1 II II -■ 11 ■■ -■ .'1-.. -■ 1 I. ■■ 1 ------“ i —. — .... ■■ SPECIAL NOTICES. mum thermometer, 62.0; minimum tber ^nlon §up- oC these " Telograpta Company, wanted to uso them. Both WnAT mometer, 61.0; maximum velooltv I plementeu advices from OH, A WHOPPER! IT mi BE HELPED. by private letter were found in wind, 15, NW; total precipitation, .0. ®e for in Phillips’s pocket by GAVE SHERIFF FIVER v. wlll have company CARPET CLEANSING- ine cabinet chamber, Secretary Olney, DIED TOGETHER. Cloroner Rich. Weather Observations. "®“r®taryfCarllsle and Secretary Morton, ;wno do The Agricultural Department weathe: not propose to vote tomorrow, Or Steam aeoretary Lament, who votes in New G From the woman who claims to be Mr. Scouring, bureau for yesterday, November 2, takei •tors: Mr. Tells and Postmaster General Wilson Phillips’s sister, and who gave her name A process for Woolen Rugs, Mats, &c. Of Mis To at 6 meridian tbe observa EMian Sun Carpets, Bryan Trip p. m., time, McKinley’s As Sure As ".“o T<>tea In Charleston, W. Va. Both Nelson Outlaws restores the coL as Eva Thompson the following facts were Irhich cleanses without beating, tlon for each station in thii *“e will come direct- Caught Yesterday being given , jatter gentlemen or to afc Sew to learned about the dead woman and her original brilliancy, . order: Temperature, direotlon of thi Rises. ly Washington after depositing their Murder and Suicide on Pearl Ballot agaimat the free silver husband. According to this story Mrs. at Guilford. state of tbe weather: Chioago Wind, notet. None mem- FOSTER'S FOREST CITY of the other asbent Phillips had met her husband some years Boston, 62 degrees, N, clear; New of the cabinet will be able to be P®ra In one of the Boston theaties. At York, 61 degrees, W, clear; Philadelphia, this city befoie Wednesday. Street. ago DYE HOUSE SAI’S SILVER 62 60 de that time Mrs. was SENTIMENT HERE IS degrees, SW, clear; Washington, EVEN PACIFIC COAST SEEMS TO BE Phillips taking A?hD steam 48 ONE TELLS STRANGE STORY grees, S, dear, Albany, degrees, N, BRAVE MINERS. small parts in burlesque companies and OF MOST ARDENT clear; Buffalo,46 degrees, E, partly oloudy; REPUBLICAN. appearing in the choruses. was HIS FORMER Detroit, 66 degrees, 6E, cloudy ;Chioago,61 Phillips ESCAPE. Carpet Cleaning Works, degrees, S, rain; St. Paul, 38 Crushed to Death In Endeavor to Save a lithographer by trade, and fell in love 18 Prebla St. Telephone Connection. degrees, SW, oloudy; Huron, Dak., 26 degrees, W, Fellow Workman. with Fannie Thompson, and about a VARIETY snow; Bismarck, 26 degrees, NW, snow ACTRESS SHOT BY the two were married. But for Fopocrat Candidate Winds Up His Cam- year ago Jacksonville, 68 degrees, NE cloudy. Betting Three to Oue That Oregon Will Bribed a Sheriff to Let November 2.—An aooi- some reason the pair did not get on well Him Go—Pushed paign At Omaha—A Trip Over Pottsfleld, Pa., HER Flying Go Republican—Conservative Estimate. HUSBAND. The Latter Over and dent from a cause lost together and having Mrs. Ban—Two Men His Own State—Gold Numer- SHOT BY A GIRL. resulting singular quarrelled, Badges Gives North Dakotah to . Are Bound Republican the lives of two meu and a fatal injury Phillips returned home and refused to Hand and Foot and Taken But ous, Generally Well Received. From of Reports Nearly Every Doubtful a third as Paaker Colliery, No. 2 at live longer wltn her husband. She had To Foxcroft. Unfortunate Accident to a Bowdoin Col- November State of Dike Nature. Girardville this afternoon. Thomas obtained this engagement at the Palace Lincoln, Nebraska, 2.—Wil- Foxoroft, November 2.—Foster and liam J. tbe of lege Student. Welsh, John Hallorau Joseph Staum and through a friend, and the woman who Bryan began closing day Chicago, November 2. —Weather con- Wallace Nelson of who have g" claims to be her Clinton, bis memuiial tour tbls Michael Naok were at work in the mine. Who Followed Her sister had come down to been campaign early ditions and the predictions made by the Here from Home fugitives from justice over two A train to which Welch had drivon a hole In the face of Portland with her to appear for a few morning. special Berlin, N. H., November 2.— James government experts took precedence over weeks, were captured today at Guilford was attached the car ■' the breast, in which he put his blast. in weeks at Manager Littlefield’s theatre. private “Idler, lelt H. Horne, a Bowdoin college student presidential politics at the National cam- Boston. by Deputy Sheriff Nichols of Foxoroft. the station here at 6.45 this He applied the match to the squib nud The bouse at 69 Pearl street, occupied Burlington from Berlin, was aooidentally shot in paign headquarters here today. Hanna Niohois received word October 24th that for the final of the hastened for a of shelter. He had by Manager L'ttlefiela where Mrs. LUNG PROTECTORS. morning journey tbe thigh today by a young lady he was and his associates who remained at head- plaoe they wero in Monaon. He went there Democratic candidate before election gone but a few feet when a large lump Phillips and Eva Thompson lived la the Visiting in Groveton. He is a leading quarters today, expressed their indi&er- but they had gone. This morning at half with a of ooal rolled his foot pinning him second house on the left hand side of CHAMOIS VESTS. day. Mr, and Mrs. Bryan, num- college athlete. He was taken to the enoe as to what the weather would be, upon past eloven he received word from Guil- ber of and fast to the ground. Momentarily expect- Pearl street below Federal, and only a national uomlneel Nebraska Maine General hospital. The weapon saying that McKinley would be eleoted COUPLE HAD PARTED IN THAT ford that they were there. He bitched the while ing the explosion of the blast he oried short distance from the bouse In which supporters, oooupied Idler, was a 32-oalibre revolver. by such an vote that they up a team and caught up with them Hot Water Bottles. overhelming for CITY YEAH another murder just others of lesser note were on board an- help. ONE HEFOHE. and suicide—that of after could afford to lose some stay at homes The other three men wore working passing Sangersville bridge. other At the first Settle Godfrey who was shot and killed coaoh. very stopping (Inquiries at the Maine General hos- on account of any bad weather that near, and disregarding the danger to He turned and they went into the were themselves ran to Welsh’s resoue. by George Young who afterwards killed The new stock is now place, Seward, gold badges displayed pital in this oity and at the Central might come. they bridge. Nlohols had.brought a revolver In At They had scarcely reached him when the himself—occurred last August. These ready. large numbers. York, yellow Maine hospital at Lewiston, elected the Mr. Hanna received a from aod jumped out as he onto the dispatch blast exploded, bringing down with it two got ribbons were very noticeable there tragedies are similar in many re- among faol that Mr. tforne was in neither of the chairman of the Oregon state com- a mass of coal upon the men. Halloran bridge. He pulled the weapon on them and the fnot that oocurred so tbe crowd of 2000. and Staum were crushed to death and Husband Came Her. to Indace Woman to spects they and those] places. mittee stating that a poll of the itate marched them np hill to Wm. Mor- It will soon be cold A of thousand Welch was fatally Injured. Nack escaped near one another la a strange coinci- oouple people gathered just completed showed 4500 majority for Return to Him—Failing iu That He Fut gan’s residence where their bands were enough for them. with slight hurts. dence. The house is of brick and is a to bear Mr. Bryan at Aurora. Consid- and tied And LOOKING FOR SQUALLS. McKinley, that the state was abso- a by Morgan George Thompson, Bullet Through Her Head and Then very neat looking Manager oooooo erable cheering of MoKiuley vras inter- lutely sure. dwelling. Nichols tied their CAMPAIGN ENDS AT CANTON. chop feet, put them Shot Himself.—Victim wal Known Littlefield ocoupied the upper tenement posed with the enthusiasm of the Brjan- The California state chairman tele- into the wagon and into Nelson’s In the and getting ites. At Bad Weather Expected Central William E. Brown lives in the lower H. HAY & , gold badges were few, graphed that the state could be surely Here as Hattie Marston and Flayed in wagon towed them here. Foster Nelson H, SON, West Friday, B1 Mass Meeting and Senenade of part of the house. There are several white ribbons, bearing tbe word depended on to cast its electoral for Mo- g Major said that he was in the field of Palace Theater.—Man was Alonzo Phil- working in two-lnob letters people residing in this house besides Mr. MIDDLE ST. “Bryan" were pinned Kinley. McKinley. George Dickson when Sheriff Viles earns From the ohairman of the of Boston. Brown and Manager Littlefield but none on tbe hats and breasts of men women Washington November 2.—Tbe mete- Washington lips over and said he was wanted at hia state committee came a that the and children. his message of them seemed to know much about During speeoh Bryan orologioaltforecasters^are.Uacertlan about state for November 2.—The bouse. 2 might go Bryan, being very Canton, campaign At about 7.30 o’olook last night a Mrs. and Eva said: "Since I left Nebraska I have the conditions which will iu the m llflh ill (Inn IlF Vu.iF D<\nnV>l(nnv.n Phillips Thompson, who prevail in Canton closed with a of all the Not knowing of the he went parade murder and suicide oooHrred in the lodg- a room on complaint as far east as would elect state and occupied the second floor of been the Kennebec, and I doubtful states of tbe middle west to- the; congressional Republican marching dubs of the over and found a number of teams tickets and the city ing house of Mr. Littlefield, 69 Pearl the house. The attended want to ^tell you that no matter what morrow. There is In carry legislature. girls the DR. E. B. absolutely nothing Exeoutive Committeeman an d uncommonly larga mass meetings mound the house, MoNamy asked him REED, Leland, who street. Alonzo G. Phillips, a litho- theatre and had Scientific, Botanic and Healer tbe papers may say, there is a sliver sen- the weather conditions to prevent every has performances regularly to out behind the Magnetic been in Kansas for the some time, at me j.auornaoie anuresseu uy rsepucn- who lived at 33 Clarendon go barn and said if bs removed from 113 Free street to 42 Brown grapher, —--- wuv »» » 1U timent in Massachusetts and Maine that farmer in New England, tbe Middle wired Mr. Hanna the CUC would the street., Portland, Me. Treats all old chronic guaranteeing cnns of looal reputation. MoKlnley was shot and killed give him, sheriff, five dollars electoral vote of that state for the Can- street, Boston, instantly house. and complicated diseases that the flesh is heir is as intense as it is in Nebraska." States and South from reaohlng the not present at this demonstration. After him he ton citizen. his Fannie and then shot and push down, coaid escape. to. The only step necessary is to call at the the the clubs marched to the wife, Phillips (Cheers.) polls however distant. The wester slope meeting, The prisoner five dollars and Doctor’s office and let him examine your case. S. November 2.—The residence of where and instantly killed himself. On a man paid pushed Brief speeches were made In other of tbe has Yankton, D., Major McKinley they Saturday night appeared at All oases at a distance treated by letter; full Mississippi valley been tho- are him down. He had got twenty rods places. Young meu in coats of Bryanites claiming South Dakota by tendered the candidate a eerenade. Major The woman, who has been appearing the Palaoe theatre and for away name, age, color of eyes and place of residence, gold, soaked in the last three Inquired and women in roughly or four only£3l>U0 tonight The Republican com- McKinley in respones to the loud calls when the sheriff got up “I’ll $1.00 and stamp. Only the best veetable young golden-hned capes on the stage of the Palace theatre during Hattie Marston. He was told where the crying, kill wnrA HnAttarnd thrnncrh t.h« nrntnH nf 1 mittee hold to their claim of more than made a was medicines are used in my practice. Office hours days and even lu Kansas and Nebraska speech. Major McKinley and bred seven shots over his 8000 for the last two weeks as a un- woman was and after you,’’ 9 a. m. to 12 m., 1 to 9 p. m. oct!91m lstp at Friend. Lincoln a final McKinley. oheered fall and confident tonight. He variety actress, staying the per- people gave teaming la so heavy that another gener- head. By this time he had reached the hearty ratification of Austin, Texas, November 2.—Chair- deolined to make any statement further der the name of Hattie Marston,bad quar- formance at the theatre was over he went Bryana’s oandldaoy al shower would make tbe many Door man than to say that his advices from woods. during the half hour spent here this eve- Blake of the Bryan aud Sewall com- every reuea wion ner nusDana about a } ear ago to 69 Pearl street and found the woman. roads almost were uf a nature. ning on his passage through, to Omaha, impassable. mittee is claiming the state by 160,000 quarter reassuring and bad refused to live with him since. She did not appear very glad to see him. AFTER FIVE YEARS. LO V RS Omaha,Neb., November 2.—Wm.J.Bry- This stay at home state of affairs is plurality over McKinley. The silver leaders it will Phillips followed the woman to Port- in fact she was much disconoorted when an’s came to an end in Oma- worse in and here say not exoeed 25,000. Of music who have never had the advantages campaign Oregon Wasliingtun*tban THE WALDOBORO MURDER. The Populist leaders claim 50 cent of land, and in a fit of jealousy or anger he but there was no row or Man Arrested For Murder of E. E. ha tonight. Never before in the history else in the per appeared, Moore of a musical education are amazed and delight- anywhere Union. There is their in Texas will vote for Mc- of the oity bad feeling run so high party fired the two shot which terminated the angry words between and of ed to find the whole realm of music to party eure to;be and them, they Waldoboro. opened on a pretty rain, perhaps snow Kinley, and that he will have a plurality the eve of national election and Particulars of the Shooting of Edwin Mink career of both the woman and treated one them the use of an of earthly another as if they had al- through Aeolian, without rumors that pointed to encoun- or hail, in nothern Michigan, Wisconsin 16,000. pereonal Bis Brother. himself. lie machine effects so offensive to a musical by ways been as thiok as turtle doves. The [SPECIAL TO THE ters between the supporters of the nation- and Minnesota. not of a suffi- Memphis, Tenn., November 2.—Repub- PBESS.] Showers, Mrs. name before her )ar. al tickets caused an uneasy feeling licans now claim the state by 20, COO ma- Phillip’s marriage people in the house of 69 Pearl street cient Intensity to deter ardent voters, are Waldoboro, November 0.— This fore- throughout the community, fortunate- jority. was Thompson and she was the daughter knew that the man w ho had fearod in A Waldoboro to the Kennebeo strange ar- noon was enaoted another ly no clashes occurred. The Michigan, but the 200 mile despatch scene in the imposing Fargo, N. D., November 2.—A conserv- of Orville Thompson, a teamster of Bos- rived was the husband of one of the did not on oirole with Journal gives the girls drama of oriminal affairs which is AEOLIAN RECITALS DAILY Republican parade appear Springfield, 111., as the cen- ative estimate gives the Republican following particulars ton. giv- Farnam the Although the fatal shots were fired occupying the room up stairs, but be- street, principal thorough- tre, the line outtlng well into Indiana, tioket about 2500 majority. of the murder of Edwin Mink by his ing unusual quiet Waldoboro an unen- To wliich all ara cordially invited. fare until Mr. Bryan hau left it. Mr. at 7.30 o’olock, the tragedy was not dis- foml this was known about him. Illinois, Iowa, Missouri and Portland, (Oregon, November 2.—Ret- brother Orrin in that town, Friday after- nothing viable notoriety. Following ‘close upon Bryan arrived soon after 8. No organized Kentucky, covered until 10.30 when Eva ting is 8 to 1 on McKinley in this state. o’olock, Phillips, for it whs he who had come parade bad beeu arranged by the Demo- is an area that might be affeoted by the noon: the fratrloide at North Waldoboro with The result will be very olose. Thompson, a sister of the murdered lowu to try and induce his wife to re- cratic manager* and the band and a only “low” on the United States In a little one story white house on the all its revolting details comes the an- map. November 2.— Re- woman returned home from the theatre. turn to number of supporters fell into ltue indis- Seattle, Washington, Jefferson road, about one mile from the Boston, passed Saturday and nouncement of the arrest of Here the weather bureau sharps are lenders claim that Henry O. criminately aDd composed Mr.Bryan’s es- publican this state JNorsh Waldoboro post office, lives Jutham About two weeks ago Mrs. Phillips, Sunday out of the THE M.STElRT&SONSCO. for will for An nights house, pre- Soule of on an indlotment cort. Not an lnoh of space was available looking squalls. go McKinley. impartial fore- tS. with his wife and five children. Waldoboro, Mink, the murdered woman, and her Bister Eva luraably at one of the hotels, but spent St. iD the theatre when he arrived. His cast indicates a vlotory for Just across the road in a still smaller for manslaughter rendered by the grand T.C.McGouIdrie, Mgr.,517 Congress Bryan. came to Portland from Boston nost was on the lines of u Thompson of bis time with his wife at her ___tflstp-urmeod speaeh that delivered St. Louis, November 2.—The Demo- house lived sou, Edwin D. Mink, with jury at Wisousset Saturday. at Hastings today. Mr. Bryan also spoke CUBAN OFFICERS ARRIVE. a girl named Cora N. Green. and stopped at the Durant house. They •oom on Pearl street. Eva crats tonfgbt claim 70,000 majoiity in Thompson, Deteotive Ira M. Tnre of Hallowell, ao. in Germania Metz ball and Moran The Minks are not over- were to a three weeks’ hall, this state, and the Republicans 50,000. apparently engaged play en- is she 1s called was with the couple a where the waslunder the Dlosaed with hue companled by Sheriff Charles F. Choate, hail, meeting worldly goods, general- at the Palaoe theatre on Con- The Men Indiauapoiis, Ind., November 2.— gagement jreat deal of the time, tut did not bear direction cf the Bwedlsh bimetallist Report Gomez’s In Good Health ly speaking were about average people. arrived on the forenoon train from the Chairman Martin of state gress street and were to aDpenr in them league, and Creighton hall. Each were and thejDemocratio The father has a small farm and the buys | quarrelling any, and in fact west and to Confident. committee and Gov. Matthews both Immediately proceeded crowded to the doors. worked in a mill near and this vaudeville parts. Soon after arranging on well claim® the state for not less by, by ihougbt they got very together. Soule’s house when he was arrested by Bryan by means earned their living. with Littlefield of the than Chairman deolines Manager Palaoe, Zesterday Phillips and his wife were to- "5,000. Gowdy As tar as oould be learned Detective True and turned over to the WORMSII Handreds of Children and adnltshave worms R Key West, Fla., November inquiries 2.—Col. at bis the two bat are THE WEATHER. J. to reduce the claim of to play theatre, women {ether about all and at seveD o’olock III treated for other diseases. The symp- w Republican 26,000. about the neighborhood, the Minks were day oustody of Sheriff Cboate. He was tak- Ul toraa are—indigestion, with a variable R M. »p- Ortega Major Acutplsore and Lieuts. and well as a movnd to 69 Pearl street, where Mr. vhen Eva started for II petite; foul tongue; offensive breath; hard quiet disposed people gen- Thompson the en to the this afternoon. V] Garcia and The Trend Toward McKinley. county jail II and full belly, with occasional gripings and /ft Felix Rios, special commis- eral thine, but the boys were addioted to Littlefield resides, and hired a room of Palaoe Mrs. said that I, Boston, November theatre, Phillips has been work- if pains about the navel; heat and itching sensa- use Detective True quietly tion (I sioner from Gen. Gomez to the Linoolu, Neb.,November 2.—Eliminat- the of liquor, and whenever they in the rectum and about the anus: eyes U 2. —Local foreoast Cuban him for the rest of their stay In Port- ihe was up to the theatre in a Vj the was going very on this case for about four and M heavy and dull; itching of thenose; short, ary 7/ Junta In the ing effect of W. J. Bryan’s trip would set intoxicated there sure to ing years d. of the United States, arrived land. Manager Littlefield did not know ew minutes. WheD Eva cough; grinding t?eth; starting daring ( [ for Tuesday: Fair through Nebraska today, which none be trouble, more or less serious, and it is Thompson left the six months has been deli- sleep; slow fever; and often in oon- in during past ijj children, ) \ this city this morning on the schooner has been to his the to this source that the of Mrs. by her right name, as the ;be house Mrs. III vulaions. The best worm remedy made is A* variable winds. deny benefit, politionl tragedy briday Phillips Phillips was seated in a evidence which would Irene trend of be gently collecting No- from Nassau. They were 14 days the state for the past 3(3 boors afernoon can direotly tracer!. woman had given him the name of rooking ohair near the window Washington, sewing warrant an indictment. In WORM out from the of has been favorably to the Republicans. On that day Mr. and Mrs. Mink were working up { TPlSlf£5f! vember 2. — Fore- camp Gomez. They state Hattie Marstou when she signed her op a rent in her brown and her hus- For this some of the' Populist supporters away and the children took advantage of sack, the case he has had the active assistance' that Generals Sanchez and contract with him. I I Hilt 5elixir! cast for Tuesday Serafiu, of Mr. Bryan are to blame. Meetings to- thoir absence to have a good time. There oand was also In the room talking with .s _a a.a._— P u„n k\ rt h as been in uso 4*5 yTB. is Callxto Garcia are with Gen. and were Both of the women were fair purely vegetable, M tor Nsw Gomez day Saturday night were marked at present Orrin, Edwin, Eeroy ana very ier. Neither Mrs. Phillips or her hus- i! harmless and effectual. Where no worms are l England: The faots of the crime have who has in all a number of towns overt such as Willie their sister and a recently ap-. /? present itacts as a Tonic and corrects the con- f 14,000 men. They report by acts, Mink, Cenla, vaudeville performers and appeared to be oand seemed at all or excited Fair, slightly at TQUni: fellow named Simon Uinsa Stores- angry In the PRESS, Yi} ditlon of the raucous membrane of the atom- that Gen. Rabbi throwing eggs Republican speakers peared W ach and bowels. A n has joined Gomez with very quilt and respectable girls. They when Eva left the positive-- warmBri northerly anu burning banners aud They had plenty of cider and there was Thompson house. On a In care for and I I Repulbican g Soule keeps laundry this place ana' pt Constipation / 8000 Spanish Ail are in the each sang a song or two at the Palace at ihe IJ and a I f AIK. winds va- troops. well, reaction has set in. The vote will be a barrel of cherry wtne in the oellar. oontrary they seemed to treat one an- Biliousness, valuable | beooming is a man who has heretofore borne v « in all the common ¥\ t k close in remedy JR? 1 the best of spirits and oonfldent of ulti- any case. The Bryan men have The fun was fast and furious, and as every performance and appeared In what itlier well ana were oomplaints of children. ra riable. very talking pleas- mate a trifle the better of the bettiDg. usual when intoxicated Orrin and Edwin good reputation. Iff 3»5«*. at all Druggists. H success. They leave tomorrow for is called the “after pleoe,” in whloh the intiy together. Just what ocourred after K DR.J.P.TRUE& CO., « bad a light, and Edwin though younger I [4 New York. entire company at the theatre took part. Biva lerc tone Tenement House at Rained. Al Auburn, Me. W Local Weather Report. Conflicting Claims In Minnesota. than hia brother, got the best of hliu. Anompson room no one Randolph For Tape worms we have n While neither of the made a lift 2**K#CTfl The souffle took plaoo in the kitchen and girls great will ever know, but three hours after 3 November 2.—A four tene- a speoial treatment. Write f/ November 2.—The local St. Paul,'Minn., November 2.—The va- Gardiner, JJ. Portland, continued with more or less violence un- the Palace theatre fot Paaiphlot, | « rious campaign committees gave out the bit with audiences wards when the woman returned home ment house, owned Putnam & Clas- if, weather bureau office records as to the Naval Launchings at Bath. til Orrin told his brother that If he did by ilual estimates of Minnesota today. The could both and dance well and not home be would they sing ihe found both husband and wife dead son of was completely de- weather are the following: Washington, November 2.—The new Democratic cDairman said: “We will go shoot him. Randolph, The Manager Littlefield was very well satis- md oold. — sister, then rau across the fire this afternoon. one 8 a. m. Barometer, 29.997; thermome- gunboats and will get at least 25,000 for Bryan. We will Oeula, stroyed by Only Vicksburg Newport road and told Miss Green oome over them. ter elect at least four and to fijd with tenement was that 42.2; dew point,48.0; humidity, 100.0; t.e launched this month from the Congressmen ocouplod, and by yards and get Ed home, for Orrin had threat- Mrs. was dae to wind. SW; velooity, 3: weather, clear. thejother will be indoubt.” Phillips arrive at the Butterfield. The was of the Bath Iron Works. The De- ened to shoot him. She did as Benjamin building Navy The closing estimate of Chairman War- requested Palace theatre about but 8 p. in.—Barometer, 80.129; thermome- but was unable to induce him to with At the time the two Mrs. eight o'clock, Insured for $1500, the partment will at once enter into corre- go women, fully oovering ter, dew it that hour she did not in an 48.0; point, 33.0; humidity, her and returned across the rosd. The and Miss were at the put ap- loss. loss la about spondence with the that McKinley will carry the state by Phillips Thompson Mr.|Bntterlield’s $200| 56.0; wind, NW; veloeity, 9; weather, mayors of those trouble ooutinued and she again went rearance. Eva thought that clear. upwards of 25,000. The Republicans Durant house, Mrs. Phillips wrote a Thompson not insured. The cause was a kettle cities to arrange for the oere- over, with no better results than before. christening will elect seven congressmen and have her 1 lossibly Mis. Phillips might have for- Mean daily thermometer. 50.0; maxi- Meanwhile the had got hold of the letter to husband, Alonzo G. of tar boiling over on the stove. monies. the legislature. Chairman Gibbs of the boys or overlooked her and were at oo uiarenuen [otteu engagement at ® • Populist committee said thut Bryan gun, struggling for possession Phillips, street, Boston, IMPORTED of Orrin to shoot Ed If he ihe Palace, and at the suggestion of Belfast Court Adjourns, will carry the state.by.£0,00U. it, threatening in reply, It is presumed, to one she had did not go home. Finally Orrin got the Littlefield sent a to her November 2.—The received from him a few days before in danager hoy Belfast, Supreme gun, and pointing it at his brother, CONVENIENT, Ohio Iiemocruts Are Silent. oom to sae what bad become of the court adjourned after a ten ses- pulled the trigger. which he asked her to oome back to Bos- days’ voman. The hoy, whose name could sion. Pour olvil cases were tried the Columbiis.O. November 2.—Chairman The entile obarge of shot struck Edwin ton, offered to send her money, and also by STRONG, Garen of the state in the neck and left side and be fell on lot be learned the PRESS divorces National Demooratio told her be intended to oome to Portland by reporter jury anditeu granted. his faoe on the near committee and Chairman MoConville of floor of the poroh, ast went to Mrs. The new shoe of Leuro Si COMFORTABLE, a few if his wife did night, Phillips’s factory the Democratic state committee will give the door leading to the kitchen, expiring in days not return oom as direoted and after blundering by Spaulding from Lynn, has commenoed LIGHT. "“APE'NTA" no estimate of the election iesult in that almost instantly. Thp shot cut the to Boston. nistake into the room of a state. Chairman Kurtz of the Republi- arteries in the neck aud broke the collar In this letter to Phillip*, written Oc- man named operation. can committee lets his statement of Sat- bone and the first rib. who the room next to Fold Ccmprctly. Weight Comple'e Four Ounces. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT WATER. tober on the Durant Ldbby ocoupied A case is that no 19, paper bearing urday night, in whiob he claimed the strange featuie of the hat of Mrs. was for Ham- Phillips’s, direoted to Admirably adapted Baby Carriages, state for McKinley by to 100.00C, one saw the deed committed. The others house stamp, Mrs. Phillips said that mocks. etc. for travellers and 65,00 he room and knooked on the Indispensable stand unamended. in the house to be somewhere she was then at right door. vacationists. at the Leading Republicans happened though staving the Bottled UJ Buda here are else at that Hudson Chere was no to his knuok HUNYADI Springs, Pest, Hungary. Inclined to regard this claim particular moment. Durant house she did not Intend to response and Li. stay as too high, hut all think tho state is Frink, a oousln, living near by, said he the door of the room ;here as she had made boy pushed ® but in its action. Remarkable for safe. Betting seems to this, as he heard the gun, like slamming a door, long, arrange- IMPORTED • "Gentle, satisfactory its richness in magnesium support >pen. Mrs. Phillips was seated in a all other bitter tho odds are ten to one iu vnd as he knew the had been rais- ments to at the Palace theatre and sulphate, exceeding that of waters—always of the same strength, which is, McKinley’s boys play favor. ing a rumpus at the ha rau over ookiug chair by the window, her head of course, a matter of great importance.”—New York Medical house, would move in a few days to Manager Journal to see what had and found over the back of the chair and happened Littlefield’s house, 66 Pearl street, where ipped " water.”—“ Its Maryland Seems To Be McKinley’s. Edwin lying an his face in the porch. A much-esteemed purgative composition is constant. The practilionei eating on the top of a commode. In her PRICE, $1.00. That he turned lilm over aud he gasped ill of the girls playing at the theatre is thus enabled to prescribe definite quantities• for definite results."—“A Natural Baltimore November 2.—Chairman was the saok which she had been once and illed. were to live. She wrote that at ap Water.”—The Lancet. Wellington of the state com- supposed Republican Dr. A. A. Jackson of Jefferson and owing on when Eva Thompson left the mittee confidently asserts that McKinley his house she intended to room with " Dr. I. W. Sanborn were both summoned and on the of Affords those of uniform strength and which have been will receive In Jlarv- oom, finger one band was guarantees composition long 25,000 majority so the but their services were of ‘May Young” whioh may possibly be in the best-known to the land. Chairman of the Democra- house, he thimble, while in the other hand the wanting Hunyadi waters.”—“Agreeable palate.”—“Excep- Talbot loursa useless. An examination of the ,he woman who claims to be Mrs. efficacious. ''—British Medical tic state committee continues to claim tionally Journal. body was made aud the shot were found voman held a needle threaded with blaok the state for about 8000. Phillips’ sister, or who may be some 6E0.TFRYE Biyau by so be and all received In the hread. A burned on large the nearly >ther woman who is a member of the lamp brightly 320 CONGRESS ST. “This Water maybe classed with the best Aperient left side and nock. The heart and large Waters and be pronounced Mr. Keed’s Plane, able near Mrs. Phillips, and all was one of the strongest. flood vessels received the larger coition Palace theatre company and whom ___je2m.w&fr,t( luiet in the room. Professor Oscar San Francisco, November 2.—Hon. rf the charge. Phillips knew. Mrs. Phillips went on to Liebrcich, University of Berlin. After went The Thomas B. Reed spent yesterday in eight the shooting Frink up in boy looked at the woman a he my this letter to her basband that she seeing about tho city. This afternoon flairs aud remained there until taken noment and then softly closed the door THE MODERN SHOE STORE Tues- into to Select- lid not want him to oome to Portland, speaks at Oakland. He will Word was sent spend custody. md went He she was times in man and on his is she was all he could away. thought Must keep abreast of the and not Prices: 15 cents and 25 cents per day Ssn Francisco. On Wednesday Byron L. Bnrnhoimor right, but that one iot or little in the race with com- bottle. the and irder went to isleep and did no want to wake her yield party will start lor San Jose Constable Wm. F. Teague lend her the mouey If he wanted to. She up. That is what we are do- the petitors. precisely OP ALL DRUGGISTS AND MINERAL WATER Monterey, the purpose being to visit she Frink homesead and plaoed Orrin Had he only known Mth. was ing; and you will find by calling at our DEALERS. ilso added that she would not return to Phillips Liok on Mount Hamilton inder arrest. store, our goods and our Observatory ,t that moment dead and at her seeing learning at tho Boston until her at the feat, that we are still in the lead. We wish and to spend several flays engagement prices Sole quietly MSank Pleads Not Guilty. ildden from the sight of the boy at the to make this announcement to the trade, Exporters : \ Hotel Delmonte. Returning here Satur- Palace theatre was completed and signed viz.: That it matters not in wliat be be- W i seas G.Mank by the was her prices the day, the homeward journey will set. No vem her 2.—Orrin jerself “Fannie.” The letter eommenced loor, bed, murderer, also others term “lower than the lowest.” We apollinaris limited> company, gun by tho way of Portland, Seatle.and she was corpse with the blood out of a are determined our Waldoboro murderer, arraigued with “Dear flowing to maintain reputation ihe Canadian the Doing to Lon,” and was well written, as retailers of first class footwear at prices SEE that the Label bears the well-known Pacifio, plan C. E. Knight, vound in ids forehead. The Red Diamond Mark of or 18th °day before Justice that the woman had a fair boy's eye- that cannot be beaten. Gentlemen : Our reach Portland, Me., on the 17th ihowlng The Apollinaris Company, Limited. of flooded not and was committed ight was not good to see cho $3.00 lace and congress are the best that are this month. guilty sducation. enough made. Call and see our box-calf with calf so watt the the at mall hole just over Mrs. left aotlon of grand jury Mrs, at this time also wrote u Phillips’s lining that we are selling at $3.00. Phillips Pure. How President Will Receive Returns. shis term of court now In session. sr, mads by the fatal bullet fired by her Absolutely Employed at the leading Hospitals in New Boston itter to her mother, Mrs. Orville York, Washington, Novemher 2.—The Presi- msband, or the blood ami brains A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest F. C. Baltimore, Chicago, etc.. L'hompson, in Boston, telling her of her WHITE, Philadelphia, anti at t^c principal dent will receive the news on election To CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY pattered over the of the woman’s of all in leavening strength.— Latest Unite* OPPOSITE PREBLE HOUSE. the ingagement at the and top Hospitals in England. night at the White through l'ake laxative Alldrug Palace, asking States Government Food Oct 10 oodtf House, Bromo Quinine Tablets. Report. of the and the i lists 25c. ter to send on her as she dospatchos United Presses refund the money If falls to cure. “tights,” Continued on Second Page. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO, H«W Yorfc down to Boston. at all times. Attention here proper- brought Mr. Jordan Women, was a subject of may consideration, Phillips Was a man FOOD. an ideal about, or perhaps ! OUR STREET ly be asked to the nature of the ourrent had told what power that at inspector Ward having reported the PORTLAND POST OFFICE TRUSTJN LIGHTING. a little ovor five fset in aud proposed for incandescent lighting by North Gorham was; but Mr. daDgerous. Wm. G. height rather EAT AND Wood said building Davis, a nice PKOPEB FOOD SEE THAT this bidder. His ourrent for the proposed DIED looking fellow. His hair was dark mucn TMET1ER. had had experleuoe as a the of these is an he manu- defended building. On account YOU DIGEST IT. supply lamps alternating Esq., aud inclined to and his current which is on the Presumpsoot lateness of the hour onrl, mustache, OFFICE HOCJKS. ot exceedingly high facturer and knew of the these ques- also dark and quite The man voltage and dangerous to life, thoonrreut there was a greater liability to to old heavy. aooid ent tion* relating buildings went over was well Coshier*s 7.80 a "lr health and strength depend on the indeed seleoted for the exeoutiOD of dressed in a blaok suit of clothes Office, (Sundays excepted), of the city of Portland ought to next meeting. m. to 7.00 p. m.; order 9 a 1 v >u eat—and the Subject Consideration In than rink. to the wore Money department, way you digest it. by City criminals New York and other states. and patent leather m. to 6.00 m. which the Continued from First Fare. shoes, had,a p. Registry department, 9,00 in diet and The ourrent used this is the The offer Consolidated Com- The Major, Aldermen and a. m. 'Simplicity looking after your by coiupauy Oounoilmen diamond in his shirt to 6.00 p. m, continious current which it is well and which was to front and wore a a,h may add several years to your life. Fathers. made, referred to took a recess enable a General 7.30 pany flash-light high collar and a red Delivery, (Sundays excepted) known, Is not capable oE fatal in head. Nor did neck tie. He had a. m. to 7.00 m. a ill certainly make you happier, for injuries. last evening was printed the to bo taken of the the boy smell the smoke p. Sunday 9.00 to 10.00 a. m. The same bidder in report. photograph group. considerable making bis propo- of the money on his and on Carriers' I ipy people are generally dyspeptics. it the offers to sell the gunpowder, although at the time person Diiiveries, (Sundays excepted)—In sal has referred to this as a In company city A resolution breast whs business section of the of company calling attention of the his pioued a red cross city between High and In- Shakers Mount Lebanon are a which are of his visit to the room it must have bearing monopoly in view of the provisions of its polls, wires, etc., wortn board of works to dia streets at 7.00 and 9.15 a. m. l.oo, 1.45 with publio the on the words ( and -.ulir.r people, peculiar view's. ARGUMENTS BY MESSRS. chapter 102 of the Public Laws of Maine and then for a paving filled the smnll as "Emergency orps, 1st In- 6.15 p. m.; in other sections at 8.00 BIRD, about *58,000, period of with a apartment. Strange not be in but of 1S95. I cannot Centre street, request to the fantry, M. V. а. m., 1.30 p. jq. Sunday delivery at hey may right everything, regard these provisions a pave It the M.,” showing that he be- ten to furnish current for 400 arc may seem, messenger from the Office 9.00 to 10.00 a. m. Collections » know how to live a life. JORDAN AND OTHERS. as conferring a monopoly upon the com- years same, was referred. longed to the window, healthy They PalHCe theatre Massachusetts militia. from street boxes at 11.00 a. m.. 4.00 nt tl.e of 1200 candle power saw none of these rare of their stomachs. live to a panies existing date of the ap- lights (or their An order was things, Coroner They introduced to permit the Kick deoided an and8.00p.rn. From Atlantic to Grove on of the aot. Their elfeot is 65 and 32 but to the theatre re- that inquest old proval simply in candle power returning Congress, 6. a. in. Sunday, 6.00 p. m. only. p»- age. equivalent Portland Sanitary to remove was unnecessary and to guard one artificial person constituted Company ported to Eva that her sister will prepare the h- hen they have take a series lamps) for *12,400 per year, this be- from the Thompson ARRIVAL Indigestion, they by legislative authority against un- snow sidewalk wit b the aid of bodies for burial. AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. L >v doses of a peculiar cordial which The Consolidated Electric Light Company at the rate of *31 per year for was asleep and told her just bow he had they reasonable competition and an unjust ex- ing 1200 a horse. Objection to it The Boston, Southern and Western, Intermediate on the ground found Boston friends of and his Lave forbears prepared from medicinal herbs a Ten-Year Contract—Other ercise of the of eminent domain candle or its equivalent. her. Phillips offices and connections via Boston & Maine Urges City power by power of being contrary to the wife have been and It is called the Shaker another such artificial ordinances. Eva notified by the railroad (Eastern division). Arrive at 12.30. jdants. Digestive Business person. Corpora- The offer was made in this form be- Thompson thought that sometbiug police, Transacted. Referredjto the solicitor. and will б, and 11.00 p. m.; close 8 a.m., 12 m., 5.00 Cordial. tions as is well known owe their ex- city must undoubtedly send for the re- had be wrong, Mrs. and 9.00 arrive istence the and the cause Mr. Peterson proposed to de- dollars possibly Phillips p. m.; Sunday, 1.00 p. m.; Shaker Cordial cure The of the solely to legislature Forty from the Fort Allen mains. Digestive will indi- regular month); meeting in the may have had a row close 3.30 and 9.00 p. m. creator may reasonably impose such con- liver power to the oity eame Way, and ¥100 with her husband gestion immediately permanently with the oity was held last evening. park from tho City hall ap- At the Palace theatre last Boston, Southern and Western, and inter- government ditions its creatures as seem etc. and was so much overcome it that she night little a upon may the oity furnishing poles, by mediate offices and connections, via Boston and aid of proper diet. It is a tonic for the The business was the consider- propriations were transferred to the could he learned about principal best. The aot in question was not hastily and did not ohoose to go to the theatre that Hattie Marston Maine railroad (Western division)—Arrive at stomach and for the whole It makes Both the one-year five-year con- printing account. system. ation of tbe report of the committee on passed, but was drafted by a committee beyoud the faots already given. 12.30, 6.30 and 8.30 p. m.; close 6 and 8.00 food tract mean a to the night. At any rate the show at the a. your make strength, and this is the appointed nt the of our plans saving oity. The orders to m.. and 2.30 p. m. lighting, which was submitted at the suggestion relating the erection of Eva Thompson, the sister of the whole secret of health and was the deliberate aot About *120 year is now Palaoe progressed without Hattie Mars- via Maine Central Railroad—Arrive strength, happi- present governor, per paid; while poles near eleotrio and murdered Eastern, previous meeting and tabled for printing. lights ornerlng woman was 2 and 4 a. m. and ness. of the legislature and received in due under the one-year contract this would ton, nr Mrs. Phillips, and Eva completely 1.00 6.00 p. m.; close 12.00 aro lights at the Thompson m. and 9.00 m. This report was published in tbe PRESS uourse the of the exeoutive. coiner of State and prostrated by the shock occasioned p. Pale, thin, weary, worn out individuals, approval to *105, under the sang Her song and acted her in the by the These are with be^reduced five-year and Mellon part Augusta, intermediate offices and connections no at the time. In view of the fact that a provisions harmonious Pine, and tragedy. with health, energy or ambition, will get the Congross streets, all the via Maine nnd an the unwritten law to *100; aud under ten-year to *95; in afterpieoe, thinking time of Mrs. Central railroad—Arrive at 2.00 and and number of were who expreaslon.of passed concurrence. 9.00 a. m. strong bright and healthy, by taking gontlemeu present of with failure to l.oo and 6.00 p. m.: close at 6.00 the legislature in dealing the in these cases the oity not buying the Phillips’s appear aud wunder- It Was Not a a. m.. 12.30 the Shaker Digestive Cordial. were Interested in tbe Aider- In commou Connoil the order contract- Tragedy. p, m„ 4.15 and 9.00 p. m. question. question of water supply. In no case, I is the icg what bad to her Sold all poles. Then there alternative pro- with the happened keep A man to the Farmington, Intermediate offices and conneo- by druggists at 10, 25, 50 cents and man lisle; suggested that the two believe, has a charter been granted to a ing Consolidated Company for reported police yesterday mentioned under away. tions. via Maine Central Railroad—Arrive at #1.00 a bottle. to furnish water to a terri- position already which for one that he had found branches go iuto joint convention to con- corporation light year was passed and sent to on Saturday while 1.00 m. ana 6.00 p. m.: close at 8.00 a, m., tory whioh was already being supplied the oity buys the poles. a and 12.30 p. m. sider tile the upper hoard for concurrence gunning, lmggy, harness and robe in report. an unless by older corporation, provision When the board of aldermen had re- When the ourtain was rung down on Rockland, intermediate offices and connections BRIEFLY TOLD. When After considerable discussion the woods noar Smelt and blood tbe convention had assembled, was made for the purcbuse of the works the order the Hill, via Riiox and Lincoln railroad—Arrive 1.00 convened, Alderman Thompson moved burlesque which followed the vaude- In the and 6 Hon. E. Bird to of the latter. A similar provision is, I was laid on the table until vicinity. He thought a murder p. m.; close at 6.00 a. m. and 12.30 p. m. George appeared repre- Monday ville aud l'he debt am in force In Massachusetts. that the matter lie over for one performance, when the audi- had been statement issued Monday sent the Consolidated Eleetria Informed, week, night. committed there. The sheriffs Skouhcgan, intermediate offices and connec- Lighting other oourse would not be ence of men aud had tions, via Maine Central afternoon shows a net increase iu the Any produc- but it was defeated by an unanimous Both boys trooped out on the affair railroad—Arrive at He said: boards adjourned to that time. Investigated and found that 1.00 p. m.: close at 12.30 less cash in the company. tive of good either to the corporation or to the street it was d. m. pubiio debt, treasury vote. 10.30 o'clook. Eva a horse Ootober The Consolidated Electric and municipality. In Joint had been shot by its owner near Island Fond. Vt., intermediate offices and during of #7,195,725.47. Light Convention. Thompson hurried iDto the such a Then Alderman Ilsley presented the dressing the connections, via Grand Trunk Railway—Ar At Power company come before you with In the absence of provision, spot and the buggy left there nntil Georgetown, Ohio, Scott Linton Wm. E. Culliman was elected a her rive at 12.00 m.; close at 12.80 p. m. three lor proi tbe city oompany might be organized to compete various propositions for lighting, all of publio room, changed stage costume for a shot “Dot” a resident of a nouse propositions lding the owner oould find time to call for Gray, an it. Gorham, N. H., intermediate offices and con- of with eleotric lighting; one to furnish tbe with existing company for the sole which went to the table that weigher. street dress aud started home. At 69 ill fame, who is said to have been his except pro- nections. via Grand Trunk a. with electrlo tor one for of the latter to railroad—Arrive oity lights year, purpose compelling pur- Pearl all cat. SJIUUWJLU 8.40 wife and also William Metzger, with for a contraot for one year with PUBLIC WORKS REPORT. street, was quiet, but the lights tlUUi a. m. and 12.00 m.; close at 7.30 a. m. five years aud for ten years. The more chase its property and rights, cutting of viding 12.30 whom he caught her. With both were still In the and 5.00 p. m. lying favorable rate 1s that in the rates follows and either the the Consolidated Company. Upon the The commissioner of works burning lower part of The olam supper at the Lincoln club at his he fired a bullet provided bankruptcy publio pre- Montreal—Arrive at 12.00 m. and 600 m feet, into bis own the house, and in Ffinni nnnnnlaH V>n I p. ten year contract the rate arc of both or the purchase by one vote of a to a was attended last close at a. brain and died almost The per lamp companies this failed' passage second sented this report for the work done in largely night. Presi- 7.30 m. 6.oo n. m. instantly. and of the other which continues the busi- runnvcr Mof7<«ar trill series of 65 candle power be- Mrs. Kva SwanUm. cirl will nrnhfthlv lamps reading by tbis vote: the department the six months Phillips. Thompson let herself dent Libby presided. Eleotion returns Vt., intermediate offices and con- ing and the rate for tbe series ness with increased rates or impaired ser- ending, via die. $10, lamps into the house a latoh nections, Mountain Division M. C. R. R.- or Yeas—Messrs. Kehoe, Howell and 1896: by key and hurried will be received at the olub and of 32 candle power being (5.00 less, than vice, both. In either event neither September 30th, tonight Arrive at 8.45 p. m.; close at 8.00 a. m. 'J'be stairs to treasury gold reserve at the close in the one It takers nor the municipalities Leighton.—3. up her room. The door was all are invited to be year proposition. sug- private XT A1_ T1 1 _ ft Republicans pres- Bartlett, N. H., Intermediate offices and con- of business STREETS. yesterday was $115,413,,567. gests tbo acceptance of tbe ten year have been benefited. olosod, but not fastened. Miss nections via Mountain Division M. C. R. R.— The Donald and Thompson ent. day’s withdrawals $1,367,100. proposition made by it not only as mani- Certainly the rates charged by this Fagan.—4. Pay roll—Labor, Arrive at 9.00 a. m. and 8.45 p. in.; close at ¥20,919.14; poshed open the door and entered. 8.00 Alexander Troup, chairman of the festly for the benefit of the oity but also oompany are quite as low, in proportion Thou, on motion of Alderman Fagan, teaming, *4,928.50; watch- a. m. and 2.30 p. m. Seated in the as the N. M.. Connecticut Democratic committee con- as more favorable to itself. It is, al- to tbo price of coal as they are iu other the men, 806, rooking chair, just Rochester, intermediate offices and con- matter was laid on the table with ¥36,646.64 via Portland &Kochester cedes the state to tbe though at first sight it may appear localities, as is shown iu the oommittee’s Stable-Hay, etc., boy had seen her a few hours nections, railroad-Ar- Republicans by the other and it was ¥1,812.38; before, THE ELECTORAL VOTE rive at 1.46 and 6.00 p. m.; close at 6.30 propositions; voted uuiucoDva uuu and 8000. The claim that the icpcino, was Republicans 34,000 and otherwise, proper company report. fllOtllU, Mrs. Phillips. Her eyes were open, 11.30 a. in. nuuuij uuve uu opportunity to givo It Tills company (whose stockholders are that when the board adjourn, it be to oarts and repairs, $391 all tbe Congressmen. 75; her head baok on the Cumberland Mills Gorham and reasons for the ten eons almost oltizens of has oils, tipped commode, Westbrook preferring year wholly Portland) Monday next. etc., $40.66; horseshoeing, m_ 4.6 and The P. Irish as (Saccaravna}— Arrive it 8.46 I special conveying John traot. to oonoeal or either before described, and the brown sack .... 11 nothing withhold, $483.05; heating stable, $25; Alabama, b.uu p.m.; close 6.30 and 11.30 a. m. and 5.30 of California and others who were to LICENSES GRANTED. The history of the eleotrio lighting from the city or its citizens. Six years medicine and attendance, was still lying in her As she p. HL speak in behalf of the Gold Democracy lap. got Arkansas,.8 business in this city perhaps, aid in ago it afforded the chairman of the com- $114.62, nearer 8'uth Portland after W. will, These licenses were granted subject to L 3,045.51 to the woman Miss and Willard—Arrive at J. Bryan had spoken, ran into on street Street material Thompson California, .... 9 rendering the position of the ooinpany mittee lighting every 'aoility and labor not 7.30, 11.00 a. m., 8.00 p. m.; close 7.00 a. u train near Mon- Che usual conditions: James Duncan to saw that Mrs. m., freight Lincoln, Neb., mors readily understood. for the examination of its books and on rolls, Phillips’s eyes were open and 6.00 p. m. and 17,587.66 Colorado,.4 day morning J. M. a Lin- same billiard No. 43 and she Tipllng, The first attempt to introduce eleotrio affairs. In the spirit it has entered keep ball, Middle street; Sidewalk material and labor that was apparently at Plen sanldale and Cash Comer—Arrive 7.30 coln commercial was killed. staring Connecticut, .... 6 traveller, lighting in Portland was made about the upon the present discussion and seeks Bulkorviteh Bros., not on rolls, the Had she a. m. and 4.30 p. in.; close 7.30 a. m. and 1.00 The was pawnbrokers. No. 443 4,303.33 ceiling. fainted? Kva freight engine taken to haul year 1879—tbe a nnd fair which Delaware, ... 3 p. in. Arnonx aud Hoohbaueen only just nrraugement Fore Thos. J. Bridges, 4,472.08 Irish’s train and it was delayed a short ahull crivft fch« nitv its nrnfinnt nn tho street; Lilly, billiard hall Thompson reached out her band and system being adopted. The engine used 2,747.15 Florida,. 4 Pleasantdale (Additional) —Arrive at 11.15 time. at St. T. J. touched the a. was inferior in build and power and the most iibeial terms consistent with Its Julian, Lilly; innholder; Office, 259.19 woman’s face. It was stone m., close at 6.U0 p. m. Georgia, ..... 13 The North Carolina Populist state other appliances soon became own existence, the renewal of Its plant George W. Sbattuck, nsh corner cold and as Miss drew antiquated market, Thompson her STAGE MAILS. chairman says his poll of the state shows in the race of invention. Its and with devices salted to best generate ard Idaho, ..... 3 rights Clarx and Salem streets; Charles L. *59,061.46 hand away she found her fingers covered 177.000 ltepublioans, 43,000 Populists and proporty were acquired by the Arnoux distribute its product nith the greatest Holland, victualler, No. 86 SEWERS. with blood. Illinois.24 130.000 Democrats registered. Electric Light company organized in safety, and a fair telurn upon Its oi'pltnl. Exchange Bowery Beach—Arrive at 5.30 p. m.: ciose at James T. Indiana.. 2.00 p. m. Chairman Jones telegraphs to the 1882. As a purely business matter, therefore street; Twigg, victualler, No. Sewers, now, $ 621.47 Lyirg on the floor by the side of the The same this the of the 681.84 Cape Elizabeth and Knightville—A.rr\ve at chairman of tbe Fopocratio state com- year, later, saw the organiza- oompany urges adoption 446 Commercial street; Albert H. Nor- Rebuilding, rooking chair lay One arm was Iowa.. Phillips. 7.30 a. m. and 6,30 p. m.; close at 6.» 0 a. m. that a tion of Arnoux Eloctrlo and Power ten year contract. It urges it because it Repairing, 588.72 mittee plot has been discovered Light Custom House extended under iud 2.00 m. it der, victualler, wharf. and the ohair, the other was Kansas,.. p. for the to steal an Illinois ooinpany of Maine, which In turn ac- believes that under the city and Cleaning flushing, 605.35 Republicans New doubled under J>uck Pond, Pride'» JVo. and “Call tbe quired the property aud business of tbe piivatn takers would obtain the best and NEW WOODEN BUILDINGS. catch basins, up his body. He lay face Kentucky,.. Corner, Windham, county urges: attention 2,686.53 Windham. Raymond and South Casco—Arrive of our to this earlier corporation. It sold the engine most economical service, or to adopt the Rebuilding, 144.22 downward and around his bead was a Louisiana.. at papers everywhere villainy Petitions were to L0.30 a. m.; close at 2.00 p. m. and have the aroused.’’ previously in use and another words of Mr. Milliken, the president of granted, subject Repairing, 47.43 people puichased pool of blood wbicb bad soaked Maine...... ISLAND MAILS. of the favorable of committee to partially 6 16 greater power and renewed uther parts company: report Port- Cleaning, 1,472.75 Mary Dufresne, jears old, daughter and Into the Peak's Island—Arrive at 10.00 a. m. and of the old plant. Other and ‘‘The reason for naming so muoh lower land and Rochester railroad to Repair care of urinals, 61.55 carpet. Maryland, .... 8 of Edward 39 Foss compaies ereot u ear :lose 1.30 p. m. Dufrense, street, concerns for a contraot for Mrs. bad been engaged in eleotrio rate ten year than one at foot of Repairing oarts, 65.91 Thompson’s screams aroused the Biddeford, fell from a third story win- shop Parris street; of Maino Book Massachusetts, .15 Long and Chebeaque Islands-Arrive at 9.00 lighting, but inadequate returns and tbe year, is that it would suable the company dredging, 1,946.78 and Mr. dow yesterday and was Provision and Cold bouse, Brown ran to the pUioe a. m.; close at 1.30 p. m. badly injured. great expense of business drove them to make extensive changes In thBir Storage company to Damages, 15.00 Michigan.. She will live. station and told Deputy Marshal Cousin's Island—Arrive at 9.30 a. m.; close from tbe field. lu the oom- both in kind and arrangement erect a at Nos. 436 and Printing and stationery, 11.75 Sterling Minnesota ..... 1883, present station, building 438 Fore 9 2.30 p. in. 17 old and Thcmas chat he and a doctor were Harry Hayes, years pany was organized aud purchased the which would economize in the cost cf street for a Freight, 6.64 wanted at 69 carraige house and of Mississippi, .... 9 via Steamer—Arrive 6.00 Devine agen 15, are under anest at and and a stable; Iron Pearl Eastport a. m. Bath, rights property of tbe Arnoux operating thereby produce large eastings, 646.01 street at onoe. Even at that time Tues. and with into H. L. Ebbison to ereot a blacksmith Fri.; close 4.15 p. m., Mondays and tharged breaking the restau- Electric and Power company. It saving, which the company could not shop Bricks, 25.00 Missouri,.17 Light Mr. Brown did not know exaotly what Thurdays. rant of Frank E, Pond on Centre street, was found nscessary to immediately re- afford to make unloss they were assured at No. 61 Washington street; of Mrs. I. Tools and carts, 898.45 bad and Montana,.. Sunday night. all the and of the of contraot.” Office labor, 200.00 happened, it was not until he re- place engines dynamos along P. Farrington to erect an addition to Nebraska,.. A Herald special from old company, putting in seven high turned home that he learned of the Jacksonville, speed Mr. B. C. Jordan said be had been en- dwelling No. 628 Congress street; of Wm. THE DAILY PRESS Fla., says: Populist Chairman N. L. engines of fifty horse power each and Total, $10,025.40 terrible After Eva Nevada.. in the surveys for the a tragedy. Thompson Clark caused a sensation twelve of gaged making J. Kerrigan to erect dwelling at No. 98 yesterday by (IS) dynamos twenty-five (25) SPECIAL. sad started for the theatre New Hampshire, : 4 bis to and two Edison Gorham He was pleased to see the Sheridan of Frank Phillips had pledging support McKinley and cnpaoity Munlolpal plan. street; Feeman, to New Hobart and all dynamos of 250 light Pride infloubtedly tried to induce his wife to Jersey, IO urging Populists to do oapaolty each, fair way In which the Consolidated Com- build an addition to dwelling No. 190 bridge, $7,938.88 Can always be found at tbe period io likewise. latter were put in to enable the York street jo home to Boston with Mew which] pany had met the situation, and tho ex- Brackett street. wall, 6,069.87 bim. He was York,.. tores of: company to fulfill its oontraot tbeu made Fore street Gen. Eokert, president ofjtbe Western wall, 8,234.19 iealous of bis and some North Carolina, 11 with tbe for cellent proposition which; they had made. wife, time before John Chisholm, 3 09 Congress street, Union city municipal lighting. BONDS Portland street ** Telegraph Company said Monday APPROVED. improvement, 762^61 this had A. B. •* Three years later the twelve 25 He wished also to commend the fulness threatened to kill her. North Dakota, .... 3 Merrill, 247 that the contract between the Western light Tukey’s bridge, 297 09 Probably W. F. Goold. 405 * dynamos were twelve J. E. MoGlnnis, Alex. Sam North side Mrs. refused to Union Company and the American Bell replaoed by light and exhaustiveness of the report. Bat Benson, intercepting sewer, 6,749.36 rbiilipg go baok home Ohio,.23 N. G. Fessenden, 626 dynamos. In 1892, the whole plant was H. Frank G. with her husband or W. H. Jewett. 504 Telepobne Company expires November he thought that a word should be said Marston, Casasa, R. to live with him Oregon, .4 10. There have been no reconstructed and all the engines and Total, L A. Libby. 660 stepe looking to in favor of Thompson, Frank Murphy, Michael J. $80,041.50 igain. Angered at this refusal its renewal. dynamos taken out and by five lighting by water power. The Phillips Pennsylvania, ... 32 F. A. Jeliison, 935 Congres street. replaced B. Aooepted and orderod on file. J. 150 horso power and ten 50 statements made the Frank Rldlon McCoy, Joseph Harmon. walked behind his wife’s chair and J. Beardworth. 87 India street President Elmer engines light by -——-J_ Rhode Island, .... 4 P. H. H. Capen of Tufts am Ersklne. 43 Middle street. dynamos. Id all these changes the With the taking a 32-caibre revolver c liege who filed Company that an auxiliary steam power RESIGNATION ACCEPTED. Bowlers, from his South J. W. Peterson, 2 Exchange street. voluntary petition in old engines and machinery were disposed Carolina, ... 9 filed a was socket took aim Mr. Dennis, 419 Commercial street, insolvency. Monday schedule of for or neoeseary for every water electric The of In last contest the deliberately at his South little nothing, snoh during this resignation Augustus H, Frates night’s Orients de- Dakota, .... 4 r. 3. Cole, Cor. and Oxford showing bis liabilities to he and wife’s above Boyd street. $65,531, period was the advancement made lighting system, was altogether too as oonstaule was feated the 76 head, just and behind the J. W. 177 Middle street. assets none. A rapid city aooepted. Waverleys by pins. The l'ennessee, i« Peterson, great majority of the in electrical invention. One eft ear and the W. A. Golden, 76 street. instance strong. It was a ridiculons letter and soore: pulled trigger. Death Exchange liabilities aie notes to banks and there is SPECIAL POLICE. Westman & 93 and only need be given that of tha two Edison to the Fexas,.. West, 95 Commercial no an attaok Mr. Peterson’s woman was as tho reet. seourlty. dynamos and the used simply upon ORIENTS. Instantaneous, Municipal lights The Mayor appointed, and aldermen sullet Utah, ...... 3 W. A. Gillls, 145 Commercial street, with them. cost in was scheme. passed directly through the brain. Their 1883 the Frank Freeman. lyo Brackett street. TO CERE A COED IN ONE confirmed, Thomas J. Dolan as JNODie, 79 84 76— 289 Vermont,.4 DAT sum of $32,000. The amount realized As to the home company, If the light- speoial Phillips, without moving from bis John H. Allen, 381 Va Congress street. Ridley, 79 85 82— 247 from their sale in 1892 was $360. to policeman without pay. iracks then Virginia,.. Dennet&Co, the Florist, 646 Take laxative Bromo Qninine Tablets. All TJp ing can be done at the figures whiah It Micohell 80 9G placed the revolver at the Congress street. drug this time tbe«e Edison maobines 71— 247 G. J. Hodgson, 96Va Portland street. refund the if consti- a. .... gists mouey it fails to cure. 26c. be would be id favor of the mux* EjooiiiiLi Dow, 88 85 90— ientre of bla forehead, with the Washington, 4 T. M. G tuting that part of tbe plant used for makes, city 258 mnzzle loudening, Long Island. 89 81 79— West ... F. L. Brackett. Peaks Island. and for no other the offer. The offer to have Waite, 249 jointing downward a little. He ahot Virginia, 6 Municipal lighting pur- accepting CThe Mayor appointed Janies E. L. 189 in no F.Hawkes, Littlefield, Congress street pose, year showed a profit, but on the poles and wires was an W. itmself through the upper of Wisconsin,.. J. t. 1115 appraised George Brown, John L. Braokett as 416 425 398—1289 part the Harmon, Congress street. tbe ooutrary n decided loss. jrain and fell C. E. Morrill & Co., 931A eminently fair one. The home company commissioners to the oentennlnl beneath the chair of the Wyoming, .... 3 Congress street. In seventeen years of eleotrio exposi- L. H. Beai, 422 Congress street. lighting WAVERLEY’S woman he bad ANNOUNCEMENT. in this oity, tbe companies have said nothing about commercial lighting, tion In Tennessee. killed, a lifeless corpse. J. M. Googins, 221 Spring street. engaged Mrs. A. earned and deolared dividends only for but neither did Mr. Petorson. As a citi Higgins, 72 77 62— 211 Total 44? AlcKenzie, cor. Spring and Clark THE FINDLEY CASE. 80 recta. about seven years of tbe time and at a Cobb, 88 70- 288 T Wvnr Aft PU. We are to zen of Portland he favored that the oom- to a .t pleased announce that we rate 92 77 79— The strangest part of the whole affair JNecessary choice, 324. never exceeding 0 per cent in Mr. J. C. of Campbell, 248 G. W. 8 Custom have succeeded the well-known any Bhould the at Ward, lnspootor build- Hunt, house Wliarr house of year. pany give city lighting Show, 76 71 78— 224 was, that no one in the house heard tbu John Cox. 28 Monument ings, reported that Mr. Wm is square, Btevens & Jones C'o., and have also When it is bed rock the from Findley 72 91 79— 243 Dennett, the 663 pur- considered that there is a prices, taking profits Choate, iwo pistol shots or discvored the THE POPULAR Florist. Congress street. chased the stock and willing and agrees to follow out the murder. VOTE IN 1892. J. F. Hutchinson. 12 him good will of liability, never absent, for to commercial business. he per- V street. damages However, Mr. Libby who was In the next u. Thomas R. Moiiilflr t.htt F.-rohannru. atroat ! persons and nronertv from the hlohlv mit him in 891 404 808—1103 room Anburn—J Haskell. the granted 1893 in the building ; stationer. thought city should take the one year 0 that where the oouurred Keep These Figures Id Mind Tonight When Augusta—J. F. Pierce. dangerous nature of the force employed, he is erecting at No. 108 shooting was Bath—John O. Shaw. even more for Washington 1 We shall carry a full line of a constant risk of Injury to Its owu poles, oontraot, though costly, Prizes for'TargSt Practice. Iresslng to go out for when the ilcturns Come In. Berlin F'alls, N. H.—C. S. Stationery street. The report was accepted. the’evening, Clark. for office and wires, dynamos and other appliances the rensoo that the strides iu electrloal je heard Biddeford—A. M. Burnham. private correspondence, The presentation of prizes for something which sounded like and shall make a of from storms, ice, and lightning, that the PETITIONS target W. T. Bards ley. specialty L.itho. development are very rapid and the olty REFERRED. 1 1 pistol shot a ways off. W. depredation Is rapid, while new inven- practice in the Portland Cadets occurred long About the Bridgton—A. Ingalls. graph Work, Legal Blanks, should be in a to taka Mrs. Nellie West 1 S Brunsw lck—F. P. Shaw. tions are constantly the value position advantage petitions for damages last The ilme it would take to oount five he 2 BOOS Office Supplies, Card Plate En- Impairing night. first prize was won hy heard Cape Elizabeth—Dyer &Jose, oi its machinery, these dividends seem of them. for injury to house by overflow of 1 mother shot whioh also graving and the manufacture water Corporal Q. A. and the seoond appeared to De s Cumberland Mills—H. G. start of but a lnoorne for the Tuokor, meagre capital In- Be did not think the law of the legis- in oellar. 1 ome distauoe i-§i| ®S|| Camden—Fred Lewis. Blank Books. vested. by Private R. E. Purlnton. away. The second shot B S 2.f lature Sergeant gS5a| J. H. Gould. We have all the of already referred to was so harmless Portland Star Match for vas followed a patterns Litliograhs The fixed charges of the are faotory arc Lang, Private Lieut. by heavy fall, apparently ; *i Cornish—E. L. Brown. and Blank Book company McDonald, Obnplin f- Work formerly done large. For ooal It about as had been urged. He did not know light at No. 53 Commercial street. ’ n the next room. Mr. Deeriug—N. J. Scanlon. by pays annually and Capt. Baker qualified as Libby listened a these two houses, and are to The cost the sharp 000,000 000,000 000,000 000,000 Deeriing Center—A. A. McCone. prepared *20,000. the present season at why state should keep competition Petition of Isabel for 1 heard no Healey $2000 shooters. nomeatjhnt further noise. He Alabama, 138.138 9,107 Damanseotta— E. W. duplicate all orders and in v the wharf on board the vessel was 12.80 128,941 Duuoar. promptly away from an eleotrio light company any damages to her person from vent down stairs and H. Evans. manner. per ton, to whloh sbculd he added 89 defeat in called Mr. \rkansas, 87,762 46,974 40,778 Fairfield—E. atisfactory Hrown, P. Whits & Co. cents more than from surveyors, lawyers or Ootton street. vho was In the room Jalifornia, 118,151 118,927 776 Farmington—H. for handling at the wharf and directly beneath Freeport—A. W. Mitchell. doctors. These Jolorado,- 38,620 38,0a0 wharfage making 13.19, cartage to the petitions were referred to com- l be room where the tragedy took Fryeburg—A. C. Frye. works and loss In place, Jonneotiout.82,395 77,032 6,363 T, Whitmore. handling make 46 cents The question came up whether the mittee on judicial J dr. Brown had heard Fryeburg—J. W, H. STEVENS" & CO., thus proceedings and the fall of some Delaware, 18,581 18,017 604 Gardiner—Bussell Bros. more, bringing the oost per ton at Consolidated Company in its offer to sell olalms. < but had 30,143 Green’s Landing—S. W. Fifleld. the fire-room to $3.65, Labor. The per- ibjaot up stairs, not heard the Florida, 30,143 184 MIDDLE its to the 81.081 Gorham—L. J. Lermond. ST. manent foroe of the oompany is thirty poles olty, meant *to stipulate SEWER ON HIGH t hot. The two men went Georgia, 129,386 48,805 STREET. up stairs to- da ho, 2 8,599 N. H.—S. M. Leavitt St Son. TELEPHON536*I2> men, whloh is freaently Increased far that at the end of the ten years, It :ether and listened at the 8,507 Kennebunk—J. H. Otis. marGeodtf An order was i door of Mrs. Dlinols, temporary purposes to 25 or 30 per cent. should presented that the oora- 426,281 399,288 26,993 Kennebunkport—C. E. Miller. continue to furnish the power for ] room. Nat a Toe pay roll is about Miscel- missionor of works ’hillips’s sound was heard udlaua, 262,740 255,615 7,125 Livermore Falls—C. Newman. *20,000. or publlo bnlld a sewer light whether the olty the end of ritbin and the men Iowa, 196,367 Lewiston—Chandler & laneous supplies about $15,000. All, or qt on went away. Ten 210,373 23,006 Wiusbip. that time High street, between Spring and Con- l Bros. substantially all, of this expenditure Is oould use the poles for power ninutes later Mr. vansaa, 167,241 167,241 Long slaud—Hughey gress streets the Libby's door was Limerick—S. A. Grant. made In the oity of Portland. from other souroes. expense, $1300 to be Kentucky, 175,461 133,441 40,020 Among ( the from the Mechanic Falls—Merrill & other not to drains and pened by boy theatre. He .onisiana, 87,922 13,331 74,691 Denning, expenses already Included is Mr. Jordan said he charged sewers. No. D Bring—A. C. Noyes. the item of supposed the latter aid he was looking for Hattie Main*, 4S.024 69,878 taxes—$2000 per annum, col- INSANE Msrston’s 14,854 North Stratforu. N. H.—J. C. Huohtios. WM. M. lected was the interpretation but he favored CASE. Maryland, 113,866 99,736 21,130 F. Stone. MARKS, by the oity. It should be noted i oom, meaning that of Mrs. Norway—F. that a Phillips’s dasanch’s, 176,18 A. O. Noyes Co. in case a contract is awarded to contract lor a year at Urst In order An Insane woman was ordered then went into 20.,814 26,001 com- ’he boy the room as be- 202, *90 Old Orchard—Fogg Si i parties the current In a dicbigan, 222,703 20,412 bby. generating that ambiguities of this sort be mitted to the hospital at Klemriond—A. K. Milieu. town and might Augusta. i oer stated, but failed to disoover ilmneBota, 100,679 122,736 22,157 neighboring delivering it at olesred any- Kumlord Falls—H. L. Eltiett. the up. t Mr. dleolBHippi, 40,937 1,406 38.831 " city line, these disbursements would MISCELLANEOUS. hing. Libby thought the sound of —C. A. Clifford. Card be Mr. when ] 268,628 226,762 41,866 made elsewhere and the taxes col- Bird, qeusttoned as to wheth- t he shots were heard iliadunri, Roeklar.d—Dunn & Carr. Book, by him about — lected W. H. Pettlngill was just don tana, 17,584 18,838 1,304 A. J. Huston. -AND- by another municipality. er the Consolidated appointed a ■ Company did not gpoo- i .80 o’olook. Sanford—F. From an examination of the sobedule iai without Nebraska, 24,943 87,227 62,284 H. Wingate. have some alternate said policeman pay at the Cus- of rates paid by various cities for ourrents, they Not a soul in the house heard (evada 711 2,892-2,111 Skowhegan—Blxby St Buck. lights had done tom house. the l South Portland—J. F. of 1200 oandle power contained in the ad- away with all but one. This ran ound of the shots 4ew Hamp- Mernman. excepting Mr. > K1,,1ter & Son. mirable of the to the Union station. Mr. Thomas Fortune appeared THREE CLASSES OF MEN Libby shire, 42,081 45,658 3,577 Ur. ,, H.’ JOB report committee of this before | ud even he didn’t know ^outh Windham—J. W. Read. it Is the board to th.y ocourred J (Jersey,' 171,066 166,080 14,886 PRINTER, body, found that some of the prices Alderman Kehoe asked if the explain about the South Paris—A. D. Mturtev.iul, 1 a the room next to FKINTEBS’ EXCHANGE, for lighting every and all oompany building is the title of a neat illustrated volume him. 1 lew York, 654,368 609,360 4(^518- South Paris—F. A. Shurtleff. night night had ever of whioh he has constructed In are thought their wires the rear ( 100,346 South Waterboro—G. C. muoh lower than others, but many of putting I have just issued for men. It Ooroner Andrew Blob took Carolina, 182,961 32,605 Downs. 97 1-2 under Mr. of his plaoe on Forest street. gives charge of ] I Saco—H. B. Kendricks Si Co. exchange SI., Portland these are known, and all are to ground. Wm. B. Wood replied The neigh- in the t he bodies on his Dakota,-17,519-17,519 supposed plain language effects following arrival and 404.115 E. L. Preble. be cases where the motive is that that had been bors have complained that the carried ( )blo, 405,187 1,072 power considered; but there building indiscretions and later ex- t hem to bis South Bristol—N. W. Damage. water. It should be is and Inspector youthful undertaking rooms, around ( Iregon, 14,243 85,002 20,750 observed, however, was not|buslness enough in unsightly Ward has ob- cesses as Seminal Weakness, Xhomaston—E. Walsn. FINE JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY. that the average price le $91. of Portland|to Impoten- t he door of whioh a large crowd 1 ’enos’lv’a,462,264 616,011 68,747 Vinal Haver.—A. B. Vinal. Many warrant such jected to the edifioe. But Drains and quickly the coucerns are expense. Mr. Wood cy, Losses, Vericooeie, At- i 24,835 27,060 2,734 Bliss. Ail orders mail or known to be at a went Thomas * athered. Dr. Pudor, the laland, Waldoboro—Geo. by telephone promptly doing Fortune a or city D. to. loss business! to whloh are on further to how having got permit rophy undevelopment; and physician, ] i Caro)lna,54,698 13,884 41,814 Watervllle—W. Spalding. attended sept22eodtf they bound explain the oosts of from the points e xamlned the bodies of an and sure 9.081 Westbrook—W. B. Boothby. by Improvident contraots. Most of these in Boston and city fathers, defied the out easy treatment and Phillips and his J Dakota, 34,888 25,807 lighting Portland oould inspector. For- life and said that Winthrop—F. S. Jackson. companies water cure at home without Drugs or fled- death had "1 'enneesee, 136,477 99,973 36,504 furnishing light by be as tune told the Mayor and been In- Woodlords—Chapman Si Wvman. hardly there was Aldermen — have no compared, suoh a that It also £ tantaneous with 1 'exas, 239,148 81,444 157,704 power, auxiliary steam power the of the icines. explains the cause and both. Yarmouihville—D. Howard Humphrey. which is an absolute domand in Boston for spite neighbors, and not the neoeeslty in a buel- lighting longer cure of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumba- Mrs. Phillips was 87 years ness in wbioh a architecture of the old. a little 16,325 37,902 IS HEREBY GIVEN that the constant ourrent must be hours than in Portland that the rate building, was \ 'ermont, 21 667 T^OTICE was the go, Kidney Complaints, eto., without s bovo the medium 1 subscriber has been duly appointed maintained day and night. Dame trouble. He had built height, and of a Virginia, 163,977 113,256 50,721 -- give according to medicine. It is in faot a truthful re- light Executor of the Will of way, freshets hia c Her ' (asl)ington,29,S44 36,470 6.626 destroy plants and hum means, and the of omplexion. features were regular late of building suited his sums my wonderful —_ ADDIE I. BIBBER, Portland, out armatures, and Inade- pur- thirty years nd she was a ( Virginia, 84,468 80,285, 4,183 droughts give in quits pretty woman. in the of of It curts pose. success the of these oases She 177,336 170,791 County Cumberland.deceased,and has quate supplies water, all of whloh from curing by * (lsconeiD, 6,544 that trust | headio'fdoLt ad on a green waist, a little WOOD MAITELS taken upon h mseif by eiving bends compel interruption of the ourrent. The William Jones Dyer was Electrio self-treatment, and the worst 1 (joining,- 8,454 8,454 as the law direct*. All persons demands nominated every * ar whioh the having plan outlined by one of the bidders for for but the middle aged or old man suf- wear, always wore about upon me estate of said deceased, are required oonstable; matter was young, 1 'otals 5,554,226 5,175,202 927,415 549,339 and TILING. the city’s lighting by of the laid the * he house. On her to exhibit the same; and all persons indebted delivery our- the table the slightest weakness should Ungers were a and rent from Gorham has no upon upon suggestion fering large Samples Salesroom, to said estate are called upon to make provision for that read it and know where he s »al and a pay- such was not a just stands, ring plain gold and ment to steam plant. His ie Mr. Dyer voter in ring, still offer, however, Portland. It is sent free, mail ro- in one band I W. MORRILL underbid oy the Puri on sealed, by upon ( rasped was the 124 CONGRESS CORNER CARROLL Executor. Coneolidated tana Tho stable TEMPLE. oompany The Prize Formula of Prof. Dlxi Pleasant street, Address needly with ST^ Portland, October 27,1896. wbioh by reason of Crozby, M.D., LL.D. formerly quest. v rhioh she had been at Salvation Oil gives perfect duplicate engine! part of the Martin Gore work, while on satisfac. Oct30dlaw3wF* and maohines ie plaoe, and now with able to provide a ourrent SANDEN, *24 New t he of hsr other 1 on for horses cracked heels. C Makes the Stomach the property of the Home PE. Broadway, York* Unger hand was a silver W. A. Right. tot V. Lee, 414 W. Balfco St, Mcf of ALLEN, Aged it h liable. Baltimore, Foot Proble street oetaatt i FEMALE PROVIDENT SOCIETY- THE EAST THEIR HOME. ns they build they dream. A RELIC OF THE MI 80MXAHBOPS. TheirSjJStna PAST. BTTSCKLI.ATCBOUS. ANNA IVOR’S are of roofs and wide REQUEST. gabled sPreatt*?fin tn J The Annual Meeting and Election of Offlc- niapels and of uornera aaii, quaint Be When the Mlllerite Excitement Was at Its A AA.A AAA A A, Ji. Personal letters reach Mrs. Pinkiam How Mr. Reed’s Affected a Kansas pastures of gray erg. Speech and wide reaobes yAAAA* can salt air in some and a There- They almost feel tbe a<[ Height Portland. by thousands; asking advice, Lady gand Pretty Deduction a race rushes them from Others, like the of upon just following, telling The annual meeting 0f the Female from By a Kansas Paper. neross unnumbered miles of water, men v.hat E. Pinkham's other eea We were handed yesterday a document Lydia Vegetable Provident Society was held p.t the City thoy wake, and look upon that of sod breezes dry ana that was exhumed from a mass of old The has done and will ever con- around, with its Voice Compound at 01 Health building 2.30 o’clock yesterday after- who (From the Chicago Times-Hernld.) enervating, and, like the woman papers in the attic of one of Portland’s tinue to do in those tearmi noon. There was a for \ eradicating good attendance o( looked into Heed’s they sigh calls the invalid to for do When Heed made a out face, oldest citizens that will recall to those <| Carlsbad, many the members, and the showed Speaker speech home. reports who were in not know that the natural Carlsbad in Kansas the other day, among the sea Never wns nonsense aotlvejlife a half century ago «| Spru- that good and telling work had been more arrant del Salt of faces that looked at him was one of proaolied than between East the great Millarite excitement. Those (produced by at the done among the up antagonism evaporation poor during the past and West. Can the mother disown her and a woman not far from the front of the were the days when many of our 7 Springs obtainable at year. child, or the the nursing people any druggist’s) offspring forget stood % platform, and upon it was an expression of other land ready for the coming of the Lord is identical with the natural waters in Mrs. A. B. Cole, acting secretary, re- days aud learn to hate the of the most intense In her that is the and had their grave olothes and action and results. It ported that the work of eagerness. mausoleum of his forefathers? BRIDGON 28. prepared 1 is nature’s the past year of as the ACADEMY POTTER specific a moisture. Hatred will never come so long their oofflns made. One of Mr. this society has been eyes glistened suspicious them, for diseases of the stomach and liver ; marked by the settler talks in his present tone of ten- ACADEMY 0. Peter same “Did you know him?’’ was asked of hor. Mugford, was said to sleep in hie for Anaemia with quiet, unobtrusiveness that has derness when he speaks the words ‘‘back Constipation, Chronic but it Bridgton won with compara- coffin characterized its “No, sounds so muoh like home. East.” Academy every night. This is the document Catarrh of the course through all the tive ease Stomach, Liver Did you hear bow he said ‘now’ aud ‘so’ C. M. HARGEK. from Potter Academy last Sat- to which we refer. It was in Complaint, long years of its so published Bile or existence; quietly urday a soore to 0. Potter was 1843 5 Jaundice. has and ‘about. My father in the hills of by of 28 and Casco street aburch was the its work been done that but com- NEBRASKA FOR The of M’KINLEY. confident of the game owing to of indigestion obese and or few Vermont talked with that broad Yan- winning headquarters the Millerltes: j gouty paratiiely people outside of its ben- the rheumatic is kee and 1 have not hoard it for greater weight that the Academy 5 persons usually cured eficiaries and know how far aooent, COURSE OF by patrons A Former Maine Man So Writes, and Tells bad faot the LECTURES 4 Carlsbad many years in snoh The old over the Bridgton boys. In Sprudel Salt, while the melan- reaching is its even it is purity. scope, though His Reasons* 140 while j New England love was in her Bridgton team average but on the cholia and heavy from is one of the oldest and best endowed of strong feeling dyspepsia and she Potter’s is 168. The snap and soon relieved. Portland’s man heart, longed for the old hills weight ; SECOND COMING OF benevolent organiza- Mr. S. H. law CHRIST, Burnham, formerly a vim that Into the game sure tions. and pleasant ways. Bridgton put 1 Be you get the genuine imported student of Hon. C. F. Libby, a native bad a effect against the seem- to be delivered by In oommon with The woman went back to her prairie telling article the neck of other societies of like of the ; every bottle bears the claim to toil and wait for the better Norway, Me., and now cashier of ing laok of enthusiasm the Potters ^ character, the year has to us in- MR. WM. MILLER, <1 of the brought American National Bank of ihowed from the signature times, and took with her a cheerier Exchange the start, consequently female complaints so little understood creased demands, all of which, were At the Casco Street as did all who heard the Linooln, Neb., writes from that oity icore. Bridgton Academy as usual won Cbapel, Portland, i EISNER & MENDELSON CO., Agents, New York. proper to do so, have been heeded. In heart, splendid by physicians. under date of October 81: the toss kicked off to address. The same homelike and MoKenney at half 2 ^ All womb and ovarian some few cases have been feeling Commencing past P. M. and -w "V "kr jitr ^ y yy y y ^ troubles, applicants "As far as It aarne to and on the street politios are concerned, Bridgton’s IS ynrd line The ball was f iu tbe Evening. sent empty away because it was found others, they irregularities, whites, bearing-down looks to me as talked of it in toues that told of though McKinley was go- laught by Towne and advanced 16 yards that they were of our quiet pains, displacements, tendency to can- unworthy help.^In to be elected without aid the of the The West ing any doubt; before he was downed then by of Maroh cer and tumor are cured this connection your would depth Impression. 11. Second Coining of Christ: permanently. secretary say and the a Is of prospect is good deal better |ood interferene he made a run of 76 I feel as if I that too very,much a child; yet. Its poli- 2: 13. owed my life to your muoh_praifle oaunot be accorded here iu Titus, ticians Nebraska. The Hepublioan com- lards for a touch down; no goal. The to the faithful may threaten and warn the East II. Tbass.l: 7-10. Vegetable Compound. After the birth visiting committee who, mittees tell Evening, of the me that without any doubt lame was repeated by A. of babe I often at the sacrifice of hatred that exists, but in the performance 12. The 2300 Daniel 8: my was very miserable. I great personal the state will be carried for days, 13,14. hearts of the there is a tie that McKinley. ; kelson both touah downs being made in bad a in the lower comfort, spare no time nor in people Evening, 70 weeks, Daniel9:4. drawing pain part strength And there are plenty who will bet money the time the ball hinds to the old home. Everything is ust eight minutes from IE of my bowels, no and a terri- seeking to]find thejtrue condition.of eaoh Vision of tbe latter days, ST on NEW strength, it at the “back East” when and present time. Several bets vas put ble backache. person to us for aid. While un- good pleasant ln'play. Daniel 10: 14. Every day I failed. My coming were made times are mentioned. The dream of the today.” Potter tried several mass plays through husband said if I would a bottle of worthy applicants are refused any help, Eve. Explanation of the 1230, try -- be line but time would lose the — uo settler is to go on a visit to those whom Latest every your Vegetable he would woman or child whose call is well Bryan’s Discovery. 1290, and 1335 daye. Compound, lall’on downs. Twioe MoKenney fell founded, is turned be loved and dwelt with In the days of 14. get it for me. The change was won- empty away. This has (J. B. Mann, in Natiok, (Mass) Bulls- Explanation of tbe 21th of youth. For this he saves and scrimps; | iaok for a punt, but E. Nelson, Niles derful. After I had taken the first been made possible through the generous Mattbew. hdn when the hard times oome and he tin.) i ind Farnsworth readily broke through half bottle I to have legacies with which the sooiety has been Eve. 2Sth Matthew.—Tbe We shall open onr began great faith 1 elegant has to take ths money to buy the neces- In nearly all the recent of Mr ind foiled the attempt. Then Potter re- in it. When I had taken three endowed and which has placed it upon speeches midnight ery. bottles, sities of life he is indeed bitter—and who he says the dollar is disbon- 1 orted to the old fashioned game of slug- was a good financial basis. Bryan gold 15. A. M.—The seven HEW STORE in I well and growing stout. It is a times, Baxter Block can blame him? a farmhouse in eat. It is dishonest he I ging and that to insufficient to for During the year the $2000 Many thinks beoause it proved Lev. 26 : 24. pleasure me to write this to you. Farrington 23, fund has been Kansas and Nebraska has bidden away has acquired too much purchasing pow- 1 id them In the least. Finally they gave I ask women in placed in our hands and P. M.—Jubilee, I|a. 61: 1, 2. JVov. at 8 only any way afflicted 1 and disheartened WEI>J¥ES»AY, 4th, its excellent dividends have in its recesses a store of coins, gathered er. He says It Is a 800 cent dollar, and ip discouraged failing Eve. with female troubles to try it.”—Mbs. materially Pagan Rome numbered. the to furnish a to an honest dollar is worth 100 1 o oome within 16 yards of scoring and uo XU UU4 xuvxuuaou UUUIH11UO. A UD through years trip only cents. o'clock in the Ansa. Ivor, Pittsford Mills, Rutland Rev. 13: 18. morning, and the old home in the East. The ohlld- He presents the proposition therefore, 1 rinning the game. Especial mention Co.. Vt. workiug force of the society has suffered 16. Eve.— The 2000 years, Hosea ren of the West are on the that we * hould be made of the good work of the no loss.iu the permanent withdrawal of brought up deliberately drop the gold dollar 6, 1-3. invite the and respectfully public of its members tales of the magic East, and they are as aud use the silver dollar instead. If hia 1 lacks aad also of Watson Wight who INOCULATION FOR SNAKE BITE. any although we have 17. The Seven Churches, Rev as were their to the land statement is correct that tbe dollar < aokled in goods shape. E. Nelson and mourned the absenoe of two of our offi- loyal parents gold 1: 20. Eve.—Continued. and all to come and see us. where seems bright and of buys double what it it neeessari- 1 Farnsworth also did good work in the Dr. Calmette Finds That a Lethal Dote cers who were from the.olty. Our meet everything ought, 18. The New Song, Rev. B: 9. good repute. The ties are close yet. ly follows it should be a line.i McKenney of the Potter team did Our Destroys the Venom's Effeich iugs have been held at regular Intervals supplanted by Eve.—Seven Seals, Rev. 8: 1. old store will be closed all The West is the ohild of the iu dollar with just half the To do the< beet Individual work of team. T he and have beeu marked by a spirit of East, power. 19. The three-woed Trumpets, fact as well as heart. Less than half of this, Bryan offers the sliver and line1 up; S Many read ers7of Mr. Hamlin Garlands must kindly feeling. It is pleasant to dollar, Rev. 8: 13. day Tuesday. and execute the population of the prairie States is hence we are oompelled to infer that he BRIDGTON] POI1ER. recent sto ry of the Moki Indian Snake plan under suoh stimulating Eve. Time shall be no longer, native born; the remainder oarne from usuud «wu uuj.tui uao uuc Danoe doubtless wondered how it is that conditions. A hard winter is before us. Nelson, c Fitch Rev. o. 10. the States beyond the and which will remedy the evil he is bat- r the Indians apparently suffer no incon- May the great Benefactor inspire our Mississippi, Farnsworth, g Martin 20. The Two Witnesses,Rev.ll: E to them that region seems flowing with tling. Potter, 1 g Shaw venience from the bites of rattlesnakes, heirtSjWith the spirit of self-sacrifice. •EJVO.—OBVWi V r f Lombard UU8, CUT. for Miss O. M. Beckett the milk and honey. Talk with the settler The logic of the case thus put is as per- Miles, unquestionably at times tbe perform- reported follow- Wight 1 f Wentworth 16: 17. list of for a moment and you will hear him say fect as logic can be made. But the mo- ers in tbe danoe are bitten. Tbe late ing articles distributed: if lye hun- Motley, r e Warren 21. Return of the Jews ex- somethiug “When I lived in the ment the orator has convinced all his 1 o Captain John G. Boure, who was the dred yards of cotton doth, 13S yards of about, Watson, Hlnkley Ro. 11: 26. b Rand amined, FRANK East." On the walls of the on hearers that we need a half p B. first who dress 100 of cam 52 cabius the price Walker, CLARK, intelligent white witnessed the goods, brio, of dollar, sliesla, Towne, r h b Rich Eve.—Resurreotlon, or Mil- nov2d2t Moki 117 57 plains are seen the pictures that were and dominates silver for the plaoe, he snake dance and kept the record l-2_of flannel, 1-2 of.peroale, 119 1-2 A. Nelson, 1 h b Ballard lennial, Rev. 20: 6-7. of uf of brought in the trunks when the family proposes to deprive the silver dollar of Its it,thought that these Indian posssassed flannelette,44 outing flannel, 110 3-4 Prooter, f b MoKeuney 22. A. M.— Signs of the times, came West. They are of the old-time merits as a half price instrument and antidotes we had not yet discovered. of print, 82 1-4 of ootton flannel, 114 un- Score, Bridgton Aoademy 28; Potter Matt. 16: 3. the real der 59 type and havelfor everyone who has seen make It the equal of gold in its power to Today study of antitoxines has vests, yards of ginghams, 81 pairs Academy, 0. P, M.— Continued. and it is Dr. A. Cal- of boots 51 of 90 the eastern farm home a tender message. purchase. commenced, by pairs rubbers, pairs of Time, 25 and 15 minute)! halves. Eve.—Escape for thy life, There are “Wide Awake” and “Fast Neither he nor his friends seem to be Touchdowns, 1: A. mette, chief cf the Pasteur lustitute, of drawers, 43 pairs of hose, 13 pieces of Towne, Nelson, Gen. 19: 17. “Lincoln and aware of the utter Watson, Prooter. Umpire, G. L. Kim- Lille, .that the properties of anti venomous braid, 6 night dresses, and a num- Asleep,” His Family,” inconsistency of the large ball. Referee, G. N. Bishop, Hebron. THE LIFE two and MUTUAL serum and ‘Signers of the as positions, after with a Note.—Small collections will be takeD INSURANCE CO. have been exactly explained. Dr. ber of other things, lnoluding $45.32 Declaration,” starting Linesman, Prof. Spooner of Bridgton Phisalie’s as experiments show that under in money. woll others that were hung by their palpable absurdity, the inconsistency is Aoademy. up at eaoh Leoture, to defray tbe ex- of New certain precautions a man oi an animal Mrs. El leu B. the sides. With these before their eyes all nothing hut an acknowledgement of an penses of the House, &e. York, may suffer hardly any inoonvenience Littlefield, treasurer, Notes. the time oau the inner consoiousness of the from the venom of a submitted the Westerner forget the absurdity. riper. Remarkable following report: November 14, the return game will be INSOLVENCY- COURT results been East? He hears tbs wind whistle The first was that the have obtained with the RECEIPTS. over proposition gold played between Bridgton Aoademy and venom ASSETS of the cobra. When two milli- the wide plains and thinks: “X wish X dollar is bad because it buys too much, Potter Academy. $221,213,721.33. grammes of tbe dried cobra poison in From legacies BEFORE JUDGE $2,500.00 were baok among the Maine bills or the buys twice what it ought, and has too Thu Deering High School boys line up PEABODY. solution were iDjeoted into a rabbit’s District collections, 45.00 of mnoh against the Biddeford High at Biddeford Monday—First Albert ear, the animal was dead after twelve Sale of 500.00 lakes New York, where there is not power. Thus the laboring ;man meetings: H. J. W. General bonds, Wednesday. H. J. FITZPATRICK, Agent minutes. Interest on stock and this terrible howl of the lost works and it for Lowell, Leering. Oonly, chosen bond, 380.83 storms wan- exchanges twenty assignee: West End JBut when a rabbit was protected by Balance from of 12.77 pounds of sugar. to Dairy company, exchange land, dering over the prairie.” According Bryan RELIGIOUS MANIAS IN AMERICA- Portland, Soot's Wilson chosen for the former extremely weRk solutions of tbe From Savings bank, 617.00 that is wrong. It is not honest. It is assignee; State of Maine. Another thing hinds the West to the Ira P. Woodbury, Portland, H. J. cobra poison, and then tbe same strong twice too mnoh. He on the should, Bry- Our Is Full Conly, assignee; Arthur E. Port- infusion of the venom was injeoted into East—the old home paper. Into every an theory, exchange his dollar for ten Short History of Examples of Corliss, Following in the lines of progress indicated in the forms of investment $4,055.60? land. H. J. Oonly, assignee; Wendall H. ins it, tbe animal was not inconvenienced. on the come pounds of sugar, and then his dollar Mental race in use this EXPENDITURES. poatofflce plains week after Epidemics. Carter, South Portland, H. J. already by company. Dr. Calmette’s investigations begun would become honest, but he would Conly, week tightly rolled papeps that bear the assignee; George W. Montgomery, Port- witn tbe study of tbe nature aud venom Cotton print and flannel, $417.49 have only half as mueb sugar. If some stamp of travel. are land, H. J. Conly, assignee. of many different kinds of snakes. Boots and shoes, 154.26 long Eagerly they ardent sllverite should sot np a store in Turning now to the who awaited and as read. American, Second meeting: W. N. Edson, West- A 5 cent 20 Gold Whence does tbe snake colleot its vonom earnestly They Dover on a silver and rec- per Bond Money donations, 45.32 basis, offer to resembles the Hebrew oath year Polic; are not iomewhat both It must take it from its own blood and handsome papers. Their Is tbs financial orror of brook, administered; Orman E. DeDoaited in banks, 518.03 type tify the grocers In oath concentrate the in a very black-faced and the sheet In business ability and Hines, Yarmouth, administered. poison particular Twenty-five shares bank stock, 2,906.25 eaergetlo Natiok in selling twenty pounds of sngar religiousness, Of course at the county seat is times more Is Now Offered. gland. there may be changes Difference of bond, 10.00 many for a dollar, is it supposable that the men iva find sooiai suggestion working In in this poison differing from that found Wm. Nash & exalting. There is no politics in the who believe in the dootrine of Mr. Co., 2.50 Bryan lim on a larger and )'grander soale. Each bond in tbe original source—tbe blood of the columns and the reader may with little and the having attached to it coupons in fc Advertising, 1.75 dishonest dollar would be seen Rev. Wm. N. payable semi-annually gold snake itself. We know that trouble find many slips of grammar and the American is highly suggestible, and Searles, I1 tbe pig and tramping home from that town with ten twenty years, and then the full amount of policy to be paid in gold. These bone the mongoose are not affected snake style. But these papers have up in the of in ihe short of his national exist- by $4,065.60 pounde sugar their bags, while history E. th ire negotiable and can be converted into cash and it is natural to that corner beside the name “White Hilla 716 178 Street, writes: 1 readily on all the financial bites, suppose iu The their neighbors, tradng with Natiok >noe la full of instructive cases of men- 11 exchange following officers Were elected: Gazette” or gold jf America and their blood there is which “Mohawk Citizen,” a little home " and would be in demand wherever something hugs go with twenty pounds as N. Y. I ! Europe, conservative Inves makes them President—Mrs. Charles “Established in or al epidemics. A few instances will, j Tremont, City, immune. Following the Hutchinsou. motto, 1823,” some- the product of the dishonest dollar? I ments are and sold. Too stress I. P. like ) May bought great cannot be laid upon the e Roux method, Dr. Calmette took a horse Vice-president—Mrs. Farrington. thing that, which tells of a am well >erhaps, suffice for our purpose. 13th, 1895. J advantage long very acquainted with some of of the because this animal a Secretary—Mrs. J. H. Coffin. and useful life. relieving dependents trouble, and hazard Involved In thei shows natural They are, too, perfect the Bryan leaders in that good old At the beginning of tbe present sen- responsibility Treasurer—Mrs. H. Littlefield. of local town, ) “lam glad to see you are for types purely journals, rivaling bnt 1 must say that I know of none that pushing seeking investment life insurance funds, forms of the and bondi the ary a mania of religious revival trample policy Weekly. Depository—Mies Ootavia Beckett. old town meeting as an expression would make more swept Salva-cea. It is of it. than one trip to Dover worthy j1 rad rates of premium at several are to be Advisory Board—Mrs. Sewnll Water- of the Independence and of the iver tbe ountinent of northern j deposits ages ready submitted for inspei equality to show bio political faith by a Amerioa, After it a house, Mrs. Charles Mrs. A. American praotioal ) having given thorough \ uion, at the office of the JUMPED INTO THE WATER. Hall, B. people. Evidently the editor example. ind reached its acme in the camp meeti- company. Mrs. W. T. Mrs. G. has not heard of < trial for over a I am Cole, Phelan, M. the campaign, but he Now there were thousands of hon- year, persuaded r Patten. Miss S. E. is able good ngs of the “Kentuoky revivals.” The Currier, Miss Jennie to give a dear accouut of the est who ) that it comes nearest to Mrs Teresa Devol Tells How She Tried to people heard the Boy Orator pro- being a 183 MIDDLE Authoine. painting of a barn and the of lrst campmeeting in Kentucky was held STREET, mending claim that noDsense and shouted their a Commit Suicide. a fence. These are of i Panacea,” delightful cure-all, of i1 pioket interest. delight in the excitement of the cam- it Cabin Creek, and continued four days coo, ana out on the the ) of its kind that I have THE MUNICIPAL COURT. plains people paign who could not be cajoled into go- ind three days. Tbe scene was awful anything ever \ rend it all and find even in the adver- ing aoross the street to buy oo the the tbe \ known. I have come to believe that Mrs. Teresa Devol the old wife tisements food sugar leyond desoriptiou, preaching, JOHN 0. 18-year for table talk. The do- that the would to tbe tbe theory grooer prove iraying, singing, Bboutlng, tbe ) are even modest in SMALL, of Seth Devol of SkowhegaD,, attempted ings of the old school friends are cbrou- their satisfaction you your claims of BEFORE JUDGE ROBINSON. that he had been giving lobbing, the fits of convulsions made of Icled'ana the deaths that are suioice and was all the time them heretofore too a S its excellence. it is the oil Executive Asent. Friday resoued. Thon much for their dol- he oamp pnndomonium. Religious Verily, oct9 Special the ranks of are Monday John MoVall, David Shan on thinning neighbors fol- and would make them here- soon aifeoted eod2m •he (old a Kennobeo Journal all lar, happy luggestion the idlo crowd ) of gladness. reporter and Patrick lowed with aching hearts. a after Ryan. Intoxication; fined Scarcely by reducing the amount one-half. ~~ ***“ about as r------it, follows: and family in the West is without such a $3. costs. As a recreation, denunciation of gold lcnce that those who tried to esoape were > WM. N. SEARLES.” '] forenoon I went town on John paper and finds it a solace and a “Friday up Donahue. Intoxication; 30 days joy. bugs appears to give huge satisfaction, either struck by convulsions on tne and called into tbe bouse of in 'Ibe big oity are left unread un- business, my county jail. Suspended during good journals Due toting Home only half the usual way, or impelled to return by some un- ? Salva-cea is universa husband’s We into a behavior til these are and no Hy people. got heated only. perused, magazine quantity of.sugar, flour,pork and potatoes known, irresistible power. The conta- conversation and the result oan for a moment rival them in ) are out was that 1 Patrick J. Harrington. Intoxication; the tor the family every week does not tend gion spread with great rapidity, and praised—people finding left tbe house mood. I 30 in affections of the wife and (.in very angry days county jail and lined $5 aud gray-houded to domestic cheerfulness, however much spared neither age nor sex. I that it does its work want down to owd costs. husband who have come to the promptly— ; It is a = my home, and Seth ch8nper it enlivens the effulgent soreedi of moun- The oampmeetiiig of Indian Creek, S good thing but all and v.ent for a walk on tbe lands to better their fortunes. And no > that it is safe and that myself shore Patrick J. H. Feeney. Intoxication; tebanks and cranks. Harrison was interest- perfectly = don’t know of matter what county especially people it be- 5 tho^river,'where.two men were haul- tinea $5 ana costs. other literature the family A of a \ it does as it is coupla boys were strolling In ing and inetructivis for its bringing advertised to do. = cause ing wood. There was some in the is compelled to it will he tliey haven’t tried it. = ledge Bridge Hagsrdon. Intoxioation; 30 forego always pasture one day and found two $10 gold clearly to light the terrible power of You it to ~ vicinily and I was on a flnt days in oity house of supplied with the from “back ) may depend upon S mean = standing oorrectioD. paper pieces. As the owner did not claim the suggestion. The meeting was at first give We piece right over the water. Seth said to W. home, now the home no Georg* Crowley. Common drunk- longer except ulundor, they hud enough to get each of quiet and orderly. There was, of course, immediate relief in every case of ( oDe of the men who was 90 in fancy. J getting the ard; days In oounty jail. them a suit of clothes. there a deal of and Luckily good praying, singing < and a cure in cases ) wood, Mosher name: William P. Hush. Distanoe and time dull the was no piles, ninety George by Obscene and inde- imperfec- election pending at the time, and shouting, but still nothing extraordinary “You can take her 1 cent tions of the East and lend now, am done words on the street; lined $10 and to its bles- they chuckled a good deal that the prices occurred. The did > out of every hundred. It is a < JOHNSON with her.’ costs. sings some that is ol suggestion, however, PANTS, glamour delight were enoh $10 and not There wasn’t not fail to and time it was 1 $5. come, this ( cure for all skin | with the to the soul. The newer positive irrita- ) ‘This, together feeling I had Harry Silverman and John Haddican. possessions of a man in town to tell fooliBh a the them how given by ohild. A boy of 18 mounted toward his was too much and I fined $5 and one half home in the West seem and were ; and of course. Hundreds folks, Affray; costs eaob. tawdry they to laugh at their when a and his voice to tion chafing—colds—and S S have j| into luck, log, raising began jumped the water, striking face Archibald G. MoBean. habitual cheap oompared with the things of would have so = Being long they enjoyed the fun preach. In a few moments he became nasal ( = tried them and will tell down. I turned over ago. It is one of catarrh, the you quickly trying to truant; oontinued for sentence; a sus- the commonest posses- much more had the beeu half the the center of the mob. especially dry sions places religious “Thus, == lit are into deeper water. As I was sentenos of 1895 of the prairie settler that he has a catarrh so in this ) they well, made = get sinking pended May 29, for lar- dze,and thus obliged them to run in debt O sinners,” be shouted, “shall you drop prevalent well, 1 made a grab at something, hut don’t ceny and he was sent to riding plow, and yot he will tell for half = imposed the you the price of the olothes they into hell, unless you forsake your sins t H and outwear others at know what. That was the last I knew.” Reform school that he had almost as a time country. during his minority. good doing bought. Ton year old boys at that doy and turn to the Lord!” At that moment ™ double the Mosher, who was near rushed the “back East1’ with a j price. by, into plowing plow of know better than to be with some one fell to in convul- Two and cents the old bamboozled the ground sites, 25 50 per bOx. V the water and brought ber to tne shore Real sort. So with all the West—it Is that Estate Transfers. nonsense, though the Populist Town sions, and soon the whole mob was At or mail. S thus saving her life. only good as with the druggists, by compared things Committee seems to be greatly oharmed struggling, writhing and jerking. In Teresa says she is to live The following transfers of real estate oftheEast as are For and rheumatism c going with they remembered, with with the novelty of the and want some the mob d*cheated fain ef her husband all the Idea, camp meetings religious the use Extra f right along and will not fa this county have been recorded fa added ornament that time gives. ;n eleot the inventor to reward Joints Salva-cea, Strong.'* Once president took to dancing, and at last to barking Sold in tins at 75 cents each. ) $2.70. again attempt of the in a while there if are anything kind. the of Deeds: is, crops aim. 'lhnt is as for as have in like women and children S got 1 Registry they dogs. Mon, good, a trip to tho East, and while the this wonderful The Bkandeeth Co., 274 Canal St., N. Y. S = SOIjD by Great enmpaign of education, assumed the posture of dogs, moving 11I Hamilton Westerner is Chebeague—Eleanor in a delirium of delight to under the tuition of of the Sporting Goods. to the orator on all fours, growling, snapping their Howard M. Curtis, $500. go back to the soenes he is family always finite. teeth and barking.—The Century. themselves Bridgton—Patienoe Plummer to Ros- re^ura to his new Finding heavily stooked 5s r0A,ly home. One I know a man who left to a son the anna C. $1. day the A. F. HILL & Field, of a I CO. I agent Kansas with a complete line of sportsmen’s station was umtents of an old trunk. The trunk Hebrew Independent Club. S5 octSldlw sup- at the of all the wonderfully surprised appearance jontained a thousand dollars in and plies kinds, John P. Lovell Odd gold Several Hebrew HUB MIXED PAINTS Fellows’ °f a tho Indepen- Fair. i’"** n’nn who nailed for the son bought a oomfoitable days ago Arms are luu tickets to small, nIIIII!IIIIIISIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS!lilll||||i!iSii!ii|||i!f|||!!||!ii!;j|||i||||||||||||||i|||||m Company offering some splen- Pennsylvania and return, nouse with the to the dent Club voted to The advertisement of the Odd Fellows’ tils money. According unanimously sapport did in order to close hrst thought was that the man was bargains out the Fair Bryan theory he got too much. How de- the Republican ticket at the Presiden- The season is now at hand ANNUAL MEETINGS. which appears in another colunm, crazy, hut that was painting and make room for their wrong. Thu man nioe It would have been for goods spring was ightfully tial eleotion is desired that the Fou will make no mistake in FIRST gives particulars of what the public can ,tbs agent of the River the honest 100 today. It buying CLASS a Brethren, youth had he reoieved I’HE “HUB” as we Maiue and stock. This means great saving to wno had vote be as and warrant every gal- Eye Ear Infirmary. see and at be one recently settled there and were sent dollars Instead and thrown as early possible get what|promisea to of $00 cent ones, on. Pure White and P I buyers us thoy have needed to baok for a visit to the Lead, Linseed Oil A N O S everything of the ^5?Pa^J0g go tone to live In a $500 house instead of a special efforts will be made that all th annual meeting o£ the Maine an largest fairs ever held in this oity. ° 8- The is Eye for a a are a I’urpentine Dryer. price Ear will be held at complete equipment for long .u 'I'^ey Quakerlike folk, >1,000 one. And yot the last day 1 was right THE Infirmary the In trip The committees are In their and their members shall exercise the right of in the This reliable colleotiug love for the old homo is u ar- ilso, $1.50 per Gallon. flrmarv on Monday, November 9. at 6.J woods. couoern very Natick I heard u full grown man FOR SALE OR ALSO 1896, donations strong. suffrage between the nours of 9 o’clock We also Eloor Paints RENT; o’clock p. m., for the election of officers an keep tbe latest of everything in and report some very beauti- They go baek in large bodies ming that dollars wore dishonest, carry and Var- sporting *Tery gold for tne transaction of such other business a and it will well y®ar> and are eager to ind an and 1 lishes. i goods repay sportsmen ful and articlos. always go— injury to the uoor. Ho wanted o'olook. come expensive Arrange- fcboy do ORG ANS may legally before the meeting. to call and examine their stock. not want to stay, he poor man to the benefit of half A A. A. ments are being made with the railroads they told get committee of three, consisting of MONTGOMERY, Secretary me 1 was going into tho irice money. How easily mortals Portland, October SO, 1896. ocWldtd for enemy s poor Jacbb H. Berensou and i. I. PERKINS' Very or Plain at A Wonderful Sight, special rates which will be an- country when 1 started West ire Juelsohn, Lewis & CO. Fancy this deladed 1 nounced later. time, said a Pennsylvania Uon- : Joseph Mack, has been appointed to as- Hardware Dealer, ^JO. 1141-2 NOTICE. It is said that a wonderful can Notice the and gressman who EXCHANGE ST. sight cabalistic letters got made addresses in the sist the in The Female Samaritan your West HKLIKF IN SIX IIOITKS president and vice-president Association will hoi be obtained when thinking cap on. during the campaign, “but I tola 8 Free —AT— their annua] by visiting Raymond tnem 1 the work Street, Portland. meeting Thursday afternoon, Not would be owu and Bladder disaases teplStf D at 3 o’clock with the shad are tbs creeks the among my people, Distressing Kidney Airs.'W.T.KlIborn,204 Bracl rushing np by for there are so xeieveil in six hours the ‘‘NEW GREAT | ett street. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. many of them in the by At tills meeting action will be take thousand in order to Tbe SOUTH AMERICAN The Tlie Sea Commission' spawn. govern- prairie btates that 1 can turn KIDNEY CURE.” Behring concerning an amendment to article 3d or th soaroely lew is a *f. P. ment “Mystic Cure” lor Rheumatism and Neural- ar“ remedy great surprise on account DSTY'OF PORTLAND. HASTINGS'. constitution. This article reads: “This assc fish inspector said he Dover saw 0without having a native of my >f Its Not only will Mr. J. C. Clay go to gia radically cures in 1 to 3 days- Its action own exceeding promptness in relieving ciation shall hold an annual meeting on call to was til euoh a upon the system is remarkable and |_tate me.’’ He right, min in 1 lie and every for first in November for »he sight. mysterious. tor there are bladder,kidneys,-bnck Vancouver, B. C., as stenographer Thursday choice c It removes at once tire ana the disease no strangers out on the mrt of the urinary in male or fe- KTOTICE officers. A 1 other shall cause all passages the but Mr. meetings be held s immediately aose plains aie the nale. It relieves water and Behring Sea Commission, such TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY disappears. The first greatly ohildreu of great retenion of Tukey’s bridge will be closed travel times and place as the president may dt benefits. min in it If Ruel to Sold by C. H. Guppy

— — AND tremely improbable that anywhere near of the volume are by Frank T. Merrill. MAINE STATE PRESS. a majority of the American people would (Lorlng, Short & Harmon. Prloe 75 ISTETW LOAN be reokless to Subscription Rates. enough sweep away all at cents.) once a finanoial system under which Town of Daily (in advance) $6 per year; $3 for six Kennebunkport, Me., had lived and done business for over months; $1.60 a quarter; 50 cents a month. they Also from Mrs. Richards’s pen, “Some The Daily is delivered every morning by twenty years, unless a most complete Say, that aud Isla Heion both being, carrier where within the city limits and at demonstration were furnished them that the any by way, in their fifth thousand. C. C. TUKESBUKY, .Manager. extra Woodforas without charge. the system they were asked to adopt was Cyrus folk themselves in the express TODAY. I Daily (Not in advance!, invariably at th superior to the one they were asked to raoy New dialeot In which this England SEE 1901. MATINEE K I rate oi $7 a year. I Due, 1906. EVENING abandon. Such a wo Due, demonstration was, author excels. We are treated to a study at 2 p. in. I at 8 p. in. Maine State Press, (Weekly) published believe, a condition preoedent of tbe ii- for six neighborhood curiosity and can sym- pZZTl Assessed every Thursday, $2 per year; $1 mouths; Valuation1 ‘‘LITTLE TROOPER." I “BOSEDALE.” adaption of free coinage, and it has not with Mrs. Mellen’s $1,140,000. 5o cents a quarter; 26 cents for trial subscrip- pathize exasperation With scenic been appropriate stage and effects by the forthcoming. Ou the other hand and ber iu a tion of six weeks. joy being Bowler” that THAT THE Total Debt, $13,500. it has been fur- Persons wishing to leave town for long or nothing approaching she may indulge her eccentricities when These bonds arc issued for the short periods may have the addresses of their nished. The silver orators have signally the “over the pur- SAWTELLE DRAMATIC CO. inquisitiveness way" pose of building bridge and will make papers changed as often as desired. failed to out how the benefits they threatens a and Band and Orchestra. point developing love affair. We FAC-SIMILE a conservative investment for trust Imperial have claimed for free would be Advertising Rates. sliver suspect Mrs. Mellen of a large degree of funds. REPERTOIRE. about. Matinee.THE PHOENIX In Daily Press $1.60 for one brought They have shouted per- penetration and of far less Wednesday per square, gullelessness arationfor Wed. Eve..A GREAT WRONG that free would make &kge table Prep As ; SIGNATURE RIGHTED week; $4.00 for one month. Tliree inser- slstently silver than would appear to the oareless reader. Thursday Matinee.FOGG’S FERRY us all s theFood and Regula- tions or less, $1.00 per square. Every other happy and prosperous but when This small volume is also for adults. (inflating Thursday Eve..STREETS OF NEW YORK and Bowels •-OR- Matinee.HOOP OF GOLD day advertisements, one third less than these asked to describe tbe the Stomachs of WOODBURY & Friday process they Good lessons are unconsciously gleamed ting MOULTON, Friday Evening.INFATUATION ates. failed wofully. Sensible meu before fiom each of Its stories, “Anue Peace” Saturday Matinee..MOUNTAIN HEROINE Half square advertisements $1.00 for one Saturday Evening.IN OLD KENTUCK they take a powerful medicine want being the most sort of saint be- BANKERS, week or $2.60 for one month. heavenly Portland, better than the enthusinstio Maine, Prices 10. 30c. Matinees is sometbiug cause of her unselfishness and 20, every day, “A Square” a space of the width of a col- earthly augal dtt 10c.; 20c. asssurance of an that it will reserved, umn and one inch einpiria unconscious nobility of heart. long. (Lorlng, Promotes DigestioaCheerful- Election Returns Between on cure. We say therefore that the proba- Short & Tonight Acts. Special Xoiices, first page, one-third ad- Harmon. Prioe bO oents.) ness and Rest.Contains neither ditional. bilities have always been exceedingly nor Mineral. WANTED. and that the Opium.Morphme IS ON THE Amusements Auction Sales, $2.00 per great American people would The Forest Fnlry, Christmas in Swit- Narcotic. each week. Three insertions or less, not Not square adopt tbe free coinage policy unless zerland by E. H. K. Hugesson, illustrat- $1.60 per square. the ■« ■ .1 ELECTION PAKTY upon ntrongest kind of evidence tha t ed by L. J. Bridgman, to the Xoticcs in and belongs & Reading nonpanel type what its advocates said of it was true. Leeds R. R. Christmas in Mauy Lands Series and is of Old PrSAMVtUil LHS3 Farmington classed with other paid notices, 15 ceuts per Recipe —AT THE— This evidence has not been forthcom- one WRAPPER line each insertion. of the prettiest of the group. The Pumpkin S*uk~ • Pure Reading Xotices in reading matter type, ing. pictures are enchnntingly delicate aud JlxJmnm 1 BochAUSJli- I £6 cents lino each Now os to the matter of signs. Since as the per insertion. dainty subject demands. The Auist Seed * I OF EVERY Wants. To Let. For Sale and similar adver- the freB coinage agitation began wo have itself Is the one which never 6’s, story loses r CASINO, WILLARD tisements, £5 cents per week m advance, for had the verdiot of two northern states %%ZL-*Un. Due 1896. BEACH, its charm of the July good fairy who relcog- ffomSeed 1, 40 words or less, no display. Displayed adver- on the f BOTTLE OE question—Maine and Vermont— nizes merit and who knows that the We offer in exchange, a ohoice line ol tisements under these headlines, and all adver- On the of Nov. 3rd. auu in uoin oi uiom it mis Deeu over- needy old man and his dear little 1. .t. ^ «4^ ^ ^*4* *4< -4* ^ »]/ ^ y IS Will be for sale at Decorated “Teddy and Two Mer- f' Salesroom Exchange Street. -OF- Beautifully Carrots, 'T/i*^f New York, son making the correct solution. Send yours certain to feel the effect of it. In to them I am very with 10 cents to J. H. Wish, at make it real to our boys of this day and friends; grateful. To havine recently increased its Investment in Jr., City Hall, Illinois Chairman Jones and retain their confidence and win during the Odd Fellows’ Fair. Gov.Altgeld Mrs. Laura E, Richards Is a fasolnat- generation. (Lorlng, Short & Harmon. recogni- BANGOR Si AROOSTOOK R. R. CO. First tion from others re- 5 per cent Cold Bonds until It now have quarrelled, the latter eharglng the writer for children Price 75 cents. Fifth desiring absolutely mortgage Admission—Afternoon Free. ing and is always volume in the insurance shall be holds more tnan #300,000. This lndioates that liable my constant or tickets former of abandoning Illinois, and the weloomed and of the institutions are turning their Evening 25c., season from 9th appreciated. In some of “Stories American History" Series. aim in the future. large moneyed to 14th Bali 50 to the East tor investments as this is Inclusive, $1.00. tickets cents former aconsing the latter of selling out her stories the attention each. poetic element prevails Respectfully, the first New York life insurance Company There is an old Doors open from 10 a. m. to 10 m. ex- Bryau. adage which and when this Is the case the sketohs to Invest in Maine Securities. p. Free Pills. Don’t buy TEOUSEKS until you have ex cept from 5.30 to 6.30, when the main hall says that when rogues fall out honest will FOR SALE BY will be resulting be found more adaptel to RTuined the assortment we carry of the CEO WN closed. nov3-dlw men their dues. The have Send your*address to H. E. Bucklen TEOUSEKS. MADE. The BEST PHILIP F. get rogues older people’s reading even though they Tlie BEST TURNER, B. & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample TKIMMED. The best fitting Trousers on the HUTSON SAUNDERS, evidently fallen out. have children for their market. MEN. 48 Exchange subject. This box of Dr. King’s New Life Pills. A Special cut tor STOUT TV* St., | First Floor, Investment Securities, have the tne Crown Make in applies to “Isla Heron,” a beautiful trial will convince you of their merits. exclusive sale of TODAI’S ELECTION. Cortland. stamped with trade 0Ct2 Telephone 448-4. dlw at l.s Exchange Street Portland, Me These aro In aotion Every *pair little dream of the sea, where the spirit pills easy and are mark. Th&STtf particularly effective in the cure of Con- ju6 We believe the Republicans of Maiue of the deep, or of the bird that flies M AIKE GEMRAL stipation and Siok Headaohe. For Ma- "HOSPITAL. that over may rest assured tonight’s despatch- the wave, is lnoarnate in the girlish laria and Liver Doubles they have been es will bring them news of a sweeping form of the littie heroine. The ideality proved invaluable. They are guaranteed annual meeting of the Maine General haskellTjones, THE for the choice of for sound and its of the is to be perfectly free from every deleteri- Hospital offioers for triumph money, repre- story contrasted with the very the ensuing year and the ous substance and to be purely vegetable. trails action of sentative in this campaign, William Mc- real figures of Joe Furnishers such other business as mav levallv O. has left Brazyborie and his They do not weaken by tbelr action" Tailors, Clothiers, my wife, Mary Pride, our bed and board, I hereby forbid any Kinley. We base opinion partly severe sister-in-law “the as but by giving tonio to stomach and WHEREASmy STEPHEN Widder, bow- AND on as I shall the LADIES’ CLOAKS, fouV^'clocKin tl Derson trusting ber my account, BERRY, upon the Inherent of the well as with the School for els greatly iuvlgorotes system. after this date. probabilities the Deaf Regu- pay no bills oi her contracting ar size 35o. per bsx. Sold by H. P. s. Monument square. case and partly upon the signs as they where Isla goes with her brother order of the harry l. pride. JOB younger old. 677 Oongres street, under Con- -M7 eoatf By Directors. BOOK AflD F. R. Oct. PKlflTEtJ have cropped oat daring this contest. for his education and plaoes herself in gress Square Hotel. Barrett, rbcv Westbrook. Me., 27,1896. Rutland, Ootober, 8. 1896. ootST&Thfi ocmi3^ Ho. 37 PLUM STBBRX. / ADVERTISEMENTS. A CONFIRMED THIEF. FATALLY BURNED. NEW | NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. My aotbbtiseuea'x. mw AOTTOtiSMairBi, NKW ADVERTISEMENT'S. j NEW ADVKKXIBEJUtKTS.

Archibald McLean Sent to tho Reform Mrs. Roxana Crane Loses Her Life. School,

was BROS. a Deering the soene of a terrible RINES Same days Arohlbaid MoLaan, COMPANY^ ago burning accident pupil at the Jackson school, was flogged Saturday evening which resulted in of Mis. bo seveiely by his father that the hoy the death I remember hands. Koxana Crane, a over 87 of had several cuts on his head and lady years you age the widow of the late Calvin Crane. help The police took the boy to tho station, sent him The family moved from Port- gave him a good breakfast and recently land into a half to school. That was in the morning; in of the Leighton house, Forest the aftemoon;he played truant, as he had avenue, a short distance above PRICES REDUCED. the Maine Central frequently done. The father had flogged railroad station. The old has her him because he wouldn’t come home, be- lady been confined to wil- room for several weeks illness. Sat- our ing much exasperated by the boy’s by I Novem lOf by very special for ful couduet. urday evening she got out of bed Reduced this week on some of and prices the Best Style Yesterday the boy was before Judge something accidentally knocked over a whioli Novelties we have shown this season. i Robinson charged witb;trusnoy. It was lamp stood near by, breaking Grand it. The oil took found that he had been concerned In tire and communiouted opportunity to secure the latest at which to her night robe and the room was stealing a watch last year, and at ELECTION WEEK BARGAIN SALE! soon in a blaze. were styles colorings time sentence was suspended on him. Her cries for help to The boy’s mother yesterday morning, responded by the members of the fam- with paid that the boy had frequently stolen ily who, the aid of the neighbors at last suoceedod tire since then'ami she did not know what to iu puttling out the You may remember this week with tho sentence without the aid of the firs department. do with him. On suspended even if favorite A was BARGAIN pleasure, your candidate is for larceny, which was brought for- physician hastily summoned. He PRICES. found that the burns had confined if are fortunate to be ward, the hoy wrs sentenced to the re- been defeated, you enough form school daring his minority. mainly to her limbs and head. She was among the patrons of our great bargains of rnailo as comfortable as but possible, Reduced from $1.75 to $1,35 this week. PORTLAND NEGROES. died Sunday from the effects of her in- New per yard. New juries and the shock. They Will be Represented at’the Tennessee Reduced from $1.75 to $1.00 Centennial. B-FAY MILLS. Fail per yard. Winter Reduced from to Mayor Baxter yesterday received the $1.35 $1.00 per yard, following letter; The Great Kvangelist to Lecture at City Nashville, Tenn., October 27, IS96. Hall. Oress Reduced from $1.00 to 75 cts. To His of Portland: Dress Honor, Mayor per yard. Dear Sir—To show tlie.progress of the TREFOUSSE. REYNIER. negro race in America from the old Rev. B. the Reduced from 50 cts.to 39 plantation days to the present, is the Fay Mills, great evangelist cts. on Novelties. cause of the negro department in the will deliver bis lecture the “Milk of per yard. Novelties. These two names are at the head and set the standard for our Tennessee centennial. Human Kindness,” at City Hall, Friday The will be one of the There are not made better Gloves than those negro building night, lor the Young Women's Christian Glove stock. made hamlsomept buildings on the grounds. Association. Mr. Mills made That our display may he complete in many by the houses of TREFOUSSE and REYNIER. every particular and a truthful exhibit- friends iu Portland when he was last ion of what we can and are doing,we ask here. Speaking of his lecture the Colum- KTES'W L.IJME that you please appoint three, live or bus, O., Press says: has been known and seven pushing euergetio negro men, who The “Trefousse” Glove long ministers were there to hear call them as are patriotic and race loving enough to ‘Many by who in Portland. Our store We good wearing Tapes- what of words the the noted evan- by everybody shops see to it that the negros of your oity are magic appreciated draws crowds and convinces tries as can be at All fitly represented. gelist people been the Portland homf for these Gloves for bought any price. of the of their lives and has years. Hoping you will kindly do this at youi misery the selfish kinds of colors and ness of their Doctors and law- patterns. earliest convenience, 1 am example. No has ever bought a pair of “Trefousse” Gloves milliners and onejwho Sincerely jours, yeis.editnrsjand merchants, - men women with That’s recommendation RICHARD HILL, Chief, dressmakers, and other and has been dissatisfied them. 324 South Summer street. of every calling and employment were there and the house was tilled with eager NOVELTIES enongh. Baxter will three no Mayor appoint moved various motives. humanity, by Not a of “Trefousse” Gloves but what is made of grues as desired, if the negroes will agree There is uo doubt that the eminent di- pair on three of their men in this vine met expectations, and on a higher selected skins, so is warranted. The is WOOL leading every1 pair shape BEST EXTRA SUPER ALL plane than most of his auditors expect- city. which will fit ed. He is beyond doubt an intel- the average shape probably nine hands out of lectual man of tender sensibilities, and This Week. THE ARMENIANS. Opened Iu suede or finish—all colors—all he mingJes these qualities in his dis- ■"' ten, glace lengths— •: *"* ; "■ course in ■■ pleasing proportions. .. -. from to 3.25 'I’ L hn 1 ^ *.U„ J *■_ 1 prices $1.50 per pair. They Will Surely Arrive Here Tomorrow standard of bis INGRAIN high teaching.His Sight. words, All Wool Mixtures that would be a decided Bargain at 75 cents CARPETS, like are for remembrance. rosemary, per yurd, offered for the first time at No diviner voice has ever been beard The “Reynler” is not so well known here but it has L. M. N. Stevens received tide in the wilderness of this community,call- Mrs. are Fernbrook’s and men and women to several points of merit which fast making it popular. Including Lowell’s, many- from Col. Holland, secretary ing nobler, juster despatch lives. His clear voice is sounding the 50 cents other of Extra in all ol the Relief Committee In per yard. It is hand sewed. When on the hand the seams leading grades Supers, Temporary key that would make a joyful, helpful shades and New York yesterday: oborus, It the world would join la with flatten out thus effecting a very smooth, in fact a perfect fit. figures, "Twenty-five Armenians will ce sent It. Mr. Mills Is not only a preach- Is a statesman. Suede finish colors—$1.60 and 1.75. on tomorrow's boat for Maine. God has er—he only—all wooierfully holped us." An 3-PLAID Upon arrival Wednesday night Mrs. Exciting Runaway. BARGAINS—3 Stevens says the Armenians will go tc An unusually quiet section of Portlaud the Atlantic house and be there taker bad an exciting experience yesterday Our Congress steeet window displays a few care of. The sooiety here is ready foi afternoou about 5.30, and for a few patterns and col- orings of three of the best valnes we have at of our Glove stock a Yard. he to see them. moments matters assumed an shown, Two other features 49° teem and will glad alarming particular From the Atlantic house, as fast ns they aspect. are the “Derby” Glove and our renowned four-button Dollar are with olothing they The excitement was caused by a runa- provided proper 39 cents Glove. N. B. r The above prices are for cash will be taken to the W. C. T. U. head way horse attnchedjto one_of Sargent and per yard. for such are made at this time quarters on Freo street and from ther Dennison’s coal teams. The driver of only, prices dist ibuted to their several destination: tbe team had been discharging his load The “Derby” is an extremely stylish street simply to turn wool into cash. in the state. of ooal on Congress street, near North 50 cents per yard. Glove. street and had nearly completed bis task Here are some Stove and is called a i. e made great Range MUSIC AND DRAMA. as an electric oar was passing. The It is what Pique Glove; with noise seared bis horse and tbe animal Im- instead of the overseam. The opportunities. 69 cents per lap i earn ordinary object Dramatic Co. mediately made a bolt.down Congress yard. Sawtelle and effect of this is to make the Glove very and street. Tbe of the coal left in the strong The Sawtelle Dramatic Company portion team at that the horse started wearable. at Portland theatre last evening thejtime opened assortment of not on his wild career, was scattered about Large patterns displayed in the window can It is a three Glove—embroidered back with self for a week’s engagement. The company be seen at the clasp the street. When near Washington department. plays at papular prices with a change or black stitching—colors are, Red, Tan, Mode street the horse came near with stiching I S RUTDIir colliding I of bill Today the first every night. — an and Black $1.75. (III, express team driven by Mr. Engeue price matinee will be given and there will b< Halott. The runaway then changed his matinees eveiy day during the week. With all the ware, and pipe for setting up, oourse to the right hand side of the The Snwtelle company played a very A Glove of real kid at $1,00. when the rear wheels of the team last season anc street, prosperous engagement our came in contaet with the wheel of a This Glove is leader at the popular price, It fits there is every probability that they wil 2 I-2c PER YARD wagon containing groceries. Three wears well. We think more of break the record this week. They certain- well and it your satisfacton young men were seated in the wagon ly will if last night’s audience is a fail than our own when we sell you this Clove at $1.00 and were all thrown to tbe For Best Quality Cambrics and the profit The had be pavements. Liuing Very Lowest Prices criterion. people to turned on all l>ress four button Glove in all colors. an an One of the shafts of the wagon and a Linings. A Tan, Beaver, This is extra good range at extra away before 7 o’clock. The audience portion of the spokes of the forward White, Pearl and Butter. $1,00 It is nickel and has a was a sight in itself, packing orchestra Brown, Red, Gray, Black, low price. trimmed, wheel were broken but the young men parquette, balcony and gaiiery and fill- a shelf and or The escaped unharmed with the exoeption of pair. high plain patent grate. ing the lobbies. The pluy was the fi re- ware enamel lined and a nickel tea- some slight bruises and a severe shaking is all act drama of ‘‘Lost at Sea,’’in which up. kettle is included. This is an old reliable Mr. J.A. Sawtelle took the part of Capt. The runaway again crossed the street Merribrigbt; Jessie Sawtelle that of Every other sort of hand-covering at our Glove range and can be fully guaranteed to please. and in doing so the team came in con- Bessie Merribrigbt; Paul Hudson, Lieut. and all and sure. tact with a horse and jigger owned by Department, qualities prices. Worth $30 Albert. Stoimkiun; J. W. Girard. Dr. Mr. Dailey of Munjoy hill. Mr. Dailey’s Misses’ Gloves—Cashmere Gloves—Knitted Gloves— Brinktou; F. A. Yelvnigli, Arnold Tyson; horse was thrown and both shafts of the BINES BROS. COMPANY. Leigh Gibson, Jack Salt; Richard Crol- Mittens of Wool and Silk. jigger broken. Tbe runaway was then ing,Jimmy; John E. Kelley, Pat; Marie is at the Glove counter. stopped and held. Several persons had Today Reception Day fj) Silver!” Blair' Winona “Almost Louise; Bridges, Arnette, Vigorous Old narrow escapes in the streets at SOUTH PORTLAND. Age. us show what we have, and Little June—who made herse'f c crossing Come and let you New this time, bat no personal accidents oc- Gloucester, Oct. 81, 1986. great favorite last year—as little Etta. Portland Stove curred and no great amount of damage Foundry: The audience evinced their pleasure by Gentlemen :—Please send oomplete coal done. was observed fixtures for HERE ARE SOME GOOD SILVER BARGAINS. frequent applause. Flog day quite generally No. 8 Atlantic range. This the rauge was In the first lot of the Atlantic The feature of this i: by Republicans of this,town, Knight- strong company ranges I bought of in 1877 and has viile especially putting out considerable you their excellent orchestra under the direc- Costly Perfumes. been in dally use evei since and does as THE PRICES ARE UNMATCHABLY LOW. tion of Bandmaster Geo. H. bunting. The PRESS correspondent good work today as It did when first set Miller. Thi: Only dealers in precious stones carry counted 27 flags in the shore front vil- up. The oven Is just as to bake, EASTMAN BROS. S BANCROFT. programme was played by them iasl more valuable stock in a small than quick space which I oonslder the most remarkable the dealers in essential oils and the lages. The school houses and other per- fenture which I ever knew in a rauge of public at Portland vil- tellers: fumes that go with such oila One dealer buildings South any make. Regers’ Plated Knives and Forks, $2.50 a Dozen. showed an a moderate sized floated the Overture—Prince Strauss acquaintance lage national banner. L'omo- Yours truly, Methusalem, safe Seleotion—Carmen, Bizot containing stock valued at £25,000. crats bore evidently understood Chair- P. A. C. Attar of Descriptive Fantasie—A Day With the roses, musk, civet and ambergris man Jones’s I second the motion mani- This testimonial oomes to us from one ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Hmm m«m« »♦« are table aro the articles of such a These the regular size, anil the knives Circus, Larupe among precious to be of our earliest and Is one festo, observed only in the breach, customers, only are crucible and Waltz—Pres de Walteuel dealer’s stock. Attar of roses wholesale forged from steel, spring tempered Toi, of we are the as they no banners on the outer many dally receiving. i i The spoons and forks are plated Medley—All Kage, Bergei sells at about 32 shillings an ounce, civet hung PLAIN TALK fully guaranteed. Maroh—Tenderloin walls. PORTLAND STOVE FOUNDRY CO., on the finest nickel silver—the best metal ever Club, Reckei at 48 shillings an ounce, ambergris at £6 plated This afternoon Manufacturers. for flat ware. “Little Trooper” will and musk at £8. The retail price of all People on this side of the harbor nre upon be the bill. Tonight “Rosedale” will these is much greater, but they are usually amazed at ABOUT FIRE. the figures of that Portland MARRIAGES. be sold to the so called consumer in di- given. highly statesman who, In the Sunday Telegram, luted form. j Fires have a habit of j* Rogers’ Plated Tea Spoons. $1.29 per dozen said that in his In North Bibber j occuring An Evening With Will Carleton. Musk in the raw looks a deal like axle judgment, MoKinley Harpsvrell, Oct. 24, Jason O. would and Miss Ora Ethel Johnson. ♦ and worse. The carry eight states and Rryau 29, unexpectedly. never 2iceach Tomorrow evening Mr. James grease smells popular In Buxton, Oct. 29, L. White of South They give Rogers’Dessertspoons, Dudley the George ♦ | notion that the musk of commerce is ob- leaviug others in doubt. A wit sug- Middleton and Miss Millie Eaton. notice in advance. • No LeGro give a lecture on and read- man can w\ll In Brunswick, Oct. Fred E. and j 29c tained from the muskrat is a mistake. A gests that It is a very Frank confession 26, Sylvester Rogers’ Table Spoons, each ings from Will Caileton’s works at Chest- Annie M. Strout. look into the future, and tell somewhat similar perfume is obtained of mighty poor In Oct. Howland of nut street church. The Boston judgement. Phillips, 28. Walter W. | | Traveller from of the Avon and Miss what is Plated Silver Tea 4 $3.29 set the muskrat, but most supply Tabulators over here, disposed to be Estella M Toothaker. going to happen. A man ♦ Quadruple Sets, pieces, per ■ays: “The readings by Rty. J. u. Le In Frlendshlo, Oot. Melvin G. Wallace t comes from the musk deer, a creature that more 26, than liberal with Mr. and Sylvia Ella Pilot- of work and Gro from the works of Will is reared in India for the sake of Eryan, give Bremen. slave for in X Plated Pitcher and 99c each Carleton carefully In Oct. and years Syrup Tray, him 29 states, all of which are more or Skowliegan, 27, Fred 0. Emery Quadruple were fine indeed. Mr. the secretion. The secretion is Miss Webb. a very LeGro is s shipped less Mary S. accumulating little but in the crude and is used not in influenced by silver, wheal, “the In Solon, Fred McCollor and Miss Ethel A. property, | Plated Covered Butter Dish with and Methoaist preacher, who is an admirer ol state, only Quadruple handles classes’’ and other with- Williams. fire is powerful to X Will Carleton, and his readings are ex- the manufacture of the liquid perfume Popocratic good enough wipe out out his 99c cellent. The people would double the.au- sold as musk but also in very small quan- electing him. \any doubt that it savings in an hour. I knife rest, each come !may dience were lie to again.” tities to cau be DEATHS. give strength and staying power done,, but it can be. X Seems strange khat ♦ to many perfumes made from the essential anybody John W. Sullivan’s Four ♦ should overlook the vital matter t< Mr. Condition. oils of flowers.—Pearson’s weeks ago, our eleotrio road of X Weekly. In this city, Nov. 1, Almira J„ wife of John SEE THEN IN QUR WEST WINDOW. friends and oth- X insurance on his Dr. Taft of Bellevue hospital, New began hauling sleepers Fisher, Jr., aged 52 years 8 months. carrying property. X The Tailed Man of Mecca-. er stock [Prayers this Tuesday afternoon at 1 n clock, York, telegraphed last evening that Mr. for laying a second track on Colonel Du to the at her late residen e. 27 Boyd street. Funeral John W. Sullivan’s condition is Corret, in a report Broadway. The have been cord- s good, * sleepers services at 2.45 o’clock, at the Church, Peak French of * * ♦ 35 Exchange St. do Acadomy Science, says: ed up the and for Island DOW & J and if unseen complications not arise, along iine ever since, of PINKHAH, When I was ut at the I11 this wife Mecca, being often some city, Nov 2, Mrs. Annie L., he sees no reason be should no reason which no fellow can find why house of an I to him of the Michael J. Donnell, aged 33 years 9 months. “The Household emir, spoke no o’clock, Outfitters,” oome out all out, further work was done. ReDort LFuneral Wednesday morning at 8.30 right. supposed race of tailed men called ghi- from Mrs. Ann reached the residence of her mother, [Funeral this Tuesday after noon at the hous lanes in- the writer’s ears that mass which are thought to live in the yesterday Inch, 29 Hammond street. Requiem high of H. C. Doaghty. learns had at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Concep- F. B. : terior of Africa. I doubted the existence been engaged to haul and dis In Howard Mayers, aged GAGE. n. D. V., lon at 9 o’clock. Friends will omit Dresden, Oet. 28, of the me of tribute please 82 ALTHENE race, but in order to convince the rails once thero are years I month. SKIN SOAP~TZ at and flowers. OOPER, SON error the me one 1st, Ill 59 my emir ordered before other indications that down the In Pleasantdale, Cape Elizabeth, Nov. Calais, Oct. ,28, Sarah A. Spinney, aged laying months. years, Veterinary Surgeon. dition of the skin and increases the hem of his slaves, who, he was a tailed double Freeman Evans, aged 76 years and 7 said, track will be no longer. 2 o clock In Isaac An that delayed Fnneral Wednesday afternoon at Newcastle. Oct 24, Dodge. (Graduate of Harvard University.) ghilane. examination proved Mr. J. from Ills late residence. Pleasantdale. C. E. In Waldoboro, Oot. 24, George T. Kuhn, aged the It is now recoin Q. a. Jordan has the contract Office—Whitman Stable Co. & ty of the had a tile 55 Sawyer LEICHTO complexion. slave, whose name was Belial, in Deerlng. Nov. 1, Roxa Ann, widow of years. and is in of the In tail about 3 inches in and almost as putting the foundation late Calvin Crane, aged 87 years. Garland, Oct. 24, Willis B. Murdock, aged Kesidence—United States Hotel. OUR TERMS: “Your Money Back If the Goods Don’t Suit You.” mended, by everybody who has used a. length 25 it, new house rnrner [Funeral years. flexible as that of a Louis for Mr Kenney. of private.] TET/EPWOTUK*B4S-4. monkey.”—St. In Gray. Nov. 1. Stephen Furbish, aged 78 In Madison, Oct, 28, Mrs. Emma Maxim Lee- the very best. Superb For Infants. Broadway and road. novs it Kepyhlia Cottage years. man, aged 23 years. eodSm PORTLAND, ME. WESTBROOK. BLACK GOVERNORS.

A Curious Piece of History Known to Few WESTBROOK CITY COUNCIL,. People. A book little known even tocolleotors of The regular meeting o£ the Westbrook American* to a volume entitled “Hart- council occurred last city evening. The ford In the Olden Time: Its First Thirty made a number of recommenda- mayor Years," by Soaeva, which was edited by tions. W. M. B. and published at Hart- Hartley V V The claim of C. B. Woodman for dam- ford in 1858. There is a chapter in this ages was referred as recommended by book, entitled “The Black Governors of Connecticut,” the title of which will the mayor to the chairman of the com- very CHAMBER SUITS. PARLOR DRAPERY excite the surprise of most peo- CHAIRS, DEPT. mittee on streets. intelligent CHiFFONIERES, ple, even la Connecticut, who have never The claim of the residents of Brown About a dozen Asli and Oak Entire stock of Lace ii Here is where and the heard of any blaok governors in the Nut- Suits, Rockers, Sofas, Divans. Curtains Capital Labor, wo hare A new miller Centre draught, street for reimbursement for their ex- lots where less than three greatest combination on earth, has Book meg State—except the governors of an antique finish, to be sold regardless oi pairi fairly Cases, at actual cost. outdone itself. pense in reconnecting with the Portland who of Cobbler Seat Burnished American opposite political faith, were, COST. Rockers. China gold color, Onyx, Water Company’s pipe, was referred to course, politically blaok. The title, how- this last week three Closets, Lot of odd size Large number of New Patterns it Capital bought stands 29 inches our this committee on claims. ever, Is explained and justified by a lit- Springs. Fancy Rockers, Morris one a Medium high, price Heavy Draperies. New colors. SPECIAI lots, Priced 6 and 8 ft. of tle explanation. Before the Revolution Finished Meed The matter the tarnishing an armo- Lot of odd size Mattresses. a SALE NOW. Antique Extension Table. Rockecs, sale with choice of and down to a as late as 1830 and lot ol for a of the state in period Chairs, ry company infantry One it was the custom for the negroes liv- Lot of Poles and a little better with carved this city, was referred to the committee Woven Wire Cols, full 301) Trimmings Leather Seat ing in the state to bold an election on Parlor Suits strotcher. Rockers, as Poles are odd and some of scratched SILK SHADS on public buildings. the the elec- size, they are, slightly damaged, Saturday succeeding regular One massive sawed Morris The recommendation of the in sale. Come as 25o kind this sale quarter oak, Chairs, mayor tion day, choosing one of their number as all to go in this early af fluted table of the choice legs, highest grade. —OR— regard to the fire alarm system was ac- governor. Sometimes, however, no elec- 52c each. possible as there are bargains. It elicited considerable discus- tion was held, the retiring governor as- They will be sold at a discount Combination cepted. N. B.—A few Couches anc Brass great Sideboards, bis office to another. The man About a dozen Lot Rods, this sale in connection with our sion. signing Lounges will be sold on MONDAY BEAUTIFUL GLOBE, ohosen in either oase was “of im- Hall Stands. An order regulating the amount of the usually and TUESDAY. We shall make tc 2c ft posing presence, strength, firmness and assessment of E. S. Merrill for the btlck White Brass order 25 Tapestry Lounges, you to selecl and hundreds of articles of which we volubility, to decide, ready to com- Trimmed Iron Beds have but one qniok pattern, at Lot Window two or threi Chair and Sideboard each. Great reduction has sidewalk recently constructed in front mand and to He Shades, Dining quick flog. appointed a been made and a great saving will he of his property on Main street. Passed. staff of military and judicial officers, which TO GO IN THIS SALE. SPECIAL PRICE. of kind, at GREAT DISCOUNT. made. Alderman Davies for the committee executed his orders in all matters pertain- on asked for instruction in the police, to colored ---c matter of reimbursing Truant Officer ing people, especially questions to manners and oere- Bryant in tue sum of $3.60 for looking pertaining morals, after delinquent scholars. Referred. monies. House The committee on olaime reoommended The faot that be bad no legal status In Complete Purnisliers^ the selling of,Thomas Dolan’s claim and the province or state did not at all trouble it was accepted. him or his subjeots, and he appears to An order had its first instruct- reading, have exercised a very real power, nearly ing the oity treasurer in conjunction on the side of morality andjustice. • • with the committee on finanoe to alwayB plnoe The of the a loan of justices peace appointed by ATKINSON to meet bills FURNISHING temporary $15,000 these black as a ex- falling due this year. governors were, rule, COMPANY, An order authorizing the oity to Is- tremely severe in punishing people of their ££!. J^OJNTTJJXZCEI^n? sue bonds to the sum of $30,000 to meet own color who transgressed the tow. So SQUARE _ Sue cost of the construction of a bridge generally was tbls recognized by tne whites over the PresumpBcot, had its first read- In colonial times that when a slave com- PICTURE ON A HILL. MISCELLANEOUS. TO LET. FOR SALE. ing. Ajdourued. mitted some offense it was the oustom to turn him over to the blaok Forty word* or leu inserted jnstloefor pun- The of Wilmington, underfills Forty words iuert«d under this head Forty words inserted under this head England, Head for one weak for «5 eta. in one week Mr. George H. Anderson died at his ishment. Such a fared advance. «Re week for 25 cents cash in advance. for 25 cent*. cawH in advance. culprit always Measures 240 Feet. borne on Htroudwater street yesterday much worse than If bs had been tried by morning after u long illness of nervous the oourts. RENT—A very desirable modern SALE—Two cakes “Our Cottage** regular house in western of between origin, at the age ot 38 rears and 11 About between Berwick FOR part city, I^ORLaundry Soap for 5 cents. You com- Among the more notable colored men midway and State and Mellen eleven months. The deceased was born in Port- MONEY TO street, containing monly pay 5 cents a cake for something no who held tbe office of governor were: Stations, at a point where she LOAN. rooms and bath, with all modern improve- better. C. L. LUFKIN, Woodfords. 3-1 land aDd a resident of that oity up to in a to Ou mortgaues for long or short time. Parties ments, good repair and genteel five was Quaw, negro belonging Colonel George side of tbe bill is very those neighbor- years ago. He a cabinet maker precipitous, wishing to or to borrow ou hood. For real estate who to Col- build, money real particulars apply SALE OR RENT—Lower tenement N«. tradde and was at the Bur- Wyilys; Peleg Nott, belonged know estate can obtain funds on First National by employed who exactly tbe spot where to security favorable office, Bank Building, FOR114 Oxford street. 7 rooms, cemented cel- rows Korean works onel Jeremiah be- terms. SCARBOROUGH BROS. & 88 FREDERICK S. 3-1 at the time of Ills late Wadsworth; Boston, CO., 1-2 VAILR. lar. : erfect sanitary arraurcments. Rent $ 3. look will be able„toJsee from tbe railway Street. sickness. He was a member of Ivanboe longing to Ur. Nicholas; John Anderson Kxchauge augbdtf Apply to G. H. ALLEN, 121 Exchange street. windows a sort of K. of and Maine O. anil CJnflP. whn hold tho nffinofnr ton voara carriage rude imita- RENT—In western par4: of the on lodge, P., lodge, I. THAT ARE UP TO HATE. M. city __2-2 Nansen, Tailor. 507£ Con- J^ORCongress street, near of a 0. F., of Portland. A wife and one ohlld, After the abolition of in Connecti- tion of tbe human form outlined in Mellen, part slavery NOTICE—M.gress street, over Owen, Moore & Co., house containing 7 rooms and bath with all SALE—Dining room, has 125 boarders a daughter six years of age, and four make a of Winter I^OR cut the custom began to pass into disuse, white. The figure, which is between 200 specialty Overcoats and modern improvements and separate steam per day. Includes silver, china, chairs, brothers, ffm. H. of Black Clay Worsted Suits, and Amesbury, Mass., and at the time even intel- §18; pants §5 heating apparatus. Fine location for a tables, kitchen ware and portable oven. Run- present many and 300 feet In height, holds a long staff and at lowest Dr. Charles R. of this oity, Fred H. ana up; repairing pressing prices. physician. For particulars apply ReAl Estate ning full blast. Ready buyer price $250 or of the state know Remember the Walter of Portland, survive him. The ligent negroes nothing in each hand. This is “The Long Man place and number. 30-1 office, First National Bank Building loss. Address H. B. HIGGINS, 78 Appleton funeral services will be bald at of it.—New York Tribune. FREDERICK S. YA1LL. 3-1 street, Boston, Mass. 2-1 the late of Wilmington, ”J once the oenter of pro- MOAH—Card Palmist and Impres- afternoon residence Thursday at 2 MME.sional Reader, now at 58 Free street, SALE—Just received a fine lot of Ger- found veneration and worship, but now LET—Lower tenement 7 room X;OR ooloofc. The Louisiana Mole. most line of Portland, Me. This wonderful has been HPO and bath -*•’ man Hartz Mountain male Speedy The stylish lady A 35 canaries in full an of interest to th e ouri- consulted thousands of the most No. Falmouth street, Oakdale; house Also merely object by intelli- is song. young parrots,knocking birds, Eng- Colonel J.’Burrlss McGehee is in all of the nearly new and first class in every re- lish STANDISH, promi- ous. gent people parts world, and robins, etc. Cages of all kinds, seeds amt has been a sunny exposure, light and pleasant. nent in the Laurell Hill section and the pronounced most successful spect; sundries on hand. One ringtail monkey very order to obtnln an forecaster of events. W. F. DRESSER, No. 80 Exchange St. 31-1 Standish, Nov. 2— The item reported In pioneer in the industry of raising mules In adequate idea of coming Mme. Moah tame and piayful. Prices reasonable. FRFD last was born with the power to reveal your BROMBY. 450 Congress street.2-1 week’s paper that Mr. Lewis Chase and bay in the state. From this great hillside figure, dominating tbe LET—Best alcove in farming _ past, present and future, explains dreams, parlor the city, CAPES furnished or had moved to his Colonel there is a and advice on unfurnished: one farm, was a mistake. McGehee’s experience surrounding country, appearing to gives love, matrimony and busi- TO up flight; FUR SEAL CLOAK, size ness causes with advice steam heat; bath room with hot and cold large He is field in this sort of in as over ; proper speedy and LADY’Sdolman style, to be sold at low occupying the houee formerly oc- promising farming natch guardian the little village water on same also two price. happy marriages; tells when and now to floor; other large GEORGE E. THOMPSON, 7 Monument Mrs. N. Louisiana. He has been raising mules for it is desirable and sunny rooms; steam heated and set cupied by W. Trafton. below, to approach it speculate; lucky unlucky days: true and bowls; Square. 31-1 the for a time and that false etc. Office 15 street. The children’s annual planters long says friends, hours: Week days, Gray 31-1 picnic occurred afoot, tramping along the’windlng lanes, Our Fur we cut our- 3. 9. he makes more money out of it than he Trimmings 11* 5, 7, Sundays, 2, 9-3 ILK FARM FOR SALE-200 aero, 100 list Friday B afternoon at the of old must have LET—For §9.00 per six village can out of cotton or cane. He raises more asjtbe pilgrims tramped fJlO month, rooms, acres superior soil under cultivation ; 1 near six minutes from scbnolhouse. A fine was came on Woodfords, post large crop of nay; 100 acres and supper served, bred or thor- when they hither the occasion selves. Our are We office and pasture particularly three-quarter prices right. M. C. R. R. station, and one wood; two storied house in of cakes and of some great religious festival. Seen minute from perfect repair; consisting confectionery. oughbred mules and says that the long HORSE TIMERS. electrics; pleasant loction ample outbuildings; large orchard; 14 miles from the dues not to to SCOTT thanks are due Mies Maria Brad- eared of Louisiana is to afar; figure appear Apply WILSON, 176& Middle street, out near railroad and Many product superior make over all kinds of furs. Get our All the good ones Id sliver, Ailed and sil- Portland. depot creamery; $450( ; be of remarkable size, but gradually, as gold 31-1 half mortgage. W. H. WALDRON <& 180 that oan be from other states. ver .cases. and CO., bury for her untiring efforts which made any imported an Single split seconds. McKKN- Middle one approaobes tbe hill, it assumes NEY street. 31-1 “I feed stock on said he to The the Jeweler. jo28dtf LET—House with this pionlc a suocess. my oats,” Imposing and definite shape. eight rooms, well ar- man. “Corn climate is prices* TOranged, hot watei in bath and set SALE—Musical The was Picayune ip.this Tbe figure, about 240 feet in height, have a nice lot of rugs which I bowls; instrumenfs. Dull Hallowe’en party which given furnace. Also house with eleven hot but a bad to raise on. It was in the so as to NOTICE—Iwill for cast off be- rooms; FOR-times, Hawes has such bargains in thing stock gives merely shaped turf, exchange clothing, water heat; modem at Town hall last Saturday evening was ing ladies’ dresses, gentlemen’s and improvements through- elegant musciai instruments that customers them fiesh and elsa the allow the cbalk to appear through. In clothing out; both located near nothing ^iow, children’s clothing. I cash for them if centrally electrics; will patronize him tor pianos, piusic a ‘Denied success. The hall was most tbe oourse of time these in pay price right. N. S. 185 Middle boxes, mules that can be raised here are better depressions it is preferred. Send postals or letters to GARDINER, violins, banjos, guitars, mandolins, har- decorated with fir trees e ver tbe surface street, Room 4. 31-1 “iully than those that are here from oth- became almost imperceptible, MR. or MltS. D’GROQT, 76 Middle St.. 12-1 monicas, cornets, claronets, superior violin and brought and r ■, lighted with Japanese lan- and to suob an extent was the figure banjo strings, popular music, music er parts of the United States. They are THE HATTER AND FURRIER. to double its f LET—Near Union first and j; also many toothsome viands were neglected that at last it was WENTWORTH—Enlarged jpO station, books, music rolls and everything in the onlyjpossible former now fine Jl second fiats of seven rooms and music >"vcii to a of over a not of your long eared, hard headed, slow, MERRY, 11HE capacity, ready; large story line. Please call. No. 414 hundred, out at HAWES’, company to make tbe form a distance when rooms with new bath hot and improved steam heaters; room, cold water, set tubs, Congress street. 31-4mos ii nciug and gomes were much buoking, lazy variety, the were enjoyed kioking, biting, slight hollows marked by drift- newly papered and painted, thoroughout; gas and heat. Most pleasant and convenient ail till a late a are by hour. but with streak of good blood they ed snow or when tbe rays of the dining room enlarged and under new man- i rents in the western part of the Prices oblique city. SALE—50 acres land, all good soil for .\i »srs. Hartford, Elwell, and Hopkin- more and mors faithful than or sun thiew them into a agement. Table board first class. For further I reasonable to the right to enduring rising setting parties. Apply FORfarming, located on a good street in :t returned from their hunt- nfonnation call at house, 148 St. 18-4 : JOHN W. BURROWES, Foot of Preble street Saturday any horse, and if properly bred for that deep shadow. In order to preserve the Spring Deering, handy to Electric cars, high eleva- with them threa fine 31-1 tion in full lug trip, bringing are in of A form of the^Long Man, and to render it view of Portland. Price $1200. W. purpose superior point speed. W. R. Evans has resumed the H. (leer as proof of their success. at the same time WALDRON CO., 180 Middle .street. *31-1 pair of thoroughbred mules will make as easily distinguishable NOTICE—Dr.practice of dentistry. Office at his resi- LET—Brick house No. 280 State street, at a the outline was marked by dence 525 New twelve time as of horses that distance, Cumberland street. Office TOcontaining finished rooms; all in OTISFIEiD. good any pair you EDUCATIONAL. SALE—At Oakdale; new house on a single line of white brjoks placed olr«j- hours from 9 to 12 a. m. repair; immediate possession given. oan buckle into harness. work better Pitt street; contains 7 rooms and a They eow4wtocover8w 1>erfectTOHN F. Centennial Block. 31-1 FOR bath, Otisfiulil, Nov. 2—On Thursday ly togetbor, The effect, has been to pru- sept7 PROCTOR, hot and cold cemented night, and are and full of water, cellar, large Ootoher steady life.”—New duoe a 28, Officer Bassett, of Norway, somewhat startling figure, which Mrs. Abner W. Lowell lot, will be rsold on easy terms. Apply to Orleans LET—Lower rent of 6 rooms with arrested James Howe and Bert Jellsou Picayune. is plainly visible in fine weather from a gas DEERING LAND CO., Charles C. Will receive classes and and rear 2 Adams, of East for private pupils in 1TO Sebago closet; No. Monroe street. 30-4 Otisfield, spearing touge great distance. MAIN SPRINGS 75c. to Treasurer,31 Exchange Elocution and Culture at resi- place, $12. Apply E. HASTY, 12 Green trout in pond. The ease was His Wit Won. There are in different of the I [n Physical Thompson parts e|a[t! [-'• street. dence, 11 street. Genuine Waltham Resilient 31-1 tried before Noble and verdiot of other of [ Henry Mainsprings SALE—Restaurant in Boston close to 2 Judge country examples extremely tor When Lord Chesterfield was in adminis- Children’s Saturday classes wUl Oct. only 76c, warranted one year. M’KENNEY FORtheatres; owner called away; must be sold; gulty was rendered. They were fined rude and early hillside figures; and, begin the Jeweler, Monument ffi'.O LET—At Oakdale, a down stairs rent of he a as to 24. Evening eiasses.monthly recitals. Ladle’s square. je26iltf A want an offer. For full particulars address 6i8.b0. tration, proposed person proper tbe vary fact of their an- PRINTING six rooms; sunny and convenient for a although great morning and afternoon classes. Private classes HOTEL HUDSON, Suite 3, 79 Church street, Mrs. Lottie Miss Bessie fill a place of great trust, but which the that historical TMONEY TO LOAN—On Household small family, 30 Fessenden street. 30-1 Holden, Ed- tiquity lendersjit unlikely particularly solici’ed. For further information HE goods, Boston, Mass. 301 himself was Life Insurance Policies, 8 old Horses wards, Robert Mayberry, and Charles king determined should be or documentary evidence will be forth call or address 11 Henry street. At home Wed- year Carriages, Store fixtures. Furniture RENT—In western of on were received into the filled another. The as to tbeir design or nesdays. Circulars. oct27eodlm Leases, part city, High SALE—At Riverton Park, ten choice Kpurr, Congrega- by council, however, coming precise pur- 1st ana 2nd Real FORSt... near Gnncrr^aa a Inwar rent nf n 1port PAYS Mortgage, Estate, Bonds,Com- cottage lots overlooking and adjoining the tional church, Kpurr’s Corner, November resolved not to indulge the for fear pose, it is very satisfactory to fiud that mercial a king, Papers discounted; rouble terms. recently repaired. Has bay windows and is grounds or the Park. Cars every Jew minutes, 1. ail has been found which PORTLAND COLLATERAL LOAN heated qf a dangerous precedent, and it was Lord explanation CO., Room by seperate furnace, rent only $20 per two entertainments each day, finest summer will at once account for of tbeir CHARLES SUMNER CARLETON 6 Oxford Building. 3-4 month. For BUXTON. Chesterfield's business to present the grant many particulars apply at Real Estate resort in Maine. Build a cottage this winter peculiarities. WE office, 1st. Nat. Bank Building FRED’K S. for next summer’s use. Prices low, terms West Nov. Geo. of office for the king’s signature. DO IT TETOTICE—E, M. custom Buxton, ;2—Rev. A. Tbe theory is that these are sacrifloial Baritone, Watkins, tailor, VAILL. 28-1 easy. DALTON & ( O.. 478 1-2 Congress St., and A. H. Barnes Not to inoeDse his -!■! Morrill* Corner, is Downey attended the majesty by asking figures. We learn from the writings of Deerlng, selling strictly opp. Preble. 28-1 All Wool Business Suits lrom $12 to LET—A desirable flat in a quarterly meeting held at New Glouces- him abruptly, he, with aocents of great the Gauls the VOICE CULTURE. $25. very upper Caosarjthat (and Britons Black Worsted Suits from to new two flat house on Sherman ter last week to know with whose Cutaway $18 TO street; CTAVE SLABS FOR SALE CHEAP-Iu humility, begged were doubtless included) had figures of THE iu $30. Overooats from $12 to $20. Pauts from of nine and Mrs. F. Four years Italy under the best masters. entirely separate, consisting rooms bundles for baker use or who Mr. Cyrus Davis, of Fal- name his would be to have vast the limbs of formed $3 to $9. octo and hot and cold anybody majesty pleased aizo. which, Hour also half hour lessons. Residence 3mon bath, water, gas, cemented wants to build a lire. Inquire of tlio WHARF- mouth, were the guests of Miss Mary and cellar and furnace heat. at the blanks filled up. “With the devil’s,” of osiers, they filled with living men. Studio, 62 High Street, oct21eodlm Inquire office of IN(j£R. 28-1 Dow Saturday. City. the Gas Works, West Commercial St. 27-2 the a The was fired and the Mrs. of replied king in paroxysm of rage. figure ultimately IF FOUR WATCH KICK SALE—Dou’t you want the book called Qeo. E. Smith, Everett, Mass, miserable victims in the fiames. THURSTON “And shall the perished FOR■I orest and Shore” or is with her Mrs. instrument,” said the earl comfortable winter rooms old Joe Wyer the stopping mother, C. E. There is a local in will take the kick out of It and make it LET—Very Indian “run as Buying , prob- TO with board at 74 Scout, by Charles Ilsley. This is a book Weld, who is very siok. coolly, usual, ‘Our trusty and WE keep time. SPRING ST. oct21d4w of ably of great in wbioh the good Mainspring* 76o, clean Indian stories of a hundred years ago Miss Alice of Buxton well beloved cousin and counselor?’”—a antiquity, and Hanson, Centre, Mau is mentioned iu ing $1.00; mainspring cleaning combined fTiO LET—The store Portland, Falmouth Yarmouth and Windliam Long reference to all work nrstolass. dry goods occupied by was the guest of Miss Mary Dow last repartee at which the king hearti- i *1.60; MoKENNEY. The X W. W. Cutter in Odd Fellows’ Price 75 cents. COLESWORTHY Book Store laughed the weather. It runs: 11 Jaweler. Monument Square. block p]r| 92 1V and Wlfh rrond hnmns ainnad fka |n|t janistf street. week. on Main street; floor space 1826 feat with Exchange 28-1 Mrs. Seth Douglass, of Gorham, 1b When Sirie Hill and Long Man has a oap basement. The store is centrally located grant. MISS A. L. SAWYER’S and SALE—A farm a few weeks with her We at A'ston a lighted by electric lights. Inquire of pOK consisting of 85 acres stopping daughter, gets drap. A divided into Mrs. K. F. Maddox. SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING MARRY ME ARRABELUT M. W. STILES, Hawks’ coal office,or C. B. field, tillage, and wood land Unfair Competition. Firie or is a well Woodman’s Westbrook. cuts 25 tons of hay; in Mr. A. Bacon is his Hill, Beacon, known drug store, City Buildings good repair vIsitiDg sister, Also, Head quarters for Shorthand Work i ND I will buy you such a 10-4 and situatied 11 miles from Portland in Wind- E. this Conan Doyle says of the height of the , and tbe FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT pretty ring at Jtrs. R. Whltehouee, week. literary pro- CO, and Typewriting:. rE A thousand of the bes ham, Maine. For further particulars inautre “cap” referred to is a covering of ulouds McKenuey’s. them, Mrs. E. M. Smith, who has been quite fession: “It is one of the very few in which CENTENNIAL BLOCK. 93 EXCHANGE ST the largest, the prettiest stock. fllO LET—On Commercial wharf, store for- of A. a LIBBY & CO., 421-2 Exchange Street or Illustrated Engagement X is able to ride out again. men and women meet on mist.—English Magazine. and Wedding rings a speciality. McKHNNY merly occupied by the late Charles P. In 23-2 sick, absolutely equal OF MAKYLAND. janleod __ The Jeweler, Monument Square graham, suitable for business or storage. Also Th# Bnxton half of the bridge is now terms. Yet I confess that I think these are jaulSft store lately occupied by C. W. Lombard. Also TANKS FOR SALE—We have a largo a coat of When finished FLAG IN receiving paint. points in which the competition is an un- THE CAMPAIGN. stores suitable for storage. Apply to B. W IRONnnmbei of iron tanks from 400 to 2400 both sides will be completed. 90 gallons be seen at fair one. A charming heroine makes a RESOURCES OVER $2,000,000 LOST AND FOUND. JONES, Commercial street jly2ldtf capacity; may Forest City Miss Alice Davis, who has been quite Sugar Refinery, Portland; also have largo novel, and when a man wishes Sturdivant is charming Becomes on of blower with engine, attached- sick, improving. Unusual Prominence of O Id as Ob- surety bonds contractors —TEACHER to evolve a charming heroine he has to Glory OF— Forty words inserted nnder this head WANTED. steam pumps, Engines, etc. Write for prices’ bank and government officials, executors, ad- one week for DS cents, cash in THOMAS BUTLER & BRIDGTON. consult his imagination and his memory. served By au Old Soldier. advance. CO., 249 Causeway ministrators. guardians, trustees and all street, Boston, Mass. our per &c. words inserted under this 24-2 Nov. But when one of guests wishes to do Violin, Guitar, Forty heed North Brtdgton 8—A fine Mc- sons who are obliged to furnish and one week for 25 cents, cash in so ehe has to consult bjnds. Fall and Winter Term Eye Ear Infirmary*and advance. SALE—Lease, two and and Hobart flag was raised on only herself, and that commencing Septem & POR one-half years to Kinley The bonds of this company are berlst. Terms moderate. 180 LOST—Between•Owen Moore's, an with A run an attractive store Bill is what I call unfair “One of the about this accepted bi Apply, Mlddl envelope situated ou one of Ckadbouro’s Oat. 31st. Bou flrei, competition.” oheorlng things or 234 Cumberland money ill it marked MARY best the state courts and by the circuit and streeti, Portland, Me O’HEARN tne streets In the city, well adauted for re- and a time. district Finder return to and TirANTED—Boys and girls to sell 15 lbs of cheering general good campaign,” said an old soldier, “is tbe ag29 eod 2 moa please Eye Ear In- tail or wholesale business, circumstances of the W. Hill and and H. A. courts of the United States. tea and get a beautifully engraved silver

H- C. .. STEAMEBS. RAILROADS. 4M|®& Saleratus .... 8@6% Pork, salt 6e. g Gen.Russial3Mi®14 Snieea. Briskets, salt 6Va. MARINE NEW FINANCIAL AM* C0I1ERCIAL A meri'enRu ssial 1012 Cassia, pure_18019 Sausages, 7tic. Ualv.6%@7 Mace .foo Sausage meat, 70. PORT OP PORTLAND. MAINE COAST NAVIGATION CO. Leather Lard. c; palls, 6^436%e;If, 7%@8M. York— Nutmegs.BB®66 tcs.oSi Nov. 2. Boston & Maine R. R. r,N®w Pepper.14016 Beet steers. 608. MONDAY. I'lkUt.230241 Clove*.14016 Mia weight... Lambs, 6 *7. Arrived. For Batli, Boothbay Harbor and in Effect October 4, 1896. .23*24iGlnger.i7@81 dressed,city, 6t4e IP fb: country, 4c. for Eastport Heavy.2302* j Starch Hogs, Steamer St Croix, Pike, Boston of Products in the Cord d’me.. Turkey3,Northern, voting, fat 16@16. and St Wiscassett. WESTERN DIVISION. Quotations Staple ...210231 Laundry ,.4%®o John. NB. —,rnmfro Union Daeks.. Turkeys, Western,iced 10®12c. Tug Wrestler, towing barge Henry Clay, Trains leave Union for .31034lGlosa....6%@7% Chickens, North, fres.h 13® 16c. Portland, Station, Markets. Am. cad-9001.001 Philadelphia. „n Scarboro Crossing. Id.00 a. m., 6.15, 6.20 p. Leading Tobacco. Chickens. Western,iced* 7®8o. Brig H C Loulsburg, CO-coal Lead Best Sibley, Doane, STEAMER SALACIA. in.; Scarboro Beach, Pine Point, 7.00, 10.00 brands....60060 Fowls.^Northern, ll®jlSc. to Me Cent HR. Vessel to & Kelsey. a. 3 Ryan LB. in., 30, 5.16, 6.20 p. m,; Old Orchard, nneet.Medium.30040 Fowls, 'Western,iced 7:*8c. Sell Sarah E Loulsburg, a 39 Palmer. Haskell. Saco, Biddeford, 7.00. 8.40, 10.00 a. m., 12.46 Iftoo.6%j®8 ICommon.25 PRODUCE. with coal to B & M HR. MONDAY. Got. 12th, until Zinc.. Vm a 8 Vj COMMENCING 3.30, 6.15, 6.20 p. m.; Kennebunk, 7.00, 8,40 Natural aj... .60070 Sell Ida to ^ further will leave Franklin New York Stock anil .'loner 'lark it. Butter. Northern cream, choice, 20@21e, C Soutbarn, Blake, Baltimore—coal the most notice, Wharf, а. m., 12.45, 3.30. 6.15, 6.20 p. m.; Wells Sell Nellie E New lorn We make soap by approved Portland, and Satur- Grain Butter, crm, Western choice 18020c. Sawyer, Willard, Tuesdays, Thursdays Beach, 7.00. 8.40 a. ui., 3.30, 6.16 p. m.; NEW YIRK, Nov. 2 Quotations. coai to days at 7.80 a. in. Beach 9.45 a. in. Butter. Dairy,North.hest, 15®U6c. Randall & McAllister. Fopbam North Berwick, $4.05, 7.00, 8.40 a. m., 12.45, CHICAGO BOARD OF Sch methods. an Bath 11.15 a. m. Harbor 1.30 m. (By Telegraph. TRADE Butter, do good, 12014c. Irviug Leslie, Churchill, Boston—cement modern Soap making is Boothbay p. 3.30, 5.15 p. m.; Kt-unebunkport, Somers- to Ward Bros. Arriving at Wiscasset about 3 p. in. has been active 6298 pr ct; last loan Saturday’s quotatlous. Butter, do common. 10011. worth, Dover, 7.00, 8.40 a, m., 12 45. 3.80, Money Sch Rebecca J Boston, advanced Returning, leave Wiscasset on Mondays, 15 crm Moulton, Wentworth, art which has with other arts. б. p. m.; Rochester, Farmington, Alton at 52 per cent.closing 62 pr ct. nine mercantile wheat. Butter, imit, 12813. to load for Wednesdays and at 7 a. m. Booth- Ladle Martinique. Fridays Bay, 8. 40 a. m., 12.45, 3.30 p. m., Lakeport, was Oct. Dee. packed SiglO. Sell Sami W Boston. bay Harbor 8.30 a. m. Bath 10.3ua. m. Fop- paper at 7(1*10. Sterling Exchange dull, new Brown, Johnson, that science and Laconia, Plymouth, 8.40 a. m. 12.45 p. m.; Cheese, Northern choice lOSlOtiC; West ham Beach 11.30 a. m. at Portland bills 4 Opening..... 73% Sell Eastern Queeu, Allen. Boston. Everything experience Arriving Wolf boro, 3.30 p. m.; Worcester, (Via Som- with actual business in bankers 8>/i choice 8M09MC. about 2 m. Closing. 72 V. Sch John Nye. Hopkins, Boston. p. ersworth and Rochester), 7.00 a. in.; Man- or bills and 4 85y*®4 86Va Eggs, hennery choice. 26®28: East20@22c. fish to be an at with steamer IgOOOOO 60-day Sch Willie G, BlalsdelL New Harbor—dry has demonstrated Connecting Boothbay Harbor chester, Concord, 7.00 a. 3.30 COHN. Eggs. Mich, choice, 20e. I improve- Silver m., p. m.; tor demand; posted rates at -V 8 ZViiK4 86 to K G Willard. Star, leaving Mondays. Wednesdays and Rockingham Haverhill, Law- Oct. Dec. Western fresh 019c. for New Round Friend- Junction, Government Sch Edith M Pryor, La Have, with 60,000 ment has been us. Our Fridays Harbor, Pond, rence, Lowell, 7.00, 8.40 a. m., 12.45. 3.30 Coinmer.ial bills 4 80*4@4 81V*. Opening. 25% Jobs, Mi 01c higher. adopted by Port Tenant’s Rockland ibs fish. ship, Clyde, Harbor, p. m.; Exeter, Boston, $4.05 $7.00, $8.40 a. Bonds were Railroads Cosing... £6% Beans. North, small pea.l 4001 45. ana east. strong. higher. Schs Sir Knight, Albert W Black, Vanguard, points m., §12.45, 3.30 p. m. Arrive in Bosion, Pea, marrow, 1 20@i 30. B is better made, firmer, O. C. President. $7.25, Bar silver 66. OATS. Abdon Keeue. John M Plummer, and Moses soap sounder, OLIVER, 10.16 a m., 12.60, 4.22, 7.20 m, Leave Bos- Med. New York and Vt 1 2001 80. CHAS. R. Treasurer. oct8dtf p. Oct. Linscort, fishing. LEWIS, ton for Portland, 7,30, 8.3u a. 4.16 k'exlcan dollars 50Vk®51 va. AUg. Beans, yet. eves, 1 30®i :red kid.l 3601 45 better and in., 1.00, 17V* Sch Samuel W Brown, —, better cured, cut, stamped p. m. Silver at the board steady. Opening. California, 1 3501 66. Closing. 17V* Hay—New, $170$18. Cleared. SUNDAY TRAINS. A I.iuaon -day oar ailver was quoted fancy, and more FOBS. New, S160S16. Sch Lizzie Ellsworth—Doten pressed, attractively wrapped ALLAN good May, Pernald, LINE, boya^mh1&sikam- For Boston, 4 a. m. Boston at 306d oz,quiet. Jan. Lower Grain Co. express, 05, New, grades £120*14. and way stations, 4.30 m. Arrive in 7 90 00. than soap on the market. Lirerpool, aud Mtutreal liojal 12.56, p. Opening. Kye straw—$21«22 SAILED—Schs Golden Sheaf, Normandy. Geo any Quebec Boston 7.25 a. in., 8.45 m. Boston for Closing. 8 00 Oat straw 00. Mall at 6.25, p. Imports. $o®$9 P Davenport, Mattie B Emma, Cum, Sendee,Calling Londonderry. Portland, 3.45 a. m. Potatoes—Ar Co Hebrons. choice, bush Bussell, Monday’s quotations. 460*8 berland, aud Clara Leavitt. From From From Louisburc. CB. H. C tons New York White '43c. EASTERN DIVISION. Brig Sibley—812 Potatoes, 4o Liverpool Steamship Montreal to M wheat. 1 * * Quebec From Union coal C Ry. Sweets,Norfolk hbl 00®$l 25. FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS. * • Station for Saco, Convray Junc- Oct, Dec. 1 BY 20 Aug. 5 6 9am Wolf 9.00 Jersey, 25*1 50. schs FOR SALE ALL Parisian, Sept. Sept. tion, boro, a. m.; Biddeford, Ojenmg. 72% uew BOOTHBAY Nov 2-In port, GROCERS, 27 Laurentian 12 13 9 am Retail Grocers >u:r»r (tares. Apples, t bl 76cB$2 00. HARBOR, Aug. Sept. Sept. Portsmouth, Amesbury, Newburyport, Sa- Cosing...... 74% Mary Bradshaw, Kennebec lor Philadelphia: 3 Sept. Mongolian 19 Sept. 19 Sept. 3 p ru lem, Lvnn, Boston, $2.00, $9.00, a. m., §1.00, Portland market—cut loaf 8; confectioners at Rebecca E Lamden, do lor NS: 10 COBS Live stock Market. Bridgwater, Sept. Sardinian 26 Sept. 27 Sept. 9am $6.00 p. m. Arrive in Bo»ton, 6.68 a. m., 12.51, 6c; pulverised 7C; powered, 7c; granulated Chicago St : H H now 17 Valetta, John, NB, lor Providence exhibited with Free Sept. Numidiau 3 Oct. 3 Oct* 4.16, 9.20 p. m. Leave for 6 eoifee crushed 6Y2C; yellow 4Y* Oct. Dec. do for being 3pm Boston, Portland, (By Telegrapai liavey. do; Leona, Rockport lor Boston: 24 Parisian 10 11 am a. Opening. 25V* Sept. Oct. Oct. 9 7.30, 9.00 m.. 12.30, 7.00, 7.45 p. m. Chicago,; Nov. 2, 1896.—Cattle — receipts Victory. Macbias for Boston; Georgia, St John, at W. L. WILSON & CO.’S. Railroad C using. 25s/* .or do for Samples The Saloons and Staterooms are in the cen- SUNDAY TRAINS. Receipt*. 12,600;flrm, 10c common extra steers NB. Philadelphia; Walter Miller, higher; Port- tral part, where least motion is felt. Elec- PORTLAND. 2. OATS. 3 6005 Stockers and feeders 2 60gS 66 New York; Belle Bartlett. Bar Harbor for For Biddeford, Partsmonth, Newbury- |N0V. 26; tricity is used for the ships through- Oct. cows and bulls at calves at 2 76® land. lighting port, Salem, Lynn, Boston. 2.00 a. m., 1.00 Receipts by Maine Central R. 8R.—For Borl- Aug.] 17603 26; out, the lights at the command of the 6 Texans 2 at Jas A being p. m. Arrive in Boston, 5.58 a. m., 4.15 p. m. and 223 cars miscellaneous merchandise; for Opening. 18% 00, 60@3 25; Western rangers SAflO. Oot 2—Ar. schs A J Miller, and passengers at hour of the Music •i 26 *4 00. Boston; any night. Leave Boston for Portland, *9.00 a. m., 7.00 connecting roads 148 cars. C'osing...a. 18% Gray, Colon, New York. Rooms and Smoking Rooms on the lOo heavj Sill sch promenade p. m. FOBK Hogs—receipts 16,000; higher, 2d, Jeremiah Smith, westward, deck. The Saloons and fctaterooms are heated and 3 26 com- $Does not run Mondays. jan. packing shipping lots at *3 65; by steam. Portland Wtiaiesa.10 Mark« mon tochoice mixed at 3 choice as EXCHANGE tCouneets with Rail Lines for New York, 8 00 2603 60; DISPATCHES. Rates of passage $50 and A re- enlng. 2 upwards. South and West. PORTLAND. Nov. 2 1896. sorted 3 6003 60; light 3 20®3 60; pigs 60® duction is oa 81losing.. ! 8 02 Ar at Buenos Ayrso Novi,' sch Ella M Willey, A. Commercial St. made Round Trip Tickets ex- SConnects with Sound Lines for New York. 3 6". A. CHENERY, on the lowest rate. * Flour strong and tending upward. Corn is Willey, New York, Aug 31. Agt., cept Western Division from No. Berwick Sheep—receipts IS.0'10: 10chigher; inferior __oct31S,Tu&TMf Second Cabin—To Liverpool, London and Sundays firm and higher. Oats firmer but unchanged Portland stock Lit* to choice at 1 76*3 40: lambs at 3 oo@4 40. only. Memoranda' Londonderry, $34 and $36.25: return, $66.75 Through tickets to all in the here. Sugar very active aud firm: refiners from Corrected by Swan St Babbett, Bankers and and $69.00. points Florida, Norfolk. Nov 2—Barque Henry A Litchfield, South and, West, for sale at Ticket Office, Union 10 to 16 days oversold. Pork and Lard quiet Brokers, 186 Middle street. Domestic Markets. for Perth be- Steerage—To Liverpool, London. Glasgow Station. Hulbert, from.Brunswiek Amboy, Belfast or re- and rather in tone. Cheese Sweet 6 £ O C K 8. iBy Teleirraon. fore ashore at Haven, has been Londonderry, including every easy higher. reported Lyon STAHDflRD CLOTHING CO. quisite for he voyage $24.50 and $25.50. D. J. FLANDERS, G. P. Ss T. A., Boston. floated aud was towed in here this Potatoes doing better. Description. Par Value. Bid. Asked NOVEMBEP. 2. 1898 morning. Steerage rates per“ Parisian” $1.00 higher. Bank..100 lift 118 NEW YCKK—The Fiour receipts Ba timore, Oct 31—Capt ltichurason, of schr The following are to-dav's wholesale of anal National marKet;— For tickets or further information prices Bank..100 95 luO 1350 bbls and S G Haskell, reports having passed through Casco national 23,670 packags; exports 7,18J ■ to T. P. McGOWAN. 418 St. Provisions. Groceries; etc of and of wood apply Congress umberland JNatlon&l Bank.. 40 33 35 sacks: sales 7,300 packages: quiet, firm. large quantity cocoanuts pieces of 36 Stores.) J.B. KEATING, 6lVa St Flour. Grain ehared fire, not in the water. The schr (Operators Exchange MAINE CENTRAL R. R. Chapman National Bank.....100 90 |95 riour; quotations—winter wneat low grad« by long H. & A, 1 Montreal Sr car 36 Annie R was at. St Andreas ALLAN, Superfine Corn, @ i-'irst National Bank.100 98 100 at 2 : da fair to fancy at 8 2504 30 Kemp, Capt Gray, and 92 60 2008126 > State St, low erades.3 50g3 Corn, nag lots.. (238 Mcronants’ National Bank.. 75 113 115 dolpatent-4 60:94 90; Minnesota clear at 3 0( Oct 15 loading cocoanuts for Baltimore. feblldtf ) Boston. Boring Wneat ban- Meal, bag lots.. £36 National Traders’ Bank.... 100 as ICO 04 00; do straight at 8 90*4 26: do patent! In Effeot Oct, 4th, 1893, Bers.ciana st400®410 Oats, car lots (a3o Portland National Bank-100 100 102 at 3 80 : 2 Domestic Ports. 85(04 low extras 2003 36; city mill! Trains leave Patent Snrne do new 'if It YY XVItn.-Al lilt. St/11-3 UCV U DUUlCt, 1UI Have Portland, Union Station, Railway Trust 112 You 2C&27 Portland Co.100 116 extra at 4 40®4 60; citv mills patents 4 90® $15? Wneat... 40 9@6 00 Oats, bag 101s Norfolk for got Square, for stations named below and inter- 3lji33 Portland Gaa Company. 50 95 10 6 16: rye mixtures 3 26*3 76; superfine ai Boston; Eugene Borda, Greeley. sir' gm Cotton See c M Rockland: Isaiah K mediate points as follows; si ich. Portland Railroad CompanylOO 110 115 3 2502 75; One at 1 80®2 40. Southern fioui Bockland; G Bralnard, CASCO BAY STEAMBOAT CO. 4 70®4 80 car lots. 00 00 7.00 a. m. For roller...» 00(221 Portland Water Co.100 lu2 104 quiet, firmicommon to fair extra at2 66@3 25 Stetson, Bangor. Give to Brunswiok, Bath, Rockland, do.. .4 65 bag lots Boston: schs it ns. In return for it clear 45&4 O000g23 00 *OSDf good to cnolce do 3 26®3 55. Eye fiour dull Ar 2d, barque Samar, Forbes, Augusta, Waterville, Skowhegan, Lisbon Sacked Rr'r Jas Pe- Lewiston via 8tLouiB8t'g» steady at 2 8003 10. Cornmeal steady, quiet Belief, Bradley, San Andreas; Slater, we will give you tbe finest IN Falls, Brunswick, Bangor, Bucks- 4 75(2.4 85 ear lots. 12 00.218 uO Portland 8t, !»*•.101 102 EFFECT Sept. 21, 1896. St. roller... City Wheat—receipts 494.700 bush; exports 31,661 terson. Fasoagouia; Ebenezer Haggett, Poole, port, Vanceboro, Stephen, Houlton, Wood- clear do. .4 45&4 65 bag lots. .118® 14 00 Portland 6a. 1 SOT.120 122 OVERCOAT you ever saw for For stock and St. John. bush; sales 40,000 bush; dull, firmer with op- Apalachicola. Forest City and Trefethen’s Landing, w nPi whea» Middlings. 16 00 I ortland 4>. 1902—1912 Funding 103 104% 31 sch 8.30 a. m. For Danville Jo. .Si4® tions; No 2 Ked fob SUgsOMc; No 1 North Sid st, Addle Jornan. that It will fit it Peaks’ Island Little and Great Diamond (Poland Springs) 4 8525 00 ots. 00 Portland 46,1913, 107 money. well, Mechanic Kumlord patents* bag .$15^17 Funding.lo5 ern at H3W&83MC. Coin—receipts 243.67E Sid 1st, ship Aryan, for Japan. Islands, at 5.30. 6.40, 8.00, 10.30 A. M., Palis, Falls, Bemis, Lew- 6s. 1899. R R. aid.104 105 for Will look iston, angor bush: exports—bush: saies 67,000 bush; spol Cld 2d, sch Star of the Sea, Hopkins, Bar- well, it will wear well. 2.15, 4.20, 6.10 P. M. Winthrop. Waterville, Livermore Falls, (Buylng& selling price) Rlo.roasted 18@21 P.angor 66. 1906, Water.115 117 bados. i-wi Fhtlllps and dull, and firmer; No2at31@31Mc elev, 32® fuutrca cauuinff, mng island, e.uu, Farmington, Rangeley. C©u—Lare«* Java&Moclia do28@32 Bath 6S. 1898. R. R. aid.103 106 Sid schs H H for 10.30 m. For Brunswick, Bath. Lisbon 32V*c alloat. Oats—receipts 282,700 bush: ex 2d, Chamberlain, Greytown; 10.30 a. m„ 2.16 P. M. a, Shore .... 4 oOjx 600 Molasses. Bath 6s, 1897. MunloipaL.100 101 firmer Florence A. for Aux Cayes. For A. Falls, Lewiston, Augusta and Waterville. Bath ports—bus; sales 76,000 bush; quiet, Cushing’s Island, 6.40 M., 4.20 email do. .1 50®2 75 Porto Rico.27®33 4%«, 1907. Municipal.100 102 Me .yflolxa. CCTKS4-A O Ki'.. Of 1 /. *> .'L! Passed Hell Gate 31st, schs Silver Spray, fm P. M. 12.50 p. m. Express for Brunswick, Lisbon Pollock ... .1 borai 60 Barbaaoea. .. Bath 4s, 1921, Refunding.1UO 102 .26®28 cago 24c; No 8 at 20Vs ;do White at 23ti$23Mi New York for Bockland; Lizzie Lane, do for REMEMRER ONLY Falls, Augusta, Waterville, Moosehe&d Lake Haddock.. .1 oo Belfast 6s. 1898.P. R. aid..103 105 $15. RETURN. via. 60®2 Fancy.33®35 Mixed Western at22®24c; do White and Whit( Boston; Ella Pressey, Amboy for Thomastou; oldtowu, Bangor, Bucksport. Bar Harbo Cake.1 60®2 00 Tea. Belfast 4s. Munlolpal.100 102 David and & Aroostook to Houlton. State 24®32c. Beef quiet and steady; lamih E Waterman, Amboy for Ipswich; S Leave Forest City Landing. 6.20, 7.20, 9.15. Oldtown, Bangor Herring, box Amoys ..16@2o C alais 4s, 1901—1911 Refunding.. 10O 102 for Bessie 1.15 For Danville Je„ Poland $8 60:^9 60; extra mess $6»7 beef hamj Siner, Edgewater Wlnterport; 0 11.46 a. M.. 3.30, 5.00, 6.25 P. M. p. m., Springs Bcalea.... Lewiston 6s. 1901. Municipal.108 110 00; station. Mechanics 8@14c Congous.14860 dull at 16 tierced heef quiet and firm Beach, Philadelphia for Saco. Leave Trefethen’s, 6.00, 7.05, 9.00, 11.30 A Falls, Rumford Falls, Bemis Mackerel, bi Lewiston 4s. 1913. Municipal .101 103 60@$16; Andrew Lewiston, Japan..18®35 city extra India mess 10 26^ 12 60; cut meats Passed Hell Gate 1st, sells Peters, M., 3.15, 4.45, 6.45 P. M. Farmington, Klngfield. Carrabasset, snore ls$17 00®$19 Formoso...... 20@b0 ,-aco 4s. 1901. Municipal.100 101 Phillips and pickle bellies 12ihs b*A 1 do sboul Weehawken for Plymouth; Douglas Haynes, Leave Little Diamoml, 6.10, 9.10, 11.40 Rangeley, Winthrop, Oakland, Shore 2S 816 00® $17 Sugar Maine Central R. K. Ts.1898.lat. mtel04 106 alow, firm; Also Fine Overcoats 7.15, Bingham, and ders 4: do hams 9@9Vfc. Lard quiet, and Amboy fur Bath. A. M„ 3.25, 4.36, 6.35 p. M. Waterville, Skowhegan Matta- New largess, 12®£l4 Standard Gran 4 34 7«. 1913. cons mtg!32 134 easy; sch W Wil- wamkeag. Western steam closed 4 65; city 4 85; refined BOSTON—Ar 1st, Frank Howe, Leave Great Diamond, 6.05, 7.10, 9.05, Produce. Ex*-auality line 4 40 "4% a 104 106 Brunswick. 11.35 I, 80 p, m. For Freeport. Brunswick, Au- '• dull, Continent 6 00; 8 A at 5 36: compount liams, A. M., 3.20, 4.40, 6.40 P. M. CDe Cran,bbl5 oo®6 60 Extra C.... 3 96 ‘,4s cons. mtg... .101% 102Vs Ar ichs Hattie Leave gusta, Bath, Rockland and all stations on * 'wC. Provisions—Pork Nol 2d, Delaware, Potter, Bangor: Ponce's Long island, 8.45, Maine 0 00®$4 60 “g6s, 1900, extens'nl06 108 46/8@4 quiet.steady at and Landing, Knox & Lincoln division. Skow- mess at 8 60u$9 00. Butter is quiet.unsettled- Godirey, Stroui, Mtllbrldge; Josephine Ellicott, $10 $12. 11,15 A.M., 3.00 P. m. Waterville, New York Seed. Portland ft Ogd’ggfis. 1900. 1st mgl08 ios Ella F hegan. Belfast, Dover and Green- State dairy at ll@l8c;do crm at 12^020 Nash. Fernaudiua; Crowell, lhumas, Ltave Cushing’s Island, 7.25, A. M., Foxoroft; Pea Beans.l S5@l 40 Timothy, 4 00@4 25 ortland Water Co's 6s, 1899.. ..103 106 New York; James A Webster, Greens ville, Bangor, Oldtowu and Mattawamkeag. Western dairy 8@12c; do crm la^^Oc: dc Paschal, 5.05 P.M. Yellow jtves.l 60®l 55 Clover,West, 8 @9 Portland water Co’s 4a. 1927.100 102 E & G W from At this great sale of onrs, before 6.03 p. m. For Brunswiok. Lisbon factory 7@i 1AA c; Elgtns at 19 V2 @20c. Cheese Landing: Hinds, Barnet, Calais; p. s. beginning great Bath, Cal Pea.... tel 65 do N. Y. 989Ya to our SUNDAY TIME Falls, Augusta and Waterville. auiet, firm; State large at ?V4@10; do small a ltasea, Pinkham, Cherryfield. alterations and improvements store, we are selling all TABLE, Irish Potat’a.bbl Alsike, 9 @9Va Boston Cld schs Elizabeth Foster. Geo 6.10 p. m., For New Gloucester, Danville Stool Market. at 7Vs@10V4c. Peroieum quiet,united at 1 18 2d, Bangor; kinds of GOOD CLOTHING For Forest City and Trefethen’s Landings, New $0 00® L 2r Red Top, 15@18 Island Jos Cove especially cheap. Boys’ Overcoats, Junction, Poland Springs station, Meohanio The are the 1 No at rav Gurney, Clark’s ; Lutner, Long Peaks’ Island, Little and Great Dismond sweets. Vinelan d 0 00 Frovlsions. following test closing quota- Coffee—Rio dull, firm; 7 10c..Sugar Boys’ Keefers, Boys’ Suits are selling rapidly. Men’s and Young Falls, Auburn and Lewiston. tions of stocks at Boston: refined firm with a fair demand and New York. Islands, Ponce’s Landing, Island •Jerseys. 1 7582 « < Pork— quiet.and firm, Men’s Suits and in the best are Long 11.00 p. m, Express, for Bath Mexican No 6 3 at 8 at 3 11-16 Sid 2d. sells Morancy, Mayaguez; Oliver S Trousers grades doubling in sales. and 10.30 A. M. 4.20 Night ao Norfolk i clear.. 11 11 50 Central 4s. 66 at 13-16c;No 7 3/4 ; No Cushing's Island, 50®1 76 25® coal Marcia lor p. M. Lewiston. Augusta, Waterville, Bangor, Bar ..ll 26811 60 Santa Fe. R. 15 No 9 a 3&/gC: No lo at 3 9-16; Noll at3VaC Barrett, port; Bailey, Machlas; Onions—Havana backs Atchison, Top.;s Clara A News, COME AND SEE I'S TODAY FOR GOOD CLOTHING. Harbor. Bucksport. Vanceboro, St. Stenhens, Boston ftl Maine.160 No 12 at 3 7-16c: No 13 at 33/s : off A 3V> @4c Donnell, Newport Natives,bl 1 75@2 OO ’meaium 10 25810 50 BALTIMORE—Ar 30th, sch Coombs C. W. T. GODING, General St John and all Aroostook County, lial'tax 6o do pfd Mould)A at 4V6 standard A at 4lA c; Confec Spartan. Manager. and Spring Chickens 15®16 Beef—light..9 00@9 Boston. the Provinces. The Saturday night tram 10 10 50 Maine Central. turners* A 4 v» c; cut loaf 4%; crusneu 4%c STRICTLY ONE PRICE. ALL CLOTHING EXACTLY AS does Turkevs. Wes. i7@18o heavy... 26® Cld sch John S lor REPRESENTED, not run to Belfast, Dexter, Dover and Fox- U nion I Pacific.... l o powdered 4Vfrc; granulated 4Vic; Cubes 4V*c 31st, Deerlng, Woodland, Fowls.... lo®14c Bniests VfabS 5 758 Jacksonville croft or beyond Bangor. ana American Bell.204 Quotations are those made by refiners on the apples. L.ard. tcs BANGOR—Cld 31st, schs M B Mahoney.Fick- White Mountain Division. 1 75 bbl.pure6%®6 American Sugar, .common.118 one-price basis uuder the plan of October lot! Eating.... 26u:so.iasao Ar 1st. sch Robert Graham Harriman, Bar Harbor, Caribou, Ashland and Monseheaa @1 00; 144,144ii.r2-in Chicagoft Alton.160 158 bush: corn. 418,200 bush; oats 706,Odu bush Dun, Sug.count’y86 New Orleans. extra one Lake viaB. & A.. Baugor. 5.35 p, m.; Country Met j Sans. *28*830 do 166 165 rye. 70,200 bush: barley bush. from An October 6th. 189G. the steamer Range ley, pfd 140,JOO PORT READING—Ar sch Abbie Bow- §1.25-to $4.g8. good for Beginning Rumford Falls, Lewiston, 6.46 bhdshooKs Squares, *38*888 31st, MEltRYCO>EAG will leave Portland Farmington, Chicago. Burlington ft Quincy 77»4 76% ST. LOUIS—The Flour market to-dav wai ker, Perry, New York, (and sld for Gardiner.) Pier, p. m.; Chloago and Montreal and all White tihd hdgml Cypress- 4 00®4 20 Portland, daily, Sunday excepted, as follows: Delaware ft Hudson Canal ( 0.124 123 firm,shade higher :patenrs extra fan PORTSMOUTH—Ar sch Estella, from Colored Cloth Coats with hoods to Mountain 8.10 p. m.: 82 n. 24028 1-ln No 1S2 $36*838 30th, §2.50. For Long Is.. points. Mattawamkeag. neiaware.Lackawana ft Wesil63 163% cy 3 do®3 id; iancy 3 uu®j hi; cnoice 2 : UI i Bostou. Cliebeague, Ifarpswcll, Bar Rockland, 1.40 a. m. ; daily ex- hd35in 21023 144,144 & 2- and Or r’s m. Harbor, bug Denver & Rio 11 10% 2 60. Wheat higher. Corn Nov at 23c Bailey’s Is.. 2.00 p. Bar 14ft. ia.Nol&2 Grande...,... higher, Sailed to 2d, schs E & G W Hinds, fm Calais to press, Halifax, St. John. Vanceboro. Har- (loops 26030 8340*36 uats firmer, Nov 16H; Pork—new 7 62'*: oh 1 8.00. Also a line Return for Portland, leave Or r’s Island via. 12 ft. 3 trie,new.*.16% 1474 for Boston; Annie M Preble, do lor do; Geo W match, from $3.gy full bor, Waterville and Augusta, 3.50 a. m, daily 26*23 2-V2, &4rin$40@$45 7 26. steam at * 12 all landings, 7.00 a. in. Arrive 9.30 '* ao 1st preferred 33% 32% Lard—prime V* .choice 4 12 oil iiidi iux iiaiiio Portland, 8 t. 8 @9 S’th pine-$26**35 vvaiuci, jja) uuj uuuucj, a. m. except Monday. Illinois Central. 92 92V2 Baeon—shoulders at 4VS; extra short clear a for Jas A Webster. Vinalhaven Coats Cordage. Clear pine— Mlllbndgo do; of Long for Infants. For Cliff ake Erie ft West..,. 18 16% 4Vs; clear sVsc;clear ribs at 4s/8; clear stdei for do A T Boston lor New York. Island, Mondays. Wednesdays PASTSON TUCKER.V, P. A G. M. Amer’n®ttno ®li iLppers.*66066 ; Haynes, and leave 2.00 m. 4*4. salted meats—shoulders — Fridays, Portland, p. Manilla... Lake Shore.148% 145% Dry at4;extr; SAN FRANCISCO Ar 1st, ship Puritan, F. £. BOOTHBY, G. F. & T. A. 6440744 (Select.$45*55 short clear 4; clear rib sides sides a I ISAIAH DANIELS, Gen’t Manager. Manilla hois common. :ouis ft Nash.. 48% 46% 4V»;clear Blanchard, Hlogo. septSo dtl (Fine .$42*46 4 Vi. oct5 dtf rope. ooi&isv. (Spruce. $13 @14 00 If. alas Central R.126 SATILLA RIVER —Sid 29tb, sch Ella M Russia do.18 @184*lHemlocK.*11@12 Mexican! Central... 9% 8 Receipts—Flour 11,300 bbls; wheat 48.401 1 Storer, Haskell, Boston. J. H. FITZGERALD, Slsat. 6 @o Clapboards— Michigan Central. 90 90 bnsh;oorn 337.000 bush;aars 106,700 baeb;ry 1 SALEM—Sailed 31st, brig Manson, Crapo, ; i.usn. brugs and Dves. X.$32*85 Minn ft Bt. L. 16% 17 Swan’s Island for New York ; schs Henry L j Spruce. when 62.801 > international to. Acid Oxalic....12014 (Clear.$28030 Minn, ft 8t„ Louis fd. 74 72% Shipments—Flour 6,300 bbls; Whitten. Rich, Rockport lor New York; Fawn. octOdtt Street. Steamsnip corn 176.600 bush » 536 Congress -for Portland & Rumford Falls do 2d bush; bush;oats 18,100 ry Shute. Clark’s Island lor do; Emily, Lamson, R’y. Acid tart.?3@3612d clear.*25027 pfd. —busb. Ammonia.i6@20|No 1.*16020 Missouri raoitic. 22% 21 Calais lor do; H T Hodges, Rockport fordo; Hastport Lubeo. Calais, SUohn, N.B., Halifax,N.$. In Effect Oct. 5, 1890. .4 81 non «M»rBov euu ni...... u/o-yj DETROIT—Wheat—No 2 Red 82s*c: No S J Lindsey. McFadden, Rockland for do; Sami sbes. pot.... 644 @ pine.*25@60 and all parts of New Brunswiok, Nova Sco- DEPARTURES. Bals Northern Pacfic White 82Vie. Corn—No2 at 26c. Oats—No: ! Hart. Hart, Bangor for do; Mary Louisa, Lewis copabia.. .650001 Shingles— common....| 14% 114V2 tia, Prtuoe Edward Island, and Bret- 00 White 2 at Bangor for EmmaJ (iott, Hunt. Cope 8.30 A. M. SC 1.15 P. M. From Union Station Beeswax.37*421X cedar_2 6*8 O do preferred.... 22% 22% 21HC. Rye—No 37Vi. Edgewater; on. The favorite route to and Bleb New York for Boston; Pendleton, do Campobello for Mechanic Buck field. Can- powders... 7@9 Clear cedar.2 60*276 Northwestern.102 Va 102 Menewa, St. Andrews. N. B. Polina, F&U$, Borax. for Newburvport. ton. Dixfield and Rumford Falla Also [email protected] Northwestern pfd...144Va 144% Colton viartcoc* Brimstone. .2 1 cedar..1 25.S1 VINEYARD-HAVEN—Ar 30th, sobs A Hea- Fall for Bends and @24nNo 75 New York 93% Arrangement, Roxbury, Byron, Houghton, Cochineal...... i 60 Central. 94| (By Telegraph.1 ton, Rockland for New York; Ftneman, Greens Lakes via R. F. and R. L. R. 40@48 Spruce.1 2601 New & St. Louis 13 13 On and after Monday. Sept. 21st. steamer Rangeley points .1 90*2 York.Chicago NOVEMBER 8. 1886. for C R Gardiner for do. Copperas-144® 21Laths,spee. 00 Landing do; Flint, will leave Portland on and R, ao 1st pfa...... 73 68 Ar This Monday Thursday Creamtartar «.. 29*31I Lime—Cement. NEWVORK—The Cotton market to-day wt 31st. schs Cora C Meader, fill Woodbrldge FJETDIIGT fiCCnfi Famous Remedy cares quick* 8.30 a. m„ 1.15 and 5.10 p, m. From Union do 2d IsCItVC all at 5 p.m. Ex logwood.... 12@16 Lime.® csk.90.ai pfd. quiet, and 1-16 sales 70 bales [middling ui for Boston; Hume, Amboy for do; Ada Ames, wbbvv ly, permanently nervous diseases. Station lor Meehanlo Falls and Intermediate New York Si N £ ••••••...... up; Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Returning leave St. John and Eastoort same Kumarsblc.. .7001 lands 8 3-16c; do 8 7-16c. Hoboken for Rockland; E W Ellis, Kondoutfor Headache, Wakefulness, LOST stations 22ICement.125® Old Colon?.178 179 gull TlTALlTTi lmpoteucy and wasting diseases caused by youthful days. Glycerine 126 r»76i Matches. Portland; Helena, Hoboken lor Wiscasset. onuft Western. 14% 14 NEW ORLEANS—The Colon market to-da errors or excesses. Contains no opiates. Is a nerve tonic and Through tieltets issued and baggage checked Aloes cape.160261 Staggross 65 Sla 31st, sob a W Ellis, Helena, Ada Ames, BLOOD BUILDER. U A and between Union Pacuic Mail.c. 21Va was firm; middling 73/ac. |# TUP pale puny strong to destination. &r~Freight reaeived up o 3.30 Through passenger coaches Camphor.48SE611 Dlrigo. @65 22% Cora C Meader. and B nine. and plump. Easily car- I VsKa ried In vest pocket. Puiman Palace.163 151 CHARLESTON—Toe Cotton market to-da p. m. Mytrh...... 62056.’ Excelsior.60 Ar 1st, schs Chanticleer. Eaton’s Neck for Blperboz; «for#5. By mall prepaid with a written guarantee was ForTiokets and Staterooms, ap'ply at the Portland and Rumford Fails. m ....2.6003 601 Metals. Reading.... 26% 26 firm; middlln 7Vic. WBa I I Boston; Sarah & Ellen, Port Reading for Gardi- to onre or money refunded. Don’t delay, write to-day for Free Station, medical hook, sent with and Pine Treo Ticket Office, Monument 8Ubellac.460601 Copper— Rock Island 67 64 SAVANNAH—The Cotron market to-da ner. sealed, plain wrapper, testimonials Square Through tickets od sale tor all points financial references. No charge |Af B A 1/ or for other information at Company’s Office. 1114048 com.... 00015 St. Paul. 75% 72% was Ar 2d. schs Wm for NYork; Indigo.85c@£ quiet; Middling 7 8-16c. Mason, Rockport Tor consultations. Bewareof VV CRRV O I KUI«%I Railroad Wharf, foot of State street. on T. & It. F. Also for all iodine.4*84 25 PoilsneacoPDer. 23 do bfd...125 Humarock, Boston for Adelia T Carl- us and R’y. MOBILE—The Cotton market to-day wa Newark; Imitations. Sold toy oar advertised agents. Address J. B.COYLE, Gen. Man. 00 Bolts. 15 St.Paul Ipecac.17602 quiet; middling 7 8-I6C Mayaguez. CO.. Masonic imple. CHICAGO* ie26dtf H. P. C. HER8EY, Agent. points on Rangeley Lakes. Licorice, rt... M sheath...- 12 do 122 schs Ellen M & 16@2C|Y If prfd.122 hid 2d. Baxter, Sarah Ellen, Sold in Morphine.. .1 7502 001YM Bolts. 12 Paul. Minn. 6c Mann.107 107 MEMPHIS—The Cotton market to-div wa: 1 ard Chanticleer. Portland, Me. by E. E. Foss, 653 Congress St., and by E. C, Fowle R. C. BRADFORD, Traffic Mgr. till bergamot2 76®S 201 Bottoms ...... 22024 Sugar, common.118 110 Vs firm; middlings 7 6-l6c. WILMINGTON, NC—Ar 31st, brig Cameo, Druggist. MAINE STEAMSHIP CO. Portland, Maine. L. Nor.Codllver2 60®275 I Ingot. ... 11012 I Toy as Pacific. 8% 8% Colbeth. Macorrls. E. LOVEJOY, Superintendent, American do $l@i 251 Tus— 8% Nick- New York junl2 dlt Rumford Falls. Mains Union Paclfic.new.10% European Markets. WASHINGTON—Ar 31st, sch Dayligqt, RAILROADS. STEAMERS. Direct Line. Lemon.1 762 265i Straits_1544@1644 Exnress.. 40 89xd erson, Kennebec. IJ. Bv Telegraph. Olive.1 0002 601 English. ^ abash.... •• 7% 6% LONG ISLAND SOUND BY DAYLIGHT BePPt.80003 26 Co.. @6 60 Nov 1886.—Cotton marke Char. L ao prfd. 16% 15% LIVERPOOL, !2, f Foreign Ports. Wmiergreenl 6@2OOlChar. 1. X.. @7 26 Western Union... 85 84% firm, Amerlean middling at 4 17-K2d; sale and Sea Potass br’mde. 46«47'Terne.6 0O®8 60 Ricnmono& West Point. 12,000 laics, speculation and export otn > Ar at Mollendn Sept 17, ship Baring Brothers, Delightful Invigorating Trip. bales Chlorate.24*28i xnttmonv.*• i2@14 ao nrfd. Libby, ,Sau Franeiseo. Tile Steamships Manhattan and Cottage Portland & Worcester Line Iodide.2r8a3 mC *> ■ ..4 7606 00 Sid lm Honolulu Oct 16, barque Martha Davis, BOSTON AND PHILADELPHIA City leave Franklin wharf Tuesdays, Thurs- Quicksuyer... 4 50*456 Soule, San Francisco. and at 6 m. 70*801Spelter.... *Ex-di? OCEAN days Saturdays p. Retuiuing, leave Ouinlne.-.32 *35 Isold.-. 54x 12 STEA licit .UIIVKI1 Ar at Oct Sea GRAND TRUNK DIRECT STEAMSHIP LINE. @14 Algoa Bay, OGH, 31st, ship Fler 38. East River, same days at 6. p. in. PORTLAND & ROCHESTER R. R. RheuDarD. rt.76c@l 601 Nalls. rnoM for Witch, New York, Fare to New one Minins Stocks. Schaube, Yolk, way, $4.00: Round Rt Buake.3o@40!Cask.ct.base2 70n2 80 Havel.New York. .Bremen.Nov i Ar at Surinam Oct 20th, brig Eugene Hale. From trip $7.00. * 1896.—The Railway System. Boston every and Saltpetre.8 @121 wire. 2 95 a3 06 NK YORK. Nov. 2. following St.Louis .....New York. .So’ampton..Nov ; Harding, New York (50 days passage) andsld Wednesday Saturday. J. B. COYLE, Manager. STATION FOOT OFPKEBLE STREET. Senna...... 25*30. Naval Stores. Are o day’s closing quotations ei mining siocks: Teutonic.New York. .Liverpool...Nov ; Ool 27 lor Barbados. J. F. LISCOMB, General Agant. nov2dtf Tar On and alter MON DAY. 21th, 1896 From Canary seed.... 4.05 ® bbl. ..2 76@3 00 COL Coal... Southwark.New York. .Antwerp ...Nov Ar at Port Spain t ct 20. sob Nantasket, Gup- September Philadelphia every Wednesday On and alter Sunday, October 4. 18«6 trains will as tollows. Cardamons 1 0001 76 Coal tar.. .6 0006 25 Hokcing Coal...... Seguranca-New York.. llav & Alex .Nov i till, New York. r vn Passenger trains will Reave Portland: 8oda. Pitch.2 by-carb3»A @83.4 76*3 00 Homestake. 34| Siberian.New York. .Glasgow.. .Nov ; At Bermuda Oet 29. sob Hazel Dell, Morris, and For Worcester, Clinton, Aver Junction Sal.244@3 WiL Plton. .2 75 *3 00 6 LEAVE. Saturday. Portland and Steamboat Go Ontario. Caracas.New York.. Laguayra..Nov L from Jacksonville lor St Domingo. From Control Wharf, Boston, 3 p, m. From Boothbay Naunoa, Windham and Epplng at 7.30 a. Rosin.3 0004 00 3 For A Suohur.244024s .. Tjomo ...New York. .l)emerara..Nov ; Cld at St John, NB, 31st, sch Hattie E King, Auburn and Lewiston 7.05, 8.00 m.; Pino Street Philadelphia, at 3 p, m. n- m. and 13.30 p. m. iead.20022 Tupennno.gai. .;;3@43 16 l. Wharf, Sugar do pfd.. Aug Victoria...New Nov > Johnson, for Island. 30. 4.00 and 6.oo m. surance one-half the rate of For and Norn 1 York. .Hamburg. City p. sailing vessel. Manchester, Concord, points White wax... Oakum.... 7 UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ,60g66 ®8 r-vnan. Orinoco.New York. .Bermuda_Nov ; Cld at Lunenburg, NS. sch Minnie J For Gorham and Berlin 8.00 a. m., 1.80 and Freights for the West the Penn. K. and at 7.80 a. m. and 12.3G m. 6 @8 Oil. 27tli, by R., p. Vltroi blue.... Portland. Coleridge.New York..P’rnambucoNov ; Smith, for Porto Rico. 6.00 p. m. South by connecting lines, forwarded free of For Rochester. Spring-vale. Alfred, Water 1 For Is and and 1.30 and Vanilla.oean.. *io@151 Linseed.85040 _ Niagara .New York. .Cienliiegos Nov Pond 8.00 A m.; uomm/'sion. Steamer boro and Saco River at 7.33 a. m. 12.30 -iu< Buck. ■ Boiled.33 a.48 Irrawaddy —New .Nov 1 6.00 p. m. SIO.OO. Round 818.00. 5.30 p. in. York..Trinidad. Spoken. ___ Passage Enterprise Boston Market. Trip N o 1.321 Frounce For Montreal 8.00 a. m=; and Meals For Gorham at 7.30 and 9.45 Sperm. 66*86 Mississippi.New York. .London.Nov Oct 21, lat 37 36, Ion 23 60 Itl Tere- and Chicago and room included. * DL, 12.3 ■. barque Will leave East everv at No 3..281 Whale. .... 46*65 BOSTON. Nov. 2, )896.—The following are Bourgogne.New York.. Havre.Nov 1l 6.00 p. m. For freight or passage to F. P. Boothbay Monday, and 6.20 p. m. sina, from Bangor foi Castelemare. apply WING. 7.15 a. m. for at South No 10.20 Bank.30035 to-day’s quotation, of Provisions, etc.; Campania.... New York. .Nov For Quebeo 6.00 p. in. Agent, Central Boston. Portland, touching For Westbrook, Cumberland Mill*, w© .Liverpool.. Oct 30, forty miles S of Cape Hatteras. barque Wharf; Bristol, Harbor. 8 oz.13 Shore...26035 York. .Genoa.Nov For Berlin Sundays only, 7.30 a. m. K. B. Treasurer and General Boothbay brook J auv tion and Woodford’s au 7.3, FLOPS. Eullla,.New [ Clara E McGUvery, lrom Satilla for a Northern SAMPSON, Tuesdays will leave Franklin Wbarf, Port- 10 oz.18 porgie.80*30 Prussia .New York. .Hamburg....Nov 1 Manager, tS Stale St.. Fisko Building, Boston. 9.45 a. dl. 12.30, 3.0G. 6.30 ay- *' 4 40®4 60. port. ARRIVALS. land, at 7 a. m. for at unpowder—Shot. Lard. 40056 Sprlngpatents. Spaarndam... .New York..Rotterdam Nov from Mass.oot23dtf Pemaquld, touching 6.20 n. m. clear and 3 10. { Oct 30, off Hatteras, ship Thos G Smith, Boothbay South Bristol aud East .. lo Spring, 2034 From and 11.30 Harbor, Pla ting .3 6004 00 Castor.i Oo@] straight, Trave.New .Bremen .. .Novi ) Lewiston and Anburn 8.25, The 12.30 p. m. train from Fortlana conntv clear York. Portland for Savannah. Boo i, 4 60 ... 46e@65 Winter, and straight, 4 1634 60. a. m.; m. bay. at Junction with “Hoouc Turn fcpo ling. 5006 jNeatsfoot A'PS .New York. .Honduras ..Nov 1 > No lat Ion fm 3.16,6.40 and 6.40 p. Ayer Winter patents, 4 70. date, 27 22. 76 40, sob Herald, a. FREEPORT AND FALMOUTH FORESIDE Wednesdays will leave at 6 a. m. L,\,psnot.26 Its. .1 30 Jtiaine.m 603, Finance.Now York.. Colon. Nov 1 J From Berlin and Gorham 8.25 and 11.30 Pemaquld Route” for the West and at Union 8tat>« Extra and Seconds 00 Fernandlua for Port Spain. for Portland and above Buck. b. BB. Paints. BHtannlc.New York. .Liverpool...Nov 1 m. ; and b.40 p. m. landings. Worcester, for Providence and New loti Fine and Supers —. From a. and Thursdays will leave Portland at 7 a. m, for T.TT. t.1 Lead- Venezuela!... .New York. .Laguayra.. .Nov 1 Chicago and Montreal 11.00 m.; Steamers on and after Monday, Oct. 26, will via “Providence line,” for Norwich a 56) Jobbing price 25c 5-40 East Boothbay, touching at Har- New IJne” Bay. I Pure ground.6 25*5 76 higher. St Paul ..New York. .So’ampton Nov 1 p. m. leave Portland. Boothbay Fork, via “Norwich with Bo»t< TOO KNOB From bor. South Bristol. A R. for with .. ...6 76 Noordland..... BO Quebec 11.30 a. m. R. the West, and ui Pressed.*180171 Red. 2506 HEATH. New York.. Antwerp.. .Nov 1 ! r~ LADIES For and Bustins Island will Albany I. Freeport, 2.00 p. m. Fridays leave East Boothbay at 7.15 New York All Rail via i-oose Hav @344 Bismarck.. .New York. .Hamburg..Nov 1 The 6.00 d. to Montreal “Springiield.” 8i4@s:6lEngVenRed3 Pork, long and short cut, & barrel. 11 00. DR. FELIX LE BRUN’S in. train runs through Return—Leave Freeport, (Porters), 6.50a.m., a. m. for at South Am Zinc-0 00 Helena.New Nov 1 to Portland, touching Bristol, Trams arrive at Portland from Worceete Straw, carlots810@12| 0007 Pork, light and hvy oaoas *10 00311 00. York.. Montevideo daily, Sundays included. Attached this, So. Freeport, 7 a. Bustln’s 7.15 a, m., Harbor. — m., Boothbay at Rochester at 8.30 a. Iron. Roche lie... .244 Pork, lean Champagne New York. .Havre.Nov 1 t tram is a 1.30 p. m.; from lends 13 00. FEMALE REGULATORS Pullman for Montreal. For Harpswell Centre, and Satur- will leave Portland at 7 a. m. for Common_1%&2 ! Rice Santiago.New Novi (Tuesdays Saturdays 1.30 and 5.46 p. m.: from Gorham Tongues pork *14 60: do beef *24 V bbL Y'ork.. Manzanilla Pullman on days at 00 return at 6.00 a.m. East 4 Palace Sleeping Cars Night only) -jIj p. m.,; Boothbay, touching at Boothbay Harbor, at 6.40. 8.80 and 10.60 a. xm, Refined._14k @244 Domestic .... @7 Beer.; is the original and only 1.3U pickled. *7 00*9 00. ma 4dd cars on trains. For Chebeague, Cousins and 8.00 and South Bristol. toe parlor day ,_T__,T Littlejohns, 4.15, 6.45 p. m. Norway.344 @4 ! Salt. shoulders, corned eafe and reliable care on HiJ™ m. and fresh 6c. MINIATURE 3. ^aU- TICKET OFFICE NO. 177 MIDDLE p. Connecting every trip at Boothbay Harbor For all West and Cast sieel. ... Is.lb hdl 6002 00 ALMANAC. NOV. ket. Price. sect by through Tickets to points 8@10lTks shoulders, smoked, 7 Vs. j $1.00; AND DEPOT FOOT OF INDIA Return—Leave above 7.45 a. m. with STEAMER SILVER STAR for New Har- German ..1 80 Sun rises. 6211 < .84 j Genuine Sold AT landings, South, apply to F. JiL COLLINS. Tiokil steel.@3441 Liverpool 6001 Ribs, fresh, 7V»c. only by For 2.00 m Round Port bbl 2 <6 Sunsets. Nigh water Falmouth, p. bor, Pond, Friendship, Clyde, Agent, Portland, Me. bhoesteel.^244IMa’rad Crys, Hams, large and 4 34 j | a3 CH Manager Return—8.15 a. m.. Tennant’s Spruce 1 small, lOillVie- Moon v For *ale J. H. Center AS. M. HAYS, GenT Harbor, Head, Rockland, i. W. Supk Sneer iron— Aaleratm,. o— 0 9 by Hammond, cor. Free and PETERS, Bacon.8Vs®10 Vic. rises.4i2|Height..io t, Portland, Mai ne. Portland, Sept. 7th, 1896. Je22tf 0Ctl7tf E. R. NORTON. Manager. ALFRED RACK, Manager. ie21 iU NEW ADVERTISEMENTS '.i HE THE ELECTION RETURNS. ALONG THE WHARVES. KEWADTIKTISKMKim, STEW ADVE»TISE»BKTS.

How to Get the PRESS Early at Out-of- News Along the Waterfront and Commer- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TODAY. J. R. LIBBY. Town Places Tomorrow Morning cial Street. Y~ The water front Owen. Moore & Co. The PRESS has made was quite lively yes- J. arrangements - R. Libby. terday and but one topic of conversation Eastman Bros. & Bancroft. to give Its patrons tbe latest and fullest Hooper, Sou & Leighton. could be heard on the street, and that PIANOS! MUSIC ! ( Jones & Leighton. Tessey, election returns tomorrow morning. The was the national eleotioD. men Jv>w & Piufcham. Shipping Bines Bros. Co. PRESS returns were universally com- are deeply interested in McKinley's suc- School. •000000000000000000006 Virgil Clavier cess, believing that with his election will 6000000000000000006 Jonu P. Eevell Arms Co. mended for their aocuraoy and fullness Hr. F. 1!. Cage. return good times and plenty of businesi on tbe after the elec- Miso Edwards. morning September for all. AMUSEMENTS. and has been tion ; every arrangement The schooner Welt will short- Rev. B. FayJBilW. Augustus Carleton LecTSre and Reading. made to have them equally satisfactory ly sail for Norfolk, where she will take Odd Fellows’ Fair. *« ** tomorrow morning. on board a cargo for St. Lucia. The Music House in Maine, New Wants, To Let, For sale, Lost. Found There were a number of fish ar- Leading As in tbe PRESS will be large and Similar advertisements under September will he found rivals yesterday. Among them were the heir headson 6. distributed in the oountry around by appropriate Pago Sir Knight, 8000; Vanguard, 80,000; trains. On tbe main lines of tbe special Josephine Swanton, 6000; Forest Maid, REPRESENTATIVES FOR THE ■ Election. Today’s Maine Central and Grand Trunk the 16,000; William H. H. Pryor of Glouces- MUSIC DEPARTMENT. 1 The polls will be open today at 8 a. m., ter Abdon Moses B. papers will be distributed In the usual 8,000; Kean, 6000; and close at 5 m. Let Linscott, 18,000, and the Albeit W. p. every Republi- On the Mountain division and & way. Black. Chickering Sons, can oast bis vote and and give as This try Portland and Rochester trains department contains the finest line of Sheet Music I special The tug Perry came into the harbor splendid a majority as in September. Night-Cown-Tuesday. and Music Books east of Boston. Also will leave Portland alts. m. and make yosterdny morning and towed the schoon- On “Bargain-apolis.” Blasius & Sons, —1» n er M. BRIEF JOTTiNQS. stops at all station* as far as North Con- V. B. Chase to the Kennebec. The Normandie and Clara Leavitt NIGHT way on one railroad and as far as Spring- Tbe Portland and Cape El'zabeth bound for the Biver with lumber, sailed Cowns will go onto Kranich & Bach, Eloctrio Railway Co. have reoeived from vale on the other. Readers of the SEVENTY-TWO this BANJOS, GUITARS, MANDOLINS, VIOLINS, I yesterday. “Bargain-apolis” the Taunton Looomotive Taun- Works, PRESS, by going to tbe rat ons, will be Hard luok still pursues the Golden morning at a comical price. —■ and Mass., a snow that looks as If Sterling ton, plow able to get tbe latest and nest news. Sheaf, whiob recently returned here to Correct shapes, fair cloth, AUTOHARPS, ACCORDIANS it could do a in its line—re- great job refit. After being dislocated at sea she cambric ruffle at § The following tables shows the time neck,yoke moval of drifts. It is of covered wood, was changed from a barkentlne into a the trains on the Portland and Roches- front and wrist, feather Huntington Pianos. in and has a beak at each end throwing three-masted sobooner and yesterday stitch braid; also pearl but- and a choice line of selected on both sides and also Ice cutter and ter and the Mountain Division of the carefully STRINGS in the started olf for a second time on her voy- * neck, instead of best Italian and flange scraper on both ends. tons, high German gut. Maine Central will leave the various age to ^Martinique. With a fresh breoze Vasin cut. On CATALOGUES UPON APPLICATION. There will be a meeting of the Unity she “Bargain- towns. As the train will stop at eaoh attempted to sail out of the harbor, at 35c at the First Parish House 4 apolis” Tuesday AAAAAAAA AAA today, at but grounded on the fiats olf station from five to eight minutes people Bug Light HfVWWfWWfVf wwwwwwww ▼▼▼ p. m. A full attendance Is desired. where she remained until about 8.3U Blankets. Whoever glances in at should Superintendent of Streets Staples says be on band at the stations at least o’clock nAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA when two tow boats succeeded in our street window num- the weather has been troublesome in minutes before the time in these Congress , fHE “SYMPHONY’’ eight hauling her oil. The Golden Sheaf was I I “THE ANGELU8" I work and work al- ber 1 will discover a Blanket Sur- obstructing injuring tables which is the time the train will not injured any by her slight mishap but j ready done on the new streets. They are Great warm some depart from the station: her master was very angry at his ill prise. Blankets, (Self Playing.) soaked with water. ♦ (Self Playing) | \ luck. are some tan color, some all The next session of the Cum- MOUNTAIN DIVISION, M, C. R. R. gray, quarterly Three coal vessels arrived here | ♦ an yester- white the border. This is attachment that can be X berland County Refoim club will be (Leave.) day, the Ida C. Southard,the Nellie Saw- except ♦ This is an instrument T ♦ on held at White Rook and Sun- Stations,A. M. Organ. put any Grand Piano U Saturday yer and the brig H. C. Si I bey. Price for a pair, 48c Upright X November 7 and 8. Free entertain- Portland, 6.00 ♦ whereby anyone without a musical T without to the day, a*' urig n. c ouuey reit i.ouisourg Two Blankets for 48c. x injury instrument, and Cumberland 6.11 J ment will be Mills, 48e Is the bottom round of our Blanket lad- ♦ can T provided. South 13 days ago and met with head winds, education render the most diffl- ♦ an will Windham, 6.25 der. $16.50 is tbe top one. which, by ingenious device, J A meeting of all parsons Interested in and all the to * Nbwhall, 6.30 gales fogs way Portland. ♦ cult selections as well as the ♦ will be held at popular. render the most difficult music with- practical Christianity, White Rock, 6.40 For three days she lay off Portland Sheets- It isn’t a step from Blank- J im
