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Complete Issue 14:3 As One The Communications of the Users Group Volume 14, Number 3, October 1993 1993 Annual Meeting Proceedings T$jX Users Group Board of Directors Memberships and Subscriptions Donald Knuth, Grand Wizard of l&X-arcanat TUGboat (ISSN 0896-3207) is published quarterly Christina Thiele, President* by the T$JX Users Group, Balboa Building, Room Ken Dreyhaupt*, Vice President 307, 735 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101, Bill Woolf*, Treasurer U. S. A. Peter Flynn*, Secretary Peter Abbott, Special Director for UKl&XUG 1993 dues for individual members are as follows: Barbara Beeton Ordinary members: $60 Alain Cousquer, Special Director for GUTenberg Students: $30 Luzia Dietsche Membership in the Users Group is for the Michael Ferguson calendar year, and includes all issues of TUGboat Roswitha Graham, Special Director for lj$ and and TUG NEWS for the year in which the Nordic countries membership begins or is renewed. Individual mem- Yannis Haralambous bership is open only to named individuals, and Doug Henderson carries with it such rights and responsibilities as Alan Hoenig voting in the annual election. A membership form Anita Hoover is provided on page 361. Mimi Jett TUGboat subscriptions are available to organi- David Kellerman zations and others wishing to receive TUGboat in a Kees van der Laan, Special Director for NTG name other than that of an individual. Subscription Joachim Lamrnarsch, Special Director for DANTE rates: North America $60 a year; all other countries, Nico Poppelier ordinary delivery $60, air mail delivery $80. Jon Radel Second-class postage paid at Santa Barbara, Raymond Goucher, Founding Executive Directort C A, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Hermann Zapf, Wizard of Fontst Send address changes to TUGboat, Users *member of executive committee Group, P. 0. Box 869, Santa Barbara, CA 93102- t honorary 0869, U.S.A. Addresses Telephone Institutional Membership General correspondence: 805-963-1338 Institutional Membership is a means of showing T$JX Users Group continuing interest in and support for both 'QX P. 0. Box 869 Fax and the 'QX Users Group. For further information, Santa Barbara, 805-963-8358 contact the TUG office. CA 93102-0869 USA Payments: Electronic Mail TUGboat @ Copyright 1993, Users Group Users Group (Internet) Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim P. 0. Box 21041 General correspondence: copies of this publication or of individual items from this publication provided the copyright notice and this permission Santa Barbara, notice are preserved on all copies. CA 93121-1041 USA Submissions to TUGboat: Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified Parcel post, versions of this publication or of individual items from delivery services: this publication under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed T$JX Users Group under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Balboa Building Permission is granted to copy and distribute translw Room 307 tions of this publication or of individual items from this 735 State Street publication into another language, under the above condi- Santa Barbara, CA 93101 tions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be included in translations approved by the '&X Users USA Group instead of in the original English. Some individual authors may wish to retain traditional copyright rights to their own articles. Such articles can be T@$ is a trademark of the American Mathematical identified by the presence of a copyright notice thereon. Society. Printed in U.S.A. 1993 Annual Meeting Proceedings 'l&X Users Group Fourteenth Annual Meeting Aston University, Birmingham, England, July 26-30, 1993 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE USERS GROUP TUGBOATEDITOR BARBARABEETON PROCEEDINGSEDITORS MIMI BURBANK SEBASTIANRAHTZ VOLUME14, NUMBER3 OCTOBER1993 PROVIDENCE. RHODEISLAND . U.S.A. Editorial and Production notes The camera-ready copy was printed on a Linotron phototypesetter. Ths volume includes the majority of papers presen- The reviewing and editing process started later ted at TUG'93; the exceptions are Richard Kinch's in the year than anticipated, but all the authors True T@: A New Implementation for Windows, were very prompt in getting their papers ready Richard Southall's Document Design and Laurent for both the preprints and these final Proceed- Siebenmann's The Spacing Around Math, which ings. The burden of editorial work was under- were not offered for publication. One paper, Nel- taken primarily by Mimi Burbank (with greatly ap- son Beebe's Bibliography Prettyprinting and Syntax preciated help from Bill Burgess), whle Sebastian Checking, was too long for the Proceedings and will Rahtz handled the implementation and produc- be published in full in the next issue of TUGboat. tion. An excellent band of anonymous reviewers The following workshops and panel sessions provided an enormous amount of feedback without were held (organiser's name in brackets): .€%T@3 which this volume would have been the poorer. (Frank Mittelbach), Virtual Fonts (Michael Doob), Bib- Sebastian Rahtz and Mimi Burbank liographic Formatting Tools (David Rhead), Multi- lingual T@ (Yannis Haralambous), Archives, Typo- graphic Issues, and Math Font Encodings. Alan Jef- frey's report on the latter is included in these Pro- ceedings. Ths volume breaks with TUGboat tradition by making almost no use of Donald Knuth's Computer Modern font family. All the papers are set in Lucida Obituary - Yuri Melnichuk Bright, with Lucida Sans, Lucida Typewriter and Lu- Yuri Melnichuk, a reader in computing mathematics cida New Math used where appropriate, at just below at Lviv Polytechnical Institute, in Ukraine, and one of 9pt. The only exceptions are figures in the papers the participants at the Aston TUG'93 conference and by Daniel Taupin where the macro packages were courses, died suddenly of a heart attack while at the strongly wedded to CMR-like font names. We hope University of York on Friday, August 13th. that TUGboat readers will enjoy thls changed look, Yuri was a fairly frequent visitor to York, where or at least use it as a conversation piece. It is salut- he was working on a joint book on number theory ary to relate that many of the papers were carefully with Maurice Dodson. During his time at York he had tuned by their authors to fit the page size and line been introduced to TEX, and with the help of other breaks if they were set in Computer Modern - Lu- colleagues in the Mathematics department there had cida caused many headaches for the editors for ths developed this interest. Realising its potential value reason! Readers may also notice that two different to the academic community in the Ukraine he had sets of hyphenation patterns were used - all papers contacted others, with a view to establishing good by non-American authors were set using UK English links between institutions and individuals. hyphenation. His concerns were not just mathematical: he All papers were received, edited and reviewed was also active in ensuring that the British Council via electronic mail. Four papers - Haralambous, and the IEE were in contact with relevant bodies in Taupin (twice) and Plaice - needed their own fonts the Ukraine. Just before he died he was searchng the to be built using METFIFONT. Just one figure had net for a PC version of Ada to take back for computer to be pasted in, for obvious reasons - the example scientists in his institution. output in Kawaguti's paper. The nine plain TEX and Last year, he had been instrumental in begin- twenty ETEX files were processed on a Sun SPARC- ning a TEX users group in Lviv and was beginning to station (the same machine at Aston which hosts the coordinate its activities over the whole country. UK TEX Archve, courtesy of Peter Abbott), and Post- He was a dynamic personality, with infectious Script output prepared with Tom Rokicla's dtips. vision and enthusiastic plans. An excellent and hos- The LATEX files used the New Font Selection Scheme, pitable host, his good humour was matched with version 2, throughout, and the plain TEX files used a determination. His ability to bring people together specially-prepared format file with the Lucida fonts was a tribute to his wsion of cooperation and his specified. The 'Cork' (DC) encoding was used for all own engaging nature. His loss is a blow to the text fonts. The output was printed using PK fonts, many friends he had made, to his colleagues in generated by ps2pk from Postscript Type1 sources. the Ukraine, and to the TEX community worldwide. Malcolm Clark TUGboat, Volume 14 (1993),No. 3 -Proceedings of the 1993 Annual Meeting Opening words and design and colour rather than the content. The play itself was simply staggering in its length (3 3/4 These proceedings will surprise you. They're not hours) and its impact, especially as I was sitting only done in Computer Modern! Go look! We don't often seven rows from the stage. have the opportunity to see so much "sample" ma- I met many of the editors of other newsletters terial done in Lucida! Anyone who's done this sort of and publications (Karel Horhk, Wiodek Bzyl, Tomasz work on a large collection of papers can appreciate Plata-Przechlewski). I met a fellow from Slovenia the difficulties ths can mean. Sebastian Rahtz and (Borut inidar); in my ignorance, I asked how he could Mimi Burbank, the co-editors, deserve a solid round do any computer work with the war around. His of applause for their work. reply: "We haven't had war for two years now." Real- The conference where it all took place? Very ity is a very hard wall indeed sometimes. Attendees interesting, very nice, very surprising (aren't they all, were from everywhere: from Norway to Israel, from each in their own way?).
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