Social Safeguard Monitoring Report

Project Number: 43319-033 Loan 2983-CAM (SF), Loan 8265-CAM (SCF) Grant 0334-CAM (UEIF), Grant 0335-CAM (SCF)

December 2020

CAM: Greater Subregion Southern Economic Corridor Towns Development Project

6th Quarterly Report December 2019 – May 2020

Prepared by General Department of Resettlement of the Ministry of Economy and Finance for the Asian Development Bank.

This social safeguard monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section on ADB’s website.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Initiative Economic Development

Mobile: +855 (0)97 888 9510 No. 45 Phum Traopeang Chhouk Email: [email protected] Sangkat Toek Thla Khan Saen Sok Kingdom of Nation Religion King

The Semi-Annual Report


ADB Loan No. 2983-CAM (SF)/Loan 8265-CAM (SCF), Grant 0334CAM (UEIF)/Grant 0335-CAM (SCF)


December 2019 to May 2020

Submitted!to!the! Inter-Ministerial Resettlement Committee Through the General Department of Resettlement of Ministry of Economy and Finance

This!Quarterly!Monitoring!Report!is!of!the!Borrower!prepared!for!General!Department!of! Resettlement!by!the!external!monitoring!consultant!for!the!Royal!Government!of!Cambodia.!!!



ADB! ! :!Asian!Development!Bank! AH! ! :!Affected!Household! AP! ! :!Affected!Person! DMS! ! :!Detailed!Measurement!Survey! DRP! ! :!Detailed!Resettlement!Plan! GDR! ! :!General!Department!of!Resettlement!! IRC! ! :!Inter-ministerial!Resettlement!Committee! PIB! ! :!Project!Information!Booklet! PRSC! ! :!Provincial!Resettlement!Sub-Committee! RP! ! :!Resettlement!Plan!! RGC! ! :!Royal!Government!of!Cambodia! WG! ! :!Working!Group! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !



ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ...... ii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...... 1 I. INTRODUCTION ...... 4 1.1 Project Background ...... 4 1.2 Subproject Description ...... 5 II. Resettlement Impacts and Status of Implementation of DRPs ...... 8 III. Seventh Quarterly Finding...... 17 3.1 Household Accessibility by EMO ...... 17 3.2 Income Level of Affected Household ...... 18 3.3 Monitoring of Consultation and Information Disclosure ...... 20 3.4 Satisfaction of AHs with DMS and Compensation progress ...... 21 3.5 Compensation of Payment Progress ...... 22 3.6 Grievances Redress Mechanism ...... 22 IV. CONCLUSION ...... 31 ANNEX A: List of Target Sides for Interviewing 2019 and 2020...... 33 ANNEX B: External Monitoring Questionnaire ...... 39 ANNEX C: Picture of Site Visit and field Survey ...... 47 !



1. The!Southern!Economic!Corridor!Towns!Development!Project!(The!Project)!covers! Mekong!sub-region!of!three!countries!including!Cambodia,!Lao,!and!.!In!Cambodia,! the! project! activities! are! located! in! Battambang,! Banteay! Meanchey,! and! Svay! Reang! Province.!! ! 2. Regarding!the!project!activities,!the!result!of!the!project!will!transform!the!corridor! town! of! Battambang,! Bavet,! and! Poi! Pet! into! economic! hubs! by! improving! the! urban- environmental! infrastructure! and! strengthen! institutional! capacity! of! province! and! local! authorities! through! the! implementation! of! the! following! subprojects! in! each! town.! In! Battambang!town,!Battambang!province, the!subproject!is Wastewater!Treatment!(Storm! Drainage),! flood! control,! and! materials! recovery! facility.! In! Bavet! town,! Svay! Reang! province,! the! subproject! is Wastewater! Treatment! (Storm! Drainage),! material! recovery! facility,!and!urban!roads.! In! Poi!Pet! town,!Banteay!Meanchey!province,! the! subproject!is Wastewater! Treatment! (Storm! Drainage),! Poi! Pet! solid! waste! landfill! and! material! recovery. ! ! 3. In!addition!to! Wastewater! Treatment! (Storm!Drainage)!subproject!in!Battambang! located! in! 3! communes! such! as! Anlong! Vil! in! Sangke! District,! Prek! Preah! Sdach! and! Rattanak! both! in! Battambang! municipality.! The! Battambang! Storm! Drain! component! of! Wastewater!Treatment!Subproject!will!be!constructed!at!East!side!of!the!town,!located!at! Rattanak! and! Preak! Preah! Sdach! Communes.! The! total! length! of! Storm! Drain! is! approximately! 13.093km.! In! addition! to! Wastewater! Treatment! (Storm! Drainage)! subproject!in!Poi!Pet,!the!subproject!involves!the!construction!of!4!lines!of!storm!drains!in! Poi! Pet! Town.! All! these! storm! drains! will! start! from! the! north! of! National! Road! No.! 5,! crossing!the!road!and!will!end!up!at!the!stream!border.!The!total!length!of!the!storm!drain! is!approximately!2km.!In!addition!to!Wastewater!Treatment!(Storm!Drainage)!Subproject! in! Bavet,! the! subproject! consists! of! the! construction! of! three! storm! drainage! lines! of! approximately! 5km! all! starting! or! crossing! the! National! Road! No.1! (NR1)! and! discharge! into! the! existing! drains! constructed! along! the! NR1.! The! last! subproject! is! urban! roads! subproject!in!Bavet.!It!is!in!three!(3)!Communes!namely!(i)!Ba!Ti,!(ii)!Bavet!and!(iii)!Chrak! Mtess!in!Bavet!town.!The!subproject!will!improve!and!widen!9km!of!National!Highway!No.! 01!from!chainage!159km!to!165km!in!Bavet!town.! ! 4. This! monitoring! report! covers! the! period! from! December! 2019! to! May! 2020,! summarizing! the! analysis! of! results! accomplished! under! the! implementation! of! the! updated! resettlement! plan! (URP)! and! detailed! resettlement! plans! (DRPs)! of! the! subprojects! in! Battambang,! Banteay! Meanchey,! Svay! Reang! and! Prey! Veng! Provinces.! In! this! monitoring! period,! the! subproject! in! Battambang! indicates! that! the! survey! on! AHs! remained! the! same! (22%)! as! in! fifth! and! this! semester! report.! Referring! to! the! Bavet! Subprojects,!the!number!of!interviewed!AHs!remained!21%!survey!between!the!fourth!to! sixth! quarterly! monitoring.! As! for! Neak! Loeung! subproject! takes! place! in! this! quarter,! which! 100! AHs! (19%)! have! been! interviewed.! In! Total! of! 288/1,416! (20%)! is! the! total! random!selection!of!the!affected!household!among!DMS!data!were!monitored!and!observed! the!impacts!after!the!sub-projects’!implementation.!!!


Table: Summary of URP implementation status AHs received Number of Vulnerable Planned Number of AHs Compensation and compensation Actual as AHs with AHs with Subproject in the Incl. entitlements in Incl. vulnerable implemented pending pending URP vulnerable AHs USD AHs Amount compensation compensation USD Battambang! 362! 362! None!AH! None!AH! 56! $248,990.70! $9,000.00! Poipet! 67! 65! None!AH! None!AH! 7! $790,064.57! $700.00! Bavet! 463! 463! None!AH! None!AH! 1! $331,551.31! $100.00! Neak! Work!in! Work!in! Work!in! Work!in! Work!in! 524! Work!in!progress Loeung! progress! progress progress progress progress Total 1,416 890 None AH None!AH 64 $1,370,606.59 $9,800.00 ! In!line!with!the!subproject!in!Poi!Pet,!there!were!67AHs!(100%)!out!of!67!had!satisfactorily! received!compensation!including!2!AHs!who!IRC-WG!already!dealt!to!have!public!meeting! with! the! consultation! in! the! provincial! sector! progress.! On! the! other! hand,! wastewater! subproject!in!Bavet,!there!were!445!AHs!(100%)!had!satisfactorily!received!compensation! and!there!is!no!any!other!complaint.!In!addition,!the!wastewater!treatment!in!Battambang,! all!362!AHs!also!received!their!full!compensation!offered,!which!there!is!only!Neak!Loeung! flood!protection!sub-project!is!still!under! DRPs! preparation.! Therefore,!all!AHs! have!not! received!the!compensation!yet.!! ! Moreover,!for!Neak!Loeung!flood!protection!subproject!started!from!6th!to!11th,!December! 2019,! IRC-WG! provided! the! training! to! PGRC! members,! project! announcement! meeting! with!AHs.!!In!addition,!the!RRC-WG!had!progressed!the!DMS!from!December!2019!to!April! 2020.! Until! now,! the! DRPs! and! summary! of! implementation! table! are! still! under! preparation!and!progress!! ! 5. The!total!of!AHs!is!including!vulnerable!groups,!which!is!15%,!and!non-vulnerable! groups,!which!is!85%.!The!data!on!income!analysis!shows!that!10!AHs!or!3%!with!income! level! less! than! $! 88.00! per! month! are! poor.! Data! on! income! analysis! shows! the! income! bracket!of!$70-$200!accounted!for!the!highest!number!of!AHs!i.e.!21!AHs!or!20%,!which! remain! decrease! from! the! last! quarter.! The! medium! to! high! levels! of! monthly! income! bracket!of!$231-$500,!$570-$792)!of!69!AHs!or!66%,!the!income!levels!increased!between! 3%.!However,!the!higher!levels!of!monthly!income!bracket!from!$1,500-$4,500!was!slightly! change! about! 2%! from! the! last! quarter.! There! are! more! AHs! aware! of! the! project! implementation! information! because! 90%! of! AHs! had! participated! in! the! public! consultation! meetings;! there! was! an! increase! of! 5%! compared! to! the! last! quarter.! The! project!information!booklet!was!distributed!to!472!AHs,!which!equals!90%!of!AHs.!In!term! of! monitoring! on! project! implementation,! 24%! or! 25! AHs! were! very! satisfied! with! the! accurate!activity!of!DMS!and!IRP!program!provided,!19%!were!satisfied,!and!50%!of!AHs! expressed!average!satisfaction.!! ! 6. During!the!monitoring!period,!there!were!16!AHs!raised!complaints!for!resolutions! (Table!9)!and!they!were!followed-up!by!IRC-WG!as!well!as!had!the!discussion!together!to! get!the!positive!feedback!for!affected!people.!As!the!result,!there!were!14!cases!have!been! solved after! AHs!got!explanation!from!IRC-WG!team!and!EMO!also!joined!to!see!the!real! issue!happened! and!provide!the!good!solution.!There!are!still!two!remaining!requests!to! speed!up!the!compensation!progress!in!Neak!Loeung!and!this!request!has!been!accepted! and!explained!by!IRC-WC.!Moreover,!we!will!get!the!feedback!from!AHs!in!the!next!quarter.!!


! 7. Moreover,! the! annual! progress! by! EMO! team! indicated! that! most! of! PGRC’s! work! follow! the! resettlement! plan,! national! legal,! and! regulatory! requirements! and! safeguard! policy! statement! (SPS).! Because! as! in! RP,! vulnerable! groups! have! received! the! compensation,! special! once-cash! assistant,! acceptable! the! compensation! base! on! their! affected! assets! and! fully! respond! to! AHs’! complaint! (from! village! to! provincial! sectors! consultation).!! ! 8. As!recommendation!from!EMO,!police!officers!should!participate!or!appointed!as!a! member! of! the! grievance! committee.! Therefore,! this! need! to! be! reflected! to! the! future! project.! In! addition,! AHs! request! to! speed! up! the! compensation! and! the! progress! of! the! construction.!! ! ! ! !!


I. INTRODUCTION 1. External Monitoring. Resettlement! Monitoring! is! an! integral! part! of! the! resettlement!process!which!entails!monitoring!of!preparation!and!implementation!of!detail! resettlement!plans!(DRPs)!on!Land!Acquisition!and!Involuntary!Resettlement!(LAR),!as!laid! down!in!the!ADB’s!Safeguard!Policy!Statement!(SPS)!2009,!and!the!Royal!Government!of! Cambodia’s! (RGC)! LAR! on! Standard! Operating! Procedures! 2018.! The! objective! of! monitoring! is! to! review! and! access! the! implementation! of! DRPs! and! validate! the! (i)! implementation! of! LAR! activities;! (ii)! payment! to! affected! persons! (APs),! livelihood! restoration,! any! changes! occurred! in! their! living! standards,! and! the! achievement! of! resettlement!objectives!have!been!met;! (iii)!effectiveness!and!adequacy!of!compensation! entitlements!of!the!APs!under!the!DRPs!of!the!subprojects;!(iv)!the!remedial!measurement! to! address! any! issue! related! to! payments! and! implementation! of! LAR! activities;! (v)! institutional! arrangements;! (vi)! and! the! effective! functions! of! the! grievance! redress! mechanism.!Thus,!the!monitoring!enables!the!General!Department!of!Resettlement!(GDR)! to!make!timely!decision!on!any!corrective!measures!needed!to!implement!DRPs!effectively! and!learn!about!the!future!formulation!and!planning!of!RPs.!! 2. External Monitoring Report:!This!External!Monitoring!Report!(EMR)!is!prepared! for!four!subprojects!namely:!!! !! (i) Wastewater!Treatment!(Storm!Drainage)!subproject!in!Battambang;! (ii) Wastewater!Treatment!(Storm!Drainage)!subproject!in!Poi!Pet;!! (iii) Wastewater!Treatment!(Storm!Drainage)!Subproject!in!Bavet;!! (iv) Urban!Roads!subproject!in!Bavet;!and! (v) Flood!Protection!of!subproject!at!Neak!Loeung!!

3.!! The! EMR! presents! the! review! and! validation! of! URP/DRP! implementation! which! reflects!their!overall!progress!from!March!to!May!2019.!The!EMR!also!offers!the!review!and! the! analysis! of! the! implementation! of! URP/DRPs,! compensation! payment! of! the! APs! by! category!of!the!impacts!including!the!allowances!and!makes!recommendations!in!order!to! address! the! issues! that! were! identified.! During! the! monitoring! period,! only! the! URP! for! Wastewater! Treatment! (Storm! Drainage)! subproject! in! Poi! Pet! town! was! under! implementation!as!it!was!approved!on!25!January!2019.!The!DRPs!of!the!remaining!three! subprojects!are!still!under!preparation!prior!approval!by!IRC!and!ADB.!! 1.1 Project Background 4.!! The!RGC’s!goal!in!transportation!sector!is!to!establish!an!efficient!road!network!that! maximizes! the! contribution! of! transportation! sector! to! economic! growth,! poverty! reduction,! regional! cooperation! and! globalization.! In! line! with! the! goals! and! policy! objectives,!the!RGC!has!put!the!highest!priority!in!the!improvement!and!rehabilitation!of! the! road! infrastructure.! Therefore,! the! RGC! has! obtained! a! loan! and! granted! from! Asian! Development! Bank! (ADB)! to! finance! the! Greater! Mekong! Corridor! Sub-region! Southern! Economic!Corridor!Town!Development!Project!(the!Project).!The!Project!will!enhance!the! competitiveness! of! town! along! the! Southern! Economic! Corridor.! In! addition,! the! project! will!also!transform!the!corridor!town!of!Battambang,!Bavet,!and!Poi!Pet!into!economic!hubs! by! improving! the! urban-environmental! infrastructure! and! strengthen! the! institutional! capacity! of! provincial! and! local! authorities! through! the! implementation! of! the! following! subprojects!in!each!town:! ! - Battambang Town: Wastewater! Treatment! (Storm! Drainage),! flood! control,! and! materials!recovery!facility; 4

- Bavet Town: Wastewater! Treatment!(Storm!Drainage),!material!recovery!facility,! and!urban!roads;!and - Poi Pet Town: Wastewater!Treatment!(Storm!Drainage),!Poi!Pet!solid!waste!landfill! and!material!recovery - Town: Flood!control ! 5.! Inter-ministerial! Resettlement! Committee! (IRC)! through! its! Working! Group! (IRC- WG)!represent!the!RGC!in!the!implementation!of!the!updated!resettlement!plan!(URP)!and! detailed!resettlement!plans!(DRPs).!The!IRC-WG!is!assisted!by!the!provincial!resettlement! subcommittee! working! groups! (PRSC-WG)! in! the! implementation! of! the! URP/DRPs.! The! General!Department!of!Resettlement!(GDR)!of!the!Ministry!of!Economy!and!Finance!is!the! lead! agency! which! directly! responsible! for! the! preparation,! implementation,! monitoring! and! reporting! of! the! URP/DRPs.! For! the! URP/DRPs! under! this! Project,! the! Resettlement! Department! 2! of! GDR! assisted! by! the! IRC-WG! and! PRSC-WG! is! responsible! for! the! implementation!of!the!LAR!activities!under!the!URP/DRPs. ! 6.!! The!EMO!activities!will!be!run!through!the!period!of!one!year!and!six!months!(18! months)!on!a!quarterly!basis.!The!quarterly!external!monitoring!report!will!summarize!the! findings,!including!(a)!progress!of!URP/DRP!implementation,!including!any!deviations!from! the!provisions!of!the!URP/DRP;!(b)!identification!of!problems!and!recommended!solutions! to!resolve!the!issues!in!a!timely!manner;!(c)!identification!of!issues!of!vulnerable!people!as! relevant;!and!(d)!report!the!progress!of!the!followed-up!issues!and!problems!identified!in! the!previous!EMR. ! 7.!! Documents!listed!below!were!made!available!to!the!IED!team!without!delay!to!avoid! subsequent! delay! in! the! monitoring! process.! These! documents! were! reviewed! to! understand!the!project!and!subproject’s!background,!nature!of!subprojects,!the!impact,!and! to!support!the!preparation!of!External!Monitoring!Tools. ! Ø Resettlement!Plan! Ø Updated!Resettlement!Plan! (More! detail! and! explanation! about! the! project! progress! (project! start,! do! DMS,! make!contract!and!the!step!of!provide!compensation)!to!affected!people!and!target! side!authorities)! Ø Compensation!Agreement! Ø Review!the!official!complaints!in!any!level!(GDR,!province,!district!and!contractor)! Ø Loan!and!Grant!Agreements!! Ø ADB!Safeguard!Policy!Statement,!June!2009.!

1.2 Subproject Description 1.2.1 Wastewater Treatment (Storm Drainage) subproject in Battambang !! 8.!! The! subproject! was! allocated! in! 3! communes! which! are:! i.)! Anlong! Vil! in! Sangke! District,! ii.)! Prek! Preah! Sdach! and! iii.)! Rattanak! both! in! Battambang! municipality.! The! Battambang! Storm! Drain! component! of! Wastewater! Treatment! Subproject! will! be! constructed! at! East! side! of! the! town,! located! in! Rattanak! and! Preak! Preah! Sdach! Communes.!Total!length!of!Storm!Drain!is!approximately!13.093km!which!consist!of!Pipe! culvert!diameter!from!800mm!to!1500mm!and!box!culvert!sizes!from!1.75m!with!x!1.50m! depth!to!2.25m!with!x!1.75m!depth,!and!including!catch!basin,!manhole!etc.!Furthermore,! the!subproject!will!be!constructed!the!open!earth!canal!length!approximately!1.371km!and!


pipe!culvert!and!box!culvert!crossing!to!the!properties.!The!designed!storm!drain!is!to!be! laid!along!unimproved!large!walkway!and!in!the!middle!of!existing!roads!to!minimize!the! impact! and! reduce! the! construction! cost.! The! alignment! of! the! storm! drain! is! along! the! ROW.!Figure!1!illustrates!the!map!of!the!Wastewater!Treatment!Subproject!in!Battambang! ! Figure 1: Map of Wastewater Treatment Facilities in Battambang ! !! !! !! !!

1.2.2 Wastewater Treatment (Storm Drainage) subproject in Poi Pet !! 9.!! The!subproject!involves!the!construction!of!4!lines!of!storm!drains!in!Poi!Pet!Town.! All!of!these!storm!drains!will!start!from!north!of!National!Road!No.!5,!crossing!the!road!and! will!end!up!at!the!stream!border.!Total!length!of! the!storm! drain!is!approximately!2km.! Their!sizes!are!2.0m!x!1.5m!and!3.0m!x!2.0m!made!up!of!reinforced!concrete!box!culverts.! Construction!of!this!storm!drains!will!collect!rainwater!from!the!catchment!area,!north!of! the!town!and!discharge!into!the!O’!Chrov!Stream!to!avoid!incident!of!flooding!that!occurs! annually.!Thus,!protecting!business!and!the!other!properties!from!the!damages!caused!by! the!flash!floods.!Figure!2!illustrates!the!Map!of!the!Wastewater!Treatment!Subproject!in!Poi! Pet.! !! Figure 2: Map of Wastewater Treatment Facilities in Poi Pet

! ! ! ! 6

1.2.3 Wastewater Treatment (Storm Drainage) Subproject in Bavet

10.!! The! subproject! consists! of! the! construction! of! three! storm! drainage! lines! which! approximately! 5km! all! starting! or! crossing! the! National! Road! No.1! (NR1)! and! discharge! into! the! existing! drains! constructed! along! the! NR1.! Based! on! the! detailed! engineering! design! (DED),! the! storm! drainage! structure! will! be! constructed! under! the! existing! road! consist!of!(i)box!culverts!ranging!from!1.50m!width!x!1.50m!deep!to!3.00m!width!x!1.50m! deep,!(ii)trapezoidal!concrete!channels!ranging!from!2.00m!width!x!1.25m!deep!and!2.50m! width!x!1.25m!deep,!and!(iii)!trapezoidal!earth!canals.!Manholes,!water!catch!basins!and! drainage!inlets!will!also!be!constructed.!The!inner!width!of!the!storm!drains!varies!from! 1.50m!to!3.00m,!and!the!COI!varies!from!3.80m!to!10.30m.!Figure!3!illustrates!the!Map!of!the! Wastewater!Treatment!Subproject!in!Bavet

Figure 3: Map of Wastewater Treatment Facilities in Bavet

1.2.4 Urban Roads Subproject in Bavet!

11.! This!subproject!is!in!three!(3)!Communes!namely!(i)!Ba!Ti,!(ii)!Bavet!and!(iii)!Chrak! Mtess!in!Bavet!town.!The!subproject!will!improve!and!widen!9km!of!National!Highway!No.! 01! from! chainage! 159km! to! 165km! in! Bavet! town.! The! existing! two! lanes! road! will! be! widened!and!upgraded!to!four!lanes!with!a!median!constructed!in!the!center!for!streetlight! installation.! Pedestrian! walkway! and! footpaths! will! be! constructed! along! the! upgraded! length!of!the!road.!Figure!4!illustrates!the!layout!map!of!the!urban!road!subproject!in!Bavet! town.!! ! Figure 4: Layout Map of the Urban Roads Subproject


1.2.5 Flood Protection of subproject at Neak Loeung

12.! ! The! Neak! Loeung! Flood! Protection! include! the! following! components:! (i)! Flood! Protection!Dike!with!total!length!of!4.5!kilometers!covering!an!area!of!363! hectares;! (ii)! Access!from!the!road!to! the! top!of!the!dike! 6!meters!wide!(iii)!Water!Gate!(Box!culvert)! with!control!valves!(2!vertical!sluice!valves);!(iv)!pump!station!for!storm!water!from!the! enclosed!area,!to!be!pumped!to!the!natural!stream!outside!the!protection!dikes.!The!Neak! Loeung!Flood!Control!is!proposed!for!funding!from!ADB!and!therefore!it!needs!to!comply! with!ADB’s!safeguard!policies.!

II. Resettlement Impacts and Status of Implementation of DRPs

13.!! Tables!1-5!summarize!the!scope!of!resettlement!impacts!under!each!subproject!and! the! status! of! the! implementation! land! acquisition! and! involuntary! resettlement! (LAR)! activities! under! them.! During! the! monitoring! period,! only! the! URP! for! Wastewater! Treatment!(Storm!Drainage)!subproject!in!Poi!Pet!town!is!under!implementation!as!it!was! approved! on! 25! January! 2019.! The! DRPs! for! the! remaining! one! (1)! subproject! has! not! implemented! yet! as! they! are! still! under! preparation! (Neak! Loeung! Flood! protect! subproject).! Therefore,! the! actions! taken! under! most! of! the! LAR! activities! have! been! initiated!and!their!progress!of!the!implementation!could!not!be!quantified.!However,!the! status! of! LAR! implementation! in! Tables! 1-5! are! reported! from! data! of! the! approved! URP/DRPs.!These!tables!will!be!used!to!update!the!progress!of!implementation!of!the!LAR! activities!in!the!subsequent!annually!EMRs.

14.!For!subproject!in!Poi!Pet,!there!were!67AHs!(100%)!out!of!67!had!totally!satisfactorily! received! the! compensation! including! 2! AHs! who! IRC-WG! already! dealt! to! have! public! meeting!with!consultation!in!the!provincial!sector!progress. ! 15.!Regarding!the!wastewater!subproject!and!Urban!Roads!in!Bavet,!there! were!445!AHs! (100%)!have!satisfactorily!received!compensation!and!there!is!no!any!other!complaint.! 8

! 16.! For! wastewater! treatment! in! Battambang! subproject,! the! 362! AHs! had! also! received! compensation!offers!of!their!entitlements!as!the!DRPs!preparation.!They!are!really!satisfied! with!the!compensation!provided!and!construction!progress!and!no!further!complaints.!! ! Referring!to! the!subprojects!in!Poi!Pet,!Bavet,!and! Battambang! are!ready!for! implement,! which!is!under!construction!progress!at!this!moment.!Since!there!are!no!complaints!from! AHs!anymore.!As!the!result,!EMO!is!going!to!finalize!the!report!by!the!end!of!August!and! will!continue!to!do!the!post!evaluation!on!February!2021.!! ! 17.!For!Neak!Loeung!flood!protection!subproject!started!from!6th!to!11th,!December!2019,! IRC-WG!provided!the!training!to!PGRC!members,!project!announcement!meeting!with!AHs.! In! addition,! doing! DMS,! the! IRC-WG! had! been! progressed! from! December! 2019! to! April! 2020.! Until! now,! the! DRPs! and! summary! of! implementation! table! are! still! under! preparation!and!progress.!! ! Moreover,! all! the! total! of! AHs! interviewed! by! this! semester-annual! report! are! 288! AHs! (20%)! out! of! 1,416! AHs,! which! there! are! only! 16! AHs! raised! complaints! for! resolutions! (Table!9)!and!they!were!followed-up!by!IRC-WG!as!well!as!had!the!discussion!together!to! get!the!positive!feedback!for!affected!people.!As!the!result,!there!were!14!cases!have!been! solved!after! AHs!got!explanation!from!IRC-WG!team!and!EMO!also!joined!to!see!the!real! issue!happened!and!provide!the!good!solution.! !


Table 1: Summary of Implementation Status of LAR under URP for Wastewater Treatment (Storm Damage) Subproject in Battambang

Implementation Status Numbers and Quantities Impacted (December 2019 –May 2020) Remarks No. Impact as in URP Compensation progress Qty (m2) or Total Payable Payment Made Balance 100% complete Trees No. AHs Payment ($) No. of AHs Amount No. of AHs Amount Draft URP Section II 1 Land Impacts ! ! Land!Compensation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No!impact! 2 Non-land Impacts ! ! Affected!Houses! 39.29! 3! 3,644.25! 3! 3,644.25! 0! 0.00! 100%!completed!

! Affected!Stores!cum!Living!Quarters! 128.53! 9! 3,431.35! 9! 3,431.35! 0! 0.00! 100%!completed!

! Affected!Stores! 497.85! 22! 11,444.24! 22! 11,444.24! 0! 0.00! 100%!completed!

! Affected!Secondary!Structures! 11,478.84! ! 214,510.97! ! 214,510.97! 0! 0.00! 100%!completed!

! Affected!Crops! 876! 2! 131.40! 2! 131.40! 0! 0.00! 100%!completed!

! Affected!Trees! 82! ! 3,196.50! ! 3,196.50! 0! 0.00! 100%!completed! 3 Loss of Income ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Temporary!Loss!of!Business!Income! ! from!Small!Stores!and!Stores!cum! ! 31! 1,150.00! 31! 1,150.00! 0! 0.00! 100%!completed! Living!Quarters! Impact on Vulnerable AHs and 4 ! 56! 9,000.00! 56! 9,000.00! 0! 0.00! 100%!completed! AHs with Significant Impacts 5 One-time Cash Assistance 0! 0.00! Stores,!Stores!cum!Living!Quarters! ! ! 34! 1,122.00! 34! 1,122.00! 0! 0.00! 100%!completed! and!Main!Houses!to!be!rebuilt.! 6 Allowances Resettlement!(shifting!back!house,! ! store!cum!living!quarters!and! ! 34! 1,360.00! 34! 1,360.00! 0! 0.00! 100%!completed! stores.! 10

Table 2: Summary of Implementation Status of LAR under DRP for Wastewater Treatment (Storm Damage) Subproject in Poi Pet Implementation Status Numbers and Quantities Impacted Remarks (December 2019 – May 2020) No. Impact as in DRP Payable Payment Made Balance Qty (m2) Total No. Compensation progress Payment No. of Amount No. of Amount or Nos. AHs 100% complete ($) AHs ($) AHs ($) DRP Section II 1 Land Impacts 1,874.72 7 632,711.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 !

! Residential!Land!Compensation! 1,874.72! 7! 632,711.00! 7! 632,711.00! 0! 0.00! 100%!completed!

2 Non-land Impacts ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

! Main!structures! 747.88! 15! 92,533.52! 15! 92,533.52! 0! 0.00! 100%!completed!

p! Stores! 243.34! 1! 4,497.18! 1! 4,497.18! 0! 0.00! No!impact!

! Secondary!Structures! 2,766.62! 62! 53,972.87! 60! 41,806.52! 2! 12,166.35! 100%!completed!

3 Affected Crops and Trees

! Affected!Crops! 0! 0! 0.00! 0! 0.00! 0! 0.00! No!impact!

! Affected!Trees! 43! 8! 991.00! 8! 991.00! 0! 0.00! !

4 Impact on Livelihood 100%!completed Temporary!loss!of!Income!from! ! ! 16! 800.00! 16! 800.00! 0! 0.00! 100%!completed! Small!Businesses! Vulnerable AHs and AHs with 5 ! 7! 700.00! 7! 700.00! 0! 0.00! ! significant impacts 6! One-time Cash Assistance ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 100%!completed!

! Structures!<60m2! ! 13! 429.00! 13! 429.00! 0! 0.00! 100%!completed! Structures! ! ! 5! 500.00! 5! 500.00! 0! 0.00! 100%!completed! >60m2!


! Relocation! ! 1! 200.00! 1! 200.00! 0! 0.00! 100%!completed!

7 Allowances ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Transport! ! 19! 790.00! 19! 890! 0! 0.00! 100%!completed! Allowance!! Disruption!! ! 19! 1,640.00! 19! 1,640.00! 0! 0.00! 100%!completed! Allowance!

8 Income!Restoration!Program! ! 1! 300.00! 1! 300.00! 0! 0.00! 100%!completed!


Table 3: Summary of Implementation Status of LAR under DRP for Wastewater Treatment (Storm Damage) Subproject in Bavet Implementation Status Numbers and Quantities Impacted (December 2019 – May 2020) Remarks No. Impact as in DRP Compensation progress 2 Payable Payment Made Balance Qty (m ) Total 100% complete Payment Amount Amount or Nos. No. AHs No. of AHs No. of AHs ($) ($) ($) Draft DRP Section II 1 Land Impacts 448.81 5 151,347.80 5 151,347.80 0.00 0.00 100%!completed!

! Residential!Land!Compensation! 448.81! 5! 151,347.80! 5! 151,347.80! 0.00! 0.00! 100%!completed!

2 Non-land Impacts ! 125! 150,963.01! ! ! ! ! !

Affected!Main! ! 139.20! 1! 10,573.63! 1! 10,573.63! 0.00! 0.00! 100%!completed! Structures!

! Affected!Secondary!Structures! 3,701.88! 121! 129,331.25! 121! 129,331.25! 0.00! 0.00! 100%!completed!

! Affected!Stores! 25.500! 3! 11,058.13! 3! 11,058.13! 0.00! 0.00! 100%!completed!

3 Impact on Crops and Trees

! Crops! 0! 0! 0! 0! 0! 0! 0! No!impact! ! Trees! 192! 69! 5,342.00! 69! 5,342.00! 0.00! 0.00! 100%!completed!

4 One-time Cash Assistance ! 11 599.00 11 599.00 0.00! 0.00! 100%!completed

! Vulnerable!AH! ! 1! 100.00! 1! 100.00! 0.00! 0.00! 100%!completed

! Rebuild!Main!Structure! ! 1! 100.00! 1! 100.00! 0.00! 0.00! 100%!completed

! Rebuild!Store! ! 3! 99.00! 3! 99.00! 0.00! 0.00! 100%!completed

! Temporary!Loss!of!Income! ! 4! 200.00! 4! 200.00! 0.00! 0.00! 100%!completed


5 Allowances ! 37 3,145.00 37 3,145.00 0.00! 0.00! 100%!complete

! Dismantle!Main!Structure! ! 1! 40.00! 1! 40.00! 0.00! 0.00! 100%!complete!

! Transport! ! 4! 1,540.00! 4! 1,540.00! 0.00! 0.00! 100%!complete!

Temporary!Disruption!to! ! ! 30! 990.00! 30! 990.00! 0.00! 0.00! 100%!complete! Business!

! One!Month!Profit!Loss! ! 1! 35.00! 1! 35.00! 0.00! 0.00! 100%!complete!

! Loss!of!Rental!Income! ! 1! 540.00! 1! 540.00! 0.00! 0.00! 100%!complete!

6 Allowances for Rental AHs ! 12 960.00 12 960.00 0.00! 0.00! 100%!complete!

! Transport! ! 6! 420.00! 6! 420.00! 0.00! 0.00! 100%!complete!

! Disruption! ! 6! 540.00! 6! 540.00! 0.00! 0.00! 100%!complete!


Table 4: Summary of Implementation Status of LAR under DRP for Urban Roads Subproject in Bavet Implementation Status Numbers and Quantities Impacted (December 2019 – May 2020) Remarks No. Impact as in DRP Payable Payment Made Balance Compensation progress Qty (m2) Total Payment No. of Amount 100% complete or Nos. No. AHs Amount No. of AHs ($) AHs ($) Draft DRP Section II 1 Land Impacts 0! 0! 0.00 0! 0! 0! 0! ! ! Land!Compensation! 0! 0! 0.00! 0! 0! 0.00! 0.00! No!impact! 2 Non-land Impacts ! 509 376.319.30 ! ! ! ! ! Affected!Main! ! 103.50! 7! 3,200.50! 7! 3,200.50! 0.00! 0.00! 100%!complete! Structures!

! Affected!Stores! 910.51! 73!! 28,959.66! 73!! 28,959.66! 0.00! 0.00! 100%!complete!

Temporary! ! 29,062.76! 429! 344,159.14! 429! 344,159.14! 0.00! 0.00! 100%!complete! Structures! 3 Impact on Crops and Trees 227 114 7,244.50 114 7,244.50 0.00! 0.00! 100%!complete ! Crops! 0! 0! 0! 0! 0! ! ! No!impact! ! Trees! 227! 114! 7,244.50! 114! 7,244.50! ! ! !

4 One-time Cash Assistance ! 161! 11,950.00 161! 11,950.00 0.00! 0.00! 100%!complete!

! Vulnerable!AHs! ! 45! 4,500.00! 45! 4,500.00! 0.00! 0.00! 100%!complete!

Rebuild!Partially!Affected! ! ! 33! 3,300.00! 33! 3,300.00! 0.00! 0.00! 100%!complete! Structures! Rebuild!Stores!cum!Living! ! ! 83! 4,150.00! 83! 4,150.00! 0.00! 0.00! 100%!complete! Quarters!and!Stores! 5 Allowances ! 319! 13, 209.00 319! 13, 209.00 0.00! 0.00! 100%!complete!

! Dismantle!! ! 83! 3,320.00! 83! 3,320.00! 0.00! 0.00! 100%!complete!

! Temporary!Loss!of!Income! ! 73! 3,650.00! 73! 3,650.00! 0.00! 0.00! 100%!completed!


! Disruption!! ! 80! 2,800.00! 80! 2,800.00! 0.00! 0.00! 100%!completed!

! Shifting! ! 83! 2,739.00! 83! 2,739.00! 0.00! 0.00! 100%!completed!


III. Semi-Annual Finding (From December 2019 to May 2020)

3.1 Household Accessibility by EMO

18.! As! the! result! in! Poi! Pet! town,! 19%! of! the! monitoring! survey! is! conducted! in! this! quarter!illustrates!the!slightly!increase!as!1%!higher!than!the!previous!quarter!in!Poi!Pet! town.!!Regarding!to!Battambang!subproject,!indicates!that!the!survey!on!AHs!remains!the! same!(22%)! as!in!fifth! and!semester!quarter.!Referring!to!the!Bavet!Subprojects,!it! kept! unchanged!with!the!21%!during!the!fifth!to!semester!quarterly!monitoring!survey.!As!for! Neak!Loeung!subproject!took!place!in!the!semester!report!which!shows!that!the!total!of! 100!AHs!survey!(19%)!while!there!was!20%!(288/1,416)!-!the!total!random!selection!of! affected! household! among! DMS! data! (1,416)! which! were! monitored! and! observed! the! impacts! after! the! sub-projects’! implementation.! Table! 6! summarizes! comparison! of! AHs! surveys!between!the!fifth!to!seventh!Quarter!Monitoring!Surveys.! !! Table 5-AH Number and Percentage Comparison between 5th Quarter to Annual Monitoring Survey Province Cities DMS AH Q5 AH semester AH Q5 AH% Semester AH% B. Meanchey Poi!Pet! 67! 12! 13! 18%! 19%! Battambang Battambang! 362! 78! 78! 22%! 22%! Svay Reang Bavet! 463! 95! 97! 21%! 21%! Neak!Loeung! 524! None! 100! None! 19%! Grand Total 1,416 185 288 21% 20% ! 19.! During the monitoring!survey,!head!of!the!affected!household!(AHs)!was!the!main! person!meet!with!EMO.!A!total!of!183!AHs!or!64%!were!randomly!interviewed!during!the! progress!of!annual!report!compared!to!134!AHs!during!fifth!quarter.!The!interviews!with! the! spouses! were! 45! AHs! compared! to! 28! AHs! during! last! quarter! when! the! interviews! with! housewife! remained! increase! from! 2! AHs! to! 10! AHs! in! the! annual! progress.! The! interviews!with!children!were!5!AHs!increase!than!the!fifth!quarter!as!well!as!when!the! interviews! with! sister/brother! remained! increase! from! 5! AHs! to! 8! AHs! in! this! annual! progress.!To!sum!up,!the!number!of!the!survey!and!data!monitoring!increase!from!105!AHs! to!288!AHs!because!of!the!other!subprojects!are!done!for!implementation.!However,!there! is!one!subproject!in!Neak!Loeung!still!under!preparation.! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 17

Table 6-summarizes the comparison of relationship monitoring during the Fifth to Annual progress

Household Number of Number of AHs % of AHs % of AHs Q5 Relationship AHs Q5 Annual Annual Head!of!AHs! 134! 183! 72%! 64%! Spouse! 28! 45! 15%! 16%! Housewife! 2! 10! 1%! 3%! Children! 10! 15! 5%! 5%!

Sister!or!Brother! 5! 8! 3%! 3%!

Parent! 4! 17! 2%! 6%!

Nephew/Niece!in!law! 2! 10! 1%! 3%! ! Grand Total 185 288! !

Table 7-AHs Condition Classification bases on Vulnerable and Non-vulnerable Groups

AHs Condition Percentage of AHs Condition

Vulnerable!Group! 15%! Non-vulnerable!Group! 85%!

3.2 Income Level of Affected Household 20.! During!the!monitoring!period,!the!income!of!the!105!AHs!was!assessed!(Figure!5).!It! is!found!that!10!AHs!or!3%!with!income!level!less!than!$!88.00!per!month!are!poor.!Data!on! income!analysis!shows!the!income!bracket!of!$70-$200!accounted!for!the!highest!number! of!AHs!i.e.!21!AHs!or!20%!which!remained!decrease!from!the!last!quarter.!The!medium!to! high!levels!of!monthly!income!bracket!of!$231-$500,!$570-$792)!of! 69!AHs! or! 66%,!the! income!levels!have!increased!between!3%.!However,!the!higher!levels!of!monthly!income! bracket!$1,500-$4,500!was!slightly!change!about!2%!from!the!last!quarter.!



21.! The! EMO! analyzed! the! average! income! per! month! by! each! income! source! and! compared! with! the! income! source! of! the! last! quarter! (Table! 8).! There! is! significantly! increase! to! the! average! income! for! Child! Support,! Remittance,! Manufacture! and! Transportation!from!0$!to!30$!in!last!quarter.!Comparing!to!the!last!quarter,!the!average! income!for!wages/salary!decreased!by!45,!trading!by!$62!and!agriculture!is!more!increase! to!$120.!The!main! causes!of!the!decreases! caused! by!the! Covid-19!virus! which! affect! to! various!sources!of!income.! ! Table 8-Average Income by each Income Sources for 6 months Comparison progress

Average Income Q6 Average Income Q7 Variance Source of Income ($/month) ($/month) ($/month) Wages/Salary! 400! 355! -45! Child!Support! 200! 220! 20! Trading! 850! 788! -62! Agriculture! 1000! 1200! 120! Manufacture! 785! 790! 5! Remittance! 670! 670! 0! Transportation! 550! 580! 30! Others! 789! 708! 81!


3.3 Monitoring of Consultation and Information Disclosure 22.! A! total! of! 90%! of! 105! AHs! participated! in! public! consultation! meetings.! It! was! assessed!that,!most!AHs!aware!of!their!entitlements!by!joining!the!public!consultation,!do! the! DMS! and! special! receive! the! IRP! program! for! valuable! groups.! The! information! gathered! from! the! consultation! meetings,! the! AHs! understand! about! the! impact! of! resettlement,!compensation!payments,!and!details!of!their!entitlement!for!compensation!in! the! contract.!! In!contrast,! 10%!of! 11! AHs!who! did! not! participate!in!public!consultation! meetings!due!to!the!following:!

- About!18%!of!11AHs!were!busy!with!prior!personal!commitments.! - About!30%!of!11AHs!were!not!at!home!during!public!meeting.! - About!35%!of!11AHs!were!elderly!or!sick!and!could!not!participate.! - About!17%,!of!11AHs!did!not!know!about!the!meeting!and!assumed!no!meeting! will!be!conducted!in!their!area.! ! *** For PIB information, AHs have received of compensation progress such as ! 1. First! agreement! related! to! compensation! rate! from! Official! Replacement! Cost! of! study!data! 2. Then! IRC-WC! will! make! the! official! contract! of! their! affected! assets! (need! to! be! calculated!it!into!cashes)! 3. The! date! of! receive! the! compensation,! for! those! with! house! affected,! shop,! store,! lands! and! other! structure! need! to! give! to! constructor! to! process! their! works! (Approximately!one!month)! 4. If!there!are!any!complaint,!AHs!can!process!it!to!chief!of!village!to!proceed!for!the! official!letter!(Probably!takes!time!around!15!days),!! 5. If!there!is!no!deal,!it!will!be!proceeded!to!commune!sector!(it!also!takes!15!days!too)! 6. In!case!there!is!still!no!solution,!it!can!be!further!to!provincial!sector,!which!takes!!! approximately!30!days.!Then!if!the!solution!is!not!accepted,!AHs!have!the!right!to! process!it!to!the!court.!! !! 23.! Regarding! DMS! progressing,! there! is! no! complaint! raised! up! but! AHs! expressed! their! concerns! toward! the! construction! invading! which! was! linked! to! the! project! satisfaction!including!the!quality!of!the!construction!and!stockpile!of!the!land!impact.!! ! During!consultations,!the!AHs!proposed!the!following:! ! o Accelerate! the! process! of! town’s! development! and! construction! to! minimize! or! avoid!the!loss!of!business!income! o Accelerate!the!removal!of!stockpile!soil! o Make!the!efficient!sewage!system!capacity!to!avoid!any!overflows!of!sewage! o Sewage! drainage! system! is! not! tidy! enough! to! meet! the! town! environmental! standard.! o Grade!the!road!pavement!to!remove!bumps/roughness!or!to!fill!up!the!potholes!to! avoid! water! collection.! Spray! the! road! regularly! during! construction! to! minimize! dust.! !


3.4 Satisfaction of AHs with DMS for Neak Loeung sub-project only 24.! The! survey! was! conducted! on! 105! AHs! or! 20%! out! of! 524! AHs! in! the! annual! progress!for!only!Neak!Loeung!floor!protection!subproject,!all!the!AHs!confirmed!that!they! will!work!closely!with!the!IRC!and!PRSC!working!groups!to!run!the!DMS,!! ! 25.! In!regard!to! AHs’!satisfaction,!24%!or! 25!AHs!confirmed!“Very!Satisfied”!with!the! improvement!of!the!infrastructure!as!it!illustrates!that!the!measurement!on!asset!was!done! correctly.!A!total!of!42!of!44!AHs!reported!that,!they!were!satisfied,!and!20!AHs!reported! with!their!average!satisfaction.!However,!by!EMO!team!survey!from!field!follow!up,!there!is! no!confirm!of!“Unsatisfied”!because!they!are!wait!to!see!how!project!is!going!on!and!also! construction!progress!with!over!300!hectares!land!become!the!surface!canal!area.!!

Figure 6- Satisfcation of AHs for Public consultation and do DMS FiFigure 66-- Satisfcation of AHs for Public consultation and do DMS

For!total!survey!was!conducted!on!288!AHs!or!20%!out!of!1,416!AHs!in!the!annual!report! progress,!all!the!AHs!confirmed!that!they!will!work!closely!with!the!IRC!and!PRSC!working! groups!to!have!the!public!consultation,!generate!the!statement!of!impact.!! ! In!regard!to!AHs’!satisfaction,!11%!or!32!AHs!at!Battambang!and!Bavet!confirmed!“Very! Satisfied”!with!the!improvement!of!the!infrastructure!as!it!illustrates!that!the!measurement! on! asset! was! done! correctly.! A! total! of! 73%! of! AHs! reported! that,! they! were! satisfied.! Among!this!percentage,!100!AHs!feedback!was!gathered!in!Bavet,!90!AHs!in!Battambang,! and!20!AHs!in!Poi!Pet.!A!total!of!26!AHs!from!Bavet,!10!AHs!from!Battambang,!and!7!AHs! from! Poi! Pet! reported! with! their! average! satisfaction.! However,! 1%! or! single! AH! from! Battambang! and! Bavet! expressed! dissatisfaction! due! to! the! slow! progress! of! the! construction! caused! muddy! and! water! collection! during! rainy! season! and! caused! dusty! during!dry!season.!!Moreover,!they!also!complained!on!the!quality!of!new!concrete!floor! was!not!as!good!as!before,!and!their!businesses! mostly!affected!by!this.!However,!it!was! resolved!after!the!complaints!were!delivered!to!the!chief!of!village.!Moreover,!the!AHs!from! Bavet!complained!about!the!slow!progress!of!the!construction,!yet!they!already!provided! the! high! satisfaction! on! this! improvement! later.! They! are! glad! to! receive! compensation! now.!


According!to!the!good!cooperation!between!EMO,!GDR,!MPWT/PWU!and!contractor,!we! raise!up!the!complaint!from!AHs!to!discuss!in!order!to!find!the!solution!by!provide!the! information!as!below:!

1. More!detail!and!explain!about!project!progress!(project!start,!do!DMS,!make! contract!and!the!steps!of!provide!compensation)!to!affected!people!and!target!side! authorities! 2. Respond!to!the!complaints!by!speed!up!the!progress!of!the!contract!! 3. GDR,!MPWT/PWU!and!contractor!have!to!check!on!the!quality!of!construction!! ! 3.5 Compensation of Payment Progress 26.! During! the! external! monitoring! survey! from! fourth! to! seventh! quarter! progress,! Subproject! in! Poi! Pet! resulting! that,! there! were! 67AHs! (100%)! out! of! 67! had! totally! satisfactorily! received! compensation! which! including! 2! AHs! (3%)! that! IRC-WG! already! dealt! to! have! public! meeting! by! consultation! in! the! provincial! sector! progress.! For! the! wastewater-subproject!in!Bavet,!there!were!445!AHs!(100%)!have!satisfactorily!received! compensation!and!there!is!no!any!other!complaint.!Moreover,!the!wastewater!treatment!in! Battambang,! all! 362! AHs! also! received! their! compensation! offered! of! their! entitlements,! which there! was! only! Neak! Loeung! flood! protection-subproject! is! still! under! DRPs! preparation.!Therefore,!AHs!have!not!received!the!compensation!yet.!! ! 3.6 Grievances Redress Mechanism 27.! The!provincial!grievance!redress!committee!(PGRC)!has!established!in!Battambang,! Banteay!Meanchey,! Svay!Rieng!and!Prey!Veng!provinces!to! address!the!complaints! from! AHs/APs! through! the! grievance! redress! mechanism! process! outlined! in! the! URP/DRPs.! During!the!monitoring!period!by!follow-up!a!total!of!16!AHs!raised!up!the!complaints!for! resolutions! (Table! 9).! 14! cases! were! solved with! positive! feedback! and! there! are! two! remaining!cases!has!been!accepted!and!discussed!with!AH.!As!the!result,!monitoring!team! will!follow!up!these!cases!in!the!next!quarter.!!! ! !


28. Moreover,!as!by!annual!report!process!from!EMO!team,!we!have!been!noticing!that! most! of! GRC! work! are! followed! by! resettlement! plan,! national! legal,! and! regulatory! requirements!and!safeguard!policy!statement!(SPS)!because!as!in!RP,!valuable!groups!have! received!the!compensation,!special!once-cash!assistant,!acceptable!the!compensation!base! on!their!affected!assets!and!fully!reply!to!AHs’!complaint!(from!village!to!provincial!sectors! consultation).! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 23

Below is the composition of PGRCs’ members joint the EMO Corridor Towns!

No Name Position Agency 1. ! H.E!Men!Vibol! Provincial!Deputy!Governor! Bavet,!Svay!Rieng! Deputy!Governor!of!Bavet! 2. ! Mr.!Lim!Seang!Heng! Bavet,!Svay!Rieng! Municipal! 3. ! Mr.!Kam!Rithy!! PIU! Bavet,!Svay!Rieng! 4. ! Mr.!Sok!Sophal! PIU!from!DPWT! Bavet,!Svay!Rieng! 5. ! Mr.!Keo!Sarang! Coordinator!Bavet!Municipal! Bavet,!Svay!Rieng! 6. ! Mr.!Chann!Kokuong! Working!group! MLMUPC,!Poipet,!BMC! 7. ! Mr.!Min!Synaka! Working!group! MLMUPC,!Poipet,!BMC! 8. ! Mr.Vong!Rada! Working!group! MPWT! 9. ! Mr.!Chea!Sophanet! Working!group! MPWT! 10. ! Mr.!Ly!Sary! Head!(Vice!Governor)! Poipet,!BMC! 11. ! Mr.!Boeung!Kimseung! Director!of!PDEF! Poipet,!BMC! 12. ! Mr.!Chea!Sovanthuon! Deputy!Director!of!DPWT! Poipet,!BMC! 13. ! Mr.!Prakpolin! Director!of!LMUPC! Poipet,!BMC! 14. ! Mr.!Ngan!Chinda! Provincial!Police! Poipet,!BMC! 15. ! Mr.!Keo!Raksmei! Provincial!Hall! Poipet,!BMC! 16. ! Mr.!Khatt!Thea! Poipet!Hall! Poipet,!BMC! 17. ! Mr.!Im!Sothearoek! Police!officer! Poipet,!BMC! 18. ! Mr.!Sam!Sophol! Provincial!Governor! Battambang,!BTB! 19. ! Mr.!Nhorn!Sokhara! Provincial!Governor! Battambang,!BTB! 20. ! Mr.!Hok!Samnang! Provincial!Governor! Battambang,!BTB! 21. ! Mr.!Song!Soeng!! Chief!office!of!Municipal! Battambang,!BTB! Chief!Office!of!land!Urban! 22. ! Mr.!Norn!Chek!! Battambang,!BTB! Management! 23. ! H.E!Soun!Somaly! Deputy!Director!of!Provincial! Neak!Loeung,!Prey!Veng! Admin!Deputy!director!of! 24. ! Mr.!Chheng!Sovanara! Neak!Loeung,!Prey!Veng! Provincial!! 25. ! Mr.!Uon!Sothear! Director!of!DPWT! Neak!Loeung,!Prey!Veng! Director!of!Financial!and! 26. ! Mr.!Noun!Sokun! Economic!Department!of! Neak!Loeung,!Prey!Veng! Provincial! 27. ! Mr.!Prum!Senthor! Provincial!Police!Commissioner! Neak!Loeung,!Prey!Veng! ! !


Table 9-!Summary of grievances received and resolved within the reporting period ! Date grievance Name of GRC Number Address Issue Feedback Remark received AHs member Poi Pet Subproject: Wastewater Treatment Subproject “Storm Drainage” Her! case! was! accepted! by! IRC-WG! and! the! solution! has! been! provided! with!the!positive!feedback.!By!follow- up! in! this! quarter,! she! could! accept! the! compensation! $300! of! her! concrete! floor! loss! of! her! affected! Poi!Pet!village,! assets! after! explain! in! more! detail! She!requested!to!have! Poi!Pet! from! IRC-WG.! Moreover;! for! EMO! 11!February! Chea!Lyna! $600!as!the! 1.! commune,!Poi! Team! have! been! interviewed! more! GDR! Solved! 2019 (Female)! compensation!of! Pet!city,!B.!Mean! with! her! family,! even! though! she! concrete!floor!loss! Chey!province! wanted!the!compensation!of!affected! lose! assets! to! 600$! but! still! she! is! happy!now!to!compensation!and!join! for! development! her! area! and! cut! down!the!flooded.!Therefore,!by!this! quarter,!her!case!has!dealt!with!IRC- WG. As!respond!to!him!and!all!AHs!in!Poi! Pet,! IRC-WG! are! trying! to! improve! Ou!Chrov!village! the! construction! progress! as! fast! as! Som! Request!contractor!to! commune,!Poi! possible.! For! this! quarter,! the! 2.! 05!March!2019! Sameth! speed!up!the!process!as! IRC-WC! Solved! Pet!city,!B.!Mean! construction! have! been! improve! as! (Male)! fast!as!possible! Chey!province! AHs! requested.! As! now,! AHs! are! satisfy! with! the! construction! progress.!


She!is!not!satisfied!with! Dissatisfied! compensation! occurred! the!compensation! due!to!the!cost!of!compensation!was! toward!her!affected! not! fully! counted! as! full! cost! when! Poi!Pet!village,! shop.!She!also!didn't!get! she! finished! her! shop’s! yard! at! the! Poi!Pet! Khim! compensation!for!the! first! time.! ! But! after! she! was! 3.! 23!April!2019! commune,!Poi! Saveoun! loss!of!income!from!the! explained!by!IRC-WC,!this!AH!agreed! IRC-WC! Solved! Pet!city,!B.!Mean! (Female)! impact!on!her!business.! to! receive! the! compensation.! This! Chey!province! Her!average!income! case,! IED! had! joined! to! see! the! real! from!her!business!was! issue!happened!as!well!as!noticed!the! approximately!$320!per! complaints.!This!case!was!completely! month.! solved.! Bavet Subproject: Bavet Urban Road Subproject

Therefore,! he! suggested! us! to! speed! up! the! progress! as! fast! as! possible.! After!IRC-WG!and!EMO!team!met!him! Ta!Boeb!village,! As!the!progress!of! and! provided! the! explanation,! he! 21!February! Bavet!commune,! Teb!Vanna! construction!took!long! 4.! literally! understands! now.! To! IRC-WC! Solved! 2019! Bavet!city,!Svay! (Male)! period!of!time!which! suppress!the!dust!on!air,!he!requests! Rieng!province! affected!to!his!business.!! to! spray! the! water! regularly.! As! follow-up!in!this!quarter,!there!is!no! more!complaint!from!him.!!

So,!she!suggested!us!to!speed!up!the! progress! as! fast! as! possible.! and! Bavet!Kandal! As!the!progress!of! requested! to! provide! her! the! village,!Bavet! Chhun! 20!February! construction!took!long! compensation!in!the!earliest!possible.! 5.! commune,!Bavet! Saroeun! IRC-WC! Solved! 2019 period!of!time!which! As! the! result,! the! compensation! city,!Svay!Rieng! (Female)! affect!to!her!business.! provided!to!all!AHs.!Therefore,!there! province! is! no! more! complaint! from! her! anymore.!


He! was! advised! that! after! the! approval!of!the!DRP!by!ADB!and!the! budget! by! IRC/MEF,! the! compen- Ta!Pov!village,! sation! payment! would! be! made.! He! Sok! He!did!not!receive! Bavet!commune,! was! assured! that! a! copy! of! the! PIB! 6.! 26!March!2019! Chanthy! compensation!payment! GDR! Solved! Bavet!city,!Svay! would! be! provided! prior! or! during! (Male)! and!copy!of!PIB.! Rieng!province! the! consultation! when! the! contract! offer.!This!case,!IED!had!joined!to!see! the! real! issue! happened! as! well! as! noticed!the!complaints,!it!was!solved.! This! complaint! was! referred! to! civil! works! contractor! and! MPWT! for! technical! review.! After! the! technical! Ta!Boeb!village,! Sewage!drainage!box! review,! MPWT! explained! to! the! AH! Prom! Bavet!commune,! culvert!is!constructed!in! on! the! location! of! the! sewage! MPWT!and! 7.! 26!March!2019! Sophal! Solved! Bavet!city,!Svay! front!of!his!house!and! drainage! box! culvert! as! it! will! have! contractor! (Male)! Rieng!province! it’s!higher!than!road! no! hygienic! threats! and! the! AH! understood! this! construction.! Therefore,! this! case! was! already! solved.!! His!request!was!accepted!by!IRC-WG,! Ta!Boeb!village,! Request!to!speed!up!the! which! for! this! quarter,! the! 08!September! Bavet commune,! Yin!Davy! construction!with!good! 8.! construction! have! been! improved! as! IRC-WC! Solved 2019! Bavet!city,!Svay! (Female)! quality!of!asphalt! AHs!request.!As!now,!AHs!are!satisfy! Rieng!province! pavement!road!! with!the!construction!progress.! Her!request!was!accepted!by!IRC-WG,! Ta!Boeb!village,! Request!for!construction! which! for! this! quarter,! the! Bavet commune,! So!Phalla!! to!work!faster!with!good! 9.! 15!January!2020! construction! have! been! improved! as! IRC-WC! Solved Bavet!city,!Svay! (Female)! quality!of!asphalt! AHs!request.!As!now,!AHs!are!satisfy! Rieng!province! pavement!road!! with!the!construction!progress.!


As! his! case! accepted! by! IRC-WG! Request!to!change!the! which! from! commune! till! provincial! Ta!Pov!village,! Penh! Alignment!of!sewage! sectors!can’t!deal!that!problem.!After,! Bavet!commune,! 10.!! 26!May!2020! Sophon! which!it!may!not! there!is!official!meeting!consultation! IRC-WC! Solved! Bavet!city,!Svay! (Male)! affected!to!his!house! between! PGRC,! EMO! and! his! family! Rieng!province! asset!! which! they! agree! to! receive! the! compensation!as!in!contract!paper.!! Battambang Subproject: Wastewater Treatment (Storm Damage) His! case! was! accepted! by! IRC-WG.! After! IRC-WG! team! met! and! explained! him,! he! could! understand! Beak!Chan! by! waiting! for! the! compensation,! Thmey!village,! then! he! will! rebuild! it! by! himself.! Prek!Presdach! Late!built!sewage! Moreover,! there! is! no! more! 14!February! commune,! Kur!Bunyen! system.!!And!the!re-built! complaint! from! him.! This! case,! IED! 11.! IRC-WG! Solved! 2019! Battambang! (Male)! of!concrete!floor!is!not! had! joint! to! see! the! real! issue! town,! good!as!his!previous!one.! happened! as! well! as! noticed! the! Battambang! complaints,! it! was! solved.! For! this! province! quarter,! the! construction! have! been! improved! as! AHs! request.! As! now,! AHs!are!satisfy!with!the!construction! progress.! Beak!Chan! So,! he! suggested! EMO! team! to! Thmey!village,! Delay!the!progress!of! expedite! construction! works.! After! Prek!Presdach! build!the!sewage!system.! IRC-WG!team!met!him!and!explained,! 14!February! commune,! Heang!Hong! And!no!side!of!gateway! he! understood! and! now! there! is! no! MPWT!and! Solved! 12.! 2019! Battambang! (Male)! across!into!his!house! more! complaint! from! him.! This! case! contractor! ! town,! which!resulting!the!loss! IED! had! joint! to! see! the! real! issue! Battambang! of!his!customers.! happened! as! well! as! noticed! the! province! complaints,!it!was!already!dealt.!


So,! he! suggested! us! to! speed! up! the! progress! and! requested! to! provide! Beak!Chan! the! compensation! as! soon! as! Thmey!village,! possible.!After!IRC-WG!team!met!her! Late!built!sewage! Prek!Presdach! and! provided! the! explanation,! he! system.!!In!addition,!the! 18!October! commune,! Ly!Meng! could!understand!now.!Moreover,!the! 13.! re-built!of!concrete!floor! IRC-WG! Solved! 2019! Battambang! (Male)! contract!team!tried!to!improve!their! is!not!good!as!his! town,! work!as!soon!as!possible!to!respond! previous!one.! Battambang! to!the!request.!This!case!IED!had!joint! province! to!see!the!real!issue!happened!as!well! as! noticed! the! complaints,! which! it! was!already!deal.!

Romchek!Ben! village,!Rattanak! Her!request!was!accepted!by!IRC-WG! Request!to!speed!up!the! commune,! and!already!responded!with!positive! 11!November! Srey!Mum! construction!with!good! 13.! Battambang! feedback! and! it! has! been! ! ! dealt! in! IRC-WG! Solved! 2019! (Female)! quality!of!asphalt! this! quarter.! This! case! IED! had! joint! town,! pavement!road.! to!see!the!real!issue!happened!as!well! Battambang! as!noticed!the!complaints.! province! Her!request!was!accepted!by!IRC-WG! and!already!responded!with!positive! Romchek!Ben! feedback!and!it!has!been!dealt!in!this! village,!Rattanak! Request!for!the! quarter.! This! case,! IED! had! joint! to! commune,! construction!team!to! 23!December! see!the!real!issue!happened!as!well!as! 14.! Battambang! Kek!Siyara! speed!up!the!activities! IRC-WG! Solved! 2019! noticed! the! complaints,! it! was! town,! with!the!good!quality!of! already! dealt.! For! this! quarter,! the! Battambang! asphalt!pavement!road!! construction! have! been! improved! as! province! AHs!request.!As!now,!AHs!are!satisfy! with!the!construction!progress.!


Neak Leoung Subproject: Flood Protection Prey!Ta!Sor! village,!Neak! Horng! Request!for! His!request!was!accepted!by!IRC-WG! Loeung! In! 15.! 15!January!2020!! Buntheun! compensation!as!soon!as! and! will! positively! respond! with! the! IRC-WC! commune,!Pemro! Progress! (Male)! possible! feedback!in!the!next!quarter.! district,!Prey! Veng!province! Prey!Ta!Sor! village,!Neak! Pov! Request!for! His!request!was!accepted!by!IRC-WG! 25!February! Loeung! In! 16.!! Socheath! compensation!as!soon!as! and! will! positively! respond! with! the! IRC-WC! 2020! commune,!Pemro! Progress! (Male)! possible! feedback!in!the!next!quarter.! district,!Prey! Veng!province!



29.! The!annual!external!monitoring!survey!of!20%!of!the!AHs!under!Battambang,!Bavet,! Poi!Pet!and!Neak!Loeung!subprojects!URP/DRPs!has!been!conducted!to!determine!whether! the! objectives! of! the! URP/DRPs! is! met.! During! this! progress,! the! survey! has! been! conducted! on! 288! AHHs! through! direct! interview! and! discussion.! Resulting! 19%! of! the! monitoring!survey!has!been!conducted!in!this!quarter!illustrates!the!slightly!increase!that! there!is!1%!higher!than!the!previous!quarter! in!Poi!Pet!town.!!Regarding!to!Battambang! subproject,!indicate!that!the!survey!on!AHs!remained!the!same!(22%)!as!in!fifth!and!sixth! quarter.! Referring! to! the! Bavet! Subprojects,! it! kept! unchanged! with! the! 21%! during! the! fourth!to!sixth!quarterly!monitoring!survey.!As!for!Neak!Loeung!subproject!takes!place!in! this!sixth!quarter!which!show!that! the!total! of!100!AHs!survey!(19%)!while!there! were! 20%! (288/1,416)! -! the! total! random! selection! of! affected! household! among! DMS! data! (1,416)! which! are! monitored! and! observed! the! impacts! after! the! sub-projects’! implementation.! Table! 6! summarizes! comparison! of! AHs! surveys! between! the! fifth! to! annual!report!Monitoring!Surveys.

30.! Regarding!the!AHs’!economic!situation,!it!clearly!shows!that!the!income!found!10! AHs! or! 3%! with! income! level! less! than! $! 88.00! per! month! are! poor.! Data! on! income! analysis!shows!the!income!bracket!of!$70-$200!accounted!for!the!highest!number!of!AHs! i.e.!21!AHs!or!20%,!which!remained!decrease!from!the!last!quarter.!The!medium!to!high! levels!of!monthly!income!bracket!of!$231-$500,!$570-$792)!of!69!AHs!or!66%,!the!income! levels!have!increased!between!3%.!However,!the!higher!levels!of!monthly!income!bracket! $1,500-$4,500!was!slightly!change!about!2%!from!the!last!quarter.!!

31.!! During! the! monitoring! period,! there! are! 16! AHs! raised! up! the! complaints! for! resolutions!(Table!9)!and!IRC-WC!had!followed-up!and!discussed!with!them!and!provided! the!positive!feedback!to!affected!people.!As!the!result,!14!cases!have!been!solved!with!AHs! after!they!got!the!explanation!from!IRC-WG!team!and!EMO!had!joined!to!see!the!real!issue! happened! and! provided! the! good! solution.! There! are! still! two! remaining! requests! to! be! speeded! up! the! compensation! progress! and! this! request! has! accepted! and! explained! by! IRC-WC.!We!will!get!feedback!from!AHs!in!next!report.!! ! 32. In term of the construction process:! 4! subprojects! such! as! Poi! Pet,! Bavet! and! Battambang! (Wastewater! Treatment! Subproject! “Storm! Drainage”)! are! under! the! construction!progressing.!However,!Neak!Loeung!sub-project!is!still!under!the!preparatory! stage.! ! 33. Referring! to! the! subprojects! in! Poi! Pet,! Bavet,! and! Battambang! are! ready! for! implement,! which! is! under! construction! progress! at! this! moment.! Since! there! are! no! complaints!from!AHs!anymore.!Moreover,!EMO!is!going!to!finalize!the!report!by!the!end!of! December!for!second!annual!report!and!will!continue!to!do!the!post!evaluation!in!February! 2021.!! ! 34. Moreover,! for! Neak! Loeung! flood! protection! subproject! started! from! 6th! to! 11th,! December!2019,!IRC-WG!provided!the!training!to!PGRC!members,!project!announcement! meeting!with!AHs.!Moreover,!doing!DMS,!the!IRC-WG!had!been!progressed!from!December! 2019! to! April! 2020.!Until! now,!the!DRPs! and!summary!of!implementation!table!are!still! under!preparation!and!progressing.!! ! ! 31

! ! Summary of URP implementation status Number of Vulnerable Number of AHs received Compensation Planned in Actual as AHs with AHs with AHs Incl. compensation Subproject and entitlements the URP implemented pending pending vulnerable Incl. vulnerable in USD compensation compensation AHs AHs Amount USD Battambang! 362! 362! None!AH! None!AH! 56! $248,990.70! $9,000.00! Poipet! 67! 65! None!AH! None!AH! 7! $790,064.57! $700.00! Bavet! 463! 463! None!AH! None!AH! 1! $331,551.31! $100.00! Work!in! Work!in! Work!in! Work!in! Work!in! Neak!Loeung! 524! Work!in!progress progress! progress progress progress progress Total 1,416 890 None AH None!AH 64 $1,370,606.59 $9,800.00


35.! Lesson! learnt! from! AHs! to! request! for! improvements! both! construction! and! compensation!progress:! · Accelerate!the!construction!process!to!avoid!or!minimize!the!impacts!toward!the! business.! · In!term!of!the!impact!on!business,!IRC-WG/DMS!team!double!check!the!payment! of!business!compensation!to!AHs!with!any!business!impacted!cases.! · Accelerate!the!process!to!pay!the!compensation!to!AHs!under!the!URP/DRPs.! · The!supervisor!of!Project!implement!shall!work!closely!with!contractor!in!order! to!provide!the!urgent!response!related!to!the!high!sewage!drainage!box!culvert! and!house!frontage!concrete!pavement!construction.! · For!Neak!Loeung!flood!protection!sub-project,!AHs!requested! to!speed!up!the! progress!of!compensation.!! ! 36.! As! recommendation! from! EMO,! police! officers! should! participate! in! every! consultation! with! affected! households,! this! is! a! good! idea! to! avoid! the! violence! or! any! unexpected! issue! occur! during! the! discussion,! listen! to! the! AHs! when! they! have! any! comment.!In!addition!to!this,!AHs!request!to!speed!up!the!compensation!and!the!progress! of! the! construction.! However,! the! presence! of! the! police! officers! in! this! circumstance! should!not!be!a!pressure!for!AHs!or!it!does!not!mean!the!obstacle!for!the!AHs!to!express! their!ideas.! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 32

ANNEX A: List of Target Sides for Interviewing in 2019 and 2020 No HH Name Village Commune District Province 1! Veng!Reth! Bavet!Ler! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 2! Sok!Sophea! Bavet!Ler! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 3! Prom!Chenda! Bavet!Ler! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 4! Yin!Vannary! Romchek!Pi! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 5! Hy!kea! Romchek!Pi! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 6! Chad!Chorlyda! Romchek!Pi! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 7! Sao!Sek! Romchek!Pi! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 8! Heng!Khun! Romchek!Pi! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 9! Sok!Yen! Romchek!Pi! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 10! Am!Phal! Romchek!Bey! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 11! Thorn!Narith! Romchek!Bey! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 12! Ty!Bun! Romchek!Bey! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 13! Keout!Dara! Romchek!Bey! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 14! Heng!Phalla! Romchek!Bey! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 15! Tep!Chamrouen! Romchek!Bey! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 16! Chey!Sok! Romchek!Bey! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 17! Sok!Kimsan! Romchek!Bey! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 18! Son!Vulthouen! Romchek!Bey! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 19! Ly!Thean!Pao! Romchek!Bey! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 20! Ou!Kimla! Romchek!Bon! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 21! Am!Phal! Romchek!Pi! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 22! Keout!Dara! Romchek!Bon! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 23! Ty!Bun! Romchek!Bon! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 24! Heng!Phalla! Romchek!Bey! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 25! Tep!Chamrouen! Romchek!Pi! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 26! Chey!Sok! Romchek!Pi! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 27! Sok!Kimsan! Romchek!Pi! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 28! Son!Vulthouen! Romchek!Pi! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 29! Ly!Thean!Pao! Romchek!Bon! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 30! Cheout!Rouet! Romchek!Bon! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 31! Srey!Mum! Romchek!Bon! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 32! Sok!Sophun! Romchek!Bey! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 33! Sok!Deab! Bek!Chan!Thmey! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Battambang! Battambang! 34! Lem!Monghorng! Bek!Chan!Thmey! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Battambang! Battambang! 35! Reav!Visal! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Battambang! Battambang! 36! Kab!Puon! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Battambang! Battambang! 37! Ty!Bun! Romchek!Bey! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 38! Keang!Meng! Bavet!Kandal! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 39! Som!Saem! Bavet!Kandal! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 40! Suos!Sam!Art! Bavet!Ler! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 41! Sor!Seyda! Bavet!Ler! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 42! Sok!Vaeng! Bavet!Ler! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 43! Muoy!Sophy! Bavet!Ler! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 44! Sao!Sithol! Tapouv! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng!


45! Peouk!Krom! Tapouv! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 46! Som!Sam!Uk! Tapouv! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 47! So!Vanthai! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 48! Yin!Davy! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 49! Siv!Sari! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 50! So!Uk! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 51! Por!Sam!An! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 52! Por!Sam!An! Tapouv! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 53! So!Kimsea! Tapouv! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 54! Nguon!Seoung! Tapouv! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 55! Por!Sam!An! Tapouv! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 56! Khim!Saroeun! Ou!Chrev! Poi!Pet! Poi!Pet! Banteay!Meanchey! 57! Chim!Peoun! Ou!Chrev! Poi!Pet! Poi!Pet! Banteay!Meanchey! 58! Chea!Heang! Ou!Chrev! Poi!Pet! Poi!Pet! Banteay!Meanchey! 59! Siv!Ty! Poi!Pet! Poi!Pet! Poi!Pet! Banteay!Meanchey! 60! Kong!Samnang! Poi!Pet! Poi!Pet! Poi!Pet! Banteay!Meanchey! 61! Seng!Sokhuy! Bek!Chan!Thmey! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Battambang! Battambang! 62! Min!Nang! Bek!Chan!Thmey! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Battambang! Battambang! 63! Sok!Deab! Bek!Chan!Thmey! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Battambang! Battambang! 64! Lem!Monghorng! Bek!Chan!Thmey! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Battambang! Battambang! 65! Hat!Seyha! Bek!Chan!Thmey! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Battambang! Battambang! 66! Seng!Sokhuy! Bek!Chan!Thmey! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Battambang! Battambang! 67! Srey!Saron! Tapouv! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 68! Chuon!Phally! Tapouv! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 69! Rath!Chenda! Tapouv! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 70! San!Samnang! Tapouv! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 71! Sat!Saram! Tapouv! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 72! Poch!Son! Tapouv! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 73! Prom!Chenda! Tapouv! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 74! Pech!Sophorn! Tapouv! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 75! Yorng!Channa! Tapouv! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 76! Sok!Seng! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 77! Un!Saray! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 78! Cheas!Phally! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 79! Huot!Sabem! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 80! Peou!Kunthea! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 81! Kong!Samnang! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 82! So!Vanthai! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 83! Yin!Davy! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 84! Siv!Sari! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 85! So!Uk! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 86! So!Sakhorn! Bavet!Ler! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 87! Yok!Sophea! Bavet!Ler! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 88! Veng!Reth! Bavet!Kandal! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 89! Sok!Sophea! Bavet!Kandal! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 90! Prom!Chenda! Bavet!Kandal! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng!


91! Chan!Ratha! Bavet!Ler! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 92! Chan!Bol! Bavet!Ler! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 93! Phat!Sopheap! Bavet!Ler! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 94! Pon!Simon! Bavet!Ler! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 95! Sum!Vanny! Bavet!Ler! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 96! Am!Bunat! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Battambang! Battambang! 97! Reav!Visal! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Battambang! Battambang! 98! Kab!Puon! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Battambang! Battambang! 99! Aem!Kimson! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Battambang! Battambang! 100! !Sorn!Somat! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Battambang! Battambang! 101! Yorng!Chanson! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 102! Pin!Deab! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 103! Hem!Muoy! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 104! Sum!Sophal! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 105! Si!Tyra! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 106! So!Phalla! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 107! Un!Saray! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 108! Cheas!Phally! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 109! Huot!Sabem! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 110! Peou!Kunthea! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 111! Kong!Samnang! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 112! So!Vanthai! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 113! Yin!Davy! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 114! Siv!Sari! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 115! So!Uk! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 116! Yorng!Chanson! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 117! Por!Sam!An! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 118! So!Kimsea! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 119! Nguon!Seoung! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 120! Por!Sam!An! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 121! Pov!Rath! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 122! Keang!Meng! Bavet!Kandal! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 123! Som!Saem! Bavet!Kandal! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 124! Peouk!Sophal! Bavet!Kandal! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 125! Suos!Phalla! Bavet!Kandal! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 126! Veng!Reth! Bavet!Kandal! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 127! Sok!Sophea! Bavet!Kandal! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 128! Prom!Chenda! Bavet!Kandal! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 129! Chan!Ratha! Bavet!Kandal! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 130! Chan!Bol! Bavet!Kandal! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 131! Phat!Sopheap! Bavet!Kandal! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 132! Pon!Simon! Bavet!Kandal! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 133! Sum!Vanny! Bavet!Kandal! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 134! Kim!Pao! Bavet!Kandal! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 135! Pen!Sam!Art! Bavet!Kandal! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 136! Keang!Meng! Bavet!Ler! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng!


137! Som!Saem! Bavet!Ler! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 138! Peouk!Sophal! Bavet!Ler! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 139! Suos!Phalla! Bavet!Ler! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 140! Tem!Vannreth! Bek!Chan!Thmey! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Battambang! Battambang! 141! Meon!Vibol! Bek!Chan!Thmey! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Battambang! Battambang! 142! Oem!Hout! Bek!Chan!Thmey! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Battambang! Battambang! 143! Yong!Huch! Bek!Chan!Thmey! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Battambang! Battambang! 144! Koang!Sunny! Bek!Chan!Thmey! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Battambang! Battambang! 145! Chhun!Kimly! Bek!Chan!Thmey! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Battambang! Battambang! 146! Uy!Sennai! Tapouv! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 147! Sok!Saoun! Tapouv! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 148! Seak!Sreymom! Tapouv! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 149! Kong!Sovy! Tapouv! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 150! Morn!Sokva! Tapouv! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 151! Yen!Phola! Tapouv! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 152! Hen!Synal! Tapouv! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 153! Neth!Ty! Tapouv! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 154! Thach!Kaeng! Tapouv! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 155! So!Sambo! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 156! Kong!Salov! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 157! Kong!Sarouen! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 158! Kvan!Naya! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 159! Yung!Chansi! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 160! Py!Reaksmey! Romchek!Bon! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 161! Nou!Phanny! Romchek!Bon! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 162! Teab!Ry! Romchek!Bon! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 163! Yem!Try! Romchek!Bon! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 164! Srey!Mum! Romchek!Bon! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 165! Sok!Sophun! Romchek!Bon! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 166! Kek!Siyara! Romchek!Bon! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 167! Heng!Vannara! 13!Makara! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Battambang! Battambang! 168! Keat!Ty! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 169! Sy!Tera! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 170! Yim!Moeung! Taboeb! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 171! Sov!Rattank! Bavet!Ler! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 172! Mul!Ratha! Bavet!Ler! Bavet! Bavet! Svay!Rieng! 173! Vel!Naroun! Romchek!Bey! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 174! Nul!Chhorn! Romchek!Bon! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 175! Hor!Hout! Romchek!Bon! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 176! Bon!Pina! Romchek!Bey! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 177! Morn!Phary! Bek!Chan!Thmey! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Battambang Battambang

178! Kim!Sophae! Ou!Chrev! Poi!Pet! Poi!Pet! Banteay!Meanchey! 179! Som!Sameth! Ou!Chrev! Poi!Pet! Poi!Pet! Banteay!Meanchey! 180! Eam!Vonny! Ou!Chrev! Poi!Pet! Poi!Pet! Banteay!Meanchey! 181! Son!Ry! Ou!Chrev! Poi!Pet! Poi!Pet! Banteay!Meanchey! 182! Klot!Chanthol! Ou!Chrev! Poi!Pet! Poi!Pet! Banteay!Meanchey! 183! Veth!Sovannara! Poi!Pet! Poi!Pet! Poi!Pet! Banteay!Meanchey! 184! Eam!Neang! Poi!Pet! Poi!Pet! Poi!Pet! Banteay!Meanchey! 36

185! Sang!Viraek! Bek!Chan!Thmey! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Battambang! Battambang! 186! Sok!Then! Bek!Chan!Thmey! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Battambang! Battambang! 187! Chin!Kong! Bek!Chan!Thmey! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Battambang! Battambang! 188! Am!Bunat! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Battambang! Battambang! 189! Reav!Visal! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Preak!Pre!Sdach! Battambang! Battambang! 190! Keout!Dara! Romchek!Bey! Rattanak!! Battambang! Battambang! 191! Cheout!Rouet! Romchek!Bon! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 192! Ou!Kimla! Romchek!Bon! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 193! Chad!Chorlyda! Romchek!Pi! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 194! Sao!Sek! Romchek!Pi! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 195! Thorn!Narith! Romchek!Bon! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 196! Ty!Bun! Romchek!Pi! Rattanak! Battambang! Battambang! 197! Soav!Sovannara! Prey!Tasor! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 198! Svay!Ny! Prey!Tasor! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 199! Chan!Ra! Prey!Tasor! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 200! Sorn!Seong! Prey!Tasor! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 201! Nhem!Preong! Prey!Tasor! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 202! Chea!Vannak! Prey!Tasor! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 203! Krouch!Senghong! Prey!Tasor! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 204! Va!Syna! Prey!Tasor! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 205! Norn!Chhorn! Prey!Tasor! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 206! Noun!Sophon! Prey!Tasor! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 207! Oern!Somort! Prey!Tasor! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 208! Sor!Sokhun! Prey!Tasor! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 209! Sor!Sothear! Prey!Tasor! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 210! Keo!Vihear! Prey!Tasor! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 211! Srey!Oun! Prey!Tasor! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 212! Yorn!Youn! Prey!Tasor! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 213! Sours!Sothear! Prey!Tasor! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 214! Ket!Chantha! Prey!Tasor! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 215! Ros!Sorn! Prey!Tasor! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 216! Moav!Leab! Prey!Tasor! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 217! Him!Samong! Prey!Tasor! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 218! Kim!Saroet! Prey!Tasor! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 219! Chhorn!Savy! Prey!Tasor! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 220! Net!Vort! Prey!Tasor! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 221! Moav!Sokhunthy! Prey!Tasor! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 222! Him!Daro! Prey!Tasor! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 223! Bo!Dany! Prey!Tasor! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 224! Nob!Ban! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 225! Korn!Kon! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 226! Nhoem!I! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 227! Chhey!Kimly! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 228! Yim!Saovorn! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 229! Chom!Oun! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 230! Chorm!Reasmey! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 231! Sor!Soy! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 232! Kong!Sophol! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 233! Hork!Sreythoch! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 234! Tep!Norn! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 235! Bun!Vanna! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 236! Som!Chantha! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 37

237! Norv!Lon! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 238! Prum!Sovan! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 239! Chhun!Sophot! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 240! Phor!Samort! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 241! Koet!Veasna! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 242! Touch!Sothear! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 243! Ken!Sophol! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 244! Lout!Sokea! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 245! Snon!Sokoen! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 246! Chim!Salim! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 247! Kong!Sophon! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 248! Chea!Kimphea! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 249! Lay!Samort! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 250! Sorn!Song! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 251! Keo!Sorphea! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 252! Morm!Sonisay! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 253! Noun!Savot! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 254! Mut!Vany! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 255! Chhem!heng! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 256! Bol!Chantha! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 257! Duch!Vanlok! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 258! Im!Noeun! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 259! Sok!Penh! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 260! Sok!Bunly! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 261! An!Sophol! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 262! Sorn!Butheon! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 263! Ben!Saly! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 264! Chom!Oun! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 265! Sun!Ban! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 266! Long!Choeun! Steng!Slot! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 267! Chan!Vanna! Steng!Slot! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 268! Muy!Sonea! Steng!Slot! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 269! Sorn!Saroy! Phum!6! Prey!Ksay!Kor! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 270! Vorn!Sokhom! Phum!6! Prey!Ksay!Kor! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 271! Duch!Salad! Phum!6! Prey!Ksay!Kor! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 272! San!Sokhuthea! Phum!2! Prey!Ksay!Kor! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 273! Chea!Ta! Phum!2! Prey!Ksay!Kor! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 274! Sreang!Sokha! Phum!2! Prey!Ksay!Kor! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 275! Boey!Piseyroth! Phum!1! Prey!Ksay!Kor! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 276! Sem!Iem! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 277! Phum!Chantha! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 278! Sok!Phally! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 279! Chhom!Sophea! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 280! Heng!Sambo! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 281! Boen!Somaly! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 282! Meon!Kimly! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 283! Try!Seyharoth! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 284! Chea!Kimphea! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 285! Keo!Sopheany! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 286! Pouv!Savy! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 287! Ly!Moet! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng! 288! Chan!Phearom! Neak!Loeung! Neak!Loeung! Poemro! Prey!Veng!


ANNEX B: External Monitoring Questionnaire


Questionnaires for DMS, Compensation & Construction Progress

External Monitoring EMO Corridor Town at Bavet, Poipet, Neak Loeung

and Battambang Province

Questionnaire No: ………………………… េលខបីសំណួ រ/ Date: ………/……………/ 2020 លបរេិចទ / PK# :______សក /District: ______Village : ______ភូម/ិ េខត/Province: ______Commune : ______ឃុ/ំ អកស សន/Interviewer:៍ ______

I. (Identification of the Displaced Person (DP) / ពត៌នអពំ ីអក ែដលតវ រះុ េរ  គ រែដលរងផលប៉ះល់ Affected Household (AH))

[1]. េះេមគរ(Name of head of household): ______

[2]. េះអកផល់សសន៍(Name of Respondent): ______[3]. What is your relationship to the household េតអកនទំក់ទំនងអីមួយេមគរ? head?

1. c េមគរ (household head) 6. c ឪពុកយ (parent) 2. c (spouse) 7. c parent-in-law) បី/បពន ឪពុកយេកក ( 3. c housewife) 8. c brother/sister-in- េមផះ ( បងសី/បងបសៃថ( law)

4. c (children) 9.c nephew/niece) កូន កួយបស/កួយសី( 5. c sister or brother) 10. c nephew/niece- បងសី/បងបស ( កួយបស/កួយសីៃថ ( in-law)

[4]. េលខទូរសព័របស់េមគរ ឬ សជិក ( Contact Number ):

[5]. យុេមគរ (Age): ______


[6]. (Sex): 1. c (male) 2. c (female) េភទេមគរ បស សី

[7]. Marital Status: នពហ៍ពិហ៍េមគរ/

1. c /Married 2. c /Single េរបរ េលីវ 3. c ែលងលះ/Divorced 4. c េម៉យ/េះ៉យ/Widow/Widower [8]. (Education of the household head): រអប់រ ំ(កំរតវបធម៏)ិ របស់េមគរ 1.c /elementary 2.c / Secondary school បឋមសិក អនុវទល័យិ 3.c វទល័យិ /high school 3.c មវទល័យិ /college

4.c វជិ ីវៈ/vocational

5.c /No schooling មននចូលេរនិ

6.c េផងៗ (Other, specify):______[9]. (Ethnicity): 1. c /Khmer 2. c /Cham ជនតិ ែខរ ម 3. c េវតម/Vietnamese 4. c េផងៗ/Other, specify) :______[10]. (What is the condition of េតនពរបស់េមគរនលកណៈ៉ងដូចេមច? household head?)

c 1. (Disable); c 2. (Elderly) ពិរ ស់ជ c 3. / /Widow/er c 4. (Poor ID) េម៉យ េះ៉យ នប័ណកីក c 5. (Landless) c 6. (Income នដី ក់ចំណូលេមបត់ពកីក below poverty line)

` c 7. សុខពធម(normal health) c 8. េផងៗ (Other)......

II. Income information) ពត៌ នសពី ី កច់ នំ លូ (

[11]. What is main income source េតបភពក់ចំណូលសំន់ របស់គរអកនពីអីខះ? of your family?

ត់បង់ចំនូលអខះ ី Source of incomes មុនេពលគំេងេដល់ េពលគំេងេដល់ េពលគំេងេដល់ Income in Riel Income in Riel Income in Riel

ក់េបរវត (Wages/Salary) (Trading) ជួញដូរ (Agricultural ផលិតផលកសិកម 40


េសេផងៗ (Other services) (Manufacture) ផលិតកម

េនទ (Fishing) (Remittance) ក់បេ (Livestock) ចិឹមសត (Transportation) ដឹកជូ ន

បរញ់ (Hunting)

ងជួសជុល (Technician)

េផងៗ (Other, Specify)......

[12]. (What is the េតកុងមួយែខមធមគររបស់អករកក់ចំណូលនប៉ុន? average monthly income of your household?)

មុនេពលគំេងេដល់ េពលគំេងេដល់

[13]. What is main source of cash េតបភពសំន់ៃនរចំយ របស់គរអកនអីខះ? expense in your family?

ត់បង់រចំយអី មុនេពលគំេងេដល់ េពលគំេងេដល់ Source of Expense ខះេពលគំេងេដល់ Expense in Riel Expense in Riel Expense in Riel

អងរ (Rice)

រ (Food)

េបងឥននៈ (Fuel)

េគងសំង (Cosmetics)

សុខព (Health)

(Transportation) ដឹកជូ ន (Electricity) េភង (Water) ទឹក

សំេលកបំក់ (Clothes)

រអប់រ (Education) ំ


រេរបចំពីធីេផងៗ (Ceremony or wedding)

(Furniture) សរមឹ

រកំន (Entertainment)

េផងៗ (Other, Specify)......

[14]. (What is the average monthly េតកុងមួយែខមធមគររបស់អកចំយអស់ប៉ុន? expense of your household?)

មុនេពលគំេងេដល់ េពលគំេងេដល់

II. (Affected Assets and Measurement) ទពសមតែិ ដលរងផលបះ៉ លន់ ងិ រសែ់ វង

[15]. េតគររបស់អកនទទួលរងនូវផលប៉ះល់ទពសមតិេយរគេងរេបងកងវតិ /Has your family been affected by Corridor Town at េ៉យែប៉ត និងត់ដបងែដរឬេទ?ំ Bavet, Poypoit and Battambang project?

c 1. /Yes; c 2. /No ន មននិ

[16]. េតគររបស់អកទទួលនទទួលសំណងក់ែសងនូវទពសមត ិ ែដលទទួលរងនូវផលប៉ះ /Has your family ល់ៃនគេងរេបងកងវតិ េ៉យែប៉ត និងត់ដបងេហំ យឬេ? been receive the compensation by Corridor Town at Bavet, Poypoit and

Battambang project?

c 1. /Yes c 2. /No ន មននិ [17]. (If “No” what is the reason? បសិនេបអកមននទទួលេតិ មូលេហតុអី? )

[18]. / Did you attend public េតអកនចូលរួមបជុរណៈលំអំ ិតពីរទទួលសំណងែដរឬេទ? meeting of receive the compensation?)

c 1. /Yes c 2. /No ន មននិ


[19]. (If “No” what is the reason? បសិនេបអកមននចូលរួមបជុិ រណៈេតំ មូលេហតុអី? )

[20]. (What information have you got េតអកនទទួលពត៌នអីខះពរបជុី ំរណៈ? during public meeting?)

[21]. (What are your េតទពសមតិ ិអីខះ ែដលគររបស់អករងផលប៉ះល់ពីគេង? household assets affected by the project?)

Code /Affected Assets Tick ទពសមតិ ិប៉ះល់

1 ដីែស/Farmland

2 ដីលំេន/Residential land 3 /Commercial land ដីណិ ជកម

4 ផះ/House

5 តូបលក់ដូរ/Store 6 /House – Store ផះ និងតូបលក់

7 សំបផះ/Yard

8 ផះយ/Kitchen

9 របង/Fence 10 /Concrete pavement បសុីម៉ង់មុខផះ 11 /Box culvert (driveway) ផូវចូលផះ 12 /Tree/Crop ដំ/េដំ មេឈ 

13 លូរ /Sewage 14 / Cistern or pond អណូ ង ឬ សះទកឹ 15 េផងៗ បក់/Other (Specify)______

[22]. េតទពសមតិ ិែដលគររបស់អករងផលប៉ះល់ពីគេងនទំហំសរុបប៉ុនែម៉តេរ ៉? (What is the size of your affected assets?)

Code /Affected Assets /Size (m2)/L/n ទពសមតិ ិប៉ះល់ ទំហំ

1 ដីែស/Farmland


2 ដីលំេន/Residential land /Commercial land 3 ដីណិ ជកម

4 ផះ/House

5 តូបលក់ដូរ/Store

/House – Store 6 ផះ និងតូបលក់

7 សំបផះ/Yard

8 ផះយ/Kitchen

9 របង/Fence

/Concrete pavement 10 បសុីម៉ង់មុខផះ /Box culvert (driveway) 11 ផូវចូលផះ 12 /Tree/Crop ដំ/េដំ មេឈ 

13 លូ/sewage

14 / Cistern or pond អណូ ង ឬ សះទកឹ

15 េផងៗ បក់/Other (Specify)______

[23]. / េតអក គររបស់អកេពញចិតចំេះេលទពសមតិែដលរងប៉ះល់ំងេះ៉ងែដរ? / How are you/your family satisfied with the affected assets? 1 /Very satisfied េពញចិតំង 2 /Satisfied េពញចិត

3 មធម/Average 4 /Unsatisfied មនេពញចិ ិត 5 /Very unsatisfied មនេពញចិ ិតល់ែតេះ 6 /Don’t know មនដិ ឹង

[24]. , If unsatisfied or េបមនេពញចិ ិតឬមនេពញចិ ិតល់ែតេះ េតអកនមូលេហតុចំបងអីែដរ?/ very unsatisfied, what is your main reason? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



IV. (APs Comments) រត៉ និងមតេិ បលអ់ ក រងផលបះ៉ ល ់ ’ 44

[25]. េតគររបស់អកប់នរត៉ េផងៗពីបសំណងេលទពសមតិែដលរងប៉ះល់េគ (Have your family ever complained េងរេបងកងវតិ េ៉យែប៉ត និងត់ដបងឬេទ?ំ about compensation on the affected assets by Corridor Town at Bavet, Poypoit and

Battambang project?)

c 1. (Yes) when;c 2. (No) c 3. Don’t know) ប់ មនប់ិ មនដិ ឹង(

[26]. (If YES, what was the complaint about?) េបប់, េតត៉ អំពីបអី? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [27]. េតអកប់នដឹងលឺេយល់អំពរតី ៉ េផងៗែដលេកតនកុងតំបន់របស់អកពីរសំ

ណងេលទពសមតិែដលរងប៉ះល់េគេងគេងរេបងកងវតិ េ៉យែប៉ត (Have your family ever known or heard any complained about និងត់ដបងែដរឬេទ?ំ the compensation on the affected assets by Corridor Town at Bavet, Poypoit and

Battambang project?)

c 1. (Yes); c 2. (No) c 3. Don’t know) ប់ មនប់ិ មនដិ ឹង(

[28]. (If YES, what was the complaint about?) េបប់, េតត៉ អំពីបអី? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………




[29]. បសិនេបនរត៉ , េតនដ េះយេកំ តេឡងែដរឬេទ? (In case there is a complaint (s), is there any solution happened?

c 1. ន(Yes) WHEN ; c 2. ន(No)


[30]. េបនរត៉ េផងៗ េកតេឡងក់ទិននឹងបគេងគេងរេបងកងវតិ េ៉យែប៉ត (If there are any in និងត់ដបង,ំ េតអក ឬ អកភូមរបស់អកេធិ រត ៉ មរយៈអក? relation the Corridor Town at Bavet, Poypoit and Battambang project, who have you

or your villagers filed a complaint to?)

1 ធរមូលន (Local authorities)

2 ធរសក (District authorities)

3 អនុគណៈកមរ (sub-committee)

4 គណៈកមរអនរៈកសួង(IRC) 5 (Don’t know មនដិ ឹង )

[31]. េតអកនមតិេបល់អីបែនមចំេះរស់ែវងេលទពសមតិែដលរងប៉ះល់េគេងគ (Do you have any េងរេបងកងវតិ េ៉យែប៉ត និងត់ដបងែដរឬេទ?ំ comments/suggestions about measurement on the affected assets by Corridor Town

at Bavet, Poypoit and Battambang project?)





[32]. កំណត់ចំំ (Note)





Name and Signature of Interviewer Name and Signature of Respondent

(េះ និង ហតេលរបស់អកតបសសន៏) (េះ និង ហតេលរបស់អកេធសសន៏


ANNEX C: Picture of Site Visit and field Survey (Public meeting, do DMS, Compensation providing, construction progress and the Roads improvement)

Picture 1 to 3: Compensation providing and road development of Bavet subproject 47

Picture 4 to 6: Wastewater Treatment system (Storm Damage) for Subproject in Battambang


Picture 7 to 9: Poi Pet Subproject: Wastewater Treatment Subproject “Storm Drainage” (The Road and Drainage system are done the construction)


Picture 10 to 14: Public meeting and do DMS progress for Neak Loeung flood protection


Here are the references of regulation of PGRCs’ members Establishment of EMO Corridor Towns and IRP program consultation