COUNCIL 21 Swan Drive, . RG7 4UZ email – [email protected]

Minutes of the Meeting of Midgham Parish Council held on 28 March 2017 Present were Mr D Lombardo (Chairman) (DL) Mr Anthony Fenn (AF) Mrs Heather Hutchins (HH) Dominic Boeck (DB) District Councillor Mrs A Spoor (Clerk) plus 1 member of public

1. Apologies for absence – from Mr John Upham (JU) as away on holiday. 2. Declarations of interest – DL declared an interest re The Dower House planning application as he knows the Architect.

3. Minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 24 January 2017 were agreed and duly signed

4. Matters arising: 4.1 Consultation on the proposed West District Council officer recommendation for the Stratfield Mortimer Neighbourhood Development to progress to referendum – 3 March to 18 April 2017 – no comments 4.2 Libraries – As agreed previously Midgham PC are happy to contribute the £315 but await clarification from BALC whether we have the statutory powers to enter into this arrangement. 4.3 Boundary Review Council –DB summarised the details of the review which aims to reduce the no. of MPs from 650 to 600 and address the anomalies of constituency sizes. It was agreed that Midgham PC would not respond to the invitation to comment from the Boundary Commission. The likelihood is that Midgham and would move ward from Aldermaston to ward as a result of this review, but remain in West Berks.

5. District Councillors report : as above DB talked about the boundary review.

6. Website – Clerk advised soft launch of website. Clerk will continue to develop the site. Address is: Photos still required – to be updated when available.

7. The Queen – Following a recent Benefice meeting plans in the event of the death of the Queen or Prince Philip were discussed and the PC were asked if they required anything further than the church arrangements which are church being open with a book of condolence and a candle lit. The PC were happy to fit with the Church arrangements. ACTION: Clerk to advise Sarah Henderson

8. AGM & Village meeting – dates 25 April AGM, 23 May Village meeting were confirmed. Agreed to invite Personal trainer from Birds Lane

9. Highways Issues 9.1 Church Hill – recent improvements seemed to have improved the situation. 9.2 School Hill – tree/shrub overhang reported to WBC Ref: 148295 NO FURTHER ACTION is being taken 9.3 Midgham Green ditches require clearing reported to WBC Ref: 148309 – not sure if this has happened.

10. Defibrillator project – HH and DL (and possibly JU on return from holiday) will oversee this project. ACTION: Clerk to make initial contact and forward details to above

11. Church Magazine – clerk to submit entry re Village meeting and advertise vacancy 12. Public time – None

13. Clerks’ report: Clerk advised the financial statement: C/A £567.19 D/A 10002.83 Following amounts agreed and cheques signed: Clerks salary £ 957.58 Administration expenses £ 315.37

14. Planning Applications 16/03528/FUL Sabre House Bath Road Midgham Reading Berkshire RG7 5UU S73a: Removal of conditions 7 roller shutter door shut, 18 additional acoustic mitigation, and 19 acoustic boundary from previously approved application 16/01016/FUL: Proposed change of use from B1 (light industrial) and B8 (Storage and Distribution) use to mixed use to allow for vehicles sales and leasing (sui generis) and vehicle preparation and washing (B1) and MOT and servicing (B2) for Anchor Vans Ltd). Awaiting Decision 16/03528/FUL Sabre House Bath Road Midgham Reading Berkshire RG7 5UU - additional drawings/amended plans for application have been received by WBC, The main changes to the application include: 1. Application altered to include condition 11 (paint spraying) as per the application form and accompanying planning statement. Awaiting Decision 16/03402/COND1 Sabre House Bath Road Midgham Reading Berkshire RG7 5UU - Application for approval of details reserved by Conditions (5) vehicle parking and turning, (6) transporter entry, (17) delivery management plan and (19) two metre fence of approved application 16/01016/FUL Sabre House Bath Road Midgham Reading Berkshire RG7 5UU Awaiting Decision 17/00522/COMIND – ADJ PARISH - Land West of Gravel Works Station Road Woolhampton Reading Berkshire Variation of conditions on 16/03030/COMIND - It was agreed to Object to the proposals 17/00270//HOUSE The Dower House, Midgham Green, Midgham, Reading, Berkshire - Proposed triple bay garage block with ancillary accommodation – It was agreed to return response : No Objections 17/00231//HOUSE Nevassa, New Road Hill, Midgham, Reading, Berkshire - New conservatory - It was agreed to return response : No Objections The following application was added at the meeting for discussion: 17/00748/HOUSE 26 Angel Mead Woolhampton Proposed replacement rear sun room, 2 storey side extension and entrance porch alterations. It was agreed to return the response No Objections with the comment Midgham Parish Council note that the m2 increase is rather large, but has no real objections to the application.

Planning Decisions: Clerk advised the following decision: 16/03166/HOUSE Fourways, Bath Road, Midgham. Replacement of a single storey rear/side extension and conservatory with 1 and 2 storey extensions and alterations to external materials APPROVED

15. Correspondence – none

16. Play area: monthly check - All OK Date of next meeting – 25 April AGM, 23 May Village meeting