Degree Programs, Earning Potential and Opportunities

Accounting Finance National Average : National Average Salary: National Average Salary: $35,134 - $200,000 $46,770 -$78,160 $32,973 - $118,068

Job Opportunities: Accountant, senior Job Opportunities: Urban planner, Job Opportunities: Bank branch manager, commercial lender, financial analyst, accountant, financial controller, actuary, accountant, auditor, budget analysts, financial manager, financial planner, portfolio manager, security analyst, trust auditor, budget analyst, financial cost estimator, loan officer, personal manager analyst, financial examiner, financial financial advisor, statistician, survey manager, chief financial officer research. Management National Average Salary: Business Administration Entrepreneurship $32, 283-$115,314 National Average Salary: National Average Salary: $29,907 - $92,279 Unlimited earning potential Job Opportunities: Operations manager, human resource generalist, human resource manager, director of operations, executive assistant, human resource director, office manager See Yourself in the Future Job Opportunities: Sales management, Job Opportunities: Starting a business, finance management, human resources managing an existing business, buying Marketing management, hospitality management, an established business, mid-level National Average Salary: healthcare administration, marketing management, business consultant, $21,699-$124,276 management, office manager, sales, fundraiser, teacher, recruiter, executive assistant business reporter Opportunities: Marketing coordinator, marketing manager, marketing director, account manager, regional sales manager, marketing specialist

College of Business The higher the degree, College of Business The higher the earnings Welcome to the College of Business (COB) College of Business Alumni at Jackson State University. The College Andrell Harris, ‘08 The higher the of Business has four major academic departments and three major centers Business Man and degree, Investor The lower the or administrative units. The academic Board of Directors for rate departments are: Accounting, Management and Marketing, Economics Finance and the JSU Development General Business, and Entrepreneurship and Foundation . The College of Business and all its academic programs are accredited by the Association to Advance Mitchell de John, ‘12 Collegiate Schools of Business International (AACSB). Gulf South Capital In the COB you are prepared academically and socially to become problem solvers and business leaders. State of the art trading room Explore your options today at JSU and classrooms will bring the world to you. You Can... Come, engage with our world class faculty to become the global leader of tomorrow. Ambriel Woods, ‘08 Discover new passions Deloitte, LLP Contact: Ms. Maggie Walker Unlock new opportunities College of Business 1400 John R. Lynch Street Become a global citizen P.O. Box 18660 Jackson, MS 39217 Increase earning potential Phone: (601) 979-2411 Website: