Macintosh Powerbook 140
Macintosh PowerBook 140 â â ä The Apple Macintosh PowerBook The PowerBook 140 also offers Macintosh PowerBook 140 Features line of notebook computers repre- greater performance than the Processor sents an outstanding partnership PowerBook 100 and a built-in > 16 MHz 68030 microprocessor of convenience, power, and floppy disk drive that accommo- Memory affordability. dates Macintosh, MS-DOS, OS/2, > 2 or 4 megabytes of RAM, expandable to 8 The Macintosh PowerBook 140 is and ProDOSâ formats. Expansion designed for those who want solid Other built-in features that you > Six built-in ports for peripherals > Internal slots for modem and RAM Macintosh performance and flexibil- usually can’t get in notebook com- Display ity in a convenient, take-it-wherever- puters include networking capabili- > Backlit Supertwist, 640 by 400 pixels you-work notebook computer. This ties, which give you instant access â sleek, innovative Macintosh fits easily to all the resources in an AppleTalk Features Built Into Every Macintosh inside a briefcase—but offers both network. Six built-in ports let you Usability the full power and the ease of plug your PowerBook 140 directly > Runs thousands of Macintosh applications Macintosh computing. into high-capacity hard disks, print- > Easy to set up, learn, and use What’s more, the Macintosh ers, and input devices. With an System software PowerBook 140 gives you a remark- optional modem, you can send > System 7.0.1, with multitasking, file sharing, Balloon Helpä, and TrueTypeä fonts ably comfortable way to work thanks electronic mail, access information Networking to the most innovative ergonomic on other computers, even connect > Built-in AppleTalk networking design in the industry.
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