Republic of the

Philippine Statistics Authority



Date of Release: August 22, 2019 Reference No. 2019 - 016 PRODUCTION IN LAGUNA

Fisheries production reaches 11,281.33 metric tons in the first quarter of 2019

Total fisheries production in Laguna recorded a 1.9 percent increase during the first quarter of 2019 (11,281.33 metric tons) compared with the production of the same period in 2018 (11,071.69 metric tons). Inland municipal fisheries contributed about 76.0 percent of the total fish production while aquaculture, about 24.0 percent.

Figure. 1. Total Fisheries Production: Laguna, First Quarter 2018 and 2019

12000.00 11,071.69 11,281.33

10000.00 8,508.40 8,568.26 8000.00


4000.00 2,563.29 2,713.07

2000.00 Production (in (in tons) metricProduction

0.00 Total Inland Aquaculture Subsector

First Quarter 2018 First Quarter 2019

Aquaculture production was estimated at 2,713.07 metric tons in the first quarter of 2019 from 2,563.29 metric tons in the same period of 2018; accounting for about 5.8 percent increase between the two periods. Inland fisheries production of 8,568.26 metric tons in 2019 from 8,508.40 metric tons in 2018 was equivalent to an increase of only 0.7 percent.

Maharlika Highway, Bagong Bayan, San Pablo City * (049) 503-3472 * (049) 562-9605 / 562-6401 [email protected] 1 of 5

Fisheries Production in Laguna (First Quarter 2019)


Tilapia had the largest production among various fish species in the first quarter of 2019. It was estimated at 1,753.71 metric tons; an increase of 5.6 percent from 1,660.31 metric tons production of the same period in 2018. Production of tilapia accounted for about 20.5 percent of the total inland fisheries production during the period. Production of species like catfishes (hito and kanduli), goby, starry goby and milkfish decreased as invasive species like knife fish proliferate in Laguna Lake that eat fingerlings and other smaller species.

Figure. 2. Volume of Production by Fish Species: Laguna, First Quarter 2018 and 2019

2000.00 1,753.71



497.24 500.00 355.09 93.54 73.63 70.36 61.27 40.80 29.57 18.20 11.37 11.09 4.98

0.00 Volume Captured (in metric tons) metric (in VolumeCaptured


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Fisheries Production in Laguna (First Quarter 2019)

Figure.3. Volume of Production of Crustaceans and Molluscs: Laguna, First Quarter 2018 and 2019

6000.00 5,060.54 5,046.33 5000.00




1000.00 393.76 390.91 95.24 110.17 0.00

Snail (Suso) Freshwater clams Freshwater shrimp Volume Captured (in (in Captured tons) metricVolume (Tulya) (Hipon) Species

With a production of 110.17 metric tons during the first quarter of 2019 against 95.24 metric tons during the same period last year, freshwater shrimp exhibited a 15.7 percent growth in production. The increment was brought by frequent unloadings of “hipong yap-yap” in and due to high demand from kropeck manufacturers in Bulacan.

Production of snail was estimated at 5,046.33 metric tons during the first quarter of 2019. This was about 0.3 percent lower than the 5,060.54 metric tons production of the same period in 2018. Stricter implementation on the use of active gear by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources and Bantay-Lawa caused the decline in production during the period.

A decrease of about 0.7 percent in freshwater clams production, estimated at 390.91 metric tons (from 393.76 metric tons in 2018) was due to high water temperature that discouraged reproduction.


The 5.8 increase in total aquaculture production was brought by the increases in the volume of catfish produced in fishponds and that of tilapia produced in fishcages.

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Fisheries Production in Laguna (First Quarter 2019)


Catfish production in fishponds reached 46.31 metric tons or 8.6 percent higher than the production during the same period in 2018. This was due to intensive feeding to sustain demand from Las Piñas, Bulacan and traders. Meanwhile, produced tilapia decreased from 2.57 metric tons to 2.50 metric tons.

Figure.4. Volume of Production, Fishpond: Laguna, First Quarter 2018 and 2019

50.00 46.31 45.00 42.64 40.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00

(in metric metric (in tons) 15.00

VolumeofProduction 10.00 2.57 2.50 5.00 0.15 0.24 0.00 Catfish Tilapia Others Species


Tilapia production in fishcages grew by 5.6 percent estimated at 2,623.65 metric tons compared to 2,484.52 metric tons during the first quarter of 2018. This could be traced to simultaneous harvesting of cages in Cavinti.However, carp (bighead) posted a production decline of 9.1 percent (30.37 metric tons) resulting from movement of harvest to succeeding quarter to give enough time for growth of species.

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Fisheries Production in Laguna (First Quarter 2019)

Figure. 5. Volume of Production, Fishcage: Laguna, First Quarter, 2018 and 2019

3000.00 2,623.65 2,484.52 2500.00



tons) metric (in 1000.00

VolumeProductionof 500.00 33.41 30.37 0.00 Tilapia Carp Species

MAGDALENA T. SERQUEÑA Chief Statistical Specialist

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