .. 41 Old . 41 General . 42 New - Christian .. 44 1.12 Activities ·. 47 GeneraL ······.. 47 Men . 48 Ladies· . 50 youth . 52 Amusements . 53 1.13 Food, Eating . 54 1.14 Food, Gathering . 57 Hunting . 57 Trapping . 60 Fishing . 61 1.15 Travelling . 62 Land . 62 Sea . 64 vii 2. CREATURES

2.1 General. . 69 2.2 Land Animals . 69 2.3 Small Creatures of Land and Sea ; .. 77 2.4 Insecta . 78 2.5 Sea Animals . 79 2.6 Animals of History and Legend . 82 2.7 Fish . 82 2.8 Birds . 84


3.1 Heavenly Bodies Etc., .. 96 3.2 Earth (Minerals) . 97 3.3 Plants . 98 3.4 Trees . 101 3.5 Mountains and Hills . 102 3.6 Lakes, Rivers, Oceans . 103 3.7 Weather (includes snow and conditions) .. 104


4.1 General. . 110 4.2 Place . 110 4.3 Time . 117 4.4 Descriptives . 120 Opposites . 120 Colors . 122 Numbers . 123

5. OTHER WORDS . 125


POST BASES...... 167



An English Pronunciation Guide

a amaak a is pronounced most root frequentliY, like the vowel in t fun" and aatkan "the". When next to mitten "k" or "s". it sounds like "a" in "father". Double aa and any other double letter is held longer than a single letter.

ch resembles" ch" in ch natcnik seal "church".

ivgich grass g before another con- g aglaun pencil sonant is like "g" in "go" . ivgun Elsewhere it is pro- towel nounced much softer as a continued sound. not as a stopped sound like the one above.

g is similar to "g" above, but is spoken farther back in the throat. Between vow- taggak shadow els it is sometimes very soft and easily missed.

h resembles English h ahaal.ik Oldsquaw "h". , ix ikun is pronounced like match .' "I" in "police". Next to g and k it sounds siilik like "i" in "tin" pike

k kukik k sounds like "k" in fingernail "ski" or "skill" . It lacks the puff of air ukpik that follows "k" in Snowy Owl "kill"

k ukpik k like g, is sounded willow farther back in the throat than k and g.

1 ulu 1 resembles "I" in woman's knife "leave"

kallun cup

1 paluktak 1 is like "I" in beaver "cleave", only more "breathy". It is kamikluuk voiceless. pants

1 killik 1 is pronounced some- cut thing like the letters "" in "peculiar" or ki ltgnik "million", (is the knot same as Spanish caballero).

m mannik __ ?m sounds like English egg 1/7~' 1, ,~ "m". n nanuk v" ~ f n is pronounced like I{ r--~ English "n". n inuk (--~\ ~~ n is pronounced like human being the letters "riy' in "canyon", (is the same as Spanish sikinik manana). sun a: 1 is pronounced like IJ tnjrni suun lJ airplane the letters "rig" in "king" . arjun -~ male being

p papik P sounds like "p" in bird's tail " spot". It is pro- nounced without the putu Ij, puff of air that hole accompanies "p" in "pot".

r argaich r sounds like "r" and hand, fingers "z" pronounced at @ the same time. ugruk ~= ~ s suluk ~ s is pronounced be- wing feather tween English" s" and "sh".

sr siksrik ~\ sr sounds like "r" and ground squirrel ~(" "sh " pronounced at - /I ) the same time. ~#/ ) ill:srall: Where Kobuk River cheek people use" sr" be- /~y4 tween vowels, coast- t> al pro- nounce "s".

t tuttu t is pronounced like caribou "t" in" steam" . It lacks the puff of air \\\ _ ».... ~"- that follows "t" in "team". ~-(Ar~ ~,"

sounds like "u" in u ull:all: u Next to tongue /~~ "rule" . g -f~ and ls:. it sounds like r0;.~ "u'' in "pull" or uuktuun "0" a measure in "okay". xi v nuviivak v is pronounced some- fly what like English "v" but with lips touching. y nauyals: ~ -"~ y is pronounced like seagull 11 English "r" in "yes".

ai aivils: ai is pronounced like "ie"" in "pie" and ia is pronounced like ia t:ilJmials: "ea" in "area" in goose North Alaska dia- lect. In Kobuk Riv- er dialect, they are pronounced alike, as in "air". au kauk au is pronounced like forehead "ow" in "pow" and ua is pronounced like ua kuals: "" in "how about" frozen food in North Alaska dia- 1ect. In Kobuk River dialect, they are pronounced alike, as "au" in "caught" . ui kugruich ui is pronounced like swans "ui" in "quick" in both North Alaska iu siun and Kobuk River ear dialects. iu is pronounced like "eu" in "mew" in North Alaska dialect, but like" ee" in "seen" in Kobuk River dialect.

In some places where coastal dialects use a "k", Kobuk River people use a glottal stop spelled (I) as in the following sentence:

Ani rami tautukkaa. "As he went out, he saw it". xii SECTION I



JPtun~aura~, paipi.ir-ak (N) baby i1ilgaa~, krtungak, rlaalugruak (K), child mikriktuk (b), uivtflak (sh) nukatpia.lugr'uak , arJugaura~ (K), small boy anutaur ak (N) nukatpiagruk boy nukatpiak young man (marriage- able) anun man (cf. inuk) arjayu~aksra~, arJugaatchia~ (K) old man niviaksralugruak little girl nivi akaiagruk girl (before puberty) niviaksrak young lady (marriage- able) a~~ woman aakuaks r ak , aakuaks raatchiak (K) old woman nutakkat young people utukkanaat old people

anayukaak parent trguak adopted child inuguktitak child raised but not adopted 2 Persons & Titles aIJ ayukaagi itchuak (N), orphan arjayukaarj ilaur-ak (K)

Ilrappak poor, orphan

ilakatai ksuak- (K), tuvakataignik (N) widow, widower (lit. without a partner)

nulifksuak (K) widower

ui lgagnaak (K) widow uiksraun, ilakatntglaktuak (K) bridegroom

nuliaksraun (N), ilakrrigi aktuak (K) bride

i.Iakatni.gut lai lak (K) bachelor, spinster

tuvakataitchuk (N) bachelor

ui Iauktak spinster

i.lannak (K), avflaitkan (N) friend

my namesake (relationship based upon sharing name of deceased person)

inuukati gifk two born on same day (special friendship) inuukan one who is born on same day uumaga (N), i.lakatiga (K) my namesake's wife ilukaan everyone, all inuk person, man inupiak Eskimo (lit. real person)

Indian na.luagmiu , tanik (N) white person Persons & Titles; Relatives 3 ranaiya ak half-white taaks ipak taakstpaiyaak half-Negro agaayul.ikai (K), arj aayul.iks.i (N) pastor, missionary taakti medical doctor iIi saur-r i (N), i.Iis aut r i (K) teacher irninaur ak (N), ki maktuak (K) fugitive iriuakt i murderer iglaak traveller, stranger, visitor uvaij a I, uvaguk we (two), us uvagut we (pl), us ilivich (N), ilvich (K,q) you iliptik (K), ili vsik (N) you (two) ilipsi (K), ilivsi (N) you (pl)

ilaa he, she, it, him, her ililJik they (two), them i.Iirji ch they (pl), them


ilaur-aatka , iIatka my relatives

kirjuvaa.tka my ancestors

arnauga my great grandparent

-ksraga my step---- aapa-ksraga my stepfather ign.i-ks raga my stepson

ataataga (N, q), taata ruaga (K) my grandfather, great uncle 4 Relatives aapaga (N, q), taataga (K) my father akkaga (K) my uncle (father's brother) aIJ aaluga (N) my uncle aIJ atchiaga (K) my uncle (mother's brother) atchaga my aunt (N), father's sister (K) aya~ruksaa~a my aunt (mother's sister) aanaga my great aunt, grandmother (N, q), mother (K) aanaruaga (K) my grandmother, great aunt aakaga (N, q), aanaga (K) my mother ilakat iga (K), tuvaakatiga (N) my partner (husband or wife) uiga my husband

my brother-in-law, my son -In -law nukaaluga tN) my younger brother aapiyaga my older brother nul iaga, agnaga my wife ukua~a my sister-in-law, my daughter-in-law anikatrga my sibling (my brother or my sister) nukatchiaga my younger sibling (K), my younger sister (N) Relatives 5 aakauraga (K), ataur-aga (N) my older sister kataquti.ga my illegitimate sibling

-iik- pair of, couple anil$atig-iik sibling pair afifia~-iik female cousins, couple of girl friends aanarua~-iik grandchild living with grandmother ati~-iik two people bearing same name sunaa~a my friend (male to male) aIJutikati ga my cousin (by my father's brother) afifia~a (N, q), uumaaga (K) my female cousin (female to female), my girl friend (female of same Cl.ge) agnakatiga my cousin (by my mother's sister) iIlugi ga (N), iUuga (K) my cross -cousin, my joking partner

paniga my daughter

my son

aq ayukh ga my oldest child

nukakriga my youngest child

aIJ aukaagaitka , kitungaagaitka. my family nukagi itka

kataga my illegitimate child

uyuguga my nephew, my niece

tutaaluga, tutitchi aga my grandchild 6 1.3 BODY PARTS


akuk head, skull

kavrak crown of head (skull cap) tunis uk (N), tunusruk (K) rounding of back of head (occipital) nutchat head hair iksuu dandruff siun ear siutik ears (2)

aiunqur-ak ear cavity kiinak (N, q), kiginak (K) face kiinagiilirul> blushes kiinagul;s: mask

forehead uluak , Iks r ak cheek tavlu chin tavlugun chin tattoo ag likkuk lower jawbone (both sides) agliguk lower jawbone (one side) umni ch beard uIU!Jiyaktuk shaves kavlut eyebrow akungak ridge between eyebrows Body Parts 7 l$;arunaal$; eyebrow ridge

slkpiich eyelashes sikuruk eyes are closed

siki k moves head forward and down

iri eye ir'iktuk hides

irakumak iris of eye irisiftik eye cavity

l$;ulvich tears kulvir uk weeps

l>iIJak nose (house ventilator)

nUIJIJak (N), akul iak (K) nose bridge

sugluk nasal passage, nose cavity

takpaak (N), takparuak (K), nostrils l$;iIJIJak (K)

kakki vi ak groove under nose kakik mucous kakki r uk blows nose

lips lip

corner of the mouth

kanik mouth

palate, roof of mouth


kigun tooth kigutit teeth kirjrnaktuk bites 8 Body Parts u~a~ tongue ukaktuk <, speaks uka laur-ak (N), u~a1JlJua~ (K) uvula /" (lit. little tongue (N) ) (lit. false tongue (K) )

tivvuak saliva tivvuaktuk spits

kunuainik, kunustk. neck ~UlJisi~ (K)

nigilikta~ Adam I S apple (larynx) nigiru~ eats

tukkur aak throat (pharynx)

tukluk windpipe (trachea) tukhigaa calls him,_ hails

i.ggrak gullet (esophagus)


tali~ arm

ikusik (N), ikusrik (K) elbow I talim ivalua arm sinew

akar avaluktak (K), akvaluak (N) upper arm muscle tayagnik wrist utumrnak (N), agvak (K) palm argaich hand, fingers argak finger

Ikit fist ikittut they are flexed Body Parts 9 nail (finger, toe, claw)


JP.ti~il,< (N, q) l,

__ --' --mikil~al,<

) Ikitkur ak

niu leg niuk both legs niutak stern or bow niu r'uk disembarks niur iruk unloads tan~aL< lower leg kuktugak thigh kikrn.ifkuk (K), kirnmitkuk (N) back of leg s ipyaak (K), s ivviak (N) hip joint naplui (K), navlu (N) knee joint sifiigfi.iL<(N), sirJi~fi.iL<(K) ankle joint isigak foot isigaich feet kimmik (N), kipmik (q), kikmik (K) heel aluk sale alluk both soles putuguk big toe ifi.ugaurat four small toes 10 Body Parts

timi body

tuikkak , tui (K) shoulder

saa body front saattuk turn to face someone

s atkak chest

miluk breast, nipple milk (K) milluk both breasts milu nipple miluktuk nurses

ki tik waist (middle) narrak abdomen nar-raagittchuk stomachache (chronic) na r.r-amju ruk stomach cramps(acute) kalaaik umbilicus (naval) ligil~ (N), kuliik (K) back kutchingaat small of back (lumbar curve) ivalu Iini.k large back muscle aagiak depression between shoulder blades tunu back, loin tunuani in behind, to his rear tunuttuk turns his back to tunutkaa turns his back on him sangak side sanikkak both sides ikkuk buttock ukpatik hips Body Parts 11 ~uktug;aJs. thigh mitkut , pubic hair


brain uvifii~ skin

silJlJik any large arm or leg muscle nukik tendon, muscle

uuliutik tenderloins

auk blood auk igliJs.tuk blood flows auktuk nose bleeds aukkun , augavik, blood vessel (N)

takak , t agakpak vein, artery, blood vessel (K)

puvaich lungs

uumman (N), uuman (K) heart uumaruk is alive uum ak green wood uuma live coal uumalaaktuk lively child

kanivaun (N), mulik (K), simik (K) diaphragm

tilJuk liver

akiaguk stomach

i!Jaluat , paal.aak (n) small intestines

ikhi colon, large intestine

i!Jaluakt ak umbilical cord 12 Body Parts saglupkutak (N), uksi (K) appendix

taktu kidney

nakasuk (N), nakasruk (K) bladder

surjak gall bladder surpj ak bladder surjaktaak green iIurnrn ik fetus

afterbirth, placenta

itik anus usuk (N, q), usruk (K) penis iksruuk testicles utchuk vulva usuurak clitoris aalgunak menstruation aa.lguruk menstrates


(Some words listed under BODY apply also to the SKELETAL section, ego niakuk head, skull) saunik bone patik marrow

isugluk (N), bone end isrugluk (K) Body Parts 13 ni akuk skull, head

~ igurvik.---- (/ ~-temporal ~ ~~ ~ -;~~ ~ )

i.r is inik --\----rTf-.

suglu ------'\1;------7-" ~-~---'--+--- nasal cavity

kanik -----__+__~ ~_+--- oral cavity, mouth kigutit -----+--'~~-I [..4;L...---if----:;#---.- teeth

uniagak, agl ikkuk ,4-.------+-lower jaw (mandible) kigapikkat (K), kuyipitkat (N) backbone, spine pikusuk (N), ikik (K) vertebra kivialuktuk 1st vertebra (atlas) kiviaktuk (N), kirjiaktuk (K) turns head, looks behind pamialuk (K), pamiugayuk (N) tailbone (sacrum) 14 Body Parts kutuk collarbone (clavicle) kiasik shoulder blade (scapula) tulimaat ribs (costae) mnj ich (K), nuvuliksrat (N) floating ribs sakiagich breast bone (sternum) kayuutaurak lower tip of sternum

ulna, fibia aminniksr ak radius kutchik (N), kuutchuk (K) hip bone (ossa coxae) kirrigriik femur srtkuk (N), srtkuak kneecap (patella) kanagak, kanaak tibia

isigaich nugaur arj ich bones of foot, (metatarsals) isigaich napyaarj ich bones of toes, (tarsals) inugaur-at fingers (phalanges), four small toes putuguk big toe 15 14 BODY ACTIONS

(See also under "Body Parts" where some motion words are built upon the same base).

looks up, raises head kiviaktuk (N), kin iaktuk (K) turns head l$:iviagaaktuk (N) turns head right and left kuraktuk looks down, lowers head sikiruk moves head forward and down tusaaruk (N), tusr-aaruk (K) hears naal.aktuk listens

srkungipaktaktuk bl.inks, aikuni gaktuk winks

tautuktuk sees tautukkaa sees it

kiniktuk watches l$:ifiigaa watches it

kiar uk cries

takprksuk sees keenly

nai ruk smells

iksuktaktuk wrinkles nose

tagiuktuk sneezes

ukaktuk talks

atuktuk sings 16 Body Actions srvruur-aktuk whispers

kal.aktuk clears throat

nipi voice, sound nipliksuk (K), nivliksuk (N) says, sounds, voices nipitur-uk is noisy rrip ai tchuk , nipi aksuk is quiet

iglaktuk laughs

iglaIJ aaktuk smiles

ur-r aaktuk gesticulates

ti kkuaktuk points

Lsaarj aruk reaches forth

akaikkaa, aktugaa touches it

puyyukkaa (N), putyukkaa (K) pinches it

ti guai ruk (N), t igus r-i r-uk (K) takes, lays hold of, picks up tigugaa picks it up, takes it

pati.ktuk slaps

puttuk bows

aitkuktuk kneels

akuvrttuk , akavittuk (N) sits down

makittuk arises, stands up

pi suaktuk , pts ruktuk (K) walks

akpattuk (N), akpaksruktuk (K) runs

aki ruk kicks akigaa kicks it maiyukruk climbs - m i.ngi kauk (N) jumps Body Actions; Life Processes 17 misiksuJs: leaps straight up, jumps down from low height

misigaktuk hops nautkiaktuk jumps down nutiktuk leaps nuttagrgaa leaps at him

siiksukaktuk (K), maki ruk (N) sweats expels flatus (gas) nal.iktuk nalik flatus

anaktuk defecates anak stool (feces)

kusuuruk (N), kui ruk (K) urinates kukt ak (N), itrguak (K) urine


ani ruk is born (lit. exits)

igniruJs: gives birth, has a baby

aniktrgir-uk breathes ani grrik breath

agliruk grow s up, gets big

aglintgaktuk reached puberty

inuguktuk grew up (lit. became a person)

sirjaiyaur-uk (N), naaktu ruk (K) is pregnant

inuu ruk lives inuggun (N), iriuuhik (K) life inuuni aktuk makes a living, lives 18 Life Processes kaaktuk (N), nigisuktuk (K) is hungry

Imrguktuk is thirsty

kuluularuk stomach growls

nigi ruk eats

irniktuk drinks

uinagl.iksuk is sleepy

pi lai ksuk (N), iniktuktuk (K) is tired

aatchauktuk yawns

nal.laktuk lies down tut t aa.ktuk (N) goes to bed

aikuruk goes to sleep, closes his eyes

kivsfruk is startled awake while dozing off aintktuk sleeps kammui ruk (N), kamrjuir-uk (K) snores s.innaktuktuk dreams ainnaktuk dream it ivli ruk is sleepwalking, talking in his sleep uitchuk opens his eyes

Itiktuk wakes up itkumar-uk is awake, is not sleeping tukuruk dies

Ig rugaa gets stiff (of a dead body) 19 1.6 SICKNESSES AND DEBILITIES

-(g)iit - chronic a~iagug-iit -cnuk has a chronic stomachache iggiag -iit -chuk has a chronic sore throat

-nrJU - acute akiagu -ruju -r-uk has an acute stomachache iggia -ruju -r-uk has an acute sore throat amiigruktu~ (N), ami iks iktuk (K) has skinned self anaaktrttuk is bruised anaagnik bruise atnignaktuk (K), anrugnaktuk (N) hurts, pains, is sick atnigfia~ (K), anni.gnak (N) pain atnii taktuktuk (K) has pain anniiyaruk (N), atni.iya.ruk (K) is sore

aunaaktuk (N), aunaaksruktuk (K) bleeds, menstruates

auttak (N), auktak (K) mole, Mongolean spot (Mongol geburts fleck) ayaul$. boil (sore)

ayauijaruk, kinit laitchuk (K) is blind ayaurul$. got blind

iIluktuk is snow blinded

Ihiitchuk is sick

itiktaktuk has diarrhea

kakkiruj uruk has a stuffy nose

kapugaur aitchuk extracted a splinter kapugaural$. splinter 20 Sioknesses & Debilities kasurjar-uk (N), kasz-uruk (K) is withered

kigutinnuruk has a toothache kiguta.iksuk pulls a tooth

kiiks iuktuk is painful kiiksiugun pain

kiIikauk has cut self ki.li igr'uktuk has skinned self, abrased killik cut

kinnan aakair-uk is becoming senile

kaugz-imaitchuk (K), is numb kaur-imrnagi.itchuk (N)

karvanaruk (N) is dizzy kapyaltksuk (K) worries, gets dizzy, has a headache kaugr-immaiksuk (K), fainted kaur irnmi aktuk (N), sayyaiksuk kikkitigaa has frostbite kigittik (N), ilguk, Igruk (K) frostbite

Ig rul.igaa (K) has chills kiiks ruktuk has convulsions, is an epileptic kilur-ir-uk, ki luruk has a muscle cramp

has a stiff muscle kilguk scar kugiksuk (N), kukhiksuk (K) coughs rnaki ruk drains (of ear, sore etc.) sweats migi aktuk vomits Sicknesses & DebiLities 21 narjittuk, atni gnaktuk (K) is sick (malaise) napnj aruk (N), napurj aruk (K) is hunchbacked nar-r aagi.itchuk has abdominal cramps nar-r-amjuruk has abdominal ache ni akunq uruk has a headache nia~ugiitchu~ has a severe headache nuvaktuk has a cold pirjuk swelling

piyakkuktuk had an accident

siglanguli~~ (N), has a sour stomach s iig.lanrju ruk (K)

sukkit chuk gets a thorn or tack into his flesh

tagiuktuk sneezes

tal.li ak broken arm

niigaak (K), niugaak (N) broken leg

ar gigaur-aak (N), ar gaaktuk broken finger

tigga~tu~ is stiff

tigli~~tu~ is throbbing

tusi attuk (N), tus r.iattuk (K) is lame

tu si lIaktuk , is deaf tusaalaitchuk (N), tu s r atl.aitchuk (K)

u~alaitchu~ (N), is dumb ukatl.ai tchuk (K)

urujuk wart 22 Medical, Healing uunautikaktuk (N), has a fever uunakhiktuk (K), ki rr-iks ir-uk (p) uuti gnik (N), uutinnik (K) is scarred from a burn


sayakturuk is healthy, strong

inuuniun medicine

itrisiun (K) thermometer

Immrgaun equipment for giving enema (of ugruk intestines)

kiIaun divining rod

kappun , kappugaur ak scalpel (for blood letting), hypodermic needle

iirigak pill

aluutaur ak little spoon

tulukkam asriat juniper berries (Fruc- tus juniperus), a medicinal drink .

mamittuk heals (of sore, cut, etc. ) mamittitkaa healed him

Ihrakai r-uk recovers

nakuuks.iruk (N), nakuksi.ruk (K) is getting better

uksrul$ seal , used as liniment, medicine uksruktiktuk anoints, rub oil on body Mental Activities 23 nanuktuk Ul$.srugmik rubs with seal oil (as on neck for sore throat) nanuum , uks rugun ointment piIaktuk has surgery


GENERAL ilisimarul$. knows ili simagaa knows it i.Ii.aaur r'Lr'uk (N), iIi sautr-i ruk (K) teaches ilisauti.gaa teaches him i~itchirul$., iIitchuk learns iIrtchug'i ruk recognizes, realizes iIitchugrgaa finds it out, becomes acquainted with him iIi tchugun cause of recognition, sign isuma ruk (N, q), i srumaruk (K) thinks isumattu.ruk is wise puki ksuk is quick to learn, is wise (K) kani.kai ruk understands karjil$.siiigitchul$. (K), understands not makirnaktuk (N) naluruk is ignorant, does not know l$.augrilil$.tul$.(K), kaur ikftksuk (N) catches on 24 Mental Activities pi saasuktuk (N), pi.saas ruktuk (K) is clever itkaktuk remembers itlj:agigaa remember it itkakt igaa (K) it comes to mind puttulj:srirulj: (N) comes to mind, is inspired

sagviksuk (K), satapkiksuk (N) comes into view, is revealed

alga~sruirulj: exhorts, corrects, preaches (N) algakarugaa exhorts him, tells him the right way to behave

ilualj:sruktulj: corrects person who is erring ignorantly

infkttktuk is threatening (scold- ing that brings results)

natkiks ruktuk is correcting one who has unknowingly erred

sHgiksuktuk is correcting one who willfully erred

pir-aks rtksuk admonishes

suaktuk scolds

si.imaktuk (N) argues

isumannutchautt ruk argues heatedly

lj:apiktaHiluurulj: argues heatedly

kaptkt ai Ii suuruk argues incessantly

kukuula.ruk (N), tulj:hlga~tulj: (K) shouts

nipaal.aruk screams

sakraktuk (N) shouts Mental Activities 25 pitkuruk commands

praises, boasts


Love nagli ktuk is merciful, com- passionate nagligigaa has compassion on him nakuaksr-iruk likes, loves piviuttaktuk (N) loves (of marriage) pi.kpaks r iruk loves, precious


HUnlJ ut chaktuk is deeply angry, hurt, disturbed

isumangu ruk (N), isrumamjur'uk (K) holds a grudge

kinnaktuk is angry

kivguruk (N) leaves because angry (b),leaves home because angry (ap)

kivittuk goes away because angry

iluagfingi.tchaa (K) dislikes him, is prejudiced

uumikh.ksuk (N), uumiks rt ruk (K) hates pl saayugagaa, uumis aagur agaa (K) provokes him 26 Mental Activities ATTITUDE

Pleasant aggallaagiktu~ (K) enjoys himself al.ianartchuk is cheerful, happy, jolly aIJuyautaitchuk is peaceable, is not hostile am as r aaktuk (K), kaamatchaktuk (N) is buoyantly joyful . kuvi.asuktuk (N, q}, kuviasruktuk (K) is happy

~yaru~ thanks, praises, expresses apprecia- tion tagialanaitchu~ is hospitable (enjoy- able atmosphere) talugnaitchuk, attagnaitchuk is friendly, kind, communicati ve tutkiksuk is content, is at peace (within) kapirjai.s aaktuk encourages kapirja.Ls aaga.a encourages him


al.ianaktuk is quiet, lonesome, sad

al iarriuktuk is lonesome, quiet, sad, not communic- ative

iprktusuktuk (N), alfas ruktuk (K) is despondent, sad

Hummaagiitchu~ (N), does not feel well ihrarnrna.ag'i.itchuk (K) Mentat Activities 27 Isumaaktuk (N, q), mourns (not express- isr-umaa luktuk (K) ed)' worries (K) alianiili~ (K) sorrow ki gluktuk sorrow s , mourns anuksruruk (K) endures, suffers

UIJiarriru~ (N), is rurnaaluktuk (K) worries kinunguur'uk (N), kinuvgur-uk (K) mourns (as in death) saingitchaktuk regrets saingi suktuk is chagrined tagialar uk moves out of a home because not wanted tagi al anaktuk inhospitable, unenjoy- able atmosphere talu gnaktuk, att agnaktuk is stern, unfriendly, non-communicative taluker-al'lraktuk browbeats ui ruk panics, is excited (too eager) kaprktuk is discouraged



Iki.aktaal aaktuk body tingles because of emotional stimulus kiunnal.aaktuk (N), is spine tingling kuinnal as r-aaktuk (K) 28 Mentat Aetivities uki giyumrniktuk (N), heady, giddy, feeling ukrgi.ruk (K) light of body

Unpleasant kakuaglaagnaktuk (N), is tense because of kakugauglaaktuk (K) impending unpleas- antness sttkukstmanaktuk is "tied up in knots" , tense because of im- pending unpleasantness


Confident attaks rarj itchuk (N, q), is bold (sure of not attaks r-angitchuk (K) being refused, free- ly helps himself to other's things) iglutuirul;$. endures nalupl;$.isuIJitchul;$.(N,q), is confident, is sure nalupki s rungit chuk (K) (not doubting) nan iitchuk is daring, brave ni kait chuk perseveres, does not give up isiksu ruk (K), sfksuruk (N) is daring (strong), is enduring (persis- tent hunter)

suamrnaktuk (N) is enduring Mental Activities 29 Fearful

al.iuktuk marvels, fears (N), haunts

al layuaktuk (N), fears because of an at layuaktuk (K) unusual event, shy- ness of toddler

anaya.suktuk (N), s.ivuugaruk (N) fears the consequence

ayaagittuk (N) is undecided, desires to but can't begin

ikai ruk fears (general, most common)

ki.ksikar aktuk (N), attaks raktuk (K) respects, fear of a person who is not well known

narj i.atchaktuk fears a situation

taluks r aktuk is afraid of someone's sternness

karujusuktuk (N), kannusruktuk (K) is ashamed, bashful kaIUJusuurul,. is shy kaIUJutchiaktuk is embarrassed



ar-aks igiaktuk (N), is open to counsel ukakstg.iaktuk (K)

ukauti sugnaktuk (N, q), is easy to talk to, ukau ti s r-ugriaktuk (K) amiable

ukayunaktuk is receptive 30 MentaZ Activities sivunmuuruk (N), is steadfast, continues sivutmuuruk (K) on regardless

Unreasonable alaprttuk inattentive, fools around, is confused alapittaktuk is crazy, is drunk ar-aks igi.itchuk (N), is not open to counsel ukaks igi.itchuk (K) maliksuktitauruk is convinced sikkuktuk is opinionated, not easily persuaded (lit. is hard) srvunmuuruk (N), is stubborn, continues sivutmuuruk (K) on regardless sivuniktuuguuruk (N), is obstinate stvutmuus ruuruk (K)


-gik- is good, is pretty inu -gik -suk is a good or pretty person sila-gik-suk is good weather

-Il autak , -Iluatak (b) is good, dependable, pretty pi -Ilau tak -tuk, pi -Iluatak -tuk is good, dependable agna -Llautak a pretty woman savakti -Llautak a good worker nakuuruk is good inurjntksuk is a gentleman MentaZ Activities 31 iluaJs;Js;uguuruJs; is proper, honest iruagi tchiihk respect isumatturuk is wise atchi ksuk (K), kimmaksalryaitchuk (N) is lowIy, is humble atvaktaktuk (K) humbles himself much kinui.tchuk is patient (not hasty), is peaceful (K) anniksui ruk (N) helps, is beneficial anniksugaa benefits him pi akruktarj itchuk (N), is kind t alugnait chuk piuni arj itchuk is meek (retiring) srgnataitchuk (N), is generous (not s ikn at ai tchuk (K) stingy) signiksrauruli: is devoted si ksuruk capable, enduring

-{g)iit - is bad, evil pi-giit-chuJs; is bad iggiag -iit -chuk has a sore throat inug -iit - chuk is ugly aaktuk (K) is self -asserting, proud of himself is stubborn, acts against better advice thinks he know s everything

is egotistical (can do anything) 32 Mental Activities aiyui li suur uk gets carried away, goes to excess

pi.Iuktuk (N) is bad, sins

atangusuktuk (N), is cranky atangutur-uk (K)

iki asuktuk lazy

HuilUu~tu~ is troubled, bad conscience iluilliilil$:, (K), affliction, agony, iluilliugun (N) discomfort, trouble

inumj unaktuk (K) is naughty (lit. evokes a person to pain)

iI.J attaktikpaitchuk veers away, goes to excess

isumalluagiitchul$: is foolish, unwise

karna .aktuk (N, q), is boastful karn as r-aaktuk (K)

iglituru~ (n, K) is stingy

srgnaruk (N), sikfiaruk (K) is greedy

pi guktuk (N) is haughty

sagluruk lies, prevaricates

saIJ iaktuk is jealous (suspecting marital unfaithfulness)

savituuruk (N), savi tu ruk (K) sly, foxy

is carousing

suur-imaangiksuk (N) is not concerned for law or other people

ti ipaktuk coquettish tusuruk (q), tus rur-uk (K) is envious tusugaa (q), tusrugaa (K) is envious of him 33

1.9 CLOTHING AND ORNAMENTATION annugaak (N), atnugaak (K) garment ukilhaak (N), nukifhaak (K) cloth al.iktuk is torn kiluaktuk is ripped

braids hair anmaluak, tuutak lip-plug, labret imigluktuk earrings siutrgun earpendant tupit facial tattoo lines na sak (N), nas rak (K) hood nasautak (N), nasraun (K) cap nasagaur ak (N), nas r agak (K) kerchief isigvik, sin i (K) fur ruff of parka kusurpjak (N), kus.rurpj ak (K) outer fur parka

~uppik outside garment, coat as ik sleeve ai gun cuff of a sleeve ainik pocket ilupaak inner fur clothing, underwear kitau r ak (N), atar aak (K) dress kal ik shirt tagiksr-ak (N), tavsi (K) man's belt tapsi (K), tapsi (K) woman IS belt 34 CZothing & Ornamentation atigi pullover parka ati giruk puts on parka atikluk parka cover kuglunni.k hem ~upak fancy trim

aku~ fancy fringe of parka (K), skirt (N)

coat (lit. split) argaak gloves aatkatik , aitkati k (b) mittens pauluk trail mittens tikilik (K), tikalaak (N) three finger mittens ikpi agruk handbag (lady's) kamikluuk pants, trousers

fur breeches (fur in) ul iqnaak fur trousers (extend below calf) uttaak (K), kuliksak (N) caribou or skin pants (fur out) natchiagruk seal-skin trousers ilJaluk rain gear made from ugruk intestines al.i ks i.k (K), caribou fur socks tuttulik with caribou soles ugrulik boots with ugruk soles Clothing & Ornamentation 35 ]s:aglik (N), mamilik (K) Eskimo waterproof boots paurj aak rubber boots kamik ,

ku li boot fancy trim

boot fur trim

timi "",.."'~


tugnaal;>:(N), kill.iguak (K)

aturj ak silJiil;>:(N), s irj ik (K) boot strap ties mukluk strap siIJ iksuk

resoles a boot ivalu sinew, thread aruj ik (N), annik (K), sale patch kar-vi ak pifiil;>: insole alugun 36 1.10 DWELLINGS

TYPES aimagvik (N) home, household iglu house (N), beaver dam (K, q) tupi k house (K,q,n), tent (N) tuppi ruk (K), builds a house iks ruktuktuk (K), rglukpi ruk (N) pal.apkaak (K), panapkaak (q, s), tent tupi k (N) pauga~ tent peg, stake itchaksralik 12' x 14' wall tent (lit. with six, meaning six panels long)

winter tent i;\frame for winter .~\ skin tent

8' x 10' wall tent (lit. with four, meaning four panels long) tallimalik (K, q) 10' x 12' wall tent (lit. with five, meaning five panels long) apuyyak (N), aputyak (K) snow block shelter ivrulik sod house mapt igak (K), log cabin s anni.ks ak (q) kasimmavik meeting place Diae l.L inq e 37 kargi community house nifuJi~simaru~ is insulating a dwelling by building a wall of snow blocks about it and placing soft snow between the wall and the dwelling

underground cache, cold storage saigut cache on the ground urj alut cache on poles ukuutak wind break


sanuki gaa puts siding on it (house)

ayak post, pillar ki Iak ceiling kiIam ~aalJa roof (lit. ceiling's top)

kaal iks iruk roofs a house

igUgich rafters

tuutr ak ridge beam narik floor (lake bottom, valley floor) natchi tchi gaa lays flooring

i.ki r-gak corner

tallu (K), upkuak (N) door taluks r ak (K) door material bear skin door 38 Dwe Z Zings upkuagaa closes it upkui gaa opens it

ki lui s ak , ki luus ak (K) lock ki luit.chak (N) I$:iluusal,

Iga laak (N), Igalfk (K) skylight

Igalaur ak (N), Igaltk (K) window rgalgur-ak (K) glass

talukuyaak curtain

kanitohat (N), kani sak (K) entrance hall, shed tutkuks ivik (N, q), storage place turval,

I$:ilJal$: ventilator (nose)

mayuagauti t (N), tutipkich (K) stairs, ladder, steps

marpjuk foundation

paa entry, door, opening (river mouth)

sanrrigutak cross beam

avataaktat framing lumber

ivr-uk sod block


akuppiutak , ikstvautak (b) chair akuvittuk sits down

arjmaun can opener (lit. opening tool) Dwellings 39 igli~ bench along the wall siigruk (K), siugruk (N) pressure appliance stove igni gvi.k (N), ikrrigvik (K) stove ignil;s:(N), iknik (K) fire punnilivik (N) oven (lit. bread-make- place)

ikun match i.ku al.Iaktu k bursts into flame ikual laur aktuk is burning a little, smoldering aluak (N), kalluk (K) coal aluakagvik coal scuttle kiruk dry fire wood ki ruiksuk ran out of wood kirukai ruk carries wood inside ki ruktaktuk obtains fire wood ki rr-iuktuk chops fire wood

uumak green wood

agra ashes

auma (K), auma r-ak (N) charred wood, charcoal uunal;s:saun heater

uks rugr-uak (N), fuel oil, (lubricating uks ruagruk (K) oil) uks rukluk kerosene isi~ smoke in a building puyu~ smoke from chimney, smudge puyugvik , tukluak (K) chimney

paula soot

water container with cover 40 Dwe l l inq e kattak water container without cover kuukpi aktugvik (K), coffee pot kavifiugun (N) saiyutugvik (K), ti.i.liugun (N) tea pot utkusik (N), cooking pot uunakai ivik tea kettle niggivik table (lit. eating place) sifiigvik bed (lit. sleeping place)

ikuvgak (N), kaatchiak (K) mattress, (upper of two caribou skins, fur facing up)

kar-r-ak (N), Ikivgak (K) mattress, (lower of two caribou skins, fur facing down), ground sheet (K)

akisi (N), akin pillow

ulrgruak (N), ulttchiak (K) cover, blanket nanik , kul Iik (N) lamp igitchivik garbage pail anagvik toilet, out-house

ikuuti ks r-ak toilet paper kugvik chamber pot aguummak (N), airnmak (K) basket pugutak dish pan (any bowl- like container) iggugviiraJs. wash basin ReZigion 41 l~a~~un (N), mifl.lak (K) soap kigusri~utit tooth brush taggaktuun mirror, reflector

~ifiigaa~ (N), agl.iit rak (K, q) picture



aIJatkuk shaman, medicine man, witch doctor

aIJatkugnak medium, (communi- cates with the spirit world), (lit. resem- bling an aij atkuk)

iIi ai.iIak one who casts spells (considered stronger than aIJatku~)

atuutluk (K) evil magic-working song

l$iJ.aun drum

ki.La shaman's power or familiar spirit, conjuring spirit ki laun divining rod (used by diviners, e.g. to foretell death or life of a sick person) ki.la ruk conjures, divines

s iIarn inua spirit governor of the atmosphere (lit. person of the air or sky) 42 Religion uvaksaat (K), uivaksaat (N) souls of the deceased going around and around (lit. rounding a bend) inuguluur ak little person, elf, dwarf inukpas rugruk (K) giant iminaur'ak (N), inukun, prowler {unknown inniJs,un, iks i (K) person who is some- times seen from afar and is blamed for otherwise inexplain- able occurances )

GENERAL aanguaJs: charm, amulet, idol (K) agl.ignaktuk is tabooed, forbidden to eat or do for religious reasons agltgtgaa abstains from it, avoids it a1JiruJs: arose, resuscitated, revived

an ipkaq agaa (N), a1Jipchagaa (K) resuscitated him, resurrected him a1JitJs.iksuJs, resuscitated again (of one shot and brought back to life again by an anatkuk) , He arose again (of Christ) atuktaker ak (K) law (what ought to be done, used) mal igutakar ak (K) law (what ought to be followed) Religion 43 pitkun , pi chkun (K), law (what is wanted pitkur-ak (N) to be done), commandment tillii'i commandment, order killu~, pi luun (N) error, crime, sin ki.lluksaktuk (K), pfluktuk (N) sinned ki.l.Iuliki r-i , kiIli kir-i (K), sinner, wrong doer pi luustkir-i (N) ilitkuaik (N) spirit ir-rusfk (N, q), irr-us r-ik (K) personality, inner man, motive, spirit (K) irrutigaa treats him properly, right inuus ik (N, q), inuuar-ik (K) soul (immortal) pi irj iIak , piiIJilaa~ ghost, haunting spi r it of a departed one al.iuktuk haunts altuktuktuk is haunted pi Iiun blessing (passing of power from a shaman to his disciple) sivuni ks r iki r-iHc) prophet tunl.l.laktufik , tuni l'lafik (K) sacrifice tuntglaktugvik offering place (gifts_ of food set out to secure good luck) tuungak helping spirit of a shaman, devil, Satan tuungaktaltk shaman supplied with a helping spirit, a demon, evil spirit 44 Religion ilit~usi~luk (N) bad spirit ukpiktuk believes ukpigigaa believes it


God (N), Agaayun (K) God anaayur'uk (N), agaayuruk (K) prays arj aayyun (N), agaayurik (K) prayer arj aayul ikai (N), agaayul.ikai (K) minister, pastor arj aayyuvfk (N), agaayuvik (N) church (building) au aayyul.iki ruat (N) church (lit. praying ones) ukpiktuak (N), ukpiksr-Iruak (K) believer, Christian ukpiksr-i ruat (K) church (lit. believers) ukpi gun (N), ukpiksr ifik (K) faith

Ilit~usigiksua~ (N) Holy Spirit (lit. good spirit) i.Litkusfk (N) spirit

Holy-Spirit, ki.Ia.llautak (K) Holy Spirit

Atanik Lord atanik leader, boss, master, president, king

Annaurri (N), Armiksukti , Savior Anniksuun (K)

annaktuk (N), anniksuktuk (K) is saved annautrgaa saves him anni.ksui ruk benefits, helps

annaun (N), anni ksugiak, salvation anniksuktiksr ak (K)

aki.ks ruun (K), unniksukciun (N) promise, covenant

akugluktuk , avi luktaktuk , bell rings ~asra~tu~ (K) Religion 45 akugluk , avi luktaun , bell (lit. instrument kasraun (K) for repeated noise by striking) a.IJ ar r-aur-ak (N), sannigutak (K) cross kikiaktuutigaa crucifies him t (lit. nails him) isagul ik (N, q), i snagulik (K) angel (lit. supplied with wings) ilitchitkur-ak (N) disciple, learner mal iguakti (K) disciple, follower iluakkun (K, q, n) grace (lit. cause for what is right, good, correct) nagliktuutil$.pak (N) grace

nag.liktak (K) pity, grace, mercy, love naglikkun, nagliktuun (N) mercy pikpaks r-ifi k, pikpaktak (K), love piviuttakkun (N), nakuaks r-iun inuur akpak (N) idol minguil$.sigvik, minguiks.lrik (K, q), Sunday, Sabbath savainnakpata (N) pi Iuun (N) sin natkikaruun (N), nalguks ruun (K) discipline, correction

natktgutrgaa (K) forgives him (lit. corrects him) sul.ikuti girj ai kauk (N) forgives, (ignores, overlooks) isuit chuk is eternal, endless

heaven 46 Li q i on pakma , pakimna (K, q, n) heaven (lit. up there) nagliksaagvik (N) hell (place of suffering) tammagvik hell (place of loss) piyakkugvik hell (place of accident) naIJ innak (K) hell (suffering) algaJs.sruiru~ exhorts, reproves, preaches (N) kul.iaktuaktuk relates, confesses (N), preaches (K) ukaktaa God -im prophet (N), . apostle (K), (lit. God's speaker) satugaa (K), tasugaa (N, q) ransomed, redeemed him iIJi~sruli~ (K) prayer ipkitchuk is pure, is holy (K) ipJs.ili~ purity, holiness (K) salummaun cleanness, holiness (N) isumafitki.gaa repents of it (lit. rethinks it) mumi ksuk changes, turns over . . repents (K)

mumirtk (K, q) repentance kamaker-inik (N), tupiksr-ihik (K) obedience tu saayugaagikauak (N), Gospel (lit. what is tus r-aayugaal.lautak (K) good to hear) tutkiun (N), ~ifiuifiaJs.(K) peace ukafik (K), ukalfk (ki , n), word ukaluk (N) Religion; Aetivities 47 pasigigaa (q), pasrigigaa (K) suspects him, blames him patchisigigaa accused, blamed him, condemns him, finds him guilty atanmgaa (K) judges him iatvgti ruk (N) judges atanniurik (K), atanniun (K), judgment isivgiun (N) atanniutiks rak (K) judgment to come atanniksugaatin orders you to do it and you must do it umialik (N) king (lit. boat captain) . umi al.irjnak (N) church elder alJ alatagaa directs him, controls him arj al ati director, governor,' officer arj al.atchikik rule, reign alJ al atchrr-uk rules, reigns, directs arj aayukak leader, boss

alJ aayukauh k ruling power alJ aayukkaun greatness, kingdom (God's) arj ala.ruti , arj alatchi ai authority, power savainnik (N), minguiks ib.k (K) Sabbath


GENERAL savaktuk works, makes sakuuktuk (K), siggal$:tu~ (N) works hard apta ruk (N) is busy 48 Aativities alJivsiruk (N), aIJivraktuk (K) disassembles nimaksr'ugaa fits it together aki gaktuk bears, carries akigagaa bears it, carries it akiyaun stretcher to carry things iksrukkaa carries it on the shoulder kakaaktuk carries on head or shoulders nanmaktuk (N), natrnaktuk (K) carries on the back, back packs

saagaktuk carries by hand, by arm

ti gumi aktuk (N) hand carries tigumivik handle

agl.aktuk writes aglak mark, pencil line, letter of alphabet aglagvik school desk, paper pad aglagviksrak pape r , writing material agl.autitak, aglautitaun (N), typewriter aglaksruutit (K) agrautitaktif'N). aglautiti (K) typist aglautitaktuk (N), aglautiruk (K) types aglaun pencil

aglikiruk (K), tai guaktuk (N) reads


(see also Hunting, Fishing, Trapping 1.14)

-liuk- make niksi -Liuk-tuk makes a hook umia -Iiuk -tuk makes a boat Aetivities 49 anautak (N), ipigauta~ (K) axe ivruJ.>sifi (K,q), siklaJ.>(N) pickaxe sanlugun (N), aavalgun (K) tool sanluguvik (N), ikligvik (K) tool kit ikuun (N), itchuun (K) plane, skin scraper kar-ruutak (K), kaugun (q), hammer kautak (N) kauktuk (K), kautaktuk (N) hammers

kikiak nail

aaglu tack kigisik (K), kilJmautik (N) pliers savik knife pitnuktak (K), pilJlJu~ta~ (N) folding or pocket knife mitlik carving tool puttun piercing tool

agiaJ.> file agi aktuk files, rubs agiksuk files, rubs (continually) agikkaa files it, rubs it

piksrun, paulgifi, paufhi.n (n) shovel pfks rutrtaktuk shovels

ni igaun drill, brace

s ikuk bit

uuktuun ruler, measuring device

uluun saw kipluun (K), kivluun (N) cross -cut saw 50 Activities kivluktuk cuts across i.kai.ks in (K), kuvluun (N) rip saw ulimaun adze


(see also Trapping, Fishing 1.14) ka rvaktuk (N), katvaktuk (K~ fleshes sea mammal _ (and polar bear), tans ulu ~ ~ woman's knife ikuuktuk (N), it chuuktuk (K) fleshes animal skin, tans ikuun (N), itchuun (K) skin scraper, plane

Irnakai ruk moistens skin putchimaal.laktitchagaa stores moistened skin for short while putchimaapka~saagaa stores moistened skin overnight uluktuk rubs and twists hide to soften it inni akai ruk stretches hide on frame kiir-aktuk (N), kigi raktuk (K) is crimping soles kuki ruk (N), nikniaktuk (K), is cooking su li.iktuk kakki ruk (K), punni liuktuk (N) bakes bread alf.iktuk (K) cooks dog food a lgun dog soup pot ka Iii ktuk (K) cooks fish ur-r iuktuk (N), ni kipi alfiktuk (K) boils meat Activities 51 igaapial$tul$ boils meat or fish

Ir ai liuktuk fries meat ar giksuk cooks over open fire ar gi k roasting spit payuktaktuk gives gift of food kill.aiyaktuk mends, sews kuktuk (N) sews

kiluk stitch

ivalu sinew, thread

kipr-i ruk (K) twists sinew, makes thread

tikik thimble

kakivik pincushion

miksrun (N), rrritkun (K) needle

sallisik scissors tilaggirul$ (N), sa.Iikkuktuk (q), sweeps samj iyaktuk (K) tflagi stch (N), s aruj iyaut it (K), broom salikkuun (q)

Ikaks r-ir-uk (N), iggul$sirul$ (K) washes clothes

tilaktuk (N), natchikrruk (K) washes floor

pugutchikir-uk (K), pugutchi ruk (N)J washes dishes kal lugaur-aki ruk (N)

kuvigaa pours it

naavitkaa (N) dumps it (non -Ii.qui.d)

igitchal$tuk plucks fowl

aviktuk cuts, divides (meat, bread etc.) Activities 52 amaaktuk carry baby on back amagaa puts him (baby) on her back (inside the parka) miluktitkaa breast feeds him m akkatk'i.kauk changes diapers makkak diaper cares for baby saglial$tul$ holds baby on knee


~\'h lII~j anii ksuaktuk -<~~) plays out doors atchi.ki saaktuk (N). ipuktaktuk (K~ see-saw jumping

~~ ~~~

~==r!i~ '----~.~- ayuktuk (N), ayuruk (K) plays ball ayuktuk , aks rak ball akuagaa catches it piIJIJ uaktuk pretends agiinal$tul$ (K) plays piur-aaktuk plays, fools around piu raak (N), iIJatnal$ (K) toy ifiU!JIJ uurak (N), ifiU!JIJ uak (K) doll (lit. pretend person) au ilhisaun swing Activities 53 alJilgis aktuk (n), swings alJiHiisa~tuk (K) itluk (K), iIluk (N) sling

~agrupiat bow and arrow pisiksi (N), siksi (K) bow ~agru~ arrow, shell

ai sugaktuk (N), s is ur-agaaktuk (K) slides down a hill

puuvr-aktuk swims (human swim- ming only)

puuvr aaktuk plays in water

kinriaktuk , agaktuk fights, plays roughly

al.Iayuaktuk (N), atlayuaktuk (K) is shy, bashful (of toddler)

al Iayu al ai.tchuk (N), is friendly, not atlayuatlaitchu~ (K) bashful (of toddler)


aggiruk participates

aularuk (K), uamittuk, dances

asiktuk is nodding (with head while others dance) drum ki1aun drummer ki1ausira~ti

aks r-aatchaun high-kick ball

tikitkaur-aktuk races

akpalfi.r-ak, akpa.Iiu r ak (N), race, footrace akpa.Ii itr ak (K) akpalrgaaktuk runs a race

akirnaruk wins 54 Activities; Food, Eating aki itchuk lost (contest) akiiJ,igaa beats him (in contest)

atuktuk sings

atuktuur ak musical instrument atu ktuur-aktuk plays instrument

igluktsaaktuk ~ juggles iglukisaaksral$. . juggling pebbles nalukataktuk ~~ ~ X- ~.4 is blanket tossing nalukatak ~a7 ~1 blanket toss ~.~,.rfI1Ifir. 1.13 FOOD ,EATING

(for fowl, see BIRDS 2.8; for berries see BERRIES 3.3; for edible plants, see PLANTS 3.3)

akaluk (kiv .»). Ikaluk (N,q), fish kaluk (K)

akutuk "Eskimo ice cr-eam" (of cooked , meats and berries) akutkaa stirs it

avu, kapsitaak (K) sugar

imaks rak yeast

imigal$. broth

immuk (N), miluk milk

ipkak boiled ribs

kiriiktuk thick soup

kaituktuk intestine that is turned inside out, cleaned and eaten

kumaarat beans Food, Eating 55 kuukpi.ak coffee

~a~~ia~, kakuk (K), pilot bread ~a~ulaa~ (N) kakkuayaak (K), kakulaar ak (N) cookie kauk walrus skin (for food) kuak raw frozen meat or fish maktak (N, K), maptak (q) skin with mannik egg mukkaak (K), palauvak flour mukpaar ak biscuit matchaak (N) oatmeal mi.ki gak blubber strips aged in seal skin poke

mi stgaak (N) meat dip of sea mammal oil

ni~ meat, food

nikipi.ak meat (vs. food)

parriktak dried meat or fish

papa pepper

punnik (N), puvl akak (K) yeast bread

saiyu, tii tea

silaavyak hotcake (pancake)

tuktak fermented walrus meat rolled in walrus skin tagiuk salt, ocean 56 Food, Eating uJs.sruJs. sea mammal oil uJs.srugaaJs. blubber strips in uJs.srul,.< ukarukuaktak doughnut ur r ak (N), utr ak (q) fermented flipper aiparuk (K) is fresh, raw (un- cooked food) uunn ai lak (N), uupiagnigi.Iak (K) food cooked rare uurul,.< boiled meat aluutak spoon aluutagaktuk eats with a spoon kakiirat, kakki ak fork l,.

I>allutaun (K), kayuutak (N) ladel, large spoon niginiitnal,.< (K) table knife pugutaurak bowl savik knife ulu woman's knife kukki Iin toothpick kukki li ruk picks teeth ivgun, tivliyyaun napkin i.miktuk drinks imil,.< water nigi ruk eats tamuktuk chews uuks iruk tastes Food, Eating; Food, Gathering 57 ka laktuk (N, q), nikaaaktuk (K) burps iigaa swallows it itkutak (N), itkutchik (K) breakfast niukkak (N), yuukak (K) snack time, refresh- ment aiJ.ili~ (K), kit ikkutak (N, q) noon meal (lunch) nul.lautak (N), nul.lautchik (K) supper takuak trail snack

-naksfruk is time to itkutchig -nakstr-uk is breakfast time nul lautchtg -naksfruk is supper time ~iti~~utchig-na~siru~ (N, q), is lunch time (noon aili -riaks ir-uk (K) meal)

-tuk- IS eating, drinking tuttu-tuk -tuk is eating caribou kuukpiak-~ -tuk is drinking coffee

1.14 Faa D, GA THE RING


tuvaak (N), arjuni akt i hunter tuvaaktuk attracts caribou by hollering arjuni aktuk is hunting

-Ii ak - is hunting tuttu -liak -tuk is hunting caribou satkut hunting equipment, savik hunting knife iyagi lhak (K), yagir hak (n) knife sheath 58 Food, Gathering sHUn knife sharpener (emery stone)

ayak pole,

pana spear, two edged cutting tool

~~;;_~/~~~==~::=:::==""",,-;;;;BoJ-II--~ kapusiut wooden shaft igiinaJs; tukkak aklunaak iron rod toggle head rope

unaak harpoon (pole with metal point to check ice thickness, hooked at the other end)

aiyauppi ak staff, walking stick

sippun (K), suppun (N) gun, rifle

kagruuraktuun (N), saatkaak (K) shotgun

Js;agru1$. arrow, shell

aggififiaJs;(N), aggitnaJs; (K) knapsack, storage bag

satkuun (N), kagrukagvik (K) ammunition case

m anak (N, q) hook (multipronged) for retrieving seal, a fishing tackle for jigging tomcod m.ana.ktuktuk (q) is hooking fish (torncod)

irigruak binoculars puksraa1$. sleeping bag

kilami.tautit bola Food, Gathering 59 kuyapigaurut block and tackle

avatakpak (N), puptagun (K) float (buoy)

at aaktuktuk (N) goes to set up whale camp on the ice

it chuktuk (K), nikpaktuk (N) waits for an animal to appear

saavittuk launches a boat in chase, comes forward

piyugaktuk (N) is approaching a sea mammal by crawling

puyuaktuk (K) stalks

auktuk stalks seal, crawling and scratching on ice at the same time

pinrgli ruk inadvertently startles animal

unulugusaaktuk (N), Iks.is aaktuk (K) frightens away an attacking animal

nas ittuk (N), nas rttchuk (K) ascends to a high spot for scanning

al atkaktuk scans the landscape from an elevated point, looks into water for signs of fish. tuvr aktuk is tracking

pisikkaa (N), sikkaa (K) shoots it, hits it

pi siks aktuk (N), srksaktuk (K) tries to shoot, tries to hit

pakiksuk squeezes trigger

mapkaktuk report of a gun, sound of an explosion 60 Food, Gathering anuruk procures game, fish alJugaa procures it alJiitchul$. (N), alJiiiial$.tul$. procures no game, fish kavra~ wounded caribou that runs away while un- observed ami.ikai ruk skins an animal arni k hide, skin pilaktuk butchers an animal (performs surgery) urjur-ak rabbit drive U1Jugaa drives it (an animal)

TRAPPING narii gi ak trap narriktuk is trapped nani giaktuktuk is trapping sautaak anchor for trap or snare ni gak snare for caribou and sheep nigaktuk is snared ni.gaktuktuk is snaring caribou or sheep nigatchial$. snare (for small game) napittuk is snared nigatchia~tul$.tu~.-._,""" __~<£ is snaring small game ip suks aak spring snare

bait maunak trap entrance i1Juta~ pole for placing owl trap Food, Gathering 61 FISHING

(see also FISH 2.7) akalugniaktuk (kiv , n}, is fishing ikalugniaktuk (N, q), kalurjni aktuk (K)

akaluktuk (kiv, n), il$;aluktul$.(N, q), catches a fish kaluktuk (K) nikstksuktuk is hooking (jigging) fish niksik hook, fishhook, lure

al luak fishing or sealing hole

aulasraun jigging stick

Ipi itak fish line

is jigging, is hooking mudshark (K), is hooking tomcod (q) il$;lal$;(K,q) multipronged fishhook

al$.l$;augaa angled a fish

(fish) bit on hook

aki hook, gaff

tuuk ice chisel (metal point on long pole for making fishing holes in ice) tuugaa chisels it tuuktuk chisels

kuvral$; net, fishing net kuvr-aks ruktuk , kuvr-iki ruk checks net kuvr-aktuk netted fish kuvr iksuk. niI]itkaa kuvr ak is setting net kuvr iruk makes net

amumaruk is pulled out (e.g. a net) 62 Food, Gathering; Travelling arnrnun net rope puptaun net float kalu dip net kaluuktuk , kaluruk. kalugaa is dip netting kaaktuun seining net kaaktuktuk is seining all.aiyagaa is mending net

net lashing inigaa hangs (fish or net for drying) over a pole si.iksuk is cutting fish (for drying) nuvirat fish strung on a willow stick uuyurat eight dried fish linked together



(see also Directional- Locational Pronouns 4.2)

Ig liktuk travels, moves Iglaak traveller, stranger, visitor tukkuk host tukkumavik (N), nul.lagvik (K) hotel, inn uvlf ruk layover, rests be- tween periods of travel or other activity Travelling 63 aul laktuk departs, goes away

kuki luktuk goes about from place to place

kasui ruk meet (by chance) while travelling

kasuuti ruk meets, rendezvous

tikittuk (N), t.ikitchuk arrives

apkun trail apkus raagaa (K) passes him

talgaktuk (N) travels up river by sled

tagr aktuk travels up river by boat

ati ks aaktuk travels down river by sled

ataaktuk travels down river by boat

at aaktuktuk (N) goes down to the lead to camp for whaling

tul aktuk returns from the water, lands

nalautchaagaa (N) travels past

apkus r aaktuk (K) travels through

aval laktuk travels straight out from the shore

ar guktuk travels into the wind

atkas al.ik travels down wind tilJiru~ flies away, takes off ti!Jmiru~ flies 64 Travelling tiIJIJun (N), tirj mi suun (K) airplane

uivaktuk (N), iivaktuk (K) comes around a point tagluk

nuluk webbing uni agaktuk sleds, travels by sled us r ilfi ruk (K), ikuktuk (N) loads sled usiat (N, q), usriat (K) load

ni ir-i ruk (K), niurf ruk (N) unloads sled ka.ivluktuk, kairnugaktuk (N) pushes heavy sled kamutit (N) sled for transporting over ice uniat (see picture 2) sled ij:ilgich (see picture 1) basket sled anut harness (one or many) anuksraij: harness webbing kimmik (N), kipmtk (K) dog kimmich, kiprni ch dogs, team kimuktuk pulls (of an animal)

is tangled nanmaun dog pack

SEA tiIJilgairuls: (N), sails tiIJilgaij:sils:suls:(K) tilJilgautals: sail napals:ti mast niuruk disembarks Travelling 65 .....Picture 1

kilgich basket sled

1 aglu runner agluvinik bone runner piece (old time use) 2 s iku , sikuk (K) runner rod, runner base 3 napagiak upright 4 ayagun, ikaa]s.saun bed crosspiece 5 kitgur'ak outside stringer 6 satguuk central stringer 7 pigiaga]s. rounded portions 8 usi aguat loading platform 9 ]s.agun lashings for lower stands 10 apugaikut ak, stvugun front bow 11 apugun front crosspiece 12 sani gaagun crossed ropes 13 nakitaagun tie-down rope 14 ]s.imugviita]s., kimugvik bridle (sled to dog) 15 ]s.ilgun upper lashings 16 ]s.itigagun tug 17 i.tkir vi k , akugun sled bag 18 ]s.i]s.aagvik stands at the back 19 kinatagun sled brake kinataktuk brakes sled 20 kiavluutit handle bar 21 kivluutak handles 66 Travelling Picture 2

uniat sled

1 kiavluun stanchions 2 igilaat crosspieces (forming the platform) 3 nakittagun rope lashes 4 nakitakpik rope tie-downs 5 ij:itigagun main tug 6 anut harness 7 pauktaun, niksikpak anchor 8 aglu runner 'I'r av e l l i n q 67 Picture 3

umi ak skin boat

1 kul ik gunwale 2 ~UIJialik seat in front of pilot 3 iksugak seat 4 naparu~ rib 5 niutak stern or bow 6 a~u stern 7 sivu bow 8 kiglu bow deck 9 kuyaa~ keel 10 akkuk bottom formers 11 tulvik fore and aft framing member to which skin is lashed tuutuk is lashing skin to the frame tugrun skin's lashing ropes 12 amiun thread for sewing skins together 13 ami~ skin covering amtksuk covers a frame with skin 14 amj un pitch (caulking) 68 Travelling ilJiuliulj:tuk pitches (boat)

ki tnu ruk , pahrktuk (K), kinuruk (N) capsizes

Iki ruk embarks (boat, sled, airplane etc.)

ni ur-i r-uk unloads, longshores

ukamrnaktuk pulls a boat along shore with a rope

decked -in skin canoe

paagur'r-aktuk (N) paddles (kayak) paaijuutik (K) kayak paddle umiak (see pict. 3) large skin boat urni aktuktuk travels by umiak umialik boat captain, rich man, king umi aktukt.i umi akpak ship umi akpaar-ak (N) rowboat umi ahaar-ak (N) small skin rowboat transportable on a sled ipun oar iputtuk (K), Ipuaktuk (N) rows anuun paddle (single bladed) anuaktuk paddles l$;allun bailer, cup kitchak (N), kisak (K) anchor akuttuak ship I s pilot 69 2. CREATURES

2.1 GENERAL aJ]lJun game animal aJ]usallu~ (N, q), arjus ra lluk (K) male (animal) agnasallu~ (N, q), agnas r-al.luk (K) female (animal) pi ayaak offspring auIlastk instinct ni guaktu ktuk (N), is wary nuyuaktuk (K) pan alrktuk gallops tumi track (trail)


General aktak brown bear, grizzly bear (Ursus horribilis)

black bear (Ursus americanus)

polar bear (Thalarctos maritimus)

wolf (Canis lupus)

fox 70 Land Animals kaiyuktuk (N), kavviak (K) red fox

kiangak cross fox, blue fox (K)

kiangaktuluk (N), kiangak (K) blue fox

~gfii~ta~ black or silver fox

kusr-haak , kulhaak (K), fox (Alopex tigigannia~ (N) lagopus) niituuyi k (q), niutuiyik (N), lynx (Lynx canadensis) nuutuuyik (K) immulivik domestic cow (lit. milk place)

Imriaik (N), sheep, dall sheep

reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) nanmakti (N), natmakti (K) donkey (lit. burden bearer) tuttukhrk (N), paikinak (K) pig (lit. queer deer) tuttukpak horse (lit. big caribou) tuttuvak, tmni ikak (q, n}, (Alces alces) tinniika (K) Land Animals 71

kirnmi k (N), J,s.ipmiJ,s.(K) dog IPmmiagru~ (N), kipmiurak (K) puppy

ipiga~tuun (q), IPpmiJ,i.~un (K) dog whip

~UIJisigun dog collar, neck band

pituich chain prtui.tchuk is loose, untied pitukkaa ties it (dog, boat)

avaal.aruk (K, q), magaararuk (N) yelps with pain

anignitchia~tu~ is panting

. ki.Iuktuk barks (dog, fox)

maguruls howls (dog, wolf)

iIIllJ aluktuk whines

kimuktuk pulls

aluktuk licks

kusauktuk sits

paki ksuk (N), rrivaktuk (K) paws


caribou (Rangifer tuttu arcticus)

herd of caribou tuttu agr-ui ch (N), a few caribou tuttugaurat huge herd of caribou tuttukpaur agatat (N), tuttugaagruich (K) 72 Land Animals ti kitugaur at , ti kitut herd of cows and calves

pagnik (N), pannik (K) caribou bull (mature)

arj ayukfitkik (N), nukatagak (K) three year old bull

3lJ ayukh agruk (K) two year old bull

arj ayukrik two year old bull (N), one year old bull (K)

pagni.agr-uit.chtak (N) very old bull (with worn teeth)

nukatagaur ak (N) young bull (2 - 3 yrs.)

nukatagaaluk (N, q) bull nearly full grown

nukatagagruak (N), nukatagaagruk (K) large bull (just matured)

nu liagnik stinking caribou bull (after breeding)

kulavak caribou cow

kulavaura~ young cow before con- ceiving (in 2nd year)

kulavagr aitchiak large cow

kulavagruitchaur-ak (N, n) very old skinny cow

kulavagruitchiak old cow (over 20 yrs.)

nuggaila~ cow without fawn

nuggalik cow with fawn

nugga~ fawn, colt (less than 1 yr.)

nuggaiyaa~, newborn fawn nuvak (N) male fawn Land AnimaZs 73 nuggaagruk (N) calf during first winter nuggaatchia~ calf during 2nd winter (prime skin) ivi.lauk, ilummik caribou fetus

Caribou Parts (* means same word for other animals, human) amtk skin ukiul li k winter skin uki al.Ii.k autumn skin ual.Iik , uar-al lik (N) summer skin upingaks r al.Iik spring skin rnitkuk * hair (piece of fur) niki * meat nuukik, nukik * tendon, ligament, cartilage uuliutik * back tendon nigavik haunch

kaunak *

auk * blood saunik * bone patik * marrow

nagruk antlers (horns)

~lJusifiil$:, l$:UlJisi~* neck kuyapikkat (N), ki.grpigak , ki aiprgak (K) * backbone

pikusuk longest bone of shoulder hump

pikuk 3 or 4 longest vert- abrae near neck 74 Land Animals kiasik * shoulder blade sat~a~* chest sakiak * breast bone isatigich connecting cartilage ribs to breast bone tultmaak * rib kuutchik (K), kutchik (N) * pelvis (one side) kuutchiriaak (K), kutchinaak (N) * whole pelvis pamiuk tail niu * leg kinignik hip joint i.kiipkuk (N), sivugagluk (K) foreleg s ivul Iik foreleg (lower section) kukiilik (N), kukik (K) * hoof (fingernail) kuvluguk dew claw mumi k hind leg, hind quarter anautak (N), anautaks rak (K) hind upper leg ptagnik (N), piannik (K) hind lower leg ni akuk ,- head

iri * eye

siun * ear

Imrlguk (N), umi.lguk (K) nose

kuniun nose tip

kakiaak * brain Land Animals 75 ukak * tongue uniagaak * lower jaw agltkkuk (K) lower jaw (both sides) kigun * tooth stvugat * cutting teeth kullimagaat * upper teeth al'limagaat * lower molars puvaich lungs uuman * heart kanivaun (N), mulik (K) * diaphragm tilJuk * liver taktuk '" kidneys

mapsa * pancreas

kivvi.g ruak caribou appendix

kisaguak (K), ki s ag ruak first stomach

nigukkak stomach with contents, anything in the ab- dominal cavity

tunus is ak hard covering of small stomach

i1Jaluat * intestines

Itchaur'ak mesentery apron

amaniilik edible intestines (with fat, cooked)

mamaun udder

miluk * nipple 76 Land Animals nuggal$:mi luktuk fawn sucks

nuggal.ik miluktitkaa cow nurses fawn al$:iaviilik outer meat of body

Rodents ilukutak (K), l$:i.JJagluk

pana quill of porcupine (two-edged knife, , spear) paluktak, aku (K) beaver (Castor canadensis)

mapkuti ttuk , aikifhat'ittuk slaps the water with his tail (beaver) ki vgaluk (N), muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) ukallisugruk Alaska hare (Lepus othus) ukallik (N, s), snowshoe rabbit, varying hare (Lepus americanus) siksrikpak hoary marmot (Marmota caligata) siksrik ground squirrel (Citellus parryi) sakta.taiyak (N), sakalataayik (K) tree squirrel, red squirrel (Sciu ru r hudsonicus) avinnak (K) mouse, vole (Microtus operarius), lemming (Synaptomys borealis) Land Anima~s; Sma~~ Creatures 77 avirjak (N) brown lemming (Lemmus trimucron- atus)

l;P.laIJmiutaura~ collared lemming (Dicrostonyx rubri- catus)

ugr urjnak shrew (Sorex cine reus , Sorex tundrensis)

Weasel Family

kapvi.k (K), kavvik (N) wolverine (Gulo luscus)

kapvai tchi a (K) marten (Martes americana) Ii..~~~:?~\\\11 ~j {f;,-f' f, {UJ / ~ pamiuktuuk (K) I ~ -.;;:; otter (Lutra canaden- ~~ sis) tigia~pak (K, q) mink (Mus tela vison)

tigia~ (K, q), itigia~ weasel (Mustela erminea)


i.Iar-i, s ilu (K) jellyfish

ivi luk (N, q), uvi Iu (K) clam, shellfish, bivalve, mussel, snail

ki ir-aur-ak scallop, clam edible sea worm

naagaayik wood frog (Rana sylvatica)

nirnrgi ak water worm, eel, serpent, snake 78 Small Creatures; Insects niprtchak octopus putuguks iuyuk shrimp (lit. going for big toe) putyuun (K) crab (lit. pinching tool) srutukuyuk mollusk, shell


Igutchak bumble bee kiktugiak mosquito

pamiuktuur ak mosquito larva kiktuks r alik ant kirgavaitchauraJs: gnat, "no-seeum" ( like a hawk) kaluki sak (K) butterfly milugai tchiak tiny mosquito, "white socks" mtluyuuk caribou bot fly (Oedemagena tar andi )

kumak louse, larva of the caribou bot fly

itJs:iJs: louse egg mirnjuk beetle niilgiJs: dragon fly anaks iugayuk dung fly (Musea stercoraria) nuviivak fly, blow fly Inseats; Sea AnimaZs 79 ku pi.lguks r ak , egg nuviivaum kupilguksr ana

kuprlguk larva, worm

kuglugiak pupa ptgli gai lfk (K), prgl.igayuk (n) , ~ grasshopper nuttagayuk (N) putuguks itgayuk stag beetle

"-- tuggayuuk wasp, hornet, yellow jacket

aasrivak (K), aasivak (N, q) spider



killed a whale naluktuk swims (of sea mam- mals and polar bear)

nakkaktuk dives, sinks

pui ruk surfaces

kavaktuk (N, q) sleeps on back in water

sHu carcass of a sea mammal drifted ashore

puktaktuk (q),puktuktuk (N), stinker (dead animal puptaktuk (K) floating after having first sunk) 80 Sea Animals Walrus

aivi~ walrus isavga~ young walrus nunavak walrus on ice tuugaak walrus tusk, ivory


(Bal aena mystecetus)

aaglu (K), aagluk (N) killer whale (Orcinus rectipinna)

gray whale (Rhachianectes glaucus)

kilalugak (N), ai suak (Delphinapterus leucas)

iJ.lutu~ young female (choice whale, soft muktuk) iJ.lutuvak large whale with rolled blubber on back

us tnautchtak medium size whale

i.sirjuatchaur-ak male whale Sea Animal.s 81 4


6 2

1 aglu jawbone 2 mamaak gums, material hold- ing 3 sukkak baleen 4 suppuktagvia its blowhole 5 akikkak (N), avatr ak (K) fluke s itkuak rear flipper of seal, walrus 6 t al'iguk foreflipper

Seals natchik hair seal l;s.aigutlik (K, q), kaya.gul ik (N) (Phoca hispida) kas igiak , harbor seal (Phoca r-ichar dii ) ugruk bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus)

kiinaak male seal in mating season

ti ggaqriik strong smelling bull seal 82 2.6 ANIMALS OF HISTORY AND LEGEND

kiligivak (N), kiltgvak mammoth, mastadon

tl r-itchi k monsterous reptile, dragon (with four short legs -originally six -w ith alligator -like tai l , rocky scaled skin, long neck and small head)

uminmak, imummak (K) musk ox (Ovibus moschatus)

2.7 FISH

akaluk (n, kiv), kaluk (K), fish ikaluk (N, q)

ifhuagnik rainbow smelt (Osmerus dentex)

Huu~ifii~ (K) blackfish (Dallia pectoralis)

kanayu~ bullhead, sculpin (Oncocottus quadri- cornis)

ikalugruak (N), kalug ruak (K) , chum, hump- back salmon

akalukpi k (n, kiv), Ikalukprk (N, q), trout, lake trout, ~alukpik (K) arctic char

kalupi at (K) whitefish (Coregonidae)

anaakrik (N), kaus rIluk (K) whitefish (big round nosed)

~aalgi~ (K) whitefish (smaller sharp nosed) Fish 83 ~uptik (K) whitefish (small sharp nosed) ikalus aak (N), kalus raak (K) whitefish (smallest)

~avi~sua~ (K), mi lugi ak (s) northern sucker

natagnak flounder

sii sheefish (Stenodus leucichthys nelma)

siilik northern pike (Esox lucius)

ti ttaal.ik mudshark, ling-cod, burbot (Lota Iota)

sulupaugak grayling (Thymalus signifer)

uks ruktuuk ___ -~ herring

uuga~ tomcod (Boreogadus saida)

Fish Parts its topside, dorsal area suluun dorsal fin sipik caudal fin, fish tail ataa its underside, ventral area aquun fin (lit. paddle) kavi s ik o fish scale kavitchich scales masrik gills suvaich fish eggs, spawn 84 2.8 BI RDS

(All of the following birds except sea ducks are common to the Kobuk River area. Birds marked with * are known to be on the North Slope, others may migrate there.)

Swans, Geese, Ducks kugruk * whistling swan (Olor columbianus) karjuk * snow goose (Chen hyperborea) kigiyuk (K), mgl ivatluk (N) * white -fronted goose (Anser albifrons) i~sra~tilik * Canada goose (Branta canadensis) rmttlugruak * emperor goose (Philacte canagica) ni~li~ak (K), nigltngak (N) * pacific black brant (Branta nigricans) ahaal.ik * old (Clangula hyemalis) al.Iuutak shoveler (Spatula clypeata) ivugak , kurugak (N) * pintail duck (Anas acuta) ivugasrugruk mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos) killalik white -winged s coter (Melanitta deglandi)

green -winged teal (Anas carolinensis) kakhikpaltk greater scaup duck (Aythya marila) Birds 85 kakluktuuk lesser scaup duck (Aythya affinis) mit'ik (q), kaugak duck kirj al ik * king eider duck (Somateria spe ct.- abilis) amaulrgruak common eider (Somateria molliss- ima) rgnikauktuk Steller's eider (Somateria stelleri)

~avaasuk spectacled eider (Somateria fischeri) nunuks igi.i.lak buffle-head duck (Bucephala albeola) paisugruk red-breasted mergan- ser (Mergus serrator) sagvak tirjm.iak harlequin duck (Histrionicus histrionicus) tuungaag ruk surf scoter (Melanitta perspical- lata) tuungaagrupiak , uvinauyuk , common scoter nayarpjak (Oidemia nigra) ugiihik baldpate or American widgeon (Mareca americanas)

Loons and Grebes taatchirj ik common or black- billed loon (Gavia immer) 86 Birds tuutlik * yellow -billed loon (Gavia adamsii)

pacific arctic loon (Gavia arctic a pacifica) kaks r-auk * red -throated loon (Gavia stellata)

horned grebe (Podiceps auritus)

suglitchaurak red-necked grebe (Podiceps grisegena)

Grouse, Ptarmigan

akar gik *, akalgik (p) willow ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus)

napaaktum akar-gik hudsonian spruce grouse (lit. spruce ptarmigan) (Canach- ites canadensis)

urgiilgim akar gia sharp-tailed grouse (lit. birch ptarmigan) (Pediocetes phasianel- Ius)

ntksaakturjik rock ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus)

tattirgak * lesser sandhill crane, little brown crane (Grus canadensis) Birds 87 Murres! Puffins

akpak * common murre (Uria aalge)

l>HaIJak * common puffin, tufted puffin (Lunda cirrhata)

black guillemot (Cepphus grylle)

Hawks, Falcons, Osprey

kirgavik goshawk (Accipiter gentilis), peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus)

rough -legged hawk (Buteo lagopus)

papiktuuk marsh hawk (lit. long parka tail) (Circus cyaneus)

tirjmi akpak '" eagle, golden eagle (Aquila chrys aetos), bald eagle (Haliaetus leucocephalus)

tinmtagruum kirgavia pigeon hawk, (lit. duck hawk) (Falco colum- bar-ius)

kalukairgayuk (K), akaluksrtgayuk (n) osprey (Pandion haliaetus) (lit. goes for fish) 88 Birds

Plovers I Turnstones, Surfbirds

~urrakura~ semipalmated plover (Charadrius semipal- matus), killdeer (Charadrius vociferus) tullik golden plover (Pluvialis dominica) tul lignak ruddy turnstone (Arenaria interpres) tullikpak black-bellied plover (Squatarola squata- rola)

Snipes, Sanderlings

sanderling (Crocethia alba) (lit.' runner) iks rfktaayuuk spotted sandpiper (Actitis macularia) kuukukiak common snipe (Capella gallinago)

Ii vi.Ii vi.Il.aur-ak least sandpiper (Erolia minutilla) li vili villakpak semipalmated sand- piper (Ereonetus pusillus) puvi aktuuk pectoral sandpiper (Erolia melanotus) (lit. inflating the chest) puviaktu uyaak baird's sandpiper (Erolia bairdii) Birds 89 satkagtrlak buff -breasted sand- piper (Tryngites sub- ruficollis) (lit. rough breasted) siituvak whimbrel (Numenius phaepus hudsonicus) siyukpaligauraJs. dunlin , red-backed sandpiper (Erolia alpina pacifica) siyukpalik long-billed dowitcher (Limnodromus scolo- paceus) tiIJmiam kipmia lesser yellowlegs (Totanus flavipes) (lit. goose's dog) rur r-aatur-ak pacific godwit, bar- tailed godwit (Limosa Iapponic a)


auks ruak * red phalarope (Phalaropus fulicar- ius) (lit. blood-like)

kayyi igun northern phalarope (Lobipes lobatus) (lit. like a person in a kayak)


isuIJIJagluk pomerine jaeger (Stercorarius pomarinus)

long-tailed jaeger (Stercorarius longi - caudus ) 90 Birds mtgi aks aayuk parasitic jaeger (Stercorarius para- siticus) (lit. goes for vomit)

Gulls, Terns nauyak * gull nauyatchi ak mew gull (Larus canus ) herring gull (Larus argentatus) nauyavasrugruk glaucus gull (Larus hyperboreus) akar gtyiak Sabine I s gull (Xema s abini ) rnitkutai lak * arctic tern (Sterna paradisaea) (lit. without needle)

naatak great gray owl (Strix nebulosa)

naatakpak barred owl (Strix varia)

ni akuktu ag ruk hawk owl (Surnia ulula)

nipai hrktak (K), nipai luktak (n) short-eared owl (Asio flammeus) (lit. flies soundlessly)

nukisugak horned owl (Bubo virginianus)

rakpii laagruk boreal owl (Aegolius funereus) Birds 91 ukpik * snowy owl (Nyctea scandiaca)


nukuutchikik belted kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon)

nagrulik pallid horned lark (Eremophila alpestris arcticola) (lit. has horns)


tuuyuk downy woodpecker (Dendrocopus pube- scens)

tuuyukpa k hairy woodpecker (Dendrocopus vil- losus)

tuuyus rugruk yellow-shafted flicker (Colaptes auratus borealis)


tulugagnak bank swallow (Riparia riparia), cliff swallow (Petrochelidon pyrr - honota) (lit. resemb- 1es raven)

tulugagnaur ak tree swallow (Iridoproene bicolor)

tulugagnasrugruk barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) 92 Birds Jays, Crows

kiiri~ * Canada jay, camp robber (Perisoreus canadensis) tulugak * raven (Corvus corax)

Chickadees ikni aai lak boreal or brown- capped chickadee (Parus hudsonicus) mi.sikaakkaur-ak , mtaikaagak black-capped chick- adee (Parus atri - capillus)

Thrushes kanayuur ak * robin (Turdus migratorius) piiga~, s avtigavifk gray-cheeked thrush (Hylocichla minima) sujutlul.luuk varied thrush (Ixoreus naevius)

European wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) (lit. little eagle)

Wagtails, Pipits,

Ikar-iktaayuuk yellow wagtail (motacilla naval putukiHuk American water pipit (Anthus spinoletta) Birds 93 aanaruum ki vir uk water ouzel (Cinclus Mexicanus) (Iit . grandmother sank)

Waxwing, Shrike suluktaatchialik bohemian waxwing (Bombicylla garrulus) (lit. with pretty wing feathers) ir-aiyayuuk shrike (Lanius excub- itor) (lit. eye extrac- tor)

Warblers sUlJ akpaluktun ik arctic warbler (Phylloscopus borea- lis) yellow warbler (Dentroica petechia) si lalukaityau rak myrtle warbler (Dentroica coronata) (lit. rain again)

Blackbird tulukkam i.ttuk, rusty blackbird tulukkatun ittuk (Euphagus carolinus) (lit. like raven)

Grosbeaks, Finches, Sparrows,

amautl igak , amautlikkaurak (K), * snow bunting amauhgaaluk (N), avatal.iguuvak (p) (Plectrophenax nivalis) 94 Birds aanaruin sultikpa savannah sparrow (Passerculus sand- wichensis) (lit. what is your grandmother cooking? )

ikhgvik fox sparrow (Passerella iliaca) (lit. tool bag)

kayuuttaak pine grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator)

kayuutaayuuk, taatchintr ak slate -colored junco (Junco hyemalis)

kianarutuuk , ki ar anatuuk golden -crowned sparrow (Zenotrichia atricapilla) (lit. is to be mourned)

nUIJ aktuagruk white-crowned spar- row (Zenotrichia leucophrys)

pi sikpi sikpi.i.srhak tree sparrow (Spizella arborea)

putukii.hrk, kupahik * Alaska longs pur (Calcarius lapponicus)

,putukiilukpak smith's longspur (Calcarius pictus)

saks akik common redpoll (Acanthis flammea) hoary redpoll (Acanthis hornemanni)

siyyuum kipirjaruk white -winged cross- (Loxia leucoptera) Birds 95 Bird Parts

uvluutit nest

iva ruk is nesting mannik egg manniim saunina egg shells (lit egg's bones)

satkatiktaak (N) egg white

kuksuktaak (N) egg yolk puvi ak crop

Isaguk (N, q), Lsr-aguk (K) wing suluk wing feather mitkuk feather (fur, body hair)

kiviut down, musk oxen wool

sigguuk (N), siyyuuk (K) beak, bill sigguk (N), siyyuk (K) one mandible

papik tail

tuttuk (N) upper leg (drumstick) 96 3. HEAVENS. EARTH. ATMOSPHERE

3.1 HEAVENLY BODIES kiIak sky, heaven, roof stkinik sun stkinaagiksuk sun shines nipi ruk -~=:;;;ii~_:";~!iil=lII!i~.~_~~ - n (sun, moon) sets nui ruk (sun, moon) appears from behind cloud tat~iJs.: moon tatkigiksuk moon shines pularuJs.: is eclipsed (lit. slip- ped into the brush) uvlugi ak star uvlugi am anarj a shooting star, meteorite (lit. star's feces) srkupsfkkat Pleiades constellation tuvaurat (N), uuyurat (K) three stars of sword in constellation Orion (N lit. little hunters K lit. linked ones) ki kuyat (N), kirguyat (K) northern lights, (Aurora borealis) kikuyalfksuk northern lights are shining ni gritchtak (N); kinnaum rainbow nigilJa (a), nigak (K) tgniguukpatittuak (N), lightning iknikpaltk (K) Ignrgukpatittuk (N), kaummai'liksuk is lightning Heaventy Bodies; Earth 97 kalluk thunder kal lularuk is thundering


nuna land, earth

aula ruk nuna (N), earthquake il,i~sa~tu~ nuna (K)

akaiya (N) mud

tuvi at ak solid ground

maggak sand

uyagak , iyagak (K) stone, rock

apyuk (K), avyuk (N) dust apyularuk (K) is dusty

~ikku clay

aijmaak (N), akrnaak (K) flint, shert, firestone


aluak (N), kalluk (K) coal

kannuyak , kannuyak (K) copper

ivi s aak red stone (used for paint)

saviks rak (K), savi lhaak (N) iron

tagiuk salt, ocean tagium smaun (K), tagium s inaa (N) beach (lit. place between ocean and cliff)

uls:hals: lead

ls:aYUlJnilik crystal (rock crystal, bead)

I" 98 3.3 PLANTS

(Plants marked *. are edible)

nauruls: grows nautchtak flower

ar gaignak mushroom (lit. don't handle)

akutukpak broad -leafed plant nikaak plant stem

iJJ alugaaluk * seaweed (Perphyra laciniata)

ivr uiyak green moss

ivruk sod for house building

ivgich grass nakaat swamp grass nakaaguurut patch of swamp grass

pa.Ili ks r ak cotton (used for tinder) (from cotton grass, pussy willow buds, cotton wood buds)

mani k tussock (moss used with stove lamps), clump grass

ugru~ spongy moss (diaper liner when dried)

tilJaura~ (N) dried black moss (used for tinder)

ni kaat lichen

taki Iaki saak northern buttercup (Ranunculus affenis) Plants 99 ti laaki k * Hudson's bay tea (Ledum decumbens) masu (N, q), masru (K) * Eskimo potato (Hedysarum alpinum) masukutak plant of Eskimo potato masu ai gak * edible root, Parry's Wallflower (Par rya nudicaulis)

wild rhubarb, sour ~uIJuli~ * grass, mountain sorrel (Oxyria digyna)

sour dock, wild spin- ~uaga~ * ach (Rumex arcticus)

Ikuusuk (K) * wild celery (Angelica lucida)

kupp ikutak * fireweed (edible young shoots) (Epilobium angustifolium)

ikugutigiksut heather (Cassiope tetragonal (good fire starter)

~usrimmak (K) * wild rhubarb, (Polygonum Alaska- num)

paatitaak (K) * ~II/~ wild chives (Allium - ~ schoenoprasum) , ~/\\::.~ onion

~immiurat (N) tundra cotton (lit. little dogs)

tulukkam naultgaana parasitic plant on alder roots (Boschniakia rossica) (lit. raven's spear) 100 Ptants Berries au Ilaks rugniaktuk picks berries as iak (q), asr-iak (K) berry, fruit as iak (N), as iavi k (q), asriavik (K), blueberry (Vaccinium sugak (sh) uliginosum) - akpi k Salmonberry, cloud- berry (Rubus chamae- morus) igrUlJnak (K) rose hip kakrtlarjnak (K) wild rose (Rosa acicularis) ka vl ak bearberry (Arcto- staphylos alpina)

tinnik bearberry (Arcto- staphylos uva-ursi) kikminak (K), kipmujnak (sh) lowbush cranberry (Vaccinium vitis idaea)

"unm= as r-iak (K) bog cranberry 4 (Vaccinium oxycoccus) niviI,]akutak (K) red current (Ribes triste) paunga~ crowberry, black- berry (Empetrum nigrum) tulukkam as r-iak (K) juniper berry (Fructus juniperus) (lit- raven's berry) tuungaum asr iak (K) trailing raspberry (Rubus pedantus) (lit. devi.L' s berry) ukpinnak (K) highbush cranberry (Viburnum edule) 101 3.4 TREES tikigaij: forest napaaktuk tree, spruce tree napaaktum kiprniu rana spruce cone (K), (lit. spruce's puppy)

akutuk , akutukpa.li k leaf

aki guk (K), ki s iks iun (N.n) branch

aki aguk tree heart (stomach)

ami.gak bark

ikki.k irregular hard section in the tree rings (K)

ikik block of wood (vertebra)

mumrgnak tree stump

amaak root

uurnak green wood

ki r-uk dry, dead wood

naungat young tree growing from old root

nimjuk cottonwood tree (K)

nunarj iak alder tree, rust colored dye from alder bark

kanun ik diamond willow

ukpi k w iIlow

palliksrat pussy willows

ij:igaich willow stumps 102 Trees; Mountains & Hills urgiiJ.ik birch tree kutchuk resin, spruce gum, chewing gum

3.5 MOUNTAINS AND HILLS ig~ils: (N, q), mountain uvaagni k mountain base with gradual slope kimi alu k foothill ipnak (K), imriak (N) cliff (where land slides are possible) ikpik cliff (where land slides are not possible) Ikp ikt it aktuk water is undercutting bank ipnagruich (K), imnagruich (N) canyon pirjuk (N), pinuks rak (K) individual round hill (swelling) iiguk (N) high hill kirni gaak ridge managaar ak steep rise kipaluak steep undercut river bank kimugruk stepped rise

Is irnrjaaktuk line of gently sloping hills kavlunak brow of hill (also of human) Mountains & Hills; Lakes, Rivers, Oeean 103 katcni ruak slope (wall) aagiak (K), kattagnik (a) valley, pass nati k valley floor nati gnak flat tundra

undulating tundra


narvak lake oval- shaped lake taksruk

tas ik (N) lagoon, lake

kuugaatchial>. rivulet linking a lake to river

kuuk river

kuuguk tributary river

kuuguural>. creek

irnik water (drinkable)

imak water (undrinkable)

immaktmmk puddle

ikkattuk is shallow

rti ruk is deep

kiur-i ruk freezes

ki ki kt ak island

I>.ikil>.tasugruk(N), k.ikiktag ruk (K, q) big island

ikalguk submerged sandbar

nuvuk point, promontory 104 Lakes, Rivers, Ocean; Weather atani!5: isthmus tagiuk ocean, salt puvi ak bay nati k bottom. in iul ik wave, swell ul ivr-ik (N), i1Jiulikpak (K) breaker on ocean kaaktak breaker on shore kai li ksuk is rough water kuuniks uk is calm sagvaktuk flows supi ruk flows, rushes (river at break-up) sinaa shore (it's edge)


(includes snow and ice conditions) itrisriun (K) thermometer sila weather, outside, atmosphere, air s i.Iagi.kauk is good weather s i.Iag.i itchuk is bad weather si!5:ifii~ sun stkinaagiksuk (N), sun is shining sikini agi ksuk (K) uunaktuk is warm uunagugaa it's warm ir r-aitchuk (N), itraiksuk (K) has moderated (hav- ing been cold) 105 Weather niptaktuk is clearing, clouds are dispersing niptarul$. (N) is bright weather niptai tchuk (N) is hazy nuvuya (N), nuviya cloud nuvuya.li kauk , is overcast, is nuviyaltksuk getting cloudy nuvuyal.aktuk is cloudy (broken)

kunikruk indistinct horizon, hazy

uyumi.ksuk (K) is misty, blurred

I$.uvyugagnil$.su~, is white out I$.upyugagnil$.sul$.(K)

t aktuktuk is foggy taktugugaa it's foggy

al appaa , alappuu (N) is cold

ki yarraktuk is cold

ir-rirjugaa (N), it r-irjugaa (K) is icy cold

sf aluktuk (N, n), s iIa.luktuk (K) is raining

mirii iksuk is misty is wet from dew

is damp

ul.iktuk is flooded

anugi wind anukl iksuk is windy anukkan aruk is windy (gale force)

ni gikpak , ni.gik north, northeasterly wind

kiluagnak {N), kivaknak (K) east, southeasterly wind 106 Weather atchagrrik (noa, ki ), kivaknak (K) easterly wind pamarjna (p) wind from land

UIJ al.ak , uIJal lak southerly wind uannagruk (N) southwesterly wind kanagnaJs., kanaknal> westerly wind ikagnak (N) north, northwesterly wind paralleling the coastline atuagnak (N) northerly wind (not paralleling coast) iJ.alulasraal$ (K), uiyula (N) whirlwind agrrik (N), arjni.k (K) blizzard agniksuk (N), anniksuk (K) having a blizzard agnigiksuk (N), annigiksuk (K) blizzard has ceased pi ks iksuk (b) is snow storming nati gviks uk is ground drifting

Snow Conditions karmi k snowflake kanni.ksuk (N), kani.gr'uaktuk (K) is snowing (no wind) karri k frost kanig ruak frost on face, tree, etc. pilik (N), s aviguk (K) ice crystals in air

apun snow api ruk is snow covered apigaa it is snow covered

nutagak fresh snow, powder snow weather 107 aniu packed snow (N), any snow (K) aniuvak snowbank natrgvik snowdrift natigviksuk snow is ground drift- ing kimaug ruk snowdrift blocking a trail or in lee of a building mavsa (N), mapsak (K) snowdrift overhang (ready to fall) kaiyugl.ak, kaiyuktak rippled surface of snow pukak sugar snow (near ground) misulik (N), misrulik, sleet misruligrua]s. (K) auks alak , auks atak (K) melting snow akillu~]s.a]s. soft snow mi lik very soft snow mi tai lak soft snow on ice floe covering an open spot i sillik (N), s itIik (K) hard crusty snow I kika rukak glazed snow in thaw time mauya break through snow condition katiksunik (N), katfksugrrik (K) light snow, deep for walking apuyya~, aputya~, apuya]s. snow patch ai suuk snow , avalanche 108 Weather Ice Conditions kiuvi r'uk water freezes aunni.k rotten ice (unsafe) mapturuk is thick maptugitchuk is thin siku ice srkult.ir-ak new formed ice sikuliak ice thick enough to walk on stkul.iagruak ice about 1 1/2 inches thick srkuruk is frozen sfkulfki ruk is in process of break-up sikuigvik ice break-up time kus rulugak icicle sikuk Iak , natatkugnak hailstone pi kaluyik glacial ice (blue appearance) mugattik slush ice ki nu broken chunks of slush ice kinur-uk slush ice is forming, floating downstream sarri ice pack uifii~ lead (open water be- tween landlocked ice and pack ice) Weather 109 tuvak landlocked ice kaigarlak siku rough ice causing difficult travel

ki s rs ak grounded ice pile (keeps landlocked ice from floating away), £Ioeberg

ivuni k ice pressure ridge

ivuni.gaur ak little pressure ridge

agiukpak, aayugak (K) perpendicular press- ure ridge

puktaak iceberg

i.vsargutipkak. mukutipkak ice-bound boat

brightness on horizon indicating presence of ice on ocean

kisuk dark cloud over open water 110 4. PLACE. TIME. DESCRIPTIVES


Although "place" and "time" concepts are carried by the same morphemes, the concept of "place" seems to be primal. "Time" is not abstract but rather" occasion for ... .'I

-vik place, time pi-vik place, time narjir -vik hospital (lit. place for sick ones) igni -vik birth time, month of June

-viks r ak place for, occasion for, time for pi vvik s r ak place for, occasion for, time for tumja -viks r ak place for foundation, place for trusting iglig-viksrak occasion, time for travel si vikitchuk is a short distance, is of short duration aivi su ruk is a long distance, is of long duration

4.2 PLACE ini place, room ini kit chuk small place, room iriikpak city (N), big place, big room i.ni.Il.aktuk is placing inillakkaa is placing it nunaakkik city, town, village, nation Place 111 nunauruat country, nation (N)

kanittuk is near, is close

UIJ as iks uk (N), UIJ as riks uk (K) is far

saumik left side tal ikpik right side

alj:u back (stern)

sivu front (bow of boat)

ataani under ataani ittuk is under ataa it's underside, ventral area of fish

kaarj ani on top kaan anii ttuk is on top kaana it's top side, dorsal area of a fish

Directional- Locational Pronouns

Eskimo directionals and locatives are not based upon the cardinal points of the compass but relative to the area, being based upon reference to the direction of the sea coast, or river's flow (if inland).

(Directional-Iocational and demonstrative pronouns may be prefixed with ta- on words beginning with a vowel or tat - on words beginning with a consonant.) ta-, tat- adds emphasis or extends direction rriaani here ta-maani here indeed 112 Place (Pronouns which are commonly inflected are displayed with their postposition forms)

With the speaker inside the same room: kivva there (inwards, vis- ible), (upriver, in- land) pinna, pitcha up there (above, vis- ible) taugga the re (doorw ards, vis- ible) uvva here, now, as follows uvani located here uvakq a (K), uvarpj a (N) from here, hence uvuna hither, to here uvuuna through here, by way of here uvani ittuk is here uvun aktuk comes here, hither

With the speaker inside a different room: kakma (K), Js.aIJma(N) outside kamrna inside (further from entrance than speak- er), (upriver) Js.amani on the inside, at the inside kamakn a (K), Js.amaIJlJa(N) from inside kamurja toward inside sakma (K) in front of (closer to entrance than speaker)

When referring to locations within sight or reach of the speaker: agga across there (visible) Place 113 itcha on the other side, over there avva far off (in place or time), over there (shoreward) avani located over there avakna (K), avarpja (N) from afar off, from over there avuna towards there (over there) kanna down there, downriver, in front of kanani located down there kananii ttuk is down there (visible) kanakrj a (K), kanarpja (N) from down there kanurj a towards down there kanaknak (K), kanagnak (N) wind from downriver, from ocean kanakntgniksuk (K) wind blows from the downriver direction kivva upriver, inland, , further inside kivaknak (K) wind from upriver klvaknigniksuk (K) wind blows from the upriver direction kavva over there, upriver, (visible) I pagga up there (above and behind speaker), away from shore, I landwards, mountain- I wards paani located up there paakrj a (K), paarpj a (N) from up there paurj a towards up there pauna by way of up there paurjaktuk travels inland pavva back there (behind the speaker), away from shore, land- wards, mountainwards 114 Place pavani located back there pavakrj a (K), pavarpja (N) from back there pavurj a towards back there unna far down there, down- river, down at sea unani located far down there unaloja (K), unarpj a (N) from far down there unun a toward down there unUIJaktuk travels downriver, travels out on

When referring to locations unseen by the speaker or beyond reach of the speaker: amma over there, outside, downri ve r, then (somewhat distant in place or time, inter- mediate between uvva and imma) amani located over there amakrj a (K), amarpja (N) from over there arnurj a towards over there amani ittuk is there (out of sight)

imma there, then, when, (remote in place or or time, beyond amma)

taimma there, then, when (very distant in place or time, beyond taamma) taimani located there (over yonder), at that time

t aimaloj a (K), taimarpj a (N) from yonder, from time immemorial tai.murj a forever

l>amma upriver, inside (fur- ther from entrance than speaker) kamani located inside Place 115 kamakrja (K), karnarpj a (N) from inside karmnja toward inside pamma back there, behind, landwards, mountain- wards (absent, beyond reach, invisible) sarnrna , tasramma (K), tasamma (N) down there, down- river, oceanward, in front of samani, tasramani located down there

aamakrj a , tas r-amaloj a (K), from down there s amarpja (N) s amurj a , tas r amurj a towards down there samuuna through or along down there aamani.ittuk is down there (out of sight) travels downriver, travels coastward

Demonstrative Pronouns una this one uuma this one's uumirj a (with/ about) this one uumani at, in this uurnakrj a (K), uumarpj a (N) from this uumurj a to, for this uumuuna through, by this uumatun like this uumani ittuk it is this one here ukua these ukunirj a (with/about) these ukunani at, in, on these ukunakn a (K), ukunarpj a (N) from these ukunun a to, for these ukunuuna through, by these ukunatun like these ukuak these two 116 Place (The rare dual case forms are built on the base uku- plus -IJ- and the pertinent case ending, e.g. uku-rj-muuna through these two) manna this one around here maani around here m.aakrj a from around here m aun a hither mauna through here matun like this one here makuak these two makua these here makunirj a with these makunani at these rnakunakrj a (K), makunarpj a (N) from these makunurj a to these makunuuna through these taamna that one (person or thing) taavruma that one's taa vrumiIJ a (with/ about) that taavrumani at, in, on that taavr-umakna (K), taav rumarpj a (N) from that taavr umurj a to, for that taavrumuuna through, by that taavrumatun like that amna (usually with prefix ta-, this one, that one cf taamna) (person or thing) (somewhat distant in place or time, inter- mediate between una and irnna , or manna and imna) taapkua those t aapkunirj a (with/about) those taapkunani at, in, on those taapkunakrj a (K), taapkunarpja (N) from those taapkunurj a to, for those taapkunuuna through, by those taapkunatun like those taimfia that one (remote in place or time) Place; Time 117 imfia that one (remote in place or time) taipkua (N), taipchua (K) those (remote in place or time) kamna that one inside, that one upriver pakimna that one up there, (invisible) pamna that one behind, back there (invisible) samna the one down there, the one there in front

4.3 TIME sil$.ifigural$. (N), tuktuktak (K) timepiece, clock sassak (K) clock, watch, hour, (Russian loan) uvluk day uvlui lgitchuk days are getting short again uvluktus ir'uk (N, q), days are getting longer uvluktus r iruk (K) uvlaak morning uvlaakun tomorrow (lit. by way of morning) kitikaktuk noon (lit. has middle) kiti~usianikpata afternoon (lit. when they passed the mid- dle) unnuk evening unnual$. night, last night 118 Time urj alragu (K) day after tomorrow urj al.i arri (K) day before yesterday ikpaksral$. yesterday unnumman (b) yesterday (lit. when it was evening) ikpaksraal$.sugruk many days ago ikpaksraal$.amik three days ago akku a short while ago akkupak (N), akkuvak (K) immediately, right now akkupaur'ak (N), akkuvaur ak (K) a little while later iJ.aanni sometime (in future)

'l$.akugu anytime

aippaapak (N), aippaavak (K) distant memorable past

iIJilgaa!l indistinct past

taimani then, at that remote (cf taimma 4.1) time (past or future)

ikarr ak (N) hour (lit. a crossing place)

sas sak (K, q) hour, watch, clock (Russian loan word)

-pak (N), -yak (K) immediate, entire (cf -pak- Sect. II) (lit. big) anaka-pak (N), anaka-vak (K) tonight, this evening ukiu -pak (N), ukiu -yak (K) this winter, this year unnua-pak (N), unnua-vak (K) last night uvlaa-pak (N), uvlaa-vak (K) this morning uvlu -pak (N), uvlu -vak (K) today

-t kik . the second of two (cf -fki k- Sect. II) ukiu-t kik winter before last, two years ago ..

• Time 119 upingaa -t ki.k summer before last uvlaaku -tkik day after tomorrow ikpaksra -t kik day before yesterday

ukiuk winter, year

ukiak, ukiaksrak autumn, fall

upinga~, upingaa~, aura~ summer

upingaks r ak spring (lit. potential summer)

tatkik month (moon)

iki.atchaktuk (moon) begins to wane

kupaguktuk (moon) is half

naaguktuk (moon) is full

t atkik nui ruk new moon , Names for Eskimo moons (months) vary from village to village based upon location and seasonal events.

January sikinaatchi ak (N) new sunshine stktnaas rugruk (K)

February aikinaasugruk (N) longer sunshine kus rugaktugvik (K) icicle time

March panikstks iivik (N) skin bleaching kilgit t atki at (K) white hawks coming

April kilgich tatkiat (N) white hawks coming tinmi r-at tatki at (K) geese are coming

May suvlugvik (N) rivers flow aikuigvik (K) ice break-up time

I 120 Time; Desariptives June igf'iivik birth time July inukkuks aivik (N) raising time itchavik (K) moulting time August akavir-vik (N) moulting time ami gai.ks ivik (K) caribou lose velvet September tilJlJivik birds fly (migrate) mi Iukatai.ks ivfk (kiv) leaves falling

October nu li agvi k (N), nul.li guvi k (kiv) breeding time (caribou) sikuvik (K) ice time November nippivik (N) sunset time srkingf lak (N) no sunshine aikinaatchiak (K)


OPPOSITES s ivul li k first one, foremost one akul l ik last one, hindmost one kul Iik uppermost allik bottommost nutauruk is new nutaak newness, freshness utukkau ruk is old parjrnapak (N), pakma (K) now ilaanni (N), ilaatni (K) later, sometime Descriptives 121 sivuani before (lit. at it's front) akuani behind (lit. at it's back) arj iruk is big mi kiruk is small taki ruk is long na itchuk is short kumi ruk (N), uvinaktuk, is fat uks ruu ruk (K) pannaur-uk , pani ktuk is thin, skinny saattuk is thin m aptu ru k is thick iki ktu ruk , s iLiktuk (K) is wide ikiki itchuk , arnit chuk (K) is narrow kutchi ksuk is high al Ii ks uk is deep nakuuruk is good piIuktuk (N), pigiitchuk is bad siignaaktuk is sweet surj agni tchuk is bitter atugriaktu k is useful atUIJaiks uk , atuguiksuk is worthless kiriiyunaktuk , pinnaknaktuk is pretty inugi itchuk is ugly (lit. not a good person) aki su r-uk , pi kpaktuk is expensive, precious, valuable palagniksuk worthless inugi aktuk are many inukit chuk are few akiruk .are opposite (of 2) atiruk are identical (of 2) al.larpjuktuk (N), at lagi.iksuk (K) is different, other 122 Descriptives salumaruk is clean s a lum ai tchuk is dirty

ipki tchuk is pure ipkur uk is dirty

ipiktuk is sharp ipkrtchuk is dull

pani ktuk is dry ai Laktuk is wet (N), damp (K) ag itchuk is wet (K) uunaktuk is hot ni gl inaktuk is cold (not weather)

ki vl iktu k is shiny ki.vl.in itchuk is dull

agvaluktuk , ahaval uktuk (N), is round aks r avaluktuk (K) ikiraalik square, cube ki sirn.gi uktuk is alone -lhinak- alone pi ka.ti gi kaut are together s ikkuktuk is hard ag ina ktuk is soft sig~ignaktuk (N), sapignakai ruk (K) is difficult srg~ignaitchuk (N), sapigna.itchuk, is easy kaganaktuk (K) uki tchuk is light ukumait chuk is heavy sayaktu ruk is strong, healthy s ayait chuk is weak

COLORS kati ktaak whiteness kati ktuk is white •

Descriptives 123 kaviks aak redness kavi ksuk is red

kuksukt aak (N) yellowness

kirgia~taa~ grayness

marj aaktaak (N) light grayness

kigniktaak blackness marjaaktuk (N), kigi'iiktuk (K) is black

surj aaktaak .greenness surj aaktuk is green

sunaur aaktaak (N), s ilagiks aak (K) blueness


at aus ik (N, q), ataus rtk (K) one

m a.lguk two

pilJasut (N), pinas rut (K) three

sisamat four

tallimat five

itchaksrat six

tallimat malguk seven I

tallimat pirjasut (N), eight I tallimat pifiasrut (K)

kulirpjutai lak (N), kulirjugutai Iak (K) nine

kul.it ten

kulit ataus ik (N), eleven kul it ataus r ik (K)

kul it rnal guk twelve 124 Descriptives kul it pirj a.sut (N), thirteen kul it pinas rut (K) ak irni arpj ut ai Iak (N), fourteen akirn iagutai lak (K) akimiak fifteen ak irni ak ataus ik (N), sixteen aki.miak atausrik (K) ak irni ak rnal.guk seventeen ak irni ak pujasut (N), eighteen akirni ak pinasrut (K)

inuinnalJlJutai~aJs. (N), inuinaguutai lak (K) nineteen

inuinnak (N), inuinak (K) twenty

inuinnak kulit (N), inuinak kul.it (K) thirty

m al.gukipi.ak forty

m al gukipi ak kul it fifty

pirjasukipi ak (N), pinas rukipiak (K) sixty

pilJasukipi ak kul it (N), seventy pinas rukipi ak kuli.t (K)

sisarnakipiak eighty

sisarnakipiak kul it ninety

tallirnakipiak one hundred

av vak one half

iIlatt ruk (N), iIa ruk (K) is adding

HalJlJaaktaaktuk is subtracting

ilarj a pi igaa is subtracting (lit. its part he takes away) 125 5. OTHER WORDS


aannagu (N), maatnagu (K), wait a minute! maatnugu (K) aasii, aasiifi (N,q), and, and then, (used aasrii, aasriifi (K) consecutively, con- trast with r suli I, which is used in an additive sense) aa.s n.n-uvva, uvva-aasii (N), and then this (intro- aasriifi-uvva, uvva.-aasrii (K) duces a change of subject aarigaa good! fine! aarj (N), aa (K), ii yes aat chi kk aarj (K) danger! exclamation of warning aatchui ruk (K), aitchuiruk (N) gives aatchugaa , ait chugaa gives it aatchuun , aitchuun gift aatigaa, aatkaa (K) snatches it away agalJIJait chuk is gentle, kind agg-iksuk (K), kai ruk (N) comes aggun (N) corruption aglaan but -aglaan (enclitic) up to, as far as agiis r uknaga.a is offended by it agl iitr ak (K) picture 126 Other Words

agliitigaa (K) takes one I s picture agi ur-uk (N), kas ruktuk (K) ends, quits, stops, is satisfied ai what? eh? well? okay? aigaa (K), aitkaa (N) fetches it, goes to get it ai ruk (N), aqi Iaaktuk (K) goes home aitchuiruJs. (N), aatchui r-uk (K) gives ait chugaa , aatchugaa gave it, gives it aiyugaaktuk invites aiyugaagun invitation aki.agaktaaktuk they (2) alternate akit laaktuk is free, without cost aki.i Iak debt akii Iaktuk is owing akiitchua1uk (N), akiisruk (K) harlot aki ks ruktuk promises akiks rugigaa promises it akiks ruun (K), unnikeukriun (N) promise, covenant

aki.Ii.gaa paid it (lit. countered it) aki Iiun wage, price aki.Ii k reward

akiUiliJs.suJs. opposes

akihigak (N), katr ak (K) echo

aki s aktuk revenges (lit. tries to counter)

akitchaktuk trades, barters

akl:aa (N) Oh my! (having made a mistake) Other Words 127 akpaktuk steps up (from lower to higher place)

akprttuk starts to sing

aksikkaa touches it

ak s r aktuk is rolling

akt igiruk is so long, is this much akti laana its size akugluk , kas r-aun (K), bell (an instrument to avi Iuktaun (K, q, p) make repeated noise by hitting) akugluktuk , kas r aktuk (K), bell rings avi luktaktuk akuktuk receives, accepts akuktugaa accepts it akunik middle, between akunganni among, in between akkaa smells bad! akpaksruktuk (K), akpattuk (N) runs (of human) alai (K) exclamation of surprise I alaitchuk is not torn al akaa al.akkaa exclamation of sorrow !

artifact aliik tear, rip al iitchuk not lonely though li ving alone alIa (N), atla (K) another one, different one allaktigiruk dries, wipes (e.g. dishes) 128 Other Words al Iaktuk clear weather al Iarpjuktuk is different allatuun adultery, fornication al latuktuk commits adultery alluvak seal's breather hole (suitable for placing net) amai (p) don't know amiun thread for skins anas rmnuks ak (K) punishment anaugaa hits him, beats him anautak axe, beating tool (upper hind leg) ani ruk exits, is born annaa, annii, arrii! exclamation of pain, sorrow or disappoint- ment

annaktuk is sheltered, is safe, saves

aq iktuk agrees, assents, says yes with raised eyebrows agrees with him, assents to it

arj ikus aun (kiv , q), temptation arj ikus r aun (K)

arj i.Laaktuk (K), aggi ruk (N) goes home

arj iruk is big

an iruk resuscitated, revived, arose

arj isitkaa tempers it Other Words 129 arj ivr aktuk loosens, unravels, unties anivr agaa unravels it, unscrews it, unties it

is open, turned on (radio, tape recorder) anularuk chews anuyaktuk fights arjuyarik (K, q), arjuyaun (N) war arjuyi ikt i (K), arjuyakti (N) soldier, fighter arjuyaunnat armor alJ uyautairrun peace aijuun paddle, propeller arjuutaa his paddle, a fin (anyone of the paired fins of a fish) apaiksuk is enough, had enough apai plenty! enough! apiks r-i ruk asks, questions apiks rugaa is about to question him, ask him apigigaa questioned him, asked him api.ks ruun question apluktuk steps, takes a step I apuktuk meets, bumps, strikes against 1 apugaa, apuktigaa bumps, strikes against it, meets I him arakaa comforts argua~tugaa doubts it arraa I've had it! exclam- ation when something goes wrong 130 Other Words ar r-ikaktuk (N), at r-ikaktuk (K) is like, is comparable arri, atri likeness, parable arriligaa, atriligaa draws, sketches its likeness arruk dampness around floor arrii, anni i, annaa! exclamation of pain, sorrow, disappoint- ment asik dear one atakkiat alJ ' atakkii, because uvva-takku (K) at akai ruk borrows atchitkaa lends him atai exclamation of surprise (K), cute (of baby) (N) ataramik always at ar'uk is connected with at angusuktuk is cranky atangi ks aur-uk is free atangi r run liberty atauttuk goes beneath atautkaa goes beneath it atchigaa names him atchuu! (N) I don't know! atigaa wears it, puts it on ati ruk is the same, there is no difference atkaktuk descends atkunaktuk is much, too much, plenty, there is an abundance Other Words 131 atkunak plenty, abundant

atuktuk uses, acts immorally atugaa uses it

atuktuk sings atugaa sings it atuun song atuktuur ak musical instrument atuktuur akti musician

atunim together

ataa, atta hush! be still!

aularul$: moves (N, s). dances (K)

au Ilagnii ruk begins

aul.laktuk goes away aullautigaa leads him away, takes it away aul Iakti tkaa sends him away

aullasik habit, unconscious habit, instinct

auruk is rotten, is rotting, aging aukkaa melts it (ice, snow) auniktuk has a rotten spot auni k rotten spot, rotting substance

aunrrik rotten ice

aur ak, upirigak summer

autaaktuk divides, shares autaagaa divided it

avallik the farthest over avaTIlJagaa all around him avanmun (N), avatmun (K) toward each other 132 Other Words avi Lruk shouts, raises a cheer, his ear rings

aviktuk cuts, breaks in two avikkaa cut it up .

avittuk is separated, is divorced

avi Iai.tkan (N) friend (lit. never separate)

avr iaktuk is in the way, blocking the way

avugaa salts or peppers it, mixes it

avu sugar

avulik gas mixed with oil

avvarj a half

ayaktuk pushes off, departs by boat (lit. poles) ayakkaa pushes it off, rejects it ayak post, pole, pillar, spear ayaupi ir ak (K), ayauppi.ak (N) walking stick

ayakhaaktuk is doing string figures ayal$:haal$. string figure, cat's cradle

ayyai ruk is rejecting

ayaurul$: is going blind

ayual$: boil (sore)

ayurul$: precedes ayugaa is beyond reach

------Other Words • 133 I

Igittuk throws away, discards igitkaa throws it away, discards it igitt ak abandoned baby

Iglaktuk laughs igla1)aattuk (N), igla1)arut smiles

iglittuk travels, moves

iglilJnattut is cute (of a baby)

ig~ua the other one, next one

ig~utuiruk endure Iglutugaa endures it, suffers it

igni ruk make fire with flint

iggialarut yells, shouts

igliktuk is stingy igligigaa clings to it for him- self, is stingy with it

ii (cf aa) yes

rivaks aaktuk (K), uivaks aaktuk (N) rounds a bend

ikaaktuk crosses over ikaun bridging pole ikautit bridge ikaagaa crosses it

ikayuktuk helps ikayugaa helps him

iki ruk burns, is consumed ikuma ruk , rkirnar-uk is burning, is on (of electric light) ikipkaivik altar (in Bible) (lit. burning place) 134 Other Words i.ki r'uk embarks, enters, gets on or into ikkii icky ikUgutchaktittu~ is tempted (lit induced to want the other) ikpait chi ak suitcase i.kpi.kt i.taktu k bank is being under- cut by water ikpi gak (K) set (foundation) of mind, where they come from ikpigigaa (K) gets it on his mind and believes it ikt.ak dump ikugaa loads it on

Ikatau ruk (K), itkatauij aruk (N) is together with rki asuktuk , ikias ruktuk (K) is lazy iki atkaa does not want to do it, is lazy iki itchuk is not lazy ikkul.i ruk skins muskrat (by cutting the belly section) i.kkul in small pointed knife i.ks iruk fears i~sigigaa is afraid of him iksuktuk responds negatively by wrinkling nose i.li.tkus ik (N) spirit

Ha relative by blood, marriage or name; companion, friend or partner Other Words 135 ilaksiagaa bothers him ilalptniktuk is married (lit. he obtained a partner) iIa.Li r uk shakes hands ilal.igaa shakes his hand

ilarri lead dog, leader

ilasrailaruk (K) cries with pain, (cf nipaalaruk (N) ) screams

ilavinik some (a part of some- thing)

iJ,igaa lays it down, places it

il.iks aktuk quakes, wobbles il,il$.sal$.tul$.nuna earthquake

il,imasuktul$. suspect

ilisal$.tuk tries to learn, prac- tices

iIal.ir uk (K), iJ,J,atirul$.(N) adds, joins, shakes hands with

iIi tku s ik (q), iIitkus r ik (K) habit, happening, experience


ill.iagur-ugaa (K) combs it

iJ,J,ial$.suktuk(N) combs hair i.lliagutit comb inside, abdomen, ilu stomach

it iluaktuk puts in, (makes a basket in basketball)

iJ,umun, ilurnutun true, truth i.lumutuur'uk is true 136 Other Words iluvviktuk (N) buries iIuvik (K), i.Iuvviv ik (N) grave

ih~ (K) being, existence, (cf Ittuk) presence

iIuaktuk is right, good, correct, fitting iluaks i.ruk heals, fixes

iJ:uitchu~ is wrong i.m ai.kauk is low (water in river) i.m.ait chuk is empty

irriakaktuk is full imrnaktuk is leaking immiksuk is full irnrni gaa fills it irnni ks aktuk groans irnrj aluktuk whines (dog), hums (person) inna (N), itna (q, K) thus, like this or that, this way, that way mna s ik (N), itrias ik (q), the like of, such kind itrias r ik (K) irma ittuk (N), itnaktuk (K) is thus, is like this inuktuk is insufficient, fails to reach it, shoots low irriks iruk (K) made, created iniktagigaa made it, created it

rebuked him, permit- ted him not in ikti gaa threatened him in iktuktuk (K) is tired inni aktuk (K) is visiting other Words 137 inugi.ksuk is handsome, beauti- ful inugi itchuk is ugly inugiilil$.sul$. frowns (lit. makes himself ugly)

inupi atun Eskimo language (lit. like Eskimo)

inukpalliktul$. comes from, origin- ates

inuuruk lives

iJJil$.srul$.tul$.(K) asks, prays iJJigaa asks him, begs him, prays to him

ipi handle (of a bucket etc.)

whips him

ipi gaktuk wades

ipigal$.tul$. cuts himself

ipiktusuktuk is sad, despondent

ipi ruk suffocates, smothers, drowns ipitkaa suffocates him, smothers him, drowns him ipnai ktuk goes to a cliff

ipun , ipuun oar ipu tool handle

iri eye irigaak eye glasses irigruak binoculars, goggles

Is aguti ruk begins

is iktuk enters, visits 138 Other Words is iks iruk is getting smoke filled isilgigaa corrects his mis- understanding is ivgi ir-uk (N) judges atanrrigaa (K) judges him isivgiigaa examines him, tries him out isui.tchuk (N, q), isrurtchuk (K) is endless, eternal, is clear, is not muddy rsuktuk (N), isruktuk (K) is opaque, is muddy, not clear isuma (N, q), isruma (K) mind is aaktuk (N), isr'aktuk (K) raises his arms rsaguk (N), israguk (K) wing it iruk is deep itkanai ksuk is ready, finished it kaktuk remembers itl$.agigaa remembers it rttuk exists, is, lives, stays iv aktuk (N) searches iv aluktuk (N), ivukutaktuk (K) flaps ivayaktugaa (K) defrauds, robs him ivigaktul$. pleases i.vikti tag aat puzzle iviktuk fits ivvaktuk (N) bathes ivyangunaktuk (N), ipyamjunaktuk (K) is stuffy Other Words 139 k kaagnak, kaaksiugun (N), nigisulJnal;,((K) famine ki avluktuk (N), kai vittuk (K) circles around kaki r uk pricks kakkaaktuk is starving, starved to death kakkiiyaun handkerchief kalikkaa drags it kalvi ttuk is stuck kamaks r iruk obeys kamagigaa obeys him kamakr irj itchuk disobeys karnanaktuk is great, is to be honored karnatchaktuk is surprised at an- other's ability, takes pride in another's ability karjata li ikt aktuk to rumble (as a moving sled) , kapi ruk stabs ka.suq ar uk (N) is loose (e.g. rope I tied loosely around pole) kataktuk is falling katakkaa drops it kati ttuk gathers katitkaa gathers it kavi iHk (K), kaviukkun (N) covetousness kayurj iit.igaa (K) coaxes him, urges him 140 Other Words ki a , kisum (K) whose? ki , ki.i, kii kkaa do it! say it! proceed!

kigunnik box

kiigaa (K), kiugaa (N) answers him

ki irak crease, corrugation

kiisaimma finally, at last

kiker ak a path cut through brush or trees

ki.Ii ktuk tells news, warns kiIiktugaa tells him news, warns him kilgun warning

ki l luku aktuk errs killukun mistake

kinnau ruk is foolish kinnak fool

kina who?

kilJugau tchiru~ (N), kinugau tiruk (K) is too late

kilJuvaannaktuk (N), partcnaktuk (K) inherits

ki pakfi.kauk (N), mttautu ruk (K) mocks

kipaluniktuk has helpers kipalukkaa works for him, helps him

kip igi ruk , ki.pi.kni.uktuk (K), is anxious to kiprgniuktuk (N)

kipr-i ruk (K), kt r rt ruk (N) cuts off, severs

ki p li gaa cuts it in two, severs it

ki pt ait chuk bright child, fully awake Other Words 141 kirratchai~titkaa shines brightly kisima I alone kisivich you alone kisimi he alone ki s irpjugaa left him alone, left her bereaved kita ready! kiviktuk lifts kivikkaa lifts it kivi r uk sinks kivgak servant, messenger kivi lfktuk can't recall word or name, forget kurni ktuk scratches kurrujut it rake kuni ksuk kisses kunikkaa kisses him kunik kiss ku r aktuk looks down ku sr-iksuk (K) drips kuvi r-uk pours kuvigaa pours it out kuyakkaa lies with her

k • kaaktuk (N), kaaks inti r aulgataktuk (K) bursts, explodes, readily blows his top (K)

passes by 142 Other Words kaarj iulaarjavai tchuk (N), veers away, goes to kaarj iafaus r-im ar-uk (K) excess kaayuk (K) dirt kaayul iksuk dirties himself (of baby messing diapers)

~agana~tu~ (K), siglignaitchu~ (N) is easy, not difficult kargitchuk is rough, not smooth kaiksuk is smooth, level, flat kai ruk (N) comes kai tchi ruk gives ka.itchtgaa gives it

~akugu, ~akugun when? (future inte rrogati ve) kana (N), kaagl aan (K) when? (past tense interrogative) kaki gaa boxes him kakuktuk crunches, cracks ~a~~ugaa cracks it ka.lguktuk croaks, crow s , quacks , honks, whistles kal.i ks ikaut tows one boat with another ka Iitkaa pulls it, drags it behind ka lli ruk approaches, nears kal.li.gaa draws near

rust kami ruk goes out, extinguishes itself kami ttuk is turned off, extinguished Other Words 143 kamitkaa turns it off, extinguishes it kanittuk is near kannigaa orders it kanugvi itchuk it can't be helped, too bad (that he died, is mortally ill, etc.)

~anul$: how, what, for, because (N) kanus r ik (K), kanus ik (N) what kind? kanutun how long, how much? kanutun - aglaan how far? kan aa (K) no! used more sparingly than English 'no'

~apsinik, l$:avsinik how many? kas ruagaa (K) (wind) died down kas ruktuk (K), agiuruk (N) ends, quits, stops, is satisfied katchaktuktuk , trgluktuktuk knocks, is knocking kati tittuk marry katrni ksuk (K) is impatient, dislikes to wait kaugr-i ruk becomes conscious kaugr-immaagti tchuk can't recognize one kaummagi ksuk is bright kaumarrik beam of light kaumrnaktuk clear, translucent, light enough to see kaunaksr-i ruk cares kaunagi gaa cares for him 144 Other Words kaunakran it chuk careless kaur iaktuk rests kavaktuk to sleep on back in water (of seal) kaviugnaksauruk glamorous, seductive ki gluktuk is saddened about a loss ki kirj ar-uk is warped kiki s.itkaa warps it ki kittuk is frozen (part of body) kikit igaa freezes it quickly ki ks r aur-uk (K), kikumar uk (N) is frozen (not of body) ki lamtk quickly, immediately

ties a knot ki mrn aktuk escapes, flees kinuruk to cry fitfully (of a baby) kipirj ar-uk is twisted kipi gaa twists it kipigniuktuk desires kip igniugun desire kitchaktuk (K) stands upright kitchuktuk scratch ki.t chukt ig aa scratches it l>:ituttu~ is soft, flexible ki tyagnaktuk is bright, glaring ki vl.iktuk shines, glitters, sparkles Other Words 145 l>iviul> down (of water fowl), wool (of musk-oxen) kiviktuk (N), kirrit chuk (K) commits suicide, hangs himself (K) kiviktuk (N), kivi ttuk (K) leaves another, not wanting to be together kivilJ aaktuk stands pr-oudly, erect kivi ruk (N), niviktuk (K) lays on his back kuaktuk splits loose (e.g. the sole from a shoe) kuagaa splits, separates, loosens it (of things frozen or otherwise fused together) kuaktuk eats kuak (frozen food) kuiyakttchuk slips l>uglial>tul> drools, slobbers, oozes (of tree resin) kugluktak , kugluktuk waterfall kuinaktuk tickles ku ifini.ktaur-uk is ticklish kukuul ar-uk (N, q), tukrularuk (K) calls kulauttuk is passing overhead kuli aktuaktuk tell a true story, an experience, preach (K), confess(N)

kul iaktuak true story kumi.kauk folds arms inside of parka kupi ruk splits, cracks 146 Other Words kuppak crack, split

kus r auktuaktuk (K), kus auktuaktuk (N) squats

kus ikauk is

kuvi aauktuk is happy

kuvi gus r-uktuk (K) is surprised, amazed, astonished

~uyaru~ is thankful

kuyanaktuk is to be thanked, is to be praised (K) ls:uyana~ thank you!

m m akp iktuk opens (as a shirt, coat) makpi.gaat book (lit. papers) rna kpigaak page, sheet of paper m al iktuk follows (another) malikkaa follows him, accompanies him maliksukti tau ruk convinced manik money mamaitchuk (K) smells strong, smells foul rnarn ai lak CK) sulfur mami.anaktuj; is annoyed, offended m att aktuk disrobes, removes the harness from a dog m atuni gaa covers it other Words 147 mauruk steps into, falls into a hole, breaks through (of snow) maur agaaktuk crossing open water by jumpin?\ on "step- ping stone' ice pans maur agak small ice pan used as stepping stone mayuktuk ascends, climbs up rnayuktak (K), mayuagautit (N) ladder, stairs mi Iuktuk hits with a thrown object minitkaa missed him, omitted him minguktuk is tired minik splash (from a fish or thrown object) minugluktuk is stained, spotted minugluk stain, spot minufiktuk is painting mi.nukkaa , minufigaa paints it mirjuaktuun (N), aglaun (K) pencil misuit chuk (q) is pale (lit. without juice) mi s ruguk (K), mrsuguk (q) juice, kool aid, wine mi suktuk dips misuktaun fountain pen mitaa~tu~ jokes mitautigigaa mocks him, makes a fool of him mukpaktuk dives (of a sea mammal whose body curves high out of the water) 148 Other Words mul.iktuk is closed, turned off (radio, etc.)

rnurni ks ir-uk translates

mumi ksuk turns over, changes, repents

muluuruk stays a short while

munagtgaa watches him, takes care of him n

naagga, (N, q), kan aa (K) no! (emphatic), or

naamar uk is complete, is enough

naarnmaktuj, is fitting, right, perfect

naarul$. ends, runs out, finishes

naattuk is ended, finished, stopped, caught na avi ttuk dumps out (non -Iiqui d) naavitkaa dumps it out na.gl.i.ks r-aktuk pities nagligigaa pities him naglikkun mercy nag Iigdnni gaa is merciful to him naghrjnaktuk (K), nagl ignaktuk (N) is poor, pitiable naglfksaaktitchtruk persecute nagliksaun affliction, suffering nagliktuutiJs.pak (N) grace naggugigaa despises it, rejects it Other Words 149 naipi ktuk (N) watch critically naipitkaa (K) watches it closely, tests it

nairuk smells

nakiktuk goes direct (as path of bullet)

naktuktuk is chipped

nakuaks rrr-uk likes, loves

nakuru~ is cross -eyed

nakuuru~ is good, fine

nakittuk is low

nal.aumj aruk is right, just

nalauraa~tu~ rests

na.l.aut ch akt.uk guesses, gambles

nalauttuk is right

nalautittu~ fulfills, sights in a rifle nalautitkaa aims it, focuses it nalautirrun gunsight

nalguks rui ruk corrects, instructs na.lguks rugaa straightens it, corrects him

nal.laktuk has lain down

nallaruJs;. lays (himself) down nallautigaa lays him down, puts him to bed

nalua~ bleached seal skin naluksri.rJua~tu~ (N), irnirujur-uk (K) has a hangover naluna~tu~ is secret, is hidden 150 Other Words nalunainnutak mark, seal nalunaitchuk is clear, easy to see nalupkiriaktuk is uncertain, unpredictable nalup~igigaa is uncertain about it nalupkiriaitchuk is certain, sure na lupki auktuk doubts, is uncertain nalupki sun doubt

brags, praises (himself) nangagaa praises him, brags about him nangaun praise, honor nani (K), naUIJ (N) where? (cf . su-) naami where at nakini where from napmun where to nallkun by which way, how nani.guun (K) flashlight naij iit chuk is daring, is brave narj ittuk is sick nanir-run disease napaaktuk tree naparuB: sticks up napagiak upright (vertical) nappai ruk builds natchrksuk yearns to follow natchikkaa yearns to follow him natkikkaa correction naumi (N, sh) no! Other Words 151 naulikkaa it naurj (N), nani (K) where? nautchii ruk plants (cf. nirjit chi ruk) nautchi akagvik garden, field naviagaa does not dare it naviagigaa is dangerous for him navianaktuk is dangerous naviktuk breaks navikkaa breaks it nayaarj agaa (K) greets him, sends him greetings nayagaktuk (N), naYaIJaktuk is drowsy nayuuti ruk stays, remains nayugaa lives with him, stays with him nrglaktuk has cooled (of food, drink) ntgiuktuk (N) expects, hopes nigiigigaa (K), nigiugigaa (N) expects him nigliktu~ choked to death nigvallaksraa~tu~ (K), nivaktaktuk (N) falls backward nikali~su~ (K), nikat chaktuk (N) gives up nikaitchu~ keeps trying, determined nilJitchiru~ sets out, plants (cf . nautch iiruk) nipaalaru~ screams (cf . i.las r ai lar-uk (K) ) nipitu ruk is noisy, loud 152 Other Words nipittuk is sticky ni vaktuk shovels, digs

nivirj aktuk hangs down

nivinagaa hangs it up nui ruk comes into view, rises (sun) nuktaktuk moves from place to place nuki tchi r-ug, raises an object by pul.Iing with a rope nu~itkaa draws, pulls it

nul.laktuk camps nunuur-aktuj; is remorseful nuijuz-uk is used up

nut~a~tul$: stops, dies nutkaktitkaa stops it nuur-uk , nuuttuk moves to another dwelling

nu vaks ir-uk, nuvaktuk has a cold nuyui.ksuk is not afraid, is not scared p paaksaaguti ruk they (2) pass each other paagaa meets him paalaktuk stumbles, falls forward paarnguktuk crawls paarriaktuk crawls on all fours Other Words 153 paglagaa welcomes him paglan greeting, welcome pai ruk stays behind, stays home (when others went on a journey) pakaktuk , pakiktuk (K) searches pa~ittu~ finds pakitkaa found it pas iaktuk warms himself by the fire pastaksr-aitchuk is faultless pasinaktuk , patchi saur-uk is guilty pasigaa (N), patchisigigaa (K), blames him, accuses pasrigaa (K) him patchi s ai ka aur-uk is not guilty, innocent patchi sargaa frees him pi- base substitute to which any post base or suffix may be added pi-ga mine pi-gaatin he (wants) you pi-suktu~ wants pigru~tu~ flees piaptuk (n) sloppy pigaaktu~ stays up late piiksuk is absent piigaa removes it piiguktu~ forgets (cf'. puuguktuk) pii~aaktu~ denies 154 Other Words pi itchuk nothing, no one, empty

piiyaktuk is broken pi.iyagaa breaks it

ptksr agniksuk (K), chooses pi ks r-aktaagur-uk (N)

pi kas iksuk accompanies

pi.katigifktuk are together (2)

pikpaks r-ir-uk loves

pi kpagi gaa loves him

pi Iai ksuk is tired

piIairj iaks iaktuk takes a rest (a break from work)

pi lla ruk (N), pi t Iar-uk (K) is able to do

piIluataktuk (N), pitlauta~tu~ is dependable, is good

pi.lui Ilrksuj, is not as capable as used to be

pi rnrn agi ks aaktuk does it well

piriaktuk happened

pifti aktuk will do, happen pinnagtaktuk is early pinna~na~tu~ (K) is good-looking, beautiful piz-aks r iksuk admonishes pi s aa suur uk (N), pi saasruktuk (K) is always trying to do pisagaluagnak (N), pisangitchikpifi (K) excuse me! Other Words 155 pisuaktuk (N), ptsruktuk (K) walks prsukataktuk takes a stroll pisugnaitchul$: is not safe (ice)

pisugugil$:sul$: hunger is satisfied (cf. nikirnjuktuk)

pi suktuk wants, desires

pitkur ak law, command pituktuk ties up (as a dog to a pole) pitukkaa ties up, anchors

piyakkuktuk had an accident

piyuagaa tempts him, pursues him

pumja.ruk bows low, hides from animal while stalk- ing (used for non- appearance of sun in December (K) )

puttuk bows, bends at the waist

puptaak floating moss (not walkable)

puptar uk floats puptal$.un, puptal$:uta~ buoy

puttuls:srirul$: (N) comes to mind, is in- spired

puugul$:tul$:(p), puuyuktuk (K) forgets (cf ptiguktuk)

putu hole, piercing

puturiruls: made a hole, drilled a hole 156 Other Words puukaktuk stumbles

puugrrigaa wraps it

puul$. seal skin poke

puuksral$. envelope, wrapper puuvr aktuk (N), puuvruktuk (K) swims, plows through deep soft snow puvl.ignik resin drop (of spruce trees, used as chew- ing gum) puya dirt, grime puyattuk is dirty, grimy, gummy puyaurul$. is soiled, (e.g of un- washed clothes) s

saa huh! what's that? eh?

s aattuk faces him

saavittuk launches in pursuit of sea mammal, steps forward from a group

aaglur-uk lies, prevaricates sagluu raktuk joking by telling false stories

aagvi ksuk appears, becomes plain, obvious aagvi ruk is open, is obvious

sagval$.tu~ flows sagvagiksuk flows swiftly sagvagaa flows swiftly over it sal$.ulJaru~ is crooked, bent Other Words 157 salap~iksuk (N) reveals, appears salumattchuk is dirty, unclean salumaruk is clean salummagaa cleanses it sarnrna , hamma (N) let's see! sanaturuk is skilled samjuruk is dusty, dirty sanni ruk (N), SaIJIJiruk (K) is strong sarjutkaa gossips about him sapignaktuk (N) is strong, mighty sapigaa (K) is difficult sapi ruk blocks it (one's way) satugaa (K) obtains it back, redeems it savaktuk works savakkaa works it savautigaa serves him savitkaa feels it, touches it aiamittuk spreads, scatters si atkikauk is straight (as of a board) sig~ikiraktuk works hard, is diffi- cult sigga~iruk is difficult, laborious siigruktuk (K) hisses, whistles (of wind, gas stove or lantern) simmausiksuk exchanges simmigaa changes it, exchanges it 158 Other Words s irnmi Iigaa returns something borrowed

s iirnaktuk is arguing heatedly

s iruks r aaktuk (K) goes around visiting from house to house, collects food for the poor from house to house

sippak something left over, surplus

sf sug iaktuk baby has a wet burp

s isu r uk slides, glides down

s it kuks im anaktuk is tragic

s ivunrriks uk decides, plans s ivunni gaa decides it, plans it sivunniun plan, purpose, de- cision

sivukki.ksuk sets a straight course

sua, suna what?

su - (N),(cf. nani) question marker su-vich what do you want? su-mi where? su-kun how, by which way? su-rnin from whence? su-mun to where? su -rnrnan , su -vaata why?

suamrnaktuk revitalized (as: engine works better, work- ers more diligent)

suarjaitchuk is weak

suan aruk is strong

sugruich a group of fighters, war party other Words 159 suguktu~ wrestles sukaitchu~ is slow sukattuk is fast sukpaluk sound suksraagaa gives up on it, for- sakes him suks raungiksuk is destroyed sukurni.tkaa (K) broke it up, tore it to pieces sukuti gaa takes notice of some- one, pays attention to someone suli and (used in an addi- tive sense, contrasts with aasii/aasrii)

sultkutrgir; aiksuk forgives, ignores

suluktuktuk brushes clothes

supi r'uk blows (of a person), rushes (of a stream during break-up)

suppuktuk spurts out (of liquids under pressure)

suur-ak (K), sugal ik (N) thing, wealth, treas- ure

suvaluk especially

euvli.ktuk gushes out (as oil from a punctured drum) Other Words 160 t ta aktuk is dark taarpj ak intoxicating beverage, alcohol taaIJlJakti drunkard ta.iguaktuk (N), agliki ruk reads

tairnrnainak suddenly

tainna (N), taitna (K) like tainnaittuk is like tai ruk is named taigaa names him

takpi ksuk has keen eyesight

takupkarj aruk has a reunion

takki ruk (K) waits (cf. utakki ruk)

ta.Iiinn aruk goes over the hill

tamrnaktuk is lost tammagaa lost it

tanugaksi ruk diminishes in light

taIJigil$.sul$.,tarj igitchuk is false (lies) (cf sagluruk)

taIJlJiksuk is fulfilled taIJlJigaa does what is told, brings it to reality

tapiktuk is along side, is parallel

taputigaa takes it along

ta.siks ruktuk stretches tas iks rugigaa stretches it Other Words 161 tasugaa (N) obtains it, redeems it (d. satugaa) tasritchagaa stretches it tatamittuk gets very frightened tatamnaktuk is terrible, is very frightening tatigaa lays against it, leans against it, touches it tauksiksuk buy tauks igaa buys it tavra (N, q), tarra (K) that's right! then (conj.), that's all (at end of story) tavrauvvaa (N, q}, tarvauvva at once, immediately tiguaktuk adopted, is ttgl.iktuktuk steals tigluktuk hits with side of fist tigluktuktuk , katchaktuktuk is knocking tigutaagvik (N), isiJ,.sivik (K) prison, jail tikkuaktuk points tilirauruJ,. was told to do some- thing, was sent to do something tilirauruaJ,. an apostle tilisiruJ,. sends tilJaaglut things washed ashore tilJittuJ,. drifts away tilJitkaa drifts him away 162 Other Words tiIJIJil$:sirul$: gets full (of a person who eats too much or is pregnant) ti.paaktuk , tipiturul$. stinks tipi odor tipigaa washes it ashore tiprgiksaun (K), perfume (lit. a means t ivr agfks aun (N,q) or cause of good odor), incense tipsigigaa laughs at somebody, mocks someone ti rrak (K) sandbar, mile (measure) titiktuk draws a line, makes a mark titigaa marks it, draws a line on it t itik , tittak mark, dot, line tugaktuk pokes it with a stick tuggaun poking stick tuglaugaa , tuvl augaa shields him, protects him tugvagaa puts it away tukkuruk stays overnight, is a guest tuklugaa calls him, hails him tukur uk dies tukpal.laktuk (K) gets upset tukuttuk kills himself tukutkaa kills it

tuniks irna ruk is faithful Other Words 163 nmrlagaa gives it, makes a present of it, sacrifices it tuni.si.ruk sell tumjaruk rests firmly on, trusts turuj agaa rests firmly on it tupaktuk is startled tupakkaa startles him tupigigaa (K) obeys him tupsigaa finds an animal track tuti ruk steps on tutmagaa stepped on it tuttuk touches ground, bottom, lands tutkiksuk is content, is solid, is peaceful tutkiun peace, contentment tutkuktuuruk is settled in (having moved) tuugnik dot tuungaurisaa~ a whirlwind (moving horizontally, chiefly across water) tuungak evil spirit, devil tuvra~tu~ follows a trail or pattern tuvragaa follows him, tracks him, imitates him tuyugigaa sends it tuyugmia~ guest tUyuutit sent things, mail 164 Other Words u

ui ruk , uus ir-uk is over-excited, too eager, hurries

ui s aur-uk is adrift on an ice pack

ukpi.ktuk believes ukpigigaa believes it ukpigun faith ukpi.gnaktuk is faithful

ukpUJIJuaktuk hypocrite (pretend believer)

ukuk moldy ukuIJaruij: is moldy

ukaaktuktuk (K) relates experiences, (cf. kuli aktuaktuk) tells what happened uka aktuak , ukaaktuun experience, happening, history, true story ukaal.aruk , ukagnigluktuk (K), talks bad language, ukamakhiktuk blasphemes

ukaksrtaak trial

ukakti tagaa asked him to speak, talk

ukaktuk speaks, says, tells ukal ik (no, ki}, ukafik (K), word ukaluk (N)

ukal laktuk is speaking

ukautchit language

ukkitchuk is secure, safe, sheltered

uB:umaigigaa sucks it (something held in mouth) ulguruk topples, falls over Other Words 165 ul igr-ui.tchuk steady, patience for fine work unipchaak (K), unipkaak (N), fable, myth, story ulipkaak (no, w )

uluktaaktuk staggers

umialtnnak (N) church elder

umiktuk is closed (e.g. the chimney draft) unitchaa (K) leaves it behind uniuktuk misses, doesn't hit (as nail, bull's eye) unnikaukfi ir-uk (N) promises unniksukb un (N) promise, covenant upaktuktuk charges (of an angry animal or person) upaktugaa charges him, goes after him upyakkaa (K) remarks about it, wisecracks about it urri~sugaa demonstrates it, shows it by his actions uta~~iru~ (N, q) waits (cf. takki ruk) utiktuk returns utukkuu is tiny! uuktuj, tests uuktuun parable, example uUktua~tu~ tries, tests, measures uUktua~aa tests it, measures it uUliktu~ quivers, shakes, trembles 166 Other Words uuyurul$: is linked to

ugaigaa bites him, mauls him

ugisigigaa over-excited (cf. ui r-uk) SECTION II POST BASES 168 Post Bases

Explanation of Symbols

Hyphens A hyphen before a post base indicates that it must be attached to a base. -kagvik container agr a-Lagvik ash can

A hyphen following a post base indicates that, normally, it cannot occur word final, but must have a suffix attached to it, (or other post bases with a suffix). -kayak - almost ati -kayak -tuk almost the same

Bracketed Symbols A bracketed symbol indicates that the post base has more than one form, and its form depends upon the last symbol of the base to which it is affixed.

When the base ends in a vowel, the bracketed letter initiates the post base. -(g)iit - bad pi -giit -chuk is bad

When the base ends in a consonant, the post base without the bracketed letter is affixed to the base. -(g)iit- bad iggiag-iit-chu~ has a sore throat

Other Form Changes Other phonological changes occur to change the form of post bases, such as ~ becoming g, 1 becoming ~ etc. For a further discussion of this phenomena, see" Let's Learn Eskimo", p. 31,32, by D. H. Webster, Summer Institute of Linguistics, Box 1028, Fairbanks, Alaska 99701. Post Bases a 169

-Ir lak- habitually, usually does ukiug-ag-imman whenever it is winter itkagmi -r ak -tuk he habitually remembers

-(rr)a~si-(N), -(y)a~si-(K) starts to, proceeds to (inceptive action) mitchaag'-ukai -ruk is proceeding to land ~ia-rra!$:si-ru!$: (N), starts to cry l$.ia-!$:si-ru!$:(K)

-(g)alua~-, -kaluak though, although, and yet (a possibility which has not or perhaps will not be realized) nakuupi aq it -kaIuak -tuk although not very good, it is tainnaunnii okay

-(g)ata!$.- very, much (intensive action, extensive time) nakuupi ag -at ak -tuk is extremely good inugug -atak -man when he finally grew up

-anik - already nigi -anik -tu~ has already eaten atu -anik -tuk has already sung

-aluk big, old suppu -aluk old rifle agna-aluk big lady

-asugi- (N), -asrugi- (K) thinking (cf . -sugnag-) tammag-asrugi -gigaa thinking he is lost


-chau!$:, -chuu!$: (cr. -tau~, -tuuk) 170 g Post Bases

-gi - has it for pi -gi -giga it is mine pikati -gi -girjma I am your companion (lit. you have me for a companion)

-(g)iak- going in order to, come in order to ivag-Lak-tuk is going to search nig -Lak -tuk is going to eat

-(g)iit - bad pi -giit -chuk is bad iggiag -Lit - chuk has a sore throat

-(g)ik- good nuna -gik - suk is a good land kifiig-ik-suk is good looking

-(g)isi-, -kisi- (K) intends to, is going to, will nakuu -gisi - r-uk it is going to be good tautuk -kisi -gaat they will see it

-gu - (N), -IJu- (K), -u- is (stative) iglaa-gu-ruIJa (N), I am a traveller ig laa-nu-c-una (K) uVaIJ a -u - rUIJa it is I

-guk- change to, become inu -guk -tuk became a man (having grown up)

-(g}uuk said, reported atautchimik -suE -guuk "one more" he said


-gu- class changer or stative (verb to noun) ikalugnia -g-u-siptiktun like you have caught fish Post Bases • 171 I

-iik pair, couple atig-iik two people with same name mal.g-Itk twins

-il>- is deprived of, deprives of pi -Ik-auk is taken away arni vi k-jsuk he skins (it)

-- is without mitkuta -i~a-l> arctic tern (lit. is without a needle)

-inrjaan (K) before (d. IJaiflIJaan) siku -ifIIJaan before it froze

-(g)innal>- only, merely kiu -ginnag -aa is merely answering him

-it - lack of pt-Ir-chuk is not inu -it -chuk there are no people

-iyak - is broken uniag -Iyak -tuk sled is broken k

-kammil>- (N), -kamik- (K) just (happened) mitchaal> -kammi k -suk just landed

-katta~- (N) repetitive sialuk -katta.k -tuk scattered rain showers isi -kattak -tu~ is visiting ivaluk -kattak -tuk is flapping (slowly)

-kattaa~ - (N) repetitive (more intense than -kattak -) ivaluk -katt aak -tuk is flapping (rapidly) -kka- changes verb to noun (nominal clause marker) atu -kka -IJa his song (singing) 172 Post Bases -ksra- potential, material for anu-ksra-l;s: harness material atuuti -ks r a-kaktuk has a song choice

-ks r aktaak- chosen, selected inu -ksr aktaak chosen people pi-ksral;s:taag-igaa is choosing him

-kual;s:- through, by means of al.la -kuak -tu!): goes by another way killu -kuak -tuk goes wrong way


-kagvik container, place of nautchia -kagvik garden agr-a -kagvtk ash can

-!):al}- have, owns igni-l;s:ag-nial}tu!): will have a son rriki - kak -tuk has meat

-kas ik- together with kuvi asu -kas ik -stna rejoice with me!

-katrgik- together, each other aulla -l}atigik-sut they depart together iUsa-l;s:atigik-sut they teach each other

-kati - with, together ukpiktuagu -kati -si your fellow believers

-kayak- almost ati vkayak -tut are almost the same

-l}l}aal}- first, before imi -~l}aag-uktun a first I want to drink

-(!):)pak- big, much i sumaak-pak-tuk is sorrowing much ulu-kpak big ulu -~u- wants him to do (cf. -(t)~u-) Post Bases I 173

-Iait - (N), -t lait- (K) never, unable iks i -lait -chuk, is never scared ikst -tlait - chuk

-lgit - again uti -lgit -chuk returns again ani -Igft -chuk exits again

-Igatak- finally, till pi -~gatall:-tuk finally he did it nalau -Igatak -tillugu till it is right

-Ihaak- (N) more (comparative) (d. -tluk -) kamana -Ihaak -tuk is greater sapigna -Ihaak -tuk is stronger

-lhinak merely, only uv31.Ja-Ihinak merely me

-li - make (d. -liuk-) su-li-va what is he making? ulu-li-ruk is making an ulu

-lik is supplied with pr-Lik is supplied with umia-lik boat captain

-ua- come to, get to ukpi -Lik-suk has come to believe

-likaa any, so it is! (an exclamation) sumu-likaa anywhere su -Likaa anything ilaa-likaa so it's him!

-Iiki - involved in, works on, at su -liki -vi ch what are you doing? ami -lill:i -r-uk works with skins

-liksi one involved in 31.Jaayu-Liks i preacher (lit. one involved in praying) 176 Post Bases -miu inhabitant of Ul.gurng-rniu Wainwright villager NuurviJ]-miu Noorvik dweller

-rnuk- (going) to Utkiagvir; -muk -tuk he is going to Barrow

-mukti- send Utkiagvnj -mukti -gaa is sending it to Barrow

-mutr- take Utkiagviq -rnuti -gaa is taking it to Barrow


-nagrak- early itig-nagia]s: -tuk arises early

-nasuga- (N) think (with dependent verb) (cf. -asugi-, -sugnag-) isumanasi ]s:aiJ]a-nasuga- don't-think thinking-I-have- luq a ... come ...

-rias ruk- (K) is thought to be tuku -rias rug -niaklugu is thought to be dead

-(n)ayak- IN), -tyak- (K) would agiu -riayak -tuk would be stopped nigi -tyag -iii would you come to eat!

-(n)ayait- (N), -tyait - (K) would not tu]s:u-nayait-chuk he would not have died

-ngit- (K) not (cf.-lJit- ) paki -ngir-chuk did not find

-niak- intends to, will, is doing and (cf. -maak-) will continue (when related to present and certain of fulfill- ment) nigi -ni ak -tugut we will eat agaayu vi.IJ mUIJ-niak -tUIJa I'm on my way to church Post Bases 177 -niatak- (N) try (d. -niluk-, -niur aak-, -sa~-) istg-riiatak-tuk is trying to enter

-niluk- try (d. -rriatak-«, -niur aak-, -saij:-) savagvni luk-fuk is trying to work

-niur aak- (N), -rriir-ak - (K) try, do what you can (d. -niluk-, -niatak-, -sa~-) savag-niuraa~-tu~, is doing what work he can! savan -nitr-ak-tuk

-nik- obtain, get ilakat -nik -tuk obtained a marriage partner

-ni~- apparently, is in state of tuttu -ni~ - suk has apparently caught a caribou savarj -nik -eutin you are working (lit. in state of working)

-IDJu - hurts iri -IllJ u -ruk eye hurts Ilu -IllJ u - ruk stomach hurts

-mjulrk- to be tired of something taigua -IllJ ul.ik-auk is tired of reading sava-rnjulfk -suk is tired of working

-lJa- (N) completive (past tense) sava-lJa-ru~ he worked

-lJai~- (N) is not (having been) (cr. -IJ ait - ) atu-lJai~-suij: is useless (having been useable) nipu-lJai~-sul> alert

-lJaifuJaag-, -rj aimjaan (N) before tuku -IJ aifuJaag -man before he had died .... isi -IJ aifuJaan before he entered 178 Post Bases

-rj ait - (N) did not (never having) (cf;-IJaik-) ~ai -IJait - chuk did not come (never having before come) aIJ alan -IJait -kaa did not control him

-IJit- (N) not (cf. -n~it-) kai -IJit-chu~ is not coming

-IJlJua~- imitate, play, pretend pi -IJIJuak -tuk is pretending ukpi -lJIJua~-tu~ is pretend believing (hypocrite)

-IJlJu~- change nuvuya -lJlJu~-saififia~aa is changing to cloudy weather


-paalluk <, -vaalluk- first time - tau tuk -paalluk -kiga first time I see it ni~i -vaalluk -kiga first time I eat it

-pagit- (K) so much (cf. -pai -) savak-pagit -chuk is working so much

-pait - (N) so much (cf. -pagit -) savak-pait.-chuk is working so much

-pak- (cf. -kpak -)

-pal.Iik- (N) about inugiakti laakak -pal lik- they being many, about ... lutiIJ ~iti~~a~-pallilJ -rnan when it was about noon

-paluk- (K) perhaps, probably

-paluk- (N) much, very (cf. -Ial.lak - ) sava -paluk -tuk is working much (hard) Post Bases 179 -paUuk- ineffectively, inappropiately sava-paUuk-tu]s: is working poorly (ineffectively)

-payaa- every, any inu -payaa -k any/every person

-piagatak- extremely, intensively sava-piagata]s:-tu]s: is working extremely hard

-piak- real, really nikr-piak real food (meat) sava -piak -tuk is really working inu -piak Eskimo (lit. real person)

-piallak - (N) quite intensively, very much (cf. -Tlapi.ak - ) sava -piallak -tuk is working quite hard

-piangit - (K) not very (cf . -piaq it-} kaIJiks ina - pi angit - chuk is not very understandable

-pianir - (N) not very (cf. -ptangit -) kalJiksma -pi arj it -chuk is not very understandable

-pkag-, -pchak- cause kai -pkag-rnagittn tell her to come (cause her to come) nigr-pchagvaa he feeds him

-p~aura]s:- immediately, as soon as tusaa-pkaur-ak-arnigtch as soon as he heard them

-psaa- more (cf'. -vsaa-l pi-psaa-mik more (if you please)

-(p)tau]s:(N), -(p)tuu]s., also, too -psuu]s:(K) (cr. -vsauk) uvan a -ptauk, uVaIJ a -ptuuk me too ilivsi -psuuk you (pl.) too (K) uvagut-taul;> we (pl..) too 180 r Post Bases

-r-aks r agi -, -taksr agr- must be, has to, ought to (cf. -ruksrau-) (transitive) ~aunagi-raksragi-gaa must be caring for it savak-takar-agt-gtga I have to work on it

-raksrau -, -taksr au- must be, has to (passive) (cf. -ruksrau-) nigi -raksrau -ruk must be eaten savak-taksrau-ruk must be worked

-ri (cf . -til

- ruinnak - (N) mere, common ifiug-ruinnak mere man

-ruksrau -, -tuksrau- should, must, has to (active) (cf. -raksrau-) nigi-ruksrau-rUk has to eat savak-tuksrau-ruk has to work

-ruk big imag-ruk big lake s

-s ainnak- (N) continuing to increase, develop, expand agli -s ainnak-tuk is continually getting bigger

-sak- try (cf -rii luk> , niatak -, -niu r aak) tirJi-sak-pich are you trying to fly? (away) su-rsak-pich where are you trying to go?

-sausiit - (N) uncertain about ta vrUlJak - saus iit - chuk is uncertain about going there kanuk -sausiit -chuk is uncertain as to what to do

-si (cf. -ti )

-si- becoming (process)

uunak e s i s r-uk is becoming hot

t aak e s i e r uk is becoming dark Post Bases 181 -siak- (N), -s iik- (K) receive akiliu - sia -ksr-akai your future rewards (potentially received rewards) aitchuu -siak , aatchuu -s iik gift (received)

-siakak - has received aitchuu -s iakak -tuk has received a gift

-sima- in state of, assurance of some- ( d. --) thing nakuu-sima-ruk now is good ( having been not good) savak -sima - ruk is working

-sinnak - (N) only, merely, simply tautuk -sinnak -tuk he simply sees -sugnag- think (similar to,"1think (d. -asugi-, -nasuga-, nasruk- ) -sugnag-ruksuk is thought he is coming (I think he is coming) iltaima-uugnak-tuk is thought to know (I think he knows)

-suguik- enough, filled up nigi -auguik -auk has had enough food pi-suguik -auk is enough (as when filling gas tank)

-suk- (N), -sruk- (K) used in reflexive action kuvta-suk-tuk is happy (within himself)

-(s)uu- always, habitually, incessantly piluksisug -uu -r-uk is always wanting to do badly aitchuusiagi -suu -gaa is always receiving it

-suguninnik- (N), smells like -susrUlJnififiik- (K) Uksruk-suguninnik-suk smells like seal oil

-sugruk- big, great akisulhaa - sugruk -tuak that which is more valuable ukalli - sugruk jackrabbit 182 Post Bases -(s)uk- want siku-suk-tuk wants to go to bed alutag -uk -tuk wants a spoon


-tak- goes for imik -tak -tuk is going for water kiruk -tak -tuk is going for wood

-tai - (N) absence of (having had) ukpigu-tai-gupta if we no longer have faith unnau -tai - ruk is not now feverish

-tait- (N) absence of (never having had) ukpigu-tait-kupta if we have no faith (never having had faith)

-t au- passive kiltk-tau-z-uk is being warned

-t chai li> stop pi -tchai.li -kkich stop (doing) those things! karjiks i -tchafli -r-agai prevents them from understand- ing -tchak- induced action kuya -tchak -tuk is thankful

-t.chi ak- new atigi -tchi.ak new parky atigi -t chi.ak -tuk is a new parky

-t i, -si agent (like English -er) savak-ti worker alJ aayul ik -si preacher

-tigi -, -sigi- is so much, to what degree ak -tigi -r-uk it I s that much kuyanak -tigi -va how much he is to be thanked urj aai k-atgt -r uk is thus far Post Bases 183 -ti~- immediately maki -tik -luni immediately getting up

-tilaa- objective phrase marker accompanying intransitive verb ilisimavich sumii -tilaa- do you know where we live? ptirjnik savaktuk pi suk -tilaa - kti.ktun is-working as-much-as-possible

-tit- causes to do, become aull ak -tit -kaa causes it to depart, sends

-tit- (with appositional) while savak -tit -Iun a while I work

-tkik- the second of two ukiu-tkik two years ago (lit. the second past year) pf -tktk -suk happens a second time, does it once more

-(t)~u(v)- wants him to do aulla -ku -visigut do you want us to depart? tilalJ mun nigi -tku -gai he wants Tilak to eat them apigigiga puttuks ri -tku -vlusi 1- ask that-you-be -inspired

-(t)~uyuma - command, want that .. al -tkuyuma-gtn tell her to come home! aikuyaktu -kuyuma -galuagaa want him to go to bed

-tluk- (K) comparative, superlative (cf . -Ihaak-) kagana -tluk -tuk it is easier pigii -tluk -tuk it is worse

-tualu -, -sualu - only igni -tualu -ni his only son atausi -sualu -k only one

-tuinnal$:- continuously kipigniug-utigi -tuinnak -sigik keep on desiring them

-tullatu - like tuttu -tullatu -r-uk likes caribou

-tuksrau- (cf. -ruksrau-) ------~------~---

184 Post Bases -tuk- uses, eats, drinks savik -1llif -tuk uses a knife tuttu -tuk -tuk eats caribou

-(k)tu -, -(k)su- excessively (base medial consonant may be geminated) ukkak - tu - r-uk talks always (i .e . likes to talk), gossips (K) nigi-l;s:su-rul;s: likes to eat excessively (N) savvak -tu -r-uk is always working diligently u

-ugak- continuously kamaksri-ugak-tuk is always obedient

-umau - (N), -umu - (K) might if . itch -umau -k, may it be itch-umu-l;s:

-unni.i even, lest suuramik -unni i in no wise

-urak little agna-urak little woman (i .e . girl)

-uti - about it, with it nayu -uti -gaa brought it up (climbed up with it) uka-utf -gaa talks with him v

-vaalu- sound of anugi -vaalu -a wind's sound ima-vaalu-a water's sound

-vi nak- quickly aul laks i -vrnak -tuk is departing quickly

-vigi - for, about, concerning savag-vigi-gaa works for him ul;s:ag-vigi-gaa talks about it Post Bases 185 -vik place aglag-vik desk, writing pad Nuur-vik move place, Noorvik

-viks rak potential place, potential time savag-viksrak time for work pi-viksra -kakpan if he has time

-vsaa - more (cf. -psaa - ) pi-vsaa -mik more (if you please! )

-vsauk (N) also, too (cf. -ptauk) ilivsi -vsauk you (pl.) too


-yasi - (N), -yas ri - (K) about, soon kai -yasi -ruk is about to come tukutau -yasi -ruk is about to be killed

-yuit- poorly sava -yuit -chuk is working poorly atu-yuit-ichurja I sing poorly

-(y)umaak- is willing to, will (cf. -niak - ) (when disconnected from present and doubt regarding the possibility of fulfillment) tikitch -um aak -tuk will arrive (someday) kat-yumaak-ituk will come (someday)

-(y)uminak- able pi-yuminak -tun a I can do it

-(y)uminait- unable pi -yuminai.t - churj a I can't do it -(y)umma- hope kinig -umrna -tikaktuak he who has hope of seeing

-yunak- is pleasant kini -yunak -tuk is beautiful (lit. pleasant looking) uka -yunak -tuk is receptive (lit. pleasant to talk with)


ENGLISH INDEX --"=------


also 175,179,185 a altar 133 although 169 abdomen 10,135 always 130,181 has a. ache 21 amazed 146 has a. cramps 21 amiable 29 able, is 154,185 ammunition case 58 unable 185 among 127 about 178,184,185 amulet 42 abrase 20 ancestors 3 absence 182 anchor 68,155 absent, is 153 a. for trap 60 abstains 42 and 125,159,174 accepts 127 angel . 45 accident 21,155 angled a fish 61 accompanies 146,154 angry, is 25 accused 47 deeply a., is 25 accuses 153 animal 69 acquainted 23 a. male 69 across there 112 a. female 69 acute 19 ankle joint 9 Adam I s apple 8 annoyed, is 146 adding, is 124 anoints 22 adds 111,135 another 127 admonishes 24,154 answers 140 adopted, is 161 ant 78 adrift, is 164 anus 12 adultery 128 anxious, is 140 adze 50 any 173,179 affliction 32,148 anytime 118 afraid, is 29,134 apostle 46, 161 a. is not 152 apparently 177 afterbirth 12 appears 96 156,157 afternoon 117 appendix , 12 again 173 approaches 142 agent 182 argues 24 agony 32 a. heatedly 24,158 agrees 128 a. incessantly 24 aims 149 arises 16 air 104 arm 8 airplane 64 a. sinew 8 alcohol 160 a. muscle 8 alive, is 11 a. bones 14 all 2 broken a. 21 almost 172 armor 129 alone 122,141 arose 42, 128 already 169 around 131 186 English Index 187 arrives 63 bears 48 arrow 53,58 beard 6 artery 11 beats 54,128 artifact 127 beautiful, is 137,154 ascends 59,147 beaver 76 ashamed, is 29 beaver dam 36 ashes 39 because 130,143 asks 129,137 become 170,183 a. him to speak 164 becoming 180 assents 128 bed 40 at once 161 goes to b. 18 attention 159 bee 78 aunt 4 beetle 78 autumn 119 b .; stag 79 authority 47 before 121,171,172,177 avalanche 107 begins 131,137 awake 140 behind 115,121 away 131 in b. 10 axe 49,128 looks b. 13 being 136 believer 44 b believes 44,164 baby 1 bell 45,127 cares for b. 52 belt 33 holds b. on knee 52 bench 39 abandoned b. 133 beneficial, is 31 bachelor 2 benefits 31,44 back 10, 13,III bent, is 156 b. there 113,114,115 berry 100 backbone 13 kinds of b. 100 bad 170,174,175 better, getting 22 bad, is 31, 32,121 big 169,172,180,181 bag 58 big, is 121,128 bailer 68 binoculars 58,137 bait 60 birds 84-94 bakes 50 b. parts 95 ball 52 birth 17 high-kick ball 53 b. time 110 bank, river 102 biscuit 55 barks 71 bites 7,166 bashful, is 29 fish b. on hook 61 basin, wash 40 bitter, is 121 basket 40 bivalve 77 bathes 138 black bay 123 104 blackbird 93 beach 97 bladder 12 beam, cross 38 blames 47,153 beam, ridge 37 blanket beans 40 54 b. toss 54 bear, kinds of 69 blasphemes 164 188 Eng lis h Index bleeds 19 boy 1 blessing 43 box 140 blind, is 19 boxes him 142 going b. 132 brace and bit 49 snow-blind 19 brags 150 blinks 15 brain 11 blizzard 106 brave. is 28,150 block and tackle 59 bread, yeast 55 blocking 132 pilot bread 55 blocks it 157 breaker 104 blood 11 breakfast 57 b. flows 11 breaks 132,151,154 b. vessel 11 b. through 147 blows 159 breast 10 blubber 55,56 b feeds 52 blueness 123 breastbone 14 blushes 6 breath 17 boastful, is 32 breathes 17 boasts 25 breeches, fur 34 boats 68 bride 2 parts of 67 bridegroom 2 b., ice -bound 109 bridge 133 body 10 bright, is 143,144 boil 19,132 broke 159 boils 50,51 broken, is 154,171 bola 58 b. arm 21 bold, is 28 b. leg 21 bone 12 b. fingers 21 book 146 broom 51 boots 34,35 broth 54 b. with caribou soles 34 brother 4 b. with ugruk soles 34 brother -in -law 4 b. waterproof 34 brow 102 b. rubber 34 browbeats 27 b. mukluk 34 bruise 19 b. parts of 34 brushes 159 b. resoles 34 builds 36, 150 b. insole 35 bumps 129 born, is 17, 128 bunting, snow 93 b. on same day 2 buoy 155 borrows 130 buries 136 boss 44,47 burns 39,133 bothers 135 burps 57,158 bottom 104 bursts 39,141 bottommost 120 busy 47 bow 9, 67 but 125 bow and arrow 53 butcher 60 bowl 56 buttercup 98 bows 16,155 butterfly 78 b. low 155 buttock 10 English Index 189 buy 161 chickadees 92 child 1,5 c. adopted 1 c c. bright 140 cabin, log 36 c. illegitimate 5 cache, on poles 37 c. lively 11 c. underground 37 c. raised 1 c. on the ground 37 chills 20 calls 145,162 chimney 39 camps 152 chin 6 can 174 chipped, is 149 cannot 174 chisel, ice 61 canoe, decked -in 68 chisels 61 can opener 38 chives, wild 99 canyon 102 chooses 154 cap 33 choked 151 capable, is 31 chops 39 not as c. as used to be 154 chosen 172 capsizes 68 Christian 44 captain 68 chronic 19 carcass, sea mammal 79 church 44 careless 144 circles 139 cares 52,143 city 110 caribou 71 clam 77 stages of development 72,73 class changer 170,171 parts of c. 73-76 clay 97 wounded c. 60 clean, is 122,157 carousing, is 32 cleanness 46 carries 48 clear, is 138,150 c. baby on back 52 c. weather 128 gets c. away 32 clear 143 catches on 23 clearing, is 105 c. it 52 clever, is 24 c. fish 61 cliff 102 caught 148 climbs 16,147 cause 179 clitoris 12 causes 183 clock 117,118 celery, wild 99 closed, is 148,165 certain, is 150 closes 38 chagrined, is 27 cloth 33 chain 71 clothing 33, 34 chair 38 cloud 105 change to 170,178 dark c. over open water 109 changes 46,148,157 coal 39,97 charges 165 live c. 11 charm 42 coal scuttle 39 cheek 6 coat 33,34 cheerful, is 26 coaxes 139 ~e~ 10 coffee 55 chews 56, 129 c. pot 40 190 English Index cold, is 105,122 coquettish 32 c., has a 21,152 corner 37 collarbone 14 c. of mouth 7 collar, dog 71 correct, is 136 collects food 158 corrects 24,138,149 comb 135 correction 45, 150 comes 125,142 corrugation 140 c. to mind 24,155 corruption 125 c. into view 24,152 cotton, tundra 98,99 c. in order to 170 coughs 20 c. around a point 64 counsel, open to 29 c. from 137,175 c. is not open to 30 c. to 173 country 111 comforts 129 couple 5, 171 command 155,183 cousin 5 commands 25 covenant 44,126,165 commandment 43 covers 146 common 180 covetousness 139 communicative, is 26 cow 70 c. is not 26,27 crab 78 community house 37 cracks 142,145,146 companion 134 cramps, muscle 20 comparable, is 130 stomach c. 10 comparative 183 abdominal c. 21 compasai onate , is 25 crane 86 complete, is 148 cranky, is 32,130 completive 177 crawls 152 concerned, not 32 c. up on a seal 59 condemns 47 cr~z~ is 30 confesses 46,145 crease 140 confident, is 28 created 136 confused, is 30 creek 103 connected with 130 crime 43 conscience, bad 32 crimping soles 50 conscious, becomes 143 croaks 142 constellations 96 crooked, is 156 container 172· cross, a 45 water c. 39,40 crosses 133 content, is 26,163 cross -eyed 149 continuously 183,184 crucify 45 controls 47 crunches 142 convinced, is 30,146 cries 15 convulsions 20 c. with pain 135 cookie 55 c. fitfully 144 cooking, is 50 crystal 97 c. pot 40 ice c. 106 c. rare 56 cup 56,68 cooks 50,51 curtain 38 cooled 151 cuts 20 132,140 copper 97 c. fish ' 62 English Index 191 c. meat 51 did not 178 c. self 20,137 dies 18,152,162 cute, is 133 different, is 121,128 difficult, is 122,157 d digs 152 dipper 56 damp, is 105,122 dips 147 dampness 130 dipnetting, is 62 dances 53,131 director 47 dandruff 6 directs 47 danger 125 dirt 142,156 dangerous, is 151 dirty, is 122,157 daring, is 28,150 disassembles 48 does not d. 151 discards 133 dark 160 disciple 45 daughter 5 discipline 45 daughte r -in -law 4 discomfort 32 day 117 discouraged 26 d. after tomorrow 118,119 disease 150 d. before yesterday 118,119 disembarks 9,64 many d. 118 dislikes 25 three d. ago 118 disobeys 139 deaf, is 21 disrobes 146 dear one 130 distance 110 debt 126 disturbed, is 25 decides 158 dives 79,147 decision 158 divides 131 deep, is 103,121,138 divines 41 defecates 17 divining rod 22,41 defrauds 138 divorced 132 demon 43 dizzy 20 demonstrates 165 do it! 140 denies 153 doctor, medical 3 departs 63,132 d. witch 41,43 dependable, is 30,154 does it well 154 deprives 171 d. what is told 160 descends 130 dog 64,71 desire 144 d. collar 71 desires 144,155 lead d. 135 desk 48 d. pack 64 despises 148 d. team 64 despondent, is 26,137 d. whip 71 destroyed, is 159 doll 52 determined 151 donkey 70 devil 43,163 door 37,38 devoted, is 31 dot 162,163 diaper 52 doubts 129,150 changes d. 52 doughnut 56 diaphragm 11 down 145 diarrhea 19 d. there 113,115 192 English Index dragon 82 echo 126 drags 139 edge 104 drains 20 eel 77 draws 130,152,162 egg 55 dream 18 egotistical, is 31 dress 33 eh? 126,156 dries 127 eight 123 drifted away 161 eighteen 124 drill 49 eighty 124 drinking, is 57 elbow 8 drinks 18,56,184 elder, church 47,165 dripping, is 146 eleven 123 drips 141 elf 42 drives 60 embarks 68,134 drools 145 embarrassed, is 29 drops 139 emery stone 58 drowns 137 empty, is 136,154 drowsy, is 151 encourages 27 drum 41,53 endless 45, 138 drummer 53 ends 126,143,148 drunk, is 30 endures 27,28,133 drunkard 160 enduring, is 28,31 dry, is 122 enema equipment 22 duck, kinds of 84,85 enjoys 26 dull, is 122 enough, is 129,148,181 dumb, is 21 enters 134,137 dump 134 entire 118 dumps 51,148 entrance hall 38 duration 110 envelope 156 dust 97 envious, is 32 dusty, is 97,157 epileptic, is 20 dwarf 42 equipment, hunting 57 error 43 errs 140 e escapes 144 eager 164 Eskimo 2 ear 6 E. language 137 e. cavity 6,13 especially 159 e. pendant 33 eternal 45,138 e. rings 33 even 184 early, is 154,176 evening 117 earth 97 every 179 earthquake 97,135 everyone 2 east 105,95 evil, is 31 easy 122 examines 138 easy, is 142 example 165 eats 8,18,56,184 excess 32,142,184 e. with a spoon 56 exchanges 157 e. frozen food 145 excited, is 27 eclipsed, is 96 over -excited 164,166 EngZish Index 193 exclamations family 5 warning 125 famine 139 too bad 143 far 111 cute 130 f. down there 114 surprise 127,130 f. off 113 sorrow 127,128,130 farthest over 131 pain 128,130 fast, is 159 disappointment 128,130 fat, is 121 something goes wrong 129 father 4 icky 134 faultless, is 153 do it! 140 fears 29,134 so it is! 173 feeds, breast 52 excuse me! 154 feels 157 exhorts 24,46 does not f. well 26 exists 138 f. light of body 28 existence 136 feces 17 exits 17,128 femur 14 expects 151 fetches 126 expensive, is 121 fetus 12 experience 135,164 fever, has 22 explodes 141 few 121,175 sound of e. 59 fibia 14 extinguishes 142,143 field 151 extremely 179 fifteen 124 eye 7,137 fifty 124 iris 7 fights 53,129 e. cavity 7,13 fighters 158 e. are closed 7 files 49 closes his e. 18 fills 136 opens his e. 18 fin 129 eyebrow 6 finally 140,173 e. ridge 7 finches 94 ridge between e. 6 finds 153 eyelashes 7 f. an animal track 163 eyesight, keen 160 f. it out 23 fine 125 fingers 8,14 f bones of f. 9 fable 165 fingernail 9 face 6 broken f. 21 faces 156 finished 138,148 fainted 20 fire 39 faith 44,164 make f. with flint 133 faithful, is 162,164 fireweed 99 falling, is 139 first 172 f. backward 151 f. one 120 f. forward 152 f. time 178 f. into 147 fish 54 f. over 164 dried f. linked 62 false, is 160 f. on a willow stick 62 ------~~~~-

194 English Index kinds of f. 82,83 forever 114 forgets 141,153,155 parts of f. 83 forgives 45,159 fishhook 61 fishing, is 61 fork 56 fornication 128 fist 8 forsakes 159 fits 48,138 fitting, is 136,148 forty 124 five 123 foundation 38 fixes 136 f. of mind 134 flaps 138 four 123 flashlight 150 fourteen 124 flatus 17 fox, kinds of 69,70 flees 144,153 free, is 126,130 fleshes 50 frees him 153 flexible 144 freezes 103,108,144 flipper 81 frequent 162 fermented f. 56 fresh, is 56 flint 97 friend 2,5,132 float 59,155 friendly, is 26,53 net f. 62 fries 51 floats 155 frightens 59 flooded, is 105 f. gets 161 floor 37,103 frog, wood 77 flour 55 from 113,114,158 flower 98 front 111 flows 104,156 body f. 10 fly, bot 78 in f. 112 egg 78 frost 106 larva 78 frostbite 20 fly, blow 78 frowns 137 egg 79 frozen 144 larva 79 fruit 100 pupa 79 fuel oil 39 fly, dung 78 fugitive 3 fly, dragon 78 fulfill 149,160 flies 63 full, is 119,136 focuses 149 gets f. 162 foggy, is 105 fur 33,34 fold arms inside parka 145 follower 45 follows 146,163 g food 55 61 fool 140 gaff foolish, is 32,140 gale 105 foot 9 gallops 69 bones of 14 gambles 149 40 foothill 102 garbage pail 151 for 143,184 garden forehead 6 garment 33 forest 101 gas mixed with oil 132 English Index 195 gathers 139 grass 98 generous, is 31 grasshopper 79 gentle, is 125 grave 136 gentleman, is 30 gray 123 gesticulates 16 great, is 139 get 173,177 greatness 47 ghost 43 grebes 85,86 giant 42 greedy, is 32 giddy 28 green 12,123 gift 125 greets 151 girl 1 greeting 153 g. friend 5 grime 156 gives 125,126,142,163 groans 136 g. gift of food 51 grosbeaks 94 g. up 151 grouse 86 g. up on it 159 ground -drifting 106,107 glamorous 144 ground, solid 97 glass, window 38 grows 98 glasses 137 g. up 17 glitters 144 grudge 25 gloves 34 guesses 149 gnat 78 guest 162,163 God 44 guilty, is 153 goes about 63 g. is not 153 g. after 165 gulls 90 g. away 63,131 gullet 8 g. away because angry 25 gum 102 g. beneath 130 gums 7 g. to a cliff 137 gun 58 g. direct 149 g. sight 149 g. to excess 142 shotgun 51 g. for 182 gushes 159 g. home 126,128 g. in order to 170 g. out 142 h g. over the hill 160 habit 131,135 g. to get 126 habitually 169,181 g. Whaling 63 hailstone 108 going to, is 170 hair, head 6 good, is 30,121,136,149,154 body h. 11 good! 125 braids h. 33 good 170,174 hall, entrance 38 g., not 174 half, is 119 goose, kinds of 84 half 132 gospel 46 h. breed 3 gossips 157 hammer 49 governor 47 hand 8 grace 45,148 palm of h. 8 grandchild 5 handbag 34 grandparents 3,4 handkerchief 139 196 EngZish Index handle 48,137 history 164 handsome, is 137 hits 59,128 hangover 149 h. with thrown obj. 147 hangs 152 h. with side of fist 161 h. himself 145 hole 155 h. fish or f. net 62 fishing or seal h. 61,128 happened 154 made a h. 155 happy, is 26,146 holiness 46 hard 122 hollering 57 hare 76 Holy Spirit 44 harlot 126 holy, is 46 harness 64 home 36 harpoon 58 honest, is 31 has it for 170 honor 150 h. to 180 honored 139 hates 25 hood 33 haughty, is 32 hook 58,61 haunts 29,43 hooking fish 58,61 have 172 hope 151,185 hawks 87 hops 17 hazy, is 105 horizon, bright 109 he 3 h., indistinct 105 head 6,13 horse 70 moves h. 7,15 hospital 110 lowers h. 15 hospitable, is 26 raises h. 15 host 62 turns h. 13,15 hot, is 122 headache 20,21 hotcake 55 heals 22,136 hotel 62 healthy, is 22,122 hour 117,118 hears 15 house 36 heart 11 types of 36,37 heater 39 parts of 37,38 heather 99 how 143,150,158 heaven 45,46,96 howls 71 heavy 122 huh! 156 heel 9 humble, is 31 hell 46 hums 136 helps 31,44,133,140 hunchbacked, is 21 can't be h. 143 hungry, is 18 herd, caribou 71. 72 h. satisfied 155 here 111,112 hunter 57 hides 7,155 hunting, is 57 hidden, is 149 h. equipment 57 high, is 121 hurries 164 hills 102 hurt, is 25 hips 10 hurts 19,177 h. bone 14 husband 4 h. joint 9 hush 131 hisses 157 hypocrite 164 English Index 197 • I is not 177 island 103 I 3 isthmus 104 ice conditions 108,109 it 3 rotten i. 109,131 ivory 80 iceberg 109 • ice cream, Eskimo 54 ice crystal 106 J icicle 108 jade 97 icky 134 jaegers 89,90 identical 121 jaw 6,13 idol 42,45 jays 92 ignores 159 jealous, is 32 ignorant, is 23 jellyfish 77 illegitimate 5 jerkily 17,175 imitate 163,178 jigging, is 61 immediately 118,144,161, jigging stick 61 179,183 joins 135 immoral 131 joints 9 immortal soul 43 jokes 147,156 impatient 143 jolly, is 26 inattentive 30 joyful, is 26 increasing 180 judges Indian 47,138 2 judgment 47 ineffectively 179 juggles 54 inhabitant of 176 juice inherits 147 140 jumps 16 inhospitable 27 j. down inland 17 113 see-saw j. 52 innocent 153 j. across ice -pan insects 147 78 just, is inside 149 112,114,115,135 just (happened) 171 insole 35 inspired, is 24,155 instinct 69,131 k instructs 149 kerchief insufficient, is 33 136 kerosene 39 insulating, is 37 kettle, tea intends 40 170,176 key 38 intensively 179 kicks quite i. 16 174,179 kidney 12 intestines 11 kills 162 edible animal i, 54 kind, is 26,31,125 intoxicating beverage 160 king 44,47,68 invites 126 kingdom 47 invitation 126 kingfisher 91 involved in 173 kisses iron 141 97 knapsack is 58 138,170 knee is in, 9 at 175 kneecap 14 200 Engtish Index mosquito 78 neck 8 m. larva 78 needle 51 tiny m. (white socks) 78 hypodermic n. 22 moss 98 Negro 3 floating m. 155 nephew 5 mother 4 net 61 mountain 102 n.rope 62 mourns 27 seining n. 62 mouse 76 dip net 62 mouth 7 n. float 62 corner of 7 n. lashing 62 oral cavity 13 netting fish 61,62 roof of 7 never 173 moves 131,133 new 120,182 m. out 27 newness 120 m. from place to place 152 next 133 m. to another dwelling 152 niece 5 much, is 130 night 117,118 much 169,172,174,175,178 nine 123 very m. 174,179 nineteen 124 so m. 178,182 ninety 124 mucous 7 nipple 10 mud 97 no 143,148,150 muddy, is 138 no one 154 mukluk 35 nodding, is 53 parts of 35 noisy, is 16,151 murderer 3 noon 117 murre 87 noon meal 57 muscle 8,10,11 north 105,106 m. cramp 20 northern lights 96 stiff m . 20 nose 7 mushroom 98 n. bridge 7 musical instrument 54, 131 n. cavity 7,13 musicians 131 n. groove 7 musk ox 82 n,; blows 7 muskrat 76 n. bleeds 11 must 180 n .; wrinkles 15,134 myth 165 has a stuffy n. 19 nostrils 7 not 176,178 n not very 179 nail 49 nothing 154 names 130,160 notice 159 namesake 2 now 112,120 napkin 56 numb, is 20 narrow, is 121 nurses 10 nation 110,111 naughty, is 32 near, is 111,143 o nears 142 oar 68,137 Engrish Index 201 oatmeal 55 p obeys 139,163 paddle 68,129 obedience 46 paddles 68 objective phrase marker 183 page 146 obstinate, is 30 paid 126 obtains 157,161,177 pain 19,20 obvious, is 156 painful 20 occasion for 110 paints 147 occipital 6 pair 5,171 ocean 55,97,104 palate 7 octopus 78 pale, is 147 odor 162 palm 8 offended, is 125,146 pan 40 offering place 43 pancake 55 officer 47 panics 27 offspring 69 pants 34 oh my! 126 panting, is 71 oil, fuel 39 paper 48 oil, sea mammal 55,56 parable 130,165 ointment 23 parallel, is 160 old 120,169,175 parasitic plant 99 omitted 147 parent 1 one 123 parka 33,34 one half 124 partner 4,134 one hundred 124 passes 141 only 171,173,181,183 p. him 63 oozes 145 p. overhead 145 opaque, is 138 p. each other 152 open, is 129,156 passive 182 opens 38,146 past 118 opinionated, is 30 pastor 3,44 opposes 126 patch, sole 35 opposite, are 121 p. snow 107 or 148 path 140 order 43 patient, is 31 orders 47,143 paws 71 originates 137 peace 46,129,163 orphan 2 p. is at 26 osprey 87 peaceable, is 26 other 133 peaceful, is 31,163 on the o. side 113 peg 36 otter 77 pen 147 outside 112,114 pencil 48,147 Ouzel, water 93 penis 12 oven 39 people 1 over there 113,114 pepper 55 OWing, is 126 perfect, is 148 owls 90,91 perfume 162 owns 172 perhaps 178 persecute 148 202 English Index perserveres 28 porcupine 76 person 2 post 37,132 pretty p. 30 pot 40 little p. 42 chamber p. 40 white p. 2 potato, Eskimo 99 personality 43 potential 172,185 phalaropes 89 pours 51,141 pickaxe 49 power 47 picks berries 100 p., shaman's 41 picks up 16 practices 135 pi ctur e 41,125 praised 146 pig 70 praises 25,26,150 pill 22 prayer 44,46 pillar 37,132 prays 44,137 pillow 40 preaches 24,46,145 pilot, ship's 68 precedes 132 p. bread 55 precious, is 25,.121 pincushion 51 pregnant, is 17,162 pinches 16 prejudiced, is 25 pipit, water 92 presence 136 pitches 68 president 44 pities 148 pretends 52,178 pity 45 pretty, is 30,1'21 place 110,185 pricks 139 p. for 110 pride 139 p. of 172 prison 161 places 135 probably 178 placing, is 110 proceed 140 plane 49,50 proceeds 169 plans 158 procures 60 plant 98 promise 44,126,165 plants 151 promises 126,165 plays 52,53,178 propeller 129 pleasant, is 185 proper, is 31 pleases 138 prophet 43,46 plenty 129,130,131 protects 162 pliers 49 proud 31 plovers 88 provokes 25 plows 156 prowler 42 plucks 51 ptarmigan 86 pocket 33 puberty 17 point 103 puddle 103 points 16,161 puffin, common 87 poke, seal skin 156 pulls 64,71,142,152 pokes 162 p. out a net 61 poking stick 162 p. a boat 68 pole 132,133 punishment 128 poor, is 148 puppy 71 poor 175 pure, is 46,122 poorly 185 purity 46 English Index 203 pursues 155 redeems 157,161 pushes 64,132 reflexive action 181 pussy willow 101 regrets 27 puts away 162 reigns 47 puts in 135 reindeer 70 puts on 34,130 rejecting, is 132 puzzle 138 rejects 132,148 relates 46,164 q relative 134 relatives 3 quacks 142 remains 151 quakes 135 remarks 165 questions 129 remembers 24,138 question marker 158 remorseful, is 152 quickly 144,184 removes 153 quiet, is 16,26 repentance 46 quill 76 repents 46,148 quits 126,143 repetitive 171 quivers 165 reported 170 r , of a gun 59 r reproves 46 reptile 82 rabbit 76 resin 102,156 r , drive 60 resoles 35 race 53 respect 31 radius 14 respects 29 rainbow 96 responds negatively 134 rain gear 34 rests 144,149 raining, is 105 takes a r. 154 raises' 138,152 r. firmly on 163 rake 141 resurrect 42 ransomed 46 resuscitate 42,128 raven 92 returns 63,158,165 raw, is 56 reunion 160 reaches 16 revealed, is 24 fails to r. 136 reveals 157 beyond r. 132 revenges 126 reads 48,160 revitalized 158 ready, is 138,140 revived 42,128 real 179 reward 126 realizes 23 rhubarb, wild 99 rebuked 136 ribs 14 receives 127,181 boiled r. 54 receptive, is 29 ridge 102 recognizes 23 rifle 58 r , can't 143 right side 111 recover 22 right, is red 136,148,149 123 rings 44,127 red stone 97 rip 127 redeemed 46 ripped, is 33 204 English Index rise 102 satisfied, is 126,143 rises 152 saves 44,128 river 103 Savior 44 r. bank 102 saw, kinds of 49,50 ri vulet 103 says 16,164 robs 138 scalpel 23 rolling, is 127 scallop 77 roof 37,96 scans 59 room 110 scar 20 root 99,101 s. from burn 22 rope 58 scatters 157 rotten, is 131 scissors 51 rough 142 scolds 24 roughly 175 scratches 141,144 round, is 122 screams 24,135,151 rounds 133 seal 150 rowboat 68 seal, kinds of 81 rows 68 seal oil 22 rubs 49 rubs with s. 23 r. with seal oil 23 searches 138,153 r. to make pliable 50 seaweed 98 ruff, fur 33 second 118,183 ruler 49 secret, is 149 rules 47 secure, is 164 rumble 139 seductive 144 runs 16,127 sees 15 rushes 159 seigning, is 62 rust 142 selected 172 sell 163 self-asserting, is 31 S send 176 Sabbath 45,47 sends 161,163 sacrifice 43,163 senile, is 20 sad, is 26,137 separated, is 132 saddened, is 144 servant 141 safe, is 128,164 serves 157 s. is not 155 sets 96 said 170 s. out 151 sail 64 s. a straight course 158 sails 64 s. of mind 134 saliva 8 settled 163 salt 55,97,104 seven 123 salvation 44 seventeen 124 same 130 seventy 124 sad 97 severs 140 sandal 35 sews 51 sandbar 103,162 shakes 165 sanderlings 88,89 s. hands 135 sandpipers- 88 shallow, is 103 Satan 43 shaman 41,43 205 EngLish Index shares 131 size, its 127 sharp, is 122 sketches 130 shaves 6 skilled, is 157 she 3 skin, animal 60 shed 38 s. boat 613 sheep 70 s. pants, boots 34 shelf 38 bear s. door 37 shell 53,58 stretches s. on frame 50 sheltered, is 128,164 bleached seal s. 149 shields 162 skin, human 11 shines 96,140,144 skin scraper 49,50 shining, is 104 skinned 19,20 shiny, is 122 skins 60,134 ship 68 skirt 34 shirt 33 skull cap 6 shoots 59 s ., head 13 shore 104 sky 96 short, is 121 skylight 38 shotgun 58 slaps 16,76 should 180 sled 64 shoulder 10 sleds 64 s. blade 14 parts of s. 65,66 shouts 24,132,133 sleeping bag 58 shovel 49 sleeps 18 shovels 49,152 goes to s. 18 shrew 77 s. on back in water 79,144 shrike 93 s .; talking in 18 shrimp 78 s. walking 18 shy, is 29,53 sleepy, is 18 sibling 5 sleet 107 sick, is 19,21,150 sleeve 33 side 10 slides 53 sights in 149 s. down 158 sign 23 sling 53 sinew 35,51 slips 145 arm s. 8 slope 103 twists s. 51 sloppy 153 sings 15,54,131 slow, is 159 starts to s. 127 sly, is 32 sinks 79,141 small, is 120 sin 43,45 smells 15,149,181 sinner 43 s. bad 127 sins 32 s , strong, foul 146 sister 4,5 smiles 16,133 sister-in-law 4 smoke 39 sits, human 16,38 s. filled 138 sits, animal 71 smooth, is 142 six 123 snack time 57 sixteen 124 snake 77 sixty 124 snare 60 206 EngZish Index snaring, is 60 bad s. 44 snatches 125 conjuring s. 41 sneezes 15,21 evil s. 43,163 snipes 88 s. governor 41 snores 18 haunting s. 43 snow 106,107 helping s. 43 snow-block shelter 36 Spirit, Holy 44 snowdrift 107 spit, roasting 51 snowflake 106 spits 8 snowing, is 106 splash 147 snowshoes 64 splinter 19 soap 41 splits 145,146 socks 34 spoon 56 sod, block 38,98 little s. 22 sod house 36 spot 147 soft 122,144 spreads 157 soiled, is 156 spring 119 soldier 129 spurts 159 sole of boot 34 square 122 sole of foot 9 squats 146 sole patch 35 squeezes 59 solid, is 163 squirrels 76 some 135 stabs 139 sometime 118,120 staff 58 son 5 staggers 165 son -in -law 4 stain 147 song 131 stairs 38,147 magic-working s , 41 stake 36 soon 185 stalks 59 soot 39 stands 16,144,145 sore, is 19 star 96 sorrow 27 startles 163 soul 43 s. awake while dozing 18 s. deceased 42 s. an animal 59 sound 159,184 starts 169 sounds 16 starving, is 139 soup 54 state 175,177,181 sour dock 99 stays 138,148,151 sour grass 99 s. behind 153 south 106 s. overnight 162 sparrows 94 s. up late 153 speaks 8,164 steadfast, is 30 spear 58,132 steady, is 165 parts of 58 steals 161 spears 151 stem 98 spider 79 stepfather 3 spine 13 stepson 3 spine tingling 27 steps 38, 129 spinster 2 s. into 147 spirit 43,44,134 s. forward 156 English Index 207 137 s. on 163 suffocates s. up 127 sugar 54,132 stern 9,111 suicide 145 134 stern, is 27 suitcase 146 stick 36 sulfur 119,131 poking s. 162 summer 96,104 walking s. 58,132 sun 45 sticks up 150 Sunday sticky, is 152 superlative 183 57 stiff, is 21 supper 173 gets s. 18 supplied, is 28,150 s. muscle 20 sure, is stingy, is 32,133 surfaces 79 surgery 23 stinker 79 surplus 158 stinks 162 surprised 146 stirs 54 suspect 135 stitch 51 47 stomach 11,135 suspects swallows 57 s. ache 10 swallows (birds) 91 s. cramps 10 swampgrass 98 s. growls 18 swan 84 s. sour 21 17,20 stone 97 sweats 51 stool 17 sweeps 121 stops 126,143,152,182 sweet, is swelling 21 storage place 38 53,156 storming, is 106 swims, human 79 stove 39 swims, sea mammal 52,53 story 165 swing story, true 145,164 straightens 149 t straight, is 157 table 40 s. course 158 taboo 42 stranger 3,62 tack 49 stretcher 48 tailbone 13 stretches skin 50 take 176 stretches 160,161 takes 16,160 strikes 129 t. care of 148 string figures 132 t. notice 159 stroll 155 t. off 63 strong, is 22, 122, 157,158 t . one's picture 126 stubborn, is 30,31 t. a rest 154 stuck, is 139 talks 15,164 stuffy, is 138 easy to t. to 29 stumbles 152,156 t. bad language 164 eubtr acting , is 124 tangle 135 sucks 164 tangled, is 64 sUddenly 160 tans 50 suffers 27,133 tanning process 50 SUffering 148 tastes 56 208 English Index tattoo, chin 6 thirsty, is 18 t. facial 33 thirteen 124 tea 55 thirty 124 t. pot, kettle 40 this one 115 Hudson I s Bay tea 99 this one around here 116 teacher 3 this way 136 teaches 23 thorn in his flesh 21 tear 127 those 116,117 tears 7 though 169 tells 140,145,164 thread 35,51,128 tempers 128 threatened, is 136 temporal bone 13 threatening, is 24 temptation 128 three 123 tempted, is 134 throat 8 tempts 155 clears t. 16 ten 123 sore t. 19,31 tendon 11 throbbing, is 21 tense, is 28 through 172 tent 36 throws 133 t. peg 36 thrushes 92 frame for t. 36 thunder 97 terrible, is 161 thus 136 tests 149,165 tibia 14 testicles 12 tickles 145 thanks 26 ties 71,144 thank you 146 t. up 155 thankful 146 time 110 that one 116,117 t. for 110 that is all 161 t. to 57 that is right 161 tingles 27 that way 136 tiny, is 165 then 114,161 tired, is 18,136,147,154 t., remote time 118 tired of 177 there 112 to 176 there is 114 today 118 thermometer 22,104 toes 9,14 these 115,116 together 122,131,154,172 they 3,126 t. with 134,172 thick, is 121 toilet 40 thigh 9,11 t. paper 40 thimble 51 told 161 thin, is 121 tomorrow 117 thing 159 tongue 8 things washed ashore 161 tonight 118 things, sent 163 too 179,185 think 176,181 took 140 thinks 23 tool 49 t. he knows everything 31 beating t. 128 thought to be 176 carving t. 49 thinking 169 t. handle 137 209 Eng~ish Index 49 t. to learn 135 t. kit t. to shoot 59 opening t. 38 keeps t. 151 piercing t , 49 always t. to do 154 tooth 7,13 tundra 103 t. ache 20 129 20 turn on pulls a t. 10 56 t. his back to picks t , 13 41 t. head tooth brush 46,142,143,148 56 t , over, off toothpick 98 111 tussock top, on 123 164 twelve topples 124 tore 159 twenty 33 two 123 torn, is 144 is not 127 twisted, is t. 48 touches 16,127,157,161 types typewriter 48 t. bottom 163 typist 48 towards 115 t. each other 131 t. over there 113 U 142 tows 31,121,137 52 ugly, is toy 14 69 ulna track 10 59 umbilicus tracking, is 11 126 u. cord trades 67,68 63,69 umiak trail 67 57 parts of t. snack 173 158 unable tragic, is 150,180 148 uncertain, is translates 4 translucent 143 uncle unclean 157 trap 60 undecided, is 29 t. entrance 60 under 111 trapping, is 60 undercut, is 134 traveller 3,62 understands 23 travels 62,63,133 u. not 23 t. down river 63,115 underwear 33 t. up river 63 68 unenjoyable 27 t. by umiak unfriendly, is 27 treasure 159 9,64,68 treats him 43 unloads unpredictable, is 150 trees 101,102,150 129 . 101 unravel parts of 32 164 unwise, is trial 120 trim, parka 34 uppermost 150 trouble 32 upright 32 upriver 112,113,114 troubled, is 162 true 135 upset, gets 113 truth 135 up there 125 trusts 163 up to 17 try 177,180 urine 17 tries 165 urinates 210 English Index us 3 wary, is 69 useful, is 121 washes ashore 162 uses 131,184 washes 51 u. up 152 wasp 79 useless 177 watches 15,148 uttermost 174 w. critically 149 uvula 8 water 56,103 calm w. 104 V rough w. 104 valley 103 waterfall 145 veers away 32,142 wave 104 vein 11 waxwing 93 ventilator 7,38 way, in the 132 vertebra 13 we 3 very 169,175,178 weak 122,158 not v. 179 wealth 159 village 110 weapons 57 visiting, is 136 wears 130 visits 137 weasel 77 v. house to house 158 weather 104 visitor 3,62 is good w. 30,104 voice 16 w. conditions 104,105,106 vole 76 webbing, harness 64 vomits 20 w. snowshoe 64 vulva 12 weeps 7 welcomes 153 W well 174 west 106 wades 137 wet, is 122 wage 126 w. from dew 105 wagtail, yellow 92 80 waist 10 parts of 81 waits 59,160,165 w. skin with blubber 55 w. a minute 125 killed a w. 79 wakes up 18 whaler 68 walks 16,155 whaling 59,63 wall 37 what 126,143,158 walrus 80 when 114,142 edible w. skin 55 where 150,151,158 fermented w. meat 55 while 118,183 wants 153,155,172,182,183 whines 71, 136 war 129 whip 71 warblers 93 whips 137 warm, is 104 whirlwind 106,163 w. himself 153 whistles 142,157 warns 140 whispers 16 warning 140 white 122 war party 158 w. person 2 warped, is 144 w. out 105 wart 21 who 140 English Index 211 whose 140 would 176 why 158 wrapper 156 wide, is 121 wraps 156 widow 2 wrestles 159 widower 2 wrinkles nose 15,134 wife 4 wrist 8 will 170,176,185 writes 48 willow 101 wrong, is 136 wind 105 winds 105,106 y w. blows from 113 w. dies down 143 yawns 18 windy, is 105 year 118,119 windbreak 37 yearns to follow 150 window 38 yeast 54 windpipe 8 yellow 123 wine 147 yells 133 wing 138 yelps 71 winks 15 yes 125,133 wins 53 yesterday 118 winter 119 you 3 this w. 118 w. before last 118 wipes 127 wise, is 23,31 unwise, is 32 wisecracks 165 with 172,184 withered 20 without, is 171 wolf 69 wolverine 77 woman 1 pretty w. 30 wood 39 block of 101 green w. 11,39,101 charred w. 39 dry, dead w. 101 woodpeckers 91 wool 145 word 46,164 works 47,157 w. for 140 w. hard 157 w. on, at 173 worker 30 worm 77 worry 20,27 worthless, is 121
