
Haley Insley

Movie Quote Quiz

Project Description: ​For this program I am going to make a quiz. The quiz is going to contain famous quotes from different movies. One quote for example will be "Are your taking to me" the quote by De Niro in . I plan on doing a radio button so that way there can only be only one answer. There will be four answers to each questions: a, b, c, and d. At the end of the game when the player hits the submit button the quiz will let the player know which ones they got right and which ones they got wrong as well as there final score. There will be ten questions in total.

Pseudo Code: ​Explain the game to the user. They will chose the answer to the question and guess what is correct.

I am going to make 10 Question and make them all Radio Buttons.

The first thing I will do is download all ten MP3 that I will need for my quiz. ​Next I will come up with 10 questions corresponding to the ten movie quotes ​that are in the MP3 format. ​After that I will start generating them into code.

For example one of the question layout will look like the following: ​MP3: "Are you talking to me" scene ​Which actor is famous for saying this quote? ​A. Robert Downey Jr ​B. ​C. ​D. Robert De Niro ​ ​The correct answer would be D Robert De Niro.

Each Radio button will get the value either a, b, c, or d for each question.

I will generate a button at the end of the quiz once they are all generated into code. The button will be a submit button and show which questions the user got wrong once clicked on.

I am then going to show how many questions the player got right and how many they got wrong. ​For Example: You scored 8/10. You got question 3 and 5 wrong.

Then I will show the right answers to the questions that they got wrong within the quiz. ​For Example: Question 3 the answer was Robert De Niro. ​ ​ ​Question 5 the answer was .

Overall at the end of the quiz it will look like this ​Correct Answers: 7 out of 10 ​Incorrect Questions: 4,5,8 ​Score: 70% ​ ​The answer to question 4 was B. ​Question 5 was A. ​Incorrect Questions: 4,5,8 ​Score: 70% ​ ​The answer to question 4 was B. ​Question 5 was A. ​Question 8 was D.

In order to do this above I will have to generate a new html document containing the results page. ​var wrong ​var results ​var incorrect

JavaScript will contain a list of all the right answers with in it that way the results page knows what to say and reference what answers are correct and which are incorrect.

List of Movie Quotes ​1) Are you talking to me - Taxi Driver ​2) Life is a box of chocolates - Forest Gump ​3) I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse - The Godfather ​4) Roads, where we're going we don't need roads - Back to the Future ​5) Show me the money - Jerry Maguire ​6) If you build it he will come - Field of Dreams ​7) You're going to need a bigger boat - Jaws ​8) Eat my shorts - The Breakfast Club ​9) Here's Johnny - ​10) Go ahead, make my day - Sudden Impact

Visual Design: ​Will be located in a separate file.

Testing: ​In order to test my quiz I will build it first step by step in Coda. After I generate each quiz question I will test to make sure it works before I go on to code the next quiz question. If there is something wrong with one of the questions I will go back to my code and fix it until it is right and then move on to the next question. Once my quiz is done I will go over everything and make sure that the quiz works perfectly. I will check to make sure if I get questions wrong at the end it shows the user what the right answers are.