The DaUy Bulletin Ha» a Larger Net Paid Circulation Than Any Other Newspaper in West-Central

------★------NORTH PLATTE Good Morning The Weather ■ (U. S. WEATHER BUREAU) NORTH PLATTE AND VICINITY —'Fair with little change in tem­ perature. Sunrise today 9:05 a. Member of ABC—More Than 6,800 Copies Daily m." Sunset 6:18 p. m. (SWT) VOL. 12—NO. 81 "NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY, DEC. 21, 1943 FOUNDED IN 1932 Yanks Seize Arawe ★ ★ ★ Sg t Kuroki Wants Hero Of Thirty Bombing Starvation Air Distance Missions Tells Story Cut Of Ploesti Oil Field Raid To Rabaul (By CHARLES H. CRAIG) WASHINGTON. (U.R) G en eral “I didn’t join the army with the intention of fight­ M acArthur’s 6th U. S. A rm y ing in ,” Ben Kuroki, widely publicized Japanese- troops ‘have seized the Arawe airstrip on New Britain island. American gunner of Hershey just returned from the The airstrip lies about four European front, said yesterday“I joined to avenge Pearl miles due east of New Britain's + Harbor.” Arawe peninsula which the Am­ I After more than a year in Eu- erican invasion troops now have Kummer I rope, Africa and the Middle East, cleared entirely of Japanese de­ Staff Sergeant Kuroki asked for fenders. and obtained five bombing® mis­ The capture of the airstrip is Killed sions in addition tb those assign­ important because it will cut ed him, asked for and-obtained a about 70 miles from the distance In Action release from duties in Europe in American planes must fly to bomb the hope that lie might carry a and strafe Rabaul — ’s king Pvt Fra"k Kummer has been message of death and destruction pin base in the Southwest Paci­ reported killed in action in Italy. from loyal Japanese-Americans in In a telerrnm to Mrs. Kummer fic. the to the land of The air strip repeatedly has 'the war department ¡disclosed his ancestors been hit and hit hard. And it now that Pvt Kummer was killed Dec. Survivor of 30 bombing mis­ is in a com plete sLate of dis-ro- 2nd while ruga sing the enemy. sions, Kuroki said, “Regardless of pair. However, army engineers— He attended the North Platte our ancestry, when we’re under schools and graduated from senior and possibly the famed Sea-Bees fire under that flag we’re all high school the class of ‘3'5. He —probably will have the field in Americans. I was fighting for my was married, to the former Char­ shape soon. citizenship and for my country. lotte Bay -of North Platte.. Mrs. Other American troops havo Our German bombardier also was 1 moved inland to points six and Kummer i* ’’n Eos Angeles at fighting for our America.” the present “me with her mother, ’ nine miles above the base of the Most terrifying experience that who is th"re for her health. peninsula. And thoy have gained can come to any man is a raid complete control of islands fring­ He would have been 2tG on such as that on the Ploesti oil Christmas Dav He entered ‘he ing the Arawe harbor. fields in Rumania, Kurolci said. armed forces in November 1942. There’s other news from the For his work during that raid ■He was employed by Ogiers at the A yoUng Hindu mother covers the body of her baby who has just southwest Pacific — news of a he was awarded the distinguish­ drawn his last weak breath. Now the homeless Indian woman, her­ record air blow. American bomb* time of his enlistment. ed flying cross. He also holds the His father is Wm. T. Kummer self facing the starvation that killed her child, stares hopelessly at ers have blasted the Cape Glou- air medal. the ground a few feet in front of her as she waits for the corpse of Coryell Court. There is one ! cester airdrome area on New “Every move in that raid was removers. (NEA Telephoto). ______brother, R'1 mend, of North Platte Britain with 414-tons of bombs. planned, studied and rehearsed in Turn to Page 16, Col. 1 and two sistc s. advance,” Kuroki said. “To us, in starting, it whs just another Lincoln County Awarded raid. When it was over, it was a Reds Score Fires Rage memory never to be erased. "Flying for 2,400 miles at low Citation By W LB New Gains level, sweeping in over the tar­ Lincoln county’s record of 46 * (By UNITED PRESS) Thru Europe get area at 50 to 100 feet alti­ car loads of scrap shipped out 4 Russian troops have scored new (By UNITED PRESS) tude with hell breaking loose of here to date has brought not Round the Town, gains in the Nevel front. Sweep­ all around, it was no pleasure only a citation from the War Hitler's Europe, burned, black­ with ing across snow-packed plains, ed and scarred, lies ringed with jaunt. Production Board but an “S’’ the (Red army lias routed Nazis fires kindled by American air “When it was over, we found banner,' which is issued by the forces from 70 more towns and power. we had *ost ^leav>1Y- Men 1 knew salvage division and is the equi­ THE PROWLER villages. American airpower, the prod- well were dead. Others were ter- valent of the " E ” banner, is­ This brings to 570 the total num­ uct of American workers from ribly wounded. I couldn’t sleep sued to manufacturing concerns Eldo Bell at 2103 West Sixth ber of inhabited points liberated Seattle to Long Island, battered f°r three days and nights after it of outstanding accomplishment. has a female police dog nine by the advancing Soviets armies the walls of the Nazi European was over. We lost so many hud- The flag will be put on display months old and wants to give her since the start of their new win­ dies. I’d try to eat and would fortress ve*’ordnv as they seldom at the Canteen for the present to some child. His phone number ter offensive. Aand a Moscow have no appetite. and later on it will he taken to have been battered before. is 404. bulletin says that veteran Sib­ From northwestern Germany to “It was far more terrible than the court liopse. erian troops have killed upwards ‘ ‘ ' ¡ f e w ' * the Balkans. Yankee planes car­ I can describe. Off to the right In a letter .to Glen Ritner, chair­ Word has bee% "received from of 1.S00 Germans in fierce fight­ of our ship I saw the wing of a ried out whnt looks like the great- man, D. A. Dimitry, regional chief Denver of the erijjsj.'ni 'nt of Bill ing near Vitebsk—south of Nevel. Liberator strike a smokestack. —OSt- American ai- offensive of the of the general salvage section, (Woodie) W oodhui'st,-• m of Mr. war in the European theater. She plummeted to the ground and states: and Mrs. Thurston hurst and absolutely disintegrated in a ter­ The Hungarian radio says that “Mr. Neil Gallagher, who was Bill (Jozz Jozwick.r son of Mr. Rail Workers Allied planes, undoubtedly from rible explosion Several of our called in for conference today, and Mrs. Frank Jo^vick In the ships hit and burned hut our the Mediterranean and unquestion­ has given us a most graphic, in­ navy medical corps •tThe j boys Meet ably American bombers, raided bombs did a lot of damage spiring description of the magni­ are former stude its* of North Sofia, cnnitnl of Bulgaria. Striking “We were out 13 hours on that ficent job you and your committee Platte high school -md were ac­ With President raid. It was not only nerve- at a time when Bulgaria is seeth­ and the citizens of Lincoln coun­ tive in sports and school actl- (By UNITED PRESS) wracking. It was body-wracking. ty performed in the scrap drive ing with political troubles, the Turn to Page 8, Col. 5 Representatives of the Big Hungarian report- indicated that I was stiff and sore for a week. of Oct. 20th. Considering the fact Five railway unions have finished the raiders scourged the city for "W hen we go out on those that Lincoln county has exceeded a second, unannounced conference perhaps 140 minutes. There are bombing missions we always Turn to Page 7, Col. 4 Russians Execute with President Roosevelt. no mo»e details. pray. You have heard there are War Criminals Mobilization Director Byrnes But the details are just coming no athiests in fox holes. There sat in on the unexpected meeting aren't any in big bombers eith­ KHARKOV. (U.R) The Russians in an the smash by the British- Peace Officers have executed the first war crim­ —whicli was called in a n o th er at­ based Eichth air force. The tar- er. Usually the chaplains come tempt to avert the threatened out and lead us in prayer be­ inals at a public hanging. Turn to Page 4, Col. 5 Some 50.000 Russian men. wo­ nationwide railway strike But no fore we start. Meet Today North Platte will be hosts to men and children cheered as the one present at the meeting would “That day we prayed, too, but reveal what has been accomplish­ we prayed more than ever before visiting peace officers today. death sentence was carried out. American Ship ed—If anything. in our lives I guess I prayed a T. E. Naugliton, special agent Three German army officers and Sunk In Gulf in charge of the Federal Bureau a Russian traitor paid with their The union chiefs, and represent­ WASHINGTON. (U.R) The navy dozen times that day. atives of 1’5 carriers, met with pre­ “The raid worked like clock­ of Investigation. Omaha, is ex­ lives for their parts in the mass announces that a medium-sized sident yesterday for fiev hourB. work but we were flying so low pected to arrive this morning. butcher of thousands of Russian American merchant vessel was The meeting cleared the air. But a man with a shotgun could have Some 75 visiting law enforce­ prisoners and civilians. They were torpedoed and sunk in the Gulf it is not known whether a solu­ hit us. We lost a lot of men and ment officers have accepted in­ hanged in the market square of of Mexico early in December. Sur­ tion was found for the union de­ ships but also we did a lot of vitations to attend the confer­ •war-tortured Kharkov, the scene vivors were landed at Galveston, ence, according to Sheriff Discoe of the atrocities .They paid after mands that the 3i5fl.000' operating Texas, and Key W est and Pensa­ damage. railway workrs be granted a $3 “It sedms like a miracle to me “All peace officers between Lex- they confessed their guilt at a cola.'Fla. It is the second sinking Turn to Page 2, Col, 4 trial and then begged for mercy. a day wage increase. in the rr'f this year Turn to Page 7, Col. 1