Little Farmer Childcare Day Care of Children

Easter Kellie Farm KY10 2RF

Telephone: 01333 720311

Type of inspection: Unannounced

Completed on: 5 September 2019

Service provided by: Service provider number: Jane Parsons SP2014986075

Service no: CS2014327968 Inspection report

About the service

Little Farmer Childcare was registered with the Care Inspectorate on 19 September 2014.

It provides a daycare service to a maximum of 18 children from the age of 3 months to 6 years. The provider is Jane Parsons. The nursery is located in a light and airy barn conversion in the grounds of Easter Kellie Farm. The premises comprises two playrooms, toilet areas and a kitchen/dining area. There are two outdoor play areas including an exceptionally large garden adjacent to the premises.

The nursery's written statement of aims and objectives includes offering "fun, flexible, eliabler and safe childcare for children from three months to six years". ,"

We assessed practice through looking at how the staff provided positive outcomes for children using the SHANARRI (Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included) wellbeing indicators which were developed by the Scottish Government. Information on SHANARRI can be found at found at

What people told us

Examples of comments we received from the children are as follows:

"I'm going to stand on the see-saw because I'm doing a trick for the circus."

"We're in the big garden. The horses will come to see us."

"I was on the swing."

"I'm on the tractor."

"That's lovely. I made it." (computer drawing)

We issued ten Care Standard Questionnaires. Seven were returned to us. In addition to this, we spoke to three parents/carers. All concerned were very happy with the quality of care provided. Examples of parent's comments we received are as follows:

"Both my children attended this nursery from a young age until transition to school. My children loved every minute they spent at Little Farmers. They were provided with the very highest level of care from the staff, they developed strong friendships with other children and they were learning new things from the first day they attended. The environment itself allowed my children to spend extensive periods outdoor learning."

"It's great. It's like a little family here, not too big."

"....Over the past year we have watched our children thrive in this nursery environment. They are sociable, switched on and have developed into amazing little people. They are always doing different activities and messy play and crafts, they are very happy there and thats what really matters to us as parents."

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Self assessment

We did not ask the provider to submit a self assessment in advance of this inspection. We looked at the service's own improvement plan. The plan included information about the service's priorities for development and how the manager was monitoring the quality of the provision.

From this inspection we graded this service as:

Quality of care and support 5 - Very Good Quality of environment not assessed Quality of staffing not assessed Quality of management and leadership 4 - Good

What the service does well

Families were warmly welcomed in to nursery and staff knew them well or were getting to know them and their children well. Staff listened to children and were aware when a child needed more support, reassurance and challenge.

Meaningful communication and information sharing was an integral part of the service. Staff had gathered relevant personal information about children. Daily discussions took place with parents and this meant that up to date information, from home and the nursery, was shared. Staff had begun to use Personal Learning Journeys (PLJs) to document children's progress. The nursery's Facebook page provided additional news and helped inform parents about the children's experiences and forthcoming events.

Children actively participated in a variety of experiences, many of which were outdoors, that supported their all- round development. Periods of free play allowed children to choose how they spent much of their time. Staff shared books with children. Children enthusiastically took part in singing games and enjoyed moving to music. Children gained confidence as they explored the natural environment, assessed their capabilities and challenged themselves to discover new skills. Children's physical development was supported and they were learning about managing risk in their play when balancing on, climbing and jumping off the climbing apparatus, crates and ropes in the garden. They played imaginatively and some pretended they were circus performers.

Outdoor learning was a key strength. This was enhanced by involvement in forest and beach kindergarten and opportunities to learn about, and engage with, the local community. There were trips to the library, Aquarium and Garden, for example.

The provider/manager maintained a high profile in the nursery and was available to offer guidance and support staff. She had implemented safe recruitment practices to protect children and families. Staff and management worked well together. In keeping with the Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) initiative, staff cared for children in an unhurried and nurturing manner, creating an environment where children quickly settled, felt secure and were willing to learn. Parents told us that they were extremely happy with the quality of care and support their children received in this service.

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What the service could do better

We made suggestions to the manager in relation to reviewing and developing the menus to provide children with healthy and nutritious snacks and meals every day. The good practice documents "Setting the Table" and "Food Matters" would assist the manager to do this.

The provider/manager had begun the interview process with a view to appointing a manager who would be willing to study towards an advanced qualification which is a equirr ement of the post. This is positive as there is a correlation between staff qualifications and improved outcomes for children.

The manager and staff should continue to progress plans to further develop children's outdoor experiences. We agree that children should have ready access to a selection of "loose parts" (the provision of open-ended resources) to support creativity, problem solving, collaboration and decision making. This would further support children's imaginative play and learning.

Requirements Number of requirements: 0

Recommendations Number of recommendations: 0


There have been no complaints upheld since the last inspection. Details of any older upheld complaints are published at

What the service has done to meet any requirements we made at or since the last inspection

Previous requirements

There are no outstanding requirements.

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What the service has done to meet any recommendations we made at or since the last inspection

Previous recommendations

Recommendation 1

To promote children's safety, health and wellbeing the provider should review the services medication procedures. This should include reviewing service procedures against best practice guidance and providing training for staff on updated processes. NCS 3 Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16 - Health and Wellbeing.

This recommendation was made on 16 August 2017.

Action taken on previous recommendation The provider had reviewed and updated the nursery's medication procedure.

Inspection and grading history

Date Type Gradings 16 Aug 2017 Unannounced Care and support 5 - Very good Environment Not assessed Staffing 5 - Very good Management and leadership Not assessed

11 Aug 2015 Unannounced Care and support 5 - Very good Environment 5 - Very good Staffing 5 - Very good Management and leadership 5 - Very good

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To find out more

This inspection report is published by the Care Inspectorate. You can download this report and others from our website.

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