Ex-Con Knifes Southside Woman, Condition Taiv
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wm. i •asssamnussnsHpBBasWsaB TTMRS OLHS0 / ELK RULER WEAVER The tabulation of last Tuesday'* primary elec tion brought forth two big surprises. One wa* tho •mashing victory Sen. Estes* Kefauver s convention delegates scored over those pledged to former Sen. Robert J. Buckley, and the other tha extremely feeble showing Sen. Roscoe R. Walcuti made In hi* bid for the Republican gubernatorial nomination. Unofficial reports gave Kefauver and Buckley 27 district delegates and ei*Cht at-large delegates for a total of 81 convention votes each. Among those stemming the crest of the surprising Ke fauver tidal wavo were two Negroes. Att'y Joseph Mr. Combs Bowman, an at-large delegate of Coiumbus and John O. Holly of Cleveland, an at-large alternate delegate. Besides Bowman and Holly, thc Democrats als0 elscted Charles V. Carr a Cleveland councilman, as a district alternate. While the Democrats were electing the three mentioned above, the Republicans were electing two Negro at-large alternates anu tw* district alternate delegates. The at-large position* went to Att'y William Lovelace of Cincinnati and Att'y John Pegg of Cleveland, and Att'y W. S. Lyman, of Columbus, and Dr. W. H. Hunter, of Cleveland, will serve as district alternates. The GOP delegates ar* pledged to Sen. Robert A. Taft. -while the Democrat* are divided be tween Sen. Kefauver and Robert J. Buckley. • OTHERS EQUALLY AS FORTUNATE *»« •>••*? i-rtAMK. SHEARER, president of Independent Bast, While Negro convention candidate* were extremely successful ^nXdtOOKOQri net, and Professional Ass'n, in the primary contest, many others were equally ^as fortunate in inspects ''chestometer" which (heir quest tor nomination on the state ballot. will be used during Eatttide Most outstanding among this group nominated were two Clove* chest X-ray program ia June. land Republicans, Lawrence O. Payne as a congrcssion*i candidate tn One of judges la X-ray •loga* tbe 21st district and Harry E. Davis as a candidate for a seat in th* contest. Shearer believoe tb* state Senate. Payne racked up a total of 11,264 vote? to his rival's • Wi-ani*, aiasa^ ^jy^ J^J^ holding, will help send the mor. S828 and Davis polled an amasing 78,035 votes for second place on a enry to the 6OOO mark. Colum. list of 12 candidates. °o* Tuberculosis Society aims SAUNDERS ALSO A WINNER On Page 2 *• X-ray 6O00 adults daring tha Also winning on the legislative ticket at Cleveland was William . Juno program. B. Saunders, who ran third in a 43 man contest to be tlit only Negro ft)r£-V&lLltR ivAFTtR nominated for the House in that city. l>' A«*i> OLYhArlt R£«*fNa Other successful* were Fredrick Bowers of Dayton and A, Bruce McClure, Cincinnati, both Republicans and members oi the present assembly, jvhile Edmund B. Paxton, Columbus; Arthur C. Elliott, Cincinnati, and Rupert Stokes, Toledo, were nominated tn the Demo cratic ".allot. MARY WHITFIELD, WIFE OF FAMED TRACK STAR Mal Ex-Con Knifes Southside C. Josef McLin, Sr., of Dayton, who sought nomination to the state Senate on the Democratic ticket, polled 4968 vetcj for last vin Whitfield, proved last week that she can pile up a laurel or two p'ace in a four man race. hortolf. Working la tbo 1952 Spring St. YMCA enrollment drive, Although Negro Democratic candidates were fairly successful in •he receifod a trophy for turning I. h|rbost amount of ca.b for aa individual worker and was crowned "enrollment qusen" a* a rOsnU Woman, Condition TaiV SL Mark's Wm Method Columbus, Toledo and Cincinnati, they dismally failed in Cleveland. •vhcre their party hasn't nominated a Negro for state office in re. •f her spoetaeuU, work in the drive, which went orer top la report cent times. : ing highest amount of cash .'. the branch', history. Sea complete Story On Page 2 Bas Long Mason Career ELATED OVER OTHER NOMINATIONS Story elsewhere i„ thi, aditloa. Of course it is natural for us to rejoice at the success of candi When the centennial eclebra. with his wife and daughter at 165 dates of our group, but we should also be elated at the nomination of tion of St. Mark's Lodge No. 7, N. Monroe av. many others who have demonstrated their friendliness toward due FAM (Prince Hall affiliation), is Otficr officers of St. Mark's problems. staged here Saturday, Sunday lodge are: Among this group pominated wore Rep. Lowell Fes* (IL, Yellow and Monday, May 17, 18, 19, Wiley E. Betes, SW* James Springs) for the state Senate from the 6th-6th district; Sen. Ross Was District Supt. Hue among the outstanding local Ma £. Mason, JW| Micbaei Wilson. Pepples (R., Lima), the 32nd district, and with no Democratic oppo f sons who will act as hosts to tht* SD; F. M. Chancellor, JD; sition he is assured of election next November. large group of visitors expected K. Kenneth Williamt. SS; WU. In the 35th district. Sen. Fred Danner (R., Akron) and Sen. Jo Is Charles A. Mcthou, worshipful liana B. Crawford, JS; E-t-erret seph Nutt, Jr. (R.), and Sen. Mark McElroy (D.), botn of the 25ta master of the lodge. White, secretary' J. O. Robin . istrict (Cleveland). Method, a longtime member of son, assistant secretary; C H. McDaniels. chaplain; Charles So as we scan the list of winners on the legislative ballot, it is the Masonic order, enjoys an ac indeed encouraging to find a sufficient number who heve supported tive association with the frater Pri tche tt, tyler, and C. B. METHOD FEPC proposals in the past to assure us of a Sizable block of liberals nal organisation. Deaa. marshal. who wih serve in both houses during the 100th general assembly. He was wade a master Mason e • e of SL Mark's lodge Ma. 7 in 1941 Turning to the results of the Republican gubernatorial contest and was elected worshipful mas in which Charles P. Taft of Cincinnati dealt a sound trouncing to ter of tbe lodge in December, Npskin's Store Chain Celebrates former Gov. Thomas J. Herbert and FEPC'a arch foe, Roscoe R. Wai. 1951. rutt, of Columbus, we find very little to review. Method is a past thrice ill us Like most Negroes, we were not nearly as much concerned with trious -Blaster of Herald Council 48fh Anniversary Beginning May 15 whether Taft or Herbert won the nomination, a* we were with Wai No. 3, RSM (Prince Hall affil cutt losing. And now that that happy feat haa been accomplished, iate), past high pries*, of Johnson This month Moskin's, store en dren, as well as nationally adver we can only say thanks to the electosate for a job well done. Chapter No. 3, RAM <PHA* and tens its 48th succc-rul year of tised Jewelry, watci.es and ra .And ta Mr. Waicutt, are say your chicken, came tr> roost and presently is generalissimo of retail ready-to-wea, selling Ac- dios' General office* are locate-*. thanks for riving Negroes outside of Franklin county tbe chance it UT wijii u ...... Tayloy Commandery No. 8, rording. to D. J. V'ilcox, man in the heart of N. fork City's they've waited for tor a long time . to voice their sentiment to DR. DAVID W. D. DICKSON, 33 ye.r old Negro English pro. Knights Templar. ager of the local cianch store, mammoth garment ctnter. ward yen via the ballot. Had yoa not been such aa uncompromu. lessor at Michigan State college, receives congratulations from The son of Mrs. Ada Finch and the anniversary cele'.iation is be wif* Ver" Mac aftor .-receiving first MSC alumni distinguished Moskin's store is an important in* loo of FEPC, tbe election retultt might have told a different the late Dr. W. A. Method, ing climaxed by t» mammotn teaching award. Dickson, who specialise, in the Bible, was selected*, link in a chain o* 104 retail story. Method is a native of Columbut birthday sale starnr.g Mat. 15 for **be*i teacher'* citation by faculty from 60 candidates submit clothing and jewelry stores, thc It is my guess. Sen. Waicutt, that your defeat has made it pos and attended tbe public schooi*. and continuing thrx'gh Mav 31. ted by all departments of the college. The award,- whk**. also in fii-st ' of which **•-.. openeo in sible for many of us to look upon the gubernatorial race next fall of this city. He was graduated Working on a popular, pay-as- with much ease and * soothing satisfaction, for regardless to it* out clude. $500 cash prise, was e.tablithed by MSC alumni fund as an from Wilberforce ubiversity in voa-wear credit pltn, the Mo', Lima, 0.. at the turn of thc ccr- come, you can hardly expect any favors or recognition from either nual recognition for mott outstanding teacher »t E. Lansing uni J 932. kin's store, located at 171 S. Higi, tury. These stores extend from Lausche or Taft. So it seems'to me senator, your political goose is versity. Dr. Dickson received his b.cbslor'. d.,r— from Bowdoin Method is a member of St. st., features qua-it. wear in» ap the Atlantic seaboaro inward to cooked and your career as a public servant has finally com* to aa college in Maine and hie matter*, and Ph. D. dejree. from H.rt.rd Paul AME church. He resides Story On Page 2 parel for men, woven and chil the midwest and to -"be south. ignominious end. university. ^IwSstiRaWtSannMra PAGE 2 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1952 SATURDAY, MAY 31, 19152 THE OHIO SENTINEL PACE 3 'Market Day' Held! HNnflsnsaSaann Most Successful YMCA Dems' FEP Compromise ^Deal' At Felton School ^ Rumor Is Scored By Walter White Thrtlln ami excitement reigned J luted t« his immediate environ- for students af Felton Klemen-' ment,** N.