2/11/2018 Sierra Club Activities Sunday, January 01, 2012 12:00 AM (Time Tentative) 0452-Angeles Chp Hundred Peaks Outing O: Monrovia Peak (5409') Peter H Doggett 818-840-8748
[email protected] Ignacia Doggett 818-840-8748
[email protected] O: Monrovia Peak (5409'): Hike to this demanding peak at a strong pace and observe all of the helicopters & blimps circling above the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena. The total hike will be about 14 miles round trip with 4500' of gain. Please bring: positive attitude, lug soles, jacket, hat, water and lunch. Contact
[email protected] for meeting instructions. Leaders: PETER & IGNACIA DOGGETT Wednesday, January 04, 2012 7:00 AM 0452-Angeles Chp Hundred Peaks Outing I: San Ysidro Mountain (6147') and Combs Peak: Wayne Bannister 323-258-8052
[email protected] Bill Simpson 323-683-0959
[email protected] A moderate hike on road and rough trail for 10 miles round trip with 2800' of gain to a peak near Warner Springs. Bring food, water, 10 essentials. Slow pace. High clearance 4WD advised. Contact leaders for status and details. Wednesday, January 04, 2012 9:00 AM 0452-Angeles Chp Hundred Peaks Outing CANCELLED O: Josephine Peak (5558') - canceled, check w/ Local Hikes for alternate outing Carole Scurlock 626-794-5207
[email protected] Doris Duval 323-221-6023
[email protected] O: Josephine Peak (5558'): Moderately-paced 8 mile round trip, 2100' gain hike up Colby Canyon Trail. Return via fire road. Short car shuttle. Meet 9 AM at La Cañada rideshare point. Bring water, lunch, suitable shoes and clothing.