John Wagner,,Henry Flint,Enrique Alcanta | 208 pages | 09 Oct 2014 | Rebellion | 9781781082539 | English | Oxford, United Kingdom Predator Versus Versus Aliens by

Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. It was also published simultaneously in the digital format via Dark Horse Digital. It collects together the Aliens and Predator crossover comics involving the character Judge Dredd that had been published up to that point; specifically, it collects Predator versus Judge Dredd and Judge Dredd versus Aliens: Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens: Incubus and More. It's up to Dredd to keep innocent blood out of the gutters of Mega-City One as he holds off the universe's most efficient killing machines. This wiki. This wiki All wikis. Sign In Don't have an account? Start Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens: Incubus and More Wiki. Do you like this video? This article covers a licensed crossover event that has been deemed non-canon by either the author or the vs. Predator licensees, and thus should not be taken as a part of the "real" Alien vs. Predator universe. Predator crossover comics to ever see a release in the digital format. The later digital release of the series Predator vs. Aliens: Splice and Dice uniquely means that all three of the crossover stories featuring Judge Dredd are available in this format. Categories :. Universal Conquest Wiki. Predator vs Judge Dredd vs Aliens: Who Won Comics' Ultimate Brawl?

Judge Dredd vs. Aliens is an intercompany crossoverfeaturing Judge Dredd and the Alien from the Alien franchise. A shoot out in a traffic jam, an all too common occurrence in the teeming and turbulent Mega-City Oneinevitably draws the attention of the judges. Carlos Lenning a. Jeremiah, the anti-judicial activist, is in hot pursuit of Jimson James "Jimmy" Godber, a small-time crook, headed for Eisenhower Hospital. But Godber only arrives inside in time for a chestburster to erupt from his chest. Judge Dredd gets on the case and summons the Verminator team in order to follow up the various leads on the criminal associates of the late Godber. The Verminators seal off the hospital and begin Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens: Incubus and More search. Meanwhile, the judges learn that Godber had planned to exploit the Aliens for illegal pit fighting and wagering, leading them in turn to Godber's warehouse hideout and a deadly clutch of Alien eggs. They also find Godber's dead neighbor, murdered in revenge for Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens: Incubus and More pollution, and the dead husks of face huggers. Suddenly Judge Brubaker is ambushed by a live facehugger suddenly hatching from an egg. Leaping to his defense, the Verminators discover that Aliens bleed deadly acid. The Judges have underestimated the danger and are losing control, as the Alien attacks. As the body count rises steeply, the judges rush back to the hospital where things are just as bad. Evacuating the hospital they eventually eliminate a second alien, but then reassessing the trace evidence leads to the conclusion that there may already be many more Aliens on the loose. Jeremiah's driver, Futsie, is still at large. Futsie has descended into the Undercity where he meets with Mr Bonesthe architect of the entire evil plan. Walking with Futsie ever deeper into his lair, Bones outlines his plan for the 'Incubus' as he calls the Aliens. Bones discovered them during his days as a space pirate and brought some back to serve his scheme for revenge upon Mega-City One. It rapidly becomes clear that there is already a vast hive beneath the city ready to be unleashed. Throwing Futsie to the monsters, Bones prepares the final stages of his dastardly plan. The Alien hive has been cultivated directly beneath the Grand Hall of Justice and Bones deploys a shaped charge to blow an entry for hordes of killer aliens into the Grand Hall. Things look grim for the judges, even backed by assault squads and the Verminators. Judge Giant, with the command codes, is able to fight his way to the sub-armory to activate the four Mechanismo robo-judges, finally turning the tide and repelling the Aliens back underground. But in the struggle, the raw recruit Judge Sanchez is taken by the enemy, and Dredd goes in alone to bring her back. They both become Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens: Incubus and More in the rescue. Dredd and Sanchez must find the way to destroy the Aliens and save themselves. Bones wears a special device to prevent the Aliens from turning upon him. As they escape, Dredd and Sanchez destroy Bones device, leaving Bones to be torn apart by the Aliens. Then upon discovery of the Alien Queenthe source of all the eggs, Dredd and Sanchez open fire upon a nearby geothermal heating tower to Mega-City One above, in hopes of releasing the magma to destroy her. But the geothermal heating tower proves too solidly constructed until Packer, leader of the Verminators, soaring in to the fray, fires upon the geothermal heating tower with her own heavier weaponry. The ensuing magma flow finally wipes out the deadly Alien hordes. Dredd and Sanchez escape Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens: Incubus and More doctors remove the chestbursters just in time before they can erupt. The doctors are eager to study the extracted Alien chestbursters, but thinking better of that idea, Judge Dredd summarily executes the deadly creatures. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Aliens" Judge Dredd vs. Art by Greg Staples. Science fiction. Judge Dredd Vs. Films and television series. Alien: The Illustrated Story. USS Sulaco Alien. Accolades for the film series Alien War Alien vs. Predator franchise. Judge Dredd. Mega-City One. Aliens Judgement on Gotham Predator vs. Hardware Judge Dredd Dredd. Death Judge Dredd role-playing game Judge Dredd pinball. Categories : Judge Dredd storylines in comics Science fiction comics Alien franchise comics Intercompany crossovers limited series. Hidden categories: Redundant infobox title param Comics infobox image less alt text Story arc pop. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Add links. John Wagner Andy Diggle. Films Hardware Judge Dredd Dredd. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens - Wikipedia

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens: Incubus and More Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Henry Flint Illustrations. Dredd is the most lethal of the highly-trained and obscenely well-armed law enforcement agency known as the Judges, tasked with keeping the sprawling metropolis of Mega-City One from descending into chaos and anarchy. But now Dredd and the other Judges are all that stand between the universe's most efficient killing machines and the annihilation of every living being in th Dredd is the most lethal of the highly-trained and Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens: Incubus and More well-armed law enforcement agency known as the Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens: Incubus and More, tasked with keeping the sprawling metropolis of Mega-City One from descending into chaos and anarchy. But now Dredd and the other Judges are all that stand between the universe's most efficient killing machines and the annihilation of every living being in the city--criminal or innocent. Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. More Details Judge Dredd Reading Order. Other Editions 3. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Nov 07, L. McCoy rated it really liked it Shelves: actioncomics-and-graphic-novelscrimedark-horsehooplahorrorsci-fisuperheroreviewed. Alright so this review is going to be slightly different than usual, just really quick thoughts on the 2 stories in this book and the overall book. I thought this book was a story about Dredd having to take on both predators and xenomorphs at the same time, that would be nuts. That being said it is still a fun book. Judge Dredd vs Predator- This story is full of action and is surprisingly suspenseful. Judge Dredd vs Alien- A great comic with lots of bloody action and fantastic art Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens: Incubus and More show it off. The characters in this story are more interesting than the ones in the Predator story by far. Overall: This book is great even if the title is misleading. If you want something kind of mindless and actiony what else would you expect from any of these properties this is an excellent choice so yeah, I really like this. Jul 10, Alex Sarll added it. Two crossovers which, on paper, shouldn't work except at the basic year-old 'Who'd win a fight out of.? And indeed, the Predator one isn't much cop; it's hunting Judges, the Judges are determined to make the Predator prey, and we Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens: Incubus and More through the expected boxes including Dredd admitting how much they have in common without much spark of novelty or life beyond Two crossovers which, on paper, shouldn't work except at the basic year-old 'Who'd win a fight out of.? And indeed, the Predator one isn't much cop; it's hunting Judges, the Judges are determined to make the Predator prey, and we tick through the expected boxes including Dredd admitting how much they have in common without much spark of novelty or life beyond Arnie's gun-shy great- great-granddaughter, and even she hardly gets fleshed out enough to care about. But the Aliens one Classic Dreddand probably one of the top three Aliens stories, although I do also retain a soft spot for their meeting with the WildCATs. Jun 28, David Sarkies rated it really liked it Shelves: sci-fi. However, a number of years ago they came up with an idea of seeing how aliens would fare against the predator, and then a couple of years later they decided that it might be a good idea to see what would happen if you crossed an alien with a predator. Basically the comic is divided into two parts, the first where a Predator decides to come to Megacity One and start hunting people, namely judges because they happen to be the most hunt worthy opponents in the city, and the second one is where a hive of aliens are let lose in the city. Obviously, this is going to test the justice department to the extreme. Of course, there has to be a final showdown between Dredd and the Predator, but the aliens, well, they happen to be a completely Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens: Incubus and More story. With the predator, the premise is pretty simple — he turns up at Megacity One, and starts having a lot of fun with the various Judges that are trying to track them down, that is until Dredd gets onto the case, and even though he is wounded, he does end up succeeding in the end. With the aliens or the incubi as they are referred to hereit is a completely different story. Obviously there are going to be some timeline issues, namely because I suspect that the alien movies occur concurrently with, or subsequent to, the Judge Dredd time lines. Oh well, this is a cross-over comic anyway, and we only want to see how they go up against the various alien beasties as they are let Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens: Incubus and More on the city. Obviously, there is much more of a plot here, starting with a lone alien lose in a hospital, to a whole horde of them being released onto the city. Not surprisingly, where there is a horde, there is also going to be a queen, and Judge Dredd is certainly going to be humbled in this regards. Yeah, these stories were actually pretty cool. View 1 comment. Nov 20, Robert rated it liked it Shelves: xseasoncomics-graphics. Never a doubt about the outcomes but nice curio pieces anyway. View all 4 comments. Feb 09, Zack! Empire rated it liked it Shelves: dark-horse. It's basically what you would expect. I'm definitely interested in reading more though. Apr 21, Shannon Lush rated it really liked it. Dark Horse has an unfortunate 'house style' of overly inking and heavily shading artwork, which reduces the visual impact and makes colours 'pop' a lot less. Granted, every disparate comic property represented in this collection has dark and gritty roots and is generally presented in all their media forms as dark, but it is pretty distracting; it makes for a muddled and unsatisfying experience when the reader is unable to discern proper movement or shapes. The stories themselves are not bad at al Dark Horse has an unfortunate 'house style' of overly inking and heavily shading artwork, which reduces the visual impact and makes colours 'pop' a lot less. The stories themselves are not bad Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens: Incubus and More all. Not a lot of build-up, which is fine; all that the plots require is to pit the Predators or Aliens against Judge Dredd as quickly as Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens: Incubus and More. What backstory there is remains serviceable enough to hurriedly get to the match-ups. Both Predator and Aliens are depicted as viscous killing machines that really rack up a body count on Dredd and his Mega City Police force, and that is how it should be; Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens: Incubus and More was good to see the rather one-dimensional Dredd, normally merely a cypher for writers and artists to address fears of a police state and loss of due process, here given more to do; he sleuths out clues to the creature's whereabouts, changes tactics on the fly, and generally is a leader that can and does inspire others around him. Dystopian SF are uniquely interesting and the merging of these different properties worked Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens: Incubus and More well in that setting. Sweet Grud in a basket this was fun. It's two stories, the first sees a Predator take on Mega City One's finest while the second has Old Stoney Face tackle a whole bunch of xenomorphs. So the cover picture is a tad misleading - he doesn't take on both at once I mean that just wouldn't be realistic would it? The first tale, written by Dredd co-creator John Wagner, has plenty of satisfactory action and doesn't outstay its welcome. Dutch Schaefer's ancestor pops up as a pacifist with a "pyschic Sweet Grud in a basket this was fun. Dutch Schaefer's ancestor pops up as a pacifist with a "pyschic link" to the Predator look, it's not Shakespeare. She tries to convince Dredd to resolve the situation with communication - "there doesn't need to be any more killing. The second story, "Incubus", dials it up to 11 with some terrific artwork by Henry Flint, reminiscent of the late great Carlos Ezquerra. The Aliens here fall into the "pawns of an evil mastermind" category, a mutant psychopath by the name of Mr. Bones - he's hiding in Mega City's undercity, much like Predator did in the first story. There's a nice "rookie comes good" subplot, nods to the "Aliens" movie and more trademark 'AD' humour. I liked the TV newsreader's reassuring words to his audience: "Do not panic. There's more chance of being attacked and killed by a member of your family than an alien. Jul 22, Flavio rated it really liked it. Perhaps it was Andy Diggle assistance. Perhaps it was the fact it was longer than the first one, with more room for development. Sep 12, Sebastian Song rated it it was ok. The classic who will win in a fight is all there is in the first series and it is the weaker of the two. The second series had potential but fell flat mid stream. A pity considering how cool all three characters are. Some gorgeous art from Jock as always and some interesting storytelling, and even though as an antagonist I prefer The Predator to Aliens, I think the plotting was better in the Aliens story. However, it's always fun to spend time with Judge Dredd so a good read overall. An interesting look at what would happen if the deadliest extraterrestrials in the universe attacked Mega-City-One. Some portions of the story were interesting, but the stories did not produce anything particular new in either mythos. Mar 14, Keith rated it it was amazing.