Loch Choire Estate

Loch Choire Estate , Scotland

Helmsdale 32 miles Wick Airport 70 miles Inverness 100 miles Inverness Airport 107 miles truly spectacular mixed sporting estate extending to some 50 square miles with breathtaking scenery and complete privacy

• Stunning lodge site, 3 estate dwellings and sporting bothy

• Two separate stalking beats with 10 year average of 76 stags and 88 hinds

• Double bank salmon fishing on the River Mallart (major tributary of the Naver) over some 6 miles with 10 year average of 91 salmon and grilse

• Grouse, ptarmigan and woodcock shooting

• Loch Choire (729 acres) and a number of beautiful wild brown trout lochs

• 1,094 acres woodland including 811 acres recently established native woodland

About 12,959 hectares (32,021 acres) in total

For sale as a whole

CKDGalbraith ~ Inverness Savills ~ Reay House Wemyss House 17 Old Edinburgh Road 8 Wemyss Place Inverness IV2 3HF Edinburgh EH3 6DH [email protected] [email protected] +44 (0) 1463 224343 +44 (0) 131 247 3720

Your attention is drawn to the Important Notice on the last page of the text.

01 02 loch choire es tate 03 Historical Note loch Choire was formerly part of Sutherland had been improved many men who drove in the whole was startled to see stags rising of the Sutherland Estates, in the for sheep farming and wrote of “the of the Klibreck range and resulted all around, clearly all of a great days when the Dukes of Sutherland extensive, varied and celebrated in very limited results with King age. At first he thought they were owned virtually the whole county. hunting forest of Dirrie-Chatt”, Alfonso killing seven stags and phantoms and the only humane It is reputed that the 5th Duke of of which “Loch Corr” formed a most of the stags breaking back action seemed to be to finish them Sutherland favoured the estate substantial part, and “, through the line of the beaters. off so he shot the nearest three of Loch Choire above all his which rises to an elevation of 3,200 with the remainder drifting away Others who have visited Loch properties and considered it to feet... and forms the dominant into the surrounding trees. The Choire include Raoul Millais, the be the “jewel in the crown”. As a object within the scenery”. stalker was relieved to see him sporting artist. When visiting Loch result it was one of the last of the return unscathed and Millais himself It is also recorded that the practice Choire in the 1940s he ventured estates to be sold in 1975. always remained disconcerted of driving deer continued well into alone into the Black Wood on by the experience which he often Loch Choire has also been the 20th century with the Duke of the shores of Loch Bheallach described as “somewhere between visited by a range of notable Sutherland organising a deer drive in chase of a lame, limping this world and the next”. commentators and is specifically at Loch Choire for King Alfonso stag. The woodland was almost mentioned in William Scrope’s “The of Spain in 1928. This operation, impenetrable, everything seemed Other visitors of note include Art of Deer Stalking,” published in centred around Bheallach, required to be dead or dying, and when Winston Churchill who sketched 1839. Scrope described how much massive organisation entailing he reached an open glade he the estate whilst staying there.

04 loch choire es tate 05 06 loch choire es tate 07 Situation The nearest village is , The estate falls between Loch the rock) with breathtaking views a fishing port situated at the mouth Naver to the north, Badanloch to as your reward, and the destination of the River Helmsdale, which has a the east, Ben Armine to the south Creag an Lochain itself, a small number of local amenities including and to the west. It loch under a massive cliff face a post office, butcher, restaurant, encompasses one spectacular which often yields three quarter tackle shop and an inn. The train central glen running south-west pound fish that really fight. station at Kinbrace (15 miles) on to north-east, with Loch Choire The River Mallart, itself an excellent the North Highland line connects the main feature at its core. In salmon river, is the major tributary to the main railway network at all weathers it is a paradise of of the renowned River Naver. Inverness from where there is mountain, moorland, loch and The Mallart is the outflow of a sleeper service to . forest. From the sandy shores Loch Choire and runs north-east Inverness provides all the services of Loch Choire the hill ground then north, heading ultimately to expected of a major regional rises with impressive buttresses Strath Naver and out to the north city, with its airport (107 miles) to 704m (2,311 feet) at the top of coast. Waters from the southern offering direct services to London Ben Armine and rears upwards and eastern edges of the estate Luton and Gatwick, Edinburgh, on the opposite side towards the flow into the Rivers Brora and Manchester, Birmingham, Bristol summit of Ben Klibreck at 961m Helmsdale respectively. and Amsterdam, with connections (3,154 feet). Sporting guests and to worldwide destinations. The tenants have often marvelled at The situation of the original lodge estate can be reached in 30 the panorama from Ben Klibreck (built in 1880) at the head of Loch minutes by helicopter from where there is an outstanding Choire was carefully chosen by Inverness Airport. Wick Airport lies view of three different coastlines: the 4th Duke of Sutherland by his 70 miles to the north-east. south-east across the Moray Firth/ son-in-law, Henry Chaplin. The Aberdeenshire; north-east across lodge was severely damaged by Description to Orkney and west to the Western fire in 2013 and the site has been Isles. cleared to allow a new owner the och Choire Estate is located in opportunity to build a lodge specific L Loch Choire remains one of central Sutherland, about 100 miles to their requirements (subject to Scotland’s real wildernesses north of Inverness. It extends to obtaining the necessary consents). extending in all to a staggering about 12,959 hectares (32,021 50 square miles. As well as the The estate road, formed of acres) and is one of the finest superb sport it has to offer, the compacted gravel and sand, runs sporting estates in the North of estate boasts a huge variety of from the estate initially north-east Scotland. both flora and fauna and birdlife along the course of the River In October 2014, The Field (a list of the different species that Mallart before turning east over magazine included Loch Choire have been seen is available). open moorland towards Badanloch in its ultimate list of “the 50 best where it joins the public highway. It is a place to relish the absolute sporting estates” in the UK on The solum of the road is owned in personal remoteness and to account of its breathtaking scenery, its entirety by the estate. develop the joy of childhood its “wild” sport and its staggering memories of family picnics, Access over the estate itself is well scale. swimming in the crystal clear provided for with the existence The estate runs from typical waters of the loch, catching fish of many miles of pony paths Caithness flow country in the east, and barbequing on the long white and tracks which have been well to the sub-alpine summit of Ben sandy beach which stretches along maintained and are suitable for Klibreck on the western edge and the southern shore of Loch Choire use by Argocat. Along the track encompasses some fifty square itself. adjacent to the river are a number miles of Highland wilderness and of fishing huts and shelters sited in There are some wonderful walks, two significant lochs - Loch a’ strategic locations. such as the climb to Creag an Bhealach (Lake of the Pass) at 1.5 Lochain on the western edge of the miles long and Loch Choire (Lake estate, a steep testing walk up from of the Hollow) at just over 3 miles a Bhealaich alongside the Spouts long. (fast flowing waterfalls carved into

08 loch choire es tate 09 10 loch choire es tate 11 12 loch choire es tate Sportings

Red Deer Stalking Stags: 1st August ~ 20th October; Hinds: 21st October ~ 15th February A number of impressive corries run off the main glen, both to the north and south, allowing two rifles to stalk each day regardless of weather conditions and wind directions, although the best winds are generally from the north and north-west. The expectation is for eight stags each week from August to October with extraction by Argocat.

Loch Choire has always held a consistent resident deer population with numbers increasing over the summer and autumn months from neighbouring estates. Deer count records have been kept since 1899, showing a relatively stable population fluctuating between 1,300 and 1,600 deer, according to the time of year and weather. The most recent aerial count, undertaken in December 2008, returned a total of 1,224 deer, 368 of which were recorded as stags and showing an overall density of 9.67 deer per sq.km. The estate falls within the East Sutherland Deer Management Group and is an active member.

Walked up Grouse 12th August ~ 10th December A few walked up grouse days over pointers with bags generally in the order of five brace per day can be enjoyed over the estate in August and September. Ptarmigan are also present on the higher ground, particularly on Ben Klibreck.

In common with many northern estates grouse numbers have fluctuated in recent years with 278 and 291 brace shot in 1988 and 1989 respectively. The highest grouse numbers were recorded in the early 1900s when 500 brace for the season was not unusual. Black grouse were also regularly accounted for within the game records until the 1940s and, encouragingly, a small number have been seen again since the most recent woodland planting.

Salmon Fishing 11th January ~ 30th September inclusive The fishing on the River Mallart runs for about 6 miles with over 30 named pools. The season opens on 11th January, although fish have seldom been known to pass the Mallart Falls until late May or early June, and runs until 30th September inclusive, with fishing by fly only throughout the season.

The river is best fished with a single handed rod after a spate and various techniques have often been used successfully including fishing with a dry fly on a greased line, or even daddy-long-legs, to catch both salmon and grilse. It provides some very enjoyable sport in stunning surroundings.

Wild Brown Trout Fishing 15th March ~ 6th October Exceptional brown trout fishing can be enjoyed on Loch Choire itself, either from the shore or by boat as well as on the six additional lochs located elsewhere on the estate. Loch Truderscaig in particular offers excellent trout fishing, especially in June, July and early August when mayfly are present.

Trout generally run at three to the pound, but specimens of up to 5lb have been caught in Loch Choire. It is documented that several of the hill lochs at the south western end were stocked with trout from Loch Leven in 1895. Arctic Char are also found in Loch Choire and Loch Truderscaig.

The average annual catch from all the estate lochs is generally in excess of 1,200 trout.

13 Loch Choire Stags Hinds Calves Grouse (Birds) Black Grouse (Birds) Ptarmigan (Birds) Woodcock (Birds) Salmon & Grilse Trout

Estate Game 2003-04 93 119 59 68 0 0 4 35 1,932

Records 2004-05 89 121 42 8 0 0 6 120 1,287

2005-06 82 122 38 2 0 1 6 97 1,379

2006-07 87 119 54 2 0 0 4 51 1,476

2007-08 93 106 40 6 0 9 17 127 1,598

2008-09 96 101 43 32 0 0 9 38 1,330

2009-10 87 110 40 30 0 2 12 76 1,261

2010-11 81 44 15 16 0 0 5 161 660

2011-12 73 56 17 14 0 0 2 161 725

2012-13 45 65 30 10 0 0 3 114 735

2013-14 62 70 32 17 0 0 1 34 319

2014-15 52 90 34 8 0 0 - 51 -

Totals 940 1123 444 213 0 12 69 1065 12,702

The decline in bags of all game does not reflect any decline in 30 Year Average 93 112 41 145 0 5 12 89 1,192 stocks, but rather an increase in the participation and enjoyment of 20 Year Average 89 104 38 54 0 3 10 68 1,197 a wider variety of sport and other 10 Year Average 76 88 34 14 0 1 6 91 948 outdoor activities over the years.

14 loch choire es tate Stags Hinds Calves Grouse (Birds) Black Grouse (Birds) Ptarmigan (Birds) Woodcock (Birds) Salmon & Grilse Trout

2003-04 93 119 59 68 0 0 4 35 1,932

2004-05 89 121 42 8 0 0 6 120 1,287

2005-06 82 122 38 2 0 1 6 97 1,379

2006-07 87 119 54 2 0 0 4 51 1,476

2007-08 93 106 40 6 0 9 17 127 1,598

2008-09 96 101 43 32 0 0 9 38 1,330

2009-10 87 110 40 30 0 2 12 76 1,261

2010-11 81 44 15 16 0 0 5 161 660

2011-12 73 56 17 14 0 0 2 161 725

2012-13 45 65 30 10 0 0 3 114 735

2013-14 62 70 32 17 0 0 1 34 319

2014-15 52 90 34 8 0 0 - 51 -

Totals 940 1123 444 213 0 12 69 1065 12,702

30 Year Average 93 112 41 145 0 5 12 89 1,192

20 Year Average 89 104 38 54 0 3 10 68 1,197

10 Year Average 76 88 34 14 0 1 6 91 948

15 16 loch choire es tate Farming The ground currently carries a small flock of 35 North Country Cheviot breeding ewes and gimmers. There may, however, be potential to increase stock numbers back to their historic level of 500 to 700 ewes without compromising the sport.

Hectares Acres

Permanent Pasture 10 24

Hill 12,009 29,672

Woods 443 1,094

Lochs 478 1,180

Other 19 51

Total 12,959 32,021

Forestry The forestry at Loch Choire extends to approximately 443 hectares (1,094 acres) and comprises a diverse mixture of native woodland and conifer plantations.

The mature conifer plantations were planted around 1890 when the lodge was first built and some of the trees have provided timber for estate use and firewood. Further conifer plantations were planted in the 1970s. A significant native woodland planting scheme was undertaken in 2011-12, when 328 hectares (811 acres) were enclosed and planted with a mix of birch, willow, pine, larch and some oak, particularly in the northern compartment. Some additional areas of existing broadleaf woodland were also enclosed at that time to encourage and protect regeneration.

A Native Woodland Plan has been prepared by the owners, further details of which are available from the sellers’ agents.

Both black grouse and roe deer have been seen since the native woodlands were planted.

There was a significant amount of windblow following the storms in January 2015. The process of tidying up fallen timber is in progress.

Renewables A desk top feasibility study was prepared for a potential hydro scheme located on the Allt a Chuillinn Burn in 2012 which indicated that a 50–80 kW scheme, which could serve the residential properties and workshop on the estate, would be possible. Further details are available from the selling agents.

Loch Choire Lodge Site The site of the original lodge was carefully considered. The elevated site at the south-east corner overlooking Loch Choire was without doubt chosen to take advantage of the spectacular vista it affords. The romance of the setting is enhanced by the majestic mature pines which shelter the site from the west and the iconic delicate silver birch which lead down to the water’s edge. A wooden jetty provides a perfect mooring for the estate boats below.

The former Loch Choire Lodge was destroyed by fire in 2013. The remains have now been cleared, and the site it once occupied offers the opportunity for a purchaser to build a new lodge to their own requirements and specifications.

Conceptual plans for a new lodge have been prepared by ANTA and are available from the selling agents.

17 Additional Estate Houses and Buildings Sporting Bothy Sited on the shore of the loch, not far from the source of the Mallart, a sporting bothy, for use by sporting tenants, was constructed in 2013 comprising an open plan sitting room and kitchen with wood burning stove, large store room, rod and drying room, WC and shower room.

Deer Larder Lying adjacent to the sporting bothy is the original deer larder which is well equipped with winch and rails and naturally kept at a constant temperature of 6 degrees.

Boat House Situated on the shore of Loch Choire is a traditional boat house and two jetties.

Stalker’s House Built in 2009, this attractive detached house is situated to the rear of the original lodge at the eastern end of Loch Choire and is currently occupied by the stalker. Timber-framed and clad under a slate roof, it has a timber extension providing a boiler room housing a biomass boiler with a large heat store. The accommodation over two storeys comprises a sitting room, kitchen, three bedrooms, a bathroom and a shower room. Outside there are separate outbuildings including three dog kennels.

School House Built in 1900 with a corrugated iron roof and cladding over a timber frame, the accommodation over two storeys comprises a sitting room/living room, kitchen, bathroom with separate shower, utility room on the ground floor and three bedrooms and separate WC on the first floor. The School House was re-furbished in 2013 and is now used by small parties of fishermen and stalkers.


A basic bothy, attached to the School House, again timber framed with corrugated iron roof and cladding, is used by the seasonal stalker.

Allt a Laird This traditional stone built cottage occupies a very private spot to the north of the loch and enjoys a southerly aspect. The accommodation is on two floors and is un-modernised but it is sometimes used by parties as bothy accommodation.

18 loch choire es tate 19 Estate Buildings a workshop, store and sawmill, a for machinery storage and timber walkers: Coire na Fearna Stable fuel store, and a disused set of dog processing. Further along the drive situated at the southern end of Situated below the Stalker’s kennels. A log shed and a peat is an old stone building used as a Loch Choire and Shellachan House are a number of traditional store lie closer to the site of the feed store. Stable situated on the southern estate buildings including a former lodge. Next to the estate boundary below Ben Armine. timber framed and clad general drive are a generator shed with oil purpose shed currently used as store within, and a timber framed Hill Bothies the main workshop and garage, hay barn and general purpose Two former stables on the Estate a former stable building clad in shed with concrete floor, used have been converted to hill bothies corrugated iron, now incorporating for the use of sporting tenants and

20 loch choire es tate 21 22 loch choire es tate 23 General Remarks THURSO

A836 Viewing Loch Choire Estate A9 WICK Strictly by appointment with the A99 selling agents. Helmsdale

A836 Travel Arrangements A9 By road from Inverness, follow the A9 north in the direction of Wick. Helmsdale is approximately 11 ELGIN miles beyond Brora. On entering A835 Isle of Skye Helmsdale, turn inland, turning right A96 A90 A9 A96 at the roundabout at the Bridge Hotel onto the A897 towards INVERNESS A82 A941 Kinbrace. Follow the road for 17 A9 miles before turning sharp left on to the B871 in Kinbrace and follow ABERDEEN this road for a further 4.3 miles, A9 bearing left on to the estate road FORT WILLIAM by Loch Badanloch. Follow the A90 estate road all the way in to Loch A9 Choire (approx 11 miles). The postcode is KW11 6UD. DUNDEE Isle of Mull PERTH Inverness and Wick are the closest A85 airports, and cars can be hired A82 A84 M90 from each. Wick Airport has daily direct services to Aberdeen and M90 A92 Edinburgh. Inverness Airport has EDINBURGH daily scheduled flights to and from M80 M9 A78 M8 GLASGOW Edinburgh, London Luton, Gatwick M73 M8 A1 A68 and Heathrow. A train service runs A737 A71 three times a day from Inverness M77

NOTE - Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. M74 c Crown copyright licence number 100024244 Savills (UK) Ltd to the request stop at Kildonan. NOTE - Published for the purposes of identification only and A702 although believed to be correct its accuracy is not guaranteed. A1 Helmsdale also has a train station. There are sleeper services (nightly, A76 A7 A74(M) except Saturday) from Inverness A77 to London, as well as services to Railway Stations Entry and Possession Employees other destinations throughout the Inverness, Helmsdale and Kinbrace. Entry by arrangement, subject to There are three staff employedA1 on DUMFRIES existing sporting lets. Loch Choire whose employment country. General Information A7 A75 will fall to be transferred to a Tel: 08457 48 49 50 A75 www.nationalrail.co.uk/stations purchaser under the TUPE Airports CARLISLE Fixtures and Fittings regulations 2006: Wick All fitted carpets, curtains, ceiling M6 NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE • Keeper/Stalker Tel: 01955 605 946 Car Hire light fittings and white goods in the www.hial.co.uk/wick-airport (from Inverness & Wick Airports) sporting bothy are included in the • Housekeeper sale. • Seasonal Stalker Inverness Avis M6 Tel: 01667 462041 Tel: 0844 544 6017 The estate equipment is available in Further details are available from A1(M) www.hial.co.uk/inverness-airport www.avis.co.uk ISLEaddition OF MAN to the purchase price and the selling agents. an inventory is available from the Edinburgh Europcar selling agents. Tel: 0844 448 8833 Tel: 0371 384 1121 www.edinburghairport.com www.europcar.co.uk M6

24 loch choire es tate Services, Occupancies and Council Tax • A public right of way passes through the estate, from the public highway at Badanloch to the Inn. • The Council Tax and all other outgoings shall be apportioned between the sellers and the purchaser(s) as at the date of entry.

• All properties (with the exception of Alltalaird) are connected to a 240 Reservation of Benefit volt electricity supply from a single generator shed, currently containing In order to protect the estate against inappropriate large scale wind farm two diesel generators and battery/inverter system. development, a clawback will be reserved in favour of the sellers, equating to 95% of any uplift in value resulting from any wind farm development • All properties have private water supplies. There are two supplies: a given planning approval within a period of 25 years from the date of entry. spring supply providing drinking water and a burn supply providing Renewable energy projects specifically designed to supply no more than domestic water. the requirements of the estate, with no connection to the national electricity • All properties have private drainage. transmission or distribution systems, will not be subject to such clawback.

• There is a radio-link telephone system supplied and maintained by BT.

• Satellite Broadband maintained by QSat. Transfer of Obligations The purchaser(s) will be obliged to continue with the existing Forestry Council Tax Commission Native Woodland Expansion and Restoration Scheme which Property Occupancy Band/Rateable Services Value runs until 2027 and will be responsible for the repayment of any grants previously received as a result of any failure to comply with the conditions Propane gas central The heating. Solid fuel of the scheme. Sporting Sporting lets - burner providing Bothy heating and hot water. Ingoing Valuation Service Solid fuel central The purchaser(s) shall, in addition to the purchase price, be obliged to Stalker’s (stalker & D heating. Biomass take over and pay for at a valuation to be agreed between two valuers, House housekeeper) boiler. one acting for each party, or an arbiter appointed by the valuers, or failing School Solid fuel central agreement as to the appointment by the President, for the time being, Vacant £1,350 House heating. of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (Scottish Branch), the following: Alltalaird Vacant n/a None 1. All oils, fuel, fertilisers, sprays, chemicals, seeds and sundry at cost. Bothy Vacant £200 - 2. The sheep flock at hefted and acclimatised value on the farm. In 2015/16 the actual council tax payable for a Band D property is £1,163 3. The estate equipment. and the business rate payable is £0.48/£1. Note ~ If the amount of the valuations has not been agreed on the date Energy Performance Certificates fixed for completion, then the purchaser shall pay to the seller such a sum as the selling agents shall certify on account at the valuation pending Available on request from the selling agents. agreement. Should the payment not be made within seven days then interest will become payable on the outstanding monies at 5% over Bank Northern District Salmon Fisheries Board of Scotland borrowing rate. The rateable value on the fishings is £2,800. A levy of £1,064 (£0.38/£1) was paid to the Northern District Salmon Fisheries Board in 2014. Basic Payment Scheme Any entitlements awarded under the new Basic Payment Scheme in 2015 Servitude Rights, Burdens, Wayleaves and Statutory Public will be included in the sale transferred to the incoming occupier. and Other Access Rights • The property is sold subject to and with the benefit of all existing Less Favoured Area Status servitude and wayleave rights, including rights of access and rights of way, whether public or private. The property is also sold subject to the The estate lies wholly within a Less Favoured Area. rights of public access under the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003. The purchaser(s) will be held to have satisfied themselves as to the Environmental Designations nature of all such servitude rights and others following their solicitors’ • The River Naver system is a Special Area of Conservation. examination of the title deeds. • There are four SSSIs on Loch Choire Estate. • Badanloch Estate has a right of access over the first four miles of the estate road. Maintenance is shared. • There is a registered Ancient Monument on top of Ben Klibreck.

25 Wildlife Estates Scotland has now achieved Level 2 status. (approximately three miles) is not Solicitors There are no obligations on any owned by the estate. (WES) Gillespie Macandrew, future owner(s) to stay within the The Wildlife Estates Scotland (WES) Atholl Crescent, programme. initiative aims to promote the best Mineral Rights Edinburgh The estate was nominated and Tel: 0131 225 1677 game and wildlife management The minerals are included within awarded runner up status in the email: Robert.Scott-Dempster@ practices, build recognition the sale insofar as the sellers’ right Golden Plover Award run under the gillespieandrew.co.uk and raise standards through an thereto. objective, voluntary accreditation WES programme in 2014. system. Timber Loch Choire was a pilot estate Sporting Rights Stipulations All standing and fallen timber will be when WES started in 2011/12 and The salmon fishings and sporting included in the sale. rights are in hand. Prospective Purchase Price purchasers should note that the On conclusion of missives a non- right bank of the River Mallart Offers returnable deposit of 10% of the from the point where it meets the Offers in Scottish Legal Form are to purchase price shall be paid. The Rosal plantation to the boundary be submitted to the selling agents. balance of the purchase price will with Clebrig in the north east A closing date for offers may be fall due for payment at the date fixed, and prospective purchasers of entry (whether entry is taken are advised to register their interest with the selling agents following inspection.

26 loch choire es tate or not) with interest accruing Plans, Areas and Schedules Overseas Purchasers Generally thereon at the rate of 5% above These are based on the Ordnance Any offer by a purchaser(s) who Should there be any discrepancy Bank of Scotland base rate. No Survey and are for reference only. is resident outwith the United between these particulars, the consignation shall be effectual in They have been carefully checked Kingdom must be accompanied by General Remarks and Information, avoiding such interest. and computed by the selling agents a guarantee from a bank which is Stipulations and the Missives of and the purchaser shall be deemed acceptable to the sellers. Sale, the latter shall prevail. Disputes to have satisfied himself as to the description of the property and Should any discrepancy arise as to any error or mis-statement shall Lotting Apportionments the boundaries or any points arise not annul the sale nor entitle either It is intended to offer the property The Council Tax and all other on the Remarks, Stipulations or party to compensation in respect for sale as described, but the seller outgoings shall be apportioned Plan or the interpretation of any of thereof. Prospective parties are reserves the right to divide the between the seller and the them, the question shall be referred asked to satisfy themselves on property into lots, or to withdraw purchaser(s) as at the date of entry. to the arbitration of the selling inspecting the titles. the property, or to exclude any agents whose decision acting as property shown in these particulars. experts, shall be final.

27 Important Notice Savills, CKD Galbraith and their clients give notice that:

1. They are not authorised to make or give any representations or warranties in relation to the property either here or elsewhere, either on their own behalf or on behalf of their client or otherwise. They assume no responsibility for any statement that may be made in these particulars. These particulars do not form part of any offer or contract and must not be relied upon as statements or representations of fact.

2. Any areas, measurements or distances are approximate. The text, photographs and plans are for guidance only and are not necessarily comprehensive. It should not be assumed that the property has all necessary planning, building regulation or other consents and the selling agents have not tested any services, equipment or facilities. Purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise. Neither these particulars nor any subsequent communication relative to the property shall be binding upon the selling agents or the Sellers (whether acted on or otherwise) unless the same is incorporated within a written document signed by the Sellers or on their behalf satisfying the requirements of Section 3 of the Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995 or is granted in pursuance of any such document.

Particulars produced June 2015.

Aerial photographs taken June 2015.

Ref: 150617EC

28 loch choire es tate

Mark Riley Design - 07747 037222 LOCH CHOIRE LODGE AREA

Deer Larder

Generator Shed MARCH POOL

WATERFALL Sporting Bothy

Workshop PARAPET




B 8 271 E 7 Coriefeuran Hill DOWLINGS SYR 1 0 50 100 200 Meters 349 Ceann na Beinne Bige Kinbrace T (Rowan Tree Hill) H LOCH E S T TRUDERSCAIG E WHIP CORRIE L L P U P L E P FA B IT L B L L E E N G T R R A E P S Al V E E T A E A O l D L L T N t F O D B E U E H A 566 e B R O N a T L T L K rn H E R E E P E Meall Leathad L O E B O S R n R T L ID D S IT G ur ' T E KLIBRECK na Craoibhe S L R C E P B C U O L N T O C O e (The Whip) A H R L L i Y E IE A r B F Y a A L E B O U A d N R R K O D A N a L 'S N K D m R P l O O a O O LOWER ALLT FEARN T L H S BADANLOCH LODGE


S n o w B ur Alltalaird n

961 Meal nan Con Al lt na ns Bur (Ben Klibreck) B win Meall an Eoin a HALMADARIE FACE T 307 Creag Dubh LOCH CHOIRE ESTATE EAGLE PATH 634 E IR Meall Ard O H 358 C 694 Preas a' Chamraig SUTHERLAND H 695 C O Creag na L Meal nan Aighean Alltnaba DEVIL'S h-lolaire (The Moon) 419 12,959Ha (32,021 Acres, 50 sq Miles, 130 Sq Km) Callum's ELBOW T h Al Hill e l L t a BORROBOL T o C h Hectares Acres n e hui g B 808 B l la inn B u c Creag an r k LOCH AN n B e VAGASTIE Al a Lochain FHUARAIN ur g Loch Choire 295 729 n lt a C Al lt an E 796 hui alaidh l Loch a Bhealaich 67 166 Carn an Fheidh i LOCH CHOIRE nn M GORM LOCH BOTHY 705 BEAG o e (COIRE FERNA g r i Creag a' Choire STABLE) Loch Truderscaig 71 175 COIRE AN H h B Ghlais c IC i l FHEIDH A MONADH i L e EA H STAIRNEACH ' B n S Other Lochs 45 110 A t a H l C Al LO 583 Total Lochs 478 1180 Meall a Bhata DALCHORK C OI

R Allt na Caillich E N A

F E COIRE NA SELIGE Enclosed Woodland 443 1,094 A R N CREAG NA A BEN ARMINE H-LOLAIRE 454 LODGE Meall na Caillich 521 Hill Land 12,019 29,696 CRASK INN SHELLACHAN STABLE

LOCH BHADAN GAINEAMHACH 471 SANDY LOCH 634 Other 19 51 Creag BEN ARMINE Sgoilteach Spring Hill 496 n 503 r u

B e s BEN ARMINE LODGE r Total 12,959 32,021 o



This plan is based upon the Ordnance Survey map with the sanction of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. OS Licence Number 100017943 0 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 Miles Mapping prepared by Bowlts Chartered Surveyors

0 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Kilometers