The Planning Inspectorate Appeal Decision 4/11 Eagle Wing Temple Quay House Inquiry opened on 3 February 2009 2 The Square Temple Quay Site visits made on 6, 11 and 12 Bristol BS1 6PN February 2009 0117 372 6372 email:
[email protected]. by Paul Griffiths BSc(Hons) BArch IHBC Decision date: an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government 11/05/09 Appeal Ref: APP/G0908/A/08/2073524 Parkhead Farm, Silloth CA7 4PZ • The appeal is made under section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 against a refusal to grant planning permission. • The appeal is made by NPower Renewables Ltd against the decision of Allerdale Borough Council. • The application Ref.2/2007/0076, dated 22 January 2007, was refused by notice dated 20 December 2007. • The development proposed is the erection of four wind turbines and associated infrastructure and services including site roads, crane pads, substation control building and temporary construction compound. Preliminary Matters 1. The Inquiry sat from 3 to 6 February 2009. I carried out an accompanied visit to the appeal site and several properties in the vicinity on 6 February 2009. As agreed, I carried out a series of unaccompanied site visits to take in the most important viewpoints, existing wind farms at High Pow Farm and Wharrels Hill, the site of the proposed wind farm at Grise and the site of a proposed wind farm at Hoff Moor, dismissed at appeal (APP/H0928/A/07/2053230). I also passed close to the existing wind farm at Great Orton, observed the facilities at Bank Mill Nurseries, and spent some time in and around Silloth.