DAILY _PORTLAND PRESS." JUNE 23. UW.~WL U. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY MAY __ESTABMSHEP MORNING 8, 1872. TERMS PER A,NllM, 1N CE. nmiLASD DAILY PRESS MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS REAL ESTATE. published ©very day (Sundays excepted) by the BUSINESS DIRECTORY. The Grog Shops—So. XII. THE PRESS. My in these articles on PORTLAND PUBLISHING object writing liq- CO., uor Free OPENING Advertising Agents. traffic,is simply to to the mass of the At 109 Exhibition Geo. R. Bn vis & s give Exchange St, Portland. -OF- Co WEDNESDAY ’72. the -OF- ATWELL A CO., 174 1.9 Middle St. Ad* MORNING, MAY 8, people, reasons which lead to the popu- Terms: Eight Dollars a Year in advauce. BULLETIN. rertiaentenfa inner ted in in Maine lar papera agitation against the grog shops and re- TOE MAINE STATE PRESS and throughout the country at the pub- sulted in the FIRST-CLASS SjPRING and summer goods. Republican Convention. adoption of a stringent law $20,000 To LoanHI liahera’ loweat rated. — them. Here Is published every Thursday Morning at $2 50 a against were liquor shops year; If paid in at 00 a We are te lean la nau advance, 92 year. prepared atonry FIRST DISTRICT. innumerable through the State of Maine fr.in Agency for Sewing Machines. jll Sewing Machines 18 7 2 1 9100 la any amoanl desired, aainl side with Rates of Advertising : One inch ol space, in w. s. OYER, Ne. 979 Middle St. All Tlie Republicans of the First L'ororessiokal existing side by dry goods shops, of class mortgages ia Eliaa- constitutes a — Portland, Cape District of who the of length column, “square.” At — Itiad. of Machine* for anlc aad ta let. Maine, support principles and 50 the hardware, boots shoes, butchers, and all 91 per square daily first week; 75 cents per T. LOBENSTEIN, kflk' We.lbrask. or Deal-lag. Parties da> Republican Party auti its Administration, are in- week three insertions, or 91 continu- Repairing. vited to meet in the law after; less, 00; •iraas o< kuildiag can also be nrcaata.- the other occupations; comes down ing every other day after first week, 50 cents. 105 Will be pleased to exhibit to you MONDAY, April 15th, the latest and most fashionable styles of [Middle Street. •daied with loaas. CITY HALL, BIODEFORD, the rum not Half square, three insertions or less, 75 cents; one Bakers. crushingiy upon shops, object- week, 91 00: 50 cents per week after. Beal & GEO. R. DAVIS & Thandaf, Hay9th, 1879, at 19•’clock,UK. the Fancy Goods, Imitation Laces, Fringes & Trimmings CO., W. c. Na. 19 Pearl 8t. to the ? because liquor Ik Special one third additional. I ree I Gimps, COBB, ing others,—Why Notices, n.trar tiou given to Inexperienced Real Estate & Brokers. for the of two to £ Under head of 00 Uorigage purpose choosing Delegates repre- are in all their tendencies and “Amusmemknts,” 92 per square Operators. of all kinds. Also a and line assortment of sent this District in the National Conven- shops effect, per week; three insertions or less 91 50. large Hosiery. _sep2ltt Republican Booksellers and Stationers. tion to be held in on the fifth of interest of the Advertisements inserted in the “Maine 8tate Work fcS'-Please call and examine Goods and Prices. Philadelphia day in deadly hostility to every supplied to for the Respectfully A Nice Suburban FOGG A June next, and for the transaction of other Press” has a in whereby pay House Lot for HOYT, BREED, Na.Ol Middle any (which large circulation ©very part Machine business which State and the while all the others are ©f the for 00 for first when desired. T. 4 Street. may proi>erly come before the Con- people, State) 91 per square insertion, No. Deering Block, Portland. Sale in vention. and 50 cents per square for each subsequent inser- bOjBENSTEIN, Deering. a good. The work can be taken out and made at home. The basis of representation will be as follows: public tion. ® *» 270 feet 114 To those not Machines and intend- on*Prospect St., and teet deep, Book Binders. Each and town will be entitled to send one del* I have tried to elaborate this truth and to Address all communications to having Sewing containing between 30 and 40 city ing to purchase, we would suggest the of apple trees, grailed WM. A. Boom gate, and one additional for every votes PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. probability “d some 30 to QUINCY, 11, Printer’* seventy-five it in a of ex- our giving more practifhl assistance toward the selec- i’ yielding, years, 40 barrels of cast for Sidney Perham at the Gubernatorial election illustrate great variety ways, by _EDUCATIONAL. apples. This place presents one of the finest views Exchange, No. Ill Exchange St. of 1870. A fraction K°°d from the fact of used in of forty votes will be so that all the 1S? ?fa machine, having the town. to majority amples familiar to every body, nil kinds, on all kinds of work, than would be deriv- Apply SMAIiId Ac SMACK FORD, No. 35 Plnaa entitled to an additional delegate. ed from ^ H* The chairmen of the several and see at a that the policy BUSINESS CARDS. observing the fanciful performance of some Bridgton Academy. Beal Estate Agent. Street. cities towns are people could glance, E'allful 4mayd3w to forward the names of their as operator. requested delegates of the State in out the rum is soon as to the Chairman of the District Com- crushing shops, SUMMER TERM of eleven weeks will com- Bonne' and Hat chosen, Bleachery. mittee. reasons. But A Reliable mence on un- For Sale or the ROSS & Sewing Machine, THE Taeuday, May 98th, 1879, To Let. will in abundantly justified by STURDIVANT, der 8 SAWYER A Ne. 131 The Committee be session at the Hall on the continued care of T>RRMISES No. 94 Green CO., Bleacher*, here is an man who St., recently occupied by Middle Street. the day above mentioned, at 10 o'clock A. M to re- intelligent objects—I WHOLESALE COAL SIMPLE AS MAY BE. A ®°n- to GARDNER M. ceive DEALERS EDMUND W. A. piovvD1 ?W® Apply credentials. want a of beer once in a while, not of- —AND YET— WRIGHT, M., rABKEft, South Gorham, or to Capt, Geo. W. Par- The of to the several glass Ker, Portland. apportionment delegates 179 Commercial Portland. Whose success and as a Teacher thus far ap3tf and Builders. cities and towns in the District is as follows: but once in a when I want it, I St., Versatile ia Facilities and popularity Carpenters ten, while; Adjustments, be as a sufficient may regarded indication of future WHITNEY A Acton, 3; Alfred, 3; Berwick, 4; Biddeford, leant and I think it hard and unfair and Sole agents in Maine for the sale and of satisfaction. MEANS, Pearl Street, ep. 9; it, shipment EASY OF OPERATION. WM. H. JEBBIS, Buxton, 5; Cornish, 3; Dayton, 2; Eliot, 4, Hollis, the Celebrated Coal mined Messrs. penite Park. that law should my find- by Ham- —AND YET— Competent Assistants will be employed in the vari- 4; Kennebunk, 4; Kennebunkport, 4; Kittery, 7; uigust, any prevent mett Neill & Co., of Philadelphia. ous departments. SPRING Real Estate and Loan Lebauou,4; Limerick, 3: Limington, 3; Lyman 3: it when I want it.” A said Agent Dye*Honse. Newtield, 3; North ing gentleman We have also for sale at EFFECTIVE and Text Books furnished the at Berwick, 3; Parsousfield, 3; Saco, so to lowest market price, PRACTICAL, by Principal city prices, F. South this to me; I replied;—“And you object Lais and SYMONBS, India St. Velvet Clank* 10; Shapleigh, 3; Sanford, 3; Berwick, 4; and Pitteton Board and Tuition reasonable. Rooms for self- Haases, rnrnts far Sale. 4: this because cannot find occar Wilkesbarre, Scranton, Lackawanna, DTJKABLK, dyed aad Uni*bed. Waterborongh, 4; Wells, York, 4; Baldwin, 3; law, you your boarding can be obtained. He would reler parties abroad to the following 5; would ouijipcii uuiu iuc vicinity ui i>tw ioiK. veB- VIST NOT CO ARNE Bridgton, Brunswick, tt; Cape Elizabeth, 5; Casco, donal of beer. Nobody, 1 think, 4ND MEAVV, named gentlemen 01 this city: Hon. Geo. F. She? 2; glass eels for the THOS. H. MEAD, Sec’y. Cumberland, 3; Deering, 5; Falmouth, 3; Free- to cau think of procured tranjmrtation of coals from North ley, Hon. A. W H. Clapp, Hon. object your having it;but you of Will save you Bridgton, May 7, 1872. Tu, F&W t je 1 Beujnmin Klu^s* Dentists. port, 4; Gorham, 6; Gray. 3; Harpswell, 2; Har- port shipment to any point desired. tfiapr27 Miry, Jr., Hon. Nathan Webb, Hon. John New which you can have MILLINERY. Lynch, HR. W. R. JOHNSON, Ne 13 1-9 Free St. rison, 3; Naples, 2; Gloucester, 3; North Yar- any arrangement by FROM PERPLEXITY, FRETFULNESS AND mouth, 3; Otisfield, 3; Portland, 30; Pownal, 3; your beer, and at the same time these DEL A Y. BOARD IN A Portland. Nov 1. T870. noltf DR. W. FRENCH FAMILY Raymond. 2; Scarborough, 2; Sebago, 2; Standish, 4; multitudes of people who impoverish them- R. JOHXSOX, Furniture—Wholesale and Retail. Westbrook, 4; Windham, 5; Yarmouth, 3. Such we guarantee to sell selves and starve their wives and children, House to Let. VALTER COBEY A CO., Arcade, Ne. Whole number Delegatee. 232. Jules J. M. Mason, drink, shall not be exposed to the TO ALL WHO WILL BUT OF US. Ch. L. HOUSE No. 18 Brown street: 10 rooms, 18 Free Street. Limerick, through Morazain, J. T. a he BRICKimmediate possession given. Applv to Hull, Portland, temptation after thinking while, said: ])EXrJvIST, GEORGE A. No. 38 Ex- G. M. FROM PARIS, NEW STYLES WM. H. JKURIS. WHITNEY, Stevens, Westbrook, I do not see any way for that; if the Has fitted the rooms over H. H. John —“No, up elegant Hay’s MITCHELL & myj-uiw*Real Estate change St. Uphelatering of all kind* Wentworth, Kittery, must at the CO., Agent. are open for me, I suppose they Drug store, junction of Free and Middle Sts., dene O. B. Dike, Sebago. shops Teaeher of the te order. ci»c. where he invites and can better accommodate those apll No-16S Middle St., Portland. French Language. Farm For Sale. Jason W. Beatty, Saco, Chairman. ue auu will ite open lur every inmy who mav favor him with their Thos. is this:— patronage. New 3-4 mile from Pownal Station: Hancock, Gray, Secretary. “Very well, then, your position just Dr. Johnson has J. C. L. MORAZAIN and wife having taken Gloucester, Furniture and Honse Goods. associated with himself as a part- contains 120 acres Famishing order to a convenient bouse in the are to re- IN good land, large orchard, ana You want your of beer, and in ner, Dr. A. W. a Dentist of and 18 PROF. city, prepared \ glass FRENCH, ability 1,260. ceive as great variety of small fruit. and In must skill. and all operations to dental boarders, a few young ladies desirous of ac- Building large get it when you want it, drunkenness pertaining surgery a theoretical and good condition. Inquire of C. H. on eral Streets. will be them in the most quiring practical knowledge of the Capt. SMITH, News, and Editorial Notes. be entailed thousands of and performed by satisfactory French the premises, or of the subscriber. Gossip upon people, manner. ap29eodlm language. FRESH HOODS, HOOPER Sc EATON, Old Past Oflce, their wives and children must and References: Gen. J. M. Brown. J. W. Symonds, ap26d&w3w-w!8 ELIHU HASTY, Portland. Brick Pomeroy has challenged Butler to go ragged Esq., C. F. Libby, Esq., Gen. H. G. Thomas. Exchange Street. dirty and cold and hungry. Thousands of “THE SINGER” meet, nun on rue neiu Honor, a from one p.m. Suburban House Lot for oi vvnai ( HAS. J. Apply to three o’clock p. m., at 2 Sale. Id. F. HOYT, No. If Preble Street. Up- them must go to the work houses and must IMPROVED Appleton Block, or in P. O. NICE lot on the SCHUMACHER^ Congress St., writing sunny side of Pleasant street. holstering done to order. blessed relief if this par uobile fratrum would fill up the jails; and innumerable Box febl9 Woodford’s on outrages^ 1866.__oc4dly ——OP THE- A Corner, line of Horse Cars—120 the and order of feet front, 180 to only exterminate each other. against peace good society, deep. Apply Farnitnre and must and will INTER ABBOTT WM. H. JERK IS, Real Estate & Loan Agent Upholstering. against persons and property, SEWING MACHINE. iny4*3w DAVID W. DEANE, No. 89 Federal St. is termed be and cost and expenses FRESCO_PA Uamllnr GaIiaaI Fam Davta t Dew poetically the perspiration committed; heavy All Iliad. all that mvuvva ava o • oflJph.U rringand Repairing must be imposed upon society, you Having just returned from Europe, would inform The Sale of the Machine for the wuiaaj aivj BEST of pale Luna. his customers and bis Singer Sewing year t. nrder. have occasional of beer.” friends that he has resumed 1871 were QUALITY, FOR SALE. may your glass business, and is ready to embody into hi$ future At Little “No, that’s not my position,” said he, “I work some Blue, The islanders have from a of the new ideas acquired there. -AT- Hair Goods and Toilet Articles. Fiji degenerated don’t take that “But I OFFICES AT gound.” beg pardon, 181,260. .... In life of honest and are see mean it or Schumacher Bro*., A. G. Schlotterbeck A Co., FARMINGTON, MAINE. GORHAM VILLAGE, MAINE. J. F. SHERRY, Na. 9 Clapp’. Rlaelt' cannibalism, negotiat- whether you it or net and not, No. 5 THOSE OF ALL that is That Peering Block. 303 Congress st. EXCEEDING OTHERS M. A. BOS Cangre.. Street, appaaitr Old City Hall. ing a national loan. precisely your position. you PORTLAND, XE. apl2tf School will open its Summer Term of ten WORTH'S, may have your glass of beer, these shops THISweeks, on Two decided must be and then all these conse- 52,000! The very desirable two story dwell- Jewelry and Fine Watches. dolorous Kansas men recently kept open, April 99, 1879. house and must follow.” WM. M. ing and lot, situated on South ARNER 301 Street. to bid farewell to life and chose as quences, more, certainly MARKS, This report indicates how well the Sew- Street. LOWELL, Congrem, appropri- Siafer It has the advantage of an entirely new building, House contains fourteen “I did not see it in this light before; I do not Machiae maintains It early and well earned 140 finished is Agent, far Howard Watch Campauy. ate revolver. ing the most delightful locality and surroundings, ami Exchange St. rooms, in thorough re- helps to holy dying the razor and know but it is it is '™1urers of Valises and promptly you drink, only Machine to call at ience and in a state Trunks, Sewing Send for or address the high of cultivation; also 15 acres of the his throat from ear forbids the grog which everybody ac- catalogues principal, to be compact by cutting shops, ALDEN J. BLETHEN. land, sold with the house or separately. Carpet-Bags. evil to For to disturb knowledges to be an infinite society. 109 EXCHANGE ST., 331 CONGRESS STREET, March ll-d2m further particulars apply to DURAN A 171 Riddle and to ear, but his friend, anxious not A. JOHNSON, To-day, Dr. C. told me a story of an occur- % APPLEBY, 1 to a »n IS Federal Streets. the quiet of the town, retired neighbor- which illustrates Where we shall keep constantly on hand, a full as- the premises, or to rence within his knowledge, (DAILY PRESS PRINTING HOUSE.) sortment of these Machines in ’the various st vies of JOHN W. DYER, ing forest. Soon the suicide was found with this point perfectly. tinish. CALL AND SEE may2 lw* No. 157 Commercial Street. Masons and Bnilders. A char well known to his lCtl a paper the story of the woman, family, TOachiaea wold oa April N. E. 933 1-9 telling agreement, Monthly laatalmeat*. REDLON, Congrem St. has for many years worked spring and fall at Every Description of work and carefully For Sale or To Lease. and anxious friends at once the corpse promptly SEp-Machine Stitching and for Embroid- sought his house. Her husband could earn a executed, and at the lowest Stamping account of poor health, my house and $17 prices. ery and Braiding done to order. AH Machines sold ISTEW CHAS. A. YALPEY & store, and Melodeon Manufacturers. of the other but found him tc CO., ONheated throughout steam with very little ex- Organ party, extremely which he ap22 and work done, warranted to give entire satisfaction. by week, working steadily, rarely did, pense. Also, the stock which was before the N. B. Manufacturers are invited to call bought SHALL A KNIGHT, No. 134 drunk, in maudlin sobs and pro- but he never her more than five dollars, especially ate rise. It is one of the best and most desirable Exchange indulging gave and examine our “Mediam often for the CHAS. A. WARREN, Machiae.” chances for safe investment in traile in Portland. Street. fessions of penitence, and declaring his earn- only lour, for the family supplies For further particulars call on the premises, No 32 week. She was consequently obliged to work (Formerly Warren & Gregg.) WHEELOCK & 5t. est intention to live his three-score years and SARGENT, PAISLEY SHAWLS WO O L E N S Lawrence street, of Paper Hangings, Window Shades, and far beyond her strength, ami even then, her Sole J. J. GILBERT. and as aplO Agents for Portland and Vicinity. Weather ten, much longer as he could. earnings were not enough for the needs of SHIP BROKER, P. S—All who have demands against me will pre- Strips. set them for and the The Dr. said that the poor wo- AND payment, persons owing me will A 61 family. call and settle. LOTHROPjDBVENS CO., Exbange Rev. DeWitt “If God AXD please eod mchl9tf Talmadge says: man had bad four children, but all died in in- Sreet and 48 Market St. should COMMISSION MERCHANT, put suddenly into money, or its repre- fancy, from neglect and insufficient nutrition. FOR SALE ON STATE STREET. sentative, the power to return to its rightful The mother was to out to work, 434 MOUTH DELAWARE AVENUE, Dunn & compelled go Henry Son, Tailors’ Trimmings, Photographers. owner, there is not a bank or safety deposit leaving the children at home, and thus the PHILADELPHIA. that would Jan31 A. S. DAVIS A CO., Na. 80 Riddle Street. not have Its sides blown out, and poor things perished for want of care that BLACK SILKS J. H. f 59 Middle cor. Cross. would and would the Dr. OIG SADDLE NO. 11 CLAPP’S BLOCK, Houses, No. 99 State street, and the one in LAMSON, St., parchments rip, gold shoot, she could not give them. But now the on Vernon and would H. L. GREGG & Co., TWO rear, Court, together with the lot mortgages rend, and beggars would says all this is changed; the first week of -AND- an which they stand. Plumbers. and stock would to husband Successors to Warren & -AT- get horses, gamblers go Sheriff Perry’s action did it. The Gregg. Enquire of A. E. STEVENS & CO., 146 and 148 the Commercial st. JARES HILLER, Na. 91 Federal Street. almshouse.” Yes; and some sensational works every GTJTD PPAT/TTDG C»W»B8S ST„ regularly day, earning good Possession would wake without a cent in Harness Manufacturers, given immediately, Kerry deacriptian af Water Fixture, ar- preachers up wages, and he brings every dollar home, and AND mh2-dtt their Post. EASTMAN ranged and Ml np in the beat manner. pockets.—Chicago y the family is comfortable. CORNER MIDDLE AND MARKET BROS., my7dlw _PORTLAND, MAINE. COMMISSION MERCHANTS ! STS., Jabbing promptly attended ta. “Now, my dear sir, this is only a sample of Incarnadine is the latest name tor a color. the whole, to show the effect of shutting up A Walnnt (TTP STAIRS), SL, Philadelphia. 839 CONGRESS ST. HAS ARRIVED ! OPENING. Plasterer, Stnceo Worker, &c. It is a light flesh color. the beer shops; there are thousands of cases ap30tf •f. L. Gregg, J. B. Hamel, Jb. Entrance 59 Middle P. FEENY, Car. Cumberland and Frank- of the same character all over the State. jan23-ly Street, _ lin St.. The latest fashionable and extravagant This improvement, you see, Is inconsistent Next above Emery, Waterhouse & Co., GREENHOUSE PORTRAIT PAINTER. present for a lady friend, is a large case hold- with your free glass of beer: If you can have DR. C. Real Estate Agents. of rare a all these now so comfort- Where we invite all our customers and the public to C. BABBITT, EASTMAN ing pots flowers, with gilt bird cage, your way, families, J. ©. examine one of the BROS., JOHN C. PROCTER, Na. 93 Exchange mounted on the handle, with a canarv bird able, must be wretched and starving once CLOlIDMAflf, Street. of beer!” PRACTICAL OPTICIAN WILL OPEN inside.—N. Y. Mail. more; that you may have your glass 148 EXCHANGE ST. Largest Stocks of Harness in BEDDING PLANTS, GEO. R. DAVIS Sc Co.. No. 301 1-9 Con- “I never saw it in that light before; I confess jan22tf this State, Mrs. Robert Asher of Illinois, who has the law is right, and I am quite willing to _ On been take a little more trouble for my glass of beer, EDGAR S. BROWN, Monday and Tuesday, Silver Smith and Gold and Silver Plater. annoyed by her husband’s following her Dealer ii Gold, Silver and Steel Specta- or even to go without.” N. D. An oi Home jnanuracture on tjie street, on Saturday a cow-hide Counsellor and Attorney at Law ! ROSES, cles and Eye fll. PEARSON, N«. 99 Temple St., wear bought Glasses, and April 39 and 33. CaagKM. All kinds of Silver and Plated administered to him a severe punish- Servant Girls. Ny. 80 MIDDLE STREET, and Custom Made. PELARGONIUMS of the best Foreign and Americin Manufacture, and all defective vision will find this a Ware Repaired. ment amid the of a crowd of Mk. seems to be an unus- attention to having rare oppor- laughter by- Editor,—There tyParticnlar paid collecting. tunity to nave Spectacles and Eye Glasses scientifi- Jan24-1 y Our facilities in these spacious rooms enable us to 7avi 1 al GnnaniiiTnu standers. ual of servant at this time, ■4VM4MIJL VIVA cally adjusted to the eye. Silver and Plated Ware. scarcity girls just manufacture and display our harness to great ad- The Dr. particular attention to diseases of A LARGE VARIETY nearness we to offer onrcustomers induce- gives ABNER LOWELL, 301 C.ngra,. Hirer!. notwithstanding the of Portland to THOMAS H. TALBOT, vantage,and propose the Eye, such as Opthalmia, Blind- DB. wa rrs OS tub cisctssati xomibke. ments that will them the trouble of one of £* VERBENIAS. Of the last named I Asthenopy, Night pay flight J W Wfc ness, Fixed Loss of Power of the Provinces and emigration from “over the (Late AnsUtant Attorney General, II. S.) stairs vf can offer this vear a fine collec- Muscat, Adjustment, Ho\ 'oth the Horace G. fl/V/U very Aqueous, Dropsy, and other diseases of the —OF— Schools. busy sea.” New Brunswick and Nova Scotia have Please remember we manufacture harness tion, including the large and eyes. Imm.' each hour; every flowering variegated For the benefit of all who to consult the Dr. ENGLISH and shining we offer for and hold ourselves for varieties, most of them and prefer FRENCH SCHOOL, 430 And k>. for office for years been excellent localities for the and Counsellor sale, responsible fragrant, strong healty at their homes, Mr. C. B. will every day sup- Attorney ALLARD, Assistant, Hirer*. In ever) of plants. call at the respective residences and take the address. C.Bgrew party’s power.’ ply domestics but of late those who leave GOOD STOCK AND WORKMANSHIP. My assortment of Dahlias eannot be surpassed, LADIES’ How he builds his skUmlly sella, there seem to go on to Boston We at last AT LAW! adding new varieties every year, I keep only the best. Stair Boilder. How neat be spreads the soap. notice in the Boston the rea- As I have a very largo of plants And when pig-iron will not avail papers probable No. 18 Pemberton Hags. thisryear supply Office 241 Street. H. F. LIBBY, ir 1-3 Union np Sqr., Boston, Pleasure Harness, on hand I can afford to sell at reasonable prices. Congress Street, Takes bee trade as his hope. son for this scarcity here. Wreaths and Funeral furnished at short my7tf stairs. —Boston Traveler. Refers to Hon. E. R. Hon. Natlian Designs _^_ Rev. the well-known mis- Hoar; Clifford, notice. Made Henry Morgan of the U. Hon. F. Ready Suits, sion has Judge Supreme Court, S.; George Business ALBERT chapel preacher organized an Em- of the Circuit Court. U. Hon. D. Harness, DIRWANGER, Florist, Watches, Jewelry, Ac. Careful into the of Shepley, Judge S.; IVlisjoy Hill Greeahoaw, inquires employments ployment Agency in connection with his re- W. Gooch, and Hon. Glnery Twlchell.jn3-6m J. AMBROSE my 3-d2w North and Montreal St. —IN— MERRILL, Nn. 130 Hid- three hundred and thirty delegates, elected by ligious work. The Boston Journal says of CEMENT PIPE die Street. Express Harness, seventeen States to the National Republican the chapel and its new department: GAGE &DAVI8, MADE BY jr. w. dr H. H. Car. middle NCD17FFEK, iuf auuieucc nmiii ui im; uuapui is iu u« Grain and ProTi.i.n BOSTON LEAD Plain, Striped and Glace dr Union Sts. Convention at Philadelphia, show that the Fl.nr, Heavy Harness, CO., Mohair, closed for repairs: the other rooms will still be J. W. STOCKWELL & only federal officers among them are the occupied. His Nova Scotia Agency has awak- [Incorporated in CO., Commission 1829.] ened considerable as is scarce In Merchants, been used by us for the last three years for following: One Collector of Customs, one interest, help Carryall Harness, Drains and Sewers. An Undoubted and in the Provinces are anxious 38 SOUTH CAINAI. STREET, HAS We have found it entire- Security, Collector of Boston, many Imitation Internal Revenue, two United a J. H. Chadwick & Co., Ag’ts, ly satisfactory and hare no hesitation in recommend- Japanese Suits, to come. He expects to supply thousand R. W. G AO I pklngon Double ing It for tlioee purposes. PAYING 60 PER States Marshals, three Postmasters, one persons with places during the summer.” c. f. davip. i ChIcag0» Light Harness, Office 99, 94 Ik 90 Olirer lm.1, THE PORTLAND ROLLING CENT. rhiofi0*n MILLS, and J. W. 206 State at., Boston. aJ 111 t; GEO. E. B. Treasury Agent, one Pension Agent, one The New Brunswick Nova Scotia Tillson, BOSTON. By JACKSON, Treasurer. SATIN STRIPED, MORE INCOME noff Double Portland, April 29, 1872. District three steamer agents here we are informed, con- OF Attorney, and Deputy Mar- Heavy Harness, MANUFACTURERS firm the existence of this “Boston fever’’ The undersigned are to furnish for THAN GOVERNMENT shals—thirteen in all. Of these, six are from HADE EXPRESSLY FOR THE RE. prepared Pipes BONDS, among the people who are now leav- GEORGE D. J0ST~ Sewers, in almost any if the orders are re- working TAIL CONSTANTLY ON BOSTON quantity AND PLAIN WHITE the State of which sends also the Provinces. some TRADE, ceived early in the season. LAWNS, AND Kentucky, ing Undoubtedly parties HAND. The City of Portland has in use more than ten sixteen delegates who are not office-holders at St. John, Halifax and other central places thousand feet of this over four thousand feet of FRESCO PAINTER Pure White Lead ! pipe, 9 1-2 Per Cent, on the Investment. and three from are secured in the Boston interests and it U Our Room* are next below the Poet Office, 12 in, 15 in, 18 in, 20 in and 24 inch used Pennsylvania which sends also sizes, being that some such arrangement be 6 BRADFORD STREET. Dry and Ground in Oil, in 1871. Buff, Blouse and Blay Linen, who are not suggested RESIDENCE, FIRST MORTGAGE SINKING FUND GOLD fifty delegates office-holders. made some such as the official for here, by organization ENTRANCE DRY AND GROUND ZINC, LITHARGE, RED tySee Engineer's report 1871 and 1872. BONDS OF THE N. B. Order Slate at F. F. Hale’s, Comer of Free Portland Fraternity or the Young Men’s LEAD PIPE, SHEET TIN “Nicholas Dodd” is the latest hero of dialec- and Cross Streets. de20 tf LEAD, LEAD, J. W. STOCKWELL Embroidered and Plain, Christian Association. Z. 59 MiddTe Street., PIPEi TIN-LINED PIPE, IRON PIPE &^0., Logansport, Crawfordsville and tical doggerel. Henry Ames Blood created him W. Is. A FITTINGS, PUMPS, AC., AC. 38 and 163 Danfdith out of the dust of Faber. He was an aero- KEILEB, Street, South-Western Railway of In- NOTICES*. mrl2-d3m UP STAIRS. Our Pure White Lead, both dry and ground in oil, “Dolly Varden” Polonaise, naut, who is represented as having jumped praiWKHM Fresco we warrant to be strictly pare, ana guarantee PORTLAND, ME. diana. Fainter, that for fineness, body ana durability, it is not snr- May 1-eod-n 1 aw-lm out of a balloon 5,000 feet up in the air to The Cause of Temperance finds some of Lead in the either passed by any market, foreign or THEY BEAR 8 PER CENT. GOLD save the That heroic its most insidious and foes in PORTLAND, HAINE. GRASS SEED. American. Seersucker and Print Wrappers, poet. was, indeed, dangerous the t^In order to protect ourselves, we have adopted OWE OFFER in an many so-called “tonics” and “appetizers,” at 5 3200 bushels Western GREAT INTEREST, PAYABLE QUAR- courage, though displayed unworthy CfBoe Schumacher Bros, DBering Block Timothy. as our trade-mark an eight-pointed red star, with -AND- made cause. If he had thrown the he of cheap whiskey and refuse liquors, fin- Jyl3dtf 2500 bushels unhulled Canana Timothy, corporate seal in the centre. This is on every pack- TERLY IN NEW YORK, FREE poet out, of our ished to suit 900 sacks Red age Pore Lead. None genuine without it. would have in his debt. up depraved appetites, under the Top, the Sebngo Dye House does otter to CHILDREN’S put humanity OF GOVERNMENT TAX, AND name of medicines. Dr. J. Walker’s Cali- J. H. 71 OOP Eli, 12 tons New York and Western Clover, Thatthepubllc this Summer, to Dye all kinds of W. F. & Gent's Garments and Ladies' Goods than fornia Vinegar are none of these. 175 bags Alsike Clover, * Phillips Co., cheaper ARE COUPON AND REGISTER- John S. C. used to say a short Bitters, any other Dye House in this and in Abbot, pray- J city, first class WHITE SHITS. are not a a PHO lSTERER 26 bushels Hungarian Grass Seed. AGENTS FOR THE Now is time to er They beverage, but genuine medi- IJ CO., style. your fetch in your goods to ED! for guidance aright ere he wrote a chapter 150 bushels Millet, this Dye House. T. F. DONAHUE, Office 80 Ex- —ALSO— cine, purely vegetable, from Califor- The ssue is limited to In of his “Life of which Is a prepared Nos. 31 d- 93 Free Street, 350 48 MIDDLE ST. change st.; House 17 Plnm st. $16,300 per mile, denomi- Napoleon,” striking bushels Orchard Grass, 46 Dye my3eod nations of nia herbs a Foi all dis- feb«d6m eod A CHOICE INVOICE OF $1,000, $500 and $100. by regular physician. MANUFACTCREB O* 850 bushels Seed This 92 miles argument against the efficacy of prayer. Oats, road, lone, affords the shortest exist- eases of the liver, SPECIAL NOTICE! outlet to stomach, kidneys, bladder, Pablob Suits, Louhgeb,- Spring 700 bushels Two-Rowed Barley, ing Chicago, Toledo, Detroit, Fort Wayne, Beds, Hill & and intermediate points for the celebrat- An of skin and blood, they are an infallible and un- is 190 bushels Richardson, Co., Logansport, absent-minded; physician Oswego, Mattress, Buckwheat, To Owners of Let* in ed Block and Bituminous Coals of Parke County, as, Evergreen Ceme- New has discounted Hahneman rivallkig remedy. apr30-4wt HcDavough l»Btedt Bed Louuxea, Kn- For sale at lowest market figures. tery. New Dress Goods, also, for the large surplus products of the rich agricul- York, by BANKERS, tural and mineral section of the State which ameled tlmir*, Arc. it trav- a for a “one tea- Kendall & Whitney offer a assort- Portland Agricultural Warehouse Commissioners have fixed upon the very low erses. prescribing draught patient, large of •••All kinds oi repairing neatly done. Furni- Mo. 3 Sears Building, Boston. THEprice One Dollar a lot, for keeping the same For the present we are these Bonds at 95 to be taken three ment of Flowers and Vegetable Seeds that are and Seed Store. in first rate offering spoonful every years.” ure boxed and mi'ted. oc25-,(59I' TAStf condition througq the season. and accrued interest in or will BUSINESS PAPER and and currency, exchange reliable and true to name. Bought sold, Payment to be made to the City Treasurer in ad- SHAWLS ! them for Government or apr29-eod2w Bonds, other marketable se- A West street attracted the obser- Corporation Loans vance, and it is hoped that all |>ersons an in- at the rates of the man, by KENDALL & WHITNEY. negotiated. having curities, day. No head with a brain in it has ever J.II. I Ail terest will avail themselves of this —AND— that wit- SOS, 1872. privilege. Further and full particulars, with pamphlets and vations of a cat on the roof of his Sat- Portland, April, ap3d t DEPOSITS received, subject to check at sight, •TAMES BAILEY. I piazza. nessed the of Phalon's Chemical % maps, furnished by us on personal or written appli- operation interest on balances credited J. S. a cation. out there in the daily monthly. PALMER, urday night, stepped quietly Hair In vigors on weak C. E. Goods, tor, harsh, dry, or FOR SALE1 COLLECTIONS of and JOSE, Housekeeping darkness and an under-shirt and levelled a Notes, Drafts, Coupons myleod3wTrustees. Jones &, thin hair, can doubt for a moment its regener- PHOTOGRAPHER, Dividends made with on all AT Schuyler, kick promptness points. OUR USUAL LOW PRICES. vicious at the animal, but missing the It the hair District of Portland and Falmouth 1 ating properties. literally compels No 152 Widdle Street. ADVANCES made on No. 13 Pior New York. lost his TEBBETS approved ellaterals. April 25,1872. j 8t„ aim, equilibrium and passed into the to grow, and beautifies, while it strengthens, HOUSE, for PORTLAND, NIB. ORDERS for Bonds and all first-class securities Proposals supplying tbed. 8. Marine No Trouble to Show Goods FINANCIAL AGENTS OF THE COMPANY yard, striking the earth with a of the fibrous mass. eodlw at familiarity apr30 SPRINGVALE. executed on commission. Hospital Pnrllnnd, with Subsistence mchl9