S2P AAWIWGWOTJ in October2017. character levels9-10.Scheduledtoship compatible mega-adventuredesignedfor Wrath oftheJotunnisaPathfinder- in thisclassicbattleofgoodversusevil. totriumph necessary the lostartifacts the tribesofVikmordere to uncover ancient goddessandmustjoinforceswith the adventurersaresummonedbyan the cursedescendsaroundSerpentLake, with themacurseofendlesswinter!As dreaded Jotunn - skeletal ice giants - and ofthethe Ohjaslangeheraldsreturn The arrivalofthecelestialeventknownas JOTUNN (HARDCOVER) WINTERY GALE-WRATH OFTHE PATHFINDER RPG:INTOTHE ART FROMPREVIOUSISSUE GTM 214 hobby supplyreleases. onupcominggameand information game modules,alongwithsolicitation fiction, andselfcontainedgames previews andreviews,gamerelated ongameplay,GTM containsarticles GAME TRADEMAGAZINE#214 ALLIANCE GAME DISTRIBUTORS ...... AAW GAMES $3.99 $42.49 S2P 4WF215 Scheduled toshipinNovember2017. it coming,andthey’llthankyouforit! Manipulation, your players will never see use hordestemplate.With withtheeasy-to- unleash massivearmies into unfamiliarthreatswithmutations,and classicmonsters and minionfeats,turn your assaultswiththesynergizingruler in anyroleplayingcampaign.Coordinate encounter change thelandscapeofevery Master’s SecretWeapons featuresrulesto Tyranny and Manipulation:AGame GAME MASTER’SSECRETWEAPON TYRANNY ANDMANIPULATION: A S2P AAW5EURC 5TH EDITION to shipinOctober2017. options, feats,andmuchmore.Scheduled classes,class a wealthofnewalternate vast undergroundoceans,anddiscover lushmushroomjungles, and living crystal, atexoticvistasof crocodile-men, marvel humanoid batsandsavage,bestial raceslikeblood-sucking underworld to subterraneanrealms.Playnew a sense of excitement and exploration favorites likethedrow, andbringsback subraces, expandsupontheloreoffan- & Classescontainsnewracesand Races players andGMs,Underworld referencebookforadvanced underworld The World Below Beckons! An essential UNDERWORLD RACES&CLASSES S2P AAWPFURC PATHFINDER RPG FANTASY GAMING ...... 4 WINDS ......

Tyranny and GAMES $69.99 $69.99 $24.99 ALC FTZ02 Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. “Lightning Hunt”, and “The Last Road”). adventures (“TheBattle ofLostChildren”, new terrain,aswell asnewlocationsand includes fourdouble-sided maptileswith all-new powers!TheEuropeCyclealso family! Plus,enhanceyourSpecialistswith the Bloodless,anotherentirelynewmonster first expansiontoFireteamZerointroduces This Face the Bloodless in the Old Country! EUROPE CYCLEEXPANSION FIRETEAM ZERO: ALC FTZ10 to shipinOctober2017. Line”, and“War ofAttrition”.Scheduled “Countdown”, “ExitStrategy”,“Holdthe Zero This expansionpackfor FIRETEAM ZERO:MISSIONPACKS ALC FTZ11 October 2017. “Winner Takes All”.Scheduledtoshipin Run”, “Hot Zone”, and Hunt”, “Glory contains fourall-newmissions:“BigGame This expansion pack for COMPETITION MISSIONPACK FIRETEAM ZERO: contains fourall-newmissions: ......

Fireteam Zero Fireteam ALC STUDIO $50.00 $12.99 $12.99 ALC FTZ09 Scheduled toshipinOctober2017. missions atActI,II,orIIIdifficulty. allows youtocreateyourownrandom This expansion pack for MISSION GENERATOR PACK FIRETEAM ZERO: ALC FTZ05 to shipinSeptember 2017. Monster PackforFireteamZero . Scheduled huge, terrifyingboxxesinthisall-new against threenew, vicious elitesandtwo creatures havecometofeast!Face-off levels ofarcanepowerinourworld,these fear onthebattlefield.Drawntorising hordesaren’tArtifact theonlything to MONSTER PACK B FIRETEAM ZERO: ALC FTZ04 their ownuniqueanddevastatingabilities! creatures forFireteamZero,eachwith Challenge yoursquadwiththeseall-new can throw at you? Not even close! Artifacts Think you’ve seen the worst that the MONSTER PACK A FIRETEAM ZERO: ...... Fireteam Zero $19.99 $19.99 $14.99 OCT 2017 1 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES OCT 2017 2 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES ALC FTZ06 Scheduled toshipinNovember2017. new MonsterPackfor elitesinthisall- two dreadfullypowerful pack oftwistedFetchminionsaswell humanity! Engageagainstanentire devious new abilities to bear against expand again, bringing Thornspawn oftheFetchand The armies MONSTER PACK C FIRETEAM ZERO: ALC FTZ01 inthefinal confrontation. victory each Operation,but onlyskillwillbring increase inpowerasyouprogressthrough in theirownOperation.Your heroeswill of Typhon, theInfested,andFetch,each againsttheChildren horrifying foes!Faceoff squad tacticsversusarelentlessonslaught of furious, cooperativeboardgameofbrutal humanity in indefense of Commit actsofbadassery odds.Thisistheirstory... overwhelming enemiesand terrifying supernatural skills, theywouldfightinsecretagainst from theroster. Chosenfortheir unique First RangerBattalion,theirnamesstricken training programofthenewlyformed In 1942,foursoldiersvanishedfromthe O/A FIRETEAMZERO ALC FTZ08 sizedtoholdonespawnpointtoken.ScheduledshipinSeptember2017. is perfectly these twelvemenacingeruptionsofteethandstone!Eachhighlydetailedspawnpoint Upgrade your battlefield with Give your creatures the spawn points they truly deserve! FIRETEAM ZERO:SPAWN POINTPACK . . ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... , a fast and Fireteam Zero,afastand Fireteam Zero. $100.00 OFFERED AGAIN $19.99 ALC FTZ03 “Lost andFound”). “Clockwork”, and Bones oftheEarth”, new standalonemissions(“Betweenthe (“Operation: Sticks and Bones”) and three to explore,plusathree-missioncampaign double-sided maptileswithnewterrain new gear, hero upgrades, and four boss figure!The Wooden Men, andPrime,a60mm-tall family comprised of eight Scavengers, four anentirenewmonster with Thornspawn, for In the AFRICA CYCLEEXPANSION O/A FIRETEAMZERO: ALC FTZ07 in September2017. Pack forFireteamZero.Scheduledtoship devastating elitesinthisall-newMonster are out in full force, joined by two brutally haunt yourbattlefields!Infestedminions and arcanefungusfindnewhoststo The infestationspreads!Eldritch worms MONSTER PACK D FIRETEAM ZERO: Fireteam Zero, players go head-to-head Africa Cycle ...... Africa Cycle , the second expansion also includes $50.00 $19.99 $19.99 ALC RHFRZ002 DEATH DEALER AEG 7017 compact cardgameformat. full experience of its big brother president. president to, hopefully, become the new acoupagainst the time totime,starting and blowingupbuildings-and,from each other, buying votes,hiringassassins, are ruthless:playersplottingagainst aid money coming in). Your methods (thanks totheconstantstreamofforeign as quicklyandefficientlypossible of acorruptjuntafillingtheirpockets has changedhere:playersaremembers the RepublicadelasBananas Welcome backtothebeautifulislandof JUNTA: LASCARTAS FRAZETTA ARTWORK 1,000PIECE PUZZLES Junta: LasCartas ...... ALDERAC ENTERTAINMENT GROUP Scheduled toshipinOctober2017. providesthe ! Nothing Junta in a $15.00 $19.99 ALC RHFRZ003 THE BARBARIAN AEG 7005 Magmaroth beforetimeexpires! with theotherplayerssoyoucandefeat have mastered,andworkinconcert techniques you dice tousethepowerful Build yourowncharacter, rollandmove banded togethertofacetheevilelemental. of themastersfromordersthathave of Magmaroth,playerseachrepresentone crafting gameTheMasters’Trials: Wrath face theirdestiny!Inthecooperative,dice- ruthless! Thetimeisnowforthemastersto to moldtheworlditsimage:primaland andfire,itsgoalis ofearth emerged. Born volcano thevengeful Magmaroth has Tekirinthe world.Fromonce-dormant retreats andjoinforcestorestorepeace elemental orderswillleavetheirancestral in atimeofgravedanger, mastersofthe Train! Roll!Fight!Thelegendsaysthat THE MASTERS’TRIALS ALC RHFRZ001 EGYPTIAN QUEEN ...... $49.99 $15.00 $15.00 PSI AWGDTE05CM September 2017. toyournation!Scheduledshipin glory to bring combat against your adversary array ofweaponry, into andventureforth Choose yourMechwithitsowndevastating to-head, 2-playerMechcombatgame! for one of the elite who have been selected Outgun! Outmaneuver! Outplay! You’re CRITICAL MASS ASM SEV11 Scheduled toshipinNovember2017. memorial, and a smuggler’s cache. customs, a counterfeiter’s office, a to introduce into your games, including nofewerthanfifteennewcities offers from Repos,the of thefantasticrelease To celebratethesevenyearanniversary ANNIVERSARY PACK EXPANSION 7 WONDERS:CITIES Critical Mass,thefast-paced,head- ...... Cities Anniversary Pack Cities Anniversary ARC DREAMPUBLISHING EDITIONS ARCANE WONDERS $29.99 7 Wonders AEG 7007 , atwo-playerfightingcardgame. Arms fighterinSakura prove you’rethemostpowerful become yourARMS!Defeatopponentand flowers on your hands, SAKURA Belief in your heart, or destiny, your totalfocusisonthebattleahead. you mustfaceyourrival.Withouttheaidoffate planted ontheirhands.InthisAgeofSakura, powersthroughtheSakurapetals supernatural powers, cancalltotheMegamiandrequesttheir Mikoto, humans with special petals arepurecrystal. the mysteriousandbeautifulSakuratreeswhose beings,dwellingin the ancientage-supernatural orExtinction!TherehavebeenMegamisince Victory SAKURA ARMS $8.99 for Black Valley alive?KaliGhatiisascenario home. But,cananyofyoumakeitoutthe remote baseandit’s uptoyoubringhim a DeltaGreenagenthasgonemissingfrom The war in Afghanistan is winding down. Now, KALI GHATI ADVENTURE DELTA GREENRPG: S2P APU8108 Scheduled toshipinNovember2017. Delta Green:TheRoleplayingGame ...... $29.99 $19.99 . ASM SEV10 November 2017. Gorgo, andRoxana.Scheduledtoshipin Enheduanna, games, including Cornelia, to include in your leaders from history no fewerthanfifteennew Pack offers from Repos,theLeadersAnniversary of thefantasticrelease7Wonders To celebratethesevenyearanniversary ANNIVERSARY PACK EXPANSION 7 WONDERS:LEADERS ASM DIX10 ship inNovember2017. otherexpansion.Scheduledto game andevery 84 newcardsfullycompatiblewiththebase imaginations evenfurther, ofPaulEchegoyentopushplayers’ art powerful ! Incorporatingtheuniqueand Dixit: Harmonies Delve even deeper into your imagination with DIXIT: HARMONIESEXPANSION ASM BLIN02 can useinanycombination.ScheduledtoshipNovember2017...... new cards,spreadacrossthreeseparatemodulesthatyou introduces Harmonies $8.99 leave atall! $29.99 unscathed... infact,mostnever guests. Nooneleavestheinn - thatyoucanusetodisposeof trap, thewell,orsnowpile up yoursleeves-likethewolf more. You alsohavenewtricks thrower, teller, afortune and tamer, abeardedlady, aknife traveling caravan:abear intriguing guestsfroma now welcomesstrangeand for CARNIES EXPANSION THE BLOODYINN: With Dixit The BloodyInn The Carnies The Carnies contains52 The Carnies expansion , theinn $14.99 OCT 2017 3 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES OCT 2017 4 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES ASM OTY01 ship inNovember2017. rewards,andgainmoreprestige thanthecompetition.Scheduledto earn special abilities.Useyourteam after each mission to replenish though - divers mustsurface Colony bonuses.Becareful, abilities, depthlevels,and matching yourdivers’special Optimize yourstrategyby debris ofpastcivilizations. by retrievingthesubmerged build afutureforyourpeople the land leftabovesealevel.In onthefewpieces of survive fragments ofhumanity the world.Theremaining oceans have engulfed In themid-22ndCentury, OTYS ASM DRM02 Otys colony, youstriveto Friends”. ScheduledtoshipinNovember2017...... expansions: “ConstructionPlans”and“Family also introducestwoadditionalrules wisely to fulfill Colony contracts, wisely tofulfillColonycontracts, solo playervariant!Theset to participate - or even try the - or even try to participate you toinviteupsixplayers set for resource cards,thisexpansion to addingnewroomand Sunny Street!Inaddition new waystoplaywith tools, decor, rooms, and two STREET EXPANSION Home withmorehelpers, Spice upyournext 156 SUNNY DREAM HOME: ASM TS07 ship inNovember2017. audiences only. Scheduled to recommended formature Hollywood mansion.Note: a supposedlyhaunted a temporalanomalyin are sentto1982investigate you andyourfellowagents expansion forT.I.M.E Stories, In of thepastneversleep! In Hollywood,theghosts EXPANSION ESTRELLA DRIVE TIME STORIES: Estrella Drive,thesixth Dream Homeallows oxygen and regain oxygen andregain ...... $29.99 $49.99 $29.99 Dream 156 TAP WP8024 set.Scheduled toshipinOctober2017. starter selected bytheSteam-Team andmatches thetwoteamsshowcased Featuring 16Warpaints painting guide,thispaintsethasbeencarefully and an army WARPAINTS: GUILDBALL KICKOFF!PAINT SET ASM KG04 of Miller’s Hollow.ScheduledtoshipinNovember2017. easier than everto immerse yourself into a terrifying game of ASM WID01 before the Naughty Spirits mess it up. Scheduled to ship in November 2017. Good SpiritandhelptheDreamerbygivinghimcluesaboutdream a figure outyourdreamandwhichspiritsaretheNaughtyones.Become When IDream!Becomethedreamer, to putonyoursleepmask,andtry tointerprettheirmessagesin Communicate withtheDreamSpiritsandtry But sleepeludesyou-theDreamSpiritswanttohavesomefuntonight! Night hasfallenandyourmindisfloatinginamagicalworldofdreams. WHEN IDREAM including BigBadWolf, Cupid,Fox,Piper, andWildChild,nowit’s ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... THE ARMYPAINTER Moon, from the Hollow. Gatheringcharacters to combinations andbringthem all theirfavoritecharacter designers decidedtotake year legacy, theoriginal game anditshowling15- To celebratetheoriginal EXPANSION OF MILLER’SHOLLOW BEST OFWEREWOLVES MILLER’S HOLLOW: WEREWOLVES OF Werewolves ofMiller’s The Pactexpansions Characters, Guild BallKickoff! Werewolves $24.99 $39.99 $47.50 New APL 0879 to shipinSeptember 2017. The SecondGreatWar atSea . Scheduled background as the samealternative-history a supplementfor to known asLandCruisers.Dieselpunkcomes vehicles weapon: themassivearmored deploy theirmostcarefully-guardedsecret onslaught, theKaiser’s generalsoptedto and Luxembourgeoisallies.To stopthe in front of the French and their Belgian resisted as best it could, but gave ground Army theImperialGerman off-guard, waves oftacticalattackaircraft.Caught by Col.CharlesDeGaulleandbacked advocated formations the massedarmor territory,into German spearheadedby power. pushedrelentlessly French armies and Powers inanakedgrabforterritory attacking the Central and Italian armies in August1940,withRussian,French, the millions).TheSecondGreatWar erupted dissatisfied (exceptthosecalledontodieby vaguely settlement that left all parties 1916 withWilson’s Peace,anegotiated The First Great War endedin December LAND CRUISERS PANZER GRENADIER: APL 0880 Scheduled toshipinSeptember2017. landings throughtheTunisia campaign. Africafrom the Torchexperience inNorth containing 12scenariosdepictingtheFrench de Tunisie isa ofanarmy.death andrebirth LaCampagne surrender ofAxisforcesinTunisia wasthe between theTorch landingsandtheultimate opposition fromtheFrench.Whatfollowed Operation Torch wouldnothaveextensive that was opposed.GeneralClarkreported did theFrenchairforces.TheNavy, however, looked withsomefavorontheenterprise,as Africa. TheFrenchArmy in FrenchNorth reaction tothelandingofanAlliedforce theirpotential commanders todetermine various Frenchadministratorsandmilitary including GeneralMarkClark,metwith In October1942,fiveAmericanofficers, CAMPAGNE DETUNISIE PANZER GRENADIER:LA Panzer Grenadier AVALANCHE PRESS ...... supplement Panzer Grenadiersupplement set in Panzer Grenadiersetin with Land Cruisers, $24.99 $24.99 IMP BPN2016 Scheduled toshipinOctober2017. DICE TRAY: CIRCULAR-COSMIC IMP BPN2015 Scheduled toshipinOctober2017. KNOCKDOWN -COSMIC DICE TOWER: IMP BPN2013 Scheduled toshipinOctober2017. CRANBERRY DICE TRAY: CIRCULAR- BGP 5373 Scheduled toshipinSeptember2017. your color, you’llhavetopayapenalty! wisely! Ifyoulandonawaterlilythat’s not you hoparoundthepond.But,ahead as possible,outlastingyouropponents as Your goalisto remain afloatforaslong who willbecrownedthenewFrogKing. It’s timetorace aroundthepondtodecide today isthedayofRoyalFrogRace. of commotionandexcitementbecause loudly overeachother. Thepondisaflurry Quibbit! Thefrogsallcroak KING FROG BLUE PANTHER BRAIN GAMES ...... $20.00 $20.00 $19.95 $20.00 BRG BGE11018 Scheduled toshipinDecember2017. oftheuniverse. the game,aswellsettingandstory of Faith,theCoreBookcoversrulesandmechanics Ravager threaten civilization as a whole. The centerpiece universe, whiletheGodscompeteforfollowersand alien civilizations race toexplorea dangerous, unknown roleplaying game of epic adventures, where starfaring bandits inFaith,TheSci-FiRPG! space against rival factions, alien perils,andruthless theuntamedregionsofwild given powerstosurvive believer, usingamixoftechnology, training,andgod- Be astarexplorer, asoldier, a scoundrel,oramystic FAITH: COREBOOK BGP 5380 alive! ScheduledtoshipinSeptember2017. in thereefbeforeyourpredatorscaneatyou appreared inyourpath!It’s timetofindshelter from thedistance...agroupofsharkshas you noticesomethingapproachingyour your home.Taking inyournewsurroundings, you upandflingsfarfromthesafetyof coral reef,thensuddenlyaripcurrentpicks swimming withyourfriendsinthebeautiful One moment,you’reahappytropicalfish, REEF ROUTE BRG BGE11019 in December2017. experience ofthegame.Scheduledtoship contains 54cardsdesignedtoexpandthe of cardsfor The EQUIPMENT DECK FAITH: COREBOOK BASIC Basic EquipmentGearDeckisadeck ...... Faith: TheSci-fiRPG ...... BURNING GAMES BRG BGE01005 Scheduled toshipin December2017. 54 cardsillustrated withimagesfromtheCoreBook. Faith: TheSci-FiRPG The UniversePlayerDeck FAITH: COREBOOKPLAYER DECK $21.95 $14.99 that is a science fiction is asciencefiction BRG BGE11020 gods. ScheduledtoshipinDecember2017. ranging frommutantstofanaticfollowersof of thegamewithavarietyenemies 54 cardsdesignedtoexpandtheexperience cards for The FOES DECK FAITH: COREBOOK COMMON BGP 5397 September 2017. prize! down the slide, then pick a toy for your make a game of it! It’s timeto ride fun forthegnomestoresist!Sothey But, the giant elephant slide is just too left behindbychildrenduringtheday. the playgroundtocollectalltoys The gardengnomeshavegatheredin WOO HOO! $59.99 ...... Common FoesNPCDeck Woo Hoo!Scheduled to ship in withcustomsuit symbols and that contains Faith: The Sci-fi RPG that contains ...... isadeckofpokercardsfor ...... is a deck of isadeckof $14.99 $14.99 $21.95 OCT 2017 5 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES OCT 2017 6 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES in waysforAwakened of different characters grab it! reason topushpasttheirboundariesand World don’t wantyoutohave.Allthemore power -thosewhocontroltheSixth ofunimaginable you catchaportion Ifyoudoitright,though, hope tosurvive. ride it,captureapieceofitspower, and tall wave;youdon’t directthewave,you controlsatwenty-meter- more thanasurfer staggering rhythm.You don’t controlit,any beatingtoa is chaos,anerraticheart on it,butthat’s Underneath justthesurface. toimposeorderandunderstanding can try Magic iswild.undisciplined.You FORBIDDEN ARCANA SHADOWRUN RPG: YCW 403890 your retailerforavailability. to retailers in full displays. Please contact November 2017.NOTE:Thisitemissold 20-packs perdisplay. Scheduledtoshipin Trading Card Game booster expansionfortheWeiss Schwarz World -andbeyondwiththis100-card Burst Link!HeadtotheAccelerated BOOSTER DISPLAY (20) WORLD -INFINITEBURST WEISS SCHWARZ TCG:ACCEL PSI CAT27011 REGULAR EDITION PSI CAT27011LE LIMITED EDITION growing waveofSixthWorld mana. and becometruestreetlegendsridingthe conventional molds,usemanainnewways, Arcana who havemasteredtheircraft, spirits, to options for Awakened characters more chaoticmethodsforsummoning traditionsand spellcasters ofdifferent no other. From newwaystodistinguish make themselvesamana-slingerlike Shadowrun CATALYST GAMELABS shows players how to break out of shows playershowtobreakoutof Forbidden Arcana BUSHIROAD ...... to harness that power and that power and to harness ...... ! 8-cardsperpack/ offers dozens dozens offers Forbidden Forbidden $49.99 $75.00 PI CHA 1052 Scheduled toshipinNovember 2017. seeking tostealyour much-covetedcows! stampedes, enemymagic, andyourrivals paramount KhanofPrax! But,watchoutfor cows will be declared Khan of Khans, the of wealth fromDragonPassintheform whichever khan brings back the most This year, thehighpriestesshasdecreed the rich,greenuplandsofDragonPass. great tribesofPrax,sendingraidersinto oneofthekhans of Khansportray Glorantha, players in Reiner Knizia’s Set inGregStafford’s mythicworldof KHAN OFKHANS CHA 23149 November 2017. the OrientExpress Chaosium’s premiumcampaign, Cthulhu as astandalonemini-campaignfor during theFrenchRevolution,andplayable historicalscenario,set is anepictwo-part guillotine criesoutforblood!ReignofTerror The Terror descendsuponFrance,andthe In time,hopewillbereplacedwithfearas for abrighterandmorehopefultomorrow. people touniteandcastawaytheoldregime life’s injustices find momentum, sparkingthe bread. Wherethecriesofangerandrageat aloafof wealth, andthepoorcannotafford where theupperclassenjoysbountyof intrigue, andhorror. Adividedcountry, of theguillotinecallsout.Atimestruggle, baying forblood,whilethechop-chop-chop France!Thecrowdsgather Revolutionary REIGN OFTERROR CALL OFCTHULHU- PSI CAT16203 ADVENTURES -SEAOFSWORDS PSI CAT16300 CAMPAIGN - MOONSHAEISLESBURN DRAGONFIRE DBG DUNGEONS &DRAGONS: Scheduled toshipinSeptember2017. or a historical interlude for use with or ahistoricalinterludeforusewith ...... CHAOSIUM ...... Scheduled to ship in . Scheduledtoshipin Horror on Horror on $29.99 $19.99 $24.95 $34.95 Call of Call of Khan Khan

CPS 1039 ship inAugust2017. experiences andchallenges.Scheduled to Commands &Colorsplayernewplay depth andprovideeventhemostveteran new game concepts which add historical The AmericanRevolution efficiently, battle dicetoresolvecombatquicklyand movement whilecreatingaFogofWar and Featuring Commandcardsthatdrive COMMANDS &COLORS:TRICORN A Storm ofSwords A Storm like Jonescapingfromthewildingsin Blackwater tosmallerskirmishes, Battles canrangeinsizefromfull-scaleconflictsliketheBattleof Red Wedding neverhappenedandRobbStarkassaultedKing’s Landing? favorite momentsfromtheseriesorcreatetheirownstories.Whatif the gameplay designedbyEricM.LangandMichaelShinall,playersin the greatestprizeofall:TheIronThrone!Withaccessibleandstreamlined Heroes, andmanipulatingthepoliticalstage,allinanattempttoclaim of theGreatHousesWesteros, commandingbattlefieldunits,legendary A SongofIce&Fire:Tabletop MiniaturesGame have aclaimtothecrown!ThebattleforIronThronehasbegun!In Baratheonisdead!EachoftheGreatHousesbelievethey King Robert STARTER SET-STARK VSLANNISTER A SONGOFICE&FIRE:TABLETOP MINIATURES GAME COL SIF001 2018 Scheduled toshipinJanuary two players need tofight epicbattles inthe SevenKingdoms. everything Fire: Tabletop Set-StarkvsLannister MiniaturesGameStarter A SongofIce&Fire:Tabletop MiniaturesGame ...... Commands &Colors:Tricorne - ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� . DecidethefateofWesteros with introducesmany COMPASS GAMES $109.00 CMON CPS 086 Uzbekistan. Scheduled toshipinJuly2017. - presentdayKyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Revolt againstSoviet rulearoundBokhara Pasha’s and subsequentpursuitbyReds,Enver fleeing Whites,theirclashwiththeChinese simulates theinvasionofMongolia by Ungern-Sternberg’s the RussianCivilWar –theearly1920’s: perimeterofSovietRussiasoonafter eastern the concurrent conflictsthateruptedonthe gamesthatfocuson includes twodifferent The NOMADS NOMORE PAPER WARS #86: game system Nomads NoMoregamesystem , covering the Basmachi Bokhara, coveringtheBasmachi ...... , eachplayercontrolsone canrecreatetheir A SongofIce& , which Mongolia, which , featuring $149.99 $46.95 PSI CB72122 Scheduled toshipin September2017. want? Orwillitbebombs forGiftmasagain? Dungeon Abbey. Willyouget thegiftsyou now itcanbewiththehellishinhabitants of We day, wish it could be Giftmas every and GIFTMAS AT DUNGEONABBEY PSI CB72304 Scheduled toshipinSeptember2017. MIRKWOOD CAMPAIGN ADVENTURES INMIDDLE-EARTH - DUNGEONS &DRAGONSRPG: CVB 280491-0667 SECTORIAL ARMYSTARTER PACK) BAHRAM (HAQQISLAM HAQQISLAM HASSASSIN CVB 280683-0655 LEGATES (SPITFIRE) COMBINED ARMYUMBRA CVB 280190-0657 VOLUNTEERS ARIADNA CALEDONIAN ...... Scheduled toshipinSeptember2017. CORVUS BELLI $39.99 $43.55 $13.03 $30.47 CUBICLE 7 INFINITY $12.99 CVB 280856-0671 WITH MONOFILAMENTMINES) NAGAS (MULTI SNIPER/COMBIRIFLE CVB 280394-0670 YU JINGSHIKAMI(COMBIRIFLE) CVB 280294-0668 TEAM (HACKER) CLANDESTINE ACTION PANOCEANIA LOCUTS, CVB 280589-0669 BOARDING SHOTGUN) NOMADS HELLCATS (HACKER/ PSI CB71018 Scheduled toshipinSeptember2017. LAUGHTER OFDRAGONS THE ONERINGRPG: ...... $18.48 $39.99 $18.48 $15.21 $11.17 FROST EXPANSION PSI DMGVCK010 ship inOctober2017. to Valeria: Card Kingdoms Citizens, Monsters,Domains,andDukes & Frost,bringingawholenewsetof ridges ofglacialmountainsin peaks of volcanoes and the cold the fiery The KingdomofValeria isexpandingto VALERIA: FLAMES& FFG CIV01 Sid Meier’s Civilization:ANewDawn mark uponhistory. tobuildsomething greaterthanyourselfin Rewrite history wonders asyour empire seekstoriseaboveallothers toleaveitsindelible domains, gainnew technologies,andbuildmany of humanity’s greatest CORE EDITIONEKGBVB-CORE infant onslaught!ScheduledtoshipinOctober2017. creations limbs,weapons,andspecialhatstohelppreparethemfortheinevitable run at the speed of light. Give your Wonder inbusinessattirewhocan burritos, oraPomeranianofLightand with knives and Salmon armed Babies. StitchtogetheraHandsome (and othermonsters)toeatawful in whichyoubuildincredibleBears Kittens, attractive people who made Created bythesameintelligent, BEARS VSBABIES NSFW EXPANSION PACK EKGBVB-NSFW-1 DAILY MAGICGAMES Bears vsBabies ...... rulers ofhistory’s mostmemorableempires.Expand your ...... FANTASY FLIGHTGAMES isacardgame

. Scheduledto EXPLODING KITTENS Exploding ...... $25.00 Flames in which players portray board gameinwhichplayersportray ! Scheduledtoship inNovember2017. S2P DYS402 plans! ScheduledtoshipinOctober2017. though, becausetheycanmesswithyour Watch outfortheDarkKingdomvillains, nottogetcaughtbeingtooobvious. and try guessing astheypasstilesaroundthetable tokeeptheiropponents and misdirectiontry gameofdeception this hilariouslyfunparty anime series caricaturesfromthepopular super-deformed Are youtellingthetruthorbluffing?Featuring TRUTH ORBLUFF SAILOR MOONCRYSTAL: ...... DYSKAMI PUBLISHING , a strategy A New Dawn, a strategy Sid Meier’s Civilization: you canjointhemwith in theworld.Andnow, build thegreatestnation strive to advance and strive toadvanceand origins, theseindividuals Sailor MoonCrystal tomorrow. From humble work towardsabetter ...... that will outlive them and that willoutlivethemand create somethinggrand with a simple goal: to with asimplegoal:to nations, leaders emerge nations, leadersemerge time passoverancient As the currents of As thecurrentsof A NEWDAWN CIVILIZATION: , players in , playersin $49.95 $29.99 PI PI OCT 2017 7 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES OCT 2017 8 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES FFG ORA01 evil overlord.Scheduled toshipinNovember2017. themwealth and fame,and,hopefully,earn bringthemtofoilthe plot ofan dangerous forests, pitthemagainstcunningbandits andviciousmonsters, build theirownstoriesbymakingchoices thatwillleadintodarkcavesand ofTerrinoth.as many as sixdaring heroes to the outskirts Adventurers of Dragonholt introduces six quests set in the cooperative narrativegameandthe firsttoutilizethe solve themystery, andfindyourplaceinthe totheedgeofrealm, Assemble yourtroupeofadventurers, journey suspect, butthere’s thanwhat’s moretothisstory visibleonthesurface. the youngroyal’s rivalasrightfulruler. All cluespointtohimasthemain aide. Celysesuspectsfoulplayfromtheslightedexile,Kyric,who was circumstances, youreceivealetterfromanoldfriendpleadingfor your Adventure Awaits! AftertheheirofDragonholtdies undermysterious LEGACY OFDRAGONHOLT FFG ZX02 ship inNovember2017. Bethesda’s blockbustervideogameseries!Welcome home!Scheduledto only justbegunin still await abravetraveler.adventure and mystery And your adventure has glory,Sure, thisworldmightbeamereshadowofitsformer butplentyof Yourobots, insearchoflittlemorethansurvival. arenowamongthem. shells. Humanswanderthewastelandamongmutatedcreaturesandrogue familiesand busiedMr.perfect intoempty Handyshavebeentransformed totell.Immaculatehomeswhichoncehousedseemingly its ownstory foritsevents,but thebarrenlandscapebeforeyouhas in yourmemory Please StandBy!TheGreatWar of2077issolongpastthere’s noplace FALLOUT: THEBOARDGAME ...... Fallout, apost-nuclearadventureboardgamebasedon Legacy ofDragonholt Runebound universe that take Oracle system, ! Anew $59.95 $59.95 Legacy FFG GT23 of Thrones:TheCardGame!ScheduledtoshipinNovember2017. The Archmaester’s way tobeginanewcyclefor Keyistheperfect Daario Naharis,TheIronBank,Water Gardens,andMagtheMighty, book in A FeastforCrows,drawingonkeycharactersandeventsfromthefourth The CardGame, The first ChapterPackofthe spilled, andcrowswillcoverthebattlefieldbefore Westeros knowspeace. The firstDynasty Packofthe DYNASTY PACK TEARS OFAMATERASU LEGEND OFTHEFIVERINGSLCG: use withStarWars: ImperialAssault lost) amongtheplanet’s anditsbulbouspalaces.For sprawlingspaceports FFG L5C02 November 2017. Rings: TheCardGame.Scheduledtoshipin next step for the perfect and Dynastycards,Tears ofAmaterasuis new neutralprovincesandConflict new tools for all seven clans, as well as two found intheCoreSetofgame.Offering twenty newcardsandexpandsonthetheme Tears ofAmaterasufeaturesthreecopies for FFG SWI51 force atop the planet’syour skirmish bogs. Scheduled to ship in August 2017. fordepositingyouand an ideal playsurface a neopreneplaymat thatoffers Legend oftheFiveRings:TheCardGame A SongofIceandFire ...... The Archmaester’s Keybroadlyfollowsthenarrativeof Legend of the Five Flight of Crows Cycle over thecityofMeereen.Morebloodwillbe Targaryenand Daenerys solidifies hercontrol call for a kingsmoot, in motion, the ironborn setshisplansforvengeance Doran Martell Yet thegameofthronesisfarfromover. the realmagainstthreatfromnorth. join theNight’s Watch attheWall, protecting while StannisBaratheonandhissupporters Landing, Tommen ishailedasthenewking, Baratheon.InKing’sBaratheon, andJoffrey deaths ofRobbStark,BalonGreyjoy, Renly War oftheFiveKingshaveceasedwith Thegreatbattles ofthe All MenMustServe! CHAPTER PACK EDITION -THEARCHMAESTER’SKEY A GAMEOFTHRONESLCG:2ND Imperial Cycle . Withiconiccharactersandlocationslike Nal Hutta Swamps Skirmish Map , theNalHuttaSwamps Skirmish $14.95 there are fortunes to be made (or to be made (or there are fortunes criminal empires.Asaresult, Hutts andtheseatoftheirvast is thehomeworldofnotorious rains, and,ofcourse,theplanet skies eruptattimesintogreasy dangerous predators,polluted with dragonsnakesandother Its treacherousbogsarelittered Rim planet,isadangerousplace. Nal Hutta,theswampyOuter NAL HUTTA SWAMPS ASSAULT: SKIRMISHMAP- STAR WARS IMPERIAL ,

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OCT 2017 9 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES OCT 2017 10 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES and sagastone. leaf mask and soup stone, to the powerful items available,fromthegoblinpoostick out! Luckilythereareavarietyofhelpful PCs aregoingtohavestepupandhelp hasn’t risen-yet.Thismeansthatyour Hero Highland Kingdom,theLegendary forthepoorpeople of the Unfortunately laid siegeontheKingdomofHighland! ofmonstershas Droch-lann andhisarmy TheCursedWarriorheroes areborn! With power, strength, andwisdomnew THE LEGENDOFHEROES 8-BIT ADVENTURES- PATHFINDER RPG: S2P FGG6002 November 2017. all aspects of cosmic design. Scheduled to shipin documents, and sheets created to cover of forms, The Gamemaster’s Star Log, featuring a collection the geographyofamoonorspacestationwith Build a solar system, design planets, and explore STAR LOG THE GAMEMASTERSJOURNAL: S2P FGG1002 to shipinOctober2017. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.Scheduled is an8-BitAdventure designedforthe ...... The Legend of Heroes $15.95 S2P FGG6000 November 2017. all aspectsofworlddesign.Scheduledtoshipin documents,andsheetscreatedtocover forms, Worldbuilding, featuring a collection of Journal geography ofyourrealmswith Build nations,designkingdoms,andexplorethe WORLDBUILDING THE GAMEMASTERSJOURNAL: S2P FGG6005 world. ScheduledtoshipinNovember2017. beasts andmonstrositiesyou’vedesignedforyour foryoutocatalogueallthevarious as ajournal The Gamemaster’s MonsterMemoir MONSTER MEMOIR THE GAMEMASTERSJOURNAL: $29.95

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Sorcerer’s Apprentice magazine Tunnels &Trolls - the worlds -theworlds $39.95 $11.95 of of FOX MDMANHATTAN Scheduled toshipinNovember2017. mogul willcomeoutontopin blink ofaneye,andonlythemostmasterful canchangeinthe constructive. Fortunes your own.It’s yourchoicewhatwillbemost over anopponent’s edificeandclaimitas existing building, break newground,or take youcanbolsteran Oneachturn, on earth! prestige with the tallest tower cities, and earn theglobalmarketbycontrolling Corner in thisgameofhigh-stakeshigh-rises! Race tobuildskyscrapersaroundtheworld MANHATTAN FBI 8300 entrance totheDungeonofBear. the ruinededificethatstoodover plus MichaelStackpole’s “Castle Ward”, monsters found in the classic campaign, contains allthetraditions,traps,tricks,and Trolls, The oldestdungeondesignedforTunnels & DUNGEON OFTHEBEAR O/A TUNNELS&TROLLS: GF9 FADV01 Scheduled toshipinOctober2017. 3D buildingterrain, cards,anddice. fight against,double-sided boardtiles, representing cowboys and thugs to miniatures as well10different miniatures forfivecrewmembers, includes “casual”and“heroic” Adventures: BrigandsandBrowncoats complete inordertosucceed. conditionsthattheplayers must victory its ownchallenges,opponents,and is scenario-based,witheachjobhaving need tokeepflying. theCreditsthey of Persephonetoearn complete jobsintheEavesdownDocks of thecrew misbehaving, playerstakeontheroles game ofthrillin’heroicsandshameless In BRIGANDS ANDBROWNCOATS FIREFLY ADVENTURES: , a cooperative Firefly Adventures, a cooperative The CompleteDungeonoftheBear GALE FORCENINE FOXMIND GAMES ...... Serenity, Firefly Adventures ......

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GF9 ST015 FERENGI SHIPPACK (12) GF9 ST011 FEDERATION SHIPPACK (12) GF9 ST014 CARDASSIAN SHIPPACK (12) GF9 ST013 ROMULAN SHIP PACK (12) GF9 ST012 KLINGON SHIPPACK (12) Scheduled toshipinOctober2017. ASCENDANCY STAR TREK ...... $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 5” X7” GHG CB1033 ScheduledtoshipinAugust2017. BAG 5”X7” PURPLE SPOTSCOTTONGAMER GHG CB1032 Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. EMOJI COTTONGAMERBAG GAW 64-29 SKULLS GAW 64-51 CREEPING VINES GAW 64-52 BARBED BRACKEN GAW 43-02 CHAOS SPACE MARINE DATACADS WARHAMMER 40K THE GALLANTHAND’S GAMES WORKSHOP GAMERS GEAR ...... CITADEL ...... $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $15.00


$40.00 $60.00 $35.00 $40.00 $15.00 OCT 2017 11 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES OCT 2017 12 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES GAW 48-79 PRIMARIS INCEPTORS SPACE MARINE GAW 48-76 PRIMARIS HELLBLASTERS SPACE MARINE GAW 57-08 GREY KNIGHTSSTRIKESQUAD GAW 57-11 MASTER VOLDUS GREY KNIGHTSGRAND GAW 57-01 (HARDCOVER) GREY KNIGHTSCODEX ...... $40.00 $50.00 $60.00 $60.00 $35.00 GAW 91-17 BARROW LORDS DEATH DEATHRATTLE GAW 81-16 BLOODFEAST GORGERS CHAOS WARHERDS GAW 83-79 HARBINGERS OFRUIN CHAOS SLAVES TODARKNESS GAW 48-81 ULTRAMARINE UPGRADES SPACE MARINEPRIMARIS GAW 48-75 PRIMARIS INTERCESSORS SPACE MARINE AGE OFSIGMAR WARHAMMER ...... $15.00 $60.00 $65.00 $75.00 $80.00 GAW 89-34 GARGANTS COLOSSALCRUSHERS DESTRUCTION ALEGUZZLER GAW 91-18 TORMENTED SPIRITS DEATH NIGHTHAUNT GAW 86-04 WARSCROLL CARDS DESTRUCTION IRONJAWZ GAW 89-05 WARSCROLL CARDS DESTRUCTION BONESPLITTERZ GAW 95-02 RAIDERS WARSCROLL CARDS DESTRUCTION BEASTCLAW ...... $75.00 $55.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 GAW 80-14 GENERALS HANDBOOK2017 GAW 89-32 GROTZ VENOMCLAN DESTRUCTION SPIDERFANG GAW 85-17 BLOOD COVEN ORDER DAUGHTERS OFKHAINE GAW 86-26 MYSTIC BATTLE WIZARDS ORDER COLLEGIATE ARCANA GAW 80-24 OPEN WAR CARDS ...... $100.00 $40.00 $15.00 $35.00 $65.00 GMT 1719 duringthosefewdaysofAugust1870.ScheduledtoshipinDecember2017. fortress Gravelotte-St. Privat.AtAnyCost:Metz1870simulatesthesituationwestof –theBattlesofMars-La-Tour history some ofthemoreremarkablebattlesinmilitary and with this planwas - where were the French? The resulting two-day campaign produced to catchtheFrenchinflank.Theonlyproblem crosstheMoselleRiver,of thefortress, andattempt towheelsouth instructedhisarmies General Staff, French. Helmuth von Moltke, Chief of the Prussian hotontheheelsofretiring sweeping forward, were complex. The Prussian I and IIArmies fortress was gatheredaroundtheprotectionofMetz during thetwo-weekoldFranco-PrussianWar, andalreadythelasthopeforFrance field army oftheRhine,lastintact Bazaine. TheArmy the Rhine to a reluctant Marshal Francois Achille of overcommandoftheArmy Empire, turned Napoleon III,EmperoroftheFrenchSecond of Metz, Gravelotte crossroads outside the fortress ofAugust16th,1870,atthe On themorning THE FRANCO-PRUSSIANWAR THE DECIDINGBATTLE OF AT ANYCOST: METZ1870- GAW 60010799005 Scheduled toshipinOctober2017. UNDERWORLDS: SHADESPIRE WARHAMMER ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... GAW 92-03 ORDER SYLVANETH WARSCROLL CARDS GLOBAL GAMES GGD JPG152 Scheduled toshipinDecember2017. oftheEmpire. part the actiontonorthernmost is thesecondexpansionfor illusionmagic. with powerful LimitTerritoryThe Northern -thedomainofawitch NORTHERN ENCHANTRESSEXPANSION HEART OFCROWN: GMT GAMES ...... 8 inGMT’s Pendragon -TheFallofRomanBritain A.D. and to the embattled Isle of Britannia, Transporting playersintothe4thand5thCenturies THE FALL OFROMANBRITAIN COIN: PENDRAGON- GMT 1720 Ages Britain.Scheduled toshipinNovember2017. military, religious,andeconomic strugglesofDark asymmetrical This sumptuousvolume adaptsthecelebrated successor kingdoms,bothCelticand Germanic. Pict, andSaxonraiders,totheestablishment of fromthefirstlarge-scale raidsofIrish, history $69.99 ...... COIN Series COIN enginetodepictthe political, Heart ofCrown Heart , covers a century of , covers a century Northern Enchantress Northern , Volume , taking $50.00 $15.00 $59.00 PI

GMT 1717 in December2017. for thefourcoreraces.Scheduledtoship terrain tilesandnewshipstechnology player, aswellsixnewsheetsofmap asa5th Replicators) thatalsoserves introduces anentirelynewrace(the This secondexpansionto REPLICATORS EXPANSION SPACE EMPIRES: GMT 1714 October 2017. NATO responds. Scheduled to ship in the Russiansandtheiralliesinvade to fightanearfuturewarinPolandas from AsiatoEuropeandallowsplayers GMT’s N NEXT WAR: POLAND GMT 1718 Scheduled toshipinNovember 2017. urban setting. to develop a modern other localmovers and shakersworking entrepreneurs, tycoons, politicians, and Welcome , asplayersportray toCenterville will be madeand fame will rise in Fortunes WELCOME TOCENTERVILLE ext War: volumein Poland,thefourth Next War Series ...... , movestheaction SpaceEmpires $59.00 $95.00 $89.00

IMP GMGTC3 Scheduled toshipinOctober2017. TREASURE CHEST AGE OFCTHULHU: IMP GMG5095 in October 2017. Level 3DungeonCrawl. Scheduledtoship an impregnablefoe? leave itanemptyruin. Howdoyoudefeat to chokethelifeout of theage-oldcityand and seeminglyunconquerable,theymean city. Utterly silent in battle and in death, Ten-thousand flawlesskillerssurroundthe NEON KNIGHTS DUNGEON CRAWL CLASSICS: #94 IMP GMG53017 to shipinOctober2017. horror-themed Shadow UnderDevil’s Reef the adventurersonthatforbiddenisland? like mutations.Whatkindofevilawaits bodies thatwerecorruptedbystrangefrog- thatwasheduponthebeachwith survivors their thoughts linger on the few adventurers setouttofindtheprincess, As thegreedyandambitious Sand Port. princess andsafelydeliver her toBlack awaitthosewhosuccessfullyfindthe glory Fu-Lamia isnowmissing!Untoldrichesand aground andPrincessKaekofromfaraway The noble galleon, Devil’s Reefimpossibletonavigatesafely. hasmadethewatersaround A ragingstorm SHADOW UNDERDEVIL’S REEF 2017 HALLOWEENMODULE- DUNGEON CRAWL CLASSICS: GOODMAN GAMES ...... Scheduled Dungeon Crawl.Scheduled ...... , has run The Royal Dawn, has run Neon Knightsisa is a Level 1, is aLevel1, Royal Dawn Royal Dawn $35.00 $9.99 $9.99 OCT 2017 13 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES OCT 2017 14 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES IMP GMG5096 Scheduled toshipinOctober2017. the Dagon,aLevel3DungeonCrawl. caster may reign supreme! It’s time to series ofdeathmatcheswhereonlyone itsfabledspellduels-a must firstsurvive can layclaimtotheisland’s secrets,you man.Butbeforeyou the kenofmortal forbidden knowledge,andspellsbeyond awealthofoccultpower,the isleoffers warlocks, witches, andwizards,however, presages death,pestilence,andwoe.To The IsleofDagon:tocommonfolk,it ENTER THEDRAGON DUNGEON CRAWL CLASSICS:#95 IMP GMG5001 December 2017. expandand developtheBorderlands.Scheduledtoshipin new locationstofurther features full In SearchoftheUnknown Borderlands! Anhomagetotheoriginsof adventurethatbegandecadesagowith with the mettle to confront Chaos in the 10-foot pole.Adventureawaitsthose tinderboxes. Anddon’t forgetatleastone and axes.Purchaseyourironrations explore thewilds.Sharpenyourswords and challengestothosebraveenough equally abundantaretheperils,risks, areplentiful.But prestige, andfortune forfame, locations, andtheopportunities Borderlands holdmanysecret,wondrous forests.The fetid swamps,andforlorn lurkingindarkcaves, Evil iseverywhere, to maintain the forces of Chaos at bay. But only bastionofGooddesperatelystriving Keepisthe of civilization.Alonefortified andprotection far flungfromthecomforts The Borderlands.Anuntamedwildregion INTO THEBOARDERLANDS REINCARNATED #1: ORIGINAL ADVENTURES 5th Edition conversions of both classic adventures, as well as brand- ...... ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� and B2: TheKeepontheBorderlands $9.99 Enter IMP GMGGC17 in September2017. new Classics conversionofBroncosaurusRex,and monsters, thelong-awaited Classics adventures, issue includesseveralnew and fans of materialfor is anannualcompilationofone-off The GEN CON2017PROGRAMGUIDE Goodman GamesGenConProgramGuide Dungeon Alphabetletters.Scheduledtoship Metamorphosis Alpha.Thisyear’s massive IMP GMG6217 October 2017. Crawl Classics . Scheduled to ship in Ancients isaLevel0adventurefor make itback.Probably. ofthe Reliquary beneath yourfeet.Someofyouwilleven and knowledgethatlieinthereliquary to explore for the hidden treasures it fallsuponyouandyourcompanions Seeker teamsarealloutonmissions,so both subtleandgross.Butyourtribe’s lore existstosatisfydesiresforpower andancient true. Surelyenoughartifacts seemstoogoodtobe your goodfortune atop aninstallationoftheAncientOnes, jungle village has existed for centuries When aterraquakerevealsthatyour #7 RELIQUARY OFTHEANCIENTS MUTANT CRAWL CLASSICSRPG: Dungeon CrawlClassics ...... DCC statsforLovecraftian ...... , Into theBorderlands Dinosaur Crawl Dungeon Crawl , Judges Guild, $39.99 $19.99 Mutant $9.99 B1:

PSI GNEBMVE002EN ship inNovember 2017. ofVengeancethe carnage . Scheduledto Clan) andanewHero (ReverendGray)to introduces anewgang (theviciousRosari to the components neededtoaddafifthplayer PSI GNEGSTBD September 2017. as upgradedcards.Scheduledtoshipin rules updatesandclarifications,aswell This 3rdEditionof -andwin! right amountoflucktosurvive use elementalspells,theirwits,andjustthe whereplayers in asci-fifantasywestern Grimslingers, astrategiccardgameset levels, andexploretheForgottenWest in items,gain collect lootandparanormal creatures, overcomeintensechallenges, Battlestrange and proveyourworth! including yerself,todueleachother he’s requiringallnewlysiredwitches, magics forsomeunknownpurpose.Now, being, hasimbuedyouwithpowerful The IronWitch,adownrightmysterious addition toourragtaggroupof‘slingers! Welcome, stranger!Guessyerthenewest GRIMSLINGERS 3RDEDITION PSI GNEFL03 Scheduled toshipinDecember2017. forbetter-orworse. storylines altering yourpaththroughthemain provide additionalvarietyandtension, The Affliction.Theseoptionalmechanics Festivals, Seasons,andTowns to World Events WORLD EVENTS FOLKLORE: THEAFFLICTION- The VENGEANCE: ROSARIEXPANSION PSI GNEBMVE001EN Scheduled toshipinNovember2017. sequences madeupofdice-basedpuzzles. revenge throughaction-packedfight fight totheirownturf. Take yourbloody intel onthebaddiesbeforetaking broken hero,buildthemup,andgather where playerstaketheirrage-fueled cooperative, miniatures board game Vengeance you’re onlyrecourseisVengeance! gangs, Left fordeadbyshadyunderworld VENGEANCE Rosari ClanExpansion GREENBRIER GAMES Vengeance ...... is afast-paced,semi- ...... adds Environments, Grimslingers includes base game.Italso ...... includes allthe Folklore: $11.95 $40.00 $95.95 $29.95 HDG 8000 Scheduled toshipinOctober2017. 20’s, thepresentday, andnearfuture. eras, includingmedieval,theRoaring haunting scenariosdesignedformultiple and settingsourcebookthatcontains19 Dread Houseisacombinationadventure 5th Edition,and featuring statsplayablewithPathfinder, in? A haunted house of epic proportions Dread Wedding -beforetheghostsdoyou andbreakthecurseofThe the mystery haunted bytheirghosts.CanYOUsolve to takeplace.NowKasehTashmere is guests thenightbeforenuptialswere andallthe slaughtered theweddingparty had neverbeforebeenseen.Something as hosttoaweddingthelikesofwhich yearsagoitserved town ofSorenton.Thirty atop ahill overlooking the remote, sleepy The ancientedificeofKaseh Tashmere sits HARDCOVER THE DREADHOUSERPG IMP GCG008 Scheduled toshipinOctober2017. Keep climbinguntilaplayerhits29points! a challengingrulethatapplies only toyou. on when you go out, and will also provide define howmanypointsyouscorebased gaming table! A hot spot you select will uptheheataround the on theline and turn when toplayitsafeandputall abilities andchoices.Playersmustdecide facing difficultchallengesthathindertheir to extinguishtheirhandofcardswhile trick-taking card game of firefighting,playersintheclimbing, inthetime-honoredbusiness As experts LADDER 29 GREEN COUCHGAMES HAMMERDOG GAMES ...... Call ofCthulhu, Ladder 29 attempt $49.95 $20.00

The IDW 01281 collect theircontracts. theshadowofsecrecytobest playcardsand secret actionsandabilities,givingeveryone Daemon Trilogy: SubrosausesApp-enhancedgameplay, allowing2-5playerstoperform Completing thesecontractswillwinyouinfluenceand,eventually, controloftheEmpire. players in power, control, and double-dealings in a battle of supremacy between five great houses, IDW 01275 Jungle Joust! rider and wealth clatters away in the dust in pick winnersandwalkawayrichbefore your Try aspectsoftheirperformance. to different best toinfluencetheridersasyouwager on in comparison!Withclevercardplay, doyour making eventhestrongestwarhorseseem weak competitions while mounted on mighty rhinos, emerged; bravewarriorscompetein jousting a newtwistonclassiccompetition has In thefartropicalreachesofkingdom, JUNGLE JOUST HWG HDF32004 SCOURGE FLEETDEAL HWG HDF22003 CLASS BATTLECRUISER SCOURGE AKUMA/BANSHEE HWG HDF34004 PHR FLEETDEAL HWG HDF24003 BATTLECRUISER PHR AGAMEMNON/PRIAMCLASS recruit mercenaries from their hand to take on and fulfill contracts. Subrosa recruit mercenaries from their hand totakeon and fulfill contracts. . ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... DROPFLEET COMMANDER Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. HAWK WARGAMES $149.00 $149.00 IDW GAMES $38.00 $38.00 $29.99 HWG HDF21003 CLASS BATTLECRUISER UCM JOHANNESBURG/PERTH HWG HDF31004 UCM FLEETDEAL HWG HDF23003 CLASS BATTLECRUISER SHALTARI RUBY/SAPPHIRE HWG HDF33004 SHALTARI FLEETDEAL the Empire.Taking of youalongastory contracts andgainthemostinfluencein game,playerscompetetofulfill skirmish Trilogy: Subrosa,acard-drafting fall tothepowerofanother!InDaemon growing therichesoftheirhouse-or devious tactics,players will continue assassins, mercenaries,andother wealth. Usingnotablecharacters, power togrowtheirownrenownand Daemons andusedtheirabilities of NobleHouseswhohavecaptured The DAEMON TRILOGY: SUBROSA Daemon Trilogy isrootedinaworld ...... $149.00 $149.00 $38.00 $29.99 $38.00 Turtles: Shadows ofthePast For usewithTeenage MutantNinja HERO PACK SPLINTER TURTLES: SHADOWSOFTHEPAST, TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA IDW 01261 villain sheet,andanAdventureComic. dice, plus15MOUSERtokens,a move/ability cards,andthreecustom miniature withaHerosheet,eightSpecial comes completewithaSplinterplastic the Turtleverse: MOUSERS!ThisHeroPack introduction ofthemechanizedterrors The action. new scenariosofheart-pumping comic seriestothetabletopwithfour sage-like leaderoftheTMNTfrom Designer KevinWilsonhasbroughtthe rule thefootwithageandexperience. of MasterSplinterinanyscenarioand Hero Packallowsplayerstotakecontrol PSI JWP7008 Scheduled toshipinSeptember2017. THE NEWWORLD 7TH SEARPG:2NDEDITION- IEL 00063 Scheduled toshipinOctober2017. complete theface,andscorepoints! which letsthemtaketheEyedice, red HanddieuntiltheyrolltheHand, rollingthe this, otherplayerstaketurns in themonster’s face.Whileyoudo right eyesandputthembackinplace Eye diceasfastpossibletofindthe someone elsedoes!In him putthembackcorrectlybefore have fallenout-again!To win,help TerrorEyes can’t seeanything!Hiseyes TERROR EYES JOHN WICKPRESENTS Splinter Hero Pack also features the ...... IELLO TerrorEyes, roll , the $19.99 $17.99 Splinter $39.99 S2P 30201 Scheduled toshipinOctober2017. adventures insideandoutsidethecities. Savage Tales andtwoonesheetsfor life inthedarkworld,andincludesfour Savage Worlds sourcebookexpandson this mining-camps topostalservices, the wastelandsorcities.Fromshard adventure ideas,andmonsterstousein newlocations, Adventure Guideoffers continent. Volume 1oftheWinterEternal matter whereyouareonthefrozen Ehlerrac isadangerousplaceno GUIDE -VOLUME1 WINTER ETERNALADVENTURE SAVAGE WORLDSRPG: KEN 246 August 2017. of gamingculture! Scheduled toshipin and features, a positivecelebration reviews, life reflected in strips, articles, the DinnerTable isasliceof(fantasy) The multipleaward-winning DINNER TABLE #246 KNIGHTS OFTHE IMP KMA202 Scheduled toshipinOctober2017. set. with thisuniquemetalcoinsaccessory Upgrade yourClansofCaledoniagame CLANS OFCALEDONIA:COINSET KENZER &COMPANY KARMA GAMES ...... IMAGINATION JUST INSERT ...... Knights of $24.99 $28.00 $5.99 OCT 2017 15 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES OCT 2017 16 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES PZO KOBEL5E FIFTH EDITION Scheduled toshipinDecember2017. dungeons,anddeserts. wilderness, player characters,setinthemagic-blasted complete adventuresfor4thto8thlevel two things.)EldritchLairsbringsyoueight the chance fortreasure! (Okay, those are only meanonething: deadly peril, and priests andthecacklingofevilwizardscan adventurers, the doom-ladenchantingof Confront EvilinitsDen!To seasoned ELDRITCH LAIRSRPG PZO KOBWRK5E level characterschock-fullofhijinksandtrickery. ScheduledtoshipinNovember2017. Riverbend’s doom.Wrath oftheRiverKing of the Summer Lands to stopa raid that would surely spell and dive into the fey courts involvement ofayoungbrownie-turned-fey-lord, Ellessandra’s disappearance,piecetogetherthe the adventurersmustunraveltruthbehind sidheruler.River King,thelands’powerful Now, when themillermadeadangerouspactwith Lands. Shecametoliveinthehumansettlement missing woman, is actually an elf fromtheSummer But allisfarfromwhatitseems.Ellessandra,the suspect thatthehusband, himself, was involved. Riverbend, themiller’s wife is missing, and the locals Face theRiver’s Inthetinyhamletof Fury! WRATH OFTHERIVERKING FIFTH EDITION: with Delve deeperintothenewCyberseand LinkMonsters The CybersetakeDuelingtechnology intoanewera! DECK DISPLAY (8) YU-GI-OH! TCG:CYBERSELINKSTRUCTURE PZO KOBELPF PATHFINDER KON 83541 your retailerforavailability. This item is sold to retailers in full displays. Please contact in8-countdisplays. Extra MonsterZones. Offered a Beginner’s Guide and an updated Game Mat with new Deck fortheYu-Gi-Oh! Trading CardGamecomeswith Structure Deck:CyberseLink ...... KONAMI DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� KOBOLD PRESS ! Each43-cardStructure the you wanttoemploy. EachCircuitBreakSpecialEditionfor let youdoincrediblethingsnomatterwhatkindofstrategy Monsters! Marionettes! MadScientists!Vengeful Spirits!MoreLink EDITION BOXDISPLAY (10) YU-GI-OH! TCG:CIRCUITBREAKSPECIAL KON 83485 contact yourretailerforavailability. NOTE: Thisitemissoldtoretailersinfulldisplays.Please in10-countdisplays. the Spring2018boosterset.Offered Spark Dragon), and 1 of 2 Super Rare preview cards from Winged DragonofRa-SphereModeorStardustChronicle Break boosterpacks,1of2SuperRarevariantcards(The $24.99 $24.99 Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game isa boasts a wide variety of cards that Circuit Break boasts a wide variety of cards that PZO KOBPREP2 to 15.ScheduledshipinNovember2017. environment, designedforcharacterLevels1 one-shot your nextmove.Hereareadozenshort, whileyoufigureout players entertained, solutions tokeepthegamemovingand Never fear- onatangent? So, yourplayerswentoff TOMBS ANDDOOMS FIFTH EDITION:PREPARED 2- ...... adventure designed for 4th-6th 5th Editionadventuredesignedfor4th-6th $79.92 NOTE: adventures for every 5th Editionadventuresforevery offers GMs quick GMsquick Prepared 2offers ...... containsthree $19.99 $99.90 $24.99 Circuit Circuit DICE POUCH-SMALL KOP 18833 LEATHER DICEBAG O/A DICEBAG: KOP 19042 Scheduled toshipinSeptember2017. DICE BAG:LEATHER KON 83558 your retailerforavailability. retailers infulldisplays.Pleasecontact per display. themes! 5-cardsperpack/24packs to introducingtwobrand-newDeck a long-timefavorite theme inaddition Trading Card Game welcomes back 60-card expansiontotheYu-Gi-Oh! oftheSixSamurai!This The Return Link Monsters!ExtraMonsterZones! BOOSTER DISPLAY (24) SPIRIT WARRIORS YU-GI-OH! TCG: KOPLOW GAMES OFFERED AGAIN ...... NOTE: Thisitemissoldto ......

$95.76 $4.50 $4.50 KOP 19043 LEATHER DICEPOUCH O/A DICEBAG: IMP L99MBP03 Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. as extrapromosandbonusdeckboxes. CCGArchaeologist), as well DuCarte, Sikhar, CardFusionMasterandShafille introduces twonewcharacters(Raritti This expansionfor FUSION EXPANSION MILLENNIUM BLADES: IMP L99ICE01 Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. Ichthid, Mummy, Vampire, andWerewolf. to themix:Amalgam,Blob,Ghost, edition introduces these MonsterCards with thehighestoddscorewins!This games thatallshareonerule:theplayer night? Who invitedallthesemonsterstogame THESE MONSTERS I CAN’TEVENWITH I Can’t Even is a series of drafting LEVEL 99GAMES ...... Millennium Blades $12.00 $25.00 $5.50 NJD 430105 Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. the firstplayertoreachLevelSixwins! monster defeatedalsograntsalevel,and - orevenstealingitforthemselves!Each their cardstoadddrinksthedifficulty you fromdefeatingyourmonsterusing tostop easy taskasotherplayersaretrying be taken in order to defeat it. But it’s no Each monsterhasadrinkvaluethatmust must defeatmonstersin‘DrunkCombat’. adventure themes!In card gamemechanicswithclassicfantasy fast, fun,drinkinggamethatmixesquick withDrunkQuest,the Level UpyourParty Kill Monsters!GrabtheLoot!GetDrunk! DRUNKQUEST (TINPACKAGING) IMP L99SLS02 to shipinAugust2017. Scheduled each battlewillbelegendary! sellswordsatyourdisposal, 50 different enemies and control the battlefield! With men, creatures,andevengodstocapture and strategy. of Useadiverseassortment in thisepichead-to-headcontestofwits Sellswords: Olympus glory, andwinthefavorofgodsin Choose yourchampions, battle for SELLSWORDS: OLYMPUS MGE MGWPE405 ARBITER INTERCEPTER Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. ENTERTAINMENT LOOT CORPS WARPATH ...... MANTIC ...... ! Gearupforwar DrunkQuest, players $34.95 $25.00 $49.99 MGE MGWPF403 HULTR HALF-TRACK FORGE FATHERS MGE MGWPF408 FORGE FATHER DRAKKARAPC MGE MGWPE202 ENFORCER COMMAND MGE MGWPE403 ENFORCER AJAXSIEGESTRIDER MGE MGWPE401 PERSECUTOR BOMBER INTERCEPTOR/ ENFORCER ACCUSER ...... $29.99 $39.99 $24.99 $29.99 $17.99 MAX 7060LWWF SHUFFLE-TECH SLEEVES(50) O/A FULLMOON MAX 100LVTH-NEW THIRST MGE MGWPF306 THORGARIM TEAM FORGE FATHERS MAX 100LWWF-NEW FULL MOON MAX 8010MWWF PLAYMAT ...... Scheduled toshipinSeptember2017. MAX PROTECTION DECK BOX OFFERED AGAIN $19.99 PI PI PI PI MGE MGWPF401 BATTLE TANK FORGE FATHER STURNHAMMER MAX 100LASQ-NEW NUTS MAX 7060LASQ SHUFFLE-TECH SLEEVES(50) O/A NUTS MAX 8010MASQ PLAYMAT ...... $39.99 PI PI PI OCT 2017 17 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES OCT 2017 18 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES MAX 7060LVTH SHUFFLE-TECH SLEEVES(50) O/A THIRST MDW 13771160 ship inSeptember2017. team toget20tokens wins!Scheduledto Piece of Cake’ scoring token, and the first yourteama‘Speak Yourruns outwillearn Each combolutionsolvedbeforethetime the combinedsolution,or phrases while the other must figure out the separate phrases, andhavetogiveclueseach and a card featuring two common family together, playersgrabapartner board gamethatbringsphrasesand In BURST OUTLAUGHINGGAS MDG 4319 Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. Ghost Meeplemini-expansion(withrules). Bubastis), screen-printedmeeples,andthe (by Felideus of the rules, all new artwork card gamefeaturesareworkedversion this DeluxeEditionofthe & booty, inacollector’s too!)Offered tin, place ontheship(andmaybesomerum their The last two pirates standing earn of theplankwhilekeepingyoursalive. theend to shoveotherplayers’piratesoff need tofightamongstyourselves,trying you inhiscrew. To proveyoursalt,you’ll and booty, so he’s decided to keep two of yourweightinrum skulled tobeworth because you’re alltoo lazy andthick- crew. The captain has rounded you up represent scallywagsinapirateship’s In thisprequelto TIN EDITION WALK THEPLANKCARDGAME: MAX 8010MVTH PLAYMAT Burst OutLaughingGas,thehilarious MAYDAY GAMES and putthemtogethertocreate ...... MINDWARE ...... Get Bit!,players Walk thePlank combolution. $25.00 PI PI PI IMP MUH051055 October 2017. Ubiquity rulessystem.Scheduled toshipin with anyroleplaying gamethatusesthe This setincludesnine 8-sideddiceforuse SPACE 1889:UBIQUITY DICESET IMP MUH050018 conclusion. ScheduledtoshipinAugust2017. the designed tobringtheeventsthatbeganwith campaign forMutantChronicles, humanity’s home,DarkEden.Aheroic former in humanity’s favor -technologyhiddenon the tideof war Ancient technologythat will turn andtaskthemwithuncovering yesteryear leads theCardinaltocalluponheroesof of theDarkLegion.Aslimchancesalvation maw a risingbodycountintotheever-hungry point, whilethemegacorporationsarethrowing has stretchedtheBrotherhoodtobreaking swelling tide of Darkness. A surge of Heresy humanity hard-pressedtoholdbackthe to encompasstheentiresolarsystem,with The SecondDarkLegionWar hasescalated DARK EDENCAMPAIGN MUTANT CHRONICLESRPG: MDW 48145 ship inSeptember2017. string oflook-alikesuspects!Scheduledto for alineup,you’llfacechallenging when youheadbacktothepolicestation at thesuspect.Studypicture,because to takeafive-secondeyewitnessglance board andstopateachofsixcrimescenes and trickycrooks,playerstravelthegame In LINEUP , the memory game of quick looks Lineup, the memory Dark Symmetry Campaign Dark Symmetry MODIPHIUS ...... to a climactic toaclimactic is Dark Edenis $14.99 $25.00 PI S2P MGP40009 November 2017. Reach betheirgrave?Scheduledtoshipin stars, or will the cold depths of the Trojan amidthepitiless they maketheirfortune or monsters,piratesprivateers?Will their own kingdom? Will they beheroes rogueand create restore Drinax, orturn will theystayloyaltotheirpatronandhelp planets lostoverthelasttwocenturies.But, intends fortheTravellers towinbackallthe glory,to restoreDrinaxitsformer and piracy willgivehimtheleverageheneeds vanished kingdom.TheKinghopesthis on illegal trade within the borders of the letter ofmarque, themtoprey permitting entrusted bytheKingofDrinaxwitha In THE PIRATES OFDRINAX TRAVELLER RPG: MIB 1012 ship inOctober2017. in thewakeofHelionox.Scheduled to can leadcivilizationtoanewbeginning worlds, andgainthemostinfluenceso you cards, exploreandexploitthesystem’s faction Craft yourdeckwithpowerful influence amongtheremainingpopulace. As ArchitectsoftheFuture,playersviefor solar system as the result of a dying sun. strategy game,terribleeventsplaguethe - the Last Sunset isatrisk!In survival our very (or sabotage) the Lift is now failing, and on aSolarLiftforpower. Throughneglect spread throughoutthesolarsystem,relies In thedistantfuture,ourcivilization, HELIONOX -DELUXE The PiratesofDrinax,theTravellers are MR. BGAMES ...... PUBLISHING MONGOOSE ...... , asci-fi deck-building

Helionox $59.99 $99.99 NJD 411103 the baseset. of 20newuniqueagentcardstoadd new missioncards,includingtwoversions This expansionforTheAgentscontains40 THE AGENTS:SPECIALAGENTS IMP ODD130 Scheduled toshipinDecember2017. cards featuringnewspecialabilities. up tosix of your action cards withalternate Ego what they’regoingtodonext!The get allmishmashedanditshardtopredict you thinkknowthelocals,theirmoods Heavens toBetsy!OrisitBetty?Justwhen FEUDUM: ALTER EGOEXPANSION IMP ODD100 December 2017. each timeyouplay!Scheduledtoshipin ever-changing, open-worldexperience make for an and multiple paths to victory land. Sixuniquelypoweredcharacters compete forguildstatusinafantastical your hand,leverageresources,and and feudallordsinwhichyouoptimize fierce, yetfrolicsomegameoffiefdoms finagle yourownfeudums?Feudumisa fightasknights,or theearth, you farm yourself and reclaim your honor! Will toastrangelandreinvent you journey few shillingsandtablescraps.Undaunted, buta banished andstrippedofeverything Blimey! You andyourblokeshavebeen FEUDUM NINJA DIVISIONGAMES lets you replace expansion forFeudumletsyoureplace ODD BIRDGAMES ...... $24.99 $79.99 $19.99 Alter Alter The woods, leavingyouwithlittleelbowroom. folk havemigratedtoyourneckofthe Bull spitandhorsefeathers!Morestrange CATAPULTS EXPANSION FEUDUM: WINDMILLS& IMP ODD140 Scheduled toshipinDecember2017. accessibility forcolorblindplayers. food sourcesonthemap.Italsoenhances pink cubes (squirrels) to create multiplying Feudum replacesthegreengoodswith The Now findasquirrelandmakesomestew! tochopwood. Tickety-Boo, you’reoff & CONIFERSEXPANSION FEUDUM: SQUIRRELS IMP ODD120 ship inDecember2017. and amonstertothegame.Scheduled Feudum introducesanotherfoodsource friendly. The Seals &Sirensexpansionfor sustenance. Butbeware!Notallfinsare bars and you must look to the sea for Codswallop! Afaminehasemptiedyour & SIRENSEXPANSION FEUDUM: SEALS IMP ODD110 December 2017. player tothegame. Scheduledtoshipin tiles, awindmillthat spins,and/ora6th for Feudum introducesnewlandscape Squirrels &Conifers Windmills &Catapults ...... expansionfor expansion $29.99 $14.99 $24.99 OSP GM270 ship inDecember2017. reproductions ofdocuments.Scheduledto andfacsimile of objectsandfineart, photographs, commissionedpictures regimental collection,includinghistorical illustrated withstunningimagesfromthe tothepresentday,from itsformation oftheRAPTC is acompletehistory Physical Training CorpsInstructor. This before qualifyingasaRoyalArmy undergo 30weeksofintensivetraining in thearmy, prospective candidates regiment 150 years.Drawnfromevery inshapeforjustover the BritishArmy Corps (RAPTC)havebeenkeeping PhysicalTraining theRoyalArmy Staff, Gymnastic in1860 astheArmy Formed PHYSICAL TRAININGCORPS HISTORY OFTHEROYAL ARMY S2P ONXPUG002 Scheduled toshipinOctober2017. courageous andloyaldogswillpersevere! Pugmire isdangerousandmysterious,but lore.Theworld from ancient,fragmentary civilization, usingaCodeofMancompiled dead gods.Othersseektocreateanideal magic handeddowntothembytheir of humanity, buttheybelieveitalltobe Some dogsusetheleftovertechnology to rediscovertheworldthey’veinherited. with otherracesof‘uplifted’animals)seek use toolsandlanguage, and they(along Ages of Man. These dogs have evolved to of Pugmirethousandsyearsafterthe building the kingdom inherited the earth, words of the ‘Code of Man’. Dogs have What HasBeenLeftBehind!Thesearethe Loyal To ThoseWhoAreTrue! Fetch Be aGoodDog!ProtectYour Home!Be PUGMIRE RPG ONYX PATH PUBLISHING OSPREY PUBLISHING ...... $60.00 $49.99 PZO 90125 Scheduled toshipinDecember2017. Game adventurefor13th-levelcharacters. Drowned DeadisaPathfinderRoleplaying of AzlantAdventurePath undead occupants.Continuingthe fighting against the tower’s defenses and their way through the submerged ruin, has infiltratedthetower, theheroesmake pursuit oftheveiledmasterwhotheybelieve cataclysm that destroyed ancient Azlant. In ofthe belonging toanundeadsurvivor adventurers visit a ruined, undersea tower weapon anduseitagainsthumanity, the enemy isplanningtostealadoomsday andancient thatapowerful After learning - TOWEROFTHEDROWNEDDEAD PATH - RUINSOFAZLANTPART 5 PATHFINDER RPG:ADVENTURE OSP MAA515 December 2017. and variedspectacle.Scheduledtoshipin presentacolorful 1808-14, anditsuniforms fascinating postscript to the Peninsular War of known, multi-national campaignprovidesa Wellington’s victory. This fascinating,little at the end of the PeninsularWar thanks to of KingFerdinandVII,thekingrestored The FirstCarlistWar brokeoutafterthedeath CARLIST WAR 1833-39 ARMIES OFTHEFIRST ...... , Tower ofthe PAIZO PUBLISHING PZO 4071 Scheduled toshipin December2017. markerserasewith ease fromthesetiles! permanent the snowandiceofafrigidlandscape. Wet, dry, and Engle, featuringthemostdangeroussites nestingamid JasonA. map tiles,stunninglycraftedbycartographer Map Pack:FrozenSitesfeatures18full-color, 5x 8-inch PATHFINDER RPG:MAPPACK -FROZEN SITES $24.99 Ruins Ruins $18.00 ...... PZO 6825 ship inDecember2017. hot pursuittoyourgame.Scheduled gives youthecardsneedtoaddsome track downbeastsandmalefactors, Deck featuresthreenewcharacterswho Adventure CardGame,theHunterClass forthe A 109-cardaccessory GAME: HUNTERCLASSDECK PATHFINDER ADVENTURECARD PZO 92105 December 2017. and headywines.Scheduledtoshipin lips or meetterribleruinonperfumed storied past andbattling its great threats, wealth byplumbingtheFirstEmpire’s deliberately forgotten. Discover incredible both fondly remembered and with history splendor andurbandecay, saturated is alandofcontradictions,indescribable Setting: Taldor -TheFirstEmpire.Taldor monuments in deadly politics,losthistory, andtowering with adventure and intrigue. Explore its five-thousand years, its vast lands rife Sea remainsapowerhouseevenafter endures! ThefirstempireoftheInner Kingdoms riseandnationsfall,butTaldor TALDOR -THEFIRSTEMPIRE CAMPAIGN SETTING- PATHFINDER RPG: ...... Pathfinder Campaign Pathfinder $22.99 $19.99 $14.99 OCT 2017 19 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES OCT 2017 20 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES S2P PYN1707 Scheduled toshipin November 2017. and crittersfromprevious new andfrightening monsters, includingcreatures The QALIDAR: QRITTERQATALOG PZO 7203 in December2017. for 5th-levelcharacters.Scheduledtoship Starfinder Roleplaying Gameadventure Adventure Path,SplinteredWorlds isa ContinuingtheDeadSuns superweapon! search forcluestothelocationofanalien to uncoverthecult’s truemotives-the overcome theplanet’s undeadinhabitants hidden commandpost,theheroesmust Tracking theCultofDevourertoits SPLINTERED WORLDS PATH - DEADSUNSPART 3- STARFINDER RPG:ADVENTURE is jam-packed with a host of Qritter Qatalogisjam-packedwith a hostof PERYTON PUBLISHING ...... PARADIGM CONCEPTS sourcebooks. Qalidar sourcebooks. $22.99 magic itemsforyour Forged inMagic:Reforged FORGED INMAGIC-REFORGED ARCANIS RPG: S2P PCI2601 ship inNovember2017. without unbalancingyourgame.Scheduledto Magic systemthatgivesversatilitytomagicitems spells,andaRune well asnewweapons,armors, such asOtherWorldly PatronsforWarlocks, as of wondrous items. You’ll also find a new rules, andamyriad to mysticalpotions,magicalstaffs, rings,andshields enchanted weapons,armors, PZO 9487 up! ScheduledtoshipinDecember2017. forwhateverthreatbubbles you’ll haveaformula of magicandscience.WithPotions&Poisons, recipe bookforcharactersreadytotestthelimits character optionsalsoprovideawholenew New archetypes,feats,magicitems,andother poisons capableofcrippling,killing,andworse. and strangeralchemicalwonders,orcookup Take aswigfromseaofnewpotions,elixirs, for usewiththe miraculous inthiscollectionoftincturesandtoxins orthecauldron,you’llfindsomething laboratory Whether yourconcoctionscomefromthe COMPANION -POTIONS&POISONS PATHFINDER RPG:PLAYER $14.99 PZO 7304 ease! ScheduledtoshipinDecember2017. markers removefromthesemapswith other. Wet erase,andpermanent erase,dry that doublesasanindustrialfreighteronthe ship ononesideandamilitaristicdropship features a sleek exploration and courier explore, or raid. This double-sided map starshipstopilot, different with twovery Starfinder Flip-Mat:Starship a sturdyvesseltogetyouthere,and Taking adventureintothestarsrequires FLIP-MAT -STARSHIP STARFINDER RPG: ...... Pathfinder RoleplayingGame 5E campaign-from containsover400+ provides you provides you $14.99 $44.99 $14.99 . S2P 10625 Scheduled toshipinNovember2017. Trenches, plusBennies(20)andaDiceSet. Mans Land/Village, andMapSet:Bridge/ Screen (withAdventure), and editions ofthe This Collector’s BoxSetcontainssoftcover WAR I-COLLECTORSBOXSET SAVAGE WORLDSRPG:WEIRD PHG PH1207 November 2017. cards thatcanbeincorporatedintoany accompaniedby afulldeckofspell,ally,Echo Greystorm, andother deck forAshes:RiseofthePhoenixborn thepowerofgravityitself with Harness ASHES: THEMASTERSOFGRAVITY EXPANSION Master’s Handbook,aswellaGM ...... Weird War IPlayer’s Guide PINNACLE ...... Map Set:No PLAID HAT GAMES ENTERTAINMENT GROUP $79.99 PHG PH1208 Scheduled toship inNovember2017. againstotherPhoenixborn. paths tovictory you toexperimentwithnewstrategies and unique skillstothe combat fromayoungage,shebrings her now sitsonthethroneofAbylon.Trained in inbonds,JerichoKill ! Born Phoenixborn expansion deckfor with Phoenixborn the worldthrougheyesofanew totheworldofArgaiaandsee Return ASSASSINS EXPANSION ASHES: THEPATH OF

The MastersofGravityexpansion , introducing a new Phoenixborn, , introducinganewPhoenixborn, Ashes deck.Scheduledtoshipin ...... Ashes universe,allowing The Path of Assassins Ashes: Riseofthe $14.95 $14.95 included aretwo Aegislash-EX, Jirachi, N, and more! Also foilpromocardsof plus 12morefull-art showcasing Shaymin-EXandYveltal-EX, foilpromocards Collection boastsfull-art paradise! Each Collection accessories, the PremiumTrainer’s XY cards andanamazingassemblyof promo With morethanadozenfull-art TRAINER’S XYCOLLECTION POKÉMON TCG:PREMIUM PUI 80325 album tostoreyourfavoritecards. notepad, four pencils, and a collector’s stickersheets,a two colorful Latios, acoolPokémoncollectiblecoin, cards featuringPikachu,Latias,and Legends boosterpacks,threefoilpromo comes with five TCG: ShiningLegendsCollectorChest found anywhereelse.The Pokémon goodies,includingmanynot containing morethanadozenspecial be foundinthissturdymetalcase A troveof LEGENDS COLLECTORCHEST POKÉMON TCG:SHINING PUI 80337 Trading CardGameOnline. dice, and a code card for the Pokémon and Yveltal, twosetsoftournament-ready and adoubledeckboxfeaturingXerneas collector’s coin,twosetsof65cardsleeves packs fromthe 3 PACK BLISTERPUI80251 displays. Pleasecontactyourretailerfor availability. card boosterspackedin36-countdisplays. in8-count displays,3-packboosterblisters,and10- in 60-cardThemeDecksoffered Invasion! This110-cardexpansionforthe make their debut, including Guzzlord-GX and Nihilego-GX, in Ultra Beasts take control? Eight new Pokémon-GX, nine new Trainers, and Ultra Beasts THEME DECK DISPLAY (8)PUI80255-D ELITE TRAINER BOXPUI80260 COLLECTOR’S MINI ALBUM (12)PUI80262 BOOSTER DISPLAY (36)PUI80249-D ...... stands out as a player’s XY Series,ametalPikachu Pokémon treasurescan Pokémon TCG: Shining Premium Trainer’s XY Pokémon TCG ...... POKÉMON USA Pokémon Pokémon ...... booster ����������������������������������������������������������������� PI PI ��������������������������������������������������������������

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WiththisSilvallyFigureCollection, Silvally knows how to battle, swift and With scissor-sharp moves, theastonishing FIGURE COLLECTION POKÉMON TCG:SILVALLY PUI 80338 Game Online. code cardforthePokémonTrading Card four Silvally-GX asarareShinyPokémon,plus an awesomeoversizedcardfeaturing Box, yougetaplayablefoilcardand with ease!Withthis Pokémon thatmovesaroundanybattle Silvally-GX isoneofakind-synthetic SHINY SILVALLY-GX BOX POKÉMON TCG: PUI 80339 oversized Zoroark-GXcard. card, plusaZoruafoilcardandan promo Zoroark-GX asastunning,full-art Pokémon Trading CardGame Legends SpecialCollection that’s toughtopindown!InthisShining illusions, Zoroark-GXisawilyPokémon Slipping throughthenightlikeamasterof ZOROARK GX LEGENDS SPECIALCOLLECTION- POKÉMON TCG:SHINING Pokémon TCG2017World Championships Pokémon TCG booster packs anda defend theislands-orwill creatures! Canthe allies ofAlola by mysteriousandpowerful The Alolaregionisbeinginvaded CRIMSON INVASION SUN &MOON POKÉMON TCG: ...... Sun & Moon - Crimson Pokémon TCGWorld Shiny Silvally-GX isintroduced you’llfind Pokémon for the PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PUI 80329 for thePokémonTCGOnline. Beasts, acollector’s coin,andacodecard theUltra awesome playmatshowingoff (Pheromosa-GX orBuzzwole-GX),an an oversizedfoilcardofUltraBeast GX, orBuzzwole-GXandXurkitree-GX), Beasts (Pheromosa-GXandCelesteela- packs, twofoilpromocardsfeaturingUltra includes eightPokémonTCGbooster for thePokémonTrading CardGame Each Pokémon-GX! Alola regionaspowerful another dimension,havecometothe The UltraBeasts,strangecreaturesfrom GX PREMIUMCOLLECTION POKÉMON TCG:ULTRA BEASTS S2P RDG020 October 2017. the RoaringTwenties! Scheduled toshipin the ever-encroachingCthulhuMythos in great personagesfromtheeratobattle Houdini,andother Harry Amelia Earhart, H.P. Lovecraft,NikolaTesla, MarkTwain, pulpy worldofthe1920’s. Joinforceswith andadventure of the uncover the mystery clues, fightunspeakable creatures,and asyouinvestigate lets youmakehistory & Tesla theTabletop RoleplayingGame Roleplaying System, series andfueledbythe Based ontheongoingActionLabcomic TABLETOP ROLEPLAYING GAME HERALD: LOVECRAFT&TESLATHE PSI PLG0552 Scheduled toshipinSeptember2017. anything -oranyoneyoucanexploit! research tech,andexplorethegalaxyfor knowledge andpower. Buildyourship, spacetoexpandtheir into uncharted corporation, sending research vessels which playersoverseeaninterplanetary Artifacts To We Survive, Must Expand! ALIEN ARTIFACTS RAVENDESK GAMES Ultra Beasts GX Premium Collection is an4x-stylecardgamein ...... PORTAL Herald: Lovecraft Savage Worlds $39.99 $45.00 Alien PI S2P RDG042 in October2017. in. Scheduled to ship one you were born bit as dangerous, as the real, and every wonders andhorrorstheycontain-areas fantasies. Theseworlds-andallthe our wildestdreams.Butthey’renomere as vivid, unique, and unpredictable as Vurt featherstotravelparallelworlds England ofthenearfuture,playersingest of thelethalandanarchicManchester Award). Amidtheglass-strewn streets C.Clarke Noon(winneroftheArthur Jeff cyberpunkfictionofauthor hallucinatory Roleplaying Gameisbasedonthe opens toinfiniteworlds! A feather that opens a door. A door that ROLEPLAYING GAME VURT: THETABLETOP RPR 03830 CRUSADER JUSTIFIER RPR 03832 CRUSADER DEFENDER RPR 03828 CRUSADER CHAMPION REAPER MINIATURES DARK HEAVEN ...... Vurt: TheTabletop $59.99 $7.99 $7.99 $7.99 OCT 2017 21 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES OCT 2017 22 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES RPR 09304 COPPER VERDIGRIS MASTER SERIESPAINTS ½OZ RPR 03833 VEGEPYGMIES (2) RPR 03838 SAKARAT, GOBLINWIZARD RPR 03837 KENRIK THISTLEMOOR,WIZARD RPR 03829 CRUSADER SWORDSMAN RPR 09305 TARNISHED COPPER RPR 09311 STONE WASH RPR 09312 STEEL WASH RPR 09310 SEPIA WASH RPR 09309 SEPIA LINER RPR 09307 RED LINER RPR 09301 NMM GOLDSHADOW RPR 09303 NMM GOLDHIGHLIGHT RPR 09302 NMM GOLDBASE RPR 09306 NEW COPPER RPR 09308 GREEN LINER ...... $5.99 $5.99 $5.99 $7.99 $3.29 $3.29 $3.29 $3.29 $3.29 $3.29 $3.29 $3.29 $3.29 $3.29 $3.29 $3.29 BASES (10) REAPER BASEBOSSGAMING RPR 25008 ‘TALIN’ COLLIER THE ART OFBONESBYIZZY RPR 74048 32MM ROUND RPR 74067 90MM X52MMOVAL RPR 74066 75MM X46MMOVAL RPR 74068 70MM X25MMOVAL RPR 74065 60MM X35MMOVAL RPR 74050 55MM ROUND RPR 74049 50MM ROUND RGS 00594 ship inSeptember 2017. Building AdventureClank! Scheduledto standalone adventure for pod andgetoutalive! In!Space!isa are ifyouwanttomakeitanescape hope yourfriendsarelouderthanyou increaseshisrage.You’dartifacts better his commandmoduleandstealing attention ofLordEradikus!Hackinginto and -Clank!acarelessnoisedrawsthe snatch upextraloot.But,onefalsestep Along theway, you’llrecruitalliesand command module,andstealfromhim. aboard hisship,hackyourwayintoits have challengedeachothertosneak cyborg claws.You andyourfellowthieves areabouttoslipthroughhis artifacts with anirongrip,buthismostprized flagship, EradikusPrime.Hemayrule lap across the sector in his a victory conquered thegalaxy, andisnowon The evilLordEradikushasallbut CLANK! IN!SPACE! GAME STUDIOS ...... RENEGADE ...... Clank! ADeck-

$60.00 $19.99 $5.99 $5.99 $4.99 $5.99 $5.99 $4.99 $4.99 RGS 00588 battlefield! Onwardstothe time forthefaint-hearted. a jarl is sure to bring injury, but now is no seek to kill orsubdue them. Encountering threats, there’s fame awaiting those who raids ontheirsettlements.Butdespite to helpdefendagainsttheonslaughtof Fame, enemyjarlshavejoinedforces In FIELDS OFFAME RAIDERS OFTHENORTH SEA: RGS 00552 out ofthedepthsalive! can onlyenjoyyour plunderifyoumakeit stolen increasesitsrage.Youeach artifact draws the attention of thedragon, and step and- grow. Bequickandbequiet.Onefalse- your deck andwatch your thievish abilities find morevaluableloot.Acquirecards for Delvedeeper to steal precious artifacts. dragon`smountainlairto into anangry the newdeck-building board game. Sneak Burgle yourwaytoadventureinClank!, O/A CLANK! RGS 00589 new adventuresawaiting! your axeandreadyshield,thereare there`s littleroomforthewary. Sosharpen to endure.Butwithmeadinabundance, Each raidbringsnewquestsforthedaring attracting anewbreedofadventurers. Heroes, ameadhallhasbeenconstructed, In HALL OFHEROES RAIDERS OFTHENORTH SEA: Raiders of the North Sea:Fieldsof Raiders oftheNorth Raiders of the North Sea:Hallof Raiders oftheNorth OFFERED AGAIN CLANK! Eachcarelesssound ...... $50.00 $60.00 $50.00 RGS 00567 and fortune. for famenew lands and opportunities lords andladiesofNoblehousesseeking feudal Japan,playersin In thismap-buildingcardgamesetin O/A HONSHU PSI REO9003 on the1981 editionofDragonmaster. Indulgence is a trick-taking game based deed committedin the nameofpower. clear consciencefor manyaquestionable a to seize control, the indulgence offered Italian Renaissanceconspiredandplotted “contribution”. Astherisingfamiliesof to anyonewillingmakeasignificant darkest oftimes,indulgencesweresold engaging in meaningful prayer. Butin the this mightbebydoinggod’s workor yourself ofvenialsin.Insomecases, an indulgencewasawaytoabsolve the teachingsofCatholicChurch, The PathtoPowerisnotWithoutSin!In INDULGENCE PSI REO9002 and designer Wolfgang Kramer’s Daytona500 speed basedonlegendary, award-winning adrenalin-fueled cardgameofhigh-stakes move insidetopullahead. keeping youon the track as youmakeyour pressing youdowninyourseatand spitting out smoke, and the downforce, tiresscreamingand a steepbankedturn, anddefeatcanbeasinglemoment: victory world ofmotorracing,the margin between victor, the biggest purse of all!But,inthe the carsracearoundtrack!Andto cars! Franticbetsplacedinsecretevenas High-stakes biddingonmillion-dollarrace DOWNFORCE RESTORATION GAMES Top Race! ...... is an Downforce isan Honshu are $19.99 $25.00 $39.99

S2P R4I45013 10” AND 165”SQUARES EARTHTONE -COMBOPACK OF5 S2P R4I45014 PACK OF336”HEXAGONS EARTHTONE S2P RGG7011 discover it.ScheduledtoshipinOctober2017. totheNewWorld yourjourney that is,yousurvive to may be something you wish you never knew. Assuming, there great andterribleeventsinmotion.Whatyoulearn is a dark power that sleeps here, and its awakening will set what -waitsintheshadows,watchingandhunting.There mystery. Nooneknowswhatthisland hides,orwho- before Roanoke,theNewWorld remainsavastplaceof 50 yearsbeforethefoundingofPopham,and30 new cyclebegins!THAT WHICHHASSLEPTstirs!Almost death? Thetime has come,thestarshavealigned,and a Norumbega. Isitacityofmagicandgold,orterror 500 yearssincetheOldWorld lasthadcontactwith align inordertoriseagain.Areyouready?Ithasbeen World, anancientpowersleeps,awaitingthestarsto andexploration.IntheNew 1559: atimeofdiscovery THE JOURNEYTONORUMBEGA COLONIAL GOTHICRPG: S2P R4I45011 PACK OF910”SQUARES S2P R4I45012 PACK OF365”SQUARES . . . . ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... DRY ERASEDUNGEON TILES DRY ERASEDUNGEONTILES Scheduled toshipinNovember2017. Scheduled toshipinOctober2017. ROLE 4INITIATIVE ROGUE GAMES $39.99 $39.99 $39.99 $39.99 S2P R4I45023 10” AND 165”SQUARES GRAYSTONE -COMBOPACK OF5 PSI REO9001 beach intheCaribbean. race behind and retire to a sunny tropical money, and you can finally leave this rat and claimthereward.Getenoughreward onthesuspect one ofyoucanslapthecuffs the onlyprivateeyeonprowl,and Thief! But watch out, because you’re not deduction tohuntdownthesuspectin investigator’s licenseandkeenpowersof crime hasjustbeencommitted!Grabyour a popsuponyoursmartphone: An alert The Classic1979BoardGameRestored! STOP THIEF! S2P R4I45022 PACK OF365”SQUARES GRAYSTONE S2P R4I45021 PACK OF910”SQUARES ...... $39.99 $29.99 $39.99 $39.99 $19.99 Stop S2P R4I45103 FURNITURE S2P R4I45102 CONTAINERS S2P R4I45105 OUTDOORS S2P R4I45104 THE CRYPT Scheduled toshipinNovember2017. Scheduled toshipinOctober2017. DUNGEON DUNGEON DRESSING DRESSING ...... $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 DIFFUSION -SETSOF7 S2P R4I50407-FB AMETHYST WITHWHITENUMBERS Scheduled toshipinOctober2017. SETS OF15 POLYHEDRAL DICE:DIFFUSION- S2P R4I50402-7B BLUE INKWITHWHITENUMBERS Scheduled toshipinOctober2017. POLYHEDRAL DICE: S2P R4I50407-7B AMETHYST WITHWHITENUMBERS Scheduled toshipinNovember2017. SETS OF7 POLYHEDRAL DICE:DIFFUSION- S2P R4I50408-FB SAPPHIRE WITHWHITENUMBERS S2P R4I50405-FB OCHRE JELLY WITHWHITENUMBERS S2P R4I50406-FB CITRUS WITHWHITENUMBERS S2P R4I50408-7B SAPPHIRE WITHWHITENUMBERS S2P R4I50405-7B OCHRE JELLY WITHWHITENUMBERS S2P R4I50406-7B CITRUS WITHWHITE NUMBERS S2P R4I50404-7B SLIME GREENWITHWHITENUMBERS S2P R4I50403-7B GLACIER WITHWHITENUMBERS S2P R4I50401-7B CHERRY WITHWHITENUMBERS ......

$15.99 $15.99 $15.99 $15.99 $7.99 $7.99 $7.99 $7.99 $7.99 $7.99 $7.99 $7.99 OCT 2017 23 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES OCT 2017 24 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES S2P SGPC001 ship inNovember 2017. ofyour imagination!Scheduledto the cartoon silliness, way totoday’s eraofsurrealist post-modern allthe Renaissance oftelevision cartoons, of in thespiritofgoodfun!Fromgoldenage other, and commitmayhemmadness,all hammers outofpockets,dropanvilsoneach Defy common sense as you pull fail forward! makeup, tolightthelights,andputyourbest It’sgame ofscrewballcartoons! timetoputon comes From themakersofFarflungandIronclaw CARTOON ROLE-PLAY MADCAP: SCREWBALL RRG 895 rewarded, incorrectreceivepenalites. the category. Correctanswersget whether thechoiceis‘In’or‘Out’for from thecardsdisplayedandstates Each player, selectsonecard inturn, that may (or not) fit thecategory. with namesofpeople,places,orthings has12cards what is!Eachcategory asknowing the answerisasimportant gamewhereknowingwhat’sparty not Make UpYour Mind!Welcome tothe IN OROUT , to the turn-of-the-century Merrie Melodies,totheturn-of-the-century SANGUINE PRODUCTIONS , the tabletop roleplaying MADCAP, thetabletoproleplaying MADCAP isthegamethatlet’s yoube R &GAMES ...... $19.99 $39.95 S2P SDL1713 to shipinNovember2017. for Trilogy oftheepicFreeport is thefirstpart dyingfor!DeathinFreeport secrets worth as theyuncoveraterribleconspiracyand the mystery, thestrangertalebecomes reward. However, thedeepertheydiginto a simplejobfordecent to perform trading cityonthePirateIsles,andrecruited thegreat themselves strandedinFreeport, In RPG: DEATH INFREEPORT SHADOW OFTHEDEMONLORD S2P R4I50402-FB BLUE INKWITHWHITENUMBERS Scheduled toshipinNovember2017. SETS OF15 POLYHEDRAL DICE:DIFFUSION- S2P SDL1712 Scheduled toshipinNovember 2017. sail. A newworld of adventure awaits! So climb on board and make ready to set and evenmoremadness thaneverbefore! horizons, withnew enemies, newthreats, Companion takeshorrorfantasytonew The Lord whothreatenstounravelcreation! andtheDemon comes totheworldofUrth toadventure.Andnow,doorway Freeport importantly, hasalwaysbeena Freeport with pirates,orcs,andvilecults.More most distinctive cities - a riotous city filled hasbeenoneoffantasygaming’sFreeport Foryears, The ShadowFallsonFreeport! RPG: FREEPORT COMPANION SHADOW OFTHEDEMONLORD S2P R4I50404-FB SLIME GREENWITHWHITENUMBERS S2P R4I50403-FB GLACIER WITHWHITENUMBERS S2P R4I50401-FB CHERRY WITHWHITENUMBERS , thecharactersfind Death inFreeport Shadow oftheDemonLord Shadow of the Demon Lord: Freeport Shadow oftheDemonLord:Freeport ENTERTAINMENT SCHWALB ...... Scheduled $15.99 $15.99 $15.99 $15.99 $27.99 $19.99 S2P SDL1715 Scheduled toshipinNovember2017. adventure setinthegrandCityofAdventure. the DemonLordconcludeswiththisthrilling TrilogyThe epicFreeport forShadowof hismaleficattentions! they maynotsurvive Sea LordDrachashiseyesonthePCsand alley toughsandmindlessundead,though. runs out.Thistimetheyfacemorethanback must uncoveritssinistersecretsbeforetime Folly drawsnear, andtheplayercharacters Madness Reigns!TheunveilingofMilton’s RPG: MADNESSINFREEPORT SHADOW OFTHEDEMONLORD NJD 060101 ICONIC HEROESSET1 NJD 060301 CORPSE FLEETSET1 ...... STARFINDER MINIATURES SODA POPMINIATURES Scheduled toshipinOctober2017. IMP SPB20173 Scheduled toshipin September2017. SPIELBOX MAGAZINE #32017 $21.99 $39.99 $35.99 SPIELBOX agents of evil. streets, and notall serpent people are that notallcultistslurkbeneaththe a vilecult,theplayercharacterslearn The Terror Grows!Havinguncovered RPG: TERRORINFREEPORT SHADOW OFTHEDEMONLORD NJD 060201 PACT WORLDSFLEETSET1 NJD 060102 ICONIC HEROESSET2 S2P SDL1714 November 2017. Demon Lord.Scheduledtoshipin TrilogyFreeport forShadowofthe the second chapter in the thrilling ...... Terror is in Freeport $11.99 $35.99 $39.99 $19.99

SJG 1535 Scheduled toshipinSeptember2017. ( byLenPeralta - featuringbrand-newart of the Apocalypsewiththis against mutants,bandits,andtheSealsof your noseatapocalypticperil!Goup Play anewClass,theDaredevil,andthumb terrifying newSealslikeTheSingularity! Watch out forDisaster!Velocirapture! and Antisocial Mediawillendyouprematurely! Manual,orthe Bomb SuitandSurvival Thawed Reich!Protectyourselfwiththe Axe andKetchupGastotakeontheThe withthePatriot yourhardenedsurvivor Arm EDITION (LENPERALTA) SHEEP IMPACT: GUESTARTIST MUNCHKIN APOCALYPSE 2: SFG B03-039 PRECISION MADE ENGINEER’S GUILD SFG B03-037 WHEN YOU’REWINNING BREWER’S GUILDSING TenState, Munchkin Apocalypse 2: Sheep Impact , Exterminite ...... ). Munchkin: TheGuild). Guest Artist Edition Guest Artist STEAMFORGED GAMES STEVE JACKSONGAMES GUILD BALL SJG 1507B Marked forDeath!ScheduledtoshipinAugust2017. bonus boosterpacks-MunchkinKnights andMunchkin This versionofMunchkin:HiddenTreasures includestwo features 78hard-to-findcardsof From TREASURES BONUS MUNCHKIN: HIDDEN $19.95 $42.00 $42.00 Apocalypse throughZombies,

...... SFG B03-036 THE PUNISHINGMARCH MASON’S GUILD SFG B03-038 UNION THEBLOODYCOIN SJG 1525 September 2017. Scheduledtoshipin and takeyourstuff! people -and (and unnatural)disasterinaworldfullof natural every The Guild)whilesurviving Peralta (TenState , from Len of the world! Enjoy all-new art gives youawholenewlookfortheend of fan-favoriteMunchkinApocalypse wasteland. Thisspecial gameplay -nowinapost-apocalyptic world, with funny cards and fast,ruthless takes and FacePaint!MunchkinApocalypse with nothingbutDehydratedWater you blast the National Gourd, armed Blogger. Avoid the Giant Meteor as Play aprecociousKidoranopportunistic ARTIST EDITION(LENPERALTA) MUNCHKIN APOCALYPSE: GUEST Munchkin beyondtheendof ...... things -thatwanttokillyou ...... , Exterminite Munchkin goodness! Guest Artist Edition Guest Artist Hidden Treasures Munchkin: $42.00 $42.00 $19.95 $29.95

SJG 10-7001 Scheduled toshipinNovember2017. Ogre and aCommandPost).Alsoincludedaretwoerasable with14bases, eight GEVs,fourHowitzers,42Infantry defenders inblue(eightHeavyTanks, sixMissileTanks, Ogres, a Mark III, and a Mark V) and the Paneuropean set comescompletewithCombineforcesinred(two SJG 5619 in November2017. Shakespearean regalia.Scheduledtoship Shakespeare revealFlowerinfull These sixpawnsforusewith FLOWERSPEARE PAWNS MUNCHKIN SHAKESPEARE: Edition miniatures forOgre.CompatiblewithbothSixth near-future world of 2085 A.D. with this first set of scene nowunfoldsontheboardjustasitwouldin As theOgrestalksitspreyacrossbattlefield, OGRE: MINIATURES SET1 record sheetsandacopyof and ...... Ogre Designer’s Edition, this miniatures ...... STRONGHOLD GAMES Munchkin Ogre MiniaturesLite. $6.95 PSI SG-8030 September 2017. score except theplayerwhoholdsbottle whowill score pointsforthecardsoftricksthey’ve won, undercut. Attheendofhand,players will Imp changesuntilitsvaluecannolonger be the bottle!).InthiswayownerofThe Bottle considered ‘trump’andwillwinthetrick (and with19)is current ‘price’ofthebottle(starting trump cards.Anycardofvaluelowerthanthe taking cardgamewherethelowestcardsare Stevenson, Louis byRobert story Based ontheshort BOTTLE IMP SJG 1543 November 2017. Scheduledtoshipin or Dormouse! even makenewfriendsliketheCaterpillar and collecting their treasures. You can or the Red Queen such as the Jabberwock illustrated gameboard,fightingmonsters Wonderland novels.Movearoundthe to theiconicworldofLewisCarroll’s Munchkin Wonderland players transports for childrenofallagesandthoseatheart, Treasure! FighttheRedQueen!Designed Wander Wonderland! CollectWhimsical MUNCHKIN: WONDERLAND SJG 5920 in November2017. Shakespearean regalia.Scheduledtoship Shakespeare revealSpykeinfull These sixpawnsforusewith SPYKESPEARE PAWNS MUNCHKIN SHAKESPEARE: negative points.Scheduled to ship in $39.95 The BottleImpisadiabolical,trick- ......

...... Munchkin $19.95 $29.95 $6.95 OCT 2017 25 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES OCT 2017 26 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES S2P 32100 course ofhistory. Whatwill beyourpath?Scheduled toshipinOctober 2017. asVasalli,resurfaced humans giftedwithabilitiescapableofchanging the powerful influenced bySlavic andMediterraneanfolklore,wherethe forgottenmythologieshave set inadark,war-ravaged fantasyworldheavily heart? succumb tothedarknessthatdelves inevery allow themselves to becorrupted bypower and of beingtheprotectorshumanity, orwillthey ancient mythologies.Butcantheybearthe burden are theVasalli, giftedpeoplespokenofbythe desperate times, the only possible torchbearers of theAlliancebickeroverpettypolitics. Insuch at afasterclip,allwhilethelordsand leaders continuetheirincursions nations fromtheNorth of theunderground.Atsametime,strange devastated thecontinent,stillhideinshadows Vargans, whooncecausedawarthatnearly Great Cities,areslowlydyingout.Themonstrous Alliance. TheirtrustedColossi,guardiansofthe Dark timeshavearrivedforthedenizensof AWAKEN: CORERULEBOOK PSI SG-7090 to shipinSeptember2017. cobblestone sectionsoftheroad.Scheduled choke points,fatigueareas,andnew track pieceswithnewchallengesincluding to jointherace,plusninenewdouble-sided player boards,enablinga5thand6th plastic bikers,completewithcardsand Pelaton containstwomoresetsofcustom The firstexpansionfor FLAMME ROUGE:PELATON in the escape theperils?Thethirdinstallment place.Canyouworktogetherto far off You’re trappedwithyourfriendsina FAST FORWARD SERIES#3:FLEE PSI SG-6016 ship inSeptember2017. they’ve foundthemselvesin.Scheduledto from thedangerousandpuzzlingsituation game where players endeavor to escape up-and-play games, Fast Forward Series Fast Forward Awaken isatabletoproleplaying game ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... Flee isacooperative Flamme Rouge, STUDIO 2PUBLISHING ofquick,pick- $39.95 $19.95 PSI SG-7040 track. ScheduledtoshipinSeptember2017. the newCommunityDeckandPopularity for thelocalCommunity, providingspacefor Community their popularitywithinthecommunity. events andchoosetheiroutcome,affecting to engageinvariouscommunity-related Pursuit ofHappiness In COMMUNITY THE PURSUITOFHAPPINESS: PSI SG-6017 Scheduled toshipinSeptember2017. master gamedesignerFriedemannFriese. at hand.Finished!isasolitairegameby sugar rushcanhelpyoufinishthetasks should keeptrackofyourSweetsasthe there’s soyou alimitedsupplyofCoffee, nottofallasleep.Unfortunately,and try files sorting A typicaldayatwork:start FINISHED! Community, thefirstexpansionfor includes a new side game board includes anewsidegameboard ...... , players have the chance , playershavethechance $59.99 $19.95 $34.95 The The SYR SY20PATH $20 CHECKOUTVALUE ONSYRINSCAPE.COM(PATHFINDER THEMED) Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. retailstores. a POS-solutionforbrick and mortar cards unlockSyrinscape’s digitalsubscriptionswith Monster, andmore,thesenewFLGS-exclusiveretail SYR SY7SUPER 7-DAY SUPERSYRIN FULLSUBSCRIPTIONACCESSONSYRINSCAPE.COM SYR SY20STAR $20 CHECKOUTVALUE ONSYRINSCAPE.COM(STARFINDER THEMED) and visceral, competitiveexperienceasGruff Rage oftheTrolls GRUFF: RAGEOFTHETROLLS SoundSets forCatan, Pathfinder and of theunderdark.WithOfficialSoundtracksto dungeonsandthespookydepths to dank,vermin-filled imaginable, frometherealforestsandstonyshorelines experience. and amovie-likesoundtracktoyourtabletopgaming app thataddsevocativeambientbackgroundsound algorithms, audioengineandcomplex Utilizing apowerful SYRINSCAPE CARDS FLGS-EXCLUSIVE WOE 0201 2018 to shipinFebruary with afriendinco-opmode!Scheduled that playerswilltakeonindividually, or Fights! The troll is achallenging puzzle new dimensiontothegame-Troll Boss- Clash oftheBattleGoats is a revolutionary sound design sounddesign Syrinscape isarevolutionary conjures every aural landscape aurallandscape Syrinscape conjuresevery ...... ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Starfinder providesthesame , Mutants &Masterminds RPGs, as well as custom RPGs, aswellcustom , butaddsa SURFIN MEEPLE TAB CREATIONS SYRINSCAPE STUDIO WOE $25.00 these stories! Over Sol:BeyondHumanisheretohelpfacilitate about socialandtechnologicalchange. have been created? Ultimately, science fiction is face in society? What more radical genelines challenges would an android player character became possible,orevencommon?What How wouldsocietychangeiffully-sentientAI BEYOND HUMAN SHADOWS OVERSOL: S2P TAB1104 generator. ScheduledtoshipinOctober 2017. and skills,acomplete characterbackground point-buy systemfor generatingacharacter’s stats 12 new genelines, six new subcultures, an optional as expandedcharactercreationoptions, including playing anandroidorupliftedanimal, aswell PSI SM3005TTT in September2017. Okanagan: Valley oftheLakes game in thegatheringandterritory-building exploit it. Shape the land and store your wealth meadows, awaits anyone willing to fertile Okanagan Valley, withitshugelakesand Canada’s Wealth is Waiting forYou! The OKANAGAN: VALLEY OFTHELAKES Boss Boss ...... Beyond Human ...... Scheduledtoship features rulesfor Shadows $14.99 $20.00 $20.00 $40.00 $5.00 EDITION: GMSCREEN THE NINJACRUSADE2ND S2P 3EG4001 November 2017. to Monster Hunting. Scheduled to shipin RPG ofBugsandHeroes like up oneoftheamazing worldsprovided, an existing one, orpick setting, convert any roleplayinggame.Createyourown up asagenre-bendingrulessystemfor The PIP SYSTEM:COREBOOK S2P 3EGNC2EGM Scheduled toshipinOctober2017. Ninja Crusade 2nd Edition core rulebook. to allofthemostaccessedrulesfrom This GMScreengivesyouquickreference TTT 2014 Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. (and thebiggeststick!)canruleJapan! Daimyo withthehighestreputation blocking thewayin Daimyo anddefeatevery of yourarmy place. OnwardtoKyoto!Take command other roguelordsandultimatelyruletheir protect theShogunandEmperorfrom towardKyoto,to marching theirarmies period, referstotheactoflocalwarlords commonly usedduringtheSengoku ‘Joraku’, anancient Japanese word JORAKU Pip Systemisdesignedfromtheground Mermaid Adventures, Mermaid THIRD EYEGAMES TASTY MINSTREL ...... Joraku! Onlythe , or Infestation: An A Kid’s Guide $10.00 $24.99 $19.95 The DIA STL056710 BOOSTER PACK (DISPLAY 24) for availability. in fulldisplays.Pleasecontactyourretailer 2017. displays. ScheduledtoshipinAugust with 9-cardboosterspackedin24-count and a Trading Shield. Enhance your play Guide, Health Counters,aQuickStart Deck StorageBoxes,twoPlaymats, one BoosterPack,Tribute Card,two contains twopreconstructedIntroDecks, rulesguide.EachIntroPack a QuickStart box, aPlaymatwithHealthCounter, and Pack, oneTribute Card,aDeckstorage preconstructed deck,a9-cardBooster Packcontainsa36-card, Each Starter even petsthatwillfightalongsideyou! rewards, in-gameabilities,or effects, video gametounlockaugmentedreality cards, eachscannablebytheLightseekers is astandalonegamethatincludes385+ ever! TheLightseekersTrading CardGame Lightseeker become themostpowerful elemental powersofrareLightstonesand Supercharge your weapons withthe companions thatfightalongside you. gear andnewabilities.Collectpets past. Growyourpowersthroughepic and questtouncovertheworld’s mysterious characters, battle fearedbeasts, colorful Explore beautifulandfantasticlands,meet invading umbron,andbecomealegend! Join theLightseekers, save Tantos from the LIGHTSEEKERS CARDGAME PZO TTLCT001 at aglance. precise sorangescanbeeasilydetermined sturdyand or combat,keepingeverything place multiplefiguresinsimulatedflight allowplayersto large stagingplatforms for creatingvariousheights,whilethe game aidfeaturesmulti-tierpossibilities obscure thegamingenvironment,this transparent materialdesignedtonot one-inch incrementsandcraftedfrom unfolds with estimations -knowexactlyhowthebattle No longerarerangesreducedto COMBAT TIER:BASESET DIA STL056707 STARTER DECK(DISPLAY 6) DIA STL056711 INTRO PACK (DISPLAY 6) TOMY INTERNATIONAL TINKERED TACTICS NOTE: Thisitemissoldtoretailers Combat Tiers! Gauged in ...... $39.99 PI PI PI IMP TLG19313 characters. ScheduledtoshipinSeptember2017. high-level cross theWasting Way. Lady ofGarunortoplunderitswealth,onemost And to come to the gates of Auftrag, to free the only alittlelessdangerousthantheswampitself. and small,theGrausamlandisbridgedbyaroad, great monsters impenetrable swamppeopledby towers ofAufstrag.Athousandsquaremiles as barriertothosewhowouldenterthefell bogs, sluggishcreeks,anddeeppools,stands The Grausamland,agraymireofmarsh, A11 -THEWASTING WAY 5TH EDITIONADVENTURES: PZO ULIUS25535E Scheduled toshipinDecember2017. STRUGGLE EXPANSION THE DARKEYE:AVENTURIA ADVENTURECARDGAME-HEROES’ CARD BACK(100) DECK PROTECTOR SLEEVES- TTG TGBG0003 UPI 85343 Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. ASCENSION: STANDARD 5th EditionAdventure ...... ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ULTRA PROINTERNATIONAL The Wasting Way TROLL LORDGAMES

ULISSES-SPIELE for a party of 3-6 of 3-6 for a party TYTO GAMES IMP TLG801072 ship inAugust2017. wild rideofbare-knuckleadventure!Scheduledto ina youneedtogetstarted essential information combat rules-the equipment, charactergeneration,andfast-paced mechanics.Spells, gamer witheasy-to-usemodern Crusades embodies the spirit of the old-school A pillar of the tabletop RPG industry, ALTERNATE COVERART PLAYER’S HANDBOOK7THPRINTING, CASTLES &CRUSADESRPG: PI $9.99 Scheduled toshipinDecember2017. just mightmakeitandprosperinHooHaa. throw yourclubseffectively, andyourclan good useofyourprimitive’s specialabilities, luck. Planaheadwithyourteammate,make of tactics, cooporation, raw guts, and a little Stone Daze,anaction-packed,primalgame in adazewithbiglumponyourhead them all.Outwityourrivalclan,orleave passed, thevalleycouldnolongersustain (scholars stilldebate).However, astime ‘HooHa’, meaning‘home’or‘ourplace’ shared thegreenmeadowstheycalled Some 7,000yearsago,twoclanshappily STONE DAZE is a isa UPI 85088 Scheduled toshipin August2017. HEAVY METAL 7RPG DICE ...... Player’s Handbookhasallthe Castles & Castles & $29.99 $59.99 $29.99 PI OCT 2017 27 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES OCT 2017 28 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES WLG 402215001 INFANTRY SECTION AUSTRALIAN JUNGLE DIVISION WLG 403015015 AUSTRALIAN FLAMETHROWER,LIGHTMORTAR ANDSNIPERTEAMS UDC 88089 newly createdforthecomicseries. Unleashed initiative,plussixMonsters the Monstersfeaturedin and theInhumans,aswellmanyof Champions, theGreatLakesAvengers, Dinosaur astheybattlemembersofthe Gwenpool, andMoonGirl&Devil Unleashed canplayElsaBloodstone, 2PCG cardgame,playersinMonsters 400-card expansionforthe and baddestmonstersevercreated!A Universe againstsomeofthebiggest pits thegreatestheroesinMarvel The Crawls byNight!LotsofLeviathons! Fin FangFoom!Goom!TheThingThat MONSTERS UNLEASHED VS SYSTEM2PCG:MARVEL Monsters Unleashed initiative ...... ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. WARLORD GAMES BOLT ACTION Vs System UPPER DECK PI PI WLG 403015016 MORTAR TEAM AUSTRALIAN MEDIUM some ofthemostdeadlyPredatorhunters Dutch, Harrigan,andtheirallies,oras Players canplayasheroessuch mechanisms fromthePredatoruniverse! introduces new characters andcard 2PCG cardgame,ThePredatorBattles standalone expansionfortheVsSystem If it bleeds, we can kill it! A 200-card, THE PREDATOR BATTLES VS SYSTEM2PCG: WLG 402215003 INFANTRY SECTION AUSTRALIAN MILITIA UDC 85996 in existence! ...... PI PI PI PI

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PI PI PI WLG 502413005 SUPPORT DRONE CONCORD C3M407 CLOSE WLG 503013004 CONCORD ISO-DRONES WLG 503213002 CONCORD DRONECOMMANDER WLG 503016002 ISORIAN ISO-DRONES ...... PI PI PI PI PI WLG 502216001 TSAN RACOMMANDSQUAD WLG 452410205 PANZERMECH GERMAN THORHEAVY WLG 762610007 CHOBEIS RENEGADES WLG 203006001 (YOUNG &OLD) KAISER MAXIMILIANI WLG 203006002 GEORG VONFRUNDSBERG GOTZ VONBERLICHINGEN& ...... TEST OFHONOUR PIKE ANDSHOTTE Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. KONFLIKT 47 PI PI PI PI PI WLG 453010206 SNIPER TEAM K47 GERMANHEAVY WLG 502216002 TSAN RATORUSSQUAD WLG 762610008 DAIMYO’S RETINUE WLG 202016001 LANDSKNECHTS PIKEMEN WLG 203006003 LANDSKNECHTS OFFICERS ...... PI PI PI PI PI OCT 2017 29 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES OCT 2017 30 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES WLG B028 SCENERY SET WOC C37100000 at Baldur’s Gate on theaward-winning boardgame Based will yousuccumb to themayhemandsplit(orslaughter!) theparty? themadness,or survive and theirenemiescloser!Canyou and yourparty traitor?Playerswillhavenochoicebuttokeeptheirfriendsclose - to turn psionic blastorthewhisperingsofa derangedghostthatcausedtheirallies WOC C39720000 game isamusthaveforthestrategygamerenthusiast. pieces, includingthelargestboardevercreatedforan withrulebookupdatesandstreamlinedgameplay.returns Withover650playing Harris(theoriginalcreatorof deluxe boardgame,designedbyLarry decade ago,the hours! Themostcelebrated inafewshort occupies thegreatestcitiesofworld.Changecoursehistory goes to the side that conquers its opponents on the field of battle and liberates or marshaling yourforcesintoembattledterritories,andresolvingtheconflicts. Victory economy. strategist by planning your attacks, Show that you are a brilliant military Allied powers,youwillcommandbothyourcountry’s forcesanditswar-time military and isexpandingitsconquestsinbothEuropeAsia.ControllingoneoftheAxisor It is1941.Fivemajorpowersstruggleforsupremacy. TheAxishasgreatmomentum AXIS &ALLIESANNIVERSARY EDITION ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Axis & Allies Anniversary Edition Axis &Allies Anniversary more -ofthemagainsteachother! Was itamindflayer’s offers 50 different scenariosfilledwithdangerand dread. 50different offers ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������� WIZARDS OFTHECOAST Axis &AlliesEditionisback!Uponitsreleasenearlya until some horrific evil turns one - orpossibly until some horrific evil turns to survive theterrorsahead.Thatis, to survive Betrayal atHouse ontheHill became aninstantclassic! Now this with theirfellowadventurers catacombs, theymustwork city’s dark alleys and deadly build andexploretheiconic Baldur’s Gate,asplayers if youdare!InBetrayalat from thedarkness!Enter monsters andotherhorrors Baldur’s Gate,summoning A&A game,thisbelovedboard Bhaal hasencompassed Traitor! Theshadowof Unless Someoneisthe Never SplittheParty... BALDUR’S GATE BETRAYAL AT Axis &Allies), , Betrayal $100.00 $50.00 PI WOC C22090000 randomized backstory. feats andspells,aswellasystemtogiveplayercharactersunique, the horizonwalker, andmanymore.Alsoincludedaredozensofnew Edition Dungeons&Dragons,includingthecavalier, theinquisitive, introduces completerulesformorethantwentynewsubclasses how theycanbeputtovillainoususe. tome withhispersonalthoughtsontricks,traps,andeventreasures on “heroes” themselves, the beholder fills the pages of this observations withhisbusinessdealings.Alongside anyone foolishenoughtointerfere gooders, includingtheXanathar’s personalthoughtsonhowtodispatch advice for those of nefarious intent who must deal with such meddling do- stripe.Inaddition,you’llfindvaluable onadventurersofevery information adventurers! Assembledherein be shockedtodiscoverjusthowmuchheknowsaboutyou!Yes, you, - Waterdeep’s mostinfamouscrimelord,andabeholdertoboot.You’d Beauty isintheeyeofbeholder, TheXanathar butevilisinitsheart! XANATHAR’S GUIDETOEVERYTHING DUNGEONS &DRAGONSRPG: WOC C25150000 BOOSTER DISPLAY (36) displays. Pleasecontactyourretailer foravailability. guide. and alearn-to-play insert, foil Planesalkercard,apairofRivalsIxalanboosterpacks,strategy in pre-constructed,60-cardPlaneswalkerDecksthatincludeapremium the Ixalanblockfor greatest poweroftheplane!A196-cardsetandsecondexpansion in for controlofthisancientmetropolis.Succeed,andyouwillwield the Now, youmustoutpace, outwit,andoverpoweryourrivalsasyouvie city ofOrazcahasbeenfound,butitwillnotbeclaimedwithoutafight! Stake yourClaim!DominatetheOpposition!RuleCity!Thelegendary MAGIC THEGATHERING CCG:RIVALS OFIXALAN WOC C25180000 PLANESWAKER DECK DISPLAY (6) WOC C25170000 BUNDLE . . . �������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... Magic: TheGathering,RivalsofIxalan Xanathar’s isnew GuidetoEverything NOTE: This item issold to retailers in full Xanathar’s GuidetoEverything isintroduced $143.64 $89.94 $42.99 $49.95 Fifth

AASIMAR FEMALEPALADIN WZK73197 WZK 73057 YUAN-TI MALISONSWZK73195 WEREWOLVES WZK73194 UMBER HULKWZK73193 TIEFLING MALESORCERERWZK73201 TIEFLING FEMALESORCERERWZK73202 MIMICS WZK73192 MEDUSAS WZK73191 HUMAN MALEBARDWZK72632 GITHYANKI WZK73190 ELF MALEDRUIDWZK72641 ELF MALECLERICWZK73205 ELF MALEBARDWZK72633 ELF FEMALEDRUIDWZK72642 EARTH GENASIMALEFIGHTERWZK73203 DWARF MALEPALADIN WZK72630 DWARF FEMALECLERICWZK72625 DWARF FEMALEBARBARIANWZK72645 DROW WZK73189 DRAGONBORN MALEPALADIN WZK73200 DRAGONBORN MALEFIGHTERWZK73198 DRAGONBORN FEMALEFIGHTERWZK73199 CENTAUR WZK72575 BEHOLDER WZK73196 BALLISTA WZK72578 ADVENTURER’S CAMPSITEWZK73220 AIR GENASIFEMALEROGUEWZK73204 ...... WIZKIDS/NECA ...... Scheduled toship in October2017. you fromyourtrue enemy, Morgana! sword, Excalibur, whichwillprotect will rewardyouwith thelegendary Meet theLadyofLakeandshe rival knights,andfulfillingquests. ladies,defeating Britain, courting You willtravelthe lands ofancient ofQueenGuinevere. the heart Lancelot - who’s destined to steal goal? To beelectedFirstKnight- and obtainingKnightlyVirtues. The setting outonthequestforGrail, heroicdeeds, valor byperforming that seektoprovetheirindividual ofKingArthur Knights oftheCourt In LANCELOT ...... , you are among the Lancelot, youareamongthe ...... of-the-box. Fullycompatible primed andreadytopaintout- with highly-detailedfigures, Miniaturescome Marvelous Dungeons & Dragons Nolzur’s MINIATURES MARVELOUS D&D NOLZUR’S �������������������������������� to shipinNovember2017. they aregetting.Scheduled customers know exactly what so a clearandvisibleformat, displays theseminiaturesin painting. Thepackaging include deepcutsforeasier these fantasticminiatures Vallejowith Acrylicos paints, �������������������������������� ������������������������������� ���������������������������� $29.99 $54.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 WZK 73118 COUNTERTOP DISPLAY (8) full displays.Pleasecontactyourretailerforavailability. 2018. Scheduled to ship in February 90 randomly-filledfoilpackscontainingtwocardsandmatchingdice. aswellGravityFeedscontaining Basic ActionCards,andaRulesInsert, Action Cards, 24 Dice (two to match each character or action card), two Avengers InfinityisintroducedinDraftPackscontaining12Characteror bringing Justice,likeLightning,backto for veteran players and beginners, alike! Plus, the Thunderbolts are perfect along withcharactersneverbeforeseeninDiceMasters, With morethan30figuresboastingbrand-newversionsofclassic Avengers, Universein battles fromtheMarvel Earth’s mightiestheroesandmostnefariousvillainsclashinthegreatest MARVEL DICEMASTERS:AVENGERS INFINITY BARTENDER/DANCING GIRLWZK72588 Scheduled toshipinNovember2017. paints, thesefantasticminiaturesincludedeepcutsforeasierpainting. Vallejoand readytopaintout-of-the-box.FullycompatiblewithAcrylicos Pathfinder BattlesDeepCuts PATHFINDER DEEPCUTSUNPAINTED MINIATURES TOWNS PEOPLE (FARMER/ARISTOCRAT) WZK72585 TOWN GUARDS WZK 72583 RUSTY DRAGONBARWZK73221 INFANTRYMEN WZK73185 HUMAN FEMALEBARDWZK72610 ELF FEMALEROGUEWZK73187 ELF FEMALEPALADIN WZK72609 ELF FEMALEBARDWZK72611 DWARF MALESORCERER WZK73188 DWARF MALEBARBARIANWZK72615 DIRE WOLFWZK73184 CHILDREN WZK73183 SILVER DRAGONWZK73186 WZK 73120 GRAVITY FEED(90) ...... comewithhighly-detailed figures, primed ...... Marvel DiceMasters:Avengers Infinity Marvel ...... NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in Dice Masters! ...... Marvel DiceMasters: Marvel ������������������ Avengers Infinityis $24.99 $89.10 $79.92 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 ! OCT 2017 31 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES OCT 2017 32 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES WZK 72891 BOY CLERIC&WINGEDSNAKEWZK73321 2018. Scheduled toshipinFebruary WIZKIDS PAINTED MINIATURES 2 WHEELCART WZK73096 exactly whattheyaregetting.ScheduledtoshipinNovember2017. socustomersknow displays theseminiaturesinaclearandvisibleformat, fantastic miniaturesincludedeepcutsforeasierpainting.Thepackaging Vallejopaint out-of-the-box.FullycompatiblewithAcrylicos paints,these WizKids DeepCutscomewithhighly-detailedfigures,primedandreadyto WIZKIDS DEEPCUTSUNPAINTED MINIATURES GIRL WIZARD&GENIEWZK73323 GIRL ROGUE&BADGERWZK73324 GIRL RANGER&LYNX WZK73322 BOY FIGHTER&BATTLE DOGWZK73320 BOY DRUID&TREECREATURE WZK73319 WOODEN TABLE &STOOLSWZK72593 SWARM OFRATS WZK73089 PIRATES WZK73095 OXEN WZK73099 FAMILIARS WZK73094 BRAZIERS WZK73034 BANDITS WZK73098 CRATES WZK73090 ...... November 2017. ‘em first!Scheduled toshipin long, orsomeone elsewillnab like, grabit!But don’t wait too World. Whenyouseeaset delicious charactersofYummy and to revealallthedifferent at PicnicPalaceflipovercards delectable meet, playersinthedelightfully baked friendshipsandadventures where foodisfunandfresh- Tree, amagicallyyummyplace enchanting townofSprinkle Phil Walker-Harding! Set in the From thedesignerofSushiGo!, PICNIC PALACE YUMMY WORLD:PARTY AT ������������������������������������� ...... ��������������������������������� ������������������������������� Yummy World: Party $14.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $4.99 $6.99 $6.99 $6.99 $6.99 $6.99 $6.99 $4.99 YCW 524468 your retailerforavailability. to retailers in fulldisplays. Please contact in October 2017. in 20-countdisplays.Scheduledtoship your playwith8-cardboosterspacked sheet, andagamemanual.Supplement a 50-carddeck,playsheet,rules YCW 403876 displays. Pleasecontactyourretailerforavailability. of an eye! Scheduled to ship in October 2017. thetideofbattleinblink can turn -anabilitysostrongthey Overturn Batzz, andothermonstersgain The leaderofThunderEmpiremonsters, abilities clashinanepicBuddyfight? What happenswhentwopowerful PACK DISPLAY (30) EMPIRE VOLUME3BOOSTER TCG: OVERTURN THUNDER FUTURE CARDBUDDYFIGHT Swallowtail Decks( in two,uniqueStarter limit! strategy, will,andmagictotheabsolute as Assemble yourCastersandcallServants in arcanebattlesusingenchantedcards. magical contracts andparticipate form secret. In A mysteriousacademyhidesadark DISPLAY (20) OF DEMONSBOOSTERPACK THE CASTERCHRONICLES:ADVENT YCW 403883-D Please contactyourretailerforavailability. Scheduled toshipinOctober2017.NOTE:Thisitemissoldretailersfulldisplays. together intheThunderousWarlords AllianceTrial Deck The ThunderEmpiretakesonanewdirectionasGaoandBatzzgroweverstronger VOLUME 3TRIALDECKDISPLAY (6) FUTURE CARDBUDDYFIGHTTCG:THUNDEROUSWARLORDS ALLIANCE The CasterChroniclespushesyour The CasterChroniclesisintroduced The CasterChronicles,students & ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... Wings ofAnger)featuring ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� NOTE: This item is sold WYRD MINIATURES YY CARD WORLD Arrogant PI WYR 20135 THRALLS (2-PACK) MALIFAUX: GUILDWITCHLING YCW 524437-D your retailerforavailability. to retailers in fulldisplays. Please contact in October 2017. in 20-countdisplays.Scheduledtoship your playwith8-cardboosterspacked sheet, andagamemanual.Supplement a 50-carddeck,playsheet,rules Swallowtail &WingsofAnger)featuring Decks(Arrogant in two,uniqueStarter limit! strategy, will,andmagictotheabsolute as Assemble yourCastersandcallServants in arcanebattlesusingenchantedcards. magical contracts andparticipate form secret. In A mysteriousacademyhidesadark TERRA STARTER DECKDISPLAY (5) ARROGANT SWALLOWTAIL - THE CASTERCHRONICLES: NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in full The CasterChroniclespushesyour The CasterChroniclesisintroduced The CasterChronicles,students forFutureCardBuddyfight...... NOTE: This item is sold $18.00 PI PI PI YCW 524420-D displays. Pleasecontactyourretailerforavailability. 2017. in 20-countdisplays. Scheduled toshipinOctober Supplement yourplaywith8-cardboosterspacked deck, aplaysheet,rulesandgamemanual. Swallowtail &WingsofAnger)featuringa50-card Decks( introduced intwo,uniqueStarter magic totheabsolutelimit! The CasterChronicles as cards. Assemble your Castersandcall Servants inarcanebattlesusingenchanted and participate magicalcontracts Caster Chronicles,studentsform A mysteriousacademyhidesadarksecret.In DECK DISPLAY (5) WINGS OFANGER-INGUSSTARTER THE CASTERCHRONICLES: ZMG ZF001 Gaia Project!Scheduledtoship inNovember2017. your course inthecosmos federations. Chart powerful planets toform structures togenerateresources,researching newtechnology, anduniting stand readytoboldlytaketheirfirst stepsintothecosmoswhilebuilding you seek to tighten your grasp on the galaxy. factions different Fourteen planetstomeetyourfaction’sand convert uniqueenvironmentalneedsas Project, thefollow-upto Set yoursightsondistantstarsand strivetocolonizethegalaxyin GAIA PROJECT: ATERRAMYSTICAGAME NOTE: Thisitemissoldtoretailersinfull ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... pushes yourstrategy, will,and The CasterChronicles Terra Mystica!Explorethevastreachesofspace Z-MAN GAMES ZMG ZM7814 November 2017. to organizeyourtiles.Scheduledshipin ransom. AlsoincludedisaTile Tower accessory capturing theirfollowersandholdingthemfor grow taller, anddisruptotherplayers’plansby players. Plus, gain newactions as yourtowers direct, strategicmethodofinteractingwithother to spotyouropponents’meeples,givingyoua and 30towerfloors,youcanconstructtowers a wholenewperspective!With18Landtiles Climb THE TOWER CARCASSONNE: EXPANSION 4- The Tower andseeCarcassonnefrom Arrogant . The ...... is PI $99.99 $19.99 Gaia You’re humanity’s lastchance!ScheduledtoshipinNovember2017. of history. No matter what happens, though, the world is counting on you. and bringingyouclosertothedarksecretsthatcouldchangecourse future games Each step you take leaves its mark on the world, affecting youpasttheedgeof knownworld. duringthistimewill carry efforts the suppliestheyneedwhileunravelingmysteriesofplague.Your hangsinthebalance.It’ssurvival uptoyougetthelastremainingcities 2, theworldhasbeenravagedbyavirulentplagueandhumanity’s very into theunknown,andchangeworld!InPandemicLegacy:Season The world did its best. It wasn’t good enough. Gather your gear, venture and ravaged the world. Most died within a week. Nothing could stop it. The worldalmostended71yearsago.plaguecameoutofnowhere PANDEMIC: LEGACYSEASON2 ZMG ZM7173 YELLOW EDITION ZMG ZM7172 BLACK EDITION ZMG KN28 ScheduledtoshipinNovember 2017. only thestrongsurvive! and gainaccesstoasmanyoases asyoucan.Inthisharshenvironment, Expand yourcaravanswiselybymaking useofthescatteredwaterholes alike astheyvieforthebesttrade routesinthisregionofthewilderness. lookthatwillappealtolongtimefansandnewplayers amodern sports ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ �������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������� Reiner Kniziaclassic This version of the for twotofiveplayers! in the desert surviving a thrilling game of Through theDesert of yourowntribein camel andtakecharge Africa. Mountyour cities inWest andNorth commerce between tofacilitate Desert throughout theSahara and maintainedtrade merchants established For centuries,Tuareg THE DESERT THROUGH $44.99 $79.99 $79.99 , OCT 2017 33 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES