Encore University Winter Spring 2021 for Singers with Jenni Brandon From class on May 4, 2021 Theme: Standing on Solid Ground

QUOTE ABOUT FINDING BALANCE AND HARMONY IN OUR LIVES: To put everything in balance is good, to put everything in harmony is better.” ― Victor Hugo

Meditation : I know that I am breathing in, I know that I am breathing out

Asana (poses) to practice this week – notice the foundation in these poses and where you can find solid ground.

Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana ) You can add support under your knees with blankets, blocks, or pillows. A great hip opener!

Bridge Pose (Setu ): lying on your back (and with nothing under your head), bend your knees and bring your heels toward your bottom, keeping feet hip distance apart. As you exhale, slowly begin to lift hips away from floor, holding onto the edge of your mat to draw your shoulder blades toward each other. Draw the hip points toward your belly, and your tailbone toward your heels. Allow the chest to slide toward the chin, keeping gaze at the ceiling. Take several breaths here, and when you are ready to lower, slowly undo your shoulder blades from under you and bring hips back to the ground.

Warrior 2 ( 2)

 From Mountain pose (), step your right foot back about 2 ½ to 3 feet  Seal down through your outer back heel, turning your toes slightly forward  Align the heel of your front foot with the arch of your back foot  Bend into to your front knee, being sure not to let the knee travel past the ankle. Think about lining up the knee with the middle toe  Straighten through your back leg  Extend your arms to shoulder height, drawing shoulders away from ears.  Keep your hips and shoulders stacked, and gaze out over your front middle finger.  Take a couple of breaths and enjoy this powerful open hip pose!

Tree Pose - Vrksasana

Start by standing in Tadasana (mountain pose). Shift the weight into the right foot and come onto the ball of the left foot, turning the knee out slightly to the left. Get your gaze fixed on something not moving in front of you several feet(this helps with balance), you may keep your foot here, with the heel resting just above the ankle bone. Or you may place your left foot against the outside of your right calf, or in your inner right thigh (just don’t press foot against your knee joint!). If you need some balance support, hold onto the edge of a chair or place your hand against a wall. Draw hand or hands to heart center if available, and maybe even extend the “branches” of your tree, or arms, toward the sky. Take several breaths in this balancing and grounded pose. When you are ready to come out of pose, draw hands to heart center(or continue to hold onto chair or wall), turn the knee forward, and gently place foot back on the ground. Repeat on other side.

Finish your practice with a Savasana (corpse pose), lying on your back with eyes closed for several minutes. Use blanket under knees to support low back, a blanket over you, and even a pillow under head if needed.