Eastern Illinois University The Keep

April 1926

4-26-1926 Daily Eastern News: April 26, 1926 Eastern Illinois University

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This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the 1926 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in April by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CllAllLESTON, ILLINOIS, MONDAY, APRIL 26, 1926 NO. 2'1 ATIONAL TRACK- MEET AND ORATORI ... CAL CONTEST HERE SATURDAY Elsa Diemer To Feature Music Week Programmes IYERAL NEWCOMERS· · · · · · · IDGH SCHOOIS We bid you welcome to our school. COLLEGE CHORUS We hope that )·ou may gain some- AND TWO thing worthwhile du•ing this mid- ENTERED IN·THE EVENT 11pring tt.rm. . GLEE CLUBS TO ENTERTAIN In Evening ...... Grade Oratorical Contest GIRL'S GLEE CLUB Children To Sing GIVES CONCERT J scboola.ha"Ve entered CLASS DAY BVB..�TS PLANNED . 1)tfoUowin 0 Ii. .1. Everyone is pleased .dlll&a the Eaatern Dlinoia Inter· was decided la.st spring that a Tuesd Y ve r 7 the to know tbat On Wedne.day evening,Apri128the .wutkin It Coll� e Gi r 1� C ' :'p t . 2 d Eh1a Diemer ia to again sing for us children of the Training Schoo l on Scliahrer FieJd day abould 1et a.side in the school l b te b I. l and SatardaMeet be lhe fextl I a\. E. After her appearance with the children of the calendar on which the freahriian and e nd Col�ege •s.;��o wift the . 1 pu�lic �hoola. •.bo Xmia, Hillsboro, gt,-e i�� .'.lnnual concer. t The iatent t �t. Lou1s Symphony Or�heatra, have bee� under th� direction of Hiss �too��. sophomore cluaes would hold var· •no ...,,W C., ioua conteata. ro _r th e rogra m cep l" g th e all heard her were anxious to Ruth MaJOr and MISI Gertrude Chen- e, Casey,, Chris- . � �· ( � l� hear a recital given exclusively I Camarao Committees from trio, 111 ta en en ire rom t e �r- · · by ey, will give a concert in the collece -. � Oakland, the two classes Y . her. l!ltDP.mp� Redra�n Sadorus, have met and plans for thu sonne� of the club. 1: he following m- auditorium. The ,concert is free to S .ato discuaaed Future Wttk i • V&ndaUa, teres�mg d v ed programme 1 To us c anyone Who wishea attend. T he =e, ton n n day and have arransed a program of promises t \,'; � Elsa Diemer'a recitalM i on Friday is programme will consistlo of the com- W�D\vindaor and'Sl Joaeph. events. ;. � g one. the feature event of the music week bined w y .hoota alone with a Both the sophs and frosh seem very . he ro1ra e chorus, by the separate chor- t ent will m: programme. uses, and one solo by Jean Widger. � roinute entri� aend confldent of victory, but it remains Ommpot ·c : 5c;�u� G � 11 The St. Paul-Minneapolis music The programme is undred twenty�ftve to seen who will really prove best. lr ee I u b as follows: h and critics gave very favorable 1 ltlf 1 hro- Thebe events scheduled have not a. Slave Song, Riego commenta Prorramme :=u...... _ I on her tffital with the Minneapolis The Farmyard, Old London Folk- Will n ci no1�� :::· t k G iego on inneapolis 1 �1 8taM . = J!� ��0� h .:i� t!! ��:�� �� ���: ;:;:i � �!:i�b y at M and SL So:g to available h e 1 Song of Steppes · Russi Atc:ordintr stathtu:s a tug-of-war across Lake Ahmowee- the , an not many -.. brok- Cro e The proeramme is \•aried and con- Polk Song atMR will be at. llik n nab, a ftaerush, and a baseball g.ime.I ; :�� weather t e Mi i i �o��� ·0 Baird tain!I ae,·eral numben that will Naples, Italian Folk Song Bad haood Re- least, plenty of excitement and' ��; be prnented perform- At greatly enjoyed. Susanna, Stephen Foster la11 any amusement will be afforded. ' Chinese Lullaby, Lester This 0 IO the pouibilitiea of the redtal is a number of the col- Combined Chorus aWtt.elUIC8i that E. l.'s Girls' Sextette lege entertainment cour!le, and course I aregood not known. meet, �nt.u Lucia, Italian Folk rran e hould af An Old Melody, Pache tickets �n� seaso� tickets •r� good Song if t d weathei:. s . LILJaJ . Jean Widger a chance for utunate of the c· H!�f.S CONDUCT Solo Hyla Ward and Girls' Sextette I for adm1ss1on. Single adm1u1ons to £oni an ' 1hose not holding ticketa will aev- James Heinlein sthool teams. a. Adagio, Beethoven be nriolll are enty-five cents. Pippa'!I Song, Hammond f U in the - 1 Tb existing rec REGULAR MEETINGS. b. Liebeatraum, Liszt ro� amme Cradle Song, Schubert 'tor0 t:: tl"&Ck: . College Trio p ords E� I. 15 record holden, -- 1· � SJ1epherd Boy, Wilson 50 yard dash, MaUock: of Sone of India II est doux, ii el!!t bon (He is kind, Spring Meaaenger. Schumann ftite of Mattoorr '25 and SOPHOl:IORB MBETL'lG , Solo, Irmah Townley, Violin ob- he is good) from the Her· Public School Chorus i :��: ���� N period g t , la odiade, Mane �lo �::� early all the th1rty-mmute li a �ir�� G?e��lub Jt o f F.dwardnille '17, 10 220 was m Mamnra;-traltm; ��� ��� �f � ��n ��=nish Melody ard, sec.; -��::m�::/i:.t��e B� -- ! ! : .11 Po;eia -'l'astt-r-a.r � 'P:t;�e�/'�;:;,j,\}:;_:e�f:tu- -·A-Cmning-;out-Party, yard dasb-Biuins, ot Dramahes eoncem1ng the com- b. You Would Lo\·e Me, Mc- L' !' od Sp.nlt:b· Mel- - !U aec; '44o yard dash-- mencement play. The class finally1 DHermid b. H ure exquise (Hour of �he Swing, Wood floraGrantham, '19, 52.4 Hillsboro sec.; 880 '28, 2:7 adopted the ngreement decided upon Solo, Helen Greene Dreaming) Hahn Fairies, :Mendelssohn nm-McElw�,Urbana sec.; by the committee that inve!ltigated c. (Devotion) Strauss The West Wind, Manney ailt yard hurdl�erton,'28, 4:47 the matter. l.orely. Sinding d. All' mein Ccdanken (Ali of m)'. Training School Chorus Cbmpaicn-.; 220 aec.; Jum� Rcvoiutionary Edute, Chopin Thoughts) Strauss '21, 28.2 hiah MEETING Pia:io Solo, Alice Wolters e. Schmenen (Tears) Warner Holland, Miessner Wierman, Atwood E� In "lO, 6 ft, in.; FRESHMAN ghr1(' l.'in \"ogel (There cried O Wonderful Shell, Miessner jthnp-Adams, Casey '2181Ji1 2 1 ft: Softly My Heart Unfolds, Saint r. broadin.; lb. ihot pu�Bittenbura. The plans for class day were Saen.i a bird) Sinding English Sparrow, Olds 7� 12 brought up and discussed by the c 1a:11s. Girls" SextIANA N1fR)IAL 8; E. I. Colleee Orchestra TllllSDAT, APRIL 27-MONDAY, I 4 0 02 0I 5 Gilmore, cf 6 I Ret.d's teammates presented him Unfold Ye Portals, Gounod T.-, '1da F Adam•, c. 111· 6 0 2 0 with a nice lead in the fl.nit four College Chorvs Men'1 Glee •• lly, • f>-0 Cla.b lleetlna, ':80 P.M. No-....al U. ••. Va he·•· S.umaartner, rf 3 0 0 0 innin1s or the second game. but the lhetloc 2b Direc:=ton: Mia11 Ruth Major and Mr. , l:IO P. 8:00 P. M. I Smith, ' 0 I 0 Hoosier teacheni found hia slants in _N.,,. S taff ll. Ella Die.mer 1inp,� Harrison, Frederiek Koch. EI.menluJ School lb 2 0 0 1I t d t e Co.-i, 7 :80. Goldsmith, c 1� �bft! � =t 0�7;� �1;,�:':n! si�� Sata.UJ u 0 i l Rhiney, 1 0 0 let. Ronn ru1hed to the rescue but Amonr thoae who have accepted I po- .. W-1 ll9't O�toric.al Honn1 a I 0 0 7 acOres croued the pan before 1itions for next year an Kenneth Gir1'1 Co..-t, Field and Cooteal P the m p: l •shipman 1 0 0 0 Clu• 8:00 JI.. third out wu reai1te.red. From then Baku, who pet lo Sierel, and Ct,de on he pitched but of theday, .,.,.,..., 11-1 hi• ball Milli, who will teach ia b.ia home llua Cliano. l:QQp, sllada�ran111 � " ' 7 ' (Con.llna.I 00 - 0 1o-.11... - II. I JOI' lllft:el,Wa a-.. T wave Curl and Shampoo, call Meall35c. at houn Chenoweth LandMe all Mrs. Pboae 1575 We sell our own make Ice Cream 115 Fourth Street c.-. ...-

Everything in lewest Patteraa1 Presentation Of la Ollco Gowns - • - - ..-N - I, ltll, at lloo l'Mt Lile Spring -�---..,.._ -ol-1.11'11. r..f ectillery - loo• - - - loo lloltbol �Ta Utar. AND A� Pumps 'Ov SpedaltrPUNCHBS BRJC)[ OOATI Ju.TE ·�RUllET8, Ull, ...... -... EDITORIALS 8peclaJ 1fven ...... ,,_ P-c-t... . Patents Part7attention Ordera to .. rri- .i- .. and _.,GUDTll "•tlloot.o - ADd. t.o ...U1'lo or llor ,...& faol Quallt)- andSernc. Satins HlPPw ,_... C..trol.... llllaolo · ..... If lloo a-ta ... •llo eomM to CUI-­ ... tad back - tou- BARBER SHOP The .few. ••t a...-ra • • • • • � -E.1- I Ve:t"J" St•Yeral new neta are a•a1lable for HIGH i CU.88 who pal11 lnni• 1l not pouible for ua ha"• the court&. Thete art •urely wel­ HAIR CUT8 Tailor U ..c"" penon ""I• toward licht.sla al the entrantt of theto front rome, for the ld onet wer• prac wowW contribctte eh.are o 8BINB8 playina IT'OQnda, the when all that It necesury it a ttcelly no Sood a.. BATHS Room• I& . 17, Uader l•�nPl"O'YlftC the hard for C111Tenlclrin of elettrklty throul'h the . f wo.ald � benry -E.1.- J- an1 ene, and work would 900D be At preeent a or tht> ('lndH oval .-.111 tlM bulti.f part Tit IL h" i• n I 'AFPA.JRS TABLB BIGHT HAS PARTY ::n tJ n �t �:�ld � ru��;:•;p T9e9da1..Y'• ' enninc, April a ��th• b11 mHt ':1; ======.:.::======· beto" Saturday On wu on 12.Hall -E. dinner cf•en at Pe•but Table f'ICht at Pembuton Hall had I - -..r ....- b n t h11h Khool ba••ball came and ca i e . Thar.day neninc The table lll of U.. old l"Offl• 11ebeduledTh" w1lh Wffk a..ttend andlln Alllmn and •H •s>«lally decorat.d for the 0tt•· I H1ndaboro laal PROFESSIONAL CAR� . Mn. to BJT& Anknbrand wue sue-ta. i - i ed - had ullNI DL TYll &JOft w h candl"'- old fuh on lad M off on M't'ount of DR. 0. I:. L r tin1 iff t ac and r i weather wnd 1Hon1 Gordon Wiil. r"el"Ula MM for pl e cards, a bi wh t• . ('oolt'• DENTIST DENTIST wuAft.mnU open.cl b1 a tt.. ky•• J1ra1er ) ms-tert will probably 1•t a lat•r a.net Nallonal Bonk Mr. Alli.on talk.cl on th• ••n- ub. u <' hance to l1• up with the h11h Khool tJKn dinner waa in honor of Mi Phonu Trut - ina of Mt .. Mary Hod- Eat.MrTh• Grilftth't from up north ()flee S60; Rftklentt1 UI_ blrthdaJ. lhallcUnc S(n, p,..idnt.the trlans\e. In behalf of Nadon&I Bank talk.t U.. ThOM' p�Mnl were: Etlh•r an4 . -F. I - i'"tm ri.-: oec.. '7f; --- •1 new cabin.C,. after whkh Ute lnatal I WAI ttrtalnly well repreaenl· - M aaiuie Smith, t. I wu ta.tried on. ril- · •m Crifftt.h., Oorit •I Hau� IAlt •Hk Fin� Pbono WRITE, D. latioli Ml'"ri« t.M Ha ond, Myrtle Ford, Marion Ni Tu-A om.. .a ()ponhtc t:...... the p ent.. Mn !Wrk e , H rd, E aM Eaa' no the tenn11 le.am over and then A. J. Ill. rnld l y yla Wa lo l n ••nt E. SUNDE&llAN uJAll• ...ct by P•• a pra7er for new the track and b.uball mt'n )Ounneyed DR. W &Ina� ta- a� Sueta B rown DENTIBT eabi.net.. 'nii• wu followedthe a b.7ond t.he bank• of th• Wabeah on o..Jlot, Aorlot oa4 .. bJ I qmp Roan to to Ti• t Bi a h •nc, Ttaa od .'' Miu KabJ JUmuJ enlert.aln.d l • da7, the lat\f'r p\ay1n1 two I ti; L• •: 7 te 606 Ttli SL Beer• ti. 1:11 r. I. '11.ri 81"1.kh a. t.M m e I nc wh M« ben of ta old .,...., tt. listitfullJ Tu.-day e'#tinlns pmet there NatJonaJ ea-.tnet..the Tnlat Bank 8-lktJ.. Pllano Ill _,...,. .,,...- ..t ... •ew joined hand&. with a dinner In of bi..U.- wu bJ the "'Y" d.t7 of Miu Glenni•honor Cline. LIM Attt� Tlae u"C' dOMd Tho.e 8e"4ettt.s P•ilioM DR. B T E and MneclkUon pttMnl were tae MltM9 Glenni• I M1tan Mary Gri1wold Inn AL eons . DENTIBTC. & XU:R •ew eabtlMlt la and Mine, Ma,.....rit.. Hallowa7, RMhel and Thelma hau attept.dI.Hu. VDI IBAPPBll. II D. TM It.MrnHtlJ work .mdallr tak1na , and Bro... • Rabf tlt1on1 In Wlll� P•rk po. Rourt A. PBTUCLUi up nd Ram.a.ay the Oak Khoolt for are cnat for th• per I IllA. to I P II. ... tMre PrD•itff - the nut yPar Enn1.- ppol.n.... � .--...10111iri1IL � ef ancl �· Mr. and Mra.. J•lnu Nollina Lind., BJq.bf •t. UMU..t ._,...... uo di .... and ----- o-. ...._ 117 -'-taou worlt hal b.en doDe MHI J•nkH' ,..,.. nner of M rl and F'1an and I.Mir da•Ptar Pe•Mt.trt n �ht.Ht P Ddl bl u.. piut ,..,... MlklrM at o thPi r brothe r, JM'k, Yltii.d their MMtlna fM toniabt eon ­ W BAIN&&, D. TM I• to Hall, Sunday They �• to '" Anna Mary E1an, at Pembt!rtonnktt, Hall -=-- G.twra eo11f�. had I:. M. N. C. IINATAN U.. the1r .oa Wilfred, who it the Oak Sanday EJe. Ear, ..... In PllTUCl4N 8CM1plt.al - M1H N n.r..t. I wood •;1a1e Klrtten of Pembe.rton llUcball hiWl9c ,,...... Te T-.dl.. .. et � Hall waa w•k end .... of ...... • • l 1111 .. lllM Kerr ...,. wtU i.e."" -Y- at IH!r In Art not ,_,. �::::r« Pienon ..... Ml ,_, <-. _ .. bl tlte.... Claro 8thoola . I MrM tab new TM mHt.s Mn J T War4.. ... pNit:kNI... Ir•la J t.- oludon,. W TM BiWa alDll7 ll"OUP ------a l ut I Mondar ale"ht and .a... e'#fl"J II F. St.M !------.... � 11. nekan, Miu -:, hu v0; nd DUDL&T, 11. D. t..r..tlnc cll.tuulonL Haklon"•r'J F olt a, '9- o-..e llilWOOD, llL D. r-"• ..,..t• .. Mn. all of ;.W•t r:,· O. I. 0. a. a eh.al,.,_. •f llu• anoounc-ee and F.as'-on, 8aleN PllT Kt.a II ..,...,. uu, le t.ad1 IT"•· we,.. of Ml_.. C.0-tr ta.at ... lib to MY• ...-u 8 la Ward. rwaJ 1a lloWtrie eut. •"141 ""'9"81 � ., . , late CurieEloloo � ...... ,.. ._ �� aM _., ...... ,... 1- ...... ,... .. w. . ""'"'I fW The TAm w a k e 12 INDIANADUAL WCI MEET Every ST DIBD FORImportant STYLE BART UniversitySCBAFPND �� ::.r.Iii': lolb,-Y- old Wake 18 U ..Woll, tho BY A llAJIJ: aotns atro ia ollll ncha.n. a Normal trlampbed "in ...... �...... • aacl 11;.. Have l the It.ti.Ila ...... : z... • W9 ..... P'It Lake d l eoiata an wW. Mud expeditionJOD a.., ealw Uae Gennakn oa tracka mtet. wtlb Coach Moore'• To,eoeta are ._aer;ti•• lilYer u.1 pey, ·...; cedar,..._ ...... ,....._. , f llo a Did yoa ow tha t Terre Haate,. urday, 79- tape.la; .- ....,, • • • 1•&. T t Mtaad U...-. acW reprnented n v E Replosle'a bsenceSa wut . eolor _... be Ge e a b 7. kttnly bin are colon...... L l9 to del-lea! •t � re144 but Ibo a No ...., 1l'llat Well Dudley men mad• eoacera nft aet ebaiftfteoa a n E. I. tneit c.­ ft e �ort aaainat bil' rect. aaldothiosMllUc lt.u ARTsoae SCB..APFNB& to Md! • G�eva Com: . atyf.e u least.M, teMA..RL ..,.....1 ft}ker: mitteermaa o1 the Lake wh r odds. ...,..,. 10 we are. Ne n p Ul to an easy win i . .Un R A Ola. aD aa1a and � � n wonderfll.J. lac the two mile with Pence cl01e on a la our xtra lae 1prlns w enry facUlly ... • • • Lake p e hi e ...... foGeaevar phyaic.al ii anda m tal ,.. the opportullily for correct style.etock e ofttt JOU · to So en f .. fra.bment. a cruter be etl . hHla.eet inStraderches for toued the ou tatanddiacu1inc 110 I n t We will ...It: GDllL Sow madl ,_ ..... ? ..B t of 11 event9 of the fte.ld be yoa al aay ti• . aplritual edification one sets &fternoon. The , cwt U. Uow- e · tile I. r other banclnd DDdley plan by which th ex: ft at.t were tledl'e in 220E. to Be:' One twmtJ. W a yd. r � l;h• trip will p i a ly dub, eRom the javelin, and PIUCBS US.to 145.10 ... Jut ri,pt; llow dkl J'O• pel1HI of UU. tbe l Bai i for oatlide tbe tudenractta• c� O. Wilson'• tie in the pole nult. I'm eand h · Connell • im about tfiia imme- y, half miler and miler, and -;-••. Ob, • •UMd • to llmMlllna Ice. ketbook.. See rdl r roa are int.t a ed �V. Anderson, hu e and b d e at u re t . U...UJ th mar- d.i.atel7.in malti� if thia)'OU wo erfua r Jumper, were the lnd1ana a I an nd l t ip Norm l LINDERNort.kweet CLOTHING Co fut.er JOU e to Ge. a rntt s4aare CO. ltu lllAn'Md. n va. Anyone interested ay s rill tM fu'l an JOO m ! n Hom� of B r pay the tr,'O.- . a t Man: Good Clothee The Y. M. C . A. ia to av l!Ynta Schafl'11tr A e d yard Anderson, I. BUY sorr DRINKS �t� :�� ft 100 duh--J. N �;:::;;:::;;::::::;;:::;;:::;------YOUR := p :'iri rst; ewlin, I., second; Stanton,., ;:;;;::::;::;::;::::;;;:::;;:==:::;::;::;:;:=:::;::;::;;:::; made� N . E. can._ _ N., third Time 11 aec. r------, be in y 1. u of d b-Rou eda-e, I., There U E. will be no Auoc111.uon meet­ %20 Stanton,yard I. second; J. An· Adkins ln� thi1 ftrst; N., Time 26.8 Tlletday evenina becauae of derson, I. N., third. 1ec. A. C. Jenkins Bottling another school encasement. a d I GROC8Rl8S AND MBAT -Y­ To y :,•:;:n��dofas�it:.h�'. : Bish Qualit7 Milk t d I anyone or masuines �hir; ; Time aec. U ha.a boolu J., . 56 Works which he would l the "Y" Half ltile-Connelly, Rome made Pi aDd ike to &ive N n r br in, PortI. r,., first;I. Doush.aal.8 l nd; e ��eryh: m�';1 T�� .2:;� N., : and Lincoln St.. P-.. &i�e e Ii ;;J. e 714 J.U- 7 Bower, chairman � � {:_ 10th \...------of h8e :1 eom­; : Mile-Connell.y, N., Pi�er, Phone mJttee E. I., I. fl 1t; I Jnd receive manyt liDrarythanks att0nd; thtrd.� Time %91 . Kite, E. I., 5:17. l e- E. wo lil Newlin, T o I., flnt;., d; ser, N Prospective Teachers- ;h·i���- .:i;.!··,1�� M 1...... Risiater wit.. N New Charleston House fir;:� ���1=. �.k�\!01;:;; Kruu 1:V�, E. EUROPEAN PLAN The e e ' s inger Illiana T ach r Service 1., lhird. Time 29.4. MAJl8B.ALL. ILLINOIS Square rd urdle� . Ander.on, West Side For employ t fall In Soatht:n IUinoi. and Indiana. ft yot h W I. .a HD �·20n ; Wade, N., second; Phipps, SCHEID KER Sad ttr."lttrati-. fee HI ce yon wiah intormatioa of best :'.ll., J. I., third. Time 17 sec. of'11 al Ir E. .4. BARBER SHOP lliacu1 Throw-Strader, E. I. tint; Cleaners and epta pe9-iUoaa. . Hair Bobbing Spedalty second Wade, I. Dyers I N., ; a third. Distance 110 in. N., East Side Square Phone 1085 �======::"j;:======;i\Vood,JanUn Throw-Baker,fL 9 E. first; ______I., ------Boltinghouse, N., second; Newport., I. ft. . I. N., third. Distance 31,2 in 1S2 • Meyer hip Shot Yut-Wade, I. N., ftnt; S · n1an, E. second; Tome)·, I. Something New COLGATES rd DistanceI., 36 N., thi ft. . B 1 in. i1h Jump- oltinahout.t:. I N .. Meat Market H E. . Giant Dtntal Crum -----·-··•k llrst; Phipps, ied eco dI., WHe1&"bt Andenon, 6rt. 8 1. Bobolink Chiffon Hose t for s n . m. Monroe N., . E. . l'ole \'ault--0. ilson, Bolt..­ Guaranteed ·SIO Lar1e Lental Cre••-·---·-··%& u , Wd L, in ho tie for flnt; P. il­ It• different but bett r ·The maker this •tockin1 suaran· L N., 10 ft. W �on,ii E.se third. Height m.. r . of Medium Dental Cu-am -····-·Uk ttt:11 to utlafy the wearrr in ner y way. Home killed Broad l..Jump-W . Anderson, I.9 . second;N . -iili0ver·1hebee­ .TRB J'UR c0mpact •• ____ ttrn; ·r. Andt!rstm';" 1. tt., · 21 - Pifir ea s =-:- .SCk third. i1tanc u Routledge, E. J.. D 1 Clrar a ft. in. brH- l No ShadowL Cold Meats Evrrythins that to mA ke a 1ood hoee. COH Pickles and W. E. Hill Pair Telephone. $1.25 PARTY and ALL-SCHOOL &Son was 953 116 An ill school party gi"'.en Sat- - m urrta)' evening in the gym as1u un­ ALEXANDERS direction High? Sc ool. the of the �

HALL gives them the attention they deserve AFTBRNOO AT 20. NTEA Ap il GOLD SEAL On Monday afternoo�, r was en a Pe!"· a n e 11v . t bertonn e ntertai Hall, mthent bo1t e11et beans M1.1• ·'---- =:::===J;:======. ,----=---==----� =; Moore, G d , TAYLOR M,._ Miu edMtsa� ICE CREAM MiuMeuer, Morse, Miu. McKinney and Meau - Groceries BAND TAILORBD CAPS ., Co•Wll•tlem price byet BlllCK Fla"Hr OR BULK. wu a display of etchinp Wholesome Eats N';!�rt n maker One $1.85 by a C alilomia a d made arlilt who Made to your Individual Meuure of et hlnp. wu Mrs. Mayhew,Ma r r c t.. Her y Guaranteed____ _ at p esen clauPtar. harpJ ane, �--Rain-Proof pve ao pl on Pinnell Fletcher me eul.na mull' Pember-a . � ALKBR WM. 8. W Leu! Rep. Tea .... •"eel bf"tweln .. N. Dl'f'iaion Phone CO. io;:-��L Pltee 181u41H 228 SL UIS on•bwuirtd M"fell\J in- ROGERS DRUG ------oll.i. '----��------�1 tO You

Ou Rew U.es el Strlal Slits

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o. ...CENTU&Y ..... ':TBS TWDITISTH uvunr EAT NeNtr -8-ton,_. EVER WINTER CLO. CO. �-­ O.!Mau- Jodi Belt .... .,.,_ VWorla CAFE "a&A BOllSU" ....lllAUlA .....,. �laGE wow• "11.18 GOTOTBW .-.Al G. B. TBJ: I. &IGllT" 8-lora... Plar For RADIO and "TU&N TO in one Sliop Miu.AMI We Feed the TUee , Auto Supplies ., .._ & CUPID" 11:,..·. AND llDDLllWOQ "&UllTLING roa Hungry AllT � G-. 0'1lriom -Aalta8towutI AND "TBJ:&&Aleo c...17 See lllLLl.llDY GOES THS lllUDl:" DRUllLUJNG .... , .. ... Call lmaAY

lllcUrdGET Dillla "Ll:T'8 lllAlllUED" N .... Aleo Eaeatloaal c..MJud E. £••ti I. s. T. Suit Case ---­ FllIDAY Stickers ·au!ITLING.._&K FORJ110'• O'Brla CUPID" • G-. ud Anita g..,..,. Aleo c..MJ BR 3 .lor 5e Costumes For Spring "THEOSA1111DAY GOE THX IDE" BASEBALL MB "DA&INGJ Hoxie la (GoatlnHdHAVE from BU Y DAY DAYS" po,. I) J. D. White Ready to Wear ••• Millinery .. Aleo v .. en.lier eo_, allowtn.c oal1 on• hit In n.maln­ AND llUSIC lq lnnlnp. the BOOK llTOU t..hJ"M O.r falrl7 tH11t.1 wtta. eHeM ..... iii Ute ,,_..._ .t -•rt nat temporary&l.IAMo leed eame ....-�������---.1 '-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::� 1 E. r. •Pri•I n.tltan. r,11..-.:-L- D--berR£ ,. Lincoln Street :!:�J1�':,.'h0!�1o::,��.;,·�::. ... Me CatU.s.Shop GROCERY rift«iq1That hock sin1. bokshlce 1111lllondd.lar.1 n.. u-. o. Decorated Ice Cre11 1 SHEAFFER 1.- AB H hrtt 1t beconu."'l n F. If R E I T h.e Pens -Pencils Gt'fftl, r, l 2 0 LS�tl\e ... Cooper, Sb su.rrv-isll'lq tlunq w . .. ._i.i -... ( tool G1lmore, I 2 0 nrlQ bee:� tl\.e t� EASTMAN Adama. d I l 0 book.IOf co....,., •ts ro"'- ...w., ...... _ ...... c 0 4 I Kodaks-Films Ba111.mc•rtner, rf MARTRA WA8RINGTON Free Coupons with Films, Developing, Printing 0 0 0 •r Shipman, rf 8ROl'PS T17 FU<7 leo er.a. Smith, 0 0 0 Harriton,!b I I 0 Jack.lion St. RhlMJ, ..lb 0 0 • 7ienon,off ELECTRIC CMotn·� Rlu, a-. I lanlnp. Honn ' In WE RBPAJR HOES-Gt.. • a trial ianlnp,lit • 1-1 ott I l..J c.u .. ,-, ...._" ....-- •ff A11>ris\I. In l Ai- Repair'frayellq .... Tr..a. ninp, olf 7 I lnalftca.-1 ln- ,.,.. Pub.... I la I 1-1 ...... tndi oet, br I, HoDJ1 I, AJ. AD�el Vl"wti Sa&Wadlea 0-.... Parito °" offbr!Po I, 7. -l, AlbrlptNila, aYAll, ..,..._ a-! I, HOAft I. FR OMMEL P. L u..,in. A. G...... P.- NII-. Ma- a. llouUl Bide ti.. "---���....1 1 W _ .... 1"" ..-..!.