Rebecca Ropers-Huilman Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, & Development 330 Wulling Hall; 86 Pleasant St. SE of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455 [email protected]

Formal Education

Ph.D. in Educational Administration, Higher Education Concentration University of Wisconsin-Madison

M.S. in Educational Administration, Higher Education Concentration University of Wisconsin-Madison

B.A. in Psychology and German University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Study Abroad Semester in Rosenheim, Germany

Professional Employment and Experience

Chair, -Twin Cities, August, 2010 – Present Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development Lead a department of five program areas serving more than seven hundred graduate and three hundred undergraduate students in Comparative and International Development Education, Education Policy and Leadership, Evaluation Studies, Higher Education, Human Resource Development, and Organizational Leadership. Facilitate internal and external communication and collaboration to further our departmental mission of advancing knowledge about educational and organizational change in local, national, and international contexts. Collaboratively develop and implement departmental strategic planning.

Chair, Faculty Consultative Committee, July, 2014 – June, 2015 Vice Chair, July, 2013 – January, 2014 Member, July, 2012 – Present Served as chair of the Faculty Consultative Committee, an institution-wide body that represents the faculty of the University of Minnesota. Consulted with the president, provost, Board of Regents members, administrators, faculty, staff and students to facilitate shared governance and advance the mission of the University. Collaboratively established the agenda for the Senate.

Professor, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, August, 2007 – Present Coordinator, Higher Education Program, 2008 – 2010 Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development Graduate Faculty, Feminist Studies and Sociocultural Studies in Education Develop scholarship on equity and diversity in postsecondary education, organizational change, and feminist education. Engage in national, university, and departmental leadership processes, especially in areas related to diversity and equity and graduate education. Serve in university-wide governance groups, including Women’s Faculty Cabinet, Faculty Consultative Committee, and Faculty Senate.

Rebecca Ropers-Huilman – 1 Teach graduate classes in higher education, including:

Race & Ethnicity in Higher Education Gender & Sexuality in Higher Education College Students: International Perspectives College Students Today (United States Focus) Critical Issues in Higher Education Introductory Doctoral Seminar Gender & Change in Higher Education Organizational Change for Diversity and Equity

Editor, Feminist Formations, June, 2007 - August, 2011 Facilitated all aspects of developing and producing an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that publishes innovative work by scholars, activists, and practitioners in feminist, gender, and sexuality studies. Solicited manuscripts, facilitated reviews, and provided editorial direction to authors whose scholarship included national, global, and transnational feminist thought and practice; the cultural and social politics of genders and sexualities; and historical and contemporary studies of gendered experience. Provided direction to editorial staff, recruited and collaborated with international advisory board, and developed all aspects of publication of Feminist Formations with staff at Press.

J. Franklin Bayhi Professor, Louisiana State University, Designated Spring, 2007 Associate Professor with Tenure, Louisiana State University, 2002 – 2007 Coordinator, Higher Education Program, 2000 - 2007 Assistant Professor, 1996 – 2002 Department of Educational Leadership, Research, and Counseling/Women’s and Gender Studies Developed scholarship on feminist education, identity and diversity in education, and civic education. Advised graduate students on research and career development, including advising 24 doctoral students to completion. Taught graduate and undergraduate classes in higher education and women’s and gender studies, including:

Race and Gender in Higher Education Curriculum and College Teaching Foundations of Higher Education College Students in the United States Student Affairs Administration Introduction to Women’s Studies Women, Gender, and Leadership Educational Inquiry for Social Justice Qualitative Research Methods Feminist Theory

Director, Louisiana State University, August, 2005 – June, 2007 Women’s and Gender Studies Collaboratively led interdisciplinary program of 85 faculty and staff members dedicated to the study of Women’s and Gender Studies. Enhanced undergraduate and graduate student experiences through curricular revisions and innovations, including development of a graduate minor. Facilitated the approval and hiring of the first three jointly-appointed WGS faculty. Promoted interdisciplinary scholarship through research, teaching, and service. Collaborated with the Women’s Center, the Commission on the Status of Women, and community groups to enhance the climate for women at LSU and in the greater Baton Rouge community.

Director, Louisiana State University, August, 2001-August, 2002 Women’s Center Oversaw all functions of the Women’s Center, including student staff supervision, facility management, and community-wide programming. Advised Vice Provost for Diversity on institutional policy issues. Secured $25,000 Technology Grant to enhance technological resources of the center. Collaborated to facilitate visit of Senator Mary Landrieu to LSU. Secured funding to hire first full-time Women’s Center Director at LSU.

Rebecca Ropers-Huilman – 2 Research Assistant, University of Wisconsin-Madison, September, 1992 – August, 1996 Department of Educational Administration Collaboratively conducted qualitative research with Colleen Capper, Angela Smithmier, and Sandy Hanson on community-based interagency collaboration to enhance low-income communities. Conducted observations and interviews with service providers, to include police officers, public health nurses, social workers, and educators. Analyzed data using qualitative research software (HyperResearch), and disseminated findings in national, regional, and local forums.

Teaching Assistant, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Spring, 1994 Department of Educational Administration Assisted Professor Clifton Conrad and Dean of Students Mary Rouse in a graduate course on The Administration of Student Affairs.

Assistant Complex Director, Mankato State University, August, 1991 – June, 1992 Department of Residential Life Collaboratively developed a living-learning environment for over 300 undergraduate students through the coordination of and support for resident advisors, student council members, and programming. Partnered with other residential life staff to promote holistic student development.

Additional work experience in higher education environments: Intern, Career and Placement Services, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1993. Program Assistant, Center on Education and Work, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1993. Intern, Office of Academic Affairs, Mankato State University, 1992. Teaching Assistant, Psychology Department, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 1991. Resident Assistant, Residential Life, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 1989-1991.

Honors/Professional Development

Educational Leadership Award, College of Education and Human Development, University of Minnesota, 2015 ($1000). This award is given to a faculty member who demonstrates excellent leadership and impact in their respective field, long-term achievements that distinguish the nominee as an outstanding educational leader, the ability to create environments that inspire intellectual curiosity and critical thinking, and encourage diverse viewpoints, and active support of new faculty.

Outstanding Academic Advising Award, Graduate and Professional Student Association, University of Minnesota, 2012. This award is given to graduate advisers from across the university who have demonstrated advising excellence as described by students with whom they have worked.

Academic Leadership Fellow, Committee on Institutional Collaboration (CIC), 2010-2011. Five fellows from across the university are selected by the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs each year to engage in year-long professional development with colleagues from CIC institutions.

Disney Leadership Institute Participant, Anaheim, CA, 2010. Five leaders in the College of Education and Human Development were selected for participation in this leadership institute, which focused on fostering positive and productive cultures across contexts.

Rebecca Ropers-Huilman – 3 Multicultural Teaching and Learning Fellow, University of Minnesota, 2008-2009 ($2500). Six fellows are selected from across the university to participate in a year-long professional development process focusing on enhancing course pedagogy and content through multicultural knowledge and practice.

J. Franklin Bayhi Endowed Professorship, Louisiana State University, 2007. This professorship is granted to one faculty member by the Dean of the College of Education for scholarly excellence.

Louisiana State University Foundation Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award, 2007 ($1500). This award is given to a faculty member whose students and colleagues attest to their teaching excellence.

Outstanding Faculty Contribution, Women’s & Gender Studies, Louisiana State University, 2007. This award is given to one faculty member in WGS who makes significant contributions to the unit through research, teaching, and/or service.

Distinguished Faculty Award, Louisiana State University, 2006 ($1000 salary increase). This award is given to a faculty member who demonstrates excellence in all areas of scholarly responsibilities, to include research, teaching, and service.

Selected Participant, Lead Academe, Louisiana State University, 2005-2006. This year-long leadership program supports emerging university leaders in their development of leadership strengths, skill development, and leading in complex academic settings.

Alternate, American Association of University Women Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2003. This fellowship provides a one-year fellowship to support a woman scholar’s research.

College of Education Student Council Award for Outstanding Faculty, Louisiana State University, 2001. This award is given by the Student Council for outstanding contributions to students in the college.

Women’s and Gender Studies Outstanding Faculty Feminist Activist Award, Louisiana State University, 2001. This award is given to a faculty member whose scholarly work advances equity.

Phi Kappa Phi/LSU Alumni Association Non-tenured Faculty Award for the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2000 ($1000). This award is given to one faculty member in the university who has demonstrated outstanding research, teaching, and service early in her/his career.

Dissertation of the Year Award, American Educational Research Association SIG: Research on Women in Education, 1997. This award recognizes the most outstanding dissertation focusing on women and education.

Finalist and Cited for Excellence, Dissertation of the Year Award, Association for the Study of Higher Education, 1996. This award recognizes excellence in dissertations focusing on higher education.

Rebecca Ropers-Huilman – 4 Funding


• Fulbright-Klagenfurt Visiting Professor in Higher Education Research, Spring, 2014. Understanding Gender in the Transformation of Austrian University Education. Vienna, Austria. • Institute for Diversity, Equity, and Advocacy Multicultural Research Award, 2011. $7000. • Interdisciplinary Graduate Group Grant, Educational Access Graduate Group, 2009. Co- investigator with Karen Miksch, Heidi Barajas, and Geoff Maruyama. $10,000. • University Presbyterian Community Service Grant, Building a Safe House: Feminist Theory in Action, 2006. Principal investigator with Feminist Theory students. $1000. • Faculty Research Travel Award, Office of Research & Graduate Studies, 2006. $750. • Faculty Research Award, Office of Sponsored Research & Graduate School, 2004. $2400. • Technology Grant, Louisiana State University Women’s Center, 2002. $25,000. • Service-Learning Community Grant, 2000. Co-investigator with Marybeth Lima, Biological Engineering, and Claudia Eppert, Curriculum and Instruction. $9000. • LaCEPT Grant, Implementing service-learning and systemic reform to enhance science, engineering and mathematics education, 2000. Co-investigator with Marybeth Lima. $58,481; Extension granted in 2001, $30,000. • Teaching Innovation Incentive Grant. Co-investigator with Sondra Smith, 1999. $2000. • Council on Research Summer Research Funding, 1998. $5000.


• USAID Advancing the Agenda of Gender Equality, 2013. Prime: The Mitchell Group, University of Minnesota Co-Principal Investigators Rebecca Ropers-Huilman and David Chapman. • Access to Success, Institute of Education Sciences, United States Department of Education, 2007, 2008. Co-investigator with PIs Amy Lee & Karen Miksch. $1,178,463. • Enhancing Interdisciplinary Studies at LSU: Women’s & Gender Studies, Board of Regents Support Fund, 2005. Principal Investigator with Nina Asher and John Larkin. $51,900. • ADVANCE Award, National Science Foundation, 2005. Principal Investigator with Isiah Warner, Marybeth Lima, Dominique Homberger, and Stacey Simmons. $3.75 million.

Research and Publications


David, Miriam & Amey, Marilyn (Eds.) and Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca, Kim, Terri, & Eddy, Pamela. (Associate Eds.) (In process). Encyclopedia of higher education. Sage.

Allan, Elizabeth, Iverson, Susan, & Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (Eds.) (2010). Reconstructing policy in higher education: Feminist poststructural perspectives. New York: Routledge.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (Ed.). (2003). Gendered futures in higher education: Critical perspectives for change. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.

Rebecca Ropers-Huilman – 5 Glazer-Raymo, Judith, Townsend, Barbara, & Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (Eds.). (2000). Women in American higher education: A feminist perspective (Vol. 2). Needham Heights, MA: Ginn.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (1998). Feminist teaching in theory and practice: Situating power and knowledge in poststructural classrooms. New York: Teachers College.

Refereed Publications

Enke, Kathryn A. E., Winters, Kelly T., & Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (2013). Creating my own story: Catholic women’s college students narrating their lives. Journal of College Student Development, 54 (5): 481-496.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (2013). Engaging whiteness in higher education. In Lisa M. Landreman (Ed.) The art of effective facilitation: Reflections from social justice educators (pp. 81-100). Sterling, VA: Stylus.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca, Winters, Kelly T., & Enke, Kathryn A.E. (2013). Discourses of whiteness: White students at Catholic women’s colleges (dis)engaging race. Journal of Higher Education, 84 (1): 28-55.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca, & McCoy, Dorian. (2011). Student change agents as citizens in contemporary : Achieving the potential of engagement. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 27(3).

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca, & Winters, Kelly. (2011). Feminist research in higher education. Journal of Higher Education, 82 (6): 667-690.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca, & Enke, Kathryn A. E. (2010). Catholic women’s college students’ constructions of identity: The influence of faculty and staff on students’ personal and professional self-understanding. NASPA Journal about Women in Higher Education, 3 (1): 85-113.

Enke, Kathryn A. E., & Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (2010) Defining and achieving success: Perspectives from students at Catholic women's colleges. Higher Education in Review, 7: 1- 22.

Barnett, Kathy, Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca, & Aaron, Laura. (2008). A planning process perspective on student activists’ upward influence attempts to effect campus change. Southern Communication Journal, 73 (4): 1–15.

Fruge, Cheryl W., & Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (2008). Epistemological congruency in community college classrooms: Effects of epistemological beliefs on students’ experiences. College Teaching, 56 (2): 121-127.

Hill, Jackie, Ropers-Huilman, Becky, & Del Favero, Marietta. (2006). The role of mentoring in the development of African American nurse leaders. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice International Journal, 19 (4): 341-356.

Rebecca Ropers-Huilman – 6 Ropers-Huilman, Becky, Carwile, Laura, & Lima, Marybeth. (2005). Service-learning in Engineering: A valuable pedagogy for achieving professional standards. European Journal of Engineering Education, 30 (2): 155-165. [Selected for Archival in Annals of Research on Engineering Education]

Ropers-Huilman, Becky, Carwile, Laura, & Barnett, Kathy. (2005). Student activists’ characterizations of administrators in higher education: Perceptions of power in “the system.” Review of Higher Education, 28 (3): 295-312.

Smith-Adcock, Sondra, Ropers-Huilman, Becky, & Choate, Laura Hensley. (2004). Feminist teaching in counseling education: Promoting multicultural understanding. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 32: 402-414.

Wallace, Dawn D., Ropers-Huilman, Becky, & Abel, Ron. (2004) Working in the margins: A study of university professionals serving marginalized student populations. National Association of Student Personnel Administrators Journal, 41 (4): 569-587.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (2003). Evolutions of self and research: Autobiography and knowledge related to women in higher education. Proteus: A Journal of Ideas, 20 (3): 51-54.

Eppert, Claudia, Ropers-Huilman, Becky, & Lima, Marybeth. (2003). Engendering respect in a service-learning community: Teaching and learning in a multidisciplinary partnership. Scholar-Practitioner Quarterly, 4 (1): 89-104.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (2003). Witnessing and advocacy in educational leadership. Journal of School Leadership, 13 (5): 581-610.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (2001). Feminist poststructuralism in higher education: Opportunities for transforming teaching and learning. Organization, 8 (2): 388-395.

Wallace, Dawn, Abel, Ron, & Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (2000). Clearing a path for success: Deconstructing borders through mentoring in higher education. Review of Higher Education, 24 (1): 87-102.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (1999). Scholarship on the other side: Power and caring in feminist education. National Women’s Studies Association Journal, 11 (1), 118-135. Reprinted in: • Glazer-Raymo, Judith, Townsend, Barbara, & Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (Eds.). (2000). Women in American higher education: A feminist perspective (Vol. 2). • Crabtree, Robbin D., Sapp, David Alan, & Licona, Adela C. (2009). Feminist pedagogy: Looking back to move forward (pp. 40-58). Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (1999). Social justice in the classroom: Understanding the implications of interlocking oppressions. College Teaching, 47 (3): 91-95.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (1999). Witnessing: Critical inquiry in a poststructural world. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 12 (1): 21-35.

Rebecca Ropers-Huilman – 7 Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (1999). Troublesome texts: Re-searching, re-reading, and re-telling hard data. Journal for Just and Caring Education, 5 (2): 183-195.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (1997). Constructing feminist teachers: Complexities of identity. Gender and Education, 9 (3): 327-343.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (1996). Still waters run deep: Meanings of silence in feminist classrooms. Feminist Teacher, 10 (1): 3-7.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (1996). The usefulness of critique: Power and criticism in feminist education. The Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 18 (2): 155-164.

Capper, Colleen, Hanson, Sandi, & Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (1994). Community-based interagency collaboration: A poststructural interruption of critical practices. Journal of Education Policy, 9 (4): 335-351.

Invited Articles & Book Chapters

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca, & O’Brien, Nancy. (2015). Feminist research paradigms. In Janet M. Bennett (Ed.) Sage Encyclopedia of Intercultural Competence.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca, Williamsen, Kaaren, & Hoffman, Garrett. (2015). Questioning the scripts of sexual misconduct. In Carrie Wooten & Roland W. Mitchell (Eds.) Blue Lights and Bystanders: How Higher Education Institutions are Responding to the Crisis of Campus Sexual Violence.

Locher, Holley, & Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (2015). Wearing you down: The influence of racial battle fatigue on academic freedom for faculty of color. In Kenneth Fasching-Varner, Katrice A. Albert, Roland W. Mitchell, and Chaunda Allen (Eds.) Racial battle fatigue in higher education: Exposing the myth of post-racial America (pp. 113-124). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Thomas-Card, Traci, & Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (2014). Heteronormativity fractured and fused: Exploring the college experiences of multiple marginalized LGBT students. In Donald Mitchell (Ed.) Intersectionality in higher education: Theory, research, & praxis (pp. 78-87). New York: Peter Lang.

Winters, Kelly T., Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca, Shahjahan, Riyad, Osei-Kofi, Nana, Cleghorne, Nicholas A., & Hakkola, Leah. (2012). Reimagining and enacting possibilities for social justice in the academy. Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis, 1 (1).

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca, Iverson, Susan, & Allan, Elizabeth. (2010). Questions and complexities in feminist poststructural policy analysis. In Elizabeth Allan, Susan Iverson, & Rebecca Ropers- Huilman (Eds.) Reconstructing policy in higher education: Feminist poststructural perspectives (pp. 235-240). New York: Routledge.

Hoffman, Jennifer Lee, Iverson, Susan, Allan, Elizabeth, & Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (2010). Title IX policy and intercollegiate athletics: A feminist poststructural critique. In Elizabeth Allan, Susan Iverson, & Rebecca Ropers-Huilman (Eds.) Reconstructing policy in higher education: Feminist poststructural perspectives (pp. 129-146). New York: Routledge.

Rebecca Ropers-Huilman – 8

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (2010). Motivated to make a difference: Gendered motivations of student change agents. In Elizabeth Allan, Susan Iverson, & Rebecca Ropers-Huilman (Eds.) Reconstructing policy in higher education: Feminist poststructural perspectives (pp. 171-192). New York: Routledge.

Allan, Elizabeth, Iverson, Susan, & Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (2010). Introduction. In Elizabeth Allan, Susan Iverson, & Rebecca Ropers-Huilman (Eds.) Reconstructing policy in higher education: Feminist poststructural perspectives (pp. 1-10). New York: Routledge.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca, & Enke, Kathryn A. E. (2010). Diversity and interdisciplinarity: Exploring complexities and the intersections of the academy. In T. Elon Dancy II (Ed.) Managing diversity: (Re)visioning equity on college campuses (pp. 11-24). New York: Peter Lang.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca, & Winters, Kelly. (2010). Imagining intersectionality and the spaces in between: Theories and processes of socially transformative knowing. In Maggi Savin-Baden & Claire Howell Major (Eds.) New approaches to qualitative research: Wisdom and uncertainty (pp. 37-48). New York: Routledge.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky, & Palmer, Betsy. (2008). Civic and feminist education: Bridging parallel approaches to teaching and learning. In Sue Bracken, Diane Dean, & Jeanie Allen (Eds.) Most college students are women: Implications for teaching, learning and policy (pp. 11-28). Stylus Publishing.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (2008). Women faculty and the dance of identities: Constructing self and privilege within community. In Judith Glazer-Raymo (Ed.) Unfinished agendas: Women, gender, and the new challenges of higher education (pp. 35-51). Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Clark, Menthia, & Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (2006). Gender in educational leadership. In Fenwick English (Ed.) Encyclopedia of educational leadership and administration. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky, & Taliaferro, Denise. (2003). Advocacy education: Teaching, research, and difference in higher education. In Gendered futures in higher education: Critical perspectives for change (pp. 151-177). Albany, NY: SUNY.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky, & Shackelford, Monisa. (2003). Negotiating identities and making change: Feminist faculty in higher education. In Gendered futures in higher education: Critical perspectives for change (pp. 135-147). Albany, NY: SUNY.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (2003). Gender in the future of higher education. In Gendered futures in higher education: Critical perspectives for change (pp. 1-11). Albany, NY: SUNY.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (2002). Feminism in the academy: An introduction. In Kris Renn & Ana Martínez Alemán (Eds.) Encyclopedia of women in higher education (pp. 109-118). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

Rebecca Ropers-Huilman – 9 Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (2002). Feminist education. In Kevin Kinser & James Forest (Eds.) Encyclopedia of higher education (pp. 254-258). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (2000). Aren’t you satisfied yet?: Women faculty members’ interpretations of their academic work. In Linda Hagedorn (Ed.) What contributes to job satisfaction among faculty and staff. Series: New Directions for Institutional Research, 27 (1): 21-32.

Glazer-Raymo, Judith, Townsend, Barbara, & Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (2000). Introduction. In Women in American higher education: A feminist perspective (Vol. 2) (pp. ix-xviii). Needham Heights, MA: Ginn.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky, & Graue, Beth. (1999). Stumbling toward knowledge: Enacting qualitative research. In Carl Grant (Ed.), Multicultural research: A reflective engagement with race, class, gender, and sexual orientation (pp. 228-239). London: Falmer.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (1998). Feminist teaching in higher education. In John C. Smart (Ed.), Higher education: Handbook of theory and research, 13 (pp. 274-303). Bronx, NY: Agathon.

Scott, Stephen, & Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (1998). Research, theory, and the practice of witnessing. In John Smyth (Ed.) Critical pedagogy networker, 11 (3): 1-7.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (1998). Conceptualizing truth in teaching and learning: Implications of truth-seeking for feminist practice. In Bat-Ami Bar On & Ann Ferguson (Eds.), Daring to be good: Essays in feminist ethico-politics (pp. 55-69). New York: Routledge.

Book Reviews & Other Publications

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (2014). Equity questions in global contexts. A Community of Higher Education Scholars: AERA-J Blog.

Reinert, Leah, & Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (2013). Teaching and learning social justice. American College Personnel Association’s Council on Social Justice Education Blog.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (2011). Editorial introduction. Feminist Formations, 23 (2): viii-xii.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (2010). Editorial introduction. Feminist Formations, 22 (1): vii-x.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (2010). Editorial introduction. Feminist Formations, 22 (2): vii-xi.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca & Williamsen, Kaaren. (2009). Review of The gender gap in college: Maximizing the developmental potential of women and men by Linda J. Sax. The Review of Higher Education, 32 (4): 554-556.

Winters, Kelly, & Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (2009). Review of How the university works: Higher education and the low wage nation by Marc Bousquet. Education Review.

Rebecca Ropers-Huilman – 10 Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (2009). Editorial introduction. National Women’s Studies Association Journal, 21 (1): vii-x.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (2008). Review of What’s liberal about the liberal arts? by Michael Bérubé. Academe, 94 (4): 70-71.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (2008). Editorial introduction. National Women’s Studies Association Journal, 20 (1): vii-x.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (2006). College women’s experiences: Complexities of class and context. National Women’s Studies Association Journal, 18 (2): 223-226.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (2005). Resiliency after the storm. Association for the Study of Higher Education Newsletter: 1-2.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (2005). Review of Research in the College Context: Approaches and Methods by Frances K. Stage and Kathleen Manning. New York: Brunner-Routledge. Review of Higher Education, 28 (3): 446-447.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (2004). Balancing, blocking, or blending?: Creating family and professional identities. On Campus with Women, 33 (2). Association of American Colleges and Universities.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (2004). Review of Teaching democracy: Unity and diversity in public life by Walter C. Parker. Education Review.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (2003). Review of Contradictions in women’s education: Traditionalism, careerism, and community at a single-sex college by Barbara J. Bank with Harriet M. Yelon. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 34 (4):

Ropers-Huilman, Becky, & Ropers-Huilman, Brian. (2000). Free speech and sexual harassment: Something’s not computing. Case Study in Frances Stage & Mike Dannells (Eds.) Linking theory to practice: Case studies for working with college students Vol. 2 (pp. 200-203). Ann Arbor, MI: Taylor & Francis.

Tashakkori, Abbas & Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (2000). Methodological and conceptual issues in research on gender and ethnicity: A review of Gender, culture and ethnicity: Current research about women and men. Contemporary Psychology, 45 (2): 170-174.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (1999). Feminist teaching and poststructural promise: Transforming teaching and learning relationships. Proceedings from Re-organizing knowledge, Transforming institutions: Knowing, knowledge and the university in the 21st century. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca, & Conrad, Clifton F. (1993). Qualitative research bibliography. In Clifton Conrad, Anna Neumann, Jennifer Grant Haworth, & Patricia Scott (Eds.), Qualitative research in higher education: Experiencing alternative perspectives and approaches (pp. 661-689). Needham Heights, MA: Ginn.

Rebecca Ropers-Huilman – 11 Presentations – National and International

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (March, 2015). Equity questions in university contexts: Constructions of power and agency in the process of change. Presented at the Comparative and International Education Society: Washington, D.C.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (November, 2014). Gender in the transformation of Austrian university education: Policies and practices to advance equity. Presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education: Washington, D.C.

Hoffmann, Garrett, Rodriguez, Fernando, & Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (November, 2014). Reframing “achievement gaps” in higher education: Poststructural questions and students’ perspectives. Presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education: Washington, D.C.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (October, 2014). Issues confronting American higher education: Looking forward, looking back. Committee on Institution Cooperation’s Academic Leadership Program. Minneapolis, MN.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca, & Reinert, Leah. (July, 2014). Women’s involvement in postsecondary education across contexts: Understanding the past and creating the future. Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and Nations Conference at Vienna University of Economics and Business: Vienna, Austria.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (June, 2014). Gender and equity in higher education: Developing change through leadership. University of Graz: Graz, Austria.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (June, 2014). Gender in higher education: Change strategies in the United States and Austria. University of Klagenfurt: Klagenfurt, Austria.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (May, 2014). Gender equity in United States and Austrian universities: Strategies and complexities of change. Gender and Higher Education in Europe: Assessing the Past, Re-examining the Present and Shaping the Future. Lund University: Lund, Sweden.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (May, 2014). Gender in education and society: What does equity look like? Fulbright Commission’s American Studies Institute: Strobl, Austria.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (April, 2014). Critical issues in U.S. higher education: The roles of tenure, finance, and access in defining academic excellence. Institut für Wissenschaftkommunikation und Hochschulforschung (Institute for Science Communication and Higher Education Research), University of Klagenfurt: Vienna, Austria.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (March, 2014). Doctoral education in the United States. Institut für Wissenschaftkommunikation und Hochschulforschung (Institute for Science Communication and Higher Education Research), University of Klagenfurt: Vienna, Austria.

Winters, Kelly T., Hakkola, Leah, & Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (November, 2013). Minding bodies: The places, spaces, and technologies of surveillance in higher education. Association for the Study of Higher Education: St. Louis, MO.

Rebecca Ropers-Huilman – 12

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (July, 2013). Women’s entry into male-dominated areas: The case of higher education. Congresso USP de Controladoria e Contabilidade (University of Sao Paulo Congress of Controllership and Accountancy): Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Hakkola, Leah, Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca, & Williams, Rhiannon. (April, 2013). Academic leaders and diversity discourses in higher education. Keeping Our Faculties of Color: Minneapolis, MN.

Williams, Rhiannon, Lee, Amy, Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca, Iverson, Susan, Miksch, Karen, Chang, Mitch, & Shaw, Marta. (November, 2012). Shifting discourses of diversity and equity in higher education. Association for the Study of Higher Education: Las Vegas, NV.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca, Winters, Kelly, & Hakkola, Leah. (November, 2012). Embodied minds: Women’s body image and educational experience. Association for the Study of Higher Education: Las Vegas, NV.

Allan, Elizabeth, Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca, Iverson, Susan V., Mitchell, Roland, Hernandez, Susana, Gildersleeve, Ryan Evely, Swain, Stuart, & Hallen, Lisa. (November, 2012). Policy discourse analysis. Association for the Study of Higher Education: Las Vegas, NV.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca, King, Jean, Hakkola, Leah, & Shaw, Marta. (October, 2012). Defining and measuring quality in graduate education for the 21st century. American Evaluation Association: Minneapolis, MN.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca, Martínez Alemán, Ana, Ward, Kelly, & Morphew, Christopher. (November, 2011). Research to practice for academic leaders: A focus on the department chair. Association for the Study of Higher Education: Charlotte, NC.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca, Winters, Kelly, Clegorne, Nik, Shajahan, Riyad, & Osei-Kofi, Nana. (October, 2011). Disrupting norms of academic knowledge: Postsecondary education and curriculum theory. Bergamo Conference of Curriculum Theory.

Allan, Elizabeth, Iverson, Susan, & Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (October, 2011). Provoking Dialogue Series: Reconstructing Policy in Higher Education: Feminist Poststructural Perspectives. Bergamo Conference of Curriculum Theory: Dayton, OH.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (November, 2010). Reflections on teaching and reiterative thinking. Association for the Study of Higher Education: Indianapolis, IN.

Winters, Kelly, Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca, & Enke, Kathryn. (November, 2010). Interpreting retold lives: Intersectional approaches and the complexities of understanding the experiences of Catholic women’s college students. Association for the Study of Higher Education: Indianapolis, IN.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (November, 2010). Teaching as an act of social justice: Stories of whiteness in the academy. Association for the Study of Higher Education: Indianapolis, IN.

Rebecca Ropers-Huilman – 13 Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (November, 2010). Feminist publishing. National Women’s Studies Association. Denver, CO.

Winters, Kelly, & Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (November, 2010). Imagining intersectional understandings and the spaces-in-between. National Women’s Studies Association. Denver, CO.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (November, 2009). Feminist publishing. National Women’s Studies Association. Atlanta, GA.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca, Winters, Kelly, & Enke, Kathryn. (November, 2009). The invisibility of whiteness: White college women (dis)engaging race. National Women’s Studies Association. Atlanta, GA.

Enke, Kathryn A.E., Winters, Kelly, & Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (November, 2009). Enacting and resisting dominant narratives: Catholic women’s college students’ expectations for future work and family balance. Association for the Study of Higher Education. Vancouver, BC.

Enke, Kathryn A.E., & Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (November, 2009). Defining success: Perspectives from students at Catholic women’s colleges. Association for the Study of Higher Education. Vancouver, BC.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca, & Winters, Kelly. (June, 2009). Feminist methodology in higher education: Enhancing the field through gendered understanding. Midwest Qualitative Research Conference. St. Paul, MN.

Watson, Jesse S., Loftin, Jennifer, McIntosh, David, Reason, Robert, & Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (November, 2008). White researchers conducting critical white research. Association for the Study of Higher Education. Jacksonville, FL.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca, Enke, Kathryn, & Chien, Claire. (November, 2008). Catholic women’s college students’ constructions of identity: The influence of faculty and staff on students’ personal and professional self-understanding. Association for the Study of Higher Education. Jacksonville, FL.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (June, 2008). Resisting discrimination in academe. National Women’s Studies Association Conference: Cincinnati, OH.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (June, 2008). Reflections on editing a special issue of the National Women’s Studies Association Journal: Processes and Perspectives. National Women’s Studies Association Conference: Cincinnati, OH.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (November, 2007). Re/constructing higher education: Feminist poststructural perspectives and policy analysis. Association for the Study of Higher Education. Louisville, KY.

Daly, Brenda, & Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (June, 2007). Publishing feminist scholarship: The National Women’s Studies Association Journal. National Women’s Studies Association. St. Charles, IL.

Rebecca Ropers-Huilman – 14 Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (November, 2006). Women faculty and the dance of identities: Constructing self and privilege within community. Association for the Study of Higher Education. Anaheim, CA.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (June, 2006). Taking my place at the table: A gendered analysis of the motivations of student change agents. National Women’s Studies Association. Oakland, CA.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky, & McCoy, Dorian. (April, 2006). Critic and conscience of the university?: The functions of student change agents within universities. American Educational Research Association. San Francisco, CA.

Fruge, Cheryl, & Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (April, 2006). Epistemological congruency: Effects of learning differences among college students and faculty. American Educational Research Association. San Francisco, CA.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky, & Bendily, Erin. (November, 2005). Changing their minds: The civic effects of involvement on college students. Association for the Study of Higher Education. Philadelphia, PA.

Juban, Rusty, Wallace, Dawn, Ropers-Huilman, Becky, & Yeargin, John. (October, 2005). Sexual harassment of students in higher education. Allied Academies International Conference. Las Vegas, NV.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky, McCoy, Dorian, & Lott, Joe. (November, 2004). Civic engagement in United States postsecondary institutions: Past and future roles. Association for the Study of Higher Education. Kansas City, MO.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky, & Palmer, Betsy. (November, 2004). Civic and feminist education: Bridging parallel approaches to teaching and learning. Association for the Study of Higher Education. Kansas City, MO.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky, Butler, Ladwawn, Duffourc, Danielle, Rester, Carolyn, & Simone, Joe. (April, 2004). Interpreting diversity: College students’ understanding of diversity efforts in higher education. American Educational Research Association. San Diego, CA.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (February, 2004). Diversity in higher education. Louisiana State University Agricultural Center’s Diversity Conference. Baton Rouge, LA.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (September, 2003). Student activists as democratic citizens: Illuminating tensions in U.S. higher education. University of Auckland College of Education. Auckland, New Zealand.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky, Vlasnik, Amber, Bourg, Kayla, Juge, George, & Bradley, Kristen. (June, 2003). Southern discomforts in a university setting: Women’s center staff working through gender conflicts. National Women’s Studies Association. New Orleans, LA.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky, Carwile, Laura, & Lee, Crystal. (April, 2003). Student activists in higher education: Exploring the relationships between perceptions of culture and change strategies. American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL.

Rebecca Ropers-Huilman – 15

Ropers-Huilman, Becky, Carwile, Laura, & Barnett, Kathy. (November, 2002). Working the system: Communication processes of student activists and higher education administrators. Association for the Study of Higher Education. Sacramento, CA.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (April, 2002). Negotiating identities and making change: Feminist faculty in higher education. American Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (April, 2001). Feminist teaching in theory and practice. Invited Presentation for Conference on Women in Higher Education. Seattle, WA.

Palmer, Betsy, Major, Claire, Ortiz, Anna, & Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (April, 2001). The scholarship of teaching: An interactive symposium on the emerging practice of junior faculty. American Educational Research Association. Seattle, WA.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (April, 2000). Evolutions of self and research: Working knowledge while composing a life. Presented on an invited panel with Glazer-Raymo, Judith, Hagedorn, Linda, Hurtado, Sylvia, & Johnsrud, Linda: Women faculty as knowledge workers: Feminist perspectives. American Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (March, 2000). Feminist faculty in higher education: Optimistic imaginings for our future. Women's lives, women's voices, women's solutions: Shaping a national agenda for women in higher education. St. Paul, MN.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky, & Scott, Stephen. (November, 1999). A gendered analysis of the path to the professoriate: Student-faculty relationships in higher education doctoral programs. Association for the Study of Higher Education. San Antonio, TX.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (November, 1999). Job satisfaction for women and feminist faculty: Exploring alternative indicators. Association for the Study of Higher Education. San Antonio, TX. Abel, Ron, Wallace, Dawn, & Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (November, 1999). Working in the margins: A study of university professionals serving marginalized students. Association for the Study of Higher Education. San Antonio, TX.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky, Hensley, Laura, & Smith, Sondra. (October, 1999). Counselor education and the principles of feminist teaching. Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. New Orleans, LA.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (September, 1999). Feminist teaching and poststructural promise: Transforming teaching and learning relationships. Re-organizing knowledge, Trans-forming institutions: Knowing, knowledge and the university in the 21st century. Amherst, MA.

Ortiz, Anna, Ropers-Huilman, Becky, Shaw, Kate, Cheng, Mitchell, & Rhoads, Robert. (November, 1998). Teaching diversity in higher education. Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Meeting. Miami, FL.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (October, 1998). Feminist leadership in higher education: A textual analysis of power and resistance. Research on Women in Education. East Lansing, MI.

Rebecca Ropers-Huilman – 16 Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (June, 1998). Activism and advocacy: Feminist teaching for higher education leaders. Presented in a symposium with Kimmich, Allison, May, Vivian, & Erikson, Sheila: Teaching and activism, teaching as activism: Feminist pedagogy and the Women’s Studies classroom. National Women’s Studies Association. Oswego, NY.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky & Wallace, Dawn. (April, 1998). Interrogating imposition in feminist education. Presented in a symposium with Betsy Palmer, Jennifer Grant Haworth, Lynn Freeman, & Jeanne Brady: Teaching and learning in everyday life: Feminist engagements within higher education. American Educational Research Association. San Diego, CA.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (April, 1998). Feminist leaders in higher education: A textual analysis of power and resistance. American Educational Research Association. San Diego, CA.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (April, 1998). “Potent” practices in educational leadership: Democratic education and interlocking oppressions. Presented in a symposium with Duncan, P. Kay, Brunner, Cryss, Carr, Carolyn, & Jackson, Barbara: Caring and sharing power: Potent pedagogical practices. (Invited Address: SIG on Teaching in Educational Administration.) American Educational Research Association. San Diego, CA.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky & Costner, Stefanie. (April, 1998). Participation and progress: Improving the climate for women of color in college. American Educational Research Association. San Diego, CA.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky, Costner, Stefanie, Shaw, Luria, Nelson-Brown, Thresa, & Morrison, Toni. (November, 1997). Women of color in college: Thinking about the diversity within. Association for the Study of Higher Education. Albuquerque, NM.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (June, 1997). Advocacy education: Intersections as the other in teaching/research. Reclaiming voice: Ethnographic inquiry and qualitative research in a postmodern age. Los Angeles, CA. Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (March, 1997). Strategies of disruption: Teaching and learning in everyday life. American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (March, 1997). Scholarship on the other side: Power and caring as teacher and student. Presented in a symposium with Duncan, P. Kay, Brunner, C. Cryss, Carr, Carolyn, and Jackson, Barbara: The prospect of “inclusive pedagogy” for reinventing leadership preparation programs. American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (March, 1997). Hard data. Presented in a symposium with Brunner, C. Cryss, Duncan, P. Kay, Smithmier, Angela, Cross, Beverly E., & Reitzug, Ulrich C.: Invasive inquiry: Confessions of qualitative researchers (A trilogy of morality plays). American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (March, 1997). Witnessing: Critical inquiry in a poststructural world. American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (June, 1996). (Re)framing resistance: Deconstructing feminist teaching discourse in higher education. National Women’s Studies Association. Saratoga Springs, NY.

Rebecca Ropers-Huilman – 17

Ropers-Huilman, Becky, & Smithmier, Angela. (April, 1996). Systems change from outside in: Realizing collective understandings of interagency collaboration. American Educational Research Association. New York.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (November, 1995). Responsive work: Student impact on the construction of teaching. Association for the Study of Higher Education. Orlando, FL.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky, & Capper, Colleen. (October, 1995). Critical questions of community- based interagency service efforts: A conceptual framework for teaching and research. University Council for Educational Administration. Salt Lake City, UT.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (October, 1995). What determines success?: A poststructural analysis of evaluation processes in interagency collaboration. University Council for Educational Administration. Salt Lake City, UT.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (June, 1995). Reiterative work: Feminist teaching in the academy. National Women's Studies Association. Norman, OK.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (April, 1995). Philosophies, strategies and complexities of feminist teaching. American Educational Research Association. San Francisco, CA.

Presentations/Invited Talks - Regional and Local

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (May, 2015). Personal power and influencing organizational impact. Women’s Leadership Institute. University of Minnesota.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (October, 2013). Sustainability of higher education. Conference sponsored by the University of Minnesota Graduate and Professional Student Association (GAPSA). Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca, & Vavrus, Frances. (April, 2013). Gender in education: International policy perspectives. Humphrey Institute of Public Policy Class on Gender in Public Policy.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (March, 2013). Women, leadership, and organizational change. Women’s Leadership Institute. University of Minnesota.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (November, 2012). Gender diversity and sexual orientation in education. Great Lessons for Teacher Education. University of Minnesota.

Lee, Amy, & Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (May, 2012). Beyond “add and stir”: Engaging diversity in college classrooms. School of Public Health Symposium. University of Minnesota.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca, & DeJaeghere, Joan. (April, 2012). Gender in education. Humphrey Institute of Public Policy Class on Gender in Public Policy.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (April, 2012). Feminist knowing and knowledge. University of Minnesota Doctoral Educational Inquiry Class.

Rebecca Ropers-Huilman – 18 Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (January, 2012). United States higher education: An introduction and critical issues. University of Minnesota Russian International Education Administrators Program.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (November, 2011). Strengthening graduate education through ongoing evaluation: Challenges and opportunities. University of Minnesota Graduate Education Workshop.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (October, 2011). Challenges and resources for new chairs. University of Minnesota New Chairs Forum.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (April, 2011). Keynote address: All I really need to know I learned in graduate school. University of Minnesota Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development Student Research Conference.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (April, 2011). Feminist knowing and knowledge. University of Minnesota Doctoral Educational Inquiry Class.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (April, 2010). Everyday practices toward everyday change: Working responsively and reiteratively through whiteness. University of Minnesota Diversity as Everybody’s Everyday Work.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (March, 2010). Feminist publishing. Bowling Green State University Women’s & Gender Studies/American Culture Studies Programs.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (March, 2010). Feminist and higher education publishing. University of Minnesota Postsecondary Education Research Institute.

Ropers-Huilman, Rebecca. (February, 2010). Feminist publishing. University of Minnesota Gender, Women’s, & Sexuality Studies Graduate Student Colloquium.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky, Asher, Nina, & Lima Marybeth. (March, 2007). Feminist teaching. Louisiana State University Faculty Development Series.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (September, 2006). Race and gender in college and life. Louisiana State University Series for First Year Students.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (September, 2006). Feminism@LSU. Louisiana State University Women’s Center.

Vlasnik, Amber, Ropers-Huilman, Becky, & Albert, Katrice. (September, 2005). Women: Seeking equity in higher education. Women’s Week Celebration. Baton Rouge, LA.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky, McCoy, Dorian, & Lott, Joe. (April, 2005). Civic engagement in United States postsecondary institutions: Past and future roles. Louisiana State University Teaching in Higher Education Forum.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (April, 2005). Women in higher education: Because equity is still an issue. American Association of University Women Louisiana State Convention. Baton Rouge, LA.

Rebecca Ropers-Huilman – 19

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (March, 2003). Gendered futures in higher education. Louisiana State University Women’s Center.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky, Vlasnik, Amber, & Bourg, Kayla. (September, 2002). Feminism in higher education. Louisiana State University Women’s Center.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (July, 2002). Women in higher education. American Association of University Women (Baton Rouge Chapter).

Shackelford, Monisa, & Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (April, 2001). Walking the tenure tight rope: Gendered impression management in higher education. Southern Sociological Society Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (March, 1999). Scholarship on the other side: Making the transition from graduate student to college professor. Louisiana State University Graduate Women’s Consortium.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (March, 1999). Feminism: A dirty word or a useful tool? You decide! Louisiana State University Residential Life Faculty Lecture Series.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (November, 1998). Issues in student affairs: Working together toward a multicultural environment. Louisiana State University Student Services Professional Development Program.

Scott, Stephen & Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (March, 1998). An assessment of gender and the research assistantship: Implications for higher education programs. Louisiana Educational Research Association.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky & Bateman, Mark. (December, 1996). Theories of student development. Louisiana State University Student Development Discussion Group.

Munro, Petra & Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (November, 1996). Power in the classroom: A feminist perspective. Louisiana State University Graduate Women’s Consortium.

Lobes, Carol, Ropers-Huilman, Becky, Smith, Pat, & Stonecipher, Chuck. (April, 1995). Interagency collaboration. Wisconsin Child Abuse and Neglect. Madison, WI.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky. (March, 1995). Negotiating knowledge and knowing: Philosophies of teaching and learning in feminist classrooms. University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Education Graduate Student Symposium.

Ropers-Huilman, Becky, Smithmier, Angela, & Hanson, Sandi. (March, 1995). Insights, blind spots, and lessons learned: Working with middle school students as researchers. University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Education Graduate Student Symposium.

Rebecca Ropers-Huilman – 20 Graduate Advising

Doctoral Dissertations

University of Minnesota

Bettendorf, Anthony. (To be completed in Fall, 2015). Campus racial climate: Fostering diversity and social justice in higher education. [Assistant Director for Staff Development, Residence Life, ]

Hakkola, Leah. (July, 2015). Exploring discourses of diversity in U.S. higher education recruitment processes. [Lecturer of Higher Education, University of Maine]

Ruthenbeck, Robin Hart. (2015). Exploring the effects of Facebook participation on entering college students’ sense of belonging at a small, private liberal arts college (co-advised with Tania Mitchell). [Recipient of the NODA 2015 Outstanding Research Award; Assistant Dean of Students, Macalester College]

Melin, LeeAnn. (2015). Being and becoming: An Exploration of Student Spirituality in the Second Year of College. [Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Student Initiatives, University of Minnesota]

Rand, Sarah. (2014). How do formal women’s networks affect members’ career advancement and the success of their sponsoring organization? [Associate Professor of Business; St. Catherine University]

Lepkowski, Chris. (2014). Gender, performativity, and leadership: Department chairs in research universities. [Director of Undergraduate Programs & Assessment at Herberger Business School, St. Cloud State University]

O’Brien, Nancy. (2013). Intercultural relations: Re-visioning an interdisciplinary field through the global lens of women (co-advised with Michael Paige). [Faculty/Director of Intercultural Experiences, Honors College, The ]

Phillips, Gareth. (2013). A comparative study of international student engagement and success based on race/ethnicity, gender, and institutional type (co-advised with Ernest Davenport). [Lecturer in the School of Technical and Vocational Education, University of Technology, Jamaica]

Locher, Holley. (2013). Academic freedom for whom?: Experiences and perceptions of faculty of color. [Assistant to the Dean, College of Design, University of Minnesota]

Mitchell, Donald. (2012). Are they truly divine?: A grounded theory of the influences of Black Greek- lettered organizations on the persistence of African Americans at predominantly White institutions. [Recipient of The Center for the Study of the College Fraternity’s Richard McKaig Outstanding Doctoral Research Award; Honorable Mention from The American Association of Blacks in Higher Education; Assistant Professor of Higher Education, Grand Valley State University]

Rebecca Ropers-Huilman – 21

Enke, Kathryn Enger. (2011). Positionality and enacted leadership: Women in senior leadership positions in liberal arts colleges. [Chief of Staff, President’s Office, College of St. Benedict]

Holland, Ann. (2010). The place of race in cultural nursing education: The experience of White BSN nursing faculty. [Associate Professor of Nursing, Bethel University]

Louisiana State University

Dancy, T. Elon. (2007). Manhood constructions among engaged African American male collegians: Influences, experiences, and contexts. [Recognized for Excellence by the American Educational Research Association - Division J; Associate Professor of Adult and Higher Education, ]

Fruge, Cheryl. (2007). Epistemological congruency in community college classrooms: Effects of epistemological beliefs on students’ experience. [Director of College Counseling, St. Thomas More Catholic High School]

Lee, Crystal. (2007). Hope for today and tomorrow: Identity construction, power, and persistence of community college women who are first in their families to attend college. [Vice Chancellor of Instruction, River Parishes Community College]

Junek, Ashley. (2007). Going with the flow?: The medical school pipeline and advising premedical African American students on predominantly White campuses. [Assistant Dean for Academic Programs, E.J. Ourso School of Business, Louisiana State University]

Pourciau, Todd. (2006). Leadership for scholarly excellence: A qualitative examination of department chair facilitation methods to promote research productivity in pre-tenure biological sciences faculty. [Dean of Innovative Learning and Academic Support, Baton Rouge Community College]

McCoy, Dorian. (2006). Entering the academy: Exploring the socialization experiences of African American male faculty .[Assistant Professor of Higher Education, ]

Warren, Kim Andrepont. (2005). Theory and practice in Student Support Services: The relationship between advisor and student perceptions of Student Support Services and development and prescriptive theory. [Assistant Director, Office of Disability Services, University of Louisiana at Lafayette]

Aaron, Laura Carwile. (2005). Responsibilities and leadership styles of radiological technology program directors: Implications for leadership development. [Director and Graduate Coordinator, Department of Allied Health at Northwestern State University]

Lott, Joe. (2005). Civic orientation predictors of Black students: An exploratory study (co-advised with Christine Distefano). [Recognized for Excellence by the American Educational Research Association: Div. J; Associate Professor of Higher Education, University of Washington]

Brackin, Laura Schexnayder. (2005). Self-determination of students with disabilities in postsecondary education. [Executive Director, The Arc of Louisiana]

Rebecca Ropers-Huilman – 22

Smothers, Roderick. (2004). The influence of state merit-based aid on access and educational experiences: An exploration of the Louisiana Tuition Opportunity Program for Students. [President, Philander Smith College]

Becks, Germaine. (2004). African American women administrators in higher education administration: Exploring the challenges and experiences at public colleges and universities.

Alexander, Angela. (2004). A qualitative exploration of students' experiences with tutorial learning. [Director of Upward Bound/Assistant Professor of University Studies, Nicholls State University]

Hill, Jacqueline. (2004). The role of mentoring in the development of African American nurse leaders (co-advised with Marietta Del Favero). [Associate Professor and Chair, Nursing, Southern University of Baton Rouge]

Stubblefield (Young), Luria. (2004). Students with a GED in four-year institutions: The voices of persisters.[Associate Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Southern University in Baton Rouge]

Morrison, Tonetta Beloney. (2003). Your blues ain’t like mine: Exploring the promotion and tenure process of African American female professors at select, predominantly white, research universities in the south. [IT Deputy Director at Louisiana Division of Administration/Office of Technology Services]

Callais, Mari Ann. (2002). Sorority rituals: Rites of passages and their impact on contemporary sorority women. [Senior Director of Special Initiatives for Delta Delta Delta Fraternity]

Sanders (Horner), Christy. (2001). Service learning: Administrators’ goals at a Research I university.

Tradewell, Golden. (2001). An exploratory case study of the social interactions among baccalaureate nursing students in a cooperative group learning environment.

Martin, Catherine. (2000). The relationships between on-campus interactions and retention of African American students at a predominantly White institution. Wallace, Dawn. (2000). Critical connections: Perspectives on meaningful mentoring relationships between women doctoral students and dissertation chairs. [Associate Professor of Business Administration. Southeastern Louisiana University]

Joubert-Thompson, Rose Mary. (2000). Shattering the barriers: Achieving African American students at predominantly white institutions and their reasons for success.

Scott, Stephen. (1999). A critical analysis of gender and the role of the research assistantship in development of higher education faculty.

Nelson-Brown, Thresa. (1998). Student loan procurement: Exploring its linkages to leadership, diligence, and post-collegiate behaviors (co-advised with Kofi Lomotey). [CEO Young Women’s Leadership Charter School of Chicago]

Rebecca Ropers-Huilman – 23 Masters Advisees

2015: Jason Jackson Nina Scheff Brittany Rams 2014: April Coon Claire Tomczak Jennifer Englund 2013: Shannon Hofmann Charles Helm 2012: Nichole Sorenson Elizabeth Schwartz Hans Peterson Terry Paape Doug Haltinner Emily Ehlinger 2011: Emelee Volden Margaret Rodgers 2010: Jess Etten Nicole Clements 2009: Kathryn Enger Enke 2006: David Dial (LSU) 2005: Amber Vlasnik (LSU)



University of Klagenfurt-Fulbright Professor: Vienna, Austria; February-July, 2014 Served as guest professor during the winter semester at the Interdisciplinäre Institut für Forschung und Fortbildung (Interdisciplinary Institute for Research and Further Education) in Vienna, Austria. Conducted research on gender equity in the transformation of higher education in Austrian universities. Taught a graduate course on Gender and Change in Higher Education. Offered lectures on doctoral education in the United States, critical issues in U.S. higher education, gender equity in U.S. society, and gender equity policies and practices in Austrian and United States higher education.

University of Sao Paulo: Brazil; July, 2013 - 2014 Developed colloquium on gender and education offered at the University of Sao Paulo. Consulted with academic staff and administrators about possible programmatic development, especially related to graduate education and gender. Offered invited lecture on women’s underrepresentation in education and other organizations at Congresso USP de Controladoria e Contabilidade (University of Sao Paulo Congress of Controllership and Accountancy). Visit led to development of the research group GENERA: Núcleo FEA de Pesquisa em GENero E RAca (FEA Group in Research in Gender and Race.) Served as Track Coordinator with Silvia Pereira de Castro Casa Nova for Gender, Race, & Sexuality Track for the Congress of USP Controllership and Accounting.

Step-Up Zambia: Zambia; June, 2013 USAID-funded visit to Step-Up Zambia and Charles Lwanga College of Education in Monze to consult regarding data collection and analysis related to gender and policy dimensions of educational improvement project; facilitate workshop for teacher educators and teachers in training; provide guidelines for gender analysis; and collaboratively develop policy briefs for policy makers at the local, district, provincial, and national levels outlining policy problems, research design, key findings, and policy recommendations as a result of data analysis at the workshop.

Guangzhou University: China; May, 2011 Presented Critical issues in United States higher education at the International Higher Education Forum on Innovation and Development for Higher Education in Development Countries. Consulted with and explored possibilities for partnerships with the Research Institute for Higher Education of Guangzhou University.

Rebecca Ropers-Huilman – 24

University of Auckland: New Zealand; Fall Semester, 2003 Conducted research with students, academic staff, and administrators focused on the motivating and inhibiting factors associated with choices of student change agents within university contexts. Presented Student activists as democratic citizens: Illuminating tensions in U.S. higher education at the University of Auckland College of Education.

Association for the Study of Higher Education • Editorial Advisory Board Member/Reviewer, The Review of Higher Education: 2007-Present • Conference Proposal Reviewer: 11 times between 1996-2014 • Member, Bobby Wright Dissertation of the Year Award Committee: 1998, 2011, 2012 • Discussant, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2010, 2011 • Advisory Board Member & Reviewer, ASHE Monograph Series: 2006-2009 • Advisory Board Member, ASHE Reader College and University Curriculum: Placing Learning at the Epicenter of Courses, Programs, and Institutions: 2007 • Member, Publications Committee: 2003-2006 • Program Committee Member (Teaching, Learning, & Curriculum): 2003-2004 • Reviewer, Review of Higher Education: 2000, 2001, 2002 • Advisory Board Member, ASHE Reader Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education: 1999-2001 • Advisory Board Member, ASHE Reader Qualitative Research in Higher Education: 2000 • Program Committee Member (Poster Sessions): 1997-1998

American Educational Research Association (Division J: Postsecondary Education) • Section Co-Chair 2014 (Society, Culture, and Change) for National Conference: 2013-2014 • Member, Emerging Scholars Workshop Planning Committee: 2011 • Member, Dissertation of the Year Award Committee: 2007, 2008 • Mentor, SAGE (Scholars and Advocates for Gender Equity): 2006 • Reviewer: 1996, 1997, 1998, 2002, 2005, 2006 • Discussant: 1998, 2000, 2004 • Vice Co-Chair (Faculty and Curriculum) for National Conference: 1999-2000 • Editor, Division J Newsletter The PEN: 1998-2000

National Women’s Studies Association • Member, Governing Council: 2007-2009 • Member, National Conference Committee: 2006-2007 • Reviewer, National Women’s Studies Association Journal: 2003, 2006, 2007 • Reviewer, National Women’s Studies Association: 2004

Other Scholarly Contributions • Invited Instructor, Penn Equity Institute for Academic Deans and Department Chairs: Summer, 2015 • Advisory Board Member, Feminist Formations: 2013-Present • Review Board Member, Journal about Women in Higher Education: 2013-2016 • Advisory Board Member, College Student Affairs Journal: 2012-2014 • Editorial Board Member, Feminist Formations: 2011-2013 • External Reviewer, Promotion and Tenure Cases (16): 2003-2014 • Co-Instructor (with Kimberly Griffin) of Organizational Change for Diversity and Equity for Big 10 Higher Education Institute, University of Iowa: 2012

Rebecca Ropers-Huilman – 25 • Editor, Feminist Formations (formerly NWSA Journal): 2007-2011 • Editorial Board Member, Innovative Higher Education: 2005-2011 • Panel Member, American Association of University Women Educational Foundation: 2008, 2009 • Program Review Consultant, Manhattanville College’s Proposal to Offer a New Ed.D.: 2007 • Member, Editorial Board, Advancing Women in Leadership On-line Journal: 1998-2005 • Facilitator and Speaker, Louisiana Women Leaders Conference: 2005 • Article Manuscript Reviewer, Journal about Women in Higher Education (3), International Journal of Leadership in Education (5), Educational Researcher (2), Journal of Higher Education (9), Innovative Higher Education (10), Research in Higher Education, Feminism & Psychology, Journal of School Leadership (2), Journal of General Education, Educational Administration Quarterly, Educational Policy, Scholar-Practitioner Quarterly (2), American Educational Research Journal, Review of Educational Research, Urban Education (2) • Book Manuscript/Proposal Reviewer, Johns Hopkins University Press (2), Stylus, Routledge (3), Press, Oxford University Press, State University of New York Press (2), Teachers College Press • Conference Proposal Reviewer, University Council for Educational Administration, AERA, Division G, Social Context of Education, AERA SIG: Research on Women in Education (3).


University of Minnesota • Member, Strategic Plan Continuity Team, 2015-Present • Member, Keeping Our Faculties V Planning Committee: 2008, 2009-2010, 2012-2013, 2015-16 • Co-Leader, 6 Presidents at UMN Event, 2015 • Member, Women’s Faculty Cabinet: 2011-2013 • Member, Graduate Education Review Team: 2011-2013 • Member, Provisional Graduate Education Council: 2011 • Advisory Board Member, Institute for Diversity, Equity, and Advocacy: 2009-2010 • Member, University Senate Faculty Affairs Committee: 2009-2010 • Member, Skills & Competencies of Emerging Professionals Committee: 2009-2010 • Member, Work Group on Graduate Education: Academic Issues: 2009-2010 • Member, President's Faculty Multicultural Research Award Review Panel: 2009 • Faculty Partner, UGo! Program, College of Education and Human Development: 2008-2009 • Member, Equity and Diversity Research Institute Planning Group: 2007-2008

Louisiana State University • Member, Program Review Board for Department of Curriculum & Instruction: 2006 • Participant, Communication Across the Curriculum Faculty Institute: 2006 • Discussant, Feminist Teaching Panel, English Graduate Student Association Conference: 2006 • Member, Internal Advisory Board, LA STEM Program: 2005-2006 • Member, Council on Research: Social Sciences: 2004-2006 • Panelist, Bridging Women’s History Month and Black History Month: 2005 • Member, Service Learning Faculty Advisory Council (Grants Committee: 2003): 2002-2005 • Reviewer, Council on Research Summer Stipend Proposals: 2004 • Member, NCAA Equity, Welfare and Sportsmanship Subcommittee: 2003-2004 • Member, Commission on the Status of Women: 2002-2004

Rebecca Ropers-Huilman – 26 • Advisor, Women Organizing Women: 2002, 2004 • Advisory Board Member, Women’s Center: 1999-2000; 2002-2004 • Member, Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Awards Committee: 2003 • Faculty Liaison, Women’s Center and Women’s and Gender Studies Faculty: 2002-2003 • Member, Women’s and Gender Studies Awards Committee: 2002-2003 • Chair, Women’s Center Director Search Committee: 2002 • Member, Commission on Campus Diversity: 2001-2002 • Member, University Distinguished Faculty Selection Committee: 2000 • Member, Ad Hoc Committee for Women’s and Gender Studies Research Center: 2000 • Member, Provost’s Seminar on Diversity Steering Committee: 2000 • Chair, Judges for Poster Presentations, Graduate Student Conference: 2000 • Coordinating Council Member, Women’s and Gender Studies: 1999-2000 • Faculty Alternate, Committee on Student Conduct: 1999-2000 • Faculty Friend, Residential Life Program with Herget Hall: 1997-2000 • Member, Program Committee, Women’s and Gender Studies: 1996-1998 • Graduate Dean’s Representative, Speech Communication: 1997 • Panelist, Student Services Development Session: 1997 • Mentor, Nubian Pre-Doctoral Academy: 1997

Prior University Service • Member, Director of Student Financial Services Search Committee, University of Wisconsin: 1994 • Member, Resident Advisor Selection Committee, Mankato State University: 1992 • Member, Residence Education Committee, Mankato State University: 1991-1992

Department and College

University of Minnesota • Coordinator, Twin Cities Higher Education Doctoral Cohort: 2007-2010 • Member, Faculty Merit Review Committee: 2010 • Member, Department Leadership Team: 2008-2010 • Coordinator, Higher Education Program: 2008-2010 • Member, Mentoring Committee for David Weerts: 2008-2010 • Member, College Promotion and Tenure Committee: 2008-2010 • Chair, Promotion and Tenure Review Committee for Frances Vavrus: 2008 • Member, Higher Education Search Committee: 2007-2008 • Member, Promotion and Tenure Review Committee for Andrew Furco: 2007

Louisiana State University • Coordinator, Higher Education Program Area: 2000-2007 • Member, Merit Raise Committee: 2004-2005 • Chair, Faculty Search Committee: 2001, 2005 • Member, Faculty Search Committees: 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, Chair Search: 1998 • Chair and Member, Core Curriculum Implementation Committee: 1998-2000 • Member, Admissions and Retention Committee: 1996-2000 • Member, Distinguished Dissertation Award Committee: 1998

Rebecca Ropers-Huilman – 27 • Member, Courses and Curriculum Committee: 1997-1999 • Faculty Advisor, Graduate Student Group: 1996-1997

University of Wisconsin-Madison • Member, Higher Education Committee: 1993-1996 • Board Member, Educational Administration Student Association: 1993-1995 • Member, Educational Administration Program Committee: 1993-1994

Rebecca Ropers-Huilman – 28